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Basics of Computational

Combustion Modelling
Dr. Gavin Tabor


Combustion – p.1
Why study Combustion?

Combustion of hydrocarbons – important fuel source

• Power generation
• Aircraft, rocket propulsion
• Cars etc
• Marine applications
Combustion – rapid chemical reaction between fuel
and oxidant (air). Usually involves fluid flow.
Understand + model processes → improve power
generation, decrease polutants.

Combustion – p.2
Physical basis

Complex area of investigation :

• Combustion affects fluid flow. Heat release
→ ∆T → change physical properties. Also
buoyancy drives flow
• Fluid flow affects combustion. Brings reactants
together, removes products. Can determine
rate of combustion, and even extinguish flame.
Overall, combustion ≡ rapid chemical reaction
between fuel and oxidiser.
However details vary – treat different regimes
Combustion – p.3
Combusion regimes

• Non-premixed combustion
• Regions of fuel + oxidiser separate,
• Combustion occurs at interface
• Premixed combustion
• Fuel and oxidiser mixed at molecular level
• Regions of burned and unburned gas,
separated by (thin) flame
• Partially premixed combustion
• somewhere between


Combustion – p.4
Some examples

Premixed :
• Spark ignition (IC) petrol engines
• Lean burn gas turbines
• Household burners
• Bunsen burner (blue flame regime)
Partially premixed :
• Direct injection (DI) petrol engines
• Aircraft gas turbines

Combustion – p.5
Examples – non-premixed

Non-premixed :
• Diesel engines
• Aircraft gas turbines
• Furnaces
• Candles, fires


Combustion – p.6
Flame structure

Premixed combustion
– Flame propagating in laminar flow is characterised
by :
Laminar flame speed sL ,
thickness lF

Combustion rate controlled by molecular diffusion

processes (DL – diffusivity)


Combustion – p.7

Dimensional analysis gives :

lF =

linking these processes.

Chemical reaction time
tL =


Combustion – p.8
Turbulent flame structure

This is more complex. Turbulence characterised by

turbulence intensity u0
Integral, Kolmogorov scales lI , η
u0 l I
Turbulent Reynolds number ReT =

Characteristic turbulent eddy turnover time

tT = 0
.... u

Combustion – p.9
Damköhler number

Compare importance of turbulence and combustion –

Damköhler number
tT l I sL
Da = = 0
tL u lF
• ratio of eddy turnover time to burning
• effect of turbulence on chemical processes
Other measures :
lF /η Measure of local distortion of the flame
.... u0 /sL Relative strength of turbulence.

Combustion – p.10
Flame structure

In more detail, 3 regions :

Oxidant T




Flame Propagation

Combustion – p.11
Flame structure

1. a preheat zone,
2. an inner layer of fuel consumption,
3. the oxidation layer.

Thickness of the inner layer

lδ = l F δ

For stoichoimetric methane at 1 atmosphere,

lF = 0.175 mm and δ = 0.1

Combustion – p.12
Non-premixed combustion

• No obvious characteristic velocity scale

• Define a characteristic diffusion thickness lD
• Flame still divided into fuel consumption and
oxidation layers
• Oxidation layer
lε = εlD
of more importance.


Combustion – p.13
Modelling – direct approach

We can approach the problem in a simple way :

• Combustion ≡ chemical reaction process
combining reactants to form products
• Write balance equations for species
• Solve together with continuity and momentum


Combustion – p.14
Mass fraction

Define Mass fraction Yi

– the mass of the species per unit mass
of the mixture.
Transport equation
+ ∇.ρYi u = ∇.ρDi ∇Yi + ρSi
Source term represents addition/removal due to


Combustion – p.15
Temperature equation

Also need transport equation for some measure

of the energy – say temperature T .
+ ∇.ρT u = ∇.ρD∇T + ρST
Source term represents radiation, pressure work,
energy release.


Combustion – p.16
Reactive scalars

Often group everything together as

“reactive scalars”
ψi = {Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Yn , T }

with transport equation

+ ∇.ρψi u = ∇.ρDi ∇ψi + ρSψi


Combustion – p.17

Problems with this approach :

1. n often quite large!
– detail 100’s of
Elementary reaction mechanisms
reactions for combustion process. Invoke
QSSA to reduce to manageable proportions
2. Turbulence still unaccounted for!!
Turbulence – introduces too many details to
calculate. Use Reynolds averaging to eliminate
details, replace by a model.

Combustion – p.18
Moment methods

Turbulence modelling – replace ‘small scale’ detail

of turbulence with (cheaper) turbulence model.
Similar process used in combustion modelling –
average to remove details, then substitute a model.
Density of fluid variable ⇒ use Favre averaging.

fx + u00x
ux (x, t) = u

ρux = 0 and thus u
fx =

Combustion – p.19
Favre averaging

Useful for modelling when density varies : NSE

contain terms such as
ρux uy

Using Favre averaging this becomes

ρux uy = ρf fy + ρug
ux u 00 u00
x y

Use this to derive mean flow equations

(Favre-averaged NSE) and equations for k and 
– a turbulence model for compressible flow.

Combustion – p.20
Moment methods cont.

Favre averaged equation for reactive scalars :

e = ∇.ρDi ∇ψi − ∇.ρug
+ ∇.ρψei u f
00 ψ 00 + ρS
i ψi
High Re, so molecular diffusivity D can be ignored.
Two terms cause problems :

00 ψ 00
i representing turbulent transport
ψi the mean chemical source term

Combustion – p.21
Specific models

Different combustion models arrise from different

approaches to these terms – range from cheap and
inaccurate to precise and expensive.
E.g. Eddy Breakup Model – Spalding (1971)
• assumes turbulent mixing determines chemical
reaction rate
• gives simple model for chemical source term
• combine with k −  model for turbulence
• cheap to compute. Requires extensive tuning.

Combustion – p.22
PDF Transport

Probability Distribution Function methods

• turbulence can be described/modelled in
terms of correlation functions
• turbulent processes – combustion – can also be
described/modelled in terms of correlations
• joint PDF of velocity and reactive scalars
P (u, ψ; x, t)

• Potentially more accurate. Also very expensive.


Combustion – p.23
Flamelet methods

Main alternative methodology.

High Re, Da ⇒ flame fronts very thin – consider
as 2d sheet which :
• separates burnt and unburnt gas (premixed
• separates fuel and air (non-premixed)
• is distorted by mean flow and by turbulence
• propagates by burning.

.... Location of flame sheet specified by indicator function.

Combustion – p.24
Indicator function

Premixed combustion : progress variable

T − Tu YP
c= or c=
Tb − T u YP,b

0 < c < 1 : 1 represents burned gas, 0 unburned.

Some intermediate value represents flame centre.


Combustion – p.25
1-d representation

Plotting c across the flame :


Unburned Burned

c = 0.5 = flame centre


Combustion – p.26
Flame wrinking

Flame will be wrinkled by turbulence on scales too

small to simulate


Combustion – p.27

Average equation
cu = −∇.ρug
+ ∇.ρe ec
00 c00 + ρS
Need to model :
00 c00 turbulent transport term

Sec reaction term

– but now have a manageable set of equations.


Combustion – p.28
Other models

Other versions
• flame surface density Σ
• G -equation
• Non-premixed combustion
– use mixture fraction Z .


Combustion – p.29
Counter-gradient transport

Final note : modelling of ug

00 c00 often uses gradient

transport assumption

00 c00 = −D ∇e
t c

However this is frequently wrong – counter-gradient



Combustion – p.30

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