2017 Optimization of Flotation Plant Performance Using Micro-Price Analysis
2017 Optimization of Flotation Plant Performance Using Micro-Price Analysis
2017 Optimization of Flotation Plant Performance Using Micro-Price Analysis
Optimization of flotation
plant performance using
micro-price analysis
by G.H. Luttrell and A. Noble
Abstract ■ Flotation circuits play a key role in determining the profitability of base metal
concentrators. Many companies have recognized this and have opted to install complex control
systems that are designed to optimize performance based on one or more objective functions,
such as circuit yield, grade or other measures of efficiency or cost. Unfortunately, field studies
indicate that this generalized approach to optimization often does not provide a true financial
optimum and, in fact, can often lead to worse performance in terms of overall profitability.
Moreover, this blind approach to optimization provides little or no insight that can be used by
plant operators on a day-to-day basis to improve concentrator performance. A more effective
approach is to use micro-price analysis to identify and formulate optimization protocols for the
concentrator. The micro-price concept assigns unit values to each particle (or groups of similar
particles) passing through production units. Optimal performance occurs whenever all particles
with positive value are recovered and passed to market, and all negative value particles are
rejected as waste. This paper describes the micro-price concept as applied to froth flotation
circuits in base metal concentrators. A hypothetical case study is provided to demonstrate
the economic gains that can be realized through the application of this flexible optimization
Table 2
Micro-price calculation for particles containing various amounts of chalcopyrite and siliceous gangue.
Particle type
(Gold = CuFeS2)
(Gray = SiO2)
the flotation bank should be determined from the yield- (Wills and Munn, 2006). The contract requires a deduction
grade curve as ΔY→0.) The tabular values of incremental from agreed copper assay of 1 unit with the remainder paid
mass and grade shown in Table 1 represent the “inventory” at the London Metal Exchange (LME) price, which was es-
of products that, if recovered, are available for sale by the timated to be $3,784/t ($3,432/st) of copper at the time this
mineral producer. article was prepared. The contract also includes treatment
and refining (T/R) charges based on delivered tonnages of
What is the worth of our products? Once the invento- concentrate at $50 per dry ton and payable copper at $220/t
ry of products is known, the next step is to determine how ($200/st), respectively. An additional charge of $40/t ($36/st)
much each saleable product is worth. Under micro-pricing, of concentrate is also included to cover freight and handling
this is achieved by assigning prices to each particle passing and other sales-related costs. Other payments and charges
through the concentrator. As with any commercial business, may also be applied in a detailed analysis to account for
this calculation uses data from customer contracts and is in- other payable metals or customer costs. For example, value
dependent of the inventory of available products. For exam- terms could be added to account for payable components
ple, Table 2 shows a simplified smelter contract for a copper such as precious metals or other desirable sulfides present
concentrator. The contract offered by the smelter is prorated in the ore. Penalty terms could also be included to account
based on the measured copper content of the concentrate for negative charges associated with unwanted components,
such as pyrite or other gangue minerals, which may inad-
vertently be passed into a recovered increment. Only two
Figure 1 components, a valuable mineral and unwanted gangue, were
included in the current analysis to simplify the description
Estimation of incremental grade from yield-grade data for a of the micro-pricing approach. The use of actual field data
cell-to-cell flotation bank. in the micro-pricing calculations was not possible since min-
eral producers do not openly share corporate costing and
customer pricing data with external entities. However, the
terms required in the micro-pricing analysis are typically
available, albeit not always in the most usable format, to the
management and metallurgists working at mineral produc-
tion facilities.
Based on the contract described above, the net value of
each unit of tonnage passing through the production pro-
cess can be calculated as shown in Table 2. This information
indicates that pure particles of chalcopyrite, with 34.6 per-
cent Cu, would carry a price tag of $1,068/t ($969/st) after
applying the appropriate payments and charge deductions.
Likewise, middlings containing 50 percent chalcopyrite, with
17.3 percent Cu and 50 percent siliceous gangue would carry
a lower price tag of only $451/t ($409/st). A further reduc-
Figure 4
Cumulative and incremental yield-grade curves for (a) good feed ore conditions and (b) poor feed ore conditions.
(a) (b)
Table 4
Production calculations for simulations constrained to a constant cumulative concentrate grade.
Table 5
Production calculations for simulations constrained to a constant incremental concentrate grade.