Effects of Economics Indicators On Financial Markets: Martin Svoboda

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Martin Svoboda

In recent years, the general public has become increasingly aware of economic activities, aided
and abetted by the growing involvement of private individuals in the stock market. As decisions
in financial markets have become no longer a matter of luck but based on structured decisions,
the investor or adviser has been left with two options. First, decisions can be based on technical
indicators or charts. This is the field of technical analysis, whose importance has steadily
increased in recent times. In addition, there is fundamental analysis, which boasts a far longer
history, although considered 'elitist' for a long time, whereby national economic indicators are
calculated and their importance and effect explained in a somewhat cryptic form. Any investors
basing their decision to some extent on economic performance should therefore have at least
some idea of what individual economic indicators mean and their relation to other indicators.

The effects of economic values on financial markets of fixed income markets are therefore
comparatively simple. References to strong (weak) economic growth and therefore related to
higher (lower) inflation have a mainly negative (positive) impact on these financial markets, as
they imply higher (lower) interest and therefore lower (higher) market rates. This apparently
simple link is no longer so easy to identify in relation to other financial markets. High economic
growth frequently produces high inflation, which in turn prompts the central bank to tighten
monetary policy more by raising interest. This, however, makes company lending more
expensive, thereby narrowing the profit margin. At the same time, the higher economic growth
also means that companies can sell more because demand rises. Due to the increase in demand
they also probably have greater scope to increase prices. In this respect higher economic growth
positively influences company profits. The question therefore remains as to the overall effect on
a company and on the trend on the stock markets. The situation in the currency markets is
different again. High interest rates tend to suppress economic growth. Falling growth rates
adversely affect the exchange rate of a currency. High interest rates make investment in this
country attractive, boosting capital inflows, thereby in principle positively affecting the
exchange rate.

It is not the aim of this article to explain the fundamental factors of performance and their
interdependencies within the financial markets. Instead, it aims to form a basis for appreciating
the fundamentals in the USA and the Eurozone, the European Monetary Union (EMU) region.
This can then be taken as the starting point for fundamental analysis of these national
economies and their effects on the financial markets.

The importance of a national economic indicator ultimately depends on a number of factors:

1. Time of publication
The importance of an indicator depends on how up-to-date the information is. If economic
figures are published after several months’ delay, the underlying information can be estimated
in advance with the help of the other indicators, thereby reducing the importance of the
indicator itself.


One of the reasons why so much notice is taken of the ISM Purchasing Managers’ Index for
Manufacturing Business is that it is published on the first working day of the month and
provides one of the earliest bits of information on the economic situation in the preceding

2. Scope of new information

Information is partly published in the form of a number of statistics and individual information
can be estimated on the basis of other statistics. The importance of an indicator therefore
directly increases as more new information is published with this indicator.

One of the most important publications of US economic indicators is the Labor Market Report.
With the help of this report, conclusions can be drawn about economic growth, inflation
pressure, the profit situation of companies and international competition. As a result the Labor
Market Report (in conjunction with producer prices and consumer prices) is given top priority
among US statistics.

Nevertheless, little notice is taken of the statistics on housing completions in the USA as the
situation in this market sector can be assessed with adequate accuracy using other indicators
already published for the construction sector.

3. Accuracy of statistics
Indicators fluctuate over time and are also often subsequently adjusted. The more volatile an
indicator, the more difficult is its use to identify economic trends. At the same time, adjustments
can cause the picture produced by the indicator to become unsustainable. Consequently, the
importance of an indicator becomes greater, the more the economic situation is portrayed
clearly and the number of false signals lowered, reducing the need for subsequent revisions.

Retail sales normally provide a good summary of consumer demand in a national economy. In
Germany, the significance of this statistic is, however, limited by the fact that it fluctuates
dramatically from month to month and that there are frequent adjustments.

4. Importance for economic policy decisions

The more weight economic policy decision makers attach to an indicator, the more significant
this indicator is to the financial markets. It is worth noting, however, that this significance is not
independent of the aforementioned points. Indicators, which frequently provide false signals,
are only given minor weighting in economic policy decision-making. The significance of an
indicator also depends on how closely it is linked to the respective target value. However, as
this link can change over time, it inevitably follows that the relative significance of indicators
can also change over time. Moreover, indicators in different countries do not all have the same

Since the mid-1970s monetarism has become so well established in economic policy practice
that most central banks responded to monetary trends with monetary policy regulation. The
Deutsche Bundesbank played a pioneering role in this, and this still characterizes their


significance inside the European Central Bank (ECB) even today. In recent years the
significance of these indicators has suffered as a result of financial innovations. The Federal
Reserve, for example, has since largely begun to focus on actual trends rather than specific
targets. In addition, individual central banks have switched to direct inflation targeting so that
the money supply is now only one indicator with equal weight in a whole series of indicators.
The importance of indicators can therefore change over time and also differ between nations.

With regard to fundamentals in particular there is the problem of the data being extremely
difficult to assess accurately. Market operators are frequently surprised by data releases. In the
forefront of such vital statistics market operators and high street bank economists are
questioned about their expectations. The results are then published in the form of a market
consensus. The markets frequently clearly anticipate certain results in advance; that is, they act
on expectations. The more important an indicator is for the financial markets, the greater the
false expectation is in a publication and the stronger the market response is to the data
published. Therefore, the chance of achieving profits via the respective positioning in terms of
the market consensus increases an also the results published can be estimated more accurately.

The importance of knowing how indicators are constructed to forecast economic developments
can be seen in a publication from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The private
organization, Consensus Forecast, publishes each month an overview of forecasts made by large
banks on GDP growth, inflation unemployment and so on for all the major countries. While
evaluating the performance of Consensus Forecast of GDP growth for industrialized and
developing countries from 1989 to 1998, it was found that from 60 recessions, only two had
been forecast in the year before they happened. Looking at the average forecast, it is still worse.
All forecasts had been too optimistic. In the year before a recession, the forecast growth
exceeded actual growth in all cases.

In principle, the analysis of economic data involves providing answers to the following

 How high is economic growth?

 How high is inflation?

And consequently:

 What impact will these gave on interest rates, stock prices and currency markets?

The most comprehensive measurement of economic performance and thereby economic growth
is the GDP. In simple terms, GDP can be taken as the sum of consumption, investment,
government purchases and net exports. As publication of the GDP is subject to relatively long
delays in most countries, it is helpful to estimate sections of the individual components which
have already been published in advance and economic growth can be approximated with the
help of these. The most important component is consumer demand, which accounts for over 70
per cent of the GDP in some nations. Consumer demand is only subject to slight fluctuation.
However, with its share of the GDP this slight fluctuation is clearly noticeable in terms of
economic growth. Key indicators for assessing consumer demand include retail sales, consumer
confidence surveys, income trends and the demand for consumer credit. The demand for
investment is far more volatile in comparison to consumer demand, so that the largest


proportion of fluctuations in economic growth can be attributed to this smaller component. This
figure is estimated with the aid of data on production of investment goods, inventories and
construction activity. Finally, data on the balance of trade and balance of payments are
particularly essential for the analysis of international demand.

The aforementioned division of the GDP into components considers economic performance in
terms of the consumer. At the same time it is also useful to analyze the production side. Here,
data on industrial production are particularly relevant as fluctuations in industrial production
tend to have the greatest impact on fluctuations in economic performance. In addition, industrial
production trends are strongly influenced by exchange rate fluctuations and relative price trends
in the respective individual nations. This means that this sector is of great importance for he
analysis of global economic growth.

Apart form the ‘standard’ data on economic performance, company surveys can also provide
information on the economic situation. Surveys have an advantage over production data in that
they reflect people’ attitudes, which can trigger a response to developments far earlier than
production plans. In addition, short-term distortions, such as extreme weather conditions or
differences in the number of working days are short-lived or not reflected at all in surveys.

The labour market data need to be considered between the data from the production side and the
consumer side. On the one hand, they are affected by the economic position of the enterprises,
and on the other, the labour market situation affects demand for goods and services in turn. In
addition, labour market data can provide information on rising inflation pressure.

Finally, inflation can be measured using a number of methods. Apart from the GDP price
deflator, which represents the broadest measure of price trends, these primarily include
producer and consumer prices. Nevertheless, for policy-making and market trends it is
important not only to be informed about the current inflation rate but also (and at lest as
important) to assess the inflationary pressure that may be buildings.

According to monetarist theory, inflationary trends can only develop in the long term when the
central bank fails to keep a tight enough grip on monetary trends. This is why monetary
aggregates have been so important for financial markets in the past. As was explained in the
above example, the importance of monetary aggregates for inflation trends in the past has been
somewhat reduced by the introduction of financial innovations. In spite of this, these numbers
continue to play an important role in monetary policy and still serve as a guide on potential
interest rate decisions by the central banks.

It has already been intimated that individual indicators can provide early forecasts of trends for
other indices or economic performance in general. Some indicators largely change direction in
line with cyclical trends, whereas others only change direction after the turning point of an
economic cycle. Such indicators are called leading indicators, coincident indicators or lagging
indicators. Leading indicators are characterized by the fact that they reflect turning points in
economic cycles before these turning points are actually visible. As expectations have great
influence on market trends in financial markets, leading indicators are therefore of great
importance. These include, amongst others:


 New orders
 Building permits
 Information on overtime
 Monetary trends
 Consumer expectations
 Business climate indices

By contrast, coincident indicators are characterized by the fact hat they develop mostly parallel
to the economic cycle. They make it possible to assess economic cycles more accurately as
national accounting data is normally subject to time delays and only published quarterly. These
include, amongst others:

 Labour market figures

 Information on available income
 Data on industrial production
 Sales figures at various production levels and in the retail sector

Lagging indicators, on the other hand, usually only supply information on changes in the
cyclical situation after the situation has changed. They therefore normally change direction after
the coincident indicators. They can be used to check whether the coincident indicators have
given the correct signal. On the other hand, they also act as a guide as to whether major
structural imbalance is to be expected within a national economy, which could be averted via
economic policy measures. Lagging indicators include, among others:

 Average period of unemployment

 Inventory to sales ratio
 Ratio of consumer installment credit outstanding to personal income

In addition to the leading indicators on the business cycle there are also indices for assessing
inflationary pressure. On the one hand, it should be noted that inflationary trends often occur in
waves through all levels of the production process. As a result, price increases in crude
materials, for example, are initially reflected in the crude material price index, then in the
producer price indices for intermediate products and finally in the producer price indices for
finished products. Only then does a price change affect consumer prices for goods, thereby
finally also affecting prices for services.

To what extent price changes affect the individual stages depends on the scope within the
company for passing on price increases. In a sector with marked competition between
companies there is far less potential than, for example, in a sector with only a few highly
specialized companies. On the other hand, price trends are also affected by cost factors
occurring within the production stages such as wages, individual taxes and profit margins. The
following are some of the leading indicators for consumer price trends:

 Unit labour costs

 Labour market figures
 Capacity utilization
 Commodity prices
 Producer prices


 Purchasing power of currencies

 Surveys on expected price trends


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V současné době každý investor při svém rozhodování o budoucích investičních krocích musí
brát v úvahu hospodářský vývoj. Základními ekonomickými veličinami ovlivňujícími finanční
trhy jsou především ekonomický růst, inflace, úrokové míry a sazby peněžního trhu. Vliv těchto
indikátorů se zdá být na první pohled jasný a lze je většinou velmi lehce předpovídat. V praxi
ale význam jednotlivých ekonomických ukazatelů závisí na dalších faktorech. Proto je nezbytné
znát konstrukci jednotlivých indikátorů a jejich vypovídající schopnost. Tento příspěvek se
snaží odpovědět na otázku popsat druhy základních ekonomických indikátorů, na které je nutné
brát ohled při investičním rozhodování.


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