The Write Stuff

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Published by:
130 Queen’s Road
Tel: +44 (0)1273 732888
Email: [email protected]

First edition December 2008

Second edition August 2010
Third edition November 2012
Fourth edition December 2015

© 2015 Emphasis Training Ltd

ISBN 978-0-9564810-2-3
All rights reserved.

Written by Kathy Gemmell

Additional material for Chapters 2, 3 and 6 by Jacob Funnell
Edited by Cathy Relf and Rob Ashton

Designed by Puree Design |


Introduction p3
1 Tips for clear writing p5
2 Writing for the web p15
Writing email p25

Jargon buster p30

5 Writing for a global audience p33

6 Emphasis house style p39
Problem words p57

Index p63

We first came up with the concept for this book way back in 2007. My
colleague Tom and I were returning from visiting some clients. It was
obvious to us that their staff desperately needed a clear guide to the
company’s approach to written communication.

The trouble was, we knew the clients would never produce one. It was
simply too big a task for them, just as it was for all the other clients we’d
floated the idea with. We decided we’d better produce our own universal
guide. And so The Write Stuff was born.

Back then, we never dreamt just how popular it would become. It’s
now in its fourth reprint and some 40,000 copies are in use around the
globe. It’s become the go-to guide to better writing for a huge number of

This edition contains the same solid advice as previous versions and a full
section aimed at settling arguments about contentious spellings and points
of grammar. But we’ve also fully updated it, including extra material on
writing email, house style and the all-important writing for the web.

As always, we’d love your feedback on how you’re using this guide and
to hear about the particular challenges you face when writing in the
workplace. We’re here to help.

Rob Ashton
Emphasis founder and CEO

The Write Stuff | 3

The most valuable of
all talents is that of never
using two words when
one will do.
Thomas Jefferson
Tips for clear writing
Know your reader
Know what you want to say

Faced with a looming deadline, doing anything other than diving

straight in can feel like a waste of precious time. In fact, many people
get quite self-conscious about planning, as they’re afraid their
colleagues or line manager will think they’re not working. (Delegates
often tell us this on our courses.)

But, as the saying goes, to fail to plan is to plan to fail. Never think of the
time you spend planning as wasted: it is a vital part of the process.

Know your Know what you

reader want to say
We are all prone to becoming You need to put your important
trapped in our own little world of messages at the start, so make
‘getting the document done’. Yet sure you know what they are
writing that doesn’t consider the before you begin writing. Test them
reader is unlikely to succeed in its out loud before you commit them
objectives, or even be read at all. to paper: if you can’t make sense of
them, how will your readers?
To ensure you get your message
across, ask yourself why you’re We waste a lot of time crafting
writing, what you’re trying to say sentences only to cut them (or
and to whom you’re saying it. have them cut) at the final edit.
Make sure you are clear about So it makes sense to sort out
what action you want your readers your thinking at the planning, not
to take once they’ve read the the writing, stage. Marshal your
document. In this way, you’ll tell material in a way that is logical and
them what they need to know, not transparent to your reader. And
what you’ve found out. use subheads to show readers at a
glance how your themes develop.

6 | The Write Stuff

Reader-centred writing
How to say what you mean

Reader-centred How to say

writing what you mean
It is what you say, not the way

Ask yourself: that you say it (and that’s what

gets results). In business, good
writing is invisible. You have

failed if you force your reader to
Why am I concentrate on the words rather
writing this? than the message.

There are specific ways in which

you can hone your writing style to

highlight what you’re saying rather
than how you say it.
Who is it for?
The central readability
principles are:

be direct

What am I • use the active voice

trying to say?
• keep it short and simple (KISS)

• stick to one sentence, one idea

• proof it.

The following pages examine each of

these principles in turn, and give before
and after examples showing the pitfalls
in context.

The Write Stuff | 7

Be direct

Be direct
Be direct by addressing your readers as ‘you’ and referring to yourself, the
writer, as ‘we’ or ‘I’ wherever possible. For example, in place of: ‘The writers
of this sentence advise readers to adopt this technique,’ write: ‘We advise
you to adopt this technique.’ This will make your writing – and its relevance
– easier to understand. ‘You’ and especially ‘we’ also make writing sound
more confident, more transparent and more personal.

Make sure, too, that you write about what concerns your readers rather
than about your organisation’s internal processes.

Before After
Delegates are instructed to send Please send us an example of your
in examples of their writing writing before the course. We will
before training courses. The office analyse it so that we can give you
manager receives the samples and an idea of where your strengths
sends them to the trainers, who and weaknesses lie.
analyse them to get a better idea
of where delegates’ strengths and
weaknesses lie.

8 | The Write Stuff

Use the active voice

Use the active voice

Using the active voice more often is the single biggest thing that will give
your writing a bit of oomph. If a piece of writing seems unspeakably dull, it’s
probably because the writer has overused the passive voice.

Consider this sentence:

Allowances were made by the trainer for late arrivals.

This sentence is in the passive voice. The person or thing doing the action
(‘the trainer’) follows the action (‘were made’).

The active voice puts the ‘doer’ – in grammar terms, the agent – first.
This makes the sense clearer and the wording less clumsy:

The trainer made allowances for late arrivals.

The trainer allowed for late arrivals.

You could also write the passive sentence like this:

Allowances were made for late arrivals.

This sentence doesn’t tell you who took the action it describes (there is
no agent). This is because, unlike the active voice, the passive allows you
to remove the agent. So if a sentence leaves you asking: ‘By whom?’, it’s
passive. This is why the passive produces very opaque text. Using the active
voice forces you to be more specific and, again, more confident.

The Write Stuff | 9

Use the active voice
Keep it short and simple (KISS)

Before After
It was assumed by management Managers assumed that staff
that the changes to working had implemented the changes to
practices had been implemented. working practices.

Managers assumed staff had
changed their working practices.

Keep it short and simple (KISS)

Make sure you write what you mean by saying it aloud. As far as possible,
use everyday language – the kind of language you use when you talk – to
get your message across to your reader.

Be rigorous in your editing. Are you using the best word for the job? What
do you mean? Is there a simpler way to say it? When you think you’ve
finished, try cutting the content by a third.

Using jargon is fine for an internal or expert readership, provided you’re

certain they’ll understand it. But avoid it when writing for external or non-
expert readers. Keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum. And
explain them when they do crop up.

Use verbs (which express actions) rather than nouns (which refer to things,
people and places): it’s the verbs that make language dynamic. Be especially
vigilant for those heavy nouns ending in -tion or -sion, eg recommendation.

10 | The Write Stuff

Keep it short and simple (KISS)

Such nominalisations (nouns created from verbs) can make your writing
clunky and boring to read, as they attract redundant words. (This is why
at Emphasis we call these words ‘waffle magnets’.) See the table below for
some examples.

And use concrete terms rather than abstract (or meaningless) generalities:
‘Help with giving up smoking’ rather than ‘Strategies for smoking cessation’
(the title of a leaflet we found in a local pharmacy).

Verb Nominalisation
Use implement/do not undertake the implementation of

consider/think about not give consideration to

complete not achieve completion of

decide not reach a decision

recommend not make a recommendation to

Before After
The aim of this document is to This document outlines how we can
provide an outline of systemic be consistent with the wording we
operations to facilitate the use in training materials.
implementation of methodology
that will assist the team in the
avoidance of inconsistency in the
wording used in training materials.

Use the Jargon buster on page 30

to make sure you don’t slip into
management-speak or woolly wording.

The Write Stuff | 11

One sentence, one idea

One sentence, one idea

Keep your sentences short. Your reader will find it easier to understand
what you’re saying if you stick to one idea per sentence. If you write a long
sentence, with many asides and qualifying clauses (like this one), your
reader will find it hard to catch and then follow your drift and will probably
have to return to the beginning of the sentence in order to make sense of it
and in turn – and perhaps most importantly – act on it.

Aim for an average of 17 words per sentence; use a maximum of 35.

But varying your rhythm is key: try inserting the odd two- or three-word
sentence for impact. It’s easy. And it may well keep your reader awake.

Before After
Whilst the organisation currently We need funding to lobby for
relies on sponsorship from small legislative changes that will improve
enterprises and individuals, the people’s lives. At the moment, we
cooperation of large corporate rely on sponsorship from small
bodies, without whose funding enterprises and individuals. But this
we will not be able to provide the is not enough. Financial support
services our clients require, is now from large corporate bodies is now
essential if we are to campaign essential if we are to provide the
successfully for legislative changes services our clients require and
that will improve the lives of many successfully campaign for change.
sectors of the population.

Keep an eye on paragraph length, too. Try to stick to one main point per
paragraph. If you can’t sum up that point in a few words in the margin,
you’ve probably tried to cram in too much information.

12 | The Write Stuff

Proof it!
Ten top tips for writing well

Proof it!
Proofreading isn’t an optional extra: make time for it. Try to create some
distance between writing the document and proofing it. Print it out and
come back to it when you’re fresh. And try to proofread away from your
desk – this will help you read as a reader, not as the writer. Use a ruler to
guide you, and a pencil to point to each word individually. This will stop
your brain reading what it expects to see rather than what’s actually there.

Ten top tips for writing well

1. Know your reader.

2. Know what you want to say.

3. Be direct.

4. Use the active voice.

5. Keep it short and simple (KISS).

6. Stick to one sentence, one idea.

7. Keep paragraphs short.

8. Use subheads that summarise the content.

9. Edit, then edit again.

10. Proofread on hard copy, and when you’re fresh.

The Write Stuff | 13

Get rid of half the words
on each page, then get
rid of half of what’s left.
Steve Krug
Writing for the web
First things first
Visitors from everywhere

Your visitors are on your web pages for a reason. This can range
from a highly specific goal, such as to buy a particular product, to
a vague need for distraction.

You need to work out which of your readers’ goals also benefit your
organisation, then tailor your website to meet them. As a web writer, your
challenge is to make it as easy as possible for readers to find what they’re
looking for. Here’s how.

First things first

There’s a lot of information out there already. Do you have to write this
page? Is the material already there on a different page on your site?
Can you link to it to avoid duplicating effort?

Once you have considered these questions, work out how many pages you
need to convey your information. Stick to one topic per page. And make
sure each page is self-explanatory and self-contained. It should stand as
an ‘island’ of information: your reader should be able to access it from
anywhere and understand it.

Visitors from everywhere

Website visitors might come through a search engine, social media, a
reference from a friend, a link from a site, or by directly typing the address
into their browser after seeing an advert. Or they might remember your
site from a previous visit.

16 | The Write Stuff

Visitors from everywhere
Know your audience

You have no way of telling for sure where the next visitor will come from,
and no control over which page they see first. What’s worse, many of them
will be seeing your site for the first time. They may not know how much
trust to put in it.

They’re likely to be asking themselves: ‘Am I in the right place?’ So each page
needs to answer that question – and answer it within about five seconds.

This is a hard test to pass. Try it: ask someone who isn’t familiar with your
website to look at an important page. After a few seconds, ask them what
they think that page is about. There’s a good chance you’ll be surprised by
their answer.

If this all sounds too painful, try it on the sites of your competitors or similar
organisations. You’ll be amazed at how many of them fail.

Know your audience

Apply the same reader-centred approach as for printed writing. If anything,
be even more rigorous. Imagine who is likely to be visiting the site – what
they like, what their attitudes are and what they’re looking for – and keep
these typical visitors in mind with everything you write for the web.

Many visitors to your site probably speak English as a second language.

Avoid complex language, idioms, metaphors and cultural references unless
you’re sure that most of your audience will understand them.

The Write Stuff | 17

Subheads and layout

Subheads and layout

Initially, visitors are much more likely to scan your website content for
keywords, rather than read each page from beginning to end. Once they
know they’re in good virtual hands, they’ll be more inclined to slow down
and read properly.

You can take advantage of this by using regular, clear subheads that
break up the text and make it easy for your reader to jump to the
appropriate section.

Be sure also to make your subheads explicit, rather than using bland,
general wording. So ‘40 years in the business’ is better than ‘Our
experience’. Combined, your subheads should tell the story.

Give your writing room to breathe. Just like printed text, your web content
needs plenty of space around it to make it look attractive and help it
stand out.

Put the most important points near the beginning. This applies at every
level: the most important message at the top of a page, the most important
sentence at the beginning of a paragraph and the most important bullet
point at the top of the list.

Hyperlinks within your own site can provide relevant context. They’re
particularly useful if you have a topic that you want to cover in more detail
without crowding a page. (But remember that having too many links within
your own site is distracting.)

18 | The Write Stuff


Links to other sites can also provide useful content for your readers. But
bear in mind that if you send your visitors to another site, they may not
come back to yours. Make links to other sites open in a new window to help
stop visitors from losing their thread.

Make sure, too, that you have real content on every page: relegating
everything to a hyperlink is both irritating and time-consuming for the
reader. Format hyperlinks as text, rather than ugly URLs, and use a style
that underlines them or highlights them in a different colour, so readers
know they can click on them. Your links should be descriptive: avoid using
‘click here’. Write instead something that describes the page you’re linking
to, such as ‘send us a message’.

Punctuate around the hyperlink in the same way as you would any other
piece of writing.

The Write Stuff | 19

Keep up to date
Get to the point

Paragraphs Keep up
Keep paragraphs short. A wall of
text will make the reader think they
to date
have to read all of it to understand Review your pages regularly,
your point – making them more making sure any dates, eg
likely to give up. Use subheads events, are updated. Out-of-date
(see page 18) to signpost content information will undermine the
more often than you would in content of your whole site.
hard-copy documents.

Get to the point

Don’t mess around with background and waffly welcomes.

Get rid of any ‘We have written this page to help you …’ stuff. Use the
readability techniques in this guide to write concise, unambiguous text.
Pay special attention to sentence length: if in doubt, put that full stop in.

20 | The Write Stuff

Writing for social media

Writing for
social media
Social media platforms vary
enormously. They’re usually much
more visual than the average web
page – often allowing readers eed
e i f you n
to see large preview pictures
Not s
u r ers,
s i n numb
n ons?
accompanying your writing.
d fracti ere:
But the same principles apply. And ages
a n
p r o b lem h
that gNm
whether you’re writing a tweet Solve t . l y / 1YhU
/b i
as the President of the United
States or posting a blog update to 140

LinkedIn, good writing focuses on

the needs of its readers.

So keep them in mind from the

beginning. Ask yourself what your
update will mean to them.

Why will they be interested? What

goal are you helping them achieve?

The Write Stuff | 21

Web writing that doesn’t work

Web writing that doesn’t work

This extract is from the building standards page of a (fictitious) local
council website.


Dangerous structures and public safety

Building Standards has a responsibility to deal with dangerous buildings
as they occur. Buildings may become gradually dangerous due to old age,
deterioration or settlement, or by more dramatic causes such as storm,
explosion, fire or impact by vehicles. All buildings that appear to be dangerous
should be reported to the Council who will treat the matter with the
utmost urgency.
If it is considered that a building is immediately dangerous, Building Standards
can require immediate evacuation and require, or take, any action necessary
to protect the public and adjacent property. Such action may involve
temporary road closure, barricading, shoring, scaffolding, repairs
or demolition.
Where the building is not immediately dangerous, the owner would receive
a notice requiring the property to be made safe within a stated time and, if
satisfactory action is not taken, an Enforcement Order may be issued. If this is
not complied with, the Council can instruct all necessary works to make the
building safe and recover expenses from the owner.
It is often possible to discuss a dangerous building with its owner in the hope
that the matter can be resolved quickly without the Council instructing work
on a private property.

This page hasn’t been written with the reader in mind: there’s unnecessary
background detail and it doesn’t make clear at the start what the main
message is. Without subheads, it is also difficult to follow the logic.

22 | The Write Stuff

Web writing that doesn’t work

The language is not as direct (see Be direct, page 8) and active (see Use the
active voice, page 9) as it could be. And there are no contact details, which
undermines the practicality of the page as a whole. Here’s a rewritten
version that gets to the point, signposts the information clearly and tells
readers all they need to know.


Dangerous structures and public safety

If you think a building is dangerous, please report it to us in the Building
Standards team and we’ll treat the matter with the utmost urgency.
Legal powers
We can often discuss a dangerous building with its owner and resolve the
matter quickly. But we also have legal powers to take action to make
buildings safe.
The action we take will depend on how dangerous the building is. If it’s not
immediately dangerous, we will send a notice to the owner, requiring them to
make the property safe within a stated time. If the owner doesn’t comply with
initial requests, we may then issue an Enforcement Order.
Emergency measures
We will evacuate the building if we think it is immediately dangerous.
We may also take other actions to protect the public. These may include
temporarily closing the road, or barricading, shoring, scaffolding, repairing
or even demolishing the building – recovering expenses from the owner
where necessary.
Contact us
Call us on 08457 654321 or email [email protected].

The Write Stuff | 23

True eloquence consists
of saying all that should
be, not all that could
be, said.
François de La Rochefoucauld
Writing email
Is anyone there?
Calm down

Many of the ‘rules’ of email usage rely on common sense and are, to
some extent, idiosyncratic: we all have our own favourite methods
for structuring, prioritising and archiving messages. Here’s how to get
the most out of email – and ensure your reader actually reads your

Is anyone there?
Unbelievable as it may seem, not everyone checks their emails every
five minutes. Don’t fret over a lack of response until you have genuine
cause to do so.

If you simply can’t wait any longer for a response, pick up the phone.

Calm down
Email is unforgiving. Without facial expression and tone of voice, it’s very
easy to get it wrong. What you thought was a pithy, to-the-point message
might come across as terse, bossy, or – worse – aggrieved. Emails are
generally ill-suited to emotive subjects: if you want to criticise or ask for a
pay rise, do so in person.

Take your time responding to messages that anger or upset you. Remove
the recipient’s address before you write anything, so you don’t send it
prematurely. And save your reply as a draft to re-read later when you’ve
calmed down.

Also be aware that successful humour onscreen takes careful thought and
knowledge of your recipient. If you don’t have time for either of these, keep
it straight. (See also Quality control, page 29.)

26 | The Write Stuff

Add attachments first
Use a meaningful subject line

Add attachments first

We’ve all done it: sent a message with attachments – without the
attachments. Try adopting this routine for every message you send:

1. Add the attachment(s).

2. Write the message.

3. Add the subject line.

4. Write the recipient’s address.

It’s very simple, but it does work. Without an address, the message isn’t
going anywhere. And if you always add the attachments first, you’ll be less
likely to forget them. With ‘Reply to’ messages, try deleting the recipient’s
address before starting at number 1.

Use a meaningful subject line

Reel in your recipient with a relevant, unambiguous subject line. For
example, ‘Needs answer today’ will probably provoke a quicker response
than ‘Information request’. Asking a question will often get a speedy reply,
as the recipient feels they can give a brief answer before getting on with
other more complex emails or tasks.

Remember to re-title a message that you’ve been batting to and fro, to

make it relevant to the particular point in that message. For the same
reason, give new subject lines to messages that have been forwarded
endlessly and no longer have any relevance to the original title.

The Write Stuff | 27

Be professional
Emoticons and emojis
Keep it snappy

Be professional
Email has dispensed with much of the formality of traditional business
writing. Using ‘Hi’ or just the recipient’s first name then ‘Kind regards’ or
‘Many thanks’ keeps the tone direct and approachable. But beware of being
too informal, especially across cultures or with recipients in a superior
position. For a first contact, err on the side of caution, eg use ‘Dear’ rather
than ‘Hi’. You can always become less formal when you become more
familiar with their preferred style.

Emoticons and emojis

Used in friendly, informal correspondence, the occasional emoticon (such
as :-) or :-( ) or emoji (such as ) can serve a useful function, given how
difficult it can be to hit the right tone in emails.

But, use them with anyone you don’t know or in more formal
correspondence and you run the risk of looking unprofessional – even
childlike (especially with emojis). Some people object to emoticons and
emojis even in the most informal writing. If in any doubt, leave them out.

Keep it snappy
Use the KISS principles (see Keep it short and simple, page 10) to keep
the content concise. And try to restrict the body of the message to one
computer screen's length. Remember your email could well be read on a
mobile device, where it will look even longer. If you can’t keep it that short,
use subheads or put the bulk of the information in an attachment, which
you can then format in an easy-to-read way.

28 | The Write Stuff

Quality control
And don’t SHOUT!

Quality control
Try sending your email to yourself. Oddly, reading a message in your
own inbox puts you more in the frame of mind of the reader. This is a
useful trick for monitoring your tone and spotting out-of-place remarks
– especially when proofing emails on a smartphone or tablet.

Try also pointing at every word on screen with a capped pen. Read each
word, one by one, as your pen points at it. This will slow you down,
preventing you from jumping over mistakes.

As with all writing, try to leave some time between the writing and the
proofing of the message. If it’s crucial that your email is absolutely
error-free, print and proofread it before you send it (see Proof it!, page 13).

And don’t SHOUT!

Avoid writing in upper case: it’s IRRITATING and unnecessary.

Remove the recipient’s address before

writing a reply, so that you don’t send it
prematurely. See Calm down, page 26.

The Write Stuff | 29

4 Jargon buster
Here’s a list of clichés, jargon and management-speak that we
advise you to avoid, with their alternatives.

Jargon Alternative
add value to improve

adjacent to next to

as to about, on, of (often redundant)

at an early date soon

at this moment in time now (often redundant)

bottom line most important thing, main point

deliverables (Avoid: say what they are, eg results or reports.)

engage with talk to, contact

going forward (Usually redundant: rarely does life go backward.)

in close proximity to near

in the case of with

Jargon Alternative
in the field of in

is able to can

joined-up (Avoid.)

leverage (vb) make the most of (in non-financial context)

on an ongoing basis regularly, periodically, continually

on occasion sometimes

outside of outside

prior to before

step change (Avoid. What is the change? What does it mean?)

utilise use

with respect to about

Simplicity is the ultimate
Leonardo da Vinci
Writing for a
global audience
Avoid abbreviations and acronyms

There’s more to writing for a non-British reader than making

decisions about whether to use UK or US spelling. (We use UK;
see Problem words, page 57, for more on spelling.) This chapter
offers a few tips on how to write for a global audience without
confusing or irritating your readers with unfamiliar words,
concepts or references.

Avoid abbreviations
and acronyms
Any collection of letters may have a different meaning in other countries.
So while the BBC means the British Broadcasting Corporation to UK
readers, it may also stand for the Bat-lovers of British Columbia.
Or the Boy Buglers of Canberra.

Use abbreviations or acronyms sparingly with a global audience and

always explain them in full the first time you use them.

34 | The Write Stuff

Be careful with colloquial expressions and popular culture

Be careful Don’t make assumptions about

your reader’s familiarity with a

with colloquial particular country’s culture. Many

readers will have no idea what to

expressions do if you ask them to keep their

eye on the ball, give you the nod or

and popular push the envelope. Nor might they

be familiar with being in the black,

culture piggy banks, ivory towers or sacred

cows. Avoid such expressions.

The Write Stuff | 35

Explain local business terms
Don’t talk about the weather!

Explain local business terms

Explain terms such as redundancy (‘retrenchment’ in South Africa),
downsizing or brainstorming. Or avoid them altogether.

Don’t talk about the weather!

Avoid talking about seasons at all, never mind whether they’re particularly
hot, cold or wet. Your summer is someone else’s winter. And ‘the hot
summer of 2015’ will mean very little to most of the globe. Refer to specific
months instead.

36 | The Write Stuff

Use simple language

Use simple language

Always go for the clearest option when choosing which words to use. Avoid
phrasal verbs, eg turn up. So ask if she came to the meeting, not if she
turned up. And apply the KISS principles (see Keep it short and simple, page
10), using concrete terms rather than waffly abstracts.

Before After
We need to think outside the box We need to be more efficient so we
on this one and come up with can finish the project by Friday.
transitional operating procedures
so that we can put this project to
bed asap.

The Write Stuff | 37

I try to leave out the
parts that people skip.
Elmore Leonard
house style
White space

In English, some aspects of punctuation, spelling, grammar and

layout often come down to a style choice rather than a rule that
everyone can agree on.

Yet you still need a consistent voice across your organisation, which is why
many have a house style. If yours doesn’t, you can use this chapter as a
guide to best practice in modern business communications.

A. Layout
Headings White space
Think carefully about ‘signposts’ – Sometimes it’s not what you include
such as section heads and subheads but what you leave out. Believe it
– because these give readers or not, white space – areas where
an immediate overview of your there is no print, such as margins –
arguments and help keep them is a key part of design. A document
reading. Make sure the subheads with wide margins, clear type and
actually say something about the decent spaces between the lines
content. Work out the hierarchy is much easier to read than one
before you start, so that your main crammed full of text.
heads, section heads and subheads
are consistent in size and style.

40 | The Write Stuff


Some fonts – by which we mean a Introduce bullets with a colon.
set of letter or number characters When each bullet completes
with the same design – are more the sentence started by the
appropriate for certain documents introductory line, use:
than others.
• lower case
Serif fonts have twiddly bits at
• no punctuation
the ends of characters and give
a document a traditional feel. • a full stop after the last bullet
Examples include Times New if it ends the sentence (as this
Roman and Garamond. one does).

Sans serif fonts, such as the one Sometimes bullets form a simple
in which this paragraph is written, list, where each item is only a short
have no twiddly bits and lend a phrase or a few words long. Each
more contemporary air. They’re item doesn’t create a full sentence
also particularly good for titles and when combined with the lead-in
subheads (even if you use a serif line. This is how you should format
font for the body text). Examples bullets like this:
include Arial and Helvetica.
• initial lower-case letter for
each bullet
• no punctuation
Use a consistent style across your
document. For example, we use • no final full stop (period)
circular bullets in this guide.

The Write Stuff | 41

Bold and underline

Here are our remaining recommendations:

• When each of your bullets is a full sentence, begin with a capital letter.

• Bullets that are full sentences should end with a full stop (period).

• Don’t mix fragments and full sentences in the same list.

• Indent sub-bullets under the main bullet.

• At Emphasis, we also make our sub-bullets smaller and black.

Also decide on a format for tables. Ours, for example, looks like this:

Table header Table header

Table text Table text
Table text Table text
• Table bullet • Table bullet
• Table bullet • Table bullet
Table text Table text

Caption style: make sure each figure/table has a caption like this.

Extracts Bold and underline

Indent quotes or extracts of more Use bold for headings and
than 50 words. Don’t use italics in subheads. Avoid using bold to
this case, as it makes them hard to highlight words within text.
read. Introduce them with a colon
Avoid using underline – either in
(see Colons, page 51).
headings or to emphasise a word.

42 | The Write Stuff


Use italics for: • emphasis in text, but use
sparingly and try to find an
• books, publications, newspapers
alternative expression if
and radio and television
possible: ‘style does matter’ or
programmes, eg Troublesome
‘but style matters’
Words by Bill Bryson, The Times
• cross-references.
• foreign phrases that are not
assimilated into English (including Don’t use italics for brand names,
Latin terms), but use the English except where the brand name is
alternative whenever possible also a publication, eg The Write Stuff.

The Write Stuff | 43

Company names

B. Names and numbers

Company names Job titles and departments

Use the full name of a company, Use lower case for the general and
including the ‘Ltd’ if it has one, in where the term is being used as
legal/contract documents only. For a description. Use upper case for
general documents, refer to the the specific and where the term is
company as it refers to itself. serving as an actual title:

Emphasis trainers are the best in The trainers are busy.

the business.
All trainees will be allocated a
If a company’s name starts with a line manager.
lower-case letter, you can replace
The chief executive is Jane Brown and
it with an upper-case letter to
the associate director is Paul Woods.
aid clarity. For example, we spell
Emphasis with a lower-case ‘e’ in Chief Executive Jane Brown and
our logo but nowhere else. Paul Woods, Associate Director,
were both late.
Send an email to Learning and
Avoid unnecessary capitals, but Development.
stick to the following guidelines.

44 | The Write Stuff



Governments are lower case if

you’re talking about them in a
general sense, but upper case if
you’re referring to a particular

The Government announced the Addresses

abolition of the 50p tax band.
Use open punctuation – don’t
Representatives from governments punctuate addresses:
across Europe were united.
Mr R Smith
Regions Emphasis Training Ltd
130 Queen’s Road
Countries, states and regions
regarded as having a distinct
identity need capitals: France,
Northern Ireland, West Virginia, Likewise, don’t put a comma after
the South East. salutations and valedictions:

Areas that don’t have a distinct Dear Mr Smith

identity don’t need capitals: the Dear Fiona
south of Norway, western France. Kind regards

The Write Stuff | 45

Writing numbers

Writing numbers
Write out numbers one to ten Thousands, millions and billions
in words. Use a comma for four digits
or more (but not in dates):
Use figures for 11 and above:
5,000 years; 5000BC.
11; 61; 11,000.
Write thousands as 60,000
Write out first, second, third etc in
(not 60K).
full (not 1st, 2nd, 3rd).
Write millions as 60 million or 60m
Always use figures if decimals or
(not 60,000,000).
fractions are involved: 6.25 or 6¼.
File sizes should always be written
But write fractions below one in
as abbreviations: 45Kb, 1.8Mb.
full and hyphenate them: two-
thirds of the job. A billion is a thousand million
(1,000,000,000), not a million million.
Avoid mixing words and figures in
the same phrase: Write billions as 6 billion or 6bn
(not 6,000,000,000).
You can order in multiples of 9,
12 or 16 (not ‘nine, 12 or 16’).

The length ranged from ¼m

to 6¼m (not ‘quarter of a
metre to 6¼m’).

46 | The Write Stuff

Writing numbers

Percentages from 9am to 5pm

Use ‘per cent’ in running text between 9am and 5pm

(as opposed to tables etc), not
course time: 9am–5pm.
the % sign:
(Note that the dash is an en-rule,
A good 95 per cent of delegates
not a hyphen: see page 52 for
leave satisfied.
more on dashes.)
Almost all delegates (95 per cent)
If spanning dates in the same
leave satisfied.
century, drop the first two digits of
Date, time and range the second date: 1967–69.

Write dates in this format: But keep them if the dates span
7 September 2015. different centuries: 1999–2008.

The meeting is on 8 March 2016. Don’t use apostrophes for

collective dates: 1990s (not 1990’s).
Use these forms rather than the
24-hour clock: 9.30am, 5pm.

Don’t write 12pm and 12am:

these frequently cause confusion.
Instead, write 12 noon and
12 midnight.

Use twentieth century, not

20th century.

Use from/to, between/and or X–X.

But don’t mix and match:

The Write Stuff | 47

Abbreviations and acronyms

C. Punctuation
Abbreviations and
Don’t use full stops in abbreviations Don’t use a comma or colon after
or acronyms (abbreviations that ‘eg’ or ‘ie’:
can be pronounced as words).
To find out more, enrol on one of our
For example:
courses, eg High-impact writing.
ie, eg, etc, am, pm, ltd, UK, US, Dr, Mrs,
Don’t use apostrophes to make
m, kg, km, Ofcom
abbreviations plural: HGVs, CVs.
Write abbreviations that are
The first time you use an
pronounced as individual letters
abbreviated term, write it out in
– such as BBC and CEO – all in
full followed by the abbreviation
upper case. Write acronyms –
or acronym in brackets. This isn’t
such as Unicef – with only an
necessary if the abbreviation is so
initial capital letter.
familiar to your audience that it
Precede ‘eg’ and ‘ie’ with a is the more often used and more
comma, eg as in this example, or readily understood form, eg HIV,
with a bracket (eg as shown here). DNA, MP.

48 | The Write Stuff

Ampersands (&)

Ampersands (&)
Avoid using an ampersand (&) unless monosyllabic names and ’
it forms part of a company name: alone for polysyllabic names,
eg James’s book, Cass’s sister,
Ernst & Young, Marks & Spencer
Emphasis’ trainers, Dickens’
Don’t use it as a general substitute novels, in Jesus’ name (note
for ‘and’. that biblical and classical names
usually take ’ alone)
• plural: use ’, eg the Joneses’ dog,
Use apostrophes to: other businesses’ problems

• represent missing letters, eg • singular in meaning, but plural

don’t, isn’t, Helen’s early in form: use ’, eg the United
States’ foreign policy, the
• denote periods of time, eg a
Philippines’ president.
day’s leave, a week’s holiday, in
three weeks’ time For joint possession, eg Janet and
John’s book, use an apostrophe
• show possession, eg Jane’s
only after the second name. Use
bag, the group’s project,
an apostrophe after each name,
workers’ rights.
eg David’s and Sarah’s books,
For nouns ending in ‘s’, follow for separate possession, ie each
these guidelines: person owns different book(s):

• singular: use the normal ’s, Bill and Nancy’s address (they
eg his boss’s car, the live together).
business’s success
Bill’s and Nancy’s addresses (they
• singular proper nouns: go by live apart).
sound – in general, use ’s for

The Write Stuff | 49


Don’t use an apostrophe where Use square brackets to:

‘its’ is a possessive pronoun, eg
• include an editorial comment or
the dog ate its bone. ‘It’s’ is always
direction, eg a huge bonus [Rob,
short for ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. In general,
please confirm]
don’t use an apostrophe to make
a plural, including in dates and • include a clarification that is
abbreviations, eg peas, HGVs, CVs, not part of quoted text, eg ‘The
1990s. Exceptions arise only where position [in business writing
to omit the apostrophe might cause training] is far from clear.’
ambiguity, eg the do’s and don’ts,
The full stop should lie inside
A’s and B’s.
the closing bracket if the whole
sentence is bracketed, and outside
if the bracketed section forms only
Use round brackets to: part of the whole sentence:

• include optional information, eg Hope this helps. (Look at the website too.)
almost half (48 per cent)
If you’d like more help, get in touch (or
• explain a term, eg upper case look at the website).
(capital letters)

• introduce an abbreviation,
eg the summary review
memorandum (SRM)

• cross-refer, eg in the plain

English dictionary (page 43).

50 | The Write Stuff


Use colons to: Compare this final use of the
colon, where there is a step
• introduce lists, eg the
forward in argument (often cause:
three things we need: time,
effect, or fact: explanation), with
investment and creativity
the similar use of the semicolon,
• introduce bullets which links balanced or parallel
clauses (see Semicolons, page 55).
• introduce extracts or long
quotes (see Commas, page 52,
Use lower case after a colon,
for introducing short quotes)
except when introducing a list of
• emphasise a question, eg The bullets that are whole sentences
question is: are their business (see Bullets, page 41).
processes up to the job?

• lead the reader from an

idea (usually in the form of
a statement that could be
a complete sentence) to
its consequence or logical
continuation, eg He was very
tired when he did that piece
of work: there were lots of
mistakes in it.

The Write Stuff | 51


Commas Dashes
Use commas to: Use dashes to:

• help the reader understand • explain, paraphrase or draw a

the sense of something, eg conclusion from something you
However, you might feel the have just written, eg He had
new law will make a difference. a natural flair for leadership –
However you might feel, the hence his promotion.
new law will make a difference.
• highlight a parenthetical point, eg
• mark the end of a secondary The show – a runaway success –
clause that begins a sentence, has just had its final week.
eg Although it was raining, we
• show a range or sequence, eg
decided to go for a picnic.
1999–2004, A–Z, 5pm–6pm,
• show that information is London–Edinburgh line.
extra to the main idea, eg The
There are two kinds of dash: the
photocopier, which is on the
em-rule (—) and the en-rule (–).
second floor, needs repairing.
British style typically uses the
• separate items in a list, eg She en-rule; American style typically
wanted eggs, ham and bacon. uses the em-rule. At Emphasis, we
use the en-rule. Be sure to put a
• denote how items are split in
space either side of it, except when
lists, eg The sandwiches they
showing range. (American em-rules
stocked were ham, chicken,
don’t use spaces.)
ham and tomato, and chicken
and cucumber. Don’t confuse an en-rule with a
hyphen: it is twice the length (see
• introduce short quotes, eg Clara
Hyphens, opposite).
says, ‘We need to act quickly.’

52 | The Write Stuff

Exclamation marks
Full stops

Exclamation marks Hyphens

Use exclamation marks sparingly Use hyphens to:
and singly to express surprise, shock
• join words in adjectival phrases
or despair, eg I don’t believe it!
before the noun, ie where the
Do not use them to add excitement words work together to describe
to dull writing. It doesn’t work. something, eg information-led
society, long-term solution (but
Full stops not if the first word ends in -ly,
eg highly prized author)
Use plenty. And put a single space
after a full stop. • add the prefix ‘re’ only when ‘re’
means ‘again’ and only when
omitting the hyphen would
cause confusion with another
word, eg re-sign/resign

• form some compound words.

The Write Stuff | 53

Question marks

At Emphasis, we follow the guidelines below:

One word

breakdown (n) changeover (n) cooperate coordinate

database email inbox laptop

masterclass ongoing online proofread

semicolon shortlist website worldwide


cost-effective decision-maker eye-opener

full-time high-impact writing in-house course

job-share like-minded self-assured

set-up (n) spell-check top-up (n)

up-to-date version year-end review

Separate words

break down (v) line manager per cent

set up (v) version that is up to date web page

Question marks
Use question marks for direct questions, eg What are we going to do?

Don’t use them for sentences such as: I wonder if you could let me know.

54 | The Write Stuff

Quotation marks

Quotation marks
Use single quotation marks for ‘I will not’, she repeated, ‘be coming back.’
direct speech and for highlighting
How many people said, ‘We’re not
words or phrases. Use double
coming back’?
quotation marks only for a
quote within a quote. Introduce She asked, ‘Are you coming back?’
short quotes with a comma (see
Did she ask, ‘Are you coming back?’
Commas, page 52) and long quotes
with a colon (see Colons, page 51).
Put the punctuation within the
Think of semicolons as ‘super
quotation marks only if it’s part
commas’. Use them to:
of the quote. Quoting a complete
sentence means quoting the full • separate long phrases in a
stop too. So it goes inside the list when at least one of the
quotation marks. But quoting part phrases contains a comma,
of the sentence doesn’t, so the eg You will need the following
full stop goes outside. The items: climbing boots (or strong
following examples illustrate walking shoes); two pairs of
most eventualities: lightweight trousers; and – most
importantly – a waterproof
She said, ‘The food wasn’t even hot.’
jacket, which must have zipped
She said, ‘The food wasn’t even hot internal pockets.
and all the manager could say was,
• link two related clauses that could
“Better eat it quickly then,” which
otherwise be joined with ‘and’
wasn’t very helpful.’
or ‘but’, eg Some people do their
‘I will not be coming back,’ she said, best work in the morning; others
‘even if they beg me.’ are at their best in the afternoon.

The Write Stuff | 55

The chief virtue that
language can have
is clarity.
Problem words
Problem words A–C

This chapter deals with words that are commonly misused, misspelt
or otherwise abused. If you can’t find what you’re looking for
anywhere else in this guide, look here.

affect/effect anyone/any one

Both are commonly used as verbs One word when referring to
but mean different things. To affect a person, eg Is anyone there?
means ‘to influence’ or ‘to adopt a Otherwise, two words, eg He
pose, assume the manner of’ (as received three job offers, any one
in ‘affectation’): of which would have suited him.

This weather affected my mood; he

centre on/around
affected indifference.
Use ‘centre on’ and
To effect means ‘to bring about’
‘revolve around’.
or ‘accomplish’:

The council effected a change to the compare to/with

rubbish collection rota.
Use ‘compare to’ to liken things, eg
Only ‘effect’ is commonly used as a Shall I compare thee to a summer’s
noun (‘affect’ as a noun relates to day?; He compared Jenny to her
emotional state and is used only in mum. (He felt Jenny to be similar to
a narrow psychological context): her mum.)

The effects of the hurricane were felt Use ‘compare with’ to consider
across the island. similarities or differences, eg He
compared Jenny with her mum.
among/amongst (He assessed the two women’s
relative merits.)
Use ‘among’.

58 | The Write Stuff

Problem words C–D

complement/ continual/continuous
A continual buzzing is a noise
The first means ‘to support, make that happens repeatedly but not
whole or expand’, eg This project constantly. Continuous buzzing
complements the work we did doesn’t stop.
last year. The second means
‘to encourage or praise’, eg He data
complimented Jenny.
Treat ‘data’ as singular, eg Send
Likewise, ‘complimentary’ and me this data (not these data).
‘complementary’ have different Technically ‘data’ is plural, as is
meanings. Complementary ‘agenda’. But nobody uses the
therapy supports or broadens singular ‘agendum’, and the
existing treatment; complimentary singular ‘datum’ likewise comes
treatment is free. across as pedantic.

comprise dependant/dependent
No ‘of’ with ‘comprise’, eg The Your dependants are the ones
group comprises a trainer, an who depend on you, such as
accountant and a salesperson. your family. Dependent means
‘contingent upon’, eg The contract
Or try ‘consists of’ instead, eg The
renewal is dependent on your
group consists of a trainer, an
accountant and a salesperson.

The Write Stuff | 59

Problem words D–H

disinterested/ ‘h’ at the beginning

uninterested of a word
If you’re disinterested in Use ‘an’ before a word beginning
something, you are impartial and with a silent ‘h’, eg ‘an hour’, but ‘a
have no stake in the outcome. If hostage’ and ‘a hotel’.
you’re uninterested, you simply
couldn’t care less. however
Punctuation around ‘however’
depends on how you use it. Where
Use ‘fewer’ for countable things it is an aside, put commas around
and ‘less’ for uncountable things, eg it. However, if it starts a new point
There are fewer bottles but less milk. (as it does here), it must follow a
full stop or semicolon and not a
Sometimes the boundaries are
comma. Consider these examples:
blurred, eg It is less than ten miles
to London. Here, the ten miles is These things, however, are bound
thought of as one total distance, to happen.
rather than ten units of one mile.
These things are bound to happen;
Apply common sense if in doubt.
however, we must find a solution.

focusing/focussing However, these things are bound

to happen.
Both are correct. Use the version
with one ‘s’. However these things happen, we
must find a solution.

60 | The Write Stuff

Problem words I–S

-ise/-ize practice/practise
Use the standard British In UK English, ‘practice’ is the noun,
convention of -ise where ‘practise’ the verb, eg I need to do
there’s a choice, eg realise, my piano practice, because I need
organise, apologise. to practise playing the piano.

lead/led presently
The regular past tense and past This means ‘soon’, not ‘at present’.
participle of ‘to lead’ is ‘led’, not
‘lead’. ‘Lead’ (as a noun) is what you principal/principle
used to find in a pencil or a piece
‘Principal’ is a noun or adjective
of piping.
that means ‘main’ or ‘chief’, eg
the principal of the college; the
principal point. ‘Principle’ is a
In UK English, this means ‘for noun that means ‘fundamental
a moment’, eg I momentarily characteristic, belief or doctrine’,
lost my bearings. In US English, eg the principle of free speech.
momentarily commonly means ‘at
any moment’, eg I’ll finish supersede
this momentarily. Stick to the
Spelt with an ‘s’ not a ‘c’.
UK version.

The Write Stuff | 61

Problem words T–W

In general, use ‘that’ to define and
‘which’ to explain or inform:

The report that was published last year

was excellent.

Here, ‘that’ defines the report we’re

talking about, ie the one that was
published last year, not the one
that was published the year before.

The report, which was published last

year, has been accepted.

Here, ‘which’ introduces

information not central to the
meaning of the sentence: we could
remove the middle section and it
would still make sense, just as we
could if it were in brackets.

So ‘which’ qualifies and usually

follows a comma.

Use ‘while’.

62 | The Write Stuff


Page numbers in bold show Colons 41, 42, 48, 51, 55
where the subject is explored
Commas 45, 46, 48, 52, 55, 60, 62
in more depth
Cultures, writing for different 28,
Abbreviations 10, 46, 48, 50
use when writing for a global
audience 34 Dashes 47, 52

Acronyms 10, 48 Dates, how to write 47

use when writing for a global
Editing 6, 10, 13
audience 34
Active voice 9, 13, 23
attachments 27, 28
Ampersands 49 subject lines 27
tips on writing 25–29
Apostrophes 47, 48, 49
Em-rule 52
Audience, writing for a global 33–37
En-rule 47, 52
Bold 42
Exclamation marks 53
Brackets 48, 50, 62
Extracts 42, 51
Brand names 43
Fonts 41
Bullets 41, 51
Full stops 20, 41, 48, 50, 53, 55, 60
Capital letters 42, 44–45, 48
Grammar 9
Captions 42
Headings 40, 42
Colloquialisms 35

The Write Stuff | 63


House style 39–55 Proofreading

tips on 13
Hyperlinks 18–19
when writing emails 29
Hyphens 46, 47, 53, 54
Punctuation 41, 45, 48–55, 60
Italics 43
Question marks 54
Jargon 10, 30, 31
Quotation marks 55
Jargon buster 30–31
Quotes 42, 51, 52, 55
Keywords 18
Readability principles 7–13, 20
Layout 18, 40 be direct 8, 23
use the active voice 9, 23
Lists 41, 51, 52
keep it short and simple 10–11,
Lower case 41, 44, 45, 51 28, 37
stick to one sentence, one idea
Management-speak 11, 30
Nouns 10, 11, 49, 53, 58, 61 proof it! 13

Numbers, writing 46–47 Reader-centred writing 6–7, 13, 16

Paragraphs Semicolons 51, 55, 60

length 12, 13
use when writing for the web 20
email writing 28
Passive voice 9 house 39–55
writing 7
Percentages 47
Spelling 57–62
Planning your writing 6
Subheads 6, 13, 18, 20, 28, 40, 42
Problem words 57–62
use when writing for the web 18

64 | The Write Stuff


Tables 42

clear writing 5–13
proofreading 13
writing for a global audience

Underlining 42
use when writing for the web 19

Upper case 29, 44–45

Verbs 10, 11, 37, 58, 61

Web, writing for the 15–23

Website visitors 16–17, 18

Writing training 66

The Write Stuff | 65

Who are we? —

Who are we?

At Emphasis, we know that agencies, such as the Home
business writing is something Office, the Cabinet Office, HMRC,
that, worldwide, millions of people the Environment Agency, Natural
struggle with. So we’ve made it our England and Dstl; household
mission to help them. names, including M&S, Nestlé,
Coca-Cola, Royal Mail and Warner
Since 1998, we’ve helped more
Bros; and major professional-
than 30,000 people write better
services firms, such as EY, PwC,
documents, email and web content
KPMG, Deloitte, Grant Thornton,
– mainly through the 3,000 courses
Accenture, Slaughter and May, and
that we’ve run for organisations
Linklaters. We also work with much
across the globe.
smaller organisations – and with
Because we’re specialists, we individuals, through our regular
can create bespoke in-company public courses.
courses in any area of written
To find out more, go to
communication, from how to reply, where
to a complaint email through to
you can get more advice on how to
how to write a bid for a national
improve your writing at work.
rail franchise. Our in-house team of
experts includes specialists in report
writing, preparing speeches for
senior executives and writing English
for speakers of other languages.

We work with a huge range of

organisations in the public and
private sectors. These include
government departments and

66 | The Write Stuff

Making words work
Writing is one of the most time-consuming tasks we perform at
work. It’s also one of the most critical. Meetings come and go.
Phone calls are forgotten. But documents and emails last. Yet most
of us receive little guidance on how to write effectively. And much
of what we do receive is misguided or just plain wrong. This short
guide gives you the very essence of how to write well at work. Read
it, keep it by your computer and use it to create documents and
emails that do you justice.

® | +44 (0)1273 732888 | [email protected]

ISBN 9780956481023

9 780956 481023

$29 US / €24 / £19

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