Initial Learning Plan Directions 2

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The Learning Plan is a tool designed to provide you with direction & guidance as you begin and during
your internship. The Learning Plan should be considered a “living document” – to be revisited frequently
as a way of gauging your progress.

Submit the Initial Learning Plan* on eLearn

by 11:00pm on the date noted on the semester Agenda & on the eLearn page
*The final Learning Plan is to be included in the student portfolio

Components of the Learning Plan

~ Goals/Skills/Objectives: What do you want to learn, know, understand, or put into practice?
These goals should be identified based on your long-term career objective, understanding of the
industry, &/or recognized skills needed to enter your career field. Using action words (determine,
develop, demonstrate, etc.) will help drive your objectives.
For example: “Improve my communication skills”; “Strengthen problem-solving skills”;
“Develop cultural awareness & put it into practice”

~ Means: How will accomplish your goals? What tools will you need to access?
For example: “Meet weekly with supervisor to discuss professional writing skills”; “Attend
a professional development workshop on grant writing”; “Participate in a webinar on the use
of social media”

~ Assessment: How will you know if you have met your goals? Will this be a subjective
determination? Is there a relevant skills assessment tool?
For example: “Seek verbal feedback from supervisor every other week”; “Create a press
release for supervisor review”; “Complete an on-line communication ability assessment”


Identify two job/career objectives or skills this internship will help the student develop.

1. Goal/Objective: Develop proper office etiquette

Means: Being around the office and learning the proper dress code and actions
that are acceptable in the office.

Assessment: I hope to be able to walk into an office and feel confident about where
to go and how to act

2. Goal/Objective: Improve office skills and gain comfort in the office setting

Means: Continued work on the computer and with different programs throughout
the internship

Assessment: By the end of the year I plan to be able to work through different data
bases and feel comfortable working with spreadsheets and other office duties
 Supervisor goals (What does the supervisor want the intern to learn/accomplish?)

Gain office experience and office tool practice along with the completion of an excel document containing a
chamber list for the Museum
 Supervisor expectations (What does the supervisor expect from the student?)
Assist in daily office operations and aid in the merger of two large databases into one system.

 How can the supervisor & intern collaborate to help obtain these objectives?
o I work with the two ladies in the office and clean up different databases or documents to
make them look presentable and prepare them for entering the system. If there is extra
work that they cannot get to I fill in and make the work load lighter.

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