Conceptmap Ashlee

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MAT AREA The book corner will display the children’s
The mat area will be used for each introduction literature used throughout our unit of work as
and conclusion session. On the mat we read featured books. We will add our individual flip
stories, listen to music, reflect on our learning books from lesson two and our class book from
and pray. ART/COLLAGE TABLE lesson six. The themed story felt boards and
Students have access to the art table to Godly play sets will also be included in our book
• Smartboard complete the activity for lesson one, four, five, corner.
• Prayer table six, nine, eleven, twelve, thirteen and fifteen.
• Bible Other tables will be available due to the limited • Children’s literature
• Prayer text displays space available. • Godly Play sets
• Bible character portraits • Story felt boards
• Children’s literature • Oil pastels • Class/student stories
• CD player and music • Water colour paints
• Play-dough
• Coloured and white paper HOME CORNER / DRAMATIC PLAY
• Pencils, markers Throughout the unit, students will have access to
• Scissors, glue, tape Jesus and his Family role play sets through
• Pop-sticks, paper plates costumes, props and Godly play sets. Our Godly
• Magazines, newspapers play and home corner sets will be explicitly
modelled in lesson three and five.
Set up in the mat area. The prayer table is used Godly Play sets

daily for our class prayers and reflection. It offers Mary, Jesus and Joseph dress up

visual prompts about our learning topic Manger, Hay, Blankets

supporting students in engaging with the topic. Baby Doll
• Rosary beads Students have access to the writing and drawing
• Candle centres for majority of the lessons to complete
• Cross their activities. Other tables will be available due
• Bible to the limited space available.
Photographs of our families MUSIC CORNER

Portrait of Jesus and his family • Children’s literature The music corner is set up in the mat area. The

Prayer basket (underneath table with blanket • Sample flip books and class books music corner consists of musical instruments, a

and prayer guides) • Writing materials CD player and our song tapes for our class
• Stencils, write and wipe, alphabet placemats prayers and songs.

• CD player and music

• Musical instruments

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