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Design of Industrial Power Distribution Systems:

Shortcut Methods, Quick Estimation and Application Guidelines

Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India

Prof. P.K. Sen, PhD, PE, Fellow IEEE

Professor, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401

Senior Consultant
NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc.
Denver, Colorado 80033
[email protected]

January, 2012

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 1 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Design of Industrial Power Distribution Systems:
Shortcut Methods, Quick Estimation and Application Guidelines
Dr. P.K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401

This (multiple days) workshop has been designed for all practicing engineers (young or experienced), managers,
operation and plant maintenance personnel, advanced students interested in “power and energy engineering” career
and technical personnel interested in different aspects of Power Distribution Systems Design as applied to Electric
Power and Energy industry. The main objective of the workshop is to introduce the “basic” tools required and
utilized in designing industrial power distribution systems. The primary focus of this course is on the medium
voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) power systems with some references to the sub-transmission system. It is
assumed that participants have some basic knowledge of fundamentals of electric power systems and electric
machinery. Practical experience is preferable, but not required. Emphasis is given on hand calculations and
estimations. Numerous real world design problems will be solved during the entire workshop. The workshop will
be divided into “multiple” modules. Extensive handouts will be provided at the workshop. This introductory
workshop is must for all power systems engineers, utility and no-utility alike, consulting firms, manufacturing and
process plant, and designed to facilitate in educating advanced students in power and energy engineering profession.

(Tentative) Course Outline

Day (Part) 1:
1) Logistics, Introduction, Background and Prerequisites, Expectations etc.
2) Scope of Electric Power Distribution Engineering and Characteristics of Power Distribution
Systems: Utility, Industrial and Commercial Users Perspective
3) Power System Fundamentals, Understanding “Load” and “Key” Design Tools:
• 3-Ph Power, Voltage-Current Calculations;
• Active, Reactive Power, Apparent Power, Power Factor and Power Triangle;
• Power Factor Correction and Shunt Capacitor Compensation;
• Voltage Drop and Voltage Regulation
• Load Characterization;
• Understanding Electricity Bill;
• Induction Motor Load, Torque-Speed Characteristics, Losses and Efficiency;
• Selection of Plant Distribution Voltage;
• Transformer Sizing; and
• Motor Starting and Voltage Drop
4) Transformer Engineering, Basics and Procurement:
• Equivalent Circuit and Design Fundamentals;
• Performance Evaluation: Efficiency and Losses; % Impedance and Voltage Regulation;
• Transformer Procurement, Specification Writing and Loss Evaluation; Testing;
• Overloading, Life Assessment and Asset Management
5) Design of Industrial Power Distribution Systems and Problems:
• Simplified Design Calculations, Transformer Sizing, Selection of Voltage;
• Motor Starting;
• One-line Diagram; Quick Cost Estimate

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 2 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Day (Part) 2: (When Applicable)
1) Recap of Day 1, Questions and Answers
2) Induction Motor Performance and Procurement
• Design Fundamentals, Equivalent Circuit and Performance Evaluation;
• Torque-Speed Characteristics;
• Motor Starting and Voltage Drop;
• Variable Frequency Drive;
• Testing, Specification and Applications Guidelines.
3) 3-Phase Fault (Short-Circuit) Calculations
• Per-Unit Methods of Calculations;
• Sub-transient Reactance;
• Source Reactance;
• Shortcut Methods of Calculations for Industrial Power Systems;
• Fault Current Distributions.
4) Design of an Industrial Power Distribution System and Problems
• Selection of Breakers and Switchgears;
• Motor Control Center - Specification and Evaluation;
• System Grounding;
• Reliability, Safety and Design;
• Quick Cost Estimate.
5) Protection Design Philosophy
6) Emergency Power and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
7) Design Problems: Simplified Calculations, Guidelines and Techniques

Day (Part) 3: (When Applicable)

1) Recap of Days 1 and 2, Questions and Answers
2) Power Systems Protection:
• Symmetrical Components and Unsymmetrical Faults;
• Instrument Transformers;
• Grounding of Power Systems and Ground Fault Protection;
• Utility – Industry Interface;
• Design of Protection Scheme;
• Power Systems Protection:
o Transformer
o Induction Motor
o Distribution Feeder
3) Step-by-Step Procedure in Protection Coordination and Design
4) Case Studies and Design Problems

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 3 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Prof. Pankaj K. (PK) Sen, PhD, PE, Fellow IEEE
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, Colorado 80401

Dr. P.K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE has over 45 years of combined teaching, administrative, research, and
consulting engineering experience. Prior to joining Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado in
2000, Dr. Sen taught for 21 years at the University of Colorado, Colorado. His industrial experience
includes power plants and substation engineering design,
system & feasibility studies, protection and relaying, training
technical personnel at all level and solving various aspects of
power systems engineering application problems. He has
published over 140 technical papers on a variety of subjects
related to Power Systems, Protection / and Relaying, Electric
Machines, Renewable Energy and Energy Policy, Power
Quality, Engineering Education and Arc Flash and Safety.
Dr. Sen has supervised and mentored over 150 graduate
students (including non-traditional students, and practicing
engineers from the Utility Industries, Rural Electric
Company’s, Consulting Engineers, and others). He is an IEEE
Fellow and a Registered Professional Engineer (Electrical) in
the State of Colorado. Currently Dr. Sen is a Professor of
Electrical Engineering and the Site Director for the
(Originally NSF funded) Industry University Cooperative
Research Center (IUCRC) Power Systems Engineering
Research Center (www.pserc.org) at Colorado School of
Mines, Golden, Colorado. His current research interests
include application problems (safety, protection, equipment life, energy economics, asset
management and policy issues, etc.) in power systems engineering, renewable energy applications
and distributed generation, and engineering education. Dr. Sen is a very active member of a number
of Professional Societies including IEEE PES & IAS, Rocky Mountain Electrical League (RMEL)
and has been instrumental in providing seminars, short courses, conduct workshops, and provide
training for technical personnel in the Rocky Mountain Region and nationwide (USA) and
internationally for the past 34 years.

Dr. Sen is known in the industry, locally, nationally and internationally for providing educational
opportunities for practicing engineers at all level, and for both undergraduate and graduate students.
He is an inspiring and prolific teacher with passion. He has authored numerous prize winning papers
at the IEEE Conferences and IAS Magazine.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 4 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Design of Industrial Power Distribution Systems:
Shortcut Methods, Quick Estimation and Application Guidelines

Presentation Outline
Part 1
Introduction, and Scope of Electric Power Distribution Systems

Characteristics of Power Distribution Systems: Utility and

Industrial/Commercial Users Perspective
Power System Fundamentals & Design Tools:
o (Review) 1-Phase and 3-Phase Power
o (Review) Power, Reactive Power, Power Factor
o Power Triangle
o Losses and Efficiency
Selection of Voltage
Power Factor Correction
Percentage Impedance, Voltage Regulation and % Voltage Drop
Understanding Electricity Bill
o Procurement and Specification Writing
o Losses and Efficiency
o Bid Evaluation
o Application Guidelines
o Protection Basics
Quick Cost Estimate
Design Problems: Transformer Sizing, Power Factor Correction,
Voltage Drop and Voltage Regulation

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 5 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Design of Industrial Power Distribution Systems:
Shortcut Methods, Quick Estimation and Application Guidelines

Presentation Outline
Part 2

Induction Motor: Characteristics, Performance

Evaluation, Specification
Quick and Simplified 3-Phase Short Circuit (Hand)
Calculations for Radial System
o Volt-Ampere Method
o Per-Unit Method
Power System Grounding
Application Guidelines -
o Motor Starting and Voltage Drop
o Sizing Transformers
o Capacitor Selection
o Simplified Transformer Protection Considerations
Conclusions, Questions and Answers

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 6 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Design of Industrial Power Distribution Systems:
Shortcut Methods, Quick Estimation and Application Guidelines

Presentation Outline
Part 3

1) Recap of Day 1 and 2, Questions and Answers

2) Power Systems Protection
• Symmetrical Components and Unsymmetrical Faults;
• Instrument Transformers;
• Grounding of Power Systems and Ground Fault Protection;
• Utility – Industry Interface;
• Design of Protection Scheme;
• Power Systems Protection:
o Transformer
o Induction Motor
o Distribution Feeder
3) Step-by-Step Procedure in Protection Coordination and
4) Case Studies

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 7 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Quick Reference (Part 1) Guidelines
Fundamentals of Electric Power System 9
Units 10
Voltage Classification 13
Basic Design Tools 19
1-Phase Circuit Calculations 20
Power Factor Improvement 23
3-Phase Circuit & Power Measurements 28
Motor Load 30
Load Curve and Load Characteristics 36
Voltage Regulation & % Voltage Drop 44
Transformer 52
Typical Bus Arrangements 58

Practice Problems: No. 1 26

Practice Problems: No. 2 34
Practice Problems: No. 3 39

Brain Tinker: (Practice) Quiz No. 1 27

Brain Tinker: (Practice) Quiz No. 2 35
Brain Tinker: (Practice) Quiz No. 3 39
Brain Tinker: (Practice) Quiz No. 4 56

Figure 1. Basic Structure of Electric Power Grid and Power System 11

Figure 2. Basic Scope of Power Distribution System and Interface with Utility 16
Figure 3. Power Triangle 21
Figure 4. Typical Daily Load Curve 36

(Design) Problem No. 1 41

Design Project No. 1 43
(Design) Problem No. 2 46
(Design) Problem No. 3 57

Appendix A: Single-Phase Circuit Calculations 63

Appendix B: Three-Phase Circuit Calculations 66
Appendix C: Transformers 70

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 8 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Note: Word of Cautions!!
The following lecture notes, numerical examples and problems are
designed for the US Electric Power Systems which is 60Hz system
(compared to 50Hz system in India). The voltages are also different,
as an example 12.47kV or 13.8kV is used as the primary distribution
voltage in USA (compared to 11kV in India). The Low Voltage (LV)
induction motors are designed at 3-phase, 460V, 60Hz connected to
the 480V Bus (compared to 3-phase,400V, 50Hz). However,
references will be made to these values and differences during the
entire workshop.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 9 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Commonly Used - SI Systems (and Practical) Units

Description Units Abbreviation

Current (I) Ampere A

Voltage or (V or E) Volts V
Potential Difference

Work or (W) Newton.meter N.m W = Force x Distance

Energy (E) Joules J KE = ½ m v2 = ½ J ω 2

Watt.sec W.s or kWh

Power (P)1 Watt W, kW, MW

P = (1-Phase
Rate of AC System)
Work Done
(1HP = 746W)
= Force x Velocity (Translation)
= Torque x Angular Velocity (Rotation)

P = VI (DC System)
P = VI Cos θ (1-Phase AC System)

Apparent Power (S) Volt.Ampere VA, kVA, MVA

Reactive Power (Q) VAmp React. VAR, kVAR, MVAR

Resistance (R) Ohm Ω

Reactance (X)
Impedance (Z)

Inductance (L) Henry H, mH (mili-Henry)

Capacitance (C) Farad F, µF (micro-Farad)

Flux (φ Weber Wb
Flux Density (B) Weber/m2 T ( = Tesla)

It is still very common to use the unit HP instead of W, which is the standard SI unit.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 10 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Magneto-Motive Force Ampere.Turn AT

Figure 1. Basic Structure of Electric Power Grid and Power System

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 11 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Basic Power Systems (US):

1. Large Power Generation

(4kV – 25kV) say, between 1MVA - 1,000MVA

2. Transmission: Primary and Secondary

Primary and Bulk Power:

161kV (not used any longer);
230kV, 345kV, 500kV and 765kV;
1,000kV or 1,200kV (future) or (more!) HVDC

Secondary (also referred as “Transmission” voltage by smaller

69kV, 115kV, 138kV (not very common anymore)

3. Distribution: Primary and Secondary

25kV, 34.5kV, 46kV, 69kV and 115kV (primary
distribution and secondary transmission overlaps)

Secondary (or Medium Voltage: “MV”):

4.16kV, 6.9kV, 12.47kV, and 13.8kV

4. Utilization or Customer Use

Medium Voltage (MV):

2.3kV (not used anymore),
4.16kV, 6.9kV, 12.47kV and 13.8kV

Low Voltage (LV):

3-Phase, 4-Wire:
120V (LN)/208V (LL),
277V (LN)/480V (LL)
1-Phase, 3-Wire: 120-240V

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 12 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Low Voltage (Utilization)

120/240 V, 1-Phase, 3-Wire

3-Phase, 4-Wire
120 V (LN)/208 V (LL)
277 V (LN)/480 V (LL)

Medium Voltage (Distribution)
(Distribution) Voltage
3-Phase (LL) (LL)
2.4 kV
4.16 kV 25 kV
6.9 kV 34.5 kV
12.47 kV** 44 kV
13.8 kV

Sub-Transmission Extra High Voltage Ultra High Voltage

Voltage (HV) (EHV) (UHV)
(LL) (Bulk Power) (Bilk Power)

69 kV** 161 kV 500 kV**

115 kV** 230 kV** 765 kV
138 kV 345 kV**

Very popular voltages in USA
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 13 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Comparison of Voltages Between USA (60Hz) and India (50Hz)

Voltages in Voltages in
USA (V, kV) India (V,kV)
120V 240V
480V 400V

6.9kV 6.6kV

12.47kV, 13.8kV 11kV

25kV 22kV
34.5kV 33kV
69kV 66kV
115kV 110kV
230kV 220kV
345kV, 500kV 400kV

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 14 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Functional Classification of Power Systems:
Major Power Systems Elements:

Generators and Bus Ducts

Power Transformers
Transmission and Distribution Lines (Overhead and Underground)
Capacitors, Reactors, Voltage Regulators and Static VAR
Circuit Breakers, Reclosers and Sectionalizers
Disconnecting Devices: Motor Operating, Gang Operated, etc.
Motors and Motor Starters
Unit Substations
Motor Control Centers (MCCs)
Power Distribution Panel
Instrument Transformers (Current “CT” and Potential “PT”)
Protective Devices, Relays
SCADA, Control, Monitoring, etc.

Power Systems Elements (Typical) in Different Plants:

1.0 Industrial Power Systems: Transformers; MV and LV Circuit

Breakers; Disconnecting Devices; Motors and Drives; MCCs;
Capacitors; Protection, Control and Monitoring Devices;
Panels, etc.

2.0 Commercial Power Systems: Transformers; Bus Duct or

Risers; LV Motors, Starters, and MCCs; LV Circuit Breakers;
Power panels; Unit Substations; Protection, Control and
Monitoring Devices, etc.

Note: Not included in this category, Power Generation Plant, Substation and Switching Station,
Large Heavy Industrial Plant (Steel Mill, Petroleum and Chemical Plant), Wind Farms, etc.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 15 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Figure 2. Basic Scope of Power Distribution System and Interface with Utility

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 16 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Questions Routinely Asked??
(1) What is the Best Plant Distribution Voltage?
(2) What is the Transformer Size?
(3) How can we Reduce the Electricity Bill?
(4) How much is it going to Cost for the Electrical Design?

Short Questions!!! Let’s Discuss!!!

(1) You are the “electrical” engineer in-charge of the design and
procurement, production, operation and maintenance, testing, etc. of a large
Chemical Plant. There are a large number of low voltage motors ranging
from 1HP 3 – 300HP rating. You noticed that the low voltage motors in the
plant are routinely failing at an alarming rate. So much so that you are losing
millions of dollars for loss in production. Your General Manager (GM) is not
too thrilled!! You decided do to some internal investigation and did some
quick and simple testing. The voltmeter readings in a 400V switchgear (and
MCC) are consistently below (say, 380V range) the nominal voltage of 400 V
and there is a considerable amount of discrepancy (say over 7%) in the three
line voltages. Would you worry about it? In your estimate, is it a “Power
Quality” problem? Explain why or why not? You called your favorite expert
“test” engineering firm “P.K. Sen Testing Company” who is charging you a
lot of money. What type of conversations are you planning to have? Could
you think of some possible solutions and mitigation techniques? Discuss!!

(2) You have a “Neutral Conductor” connected to 3-phase, 400V “Star”

connected system (continuous current rating of 1.2kA). An ammeter
connected to the neutral circuit reads a pretty substantial value (say, 400 A).
Explain how such a high value of current (the possibility) in the neutral
conductor. Do you see any problem? Discuss in detail.

HP is still routinely used as the unit of the motor output. Standard SI unit is W.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 17 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
“System Studies” Performed Routinely in Power
Distribution System

(1) Check (or Select) Major Equipment Rating -

Abnormal (Fault) Operating Conditions
(2) Power-Flow Studies and Power Factor Correction
(3) 3-Phase Short-Circuit Studies (or Fault
(4) Unbalanced Fault Calculations
(Symmetrical Components)
(5) Protection Coordination and Relay Settings
(6) Motor Starting and Voltage Drop
(7) System Grounding and Ground Fault Protection
(8) Other Studies -
Outage and Power Restoration
Lighting Design
Energy Management Study
Harmonic Analysis and Power Quality
Transient Studies
Voltage Collapse and Transient Stability Studies
Rate Structure, etc.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 18 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Basic Tools in

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 19 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Please see “Appendix A” for Additional Information

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 20 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Complex Power and Power Triangle:
In electric power system studies, the so-called “Complex Power” constitutes a very simple and
extremely valuable computational aid. Mathematically, Complex Power is defined as:

S = V • I̅ * = P + j Q (1)
=V ∠0o • I ∠+φ, taking the voltage as reference
= V•I ∠+φ
S = VI Cos φ + j VI Sin φ (2)

Complex Power (S) can be depicted in a

complex plane (as a Power Triangle) as
shown in Figure 3. The real (P),
reactive (Q) and the apparent power (S)
corresponds to the three sides of a right-
angle triangle, referred as “Power
Triangle”. This is used extensively and
quite conveniently in solving many
power systems problems related to
“Power Factor Improvement” as will be
seen later.

Figure 3. Power Triangle

The trigonometric relationships between P, Q and S are simple but very useful. Complex Power
or (Power Triangle) also fixes the convention4 of reactive power:

For any electrical load:

(+) Q “lagging” VAR (or inductive load), and
(-) Q leading VAR (or capacitive load).

In other words, it is easy to remember, inductive load absorbs (needs) VAR,

while a capacitive load generates (deliver) VAR.

P = S Cos φ (3a)
Q = S Sin φ = P Tan φ (3b)

Will be discussed in the class.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 21 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Power Factor, Reactive Power Compensation
Power factor Improvment
Power Factor (Cos φ) = P/S
Where, Power factor Angle (φ)5 is the angle between the Voltage and Current or
between the Power and Apparent Power.

Lagging Power Factor: Current lags the voltage. They are “Inductive” loads, and
“absorbs” reactive (or lagging) VAR. (e,g. Induction Motor).

Leading Power Factor: Current leads the voltage. It is “Capacitive” load, and
“generates” reactive power. (e,g., Capacitor).

Ideal and Most Desirable Condition:

Power Factor = 1.00
(Net) Reactive Power (Q) = 0.00
Power Factor Angle (φ) = 00

Easiest way to calculate “Power Factor Improvement Problems” is by using phasor

diagram and “Power Triangle (P,Q, and S)” and applying simple trigonometric

Benefits of Power Factor Improvement:

1) Lower Purchase Power Costs6, if the utility enforces a “Power Factor
2) Release of System Electrical Capacity allows expansion without
replacement of equipment like transformers, cables, etc.
3) Improve Voltage Regulation or Reduce the Voltage Drop
4) Lower System Losses

Sometimes θ has been used also.
Will be discussed later

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 22 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Power Factor Improvement

Typical Overall Plant Typical Plant Power Factor

Power Factor after before Compensation is
Compensation is ≈ 0.8 - 0.85 lag
≈ 0.95 lag

Voltage-Current (V-I)
Phasor Diagram

Power Triangle
Release System Capacity
Smaller Equipment Rating
Reduced Energy Loss
Lower Purchased Price and Cost Savings
Improved Voltage Regulation

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 23 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Possible Shunt Capacitor Location

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 24 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Capacity Release by Power Factor Improvement

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 25 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Practice Problems: No. 1
Sharpen Your Knowledge

Problem No. 1
In a 1-phase power measurement experiment, the meters read 120V, 4A, and 400W. The load is
known to be inductive. Calculate the series equivalent impedance (Rs + j Xs) or the parallel
values (Rp || j X p)
Ω , (b) Rp = 36Ω
Ans: (a) Rs + j Xs = 25 + j 16.6Ω Ω and Xp = 54.3Ω

Problem No. 2
A coil with an impedance of 64.1∠51.4oΩ is connected in series with a resistance of 22.5Ω. The
combination is supplied by a 120V source. Determine the coil and resistor voltages and the
overall power factor. Draw the phasor diagram for these voltages.
Ans. VR = 33.8V; VC = 96.2V; 0.78 (lag)

Problem No. 3
A coil is placed in series with a resistance of 30Ω. When the combination is connected to a
220V, 60Hz source, the current is 4.2A and the power drawn by the circuit is 670W. Determine
the circuit power factor and draw the impedance phasor and power triangle diagrams. Also
calculate the coil impedance, coil inductance and voltage across the coil.
Ans. 0.73 (lag)

Problem No. 4
In a 1-phase circuit calculation, the voltage and current waves are given by the following
equations: v(t) = 141.4 sin (377t + 10o)V and i(t) = 7.07 sin (377t – 20o)A, respectively. Sketch
the waves and draw the corresponding phasor diagrams. Calculate the power factor, (real) power
(P), reactive power (Q) and the apparent power (S). Also find the equivalent impedance, and the
corresponding real (resistive) and imaginary (reactive) components. Identify whether the
reactive part is an inductor or a capacitor, and find the corresponding inductance or capacitance
Ans. 0.866 (lag)

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 26 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Checking Concepts and Basics
Brain Tinker - (Practice) Quiz No. 1

1. Circle all the Appropriate Answers :

Unit of (Real) Power kVAR, kW, N.m/s, kVA, J/s, HP

Induction Motor Power Factor lagging, unity, leading
Unit of Energy rad/sec, kWh, N (Newton), N.m, J
Unit of Impedance Ohm, Henry, Farad, Hertz, Siemens
Typical Voltage for a 100HP Motor 120V, 11.0kV, 400V, 66kV

2. Fill in the Blanks:

For a pure inductance the current _____________ the voltage by 900.

Power Factor is defined as the ___________of the angle between voltage and current.
Power output of a 2,000kVA, 0.8 power factor (lag) load is __________ kW.
In an industrial plant, power factor is improved by adding ___________to the system.
The line-to-neutral voltage in a 400V, 3-phase, 4-wire power system is _________V.

3. Enumerate the Benefits of “Power Factor Improvement” in power system:


4. Write the time domain and phasor equations of the following two sine waves. Draw the
phasor quantities. Also calculate the frequency in Hz, power factor, power, reactive
power and the apparent power.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 27 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012

Power Measurements
Please see “Appendix B” for Additional Information

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 28 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
3-Phase Circuit Calculations:
P3φφ = √ 3 Vl Il Cos θ (W, kW, MW) (1)
Q3φφ = √ 3 Vl Il Sin θ (VAR, kVAR, MVAR) (2)
S3φ = P3φ ± j Q3φ (VA, kVA, MVA) (3)
S3φφ = √(P3φφ 2 + Q3φφ 2) (4)

Vl = Line Voltage in Volts (V)
Il = Line Current in Amps (A)
Cos θ = Power Factor
θ = Phase Angle Between the Phase-Voltage and Phase-Current

Depending on the connection (and more!!), it can be shown (from the phasor diagram) that
in a 2-wattmeter method of 3-phase power measurements the, two wattmeter reads the
following quantities:

One wattmeter reads: θ + 30o)

W1 = Vl Il Cos (θ (5)
The Second one reads: θ - 30o)
W2 = Vl Il Cos (θ (6)

From algebraic manipulation, it can be shown that:

P 3φφ = W1 + W2 = √ 3 Vl Il Cos θ (7)

 W - W2 
Also, tan θ = 3 1  (8)
 W1 + W2 

Hence, the power factor (Cos θ ) of the load can be calculated. In order to find out, whether
the load is “inductive” or “capacitive,” this is tricky and requires the full knowledge7 of the
phasor diagram, and which wattmeter is designated as W1 or W2. Also in a two-wattmeter
power measurements, wattmeter readings could be positive or negative. One must always
carry the sign while performing calculations. Please read any book that describes this in
detail (This is beyond the scope of this note and lecture.)

Beyond the scope of this presentation

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 29 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
3-Phase Motor Load (US System)
(1) Medium Voltage (MV) Motor:

(2) Low Voltage (LV) Motor:

Power Factor Improvment Capacitor Calculations

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 30 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Typical8 (US) Motor Data Information
Typical Efficiency
and Power Factor
Induction Motor Bus Voltage Rated Motor (lag): Same Value
(HP) (kV) Voltage (kV) (Without PF
Less Than 1-Ph, 120 V
1 HP 1-Ph, 240 V
0.6-0.75 (lag)
(Fractional HP -
1-Ph, 208 V
Less Than
3-Ph, 480 V 3-Ph, 460 V ≈ 0.75 (lag)
1 HP
1 - 400 HP 3-Ph, 480 V 3-Ph, 460 V 0.82 - 0.9 (lag)
0.85 - 0.94 (lag) or
300 – 3,000 HP 3-Ph, 4.16 kV 3-Ph, 4.0 kV
0.9 - 0.95 (lag) or
2,000 – 8,000 HP 3-Ph, 6.9 kV 3-Ph, 6.6 kV
0.9 - 0.96 (lag) or
6,000 HP - Above 3-Ph, 13.8 kV 3-Ph, 13.2 kV

Safe Guidelines
Quite often, power factor improvment (Maxm. HP) and
capacitors are added at the motor (Typical) Common
terminals. Power Factor is improved Practice:
typically to about 0.95-0.96 (lag)
at full-load operating point.
480 V » 300 HP
4.16 kV » 2,000 HP
6.9 kV » 5,000 HP
13.8 kV » 8,000+ HP

See the overlap.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 31 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Selection of Voltage (US)
For “Distribution Systems” most commonly used voltages are:

Medium Voltages:
(a) 13.8 kV, 3-Phase, 3-Wire (or 4-Wire)
(b) 12.47 kV (LL)/7.2 kV (LN), 3-Phase, 3-Wire (or 4-Wire)
(c) 6.9 kV, 3-Phase, 3-Wire (or 4-Wire)
(d) 4.16 kv (LL)/2.3 kV(LN), 3-Phase, 3-Wire (or 4-Wire)

Low Voltages:
(a) 480 V Grd (Y) / 277 V, 3-Phase, 4-Wire (Wye Connected)
(b) 480 V or 240 V, 3-Phase, 3-Wire (Delta Connected)
(c) 240 V / 120 V, 3-Phase, 4-Wire (Delta Connected)
(d) 208 V Grd (Y) / 120 V, 3-Phase, 4-Wire (Wye Connected)
(e) 120 V / 240 V, 1-Phase, 3-Wire (Mid-Point Grounded)

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 32 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Selection of “Plant” Distribution Voltage
Major Considerations

Availability of Utility Voltage

Utility Interconnection Requirements and Rate
Largest “Single” Motor Load
Acceptable % Voltage Regulation, Voltage Drop
or Power Quality
Equipment Rating Limitations
o Short Circuit Rating
o Motor Starting Voltage Drop
Operation and Maintenance

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 33 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Practice Problems: No. 2
Sharpen Your Knowledge

Problem No. 1:
In a single phase power measurement for an inductive load, the voltmeter reads 120V (rms), the
ammeter reading is 5A (rms), and the wattmeter reading is 480W. Calculate the power factor,
and the circuit elements. If the frequency is 60 Hz, calculate the inductance of the circuit. Also
draw the power triangle, impedance diagram, and the voltage-current phase relationship.
Ans. Power Factor = 0.8 (lag); Z = 24∠ ∠ 36.8o Ω = 19.2+j 14.4 Ω ; L= 0.038 H

Problem No. 2
A large industrial plant receives 3-phase electric power from the local utility. The following
loads are being fed in the plant at 11.0 kV (line) / 6.35 kV (phase).
(a) 1.2 + j 1.2 MVA,
(b) 2.0 MW at 0.8 (lag) power factor,
(c) 800 kW of pure heating and lighting (negligible reactive power) load, and
(d) A number of induction motors: power output total of 3,000 HP, with a composite
efficiency of 0.85 and power factor of 0.88 (lag) respectively.

Calculate the total (composite) load power factor, power, reactive power and apparent power.
Also calculate the full-load current. If you want to improve the plant power factor to 0.95 lag,
calculate the capacitive VAR requirements. Draw the simplified one-line diagram and phasor
diagram (power triangle).
Ans. (Selected) Power = 6.63 MW; Power Factor = 0.85 (lag);
QC = 1.94 MVAR

Problem No. 3
The following loads are being fed from a 3-phase, 4.16 kV (US) system. Calculate the total line
current, power factor, power, reactive power and apparent power.
(a) 2 MVA at 0.8 lag power factor,
(b) 1 MW at 0.9 lag power factor, and
(c) 700 kW + j 700 kVAR.

It is proposed that the power factor of the combined load be improved to 0.95 lag. Calculate the
reactive power compensation required. Draw the phasor diagram.
Ans: I = 565 A; P = 3.3 MW; Q = 2.384 MVAR; Cos θ = 0.81 (lag)
S = 4.071 MVA

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 34 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Checking Concepts and Basics
Brain Tinker - (Practice) Quiz No. 2

1) Determine the current drawn from a 3-phase, 400 V line by a 3-phase 10 HP

motor operating at full load, 85% efficiency, and 80% power factor lagging.
Find the values of P and Q drawn from the line.
Ans. 15.84 A, 8.8k W, 6580 VAR

2) A 3-phase load draws 200 kW at a power factor of 0.707 lagging from a

400V line. In parallel with this load is a 3-phase capacitor bank which
draws 50kVA. Find the total current and resultant power factor.
Ans. 360.8 A, 0.8 (lag)

3) A 3-phase motor draws 10 kVA at 0.6 power factor lagging from a 220 V
source. Determine the kVA rating of capacitors to make the combined
power factor 0.85 lagging, and determine the line current before and after
the capacitors are added.
Ans. 18.5 A, 4.28 kVAR (Cap)

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 35 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Understanding Electrical Load Requirements
“ Load Profile & Load Study “

(Typical) Daily Load Curve

Connected Load
Maximum Demand
Demand Factor
Load Factor
Diversity Factor
Coincidence Factor
Plant Utilization Factor

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 36 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Load Characteristics
Types of Loads:

Connected Load:
The connected load is the sum of the continuous ratings of the load consuming apparatus
connected to the system or any part.
Units: kW (P), kVA (S), kVAR (Q)

The demand of an installation or system is the load at receiving terminals averaged over a
specified interval time (usually 15 mins.).
Units: kW (P), kVA (S), kVAR (Q)

Maximum Demand:
The maximum demand of an installation or system is the greatest of all demands
which have occurred during the specified period of time (15 mins. duration).
Units: kW, kVA, kVAR

Demand Factor:
The demand factor is the ratio of the maximum demand of a system to the total
connected load of the system. Note: The demand factor of a part of the system
may be similarly defined applicable to that part only.
Unit: None

Utilization Factor:
The utilization factor is the ratio of the maximum demand of a system to the rated
“capacity” of the system.
Unit: None

Load Factor:
The load factor is the ratio of the average load over a designated period of time to
the peak load occurring in that period.
Unit: None

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 37 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Diversity Factor, Coincidence Factor and Load Diversity:
The “diversity factor” is the ratio of the sum of the individual maximum demands of the various
subdivisions of a system to the maximum demand of the whole (composite) system. Usually,
this factor is always greater than or equal to (≥) 1.0. Diversity Factor of 1.0 means, the
maximum demand of the individual (or sub-groups) loads are all happening at the same time.
This is a measure of combined maximum demand of a composite load compared to the
individual maximum demands.
Unit: None

∑D s
D 1 + D 2 + D 3 + ...... + D n s=1
FD = =
D 1 + 2 + 3 + .. ..... + n D 1 = 2 + , , ,, + n
Where, Fc is called the “Coincidence Factor”.
“Coincidence Factor: is the reciprocal of the “diversity factor”.
(Unit: None)

“Load Diversity” is the difference between the sum of the peaks and the peak of the combined
Unit: kW

Load Diversity = ( D1 + D2 + D3 + .. + Dn ) - (D1+ 2 + 3+ .. +n )
= ∑Ds - (D1 + 2 + 3 + .. + n )

Where, D1, D2, … … D n are the maximum demand of load nos. 1, 2, etc. and
(D1 + 2 + … + n) is the maximum demand of the group of loads.

Loss Factor:
The loss factor is the ratio of the average power loss to the peak load power loss, during a
specified period of time.
Unit: None

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 38 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Checking Concepts and Basics
Brain Tinker - (Practice) Quiz No. 3

Fill in the blanks and/or discuss very briefly (one or two short sentences, precise). Draw any
sketch, phasor diagram, etc., if appropriate.

1) Most commonly used utility distribution voltage(s) (kV) _____________.

Future trends in utility distribution voltage(s) ___________________.

2) Define Complex Power (S) : ____________________.

Explain why we use this concept using the examples of an “inductor” and a “capacitor”.

3) What is a “synchronous condenser”? _________________________________

How does it function? Is it commonly used now in real world application? Why and why
not? Discuss.

4) What is “shunt compensation”? Discuss.

4) Typical Induction Motor Voltage:

100kW________ 500kW_______6,000kW ________20,000kW ________

6) Name the Major Factors that determine the Cost of Electricity


7) Name the different losses in a Power Transformer and discuss whether they are constant or

8) What is a “Radial (System) Feeder”?

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 39 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Sample Design

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 40 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Power Factor Improvement & Transformer Sizing
(Design) Problem No. 1

A typical distribution substation transformer rated at 110kV (Grounded Wye 9) -

11.0kV (Grounded Wye) is supplying the following four feeder of (composite)
loads as specified. Calculate (a) total power, (b) reactive power, (c) apparent
power, (d) overall power factor, (e) current on the low side, (f) current on the high
side of the transformer. Select a proper size of the transformer. If the overall
power factor has to be improved to 0.95 (lag), calculate the amount of Capacitor
VAR requirement. Also calculate the transformer Released Capacity for the
improved power factor condition. Find a suitable overhead conductor size for both
the high side and the low side of the substation. (Partial Solution)

Current (Il) (i) 5 MVA @ 0.8 (lag) power factors

?? (ii) 2 MW @ 0.9 (lag) power factors
(iii)Pure Heating Load of 1 MW, and
(iv)707 kW + j 707 kVAR

Load (i) ⇒ 4.0 + j 3.0 MVA

Load (ii) ⇒ 2.0 + j 0.97 MVA
Load (iii) ⇒ 1.0 + j 0.0 MVA
Load (iv) ⇒ 0.7 + j 0.7 MVA
Total Load (St) ⇒7.7 + j 4.67 MVA
= 9.0 ∠ 31.2o MVA P

Select a 10/12.5MVA (ONAN/ONFA)10 Transformer

(a) Total Power (Pt) = 7.7 MW

(b) Total Reactive Power (Qt) = 4.67 MVAR (lag)
(c) Total Apparent Power (St) = 9.0 MVA
(d) Overall Power Factor (Cos θ t) = Cos 31.2o = 0.855 (lag)
Also called “Star”
Will be discussed later

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 41 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
From simple geometry:

Power Factor Improvement Capacitor Rating (QC)

= P (Tan θ1 - Tan θ2)
= 7.7 (Tan 31.2o – Tan 18.2o)
= 2.14 MVAR

(Select: 2 MVAR Cap Bank!!)

Currents can be calculated by using the following equation:

Power (P3-Ph) = √ 3 Vl Il Cos θ
Algebraic summation of MVA loads will yield a higher transformer
rating (typically 10-15% higher than actual demands).

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 42 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Power Distribution Systems Engineering
Design Project No. 1

Instructions: Please work in a group of two or three.

A small industrial plant has the following loads:

i) Twenty (20), 200HP motors (only half of them are
running at any given time).
ii) Ten (10), 50 HP motors (8 motors are running at the
same time).
iii) 500 kW of heating and process loads.
iv) Two (2), 50 kVA lighting transformers, and
v) 100 HP of small (mostly fractional HP) motors.

You have been asked to perform a “preliminary conceptual

design and feasibility study with cost estimate.” Design a simple
power system, draw (neatly hand drawn) the one-line diagram,
and calculate the transformer rating(s). Also provide an
alternate design to choose from. The one-line diagram must
include all the relevant information necessary to check the
design feasibility. The plant receives power from a local utility
at 22.0kV. Use reasonable future expansion plan, and diversity
factor. Also utilize in your design a number of low-voltage
MCC’s and lightning panels. Also provide a cost estimate11 for
the entire project. Make any reasonable assumptions. Provide a
list of questions, you may wish to ask and would like to know to
refine your preliminary design at a later date.
Class participation

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 43 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Voltage Drop and % Voltage Regulation
Short (Radial) Distribution Feeder, a Transformer or Combination

% Voltage Regulation

 V2no load - V2load

= -------------------------- • 100

 V1 - V2load
= --------------------- • 100
 V2load

Per-Phase or “Equivalent Y” Calculations

This is one of the most important calculations done in designing any electrical
power system. Depending on the accuracy requirement and applications, and
data availability, there are a number of different ways, one can calculate this.
However, it is very imortant to know the limitations and accuracy of different
techniques. Either per-unit methods or volt-ampere method could be utilized.
It is very imortant to remember, the voltage drop calculations when done in
volta-ampere method is always “per-phase”. However, on per-unit method of
calculations, it really doesn’t matter.

̅ .
= V 2∠ 0o + I∠ -θ • Z∠φ

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 44 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Approximate Voltage Drop,
∆ V
 ≈ I R Cos θ ± I X Sin θ (Volt/Phase)

≈ ± (Volt/Phase)

% Voltage Regulation

= ------- • 100

≈ [ (% r) Cos θ ± (% x) Sin θ ] • Ipu (Loading)

(+) Lagging Power Factor
(-) Leading Power Factor

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 45 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Voltage Drop Calculations
(Design) Problem No. 2
An 18km (≈11.2mi), 60Hz single-circuit, 3-phase line is composed of “Partridge”
conductors equilaterally spaced with 1.6m (≈5.25ft) between centers. The line
impedance is 0.3792 + j 0.6662 Ω/mile/phase. The line delivers 2.5MW at11 kV to
a balanced load. What must be the sending-end voltage and the corresponding
voltage regulation when the power factor is (a) 80% lagging, (b) unity, and (c)
90% leading? Assume a wire temperature of 50oC. Verify your calculations by
volt-amp method, per-unit method and graphically. Also check your answers using
exact solution method and approximate method.

“Equivalent Y” Calculations

Z = (0.3792+j 0.6662)••18••0.6214 Ω
= 8.57 ∠ 60.4o Ω

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 46 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
̅ .
= 7,660 ∠ 4.2o V/phase

V1 (line) = √ 3••7,660 V =13,268 V (Exact Solution)

Approximate Solution:

∆ V
 ≈ I R Cos θ + I X Sin θ
= 1,289.1 V/phase

Phasor Diagram (Graphical Solution)

V2 ≈ 6,351 + 1,289.1 V/phase

= 7,640.1 V/phase

V1 (line) = √ 3 • 7,640.1 = 13,232 V

(Compare this number with the exact solution of 13, 268V)
% Difference (Error) = 0.27% (Negligible)

Line Losses = (3) I12 (R) = 3 • 1642 • 4.24 = 342 kW

Reactive Power Loss = (3) I12 (X) = 3 • 1642 • 7.45 = 601 kVAR

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 47 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
% Voltage Regulation ≈ x 100
= x 100
= 20.3%

Efficeincy = (2,500) / (2,500 + 342) * 100%

= 88%

Efficiency = 88.0%
% VR = 20.3%
Poor Design!!!

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 48 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Quick (Simplified) Estimation of Plant Load,
Selection of Transformer Size,
Simplified Calculations & More

Some simplified guidelines (at random order) and design procedures

1HP ≈ 1kVA for 400V Motor Loads.

For large MV Motors, calculate the kVA input by using power factor and
efficiency values. This will produce better and more realistic design
(otherwise it will be over-designed). If efficiency and power factor values
are not known, use a multiplier of 0.9. (As an example, a 2,000HP motor
will draw at full-load approx. 0.9 x 2,000 = 1,800kVA load).

1 kW ≈ 1 kVA for Heating & Lighting Load (Power Factor = 1.0).

Algebraic additions of kVA’s will result in conservative (higher) number for

the Transformer Size, hence, the design. Typical error in calculations is
within 10% or below. For quick estimate and “preliminary” design
(conservative) this is fine.

Neglect the value of resistance R for all simplified calculations (X/R Ratio ≥
10), except for the loss evaluation, cost of energy calculations, efficiency
evaluation, etc. where $ value and the loss value is involved.

Value of (R) is important for the low voltage (220V and sometimes 400V)
calculations. (X/R ratio is less than 1.0, means resistance value is higher than
the reactance value)

For the 400V Secondary Voltage systems, Transformer Ratings should be

limited to approx. 2,000kVA (2,500 kVA max.) in order to limit the fault
current on the LV side. (You will learn this in Part 2).

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 49 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Identify the Largest (Single) Motor. For a typical 400V, 3-phase distribution
system, motors rated up to 250kW (or 300HP range) and below will not
normally produce unusually high voltage drop during starting (direct-on-line
or full-voltage), provided the transformer size is about 5 times the motor
kVA rating.

Quickly estimate the overall plant power factor of the composite load under
normal running (operating) conditions. Do not ignore (or forget) the power
factor improvement capacitors provided with each individual motors (when
applied). Also make sure that you have considered the diversity factor,
demand factor, load redundancy, standby motors, etc. Always consider the
abnormal (worst) mode of operation before sizing the transformer.

Check the “Utility Power Factor Clause” and make a “Preliminary” decision
whether you need to provide shunt compensation (power factor
improvement capacitor) and the amount of kVAR (or MVAR). Also quickly
identify the possible location(s) of the capacitors.

Based on load data, known operating procedures and requirements, and

physical aspects of the design, typically draw two alternate 12 designs. Please
take into account any Emergency (or Standby) power requirements and the
need for Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system. Quite often this is not
mentioned by the client.

Using the simplified formula, quickly estimate the % Voltage Drop through
the transformer(s) and the secondary bus-voltage under normal operating
conditions (with or without compensation). This is usually within 3-4%. If
it is higher, you may have to change the design. Plan to adjust the “No-load”
(or sometimes called “Off-load” or “De-energized”) tap changer (NLTC)
(provided with the transformer at no additional cost, ± 2 x 2.5% is the
normal or default values) to compensate for the voltage. This is the least
expensive way to maintain the voltage and improve on voltage regulation.

Identify the largest motor on various busses (study), which could create
potential voltage drop during full-voltage (or direct-on-line) starting. Also it

Common practice

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 50 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
is very important, that you know the frequency of starting (like no. of
starts/hr). We will discuss the “voltage flicker” problem in the class.

In order to avoid excessive voltage drop during starting (direct-on-line or

full-voltage starting), try to limit the rating of the largest single motor to
about 20% (no more than 25%) of the transformer rating. Otherwise, you
have to use “soft start” devices. They are not cheap!!

Criteria (good and preferred design) used commonly in the industry limits
the % (momentary) voltage drop during the largest motor starting to about
12%. Anything larger than that requires further understanding of the
mechanical load, motor rotor and mechanical load inertia, calculations of
time of acceleration, motor heating curve, and many more things. We will
discuss this in the third day when we have the time.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 51 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Please see “Appendix C” for Additional Information

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 52 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 53 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 54 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 55 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Checking Concepts and Basics
Brain Tinker - (Practice) Quiz No. 4

1) Name the principal component parts of a (two-winding) transformer, and discuss the
materials of construction.

2) Discuss the simple (input-output) power and flux (or MMF) balance relationships.
[voltage ratio, current ratio and turns ratio relationship.] What is the difference between
the voltage ratio and turns ratio in a 3-phase Wye (Star)-Delta Transformer?

3) Write Faraday’s Law and explain.

4) Write the equation for induced voltage (E) in a winding due to a sinusoidal (time varying)

5) What is the difference between the leakage flux and the mutual flux? Discuss the
physical significance in applications.

6) Draw a simplified transformer equivalent circuit and discuss the physical significance of
the key elements. Draw the most simplified equivalent circuit of a transformer. What is
the efficiency of this model?

7) Enumerate the various losses in a transformer and discuss. Define transformer efficiency.

8) Draw a “typical” transformer efficiency curve and explain the design and the maximum
efficiency point.

9) Why do you laminate the transformer core?

10) What does limit the transformer output?

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 56 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Selection of Transformer Size
(Design) Problem No. 3

A single-phase source supplies power to the following three loads connected in


(a) 25kVA @ 0.8 lag power factor,

(b) an electric heater drawing 50A @ 200 V, and
(c) an ideal capacitor drawing 10kVA.

Draw power triangle of individual load. Also calculate the total power, reactive
power, apparent power and power factor. If the load voltage is 200 V, calculate
the total current. Also select a suitable size of a 1-phase transformer.
[Ans. 30kW, 5kVAR (lag), 0.986 (lag), 152.1A]

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 57 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Typical Bus Arrangements

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 58 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 59 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 60 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Checking Concepts and basics
(Final) Brain Tinker

(1) A small industrial plant (receiving power at 11.0kV) has the following loads:
(a) 3 x 100 HP Induction Motors
(b) 2 x 50 HP Induction Motors, and
(c) 300 kW of lighting, heating and other small plant loads
Estimate the total plant load, typical running power factor, and size (specify) a
transformer. Discuss the protection philosophy for such a plant. Provide a quick
cost estimate for the entire electrical system including lighting, motors, and

(2) A 3-phase transformer is rated at 5/7.5 MVA, 13.8 kV (Delta) – 4.16 kV

(Grounded-Wye). Calculate (estimate) the full-load phase and line currents on
both high-side and low-side of the transformer at maximum loading. What will be
a typical % reactance and X/R ratio values? Also calculate the maximum available
fault current on the low-side of the transformer. Discuss the protection philosophy
for this transformer.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 61 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Transformer “key” Nameplate Rating Data
An Example

3-Phase, 60Hz
115 kV (Delta) – 12.47 kV (Grounded Wye)
20/25/30 (@ 55oC) /36 MVA (@65oC)
Cooling: (OA/FA/FA)
Tap Changer (No-Load and/or Load)
Bushing CT Ratios!!
HV Winding: 350 kV BIL
LV Winding: 60 kV BIL
% rt = 0.6% and % xt = 8.0%
(Note: % impedance values are always based on the lowest or “base” rating)

Discuss Procurement Strategy!!

1) Initial (Capital) Cost

2) No-Load (Core) Loss
3) Load (Winding) Loss
4) Future Growth and Replacement
5) Overloading and Loss-of-Life Assessment

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 62 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Appendix “A”
Single-Phase Circuit Calculations:
• “Sinusoidal (Sine or Cosine) Wave” - Peak and Root-Mean-
Squared (RMS) Values of Voltage and Current; Time-Varying
Quantities; Frequency (f) and Angular Frequency (ω) and
Phase Angle (φ)

• Phasor Notations and Diagrams

• Three Elements (RLC) – Resistance (R), Reactance (± j X) and

Impedance (Z = R ± j X); Voltage-Current-Power
Relationships and Phasor Diagrams

• Power (P); Reactive Power (Q), and Apparent Power (S)

Complex Power and Power Triangle

• Power Factor and Power Factor Correction

• Voltage Drop and Voltage Profile

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 63 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Sinusoidal Function and Phasor Diagram

i(t) = I m Sin (ωt ± φ) (A)

Irms = I m / (√2) = 0.707 Im (A)

I = I rms ∠ ± ϕ (A)

Where, ω = Angular Frequency (= 2πf) (rad/sec)

Φ = Phase Angle (rad)
f = Frequency (Hz)
Z = R ± j X (Ω) Rectangular Coordinate System
Z = Z ∠ ± θ ( Ω ) Polar Co - ordinate System
= Z Cos θ ± j Z Sin θ ( Ω )

Z = R2 + X2
θ = Tan -1
 

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 64 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 65 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 66 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Appendix “B”
Three-Phase Circuit Calculations:

3-Phase Circuit Calculations

(Review and Problem Solving)

Balanced 3-Phase Circuits:

(1) Wye (Y) -
∆) -
(2) Delta (∆

(1) Wye Connection:

Vl = √ 3 Vp
Il = Ip

P3ϕϕ (Real Power)

= 3VpIpCos θ
= √ 3VlIlCos θ

(Reactive Power)
= 3VpIpSin θ
= √ 3
VlIlSin θ

(Apparent Power)
= 3

= √ 3
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 67 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
(2) Delta Connection:

Il = √ 3 Ip
Vl = Vp

P3ϕϕ (Real Power)

= 3VpIpCos θ
= √ 3VlIlCos θ

(Reactive Power)
= 3VpIpSin θ
= √ 3
VlIlSin θ

(Apparent Power)
= 3
= √ 3

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 68 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
S3φ = ( P32φ + Q 32φ )

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 69 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Appendix “C”

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 70 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 71 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 72 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 73 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 74 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 75 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 76 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 77 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
3-Phase Transformer
Standard ANSI Connection

Zero Phase Shift for Wye-Wye or Delta-Delta Connection.

30o Phase Shift for Wye-delta Connection.

Low Voltage lags the High Voltage.

Performance Evaluation

Efficiency (η) = Output / Input

Input = Output + Losses
Losses = Core (Iron) Loss + Winding (Copper) Loss
Core (Iron) Loss = Constant Loss
Winding (Copper) Loss = I2rt, proportional to I2

Power Input for Open Circuit Test at Rated Voltage → Core Losses

Power Input for Short Circuit Test → Winding Losses ( ∝ I2 )

% Voltage Regulation or Voltage Drop = [ % rt cosθ ± % xt sinθ ] * pu Loading

(+) → Lagging Power Factor
(-) → Leading Power Factor

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 78 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
Various 3-Phase Transformer Connections
Winding Comments
•Commonly used in industrial systems.
•It provides isolation at each voltage for ground currents (ground fault
•Neutral may be solidly grounded.
•Provide 3-Phase, 4-Wire power system.
•Possibility of ferroresonance exists.
Seldom used for new systems.

•When used it is usually on HV systems or required by the utility

(e,g. generator transformer).
•This may serve as a grounding bank in an ungrounded system in
which case the primary must be designed for full system zero-
sequence ground current.
•Transformer neutral may be unstable.
•It is not recommended to use this configuration.

•Used in HV incoming utility service.

•The delta winding stabilizes the neutral and protects the system
transformer from excessive third harmonic voltages.
•Can take care of unbalanced loads.
•Quite commonly used by utilities to serve general purpose 1-phase
and 3-phase loads via 4-wire service.
•Minimize ferroresonance.
•Used on HV transmission systems.

© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 79 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012
© Dr. P. K. Sen, PE, Fellow IEEE 80 [2012] IEEE IAS Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor, Colorado School of Mines Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi: India
Senior Consultant, NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc. January, 2012

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