VB Scoresheet Cheat Sheet

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Change pen colors each time

you get through the serving

order, alternatiing between
black/blue to red.

When serving team does not

score, mark R in circle and
mark a slash on the opposing
team’s running score.
When entering
lineup, make sure
When serving team scores, captain is marked
place number of point in circle with a “C”.
and circle that same point on
that team’s running score.

When the libero (different

color jersey than rest of team)
serves, put a triangle over the
serving position and triangles
If you mess up,
(instead of circles) when they
simply mark an X
where you messed
SUBSTITUTIONS up. Don’t try to
• When serving team subs, cover it up.
list as follows: S 13/3.
• When receiving team subs,
list as follows on serving
team’s side of scoresheet:
Sx 13/8.
• Slash through player
subbed out in serving order
and list the new player.
• End by marking the running
total of subs at bottom of
Let referee know
SANCTIONS when a team has
• On an improper request, reached nine
circle IR, indicate which team substitutions.
and the score (with offending
team’s score first).
• On cards, list number of
offender (or Coach) in
appropriate box, indicate
which team and score (with
offending team’s score first).


List timeouts on team taking • Mark time set ended at top
the timeout, listing their score • List winning & losing teams with score
VOLLEYBALL SCORESHEET first. • Sign scoresheet


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