Crompton Greaves Training Report

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19th June -15th July, 2017


The internship opportunity I had with Crompton Greaves Limited, Bhopal was a great chance for
learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual
as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to
meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though this internship period.

Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special
thanks to Mr. Deepak Yadav, AGM-Operations at Crompton Greaves who in spite of being
extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path
and allowing me to carry out my training at their esteemed organization.

I express my deepest thanks to Mr. Rajeev Agrawal for taking part in useful decision & giving
necessary advices and guidance and arranging all facilities to make life easier. I choose this
moment to acknowledge his contribution gratefully.

It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to

Mr. Adil Qureshi, Mr. Shivam Soni, Mr. D.C. Gupta, Mr. Shashikant and Mr. Ashok Dilare for
their careful and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both
theoretically and practically.

I would like to appreciate all the operators and technicians of the industry for their constant
encouragement and valuable solutions to my doubts during the training period.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with all
of you in the future.

1. Title page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Table of contents
4. Company Profile
5. Coil Manufacturing
 Coil Looping
 Stack Consolidation
 Ground Insulation
 Stretching
 Main Insulation
 Coil Testing
6. Stator Winding
 Stator Cleaning
 Bracing Ring and Support Insulation
 Coil Mounting and Testing
 Connections ,Brazing and Insulation
 Mounting of RTDs
 Stator Testing
 Pre-heating and Impregnation
7. Core Building
 Projection Welding
 Stator Core Stacking
 Welding of Stator Core Ribs
 Brazing of Short Circuit Ring on Squirrel Cage Rotor Bars
 Gas Brazing of Slip Ring rotor bars
8. Special Processes
 Banding
 Dynamic Rotor Balancing
9. Assembly
 Metal Contact Bearing Assembly
 Motor and Generator Assembly
10. Testing
 Routine Tests
 Type Tests
 Special Tests
11. References


As one of the world`s leading engineering corporations, CG provides end-to-end solutions,
helping its customers use electrical power effectively and increase industrial productivity with
sustainability. CG was established in 1937 in India; and, since then the Company has been a
pioneer and has retained its leadership position in the management and application of electrical
Its unique and diverse portfolio ranges from transformers, switchgear, circuit breakers, network
protection & control gear, project engineering, HT and LT motors, drives, Power Automation
Products and turnkey solutions in all these areas; thus enhancing the many aspects of industrial
and personal life. This portfolio has been structured into 2 SBUs - Power Systems and Industrial
Systems. For details please refer to the panel on the right.



Avantha Group Company CG’s motor facility in Bhopal was inaugurated on 1st July, 2013 in the
presence of Avantha Group Founder & Chairman Mr Gautam Thapar. This plant will meet the
growing global demand for drives and motors. The equipment is primarily targeted at the oil and
gas, cement, mining and metals, water treatment, electrical transportation, and power generation

This world-class facility will design and deliver customized and energy-efficient rotating
machines with advanced manufacturing technology as well as electronic drives with the latest
hardware and software components. The products will meet international standards and statutory
certifications. The facility deploys the latest manufacturing equipment such as precision-
controlled programmable CNC stator coil machine, robotics-based automatic coil insulation
machine, automatic vacuum pressure impregnation plant, high-speed dynamic balancing
machine, and a modern test plant with active front AC.

The facility is benchmarked for the highest level of global standards for quality, performance and
reliability required for customers worldwide. Spread over 23 acres, the facility includes the
Global Design Center for large motors. This center will be equipped to design rotating machines,
addressing the needs of CG’s customers across the world. The plant is geared to manufacture
large voltage motors up to 15 MW, generators up to 25MVA, and traction alternators. The plant
will serve both domestic and international markets, including the Americas, Middle East, Africa,
Europe, and Asia Pacific regions.

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1. Process Name – Looping

2. Equipment used for the process- Looping machine, Tensioning and Guide device,
Bobbins loaded with conductors
3. Material used in process –
 Copper Conductor ( glass breaded/ enamelled glass breaded/ enamelled/ kapton
covered/ mica coated enamelled)
 Adhesive polyester tape
 Adhesive kapton tape
 Nomex tape
4. Final outcome of the process – coil loops of specified size
5. Description of the process –
The prerequisite parameters from the STCL data sheet to start the looping operation is
i. the number of turns in the coil
ii. the LMT ( Length of the Mean Turn) : It is obtained by taking the average of the
two LMT parameters mentioned in the STCL and the stretching machine
specification sheets.
iii. Number of parallel paths
iv. Size of the conductor
v. Stack size
 Loading of copper bobbins on bobbin stand
 The incoming quality assurance team checks the dimensions of the coated
and uncoated conductors using outside micrometer, the breakdown voltage of
the conductor and performs several tests like bend test and tensile test.
 The bobbins must not be damaged and the conductors should not be wet.
 The number of bobbins arranged is equal to the number of parallel paths.
 Setting of coil looping fixture
 There are two types of loops, viz. flat and trapezoidal. Here only flat loops
are made in accordance with the specifications of the taping robot. The final
output remains the same for both the loop types.
 Setting of copper conductor through guide roller/ tensioning and guide device.
 The tensioning device is required to ensure that the conductors do not hang
loosely or cross each other.
 Clamping of copper conductor on looping fixture.
 The number of turns and the pressure to be applied is input to the looping
 The pressure (in kg/cm2) should be optimum so that it neither damages the
insulation, nor does it allow the coils to be loose.
 Loop the conductor for specified number of turns.
 The mode can be switched from automatic to manual if the coils cross each
other instead of maintaining the parallel paths.
 Bunch the loop with specified adhesive tape.

 The adhesive kapton mica tape is wrapped on the overhang portions to

protect the coils from insulation damage as it suffers the maximum stresses
in the later stages of coil making (e.g. stretching)
 The coil is cut by rotating the looping fixture by half turn when the specified
number of turns is achieved.
 Release clamp of looping fixture
 Removal of loop from looping fixture.

6. Test performed during the process with logic why it is mandatory.

These tests are done using a outside micrometer and Vernier Callipers
 Measurement of length of mean turn (LMT)
 Measurement of loop height
 Measurement of loop width


1. Process Name- Consolidation: Heating and Pressing


2. Equipment used for the process- Taping stand, Semi-automatic CNC Consolidation
Machine (Hydraulic Hot Press) , Toolings
3. Material used-
 Poly fleece insulation tape
 Petsteel sacrificing tape
 Loop coils
 Nomex paper
 Adhesive kapton tape
4. Final outcome- Consolidated/ pressed loop coils
5. Description
The prerequisite parameters from the STCL data sheet to start the consolidation operation
i. Stack size
ii. GRCL (Gross Core Length)
 First Stage Pressing
 The GRCL is the effective core length which is to be adjusted between
slots. It is marked with kapton tape. The rest portion of the coil is the
overhang portion.
 The poly fleece tape contains resins which spread in a liquid form evenly
throughout the coils on attaining a temperature of 140 ℃ .
 The poly fleece tape is wrapped 20mm inside from the GRCL marking to
ensure that the resin does not flow out from the GRCL portion.
 A sacrificing tape (petsteel) is also wrapped completely over the first tape,
which is removed on completion of the consolidation process. Its function
is to prevent insulation damage inside the hot press.
 Heating and Pressing
 There are 5 cycles of the hot pressing process, namely-
i. Vertical pressure
ii. Horizontal pressure
iii. Heating
iv. Curing
v. Cooling
 Firstly, the moulds are cleaned, and it is ensured that the hydraulic system
is leak proof.
 Two coil loops are placed at a time between the spacers inside the hot
 The two coil loops do not get stuck with each other due to the presence of
the sacrificing tape.
 These layers are separated by side bars to maintain gaps between them.
 Sheets of nomex paper are arranged between these layers so that they do
not stick to the toolings.
 The pressure is applied through horizontal and vertical cylinders.
 The temperature is set to 150˚C, curing time to 35 minutes, horizontal and
vertical pressures to 145 bar and 45 bar respectively.

 The resins contained in the poly fleece tape spread in a liquid form evenly
throughout the coils on attaining the temperature of 140 ℃ .
 The hot press through PLC ensures-
a) Uniform control of pressure and synchronization of horizontal and
vertical pressure.
b) Uniform control of temperature and synchronization of horizontal and
vertical heating plates.
 The pressed coils are removed after the pre-set time by changing the
mode from auto to manual. The vertical moulds are removed first.
 The pressed coils are placed on the table and the sacrificing tape is

6. Test performed - Dimensional check


1. Process Name: Insulation Taping


2. Equipment Used: Taping Robot (7 axes CNC machine), Taping Stand

3. Material Used:
 Resin Poor mica tape
 Silicon Rubber tape
 Conducting contafile tape
 Semiconducting corona protection
 Isoseal tape
 Nomex felt
4. Outcome of the process: Specified Coil size after insulation
5. Description of the process-
 The release film and burrs (if any) are removed and coil loops are cleaned.
 The pre-insulation layers on a coil are of the 0.13mm thick resin poor mica tape,
which provides live to ground insulation. The nomex felt is placed on the
overhang portion between the leads to prevent damage of insulation.
 The flat coil is put on the machine clamp and the position of clamp is set
by inputting the values of 1N, 2N, 1F and 2F.
 The four values of lengths L1, L2, L3 and L4 are set.
 The overlap percentage (usually 50% for GRCL portion and 55% for
overhang) is set.
 The tension in the tapes is set to 50-60N and the speed to 220-240rpm.
 The numbers of passes are set according to the number of insulation layers
required as per the voltage rating of the machine.

Sr. Voltage Rating No. of No. of passes

No. layers
1. 3.3 kV 3 1 pass with double layer and 1 pass with
single layer tape

2. 6.6 kV 5 2 passes with double layer and 1 pass with

single layer tape
3. 11 kV 8 4 passes with double layer

 It is noted that the tension in the tape must be optimum which neither
makes the insulation loose, nor makes it be too tight to cause crack in
the mica tape, resulting in poor dielectric strength of the insulation.
 The overhang portion is covered with a cotton tape before stretching.
 After stretching, the cotton tape is removed. Hence, it is just a sacrificing tape.
 A layer of contafile (black) tape with 50% overlap is then taped over the GRCL portion.
 A layer of semiconducting (grey ) tape is taped on the four corners of the overhang
portion of the coil.

 The finishing layer of the insulation is the Isoseal/ Corona shield protection (red) tape
which covers the overhang portions on both sides.
 A piece of 5mm polyester felt is then placed between the leads and the overhang portion.
 A release film is also layered over the coil to prevent dust particles from entering into the


1. Process Name: Stretching

2. Equipment Used: Stretching Machine (25 axes CNC Machine)
3. Material Used: Cotton Tape
4. Outcome of the process:
5. Description of the process:
 A cotton tape is wound over the overhang portion of the coils, so as to prevent the
insulation damage during the process of stretching.
 The insulated leads are also merged with overhang portion to prevent any damage.
 The programs and parameters (viz. Leg Z1, Leg Z2, R-top, R-bottom, Span ˚ ,
Nose ˚ ) are loaded in the stretching machine.
 The shaping tools are set, providing compensation for spring back on spreading
and twisting.
 The cotton tape is then removed after stretching.
6. The following dimensional checks are performed-
i. Nose to nose distance
ii. Span top
iii. Table drop
iv. Coil height
vi. Evolvent area length (overhang)



The surge comparison test is conducted for each coil before mounting.
 The surge test is used to find shorts/ insulation weaknesses in coils, windings,
electric motors, generators, alternators and transformers. The faults can be turn-to-
turn, coil-to-coil or phase-to-phase. Some other faults like wrong internal
connections or wrong turn counts can also be found out in this test.
 It checks weak insulation at elevated voltages. It can be carried out on individual
coils, wound rotors or fully assembled motors or generators.
 The test voltage is 2U+1 kV, where U is the operating/rated voltage of the motor or
generator. This test voltage is still far below the voltage for which the insulation is
 The surge pulses produce a decaying waveform. The wave is compared to the wave
from another coil. Hence, the name surge comparison test.
 Both the waves are displayed on the screen. They must be nearly identical. If one
coil has a fault/insulation weakness, then the wave will have a frequency different
than the others, and therefore, can be separated.

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1. Stator Cleaning:
 Equipment Used- winding trolley, winding ring for rotating core
 Material Used- Complete Stator Core, compressed air cylinder
 Outcome of the process- Clean and dust-free stator core ready for coil housing
 It is ensured that the stator slots are clean and free from any dust or foreign
particles. The stator is cleaned using compressed air and then by spraying air-
drying varnish.

2. Bracing Ring and Support Insulation:

 Equipment Used- winding trolley, winding ring for rotating core
 Material Used- Glass cord, Mild steel bracing ring, bolts, nuts, polyester felt tape
 Outcome of the process- Bracing ring fixed on stator core.
 The bracing ring is fixed with supports. It is either a mild steel ring of standard
size bolted on the stator core and insulated with a polyester felt tape or a ring
made by lacing glass cord on overhang portion after mounting the coils.

3. Coil Mounting:
 Toolings Used- one pound nylon head mallet, nose plier, barber’s scissors,
bending tools for coil, wedge jack, winding trolley, winding ring for rotating core
during coil housing.
 Material Used: Slot liners (Nomex paper), slot packers (epoxy glass laminates),
slot wedges, spacers (epoxy strips wrapped in polyester felt)
 Pre-requisite parameters from the STCL data sheet:
i. Voltage Rating
ii. Number of slots
iii. Number of poles
iv. Lip + wedge size
v. Sizes of top, middle and bottom packs
 Before mounting the coils, the slot liners, i.e. nomex paper is placed on each side
of every slot and the bottom packers. These packers are epoxy glass laminates,
placed three in number in each slot, viz. top, middle and bottom packers. The slot
liners must be inserted without tearing or crumpling.
 The coil overhang and nose-to-nose coil length are checked. The slots for
terminal coils are marked and identified. For terminal coils, two notches on lead
conductors should be mounted in correct slots.
 The laying of coils is proceeded. During mounting, it is ensured that the
overhang portion lengths at both ends are kept equal and plane of the overhang is
always below the stamping bore plane.
 The gap between coil top and bottom, thickness of slot wedge and chamfer are
checked after mounting full coil. The slot wedges must be inserted after full coil
mounting. The chamfer on wedge must be at the inserting end during slot wedge

 Coil level on overhang must be below core ID level.

 Bracing coil with bracing ring- All coils should be tied to bracing ring on the nose
portion without any gap.
 RTDs are mounted. (Details in the next section)
 Slot mouths are blocked using epoxy strips. Spacers are prepared using epoxy
strips wrapped in a polyester felt whose depth is twice the depth of the coil. The
width is such that the block slides snugly between the space in two adjacent coils
without causing any strain or distortion of coil.


1. Equipment Used- winding trolley, winding ring for rotating core, gas brazing equipment
(oxy-acetylene gas torch, oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders, oxygen and acetylene gas
regulators, gas torch nozzle)
2. Material Used: Asbestos pulp, Silver alloy, polyester felt, epoxy strips, unvarnished glass
3. Pre-requisite parameters from MD sheet
i. Connections (internal/ external)
ii. Connections (parallel paths and star/delta)
iii. Cable size
iv. Number of leads
4. Description of the process-
 Groups are made and group joints selected.
Number of groups= SPP = no. of slots per pole per phase
For e.g. for a machine with 72 slots, 6 poles and 3 phase,
SPP= 72/(6x3)=4
Therefore, there will be 4 coils in each group.
Also, total number of stator poles= Pole x phase= 6 x 3 = 18
 Group connections are to be gas brazed with low melting silver based copper
alloy. Jumpers and parallel paths are fitted and brazed according to the type of
 The brazing torch nozzle is cleaned. It is ensured that the oxygen and
acetylene gas cylinder pressure gauges are functioning. Wet asbestos pulp
is properly placed behind the joint to be brazed to prevent damage to other
 The joint to be brazed is heated to red hot by directing the flame in such a
way that the coil insulation does not get damaged during the process.
 Simultaneously, the filler material is fed and it flows uniformly in the joint
all around.
 All joints are then cleaned to remove flux and lumps.
 Visual Test: Undercut, porosity, blow holes, cracks, insufficient brazing
are checked for surface defects.
 The jumpers and parallel paths are wound with the unvarnished glass tape with
50% overlap.
 The series connections and jumpers after insulation are separated by a suitably
sized blocks of epoxy strips wrapped in a piece of polyester felt and tied with the
unvarnished glass tape.

 Lead conductors are to be identified according to phases and direction of rotation.


Direction of Rotation Connections at DE Connections at NDE

Clockwise R-Y-B Y-R-B

Anti- Clockwise Y-R-B R-Y-B

5. Quality Checks:
 Connection level must be at least 10mm below core OD level.
 Connection end must be at most 60mm from coil nose on connection side.
 Phase sequence of leads must be brought out of terminal facing in R-Y-B
sequence from left to right.


 RTDs /Resistance Temperature Detectors / Resistance Thermometers determine the

temperature of a pure wire by measuring the resistance of a pure electric wire. These
measure the temperature with high accuracy and have good linear characteristics over a
wide range of temperature. Some of the metals used in RTD Devices are copper, nickel
and platinum. The RTDs in rotating machines is used to detect the temperature rise in
various parts during the running condition. They sense if the operating temperature rises
above the temperature for which the machine is designed, and automatically shut down
the complete system, to prevent any sort of damage, such as burning of the windings.
 The RTDs have a sensing element that is formed by depositing a very thin layer of a
resistive material, normally platinum on a ceramic substrate (~ 1-10 nm). The film is then
coated with an epoxy/glass strip that helps protect the deposited film and also acts as a
strain relief for the external lead wires. The coating also improves thermal conductivity to
decrease the response time and a high rate of heat transfer is obtained.
 RTDs are routed through the evolutes of the coil.
 Two types of RTDs:
i. Simplex- 3 wire
ii. Duplex- 6 wire
 The sensing elements are fitted on non-connection side unless stated otherwise.
 The location of RTDs are given by the formula:
Slot No. = SPP x (Group No. - 1) + 2
 The RTD element should be placed flat between the coils or must be below bottom coil
touching the core.
 The RTD leads come straight out radially from the overhang through varnished fibre
glass sleeving. All the leads tied together are brought out to the terminal box from end
plate but never via overhangs/bracing ring.
 RTD values are checked at three stages:
i. Before inserting in slot
ii. After completing mounting
iii. After pre-heating, before impregnation
 Resistance values must be ~ 110-115 Ohms depending on the ambient temperature.



 Insulation starts to age as soon as it is made. As it ages, its insulating performance
deteriorates. Any harsh installation environments, especially those with temperature
extremes and/or chemical contamination, accelerate this process. This deterioration can
result in dangerous conditions in power reliability and personal safety. As such, it is
important to identify this deterioration quickly so that corrective steps can be taken.
 The quality of these insulating materials changes over time due to the stresses affecting
the equipment. These changes reduce the electrical resistivity of the insulating materials,
thus increasing leakage currents that lead to incidents which may be serious in terms of
both safety (people and property) and the costs of production stoppages.
 In addition to the measurements carried out on new and reconditioned equipment during
commissioning, regular insulation testing on installations and equipment helps to avoid
such incidents through preventive maintenance. These tests detect aging and premature
deterioration of the insulating properties before they reach a level likely to cause the
incidents described above.
 Insulation resistance measurement, however, is non destructive under normal test
conditions. Carried out by applying a DC voltage with smaller amplitude than for
dielectric testing, it yields a result expressed in kΩ, MΩ, GΩ or TΩ. This resistance
indicates the quality of the insulation between two conductors. Because it is non-
destructive, it is particularly useful for monitoring insulation aging during the operating
life of electrical equipment or installations. This measurement is performed using an
insulation tester, also called a megohmmeter.
 The different possible causes of insulation performance deterioration or insulation failure
can be divided into five groups, however, keeping in mind that if no corrective measures
are taken, these different causes are superimposed, leading to insulation breakdown and
equipment failure.
 Electrical Stresses: Mainly linked to overvoltages and undervoltages.
 Mechanical Stresses: Linked to frequent start-up and shutdown sequences,
balancing problems in rotating machines and any direct stress to the cables and
installations in general.
 Chemical Stresses: The proximity of chemicals, oils, corrosive vapors and dust, in
general, affects the insulation performance of the materials.
 Stresses linked to temperature variations: When combined with the mechanical
stresses caused by the start-up and shut down sequences, expansion and
contraction stresses affect the properties of insulating materials. Operations at
extreme temperatures also lead to the aging of materials.
 Environmental Contamination: The build-up of mold and particulate deposits in
warm, moist environment, also contributes to the deterioration in insulation
properties of the installations.


1. Process Name: Pre-heating and impregnation: VPI of stator and rotor winding (resin poor
2. Equipment used:
 CGL made vacuum pressure impregnation plant
 Brine chilling plant
 Heating oven to achieve 30-220˚C temperature
 Rotating arrangement including rotating fixtures
3. Material Used:
 Compressed air
 Resin mix (as per insulation specification)
 Releaser
4. Description of the process:
 Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VPI) is a process that uses vacuum and pressure to seal
porous materials with varnish or resin. The process is used primarily for high-voltage
motors and generators to fill gaps in materials to create a void free insulation in various
It is a process by which a fully wound electric apparatus stator or rotor is completely
submerged in a resin.
Through a combination of dry and wet vacuum and pressure cycles, the resin is
assimilated throughout the insulation system. Once thermally processed, the impregnated
windings become a monolithic and homogenous structure.
A properly globally vacuum pressure impregnated winding will have superior
characteristics, which will support a longer and more maintenance free life span.
Industrial electromechanical equipment is designed for durability to provide reliable
function and increased longevity, but age, temperature, and environmental factors can
degrade porous metals over time. The process of impregnation seals porous materials
with varnish or resin, improving the function and longevity of equipment.
1. Preheating The equipment is placed in an oven that heats it and allows moisture
to evaporate. This helps the resin better penetrate the material.
2. Dry Vacuuming The equipment is removed from the oven and placed into a
vacuum chamber, which removes air and any remaining moisture.
3. Filling The chamber is filled with resin, coating the part and filling in all the gaps
and pores in the piece of equipment.
4. Wet Vacuuming The vacuum levels are reduced and held for a set period of time.
5. Pressure The pressure within the chamber is increased using dry air, nitrogen, or
other gases. This allows for even deeper penetration of the resin.
6. Draining The pressure is then vented, the chamber drained of excess resin, and
the part removed.
7. Curing Finally, the equipment is placed into an oven to cure the resin.

In traditional impregnation, varnishes can lose up to 50% of their volume in the curing
process. The reduced volume leads to air pockets and gaps, making it more susceptible to
damage and wear. The vacuum used in a VPI creates a more solid structure that can
withstand: Leaks, Cracks, Corrosion and Moisture.VPI also accommodate longer
insulation life and greater heat dissipation. Vacuum pressure impregnation is a more cost-
effective solution as it extends the lifetime of products while saving energy. The resulting
benefits are higher dielectric strength, increased mechanical strength, greater thermal
inductivity, and superior protection against the ingress of water, chemical and


 Initially, the stator and SR rotor are to be pre-heated at 120-130˚C for 3-4 hours (for
6.6kV rating) and 6 hours (for 11kV rating). The job is then taken out and allowed to cool
until the megger value is above 100MΩ.
 The job to be impregnated must be complete in all respects and cleared for impregnation
after pre-heating and HV testing. The job must be warm and above room temperature.
 Resin viscosity is measured and resin is stirred and heated up to 45˚C before
impregnation. The resin flow must be smooth and without any foaming.
 0.1mbar vacuum is mentioned in the impregnation tank for two hours.
 The capacitance meter leads are connected to line intermediate plate and readings of the
capacitance of the windings are taken and recorded for HT stator before impregnation,
after completely submerging in resin and then after 1 hour of resin intake.
 The vacuum of the impregnation tank is broken by passing compressed air till the
pressure reaches 4-5 bar. The pressurization is continued till 5 hours, while ensuring that
the resin level is still above the job level. The capacitance values are monitored hourly.
 Then the pressure in the impregnation tank is released to 2 bar and the resin is released
back to the storage tank. The stirrer and vacuum pump are started for resin storage tank to
degass the resin at ≤ 1mm Hg.
 After taking the complete resin, the lid of impregnation tank is opened and the blower
(suction) is started for 15 minutes to suck vapours from the impregnation tank.
 The rotary curing of job is carried out at 150-160˚C for 8 hours and after that, stationary
curing for 16 hours. The job is then allowed to cool at room temperature.



1. Process Name: Projection/Spot Welding of duct spacers

2. Equipment Used:

 Projection welding machine with Cr-Cu electrodes

 Welding accessories like wire brush, hand gloves etc.

 Stamping and duct spacer holding fixtures

3. Material Required:

 Thick Stampings

 Ground duct spacers

4. Outcome of the process: Duct spacers (fingers) welded with thick stampings for stator
and rotor

5. Description of the process:

 Welding of stator and rotor duct spacer with thick stamping is done for radial
ventilated stator and rotor core pack.

 It is verified that the duct spacer is at least 3-4mm inside of the stamping ID/OD. It is
ensured that the stamping to be duct welded is rust free, zinc passivated or cleaned
with wire brush. All the duct spacers are also zinc passivated. The operation of
machine, pressure setting and functioning of various cycles is checked. Electrode for
correct size of duct spacer is fixed on the machine.

 The machine parameters are set according to the number of projections and the
thickness of the spacers.

 A suitable size of stamping holding fixture is selected. The indexing pin/ stopper
position is set such that after every indexing the duct spacer is exactly at the center of
the tooth. The fixture is linearly adjusted such that after every index, the duct spacer
is exactly 3-4mm inside of the stamping from either side.

 The duct spacer is placed in the machine Cu top electrode and it is bent slightly in
such a way that it is held in the machine electrode. The projections must be on the
bottom side. It is projection welded firmly on the thick stampings provided on the

 The stampings are indexed by one slot, and the steps are repeated until all the fingers
are welded.

 The stampings are unloaded and stored on spools provided for storage. The stamping
is cleaned and carbon, spatter and loose wire are removed using wire brush or chisel.

6. Tests performed during the process:

 The duct spacers must be centrally placed on lip.

 The weld quality is visually inspected, especially for burning of stamping and the
spread of stamping does not enter the slot area.

 It is confirmed that the duct spacers are welded perpendicularly on the stampings
and not inclined.

 There should be no gap between stampings and duct spacers at the weld joint and
all the projections must be fused properly.


1. Process Name: Stacking of stator core (segment-type)

2. Equipment Used: Base plate, Core building fixture, Upper pressing plates, pressing bolts,
vernier calipers, inside micrometer, outside micrometer.
3. Material Required: Stampings, thick stampings with duct welds,
4. Outcome of the process:
5. Description of the Process:
 The base plate should be horizontal and the core building fixture vertical. The number of
ribs in the fixture must be 4 for single-type stamping and must be 2 x number of
segments in each layer for segmental type.
 All burrs, sharp edges, chips etc. must be removed from the clamp (inner frame) by
using sand paper and a file and the surface must be cleaned using kerosene or a similar
 The parameters required for stacking like stator OD, ID, GRCL, Net CL (core length
without duct spacers, I-beams and end plates) are verified from the MD (Manufacturing
Details) sheet.
 The lower end-spacer is set on the clamp. The first layer of the core (or stamping with
end spacers) is placed and arranged on the same position as end spacers.
 Usually, the overlapping is 50% in stator core and 25% in rotor core. The following
procedure is for 50% overlap of stampings.

 Every time one layer of lamination is stacked, each next layer is shifted by half of the
segment so that its joint does not fall on the joint of the previous stacked layer. The core
lamination is stacked to the height of one packet. The stator thick plate is stacked in the
same position as the end spacer. The height of each packet is measured using vernier
calipers instrument.
 A plastic hammer and a fiber board are used to lightly strike the end of the core
laminations outer circumference so as to align the lamination. A slot gauge is placed in
the core slot and a plastic hammer strikes lightly on gauge left and right to align the
 The duct spacers are arranged in the same position as the end spacers. The slot drifts are
arranged in the core slots located in core lamination joints and are moved upwards as
necessary during core stacking.
 Half number of the lamination packets is stacked in the same manner and then
intermediate pressing is performed.
 For intermediate pressing, the upper pressing plate and pressing bolts are set. The
specified pressure is applied to the stacked core by the hydraulic press; pressure is
developed due to oil circulation. Pressing force is maintained by the number of cylinders
and tonnage of jacks.
 Both the ID and OD of the stacked core are measured at each of the four points after 90˚
intervals. It is confirmed that the teeth ends are clamped firmly by a jimmy with a long
 The upper pressing plate and the pressing bolts are removed and the stack thickness is
adjusted within 0-1.5mm of the core centre dimension by adding/reducing laminations.
 The stator core laminations are then stacked to the final height in the same manner.
 The upper end spacers are placed in the same position as the lower end spacers.
 The upper pressing plate and pressing bolts are set. The specified pressure is applied by
jack to the stacked core. Measurements are verified.
 The stator clamping, the stacked core and the end spacers are weld to the clamp by MIG
welding. The lower side of stator end ring is welded first to the clamp, then the upper
side, then the stacked core and finally, both the upper and the lower end spacers are
welded to the clamp.
 Welded surfaces must be cleaned. The entire inner and outer surface of the core must be
cleaned by compressed air.
 A slot check gauge is inserted through upper end to the bottom and for all slots.
 One coat of insulation is sprayed on entire inner and outer circumference of the stacked
core and the clamp.

 The clamp is machined after stacking according to the drawing.


 After machining, all the burrs, chips and sharp edges are removed using sandpaper and a
file. The machined surface is cleaned with acetone.
 Insulation warmish is also coated on the machined surface.


1. Process Name: Welding of stator core ribs

2. Equipments Used:
 Welding rectifier
 CO2 gas cylinder with heater and regulator
 Electrode wire feeder unit
 Welding wire holder
 Welding accessories e.g., arc-shield, gloves etc.

3. Material Used:
 CO2 welding wire
 CO2 gas

4. Outcome of the process: Stator core ribs welded on laminated core

5. Description of the process:

 The stator core OD must be cleaned with wire brush and free from oxides, rust, paint
etc. from welding site. The stator core ribs and clamps must also be free from any
warpage, rust, grease, paint, dust etc. which adversely affect the weld quality.

 The flow of CO2 gas is adjusted and set by the regulator. The heater is switched ON to
provide dry CO2 gas. The nozzle is cleaned. Earthing is done on core pressing fixture.
The position of clamps on end rings is marked.

 The wire feeder speed, current and voltage are set. All ribs/clamps are tack welded
vertically/perpendicularly to top and bottom end ring. The position of weld length is
marked. The job is unloaded after complete welding of stampings, ribs/clamps and end
rings is done.


1. Process Name: Brazing of short circuit rings with rotor bars in squirrel cage motors
2. Equipment Used:
 Oxy-acetylene gas torch
 Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders,
 Oxygen and acetylene gas regulators
 Gas torch nozzle
 Rotor brazing stand
 Temperature indicator
 Rotating table
 Broach
3. Material Used:
 Rotor bars of correct length
 SC ring machined to drawing dimension
 Paint
 Flux
4. Outcome of the process: Short circuit ring brazed with rotor bars
5. Description of the process:
 The rotor bars are chamfered at one end for entry in the rotor slots. Paint is
applied on the inside face of SC ring to avoid flow of brazing material on inside
face during brazing.
 The rotor is placed on the rotating table and one rotor bar is checked by pushing
with hand in the rotor slot. If rotor bar is loose, the work is stopped. If tight, then
broaching of rotor slots is carried out by passing broach of correct size 2-3 times
till the rotor bar passes smoothly through the slot.
 Broaching of all the rotor slots is carried out and the rotor bars are inserted from
the direction of broaching only. The length of the rotor bars is adjusted from both
the sides of the core. To avoid fouling of ID of rotor bars with SC ring, file
deformation of rotor bars on both ends sidewise, is carried out.
 The gap between SC ring OD and rotor bars ID must be uniform all around the
circumference. Flux is applied on the entire periphery of the SC ring. Both, the
SC ring and the rotor bars are cleaned from burrs and scaled.
 The SC ring and rotor bars are heated to 400-500˚C around the entire
circumference by using digital thermometer torches. Neutral flame is used for
heating and brazing.
 A group of 3-4 rotor bars is tack brazed first, then second group which lies
diametrically opposite (by rotating 180˚) and then a third group by rotating 90˚.
Thus, the SC ring is secured in position before brazing all the other bars.
 The rotor bars and the corresponding SC ring section is heated and the filler rod is
fed along with the flux. The filler rod should be moved from the stamping side to
the SC ring side. The filler rod movement must be along the periphery of the
 After brazing, all joints are cleaned to remove flux and lumps.


1. Process Name: Gas brazing of slip ring rotor bars
2. Equipment Used:
 Oxy-acetylene gas torch
 Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders,
 Oxygen and acetylene gas regulators
 Gas torch nozzle
 Rotor brazing stand
3. Material Used:
 Filler rods
 Asbestos pulp/polyester felt
4. Outcome of the process: Correct brazed joint between two half coils
5. Description of the process:
 The half coil bars are cleaned. Wet polyester felt and asbestos pulp are properly
placed behind the coil clips from inside and outside of the coils to prevent
damage of bar insulation during brazing.
 The joint to be brazed is heated to red hot by directing the flame. The filler
material is simultaneously fed which flows uniformly into the joint and around.
 All the joints are brazed and cleaned to remove burrs and lumps.


1. Process Name: Rotor Overhang Banding

2. Equipment Required: Centre Lathe, banding and tensioning attachment
3. Material Used: Resiglass banding tape (Resin-loaded polyamide glass tape), unvarnished
fiber glass tape, polyester film.
4. Outcome of the process: This process is a special procedure required to protect/secure
the rotor overhang portion to withstand centrifugal forces developed during rotations.
5. Description of the process:
 This process is applicable for mostly slip-ring rotors, traction armatures, alternator exciter
rotors etc.
 It is ensured that the tension pressure gauge on banding machine is functioning and
calibrated, rotor is ready in all respects for banding operation.
 The rotor is pre-heated to 120˚C for minimum 4 hours as banding is to be carried out
when job is hot, i.e. its temperature is above ambient (60-70˚C)
 The heated rotor is loaded and clamped on centre lathe and run at 4-6 rpm for
approximately 10 minutes. The resiglass tape is loaded on the banding attachment. The
overhang portion is checked and corrected. 1-2 layers of the resiglass tape are applied
manually and secured.
 The banding tension is adjusted as per the CS (Control Sheet). The rotor banding is
started layer-by-layer evenly by longitudinal travel of the banding attachment.
 It is ensured that the resiglass tape does not slip over the tensioning unit. The number of
layers as specified in the job control sheet is applied on the rotor overhang portion.
 The last turn of resiglass tape is terminated by heat sealing. The thin polyester sheet is
wrapped over the overhang length and is secured in position by 1-2 layers of resiglass
 It is checked that the resiglass banding is below the rotor OD level
 The same process is carried out at the other overhang portion of the rotor.


1. Process Name: Rotor Balancing

2. Equipment Used: Dynamic Balancing Machine, Welding equipment
3. Material used:
4. Outcome of the process: Balanced Rotor
5. Description of the Process:
 There are several faults in rotating machines such as unbalances, misalignments,
rotor-stator rubs, bent/bowed shafts, fatigue cracks, wear and tear of various moving
and stationary components, loose components and faults related to components of
bearings, gears, coupling blades, seals etc.
 Unbalances/ Residual unbalances in a machine occur due to manufacturing error (fits
and tolerances), material inhomogenity, improper commissioning, thermal
deformations during operations due to wear and tear, residual stresses etc.
 Unbalances occur when mass center axis differs from running centre axis of the rotor.
Practically, all newly machined parts are unsymmetrical, due to blow holes in casting,
uneven number and position of bolt holes, parts fitted off-centre, machined diameters
eccentric to bearing locations, uneven resin deposits on some parts after VPI etc.
 The unbalanced rotor, when rotating wants to rotate/revolve about its mass axis;
bearings restrict this movement, the centrifugal force due to the unbalance causes the
rotor to vibrate.
 Need of balancing:
 Vibration causes wear of bearings
 Creates unnecessary noise
 May even lead to the disintegration of the rotor
 For dynamic balancing, rotors are classified into two types:
i. Rigid Rotors : Rotors whose operating speed is less than the
critical speed
ii. Flexible Rotors: Rotors whose operating speed is near to or
greater than the critical speed
 There are two methods of balancing
a) Weight Addition Balancing: The rotor is balanced by putting correction
masses in the 'light’ side which are either bolted or welded.
b) Weight Subtraction/Removal Balancing: The rotor is balanced by removing
the material from the ‘heavy’ side by drilling or milling operation.
 Procedure for dynamic balancing of rotors:
 The inspection status and identification of the rotor is verified. A suitable half
key is used. The rotor is loaded on pedestal bearing resting on bearing seats.
The rotor shaft is leveled by leveling the lever check calibration of machine in
test mode.
 The correction radius and the A-B-C distances are measured and fed in the
machine. The mode of the machine is selected and it is said to maximum least
count. The resting seats are oiled.
 The DOR of the rotor is selected and the speed is slowly increased to 300 rpm.

 The unbalance reading is noted down after the unbalance is stabilized. The
reading is locked and the rotor speed is gradually reduced. The necessary
correction is done by adding weight and the reading is unlocked.
 The rotor is balanced by repeating the steps till the unbalance is within
permissible limits.
 The balance weight is secured and welded neat smooth and free from slag and
spatters. The rotor is rotated again only to check the residual unbalance is
same as it was before welding.


1. Process Name: Rotor Bearing Assembly


2. Equipment Used:

 Heating Oven

 Crane, Chain Sling, Rotor Insertion Pipe as per DE shaft diameter

 Circlip pliers, Pneumatic gun

3. Material Used:

 Inner Bearing Cover (IBC)

 Outer Bearing Cover (OBC)

 Bearing Housing: Insulated bolts, ball bearing, roller bearing, inner race, outer
race, Felt

 Inner GT Ring, GT Ring

4. Outcome of the process: Rotor with bearing assembly

5. Description of the process:

 The shaft and bearings are checked visually for any physical damage/ dent marks.
The bearing is cleaned with cloth and all other components with GP thinner.

 The inner race of roller bearing or complete roller bearing is heated in oven up to

 The GT ring with bearing or bearing inner race is heated upto 120˚C in oven.

 The Inner Bearing Cover is mounted on shaft and the gap is checked as per
drawing by filler guage.The felt is inserted in the groove.

 The bearing is taken out from the oven on reaching the desired temperature and is
allowed to shrink on the bearing diameter. It is ensured that it properly butts on
the bearing resting collar. It is then cooled to room temperature.

 Grease is filled between bearing and IBC. The inner race is shrunk and the outer
race housed on the shaft.

 GT Ring is mounted in front and locked by circlip with the help of plier.

 The whole bearing assembly and the outer cover are tightened with bolt with the
help of pneumatic gun. After tightening, the whole assembly must be free to move
over shaft.

 The axial locking on the NDE side is checked. The gap between IBC & shaft, and
OBC & shaft must be as per drawing. There should be no play and free play in

bearing after assembly.



1. Process Name: Assembly

2. Equipment Used:

 Heating oven

 Crane, chain sling, rotor insertion pipe as per DE shaft diameter, circlip plier,
pneumatic gun, CT Trolley, wooden pallet

 Arc welding machine

3. Material Used:

 Stator after CI

 Rotor after bearing assembly

 End shield

 Fan cover

 Heat Exchanger, HE locking clamp

 Hardware for end shield

4. Outcome of the process: Fully assembled Motor/ Generator ready for testing.

5. Description of the Process:

 The stator is cleaned with pressurized air and visually checked for any foreign
particles, chips or hardware.

 The inside of the frame is painted in the paint booth.

 The end shield diameter is cleaned with GP thinner and checked for any physical
damage. All end shield mounting holes are re-tapped on frame. The air guide rib
is disassembled.

 The height of stator and direction of stator perpendicular to crane axis is adjusted.
The pipe is selected as per DE shaft OD and mounted on DE side shaft. The pipe
is inserted on shaft DE side through stator.

 The rotor is lifted with the help of crane and belt sling and put in the front of
stator in the same axis of stator on wooden pallet. The rotor is lifted with the help

of both CTs trolley and the centers of stator core and rotor are matched by visual

 Both the CTs trolleys are moved slowly with same speed instantaneously. The
rotor is put on stator core 25mm before its original position and the crane is freed.

 The NDE side end shield is lifted with the help of crane and mounted on NDE
bearing housing. The rotor is lifted by both CTs crane and end shield is mounted
on frame and then is tight bolted fully.

 The extension pipe is removed and put on its stand. The DE side end shield is
lifted and mounted on bearing housing tight bolt, but not fully tight. The holes of
end shield are matched with frame then all bolts are tightened at a given torque.

 All the bearing housing bolts are tightened on both sides and Main Terminal Box,
Neutral Terminal box, BTD (Bearing Temperature Detector), grease pipe and
grease chut are mounted on bearing housing. All the grease pipes, Main Terminal
Box, Neutral Terminal box, BTD wires are routed as per GAD (Generator
Assembly Design) sheet. The BTD is connected for both the DE and NDE sides,
and RTD box with CST.

 The external fan is heated up to 200˚C in the heating oven. Then fan is mounted
on the fan diameter with the help of crane. Hence, usually, the external fans are
shrink fitted and the internal cooling fans are bolted.

 The fan and heat exchanger are painted in the paint booth. The fan cover is lifted
and connected with HE. The fan cover plate is assembled. The HE clamp is
welded for locking frame and HE.


1) Measurement of insulation resistance of stator winding, rotor winding and RTDs

 Insulation resistance or IR is a measure of the dielectric strength of the insulation for

conducting parts with respect to earth or each other.

 It is performed before starting and after High Voltage withstand test for detection of
any damage in insulation.

 IR of stator winding, rotor winding and auxiliary windings such as RTDs is measured
by IR meter between line and earth terminal.

2) Measurement of cold resistance of stator winding, rotor winding and RTDs

 This is carried out at room temperature by potential drop method of measuring

resistance. A constant current is flown through terminals and voltage drop is measured.
An unbalance of ±5 is allowed from the mean value.

 The cold resistance is corrected to 20˚C ambient by formula:

( 235+20 )
R p h 20= ∗R avg∗0.5 ( γ ) ∨1.5(∆)
235+t ˚ C
3) Polarization Index Test at room temperature

 IR is the quotient of the applied DC voltage divided by current at a given time. This
current consists of two parts:

I. Leakage Current over the surface of insulation

II. Currents within the insulation

 PI is measured for evaluating winding insulation for gradual deterioration or build-up

of foreign particles and moisture and assessing insulation capacity.

 The polarization index is the ratio of 10 minutes : 1 minute insulation resistance test
conducted by applying DC Voltage of megger across the line terminals and earth. First
reading of IR should be taken after 1 minute of switching ON megger. The megger
voltage should be kept constant throughout the duration of the test. The final reading is
taken after the tenth minute.

4) Measurement of open circuit rotor voltage (SR Motors)

 This test is performed to check the healthiness of rotor windings, slip rings and brush
gear assembly at rated voltage of rotor.

 The stator winding is energized to rated/low voltage and voltage induced in rotor is
measured in all three phases.

 An unbalance of ±5 is allowed in the stator winding voltage.

5) Short circuit/Locked rotor test at rated full load current at reduced voltage and rated

 This test is performed to check the rotor winding construction.

 The rotor is mechanically locked.

 At rated frequency, the rated full load current is supplied by reduced voltage. Voltage
and power loss are measured.

 Symmetry in all the three phase currents is measured.

6) No load running at reduced voltage


 This is a reduced voltage test which is done in accordance with the Indian Standard
(IS) which states that the motor should run at full speed at a minimum of 1/ √ 3
times of the rated voltage.

 The motor is freely placed on the machine bed. In case of SR motors, the rotor
windings are short in the rotor terminal box.

 The motor is switched ON at 20% of the rated voltage. The motor is allowed to pick
up rated speed.

 The direction of rotation from DE side, voltage and frequency are measured.

7) Phase Sequence Test

 This test is done to verify the relationship between direction of rotation and terminal

 The direction of rotation is checked when main supply is given to the stator winding.

 Phase reversal can also be done to get the functionality check for bidirectional fan

8) No load running at rated voltage and speed, measurement of current, wattage and voltage
at rated frequency

 This test is done to check the electrical and mechanical constructional features of the

 At no load, readings of three phase voltage, three phase current and no load power
input are taken.

9) Noise level measurement at no load

 A noise level meter is used for this test at the shaft level, along the periphery of the
motor at a distance of 1-1.5 meter at minimum four positions.

 Firstly, the background noise is measured. Then at the same location, the noise of motor
is measured by running at rated speed, rated voltage and at no load.

 The voltage and frequency should be sinusoidal as far as possible. The direction of
rotation of motor should be as per specified.

 The noise level of motor is to be arrived at by applying a correction factor when the
noise level difference is less than 10dB.

10) Vibration measurement at no load


 The intensity of vibration decides the life of the machine and structure. High vibrations
may lead to premature failure of the bearings and the driven equipment. Therefore,
vibration measurement is an important and critical test for any rotating machine.

 The motor under test must be placed freely and firmly on the machined surface. The
motor is run on no load in the required direction of rotation on rated voltage and

 The vibration is measured as near to the source (the bearing housing) as possible in
three different planes viz. horizontal, vertical and axial to the shaft.

 The peak-to-peak displacement in microns and rms velocity of vibration in mm/sec is

measured at all the three positions at the DE and NDE bearings.

11) Measurement of shaft voltage on no load

 Sometimes, voltage is induced in shaft due to unbalance in magnetic circuit. When this
value exceeds the limit, it causes arcing across the lubricating oil/grease on the
bearings, and can cause damage to the NDE insulation.

 Bearings are insulated in high speed and large motors. If induced voltage is greater than
750mV, then one side of bearing is normally insulated.

 A millivoltmeter is connected across the DE and the NDE, if not accessible, then
between shaft and earth.

12) High voltage withstand insulation test on windings

 This is done to check the healthiness of the insulation. A single phase AC sinusoidal
high voltage = 2U+1 kV of rated frequency is applied across line and earth with all
other windings shorted and earthed.

 The leakage current flowing from winding to earth through insulation is measured.

13) Measurement of insulation resistance of stator winding, rotor winding and RTDs after
high voltage test

1) Temperature rise test at rated load conditions

 This is done to ascertain maximum temperature attained by motor under full load running

 It is usually carried out on-site by direct loading/electrical feedback/mixed frequency


2) Momentary overload test

 It is done by passing overload current, i.e. equal to 160% of the rated current for only 15
seconds to avoid over-heating of the windings.

3) Overspeed test

 In case of system failure, speed may increase to more than the synchronous speed due to
inertia of load. This test is done to ensure that even on increased speed, the motor does
not get damaged.

 Overspeed is achieved by increasing the frequency (Ns=120*f/p) to 120% rated frequency

for two minutes.

4) Calculation of starting current, starting torque and pullout torque

 These calculations are done by preparing the circle diagram for induction motors using
the open circuit (no load) and short circuit (locked rotor) readings.

5) No load saturation curve

 The supply voltage is reduced from110% to 20% of rated voltage in steps of 10%. The 3
φ voltage, 3 φ current and no load power are noted down. The no load saturation
curve is plotted between V-I and V-P.

 This curve gives a complete picture of the losses, separating the iron losses, no load
copper losses, friction windage losses etc.

1) Tan delta loss factor management

 Also known as tan delta test or loss angle or dissipation factor testing.

 This loss factor is a measure of losses of the insulation systems when an AC voltage is
connected. In this condition, the motor behaviour resembles to a capacitor where winding
and laminated core represents electrodes and insulations in between as dielectric. The
losses occur due to the flow of charge carriers in the alternating field of insulating

 In a perfect capacitor, voltage and current have a phase shift of 90˚, current through the
insulation is capacitive. If there are impurities in the insulation, then resistance decreases
and the resistive current increases. This implies that it is no longer a perfect capacitor,
and the V-I do not have a phase shift of 90˚.

 The extent to which the phase shift is less than 90˚ is indicative of the level of insulation
contamination. This loss angle is measured and analysed.

2) Degree of protection test

 This is done on the complete frame of the machine to check the degree of protection

3) Impulse test on coils

 An impulse of very high amplitude = 4U+5 kV is passed through a set of coils, which are
not used further.


 CG work process instructon manuals

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