A Unified Coupling Model For Coupling Measurement in Object Oriented Software Systems
A Unified Coupling Model For Coupling Measurement in Object Oriented Software Systems
A Unified Coupling Model For Coupling Measurement in Object Oriented Software Systems
Coupling is the extent to which the functions performed by a subsystem are related. Low coupling is a
characteristic of a well-designed subcomponent. The problem noted for research in this paper is lack of
standardization of measures, ambiguity in definition of measures and poor conceptual links between coupling
components. The key objective of this research paper is to propose a model for coupling measurement in object
oriented software system. A review of related work is conducted on coupling frameworks. In this research data
was collected from various software systems, analyzed using a Poisson distribution model and unified coupling
model generated. From the model an algorithm was developed for assessing coupling in software systems. In
conclusion coupling model of five components; object level coupling, static level coupling, dynamic and static
level coupling is developed an algorithm proposed to support coupling measurement in object oriented software
systems. In the unified model developed a coupling value of 0.049 and below indicates low coupling while a
coupling value of 0.05 to 0.1 indicates high coupling in the software system.
Keywords: Coupling, Model, Framework, Object Oriented Measurement, Measure.
Date of Submission: 29 September 2015 Date of Accepted: 01 March 2016
I. Introduction
Coupling measures capture the degree of interaction and relationships among source code elements,
such as classes, methods, and attributes in object-oriented software systems. One of the main goals behind object
oriented analysis and design is to implement a software system where classes have low coupling among them.
Many frameworks have been proposed to measure the coupling and cohesion to predict the fault-proneness and
maintainability of software systems [5]. However, few studies have been done using coupling to measure
reusability of software components.[5].
Coupling measures are used in tasks such as impact analysis [11], assessing the fault-proneness of classes [2],
fault prediction [2], re-modularization, identifying of software components [17], design patterns [11] , assessing
software quality[17], etc.
In general, one of the goals of the software designers is to keep the coupling in an object oriented design system
as low as possible [12].Classes of the system that are strongly coupled are most likely to be affected by changes
and bugs from other classes; these classes tend to have an increased architectural importance and thus need to be
identified [9]. Coupling measures help in such endeavors, and most of them are based on some form of
dependency analysis, based on the available source code or design information.
Coupling is considered as one of most important object oriented software attributes. Many frameworks have
been proposed in the last several years to measure class coupling in object-oriented systems. Class coupling
(more specifically, functional coupling) is defined as the degree of relatedness between members of a class [14].
In object oriented software systems, a class should represent a single logical concept, and not to be a collection
of miscellaneous features.
Coupling is a more complex software attribute in object oriented systems but our understanding about coupling
measurement factors is poor [8]. There is no standardization for expressing coupling measures; many measures
are not operationally defined i.e. there is some ambiguity in their definitions [8]. As a result, it is difficult to
understand how different measures relate to one other and what their potential use is. All above aspects
ultimately shapes the need of detailed study of coupling measurement in object-oriented systems
Briand et al in their research notes that there is little understanding of the motivation and empirical hypotheses
behind many of these new measures [2]. It is often difficult to determine how such measures relate to one
another and for which application they can be used. As a consequence, it is very difficult for practitioners and
researchers to obtain a clear picture of the state-of-the-art in order to select or define measures for object-
oriented systems [2].
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A Unified Coupling Model for Coupling Measurement…
The fact that there also exists little empirical validation of existing object-oriented coupling measures means
the usefulness of most measures is not supported by strong industry results to validate their accuracy [8].
A vast majority of coupling frameworks abound in the literature relies on structural information, which
captures relations, such as method calls or attributes usages. However, these structural frameworks lack the
ability to identify conceptual links, which, for example, specify implicit relationships encoded in identifiers and
objects in source code.
This paper proposes a unified model that helps in coupling measurement. The model developed in this paper
provides weights and evaluation function to determine coupling levels in software system. We believe the model
would be effective in measurement since it looks into class coupling level, dynamic coupling level, static
coupling level and object coupling level. The proposed model has classification criteria that would help
reviewers and assessors know whether software is highly coupled or loosely coupled. To enhance the
applicability of the model we have developed and proposed an algorithm to outline a
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows review of related work is conducted and critique of the
previous model and measures provided, a developed unified model is presented, an evaluation of the model is
conducted and results of the evaluation presented, a discussion of the results and model presented and a
conclusion of the model and the paper together with request for further research proposed.
In a research conducted by Bieman and Kang [1] they proposed two class coupling measures to evaluate the
relationship between class coupling and private reuse in the system [1]. Bieman and Kang research focuses on
two important criteria of coupling measure;
1 the interaction pattern
2 The special method.
According to Biemen and Kang[1] we let ndc (c) be the number of directly connected methods in a class c, nic
(c) is the number of indirectly connected methods in a class, and np (c) is the maximum possible number of
connections in a class. Then, tight class coupling (tcc) is defined as [1]
tcc(c) = ndc(c) / np(c)
and loose class coupling (lcc) is defined as:
lcc(c) = (ndc(c) + nic(c)) / np(c)
This framework focuses on two important criteria of coupling measure; the interaction pattern and the special
method. The strongest part in this framework is to consider the interaction between pattern methods. However,
the connectivity factor could generate misleading information leading to poor recognition of the interaction
pattern [18].
In another research Chae et al [4] considers two characteristics of classes, which could lead to different
coupling values from the general intuition of coupling [4] . The two characteristics are: the patterns of the
interactions among the class members (e.g. counting the number of instance variables used by a method) and
special methods.
According to Chae et al [4], in order to describe these characteristics in class c, a reference graph gr(c) is
drawn to represent the interaction among the members of class c, and is defined to be an undirected graph
gr=(n,a) with[4]: The relationship for evaluating coupling in the frameworks is given as follows
A research conducted by Harrison et al defines coupling between classes (CBC) as a count of the number of
classes to which a class is coupled [15]. It counts each usage as a separate occurrence of coupling. This includes
coupling via inheritance. This approach only performs normal count and concludes that coupling exists if count
is greater than zero [15] .
A further research done by Harrison et al considers the Number of Associations (NAS) in a class. In this
research three hypotheses related to coupling are investigated by the authors are [15]:
(i) H1: As inter-class coupling increases, the understandability of a class decreases. This hypothesis is
rejected by authors.
(ii) H2: As inter-class coupling increases, the total number of errors found in a class increases. This
hypothesis is rejected by authors.
(iii) H3: As inter-class coupling increases, the error density of a class increases. This hypothesis is
supported by authors.
Coupling due to object as a parameter of methods and return type for a method is considered by authors [15].
In this research it is noted that source lines of codes framework measures the number of physical lines of
active code, which is, no blank or commented lines code [13]. Counting the source lines of code is one of the
earliest and easiest approaches to measuring complexity. In general the higher the Source lines of code in a
module the less understandable and maintainable the module is [15].
Further research on coupling by Zhao and Xu [19] first consider only direct interaction coupling
between two methods in a class. Their definition is then expanded to indirect interaction coupling via transitive
method invocations. The weaknesses are considered in the following two scenarios [19];
Table 1 represents Parameter estimates for all the intercept components in the study together with the β value
and various Wald chi square values as shown in the table. The β values represent the values for construction for
the poison model to be used to build the predictive framework in this research. From the table in can be noted
that the overall β=1.090, CLC β=0.64, OLC β=-10112, SLC β=1.070, DLC β=0.045, CLC*OLC
β=0.156,CLC*SLC β=-0.235
From the table 4 the β can therefore be used to form the poison formula given by
Eliminating the logs to generate the natural logs represented by we have the overall class unified formula
represented as
The equation 3 above represents the proposed model for this research. The model enables us to evaluate the
value for unified coupling in software systems. To construct the model we used the parametric estimates value as
shown in table 1.
This formula was generated to assess levels of coupling in software systems. The formula involved
determining the exponential of class level coupling, object level coupling, static level coupling, dynamic level
coupling and combination of CLC and OLC, CLC and SLC. The formula determines their combined effects in
coupling in software systems. The various betas exponential values were generated as a result figures obtained
from the parametric estimates table.
To evaluate the various components we proposed the following approaches to help us determine the static
coupling values, dynamic coupling values, object coupling values and class coupling values
o Ci : is an instance of a class
o Cj : is the set of classes invoking the methods or inheriting methods of other classes
o Mi: the number of methods invoked
o Mh:the number of methods inherited
o Ma:the number of methods referencing attributes of another class
o Mp:the number of methods having parameter of the type of another class
o {}:representation of set of all elements considered in the algorithm
1. Dynamic Afferent Coupling (DCa): It defines the ratio of number of classes accessing the methods of
a class at runtime to the total number of classes. Then we can say that
……………… (6)
Where Cam is the number of classes accessing methods and Ct is total number of classes
2.Dynamic Key Class (DKC): It defines the ratio of sum of calls sent out from the class and calls
received by the class at runtime turned on the total number of static calls sent and received by all the
……………… (7)
3. Percentage Active Classes (PAC): It defines the ratio of number of classes sending or receiving at
least one method calls from/to another class at runtime to the total number of classes.
Where SRM is the sum of receiving and sending classes and TTC total number of classes in the program
Representing the three compounds as contribution to the overall DCL we can say that
……………………. (10)
Where Im is is the set of all interacting modules in the class under study
Tm is the set of total modules existing within the class under study.
TTC is total number of classes to be studied.
3.5 Algorithm for Coupling Measurement
In the evaluation process the above values were subjected to evaluation model function and table3 as shown
below was created. The table indicated the values of coupling as low or high.
From table 3 in the evaluation table the software OTIS, fma, bsa were found to be lowly coupled while T4S was
found to be highly coupled during assessment .The coupling classification was done on the basis of high for
those that are 0.05 to 0.1 and lowly coupled for those that were found to be 0.049 and below.
V. Discussion
From table1 it was noted that a change in a class affects both import coupling and export coupling with
significant values. It is important to note that even though an object oriented module typically exports nothing,
you might choose to export a named constructor or management routine. This routine typically acts a bit like a
class method but is meant to be called as a normal routine.
Classes form a hierarchy of parent classes and children classes and Child is a subclass of, derived class of,
inherits from, extends the parent, super class and therefore much importing will have to occur within the various
classes in the computer program. Similarly it is important to note that class variables hold state that is
shared in common among all objects of class and Class methods act on attributes of the whole class through class
variables therefore Class methods can’t access instance variables and they will only use instance variables and
methods here in within the current class they are operating in.
It is also noted that with regards to method invocation a low value was recorded. The underlying principle is
that when call is made to the generic method function three things are done:
(ii) The methods are arranged in order from most specific to least specific
The determination of which method is most specific is made based on the classes of the arguments to the
methods (and on the class structure that they induce – ie. who do they inherit from). Method of super class may
be overridden in subclass. When a method of super class is applied to object of subclass, methods of subclass are
used in computing result, instead of methods of super class. For example instance method of subclass may hide
(or shadow) method of super class.
For measuring the class coupling, we only use those public methods which are neither constructor nor
destructor for a class. Constructor and methods only serve the purpose of initialization of class attributes and
they are not supposed to perform any kind of functionality for consumer environment. Similarly to constructor
methods and operator over loader methods will also be ignored because such methods read or write to all
attributes of class and consequently act like an initializing method. Inclusion of operator overloading may
mislead value of class coupling.
Destructor methods are used When an object is no longer needed it has to be deleted. Whenever an object is
deleted its destructor member function is called. Destructors in object oriented programing are normally used
when overloading or inheritance not allowed. In using destructors the access modifiers or parameters not to be
specified consequently the order of call to destructor in a derived class is from the most derived to the least
derived. Destructor methods are not only called during object destruction, but also when the object instance is no
longer eligible for access
A class that is composed of related methods will result in coupling as its methods will use the same set of
attributes in their implementation. A class that has single public method will turn out be the most coupled,
because all of its attributes will be used by the one public method. Bieman and Kang have also called such class
as the most coupled class [1] .
Following the description some of the possible approaches for finding functionality groups of public methods
(i) Methods working on a particular member attribute of class may form group of related functionality.
(ii) Methods using a particulars external resource such as file, database table and memory may form a
group of related functionality.
(iii) Methods using same private, protected and public method may also form group of related functionality.
Unified coupling model borrows the concept of generalization in object oriented software systems.
In object oriented modeling there are three types important relationships among the classes, namely
dependency, inheritance and association relationships. Dependency represents the using relationships among the
classes; inheritance relationship connects generalized classes to their specialized classes; and association
relationship shows the structural relationship among the objects. This therefore results in stronger bonds between
various coupled classes which provides higher probability of the values for export and import coupling as
observed in this research work as shown in table 3
VI. Conclusion
In this paper a model for measuring coupling in object oriented software systems has been developed. The
model was constructed from data analyzed in various software systems. The paper has demonstrated how to
evaluate individual components of the model using varied formulas. As presented in the algorithm software
systems with values less than or equal to 0.049 represents low coupling while values between 0.05 to 0.01
represents high coupling in software systems. An algorithm to assess the overall coupling has been presented. In
this paper we request further research on determining effect of coupling in overall software maintenance and
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Calvins Otieno is a PhD student in the department of computing in Jomo Kenyatta University. He has a first degree in Computer
technology, Masters in Software Engineering and. His research interest is in the fields of software engineering and software quality systems.
He currently teaches in IT department in the same university.
Dr.George Okeyo Onyango is the current Chairman and HOD Computing. He has a PhD in Computer science from university of Ulcer,
MSc Information Systems and BSc Mathematics and Computer Science from JKUAT.
Dr. Stephen Kimani is the current director School of Computing and Information Technology of the Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology in Kenya. He has previously been a researcher at CSIRO (Australia) and Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
He has the following academic qualifications: BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science (JKUAT); MSc in Advanced Computing
(University of Bristol, UK); PhD in Computer Engineering (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy).