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Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Click For Updates
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Click For Updates
To cite this article: Jianhuang Wu, Guiying Liu, Wenhua Huang, Dhanjoo N. Ghista & Kelvin K.L. Wong (2014): Transient
blood flow in elastic coronary arteries with varying degrees of stenosis and dilatations: CFD modelling and parametric study,
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2014.976812
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Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2014
Transient blood flow in elastic coronary arteries with varying degrees of stenosis and dilatations:
CFD modelling and parametric study
Jianhuang Wua, Guiying Liub,c, Wenhua Huangb, Dhanjoo N. Ghistaa and Kelvin K.L. Wonga,d*
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1068 Xueyuan Boulevard, Xili Nanshan, Shenzhen 518055,
P.R. China; bGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Medical Biomechanics, Department of Anatomy, School of Basic Medicine
Science, Southern Medical University, No. 1838, Guangzhou Avenue North, Guangzhou 510515, Guangdong, P.R. China;
Department of Cardiology, The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, No. 566, Congcheng Avenue, Conghua District,
Guangzhou 510900, Guangdong, P.R. China; dSchool of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Western
Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
(Received 27 May 2014; accepted 12 October 2014)
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In this paper, we have analysed pulsatile flow through partially occluded elastic arteries, to determine the haemodynamic
parameters of wall shear stress (WSS), wall pressure gradient and pressure drops (DP), contributing to enhanced flow resistance
and myocardial ischaemic regions which impair cardiac contractility and cause increased work load on the heart. In summary, it
can be observed that stenoses in an artery significantly influence the haemodynamic parameters of wall shear stress and pressure
drop in contrast to dilatations case. This deduces that stenosis plays a more critical role in plaque growth and vulnerability in
contrast to dilatation, and should be the key element in cardiovascular pathology and diagnosis. Through quantitative analysis of
WSS and DP, we have provided a clearer insight into the haemodynamics of atherosclerotic arteries. Determination of these
parameters can be helpful to cardiologists, because it is directly implicated in the genesis and development of atherosclerosis.
Keywords: atherosclerosis; fluid –structure interaction; elastic artery; stenosis; dilatations
flow conditions in the stented vessel and the distal the haemodynamic parameters of WSS and WPG
anastomosis of the CABG (Moore et al. 1999; Torii et al. contributory to enhanced flow resistance and myocardial
2009; Chaichana et al. 2013a, 2013b). ischaemic regions which impair cardiac contractility and
Experimental methods of in vitro and in vivo cause increased work load on the heart. The investigation
investigation of the flow field are not representative and is undertaken by working on a set of equations describing
reliable due to small size of the vessel. Hence, the the blood flow in an artery containing deformities and
enhancement in software development along with curvatures in all shapes and sizes. The flow conditions,
computer performance provides CFD as an alternative to structural variation and multiple abnormal segments
such experimental methods. all have influence on the resistance to flow ratio. The
The muscular fibres of the heart contract and relax in theoretical framework examines the variability in curvi-
order to control the blood flow supply volume through the linear arterial wall geometry on the blood flow resistance
vessels, and thereby serve the function of regulating blood and investigates the haemodynamic disturbances associ-
to the different regions of the heart. As such, it is of clinical ated with the two main causes of death due to coronary
importance to understand how constriction and dilatations artery disease: one is the slowly increasing build-up of
at the various arterial segments can affect the blood flow cholesterol plaque in the artery and the other being the
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dynamics. In this paper, the idealistic arterial vessel rupture of the plaque causing sudden occlusion of the
geometry can sufficiently represent the unique flow artery. Tang et al. (2005) have explored CFD modelling to
behaviour of the stenosed and curved arteries, in terms provide a non-invasive method of studying plaque rupture
of the values of the haemodynamic parameters mentioned in carotid bifurcation arteries.The main aim of harnessing
earlier. By using CFD based on physiological boundary computational models is to provide vascular surgeons with
conditions, we can somewhat realistically characterise more flow disturbance parameters for cardiac diagnosis.
atherosclerosis and provide an extensive parametric study Based on WSS and WPG, the CFD simulation of blood
of this disease. flow through an atherosclerotic artery can generate the
characteristics of flow through the abnormal segments of
the artery for varying shape parameter and the degree of
1.2 Implementation of CFD approach and flow resistance, to thereby serve as a guide in clinical
haemodynamics parameters used diagnosis.
This investigation entails modelling of fluid flow through
the arteries under stenotic conditions, causing athero-
sclerotic plaque. The blood can be treated to be a 2. Methodology
generalised Newtonian fluid, and the arterial wall can be 2.1 Describing the arterial wall geometry and material
considered to be having different degrees of stenosis in its property
lumen, arising from various types of abnormal growth or
The independent variables that influence the resistance to
plaque formation. The nonlinear unsteady pulsatile flow
flow ratio are the characteristics of the blood, the geometry
phenomenon is governed by the Navier –Stokes equations
of the artery and its wall flexibility characteristics. The
combined with the Continuity equation. In an attempt to
dimensional parameters of the typical arterial segment
derive physiologically significant and accurate quantities,
serve as inputs for determining the flow properties and
the governing equations of motion need to be accompanied
by the appropriate choice of boundary conditions.
The axial geometry is characterised by the non-occluded
The necessary checking for numerical stability of the
wall height H0 for an atherosclerotic lesion of length l0
computational procedure has been incorporated into the
through an artery of diameter D0. We allow for both
algorithms for better precision of the results computed.
constriction (stenosis) and dilation (aneurysm) of the lumen.
The quantitative analysis results include the profiles of
Then, the normalised diseased height is given by:
the flow field, the temperature and the mass concen-
tration, along with their individual distributions over the Di 2 H i
entire arterial segment as well. The key haemodynamic hi ¼ for 2 0:5 # hi # 0:5; i ¼ 1; 2: ð1Þ
factors such as the wall shear stress (WSS) and the WPG
are also examined for further qualitative insight into the The geometrical model of a three-dimensional artery is
blood flow through the arterial stenosis. The results are shown in Figure 1. The cylindrical domain has a total
found to portray consistency with several existing results length of L ¼ 45 mm, wherein L1 ¼ 5 mm from the inlet
in the literature, which substantiate sufficiently to validate segment, and the first diseased segment (stenosis) has a
the clinical applicability of the model under length of L2 ¼ 7.5 mm. Then after a length of L3 ¼ 5 mm,
consideration. the second diseased segment (dilatation) is located having
In this paper, we are concerned with pulsatile flow the length L4 ¼ 7.5 mm and at a distance L5 ¼ 5 mm from
through partially occluded curved arteries, to determine the outlet segment. The non-diseased sections have
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 3
Figure 2. Physiological waveforms for velocity at the inlet and pressure at the outlet of an artery. The waveforms present the velocity
(left axis) and pressure variations (right axis) at the entrance and exit of the vessel in one cardiac cycle. The velocity waveform is
measured in m/s, while that of the pressure is measured in mmHg.
4 J. Wu et al.
Table 1. Geometrical parameters and boundary conditions where P is the wall static pressure, and x, y and z are the 3D
adopted in the CFD simulations. coordinates in space.
Parameter Value
The ratio l1 of average wall shear stress WSS
pertaining to the entire wall of artery at peak systole is
Normalised diseased height, h1 [2 0.5, 2 0.3, given by:
2 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5]
Normalised diseased height, h2 [2 0.5, 2 0.3,
2 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5] WSS1
l1 ¼ ; ð5Þ
Normalised wall length, l0/L [1/6, 1/4, 1/6, 1/4] WSS2
Reynolds number, Re 122– 692
Number of mesh elements 28,782
where WSS1 and WSS2 are the average WSS in the
atherosclerotic artery and in the normal artery,
generated and imported into a generic CFD package – respectively.
ANSYS CFX 14.5. The flow resistance ratio (Wong et al. 2006) is defined
Within the CFD code, the finite volume method is used as
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Segment 2
H2 2.0 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 5.2 6.0
H1 h1,2 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 –0.1 –0.3 –0.5
2.0 0.5
3.2 0.3
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3.6 0.1
Segment 1
4.0 0.0
4.4 –0.1
5.2 –0.3
6.0 –0.5
Figure 3. Detailed WSS contour plot showing the development of WSS profiles for diseased segment heights h1 and h2. The normalised
diseased wall heights vary from h1 ¼ 2 0.5 to þ0.5 and h2 ¼ 2 0.5 to þ0.5 at sections L2 and L4. The WSS is shown to demonstrate a
larger variation at these sections when the artery is particularly stenosed, rather than dilated. When the value of h1 and h2 becomes 0.5, the
WSS value increases significantly at the narrowest sections. The colour bar scale representing WSS values varies from 0 to 40 Pa.
stronger indication of variation as than the average WSS plane, at different times in the ideal vessel with stenosis
ratio. It is possible that there can be some discrepancy in and dilatations. The blood flows from left to right as shown
the actual WSS and DP values in the event of stenosis due in the figure. The nature of blood flow through
to the additional flow resistance created by flow separation atherosclerotic arteries can assist our understanding of
at the downstream of the stenosis. Nonetheless, in general, the flow conditions within diseased arteries. For example,
existing theories agree reasonably well with the results higher velocity flow is observed at the site of stenosis, and
produced by the FSI framework. this can cause plaque rupture. Also, sudden pressure
release after stenosis can aggravate dilatations.
3.3 Velocity contour plots of stenosed artery flow
Based on flow visualisation in the diseased artery obtained 3.4 Summary of haemodynamic analysis
by numerical simulation of haemodynamic analysis, we In summary, as can be observed in Figures 3– 5, double
have plotted in Figure 6 velocity contours in the of X – Y stenoses (based on h1 . 0 and h2 . 0) in an artery
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 7
Segment 2
H2 2.0 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 5.2 6.0
H1 h1,2 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 –0.1 –0.3 –0.5
2.0 0.5
3.2 0.3
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3.6 0.1
Segment 1
4.0 0.0
4.4 –0.1
5.2 –0.3
6.0 –0.5
Figure 4. Detailed WPG contour plot showing the development of WPG profiles for diseased segment heights h1 and h2. The normalised
diseased wall heights vary from h1 ¼ 2 0.5 to þ 0.5 and h2 ¼ 2 0.5 to þ 0.5 at sections L2 and L4. However, the WPG is shown to
demonstrate a larger variation at sections L1 and L3 rather than sections L2 and L4 where the stenosis occurs. This may be explained by the
pressure build up at the entrance segment of each stenosis. The colour bar scale representing WPG values varies from 9900 to 12,000 Pa.
significantly influence the parameters that we are genesis and development of atherosclerosis, which thereby
investigating, and this is in contrast to the double motivates us to use them as exemplified parameters in our
dilatations case (based on h1 , 0 and h2 , 0). This parametric analysis framework.
deduces that stenosis plays a more critical role in plaque
growth and vulnerability in contrast to dilatation, and
should be the key element in cardiovascular diagnosis. 4. Discussion
Through qualitative visualisation that is coupled with the We have carried out CFD haemodynamic analysis of
quantitative analysis of WSS and DP, we can gain a clearer blood flow through atherosclerotic arteries. The resulting
insight into the haemodynamics of atherosclerotic arteries. generation of flow properties and parameters enables us to
Determination of these parameters can be helpful to understand the mechanisms of cardiovascular athero-
cardiologists because it is directly implicated in the sclerotic pathology due to varying degrees of arterial
8 J. Wu et al.
Wall Ratio 1: 1 Wall Ratio 1: 1
h1 –0.5 –0.3 –0.1 +0.1 +0.3 +0.5 h1 –0.5 –0.3 –0.1 +0.1 +0.3 +0.5
Max Max
1.768 1.839 1.992 2.137 2.308 2.956 4.512 4.509 4.566 4.566 4.879 6.842
λ1 λ2
Max Max
WSS 9.903 10.298 11.158 11.968 12.929 16.558 ∆P 1921.38 1919.92 1944.07 1944.07 2077.68 2913.49
(Pa) (Pa)
Min Min
0.667 0.685 0.769 0.850 0.959 1.814 0.987 0.974 0.968 0.985 1.411 4.035
λ1 λ2
Min Min
WSS 3.735 3.836 4.307 4.759 5.370 10.158 ∆P 420.441 414.608 412.393 419.43 600.615 1718.13
(Pa) (Pa)
Figure 5. Flow surface response of elastic arteries based on average WSS and pressure drop flow parameters. The surface response
values pertaining to ratio l1 of average wall shear stress WSS and to ratio l2 of pressure drop DP are normalised with respect to those of
the healthy artery with no wall variation that represents our standard model. Double stenosis is seen to present incremental values of l1 and
l2 ratios, implying larger WSS and WPG distributions, whereas double dilatation indicates otherwise. For the longer diseased segments
(with diseased to non-diseased segment ratio of 2:1), the WSS increases in magnitude, while the change in DP is negligible. As a reference,
the values of WSS and DP for normal arterial segments (h1 ¼ 0 and h2 ¼ 0) are 5.601 Pa and 425.806 Pa, respectively.
stenosis and dilations. We shall now discuss the results (Salzar et al. 1995; Thubrikar and Robicsek 1995; Delfino
with reference to the implications with atherosclerosis. et al. 1997; Lee and Xu 2002; Kaunas et al. 2006; Hariton
et al. 2007; Callaghan et al. 2009). Meanwhile, the search for
other indicators that better describe the causative mechanism
is still on-going. We have shown in our results that the
4.1 Implications in relevance with atherosclerosis stenotic part of the arteries experiences high WSS and
Research into the cause of atherosclerosis has been demonstrates to be more prone to plaque aggravation. This
performed for decades (Caro et al. 1971; Ku et al. 1985; has been consistent with the previous experimental studies.
Glagov et al. 1989). There are various schools of thoughts on
its causative mechanism. In this regard, one group believes
that plaque growth is due to low wall and oscillating shear
stress levels (Friedman et al. 1986, 1989; Nerem 1992; 4.2 Elasticity of atherosclerotic arteries and its
Giddens et al. 1993; Lee and Chiu 1996; Kleinstreuer et al. implication in atherogenesis
2001), whereas high levels of this parameter tends to suppress Although there is no direct relationship between
it (Ku et al. 1985; Friedman et al. 1986; Giddens et al. 1993). deformation and atherogenesis, the presence and charac-
In addition to the low and oscillating WSS, the intramural terisation of high deformation regions at the throat of the
stress of the wall may also contribute to plaque growth at an artery has been investigated for inducing plaque rupture.
advance stage of the disease (Tang et al. 2008). Another Atherosclerotic plaque may be categorised into various
group believes that vessel wall thickening occurs in the event types, such as (i) atheromatous plaque that has an
of high shear stress (as reported by Wentzel et al. (2003) and artheroma or lipid pool covered with a fibrous cap, and (ii)
Joshi et al. (2004)). It is also believed that von Mises and a non-atheromatous plaque that consists of a connective
principal stress at the apex of the plaque can also be used to issue with admixed smooth muscle cells, and the calcified
characterise the initialisation and aggravation of its growth plaque. We show that the FSI algorithm based on the
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 9
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Figure 6. Flow visualisation in atherosclerotic artery with stenosis and dilatations. The plots of axial velocities in a stenosed artery are
presented for the double stenosis and double dilatations conditions. Velocity distribution is taken at the centre plane of a stenosed artery
and may be used to compare the difference in flow due to those stenosis and dilatations. This flow visualisation allows us to understand the
flow condition within a diseased artery effectively by showing the regions of high speed flow qualitatively.
Dynamic equations coupled with the Navier –Stokes resistance throughout the flow conditions. With the aid of
equations for a viscous incompressible fluid captures the 3D surface plots, strong support can be based on theory
experimentally measured viscoelastic properties of arterial relating to flow behaviour through a length of artery.
walls in the modelled arterial length. Using estimates To study the coupling between the motion of the vessel
based on an energy inequality, coupled with the wall and pulsatile blood flow, a detailed description of
asymptotic analysis and homogenisation theory, it is the vessel wall biomechanical properties may lead to a
possible to derive an effective, closed FSI model and a fast mathematical and numerical problem whose complexity is
numerical solver whose solutions capture the viscoelastic beyond today’s computational capabilities. The nonlinear-
properties of major arteries. The reduced effective model ity of the underlying FSI is so severe that even a simplified
reveals several interesting features of the coupled FSI description of the vessel wall mechanics assuming
problem. homogeneous linearly elastic behaviour leads to compli-
It is also of interest from the evidence of the 3D surface cated numerical algorithms with challenging stability and
plots that elastic boundary conditions seemed to have a convergence properties. To devise a mathematical model
higher resistance to that of the rigid boundary conditions. that will lead to a problem that is agreeable to numerical
This result is because energy is taken to deform the blood methods producing computational solutions in a reason-
vessel, hence there is a loss of momentum and more able period (time frame), various simplifications need to
resistance is added due to the loss of momentum and in the be introduced. They can be based on simplifying model
direction of flow. With comparisons between transient and assumptions, capturing only the most important physics of
steady state flows, the transient flow conditions seemed to the problem or on the simplifications utilising special
have a higher resistance, which corresponds to a higher problem features, such as special geometry, symmetry and
flow resistance ratio to that of steady state flow conditions. periodicity.
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pulse generated by the pump (heart) begins to lose the behaviour of arterial walls is more complicated. Arterial
momentum throughout the length of artery due to friction walls are anisotropic and heterogeneous and composed of
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