The Mystical Secret of Tetragrammaton

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oe Aaa Ma TETRAGRAMMATON Jn the Great Mystie Symbolic Tetragrammaton of the Ancient Masters we have on of their deepest scotets, and there we find the cle- ‘ment which formed the basis of the mos fraudulent book in all. the his- ‘ory of the world. That book, called the Word of Gad, was compiled hy ‘the trickiest sel of men that ever united their labor in the art of deception, and no other book on earth has ever dome so ch harm to humanity ag ‘thas done. Jn their prolonged study of Created Phenomena, the Masters dis- ‘covered whal they came to call the Sacred Four Elements, as they found that these elements enter into the constitution of everything known. They saw for thousands of years that (1) Soil, (2) Solar Heat, (3) Air and (4) ‘Water are the elements that produce every formation, every object, and every onanism, The Masters then invented an appropriate Symbol to embrace the Sacted Four Elements. ‘That Symbol is know to us ax the Sphinx, the image of which‘has been found in all the landsof the ancient world, and Just as far back in the night of time as itis possible for us to g0, as related by Prof. Hotena in his work titled The Mysterious Sphinx. Inhis History of Magic (1853) the great French Mystic and Kabalist Alphonse Lonis Constant, who wrote under the pseudonym of Eliphas Levi, who was always on the edge of excommunication and even worse ‘because of his flaunting of papal authority, and who was called the last ‘ofthe Great Magicians, mentioned the Sphinx as follows: "This symbolic tetrad, represented in the Ancient Mysieries by the four forms of the Sphinx, - man, eagle, Liou atid bull-corresponded with the Four Principal Elements uf the Universe, -sarth, water, air and fire, “These four zodiacal signs, with all their analogies, explained that ne WORD (of God) hidden inal the sanctuaries (of the ancient world). Moreover, the Seeret WORD was never pronounced; it vs always spelt, and expressed in four words, which are th sacred words Yod-Hé-Vaw- ew Of this WORD, Webster's unabridged Dictionary says: The Four Consonant forming the Hebrew incommunicable name! ofthe Supreme deing, which in the later Jewish tradilien is not pronounced save with the vowels of Adonai or Elahim, so that the true pronounciation is JHVH, JHWH, YHVH, YHWH. Numerous attempts have been made to represent the supposed original form of the word, as Jahaveh, Jahvab, Taba, Jahveh, Yabve, Yahweh, Yahwe, Yahweh, etc.” A lot of nonsense about almost nothing; and badly mistakes are ‘they who believe that his WORD represented the "incommunicable name ~ ofthe Supreme Being," meaning the chruch of God of course, and that ‘was known as a fact by the tricky biblical makers. For they know that WORD represented the Sucred Four Elements in objects nothing in cota ‘mon, the Initiate cavrthe analogy between all objects and all phenomena, ‘and was convinced that the Universe and everything init are constructed ‘and constituted according to the same law and the same design. This ‘was the chief goal of Kaballistic philosophy. The concept is clear: ifthe WORD, the Ineffable Name which rep- resents the four Elements, is in everything, then everything should be analogous to the whole - the atom analogous to the Universe, and all arialogous to the WORD, the Incffable Name, IHVH, "the Word (that) ‘was with God, and-the Word was God," says the bible (Iohn 1:1). This knawdedge discloses how the bible came tobe called the Ward of God. Butitis not exactly the Word of God in the manner in which the deceived masses are taught to think oft, Confusion vanishes and mystery fades when we are represented ‘with the background of the church af God, and the Word of this God, ‘which was very God himself, Inthe Word which represented the Sacred Four Elements, wehave found only part of the hidden meaning of the Mystic Symbolic ‘Tetragrammaton, ‘That part which we have found is the extemal aspect which deals with the Four Elements, Fire, Air, Water and Earth. A greater mystery is connected with the internal phase of the Sym- bol, which dealt with the astral aspects that rise as the products of the functions of these Four Elements in the created body of man, These products are another one of the great mysteties of the Universe. They -tppearas the asteal qualities of(1) Vitality (2) Consciousness, (3) Mind, and (4) Intelligence, and attain their climax in Man, the God of Creation. ‘Who will analyze their comstitution? Most authors who write about Universal Mind and Cosmic Consciousness are wandering in the wilder- ness. ‘Mind is a term invented by science and has no conerete meaning. ‘The distinction betwean Mind and Matter has been the focal point upon which scientists have erred from the beginning. They have argued pro and con regarding these things in their visible aspects, their appsaranes, their modus operandi, and have neglected the more important counter- parts of these phenomena, viz, the invisible. Yel in the realm of the invisible resides the real essence of Matter not only, but of all that exists, Consciouness is another riddle to science. Harold W. Pereival'said: "CONSCIOUSNESS is another myStery, the greatest and most pro- found ofall mysteries. The word Consciausnessis unique; itisa coined English word, its equivalent does not appear in other languages. "Consciousness is the ullimale, the final reality. It is that by the presence of which all things are conscious. Mystery of all mysteriess i is beyond comprehension (like the Christian God-Hotema), Without it, nothing can be consciousness: no one could think; no belug, no entity, no force, no unit, could perform any funetion. Yet consciousness itself pee- forms no funetion. It does not act in-any way; itis a presence, every Where. And itisbecause of its presence that all things are conscious in whatever degree they are conscious. "Consciousness is not a cause. it cannot be moved, or used, or in. anyway affected by anything, It does notincrease nor diminish, expand, extend, contract or change, or vary in anyway” (Thinking & Destiny, pp.25-6). ‘The Consciousness shout which this man writes, is uiknown tous. ‘We have seen unconscious people, and can render a man unconscious. witha blow on the head, There are people who are more conscious than others, and there are insane persons who ure Conscious of almost noth ing. ‘The evidence proves that a funetion of the bbrain, the higher is the degree of Consciousness expressed by that per- son.

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