Catalogue Fenders English A4 Metric v293
Catalogue Fenders English A4 Metric v293
Catalogue Fenders English A4 Metric v293
The QuayQuip approach
QuayQuip is the specialist fendering division
of Eurotech Benelux BV. It designs, makes and
commissions engineered solutions for a vast range
of marine and port construction applications. Every
project makes full use of our collective expertise with
steel, rubber and engineered plastics.
demanding situations:
Parallel Movement and Pivot Fenders
Flat Pack Ports
Shiphauling and Capstans
Our most popular high performance fenders, suitable for
Fixed Range
most large ship applications:
Foam Range
foam fenders:
Floating fenders for inshore and offshore, and wheel
Air Range
fenders for locks and corners:
Utility Range
Simple solutions for smaller docks and harbours, and
fenders for tugs and workboats:
Plastics Range
Engineered plastics for low friction facings and
environmentally sensitive applications:
& Testing
Physical properties
PIANC 2002 test protocols and procedures
Fixed Range
Foam Range
PMF Fenders are custom PMF A
designed for each application. (Dual QCN) Min Max
500 12000 1550 1405 480 400 525
QuayQuip engineers consider
normal and abnormal impacts, 600 12000 1800 1640 560 480 600
tides, line loads and UDLs, hull
800 12000 2250 2120 730 640 750
form, clearances and many other
Air Range
Refer to QuayQuip
Refer to QuayQuip
Refer to QuayQuip
factors when recommending the 900 12000 2500 2385 840 720 825
best design in each case.
1000 12000 2800 2600 900 800 900
Please ask QuayQuip for further 1100 12000 3050 2845 990 880 975
details and advice.
1200 12000 3300 3110 1100 960 1050
Utility Range
1400 12000 3800 3610 1290 1120 1200
Plastics Range
2000 E 4640 5231 5737 6328 7003 7762 8437 9196 9955 10714 11474
R 2058 2319 2544 2806 3105 3442 3741 4078 4414 4751 5088
Softer, harder and intermediate compounds are available on request. [Units: kJ, kN]
Pivot Fenders
QuayQuip Pivot Fenders are an alternative to Parallel
Movement systems. The panel remains almost vertical
no matter where the impact occurs on its face. Pivot
fenders protect their supporting structures by reducing
horizontal forces into the structure. They can also
receive vessels with pronounced beltings or head- and
stern-on impacts. They work well in high tidal ranges
or where vessels may impact above the deck level of the
QuayQuip’s Flat Pack Port (FPP) concept solves many
construction issues for remote locations, such as build speed
and available cranage. The entire fender, mooring, deck and
jacket structures are modular. They can be assembled in
the factory and checked before shipment, containerised and
despatched to site in the most convenient and manageable
Fixed Range
On site work is reduced to placing piles, rapid assembly of the flat
pack port components and a few grouted joints. Job done – fast,
inexpensively and without compromise.
Foam Range
Minimal site works
Factory pre-assembled and checked
Air Range
QuayQuip design and build a range of winches and capstans for
warping and hauling vessels along berths.
Winches can be deployed at each end of the berth with a rail and
carriage system which acts as a ‘mule’ to haul the vessel in either
direction. The winches can incorporate a Leadscrew Levelwind
System for even spooling of the cable onto the drum.
Utility Range
Control options include simple foot switches or a dock-mounted
consoles or handheld remote controls.
Plastics Range
Mooring Travellers
QuayQuip’s Mooring Travellers allow for water level changes
by replacing conventional moorings with units that rise and fall
with the vessel.
High efficiency
Good angular performance
Wide range of sizes
Standard and intermediate rubber grades
PIANC tested and certified
∆f = 70%
Anchors S
Dimensions table H
H ØD ØA ØF ØB S T Fixings Weight
350 570 510 330 275 27–32 22 4 × M20 50
400 600 540 340 260 30–40 22 4 × M24 75
500 750 675 425 325 30–40 22 4 × M24 135
600 900 810 510 390 30–40 27 6 × M30 235
700 1050 945 595 455 37–47 27 6 × M30 350
800 1200 1080 680 520 40–52 27 6 × M36 540
860 1290 1160 730 560 40–52 30 6 × M36 690
900 1350 1215 765 585 40–52 33 6 × M36 765
950 1425 1282 810 618 40–52 34 6 x M36 910
1000 1500 1350 850 650 50–65 35 6 × M42 1050
1100 1650 1485 935 715 50–65 40 6 × M42 1400
1150 1725 1550 980 750 50–65 40 6 × M42 1600
1200 1800 1620 1020 780 50–65 42 8 × M42 1800
1250 1875 1690 1060 810 50–65 44 8 × M42 2050
1300 1950 1755 1105 845 65–80 46 8 × M48 2400
1400 2100 1890 1190 980 65–80 49 8 × M48 2960
1450 2175 1960 1232 1035 65–80 51 8 × M48 3450
1500 2250 2025 1275 1090 65–80 51 8 × M48 3600
1600 2400 2160 1360 1200 65–80 58 8 × M48 4200
1800 2700 2430 1530 1350 80–100 62 10 × M56 6600
2000 3000 2700 1700 1500 80–100 62 10 × M56 9000
Please ask QuayQuip for details of other QCN Cone models and dimensions. [Units: mm, kg]
E 36 41 45 49 55 61 66 72 78 84 90
R 129 145 159 175 194 215 234 255 276 297 318
[Units: kJ, kN]
E 63 71 77 85 95 105 114 124 134 145 155
R 185 209 229 253 279 310 337 367 397 428 458
E 99 112 123 136 150 166 181 197 213 230 246
R 252 284 312 344 380 422 458 500 541 582 623
E 148 167 184 202 224 248 270 294 319 343 367
R 329 371 407 449 497 551 599 652 706 760 814
by Bureau Veritas
E 184 208 228 252 278 309 335 366 396 426 456
to PIANC 2002 860
Fixed Range
and ASTM F2192-
R 380 429 470 519 574 636 692 754 816 878 941
05 protocols. E 211 238 261 288 319 354 384 419 545 488 523
See p42. R 417 470 515 568 629 697 758 826 894 962 1030
E 249 280 307 339 375 416 452 493 533 574 615
R 464 523 574 633 701 777 844 920 996 1072 1148
E 290 327 359 395 438 485 527 575 622 670 717
R 514 580 636 701 776 860 935 1019 1104 1188 1272
E 386 435 477 526 582 646 702 765 828 891 954
R 622 702 770 849 939 1041 1132 1234 1335 1437 1539
Foam Range
E 441 497 545 601 666 738 802 874 946 1018 1091
R 680 767 841 928 1027 1138 1237 1348 1460 1571 1682
E 501 565 620 683 756 838 911 993 1075 1157 1239
R 741 835 916 1010 1118 1239 1347 1468 1589 1710 1832
E 566 638 700 772 855 947 1030 1122 1215 1308 1401
R 804 905 994 1096 1213 1344 1461 1593 1724 1856 1987
E 637 718 788 869 961 1066 1158 1263 1367 1471 1575
R 869 980 1075 1185 1312 1454 1581 1723 1865 2007 2150
E 796 897 984 1085 1201 1331 1447 1577 1707 1837 1968
R 1008 1137 1247 1375 1522 1686 1833 1998 2163 2328 2493
Air Range
E 884 997 1093 1206 1334 1479 1607 1752 1897 2041 2186
R 1082 1219 1337 1475 1632 1809 1966 2143 2320 2497 2674
E 979 1103 1210 1335 1477 1637 1780 1940 2100 2260 2420
R 1157 1305 1431 1578 1747 1936 2104 2294 2483 2673 2862
E 1188 1339 1469 1620 1793 1987 2160 2354 2548 2743 2937
R 1317 1484 1628 1796 1987 2203 2394 2610 2825 3041 3256
Softer, harder and E 1691 1906 2091 2306 2552 2829 3075 3352 3628 3905 4182
intermediate compounds are R 1667 1879 2061 2273 2515 2788 3030 3303 3576 3848 4121
Utility Range
available on request. E 2320 2615 2868 3164 3501 3881 4218 4598 4977 5357 5737
R 2058 2319 2544 2806 3105 3442 3741 4078 4414 4751 5088
Performance 120
curve 110
Reaction 90
Plastics Range
Energy 80
Reaction (%)
60 120
50 100
40 80
Energy (%)
30 60
20 40
10 20
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Deflection (% )
Angular Angle 0 3 5 8 10 15 20
For Velocity & Temperature
factors R-factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Factors refer to p43.
E-factor 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.93 0.87
±10% tolerance applies to Rated Performance Data (RPD). ±5% tolerances are available in some cases.
Please refer to Quayquip for other performance properties of QCN Cone Fenders.
© QuayQuip BV, 2017, V2.9.3
A Eurotech Benelux Company
QCL Cell Fenders
QCL Cell Fenders have an efficient and simple
geometry which is well proven, tried and tested.
Dimensions table
H ØD ØA T Head Bolts Anchors Weight
400 650 550 25 4 × M24 4 × M24 75
500 650 550 25 4 × M24 4 × M24 95
630 840 700 25 4 × M30 4 × M30 220
800 1050 900 30 6 × M33 6 × M33 400
1000 1300 1100 25 6 × M39 6 × M39 790
1150 1500 1300 37 6 × M42 6 × M42 1200
1250 1650 1450 40 6 × M42 6 × M42 1500
1450 1850 1650 42 6 × M52 6 × M52 2300
1600 2000 1800 45 8 × M52 8 × M52 3000
1700 2100 1900 50 8 × M56 8 × M56 3600
2000 2200 2000 50 8 × M64 8 × M64 4200
2250 2550 2300 57 10 × M64 10 × M64 7400
2500 2950 2700 70 10 × M64 10 × M64 10500
3000 3350 3150 75 12 × M76 12 × M76 18500
Please ask QuayQuip for other dimensions of QCL Cells. [Units: mm, kg]
E 17.1 19.5 21.9 24.4 26.8 29.1 31.5 33 34.6 36.1 39.7
[Units: kJ, kN] 500
R 77.7 88.8 99.9 111 122 132 143 150 158 165 182
E 33.6 38.4 43.2 48 53 58 63 66.3 69.7 73 80.3
R 123 140 158 175 193 210 228 240 251 263 289
E 68.6 78.4 88.2 98 105 111 118 125 131 138 152
TYPE APPROVED R 196 224 252 280 297 313 330 348 365 383 421
by Bureau Veritas
E 137 156 176 195 214 233 252 264 277 289 318
to PIANC 2002 1000
Fixed Range
and ASTM F2192- R 312 356 401 445 487 530 572 601 631 660 726
05 protocols. E 208 238 267 297 327 358 388 407 426 445 490
See p42. 1150
R 412 471 530 589 646 703 760 802 843 885 974
E 267 306 344 382 420 459 497 523 548 574 631
R 487 557 626 696 765 833 902 949 995 1042 1146
E 417 477 536 596 656 716 776 816 855 895 985
R 655 749 842 936 1029 1122 1215 1277 1340 1402 1542
E 561 641 721 801 857 914 970 1020 1070 1120 1232
Foam Range
R 798 912 1026 1140 1210 1281 1351 1420 1489 1558 1714
E 672 768 864 960 1057 1153 1250 1314 1378 1442 1586
R 901 1030 1158 1287 1415 1544 1672 1757 1843 1928 2121
E 1095 1251 1408 1564 1723 1881 2040 2143 2245 2348 2583
R 1247 1425 1603 1781 1957 2134 2310 2429 2549 2668 2935
E 1730 1978 2225 2472 2720 2967 3215 3378 3540 3703 4073
R 1751 2002 2252 2502 2751 3000 3249 3415 3582 3748 4123
E 2374 2713 3052 3391 3731 4070 4410 4636 4862 5088 5597
Air Range
R 2162 2470 2779 3088 3396 3704 4012 4218 4424 4630 5093
3000 E 3577 5110 6710
4088 4599 5643 6177 Please ask Quayquip
R 3066 3504 3942 4380 4850 5320 5790 for these compounds
Softer, harder and intermediate compounds are available on request.
Performance 120
curve 110
Utility Range
Reaction (%)
60 120
Plastics Range
50 100
40 80
Energy (%)
30 60
20 40
10 20
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Deflection (%)
Angle 0 3 5 8 10 15 20
For Velocity & Temperature
factors R-factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Factors refer to p43.
E-factor 1.00 0.98 0.95 0.91 0.88 0.81 0.65
±10% tolerance applies to Rated Performance Data (RPD).
Please refer to Quayquip for other performance properties of QCL Cell Fenders.
QME Elements have a long track record and are well suited
to berths and terminals handling all vessel sizes. Vertical or
horizontal mounting of elements ensures optimum energy and
low reaction.
High efficiency
Modular design
Good angular performance
Wide range of sizes
PIANC tested and certified
Dimensions table
Standard Lengths
H A B C D E F T FixingsWeight
600 800 900 1000 1200 1500 2000
250 35 44 88 77 300 150 17 M20 37
300 47 47 93 94 300 150 17 M20 45
400 63 62 124 125 500 250 17 M24 94
500 87 71 142 158 500 250 20 M30 120
550 87 85 170 172 500 250 20 M30 132
600 87 101 200 188 500 250 20 M30 153
700 110 110 215 220 500 250 26 M30 218
750 118 117 230 235 500 250 26 M36 242
800 129 121 240 250 500 250 26 M36 290
1000 162 160 310 322 500 250* 31 M42 453
1250 196 204 390 400 500 250* 36 M48 664
1400 215 225 445 440 500 250 41 M48 821
1450 228 226 454 454 500 250 41 M48 873
1600 261 246 480 507 500 250 50 M56 1227
Please ask QuayQuip for other dimensions of QME Elements. Standard length [Units: mm, kg/m]
*Dimension ‘F’ is 200mm for QME-1000 × 900L and QME-1250 × 900L fenders. Available on request
E 10.3 11.8 13.3 14.7 15.8 16.8 17.9 19.0 20 21.1 23.2
[Units: kJ, kN]
R 74.7 85.3 96 107 114 122 130 137 145 152 168
E 18.3 21 23.6 26.2 28.1 30 31.8 33.7 35.6 37.4 41.2
R 99.6 114 128 142 152 163 173 183 193 203 224
E 28.7 32.8 36.9 41 43.9 46.8 49.7 52.7 55.6 58.5 64.4
R 124 142 160 178 191 203 216 229 241 254 279
E 34.7 39.6 44.6 49.5 53.1 56.6 60.2 63.7 67.2 70.8 77.9
TYPE APPROVED R 137 156 176 196 210 224 237 251 265 279 307
by Bureau Veritas E 41.3 47.2 53.1 59.0 63.2 67.4 71.6 75.8 80 84.2 92.7
to PIANC 2002 R 149 171 192 213 229 244 259 274 290 305 335
Fixed Range
and ASTM F2192-
E 56 64 72 80.3 86 92 97.5 103 109 115 126
05 protocols. 700
See p42.
R 174 199 224 249 267 284 302 320 338 356 391
E 64.5 73.7 82.9 92.1 98.7 105 112 118 125 132 145
R 187 213 240 267 286 305 324 343 362 381 419
E 73.4 83.9 94.3 105 112 120 127 135 142 150 165
R 199 228 256 284 305 325 345 366 386 406 447
E 115 131 147 164 176 187 199 211 222 234 257
R 249 284 320 356 381 406 432 457 483 508 559
E 179 205 230 256 274 293 311 329 347 366 402
Foam Range
R 311 356 400 445 476 508 540 572 603 635 699
E 225 257 289 321 344 367 390 413 436 459 505
R 348 398 448 498 533 569 605 640 676 711 782
E 241 276 310 344 369 394 418 443 467 492 541
R 361 412 464 516 552 589 626 663 700 737 810
1600 E 294 335 377 419 449 479 509 539 569 599 659
R 398 455 512 569 610 650 691 732 772 813 894
* Compound D0 (previously Compound A), and Compound B0 (previously Compound B) are commonly needed
for spare and replacement projects.
Air Range
Softer, harder and intermediate compounds are available on request.
Performances are per single element of 1 metre length.
curve 120
Utility Range
Reaction 100
Reaction (%)
70 130
60 120
Plastics Range
50 100 Energy (%)
40 80
30 60
20 40
10 20
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Deflection (% )
Angle 0 3 5 8 10 15 20
For Velocity & Temp.
factors R-factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 H
Factors refer to p43.
E-factor 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.96 0.93 0.81 0.71
WS =1.2H
±10% tolerance applies to Rated Performance Data (RPD).
Please refer to Quayquip for other performance properties of QME Element Fenders.
Dimensions tables
H A B C F T Hole size Fixings Weight
150 110 240 108 98 15 40×20 M16 39
200 144 320 128 145 20 58×29 M24 60
250 180 410 160 165 25 64×32 M30 85
300 210 490 195 245 26 70×35 M30 125
400 280 670 260 320 30 82×41 M36 205
500 350 840 325 395 33 94×47 M42 325
600 420 1010 390 470 36 100×50 M48 480
800 560 1340 520 600 48 136×68 M64 875
1000 700 1680 650 750 60 136×68 M64 1395
L = 1000 (n = 4) L = 1500 (n = 6) L = 2000 (n = 8) L = 2500 (n = 8) L = 3000 (n = 10) L = 3500 (n = 12)
150 860 1100 680 1600 620 2100 – – – – – –
200 860 1100 680 1600 620 2100 785 2600 715 3100 672 3600
250 865 1125 680 1625 620 2125 790 2625 715 3125 673 3625
300 870 1150 685 1650 625 2150 790 2650 715 3150 674 3650
400 900 1200 700 1700 635 2200 800 2700 725 3200 680 3700
500 930 1250 715 1750 645 2250 810 2750 730 3250 686 3750
600 960 1300 730 1800 655 2300 820 2800 740 3300 692 3800
800 1040 1400 770 1900 680 2400 845 2900 775 3500 Refer to
1000 1100 1500 800 2000 700 2500 865 3000 QuayQuip
n = number of anchors per fender. [Units: mm, kg/m]
Please ask QuayQuip for other dimensions of QSA Arch Fenders.
E 8.0 9.2 10.3 11.5 12.4 13.3 13.8 15.2 16.8 18.2 20.0
[Units: kJ, kN] 200
R 95 109 123 136 146 155 165 182 198 215 236
E 12.6 14.4 16.3 18.0 19.3 20.3 21.5 23.8 26.2 28.5 31.3
R 119 136 153 170 183 194 207 228 248 268 295
E 18.2 20.8 23.4 26.0 27.7 29.3 31.0 34.3 37.7 41.0 45.1
R 143 163 184 204 219 233 248 273 297 322 354
by Bureau Veritas
to PIANC 2002
E 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0 49.7 53.3 57.0 62.7 68.3 74.0 81.4
Fixed Range
and ASTM F2192- R 193 220 248 275 293 312 330 363 397 430 473
05 protocols. E 50.4 57.6 64.8 72.0 77.3 82.7 88 96.7 105 114 125
See p42. 500
R 241 275 310 344 367 391 414 455 497 538 592
E 72.8 83.2 93.6 104 111 119 126 139 151 164 180
R 288 330 371 412 440 468 496 545 595 644 708
E 130 148 167 185 198 210 223 245 268 290 319
R 385 440 495 550 587 624 661 728 795 862 948
E 202 230 259 288 309 331 352 387 420 456 500
Foam Range
R 482 550 620 688 734 782 828 910 994 1076 1184
Performances are per metre length.
Softer, harder and intermediate compounds are available on request.
curve 120
Air Range
QSA 150 100
Reaction 90
Reaction (%)
Reaction 60 120
Utility Range
Energy 50 100
Energy (%)
40 80
30 60
20 40
10 20
Plastics Range
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Deflection (% )
QSA 150
Intermediate D (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
factors R (%) 0 31 53 72 87 96 100 98 95 100 131
E (%) 0 2 9 18 29 43 57 72 86 100 116
QSA 200–1000
D (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 52.5 55
R (%) 0 23 50 74 91 99 99 92 83 78 87 100 120
E (%) 0 1 6 14 25 37 50 62 73 84 94 100 107
Angle 0 3 5 8 10 15 20
For Velocity & Temperature
factors R-factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Factors refer to p43.
E-factor 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.91 0.88 0.80 0.73
±10% tolerance applies to Rated Performance Data (RPD).
Please refer to Quayquip for other performance properties of QSA Arch Fenders.
Dimensions table
H A B C F F´ Pmin T Hole size Fixings Weight +
150 110 240 108 98 88 30 15 40×20 M16 41
200 144 320 128 145 135 30 20 58×29 M24 62
250 180 410 160 165 155 30 25 64x32 M30 90
300 210 490 195 245 230 30 26 70×35 M30 131
400 280 670 260 320 300 30 30 82×41 M36 223
500 350 840 325 395 380 30 33 94×47 M42 335
600 420 1010 390 470 450 30 36 100×50 M48 492
800 560 1340 520 600 560 30 48 136×68 M64 890
1000 700 1680 650 750 700 30 60 136×68 M64 1420
L = 1000 (n = 4) L = 1500 (n = 6) L = 2000 (n = 8) L = 2500 (n = 8) L = 3000 (n = 10) L = 3500 (n = 12)
150 860 1100 680 1600 620 2100 – – – – – –
200 860 1100 680 1600 620 2100 785 2600 715 3100 672 3600
250 865 1125 680 1625 620 2125 790 2625 715 3125 673 3625
300 870 1150 685 1650 625 2150 790 2650 715 3150 674 3650
400 900 1200 700 1700 635 2200 800 2700 725 3200 680 3700
500 930 1250 715 1750 645 2250 810 2750 730 3250 686 3750
600 960 1300 730 1800 655 2300 820 2800 740 3300 692 3800
800 1040 1400 770 1900 680 2400 845 2900 775 3500 Refer to
1000 1100 1500 800 2000 700 2500 865 3000 QuayQuip
n = number of anchors per fender. Please ask QuayQuip for other dimensions of QPA Arch Fenders. [Units: mm, kg/m]
*Dimension F is indicative. +
For standard 1m length with tapered ends, excluding UHMW-PE pads.
E 8.0 9.2 10.3 11.5 12.4 13.3 13.8 15.2 16.8 18.2 20.0
[Units: kJ, kN] 200
R 95 109 123 136 146 155 165 182 198 215 236
E 12.6 14.4 16.3 18.0 19.3 20.3 21.5 23.8 26.2 28.5 31.3
R 119 136 153 170 183 194 207 228 248 268 295
E 18.2 20.8 23.4 26.0 27.7 29.3 31.0 34.3 37.7 41.0 45.1
R 143 163 184 204 219 233 248 273 297 322 354
by Bureau Veritas
to PIANC 2002
E 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0 49.7 53.3 57.0 62.7 68.3 74.0 81.4
Fixed Range
and ASTM F2192- R 193 220 248 275 293 312 330 363 397 430 473
05 protocols. E 50.4 57.6 64.8 72.0 77.3 82.7 88 96.7 105 114 125
See p42. 500
R 241 275 310 344 367 391 414 455 497 538 592
E 72.8 83.2 93.6 104 111 119 126 139 151 164 180
R 288 330 371 412 440 468 496 545 595 644 708
E 130 148 167 185 198 210 223 245 268 290 319
R 385 440 495 550 587 624 661 728 795 862 948
E 202 230 259 288 309 331 352 387 420 456 500
Foam Range
R 482 550 620 688 734 782 828 910 994 1076 1184
Performances are per metre length.
Softer, harder and intermediate compounds are available on request.
curve 120
Air Range
QPA 150 100
Reaction 90
Reaction (%)
Reaction 60 120
Utility Range
Energy 50 100
Energy (%)
40 80
30 60
20 40
10 20
Plastics Range
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Deflection (% )
QPA 150
Intermediate D (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
factors R (%) 0 31 53 72 87 96 100 98 95 100 131
E (%) 0 2 9 18 29 43 57 72 86 100 116
QPA 200–1000
D (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 52.5 55
R (%) 0 23 50 74 91 99 99 92 83 78 87 100 120
E (%) 0 1 6 14 25 37 50 62 73 84 94 100 107
Angle 0 3 5 8 10 15 20
For Velocity & Temperature
factors R-factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Factors refer to p43.
E-factor 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.91 0.88 0.80 0.73
±10% tolerance applies to Rated Performance Data (RPD).
Please refer to Quayquip for other performance properties of QPA Arch Fenders.
4-axis Every foam product relies on a filament reinforced skin for strength
filament and durability. The 4-axis process developed for Flosys products
winding uses advanced three dimensional CNC technology originally
developed for making rocket fuel tanks to control the tension,
quantity, position and angle of every individual filament. The finished
quality and consistency is impossible to match with traditional
manual and semi-automated winding methods.
Central The central steel tube on Flosys products resists mooring loads
members and provides a stable, non-abrasive core for the foam body. An
engineered component, the central tube is a precise length, fully
sealed and can include integral swivels or other terminations.
Flosys technology is used for a range of fendering, mooring and safety products. Each
shares the same high quality, consistent performance and rugged construction.
Fixed Range
Full colour range
Comprehensive range of accessories
Foam Range
QuayGuard fenders Donut fenders Security barriers
Air Range
Flosys manufacturing
Utility Range
Plastics Range
Performance 120
curve 110
Reaction 90
Reaction (%)
60 120
50 100
40 80
Energy (%)
30 60
20 40
10 20
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Deflection (% )
Diameter × Length Low Reaction Standard High Capacity Extra High Capacity Weight Chain
Metric (mm) US (ft) Energy Reaction Energy Reaction Energy Reaction Energy Reaction Energy Reaction STD Size
600 × 1200 2 × 4 9 53 15 89 19 116 28 169 39 231 72 14
600 × 1800 2 × 6 15 88 24 147 31 191 46 280 64 383 105 14
600 × 2400 2 × 8 20 125 34 209 45 271 65 396 88 543 138 14
600 × 3000 2 × 10 26 160 43 267 57 347 83 507 113 694 171 19
700 × 1500 N/A 16 80 26 133 34 173 49 253 68 348 104 19
900 × 1500 3 × 5 25 120 42 200 54 262 80 383 110 520 136 19
900 × 1800 3 × 6 32 128 53 214 69 276 100 405 137 556 173 19
Fixed Range
900 × 2400 3 × 8 45 182 75 302 98 391 142 574 194 787 214 19
900 × 3000 3 × 10 58 235 96 391 125 507 183 743 251 1019 268 19
900 × 3700 3 × 12 71 288 118 480 153 623 224 912 306 1250 336 19
900 × 4300 3 × 14 84 342 140 569 182 738 266 1081 363 1481 390 19
1000 × 1500 N/A 28 104 47 173 61 225 89 329 122 450 154 19
1000 × 2000 N/A 41 152 68 254 88 330 129 483 177 660 208 19
1200 × 1800 4 × 6 49 150 81 249 106 325 155 472 212 649 308 25
1200 × 2000 N/A 55 168 91 280 118 364 173 532 237 728 336 25
1200 × 2400 4 × 8 72 222 121 369 157 480 229 703 313 961 399 25
Foam Range
1200 × 3000 4 × 10 96 297 160 494 207 641 304 939 416 1286 497 25
1200 × 3700 4 × 12 119 363 198 605 258 787 376 1148 515 1575 614 25
1200 × 4900 4 × 16 165 504 275 841 358 1094 523 1597 716 2184 803 25
1200 × 6100 4 × 20 212 646 353 1076 458 1401 670 2046 917 2798 1000 25
1350 × 2500 N/A 91 251 152 418 198 543 289 794 395 1087 475 25
1500 × 2400 5 × 8 110 267 183 445 239 578 348 845 476 1157 507 25
1500 × 3000 5 × 10 147 357 244 596 317 774 464 1134 635 1548 638 32
1500 × 3700 5 × 12 183 446 305 743 397 965 580 1410 793 1931 790 32
1500 × 4300 5 × 14 219 534 365 890 475 1157 693 1690 948 2313 920 32
Air Range
1500 × 4900 5 × 16 255 622 424 1036 552 1348 807 1971 1104 2696 1051 32
1500 × 5500 5 × 18 290 710 484 1183 629 1539 919 2246 1258 3078 1182 32
1800 × 3700 6 × 12 244 497 407 827 529 1076 773 1570 1058 2153 1103 32
1800 × 4300 6 × 14 296 600 494 1001 641 1303 938 1904 1283 2602 1277 32
1800 × 4900 6 × 16 347 707 579 1179 752 1535 1100 2242 1505 3065 1451 32
1800 × 5500 6 × 18 399 814 666 1357 865 1766 1265 2580 1731 3527 1634 32
1800 × 6100 6 × 20 450 918 751 1530 976 1988 1428 2909 1952 3977 1808 32
2000 × 3500 N/A 272 507 454 845 590 1099 863 1606 1180 2197 1240 38
2000 × 4000 N/A 324 603 540 1005 702 1307 1026 1910 1404 2613 1413 38
Utility Range
2000 × 4500 N/A 374 697 624 1161 811 1509 1186 2206 1622 3019 1595 44
2100 × 4300 7 × 14 396 691 660 1152 858 1499 1254 2189 1716 2994 1615 44
2100 × 4900 7 × 16 467 814 778 1357 1011 1766 1479 2580 2023 3527 1849 44
2100 × 5500 7 × 18 537 937 895 1561 1163 2028 1700 2967 2327 4061 2074 44
2100 × 6100 7 × 20 608 1059 1013 1766 1316 2295 1924 3354 2633 4591 2307 44
2100 × 6700 7 × 22 678 1182 1129 1971 1468 2562 2146 3745 2937 5124 2532 44
2400 × 3700 8 × 12 432 659 720 1094 936 1423 1367 2082 1870 2856 1859 44
2400 × 4300 8 × 14 504 769 839 1281 1091 1664 1594 2433 2182 3332 2161 44
2400 × 4900 8 × 16 596 911 994 1517 1292 1971 1889 2882 2584 3946 2462 51
Plastics Range
2400 × 5500 8 × 18 689 1051 1148 1753 1493 2277 2182 3332 2986 4555 2764 51
2400 × 6100 8 × 20 782 1193 1303 1988 1693 2584 2476 3777 3388 5169 3066 51
2400 × 6700 8 × 22 875 1335 1458 2224 1895 2891 2770 4226 3790 5783 3368 51
2500 × 4000 N/A 481 718 801 1197 1041 1556 1522 2274 2083 3112 2107 51
2500 × 5500 N/A 720 1073 1200 1788 1560 2324 2280 3397 3120 4649 2902 51
2700 × 4300 9 × 14 634 859 1056 1432 1372 1859 2007 2718 2746 3723 2687 51
2700 × 4900 9 × 16 724 982 1207 1637 1569 2126 2293 3109 3137 4257 2999 51
2700 × 5500 9 × 18 840 1140 1399 1899 1820 2469 2659 3608 3638 4938 3311 51
2700 × 6100 9 × 20 956 1298 1593 2162 2072 2811 3028 4106 4142 5623 3683 51
2700 × 6700 9 × 22 1072 1455 1787 2424 2323 3154 3395 4608 4646 6303 4054 51
3000 × 4900 10 × 16 879 1073 1466 1788 1905 2326 2785 3398 3811 4648 3331 51
3000 × 5500 10 × 18 1023 1249 1706 2082 2217 2705 3240 3954 4435 5413 3768 51
3000 × 6000 N/A 1111 1377 1851 2295 2406 2984 3517 4361 4813 5967 4206 64
3000 × 6100 10 × 20 1167 1425 1946 2375 2530 3087 3697 4515 5059 6174 4130 64
3000 × 6700 10 × 22 1311 1601 2186 2669 2842 3470 4153 5071 5682 6939 4636 64
3000 × 7300 10 × 24 1431 1747 2455 2998 3099 3781 4530 5534 6199 7571 5073 64
3300 × 4500 N/A 899 1014 1498 1690 1947 2197 2846 3211 3895 4394 3416 64
3300 × 6500 N/A 1453 1639 2421 2731 3147 3550 4600 5189 6295 7101 5090 64
3400 × 5500 11 × 18 1206 1338 2009 2229 2613 2896 3818 4235 5224 5796 4420 64
3400 × 6100 11 × 20 1380 1530 2299 2549 2903 3314 4370 4849 5979 6632 4949 64
3400 × 6700 11 × 22 1554 1725 2590 2874 3366 3737 4920 5458 6733 7473 5470 64
3400 × 7300 11 × 24 1695 1881 2824 3132 3673 4075 5368 5952 7346 8149 6468 64
Custom sizes available on request. [Units: kN, kJ, kg, mm]
curve 110
Reaction 90
Reaction (%)
60 120
50 100
40 80
Energy (%)
30 60
20 40
10 20
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Deflection (% )
∆f = 60%
Fixed Range
Foam Range
Air Range
Utility Range
Sea bed
Plastics Range
Donut Foam Grades Standard High Capacity Extra High Capacity Super High Capacity
Donut OD Pile Height Energy Reaction Energy Reaction Energy Reaction Energy Reaction
1200 610 600–2400 7.0 116 11.5 189 17.4 288 26.1 430
1400 762 600–2400 9.6 136 15.6 221 23.7 336 35.5 502
1600 813 600–2400 12.5 155 20.4 252 31.0 383 46.3 573
1800 914 600–2400 15.8 174 25.8 284 39.2 431 58.6 645
2000 1016 900–2400 19.5 193 31.9 315 48.3 479 72.3 716
2200 1118 900–2400 23.6 213 38.5 347 58.5 526 87.5 788
2400 1219 900–2400 28.1 232 45.9 378 69.6 574 104 859
2600 1372 900–2400 33.0 251 53.9 410 81.7 622 122 931
2800 1422 900–2400 38.2 270 62.4 441 94.7 670 142 1002
3000 1524 900–2400 43.9 290 71.6 473 109 717 163 1073
3300 1676 900–2400 53.1 319 86.7 520 132 789 197 1181
3600 1829 900–2400 63.2 348 103 567 157 861 234 1288
3900 1981 900–2400 74.1 376 121 614 184 932 275 1395
Donuts are available in many other diameters and heights, different fender/pile ratios and to suit other pile diameters. Please ask for
details. Standard tolerance ±15%. Table performance values are per 1000mm flat height. Performance is proportional to flat height.
Performances are at deflections of 60% of Donut wall thickness.
[Units: mm, kN/m, kJ/m]
Installation dimensions
Size A B C D E F
Deflection = 60%
Ø1000 × 1500L 975 950 1350 200 375 2000 Quay Quay
[Units: mm]
60 120
Sling type 50 100
40 80
Energy (%)
30 60
20 40
10 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Deflection (% )
Performance Fender Weight Pressures Mooring
IP50 Energy Reaction Pressure Body Chain Net Sling Relief Proof Chain
Thickness Diameter
(GEA) (at GEA) (at GEA) Only (excl body) Type Valve Test
Dia. × Length (mm) kJ kN kPa kg kg kg kPa kPa mm mm
Ø300 × 600L 0.5 24 134 15 – 20 – 200 12 13
Ø500 × 1000L 6 64 132 24 121 35 – 200 12 16
Ø600 × 1000L 8 74 126 28 132 39 – 200 12 16
Ø700 × 1500L 17 137 135 50 165 60 – 200 13 16
Ø800 × 1500L 24 158 132 64 280 72 – 200 14 16
Fixed Range
Ø1000 × 1500L 33 182 122 80 220 107 – 200 14 16
Ø1000 × 2000L 46 257 132 97 242 124 – 200 14 16
Ø1200 × 2000L 64 297 126 144 352 171 – 200 14 16
Ø1200 × 3000L 109 482 134 250 435 280 – 200 14 16
Ø1350 × 2500L 104 427 130 220 385 264 – 200 15 16
Ø1500 × 2500L 125 464 126 243 484 287 – 200 16 19
Ø1500 × 3000L 156 579 132 275 583 319 – 200 16 19
Ø1500 × 4000L 230 815 130 330 690 380 – 200 16 19
Ø1700 × 3000L 195 639 128 319 638 363 – 200 16 19
Ø1700 × 7200L 516 1621 133 760 N/A 810 – 200 16 22
Foam Range
Ø2000 × 3000L 260 727 122 403 990 469 – 200 16 22
Ø2000 × 3500L 314 875 128 445 1056 502 – 200 17 22
Ø2000 × 4000L 361 1020 125 490 1150 540 – 200 16 22
Ø2000 × 6000L 611 1631 136 658 1650 720 – 200 16 26
Ø2500 × 4000L 676 1381 137 992 1364 1188 175 250 18 26
Ø2500 × 5500L 962 2019 148 1199 2035 1452 175 250 18 32
Ø2500 × 9100L 1631 3482 140 2150 3467 2230 175 250 18 32
Ø3000 × 5000L 1136 2021 154 1520 1800 1640 175 250 19 32
Ø3300 × 4500L 1198 1884 130 1606 1881 2024 175 250 20 36
Air Range
Ø3300 × 6500L 1850 3015 146 2057 2827 2475 175 250 20 38
Ø3300 × 10600L 3128 5257 158 2816 5126 3366 175 250 22 48
Ø4500 × 7000L 3302 3796 133 3740 4290 3880 175 250 24 48
Ø4500 × 9000L 4847 5747 146 4334 5929 – 175 250 24 50
Ø4500 × 12000L 6602 7984 154 5269 7689 – 175 205 24 58
Utility Range
Dia. × Length (mm) kJ kN kPa kg kg kg kPa kPa mm mm
Ø300 × 600L 0.6 31 173 17 – 20 – 250 13 13
Ø500 × 1000L 8 85 174 26 121 37 – 250 13 16
Ø600 × 1000L 11 98 166 30 132 42 – 250 13 16
Ø700 × 1500L 24 180 177 52 165 63 – 250 14 16
Ø800 × 1500L 31 204 180 71 280 83 – 250 15 16
Ø1000 × 1500L 45 239 160 84 220 111 – 250 15 16
Ø1000 × 2000L 64 338 174 101 242 129 – 250 15 16
Ø1200 × 2000L 89 390 166 149 352 176 – 250 15 16
Plastics Range
Ø1200 × 3000L 140 623 185 275 435 310 – 250 16 16
Ø1350 × 2500L 144 561 170 226 385 270 – 250 17 16
Ø1500 × 2500L 174 610 166 268 484 312 – 250 17 19
Ø1500 × 3000L 218 761 174 339 583 355 – 250 17 20
Ø1500 × 4000L 296 1053 176 363 690 378 – 250 17 20
Ø1700 × 3000L 272 840 168 348 638 392 – 250 17 20
Ø1700 × 7200L 668 2096 170 795 N/A 845 – 250 18 22
Ø2000 × 3000L 363 955 160 413 990 479 – 250 19 22
Ø2000 × 3500L 438 1150 168 454 1056 520 – 250 19 24
Ø4500 × 7000L 4608 4988 174 4136 4301 4350 230 300 26 54
Ø4500 × 9000L 6766 7551 192 4818 5929 – 230 300 26 58
Ø4500 × 12000L 9218 14490 202 5863 7689 – 230 300 26 58
Guaranteed Energy Absorption (GEA) is at nominal deflection of 60%. Reaction tolerance is ±10%.
Ask QuayQuip for details of custom sizes and other properties of QPF Pneumatic Fenders.
IP50 IP80
QSR Size
Energy Reaction Weight Energy Reaction Weight
300 × 600 0.5 24 22 0.6 31 23
500 × 1000 6 64 42 8 85 67
1000 × 2000 46 257 150 64 338 160
2000 × 3500 260 727 615 438 1150 652
2500 × 4000 676 1381 1430 994 1815 1545
2500 × 5500 962 2019 1750 1343 2653 1885
Guaranteed Energy Absorption (GEA) is at nominal deflection of 60%.
Reaction tolerance is ±10%.
Standard colours: orange, grey and black. [Units: mm, kJ, kN]
HydroPneumatic Fenders
Submarines and other vessels that make contact
below the waterline need a special fendering solution.
HydroPneumatic fenders are filled with air and water, then
fitted with a counterweight to stand vertically and protect
submerged hulls.
IP50 Water:Air E R
Ø1700 × 7200 65:35 592 1813
Ø2000 × 6000 65:35 647 1766 Sea level
Ø2500 × 5500 65:35 928 2037 Fender
Ø3300 × 6500 55:45 1913 3169
Ø3300 × 10600 65:35 3120 5170
Ø4500 × 9100 Please ask QuayQuip
QuayQuip Wheel and Roller fenders protect lock
corners and help guide ships in confined spaces.
Fixed Range
triple inflation barriers for low maintenance. Double
inflation points improve ease of access.
Pneumatic Dimensions
Type A B C ØD E F
Foam Range
110 × 45 1700 1000 1450 1080 900 460
130 × 50 2000 1200 1750 1300 1000 510
C 175 × 70 2650 1500 2200 1750 1150 690
200 × 75 2750 1750 2550 1980 1250 760
250 × 100 3350 2200 3200 2550 1600 970
290 × 110 4200 2500 3750 2900 1700 900
[Units: mm]
Air Range
Type Energy Reaction Deflection Pressure
110 × 45 33 150 400 5.5
130 × 50 61 220 500 3.5
F E 175 × 70 100 315 600 4.8
200 × 75 220 590 700 5.5
Utility Range
250 × 100 440 920 925 5.5
290 × 110 880 1300 1200 5.8
[Units: kJ, kN, mm, bar]
Pneumatic A
Plastics Range
Type A B C ØD E F
110 × 45 1250 1150 610 1080 800 460
130 × 50 1530 1400 740 1320 950 510
C 140 × 60 1600 1450 765 1370 1000 610
175 × 70 2050 1850 975 1750 1250 690
200 × 75 2300 2100 1110 1980 1400 765
250 × 100 3000 2700 1425 2550 1800 895
[Units: mm]
d d
* Reduced reaction for lower hull pressure. For equal reaction please speak to
Fixing methods
150 75 10000 17 2.6 77 654 D d Chain
200 100 10000 30 4.6 102 649 150 75 16
250 125 10000 47 7.3 128 652
300 150 10000 67 10 153 649 200 100 18
400 200 8000 118 19 204 649 250 125 20
500 250 8000 184 29 255 649
300 150 20
600 300 3000 265 42 306 649
Fixed Range
700 400 3000 360 50 312 497 400 200 26
800 400 3000 469 74 408 649
500 250 32
900 450 3000 594 93 459 649
1000 500 3000 733 116 510 649 600 300 32
1200 600 3000 1055 167 612 649
700 350 36
1400 700 3000 1434 227 714 649
1400 800 3000 1287 198 625 497 [Units: mm]
Foam Range
1500 750 3000 1648 260 765 649
1600 800 3000 1872 296 816 649 Fixings (D = 800–1600mm)
1800 900 3000 2370 376 918 649
D d L Bar Chain
2000 1000 3000 2925 464 1020 649
1000 35 26
Many other sizes, and diameters over 2000mm are also available – 1500 45 28
please speak to QuayQuip.
800 400 2000 55 32
Performances are given at rated deflection of 100% of inside diameter 2500 65 34
Air Range
(d) and per 1000mm length. Performance tolerance is ±10%.
3000 70 38
Please ask QuayQuip for other dimensions and performance 1000 40 26
properties of QCY Cylindrical Fenders.
1500 50 28
Utility Range
120 Energy
1000 45 28
110 1500 55 32
100 1000 500 2000 65 38
90 For PIANC 2500 75 40
80 Factors 3000 85 44
see p43.
Reaction (%)
70 1000 50 28
Plastics Range
60 120 1500 65 34
1200 600 2000 75 40
50 100
2500 85 44
Energy (%)
40 80
3000 100 50
30 60
1000 65 32
20 40
1500 70 38
10 20 1400 800
2000 80 44
1500 750
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 2500 90 48
Deflection (%) 3000 100 52
[Units: mm, kg/m, kN/m, kJ/m, kPa] 1000 75 36
1500 80 40
Intermediate factors 1600 800 2000 90 44
W/2 W/2
H H/2
Weight DD SD
H W A B Flat Bar Bolt
100 100 90–130 200–300 8.0 9.3 40 × 5 M12 1.4 77 2.8 147
150 150 110–150 250–350 18.1 21.0 60 × 8 M16 3.2 115 6.4 221
200 200 130–180 300–400 32.1 37.3 80 × 10 M20 5.7 153 11.3 294
250 250 140–200 350–450 50.2 58.3 90 × 12 M24 9.0 192 17.7 368
300 300 140–200 350–450 72.3 83.9 110 × 12 M24 12.9 230 25.5 442
350 350 140–200 350–450 98.4 114 130 × 15 M30 17.6 268 34.6 515
375 375 140–200 350–450 113 131 140 × 15 M30 20.2 287 39.8 552
400 400 140–200 350–450 129 149 150 × 15 M30 23.0 306 45.2 589
500 500 140–200 350–450 201 233 180 × 20 M36 35.9 383 70.7 736
[Units: mm, kg/m] Performance per metre. [Units: kN, kJ]
ØW/2 ØW/2
Weight DC SC
H W A B C D Flat Bar Bolt
100 100 90–130 200–300 10 25 8.4 9.6 40 × 5 M12 1.8 157 2.8 173
150 150 110–150 250–350 12 30 18.8 21.7 60 × 8 M16 4.1 236 6.3 259
200 200 130–180 300–400 15 45 33.4 38.6 80 × 10 M20 7.4 314 11.3 345
250 250 140–200 350–450 20 50 52.2 60.3 90 × 12 M24 11.5 393 17.6 431
300 300 140–200 350–450 25 60 75.2 86.8 110 × 12 M24 16.6 471 25.4 518
350 350 140–200 350–450 25 70 102 118 130 × 15 M30 22.5 550 34.5 604
375 375 140–200 350–450 30 80 118 136 140 × 15 M30 25.9 589 39.7 647
400 400 140–200 350–450 30 80 134 154 150 × 15 M30 29.4 628 45.1 690
500 500 140–200 350–450 40 90 209 241 180 × 20 M36 46.0 785 70.5 863
[Units: mm, kg/m] Performance per metre. [Units: kN, kJ]
Bumper bars are moulded sections with low profile fixings to survive heavy knocks.
Fixed Range
Foam Range
Weight Performance
H W A B T Bolt
L = 1000 L = 1500 E R
150 150 250 500 20 38 56 M24 17 638
150 200 250 500 20 43 65 M24 17 441
200 200 250 500 20 65 98 M30 27 824
200 250 250 500 20 77 116 M30 27 657
Air Range
200 300 250 500 20 88 132 M30 27 530
[Units: mm, kg] Per metre. [Units: kN, kJ]
Utility Range
absorb energy and reduce shear forces.
Plastics Range
Type H W D T B E Bolt
Hollow Solid Length Bar E R
PFS 100 100 30 20 25 10 10.3 11.1 3000 40 × 5 M12 4.0 222
PFS 150 150 65 20 30 12 21.5 27.0 3000 60 × 8 M16 10.5 312
PFS 200 200 75 25 45 15 40.2 48.0 3000 80 × 10 M20 11.5 334
PFS 250 250 100 30 50 20 60.2 75.0 3000 90 × 12 M24 24.3 565
PFS 300 300 125 30 60 25 92.1 108 3000 110 × 12 M24 42.0 624
PFP 80 80 40 10 25 10 5.4 7.0 2000 40 × 5 M12 1.6 76
PFP 100 100 45 10 25 10 8.4 11.0 2000 40 × 5 M12 2.2 154
PFP 120 120 60 12 27 10 12.2 15.8 2000 50 × 6 M16 3.0 188
PFP 150 150 70 15 30 12 19.7 24.8 2000 60 × 8 M16 6.0 377
[Units: mm, kg] Per metre. [kN, kJ]
Coextruded from polyethylene, the material does not crack or split, rot or
decay. It is impervious to marine borers and will never corrode.
In fact all QuayPile and QuayTimber do is the job they were designed for –
creating attractive, strong and long lasting structures.
When the rest of the structure reaches the end of its useful life, QuayPile
and QuayTimber can be reused or recycled into new products. The ultimate
in environmentally friendly materials saves money and endangered
Carrier Reinforcement
matrix bars
Pile Nº of Rebar Moment of Young’s Stress at Compressive
Diameter Rebars Diameter Inertia Stiffness Modulus Weight 1% Strain Modulus
mm mm mm⁴ kNm² MPa kg/m MPa MPa
42 4344 7462 71±7 93 2923
40 3933 6757 70±7 84 2655
38 3546 6091 69±7 76 2402
330 8 582 × 10⁶
36 3181 5465 68±7 68 2163
34 2840 4878 67±7 61 1938
Fixed Range
32 2520 4330 66±7 54 1728
42 5336 9166 74±8 114 3577
40 4823 8285 72±7 103 3242
38 4339 7453 71±7 93 2925
330 10 582 × 10⁶
36 3883 6670 70±7 83 2626
34 3455 5936 69±7 74 2346
32 3056 5250 68±7 65 2083
42 6328 10870 77±8 135 4231
Foam Range
40 5712 9812 75±8 122 3829
38 5131 8814 73±7 110 3449
330 12 582 × 10⁶
36 4584 7875 72±8 98 3090
34 4071 6994 70±7 87 2753
32 3592 6171 69±7 77 2438
42 7129 5673 99±10 68 2087
40 6478 5155 98±10 62 1904
38 5863 4665 97±10 56 1732
400 8 1257 × 10⁶
36 5283 4204 96±10 50 1569
Air Range
34 4740 3772 95±10 45 1416
32 4232 3368 94±10 40 1273
42 10287 8186 105±11 98 2977
40 9311 7409 103±11 88 2703
38 8388 6675 101±10 80 2444
400 12 1257 × 10⁶
36 7519 5983 100±10 71 2200
34 6704 5335 98±10 64 1971
32 5942 4728 97±10 56 1757
Utility Range
42 13445 10699 110±11 128 3867
40 12143 9663 108±11 115 3502
38 10913 8684 106±11 104 3157
400 16 1257 × 10⁶
36 9754 7762 104±11 93 2832
34 8667 6897 102±11 82 2526
32 7651 6089 100±10 73 2240
Plastics Range
QuayTimber Properties
Nº of Rebar Moment of Young’s σY Compressive
Height Width Rebar Diameter Inertia Stiffness Modulus Weight (Bending) Modulus
mm mm No mm mm⁴ kNm² MPa kg/m MPa MPa
0 – 323 × 10⁶ 211 652 45 ± 5 5.9 314
25 323 × 10⁶ 684 2117 47 ± 5 23.7 992
32 323 × 10⁶ 897 2776 48 ± 5 31.1 1294
250 250
4 35 323 × 10⁶ 1025 3174 49 ± 5 35.6 1475
38 323 × 10⁶ 1161 3595 50 ± 5 40.3 1665
41 323 × 10⁶ 1305 4039 51 ± 5 45.3 1865
0 – 675 × 10⁶ 434 643 64 ± 7 5.9 305
25 675 × 10⁶ 1160 1718 67 ± 7 18.7 775
32 675 × 10⁶ 1485 2200 68 ± 7 23.9 984
300 300
4 35 675 × 10⁶ 1681 2490 69 ± 7 27.0 1109
Fixing types
QuayQuip’s pioneering sealed, watertight boss fixing Panel protection moves to another level with new, low
method secures facings to the underlying structure more profile fixings. The broader fixing creates much larger
reliably than troublesome, old-fashioned stud fixings. compressive, tensile and bearing areas and has a smooth
Boss fixings greatly increase wear allowance, prolonging upper surface to protect vessels and panels. The central
the service life of UHMW-PE facings. socket makes installation fast and simple.
Curved Facings
QuayQuip’s curved UHMW-PE facings are the
first of their kind. The unique profile smooths
vessel transitions across the face of the
panel and around corners, and offers greater
side impact protection than traditional sharp
Physical Molecular weight
ASTM D6474 Powder
YES >4 × 10 6 >4 × 10 6 >4 × 10 6
properties (Margolies) (no equiv. ISO) (raw material)
Specific density (ρ) g/cm³ ISO 1183 Sheet T = <40mm YES ~0.93–0.95 ~0.94–0.96 ~0.94
Service temperature range °C N/A - NO +80 / –80 +80 / –80 +80 / –40
Thermal Crystalline melting point °C ISO 3146
Powder (raw
YES 130−140 130−140 130−140
Fixed Range
Yield strength MPa ISO 527-2 YES ≥17 ≥17 ≥17
Foam Range
Yield elongation % ISO 527-2 YES ≥8 ≥8 ≥8
Break elongation % ISO 527-2 YES ≥50 ≥50 ≥45
≥130 ≥130 ≥130
Notch impact strength kJ/m² ISO 179-1 120 x 15 x 10 mm YES
(no break) (no break) (no break)
Ball hardness (30s) MPa ISO 2039−1 Sheet 4 mm YES ≥35 ≥35 ≥35
Air Range
Shore hardness HD ISO 868 Sheet 6 mm YES ≥60 ≥60 ≥60
Specimen in acc.
Elastic modulus MPa ISO 527-2 YES ≥650 ≥650 ≥650
to ISO 3167
Utility Range
ISO 8295 - YES
Dry - 0.10–0.15 0.15–0.20 0.22–0.30
Sand slurry
Abrasion resistance Virgin = 100 - YES 100 130–150 130-150
ISO 15527
Note to users:
Plastics Range
All testing at 23°C.
This data was determined on powder or test specimens prepares form compression moulded sheet T = ≤ 40mm. | Depending on the conditions of
specimen preparations, individual measurements may deviate from these values. | Due to the production process the data may vary depending on the
material thickness. The information contained in this technical data sheet can not be construed as a promise or guarantee of specific properties of our
Friction Coefficients
Friction coefficients vary according to the
Virgin FQ < 0.20 0.05 Virgin (static) ‘Virgin FQ’ (static) Regen. (static)
Virgin (dynamic) ‘Virgin FQ’ (dynamic) Regen. (dynamic)
Anchor layout is Tensioners help avoid slack Brackets are selected to suit the
important for evenly chains and are important range of load angles, to support the
distributing load forces for a well-controlled fender shackle pin and to distribute forces
into the structure. deflection geometry. into the structure.
Shear chains resist Weight chains support Tension chains work with weight
lateral friction the panel mass and resist chains to prevent droop, and are
forces from warping vertical friction, keeping essential for ‘low blow’ impacts.
maneouvres or the panel vertical and at Lower tension chains are needed
longitudinal approaches. the correct level. in some cases.
Chain systems should be
considered as early as possible Safety Factors Chains: ≥3.0
during fender design as their (Normal) Bolts: ≥1.5
according to PIANC, EAU, etc.
configuration can determine the Brackets: ≥1.5
functionality and load paths of the Anchors: ≥1.5
system as a whole.
Fixing bolts Each bracket is typically fixed with 4 bolts (or anchors).
QuayQuip chain systems are Finish All chain components are hot dip galvanised
matched with compatible (typically 100µm) except:
components – chain, shackle, Threaded items – spin galvanised
tensioner and bracket. Other Shackle pins – zinc plated
grades and sizes are available to
give designers more flexibility and Shackles Standard shackles are Safety-D Grade S6. Grade T8, bow
choice. shackles and other options are available. All shackles are
fitted with stainless steel split pins.
B = 1.4 × DC n = odd for out-of-
d DC plane shackles
Fixed Range
chain, use an odd or
DT even number of links
Shackle Tensioner Chains Shackle to match bracket
LS LT ±x n × LC LS
U2 U3
Foam Range
Dc 3.5D 4D 5D 4D
Lc Weight Lc Weight Lc Weight Lc Weight
20 264 70 0.6 80 0.6 100 0.7 330 80 0.6
22 304 77 0.8 88 0.8 110 1.0 380 88 0.8
24 362 84 1.0 96 1.1 120 1.3 453 96 1.1
26 424 91 1.3 104 1.4 130 1.6 530 104 1.4
28 492 98 1.6 112 1.7 140 2.0 616 112 1.7
30 566 105 2.0 120 2.1 150 2.5 706 120 2.1
32 644 112 2.4 128 2.6 160 3.0 804 128 2.6
34 726 119 2.8 136 3.1 170 3.6 908 136 3.1
Air Range
36 814 126 3.4 144 3.7 180 4.2 1020 144 3.7
38 908 133 4.0 152 4.3 190 5.0 1130 152 4.3
40 1010 140 4.6 160 5.0 200 5.8 1260 160 5.0
42 1110 147 5.4 168 5.8 210 6.7 1390 168 5.8
44 1220 154 6.2 176 6.7 220 7.7 1520 176 6.7
46 1330 161 7.0 184 7.6 230 8.8 1660 184 7.7
48 1450 168 8.0 192 8.7 240 10.1 1810 192 8.7
50 1570 175 9.0 200 9.8 250 11.4 1960 200 9.8
55 1900 193 12.0 220 13.1 275 15.1 2380 220 13.2
Utility Range
60 2260 210 15.6 240 17.0 300 19.6 2770 240 17.0
Preferred chain sizes are highlighted.
S6 T8 Split Pin
NBL Ls W P S Weight NBL Ls W P S Weight (SS316)
Plastics Range
19.0 237.5 71.5 32.0 20.5 60.5 1.04 350 71.5 32.0 20.5 60.5 1.04 4 × 36
22.5 325 85.0 36.5 24.5 71.5 1.63 475 85.0 36.5 24.5 71.5 1.63 4 × 36
25.5 425 96.0 43.0 25.5 81.0 2.38 625 96.0 43.0 25.5 81.0 2.38 4 × 45
29.0 475 107 46.0 32.0 91.0 3.59 750 107 46.0 32.0 91.0 3.59 4 × 50
32.0 600 118 51.5 35.0 100 4.65 900 118 51.5 35.0 100 4.65 4 × 55
35.0 675 130 57.0 38.0 111 6.71 1050 130 57.0 38.0 111 6.71 4 × 55
38.0 850 143 60.5 41.0 122 8.05 1500 143 60.5 41.0 122 8.05 5 × 60
44.5 1250 172 73.0 54.0 146 13.18 2000 172 73.0 54.0 146 13.18 6 × 70
51.0 1750 201.5 82.5 51.0 171.5 19.30 2500 202 82.5 51.0 172 19.30 6 × 75
66.5 2750 239 105 66.5 203 37.22 4000 239 105 66.5 203 37.22 10 × 85
PIANC suggests that an easily replaceable component should fail first in overloaded chain systems. [Units: mm, kN, kg]
Shackles are commonly used as a load fuse. Other shackle sizes and grades are available on request.
Type QB1
at 30°
Type QB2
B A Optimal
at 90°
Type QB3
C Optimal
at 90°
at 30°
Shear Weight Tension
CS-type M P
cast-in anchors
CS-type provide high holding
power for securing fenders Bolt Washer Cast-in Socket
and chain brackets to new Size A¹ tmin J K L² T P
concrete. They have a female M20 3 40 60 180 10 65
Fixed Range
socket (ferrule) with long tail, M24 4 48 72 220 10 75
clamping thickness
Varies according to
easily customised for special
M30 4 60 90 280 10 100
M36 5 72 108 336 12 100
M42 7 84 126 396 12 100
M48 8 96 144 448 16 100
M56 9 112 168 528 16 120
M64 10 128 192 600 20 130
Foam Range
M76 12 152 228 720 20 150
1. Bolt threads may require undercutting when galvanised bolts and sockets are specified[Units: mm]
2. Extra long and non-standard dimensions are available
t L
Air Range
anchors Size L tmin E H Vol.+10% Capsules
M20 3 170 25 33 1-E20
RF-type anchors suit M24 4 210 28 38 1-E24
clamping thickness
Varies according to
Utility Range
Standard lengths typically M36 5 330 42 133 1-E30
suit 30N concrete and better. M42 7 420 48 196 2-E30
Longer studs are used for M48 8 480 54 254 2-E30 + 1-E24
weaker concrete and special
M56 9 560 64 464 4-E30
cases. Glass capsule and
M64 10
other grouting systems are On request
available. M76 12
1. Cartridge and capsule grout systems are available [Units: mm, cm³]
Plastics Range
2. All holes must have roughened sides and be free from debris
3. Extra long and non-standard dimensions are available
Anchor Materials
Standard Anchor Materials ISO EN ASTM Finish PREN
All QuayQuip anchors are High Tensile 8.8 A325/A449 Spin Galvanised N/A
available in galvanised finish Stainless Steel (Austenitic) 1.4401 316 Self Colour 23.1–28.5
and a range of stainless steel Stainless Steel (Duplex) 1.4462 S31803 Self Colour 30.8–38.1
grades, and are all inspected Stainless Steel (Zeron 100) 1.4501 – Self Colour 40.0–44.0
and certified to recognised
PREN = Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number
international standards.
Stainless steel options
include austenitic, duplex Grout Capsule Cure Times
Change in Hardness
HA ISO 868 ≤6 Yes
Aged for 96h at 70°C
Ozone resistance
– ISO 1431–1 No cracks Yes
50pphm at 20% strain, 40°C, 100h
Tested properties are verified for each batch of parent material and certification to EN 10204: 3.1 is provided
* Grade 0: no cracks (pass). Grade 1: ≤10 pinpricks under 0.5mm long (pass). Grade 2 and above is fail.
Additional properties can be tested and/or third party witnessed on request at extra cost.
Polyethylene foam core
Property Standard
Density 58–70 kg/m³
Tensile strength ≥414kPa
Elongation at break ≥140%
<1kg/m² of cut
Fixed Range
Water absorption
Filament reinforcement
Property Standard
Filament size 2520 denier
Foam Range
Tensile strength ≥230N
Elongation at break ≥16%
Filament spacing 4mm (typical)
Polyurethane skin
Property Standard
Air Range
Hardness 75–95 Shore A
Tensile strength ≥13.8MPa
Elongation at break ≥350%
Tear strength ≥32kN/m
Utility Range
QuayQuip fenders are manufactured to strict quality standards, inspected and certified to EN 10204 : 3.1. We can
usually accommodate other tolerances and inspection levels on request and prior to order confirmation.
Plastics Range
Cone, Cell, Element, Arch Dimensions ±3% or ±2mm (whichever is larger)
Hole centres ±2mm
Performance ±10%
QuayGuard, Donut Performance ±15%
Pneumatic Performance ±10% (on reaction at guaranteed energy absorption)
Cylindricals Diameter (ID & OD) ±4% or 5mm (whichever is larger)
Length –0/+40mm
Test Protocol
QuayQuip adopts the latest verification testing protocols defined by PIANC¹ and ASTM² to confirm fenders meet the
published Rated Performance Data (RPD) for QCN cones, QCL cells and QME elements³.
Identification Fenders are identified with a unique serial number and job reference number to allow full
document traceability. RFID tag identification is available on request for some fender types.
Sampling 10% (min) of randomly selected fenders are tested, rounded up to the nearest whole unit. More
frequent testing can be carried out on request⁴.
Sampling of the remaining fenders is increased to 20% if any fender does not meet the required
values and to 100% if further fenders do not meet the required values.
Preparation Prior to verification tests, fender samples will be preconditioned by compressing three or more
times to rated deflection and allowed to recover for at least one hour. Fenders may then be
normalised (see below) if required.
Normalising If fenders are stored at an ambient temperature of 23°C ±10°C for more than 8 hours, then fenders
shall be “normalised” in a temperature controlled environment at 23°C ±5°C for a time not less
than t = 20X1.5 (where X = greatest wall thickness of rubber in metres).
Results Reaction and deflection shall be recorded at maximum intervals of 0.01H–0.05H (where H = nominal
fender height). Energy absorption is integrated from the Reaction v deflection curve.
Pass criteria Fenders pass the verification performance test if low end energy (RPD -10% tolerance) is achieved
without exceeding high end reaction (RPD +10% tolerance) at any point during the compression
PIANC also requires that all rubber fender units with RPD ≥ 1000kN to be installed on monopiles, pile-supported
jetties or other load sensitive structures shall be given at least one full compression cycle to stress relieve (condition)
them prior to use.
1 PIANC Marcom Report of WG33 – Guidelines for the Design of Fender Systems (2002).
2 ASTM F 2192-05 Standard Method for Determining and Reporting the Berthing Energy and Reaction of Marine Fenders.
3 Testing of other fender types (Arch, Cylindrical etc) follows a similar format – please ask QuayQuip for details.
4 Increased test frequency is an optional extra cost item.
QuayQuip’s Type Approval test programme has confirmed the factors
Rated Performance Data below for angle, temperature and initial impact speed that should be
PIANC 2002 defines the testing applied to Rated Performance Data (RPD) where operating conditions
methods for fenders and how differ from datum values. Values are derived according to PIANC¹ and
results shall be reported. ASTM² recommendations.
Fender performances are Additionally, project specifications may require fender tolerances to be
benchmarked at the following
Fixed Range
considered. Engineering judgement and a probabilistic design analysis
standardised datums: should be used to assess if it is realistic for multiple worst case events to
Angle 0° arise simultaneously.
Temperature 23°C ±5°C
In all cases the minimum energy absorption capacity of fenders or fender
Initial Velocity 150mm/s
systems should be greater than the ‘Required Energy’ of berthing ships as
Tolerance ±10%
defined by PIANC¹.
Foam Range
Velocity Factors
Fender Type Initial Impact Speed (mm/s)
QCN QCL QME QSA QPA QCY 1 50 100 150 200 250 300
Rubber is viscoelastic so the
200 0,92 0,94 0,97 1,00 1,03 1,06 1,08
faster the impact, the stiffer the
250 0,93 0,95 0,98 1,00 1,02 1,05 1,07
material appears to be.
300 0,94 0,96 0,98 1,00 1,02 1,04 1,06
350 0,94 0,96 0,98 1,00 1,02 1,04 1,06 Factors given are based on a
400 0,94 0,96 0,98 1,00 1,02 1,04 1,06 linear deceleration over the full
500 0,95 0,97 0,98 1,00 1,02 1,03 1,05 fender deflection.
550 0,95 0,97 0,98 1,00 1,02 1,03 1,05
Air Range
600 0,96 0,97 0,98 1,00 1,01 1,03 1,04
Small fenders at high impact
630 0,96 0,97 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,03 1,04
speeds are more affected than
700 0,96 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,04 large fenders at low speeds. In
750 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 most common cases, variance
800 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 to RPD is minimal and may be
860 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 ignored.
900 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03
Angle Factors
Utility Range
1000 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03
1050 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 Performance varies according
1100 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 to the angle of compression.
1150 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 Standard PIANC angles are
1200 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 given, other angles may be
1250 0,98 0,98 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,02 interpolated.
1300 0,98 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,01 1,02
Temperature Factors
1400 0,98 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,01 1,02
Plastics Range
1450 0,98 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,01 1,02
1500 0,98 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,01 1,02 Rubber gets softer at high
1600 0,98 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,01 1,02
temperatures (lower energy)
1700 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,00 1,01 1,01 1,02
and stiffer when cooled (higher
1800 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,01 1,01
reaction), relative to PIANC
2000 0,98 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,01 1,02
2250 0,98 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,01 1,01 1,02
2500 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,01 1,01
3000 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,01 1,01
QCN Cone Fenders QCL Cell Fenders QME Elements* QSA/QPA Arch Temperature Factor
Angle E-factor R-factor E-factor R-factor E-factor R-factor E-factor R-factor +50°C 0.91
0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 +40°C 0.94
3 1.01 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.97 1.00 +30°C 0.97
5 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.95 1.00
+23°C 1.00
+10°C 1.05
Country Tel
VESSELS Provide data for largest, smallest and intermediate ships if available.
Type Type
Deadweight Deadweight
Displacement Displacement
Length L OA L BP Length L OA L BP
Beam Beam
Maximum Medium
Fixed Range
High humidity High
Foam Range
Berthing speed
Side berthing
Berthing angle
(Mode A)
Safety factor
Berthing speed
Air Range
Side berthing
Berthing angle
(Mode B)
Acercamiento Safety factor
Berthing speed
Side berthing
Berthing angle
Utility Range
(Mode C)
Safety factor
Berthing speed
Safety factor
Plastics Range
Berthing speed
Safety factor
Berthing speed
Safety factor
PIANC 2002
Other Design
Contact EAU-2004
information method
ROM 0.2-90
Distance Force
m ft in kN tonne-f kip-f
1 m = 1 3.281 39.37 1 kN = 1 0.102 0.225
1 tonne-f
1 ft = 0.3048 1 12 9.81 1 2.2046
1 in = 0.0254 0.0833 1 1 kip-f = 4.45 0.454 1
Fixed Range
Area Energy
m² ft² in² kJ tf-m kip-ft
1 m² = 1 10.764 1550 1 kJ = 1 0.102 0.7376
Foam Range
1 in² = 645.2 × 10 -6 6.944 × 10 -3 1 1 kip-ft = 1.36 0.14 1
Volume Pressure
m³ ft³ in³ kPa t/m² kip/ft²
1 m³ = 1 35.315 61024 1 kPa = 1 0.102 0.0209
Air Range
1 in³ = 16.387 × 10 -6 578.7 × 10 -6 1 1 kip/ft² = 47.9 4.88 1
Acceleration Velocity
g m/s² ft/s² m/s ft/s km/h knot
Utility Range
1 g = 1 9.807 32.17 1 m/s = 1 3.2808 3.6 1.9438
Plastics Range
Disclaimer Intellectual Property
The content of this Catalogue is provided for information only and without The trademarks, service marks and logos (the
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QuayQuip BV may, in its sole discretion, revise the information contained in this Catalogue should be construed as granting
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QuayQuip BV may make changes in the products or services described at any
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This Catalogue is provided on an “as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, this Catalogue. These materials may not be modified
QuayQuip BV makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability or copied for commercial use or distribution.
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QuayQuip BV is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential Copyright © 2015 QuayQuip BV.
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