Creative City Indicators: A Framework

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Chapter 4: A framework for the characteristics of creative milieu Creative city indicators: A frame work

Env. Dim. Characteristics Suggested Detailed indicators

 Number and quality of public facilities as hospitals, schools, and amenities.
A- Built Environment

 Quality of public transportation networks.

 Livability
 High quality infrastructure.
1- Quality of  Prices of accommodation facilities.
life, and well  Number of museums, libraries, theatres, and other cultural facilities.
being  Cultural Facilities
 The number and contribution of cultural centers in the city
 Recreational  Proportion of the world's top retailers in the city, number of hotels, cinemas, cafes, and restaurants.
Facilities  Share of land in recreational and leisure use
 Quality of public realm.
 Aesthetics of place  Architecture of the place
 Rating of local public art.
2- Place making  Percentage and quality of public spaces.
 Quality of open
 Percentage and design of pedestrian streets.
 Flexibility of public spaces, and percentage of community's interventions.
 Spatial diversity  Proportion of mixed land uses within the city planning strategies.
 Preservation status of historic buildings, and historic districts
 Authenticity
 The rehabilitation and reuse of historic areas.
 Position in UNESCO capitals of culture.
B- Cultural Environment

 Cultural assets  Number of buildings in UNESCO world heritage list.

and cultural
tourism  Number and activities of cultural districts.
 Number of outdoor festivals, concerts, and outdoor activities.
 Urban buzz  Presence of nightlife activities.
 Number of venues per population.
4-Atmosphere of  Average annual cultural expenditure per household.
cultural  Participation in
 Percentage of persons visiting museums.
activities cultural activities
 Percentage of persons has cultural interest.
 Percentage of arts and culture programs in schools.
5-Cultural  Arts and creative
 Number of arts schools and universities per million populations.
learning, Arts schools
 Percentage of schools and universities with partnerships with arts and social organizations.
and creative
education  The number of cultural clubs
 Informal learning
 The number of cultural competitions organized by the city
 Technology usage  Percentage of households who have personal computers and internet access.
in cultural  Usage of technological techniques in arts and cultural activities
6-Technology industries  Number of creative outputs with technological inputs.
and innovation  R&D expenditure as percentage of GDP.
 Technology
 Percentage of human resources in science and technology.
 Number of patents registered per million inhabitants
 Diversity  Religious diversity, nationality diversity, youth population, income inequality.

 Share of population interested in arts and culture in other countries

7-Social  Openness
c- Social

Cohesion  Number of migrants per population.

 Safety issues: Number of recorded crimes per thousand.
 Sense of belonging
 Presence of shared activities between communities.
8-Empowerment  Involvement  Participatory planning initiatives
 Connectedness  Number of personal computers, internet users
and networking  Percentage of residents with high social trust and diverse network of friends.
 Annual contributed income to non-profit arts organizations.
 Flexibility and
 Governmental finance on cultural pilot projects
9-Public investments
 Horizontal networks between different institutions.
policies,  Accessibility and  Percentage of participation in wide elections
D- Economic Environment

regulations, and freedom  Freedom of opinion and press.

investments  Enabling and  Percentage of development projects in culture and art among cities policies.
supporting  Percentage of collaborations between arts organizations and social services.
 Reputation for design-led products.
 Leadership and
10-Leadership,  Level of easiness to start a business.
entrepreneurship  Awareness of cultural leaders.
, and vision  Forward looking  Contribution of culture in city's strategies
strategies  The presence of evaluation and monitoring plans.
 Percentage of cultural employment.
 Cultural
 Number of bachelors per capital.
employment, and
11-Human  Number of persons in creative occupations per capita.
the creative class
Capital and the  Number of persons in R&D.
creative sector  Cultural and  Diversity of the creative sector (number of employment by firms)
creative  Number of cultural organizations
Organizations  Organizations expenditure on cultural activities
 Creative  Value added of creative industries as percentage of GDP.

 Number of films, books, and design applications per capita.

E- Economic

12-Creative industries scale

outputs, and investments  Export of cultural goods.
creative  Number of firms of creative and cultural industries
industries scale  Diversity of
and scope cultural and
creative outputs


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