Small Work Bid No. 15-Sw39 Rocky Reach Unit C-8 Bearing Rebabbittng

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Exhibit S






1.0 SCOPE OF WORK.................................................................................................... 2

2.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 2
3.0 MATERIALS .............................................................................................................. 3
4.0 WORKMANSHIP ....................................................................................................... 4
5.0 RECEIVING INSPECTION........................................................................................ 4
6.0 BABBITT REMOVAL ................................................................................................. 4
7.0 HARDWARE ............................................................................................................. 5
8.0 FLUXING AND TINNING .......................................................................................... 5
9.0 BABBITTING ............................................................................................................. 6
11.0 MACHINING AND FINISHING ................................................................................ 8
12.0 PAINTING ............................................................................................................... 9
13.0 PROJECT ACCEPTANCE ...................................................................................... 9
14.0 QA/QC REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 10
15.0 PACKAGING/SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................... 11
16.0 DISTRICT CONTACT ........................................................................................... 12
17.0 ATTACHMENT A .................................................................................................. 13

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Exhibit S







The work covered in this specification includes the furnishing of all labor, supervision,
tools, equipment and materials required for the re-babbitting and machining of one (1)
generator thrust bearing assembly (8 shoes), one (1) generator guide bearing
assembly (20 shoes), and one (1) turbine guide bearing (3 segments) for the Rocky
Reach Hydroelectric Project, Unit C8. The Contractor will clean the bearing shells/bases
perform receiving inspection, remove the existing babbitt, tin, re-pour with new babbitt,
rough machine the babbitt surface, ultrasonically inspect the babbitt bond, machine the
babbitt to final dimensions, perform the final inspections, and deliver the assembly to
the District.

Section V Nondestructive Examination
Section VIII, Division 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form)
B1.15 Unified Inch Screw Threads (UNJ Thread Form)
B18.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws (Inch Series)
B18.2.2 Square and Hex Nuts
Taper Pins, Dowel Pins, Straight Pins, Grooved Pins and
Spring Pins (Inch Series)
B18.22.1 Plain Washers
Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive

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Exhibit S
B23 Standard Specification for White Metal Bearing Alloys
Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam
Examination by the Contact Method
Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel
Bolting Materials
Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for
DOD-STD-2183(SH) Bond Testing, Babbitt-Lined Bearings


3.1 All materials and components shall be of high quality, free from defects and
imperfections, of recent manufacture, unused and suitable for the intended use.
Unless otherwise specified, all materials and components shall conform to the
latest specifications of the American Standards for Testing Materials (ASTM). All
materials and components not manufactured by the Contractor shall be products
of recognized reputable manufacturers.

3.2 The Contractor shall provide the District with a certificate of analysis of the
babbitt alloy used under this contract. The babbitt sample(s) shall be taken at
random from each active pot of the bearing pour and analyzed for chemical
composition. These reports shall be submitted for District review immediately
after analysis results are published. The District reserves the right to require an
analysis of the babbitt by an independent testing laboratory. Such an analysis
will be at the District’s expense unless the analysis shows that material does not
meet the requirements of these Specifications, in which case the cost of such
analysis shall be borne by the Contractor.

3.3 The material to be applied to the bearing shall be all new (not used) tin based
babbitt metal complying with ASTM standard specification for White Metal
Bearing Alloys B23, Grade 2:

Tin ................................................ 88.0 to 90.0%

Antimony ...................................... 7.0 to 8.0%
Lead ............................................. 0.35% max
Copper ......................................... 3.0 to 4.0%

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Workmanship shall be of first-class commercial quality and in accordance with the best
modern shop practices.

Care will be exercised so that any and all residual stresses will be minimized.


5.1 The existing babbitt and tin shall be removed and the steel backing shall be
sandblasted to clean metal and then a magnetic particle (MT) inspection
performed. The MT standard for method shall be ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1,
Appendix 6, and the standard for acceptance shall be ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1,
Appendix 7.
5.2 For the turbine guide bearing, the horizontal mounting flange surface, the spigot
surface, and the split surfaces shall not be sandblasted, but shall be NDE
inspected as described above. The horizontal mounting flange surface and the
spigot surface shall be cleaned with Scotchbrite wheels. With the bearing
assembled, the horizontal mounting flange surface shall be checked for flatness
and the spigot surface shall be checked for roundness, at 36 equidistant points
per surface. The spigot surface OD shall also be measured. These dimensional
checks shall be repeated after the bearing is rebabbitted. With the bearing
assembled, all 3-splits shall be checked for gaps with feeler gauges. All split
hardware shall be tight prior to this check. This dimensional check shall be
repeated after the bearing is rebabbitted. The bearing shall be split into thirds
and the split hardware/ dowels inspected for damage and adequacy for reuse.
Inspections shall be VT and MT as described in item 1 above.
5.1 The Contractor shall further inspect the used bearing shells in accordance with
Exhibit T Contract Drawings. Any conditions that do not conform to the Contract
Drawing or Specifications shall be reported to the District in writing using a non-
conformance report or equal. If, in the opinion of the Contractor, work in addition
to the standard re-babbitting and machining may be required or recommended in
order to restore the bearing to the “as manufactured" condition, the Contractor
shall submit for District review and approval, a proposal detailing the
recommended corrective action, corresponding cost and impact to the delivery
schedule. All Contractor receiving inspection reports and proposals shall be
submitted to the District no later than 7 days after the generator thrust bearing
assembly, generator guide bearing assembly, and turbine guide bearing is
delivered to Contractor's shop.


6.1 The preferred method of old babbitt removal from the bearing shell is via a
machining operation. This method will be permitted if the shell thickness, after

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Exhibit S
machining, is not less than the original manufacturer’s dimension by more than

If the above criteria cannot be met, old babbitt removal by melting may be used.
Proper care must be taken to avoid warping or introducing internal stresses into
the bearing shell. If this method is to be used, notification shall be made to the
District prior to proceeding.

6.2 The bearing shell shall be free of all foreign substances, such as oil and dirt, prior
to any tinning operations.

Condition of fastener holes and dowel holes shall be checked for condition and fit and
renewed/refitted As Required. After Engineer review of receiving inspection reports,
Contractor shall provide new hardware (i.e. parting fasteners and dowels) as requested
by Engineer. New dowels shall be American National Standard Straight Pins meeting
the requirements of ASME B18.8.2. Dowel holes shall be renewed/ refitted to new
dowels. New dowels shall be secured into their respective holes in the same manner as
the existing dowels.
New fasteners shall meet the following standards unless specified otherwise on the
drawing or approved by District
1. Bolts, studs, nuts and screws shall conform to ASME standard thread forms and
dimensions and be of high quality material.
2. All bolts, studs, machine screws and nuts shall be threaded in accordance to
either ASME B1.1 or B1.15.
3. Bolts shall be finished hex bolts conforming to ASME 18.2.1.
4. Nuts shall be finished hex nuts conforming to ASME B18.2.2.
5. Plain washers shall conform to the requirements of ASME B18.22.1.
6. Bolt/ stud material shall be ASTM A193, Gr B7. Nut material shall be ASTM
A194, Gr 8.


8.1 The tinning operation must be performed immediately following the cleaning

8.2 The surface to be tinned shall be cleaned to bare metal and have a 125 - 500 μin
Ra finish. Special care shall be taken to protect all holes and surfaces of the
shoes not receiving babbitt.

8.3 The bearings shall be free of all foreign substances, such as oil and dirt, prior to
any tinning operations. The surfaces shall be provided with a tinning coat to
ensure a tight bond between the bearing base metal and the new babbitt. The

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Exhibit S
tinning operation must be performed immediately following the cleaning

8.4 The surface to be babbitted shall be visually examined to assure that the tinning
solder has uniformly wetted the entire surface.

8.5 The bearings shall be babbitted immediately after the tinning and fluxing
operations. If the bearing shell temperature should fall below 475° F before
babbitting it should be re-heated by submersion in the tin pot.


9.1 The minimum bearing shell temperature at the time of babbitting shall be 475° F.

9.2 The babbitt pot must be thoroughly stirred and the dross removed prior to
pouring the sample and the production bearing.

9.3 The babbitt shall be centrifugally cast in a steady, continuous and smooth flow.
Procedure used must be equal to methods described in DOD-STD-2188(SH),
Section 5.7.2. Metal spraying and gas welding (inert or other) of babbitt is

9.4 The bearings shall be forced cooled immediately after babbitting in a manner to
promote directional solidification from bond line to babbitt surface.

9.5 Precautions shall be taken to minimize bearing shell distortion during babbitting.
A sample of the babbitt material shall be taken and marked for identification at
the time of the babbitt pour. Reference to the Contract number and the bearing
the babbitt sample represents shall be recorded. A sample shall be taken for
each pot used as it is babbitted. Each sample shall be analyzed for chemistry by
an independent testing laboratory and a report issued to the District.


10.1 The Contractor shall conduct UT and PT inspections of the bearing babbitt bond
following the procedures detailed below. The final inspection shall be witnessed
by the District’s representative following the completion of all finish machining.

10.2 After babbitting, rough machine the new babbitt surface to a finish of 125 micro
inch to provide an adequate surface for the preliminary ultrasonic testing.

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10.3 Equipment

10.3.1 Search Unit

a. Frequency - All acceptance testing of the babbitt bond shall be performed

with a 2.25 MHz or 5 MHz longitudinal wave crystal
b. Diameter - Transducer diameter shall be between 1/4 inch and 1 inch.
c. Transducer gloves or delay lines shall be made of Lucite or other materials
with similar sonic properties.

10.3.2 Couplants used for testing shall be either lightweight oil or glycerin, the viscosity
of which is not more than SAE 30 oil

10.3.3 Reference Blocks

a. Reference blocks" shall consist of a soundly babbitted steel block with a

scanning surface and babbitt thickness representative of the pads tested.
The block shall be used to set the sensitivity of the instrument. A reference
block with artificially unbonded areas shall be furnished for comparison of
indications for areas showing bond and lack of bond.
b. Test sensitivity shall be such that the babbitt to base material interface is
readily identified on the CRT. Details of sensitivity calibration and
determination of bonded and unbonded areas shall be defined in the UT
c. Reference blocks shall be kept available for frequent reference during actual

10.4 Procedure

The entire babbitt surface of each bearing pad shall be scanned using
overlapping scan paths by at least 20 percent of the effective transducer width.
Scanning rates shall not exceed 3 inches per second. Unbonded babbitt areas
will result in indications of multiple reflections on the screen, accompanied by a
partial (at least 50 percent) or complete (100 percent) loss of back reflection.
Areas over temperature sensor grooves or dovetail grooves need not be UT
examined. All unbonded babbitted areas shall be carefully scanned to determine
their configuration. The outside edges of all unbonded areas shall be marked on
the surface of the Babbitt.

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10.5 Acceptance Standards

10.5.1 The babbitt bond shall be ultrasonically inspected and accepted in accordance
with DOD-STD-2183(SH), Section 5.4.1., with the exception of the following:

a) Zone A Requirement: Total unbonded area shall not exceed 5 percent of

the area of Zone A (per bearing segment).

b) Zone C Requirement: Total unbonded area shall not exceed 10 percent of

the area of Zone C (per bearing segment).

10.5.2 After all the machining is completed, the final UT and PT inspections shall be
performed. UT requirements are as stated in Section 8.3 above. The PT exam
shall be performed along the entire bond line between the bearing shell base
metal and the babbitt metal, on all bearing quarters. PT indications longer than
3/8” are rejectable. Indications smaller than 3/8” are acceptable if it does not
show up on the UT.

10.5.3 The personnel performing the inspections shall be certified to Level II or Level III
of the American Society for Non-Destructive Testing in accordance with SNT-TC-
1A or equivalent which is regularly engaged in nondestructive testing. A copy of
the inspector’s credentials must accompany the NDT report.

10.5.4 If repairs are required in the babbitt surface, a repair procedure shall be
submitted, if not included in the rebabbitting procedure. Puddling will be
acceptable for small areas on the surface, but not to correct the lack of bond
between the babbitt and pad. The babbitt material shall be free of cracks, blow
holes, and shrink pockets, have a tight bond to the bearing pad, and be 100%
free from surface porosity.

10.6 Inspection Report

A certified written report from the certified technician shall be submitted. The
report shall include a complete description of the PT and UT procedures used,
equipment used, a mapping of the areas tested, pad number, and interpretation
of results. The report shall specifically address areas of lack of bond between
the babbitt and the pad and their accumulated total surface area relative to the
total babbitt surface area. The report shall also address the total percentage of
porosity and any cracking that is found.


11.1 Finish machine the babbitted surface per the Contract Drawings.

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11.2 After rebabbitting, the bearings shall then be machined with grooves to the final
diametrical dimension as shown on the approved engineering drawings. The
finish of the machined babbitt bearing surface shall be 16 micro-inches or better
or as indicated on drawings. The finish of the oil grooves is shown on the
Contract Drawings. The direction of machine tool travel shall be the same as
that of the rotating shaft of the generator. When looking down from above, the
generator rotates in a counter-clockwise direction. The bearings shall be
checked for dimensional conformity and defects. If the pads are out of tolerance,
notification shall be made to the District within 24 hours of identifying that the
pads are out of tolerance. A procedure of corrections required shall be submitted
to the District within 2 business days after notification to the District that the pads
are out of tolerance. Contractor shall perform the necessary repairs at the
Contractor’s expense. Finish dimensions and runout checks shall be made while
the pads are still on the mill. All pockets and grooves shall be placed as shown
on the approved engineering drawings. Oil groove radii and sharp edges shall
be hand blended and de-burred. All non-babbitted surfaces and holes shall be
thoroughly cleaned.

11.3 Outer and inner bearing surfaces, water and grease passages, drain slots and all
drilled and/or tapped holes to be free of tin, babbitt, or other foreign material.
Corroded and rusted surfaces, water and grease passages, holes, tapped holes
etc. shall be purged, wire brushed and/or sanded to clean metal.

11.4 Babbitt Surface Contact. After rebabbitting and final machining, the contact area
of the babbitt surface shall be checked on each thrust shoe to determine percent
contact area using a certified granite surface or approved equivalent. A bluing
process shall be used. The surface flatness shall have a minimum of 85%
contact. The surface shall be scraped, if necessary, to achieve 85% contact.


12.1 The babbitted and finished surfaces shall be coated with a suitable corrosion
preventative (i.e. Cosmoline).

12.2 All unfinished surfaces shall be coated with 14-18 mils (dry film thickness) of
black Carboline Bitumastic 300M or International Intertuf 708. Surface
preparation shall be in accordance to coating manufacturer’s recommendations
for full immersion applications. All other coating manufacturers’
recommendations shall also be followed.


If the bearing does not meet these Specifications, a Contractor issued Nonconformance
Report (NCR) (see Attachment A) which states the Contractor’s recommended
disposition shall be submitted for District review. Project acceptance requires that:

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1. All NCRs shall be Approved by District and reconciled,

2. Thrust bearing assembly shall meet all the requirements of this Specification and
Contract Drawings.
3. Thrust bearing assembly Work is complete in every detail.


14.1 The District reserves the right to witness/inspect/photograph any portion(s) of the
Work. Additional inspections and/or measurements requested by the District
shall be performed at no additional charge. Any inspection by the District or
waivers thereof, shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for meeting all
requirements of these Specifications. Any variations from specifications shall be
promptly reported to the District. The Contractor may utilize its own or any other
inspection facilities and/or services as Approved by the District.

All test equipment and inspection facilities shall meet the requirements of DOD-
STD-2183(SH), Section 5.1.

14.2 The Contractor shall maintain a record of each inspection. As a minimum, copies
of the following documents are to be maintained at the Contractor’s facilities for a
period of six (6) years and must be made available to the District upon request.

a) Receiving inspection report.

b) Certificate of analysis of babbitt alloy used.
c) Certificate of conformance to verify satisfactory ultrasonic testing with a plot of
any unbonded areas.
d) Record of Babbitt surface finish.
e) Record of shim sizes used and parting location installed (as applicable).
f) Written warranty. Warranty shall cover parts, material, workmanship and
labor for no less than 12 months and shall begin the date the project is
accepted by the District.

The documentation shall show the District’s PO # or Contract # (15-SW39), date,

type of inspection, description of inspection procedure, the inspector’s name and
signature, the inspector’s credentials and the type of equipment used. All
inspection reports are to be submitted to the District via telefax or email promptly
after the inspections are completed. Hardcopies of all project records shall be
submitted to the District’s representative at the time of the final inspection.

14.3 The District intends to conduct an inspection at the Contractor’s facility following
the completion of all the finish machining for purposes of verifying the
Specification babbitt bonding and finish machine requirements. The Contractor
shall notify the District as early as possible, but at least seven (7) days in

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Exhibit S
advance, of the readiness of the bearing for the final inspection. Inspections may

o -UT and PT babbitt bond inspection

o -surface finish verification
o -dimensional verifications
o -paint thickness verification

The Contractor shall provide assistance to the District as requested and make
available for the District’s use instruments such as micrometers, calipers, etc.

14.4 The District will determine the acceptability of the bonds based on the
acceptance standards listed in these Specifications. Any rejected areas shall be
repaired according to instructions provided by the District. Any re-babbitting shall
be reinspected after repairs have been completed. Re-babbitting shall not be
conducted without the approval of the District.


15.1 As outlined in Specific Requirements of the Contract Documents, return shipping

by the Contractor is included as part of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the following:

a) Proper protective crating and delivery of the bearing(s) to:

Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County

Rocky Reach Dam
Riverside Warehouse
5000 Highway 97A North
Wenatchee, WA 98801
ATTN: Penny Hulbert

b) The payment of all shipping charges, etc.

c) Acquiring any and all shipping permits, etc. as required.

15.2 The bearing shall not be shipped from the Contractor’s facilities until the District
has inspected the bearing following the finish machining at the Contractor’s
facilities and has issued a shipping release form.

When actual shipment has been made, the Contractor shall notify the Project
Engineer in writing.

15.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for properly packaging all items shipped from
its premises. The Contractor shall prepare the bearing for shipment from its shop

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in such a manner that it is protected from damage during shipment and shall be
responsible for, and make good, damage resulting from improper preparation.

The bearing is currently sitting in an existing District owned wooden crate. The
Contractor is responsible to ensure that the crate is adequate to protect the
bearing during shipment. If not, the Contractor shall modify the crate or provide a
crate adequate to protect the bearing during shipment. If the District’s crate is
damaged during bearing shipment (to or from shop), it shall be repaired or
replaced, free of charge, to the District’s satisfaction. Replacement wooden crate
(if needed) shall be built in such a way as to protect the bearing from any
damage during shipment. Crate shall be clearly marked with the District’s
address, project or PO number, and weight.


All inspection reports and technical inquiries are to be forwarded to:

Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County

P.O. Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807
ATTN: Penny Hulbert – RR Dam
Phone: 509-661-4951
Fax: 509-661-8112

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Exhibit S

Nonconformance Report 1 NCR No.:

Reason: Related Ref. Doc:

Deviation from spec/dwg Dated:
2 Describe:

4 Project: Rocky Reach Dam Unit C-8 Rebabbitting of Bearings 5 Unit No.:

Contractor/Vendor Name: Contract No.:15-SW39

6 7
System or Part Name: Material Location: Shop Field Other
8 9 10
Specification Violated: Drawing Violated: Code Violated: Name/Sec/Para
11 12 13

Item No.: Initiator: Date

14 15
Condition Details:
Disposition Assigned To: Date: Condition Details Approved: Date:
17 18
19 Nonconformance responsibility: Contractor/Vendor CPUD Other
19. Disposition:

20 Accept As Is Scrap Rework Revise Return to Vendor FECN Required
Disposition Details:
Disposition by: Date:
Disposition Details Approved: Approved Unapproved
CPUD Engineer:______________________________ Date: _____________________

23 QA Engineer: _______________________________ Date: _____________________

Inspection/Verification: Signature: Date:
24 Acceptable Unacceptable
Re-inspection/Re-verification: Signature: Date:
25 Acceptable Unacceptable
New NCR No.: Supersedes NCR No.: New IR No.:
26 27 28
NCR Reviewed & Closed:
Signature: Date:

29 Signature: Date:

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