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Differential Diagnosis and Comorbidity Distinguishing Autism From Other Mental Health Issues Neuropsychiatry

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Differential diagnosis and

comorbidity: distinguishing autism from other mental
health issues
Johnny L Matson*1 & Lindsey W Williams1

Practice points
„„ Considerable overlap exists between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and mental health disorders.

„„ High rates of overlap are significant because they affect the nature and type of problems displayed by persons
with ASD and how the disorders are assessed.

„„ ADHD, anxiety disorders and depression are among the disorders most commonly associated with ASD.

„„ Symptom presentation is similar whether ASD occurs alone or with other conditions.

„„ Multiple assessments after initial diagnosis of ASD are frequently necessary.

„„ ASD can be diagnosed very early, while symptoms of other disorders emerge at different points in human

Summary Comorbid autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other mental health
conditions are common. However, the recognition and study of this clinical issue is of recent
origin. It has recently emerged that certain disorders are more likely to occur with ASD, such
as ADHD, depression, anxiety and conduct disorder/challenging behaviors. Developmental
factors are significant in that, while ASD presents at a very early age, this is not often the
case with the co-occurring disorders noted above. The clinician should be aware of and
plan for these potential concerns. Tests that are specifically designed to assess for comorbid
mental health issues among persons with ASD are being developed. These methods are
recommended given what we know about high rates of comorbidity in this emerging field.

Scope of the problem condition that did not overlap with other men‑
Symptom presentation and how autism spectrum tal health disorders, as codified in DSM‑IV. As
disorder (ASD) is conceptualized and diagnosed more research information has become available,
has been a source of great interest to clinicians these views and diagnostic practices that apply to
[1,2] . Until recently, ASD was believed to be ASD have evolved substantially [3–5] .
environmentally caused and occurring only in a ASD is now considered to be neuro­
subset of children whose parents were cold and developmental and lifelong [6] . Equally impor‑
aloof. Additionally, ASD was seen as a singular tant, emerging research is demonstrating high

Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
*Author for correspondence: johnmatson@aol.com part of

10.2217/NPY.13.1 © 2013 Future Medicine Ltd Neuropsychiatry (2013) 3(2), 233–243 ISSN 1758-2008 233
REVIEW  Matson & Williams

rates of comorbidity between ASD and other evinced behavioral disorders, 42% evinced anxi‑
mental health disorders [7–10] . As early interven‑ ety disorders and 26% displayed tic disorders,
tion has become popular, early diagnosis of ASD with many individuals experiencing multiple
has become a key focus. As a result, the challenge disorders. Phobias, mood disorders and psycho‑
now for the clinician is not only to determine if ses are also problems that have been reported in
ASD is present, but also whether other forms of the ASD population [7] .
psychopathology are also present (Box 1) [11–13] .
Lugnegard et al. assessed comorbidity of Diagnostic considerations
psycho­pathology in young adults with Asperger’s Historically, many clinicians thought that indi‑
syndrome. They reported comorbid depression viduals with intellectual disability (ID) or ASD
in 70% and anxiety in 50% of persons who were not able to also develop other mental dis‑
were assessed [14] . Overlap between autism and orders, and symptoms such as self-injurious or
ADHD is also common [15] . Kochhar et al. found destructive behaviors that may have been due
ADHD to be more common in persons with to underlying comorbid problems were instead
ASD than the general population [16] . Murray attributed to intellectual impairment [9] . As it was
reported that over half of individuals with ASD believed that ASD or intellectual impairments
also met criteria for ADHD [17] . precluded the presence of psychiatric disorders,
Comorbid mental health conditions are espe‑ diagnostic overshadowing prevented further eval‑
cially high in individuals with ASD. In one study uation of other disorders as possible causes for the
of 84 adolescents and young adults with ASD, a symptoms. While it is now widely accepted that
comorbid mental health disorder was reported psychiatric disorders occur at high rates among
in 42% of the sample, which is a rate two- to those with ID or ASD, clinicians and researchers
four-times that found among typically develop‑ must take care to accurately assess and determine
ing peers [18] . Skokauskas and Gallagher studied the underlying causes of symptoms.
68 children with ASD and reported that 45% Differential diagnosis is a familiar process
met diagnostic criteria for ADHD and 46% met for clinicians. However, differential diagnosis
criteria for an anxiety disorder, with many of the becomes increasingly complex in the case of
children meeting criteria for all three conditions comorbid disorders, and even more so when
[19] . This phenomenon is international in scope. comorbid disorders have overlapping symptom‑
Researchers in Saudi Arabia, for example, report atology. For example, problems with both atten‑
comorbid disorders in 63% of the 60 children tion and social skills are common in children
they examined who had diagnoses of ASD [20] . with ASD and those with ADHD, and it is not
Anxiety disorders were reported in 58% of their uncommon for children with an ASD to first
sample. ADHD co-occurred in 32% of the chil‑ be diagnosed with ADHD. However, although
dren and conduct disorder was noted in 23% of attention problems are common in each disor‑
their sample. These figures replicate other stud‑ der, the nature of attention deficits in those with
ies and point to the presence of multiple con‑ ASD alone may be qualitatively different from
ditions in children with ASD. Similarly, high deficits common to children with ADHD [24] .
prevalence rates of comorbidity were reported Hypervigilant attention and internal distract‑
in a Danish sample [21] . ibility are more common to ASD, while ADHD
A study of youth with ASD found three or is generally marked by a lack of focus and dis‑
more comorbid disorders in 95% of their sam‑ tractibility by external stimuli. If symptoms
ple, who were seen through a pediatric psycho­ are accurately identified and both disorders are
pharmacology program [22] . Since this sample in fact present, treatments for ADHD can be
was biased toward more severe symptomatology, effective additions to interventions for ASD [25] .
these numbers are probably higher than aver‑ Differential diagnosis and accurately diagnos‑
age, and are thus not representative of ASD in ing similar but distinct comorbid disorders are
general. However, this study does underscore the critical in developing and implementing effective
high likelihood of overlapping disorders. Mat‑ treatments for affected individuals.
tila et al. reported on a sample of 50 children Just as in typically developing individuals,
aged 9–16 years with Asperger’s syndrome or a family history of mood, anxiety or ADHD
high-functioning autism [23] . They reported a disorders increased the risk of these disorders in
74% prevalence of psychiatric disorders in the persons with ASD; and having an ASD diag‑
sample. In this sample, 44% of participants nosis on top of a family history of psychiatric

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Differential diagnosis & comorbidity: distinguishing autism from other mental health issues  REVIEW

disorders further raises the risk of developing Box 1. Definition of key terms.
these disorders. Researchers have suggested
Diagnostic overshadowing
shared familial and genetic factors between
ƒƒ Occurs when the salience of one disorder (e.g., intellectual disability) ‘overshadows’
ADHD and ASD, noting a high co-occurrence
consideration or recognition of another disorder, with all symptoms being
and frequently shared biochemical markers [26] . attributed to the primary disorder
The frequency of major depression in first-degree
Differential diagnosis
relatives of children with ASD has been found
ƒƒ The process by which the clinician determines which of two or more distinct
to be much more common than in the general
disorders with similar symptoms is the one by which an individual is affected
population or relatives of children with other
developmental disorders, and a family history Comorbidity
of psychiatric problems has been found to be a ƒƒ When the individual is affected by two distinct but concomitant disorders
significant predictor of psychiatric symptoms in Overlapping symptoms
individuals with ASD [27] . Obtaining a family ƒƒ Symptoms that commonly occur during the course of two or more distinct
history of psychiatric disorders can help inform disorders; for example, while depression and anxiety have distinct clinical features,
assessment and contribute to future research irritability, decreased concentration and impaired sleep are symptoms common
to both
into the risk factors for psychiatric disorders
concurrent with an ASD diagnosis. Symptom presentation will probably differ by
subtype of ASD, given the heterogeneity of the
Developmental issues condition [33] . Close et al. have also noted that
Two primarily developmental issues should persons with a past diagnosis of ASD resulted
be factored into the differential diagnosis of in different comorbidity rates than persons with
co­morbid psychopathology among persons with a current diagnosis [34] . These findings led the
ASD. One of these variables is ID. Estimates are authors to conclude that changes in ASD symp‑
that 70% of persons with ASD also have ID; toms effects prevalence rates of co-occurring
conversely, 40% of the ID population also has problems. What is known at this point is that
an ASD [28] . These high rates of overlap are sig‑ a few disorders, in particular, are the most com‑
nificant due to the effect of the nature and type monly co-occurring in individuals with ASD.
of comorbid mental health problems displayed Among these are ADHD, anxiety, depression and
by persons with ASD and how the disorders are conduct disorder/challenging behaviors (CBs).
assessed [29] . Persons with ASD and an IQ below Presently, differential diagnosis of ASD relies
70 have been found to present with oppositional exclusively on testing methods that involve an
defiant disorder, while individuals with ASD interview carried out by one or more caregivers.
and an IQ above 70 were more likely to present Standardized observations are also employed,
with generalized anxiety [30] . and historical data are often evaluated when
There are specific timelines when different present. These methods are normed accord‑
mental health concerns are likely to appear. ing to the age group of persons with suspected
Anxiety and depression emerge later in child‑ ASD. The upcoming DSM‑5 is attempting to
hood. However, some comorbid symptoms of move towards a physical medicine model. How‑
psychopathology, such as ADHD, occur in ever, while currently under study, there are no
children as young as 12–39 months of age [31] . established biomarkers for ASD [35] . Emerging
The persistent nature of these problems over research demonstrates anomalies in brain struc‑
time means there is no time to waste in treating ture suggesting the potential utility of functional
these disorders. Bradley and Bolton underscore MRI, single-photon emission computed tomog‑
this point, noting that teenagers with ASD and raphy and similar brain imaging technologies in
ID had more lifelong emotional problems than the future [36] . Scans measuring gray and white
persons with ID only [32] . matter also show promise [37] . More studies on
the linkage of specific genes to ASD are also
Diagnosing common co-occurring appearing. In the future, these methods should
disorders & symptoms: instruments be available to complement existing methods.
& methods It is likely that biomarkers will eventually
In the past, ASD was often seen as a singu‑ be part of the equation when diagnosing ASD.
lar diagnosis. However, there is no reason to However, expense will play a role in how often
assume that an ASD diagnosis makes that per‑ these methods are used. More importantly,
son immune to other mental health conditions. symptom presentation is so varied and complex

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that behavior-based tests and observations will of whether the person is experiencing high- or
most likely always be part of the equation. low-functioning autism [43] .
Down’s syndrome is a perfect example. While Several papers have been published on behav‑
an established biomarker exists, paper and pencil ior patterns in comorbid ASD and ADHD. Chil‑
measures still present a good deal of variability dren with ASD had fewer deficits in attention
in type and severity of symptoms. Thus, these compared with those with ADHD only. When
measures remain invaluable. A brief review of both disorders were present, attention profiles
commonly co-occurring disorders and methods were similar to ASD [44] . For children diagnosed
for assessing each in the context of ASD follows. with ASD who exhibit externalizing behaviors,
such as aggression and delinquency, comorbid
ADHD ADHD should be considered [45] . It is possible
According to the DSM‑IV-TR an individual that certain subtypes of ADHD may be more
cannot be diagnosed with ADHD if the symp‑ prevalent than others in individuals with comor‑
toms occur during the course of a pervasive bid ASD. Sinzig et al. describe two possible
developmental disorder. However, in clinical subtypes: inattentive–stereotyped and hyper­
practice, comorbid diagnoses are often made, active–communication impaired [46] . These
in part because when impairing attention deficits data are preliminary, and much more research is
are not improved by standard ASD treat­ments needed. This information is important, however,
they can often be effectively improved with and should be used to guide the clinician. With
ADHD treatments [25] . Symptoms of comorbid the recognition that ADHD and ASD have sub‑
ADHD may occur in children as young as stantial overlap, a number of measures have been
12–39 months of age [31] . Researchers have noted developed. Some scales have been developed spe‑
a high rate of ADHD symptoms severe enough cific to this particular symptom profile and are
to consider an ADHD diagnosis in addition used in the diagnostic process. A few of these
to ASD. In a study that used DSM‑IV-based measures are discussed next.
rating scales (the Early Childhood Inventory‑4 The Autism-Tics, ADHD and other Comor‑
and the Child Symptom Inventory‑4) to assess bidities Inventory (A‑TAC) [47] closely fol‑
a clinically referred sample of children with lows DSM‑IV diagnostic criteria. An initial
ASD, researchers found that 40% of 3–5‑year- psychometric study yielded 178 items. After
old and over 50% of 6–12‑year-old children further study and development, 96 key items
met DSM‑IV criteria for ADHD [38] . This rate and 163 additional items were established in a
was not significantly different compared with structured format. Factors for the scale include
the prevalence rate in clinic-referred children communication, social interactions, flexibility,
without ASD, lending support to the idea that ADHD, motor coordination, perception, learn‑
children with ASD are not immune to comorbid ing, executive function, tics, compulsive/obses‑
ADHD as a separate diagnosis any more than sive behaviors, feeding, separation issues, anxi‑
children with other developmental disabilities. ety, opposition/conduct problems, mood and
A number of researchers have pointed to ability to relate to reality. While this scale is in
ADHD as the most common co-occurring the very initial stages of development, the idea
diagnosis with ASD. In a Greek sample, is promising.
Stampoltzis et al. found ADHD to be the A second measure that has been more exten‑
most common co-occurring disorder [39] . ASD sively studied is the Baby and Infant Screen
and ADHD symptoms both appear early in for Children with Autism Traits (BISCUIT)
development, although, ASD symptoms are test, based on the DSM‑IV and the proposed
evident first [40] . As a result, children with DSM‑5 criteria. The sample used in develop‑
ASD should be screened for this comorbid ing this test included children 17–36 months
disorder by 4–5 years of age at the latest. The of age. Over 80 studies have been published
need for early screening is underscored by the on this scale. The number of infants and tod‑
high rates of symptom overlap and comorbid‑ dlers assessed in individual studies varied from
ity between ASD and ADHD [41] . Family his‑ 270 to over 3000 children at risk of a devel‑
tory should also be assessed, as family mem‑ opmental disability. The BISCUIT test has
bers with ADHD symptoms are a risk factor three distinct parts. Part 1 is used to diagnose
[42] . Level of IQ does not affect these patterns. pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise
Rates of comorbid ADHD are high regardless specified and autism with norms and cut-offs.

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Part 2 measures comorbid psychopathology study. In addition, while there has been a good
along five factors: tantrum/conduct behavior, deal of research on these comorbid conditions,
inattention/impulsivity, avoidant behavior, anxi‑ it is nothing compared with the high activity
ety, repetitive behavior and eating/sleep prob‑ in researching ADHD plus ASD. Depression
lems [48] . Part 3 of the BISCUIT measures CB. and anxiety issues in children and adolescents
All three components of the scale have sound with ASD put the individual at risk of poor self-
psycho­metrics. An extensive review of this scale esteem, academic problems and greater potential
is available elsewhere [49] . of being bullied [51] .
The Multi-Dimensional Scale for Pervasive More has been written on comorbid anxiety
Developmental Disorders and Attention Defi‑ versus comorbid depression. The key for these
cit Disorder (MSPA) was recently developed comorbid disorders, as well as the other com‑
by researchers in the Department of Psychiatry mon comorbid conditions with ASD, is that
at Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan) [50] . Their symptom presentation looks very similar to
sample consisted of 179 people ranging in age what one should see if it was present as a sin‑
from 3 to 49 years, all of whom had evidence of gle disorder. However, some subtypes of given
autism, Asperger’s syndrome or ADHD. The test disorders may be more common. Chang et al.
consists of five pervasive development disorder suggest that social deficits that are part of ASD
domains (emotion, stereotyped/repetitive move‑ may mean that social anxiety is more common
ment, communication and social behavior), two than other anxiety-related problems [56] . Diag‑
factors on developmental coordination disorder nostic overshadowing may cause social phobia
(gross and fine motor), three ADHD factors to be misidentified as being only a core symp‑
(impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity) and tom of ASD [57] . The important point is to look
four general factors (sleep, sensory, learning and closely at those anxiety symptoms that overlap
language development). The authors report good the least with ASD, and use this information to
reliability and validity. help make a diagnosis.
There are also a large number of well- Researchers have also suggested that higher
established scales specific to ADHD. Given that rates of generalized anxiety are evident in ASD
these comorbid methods of assessment are new, versus the general population [38,58] . Addition‑
a more established ADHD scale may be consid‑ ally, while symptom presentation may be similar,
ered in conjunction with one of these comorbid the person with ASD may lack emotional insight
measures. into their symptoms and anxiety may be associ‑
ated with ‘sensory sensitivity’, which is common
Depression & anxiety in ASD [52,59] .
Whereas ADHD symptoms are often appar‑ A number of comorbidity scales have been
ent in early childhood, symptoms of depression designed or adapted to assess for depression and
and anxiety disorders may not arise until later anxiety in persons with a diagnosis of ASD.
in childhood or adolescence. Researchers have This factor is significant because both condi‑
noted that these problems may be particularly tions are very common in persons with ASD
acute for the first time during adolescence [51,52] . [19] . Some tests are specific to one disorder, but
Using the Kiddie–Schedule for Affective Dis‑ most test for depression, anxiety and usually
orders and Schizophrenia diagnostic interview several other comorbid psychopathologies. This
to assess past and present psychopathology in approach also makes sense because “comor‑
children and adolescents, Gjevik et al. report bid neurobehavioral syndromes differentially
high rates of depression among children and impact clinical features of co-occurring anxiety
adolescents diagnosed with ASD [53] . Owing symptoms” [60] and we would add depression to
to the overlap of depression and anxiety symp‑ this as well.
toms, many researchers look at both and their Settipani et al. describe 100 children 7–16 years
covariation with ASD. The clinician should note of age with anxiety disorders who also demon‑
that ID may be a factor in comorbid depres‑ strated ASD traits [61] . These data underscore
sion and anxiety. Children and adolescents with the need to assess for anxiety. Several measures
ASD and a higher IQ were found to be more for anxiety, or anxiety plus depression and other
likely to demonstrate depression or anxiety [54] , comorbidities have been adapted from the general
but other studies have found no difference in child anxiety disorders literature. Several of these
rates based on IQ [55] . This topic warrants more measures are described next.

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The Coping Questionnaire – Child and Par‑ psychiatric disorders including various mood
ent (CQ–C/P) begins with a structured inter‑ disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disor‑
view to identify three anxiety-provoking situ‑ ders and disruptive behaviors. This measure has
ations for the child. The measure then uses a shown excellent criterion validity, good-to-excel‑
Likert scale from 1 (not at all able to help self) lent specificity and sensitivity, and good reliabil‑
to 7 (totally able to help self) to rate three social ity. Each section begins with a description of
scenarios that test how children cope with how the specific psychiatric disorder is generally
anxiety-inducing situations. At the end of the manifested in individuals with autism. Screen‑
scene presentation, participants are assessed on ing questions are autism-specific; for example,
how they are able to adapt to differing stress‑ while the core symptoms of depression in the
ful situations. The child version has indicated DSM‑IV are loss of interest and change in mood,
strong test–retest reliability; the parent version depression comorbid with autism often presents
has demonstrated moderate inter-rater reliabil‑ with considerably increased agitation, temper
ity. Both measures have proven sensitivity to outbursts and self-injurious behaviors. If screen‑
treatment effects and utility in documenting ing questions are positive, more detailed ques‑
improvement [62] . Although the CQ–C/P has tions are asked about symptoms of the disorder
not been standardized in a sample of children that are commonly expressed in persons with an
with ASD, it shows utility in assessing anxiety autism diagnosis. Endorsed symptoms are com‑
in this population. pared with reported baseline behavior for disor‑
The Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for ders that tend to emerge later in development.
Children (MASC) [63] has 39 items and is a The ACI–PL also distinguishes between impair‑
child and parent report measure intended for ments due to comorbid psychiatric diagnoses
children aged 8–19 years. The measure yields and those due to core features of autism.
a Total Anxiety Scale, consisting of four sub‑ The Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety
scales confirmed by factor ana­lysis: social anxi‑ Scale (RCMAS) [67] is another measure that
ety; physical symptoms; separation anxiety; and addresses anxiety and depression, and has been
harm avoidance. The measure also includes an used in studies of treatment effects in children
inconsistency index. The MASC has generally with comorbid anxiety and ASD [64] . The
acceptable psychometrics within the general RCMAS‑2 is the revised and current version
population of children and successfully discrimi‑ of this 49‑item scale that can be completed in
nates between those with a DSM‑IV diagnos‑ 10–15 min. A short form also exists and can
able anxiety disorder and the normative sample, be completed in 5 min. Physiological anxiety,
although the normative sample contained a dis‑ worry, social anxiety, defensiveness and an
tinctly low proportion of minorities compared inconsistent responding index are the topics
with census data. Although the MASC has not covered. A total anxiety and scale scores are
been normed in children with ASD, the mea‑ generated. The test is normed on 2300 typically
sure has been used to measure treatment effects developing children 6–19 years of age; however
for children with high-functioning autism and small samples of children with ASD have also
comorbid anxiety disorders [64] . been studied in smaller independent studies [64]
The Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (for a review of psychometrics and studies using
– Child and Parent version (ADIS–C/P) [65] is this and other measures used to assess anxiety
a semi-structured interview for child and par‑ in persons with ASD, see the 2012 review by
ent. This measure is based on the DSM‑IV cri‑ Grondhuis and Aman [68]).
teria and has established reliability and conver‑ In addition to the aforementioned scales that
gent validity. The ADIS–C/P has shown good have been adapted to ASD populations, there are
interviewer/observer reliability (k = 0.75) and also scales that are specifically developed for an ID
test–retest reliability (0.75). The focus of the population. For example, a number of studies have
scale is the diagnosis of the child anxiety disor‑ been published with the Autism Spectrum Dis‑
ders covered in DSM‑IV. However, mood and orders – Comorbidity for Children (ASD–CC)
externalizing disorders are also included. [69] . This scale is Part 2 of a 3‑part battery. Part 1
Scales that have been used in structured is used to diagnose ASD, while Part 3 is geared
parent interviews include The Autism Comor‑ toward the evaluation of CB. The comorbidity
bidity Interview – Present and Lifetime Ver‑ scale features 49 items. Factors include tantrums,
sion (ACI–PL) [66] . This scale assesses many repetitive behavior, worry/depression, avoidant

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Differential diagnosis & comorbidity: distinguishing autism from other mental health issues  REVIEW

behavior, under­eating, overeating and conduct. unpleasant activities, efforts to obtain tangible
This test has sound psychometrics for children items, such as food, or responses to pain. Hun‑
diagnosed with ASD between 3 and 16 years of dreds of articles and books on an assessment
age. (See Grondhuis and Aman’s review for a approach that considers these causes, referred
more detailed overview of these anxiety/depres‑ to as functional assessment, have been published.
sion comorbid scales [68] .) As a result, a first step in assessing CBs is to
The clinician has a number of test options determine if the CB has an environmental cause.
available to assist in the evaluation of depression This hypothesis is typically the case, versus the
and anxiety in persons with ASD. As the assess‑ less likely, but certainly possible, underlying
ment of these comorbid disorders matures, the mental health cause.
scales developed are likely to be more tailored to There are a number of well-established scales
the ASD population. For now, however, there are that can be used to identify and monitor CB.
still a number of useful options. Perhaps the best established of these is the
Behavior Problems Inventory (BPI‑01). While
Challenging behaviors established initially for persons with ID, this
CBs are not core features of ASD or a form of measure is also well established with the adult
mental disorder. Nonetheless, they occur very ASD plus ID population [72,73] . The scale con‑
often in conjunction with ASD. Extrapersonal sists of 49 items that are based on a caregiver’s
CBs interfere with goal-directed behavior response. Three subscales have been established
between the individual and the caretaker, forc‑ through factor ana­lysis: self-injurious behavior;
ing the caretaker to stop their current activity stereotypies; and aggressive/destructive behav‑
to attend to the client. CBs directed towards ior. The scale also has a very well-developed reli‑
others include acts such as physical and verbal ability and validity, and has been translated into
aggression, tantrums and property destruction. a number of languages.
Intrapersonal CBs may include self-injurious Designed to assess children with ASD from
behaviors or seclusionary behaviors. However age 1 to 17 years, the Pervasive Developmental
they are conceptualized, CBs have a negative Disorder Behavior Inventory (PDDBI) utilizes
impact on the individual, potentially leading to parent and teacher report to assess both CBs
stigmatization and rejection by peers and place‑ and adaptive skills [74] . The PDDBI has shown
ment in more restrictive settings for the safety good inter-rater reliability and internal consis‑
of themself and others. A common rationale tency with both parent and teacher versions,
for prescribing antipsychotic drugs to the ASD although agreement was lower when compar‑
population can be attributed to this high co- ing parent and teacher scores to one another
variation [70–71] . It is, therefore, important for than when comparing the scores of two teach‑
clinicians to be aware of how CBs may influ‑ ers. The greater inter-rater discrepancy between
ence prescribing practices. Drug companies have teacher and parent report probably reflects, in
suggested that CBs are symptomatic of irritabil‑ part, actual differences in behaviors in differ‑
ity, which in turn is treated with a psychotropic ent settings, thus making the measure a useful
drug, usually an antipsychotic. Irritability as a option for measuring progress or generalization
symptom is problematic, however, because it is of adaptive and coping skills across environ‑
not well defined in the literature. Researchers ments. The scale provides age-based standard
have described irritability as CB, impulsivity and scores and includes six maladaptive behavior
a host of other symptoms. Thus, claims of drug subscales: aggressiveness/behavior problems;
efficacy for irritability among persons with ASD arousal problems; semantic/pragmatic problems;
are tenuous. Controlled studies using a system‑ sensory/perceptual approach behaviors; social
atic definition have not been conducted at this pragmatic problems; and specific fears. Adaptive
time, and are urgently needed. subscales include learning, memory, receptive
A second point is that the vast majority of language, phonological skills, semantic/prag‑
CBs have environmental causes. These behaviors matic ability and socially appropriate behaviors.
occur at higher rates in the ASD population due The authors report evidence of criterion validity
to poor communication and problem-solving with the PDDBI significantly correlated with
skills. Similarly, insistence on routines can result other commonly used ASD measures, including
in CB. The primary causes or maintaining vari‑ the Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised and
ables of CB are attempts to gain attention, escape the Childhood Autism Rating Scale.

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The Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) is which behaviors are problematic and at what
another informant-based measure that was spe‑ intensity. Once this step of the process is com‑
cifically designed for use in the ID population pleted, a second step, functional assessment,
[75] . Normative data for the 58‑item measures should be undertaken. The purpose is to deter‑
have been established for children and adoles‑ mine what causes or maintains CB. This method
cents with ID recruited from public schools as only deals with environmental causes. However,
well as adults with ID living in group homes most research points to the conclusion that
[75,76] . The ABC provides scores on five scales 80–90% of cases have environmental causes
including: irritability, agitation and crying; leth‑ that can be identified. As a result, the routine
argy/social withdrawal; stereotypic behavior; use of functional assessment for CB of persons
hyperactivity/noncompliance; and inappropriate with ASD is recommended. The scale with the
speech. The irritability subscale includes vari‑ best psychometrics for the ASD population for
ous types of CBs such as self injury, aggression, this purpose is the Questions About Behavioral
physical violence as well as temper tantrums, Function (QABF) [80] . This measure is based
screaming, mood changes and crying over minor on the principles of applied behavior analy‑
annoyances. sis, and focuses on what outcomes are likely in
BISCUIT Part 3 is an informant measure that play when explaining why CBs occur, when
has been discussed briefly earlier in this paper. Top‑ they occur, as well as around whom and dur‑
ics covered include aggressive/destructive behav‑ ing what activities and events they occur. The
ior, stereotypies and self-injurious behavior [49] . QABF consists of 25 items with 5 items for each
The Autism Spectrum Disorder – Behavior of five subscales: attention; escape; nonsocial
Problems for Children (ASD–BPC) is a 20‑item (e.g., self-stimulation); physical (e.g., pain); or
measure designed for children with ASD, tangible.
2–16 years of age. Factors include internalizing
and externalizing behavior and cover many ASD Conclusion & future perspective
specific items: plays with own saliva; repeated Comorbid psychopathology is common among
and unusual body movements; and repeated or persons with ASD and it is imperative that cli‑
unusual vocalizations. This test also has well nicians do not see disorders as nonoverlapping.
established reliability and validity [77] . This realization is becoming broadly accepted
The Developmental Behavior Checklist in the clinical and research communities.
– Teacher Version consists of 94 items and is Symptoms for given disorders are distinct, and
normed in children 4–18 years of age [78] . Infor‑ some occur at very high rates among persons
mants were teachers who had known the child for with ASD. As a result, the clinician should be
at least 2 months. The scale can be completed in aware of the conditions likely to co-occur with
approximately 20 min and covers six subscales: ASD, which also varies according to the person’s
communication disturbance; disruptive/antiso‑ age. Clinicians should also be familiar with the
cial; self-absorbed; anxiety; autistic relating; and assessment methods that are available to assist
social relating. Good psychometrics have been in diagnosis and stay abreast of new findings as
established. research continues in this area.
The Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form Following the increased recognition of
(NCBRF) contains 10 items on social compe‑ co­morbid psychopathology in individuals with
tence and 66 items on CB. This scale was devel‑ ASD there has been a rapidly growing amount
oped for persons with ID, but is also appropriate of research literature on what disorders occur,
for persons with ASD [79] . The test is designed how they are expressed and patterns of overlap‑
to be completed by a caregiver and each item ping disorders. As a result, a much better under‑
is rated 0–3. Children 5–18 years of age have standing of the context in which ASD occurs
been studied. Good reliability and validity have and is expressed is emerging. Another major
been established. The test has also been factor development is the rapid expansion of scaling
analyzed. Subscales that emerged are conduct methods to assist in diagnosis, understanding
problems, insecure/anxious, hyperactivity, self- the nature of the disorder and for evaluating
injury, stereotypic, self-isolated/ritualistic and treatment effectiveness. Most of these methods
overly sensitive behavior. began with the conversion of existing scales on
One component of assessment for CB is can‑ ADHD, anxiety, depression and general child‑
vassing a broad group of behaviors to determine hood psycho­pathology. The trend is toward

240 Neuropsychiatry (2013) 3(2) future science group

Differential diagnosis & comorbidity: distinguishing autism from other mental health issues  REVIEW

ASD-specific scales, and this development is ASD, an important area of continuing investiga‑
likely to continue and accelerate. The develop‑ tion. Such research will also help establish base
ment of these trends and methods has had and rates of respective disorders among individuals
will have even greater impact on clinical practice with ASD. Although beyond the scope of this
in the medium to long term. There is always a paper, research is beginning to investigate the
time lag between the development of research development of treatments specifically tuned
information and broad clinical application. to the needs of those with ASD and the com‑
Nonetheless, this greater access to information monly co-occurring disorders discussed here.
people have in their daily lives is likely to shorten However, much work remains in this area.
the knowledge development to implementation Continued research over the next decade aimed
gap within the next 5 years. at improving diagnostic accuracy should con‑
Future research should continue to improve tinue to inform development, implementation
diagnostic measures for identifying psycho­ and evaluation of interventions designed to best
pathology as these disorders are expressed in meet the needs of those with co-occurring ASD
persons with ASD of various levels of intellec‑ and psychopathology.
tual functioning. Over the next several years,
diagnostic tools should be developed and refined Financial & competing interests disclosure
to be sufficiently specific to aid differential diag‑ The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial
nosis in disorders with similar symptoms, such involvement with any organization or entity with a finan-
as studying differences in executive functioning cial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter
and capacity for sustained attention to further or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
establish criteria for ASD + ADHD diagnoses, employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or
and the underlying functions of CBs that may options, expert t­estimony, grants or patents received or
be attributable to any number of factors. It is pending, or royalties.
also possible that subtypes of ADHD or other No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
disorders may be more prevalent with comorbid this manuscript.

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Provides information on the psychometrics
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27 Gadow KD, DeVincent C, Drabick D. K. Exploring the relationship between for ASD, comorbid psychopathology and
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51 McPheeters M, Davis A, Navarre J, Scott T. therapy for anxiety disordered youth: a spectrum disorder. CNS Drugs 25, 597–606
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J. Autism Dev. Disord. 41, 646–653 (2011). 76, 282–297 (2008). factor structure of the Behavior Problems
52 Ghaziuddin M, Weidmer-Mikhail E, 63 March JS, Parker J, Sullivan K, Stallings P, Inventory (BPI‑01) in a Swedish community
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53 Gjevik E, Eldevik S, Fjæran-Granum T, Adolesc. Psychiat. 36, 554–565 (1997). 73 Rojahn J, Wilkins J, Matson JL, Boisjoli J.
Sponheim E. Kiddie–SADS reveals high rates 64 Chalfant AM, Rapee R, Carroll L. Treating A comparison of adults with intellectual
of DSM‑IV disorders in children and anxiety disorders in children with high disabilities with and without ASD on parallel
adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. functioning autism spectrum measures of challenging behaviour: the
J. Autism Dev. Disord. 41, 761–769 (2011). disorders: a controlled trial. J. Autism Dev. Behavior Problems Inventory‑01 (BPI‑01) and
54 Mazurek M, Kanne S. Friendship and Disord. 37, 1842–1857 (2007). Autism Spectrum Disorders–Behavior
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56 Chang Y-C, Quan J, Wood JJ. Effects of 849–861 (2012). 75 Aman MG, Singh NN. Aberrant Behavior
anxiety disorder severity on social functioning n
Provides an overview of ASD and Checklist – Community Supplementary
in children with autism spectrum disorders. Manual. Slosson Educational Publications,
psychiatric comorbidity in children and
J. Dev. Phys. Disabil. 24, 235–245 (2012). NY, USA (1994).
adults with ASD, the challenges in assessing
57 Wood J, Gadow K. Exploring the nature and for comorbid disorders, and using the 76 Brown EC, Aman MG, Havercamp SM.
function of anxiety in youth with autism Autism Comorbidity Interview – Present Factor ana­lysis and norms on parent ratings
spectrum disorders. Clin. Psychol-Sci. Pr. 17, and Lifetime (a measure modified from the with the Abberant Behavior Checklist
281–292 (2010). Community for young people in special
Kiddie–Schedule for Affective Disorders
education. Res. Dev. Disabil. 23, 45–60
58 Simonoff E, Pickles A, Charman T, Chandler and Schizophrenia).
S, Loucas T, Baird G. Psychiatric disorders in 67 Mazefsky C, Kao J, Oswald D. Preliminary
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evidence suggesting caution in the use of
prevalence, comorbidity and associated factors the Autism Spectrum Disorder–Behavior
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in a population-derived sample. J. Am. Acad. Problems for Children (ASD–BPC). Res.
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Child Psy. 47, 921–929 (2008). Autism Spect. Dis. 2, 696–706 (2012).
spectrum disorders. Res. Autism Spect. Dis. 5,
164–174 (2011). 78 Poon K. Challenging behaviors among
n n
Gives an overview of the prevalence of
children with autism spectrum disorders and
comorbid ASD and psychiatric disorders in a 68 Grondhuis SN, Aman MG. Assessment of
multiple disabilities attending special schools
population-derived sample. anxiety in children and adolescents with
in Singapore. Res. Dev. Disabil. 33, 578–582
59 White SW, Oswald D, Ollendick T, Scahill L. autism spectrum disorders. Res. Autism Spect.
Anxiety in children and adolescents with Dis. 6, 1345–1365 (2012).
79 Norris M, Lecavalier L. Evaluating the
autism spectrum disorders. Clin. Psychol. Rev. n n
Provides information on methods and
validity of the Nisonger child behavior rating
29, 216–229 (2009). several measures for assessing anxiety in
form – parent version. Res. Dev. Disabil. 32,
60 Guttmann-Steinmetz S, Gadow K, DeVincent youth with ASD and anxiety. 2894–2900 (2011).
C, Crowell J. Anxiety symptoms in boys with 69 Davis T, Fodstad J, Matson J et al. Anxiety
80 Matson JL, Tureck K, Rieske R.
autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit and avoidance in infants and toddlers with The Questions About Behavioral Function
hyperactivity disorder, or chronic multiple tic autism spectrum disorders: evidence for (QABF): current status as a method of
disorder and community controls. J. Autism differing symptom severity and presentation. functional assessment. Res. Intellect. Dev.
Dev. Disord. 40, 1006–1016 (2010). Res. Autism Spect. Dis. 4, 305–313 (2010). Disabil. 33, 630–634 (2012).
61 Settipani CA, Puleo CM, Conner BT, Kendall 70 Matson JL, Depmsey T. Autism spectrum
Reviews the available research on and
PC. Characteristics and anxiety symptom

disorders: pharmacotherapy for challenging

presentation associated with spectrum traits in current status of the Questions About
behaviors. J. Dev. Phys. Disabil. 30, 175–191
young children with anxiety disorders. Behavioral Function, a practical tool for
J. Anxiety Disord. 26, 459–467 (2012). assessing both internal and external causes
71 Matson JL, Sipes M, Fodstad JC, Fitzgerald
of challenging behaviors. In addition,
62 Kendall P, Hudson J, Gosch E, Flannery- ME. Issues in the management of
presents future directions for study in
Schroeder E, Suveg C. Cognitive-behavioral challenging behaviours of adults with autism
this area.

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