Lahore University of Management Sciences MKTG 222 - Retail Management
Lahore University of Management Sciences MKTG 222 - Retail Management
Lahore University of Management Sciences MKTG 222 - Retail Management
Course Basics
Credit Hours 3
Lecture(s) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week 2 Duration 1 hour 15 minutes each
Recitation/Lab (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week N/A Duration N/A
Tutorial (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week N/A Duration N/A
Course Distribution
Elective Yes
Open for Student Category Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores
Close for Student Category All freshmen
Course Description
‘Retailing’ is a part of place/distribution section of overall Marketing process which involves activities related to selling to end customers. ‘Retail
Management’ is one of the key marketing specialization subjects which aims at providing a clear understanding of retailing and marketing
strategies applicable at the retail level. The retailers like IKEA and Walmart have become brand icons. The subject is in high demand due to growing
retail industry in Pakistan as global retail giants have started entering the market, therefore ‘Retailing’ offers one of the best career opportunities
for today’s graduates and knowledge of this field carries high importance and provides a competitive advantage.
Course Prerequisite(s)
Course Objectives
The course is designed to introduce students to basic concepts of retailing and to enable them to see through interlinkages
among these concepts. In addition, it aims to develop them as independent readers of the discipline so that they can manage
retail operations in their own unique way. For this reason, the course not only uses the text book, but also a retail simulation,
and a retail project which provide them an opportunity to apply their knowledge on simulated and real world situations.
Lahore University of Management Sciences
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
Indicate below how the course learning objectives specifically relate to any program learning goals and objectives.
Program Learning Goals and Objectives Course Learning Objectives Course Assessment Item
Goal 1 –Effective Written and Oral Oral: Students are supposed to actively Class Participation and Retail Project
Communication participate in the class and deliver
professional oral presentation.
Written: Students submit one report and one
presentation (with comments) that involve
substantial level of writing
Goal 2 –Ethical Understanding and Reasoning N/A Quizzes and Exam
Goal 3 – Analytical Thinking and Problem Students polish this skills by (i) conducting Retail Simulation, Retail Project
Solving Skills brand audit and (ii) by designing solution
experiments in their project
Goal 4 – Application of Information
Lahore University of Management Sciences
Goal 5 – Teamwork in Diverse and The course lays strong emphasis on team Retail Simulation, Retail Project
Multicultural Environments work by getting them involved in two different
Goal 6 – Understanding Organizational N/A Quizzes, Exams
Goal 7 (a) – Discipline Specific Knowledge and Exhaustive coverage of important marketing Class participation, Retail Simulation, Retail
Understanding topics Project, Quizzes, and Exam
Goal 7 (b) – Understanding the “science” This courses takes a ‘scientific’ approach to Class participation, Retail Simulation, Retail
behind the decision-making process branding by describing how we can structure Project, Quizzes, and Exam
our management of brands and make them
more efficient.
Examination Detail
Yes/No: No
Combined/Separate: N/A
Duration: N/A
Preferred Date: N/A
Exam Specifications: N/A
Yes/No: Yes
Combined/Separate: N/A
Final Exam
Duration: 120 minutes
Exam Specifications: Objective + Subjective
Teaching Methodology
The course utilizes a mixture of interactive lecture, case discussions, retail simulation, and project-related team activities. For retail simulation
and retail project, students will form teams of five. They will be given prior information regarding the topics/cases/readings to be discussed in the
next session so that they come prepared.
Course Overview
Recommended CLO
Week# Topics Objectives
Part-1 (Introduction) Chapter-1, 2 (Text) Introducing the field of Retailing; 1, 2
Introduction to Class establishing and maintaining retailer
Course Outline relationships with other channel
1 members and customers.
Introduction to Retaining
Building Relationships in Retaining
Part-4 (Choosing a Store Location) Chapter-9 (Text) Devising an overall retail strategy, i.e. 5
Trading-Area Analysis selecting a store location, managing a
6 business, merchandise management
and pricing, and communicating with
the customers.
Part-4 (Choosing a Store Location) Chapter-10 (Text) Devising an overall retail strategy, i.e., 5
Site Selection selecting a store location, managing a
business, merchandise management
and pricing, and communicating with
the customers.
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Part-6 (Merchandise Management and Pricing) Chapter-14 (Text) Devising an overall retail strategy, i.e., 5
Developing Merchandise Plans selecting a store location, managing a
8 business, merchandise management
and pricing, and communicating with
the customers.
Part-6 (Merchandise Management and Pricing) Chapter-17 (Text) Devising an overall retail strategy, i.e., 5
Pricing in Retailing selecting a store location, managing a
9 business, merchandise management
and pricing, and communicating with
the customers.
Part-7 (Communicating) Chapter-18 (Text) Devising an overall retail strategy, i.e., 5
Establishing a Retail Image selecting a store location, managing a
10 business, merchandise management
and pricing, and communicating with
the customers.
Part-7 (Communicating) Chapter-19 (Text) Devising an overall retail strategy, i.e., 5
Promotional Strategy selecting a store location, managing a
11 Customer Service business, merchandise management
and pricing, and communicating with
the customers.
Part-8 (Managing a Retail Business) Chapter-11(Text) Setting-up a Retail business. 6
Retail and HRM
Financial Dimensions
Retail Audit
Guest Speaker Session Setting-up a Retail business. 6
The Retail Set-up Challenge (RSC) Setting-up a Retail business. 6
Final Exam
Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings
Retail Management, Barry Berman, Joel Evans, 10th Edition, Pearson
Cesim Retail Simulation
Readings (Tentative)
Retail Format
Retail Store Layouts
Retail and Crime
Apple Stores
Terra Bite Lounge
DYOT (Do Your Own Thing) (Local Case)
IKEA Invades America