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Glulam Handbook

13. Fixing Details

Strictly speaking, the art of building in timber is the art of correctly joining one piece of timber to
another. Only with the aid of well thought-out and carefully made joints can the opportunities of
the material be used to the full. Good design and workmanship are characterized by, amongst
other things:

The route of forces through the joint is short and well-defined

Forces perpendicular to the grain are transferred over such a wide area that
strength is not exceeded (see 4.8)
Moisture movement can take place without leading to splits or damage (see 4.9)
Water- and dirt-collecting pockets are avoided.

13.1 Bolted Joints

Annex 4 shows the design carrying capacity of various screw diameters and glulam dimensions
laterally loaded joints with side pieces of steel. The values are calculated both in accordance
with EC 5 (ENV 1995:1-1) with NAD (Swedish).

13.2 Pinned column base

A pinned column base transfers horizontal and vertical forces. In principle, moments are not
transferred. It is however an advantage if fixtures and fixings have sufficient moment capacity to
be able to stabilise the column during erection. The connection should be designed in such a
way that changes in the inclination of the column are not prevented, since any restraining forces
here could give rise to splitting.

The fixtures are usually formed with external steel side plates nailed or screwed to the column.
Alternatively a steel shoe can be used to avoid direct contact between the foundation and the
column. If for aesthetic or fire safety reasons a hidden connection is desired a glued-in screw
can be a suitable alternative.

The connection to the foundation can be made in different ways: The fixture can be cast into the
concrete either direct or in pockets. They can also be welded to cast-in fixing plates. A third
alternative is to secure the fixture with expander screws or kemankare.

Ends of columns resting directly on concrete, brick/blockwork or other hygroscopic material

should be fitted with some kind of damp membrane, e.g. 3,2 mm oil tempered hardboard nailed
and glued to the column base, or a rubber membrane. For columns out of doors or in spaces
where water is regularly present, e.g. swimming pools, the connection with foundations shall be
designed so that the end of the column is protected from water and can dry out quickly if it
should become wet.

Fixtures are delivered separately except for glued-in screws which are always glued in the
factory. Holes in columns for screwed joints should preferably be drilled during erection. It is
thus possible to avoid fitting problems, specially with cast-in fixtures.

Design principles for four alternatives follow: stirrups of nailplate or flat steel, fishplate s of steel
angle, column shoes and glued-in bolts. The instructions apply mainly to the design of timber
and steel components. As regards the design of connecting concrete construction the
conditions are too varied to enable general rules to be given in this handbook. The reader is
instead referred to current concrete regulations.

Glulam Handbook

13.2.1 Fishplates of nailplate or flat steel

Pinned fixing with fishplates of nailplate or flat steel fixed to the sides of the column section is
simple and functional, and suitable for small and large horizontal forces (see figure 13.1).

The fixture can either be cast into the concrete or welded to a cast-in fixing plate. The transfer of
forces between concrete and cast-in fixtures can either take place though adhesion between
fishplate and concrete or through contact with a bent end of the fishplate, alternatively against
screw or reinforcement steel passing through a hole in the fishplate. In designing it cannot be
assumed that adhesion and contact co-act; the whole force must be taken either by adhesion or
by contact.

The transfer of forces between fishplate and glulam column can be made with nails, screws or
timber screws. Choice of fixing is made from aesthetic, economic, erection and strength or
stiffness requirements. Carrying capacity and stiffness in screw joints can be improved by using
connectors e.g. toothed plates (Bulldog). These should be fitted in the factory, as the pressing-
in demands special tools. Connectors should therefore be avoided in combination with cast-in
fixtures. It is not recommended to press in connectors using through screws, since the thread
and any galvanizing can be damaged.

Figure 13.1 Pinned fixing

of column foot with
fishplates of nailplate.
Principle sketch.

Pre-drilled nailplates of galvanized steel are not suitable for welding, as poisonous gases are
formed by the heating-up of the zinc coating. They should only be used when the fishplates are
fixed by being cast into the foundation.

Nailplates with different hole patterns and thickness can be ordered from special manufacturers
of perforated sheet steel. The cost is generally lowest when the holes are punched out, which
means that the thickness must not exceed the hole diameter. The holes should be about 1 mm
larger than the thickness of the nail.

Fishplates for screwed or bolted joints can suitably be made of steel plates. Thickness is
chosen from the standard range of 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 mm and shall be at least 0,3 times
the bolt diameter (0,4 times for connectors). The holes are drilled 1 mm larger than the bolt

Glulam Handbook

In the design the fishplate is regarded as a cantilever rigidly fixed in the foundation, loaded with
a horizontal force and, where appropriate with a vertical force (uplift), both acting at the centre
of the screw, bolt or nail group.

Downward vertical forces in the column are in general assumed to be transferred directly to the
foundation by contact pressure. If contact pressure cannot be achieved, the vertical force
should also be taken into account in the design of the fishplate.

The design condition for fixing a single fishplate in the column is:

Formula 13.1

Fx = 0,5Vd /n
Fy = 0,5Hd /n
n = number of fixings per fishplate
Rvd = design carrying capacity for a nail or screw/bolt in shear
Hd = design horizontal force per fishplate
Vd = design vertical force (uplift) per fishplate

Figure 13.2. Nailplate as a rigidly fixed


The design condition for an individual fishplate is:

Formula 13.2

fyd = design value of the tensile yield tension limit
= longitudinal stress and
= shear stress

calculated at the same point on the fishplate. If and are calculated with the Elastic Theory as
the starting point at the same time as a biaxial force condition applies, fyd in formula 13.2 can be
replaced by 1,1fyd

Glulam Handbook

The maximum longitudinal stress max exists in the tension edge of the fishplate and can be
calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.3

A and W are the cross-sectional area and the section modulus (respectively) of the fishplate.
The distance between the cross-section where it is fixed and the centre of the nail or screw/bolt
group is e. The shear stress at the same cross-sectional edge is 0. The effect of the screw/bolt
and nail holes on the capacity of the fishplate can be taken into account in formula 13.2 by
replacing fyd with fud and calculating the forces and from the net values of the cross-section
Anet and Wnet.

This means that the material is allowed to yield round the holes.

The maximum shear stress max acts on the level of the neutral axis in bending about the z-axis
and can be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.4

If the vertical force is transferred by contact pressure, the longitudinal stress = 0. In other
cases the longitudinal stress is calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.5

Thin fishplates are also checked for the risk of buckling at the compression edge of the plate.
This check can be carried out according to Eurocode 3, Design of Steel Structures (EN 1993).
The reduction factor, b, is determined from the slenderness parameter b of the fishplate,
which is calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.6

fyk = characteristic value of the tensile yield tension limit of the steel
Ek = characteristic value of the Module of Elasticity
t = thickness of fishplate
c = width of fishplate.

Other symbols, see figure 13.2.

For steel with fyk = 270 N/mm 2, the risk of buckling need not be checked if the thickness of the
fishplate fulfils the condition.

Formula 13.7

For nailplates the distance e in the formulae 13.6 and 13.7 can be replaced by the length of the
free edge a from the cross-section where the fishplate is fixed to the first row of nails (see figure

The design condition covering anchorage through bonding of the individual fishplate cast into
the foundation is:

Glulam Handbook

Formula 13.8


Vd = 2sLfcv

s = 2(c + t)
t = thickness of plate
fcv = design value of bond strength

Other symbols as in figure 13.2.

For concrete of strength class K25, the characteristic value of adhesion can be taken as:

fcvk = 1,2 N/mm2 for flat steel and 3,5 N/mm2 for punched steel plate.

The surrounding concrete structure is designed according to Eurocode 2, Design of Concrete

Structures (EN 1992).

If the connection to the foundation consists of welding to a cast-in fixing plate, the conditions for
good workmanship should be considered. It is usually impossible to weld from both sides of the
fishplate. If the fishplate is chamfered and butt welded throughout, its carrying capacity does not
need to be checked. If however the fishplate is fillet welded to the fixing plate the strength of the
weld must be checked according to Eurocode 3. The size of the fillet weld shall be at least 3
mm. If it is not over 5 mm, it can be laid in one operation.

If the welded joint between the fishplate and the fixing plate is utilised to more than 70%, some
regulations demand that the weld be checked by non-destructive testing, e.g. X-Ray. Due to the
risk of lamellar tearing of the fixing plate it is often demanded that, if utilised to over 50%, it must
have verified properties in the direction of thickness, or be checked ultrasonically. It is therefore
often practical to make the fixing plate of (ultrasonically) controlled material and to limit the
utilisation in the fishplate in formula 13.2 to 70% while at the same time designing the weld so
that it is as strong as the fishplate.

The width and length of the cast-in fixing plate are as a rule determined by the size of the
glulam column and the amount of space needed for the fixture and its fixing, with the necessary
permitted deviations. The thickness is determined so that the bending stress in the fixing plate
does not exceed the design strength value.

13.2.2 Steel angle fixture

A pinned connection with fixtures of steel angle section screwed to the sides of the column is a
simple and appropriate method suitable for small horizontal forces (see figure 13.3). The
fixtures are bolted into the foundation with expansion bolts or adhesive anchors, which permits
exact measurement and reduces the risk of incorrect placing. Symmetrical placing is
recommended, with an angle on either side of the column.

The transfer of forces between the angles and the glulam column is by bolts or wood screws, if
necessary combined with connectors. Connectors should be factory-fitted.

Glulam Handbook

Various types of angle fixture, intended to be fixed with expansion bolts to the concrete
construction below, are manufactured and sold by a number of firms. The fixtures can also be
specially made of folded steel sheet or of rolled steel sections.

Figure 13.3 Pinned fixing

of column base with steel
angle fixture. Principles.


In the design the vertical part of the angle is regarded as a cantilever rigidly fixed in the
foundation, loaded with a horizontal force and in certain cases with a vertical force (uplift), both
acting in the centre of the group of bolts (see figure 13.4). Downward vertical forces in the
column are transferred direct to the foundation by contact pressure.
Fixing in the column and the vertical flange of the angle are checked in the same way as for
fishplates of nailplate of flat steel (13.2.1).

The design condition for the horizontal flange of the angle is:

Formula 13.9

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of steel
= longitudinal stress
= shear stress
calculated at the same point on the flange.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.4 Fixture of steel angle. Symbols.

If and are calculated with the Elastic Theory as the starting point at the same time as a
biaxial stress condition applies, fyd in formula 13.9 can be replaced by 1,1fyd.

The maximum longitudinal stress max occurs at points A and B and can be calculated using:

Formula 13.10

Hd and Vd are the total design horizontal reaction and the upward vertical reaction from the
Wx and Wy are the section module of the flanges
D is given in figure 13.4.
The shear stress = 0 at points A and B.

If the upward vertical force is small, the maximum shear stress max occurs halfway between
points A and B and can be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.11

A = cross-sectional area
Wv = torsion constant of the flange (=Ax t/3)
e is given in figure 13.4.

The longitudinal stress at the same point on the cross-section can be calculated using the

Formula 13.12

If only one expansion bolt per fixture is used the moment of eccentricity 0,5Hd×b is taken up by
the column. The design condition regarding the contact pressure between the column and the
fixture is then:

Formula 13.13


Glulam Handbook

fc90d = design value of the compression strength of the glulam column perpendicular to the grain.
a1 = the width of the vertical compressive block diagram

Other symbols are given in figure 13.4.

The width of the compressive block diagram a1 can be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.14

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of steel
t = thickness of the fixture.

The design condition for the fixing of the horizontal flange of the angle in the foundation is:

Formula 13.15

Fv = 0,5Hd/n and
F1 = (0,5Vd + F)/ n.
Rvd = design strength value in shear for the expansion bolt
Rtd = design value of the withdrawal strength of the expansion bolt
n = number of expander bolts per fixture
F = withdrawal force caused by eccentricity of horizontal force Hd x e.

With symbols as in figure 13.4, F can be calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.16

The width of the horizontal compressive block diagram a2 can be calculated by the formula

Formula 13.17

fcc is the design value of the strength of the concrete in local compression.

The design condition for contact pressure between concrete and the angle fixture is:

Formula 13.18

For concrete of strength class K25 the characteristic value of compressive strength can be
taken as fcck = 30 N/mm2, provided the distance to the edge or other factors do not reduce the

The surrounding concrete is designed according to Eurocode 2 (EN 1992).

13.2.3 Base shoes

For pinned fixtures out of doors, or on floors where water is regularly present, base shoes are a
suitable alternative since they prevent absorption of water through the butt end of the column
(see figure 13.5). The fixture should be designed with drainage holes to eliminate the risk of

Glulam Handbook

standing water in the fixture itself.

The fixture consists of a short piece of U-section and a fixing rod. As a rule, part of the rod is
cast into the slab, direct or in a pocket, but it can also be welded to a fixing plate cast into the
slab. If the forces are small, a solid rod, e.g. a reinforcement rod, can be used, but round or
square hollow sections are common.

Figure 13.5 Pinned fixing

of column foot using
steel base shoe.
Principle sketch.

Base shoes are available as standard products from several fixture manufacturers.

The transfer of forces between concrete and the cast-in rod or hollow section is either by
adhesion between the metal and the concrete or by contact pressure with a washer and nut at
the cast-in end of the rod. In designing it cannot be assumed that adhesion and contact
pressure will co-act; the whole force must be taken up either by adhesion or by contact
The transfer of forces between the U-section and the glulam column is by nails or screws/bolts.
The latter can if necessary be combined with connectors, which should be fitted in the factory
(see 13.2.1 above).


In designing, the vertical part of the base shoe is regarded as a rigidly fixed cantilever, loaded
with a horizontal force and in certain cases with a vertical force (uplift), both acting at the centre
of the group of nails or screws/bolts. Downward vertical forces are transferred from the column
to the base shoe by contact pressure and further through the rod/section to the foundation. The
rod/section is designed with regard to buckling and to bending moments caused by horizontal

The connection between the column and the sides of the U-section is checked in the same way
as with fishplates of nailplate or flat steel in 13.2.1.

If the U-section is loaded with horizontal forces and upward vertical forces the same check of
the web of the U-section is carried out as for angle fixtures in 13.2.2. If downward vertical forces
exist the carrying capacity of the web is checked against the condition:

Glulam Handbook

Formula 13.19

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the U-section
= longitudinal stress and
= shear stress calculated at the same point on the U-section

If and are calculated with the Elastic Theory as the starting point at the same time as a
biaxial stress condition applies, fyd in formula 13.19 can be replaced by 1,1 fyd.

The maximum longitudinal stress max occurs at the edge of the fixture in cross-section A-A and
can be calculated using:

Formula 13.20

Hd and Vd
are critical horizontal and downward vertical forces respectively, calculated per column
Wx and Wy
are the section modulus of the web.

Other symbols are given in figure 13.6.

The shear stress at the same point is 0.

Figure 13.6. Base shoe in the form of a U-

section. Symbols.

The maximum shear stress max occurs at the same level as the neutral zone in bending about
the y-axis and can be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.21

Glulam Handbook

A is the area of the web of the U-section.

The longitudinal stress at the top and bottom of the web, calculated at a cross-section through
the rod/hollow section is:

Formula 13.22

For the shear stress at the same point, the following applies:

Formula 13.23

Wv is the torsion constant of the web (=Axt/3)
Distance e1 is shown in figure 13.6.

The design condition with regard to contact pressure between the column and the fixture is:

Formula 13.24

fcd = critical value of the compressive strength of the glulam column parallel with the grain.
c = length of the U- section
b = width of column

The risk of punching-through in the U-section is checked using formula 13.19. The longitudinal
stress is assumed to be 0 and the shear stress calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.25

s = circumference/perimeter of the rod/section
t = thickness of the web of the U-section

The weld between the U-section and the rod/hollow section is a butt weld and a calculation
check of its strength is not required. If the utilisation of the weld is limited to 70%, the
workmanship need not be checked ultrasonically or by other means.

The carrying capacity of the rod/section is checked with the aid of the design condition (13.19),
The maximum longitudinal stress occurs at the fixing section (intersection of the rod/ screw with
the concrete surface) and is calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.26

A = cross-sectional area of rod/section
W2 = section modulus of the rod/section
e1 and e2 are shown in figure 13.6.

The shear stress at the point of maximum longitudinal stress is 0.

Maximum shear occurs in the neutral zone and is calculated using the formula:

Glulam Handbook

Formula 13.27

A = cross-sectional area
k = 1,5 for square solid cross-section
k 1,3 for circular, solid cross-section
k 2,0 for circular tube
k 2,5 for square tube

Longitudinal stress at the same point is 0.

Buckling of the rod/section is checked against Eurocode 3, Design of Steel Structures (EN
1993). The reduction factor for buckling c depends on the slenderness of the rod/section c
which is:

Formula 13.28

fyk = characteristic value of yield tension limit
Ek = characteristic value of modulus of elasticity
i = radius of inertia

For steel whose fyk = 270 N/mm2, the risk of buckling need not be checked if the free length of
the rod/section fulfils the condition:

Formula 13.29

The design condition regarding fixing by adhesion of the rod/section cast into the foundation is:

Formula 13.30

Vd = fcv s L
s = perimeter of rod/section
L = length cast-in
fcv = design value of the adhesion strength

Wpl = plastic section modulus of the rod/section

d = diameter of the rod/section
fcc = design value of the compressive strength of concrete regarding local pressure
fst = design value of bending strength of rod/section material

Other symbols are shown in figure 13.6.

For concrete of strength class K25 the characteristic value of adhesive strength can be taken as
follows, provided the edge distance or other factors do not reduce the strength:

fcvk = 1,2 N/mm2 for plain rods or sections without fixing at the end

Glulam Handbook

fcvk = 4,2 N/mm2 for ribbed rods

fcck = 30 N/mm2

The surrounding concrete construction is designed in accordance with current concrete


If the connection to the foundation is made with a cast-in fixing plate the weld and the fixing
plate must be checked as for fishplates of nailplate or flat steel (see 13.2.1).

13.2.4 Glued-in bolts

Pinned fixing with glued-in bolts is a completely hidden fixing, something which can be desirable
for aesthetic, fire and other reasons (see figure 13.7).

Glued-in bolts cannot be used in climate class 3, or in structures subject to dynamic loads or
fatigue loads. The gluing operation is always carried out in the factory.

The connection to the foundation is as a rule designed with an end plate on the column, which
is welded to a fixing plate cast into the foundation. The end plate is threaded on to the glued-in
bolt. If several glued-in bolts per column end are required the end plate can suitably be welded
to them. If the connection is designed with projecting bolts intended to be cast into pockets, the
bolts must be protected against damage during transport. The column must be braced until the
concrete has hardened.

Figure 13.7 Pinned fixing of

column base with glued-in
bolt. Principle.

The normal version with only one glued-in bolt per column hardly permits moments to be taken
up and assumes that the column is braced until the structure has been stabilised.

If several glued-in bolts are required, they shall be placed as near each other as possible as the
shortest permitted distance allows.

The number of bolts, their dimensions and glued-in lengths are determined with regard to

Glulam Handbook

horizontal forces and any uplift forces. Downward vertical forces can be transferred direct to the
foundation by contact pressure.
The design condition for a bolt glued into a column is:

Formula 13.31

Fv = Hd / n and Ft= Vd / n
Hd = design horizontal force per column
Vd = design vertical force (uplift) per column
n = number of glued-in bolts per column
Rvd = design carrying capacity of bolt in shear, calculated as below or according to Eurocode 5
(EN 1995-1-1)
Rtd = design carrying capacity of bolt in axial tension, calculated as below or according to
Eurocode 5.

The characteristic carrying capacity in shear Rvk can be calculated by the following formula:

Formula 13.32

d = diameter of the bolt
fyk = characteristic value of the yield tension limit of the bolt

Formula 13.32 applies on condition that the glued-in length of the bolt is at least 8d, the
distance to the edge at least 4d and the distance between bolts at least 4d.

Formulae for calculating the characteristic value of the carrying capacity Rtk against withdrawal
are given e.g. in Eurocode 5.The critical carrying capacity may be calculated from the following

Formula 13.33

d = nominal bolt diameter
L = glued in length (but max 350 mm)
Anet = stress area
fbuk = characteristic value of ultimate strength of the bolt material
r = modification factor which takes into account effects of moisture content and duration of
n = partial coefficient for safety class if relevant

The glued-in length should be sufficiently large for the bolt to yield before it is withdrawn. For
steel with a yield tension limit of 350 N/mm2 this means that the glued-in length must be at least
19d. This assumes that the distance between bolts is at least 3d. This can be reduced to 2d, but
check that the whole group of bolts is not pulled out.

The design condition with regard to the strength of concrete for a bolt glued into the foundation
without end anchorage can be written:

Formula 13.34

Rtd = fcv . s . L

Glulam Handbook

s = circumference of bolt
L = length of cast-in part
Fcv = design value of strength of adhesion
Wpl = d3/6 = plastic section modulus of bolt
d = diameter of bolt
fcc = design value of the compressive strength of concrete in local pressure
fst = design value of bending strength in the material of the bolt

The characteristic value of the strength of adhesion can be taken as fcvk = 3,5 N/mm2 for
threaded bolts, cast into concrete of strength class K25. The cover and the clear space between
rods are assumed to be 2,5 Ø and 5 Ø respectively. If these distances are reduced, the
adhesion is also reduced, which usually gives unpractical long casting-in lengths. If there is
more than one glued-in bolt in the fixture it is therefore often suitable to provide the bolts with
end anchorage designed to take the whole withdrawal force.

The surrounding concrete structure is designed in accordance with Eurocode 2 (EN 1992).

If the connection with the foundation is made with a circular end plate threaded on to the bolt,
which is welded to a cast-in fixing plate as in figure 13.8, this should be designed to ensure
workmanship which is as good as possible. The diameter of the end plate should then be not
more than 20—50 mm less than the smaller dimension of the column. For the same reasons the
thickness of the plate should be at least 15 mm.

The design condition for the fillet weld between the end plate and the cast-in fixing plate is:

Formula 13.35

FR// and FRa are the design carrying capacities of the weld in longitudinal and transverse
directions respectively. The characteristic value of the carrying capacity longitudinally and
laterally can be calculated using the following formulae:

Formula 13.36

Formula 13.37

fwd = design strength value of the weld
a = size of the weld
D = diameter of the end plate.

Because of the risk of lamellar tearing in the fixing plate and to any requirements on checking of
the weld, the degree of utilisation in formula 13.35 should not exceed 70% and if possible be
limited to 50%. As a rule the weld between the end plate and the fixing plate will not be critical if
the size is 3 mm.

The cast-in fixing plate is checked as for fishplates of nailplate or flat steel (see 13.2.1)

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.8 Fixing with end plate welded to fixing plate cast into the foundation.

13.3 Rigidly fixed column base

A rigidly fixed column base transfers moments in addition to horizontal and vertical forces.
Rigidly fixed columns can be used to stabilise the building structure against horizontal forces.
e.g. wind loads and braking loads from hoist blocks and traversers.

The moisture characteristics of the timber and its low strength at right angles to the grain in
comparison with its bending strength mean that columns, specially rigidly fixed columns of
glulam require special care in detail design in order to achieve a satisfactory fixing. The fixtures
can be designed as external steel fishplates nailed or screwed/bolted to the column. If a hidden
fixing is desired for aesthetic or fire reasons, glued-in bolts are a suitable alternative. However,
glued-in bolts are only suitable for relatively small end moments. For large end moments steel
fishplates with nailed or screwed joints are used.

The connection to the foundation can be designed in different ways. Columns with fixtures can
be placed on bolts anchored in the foundation. Fixtures can also be welded to cast-in fixing
plates. Alternatively the fixtures, e.g. glued-in bolts, can be placed in pockets in the foundation
and the intervening space filled with concrete.

Column bases directly on the concrete, brick or other capillary material should be given some
form of damp proofing, e.g. rubber membrane or 3,2 mm oil tempered board nailed and glued to
the butt end of the column. Out of doors or in places where water occurs, e.g. swimming pools,
the connection with the foundation shall be designed to protect the column base from water and
allow it to dry out quickly if it should get wet occasionally.

The fixtures are assumed to be fitted to the column before erection. This is normally done in the
factory, but for transport or other reasons they can be delivered separately to the site for fitting
before erection. Glued-in bolts are always inserted at the factory.

Design principles for two solutions – fishplates of nailplate or flat steel, and glued-in bolts – are
given below.

Glulam Handbook

13.3.1 Fish plates of nail plate or flat steel

Fixing with fishplates of nailplate or flat steel is a simple and cheap method, which can be used
for large moments. In contrast to the design of pinned column bases the fishplates are placed
on the narrow sides of the column (see figure 13.9).

The fixture can be designed with a baseplate for fixing with anchor bolts or without a baseplate
for welding to a cast-in fixing plate. When fixing with baseplates each fishplate can suitably have
its own baseplate. The same fixtures can then be used for columns of different cross-sectional

Figure 13.9. Rigidly fixed

column base with
fishplates of nail plate.

The fixture can also be designed to be cast into the foundation itself or into pockets in the
foundation. To avoid problems with concreting tolerances this solution should preferably be
used in conjunction with nails or wood screws.

The transfer of forces between fishplate and glulam column takes place with the aid of nails,
bolts or wood screws. To increase carrying capacity, bolts and wood screws can suitably be
combined with connectors. These should be fitted at the factory, since the pressing-in demands
special equipment. The nailed joint is the stiffest alternative and provides the most effective
transfer of forces per unit of area. The risk of splitting is however great if the specified nail
spacing is not followed. In a screwed/bolted fixture, bolts should be used if the depth (h) of the
column section is less than 500 mm. Wood screws are preferable for larger columns.

Pre-drilled nailplates of galvanized steel are not suitable for welding, as poisonous gases are
formed by the heating-up of the zinc coating. They should only be used when the fishplates are
fixed by being cast into the foundation. Nailplates with different hole patterns and thicknesses
can be ordered from special manufacturers of perforated sheet steel. The cost is generally
lowest when the holes are punched out, which means that the thickness must not exceed the
hole diameter. The holes should be about 1 mm larger than the thickness of the nail.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.10. Fishplates with baseplates.


Figure 13.11. Rigid fixing with fishplates.

Calculation model with compression stress
blocks. Symbols.

Fishplates for screwed or bolted joints can suitably be made of flat steel. Thicknesses are
chosen from the standard range of 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 mm and shall be at least 0,3 times
the bolt diameter (0,4 times for connectors). The holes are drilled 1 mm larger than the
screw/bolt diameter.

In designing it is assumed that the tension force from the fixing moment, and in certain cases
the vertical uplift, is transferred via the nail or screw/bolt joint to the fishplates and further to the
foundation. Compression force from the fixing moment and downward vertical force is
transferred to the foundation through contact pressure. Horizontal forces are transferred from
the column to the fishplate on the leeward side by contact pressure perpendicular to the grain.

The design condition for the fixing of the fishplate on the windward side is:

Glulam Handbook

Formula 13.38

Rvd = design value of carrying capacity of a nail or screw/bolt loaded in shear
n = number of nails or screws/bolts per fishplate
F = design tension force in the fishplate

F can be calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.39

where Vd = design value of vertical force per column (positive for compression, negative for
fcd = design value of compressive strength of glulam column in direction of grain
c = width of fishplate

For concrete of strength class K25, fcck can be taken as 30 N/mm2.

The length y of the compression stress block is calculated from the condition for moment
equilibrium at the end surface of the column, figure 13.11, and can be written:

Formula 13.40

Md = design value of end moment
h = cross-sectional depth of column

The condition that formulae 13.39 and 13.40 shall apply is that longitudinal stresses resulting
from the longitudinal force are considerably smaller than the bending stresses which are caused
by the end moment. Otherwise the contact pressure under the column will not be concentrated
to the compressed edge as has been assumed when deriving the formulae.

The design condition for the fishplates on the windward side is:

Formula 13.41

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the fishplate
A = cross-sectional area of fishplate

The possible effect of screw/bolt and nail holes is taken into account by replacing A with Anet
and fyd with fud, which means that the fishplate is allowed to plasticise round the holes.

The critical condition for the fishplates on the leeward side is:

Formula 13.42

Hd = design horizontal force per column
fc90d = design value of the compressive stress of the glulam column perpendicular to the grain
c = width of the fishplate

Glulam Handbook

The height of the compression stress block x is calculated using the Theory of Plasticity, based
on two plastic hinges being formed in the fishplate, and can be written:

Formula 13.43

t = thickness of the fishplate.

If the fishplate is fillet welded to the baseplate from both sides, the weld between the fishplate
on the windward side and the baseplate shall fulfil the condition:

Formula 13.44

FRa = design value of the lateral carrying capacity of the weld

FRa can be calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.45

fwd = design value of the strength of the weld
a = size of the weld, not less than 3 mm. Up to 5 mm can be laid in one run.
c = width of fishplate

If the welded joint between the fishplate and the baseplate is utilised to more than 70%, some
regulations demand that the weld be checked by non-destructive testing, e.g. X-Ray. Due to the
risk of lamellar tearing of the baseplate it is often demanded that if it is utilised to over 50%, it
must have verified properties in the direction of thickness, or be checked ultrasonically. It is
therefore often practical to make the fixing plate of (ultrasonically) controlled material and to limit
the utilisation in the fishplate in formula 13.41 to 70% while at the same time designing the weld
so that it is as strong as the fishplate.

The width and length of the baseplate are as a rule determined by the size of the glulam column
and the free space requirement and edge distance of the anchor bolts. The thickness is
determined so that the bending stress in the baseplate caused by tension forces in the anchor
bolts does not exceed the design strength value. For the baseplate in figure 13.10 the condition

Formula 13.46

ef = the lever as defined in figure 13.10
fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the baseplate
Wp = plastic section modulus of the baseplate
(Wp = bfxtf2/4)

Glulam Handbook

The carrying capacity of the anchor bolts with reference to the strength of the concrete can be
checked with the following formula:

Formula 13.47

Fv = 2Hd/n
Ft = F/n/2
Hd = design horizontal force per column
F = design force in bolt group in tension as in formula 13.39
n = number of glued-in bolts per column

The carrying capacity of the bolts can be calculated as for cast-in, glued-in bolts (see 13.2.4).
Rtd = fcvxsxL

s = circumference of bolt
L = cast-in length
Fcv = design value of bond strength
Wpl = d3/6 = Plastic section modulus of bolt
d = diameter of bolt
fcc = design value of the strength of the concrete in local compression
fst = design value of the strength of the material of the bolt in bending

The characteristic value of the bonding strength can be taken as fcvk = 3,5 N/mm2 for bolts with
annular threads, cast into concrete of strength class K25. The characteristic value of
compressive strength can be taken as fcck = 30 N/mm2.

If the fishplates are cast direct into the foundation the horizontal force is transferred through
contact pressure with the fishplate on the leeward side. The carrying capacity can be regarded
as sufficient if the conditions in formula 13.42 are satisfied.

If the withdrawal load is moderate the bond between concrete and steel can be utilised. Where
the tension forces are large both cast-in fishplates and cast-in ground bolts must be provided
with some type of end anchorage, in which case the bond is ignored and the whole load taken
by the anchorage.
The design condition regarding anchorage for a fishplate cast into the foundation on the
windward side (without end anchorage) is:

Formula 13.48

s = perimeter of the fishplate
L = cast-in length
fcv = design value of the bond strength.

For concrete of strength class K25, it can be assumed that

fck = 1,2 N/mm2 for flat steel and 3,5 N/mm2 for punched nail plate.

Glulam Handbook

13.3.2 Glued-in bolts

When glued-in bolts are used for fixing column bases the fixing is completely hidden (see figure
13.12), which in certain cases can be desirable for aesthetic, fire and other reasons. The
necessary edge distances and distances between bolts mean, however, that the moment
capacity of the column is poorly utilised. Fixing with glued-in bolts is therefore only suitable for
relatively small end moments.

Glued-in bolts may not be used in service class 3 or in structure subject to dynamic loads or
fatigue loads. The gluing-in process is always carried out in the factory.

The connection to the foundation can be designed either for casting-in direct in pockets in the
concrete, or with a steel base for welding to a cast-in fixing plate. If the connection is designed
with projecting bolts for direct casting-in, the bolts must be protected during transport and
erection. The column shall be braced until the concrete has hardened.

Figure 13.12 Rigidly

fixed column base with
glued-in bolt. Principles.

The number of bolts, their dimensions and gluing-in lengths are determined with regard to end
moments, horizontal forces and any uplift. Downward vertical forces in the column are
transferred direct to the foundation by contact pressure.

The design condition for an individual glued-in bolt is:

Formula 13.49

Fv = Hd/n
Ft = F/n/2
Hd = design value of horizontal force per column
F = design value of withdrawal force acting on the group of bolts in tension

Glulam Handbook

n = number of glued-in bolts

Rvd = design value of capacity per bolt in shear
Rtd = design value of carrying capacity per bolt against withdrawal

Rvd and Rtd can be calculated with the aid of formulae 13.32 and 13.33 respectively.

If the column is placed directly on the concrete structure, F can be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.50

Vd = design value of vertical force per column.
(Vd is positive for compression and negative for tension)
fcd = design value of the strength of the glulam column in compression in the direction of the
grain, but not more than the corresponding strength of concrete fcc in local compression

Other symbols, see figure 13.13.

For concrete of strength class K25 it can be assumed that fcck = 30 N/mm2.

Figure 13.13 Rigidly fixed column base with

glued-in bolt. Calculation model.

The extent y of the compression stress block is calculated from the condition for moment
equilibrium at the end surface of the column, which can be written:

Formula 13.51


Glulam Handbook

Md is the design value of the end moment.

If the connection is not direct with the concrete structure but with a steel base, the contact
pressure will be concentrated to its edges which are stiffened by side plates. In this case F can
instead be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.52

fcd = design value of the compression strength of the glulam column parallel to the grain.

Other symbols are to be found in figure 13.14.

The extent y of the compression stress block can be calculated from the condition for moment
equilibrium at the end surface of the column, which in this case is:

Formula 13.53


Formula 13.54

Formula 13.55

t = thickness of the steel base

Figure 13.14 Rigidly fixed column base with

glued-in bolts and steel base. Calculation

A condition for the application of the formulae 13.50—13.55 is that the longitudinal stresses
resulting from longitudinal forces are small in relation to the bending stresses that the end
moment causes in the contact surface. When moments are small, the contact pressure under
the column is not concentrated to the compression edge as has been assumed when deriving
the formulae.

If the bolts are cast-in direct in pockets in the concrete, the carrying capacity can be checked
regarding the strength of concrete as in 13.3.1, design condition (formula 13.47) and associated

The cover and the clear space between bolts are assumed to be 2,5 d and 5 d respectively. If
these distances are reduced, the bond is also reduced, which usually gives unpractical long
casting-in lengths. If there is more than one glued-in bolt in the fixture it is therefore often

Glulam Handbook

suitable to provide the bolts with end anchorage designed to take the whole withdrawal force.

The surrounding concrete structure is designed in accordance with Eurocode 2 (EN 1992).

If the connection to the foundation is in the form of a steel plinth this can with advantage be
made from half hollow square steel sections, which are available in a number of sizes and
thicknesses (see figure 13.5).

Figure 13.15 Steel base for rigidly fixed

columns with glued-in bolts.

The tension in the bolts causes bending moments in the base. The carrying capacity with regard
to bending stresses shall satisfy the condition:

Formula 13.56

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the steel plinth
Wp = plastic section modulus of plinth (Wp = t2/4)
mp = bending moment in plinth per unit of width

The bending moment mp is calculated using the Theory of Plasticity (see figure 13.16) and can
be written:

Formula 13.57

F = design value of withdrawal force as in formula 13.52
c and b can be found in figure 13.16.

Welding between the steel plinth and the cast-in fixing plate can only be done from the outside.
If the plinth is chamfered and butt welded throughout, the carrying capacity of the weld need not
be checked. If however the plinth is fillet welded to the cast-in fixing plate the stresses in the
welds must be checked. Tension and compression forces can then be assumed to be
transferred by the edge welds and lateral forces of the web welds.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.16 Steel bases. Calculation


The design condition for the weld between the edge and the fixing plate is:

Formula 13.58

FR = design value of carrying capacity of the weld in the lateral direction
FR can be calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.59

fwd = design value of the strength of the weld

The design condition for the weld between one edge and the fixing plate is:

Formula 13.60

FR// = design value of carrying capacity of the weld in longitudinal direction

FR// can be calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.61

where a = size of the weld.

If the degree of utilisation in formulae 13.60 and 13.58 is more than 70%, some regulations
demand that the weld be checked by non-destructive testing, e.g. X-Ray. Due to the risk of
lamellar tearing of the baseplate it is often demanded that if it is utilised to over 50%, it must
have guaranteed and verified properties in the direction of thickness, or be checked
ultrasonically. It is therefore often practical to make the fixing plate of (ultrasonically) controlled
material and to limit the utilisation in the welds in the formula to 70%. As a rule the weld
between steel base and fixing plate is not critical if the size is chosen as 3 mm.

The width and length of the cast-in fixing plate are as a rule determined by the size of the
glulam column and the amount of space needed for the fixture and its fixing, with the necessary
permitted deviations. The distribution of forces under the fixing plate is assumed (simplified) to
be comparable to a compression zone centred round the compression edge of the base, and a
tension force in the anchoring bolts. The thickness is determined so that the bending stress in
the fixing plate does not exceed the critical value of the yield tension limit of the fixing plate.
With symbols as in figure 13.17 the condition can be written as:

Formula 13.62

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the material of the fixing plate
Wp = bfxtf2/4 plastic section modulus of the fixing plate
F* = design value of the withdrawal force acting in the centre of the group of anchor bolts.

Glulam Handbook

F* can be calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.63

fcc = design value of the strength of the concrete in local compression
bf = width of the fixing plate

For concrete of strength class K25, it can be assumed that Fcc = 30 N/mm2.

The extent of the compression zone y is calculated from the condition for equilibrium of
moments and can, with symbols as in figure 13.17, be written:

Formula 13.64

Figure 13.17 Rigidly fixed column base with

glued-in bolts and steel base. Calculation

The compression zone must lie entirely within the edges of the fixing plate. Otherwise the
contact pressure between the fixing plate and the concrete will be critical and the fixing plate
must be increased in size.

The surrounding concrete structure is designed in accordance with Eurocode 2 (EN 1992).

The carrying capacity of the anchor bolts with regard to the strength of concrete can be checked
in the same way as when fixing with fishplates (see 13.3.1). Design condition formula 13.47
applies, as in the related formulae, if F is replaced by F*.

Glulam Handbook

13.4 Pinned connection of beam to column

13.4.1 Fishplates of nailplate or flat steel

Pinned connections with fishplates of nailplate or flat steel, fixed to the wide faces of the
column's cross-section, are a simple and functional method, suitable both for large and small
forces (see figure 13.18).

Figure 13.18 Pinned connections

between beam and column with
fishplates of flat steel. Principles.

The transfer of forces between the fishplate and glulam column or beam takes place with the
aid of nails, bolts or wood screws. Which type of fastening shall be used is decided on the basis
of aesthetic, economic, erection and strength requirements.

The fishplates should be placed as near as possible to the inner side of the column so as not to
restrict rotation of the beam. A suitable distance between the inner side of the column and the
centre of the bolt is 4d if the joint only transfers horizontal forces or 2d if only vertical forces are
transferred. If nailplates are used the corresponding distances are 10d and 5d respectively.

Pre-drilled nailplates of galvanized steel, 1,5—5,0 mm thick, are a cheap alternative for
moderate loads. Nailplates with various hole patterns and thicknesses can be ordered from
special manufacturers of perforated sheet steel. The cost is generally lowest when the holes are
punched out, which means that the thickness must not exceed the hole diameter. The holes
should be about 1 mm larger than the thickness of the nail.

Fishplates for bolted joints can suitably be made of flat steel. Thicknesses are chosen from the
standard range of 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 mm and shall be at least 0,3 times the bolt diameter.
The holes are drilled 1 mm larger than the bolt diameter.

In the design the fishplate is regarded as a beam rigidly fixed at both ends, loaded with a
horizontal force and in certain cases with a vertical uplift. The forces are assumed to act at the
centres of the screw/bolt or nail groups (see figure 13.19).

The eccentricity moment 0,5H× e is taken into account in the design. Downwards vertical forces
are transferred to the column by contact pressure and are not loading the fishplates.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.19. The fishplate is regarded as a

beam rigidly fixed at both ends. Symbols.

The design condition for the fixing of an individual fishplate in the beam is:

Formula 13.65

Rvd = design value of carrying capacity of a nail or screw/bolt in shear.

The carrying capacity of an individual connection is determined with regard to the angle
between the force and the grain.

Fx and Fy are calculated using the formulae:

Formula 13.66

Formula 13.67

Hd = design value of horizontal force from the beam
Vd = design value of uplift from the beam
n = number of fasteners between each fishplate and the beam
2e = distance between centres of gravity of nail/screw/bolt groups (figure 3.19)
ry, rx = distance in y and x direction respectively between centre of gravity of nail/screw/bolt
group and the individual nail, bolt or screw
Ip = polar moment of inertia of nail/screw/bolt group

The polar moment of inertia is calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.68

Glulam Handbook

The design condition for an individual fishplate is:

Formula 13.69

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the fishplate
= axial stress at a certain point on the fishplate
= shear stress at the same point

If and are calculated in accordance with the Theory of Elasticity at the same time as a biaxial
stress condition exists, fyd in formula 13.69 can be replaced by 1,1.fyd.

The largest normal stress max exists in the tension edge of the fishplate and a value on the
safe side can be calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.70

A = cross-sectional area of the fishplate
W = section modulus of the fishplate

The shear stress at the point of maximum bending stress is 0.

The maximum shear stress acts at the same height as the neutral axis in bending about the z
axis and is calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.71

The axial stress at the same point on the cross-section is calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.72

The effect of screw or nail holes on the capacity of the fishplate is taken into account by
inserting stresses in formula 13.69 based on the net cross-section, i.e. with Anet and Wnet and fyd
instead of fud. This means that the fishplate is allowed to plasticise round the holes.

For thin fishplates the risk of buckling at the compression edge of the plate must be checked in
accordance with Eurocode 3 (EN 1993).

The slenderness parameter b can then be determined as in 13.2.1.

The fixing of an individual fishplate in the column is checked in the same way as fixing in the
beam but with regard to the fact that the direction of the grain differs between beam and

The design condition regarding contact pressure between beam and column is:

Formula 13.73

Vd = design value of vertical force (downward)
Fc90d= design value of the compression strength of the glulam beam across the grain.

Glulam Handbook

b = cross-sectional width of the column

h = cross-sectional depth of the column

Figure 13.20.The fishplate is regarded as a

beam rigidly fixed at one end and freely
supported at the other. Symbols.

The fishplate in figure 13.20 is assumed in the design to be rigidly fixed to the beam and pinned
to the column. The moment of eccentricity is taken into account when designing the fixing to the
beam. The upper bolt hole in the beam can with advantage be vertically elongated to allow
some moisture movement and rotation of the beam. When designing it is important to
remember that this bolt cannot assist in taking up vertical forces.

13.4.2 Glued-in bolts

In a pinned connection with a glued-in bolt the fixture is completely hidden, which can be
desirable for aesthetic, fire or other reasons (see figure 13.21). Nuts and washers can be
recessed into the top of the beam and be covered with a timber plug, which provides effective
fire protection.

The gluing operation is always carried out at the factory and the columns are thus delivered with
projecting bolts. These must be protected from shocks and mechanical damage during transport
and erection.

Glued-in bolts may not be used in service class 3 or in structures subject to dynamic loads or
fatigue loads. Due to moisture movement in the beam the use of glued-in bolts should be limited
to beams less than 500 mm deep.

Glued-in bolts provide insufficient lateral bracing. The top of the beam must therefore be
specially braced. Glued-in bolts should be placed as close as possible to the inner side of the
column so as not to restrict rotation of the beam. A suitable distance between the inner side of
the column and the centre of the bolt is 4d if the joint only transfers horizontal forces or 2d if
only vertical forces are transferred. If several glued-in bolts are required, they should for the
same reason be placed beside one another.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.21 Pinned connections

between beam and column with glued-
in bolt. Principles.

The number of bolts, their dimensions and gluing-in lengths are determined with regard to
horizontal forces and any uplift forces. Downward vertical forces are transferred to the column
by contact pressure.
The design condition for the bolt glued into the column is:

Formula 13.74

Fv = Hd/n
Ft = Vd/n
Hd = design value of horizontal force on column
Vd = design value of vertical force (uplift)
n = number of glued-in bolts per column
Rvd = design bearing capacity of one bolt loaded in shear
Rtd = design withdrawal loading capacity of one bolt

The characteristic values of Rvd and Rtd are calculated using formulae 13.32 and 13.33.

To improve the load bearing capacity in shear, single-sided toothed plate connectors (e.g.
Bulldog) can be fitted to the end surface of the column. This should be done at the same time
as the gluing-in of the bolt in the factory. The bearing capacity of the glued-in bolt in shear can
then be increased by the design extra capacity of the connector.

The size of the washer on the top of the beam is chosen so that the contact pressure between it
and the top of the beam does not exceed the design value.

The design condition is:

Formula 13.75

Glulam Handbook

fc90d = design value of the compression strength of the glulam beam perpendicular to the grain
Ab = area of connector with reduction for the hole

Since the compression is local, the value of fc90d may be increased by a factor kc. The factor can
be determined either from 4.3 or with the expression:

Formula 13.76

D = size of the side of the connector in mm.

The thickness of the connector tb is chosen so that the connector does not exceed the critical
value of the yield tension limit of the material. The design condition for a square washer whose
side is D is:

Formula 13.77

fyd = the design value of the yield tension limit of the washer.

The contact pressure between beam and column is checked in the same way as for fishplates
of nailplate or flat steel as in formula 13.73.

13.4.3 Recessed beam

Recessed beams are often used with columns at an end wall to transfer the horizontal force of
the column to the beam. For aesthetic and erection reasons, the recess in the column is of the
same size as the width of the beam.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.22 Pinned connection between

beam and column with the beam recessed
in the top of the column. Principles.

The transfer of forces between beam and column is usually made with the aid of bolts (see
figure 13.22). Fixing with angles of steel plate (see figure 13.23) can be used when the
horizontal forces are small.

Figure 13.23. Recessed

beam, fixed with angle plates.

Bolts or angles of steel sheet are designed for uplift forces and for such horizontal forces as pull
the column from the beam. Downward vertical forces and horizontal forces pushing the column
towards the beam are transferred by contact pressure. The recess in the column is designed in
accordance with the instructions in 4.4. The vertical reaction from the beam acts eccentrically
on the glulam column, and the extra moment, which this causes, must be taken into account in
the design of the column.

In the text below, bolts are assumed. It is further assumed that horizontal forces in the direction
of the beam do not load the bolts.

The design condition for the fixing of the column in the beam is:

Formula 13.78

Fv = Vd/n
Ft = H*/n
Vd = design value of vertical force (uplift)
H*d = design value of the horizontal force pulling the column away from the beam
Rvd = design value of the load bearing capacity for a bolt in shear
Rtd = design witdrawal capacity of the bolt

Glulam Handbook

n = number of bolts in the connection

The size and thickness of the washer is checked as for glued-in bolts (see formulae 13.75-

The design condition regarding contact pressure between beam and column is:

Formula 13.79

Formula 13.80

Vd = design value of vertical force (downward)
Hd = design value of horizontal force pushing column against bean
b = width of cross-section of column
bb = width of cross-section of beam
hb = depth of cross-section of beam

The capacity with regard to downward vertical force, formula 13.79, can be increased by
increasing the bearing area with the aid of a heavy flat steel with a thickness of tp, placed
between beam and column. If the projection of the steel is 4tp on each side of the column, b in
formula 13.79 can be replaced by b + 8tp. The carrying capacity of the flat steel need not be
checked if the projection is maximum 4tp.

The design condition regarding recess in top of column is:

Formula 13.81

Hd = design value of the horizontal force pushing the column against the beam
fvd = design value of the shear strength of the glulam column
h = depth of cross-section of column
kv = reduction factor taking into account the effect of the recess on the carrying capacity and
which is calculated as in 4.4.

The size of the recess is limited to 0,5h, but max 500 mm. It can be reinforced with e.g. plywood
or glued-in screws (see 4.4).

13.4.4 Bracing of column top

In buildings of hall type the connection between column and beam is often made as shown in
figure 12.21, i.e. with the beam placed on top of the column. As a rule the horizontal frame
bracing, e.g. wind truss or roof slab, is at the level of the top of the beam and measures must be
taken to prevent the top of the column from being pushed sideways. At the outer walls the wall
itself can often be utilised, but inside columns must normally be braced, e.g. as in figure 13.24.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.24 Side bracing of column top.

The bracing is designed for a horizontal force which depends both on the vertical support
reaction and the moment in the beam:

Formula 13.82

Formula 13.83

Formula 13.84

Nd = compression force in column
Md = maximum passive moment in beam
T = factor depending e.g. on geometry and side bracing of beam.

For a simply supported beam with evenly distributed load acting on the top of the beam, the
factor T can be assessed with the aid of the following formulae:

T = 100 if the beam is unbraced between supports

T = 80 + 9h/b + 0,6(h/b) if the top of the beam is braced for its entire length.

For interior columns Hbeam from adjacent bays are added. If the beam is continuous over the
inner support, the figure for two freely supported spans can be used – an approximation on the
safe side.

13.4.5 Bracing of continuous beam

The critical load for a continuous beam with the
respect to lateral buckling can be increased by bracing the underside near the intermediate
support, e.g. as in figure 13.25. See also 4.2. The bracing is designed for a horizontal force of:

Formula 13.85

Md is the moment at support.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.25 Bracing of continuous beam.

13.5 Pinned ridge joint

Pinned ridge joints transfer horizontal and vertical forces. Moments are transferred only to a
limited extent and are not taken into account in the design. The fixture should not restrict
changes of angle in the beams. If this movement cannot take place extra stresses will arise
which can lead to unforeseen damage to the structure.

The fixture normally consists of external fishplates of nailplate. These can be combined with a
routed-in steel connector if forces are large. Designs using external flat steel and fishplates and
shear connectors can also be used, as can “fishplates” of timber or plywood. The text below
shows the design principles for the first two types.

13.5.1 Fishplates of nailplate

Pinned ridge joints with fishplates of nailplate are simple and functional, suitable for both small
and large forces (see figure 13.26).

Transfer of forces between fishplate and glulam beam takes place with the aid of ring shank
nails. The fishplates should be placed as near the undersides of the beams as possible, so as
not to restrict the free changes of angle. A suitable distance from the underside of the beam to
the first row of nails is 10d.

Figure 13.26 Pinned ridge joint with

fishplates of nailplate. Principles.

Pre-drilled nailplates of galvanized steel sheet, 1,5—5,0 mm thick are available from stock in a
large number of variations. Nailplates with free choice of hole patterns, thicknesses and finish
can be ordered from manufacturers of perforated steel sheet. The cost is generally lowest when
the holes are punched out, which means that the thickness must not exceed the hole diameter.
The holes should be about 1 mm larger than the thickness of the nail.

In designing, the fishplate is regarded as a beam rigidly fixed at each end, loaded with a vertical
force and a horizontal force, both acting at the centre of the nail group (see figure 13.27). The
moment of fixture is taken into account when designing the fixture and the nailed joint.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.27 Pinned ridge joint with fishplates

of nailplate. Symbols.

Two thirds of the compressive horizontal forces may be transferred by contact pressure
between the beams. To reduce the risk of splitting, the ridge joint should be designed so that
the contact pressure does not act nearer the top of the beam than 1/6 of the depth, e.g. through
diagonal sawing (see figure 13.27) or a distance piece.

The design condition for the fixing of an individual fishplate in the beam is:

Formula 13.86

Rvd = design carrying capacity of a nail loaded in shear

Formula 13.87

Formula 13.88

Vd = design value of vertical force from beam
Hd = design value of horizontal tension force from beam (if compression, insert 0,5Hd/3 in
n = number of fasteners per beam and fishplate
e = distance in figure 13.27
ry,rx = distance in y and x direction between nail group centre of gravity and each nail
Ip = polar moment of inertia of nail group

The polar moment of inertia of the nail group is calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.89

The design condition for an individual fishplate is:

Formula 13.90

Glulam Handbook

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the fishplate
= axial stress at a certain point in the fishplate
= shear stress at the same point.

If and are calculated in accordance with the Theory of Elasticity at the same time as a biaxial
stress condition exists, fyd in formula 13.90 can be replaced by 1,1.fyd.

If the horizontal force is a tension force, the maximum stress st,max occurs in the tension edge of
the fishplate. A value, which is on the safe side, can be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.91

A = cross-sectional area of one fishplate
W = section modulus of the fishplate

If on the other hand the horizontal force is a compression force, it is transferred partly by contact
pressure and the greatest axial stress c,max can instead be calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.92

Vd and Hd are inserted with their absolute values.
The shear stress at the point of maximum bending stress is 0.

The maximum shear stress max acts at the same height as the neutral axis in bending about
the z axis and is calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.93

The normal stress at the same point on the cross-section is in tension:

Formula 13.94

and if the horizontal force is instead a compression force:

Formula 13.95

The possible effect of bolt holes on the capacity of the fishplate is taken into account by
replacing fyd with fud in formula 13.90 and calculating the stresses and based on the net
cross-section, i.e. with Anet and Wnet. This means that the fishplate is allowed to plasticise round
the holes.

The design condition with regard to the contact pressure between the beams is:

Formula 13.96


Glulam Handbook

Hd = the design value of the compressive horizontal force

fcad = design value of the compression strength at an angle to the grain (see 4.3). Note that the
strength shall be reduced if there is no distance piece.
Aanl = contact area, calculated with regard to possible diagonal cut in the top of the beam.

At steep roof slopes the contact pressure can lead to splitting of the beams.

The design condition with regard to delamination is

Formula 13.97

= slope of roof
b = width of beam
he = effective depth of beam (see figure 13.27)
fvd = design value of shear strength

13.5.2 Fishplates of nailplate and shear connectors

When the shear force is so large that the moment of eccentricity V×e can cause difficulties, the
shear force can instead be transferred with the aid of shear connectors. The shear connector
can be designed in many ways, e.g. a piece of I-beam. In the text below, however, a cruciform
as shown in figure 13.28 is assumed. The whole of the lateral force is assumed to be
transferred by the cruciform and the nailplates are designed only for horizontal tension.
However, they help distribute the shear force over the whole depth of the beam and counteract
splitting at the cruciform. Horizontal compression is transferred by contact pressure between the
end of the beam and the vertical legs of the cruciform.

Nailplates and nailed joints are designed according to the previous paragraph, with Vd = 0
inserted into the formulae.

The design condition with reference to contact pressure between the end of the beam and the
cruciform is:

Formula 13.98

Vd = design value of the shear force in the ridge
Hd = the associates horizontal (compression) force
b = length of cruciform
fcad = design value of compressive strength of glulam beam at an angle to grain (see 4.3)

Symbols for the various cross-sectional sizes of the cruciform are in figure 13.28.

The design condition regarding the strength of the steel plate is:

Formula 13.99

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the steel
= normal stress at a certain point in the cruciform
= shear stress calculated at the same point

If and are calculated in accordance with the Theory of Elasticity at the same time as a biaxial

Glulam Handbook

stress condition exists, fyd in formula 13.99 can be replaced by 1,1fyd.

The maximum bending and shear stresses can be calculated using the following formulae:

Formula 13.100

Formula 13.101

Note that maximum bending stress does not occur at the same point as maximum shear stress.
The same design conditions as above (formula 13.99) exist for welds between horizontal and
vertical legs.

Figure 13.28 Cruciform connector of welded

flat steel for transfer of shear forces.

If the cruciform connector is made with fillet welds, the bending and shear stresses in the welds
can be calculated using the following formulae:

Formula 13.102

Formula 13.103

If the degree of utilisation in formulae 13.60 and 13.58 is more than 70%, some regulations
demand that the weld be checked by non-destructive testing, e.g. X-rays. Due to the risk of
lamellar tearing of the baseplate it is often demanded that if it is utilised to over 50%, it must
have guaranteed and verified properties in the direction of thickness, or be checked
ultrasonically. It is therefore often practical to limit the utilisation in the welds in the formula to

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.29 Cruciform connector

of welded flat steel. Symbols.

13.5.3 Ridge fixture type BMF

Ridge fixtures of pressed steel are available from stock and can be used for moderate shear
forces. The fixture consists of two identical plates with pressed ribs and a short welded-on tube,
plus one large and two smaller steel dowel pins (see figure 13.30). The fixture is made in four
sizes with height and width from 175 x 65 to 350 x 90 mm.

Shear forces are transferred with the aid of ring shanked nails in the end surface of the timber
together with the large middle pin, while the smaller pins take up any twisting moments.
Horizontal compressive forces are transferred by contact between the pressed-out ribs. The
fixture is combined with nailplates on the sides of the beams or, if desired for aesthetic reasons,
on the tops of the beams.

The carrying capacity regarding shear forces varies according to the manufacturer's figures,
from 6 kN for the smallest fixture to 10 kN for the largest. For details on the carrying capacity the
manufacturer should be consulted.

Figure 13.30 BMF ridge fixture.

Glulam Handbook

13.6 Pinned beam joint

Pinned beam joints transfer horizontal and vertical forces. Moments are only transferred to a
limited extent and this is ignored in the design. The fixture should be designed in such a way
that it cannot restrict rotation of the beams. If such rotation cannot take place extra stresses will
arise, which can cause unforeseen damage to the structure.

For moderate forces the fixture can be designed with external steel fishplates nailed or
screwed/bolted to the beams. For larger forces. “Gerber” fixtures are a suitable alternative.

In the following text the design principles for two types are explained: fishplates of nailplate and
Gerber fixtures.

13.6.1 Fishplates of nailplate

Pinned beam joints with fishplates of nailplate are a simple and functional joint, which is suitable
for moderate forces (see figure 13.31).

The fishplates should be placed centrally about the centre line of the glulam beam. Transfer of
forces takes place with the aid of ring shanked nails.

Pre-drilled galvanized steel nailplates 1,5—5,0 mm thick are stocked in a large number of types.
A cheap alternative for moderate forces. Nailplates with a wide choice of hole patterns and
thicknesses can also be ordered from manufacturers of perforated steel plate (see 13.2.1).

Figure 13.31. Pinned beam joint with

fishplates of nailplate. Principles.

In designing, the fishplate is regarded as a beam rigidly fixed at both ends, and loaded with a
vertical force and a horizontal force. The forces are assumed to act at the centre of the nail
group. Two thirds of the compressive horizontal forces are transferred by contact pressure
between the beams. The moment of fixture is taken into account when designing fixtures and
nailed joints.

The fixing of individual fishplates in the beam, the fishplates themselves and the contact
pressure between the beams are checked as for ridge joints with fishplates of nailplate (see

13.6.2 Welded Gerber fixtures

Pinned beam joints with Gerber fixtures are recommended if large shear forces are to be
transferred and if the force always has the same direction. Small shear forces in the opposite
direction can be transferred through the screw/bolt joints in the vertical side plates. If,

Glulam Handbook

additionally, the Gerber fixture must transfer tension welded-on steel fishplates. Welded Gerber
fixtures are usually designed as in figure 13.32, but other types exist, e.g. with a slotted-in
central plate instead of two external ones. This type has aesthetic and fire advantages.

So as not to resist angular movement in the beams, the side screws are placed as near as
possible to the top and bottom plates. A suitable edge distance is 2d if the screws only transfer
horizontal forces, and 4d if they also transfer vertical forces.

For small shear forces, ready-made Gerber fixtures can be used with advantage (see 13.6.3).

Figure 13.32 Pinned beam joint with

Gerber fixture. Principle.

When designing it is assumed that shear force is transferred by contact with the top and bottom
plates of the Gerber fixture.

The design condition regarding contact pressure between the Gerber fixture and the beam is:

Formula 13.104

Vd = design shear force, calculated for the whole beam
fc,90,d= design value of the compression strength of the beam perpendicular to the grain
b = width of the beam
L = length of the top or bottom plate, figure 13.33.

The contact pressure is assumed to act only against a part, xb, of the Gerber fixture's length:

Formula 13.105

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the top or bottom plate
tf = thickness of the top or bottom plate.

The eccentricity of the shear forces causes a moment, which in the underside is taken up by
contact pressure between the back plate and the end of the beam and in the top by the
screws/bolts in the side plates. If necessary the screw/bolts in the side plates can be
complemented by screws through the top plate.

The design condition regarding the screws/bolts in the side plates (assuming that there are no
screws in the top plate) is:

Glulam Handbook

Formula 13.106

Rvd = the design load bearing capacity of the screw/bolt in shear.

F is calculated from the formula:

Formel 13.107

fcd = design value of the compression strength of the glulam beam in the direction of grain

Distance x is determined from the Equilibrium Condition with respect to the moment and is:

Formula 13.108

where distance h1 is shown in figure 13.33.

Figure 13.33. Welded Gerber fixture.


The design condition for the side plates of the Gerber fixture is:

Formula 13.109

fyd = design value of the tensile yield tension limit of the side plates

Glulam Handbook

= normal stress at a certain point in the side plate

= shear stress calculated at the same point.

If and are calculated in accordance with the Theory of Elasticity at the same time as a biaxial
stress condition exists, fyd in formula 13.109 can be replaced by 1,1.fyd.

The maximum normal tension stress max is calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.110

A = cross-sectional area of the side plate
W = section modulus of one side plate.

Other symbols are given in figure 13.33.

If the distance between screw/bolt and bottom plate is greater than 0,5x, this distance is
replaced in formula 13.110 by the edge distance of the screw/bolt.

The shear stress = 0 at the edge of the plate.

The maximum shear stress max occur at the same level as the neutral axis in bending about
the z-axis and can be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.111

The axial stress at the same point is calculated from:

Formula 13.112

The effect of screw/bolt holes on the bearing capacity can be taken into account in formula
13.109 by replacing fyd with fud and calculating stresses and starting from the net figures for
the cross-section Anet and Wnet. This means that the fishplate is allowed to plasticise round the
screw holes.

The design condition for the fillet welds between the side plates of the Gerber fixture and its top
and bottom plates is

Formula 13.113

where FR// = design load bearing capacity of the weld in the longitudinal direction
FR^ = design load bearing capacity of the weld in the transverse direction

FR// and FR^ are calculated using the formulae:

Formula 13.114

Glulam Handbook

Formula 13.115

fwd = design value of the strength of the weld
ls = is the length of the welded joint
a = the size of the weld; to be chosen as at least 3 mm.

It is in many cases advantageous to limit the utilisation in formula 13.109 to 70% and to design
the weld so that is as strong as the side plate (compare comments under 13.2.1).

13.6.3 Gerber fixture type BMF-W

For moderate shear forces, factory-made fixtures of galvanised steel plate can be used with
advantage. These are available from several manufacturers, e.g. BMF.
Factory-made Gerber fixtures can be either whole or in parts. The whole fixtures only fit certain
beam dimensions, while those in parts are as a rule independent of the cross-sectional sizes of
the beams. Forces are transferred mainly with the aid of ring shanked nails. For detailed
information on carrying capacity etc, see the manufacturers' product catalogues. When using
two angle fixtures of the type shown in figure 13.34, the risk of splitting must be taken into

Figure 13.34 Gerber fixture type


Figure 13.35 Fixing purlins with

stiffened angle fixture of cold-formed
steel plate.

13.7 Connections with secondary beams

Secondary beams placed on top of primary beams transfer vertical forces and small horizontal
forces in the direction of the primary beam. A secondary beam fixed to the side of a primary

Glulam Handbook

beam also transfers horizontal forces in the direction of the secondary beam. If necessary the
fixture can be designed so that moments are also transferred.

For connections between secondary and primary beams there are a large number of different
factory-made fixtures of steel, which can be used to advantage. The manufacturers' product
catalogues present information on the carrying capacity and fixing of various fixtures

13.7.1 Fixing purlins

The fixing of purlins in the primary beam is usually carried out using factory-made fixtures of
cold-formed galvanized steel sheet. The fixtures can be designed as angle fixtures (figure
13.35), with or without a stiffening groove, or as hangers as in figure 13.36. Transfer of forces is
mainly by contact pressure, assisted by ring shanked nails. Sheet steel fixtures are made by a
number of firms, e.g. BMF. For detailed information on carrying capacity etc., see the
companies' product catalogues. For side bracing of purlins in pitched roofs, see 12.3.

Figure 13.36 Fixing purlins with

angle of cold-formed steel.

13.7.2 Welded beam hanger

Connection of a secondary beam with a hanger is a simple and functional solution, especially
when the top sides of the beams are to be at the same level (see figure 13.37).

For small forces there are hangers of cold-formed galvanized steel sheet made and marketed
by a number of firms, e.g. BMF. The selection of hangers with sizes adapted to glulam sizes is
however very limited. Manufacturers can however offer tailor-made hangers according to the
customer's specification. Transfer of forces between the secondary beam and the hanger is
mainly by contact pressure, while that from hanger to primary beam is by nails, bolts or wood
screws. The carrying capacity can be increased considerably with the aid of connectors
between hanger and primary beam. The connectors should in this case be fitted in the factory.

Figure 13.37. Pinned connection

between secondary and primary

Glulam Handbook

beam with welded hanger. Principle.

A secondary beam on one side only of the primary beam causes a torsional moment in the
primary beam. This moment must be taken into account in the design. Note that the risk of
splitting increases the further down the side of the primary beam the secondary beam is fixed.

Bracing against lateral buckling of the secondary beam can be improved by fixing its top
laterally at the supports, e.g. with the aid of angles.

Hangers can be designed in different ways, depending on the aesthetic and other requirements,
which are made. If the back plate does not extend outside the side plates the fixing to the
primary beam is shielded from direct fire action. On the other hand, a projecting back plate
provides space for several rows of fixings and the load carrying capacity can be increased. Side
plates on either side of the secondary beam can further be replaced by a single routed-in plate,
which is invisible and protected from direct fire attack. This does not affect the load bearing
capacity, but may increase the price somewhat.

Figure 13.38 Welded beam hanger. Symbols.

In the design it is assumed that downward vertical forces are transferred to the hanger by
contact pressure against the bottom plate. Uplift and horizontal forces pulling the secondary
beam away from the primary beam are transferred to the side plate with the aid of screws/bolts.
Horizontal forces pushing the secondary beam against the primary beam are transferred by
contact pressure against the back plate.

In the following design instructions for the hanger in figure 13.38 it is assumed that the uplift
force is small in relation to the downward vertical force.

The design condition for the fixing of the secondary beam in one of the side plates of the hanger

Formula 13.116

Fx = 0,5Vd
Fz = 0,5Hd

Glulam Handbook

Vd= design value of the vertical uplift reaction from the secondary beam
Hd = design value of horizontal force pulling the secondary beam away from the primary
Rvd = design value of load bearing capacity of a laterally loaded screw/bolt

The formula applies to the case where there is one screw/bolt in each side plate.

The design condition regarding contact pressure between the secondary beam and the bottom
plate of the hanger is:

Formula 13.117

Vd = design value of (downward) vertical support reaction from the secondary beam
fc90d = design value of the compression strength of the secondary beam perpendicular to the
l = length of the bottom plate
b = width of the beam
= factor taking into account that compression at support is concentrated to the edges of the

The effective width x b is calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.118

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the bottom plate
t = thickness of bottom plate.

The side plates of the hanger will not be critical for the load bearing capacity if the thickness is
at least half of that of the bottom plate.

The design condition for the back plate of the hanger is:

Formula 13.119

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the back plate
= axial stress in back plate.

The axial stress can be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.120

F = design value of withdrawal force in the upper back screw/bolt
t = thickness of back plate.

With two horizontal rows of screws/bolts as in figure 13.38, F can be calculated using the

Glulam Handbook

Formula 13.121

fc90d= design value of the compression strength of the beam perpendicular to the grain
Hd = design value of the horizontal force
x = height of compression stress block, see figure 13.38 and formula 13.122.

The horizontal force is inserted as positive if the force pushes the secondary beam against the
primary, and negative in the opposite direction. Distance x is calculated from the condition of
moment equilibrium and can be written:

Formula 13.122

Vd = design value of (downward) vertical support reaction
e 2t + l/2
h2 = h/2 if the horizontal force is compressive
h2 = c if the horizontal force is tensional.

The condition for formulae 13.121 and 13.122 to apply is that the vertical force is large in
relation to the horizontal force. In other cases the contact pressure is not concentrated to the
lower edge, which has been assumed when deriving the formulae.

The design condition for the upper screw/bolt in the back plate (see figure 13.38) of the hanger

Formula 13.123

Fv = 0,5Vd
Ft = F
Rvd = design value of the load bearing capacity of the screw/bolt in shear
Rtd = design value of the load bearing capacity of the screw/bolt under axial tension

The size of the washer on the back of the primary beam is chosen so that the contact pressure
between beam and washer does not exceed the compressive strength across the grain. The
design condition is:

Formula 13.124

Ab = area of washer with reduction for the hole
kc = factor which takes into account the fact that load bearing capacity increases under local

Factor kc can be determined using the text in 4.3, or from the formula:

Formula 13.125

Glulam Handbook

D = diameter/side dimension of the washer in mm.

The thickness of the washer is determined so that the bending stress in the washer does not
exceed the design strength value. The design condition for a square connector is:

Formula 13.126

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the washer
tb = thickness of the washer

The design condition for the fillet welds between the side and bottom plates of the hanger is:

Formula 13.127

FR// = design load bearing capacity of the weld longitudinally
FR = design load bearing capacity of the weld in the transverse direction
FR// and FR can be calculated using the formulae:

Formula 13.128

Formula 13.129

fwd = design value of the strength of the weld
ls = length of the weld
a = size of the weld; minimum 3 mm.

It can be advantageous to limit the utilisation of the welded joint to about 70%, since some
regulations require that the weld must be checked using non-destructive testing (e.g. X-Ray) if
the utilisation is higher.

The design condition for fillet welds between the side and back plates of the hanger is:

Formula 13.130

fwd = design value of the strength of the weld
= longitudinal stress in the weld
// = shear stress in the weld.

Normal and shear stresses in the weld are calculated using the formulae:

Glulam Handbook

Formula 13.131

Formula 13.132

The size, a, of the weld is chosen as at least 3 mm. The utilisation of the welded joint should be
restricted to 70% to avoid the requirement on welding control, e.g. X-ray.

If the hanger is designed with a projecting back plate, the degree of utilisation should be further
limited, due to the risk of lamellar tearing of the plate (see comments in 13.2.1).

13.8 Fixing of ties

The tie fixture transfers only horizontal tension forces to the beam. The tie usually consists of
steel or glulam.

The fixture is normally designed so that the tension force acts as near as possible to the
intersection of the system lines of the beam and column. It is also possible to introduce some
eccentricity on purpose, to be used in the design of a roof beam or arch.

In the text below the principles of the design of steel, alternatively glulam, ties are shown

13.8.1 Steel ties

Steel ties are suitable both for small and large tension forces (figure 13.39)
The simplest fixing is that with one tension rod on each side of the beam. For moderate forces
this can be replaced by a single tie drawn through a central hole in the beam. If the tension
forces are large, the two ties on either side can be complemented by a third, centrally placed.
The steel plate against the end of the beam – the anchor plate – should have nail holes to
simplify erection.

Figure 13.39 Fixing of steel tie.


Glulam Handbook

In designing the horizontal tension forces are assumed to be transferred by contact pressure
between the anchor plate and the end of the beam.

The design condition regarding contact pressure between the anchor plate and the beam end

Formula 13.133

Hd = total design tension force
fc d = design value of the compressive strength of the beam at an angle to the grain
Aef = effective part of contact area between anchor plate and end timber (see figure 13.40).

The compressive strength of the glulam at an angle to the grain is determined as in 4.3.

Figure 13.40. Effective contact

area with one or two tie rods.

With double ties the contact pressure is concentrated to the edges of the beam. The effective
part of the contact area between anchor plate and beam end is calculated using the formulae:

Formula 13.134


Formula 13.135

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the anchor plate
tp = thickness of anchor plate

Other symbols are given in figure 13.40.

For a single, centrally placed tie, the effective part is limited by a circle whose diameter is 2c +
D, see figure 13.40. D is the diameter of the nut or of a possible extra washer and c is given by
the formula:

Formula 13.136

Glulam Handbook

Ek = characteristic value of the Modulus of Elasticity of the anchor plate (21000 N/mm2)
E k = characteristic value of the Modulus of Elasticity of the glulam beam in compression
diagonal to the grain

E k can be calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.137

E0k and E90k are characteristic values of the Modulus of Elasticity of the glulam beam in
compression respectively parallel to and perpendicular to the grain.

The design condition regarding bending in the anchor plate is:

Formula 13.138

The maximum bending stress in the plate is calculated using the formulae:

Formula 13.139. Two

tie rods.

Formula 13.140.
One tie rod.

The design condition regarding pull-over of the nut through the anchor plate is:

Formula 13.141

13.8.2 Glulam ties

Glulam ties are primarily suitable for small tension forces (figure 13.41).
Fixing of the tie in the beam can be carried out with flat steel, which is either taken round the
end of the beam or ends a little way in from the beam end. For small forces the flat steel can be
replaced by nailplates.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.41 Fixing of glulam ties. Principles.

In the design of the tie fixing in figure 13.41 it is assumed that horizontal tension forces are
transferred from the tie to the side plates by nailed joints. The side plates are fillet welded to the
anchor plate, which transfers the force to beam or arch end by contact pressure.

The design condition for the fixing of side plates to the tie is:

Formula 13.142

Fv = Hd/2n
Hd = design value of tension force for the whole tie
Rvd = design value of load bearing capacity for a nail loaded in shear
n = number of nails per side plate.

The design condition for the side plates is:

Formula 13.143

fyd = design value of the yield tension limit of the side plate
= axial stress in the plate.

The axial stress is calculated from the formula:

Formula 13.144

Glulam Handbook

A is the cross-sectional area of a side plate.

The influence of the nail holes on the carrying capacity of the side plate can be taken into
account in formula 13.143 by replacing the yield tension limit fyd with the ultimate strength fud
and calculating the normal stress based on the net area Anet. This means that the side plate is
allowed to plasticise around the holes.

The fillet welds between the side plates and the anchor plate must be checked against the
design condition (13.130). Here // is given the value 0 and is calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.145
a = the size of the weld (minimum 3 mm)
hp = height of the side plates.

The utilisation of the welded joint should be restricted to 70% to avoid the requirement on
welding control, e.g. X-Ray.

The contact pressure between the anchor plate and the beam end is checked with the design
condition (13.133).

Here again the contact pressure is concentrated to the edges of the beam and the effective part
of the contact area can be calculated with the formulae 13.134 and 13.145.

13.9 Supports for two-and-three-pinned arches

Supports – springing points – for two- or three-pinned arches are designed as more or less
moment-free hinges. For small spans – up to about 25 m – it is usual for reasons of cost to
settle for an imperfect hinge. Although this transfers moments they are of such limited size that
they do not need to be taken into account when designing the arch, though they will be of
importance when designing the fixture itself and its anchorage.

For larger spans the support forces are so large that a careful design of the hinge is necessary
if the static function of the arch shall be as intended.

13.9.1 Fishplates of nailplates or flat steel

Anchorage with external fishplates of nailplate or flat steel (see figure 13.42) is a simple and
functional solution for arches with spans of up to about 25 m. Its use is limited to indoor
structures, which are not regularly subject to the action of water, e.g. cleaning.

The fishplates can either be cast into the concrete foundation or be welded to a cast-in fixing
plate. In the first case, the ends of the beam must have some kind of damp proofing, e.g. an oil
tempered hardboard sheet glued and nailed to the end of the arch.

Design can be according to the instructions for hinged column base in 13.2.1.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.42 Springing point of arch

with flat steel and screws/bolts.

13.9.2 Welded support fixture with hinged connection

A welded support fixture with a true hinge function is as a rule necessary for larger spans.
Designed as in figure 13.43, the transmitted moment is limited and need not be taken into
account in the design of the arch. The design permits use out of doors, i.e. in service class 3.

Axial and shear forces from the arch are transferred by contact pressure to the steel shoe and
thence via the hinge down into the concrete foundation (see figure 13.44). The moment, V x h1,
which arises when the shear force is transferred from the centre of gravity of the contact area to
the hinge is taken up by screws/bolts and/or steel dowels. The moment V x h2 which is
necessary to transfer the shear force down into the concrete foundation is taken up by contact
pressure between the hinge plate and the concrete. The shear force itself is taken up by anchor
bolts cast into the foundation. Alternatively, the lower hinge plate can be designed with
downward projections, which transfer the shear force to the concrete foundation.

Figure 13.43 Welded support fixture

with hinged connection. Principles.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.44 Symbols. (1) ^ section, welded or

cut I beam. (2) Steel dowels and/or screw/bolt.
(3) End plate. (4) Lower hinge plate with steel
projections. (5) Anchor bolts. (6) Upper hinge
plate with steel projections. (7) Side plates
(NB: elongated screw/bolt holes).

Cross-sectional forces at the springing point are calculated with the following formulae:

Formula 13.146

Formula 13.147

The design condition with regard to the shear strength of the glulam is:

Formula 13.148

Vd = design value of the shear force in the end of the arch
b = cross-sectional width of the arch
h = cross-sectional depth of the arch
fvd = design value of shear strength

The design condition with regard to contact pressure between glulam and the end plates of the
steel shoe is:

Formula 13.149

Glulam Handbook

c1 = length of the end plate (see figure 13.45)
fc90d= design value of the compressive strength across the grain, possibly increased with regard
to local compression as in 4.3.

The design condition with regard to contact pressure against the upper hinge plate is:

Formula 13.150

c2 = length of the hinge plate
t = thickness of the web of the ^ section
fc,o,d = critical value of the compressive strength parallel to the grain.

The transferring moment M1 = V + h1, is taken up by screws/bolts and/or dowels (see figure

Figure 13.45. Transfer of

forces between fixture and
glulam. Calculation models.

Design conditions with regard to carrying capacity of an individual screw, bolt or dowel are:

Formula 13.151

Rvd = design load bearing capacity per shear plane for a fastener in shear

Formula 13.152

Glulam Handbook

Formula 13.153

Vd = design value of shear force

h1 = distance as in figure 13.45
ry, rx = distance in y and x directions between screw/bolt and/or dowel groups' centre of gravity
and the individual fastener
Ip = polar moment of inertia of the group.
The polar moment of inertia of the group of fasteners is calculated using the formula:

Formula 13.154

n = number of fasteners.

The design condition with regard to bearing strength between screw/dowel/bolt and the web of
the - section is:

Formula 13.155

d = diameter of the screw/bolt/dowel
fbd = design value of the bearing strength of steel.

The side plates of the fixture have a mainly guiding function and can be designed with practical
considerations as the starting point. Thus the screw/bolt holes should be elongated so as not to
restrict changes of angle in the arch.
The design condition regarding contact pressure between the lower hinge plate and the
concrete foundation is:

Formula 13.156

c3 = length of lower hinge plate
h2 = distance as in figure 13.46
fccd = design value of the strength of concrete under local pressure.

If the concrete stress in formula 13.156 is negative, the tension must be taken up by the anchor
bolts instead (see below).

The anchor bolts can be designed as in 13.2.4 glued-in bolts. Normally the bolts are only loaded
in shear. The resultant of the contact pressure between concrete and bolt can be assumed to lie
at a depth of d (bolt diameter) under the surface of the concrete.

Steel parts and welds are designed in accordance with Eurocode 3 (EN 1993).

The surrounding concrete structure is designed in accordance with Eurocode 2 (EN 1992).

Glulam Handbook

Figure 13.46 Transfer of forces between

fixture and concrete. Calculation model. (1)
Steel projection (2) Hinge plate (3) Anchor

Glulam Handbook

14. Designing for fire resistance

Timber is a combustible material and numberless fire catastrophes have occurred over the
years, leaving their imprint on the building regulations in the form of restrictions on the use of
timber in building.

Experience has however also shown that heavy timber members exposed to fire retain their
carrying capacity for quite a long time. This experience is nowadays reflected both in the
regulations, where glulam structures are allowed in buildings with high demands on fire safety,
and in insurance rates where frames of glulam are generally equated with those of concrete. A
positive attitude from the fire brigades is due amongst other things to the fact that firemen can
easily assess how far charring has taken place and thus how much of the load bearing capacity

14.1 Glulam and Fire

If a glulam structure is exposed to the normal action of fire its surface will ignite. Burning will
then continue inwards at a more or less constant speed. Penetration is however slow since the
carbonised layer which is formed not only insulates but also reduces the flow of air to the
burning zone. Any splits, and screws and other metal fasteners, will however cause the fire to
spread faster. The glue joints, on the other hand, are more fire-resistant than the timber itself
and are almost always undamaged in the unaffected part of the structure.

Even under a long exposure to fire the temperature in the unburnt parts of a massive glulam
structure will stay under 100°C. Temperature movement in fire will therefore be small – notably
less than in a steel frame where longitudinal expansion will often cause secondary damage, e.g.
to supports or masonry. A glulam structure does not deform to anything like the same extent as
with steel. The total damage is therefore usually less in buildings with a glulam frame than in
those with a steel frame.

For those parts of a building which have to be demolished after a fire, the ability to clear up with
a motor saw and simple hand tools saves time and money in a critical situation.

14.2 Fire Insurance

The choice of structural material is often critically affected by the size of the fire insurance rates
in various alternatives. When calculating the rate in individual cases the insurance companies
take into account the type of activity and the building method. In addition factors such as
distance to the nearest fire brigade, availability of water, risk of fire spread etc. is assessed.

14.3 Fire requirements in regulations

The fire safety requirements on building technology are in most regulations, including the Nordic
ones, given as requirements on a certain class of buildings and on the parts of the building,
materials and surfaces of which it is composed. In the early stages of a fire it is primarily the
surfaces of roofs, walls and floors, which are important for fire safety, particularly the surfaces in
escape routes. The fire characteristics of structural and fire separating elements are on the
other hand important in a fully developed fire. They are then critical to the stability of the building
and the spread of fire to other parts of the building or to nearby buildings.

What requirements apply to a certain part of the building depend on the risk for serious personal
injury if the element should fail due to the fire. Above all the size of the building, the number of
floors and the use all play a part. If sprinklers are installed the authorities can in some cases
make exceptions to the rules. This applies specially to requirements on surfaces.

Glulam Handbook

Load bearing structures shall be designed so that there is adequate safety in fire and under the
load that can be expected to occur in fire. These basic principles exist in most countries, while
concepts and details in the rules may differ. The requirements can be shown to be met either by
choice of fire classified structures or by calculating the carrying capacity of the structure in a fire.
Normally the carrying capacity is calculated at a lower loading than when calculating without
regard to fire, e.g. with frequent values of variable loads.

The fire class for load bearing or compartmentization is given, in accordance with a common EU
system, with three notations for functional requirements – R for carrying capacity, E for integrity
(against smoke and fire gases), I for thermal insulation. Each is given a figure in minutes
showing the time it can withstand a standard fire without loss of function, e.g. R30, E15 or I90.
The notations can be combined in various ways and the fire requirement for a part of the
building with requirements on both carrying and separating functions can be RE or REI. Note
that the former distinctions between combustible and non-combustible materials no longer exist.
What is critical for the classification is the time it takes before a part of the building ceases to
function due to fire – not what materials it contains.

Surfaces are classified according to ability to delay or prevent ignition and smoke generation in
fire. Within EU there are common classes for surfaces and materials which for the time being
can be used parallel with the national classes. The Euroclasses are A, B, C, D, E and F where
A has the best and F the poorest fire characteristics. Class D corresponds to untreated raw

Glulam beams and columns usually form part or parts of the building with load bearing and/or
separating functions. Glulam components are often visible and form parts of ceilings or walls.
As far as load bearing is concerned, Norwegian and Swedish authorities allow beams and
columns in all types of buildings – even multi-storey – in glulam. However, requirements on
surfaces can pose certain restrictions. Finland is more restrictive and allows four storeys in
buildings with a glulam frame.

Requirements calling for surfaces of a higher class than D (untreated timber) can be met by
treating glulam with an approved paint system. Both transparent and opaque systems exist. On
the other hand the requirement on a substrate of non-combustible material or fire protective
covering can naturally not be met by those parts of the ceiling which consist of visible glulam.

In practice several different materials, with different fire characteristics, often occur near each
other within the same ceiling or wall surface. A common assessment problem arises for
example when for aesthetic or other reasons a wholly or partly visible glulam frame is desired.
At present there exists no documented knowledge on how an only partly combustible surface
performs in regard to flame spread and flashover. It is however obvious that small exposed
glulam surfaces a long way from one another do not materially affect the fire performance of an
otherwise non-combustible surface. In Sweden the practice has arisen of allowing small parts of
the building whose surface is of no importance to the spread of fire, to be of a lower class than s
strict application of the rules would allow, though not lower than class D. The same applies to
small rooms whose surfaces do not affect escape from the building. The assessment of
authorities is usually based on the fact that an untreated non-combustible ceiling covering (e.g.
wood wool slabs) supported by untreated glulam beams are not affected if the total exposed
area (sum of the undersides and sides of the beams) does not exceed 20% of the floor area. If
the beams have a class B surface finish this can usually be increased to 50%.

14.4 Designing timber structures for fire

14.4.1 Design by classification

When designing by classification, the structure is built up of fire-classified components. The
required class in each case is given in current regulations and depends inter alia, as previously
mentioned, on the use of the building, its height, the fire load density and the importance of the
part of the building in question to the total load bearing capacity of the structure.

Glulam Handbook

Classification is based on fire testing or calculations, or a combination of both. In design the

starting point is a fire exposure corresponding to the standard fire curve. This is stipulated in an
international standard and is in universal use in fire testing.

Most regulations provide only incomplete instructions on how the fire class of timber structures
shall be calculated. Two methods of calculating load-bearing capacity as described in Eurocode
5 parts 1-2 are given below. The following applies to them both:

Shear and compression at right angles to the grain need not be considered. Notched beams
shall be designed so that the residual cross-section at the notch is at least 60% of the cross-
section required at normal temperature.

It must be remembered that the slenderness of the construction in regard to buckling

increases in fire and that bracing members can disappear during the fire. Such bracing
members can be assumed to function during the fire if their residual section is at least 60% of
the section required at normal temperature.

According to the first, highly simplified, method an effective residual section is calculated by
reducing the cross-section by an effective charred depth on those sides exposed to fire (see
figure 14.1).
The effective charred depth is the sum of the actual charred depth and a zone with greatly
reduced strength and stiffness. On the inner side of this zone it is assumed that strength
characteristics are unaffected by the fire. The residual section is assumed to be rectangular,
without the rounded corners, which in practice always arise.

The effective charred depth is calculated using the formula:

Formula 14.1

dchar = 0 t = real charred depth in mm
0 = 0,7 mm/minute for glulam of spruce or pine
t = duration of fire in minutes
d0 = zone with greatly reduced strength = 0,35t mm, max 7 mm.

The expression assumes that the charred depth:

The size of the residual section is then calculated. Finally the load carrying capacity is
calculated in the ultimate limit state, without consideration of fire exposure (see 3.2.5).
The values of the reduced, cross-sectional properties of the reduced, effective cross-section are
then calculated, and finally the load-bearing capacity in the same way as when designing in the
ultimate limit state, without regard to the effect of fire (see 3.2.5).

The partial coefficients in formula 3.3 are normally taken as (gn=) gm = 1,0 when designing for
fire. The modification factor for service class and duration of load is also usually taken as 1,0.
This means in practice that unreduced characteristic short-term values of stiffness and strength
are used.

According to the other, more refined method, the “true” residual section is used, without a
weakened zone as above. This is compensated by reducing the stiffness and strength with
regard to the effects of temperature.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.1 Effective residual section after

fire (1) original section (2) To the left: Four
sided fire exposure. Centre and to the right:
Three sided fire exposure, where the top is
protected by material with better fire
resistance (3).

The residual section can, as in the first method, be approximated as a rectangle or be

calculated more accurately with regard to the rounding of corners. In the first case – rectangular
section – the charred depth is calculated as in 14.1 but with d0 = 0. In the second case – with
rounded corners – the charred depth is calculated:

Formula 14.2

The rounded corners are assumed to have the form of an arc whose radius (mm) increases
thus with time:

Formula 14.3

The residual section can then be calculated using the formulae:

Formula 14.4

The design strength value is calculated, both with an assumed rectangular section and when
the rounding of corners is taken into account, using the following formula:

Formula 14.5

The design values of the Module of Elasticity and shear are calculated as follows:

The partial coefficients n, fi and m, fi are taken as fi = 1,0. The factor kfi is taken as 1,15. The
latter has to do with safety questions and the fact that fire design may be based on 20% fractiles
while the characteristic strength values in the regulations (fk) are normally based on 5% fractiles.
The modification factor kmod,fi takes into account the effect of temperature on strength and
stiffness and is calculated using the formula:

Glulam Handbook

Formula 14.6

k = 0,008 for compression strength
k = 0,005 for bending strength
k = 0,003 for tension strength and E-module
p = circumference in metres of the part of the residual cross-section exposed to fire
Arest = area of the residual section in square metres.

14.4.2 Design for parametric fire

As an alternative to fire design by classification, a more refined method may be used based on
the parametric course of the fire instead of the standardized fire curve. Unlike the standard
curve this is determined with regard to the geometry, ventilation and surface materials in the
room and its surrounding structure. As a rule it is required that sufficient load carrying capacity
remains during the complete fire course, including the cooling-down period.

The charring depth after cooling down can be calculated using the following formula:

Formula 14.7


F = the opening factor (m½)

t0 = 0,006qt,d/F = duration of fire (minutes),
qt,d = numerical value of the design fire load density, related to area of the envelope of the fire
compartment (MJ/m2)

The expressions apply provided that dchar b/4 and dchar h/4 where b and h are the width and
depth of the original cross-section, and that the opening factor is within the interval 0,02 F
0,3 m1/2.

Further, the fire is assumed to be fuelled mainly by wood and the duration t0 is assumed to be a
maximum of 40 minutes. Note that the expression for dchar above covers the whole course of the
fire, including the cooling-down period.

The modification factor kmod,fi with regard to the minimum strength value during the cooling down
period can be estimated with the formula:

Formula 14.8

b = beam width before fire

Starting from the above relationships a differentiated fire design of glulam beams can be carried
out in the following stages. For definition of special concepts such as opening factor, fire load
density etc and for further information, see special literature, e.g. “Brandteknisk dimensionering
av betongkonstruktioner” (Anderberg, Pettersson: Swedish Council for Building Research, T13:

1. Determine the critical fire load density for the type of space or building.

2. Determine the opening factor of the fire compartment.

3. Correct the fire load density and opening factor above if the thermal characteristics of the fire
compartment differ from those of the standard fire compartment.

Glulam Handbook

4. Calculate the charring depth dchar using formula 14.7.

5. Calculate the cross-sectional properties of the residual section of the structural element.
Cross-sectional properties are calculated without taking rounded corners into account.

6. Calculate the design load bearing capacity Rd for the residual section in ultimate limit state.
Use design strength values as in formula 14.5 with kmod,fi according to formula 14.8.

7. Determine the design load effect Sd under fire action.

8. Check that the design condition Rd Sd is met.

14.4.3 Required sectional depth

An expression can be developed saying how much a certain sectional property can be reduced
in case of fire, without the fire case being critical. This can be done by combining the design
conditions with and without regard to the action of fire. Using this expression it is then possible
to derive a formula for calculating the (unreduced) sectional depth which, with given conditions
for utilization factor, partial coefficients etc, is required if the fire case is not to be critical.

For a rectangular section loaded with moments and subjected to 4-sided fire action, the required
depth of cross-section can be calculated as follows:

Formula 14.9

b, herf = sectional sizes before the fire
d = charring depth def of dchar
K0 = sectional property (section modulus) before fire
Kfi = sectional property (section modulus) after fire
Kfi/K0= permitted reduction factor in formula 14.10.

For fire action on three sides as in figure 14.1 half the above value applies.
The quotient Kfi/K0 can be calculated using the following formula:

Formula 14.10

= utilization factor in design for ultimate limit state, without regard to fire
kmod = modification factor for climate class and load duration according to Eurocode 5 (EN 1995)
Kfi, kmod,fi defined in conjunction with formula 14.5
g, q = partial coefficients for self-weight and variable load respectively
m, n= partial coefficients for material and possible safety class
Gk,Qk = self-weight and variable loading respectively, characteristic values
= load reduction factor for variable load.

Glulam Handbook

14.5 Fire resistance of connections and joints

While glulam components, as has been shown, have extremely good fire characteristics, steel
connections and fixtures are weak points which often need to be protected if the structure as a
whole is to fulfil the requirements for a certain fire class.

In EC 5 part 1-2 there are rules for calculating the carrying capacity in fire of both protected and
unprotected nail and screw joints.

Refined methods for calculating the structural principle and the carrying capacity of complicated
structural connections in fire do not exist at present. However. A large number of fire tests have
been documented and these can serve as a basis for assessments. The examples given below
are mainly based on “Holz Brandschutz Handbuch” (Kordina & Meyer-Ottens, Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Holzforschung e.V., München 1983), where those interested can find further

14.5.1 Joints
The characteristic load bearing capacity of steel fasteners (nails, screws, bolts, dowels) can be
assumed to fall with increasing temperature in the same way as that of steel structures. Further,
it can be assumed that forces cannot be transferred between the fastener and charred timber.
In practice this means that joints which transfer forces must as a rule be protected from fire, e.g.
as in table 14.3, if a higher fire class than R30 is aimed for.

According to Eurocode 5 symmetrical, shear loaded joints timber to timber or timber to steel are
assumed to meet the requirements of class R15 without special protection. Plates sandwiched
between glulam members and slotted-in plates, are assumed to be at least 2 mm and side
plates 6 mm thick. Unprotected joints with timber sides can reach a higher fire class than R15 if
the edge distance (a3) and the spacing (a4) required in design without regard to fire is
increased by afi mm (see figure 14.2):

Formula 14.11

tfi,req = the required fire resistance in minutes.

The thickness of the sides shall further fulfil the following conditions:

Formula 14.12

tfi,req = required fire resistance in minutes
tl, min = required thickness of sides without consideration of fire
= Sd/Rd = utilisation factor in the joint at normal temperature
Sd, Rd = design loading effect and load bearing capacity (respectively) of the joint without regard
to fire.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.2. Increased sizes of

unprotected joints for fire classes
higher than R15.

Fire class R30 and higher can alternatively be reached by limiting the degree of utilisation h so
that the following condition is fulfilled:

Formula 14.13

30 is taken from table 14.1 below. The table also gives the length of fasteners and (for bolted
or screwed joints with connectors) minimum screw/bolt diameters and minimum thicknesses of
centre and side pieces.

Table 14.1
Factor 30 and required length (l) of fasteners and minimum thickness of side pieces (t1) and
centre piece (t2).

14.5.2 Column base

Pinned fixing of column base, where the transfer of forces mainly takes place by contact
pressure, e.g. as in figure 14.3a or b, is judged to fulfil the requirements for class R60 without
additional fire protection. If there are horizontal forces, these must be taken up by contact
pressure with a concrete projection (see figure 14.4a) if R60 is to apply without extra protection.
A column base with steel shoe as in figure 14.4b, a common solution in conjunction with three-
pinned portal frames, is judged to meet R30 without fire protection.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.3 Pinned fixing of column

base. a) Cast-in nailplate: R60. b)
Cast-in flat steel and screw/bolt:

Figure 14.4 Pinned fixing of frame

base. a) With concrete projection:
R60. b) Steel shoe: R30.


A concrete column base (figure 14.5a) is judged to meet the requirements of R60 without
additional fire protection.

A rigidly fixed column base with glued-in bolts (figure 14.b) is judged to meet the requirements
of R30 or R60. The edge distance of the bolts is chosen so that they are within the effective
residual section. When a steel shoe is used it must be given fire protection.

A steel column pocket (figure 14.5c) must be protected (see e.g. table 14.3) if there are
requirements on fire class.

When fishplates are used for rigid fixing they must be protected (see e.g. table 14.3) if there are
requirements on fire class. Edge distances of nails, bolts and screws with any connectors are
chosen so that they are within the residual section.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.5 Rigidly fixed column base.a)

Concrete column pocket: R60. b)Glued-in
bolt: R30-R60. c)Steel column pocket: Must
be fire protected.

14.5.3 Tops of columns

A forked concrete column top (figure 14.6a) is judged to meet the requirements of R60 provided
dimensions are sufficient.

A forked glulam column top (figure 14.6b) can, according to German sources, be judged to meet
the requirements of R30 if it is at least 25 mm thick and the width of the beam at least 80 mm,
or R60 if the fork is at least 40 mm thick and the width of the beam at least 120 mm. For beams
whose depth is at least 4 times the width, the required thickness of the fork is increased to 80
mm or 140 mm respectively, due to the risk of buckling. This design is unsuitable if horizontal
forces are to be transferred during a fire.

Fixing with flat steel as in figure 14.6c is judged to meet the requirements of R30 if only
downward vertical load is to be transferred and the lateral stability during a fire is secured by
special measures, e.g. by utilising adjacent roof or wall structures. To meet class R60, fire
insulation is required (see table 14.3).

Corresponding connections using nailplates, e.g. BMF, also require fire insulation in class R30.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.6. Connection between column and beam. a) Concrete fork: R60. b) Glulam
fork: R30-R60. c) Steel flats: R30. d) Glued-in screw: R30-R60.

Fixing with glued-in bolts has been tested in Finland and is judged to meet the requirements of
R30 or R60. The edge distance of the bolts is chosen so that they are within the residual
section. The lateral stability of the beam in a fire must be secured by taking special measures,
e.g. via wall or roof structures.

Connections with a slotted-in T-section (figure 14.7) are classified as R30 in German
regulations if the width of the beam is at least 120 mm and as R60 if it is at least 230 mm. The
width of the slot is a maximum of 10 mm in each case. For slender beams (h/b = 4) in class R60
the back of the T-section must be fire insulated (e.g. as in table 14.3) so that charring of the slot
does not cause stability problems.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.7. Connection column-beam

with slotted-in T-section: R30-R60.

14.5.4 Connection with secondary beam

BMF-type beam hangers without fire insulation (figure 14.8) can according to German
regulations be classified as R30 if the utilisation factor does not exceed 75%. The minimum
sizes in table 14.2 must however be followed and extra long nails are also required: 75 mm
instead of the normal 40 mm.

Hangers with bent-in flaps (figure 14.9) are placed in the same fire class if the minimum sizes in
table 14.2 are followed.

At joints with columns (figure 14.10) the edge distance e1 must be respected in order to reach
class R30. e1 is taken from table 14.2.

A beam fixture as in figure 14.11 is classed as R30 if the minimum sizes given in the figure are
maintained and the contact pressure during a fire does not exceed 1,25 N/mm2.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.8. Connection of secondary beam

using BMF hanger: R30.

Table 14.2
Minimum sizes for class R30 at connection of secondary beam using BMF-type hanger.
Symbols, see figure 14.8.

1)Load effect under the action of fire as a percentage of the design load bearing capacity when
designing without regard to fire.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.9 Hanger

with bent-in flaps.

Figure 14.10. Edge distance at beam-

column connection with BMF-type hanger:
R30 under certain conditions (see table
14.2). a) Bent-out flaps. b )Bent-in flaps.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.11. Beam connection with steel bracket and screws/bolts with connectors: R30.

14.5.5 Beam Joints

Bolted beam joints (see figure 14.12) meet the requirements of R30 without fire insulation if the
load effect in a fire is a maximum of 65% of the design load bearing capacity without regard to

The requirements of R30 are met by fire insulation as in table 14.3, even if the utilisation factor
in fire is 100%.

Figure 14.12 Bolted beam joint: R30.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 14.13. Beam joint with Gerber fixture:

must be protected.

The Gerber fixture illustrated in figure 14.13 needs fire insulation if it is to receive a fire class.
With insulation as in table 14.13 the requirements of R30 are met if the utilisation factor in fire is
a maximum of 65%.

14.5.6 Ridge joints

Ridge joints with nailplates as in figure 14.14a require fire protection as in table 14.3 if fire class
R30 or R60 is to be achieved.

If aesthetic requirements are high, BMF-type ridge fixtures (figure 14.14b) can be a suitable
alternative. Without fire protection this design is judged as meeting the requirements of R30. If
the space between the beams is filled with mineral wool ( = 140 kg/m3) and the fixture is
placed within the effective residual section, the fire class is assessed as R60.

Figure 14.14 Ridge joint a)

Nailplates (1): fire protection must
be applied. b) BMF-type ridge
fixture (3) steel flat (2) bolt (4) R30

Glulam Handbook

14.5.7 Steel ties

An unprotected steel tie does not as a rule meet the requirements of R30. Protection is most
easily provided by applying preformed mineral fibre sections. If visual standards are high these
can be enclosed in plastic tubes.

Note that the increase in length due to the rise in temperature is considerable despite the
insulation, and that the supports must be designed with regard to this.

Ties fixed as in figure 14.15 must have fire protection in order to reach a fire class. The material
and thickness of insulation can be chosen with the aid of table 14.3.

Figure 14.15 Steel tie fixture: fire

protection must be applied. U-
channel section (1), steel flat (2).

14.5.8 Fire protection

Previous experience points to the view that connections and joints with exposed steel parts can
only exceptionally reach a higher fire resistance than 15—20 minutes, i.e. as a rule less than
that of the connected timber components. Steel parts must therefore often be protected from the
direct action of fire in order to delay a rise in temperature. The insulation methods that are used
are in part those used for larger steel structures, e.g. painting with fire retardant paint or
cladding with various types of incombustible sheet material and in part cladding with timber or
wood-based sheet materials. As far as nails and screws are concerned, countersinking and
plugging is a method, which is often used.

In table 14.3 examples of required insulation thicknesses are given for various fire classes and
various insulating materials.

Mineral fibre sheets are held to be the cheapest alternative. Even if the detail to be protected
has an uneven surface the mineral fibre sheet can be made to cover the detail and at the same
time provide a tight joint with the glulam. Mineral fibre can be fixed with nails if these are
provided with a large washer under the head. The diameter of the nail must be at least 3 mm
and the penetration in the timber at least 25 mm. The washer must have a contact area against

Glulam Handbook

the insulation of at least 6 cm2.

The distance from a nail to the edge of the insulation or to a joint in the insulation material may
not exceed 100 mm. The distance between nails along an edge or a joint is chosen so as to
give a tight joint between timber and mineral fibre. The distance between nails must however
not exceed 400 mm.

Fire retardant paint is considerably more expensive than mineral fibre. If aesthetic requirements
are high it can nevertheless be an interesting alternative. The fixing details can usually be pre-
painted. If the details are nailed on, the heads of the nails can be left unpainted, as they will be
protected by the carbon froth formed by the paint when hot. Whether this can also be assumed
for screw or bolt heads and nuts should be discussed with the paint manufacturer.

Table 14.3. Examples of fire protection.

1) According to manufacturer's instructions.

Plasterboard and fibre silicate sheets can be used to good effect where the steel details can be
recessed or only project a few mm from the glulam. Plasterboard is the cheaper of these
sheets. Both can be painted. Plasterboard can be of normal quality. Sheets can be fixed direct
to the glulam with Gyproc nails or screws. Timber penetration shall be at least 25 mm.

The distance from nail or screw to edge of sheet shall be approx 15 mm. Distance between
fasteners along the edge shall not exceed 150 mm for nails or 200 mm for screws. Nail or screw
spacing shall in other respects correspond to an average distance of approx. 125 mm in both

Glulam or plywood sheets can be used to protect nails or screws against fire, or to build in
projecting details. Countersunk screws can be protected with timber plugs glued into the

The sheets are nailed, screwed or (even better) nailed and glued to the face of the glulam, in
which case the minimum values of edge distance and spacing given in current regulations are
also the maximum values along the edges of the sheet. Nail or screw spacing shall in other
respects correspond to an average spacing of approx. 125 mm in both directions.

Glulam Handbook

15. Tansmission poles

The networks for distribution of electric power and for telecom are normally in the form of
overhead lines. Only in densely built-up areas is it normally economically defensible to bury the
lines underground. The overhead networks therefore have a noticeable effect on the landscape,
something which has received more attention in recent years and to which great importance is
attached in the decision-making process of the authorities when proposals for new lines are

The power network in the Nordic countries consists mainly of natural timber poles. For lines
under 130 kV the dominance is total. An increasing part of new construction consists however
of glulam poles. When old timber poles are replaced, glulam is often the only choice as the
substantial poles of the old days are now in short supply.

Glulam poles for power lines have the same good characteristics as round wood poles:
long life, low maintenance
simple foundations
small energy loss through the pole
aesthetically attractive and environment-friendly
low bending stiffness enabling loading redistribution between spans, e.g. in connection with
non-uniform ice loading.

Compared with round wood poles, glulam offers additional advantages:

shorter delivery times
lower weight for same load capacity
less risk of woodpecker damage.

Today there is fifty years of experience of glulam poles in the USA and elsewhere. In the Nordic
countries it is Norway, which has the longest experience; since 1980 more than 6000 poles
have been erected. Swedish and Finnish glulam manufacturers also have glulam poles on the
production programme today.

15.1 Constructional types

There are many examples, particularly in continental Europe and other countries, of glulam
poles with architecturally advanced forms, where the opportunities of glulam for free design
have been used to the full. As a rule this applies to lines going through fairly densely populated
areas where aesthetic considerations are of great importance. In the comparatively sparsely
populated Nordic countries rational production and economy are also important. The types of
construction traditionally used for round wood poles are therefore also the most usual in glulam
(see figure 15.1):

simple poles for one or two phases

H-poles with or without cross bracing

Glulam for line construction is made in the same way and under the same rules as for buildings.
They can be made in practically unrestricted lengths and with very large cross-sections. Solid
poles are however comparatively heavy and it is therefore often preferable to choose H-, T- or
hollow sections. Figure 15.2 below shows some examples.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 15.2 Examples of cross sectional forms.

15.2 Design
While the design of telephone and lighting poles is more or less stereotyped and based on
practical experience, poles for high voltage lines are designed according to normal principles of
safety for load-bearing structures. Attention shall be paid to loading and to the properties of
materials so that the risk of structural failure is acceptably low from the point of view of society.

The loads, which occur, are (a) vertical support reactions from lines and other structural parts,
and (b) horizontal support reactions perpendicular to and parallel with the line.

The vertical support reactions consist of permanent loads from the self-weight of the structure
and live loads consisting of snow and ice on the lines. The live load should be placed in the
least favourable position.

Horizontal reactions perpendicular to the line are caused by wind on poles and lines, and by line
forces where the line changes direction. During the winter, when the lines can be weighed down
by snow and ice, the horizontal loads can be considerable.

Horizontal support reactions parallel with the line are caused by the fact that the distance
between poles varies and by non-symmetrical loads, e.g. when one span is loaded with ice
while the adjacent one is ice-free. They can also be caused by breakage of one or more lines.

What loads various types of lines shall be designed for is given in national regulations

Figure 15.1 Examples of common types of glulam poles.

15.3 Foundations
One of the advantages of using timber poles is that foundation work is simplified. Special
foundations are in general not required.

On solid ground the glulam pole is rigidly fixed by digging down to a suitable depth depending
on pole length, load and soil type, usually 2—3 metres.

15.4 Timber protection

Line poles of timber are subjected to extremely tough climatic stresses. Where the pole passes
through topsoil, effective chemical protection is a necessity. Normally the whole pole is pressure
treated. Note however that the use of preservative is regulated both in standards and in national
environmental laws. See also 1.5.5.

Glulam poles can be treated before or after gluing. In the first case manufacture is based on
treated laminates. Only laminates impregnated with water-soluble chemicals can be used, as
laminates treated with oil-based fluids, e.g. creosote oil, cannot be glued. For perfect gluing
surfaces must nevertheless be planed before gluing. This removes much of the preservative,

Glulam Handbook

and can also expose untreated heartwood. In addition, pole sides are often planed to improve
the dimensional accuracy of the product, with the result that even more preservative is removed
and more heartwood is exposed.

Treatment after gluing gives better protection against rot, but the method is limited by the
availability of treatment plants with sufficiently large pressure cylinders. Currently it is possible to
treat 30 m long products in Sweden. Norway and Finland. The method is used primarily for
creosote treatment, since treatment with water-based preservatives leads to major splitting
problems when the poles dry out after treatment.

The best method, but also the most expensive one, is “double treatment”, where the glulam is
made of salt-treated laminates and pressure treated after gluing with creosote oil.

Glulam Handbook

16. Glulam bridges

The first bridges were probably fords, which had been improved by laying out some extra,
strategically placed stones. From there it was a short step to laying a tree trunk between the
stones – thus inventing the (albeit primitive) bridge. The needs of transport (not least of moving
troops) pushed development forward, and the Roman Empire marked an early high point.

As early as the spring of 55 B.C., Julius Caesar’s soldiers built a 140 m long stock bridge over
the Rhine near Koblenz. The roadway was about 5 m wide and the erection time reputedly ten
days. The advantage of this type of bridge was that it could obviously be built very quickly and
with relatively simple means. Amongst the disadvantages were the disturbance to boat traffic
and the comparatively short life span, especially that of the poles. At the most important sites
this led to a change to bridge columns of stone, placed further apart than the yokes consisting
of poles. The simple timber beams had therefore often to be replaced by more complicated
structures such as truss systems and strut-frame systems. The timber structure was now
entirely above the high water mark and was better protected from damp, ice and running water.
In Central Europe, where there is a long tradition of timber bridge building, the roadway was
often roofed to shield the timber – and the users – from rain and snow. In the Nordic countries
there is also long experience with timber bridges (though seldom roofed) but few are preserved.
One of the oldest preserved examples is Lejonströmsbron in Skellefteå, Sweden which was
built in 1737 and which, after some rebuilding, is still open for traffic.

16.1 General

In the Nordic countries today it is principally bridges for pedestrians, cyclists and moped users
that are built in timber. In recent years, however, the interest in timber road bridges has shown a
marked increase and a considerable number of timber bridges have been built in Norway,
Finland and Sweden

16.2 Bridge types

From the structural point of view, a distinction is made between the sub-structure of a bridge
and its superstructure.

The superstructure is the – mainly horizontal – load-bearing construction that spans an

impediment such as a waterway. The superstructure includes the road deck, the main beams
carrying the road deck and finally the primary structure, e.g. girders or arches which take the
loads (self- weight, traffic load and wind) from the main beams and transfer them to the sub-

The sub-structure transfers the loads further to the foundations in the form of abutments and
various types of intermediate support. Nowadays these are generally concrete, but stone and
brick were common earlier, as were timber poles, the last named however with the limitations
mentioned earlier.

Girder bridges, arches and suspension bridges are the three principal types of superstructure.
Girder bridges are usually taken to include slab bridges, trusses and other types of structure
consisting of assemblies of bars such as hanging and strut bridges (see figures 16.1, 16.2 and
16.3). Combinations of various types are also used.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 16.1 Girder Bridge types a) Simple

girder. b) Bottom tensioned girder. c) King
post. d) Truss. e) Strut frame. f) Combined
king post-strut frame.

Which type of structure is most suitable in each case depends on the specific conditions, e.g.
what free span and what unobstructed height is demanded, the height available for the structure
and the type of traffic for which the bridge is intended. Appearance is often of great importance,
since bridges are as a rule a dominating feature in the landscape. Other factors that influence
the choice are the soil conditions and any requirements that a certain building material should
be used.

Glulam Handbook

Figure 16.2 Arch bridge.

Figure 16.3 Suspension bridge and cable

stayed bridge.

16.2.1 Slab Bridges

The simplest type of timber bridge is the plank, which combines both roadway and structural
system in the same structure. A modern development of this principle is the transversely pre-
stressed timber slab bridge (see figure 16.4).

The transverse stressing technique was developed in Canada and has in recent years been
used both in the US and in Switzerland. In the Nordic countries, a large number of transversely
pre-stressed bridges have been built in recent years.

Figure 16.4 Slab bridge with transversely

pre-stressed slab of glulam. (1) Handrail.
(2) Upright glulam beams. (3) Steel tension
rod. (4) Road surface.

The road slab is made of glulam beams – for smaller spans planks – pressed together by
stressed steel rods. The structure is easy to erect and the slab has good load distribution
characteristics. It is laterally stiff and extra wind bracing is therefore unnecessary. The slab is
normally provided with damp proofing and a top surface that protects the timber from moisture
from above. The exposed timber surface is thus small and the variations in moisture content
(moisture movement) also small.

The roadway can with advantage be made continuous in several bays. It can also be used as

Glulam Handbook

the top or bottom member in a truss, or form a part of a hanging structure, strut frame or similar
(see below).

16.2.2 Girder bridges

The simplest type of Timber Bridge is the plank, which combines both roadway and structural
system in the same structure. A modern development of this principle is the transversely pre-
stressed timber slab bridge (see figure 16.4).

The transverse stressing technique was developed in Canada and has in recent years been
used both in the US and in Switzerland. In the Nordic countries, a large number of transversely
pre-stressed bridges have been built in recent years.

Figure 16.4 Slab bridge with transversely

pre-stressed slab of glulam. (1) Handrail.
(2) Upright glulam beams. (3) Steel tension
rod. (4) Road surface.

The road slab is made of glulam beams – for smaller spans planks – pressed together by
stressed steel rods. The structure is easy to erect and the slab has good load distribution
characteristics. It is laterally stiff and extra wind bracing is therefore unnecessary. The slab is
normally provided with damp proofing and a top surface that protects the timber from moisture
from above. The exposed timber surface is thus small and the variations in moisture content
(moisture movement) also small.

The roadway can with advantage be made continuous in several bays. It can also be used as
the top or bottom member in a truss, or form a part of a hanging structure, strut frame or similar
(see below).

16.2.3 Truss bridges

Truss bridges are used for spans where solid beams are no longer competitive. Parallel trusses
are most usual, but parabola-shaped trusses are also used, usually with continuous top and
bottom members. Parallel trusses can be continuous over several supports. They can also be
integral with the roadway, which can then be used for transverse stabilisation or conceal a wind

Trusses are factory-assembled in suitable lengths for transport and erection.

16.2.4 Arch bridges

The arch form means that the structure – at least for uniformly distributed loads – is mainly
subject to compression. It is therefore specially suitable for material with a high compressive
strength and where the arch form does not complicate manufacture. Glulam unites these
characteristics and is a frequent choice for timber arch bridges.

Glulam Handbook

The structure is normally designed with double arches and the roadway placed either under,
between or on top of the arches (figure 16.12). The arches are laterally restrained by trusses or
frames. Together with the roadway these are also used to take up wind loads and other
horizontal loads affecting the structure.

Figure 16.12 Arch bridges with through,

half-through and deck roadways.

For transport and manufacturing reasons the arches are often designed as 3-pin arches,
specially for spans over 20 metres. The 3-pin arch also has the advantage that the structure is
statically determinate and can cope with relatively large displacements in the foundations. If 2-
pin arches are more suitable for other reasons, it is however possible to construct rigid joints on
the building site.

16.2.5 Suspension and cable stayed bridges

A suspension bridge consists of a stiffened roadway, which with the aid of vertical ties hangs
from suspension cables spanning between two towers (figure 16.3).

A cable stayed bridge consists of a girder bridge supported on two or more rigid supports.
Between the rigid supports, the beams are elastically supported by inclined cables from one or
more towers. The oblique support reactions from the cables create compressive forces in the
roadway. This is in fact a pre-stressing, which can be utilised to increase the moment capacity
of the girders. The differing stiffness and (heat) expansion characteristics of the materials must
be taken into account in designing.

16.3 Design of Glulam bridges

16.3.1 General
The aim of bridge planning is to find the optimal design of the bridge from given conditions of
the location of the bridge, the terrain, geo-technology and hydrology, the space available, road
geometry etc. In addition to the technical and economic assessments, which must always be
carried out there, are other interests to be satisfied. Amongst these are aesthetic requirements,
which depending on the size and position of the bridge are accorded greater or less importance;
and operational and maintenance considerations.

Glulam Handbook

16.3.2 Design
Cross-sectional forces in a timber bridge structure can, in the same way as in building
construction, be calculated with the aid of the formulae and instructions in chapters 4 - 10.

The carrying capacity of a timber bridge structure can be calculated in the same way as for
buildings, taking into account the special safety requirements and conditions regarding loading
combinations and climatic conditions given in the bridge regulations.

16.3.3 Durability
In the Nordic countries load-bearing timber structures are normally of pine or spruce. These
species are not attacked by timber fungi as long as the moisture content does not exceed 20%
for long periods. With careful design of the superstructure, the greater part of the timber
structure can be maintained below this level. For parts in contact with the ground, or where the
constructional timber protection is assessed as insufficient to keep the moisture content
sufficiently low, the natural resistance of timber can be supplemented by chemical timber
protection. Treated timber is however a controversial product from the environmental point of
view, and its use is regulated in environmental regulations. In some countries it is thus a
criminal offence to use creosote or preservatives containing chromium or arsenic compounds
other than when this is necessary for long-term timber protection:

in contact with the ground

in marine situations
in handrails and other forms of accident protection
in structures in damp-prone environments where the piece is difficult to replace.

Bridge handrails and the primary beams of a bridge structure should be covered by the last two
points, and can therefore in such cases be made of treated timber.

In certain cases, however, road authorities no longer accept preservatives containing creosote,
chromium or arsenic compounds. At present long-term experience is lacking on the more
environment-friendly preservatives, which have been, developed to replace the CCA-chemicals
(copper, chromium and arsenic)?

To guarantee a sufficiently long life span for the structure, steel details (e.g. joint fixtures) must
be protected from corrosion or be of corrosion-proof material. Corrosion is sustained primarily
by road salt, water, rain and condensation. It should be noted that a timber bridge over a major
road will be affected by the salt, which swirls up from that road. For specially exposed or vital
parts, stainless steel or extra protective treatment against corrosion should be considered.

16.3.4 Surface treatment and maintenance

Untreated timber subjected to the elements ages, partly due to the ultra-violet rays of the sun.
The timber surface erodes and changes colour, and cracks of various width and depth appear.
Nevertheless the structure can survive for hundreds of years, as many historic buildings show.

It is, however, often desired to protect the timber against surface erosion and cracking and to
reduce variations in the moisture content – or else there is a desire for a different colour than
that of ageing wood. Either the timber structure can be given a surface cladding, or the timber
surface can be treated.

Treatment of exposed timber out of doors has many purposes

Protection against absorption of water
Delaying the exchange of moisture with the surroundings
Protection against UV rays
Protection against erosion by the elements
Giving the timber a certain colour

Glulam Handbook

Protection against absorption of water can be achieved with a water-repellent product which
reduces the wetting and capillary action, or with a treatment which forms a film preventing water
from reaching the surface of the timber.

Exchange of moisture with the surrounding air can be prevented by a more or less vapour-tight
surface treatment.

Protection against UV rays can be provided by adding pigments, which prevent the passage of
light. The pigment also provides the treatment with a certain colour.

It is recommended that glulam surfaces which are not clad and which are exposed to sunshine
or precipitation shall be protected with a pigmented surface treatment at least 60 m thick. The
treatment, which should be carried out in the factory or immediately after erection, can consist
of 1—2 coats of an alkyd-oil based stain with fungicide additive and two coats of alkyd-oil-based
opaque paint.

It is normally necessary to renew the treatment at intervals of a few years. For parts, which are
only indirectly exposed, the maintenance interval can be longer. Surfaces completely protected
from precipitation require no surface treatment at all.


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