Cancer Classification of Bioinformatics Data Using ANOVA: A. Bharathi, Dr.A.M.Natarajan

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International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No.

3, June, 2010

Cancer Classification of Bioinformatics data

using ANOVA
A. Bharathi, Dr.A.M.Natarajan

In 2003, Tibshirani et al. successfully classified the

Abstract—The main aim of this paper is to find the smallest lymphoma data set [6] with only 48 genes by using a
set of genes that can ensure highly accurate classification of statistical method called nearest shrunken centroids with an
cancer from micro array data by using supervised machine accuracy of 100 percent [7]. For the method of nearest
learning algorithms. The significance of finding the minimum
shrunken centroids, it categorizes each sample to the class
gene subset is three fold:1) It greatly reduces the
computational burden and noise arising from irrelevant whose centriod is nearest to the sample. The difference
genes.2) It simplifies gene expression tests to include only a between standard nearest centroids and nearest shrunken
very small number of genes rather than thousands of genes, centroids is that the latter uses only some important genes
which can bring down the cost for cancer testing significantly. rather than all the genes to calculate the centroids. In the
3) It calls for further investigation into the possible biological same year, Lee and Lee also obtained 100 percent accuracy
relationship between these small numbers of genes and cancer
in this data set with an SVM classifier and the separability-
development and treatment. Our simple yet very effective
method involves two steps. In the first step, we choose some based gene importance ranking [8], [9]. They used at least
important genes using a 2 way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 20 genes to obtain this result. At the same time, they
ranking scheme. In the second step, we test the classification generated three principal components (PCs) from the 20 top
capability of all simple combinations of those important genes genes. Their SVM also obtained 100 percent accuracy in the
using a good classifier such as Support Vector Machines. Our space defined by these three principal components. In fact,
approach obtained very high accuracy with only two genes.
taking advantage of testing samples in any step of the
classifier-building process,
Index Terms—Gene expressions, Cancer classification,
In this paper, we propose a simple yet very effective
Neural networks, Support vector machines.
method that leads to cancer classification using expressions
of only a very few genes. Furthermore, we evaluated our
methods in an honest way, which excluded the influence of
the bias [11]. This paper is organized as follows: We first
I. INTRODUCTION introduce our procedure to find the minimum gene
Compared with traditional tumor diagnostic methods combinations. Then, the numerical results of Lymphoma
based mainly on the morphological appearance of the tumor, data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
the method using gene expression profiles is more objective,
accurate, and reliable [2]. With the help of gene expression
obtained from micro array technology, heterogeneous II. METHOD
cancers can be classified into appropriate subtypes. Recently, Our proposed method is comprised of 2 steps. In step 1,
different kinds of machine learning and statistical methods, we rank all genes in the training data set using a scoring
such as artificial neural network [3], evolutionary algorithm scheme. Then we retain the genes with high scores. In step 2,
[4], and nearest shrunken centroids [5], have been used to we test the classification capability of all simple two gene
analyze gene expression data. Supervised machine learning combinations among the genes selected in step 2using a
can be used for cancer prediction as follows: First, a good classifier such as support vector machines.
classifier is trained with a part of the samples in the cancer
data set. Second, one uses the trained classifier to predict the 2.1 Step 1: Gene Importance Ranking
samples in the rest of the data set to evaluate the In step 1, we compute the importance ranking of each
effectiveness of the classifier. The challenge of this problem gene using an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method.
lies in the following two points:. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a technique for analyzing
1) In a typical gene expression data set, there are only very experimental data in which one or more response variables
few (usually from several to several tens) samples of are measured under various conditions identified by one or
each type of cancers. That is, the training data are more classification variables. The combinations of levels for
scarce. . the classification variables form the cells of the
2) A typical gene expression data set usually contains experimental design for the data. In an analysis of variance,
expression data of a large number of genes, say, several the variation in the response is separated into variation
thousand. In other words, the data are high dimensional. attributable to differences between the classification
variables and variation attributable to random error. An
analysis of variance constructs tests to determine the
A. Bharathi, Dr.A.M.Natarajan, Bannari Amman Institute of
Technology Sathyamangalam,Tamil Nadu(email:[email protected], significance of the classification effects. A typical goal in an
[email protected]) analysis of variance is to compare means of the response
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, June, 2010

variable for various combinations of the classification of the dataset considered. Redundant or highly correlated
variables. An analysis of variance may be written as a linear features can be replaced with a smaller uncorrelated number
model. The two-way analysis of variance is an extension to of features capturing the entire information. This is done by
the one-way analysis of variance. There are two independent applying a method called Principal Component Analysis
variables. Two-way ANOVA determines how a response is (PCA) before using the SVM algorithm. The method is
affected by two factors. The two independent variables in a performed by solving an eigenvector problem or by using
two-way ANOVA are called factors. The idea is that there iterative algorithms and the result is a set of orthogonal
are two variables, factors, which affect the dependent vectors called principal components. The mapping of the
variable. Each factor will have two or more levels within it, larger set into the new smaller set is done by projecting the
and the degrees of freedom for each factor is one less than initial instances on the principal components. The first
the number of levels. In the 2 way ANOVA interactions principal component is defined as the direction given by a
between row and column. These are differences between linear regression fit through the input data. This direction
rows that are not the same at each column, equivalent to will hold the maximum variance in the input data. The
variation between columns that is not the same at each row. second component is orthogonal on the first vector,
For each component in the 2 way ANOVA table consists of uncorrelated and it is defined to maximize the remaining
sum-of-squares, degrees of freedom, mean square, and the F variance. This procedure is repeated until the last vector is
ratio. Each F ratio is the ratio of the mean-square value for obtained.
that source of variation to the residual mean square (with The envisioned research will follow the main steps of
repeated-measures ANOVA, the denominator of one F ratio knowledge discovery processes:-
is the mean square for matching rather than residual mean Gene selection - the irrelevant attributes (genes) are
square). [26] removed and the selected data is represented as a two-
2.2 Step 2: Finding the minimum gene subset dimensional table.
Preprocessing - if the selected table contains missing
After selecting some top genes in the important ranking
values or empty cell entries, the table must be preprocessed
list, we attempt to classify the data set with one gene. We
in order to remove some of the incompleteness. Statistics
input each selected gene into our classifiers. If no good should be run to obtain more information about the data.
accuracy is obtained we go on classifying the data set with
Training and validation sample - the initial table is
all possible 2 gene combinations within the selected genes.
divided into at least two tables by using a cross validation
If still no good accuracy is obtained, we repeat this
procedure. One will be used in the training step, the other in
procedure with all of the 3-gene combinations and so on the validation or testing step.
until we obtain a good accuracy. In this paper, we used the
Interpretation and evaluation - the validation or test data
following classifier to test 2-gene combinations.
set is then used to test the classificatory performance of the
methods in terms of efficiency and accuracy.
2.2.1 Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) [21] were originally 2.2.2 Algorithm Description
designed for binary classification. Recently, SVM [22] have We used five fold cross validation in the experiments
become a popular tool for learning methods since they because formal training and test datasets are not available
translate the input data into a larger feature space where the for this data set. More specifically, we randomly divide data
instances are linear separable, thus increasing efficiency. In in each class into five groups. In each fold, data points in
the SVM methods a kernel which can be considered a four groups are used as a training set, the data points in the
similarity measure is used to recode the input data. The remaining group is used as a test set. Hence, we have five
kernel is used accompanied by a map function .Even if folds of the data. The training and test sets in each fold are
the mathematics behind the SVM is straight forward, independent. Moreover, the experiment using data in each
finding the best choices for the kernel function and fold is done independently. Hence, cross validation is used
parameters can be challenging, when applied to real data here for separating the data set into several groups of
sets. We will use the Libsvm developed by Chang [23]. training and testing sets, not for avoiding over fitting [1].
Usually, the recommended kernel function [24] for Fig.1 shows the procedure for cross validation.
nonlinear problems is the Gaussian radial basis function,
because it resembles the sigmoid kernel for certain
parameters and it requires less parameters than a polynomial III. RESULTS
kernel. The kernel function parameter γ and the parameter C,
In the lymphoma data set [13] there are 42 samples
which controls the complexity of the decision function
derived from Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL),
versus the training error minimization, can be determined by
nine samples from Follicular Lymphoma (FL), and 11
running a 2 dimensional grid search, which means that the
samples from Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). The
values for pairs of parameters (C, γ) are generated in a
entire data set includes the expression data of 4026 genes. In
predefined interval with a fixed step. The performance of
this data set, a small part of the data is missing. A k-nearest
each combination is computed and used to determine the
neighbor algorithm was applied to fill those missing values
best pair of parameters.
[10]. In the first step, we randomly divided the 62 samples
The non-sparse property of the solution leads to a really
into 2 parts: 31 samples for testing, 31 samples for training.
slow evaluation process. Thus, for the microarray datasets a
We ranked the entire set of 4,026 genes according to their
data reduction [25] can be done in terms of genes or features
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, June, 2010

ANOVA in the training set. Then we picked out the 20 five fold CV accuracy for the training data reached 97.15
genes with 2 gene combinations with 190 iterations (see percent for the SVM. The corresponding testing accuracies
table 1) and picked the highest ANOVA. (See the table 2). varied from 96.77 to 100 percent. We are comparing all
possible combination of tests. The results are shown in table
TABLE1. 2. Comparing existing method, our approach obtained very
Gene Correct rate Error rate
good accuracy.
1,4 1 0 TABLE 2.
1,8 1 0 Knnimpute No. No.of No.of CV Acc Acc
1,9 1 0 fold Genes Comb.
1,14 1 0 (Data,3) 5 20 2 91.7 96.77
1,15 1 0
1,16 1 0
(Data,3) 5 20 3 93.97 97.6
1,18 1 0
2,4 1 0
2,8 1 0 (Data,3) 5 10 2 92.11 96.77
2,9 1 0
2,11 1 0
2,14 1 0 (Data,3) 5 10 3 93.31 100
2,15 1 0
2,16 1 0
2,18 1 0 (Data,3) 10 20 3 93.42 97.3
4,7 1 0
4,12 1 0
4,17 1 0 (Data,3) 10 20 2 91.26 96.77
7,8 1 0
7,9 1 0
7,18 1 0 (Data,3) 10 10 2 91.25 96.77
8,17 1 0
9,12 1 0
9,17 1 0 (Data,3) 10 10 3 92.47 100
11,17 1 0
12,14 1 0
(Data,5) 5 20 2 93.11 98.39
12,18 1 0
14,17 1 0
17,18 1 0
(Data,5) 5 20 3 96.4 98.4
18,20 1 0
(Data,5) 5 10 2 94.62 98.38

In the complete combinations of the 190 iterations the

average error rate is 7.35 percent (Data,5) 5 10 3 97.15 100


1 ,4 1,8 1, 9 1,14 1,15 1,16 1,18 2,4

2,8 2, 9 2,11 2,14 2,15 2, 16 2,18 4 ,7

With the application of linear SVM raking, we have the
4,12 4,17 7, 8 7, 9 7,14 7,18 8,17 9,12 overall mean misclassification error to be equal to 18.5%.
However, the most important conclusion is drawn from the
9,17 11,17 12,14 12,18 14,17 17,18 18,20 so-called confusion matrix. A confusion matrix contains
information about the actual and predicted classifications
done by a classification system. Performance of such
We applied our SVM to classify the lymphoma micro systems is commonly evaluated using the data in the matrix.
array data set. At first, we added the selected 20 genes one Table 3 presents such matrix corresponding to the best gene
by one to the network according to their ANOVA ranks. combination among 20 genes.
That is, we first used only a two gene that is ranked 1 as the
input to the network. We trained the network with the TABLE 3. (9, 12)

training data set and subsequently, tested the network with 42 0 0

the test data set. 0 8 1
The excellent performance of our SVM motivated us to 0 0 11
search for the smallest gene subsets that can ensure highly
accurate classification for the entire data set. We first From the table 3. The accuracy rate is (42+8+11)61/62 =
attempted to classify the data set using two gene tested for 0.9838 and the error rate is 8/62=0.129
all possible combinations within the 20 genes. Fig.1 shows Using Back Propagation Networks, we obtain the
the CV procedure used here. 2007, Lipo et al successfully accuracies are shown in table 4.
classified the lymphoma data set [1] using T-Test method;
the average accuracy was 93.85 percent. To our pleasant
surprise, among all possible two gene combinations the best
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, June, 2010

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[1] Lipo Wang, Feng Chu, and Wei Xie, Accurate Cancer Classification
using expressions of very few genes, IEEE/ ACM transactions on Mrs.A.Bharathi received her Bachelor of Engineering Degree from
computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 4, 40-52,2007 Kongu Engineering College in 1998, Perunduai, Master of Engineering
Degree from Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, in
[2] Gloub et al., Molecular Classification of cancer: class discovery and 2007 and she is doing Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and
class prediction by gene expression monitoring, Science, 286,531-537 Engineering from Anna University, Coimbatore. She is currently the
[3] Perou et al., Molecular portraits of human breast tumors. Nature, Assistant Professor, Department of IT, Bannari Amman Institute of
406,747-752 Technology, Sathyamangalam. Her Professional activities include…Guided
[4] Cho J. H, Lee J.H, and Lee I.B, New gene selection method for Ten UG projects and guiding Seven UG and Three PG projects. Published
classification of cancer subtypes considering within –class variation. and presented 10 papers in International and National Conferences and also
FEBS Letters, 551, 3-7 published 2 international and 3 national journals.
[5] Kim H, and Park H, Multi class gene selection for classification of
cancer subtypes based on generalized LDA Dr. A. M. Natarajan received his Bachelor of Engineering Degree from
[6] Shipp M. A et al,.Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma outcome prediction PSG College of Technology in 1968, Coimbatore, Master of Engineering
by gene expression profiling and supervised machine learning, Nat. Degree from PSG College of Technology in 1970, Coimbatore and Doctor
Med., 8,68-74. of Philosophy in Systems Engineering from Bharathiar University,
[7] Van’t Veer L.J et al., Gene expression profiling predicts clinical Coimbatore in 1984. He was the Principal in Kongu Engineering College at
outcome of breast cancer, Nature, 415, 530-536. the time of relieving. He is currently the Chief Executive and Professor in
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam. His
[8] Vapnik V.,The nature of Statistical Learning theory, Springer-Verlag,
New York. Professional activities include…Guided 15 Ph.Ds and guiding 21 Ph.Ds in
the field of CSE, EEE and ECE. Published and presented more than 150
Papers in International and National Journals and also in Conferences

International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, June, 2010

Fig. 1 Procedure for Cross Validation (CV)

Randomly divide the whole data set

into F1 for training and F2 for testing

Rank all the genes using the samples in


Using 2 genes among the top 20 to

generate a combination (FC1)

Randomly divide FC1 into 5 fold, i.e.

fc1, fc2…, and fc5

Take out a fold, e.g. fc1 for testing

Use the other 4 folds, i.e. fc2, fc3,

fc4, fc5 to fit a classifier a SVM

Use the classifier generated in the

Use another fold,
previous step to classify the
e.g. fc2, for testing

Tested all the

5 folds in


Calculate the 5-fold CV



Tested all the Generate

combinations another


Use the combination that achieved highest

CV accuracy and all the samples in F1 to

Use the fitted SVM to predict the

samples in F2


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