Road To 5G Introduction and Migration FINAL

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Road to 5G:

and Migration
April 2018

About the GSMA Future Networks Programme

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators The GSMA’s Future Networks is designed to help operators
worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with almost 300 and the wider mobile industry to deliver All-IP networks so
companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including that everyone benefits regardless of where their starting
handset and device makers, software companies, point might be on the journey.
equipment providers and internet companies, as well as
The programme has three key work-streams focused on:
organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also
The development and deployment of IP services, The
produces industry-leading events such as Mobile World
evolution of the 4G networks in widespread use today, The
Congress, Mobile World Congress Shanghai, Mobile World
5G Journey developing the next generation of mobile
Congress Americas and the Mobile 360 Series of
technologies and service.
For more information, please visit the Future Networks
For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate
website at:
website at Follow the GSMA on Twitter:
@GSMA. Document Editor
Dongwook Kim, 5G Project Manager
Michele Zarri, Technical Director – Networks

Acknowledgement (5G Introduction Project Members)

Applied Communication Sciences MediaTek Inc.

ARM Ltd. Nokia
AT&T Mobility NTT DOCOMO, Inc.
Axiata Group Berhad Orange
China Mobile Limited Qualcomm Incorporated
China Telecommunications Corporation SingTel Mobile Singapore Pte. Ltd.
China Unicom SK Telecom Co., Ltd.
Deutsche Telekom AG SoftBank Corp.
DISH Network Corporation Sprint Corporation
Ericsson Syniverse Technologies, Inc
Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp.,Ltd. Telecom Italia SpA
Huawei Technologies Co Ltd Telefónica S.A.
iBasis, Inc Telenor Group
Intel Corporation Telia Finland Oyj
KDDI Corporation T-Mobile USA, Inc
KPN B.V. Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.
KT Corporation United States Cellular Corporation
Kuwait Telecom Company (K.S.C.) Videotron Ltd
LG Electronics Inc Vodafone Roaming Services S.à r.l
LG Uplus, Corp. ZTE Corporation

Executive Summary 5 4.3.4 Impact on device and 22
1 Introduction 8 network
1.1 Scope 9 4.3.5 Impact on voice including 22
service continuity
1.2 Abbreviations 9
4.4 NSA Option #3 to NSA 23
1.3 References 11
Option #7 and SA Option
2 Why 5G? 12 4.4.1 Description 23
2.1 The advent of the 5G era 13 4.4.2 Feasibility of the path in 23
2.2 Drivers of 5G 13 meeting 5G use cases
2.3 Expectations on 5G 13 4.4.3 Deployment considerations 23
2.4 Use cases and spectrum 14 4.4.4 Impact on device and 23
bands for 5G network
4.4.5 Impact on voice including 24
Part I 15 service continuity
3 5G Network Deployment 15 4.5 NSA Option #3 to NSA 24
Options Option #3 and SA Option
3.1 Standalone (SA) and Non- 16
standalone (NSA) 4.5.1 Description 24
3.2 Evolved Packet Core (EPC) 16 4.5.2 Feasibility of the path in 24
and 5G Core Network (5GC) meeting 5G use cases
4.5.3 Deployment considerations 24
4 5G Network Introduction & 18 4.5.4 Impact on device and 24
Migration Paths network
4.1 General observations and 19 4.5.5 Impact on voice including 25
assumptions service continuity
4.2 EPS to SA Option #2 19 4.6 NSA Option #3 to NSA 26
Option #4 and SA Option
4.2.1 Description 19
4.2.2 Feasibility of the path in 19
4.6.1 Description 26
meeting 5G use cases
4.6.2 Feasibility of the path in 28
4.2.3 Deployment considerations 19
meeting 5G use cases
4.2.4 Impact on device and 20
4.6.3 Deployment considerations 26
4.6.4 Impact on device and 27
4.2.5 Impact on voice including 20
service continuity
4.6.5 Impact on voice including 27
4.3 EPS to NSA Option #3 21
service continuity
4.3.1 Description 21
4.7 Other migration steps 27
4.3.2 Feasibility of the path in 21
meeting 5G use cases
5 Recommendations for 28
4.3.3 Deployment considerations 21
collaborative actions

7.1.2 5GC (5G Core) 42

Part II 30 7.2 Comparison of EPC and 44
6 Study of 5G Network 30 5GC
Introduction Case
6.1 Why 5G? 31 8 Detailed considerations on 45
6.1.1 5G technology and service 31 5G deployment options
trial activities 8.1 Standalone considerations 46
6.1.2 Other business/social 32 8.2 Non-standalone 46
drivers in the nation considerations
6.1.3 Deployment purpose and 33
spectrum at disposal 9 Impact on voice including 49
6.2 Analysis of 5G migration 34 service continuity
options 9.1 Options for operator 50
6.3 Rationale behind migration 35 voice/video
option communications service in
6.4 Challenges in actual 36 5G
migration 9.2 Recommendations for 51
6.5 Lessons learned from 38 voice/video
migration case study communications service in

Part III 40
Annex A 52
7 Core network 40
considerations Other considerations for operators
7.1 Core network solutions 41 A.1 Status Icon related to 5G 53
7.1.1 EPC (Evolved Packet Core) 41

Executive Summary
Unlike previous generations of mobile networks, cases effectively while supporting global
the fifth generation (5G) technology is expected interoperability.
to fundamentally transform the role that
telecommunications technology plays in the This document therefore analyses the alternatives
society. 5G is also expected to enable further available for operators intending to introduce a
economic growth and pervasive digitalisation of a 3GPP compliant 5G system migrating from their
hyper-connected society, where not only are all 3GPP 4G network. The structure of the document
people connected to the network whenever is as follows: Part I provides an high level
needed, but also many other devices/things description of the 5G introduction and subsequent
virtually creating the society with everything migration along recommendations for
connected (i.e. Internet of Everything). 5G will collaborative actions while Part II delves into real
therefore enable new use cases such as smart operator case study and Part III provides
cities, smart agriculture, logistics and public safety advanced technology considerations requiring a
agencies. Furthermore, there are a variety of reasonably advanced level of understanding of the
spectrum bands available for deployment of 5G, 3GPP system.
which can be sub-divided in three macro
While 3GPP is defining both a new 5G core
categories: sub-1GHz, 1-6GHz and above 6GHz.
network (5GC) as well as a new radio access
In addition, 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership
technology called 5G “New Radio” (NR), it is
Project) has specified new 5G radio access
possible to integrate elements of different
technology, 5G enhancements of 4G (fourth
generations in different configuration with 5G: SA
generation) network, and new 5G core network.
(standalone) and NSA (non-standalone). SA
The variety of requirements and spectrum needs scenario uses only one radio access technology
show that there are many options of 5G (5G NR or the evolved LTE (Long Term Evolution)
introduction and different spectrum bands will be radio cells) and the core networks are operated
needed to support all use cases. Operators must alone. NSA scenario combines NR radio cells and
therefore consider the feasibility of different LTE radio cells using dual-connectivity to provide
options in meeting their intended initial use cases radio access and the core network may be either
and interoperability of their choice with other EPC (Evolved Packet Core) or 5GC (see Table 1
options to ensure their networks deliver the use for details).

Table 1: Comparison of 5G radio access and core networks

Advantages Disadvantages
• Simple to manage • Not able to leverage existing
SA • Inter-generation handover LTE deployments if NR is used
Radio between 4G-5G in SA
network • Tight interworking between LTE
• Leverage existing LTE
NSA and NR required
• May impact end user experience

• Leverage existing EPC

EPC • Cloud support is optional
network • Cloud native
5GC • Easier to support multiple • New deployment required


Figure 1: 4G and 5G Deployment Options

Consequently, five deployment options are • NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #3 and SA
available for 5G as depicted in Figure 11. Red Option #2
colour denotes NR and 5GC. • NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #4 and SA
Option #2
NOTE: for simplicity, the figure does not
depict control and user plane connection The analysis of the paths (see Table 2) take four
perspectives. First, feasibility of use case refers to
As there can be multiple paths to reach the final the ability of the path in addressing 5G use cases.
target configuration that an operator intends to Second, deployment considerations consider the
deploy, it is essential to consider migration steps support for early 5G devices and core network &
that would comprise different paths. This radio access network deployment considerations
document analyses the following migration steps of the migration step (i.e. the core network
that the 5G Introduction project group members solution adopted as a result of the path and the
believe to be more likely. extent of leveraging existing LTE deployment).
Third, impact on device and network considers
• EPS (Evolved Packet System) to SA Option
the impact of the migration step on device and
• EPS to NSA Option #3 network. Finally, impact on voice service including
• NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #7 and SA service continuity refers to the ease of voice
Option #5 service provisioning and continuity offered by the
migration step.

For completeness, the figure also includes “Option 1”
representing today’s 4G deployments


Table 2: High-level overview of migration step analysis results

Path Use Case1 Deployment Device/Network Voice

• Little impact on • IMS Voice

• 5G Core benefits 4G supported
EPS to SA#2 • Full 5G use cases • Needs to retain • 4G/5G system • No CS
EPC interworking interworking from
required 5GS

• Leverage LTE
• Quick time-to-
• Limited support • EPC procedures • Leverage existing
EPS to NSA#3 market
for 5G use case • Impact on 4G VoLTE service
• No 5G Core

• IMS Voice
• Impact on NR,
• 5G Core benefits supported
NSA#3 to • Full 5G use cases LTE
• Needs to retain • No CS
NSA#7 / SA#5 • Initially limited • Impact on IMS
EPC interworking from
• 5GC deployment

• IMS Voice
• 5G Core benefits • Impact on NR,
• Full 5G use cases supported
NSA#3 to • Needs to retain LTE
• Initially limited • No CS
NSA#3 / SA#2 EPC • Impact on IMS
• Core migration interworking from
• Wide area NR • 5GC deployment

• IMS Voice
• Impact on NR,
• Full 5G use cases • 5G Core benefits supported
NSA#3 to LTE
• Initially limited • Needs to retain • No CS
NSA#4 / SA#2 • Impact on IMS
• Core migration EPC interworking from
• 5GC deployment
Limited support for 5G use case denotes focus on enhanced mobile broadband use case
NOTE: CS stands for circuit-switched

The availability of options and migration steps • Global profile for the industry to address
indicate that the mobile industry needs to respect • Basic connectivity of devices to a 5G
the need of different operators to follow different network (including interoperability
migration strategies with some degree of between 5G and LTE networks)
divergence. Nevertheless, customers and the • IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)
wider industry will be able to benefit as a whole if services delivered over NR
the following collaborative actions are taken by • Support roaming to/from networks
with same/different 5G deployment
operators in order to guarantee service continuity,
services and network interoperability and to
unlock economies of scale. • Global issue registry and resolution group
that receives issues encountered during 5G
commercialization and collaboratively
resolves the issues.


1. Introduction


1.1 Scope CSCF Call Session Control Function

This document analyses the alternatives available CSFB Circuit Switched Fallback
for operators intending to introduce a 3GPP CUPS Control Plane – User Plane Separation
compliant 5G system migrating from their 3GPP
E2E End-to-End
4G network. For each of the options and
eMBB enhanced Mobile BroadBand
consequent migration steps, this paper considers
the technical, economic and strategic perspective. EMM EPS Mobility Management
The structure of the document is as follows: Part I eNB Evolved Node B
provides a high level description of the 5G EN-DC E-UTRA-NR Dual Connectivity
introduction and subsequent migration along
EPC Evolved Packet Core
recommendations for collaborative actions. Part II
delves into real operator case study of deploying ePDG Evolved Packet Data Gateway
5G while Part III outlines advanced technology EPS Evolved Packet System
considerations requiring a reasonably advanced ESM EPS Session Management
level of understanding of the 3GPP system.
EU European Union
It is assumed that the mobile network operator Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio
deploying a 5G network is already operating a 4G Access
network. This document covers 3GPP mobile Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio
accesses (4G and 5G) only. Non-3GPP accesses Access Network
are not covered in this version of the document. EVS Enhanced Voice Services

1.2 Abbreviations Federation Internationale de Football

Term Description
gNB Fifth Generation NodeB
2G Second Generation (Mobile Network)
Global System for Mobile
3G Third Generation (Mobile Network) GSM
3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project
GW Gateway
4G Fourth Generation (Mobile Network)
HEVC High Efficiency Video Coding
5G Fifth Generation (Mobile Network)
HO Handover
5GC 5G Core (network)
HSS Home Subscriber Server
Fifth Generation Private Public
5GPPP IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem
International Mobile
5GS Fifth Generation System IMT
AMF Access & Mobility Management Function
IOC International Olympic Committee
AP Access Point
IoT Internet of Things
API Application Programme Interface
IP Internet Protocol
AS Application Server
IPTV Internet Protocol Television
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ISD Inter-Site Distance
B2B Business-to-Business
ITU International Telecommunication Union
CA Carrier Aggregation
LCS Location Services
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
LIPA Local IP Access
CN Core Network
LS Liaison Statement
CP Control Plane
LTE Long Term Evolution
CS Circuit-Switched


MCG Master Cell Group SIPTO Selected IP Traffic Offload

MCPTT Mission Critical Push-To-Talk SM Session Management
mIoT Massive IoT SMF Session Management Function
MME Mobility Management Entity SMS Short Message Service
mMTC Mobile Machine Type Communications SN Secondary Node
MN Master Node SRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity
MPS Multimedia Priority Service TB Terabyte
MR-DC Multi-RAT Dual Connectivity TCO Total Cost of Ownership
NAS Non Access Stratum TV Television
NB-IoT Narrowband-IoT TWAG Trusted Wireless Access Gateway
NE-DC NR E-UTRA Dual Connectivity TX Transmission
NF Network Function U-20 Under 20
NFV Network Function Virtualization UDM User Data Management
NGEN-DC NG-RAN E-UTRA-NR Dual Connectivity UE User Equipment
NR New Radio UL Uplink
NRF Network Repository Function Universal Mobile Telecommunications
NSA Non-Standalone System

NWDA Network Data Analytics UPF User Plane Function

Ultra-Reliable Low Latency
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer URLLC
PCF Policy Control Function
USA United States of America
PCRF Policy and Charging Rules Function
ViLTE Video over LTE
P-CSCF Proxy Call Session Control Function
VoLTE Voice over LTE
PDCP Packet Data Convergence Protocol
VoWiFi Voice over WiFi
PGW PDN (Packet Data Network) Gateway
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
PGW-C Control plane of the PGW
PGW-U User plane of the PGW
QCI QoS Class Identifier
QoE Quality of Experience
QoS Quality of Service
RAN Radio Access Network
RAT Radio Access Technology
RRC Radio Resource Control
RX Reception
SA Standalone
SBA Service Based Architecture
SCG Secondary Cell Group
SGW Serving Gateway
SIG Special Interest Group
SIP Session Initiation Protocol


1.3 References
Ref Title 3GPP TS 23.501 System
[1] “5G New Wave”, 5G Forum [11] Architecture for the 5G System;
“5G PPP use cases and performance Stage 2
evaluation models”, 5GPPP 3GPP TS 23.502 Procedures for the
“5G Spectrum Public Policy 5G System; Stage 2
Position”, GSMA 3GPP TS 36.300 Evolved Universal
[4] “5G White Paper”, NGMN Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA)
[13] and Evolved Universal Terrestrial
“Mobile Broadband Transformation
[5] Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN);
LTE to 5G”, 5G Americas
Overall description; Stage 2
[6] “The 5G Era”, GSMA
3GPP TS 37.340 Evolved Universal
[7] “Understanding 5G”, GSMAi Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA)
“White Paper on 5G Vision and and NR
Requirements”, IMT-2020 PG Multi-connectivity; Stage 2
3GPP TS 23.214 Architecture 3GPP TS 38.300 NR; Overall
[9] enhancements for control and user description; Stage 2
plane separation of EPC nodes ITU-R M.2083 “IMT-2020 Vision”,
3GPP TS 23.401 General Packet ITU-R
Radio Service (GPRS) enhancements R2-1713952 LS Reply to SA WG2 on
[10] for Evolved Universal Terrestrial [17]
Status Icon related to 5G
Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN)
S2-178933 LS Reply to SA WG2 on
access [18]
Status Icon related to 5G


2. Why 5G?


Table 3: Key performance requirements of IMT-2020

2.1 The advent of the 5G era 2.2 Drivers of 5G

Unlike previous generations of mobile networks, While previous generations of mobile networks
the fifth generation (5G) technology is expected were purpose built for delivering communications
to fundamentally transform the role that services such as voice and messaging (e.g. 2G) or
telecommunications technology plays in society. mobile broadband (e.g. 4G), 5G will have
5G is also expected to enable further economic flexibility and configurability at the heart of its
growth and pervasive digitalisation of an hyper- design to enable mobile operators to serve IoT
connected society, where not only are all people (Internet of Things) use cases and to support
are connected to the network whenever needed, ultra-reliable, low latency connections as well as
but also many other devices/things virtually enhanced mobile broadband [4], [5], [6], [16].
creating the society with everything connected Particularly, new use cases designed to support
(i.e. Internet of Everything) [1], [7]. It is not a smart cities, smart agriculture, logistics and public
coincidence that governments around the world safety agencies will deeply impact for the better
(especially in the most advanced economies such every aspect of our lives.
as China, EU, Japan, Korea and USA) are
demanding acceleration in the introduction of 5G 2.3 Expectations on 5G
technology in their respective markets. Technically, 5G is a system designed to meet the
requirements of IMT-2020 set by the ITU-R
The variety of business models and services that specification M.2083 [16]. 5G will provide more
5G systems will support, however, leads to advanced and enhanced capabilities compared to
numerous strategies a mobile operator has 4G LTE (IMT-Advanced). The following table
available to introduce 5G services. As global reach summarises some of the key performance
and economies of scale for network equipment as parameters.
well as devices remain a vital component for the
success of a mobile telecommunications networks, It can be noted that 5G will aim to provide 20
it is important to ensure that although different times the peak data rate (speed), 10 times lower
operators may follow different 5G introduction latency (responsiveness) and 3 times more
and deployment options, those two tenets are spectral efficiency than 4G LTE.


2.4 Use cases and spectrum bands for 5G mixture of coverage and capacity for 5G services.
5G has three major use case classes: enhanced There is a reasonable amount of existing mobile
Mobile Broadband (eMBB), mIoT and ultra-reliable broadband spectrum identified with this range
low latency (URLLC). The requirements for the which could be used for initial 5G deployments.
use case classes and the use cases within each Spectrum bands above 6GHz provide significant
class vary significantly [2], [4], [8]. For example, capacity thanks to the very large bandwidth that
smart meters will require only periodic can be allocated to mobile communications and
transmission of relatively small sized traffic while thus enable enhanced mobile broadband
enhanced mobile broadband will require bursty applications [3]. The downside of using high
/continuous transmission of large size traffic. spectrum bands (so called “millimetre wave”2) is
the much reduced coverage size of each cell and
In terms of spectrum bands earmarked for its susceptibility to blocking.
deployment of 5G, they can be sub-divided in
three macro categories: sub-1GHz, 1-6GHz and This variety of requirements and spectrum needs
above 6GHz. show that there are many options of 5G
introduction and different spectrum bands will be
Sub-1GHz bands are suitable to support IoT needed to support all use cases. Operators must
services and extend mobile broadband coverage therefore consider the feasibility of different
from urban to suburban and rural areas. This is options in meeting their intended initial use cases
because the propagation properties of the signal and interoperability of their choice with other
at these frequencies enable 5G to create very options to ensure their networks deliver the use
large coverage areas and deep in-building cases effectively while supporting global
penetration. The 1-6GHz bands offer a reasonable interoperability.

Figure 2: Capacity and coverage considerations of spectrum


As the wavelength is defined as the ratio between the speed obtained at 30 GHz, however it is common practice to use this
of light and the frequency of the wave, a 1 mm wavelength is terminology for spectrum bands above 25 GHz.

Part I:
3. 5G Network
Deployment Options

3.1 Standalone (SA) and Non-standalone (NSA) Dual Connectivity: Operation where a given
UE consumes radio resources provided by at
As with the previous generations, 3GPP is defining least two different network points (e.g. NR
both a new 5G core network, referred to as 5GC, access from gNB and LTE access from eNB).
as well as a new radio access technology called
Three variations of NSA are defined in 3GPP:
5G “New Radio” (NR). Unlike previous generations
that required that both access and core network • Option 3 using EPC and an LTE eNB acting
of the same generation to be deployed (e.g. as master and NR en-gNB acting as
Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and LTE together secondary;
formed a 4G system), with 5G it is possible to • Option 4 using 5GC and an NR gNB acting
integrate elements of different generations in as master and LTE ng-eNB acting as
secondary; and
different configurations, namely:
• Option 7 using 5GC and an LTE ng-eNB
acting as master and an NR gNB acting as
• Standalone using only one radio access
technology and
• Non-Standalone combining multiple radio
access technologies. 3.2 Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and 5G Core
Network (5GC)
In a standalone scenario, the 5G NR or the 5G deployment options are being defined in 3GPP
evolved LTE radio cells and the core network are using either the existing EPC (Evolved Packet
operated alone. This means that the NR or Core, specified in 3GPP TS 23.401 [10]) or the
evolved LTE radio cells are used for both control 5GC (5G Core network, specified in 3GPP TS
plane and user plane. The standalone option is a 23.501 [11]).
simple solution for operators to manage and may
be deployed as an independent network using The two architectures follow a very different set
normal inter-generation handover between 4G of design principles and the main differences are
and 5G for service continuity. discussed more in detail in section 7.2.

Three variations of SA are being defined in 3GPP: While EPC could be considered an evolution of
previous generation packet core networks, the
• Option 1 using EPC and LTE eNB access 5GC has been designed from its inception to be
(i.e. as per current 4G LTE networks); “cloud native”, that is inheriting many of the
• Option 2 using 5GC and NR gNB access; technology solutions used in cloud computing and
with virtualisation at its core. 5GC also offers
• Option 5 using 5GC and LTE ng-eNB access
superior network slicing and QoS features.
Another important characteristic is the separation
In non-standalone (NSA) scenario, the NR radio
of the control plane and user plane that besides
cells are combined with LTE radio cells using dual-
adding flexibility in connecting the users also
connectivity to provide radio access and the core
allows an easier way to support a multitude of
network may be either EPC or 5GC depending on
access technologies, better support for network
the choice of operator. This scenario may be
slicing and edge computing.
chosen by operators that wish to leverage existing
4G deployments, combining LTE and NR radio NOTE: from 3GPP Release 14 onwards, the
resources with existing EPC and/or that wish new separation of control plane and user plane is also
5GC to deliver 5G mobile services. This solution an available option in 4G.
will require tight interworking with the LTE RAN.
The end user experience will be dependent on the
radio access technology(ies) used.


Figure 3: Overview of SA and NSA Options

Standalone LTE under EPC Standalone NR under 5GC Standalone LTE under 5GC (option
(option 1) (option 2). 5)

Non-standalone LTE and NR Non-standalone NR and LTE Non-standalone LTE and NR under
under EPC (option 3) under 5GC (option 4). 5GC (option 7)

Part I:
4. 5G Network
Introduction &
Migration paths


4.1 General observations and assumptions 2017 (see
As discussed in the previous section, 5G can be
introduced either in standalone mode (option 2 4.2.3 Deployment Considerations
and option 5) using 5GC or in non-standalone
Compared to EPC-based deployment options such
mode, using EPC (option 3) or 5GC (options 4 and
as Option 1 and Option 3, this option provides an
open, flexible, and service-based network
There are therefore several possible “paths” architecture for 5G which can fully exert the
operators can follow to first introduce 5G and ability of 5G. In this context, it may be considered
then migrate it to the target configuration(s). This as the deployment choice for operators who need
section presents a selection of what are thought to fulfil the market requirements, especially of
to be likely introduction and migration scenarios. vertical industries. It is also a long term network
Readers should be aware that many aspects need architecture as it already uses both the newly
to be considered when deciding on the best defined radio and core network.
migration strategy, including spectrum allocation,
Direct interworking between 5GS and 2G/3G CS
support for other service and industries, and
domain is not considered at the beginning of
support of 5G capabilities in terminals.
deployment for this option.
In this section, it is assumed that the operator:

• has deployed a full 4G system comprising

an EPC and LTE access
• plans to migrate in mid- or long-term to

4.2 EPS to SA Option #2

4.2.1 Description
In this scenario the operator migrates directly
from EPS (Option 1) to the standalone Option 2
with inter-RAT mobility mechanisms used to move
devices between 4G LTE under EPC coverage and
5G NR under 5GC coverage.

4.2.2 Feasibility of the path in meeting 5G use

One of the key benefit of this option is that SA
architecture can take full advantage of 5G end-to-
end network capabilities supported by NR and
5GC, providing customized service, especially to
vertical industry, in an effective and efficient way.
New features, including service-based
architecture, end-to-end network slicing, and
MEC, can be enabled according to specific
requirement of each service, providing customized
superior user experience. The 3GPP specifications
of Option 2 will be completed by June 2018 with
the 5GC stage 2 specification completed in Dec.


Figure 4: Description of EPS to SA Option #2

4.2.4 Impact on Device and Network The UE supports complete set of functionalities
SA Option #2 envisages the deployment of both for Control-Plane and User-Plane and for all
NR gNB based NG-RAN as a new radio access and interfaces to the network.
5GC as new core along with new features on LTE
To avoid the coverage limitations in UL due to
eNB based E-UTRAN to support inter-RAT
different TX/RX configurations and network
mobility. Option #2 requires the device to support
deployment between downlink and uplink, high
both a radio front end capable of receiving and
power UE can be used to enhance UL coverage.
transmitting data over NR as well as new
procedures for the 5GC. 4.2.5 Impact on voice including service continuity

Since SA operator provides services that are NOTE: a detailed description of the technical
delivered over standalone 5GS, interworking implications for providing service continuity in this
between 5GS and EPS for service continuity for scenario is provided in Section 9.
those services may be required. Based on
Depending on whether the operator supports
operator strategy, single registration solution with
voice services over IMS and whether it provides
or without AMF-MME interface as defined in 3GPP
national coverage (i.e. 100% of its coverage) or
TS 23.501/502 can be deployed [11], [12].
less, the feasibility of voice service continuity in
Converged nodes of SMF+PGW-C, UPF+PGW-U,
this migration step will differ.
UDM+HSS and PCRF+PCF are needed
accordingly. MME is also impacted to support 5GS If the operator provides VoLTE (Voice over LTE)
and EPS interworking for converged SMF+PGW-C with national coverage, then the operator can
selection or for dual registration without AMF- either provide IMS voice service over 5G network
MME interface. (5GS) or utilize existing VoLTE service. If IMS
voice service over 5G network (5GS) is not
Since Dual-connectivity is not required for Option
provided, the operator may still be in the position
#2, workload and cost for 4G existing eNB
to provide voice by adopting non-standardised
upgrade and modification is relatively low, with
solutions, hence requiring experimental approach.
only minor upgrades needed to support
If the operator only offers VoLTE service over
interworking with 5G.
EPS, then interworking of 5GS with EPS is


necessary for subscribers to fall back from 5G to finishing the specification for other options (see
4G when voice service is required. 3GPP news article on approval of NR spec and
industry support for 3GPP NR)
If the operator provides VoLTE with partial
coverage and CS voice complements VoLTE to Besides the accelerated time to market, as the NR
support national coverage, then the operator will augment the existing capability of the LTE
needs to utilize existing VoLTE service and ensure radio network, this option allows flexible “on
that continuity between LTE and CS access is demand” deployment where capacity is needed
implemented (i.e., SRVCC: Single Radio Voice Call using the same or different vendors for LTE and
Continuity). In the case where the VoLTE service NR. Furthermore, this option is going to be
does not provide continuity between LTE and CS maintained in future releases of 3GPP (beyond
access, then the voice call continuity would not be release 15) and therefore can be used in longer-
guaranteed for regions where VoLTE is not term, even if other options are deployed in
supported. parallel.

If the operator does not provide VoLTE and The capability of deploying NR while anchoring
provides CS voice with national coverage only, the communication to the EPC network offers the
then this migration step would involve some opportunity of making optimal use of the
investment. The operator would need to provide spectrum above 6GHz where operators will have
national coverage IMS voice service over 5G available the large bandwidths necessary to
network (5GS). Otherwise, the migration step deliver the high throughput in hotspots but that
would not guarantee voice service continuity as cannot be provided easily over large areas due to
there is no standardized solution for 5G networks the fast signal attenuation. However, NR in option
(5GS) equivalent to the SRVCC operation defined 3 can also be deployed in spectrum bands below
for 4G networks (EPS) in initial release of 5G 6GHz and the example above should be
(3GPP Release 15). Note that there is also no considered as illustration of one of the possible
Circuit Switched Fallback (CSFB) operation deployment scenarios.
available for 5GS.
4.3.3 Deployment considerations of option 3
4.3 EPS to NSA Option #3 Depending on the EPC features defined by 3GPP
4.3.1 Description in Release 15 and future releases, the EPC
This section covers the migration from EPS capabilities may represent a possible bottleneck
(Option 1) to non-standalone Option 3 with the E- (e.g., latency) that limits the performance that
UTRA extended to allow compatible devices to use could otherwise be extracted from NR.
dual connectivity to combine LTE and NR radio
Data throughput per 5G connected subscriber
(e.g. in SGW/PGW) is expected to increase via NR
4.3.2 Feasibility of the path in meeting 5G use and LTE in dual-connectivity. While the increase
cases of data requires additional consideration in
network planning (for example, adding user plane
One of the key advantages of this option is that it
nodes for SGW/PGW), adoption of additional
only requires the development of specifications of
features in the latest releases of 3GPP
NR as non-standalone access as part of E-UTRAN
specification may resolve the challenge.
connected to EPC rather than the specification of
the full 5G system as it is the case for standalone Finally, as the 5GC is not going to be used in this
NR in section 4.2 and other 5GS cases. In Dec. option, none of the differentiating capabilities of
2017, 3GPP completed the specifications of Option the new architecture described in Section 7.1.2
3 with the corresponding ASN.1 encoding due in are available to the operator.
March 2018 as an intermediate milestone before


Figure 5: Description of EPS to NSA Option #3

4.3.4 Impact on Device and Network not, the feasibility of voice service continuity in
NSA Option #3 requires deployment of NSA NR this migration step will differ.
en-gNB in E-UTRAN and new features on LTE eNB
If the operator provides VoLTE with national
to support EN-DC procedures, hence has impacts
coverage, then there is no negative impact
on E-UTRAN. NSA Option #3 has also impact on
associated with migrating from EPS to NSA Option
UE, but limited impact on EPC and HSS depending
#3. The operator can utilize existing VoLTE
on operators’ choice, and no impact on IMS.
From the point of view of the device, the
NOTE: The operator can also choose to upgrade
attractiveness of this solution is that it only
VoLTE to utilize NR
requires the additional support of specifications of
NR as non-standalone access as part of E-UTRAN If the operator provides VoLTE with partial
connected to EPC. The device will communicate coverage and CS voice complements VoLTE to
with the core network using the same EPC support national coverage, then the operator
procedures used by currently available devices needs to utilize existing VoLTE service and ensure
either under only LTE or under both LTE and NR that continuity between LTE and CS access is
radio coverage. It should be noted however that implemented (e.g., SRVCC). However, this is
combining of LTE and NR radio interfaces for split something an operator would consider
bearers may increase memory requirements. independently from the deployment of 5G to
ensure voice service continuity.
4.3.5 Impact on IMS voice including service
continuity If the operator does not provide VoLTE and
NOTE: a detailed description of the technical provides CS voice with national coverage only,
implications for providing service continuity in this then the operator needs to utilize existing CS
scenario is provided in Section 9. voice service and ensure CSFB is implemented. As
is the case of VoLTE with complementary CS
Depending on whether the operator supports voice, the decision to adopt this technical solution
voice services over IMS and whether it provides is independent from the introduction of 5G.
national coverage (i.e. 100% of its coverage) or


Figure 6: Description of NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #7 and SA

Option #5

NOTE 1: Early 5G device refers to devices that support only NSA Option #3 5G deployment option
NOTE 2: New 5G device refers to devices that support NSA Option #3 and also other 5G deployment option(s)

4.4 NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #7 and SA have an EPC protocol stack. Mobile network
Option #5 operators are likely to maintain Option #3 support
4.4.1 Description after the introduction of Options #7/5. LTE RAN
also needs upgrade to connect to 5GC and more
This section covers the migration from non-
LTE base stations (eNode B) may need to be
standalone Option 3 to non-standalone Option 7
upgraded to interwork with NR. This path also
and standalone Option 5 with RAN connectivity to
requires tight interworking between LTE and NR.
5GC in parallel to EPC connection for early 5G
devices. This path allows operators to continue to
selectively deploy NR only where needed. As LTE
4.4.2 Feasibility of the path in meeting 5G use
cases is already offered in wide-area coverage in initial
condition (NSA Option #3), the network can still
Whereas the network was not able to leverage leverage the wide-area coverage LTE network and
the advantages of 5GC in NSA Option #3, in this deploy NR only when intended use case requires
path 5GC is deployed so that the full advantage of it.
5G end-to-end network capabilities can be
delivered to the users. This path enables 4.4.4 Impact on Device and Network
operators to provide initial 5G use cases (e.g.,
Option #7/5 upgrade from Option 3 requires
mobile broadband) leveraging LTE and EPC
deployment of 5GC and upgrade of LTE eNB to
installed base, while new use cases can be
support 5GS session, mobility, QoS management
addressed on clean slate 5GS architecture. and MR-DC procedures and 5GC N2/3 RAN-core
4.4.3 Deployment considerations interfaces along with upgrade of NR gNB to
support 5GC N3 RAN-Core user plane interface. In
Since the 5GC is now used, this path requires that
addition to the need to deploy the new 5GC and
devices support the new protocol stack to access (for Option 7) DC, devices will need to support
this core network. This is problematic not only for
5GC NAS messages, devices and E-UTRA need to
legacy 4G-only devices, but also for early 5G support extensions to the LTE RRC layer, E-UTRA
devices supporting only NSA Option #3 that only


will need upgrades to terminate the 5GC N2/3 there is no standardized solution for 5G networks
RAN-Core interfaces and both E-UTRA and IMS (5GS) equivalent to the SRVCC operation defined
will require upgrades to support changes to QoS for 4G networks (EPS) in initial release of 5G
model. N2 interface is the interface between the (3GPP Release 15).
5G RAN and AMF, while N3 interface is the
interface between the 5G RAN and UPF. 4.5 NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #3 and SA
Option #2
4.4.5 Impact on IMS voice including service 4.5.1 Description
This section covers the migration from having
NOTE: a detailed description of the technical only non-standalone Option 3 to adding
implications for providing service continuity in this standalone Option 2 with inter-RAT mobility
scenario is provided in Section 9. mechanisms used to move devices between 5G
NSA LTE plus NR under EPC coverage and 5G NR
Depending on whether the operator supports
under 5GC coverage.
voice services over IMS and whether it provides
national coverage (i.e. 100% of its coverage) or 4.5.2 Feasibility of the path in meeting 5G use
not, the feasibility of voice service continuity in cases
this migration step will differ.
Whereas the network was not able to leverage
If the operator provides VoLTE with national the advantages of 5GC in NSA Option #3, in this
coverage, then there is no significant impact to path 5GC is deployed so that the full advantage of
service continuity as a result of migrating from 5G end-to-end network capabilities can be
NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #7 and SA Option delivered to the users. This path enables
#5. The operator can either provide IMS voice operators to address all use cases on clean slate
service over 5G network (5GS) or utilize existing 5GS architecture. However, the operator may
VoLTE service. If IMS voice service over 5G need to consider migration of initial use cases
network (5GS) is provided, the operator will need served by EPC to 5GC if all use cases are to be
to ensure that adequate tests are performed. If supported by 5GC.
VoLTE service is utilized, then EPC is necessary
4.5.3 Deployment considerations
for subscribers when voice service is used.
Since there is no tight interworking at radio level
If the operator provides VoLTE with partial between 4G and 5G, this path works best when
coverage and CS voice complements VoLTE to NR has been deployed to support wide-area
support national coverage, then the operator coverage: while operators can offer seamlessly
needs to utilize existing VoLTE service and ensure handover traffic from 5GC to EPC, this transition
that continuity between LTE and CS access is requires also a change of core network
implemented (e.g., SRVCC and CSFB). In the case architecture and QoS model and therefore should
where the VoLTE service does not provide not be used too frequently.
continuity between LTE and CS access, then the
voice call continuity would not be guaranteed for Early 5G devices supporting only NSA Option #3,
regions where VoLTE is not supported. and capable of communicating only with EPC, will
be able to use their 5G radio capabilities in the
If the operator does not provide VoLTE and target scenario provided the gNB is able to
provides CS voice with national coverage only, support both option #2 and #3 devices
then this migration step would involve some simultaneously.
investment. The operator would need to provide
national coverage IMS voice service over 5G 4.5.4 Impact on Device and Network
network (5GS). Otherwise, the migration step Option #2 requires deployment of 5GC and
would not guarantee voice service continuity as update of NR gNB to support both NSA (option


#3) and SA (option #2) in parallel. Option #2 has inter-RAT mobility, IMS to support 5GS QoS
impacts on E-UTRAN connected to EPC to support management and also on UE.

Figure 7: Description of NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #3 and SA

Option #2

NOTE 1: Early 5G device refers to devices that support only NSA Option #3 5G deployment option
NOTE 2: New 5G device refers to devices that support NSA Option #3 and also other 5G deployment option(s)

4.5.5 Impact on IMS voice including service If the operator provides VoLTE with partial
continuity coverage and CS voice complements VoLTE to
NOTE: a detailed description of the technical support national coverage, then the operator
implications for providing service continuity in this needs to utilize existing VoLTE service and ensure
scenario is provided in Section 9. that continuity between LTE and CS access is
implemented (e.g., SRVCC). In the case where
Depending on whether the operator supports the VoLTE service does not provide continuity
voice services over IMS and whether it provides between LTE and CS access, then the voice call
national coverage (i.e. 100% of its coverage) or continuity would not be guaranteed for regions
not, the feasibility of voice service continuity in where VoLTE is not supported.
this migration step will differ.
If the operator does not provide VoLTE and
If the operator provides VoLTE with national provides CS voice with national coverage only,
coverage, then there is no significant impact then this migration step would involve some
associated with migration from NSA Option #3 to investment. The operator would need to provide
SA Option #2. The operator can either provide national coverage IMS voice service over 5G
IMS voice service over 5G network (5GS) or utilize network (5GS). Otherwise, the migration step
existing VoLTE service. Prior to the adoption of would not guarantee voice service continuity as
IMS voice service over 5G network (5GS), the there is no standardized solution for 5G networks
operator may need to perform extensive testing. (5GS) equivalent to the SRVCC operation defined
If VoLTE service is utilized, then it is necessary to for 4G networks (EPS) in initial release of 5G
continue to support EPC for subscribers using (3GPP Release 15).
voice services.


4.6 NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #4 and SA This section covers the migration from non-
Option #2 standalone Option 3 to non-standalone Option 4
4.6.1 Description and standalone Option 2 with RAN connectivity to
5GC in parallel to EPC connection for early 5G

Figure 8: Description of NSA Option #3 to NSA Option #4 and SA

Option #2

NOTE 1: Early 5G device refers to devices that support only NSA Option #3 5G deployment option

NOTE 2: NSA 5GC device refers to devices that support NSA Option #4

NOTE 3: SA 5GC device refers to devices that support SA Option #2

4.6.2 Feasibility of the path in meeting 5G use operators will keep maintaining the EPC for long-
cases term. In addition, LTE RAN needs upgrade to
In this path, unlike in NSA Option #3, the 5GC connect to 5GC and more LTE base stations
core network is used to replace the EPC in serving (eNodeB) may need to be upgraded to interwork
5G use cases (if 5GC replaces EPC completely with NR. This path also requires tight interworking
then legacy 4G UEs or UEs with 4G only between LTE and NR.
subscription will no longer be served). This means
This path allows operators to continue to
that users can takes full advantage of 5G end-to-
selectively deploy NR only where needed.
end network capabilities. This path enables
However, compared with the migration described
operators to address all use cases on clean slate
in section 4.4., this path may require the
5GS architecture. However, the operator may
deployment of a larger number of more NR gNB
need to consider migration of initial use cases
since NR acts as is the master node with LTE
served by EPC to 5GC if all use cases are to be
secondary node in the area where option #4 is to
supported by 5GC.
be used. As the starting point of this migration is
4.6.3 Deployment considerations scenario #3 where NR and eLTE are already
tightly interworking, it is possible to continue to
Early 5G devices supporting only NSA Option #3
leverage the wide area coverage of LTE and
and only able to connect to EPC will imply that


supplement it with selective NR deployment based If the operator provides VoLTE with partial
on demand. coverage and CS voice complements VoLTE to
support national coverage, then the operator
4.6.4 Impact on Device and Network needs to utilize existing VoLTE service and ensure
Option #4/2 upgrade from Option 3 requires that continuity between LTE and CS access is
deployment of 5GC and upgrade of NR gNB to implemented (e.g., SRVCC). In the case where
support 5GS session, mobility, QoS management the VoLTE service does not provide continuity
and MR-DC procedures and 5GC N2/3 RAN-core between LTE and CS access, then the voice call
interfaces along with upgrade of LTE eNB to continuity would not be guaranteed for regions
support 5GC N3 RAN-Core user plane interface where VoLTE is not supported.
(only required if option 4A is adopted). N2
interface is the interface between the 5G RAN and If the operator does not provide VoLTE and
AMF, while N3 interface is the interface between provides CS voice with national coverage only,
the 5G RAN and UPF. This step also has impacts then this migration step would involve some
on IMS to support 5GS QoS management and also investment. The operator would need to provide
on UE (refer to Section 7 for more details). IMS voice service over 5G network (5GS).
Otherwise, the migration step would not
4.6.5 Impact on IMS voice including service guarantee voice service continuity as there is no
continuity standardized solution for 5G networks (5GS)
NOTE: a detailed description of the technical equivalent to the SRVCC operation defined for 4G
implications for providing service continuity in this networks (EPS) in initial release of 5G (3GPP
scenario is provided in Section 9. Release 15).

Depending on whether the operator supports 4.7 Other migration steps

voice services over IMS and whether it provides This section lists the migration steps that are not
national coverage (i.e. 100% of its coverage) or covered in this version of the document for
not, the feasibility of voice service continuity in reader’s information:
this migration step will differ.
• NSA Option #7 to NSA Option #4
If the operator provides VoLTE with national • SA Option #5 to NSA Option #4
coverage, then there is no significant impact • EPS to NSA Option #4
associated with migrating from NSA Option #3 to • EPS to NSA Option #7
NSA Option #4. The operator can either provide
IMS voice service over 5G network (5GS) or utilize NOTE: The list above is not exhaustive and
existing VoLTE service. Prior to the adoption of includes only the migration steps that are
IMS voice service over 5G network (5GS), the considered as more likely by the project group
operator may need to perform extensive testing.
If VoLTE service is utilized, then EPC is necessary
for subscribers when voice service is used.


Part I:
5. Recommendations
for collaborative


The variety of options and migration steps

available for deploying 5G allow operators to
adopt different strategies that suit the specific
market situations, business models and
competition needs. Also, customers and the wider
industry will benefit as a whole from operators
taking certain collaborative actions that are aimed
to guarantee service continuity, service and
network interoperability and to unlock economies
of scale. Similar to the work carried out earlier for
IMS services (e.g. VoLTE, VoWiFi, ViLTE), a profile
should define the minimum requirements that
need to be fulfilled in order to ensure
interoperability, roaming and portability across the
various 5G deployment options. These profiles
should aim to address:

• Basic connectivity of devices to a 5G

network including interoperability between
5G and LTE networks
• IMS services delivered over NR
• Support roaming to/from networks with
same/different 5G deployment option

The creation of a database of issues to be

encountered during the 5G commercialisation, as
it was done for IMS services, will allow the
industry to efficiently address them and find
solutions that every stakeholder will benefit from.


Part II:
6. Study of 5G
network introduction


This section contains 5G case studies contributed by KT to share their 5G network introduction
cases to provide insights and foresight for challenges in 5G commercialisation in the near future.
This case study addresses KT’s 5G trial activities, tentative 5G commercialization plan and
roadmap, issues in 5G deployment/migration and KT’s challenges from technology and business

6.1 Why 5G? during major events, as shown in Figure 9. During

6.1.1 5G technology and service trial activities the FIFA U-20 World cup held in South Korea,
interactive broadcasting of soccer games using
To develop early technical specifications for 5G
360-degree VR and Time Slice technology was
trial system and services for the PyeongChang
offered through 5G connections.
Winter Olympics that will be held in February
2018, KT launched ‘5G SIG (Special Interest The 5G trial system including core and radio
Group)’ along with global mobile manufacturers access network, along with the 5G trial devices,
(Ericsson, Intel, Nokia, Qualcomm, and Samsung) will be deployed by the end of 2017 in Seoul and
in September 2015 and then completed the 5G Olympic venue areas. 5G trial services will be
SIG specifications in November 2016. offered during the Olympic Games in
PyeongChang, GangReung, JeongSeon, and
Furthermore, KT successfully completed the IOC
BoGwang areas as well as in Seoul.
Olympic Test Events in 2016 and 2017 based on
5G trial base stations and terminals. KT is In PyeongChang Olympics, various 5G trial
currently carrying out lab and field tests for services will be offered by KT such as fixed
debugging and verifying the functionalities and wireless access service, mobile services, and
performance of 5G as well as service demos autonomous vehicle services.

Figure 9: KT’s 5G Trials and Commercialization Activities


In PyeongChang Olympics, various 5G trial • Smart Surveillance offers perfect safety and
services will be offered by KT such as fixed security for visitors and on-site operators
wireless access service, mobile services, and by using connected, intelligent surveillance
fixed cameras and drones.
autonomous vehicle services. Some key examples
of the 5G services are shown in Figure 10 and • 5G-connected Autonomous Vehicles offer
autonomous driving experience and
Figure 11.
immersive in-vehicle next-generation
• Sync View enables viewers to enjoy the
game with high-resolution player-view
cameras on players. 6.1.2 Other business/social drivers in the nation
• 360-degree Live VR offers capability for
South Korea is fully covered with nation-wide LTE
viewers to watch interactive UHD-class
media in 360-degrees. network and the LTE traffic already comprises
more than 99% of the mobile traffic. Total
• Hologram Live enables mobile users to
transfer next-generation 3D hologram number of mobile subscribers is around 60 million
media contents. and smartphone adoption rate is 85% in South
• Time Slice Broadcasting offers capability for Korea.
viewers to watch realistic and close slow-
motions of Olympic events by using
multiple connected cameras.

Figure 10: KT’s 5G Trial Services for Olympics


Figure 11: KT’s 5G-connected Autonomous vehicle

Besides, the annual growth rate of mobile- respectively. Of course, connected vehicles may
connected IoT devices in South Korea is around accelerate the growth of mobile traffic in the
20%. It is also expected that subscribed IoT future. Figure 12 shows the trend and forecast of
devices will grow in number as commercial IoT mobile data traffic in South Korea from 2012 to
network based on 3GPP NB-IoT specifications was 2019. Note that projected data during December,
deployed for KT LTE network in July 2017. 2017 to December, 2020 are estimated based on
Furthermore, KT is also concentrating on the recent mobile status reports of KCC (Korea
enterprise and B2B IoT segments like home/office Communications Commission), South Korea.
IoT, smart factory, smart city and smart energy.
Since mobile capacity in 2020’s must be expanded
In South Korea, video traffic occupies the biggest to accommodate the growth of mobile traffic as
portion of the traffic (i.e. 56% as of June 2017), well as the adoption of mobile broadband services
where mobile IPTV and video streaming services and IoT devices (especially in urban and hot-spot
over LTE connection are widely spread. That is, areas), the early introduction and deployment of
smartphones/tablets are starting to substitute 5G mobile broadband network is inevitable.
traditional TV.
6.1.3 Deployment purpose and spectrum at
Mobile data usage in South Korea is steadily disposal
increasing. As of June 2017, total data volume per In South Korea, social needs and market
month exceeds 290,000 TB and monthly data competition for reducing retail cost per mobile
volume per subscriber exceeds 5 GB. This is data used (bit) is growing, as mobile technology is
around 5 times the average volume of mobile widespread and is commoditized in everyday life.
traffic of the past 5 years. Besides, the growth Therefore, timely response from mobile operators
rate of mobile traffic from the previous year is becomes urgent. It is expected that epoch-making
around 40%. It can be estimated that mobile cost reduction for mobile data can be achieved by
traffic of around 700,000 TB and 1,000,000 TB introducing relatively low-cost, ultra-broadband
will be reached in the end of 2019 and 2020, millimetre-wave bands to mobile network.


Figure 12: Exploding Mobile Traffic in South Korea

South Korean government released ‘K-ICT’ 6.2 Analysis of 5G migration options

national spectrum plan in January 2017 to serve Several 5G network options for non-standalone
the world’s first commercial 5G mobile network in and standalone architectures are specified in
South Korea, so that new broadband spectrum up 3GPP, as described in the Section 3. The technical
to 300 MHz bandwidth in 3.5 GHz and 1,000 MHz comparison between 5G NSA and SA options for
bandwidth in 28 GHz is planned to be allocated in mobile network can be summarized as Table 4.
2018~2019 timeframe. Therefore, KT is positively For simplicity, we consider only the NSA Option
considering using these new bands including LTE 3/7 and the SA Option 2 here, so that we can
bands for 5G network deployment. further discuss and analyse major technical issues
of NSA and SA options.
KT’s 5G network will be deployed to serve
primarily eMBB services by offering ultra-high • Spectrum: Due to the coverage limitation
speed and sufficient capacity in the initial stage, and cost burden of mmWave band cells, it
and then will be extended to accommodate URLLC is best used only for sub-6GHz SA or NSA
and mMTC services. Especially, the large-scale mobile networks.
deployment of small cells in Seoul urban areas is • Core network: Since Option 7 and Option 2
required due to the accommodation of large require new 5GC system, the development
traffic and smaller millimetre-wave band cells and verification of 5GC is needed. Besides,
(i.e., cell ISD of 100~200 meters). Therefore, the enhancement of EPC like CUPS of EPC for
acquisition, deployment, and operation of ultra- Option 3 is desirable to accommodate large
NR capacity. To support inter-system
dense cells become more important. This means
mobility in SA network, interconnection
that the development of small-sized and low- interface between 5GC and EPC may be
weight base stations, multi-vendor interoperability required which is not necessary for NSA
of end-to-end system, and next-generation SON network. When it comes to 5G-specific
technology are urgently required for commercial services, 5GC can naturally support them
5G network. through new QoS framework and network
slicing features.
In terms of devices, since Option 3 requires


single EPC-NAS protocol, UE complexity is relatively small investment. However, this

lower than that of Option 7 or SA Option 2. deployment requires upgrade of LTE eNB
and EPC based on EN-DC for Option 3.
• RAN: Because the NSA networks can fully
Furthermore, significant upgrade of LTE ng-
leverage existing LTE infrastructure as
eNB based on NGEN-DC and introduction of
coverage layer, it is ideal in quickly
5GC are required for Option 7.
deploying full-coverage 5G network with

Table 4: Technical comparison between 5G NSA and SA options

SA (Op. 2)
Op. 3 Op. 7
3GPP 5G specification Rel-15 (’17.12) – 1st Rel-15 (’18.6) Rel-15 (’18.6)
5G spectrum Sub-6GHz and mmWave Sub-6GHz and mmWave Sub-6GHz band is desirable
bands are feasible bands are feasible
CN interworking Not required Not required Required (with or without N26
interface between 5GC and EPC)
Network slicing and 5G QoS Not supported Supported Supported
UE impact (for 5G/LTE dual-mode) EPC-NAS 5GC/EPC-NAS 5GC/EPC-NAS
Leverage of LTE Full Full Partial (Reattach)
LTE upgrade Required (eNB and EPC) Required (ng-eNB and 5GC) None or minor
RAN interworking EN-DC NGEN-DC NR-DC (Intra-RAT)
Inter-RAT data session MR-DC and intra-system MR-DC and intra-system Inter-system handover (N26)
continuity handover handover
Forward compatibility with SA Low Mid High
or Release-16 onwards

6.3 Rationale behind migration option • Deployment: Since NR cells can be

deployed in urban hotspot areas as capacity
In this section, we also discuss and analyse major
and speed boosting cells in NSA network,
economic and business issues of NSA and SA deployment time will be shortened and NR
options. The key comparison between 5G NSA CAPEX will be lower than that of SA
and SA options for mobile network in terms of network. However, more investment will be
cost, time, and service aspects can be required to upgrade existing LTE RAN for
summarized as follows. Note that the estimation Option 7. In addition, acquisition cost for
of cost and time can be different depending on 5G spectrum for SA is higher than that for
NSA since sub-6GHz band is required for
various technical and business variables.
nation-wide coverage.
• System/Device availability: From its • Migration: KT has a plan to migrate to SA
experience in LTE commercialisation, KT network from initial NSA network in short to
spent 18 months to develop LTE systems mid-run. Therefore, initial deployment of
and devices and then deployed commercial NSA network requires additional cost and
LTE network in major cities and provinces time for migration to mature SA network.
in South Korea after 3GPP LTE When it comes to the upgrade aspects of
specifications were ready. Therefore, it is LTE system, Option 7 requires more costs
expected that KT will be able to because of the major upgrade of legacy
commercialise 5G network during 2019 as LTE base stations as well as the
3GPP 5G specifications will be completed introduction of 5GC than other options.
during 4Q of 2017 as Phase 1 (NSA Option • Services: Option 3 has a big disadvantage
3) and 2Q of 2018 as Phase 2 (SA) of as it is limited in supporting 5G-specific
Release-15. Of course, the exact 5G services due to the use of legacy EPC. On
commercialisation plan may change the other hand, nation-wide SA network will
depending on different factors. give best NR coverage quality although the
coverage of initial SA network is limited. In


addition, since Option 7 has evolved, 5G- dealt in the previous sections indicate that
grade LTE access and core network smooth, phased migration of 5G network based
capabilities, overall service quality is higher on NSA and SA architectures is desirable for quick
than that of Option 3.
and stable introduction of 5G networks within
2019 timeframe. First of all, MR-DC plays key role
6.4 Challenges in actual migration in 5G-LTE interworking and migration. Of course,
We observe that there are significant trade-offs standalone EPC/LTE network has to be supported
among deployment time, customer experience, for a considerable time, especially to support in-
TCO, and system/UE availability for 5G bound roaming users.
introduction. The technical and business aspects

Table 5: Economic comparison between 5G NSA and SA options

SA (Op. 2)
Op. 3 Op. 7
System availability ’19.2Q ’19.4Q ’19.4Q
(estimated from Spec.+18
Required time for Short Medium Long
Deployment cost (NR) Low Mid High
Cost for LTE system Low High Low
Acquisition cost for 5G Medium (mmWave bands can Medium (mmWave bands can High (Sub-6GHz band is required for
spectrum be used for SN cells) be used for SN cells) coverage cell)
Migration cost to SA High Medium None
Support of new 5G Not supported Supported Supported
Overall service quality Medium High Low
(initial deployment)
NR coverage quality Low Low High (Sub-6GHz + mmWave),
Medium (Sub-6GHz or mmWave)
Voice service for 5G UE CSFB and VoLTE CSFB and VoLTE VoLTE and VoNR

KT is currently considering both 5G NSA Option 3 possible that the SA Option 2 network
and/or SA Option 2 networks as the prioritized coexists with the NSA network or replaces
options for our nationwide 5G network. The the NSA network.
EPC+ may be upgraded to NFV-based EPC
adoption of Option 7 evolving from Option 3 is to
(CUPS of EPC) and support inter-CN
be decided. The SA Option 5 is not considered interworking between EPC and 5GC.
and the NSA Option 4 requires further analysis. Voice over EPS and/or 5GS is also required
Figure 13 shows KT’s 5G mobile network as KT provides nation-wide VoLTE
migration plan that consists of three deployment coverage; however, the support of fallback
phases: to 3G CS voice may be for further
• Phase 1 (Early 5G): The NSA Option 3 • Phase 3 (All-5G): As a long-term migration
network is deployed where NR and LTE path of 5G, 5G unified network based on
cells interwork through EN-DC. NR cells act the SA Option 2 along with standalone LTE
as data boosting cells in hot-spot areas network will be operated. Refarming of LTE
under nationwide LTE cells. bands can be performed at this stage.
• Phase 2 (Full-scale 5G): The NSA Option 3 Further, 5GC may control mobile network
network can migrate to NSA Option 7 as well as WiFi Aps through 5G’s access-
network based on NGEN-DC. LTE eNB will agnostic core feature.
be upgraded to support the LTE evolution
(eLTE) of Release-15 onwards. It is also


When it comes to spectrum considerations for 5G, • NSA (MR-DC): LTE 1.8 GHz (master) + NR
the combinations of low (sub-3 GHz), mid (3~6 28 GHz (secondary)
GHz), and high (above-6 GHz) spectrum bands • SA (NR-DC): NR 3.5 GHz (master) + NR
will be used. Each spectrum band are to provide 3.5/28 GHz (secondary)
wide-coverage, capacity-enhanced coverage, and
full-capacity booster cells, respectively. Therefore, Note that NR 3.5 GHz band, if available, can also
the promising band combinations of 3.5 GHz and be used as secondary cells in the NSA network.
28 GHz for NSA and SA networks under
consideration are as follows:

Figure 13: KT’s 5G Network Migration Plan

When it comes to 5G mobile network deployment We have identified and discussed key 5G
scenarios, we are considering two possible deployment and migration issues; however, there
scenarios for nationwide deployment, as can still be many issues remaining. They are
illustrated in Figure 14. Of course, the scenarios briefly listed below for further study:
can be adjusted according to future business and
investment plan, frequency auction, allocation, • Migration timeframe from NSA to SA:
Different specification versions can be
regulation, etc.
applied to NSA and SA networks separately.
For example, NSA in 2019 with Release-15
• Scenario #1 (NSA-First Deployment): NSA
à SA (or SA and NSA): Quick 5G and then SA in 2020 with Release-16 can
be used.
deployment with low CAPEX and simple
operation • Whether to upgrade to Option 7 after the
initial deployment of Option 3 or not:
• Scenario #2 (Mixed-First Deployment): SA
Option 7 offers better performance than SA
in Seoul metropolitan and major cities +
NSA in other areas à nationwide SA: Option 2 with MR-DC and ng-eNB
capabilities. Besides, Option 7 can offer 5G-
Traffic-driven deployment with
grade services even for upgraded LTE
geographically different options
users. Upgrade to Option 7 will be smooth


when 5GC is deployed and full spec is

available. However, migration to Option 7
from Option 3 may not be necessary as SA
Option 2 network will be quickly deployed
• Partial refarming of LTE to NR band can be
considered at the mature 5G stage:
Bandwidth expansion (up to 150 MHz) can
be achieved through 1.8 GHz + 3.5 GHz NR
CA. Co-existence between 5G and LTE
needs to be studied further.
• Support of legacy 5G devices: For example,
NSA Option 3 devices should be supported
even for Option 7 and the SA networks
• Early adoption of SA network for NR-based
FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) service before
2019 timeframe
• Unified control of WiFi Aps through 5G
network: Access-agnostic 5GC in Option 7
and SA networks can provide unified mobile
and WiFi access and control capability
(expected in 3GPP Release-16 onwards).
Therefore, the role of WiFi AP in 5G needs
to be clarified and positioned.

6.5 Lessons learned from migration case study

KT is actively designing and developing
commercial 5G systems and devices by
collaborating with major operators and
manufacturers. This is for KT to pre-emptively
establish next-generation mobile infrastructure to
enable a wide-spectrum of convergence services
in 2020’s through ubiquitous ultra-fast Giga-bit
mobile broadband connectivity in South Korea.

Figure 14: KT’s 5G Network Deployment Scenarios


Part III:
7. Core network


7.1 Core network solutions Control and User Plane Separation (CUPS) is a
7.1.1 EPC (Evolved Packet Core) [10] new feature introduced in Release 14 of 3GPP.
CUPS allows operators to flexibly place the
EPC is the core network element of 4G network,
separated control and user plane functions to
which consists of MME (Mobility Management
support diverse deployment scenarios without
Entity), HSS (Home Subscriber Server), S-GW
affecting the overall functionality provided by EPC
(Serving Gateway), P-GW (PDN Gateway) and
entities. In addition, EPC will be able to address
PCRF (Policy and Charging Rules Function). While
latency limits if Control and User Plane Separation
MME handles the control plane, S-GW and P-GW
is deployed but not otherwise. CUPS supports
handle both control and user plane. PCRF is also
flexible/scalable user plane deployment without
an integral component of EPC that provides rules
expanding or upgrading the control plane.
for policy (e.g., QoS) and charging.
Especially in cloud native case, the simpler
NOTE: There may be more network nodes configuration and maintenance work of user plane
depending on the features implemented. nodes can be achieved. It is also important to
note that CUPS in EPS can be deployed before or
EPC handles EMM (EPS Mobility Management) together with Release 15 Option 3 when needed.
procedures and ESM (EPS Session Management) See Figure 16 for the EPC architecture with CUPS
procedures. See Figure 15 for the architecture of implemented. (Reference: 3GPP TS 23.401 [10]
EPC. and 3GPP TS 23.214 [9])

NOTE: For simplicity, the figure does not include NOTE: For simplicity, the figure does not include
interworking with GSM/UMTS networks interworking with GSM/UMTS networks

Figure 15: EPC architecture – non-roaming

Figure 16: EPC Architecture with CUPS – non-roaming


7.1.2 5GC (5G Core) [11] called services. This architecture model is chosen
With the NFV technologies, the mobile network to take full advantage of the latest virtualization
functions can be virtualized and hosted in a cloud and software technologies.
environment. The physical boundary between
Compared to the previous generation reference
traditional EPC network elements such as MME,
point architecture as EPC, the elements of service-
SGW, and PGW will be blurred with virtualization
based architecture are defined to be the
and software. This promotes the 5GC to be
NF(network functions), which interconnect with
redesigned and become open and flexible enough
the rest network functions across a single API
to meet the diversity of service and business
calling interface and provide the authorized
requirement in 5G era.
services to them. Network repository functions
• AF: Application Function (NRF) allows every network function to discover
• AMF: Access and Mobility Management the services offered by other network functions.
• AUSF: Authentication Server Function A service is an atomized capability in a 5G
• NEF: Network Exposure Function network, with the characteristics of high-cohesion,
• NRF: Network Repository Function loose-coupling, and independent management
• NSSF: Network Slice Selection Function from other services. This allows individual services
• PCF: Policy Control Function to be updated independently with minimal impact
• SMF: Session Management Function
to other services and deployed on demand. A
• SMSF: SMS (Short Message Service)
Function service is managed based on the service
• UDM: User Data Management framework including service registration, service
• UPF: User Plane Function authorization, and service discovery. It provides a
comprehensive and highly automated
5GC proposes the SBA architecture, which provide management mechanism implemented by NRF,
unprecedented efficiency and flexibility for the which greatly reduces the complexity of network
network. SBA is an architectural for building maintenance. A service will interact with other
system based on fine-grained, interaction of services in a light-weight manner, e.g. API
loosely coupled and autonomous components invocation.

Figure 17: Service Based Architecture of 5G Core – non-roaming


To provide the smooth migration to 5GS, the 5GC SBA is the natural step that enables 5G network
is required to support the interworking with functionality to become more granular and
legacy EPC and IMS system, including N26, Cx, decoupled, which shall bring the following
Sh, Rx interfaces, as illustrated in Figure 18, benefits to 5G:
Figure 19 and Figure 20. In principle there are
two possibilities to implement the interworking • The network is highly efficient on rolling out
new network features, allowing network
functionality. The first one is that the NF of SBA
operators to quickly deploy new business
where the services operate provides the legacy- and services. Services that operate with
reference-point interface to support the finer granularity than in legacy networks
interworking with the EPC/IMS network elements. and that are loosely-coupled with each
An alternative way is that the EPC/IMS network other allow individual services to be
elements provides the service-based interface that upgraded with minimal impact to other
interworks with the NF of 5GC. Either should be services. This reduces the time to market
for installing bug fixes, and rolling out new
designed and developed with little impact on the
network features.
individual function of the 5GC NF or the EPC
• The network is extensible. Each service can
network element. According to the present 3GPP
interact directly with other services with a
specifications in Rel-15, the AMF, UDM/HSS and single light-weighted service based
PCF(5GC network function) supports the legacy interface. In such manner, the service
reference-point interface that respectively based interface can be easily extended
interworks with MME(EPC network element) via without introducing new reference points
N26 interface and AS/CSCF/P-CSCF (IMS network and corresponding message flows.
elements) via Sh/Cx/Rx interface. • The network will be modular and support
reusability. The network is composed of
modularized services, which reflects the
Figure 18: 5GC exposes N26 network capabilities. A service can be easily
invoked by other services (with appropriate
legacy- reference-point authorization), enabling each service to be
interface to EPC domain reused as much as possible.
• The network is easily open. The information
about a 5G network can be easily exposed
to external users such as 3rd-parties (e.g.
enterprise) through a specific service
without complicated protocol conversion.

Figure 20: 5GC exposes Rx

Figure 19: 5GC exposes Sh/Cx legacy- reference-point
legacy- reference-point interface to IMS domain
interface to IMS domain


7.2 Comparison of EPC and 5GC

The following table provides a comparison of main differences between EPC and 5GC that will impact
feasibility of 5G use cases.

Table 6: EPC vs. 5GC (Main differences)

Feature EPC (4G Core) 5GC (5G Core)
S1 with per UE assigned MME & SGW (in
Access Network case of CUPS: single SGW-C and multiple N2/3 common to all access with per UE
interface SGW-U) & multiple PDN GWs assigned AMF & multiple N3 to UPFs
ePDG and TWAG for non-3GPP access
Unified registration, authentication, session
management for 3GPP, non-3GPP access
Access dependent procedures. (including untrusted, trusted WLAN and in Rel
16 also fixed access), Common N1/N2/N3 for
3GPP and non-3GPP access, enabling
seamless mobility
E2E multiple slices per UE with shared AMF,
Network slicing Single slice per UE with multiple PGW slicing aware RAN and per slice SMF/UPF
(potentially slice specific PCF, NRF, etc.)
QoS flow based framework, including
QoS model QCI based bearers
reflective QoS support
Native support for cloud based deployment
with service based architecture and service-
Cloud native Possible but node based (box driven)
based interfaces within 5GC CP; Definition of
NF services
Support for edge computing. Application
Local applications Support LIPA/SIPTO based deployment
influence on traffic routing.
Improved Session model including different
Supports full IP address preservation for
Session and Service Continuity modes.
centralized GW or break before make
Session/service Support for concurrent (e.g. local and central)
solution for local GW (LIPA/SIPTO);
continuity access to a data network. No service
service continuity with 2G/3G PS and
continuity with 2G/3G PS and no support of
Unified Policy framework for Access and
mobility control, QoS and charging
Policy framework Support SM/QoS based policies enforcement, policy provisioning in the UE;
introducing NWDA (Network Data Analytics)
for data analytics support.
SMS over NAS over 3GPP access, IMS SMS over NAS (including over Non- 3GPP),
Services services over 3GPP access and non-3GPP support of IMS services over 3GPP access and
supported access, LCS, MPS, MCPTT, mobile non-3GPP access, LCS, MPS, MCPTT, mobile
broadband broadband
Support for RRC inactive (RRC state machine
Support for RRC
Support not specified includes 3 states: RRC IDLE, INACTIVE,

Part III:
8. Detailed
considerations on 5G
deployment options

8.1 Standalone considerations The general principle in MR-DC is that there is one
In standalone deployment, MR-DC (Multi-RAT control plane connection between the MN and a
Dual Connectivity) is not employed and only single corresponding core network entity for each MR-
RAT is used to connect UE to the relevant core DC UE. The SN for the MR-DC UE establishes
network. In other words, different generations of control plane connection via MN. (3GPP TS
radio access network elements are not 37.340) [14]
interconnected with each other but only with
For user plane, there are different connectivity
those of the same generation (e.g., gNB and gNB
options and hence the user plane bearers are
are interconnected but gNB and ng-eNB are not
defined per the entity it connects with and the
interconnected in standalone scenario).
type of resource it uses. For the transport of user
Depending on the deployment option considered, plane connection between the core network entity
the following radio access network elements are and master/secondary node, the following types
relevant: of bearers are defined, each of which can be
either an MN terminated or SN terminated bearer:
• eNB: Option #1 (Standalone E-UTRA in
EPS) (3GPP TS 36.300) [13] • MCG (Master Cell Group) bearer
• gNB: Option #2 (Standalone NR in 5GC) • SCG (Secondary Cell Group) bearer
(3GPP TS 38.300) [15] • Split bearer
• ng-eNB: Option #5 (Standalone evolved E-
UTRA in 5GC) (3GPP TS 38.300) [15]

In deployment option #1, eNB is connected to

EPC via S1 interface (3GPP TS 23.401) [10].

In deployment option #2, gNB is connected to

5GC via N2 and N3 interface (3GPP TS 23.501)

In deployment option #5, ng-eNB is connected to

5GC via N2 and N3 interface (3GPP TS 23.501)

8.2 Non-standalone considerations

In non-standalone deployment, MR-DC is
employed. MR-DC enables the UE to utilise radio
resources provided by two distinct schedulers in
two different nodes connected via non-ideal or
ideal backhaul, as described in 3GPP TS 37.340
[14]. One scheduler is located in the MN (Master
Node) and the other in the SN (Secondary Node),
and one node provides E-UTRA access and the
other node provides NR access. The MN and SN
are interconnected and at least MN is connected
to the core network. (3GPP TS 37.340) [14]


Figure 21: Control-plane connectivity for MR-DC

MN/SN terminated bearer corresponds to the user • MCG-bearer uses only E-UTRA radio
plane connection to the CN entity that terminates resources
in the MN/SN respectively. MCG (Master Cell • SCG-bearer: uses only NR radio resources
• Split bearer can use both E-UTRA and NR
Group) bearers use only MN radio resources while
radio resources
SCG (Secondary Cell Group) bearers use only SN
radio resources. Split bearers, however, can use
For deployment option #7 (NGEN-DC with the
both MN and SN radio resources. The split bearers
5GC), the master node is ng-eNB and the
transfer PDCP data between the SN and the MN
secondary node is gNB, where ng-eNB is
via the MN-SN user plane interface (X2/Xn).
connected to the 5GC via N3 interface and gNB is
While MR-DC is a general concept, the specific connected to the ng-eNB via the Xn interface.
terminology to denote MR-DC depends on the Hence in NGEN-DC
deployment option considered, see also 3GPP TS
• MCG-bearer: uses only E-UTRA radio
37.340 [14].
• SCG-bearer: uses only NR radio resources
• EN-DC (E-UTRA-NR Dual Connectivity):
• Split bearer: can use both E-UTRA and NR
Option #3 (Non-standalone NR in EPS)
radio resources
Connectivity): Option #7 (Non-standalone
NR in 5GS) For deployment option #4 (NE-DC with the 5GC),
• NE-DC (NR-E-UTRA Dual Connectivity): the master node is gNB and the secondary node is
Option #4 (Non-standalone E-UTRA in 5GS) ng-eNB, where gNB is connected to 5GC via N3
interface and ng-eNB is connected to the gNB via
For deployment option #3 (EN-DC with the EPC), the Xn interface. Hence in NE-DC
the master node is eNB and the secondary node is
en-gNB (i.e. gNB that is connected to EPC), where • MCG-bearer: uses only NR radio resources
• SCG-bearer uses only E-UTRA radio
eNB is connected to the EPC via S1 interface and
to the en-gNB via the X2 interface. In this
• Split bearer: can use both NR and E-UTRA
configuration, en-gNB may also be connected to radio resourc
the EPC via the S1 interface (user plane) and to
other en-gNBs via X2 interface (user plane).
Hence in EN-DC:


Figure 22: User-plane connectivity for MR-DC

(Left: MN terminated; Right: SN terminated)

Part III:
9. Impact on voice
including service

9.1 Options for operator voice/video

communications service in 5G
This section provides overview of Voice/Video Solution 2: IMS voice or video call via EPC,
options in different deployment options. media and SIP signalling
• In Option 3: LTE and/or NR via EPC using
Note: Emergency call is not considered but must
MCG, SCG and/or split bearer (controlled by
be supported as required by national regulation. E-UTRAN)
IMS voice and video call will be supported in all For networks that have not deployed IMS Voice
5G deployment options described in this and video and have continued to use the Circuit
document, however, there are differences Switched Fallback (CSFB) solution defined in 3GPP
regarding which core network and which radio Release 8 and subsequent releases, the following
access technology (RAT) is being used for media solution can apply.
and SIP signalling in each of the deployment
options. For Option 3 (E-UTRAN NR Dual Solution 3: CS voice via MSC
Connectivity), 4 (NR-E-UTRA Dual Connectivity) • In Option 3: CSFB to 2G/3G CS – Devices
and 7 (NG-RAN E-UTRA-NR Dual Connectivity) currently attached to EPC may use this
where both NR and LTE can be used as RAT, the solution to initiate or terminate a voice or
decision on which RAT is used for SIP signalling video call (the call is established on CS).
and media is made in the Radio Access Network Note: CSFB from NR or LTE cell under 5GC is not
(RAN). In more detail, this means the following specified in 3GPP Release 15.
two solutions are possible for IMS voice and video
call: For an IMS voice and video call, the session
continuity during mobility can be ensured as
Solution 1: IMS voice or video call via 5GC, follows
media and SIP signalling using
• If the UE is using IMS voice or video call via
• In Option 2: NR via 5GC 5GC, then
• In Option 4: NR and/or LTE via 5GC using o PS HO from 5GC to EPC
MCG, SCG and/or split bearer (controlled by o if two RANs are connected to 5GC
NG-RAN) (one supporting option 2 or 4 and the
• In Option 5: LTE via 5GC other Option 5 or 7): Intra 5GC PS HO
• In Option 7: LTE and/or NR via 5GC using between NR and E-UTRA connected to
MCG, SCG and/or split bearer (controlled by 5GC
NG-RAN) • If the UE is using IMS voice or video call via
EPC, then
In addition, one or both of the following
functionalities may be supported in solution 1 o PS HO from EPC to 5GC
during the call establishment o Existing SRVCC to 2/3G (if required),
• RAT fallback from NR connected to 5GC in e.g., after loss of LTE radio coverage
Option 2/4 to E-UTRA connected to 5GC in After call completion, the terminal can either stay
Option 5/7. Any ongoing data transfers on the currently used access / core or one of the
would be maintained using the procedures following procedures is possible
defined by 3GPP Release 15 for intra 5GC
PS HO. • If the UE is on 2G/3G after SRVCC, fast
• EPS fallback from 5GS in Option 2/4/5/7 to return to EPS
Option 1 or 3. Any ongoing data transfers • If the UE is on EPC, EPC>5GC PS HO
would be maintained e.g. if using a PS HO • If the UE is on 5GC, Intra 5GC PS HO
with change from 5GC to EPC core between NR and E-UTRA connected to 5GC
attachment using the procedures defined
by 3GPP Release 15.


9.2 Recommendations for voice/video

communications service in 5G
When evolving to 5G based on 5GC and if NR
coverage is continuous, then IMS voice and video
call on NR via 5GC (solution 1 with Option 2) is
most applicable, as cost of NR is much lower than
LTE and cell capacity of NR is much more than

EVS codec is recommended as default voice codec

and HEVC is recommended as default video codec
for IMS voice and video call on NR capable
terminal for better QoS/QoE.

When evolving to 5G based on EPC, IMS voice

and video call on EPC (solution 2 with option 3) is
most applicable.

Annex A
Other considerations
for operators


A.1 Status Icon related to 5G

As 5G network may consist of elements from
evolved 4G networks (e.g., Evolved E-UTRA and
Evolved EPC), the decision on when 5G should be
displayed on the user interface of the terminal is
not as clear as previous generations. Operators
agree that it would be beneficial to have
consistency across device OEMs of the RAT
indicated to the user. Survey and discussion
among operator members of the 5G Introduction
project indicates that different requirements need
to be satisfied for deciding when to present a 5G
status icon depending on the operators. The 5G
Introduction project group sent the results of the
survey and discussion to 3GPP as a reply to the
LS from 3GPP SA2 for information. The liaison
statement can be accessed in the public in 3GPP
document repository (SA2: S2-178933 [17];
RAN2: R2-1713952 [18]).

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