Refraction of Light by Light in Vacuum

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EPJ manuscript No.

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Refraction of light by light in vacuum

X. Sarazin1a , F. Couchot1 , A. Djannati-Atai2 , O. Guilbaud3 , S. Kazamias3 , M. Pittman4 , M. Urban1
LAL, IN2P3/CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France
APC, IN2P3/CNRS, Univ Paris Diderot, Paris, France
LPGP, Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France
LUMAT, Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France
arXiv:1507.07959v3 [physics.optics] 2 Dec 2015

Received: / Revised version:

Abstract. In very intense electromagnetic fields, the vacuum refractive index is expected to be modified due
to nonlinear quantum electrodynamics (QED) properties. Several experimental tests using high intensity
lasers have been proposed to observe electromagnetic nonlinearities in vacuum, such as the diffraction or the
reflection of intense laser pulses. We propose a new approach which consists in observing the refraction,
i.e. the rotation of the waveplanes of a probe laser pulse crossing a transverse vacuum index gradient.
The latter is produced by the interaction of two very intense and ultra short laser pulses, used as pump
pulses. At the maximum of the index gradient, the refraction angle of the probe pulse is estimated to be
0.2 × ( 10µm )−3 × 1J
picoradians, where I is the total energy of the two pump pulses and w0 is the minimum
waist (fwhm) at the interaction area. Assuming the most intense laser pulses attainable by the LASERIX
facility (I = 25 J, 30 fs fwhm duration, 800 nm central wavelength) and assuming a minimum waist of
w = 10µm (fwhm) (corresponding to an intensity of the order of 1021 W/cm2 ), the expected maximum
refraction angle is about 5 picoradians. An experimental setup, using a Sagnac interferometer, is proposed
to perform this measurement.

PACS. PACS numbers 12.20.Fv, 42.50.Xa

1 Introduction increase of the vacuum refractive index. The optical index

imprinted on the vacuum induces the scattering of a probe
When the vacuum is stressed by very intense electromag- beam (the pump beam itself or an external probe beam).
netic fields, it should behave as a nonlinear optical medium, Several configurations have been studied. We can mention
as predicted initially by Euler-Heisenberg [1], and refor- as examples the diffraction of a high-intensity laser pulse
mulated later as nonlinear QED interaction. So far, elec- which crosses another counter propagating high-intensity
tromagnetic nonlinearity in vacuum has never been ob- laser pulse with smaller diameter [5] [6], the diffraction of
served at low energy, i.e. on macroscopic scale with light a probe beam by a standing electromagnetic wave formed
beams. Several methods have been developed to detect by two counter propagating intense laser pulses [7], and
it: vacuum birefringence induced by an external magnetic recently the reflection of a probe beam on the interaction
field, frequency doubling (parametric amplification) or pho- area of pump laser pulses [8].
ton fusion induced by an external field, and direct photon- In all these proposals, the scattering of the laser pulse
photon scattering (see e.g., the review in [2]). The most is similar to the classical diffraction or reflection of a light
sensitive experimental test today is the search for vac- beam by an optical aperture. Here the optical aperture
uum magnetic linear birefringence in the presence of an corresponds to the vacuum area where the optical index
external magnetic field [3][4]. No signal has yet been ob- is enhanced by the interaction of two intense laser pulses.
served and the best achieved limit at 90% confidence level, It is worthwhile noting that the diffraction and reflection
obtained with permanent rotating magnets, is about two occur, even if the transverse profile of the refractive index
orders of magnitude above the QED prediction [4]. is constant. However, when a light beam crosses an optical
In the last years, there has been an increasing interest aperture with a transversely varying index, the light beam
in the search for electromagnetic nonlinearity in vacuum is also refracted: the beam is fully bended towards regions
by measuring the scattering of intense laser pulses. At the of higher index because of the rotation of the wave planes.
interaction area of two laser pulses, the nonlinear quantum Here we propose to study this refraction effect. The
coupling of the intense electromagnetic fields produces an vacuum refractive index induced by the interaction of two
laser pulses is proportional to the intensity of the pulses.
[email protected] Since the transverse intensity profile is non uniform, it in-
2 X. Sarazin et al.: Refraction of light by light in vacuum

duces a transversal gradient of the vacuum index. There-

fore the phase velocities in the laser pulse are gradually
slower close to the interaction area, and the wave planes t<0
are gradually rotated. The laser pulse is hence refracted.
In the scattering processes, only a very small fraction of
photons are diffracted or reflected, although the deflection
angle is relatively high. Here, in the refraction effect, the
whole beam undergoes bending but the refraction angle is
The refraction of a light beam in a vacuum stressed
by intense electromagnetic fields has been experimentaly
tested only once in 1960 by R.V. Jones [9] who looked for
the deviation of a light beam passing through a transverse
static magnetic field shaped to mimic an optical prism. t>0
The magnetic field strength was about 1 T and results in-
dicated that the deflection of the light beam was less than
0.5 picoradians. Although the sensitivity of the experiment
was incredibly high given the available technology at the Fig. 1. Schematic view of the interaction of the counter-
time, this limit was almost 10 orders of magnitude above propagating pump pulses (red and blue disks) and the refrac-
the expected signal from Euler-Heisenberg model, because tion of the probe pulse (disk with line). The lines inside the
of a relatively low magnetic field strength. We propose probe pulse correspond to the wave planes gradually rotated
to develop an experiment, similar to that of R.V. Jones, by the vacuum index gradient. They have been illustrated in
with a much stronger transient magnetic field produced a simplified way. Here the propagation axis of the probe pulse
is slightly tilted and transversely shifted.
by the interaction of two counter propagating intense laser
pulses. Since the measurement of the wave planes rotation
within very intense laser pulses seems experimentaly un-
and in the presence of a magnetic field H, the magnetic
realistic, we propose to measure the refraction by using
induction field B is given by
a third laser pulse (a probe pulse) of lower intensity, as
illustrated in Figure 1.
B = µ0 H (2)
This paper is organized as follows: we first outline the
nonlinear properties of the electromagnetic quantum vac- These two constants define the phase velocity of an elec-
uum. We then show how the vacuum refractive index is tromagnetic wave propagating in vacuum by the relation
modified at the intersection of two counter propagating √
c = 1/ 0 µ0 .
laser pulses, and calculate the transverse index gradient. In a standard material medium, the light velocity is
The rotation angle of the wave planes (the refraction) is decreased because of a modification of the permittivity
then computed numerically for a probe beam crossing this and permeability, given by
index gradient. Finaly, a possible measurement of this re-
fraction with a Sagnac interferometer is discussed. D = E = 0 (1 + χe )E = 0 E + P
In the following, we use the caracteristics of the laser B = µH = µ0 (1 + χm )H = µ0 H + µ0 M (3)
pulses delivered by the LASERIX facility [10]: duration of
the pulses of ∆t = 30 fs (fwhm), 800 nm central wave- where χe and χm are the electric and magnetic suscepti-
length, a total energy of the two pump pulses of 25 J bilities of the medium, P is the electric polarization
(12.5 J for each) and a repetition rate of 0.1 Hz. A mini-
mum waist of the pump pulses at the interaction of ∆⊥ = P = 0 χ e E (4)
10µm (fwhm) is also assumed.
and M is the magnetization

1 χm
2 Nonlinear properties of the electromagnetic M = χm H = B (5)
µ0 1 + χm
quantum vacuum
The optical refractive index is then given by

In classical electrodynamics, the electromagnetic proper- µ p
ties of the vacuum are described by two fundamental con- n= √ = (1 + χe )(1 + χm )
0 µ0
stants: the vacuum permittivity 0 and the vacuum per-
meability µ0 . In the presence of an eletric field E, the It is well established that in a high field regime, mate-
induced vacuum polarization D is given by rial media become optically nonlinear: the susceptibilities
are not constant but depend on the magnetic and electric
D = 0 E (1) fields applied to this medium.
X. Sarazin et al.: Refraction of light by light in vacuum 3

Since the early work by Heisenberg and Euler [1], it is In the following, we first calculate the gradient of the
predicted that the electromagnetic vacuum must also be- vacuum index induced by the interaction of the two pump
have as a nonlinear optical medium in presence of very in- pulses. We then calculate numerically the rotation angles
tense electromagnetic fields. The virtual electron-positron (the refraction angles) of the wave planes of the probe
fluctuations which are produced in the QED vacuum, are pulse, after having crossed the interaction area.
expected to induce nonlinear couplings between real elec-
tromagnetic fields. This modifies the interactions and prop-
agations of the fields and leads to modified Maxwell equa- 3.1 Variation of the vacuum refractive index induced
tions with a vacuum polarisation (similar to the ones in a by two counter propagating laser pulses
medium) given, at the lowest orders in the fields, by (see
e.g., Refs [2] and [11]) In the interaction area, the electromagnetic fields of each
pump pulse (labeled 1 and 2) are chosen to be two gaussian
P = ξ20 2(E 2 − c2 B 2 )E + 7(E · B)c2 B
wave packets of same amplitude:
M = −ξ20 c2 2(E 2 − c2 B 2 )B − 7(E · B)E
(6) E1 = A(x, y)F (z, t) cos[ω(t − z/c) − φ1 ] ux
with A(x, y)
B1 = F (z, t) cos[ω(t − z/c) − φ1 ] uy (8)
4α2 h̄3 m3
ξ= 4 5
' 3.35 10−30 (7)
45me c J E2 = A(x, y)F (z, −t) cos[ω(t + z/c) − φ2 ] uy
Because of this polarisation, the optical refractive in- A(x, y)
B2 = F (z, −t) cos[ω(t + z/c) − φ2 ] ux (9)
dex of the vacuum, for a light propagating in the presence c
of an external electromagnetic field, is no longer equal to with
1 but depends on the external field amplitude. 2
+y 2 )/∆2⊥ )
There are also QED corrections that include the spa- A(x, y) = A0 e−(2 ln2×(x (10)
tial and temporal derivatives of the fields E and B [12]. F (z, t) = e −(2 ln2×(t−z/c)2 /∆t2 )
However, as discussed in [11], the derivative corrections
are important when the wavelength of the light λ is com- where z is the axis of propagation, x and y are the trans-
parable to the Compton wavelength λC of the electron, verse axes, ux and uy are the unit vectors along x and
while the Heisenberg-Euler correction given in Equation 6 y respectively, ∆⊥ is the width (fwhm) of the transverse
is important when the electric field becomes comparable intensity profile, ∆t is the time width (fwhm) of the lon-
to the critical electric field Ec = m2 c3 /(eπh̄). More gener- gitudinal intensity profile, and t = 0 is arbitrarily defined
aly, it is shown in [11] that the derivative corrections are when the two pulses entirely overlap. For simplicity, we
negligible as long as (λC /λ)2  (4/π 3 )(E/Ec )2 . Since we will assume the phases φ1 and φ2 equal to 0 in the fol-
are studying a regime where the derivative corrections are lowing. Experimentaly, the two pump pulses have to be
negligible, we adopt the locally constant field approxima- sligthly tilted to prevent dangerous reinjection in the laser
tion and we consider only the Heisenberg-Euler correction amplifiers. However, we assume here that the tilt angle
given by Equation 6. between the two beam axes is small enough to be negligi-
ble as a first approximation. The transverse size, ∆⊥ , of
the pulses is also assumed to be constant at the interac-
3 Refraction of a probe pulse by the tion point and equal to the minimum waist. Indeed, the
interaction of two pump pulses diffraction effects can be neglected, as a first approxima-
tion, for laser pulses of duration lower than few hundreds
We study the configuration of two laser pulses (E1 ,B1 ) of femtoseconds and with a minimum waist larger than
and (E2 ,B2 ) with the same intensity and orthogonal lin- about 5 µm.
ear polarizations. These two pulses, named pump pulses, The amplitude A0 of the electromagnetic wave packets
propagate towards opposite directions along the same axis. depends on the total intensity I of the two pump pulses,
They cross each other at focus. The coupling of the two which is given by
fields induces an increase of the vacuum refractive in- Z
0 E12 B12
dex which is proportional to the intensity of the fields. I=2 ( + )dxdydz = 20 E12 dxdydz (12)
Since the transverse intensity profile of the pump pulses 2 2µ0
is not uniform, a gradient of the vacuum index occurs At t = 0, we get
in the transverse direction of the propagation. A third ZZ +∞
pulse of lower energy (in the millijoule range), used as a I = 20 A20 e−(4 ln 2(x
+y 2 )/∆2⊥ )
probe pulse, propagates simultaneously to one of the pump −∞
pulses, as illustrated in Figure 1, and crosses the trans- Z +∞
2 2
verse index gradient imprinted on the vacuum. The phase × e−(4 ln 2z /(c∆t) ) (cos(2ωz/c) + 1) dz
velocities in the probe pulse are gradually slower close to −∞

the interaction area, and the wave planes are gradually 2
2 π∆⊥ πc∆t  2 2

rotated. = 20 A0 √ 1 + e−ω ∆t /(4 ln 2) (13)
4 ln 2 2 ln 2
4 X. Sarazin et al.: Refraction of light by light in vacuum

With femtosecond laser pulses at 800 nm central wave- 3.2 Calculation of the refraction angles of a probe
2 2
length, e−ω ∆t /(4 ln 2)  1 and beam

2 4 ln 2 ln 2 I We assume that the probe pulse propagates at the same
A0 = √ (14) time, parallel to one of the pump pulses. The intensity of
0 π πc ∆2⊥ ∆t
the probe pulse (in the millijoule range) is about four or-
Assuming a waist of the laser beam at the interaction ders of magnitude smaller than that of the pump pulses.
area on the order of 10 µm (fwhm), and assuming a pulse Therefore its contribution to the index variation is ne-
duration of ∆t = 30 fs, the amplitude p A0 of the elec- glected. The refraction of the probe pulse is a pure wave
tric field of each pulse is A0 = 7.2 1012 I/(1 J) V/m. refraction effect. We can model it as the propagation of
This corresponds to an amplitude of the magnetic field of light rays (ray tracing) through the gradient of refractive
index in the transverse direction of propagation.
2.4 104 I/(1 J) Tesla.
The sum of the two pulses is given by All calculations are done assuming the performance of
the LASERIX facility, as given previously.
E = A(x, y)[F (z, t) cos(ω(t − z/c)) ux The calculation is performed numerically as follows.
+F (z, −t) cos(ω(t + z/c)) uy ] We first sample the pump pulse (E1 , B1 ) in x, y and z. We
then calculate at each point xi , yi , zi of the pulse, the total
A(x, y)
B= [F (z, −t) cos(ω(t + z/c)) ux index gradient ∂∆n(xi , yi , zi )/∂r in the transverse direc-
c tion r = xi ux + yi ux , integrated along the full crossing of
+F (z, t) cos(ω(t − z/c)) uy ] (15) the pulse with the second pump pulse (E2 , B2 ). Techni-
cally, since the terms of δnQED in the transverse directions
The fields are symmetric by inversion of x and y. Con- (x, y) and in the propagation direction (z, t) are indepen-
sequently we have E2 = c2 B2 and the nonlinear vacuum dant, we first calculate the integrated index ∆n(xi , yi , zi )
polarizations given by Eq. 6 become by integrating δnQED from t = −∆t to t = +∆t. Then we
P = 7ξ20 c2 (E · B) B calculate its gradient in the transverse direction r, given
M = 7ξ20 c2 (E · B) E (16)
Z +∆t !
By analogy with the susceptibilities of a medium given in ∂∆n(xi , yi , zi ) ∂
= δnQED (xi , yi , zi , t)dt (20)
Eq. 4 and 5, we can define the electric and magnetic sus- ∂r ∂r −∆t
ceptibilities χe0 and χm0 of the electromagnetic vacuum,
as For very small deflection, the integrated refraction angle
θr (xi , yi , zi ) in the transverse direction r is then given for
P · E = 0 χe0 E 2 each point (xi , yi , zi ) of the pulse by
1 χm0
M·B = B2 (17) ∂∆n(xi , yi , zi )
µ0 (1 + χm0 ) θr (xi , yi , zi ) = 2c∆t (21)
Combining Eq. 16 and 17, and at the first order (χe0  1
and χm0  1), one gets The integrated index ∆n(x, y, z = 0) and refraction
angle θr (x, y, z = 0), both calculated in the transverse
(E · B)2 plane z = 0, are presented as a function of x and y in Fig-
χe0 = 7ξ0 c2 ures 2 and 3, respectively. At the maximum of intensity
(E · B)2 (x = y = 0), the integrated index is about 2 10−12 and at
χm0 = 7ξ0 = χe0 (18) the maximum of the index gradient, the integrated refrac-
tion angle θr,max is about 5 picorad. The integrated index
The emergence of these susceptibilities leads to a variation ∆n(x, y, z = 0) calculated in the longitudinal plane y = 0
of the vacuum refractive index 1 + δnQED inside the laser is also presented as a function of the transverse coordinate
pulses, given at the first order in χe0 and χm0 , by x and the longitudinal coordinate z in Figure 4.
The refraction angle varies inversely as the cube of the
(E(x, y, z, t) · B(x, y, z, t))2 minimum waist w0 at the interaction area of the two pump
δnQED (x, y, z, t) = 7ξ0 c2 (19)
E 2 (x, y, z, t) pulses, and varies linearly with the total energy I of the
pump pulses, as
We can verify a posteriori that the increase of the vac-
uum refractive index is maximal when the two counter- w0 −3 I
propagating pump fields (E1 ,B1 ) and (E2 ,B2 ) have the θr,max = 2 10−13 × ( ) × radians (22)
10µm 1J
same intensity. This is why we propose to use that con-
figuration. As mentioned in the introduction, since the In theory, the refraction angle is insensitive to the duration
measurement of the waveplanes rotation within the in- of the pump pulses since the refraction is integrated along
tense pump pulses is experimentaly unrealistic, we use a all the longitudinal profile of the pulses. However, a waist
third probe pulse with a much lower intensity to probe of the order of 10 µm must be maintained in the inter-
the vacuum index gradient. action area. Therefore the longitudinal size of the pulses
X. Sarazin et al.: Refraction of light by light in vacuum 5

∆n(z=0) × 1012 Θ × 1012

y (µm)

y (µm)
10 10 5

7.5 2 7.5

5 1.75 5

2.5 1.5 2.5

0 1.25 0

-2.5 1 -2.5

-5 0.75 -5

-7.5 0.5 -7.5 1

-10 -10

0 0
-10 -7.5 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 -10 -7.5 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10
x (µm) x (µm)
Fig. 2. The integrated index ∆n(x, y, z = 0) (×1012 ) calcu- Fig. 3. The refraction angle θr (x, y, z = 0) (×1012 radians)
lated in the transverse plane z = 0, as a function of the trans- calculated in the transverse plane z = 0, as a function of the
verse coordinates x and y. The total energy of the two pump transverse coordinates x and y. At the maximum of the index
pulses is 25 J, the duration of each pulse is 30 fs (fwhm) and gradient (r ' 5µm), the refraction angle is about 5 10−12 rad.
the minimum waist is 10 µm at the focus, corresponding to an Computation is done with same conditions as for Fig. 2.
intensity of the order of 1021 W/cm2 .

∆n(y=0) × 1012
must be smaller than few tens of micrometers in order to 2.5
x (µm)

be unsensitive to the divergence of the beam along the in-

teraction. This requires pulses shorter than few hundred 2.25

7.5 2

5 1.75

4 Measurement of the refraction with a 2.5 1.5

Sagnac interferometer
0 1.25

In our present proposal, the probe pulse is first focused

-2.5 1
in the interaction area of the two pump pulses and the
refraction occurs at the focus. After refraction, the probe -5 0.75
pulse is collimated again and analysed. Thus a refraction
angle θr at the focus corresponds to a transverse shift -7.5 0.5
δr = f × θr after collimation, where f is the focal length.
The experimental challenge is therefore to detect an ultra -10

small transverse displacement of the beam.

A transverse shift of a light beam is usually measured -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

by using a quadrant photodetector and by recording the z (µm)

relative difference between the two measured intensities Fig. 4. The integrated index ∆n(x, y = 0, z) (×1012 ) calcu-
in each quadrant. In the case of a continuous intense laser lated in the longitudinal plane y = 0, as a function of the trans-
beam, the high statistic of detected photons provides a verse coordinate x and the longitudinal coordinate z. Compu-
very high sensitivity on the deviation angle of the light tation is done with same conditions as for Fig. 2.
beam. For instance, a sensitivity of 0.1 picoradians at
1 kHz has been achieved by using an He-Ne continuous
laser and a rotating mirror using an ultra low-noise lock-
ing amplifier synchronized with the rotation frequency of
1 kHz [13]. However, with ultra short laser pulses, a pho-
6 X. Sarazin et al.: Refraction of light by light in vacuum

todetector would be highly saturated by the extremely M1

high photon flux.
Dark Port
In order to overpass this limitation, we propose to M3
measure the displacement of the probe beam by using BS-3 pulse 1
a Sagnac interferometer. Measurement of the deflection 50/50

of a laser beam with a Sagnac interferometer has been

already developped with continuous laser beams. Dixon Interaction
Area BS-1
et al. have experimentally demonstrated that the use of
a Sagnac interferometer allows for the ultra sensitive de- Probe
flection measurement of a continuous laser beam [14]. An Pump
pulse 2
angular deflection of a mirror down to sub picoradians has
been measured. A similar interferometer has also been de-
velopped more recently by Turner et al. who demonstrate M2
a sensitivity of continuous laser beam√ deflection measure- Low energy Amplification
ment better than 10 picoradians/ Hz between 10 and 30 fs 25 J, 30 fs
200 Hz [15]. But, to our knowledge, no deflection measure- BS-2

ment has been performed in pulsed mode with a Sagnac

interferometer. Fig. 5. Schematic view of a possible setup. Descriptions are
given in the text.
A possible setup is illustrated in Figure 5. The in-
tense laser pulse is divided by a beam splitter BS-1 in two
counter-propagating pulses which interact at the focus of ter, and E(r + δ) for the refracted pulse with the trans-
mirrors M1 and M2. A probe pulse, delivered by the beam verse displacement δ. We note  the asymetry between the
splitter BS-2, is sent through a Sagnac interferometer via transmitted and reflected intensity in the beam splitter.
a 50/50 beam splitter BS-3. Two probe pulses, counter- The transverse intensity profile I(r) at the dark output is
rotating inside the Sagnac interferometer, are both fo- given by
cused by mirrors M3 and M4 into the interaction area of
the two pump pulses. An array of photodetectors (PDA)  2
1 +  2 
is located in the dark output of the Sagnac interferom- I(r) = √

E(r + δ) − √ E(r)

eter. In the absence of interaction of the pump pulses, 2 2
the two counter-rotating probe pulses are phase shifted 2
δ 2 ∂E(r)
by π and no light is observed on the photodetector. The I(r) ' + 2δE(r) + 42 E 2 (r)
attenuation factor of the interferometer depends on the 4 ∂r ∂r
symmetry of the beam-splitter BS-3 for the transmitted
and reflected amplitudes. When the two pump pulses in- Since δ 2  δ, the first term can be ignored and one gets
teract, one of the probe pulses that crosses the interac-
tion area at the same time, is refracted and is therefore I(r) = 2δ |E(r)| + 42 E 2 (r) (23)
transversely shifted at the dark output, while the second ∂r
counter-rotating probe pulse crosses the interaction area We now assume a simplified transverse beam profile, sim-
much later and is therefore undisturbed. The small trans- ilar to a top-hat profile:
verse displacement of one probe pulse relative to the sec-
ond one generates an asymetry in amplitude at the dark

1 if |r| ≤ ∆r
output, and therefore a light signal appears. We also note r
E(r) = ± a + 2a + 1 if ∆r
∆r ∆r
2 < |r| < 2 + a
that a vacuum of the order of 10−10 mbar is required in 
0 ∆r
if |x| ≥ 2 + a
the interaction area of the two pump pulses, in order to
be insensitive to nonlinear interactions in the residual gas. In the region of interest, i.e. on the edge of the profile at
There are specific advantages for the use of a Sagnac r0 ' ∆r/2 + a/2, the intensity given in Eq. 23 is
interferometer. First of all, the photo-detection is per-
formed in the dark port at low intensity. Also, in the pres- δ
I(r0 ) ' + 2 (24)
ence of beam pointing fluctuations, the interference pat- a
tern at the dark output is unmodified but only translated
on the photo-detector plane. Finally a Sagnac interferom- The first term IS = δ/a corresponds to the signal in-
eter is much less sensitive to mechanical fluctuations, and tensity induced by the transverse displacement of the re-
unsensitive to any linear group delay dispersion of the op- fracted pulse while the second term IB = 2 corresponds
tical elements, since the two interfering beams travel along to the background intensity induced by the asymetry of
identical optical paths. the beam splitter. The signal over background ratio is
We can estimate the sensitivity of the Sagnac inter- IS /IB ' δ/(a) (25)
ferometer by using a simplified model. We note E(r) the
transverse profile of the field amplitude for the unmod- This ratio has to be compared to the relative uncertainty
ified probe pulse at the dark output of the interferome- ∆IB /IB of the background intensity, which is given by the
X. Sarazin et al.: Refraction of light by light in vacuum 7

statistical error on the number of detected photons NB in as small as 0.1 picoradians have been detected with con-
the region of interest (∆r/2 < |r| < ∆r/2 + a). Noting tinuous laser beams with standard techniques using quad-
N0 the number of photons of the initial probe pulse before rant photodetectors, some limitations appear with ultra
entering the Sagnac interferometer, and Nshot the number short and intense pulses. In order to overpass these lim-
of repetitions of laser shots, then NB = a/∆r×2 N0 Nshot , itations, we propose to use a Sagnac interferometer, for
and the relative uncertainty of the background is which the measurement of the refraction is performed in
p p p its dark port, thus allowing high intensity probe pulses.
∆IB /IB = 1/ NB = ( ∆r/a)/( N0 Nshot ) (26) We estimate that the attenuation factor of the interfer-
ometer must be of the order of 10−6 in order to detect
The sensitivity of the measurement, given by the ratio of a signal larger than the background fluctuation after 104
the signal over background fluctuation, is LASERIX shots (correponding to about 1 day of measure-
IS δ p
=√ N0 Nshot (27)
∆IB a∆r
Assuming a beam diameter ∆r = 1 mm, a width of the
profile edge a = ∆r/10 = 100 µm, a repetition of laser The authors thank J. Haı̈ssinski for fruitful discussions on
shots Nshot = 104 (corresponding to about one day of this paper. The authors also thank L-Acoustics Company
measurement with the LASERIX repetition rate of 0.1 Hz), for their financial support for building a Sagnac interfer-
and a transverse displacement δ = 10−11 m (correspond- ometer prototype. We are also grateful to one of the refer-
ing to a refraction angle θr = 10 prad and a focal length ees who allowed us to clarify and complete our proposal.
f = 1 m), the ratio is

IS p
= 3.10−6 N0 (28) References
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