Fintech 100

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Leading Global
Fintech Innovators

1 | Fintech Innovators 2016










© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Dear Reader,

We are pleased to present the third annual ‘Fintech100’, sectors include: payments, lending, wealth, insurance
the best fintech innovators, this year from 23 countries and - new this year – regtech where we are seeing
around the world. rapid value creation as the pace of disruption increases.

The Fintech100 are those companies using technology The Fintech100 in 2016 includes:
to their best advantage and driving disruption within
the financial services industry. These companies 32 lending companies,
have a commitment to excellence, superior customer 18 payments companies,
experience and a demonstrated ability to do something 12 insurance companies,
in a market better than everyone else. 8 regtech companies,
8 data and analytics companies,
The Fintech100 includes the leading 50 fintech 6 wealth companies,
companies across the globe, and the most intriguing 5 digital currencies companies,
50 ‘Emerging Stars’ – exciting new fintechs with bold, 5 blockchain companies,
disruptive and potentially game-changing ideas. 3 capital markets companies,
2 crowd funding companies, and
The Fintech100 in 2016 includes: 1 accounting company.

35 companies from The Americas, The Fintech100 2016 demonstrates the acceleration
29 companies from the EMEA, of the disruption taking place in the global financial
14 companies from Asia, services industry, with more capital than ever being
12 companies from the UK, and invested around the world in startups that are creating
10 companies from Australia and New Zealand. new financial products and solutions. These 100
companies have attracted an additional US$14.6bn of
The rise of fintech in China continued this year, with capital in the last 12 months.
Hangzhou-based Ant Financial taking the top spot in
the 50 Established Innovators list, and Qudian, Lufax, One of the striking features of the list is the tip in the
Zhong An and JD Finance also in the top ten. Oscar, at balance towards disruptors, those who challenge
number three, is the both highest ranked insurtech and the existing market, over enablers, those who help
the highest ranked US-based company. incumbents do better work. With 92% of the top 50 in
the disruptor category the message for the financial
The continued dominance of China, which rapidly rose services sector is that now more than ever it is time to
last year to take the top spot, tells only part of the story. embrace innovation to stave off the threat of fintech
We are seeing the emergence of exciting fintech players startups.
in countries across the world, from India to Israel, from
Portugal to the Philippines. In fact, the Top 50 Emerging The report highlights a growing and vibrant global
Stars list for 2016 includes companies from 23 countries, financial services technology sector, one where new
including Chile, the Philippines, and Mexico for the ideas are able to build the traction they need to attract
first time. large amounts of capital. For the consumer, this can only
be good news with new ideas leading to better choice
Through our report we have analysed a number of and a sector that is re-aligning to place customer needs
sectors within the financial services industry. These at the centre of how it does business.

i | Fintech Inovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
We’ve selected the ‘Fintech100’ following extensive The Top 10 companies in the Fintech100 for 2016 are:
global research and analysis based on data relating to
five factors: 1. Ant Financial
2. Qudian
1. Total capital raised 3. Oscar
2. Rate of capital raising 4. Lufax
3. Geographic diversity 5. ZhongAn
4. Sectorial diversity 6. Atom Bank
5. X-factor: degree of product, service and business 7. Kreditech
model innovation (a subjective measure that is 8. Avant
applied only with respect to companies appearing 9. Sofi
on the 50 Emerging Stars list) 10. JD Finance

The above assessment criteria reflects the fact that You can read all about these companies, and many
venture capital invested is a relevant measure of others, in the following pages.
innovation which in turn fuels enduring competitive
advantage. Venture capitals seek this enduring We encourage you to visit
competitive advantage over and above anything else. to find out more.

The companies named in this report all take a well- Yours Faithfully,
deserved position as the ‘leading 100’. Nonetheless,
there are many other exciting and creative fintech
companies around the world that are established and


We hope that this report is just the start of the fintech

future, as we expect that the companies featured in this
report are just the tip of the iceberg for the changes that Toby Heap Ian Pollari
Founding Partner Partner & Co-Lead, KPMG
will occur in financial services over the next decade. H2 Ventures Global Fintech practice
@tob @IP23E

Fintech Innovators 2016 | ii

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Key Highlights from
the Fintech100 Report

China now tops the global rankings – within three years, China’s fintech
ventures have gone from only one company included in the top Established 50
rankings in 2014, to this year China featuring four of the top five companies and
eight of the top 50.

Greater geographic diversification – the Established 50 list comprises of

fintech companies from 17 different countries compared to 13 countries
last year, with companies from France, Mexico, South Africa and Singapore
included for the first time.

Disruptors dominate – nine of the top 10 companies on the list are fintech
‘disruptors’ (and 46 of the top 50) while overall, the number of fintech ‘enablers’
has risen to 28 (up from 25 last year).

Lending returns to the fore – 23 of this year’s top 50 (and 32 in the 100) have
business models related to lending (up from 22 last year).

Insurtech continues its climb – with 12 insurance fintech companies in this

year’s list, almost double last year’s total.

The emergence of regtech – with nine fintech companies focused on

regulatory solutions in the list this year.

Mega funding rounds – the number of deals/funding rounds above US$1bn

have continued to rise, including Ant Financial, Lufax and JD Finance.

The aggregate level of capital raised continues to rise – reaching a total of

US$14.6bn of capital raised since last year’s report.

iii | Fintech Inovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The Fintech100

Leading 50 page

#01 Ant Financial 1 #18 OurCrowd 18 #35 iZettle 35

#02 Qudian 2 #19 Affirm 19 #36 League 36
#03 Oscar 3 #20 Circle 20 #37 LendUp 37
#04 Lufax 4 #21 Stripe 21 #38 Kueski 38
#05 ZhongAn 5 #22 Collective Health 22 #39 PINTEC 39
#06 Atom Bank 6 #23 Lendingkart 23 #40 Motif Investing 40
#07 Kreditech 7 #24 Wealthfront 24 #41 Wealth Migrate 41
#08 Avant 8 #25 Credit Karma 25 #42 SecureKey Technologies 42
#09 Sofi 9 #26 Lending Club 26 #43 Tyro 43
#10 JD Finance 10 #27 Prosper 27 #44 Policybazaar 44
#11 Klarna 11 #28 Xapo 28 #45 itBit 45
#12 Funding Circle 12 #29 Spotcap 29 #46 VivaReal 46
#13 Square 13 #30 OnDeck 30 #47 Coinbase 47
#14 Xero 14 #31 Prospa 31 #48 Knip 48
#15 Adyen 15 #32 Lendix 32 #49 Payoneer 49
#16 Nubank 16 #33 WeLab 33 #50 SocietyOne 50
#17 Kabbage 17 #34 Rong360 34

Fintech Innovators 2016 | iv

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Emerging Stars page

 2can 53  EasyEquities 70  North Side Inc. 87

 AfterPay 54  Feedzai 71  OSeven Telematics 88

 AIMin 55  Finova Financial 72  Overbond 89

 Anivo 56  Fluo 73  PAIR Finance 90

 AQMetrics 57  Grow 74  PayKey 91

 Azimo 58  GuiaBolso 75  Point 92

 BlackSwan 59  HashChing 76  Quantoz N.V. 93

 Bluzelle 60  Hello Soda 77  Ravelin 94

 Brighte 61  Hitbtc 78  Rippleshot 95

 ComparaOnline 62  I/O Digital 79  solarisBank 96

 ConsenSys 63  Identitii 80  Spriggy 97

 Credit Kudos 64  Innovative Assessments 81  Tink 98

 Data Republic 65  iwoca 82  TipRanks 99

 Digital Asset Holdings 66  Leetchi 83  WealthSimple 100

 DMWay 67  84  Zoona 101

 Doreming 68  Lenddo 85  ZooZ 102

 Droit 69  NewBanking 86

presented in alphabetical order

v | Fintech Inovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
About the List
The Fintech100 is a collaborative effort between H2 Ventures
and KPMG and analyses the fintech space globally. The
annual report highlights those companies globally that are
taking advantage of technology and driving disruption within
the financial services industry. A judging panel comprised
of H2 Ventures and KPMG was used to decide on the final
composition of the Fintech100 list.

Symbols Explained

👤 How many staff work at the company

$ How large is the business
 Is the company enabling existing financial services?
 Is the company disrupting financial services?
 Companies to watch in the coming years

About KPMG International About H2 Ventures

KPMG is a global network of professional services firms providing H2 Ventures is one of the emerging thought leaders in fintech venture
Audit, Tax, and Advisory services. We operate in 155 countries and capital investment around the world. Founded by brothers Ben and Toby
have 174,000 people working in member firms around the world. The Heap, and based in Sydney, Australia, it invests alongside entrepreneurs
independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with and other investors in early stage fintech ventures. H2 Ventures is the
KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. manager of the H2 Accelerator - Australia's only dedicated fintech
Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes accelerator - and operates out of Sydney's dynamic fintech hub,
itself as such. Stone & Chalk.

KPMG’s Financial Services practice has launched the global fintech

practice in order to leverage international investment activity and
capability development in fintech across KPMG member firms. Warren
Mead and Ian Pollari, partners with KPMG in the UK and KPMG in
Australia respectively, have been appointed as global co-leads of the @H2_Ventures @KPMG
practice, along with a leadership team including partners from countries
including the U.S., U.K., Israel, China & Hong Kong, India and Australia. H2 Ventures KPMG

H2 Ventures kpmg

Fintech Innovators 2016 | vi

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Ant Financial

“China has never been lacking banks; it has 200 of them, but we have an opportunity to use
Internet methods, Internet technology, Internet thinking to disrupt traditional finance.” - Lucy Peng

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Ant Financial, formally known as Alipay, which is the world’s leading third-party
Bring small and beautiful payment platform. Ant Financial is dedicated to creating an open ecosystem,
changes to the world providing inclusive financial services to small and micro enterprises and individual
Businesses operated by Ant Financial include Alipay, Ant Fortune, Zhima Credit,
Year Founded:
MYbank and Ant Financial Cloud, covering payment, wealth management,
independent credit scoring and reporting, private bank and cloud computing
Key People: services. Ant Financial’s invested/controlled companies and affiliates also work
Lucy Peng, Executive Chair closely with Ant Financial to support its ecosystem.
and CEO
Website: Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Payments   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Size
Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

1 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Beijing–based Qudian, recently completed US$ 9–digit Series E funding round and will soon
announce investors and specific funding amounts. We also rolled out a new product, ‘Quzu,’ which
allows users to pay their apartment rent in installments.” - Luo Min

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Qudian is a student Micro-loan Site, an installment payment and investment

Zero down payment management platform. Qudian Group operates two main business platforms: a
installments consumer finance platform and a micro credit lending platform. Its aim has been to
Located: broaden the scope of financing available to the many consumers in China that do
China not currently use credit cards.
Year Founded:
2014 The company has a substantial number of registered users and offers credit to
Key People: young and middle aged consumers. The group has established several formal
Luo Min, Founder and CEO partnerships with companies engaged in financial services, e-commence, digital
services, FMGG and other sectors.
Yang Jiakang, CFO
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Lending Undisclosed
 
Rank Last Year Size

04 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 2

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We started three years ago with the very distinct idea of creating a better user interface for
healthcare, and most specifically health insurance.” - Mario Schlosser

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Oscar is a health insurance company that employs technology, design, and data to
Simple health insurance, humanise health care. With a team of technology and healthcare experts, Oscar
smart health care. looked at the current state of the US healthcare system, and were frustrated by the
Located: consumer experience.
United States
Year Founded: In response, they decided to revive how healthcare is delivered. They are
2013 reinventing how to manage care, process medical claims, control healthcare
Key People: costs, and provide transparency. With all the complexity hidden behind an easy
Mario Schlosser, Co-Founder experience for members. Oscar is making the healthcare system simple, smart
and CEO and friendly.
Joshua Kushner, Co-Founder
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Insurance   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Rank Last Year

02 $ $ $ $ $

3 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“While originally starting with peer to peer lending, LuFax has expanded into other financial
service verticals.” - Gregory Gibb

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Lufax is an Internet based lending and wealth management platform, which is
Wealth management platform, owned by Ping An Group. Lufax aims to provide one of the most comprehensive
investment and financing wealth management platforms globally.
China In addition to online lending, its services include providing risk management
Year Founded: expertise, financial assets trading information and related consulting services for
2011 enterprises, financial services institutions and other qualified investors. Lufax takes
Key People: advantage of the latest big data and IT technologies, and leverages the most
Ji Kuaisheng, Chairman advanced risk assessment models and risk control systems.
and CEO
Gregory Gibb, Chairman
Li Renjie, Chairman
Huang Wenxiong, Deputy Enabler / Disruptor Staff
General Manager Undisclosed
Website:  
Category: Rank Last Year Size
Capital Markets
Ownership: 11 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 4

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

"ZhongAn's business model is built on our Fintech capabilities with the aim to serve the new
generations through their entire life cycle. Our mission is to redefine insurance in a connected
world." - Chen Jing

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: ZhongAn is an Internet insurance company, head-quartered in Shanghai. ZhongAn

Tailored Insurance applies mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and other new technologies
Located: for a variety of different purposes including product design, automatic claims
China settlement, market positioning analysis, risk control and back-end claims services.
Year Founded:
2013 Its services help users search for insurance products for a variety of purposes
Key People: including travel, shopping, medical treatment and investment. ZhongAn offers
Chen Jin, CEO a wide range of online insurance services to the Chinese market, catering to all
socio-economic groups, with a major focus on travel, accident and health.
Xu Wei, COO
Jiang Xing, CTO
Website: Enabler / Disruptor Staff
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Size
Rank Last Year

01 $ $ $ $ $

5 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Atom Bank

“We are creating an entirely new way to bank; a system that is based on what the customer needs
and wants, rather than being focused on bank balance sheets.” - Mark Mullen

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Atom Bank is breathing new life into banking by building everything digitally. Atom
The future of banking, is an App based bank that doesn’t have any branches. The App uses biometric
available today security: face and voice recognition.
United Kingdom Everyone who joins Atom is given their own unique personalised brand. Put simply,
Year Founded: they get to name their own bank, have their own logo, finished off with their own
2014 colour palette for the App. Their low cost model gives customers better rates and
Key People: overall value.
Mark Mullen, CEO
Anthony Thomson, Founder
and Chairman
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Lending   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Rank Last Year

08 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 6

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Through Kreditech’s technology we can perform a more precise credit rating to offer credit at
fair and risk­weighted conditions. With the new funding, we will continue advancing our scoring
technology to continuously improve and expand our product offering.” - Alexander Graubner-­Müller

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Kreditech Group’s mission is to improve financial freedom for the under banked
Banking. Redefined. Digital. by the use of technology. Combining non-traditional data sources and machine
Located: learning, the Company is aiming to provide access to better credit and a higher
Germany convenience for digital banking services.
Year Founded:
2012 The product offerings include consumer loans, a digital wallet and a personal
Key People: finance manager designed to help customers manage their credit score and plan
Alexander Graubner-Müller, their spending. Kreditech also offers a “credit as a service” model, allowing partners
Co-Founder and CEO to integrate its credit products as payment method or funding source. Kreditech has
processed almost three million loan applications through its subsidiaries.
Sebastian Diemer,
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Lending   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Rank Last Year

06 $ $ $ $ $

7 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We’re talking with all the big banks right now about how we can work together. We want to be a
financial institution and a technology firm that’s not a bank.” - Al Goldstein

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Avant is a online lending platform lowering the costs and barriers of borrowing for
Personal Loans | Online consumers. Avant launched in 2012 offering consumer personal loans. Over $1
Loans billion dollars in loans has been originated through its platform.
United States At its core, Avant is a tech company that is dedicated to creating innovative and
Year Founded: practical financial products for all consumers. Through the use of big data and
2012 machine-learning algorithms, the company is able to efficiently mitigate default
Key People: risk and fraud.
Al Goldstein, Co-Founder
and CEO
John Sun, Co-Founder
and CCO
Paul Zhang, Co-Founder Enabler / Disruptor Staff
and CTO
Website:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Category: Size
Rank Last Year
07 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 8

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“As we’ve always done, we’ll continue to listen to our members and create products and
experiences that make their lives better.” - Dan Macklin

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: SoFi is a new kind of finance company taking a radical approach to lending and
Great Rates. Great Benefits wealth management. SoFi helps early stage professionals accelerate their success
Located: with student loan refinancing, mortgages, mortgage refinancing, and personal
United States loans.
Year Founded:
2011 Their non-traditional underwriting approach takes into account merit and
Key People: employment history among other factors, therefore offering products that can’t
Mike Cagney, Co-Founder, be found elsewhere. They offer individual and institutional investors the ability to
CEO and Chairman create positive social impact on the communities they care about while earning
compelling rates of return.
Dan Macklin, Co-Founder
and VP of Community &
Member Success
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Category:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Ownership: Rank Last Year
36 $ $ $ $ $

9 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
JD Finance

“Since its launch in 2013, JD Finance has built one of the most trusted financial technology platforms in China,
with our top risk management technology and the additional expertise from our investors and partners, we
look forward to significantly expanding JD Finance’s service offerings and market reach.” - Shengqiang Chen

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: JD Finance Group is engaged in seven lines of business: supply chain finance,
JD Finance Group consumer finance, crowd-funding, wealth management, payment services,
Located: insurance and securities services. JD finance closely manages potential risks in
China order to improve the efficiency of the financial services sector and lower the costs
Year Founded: of financial services generally.
Key People: JD Finance’s services include JingBaobei, its microloan platform, Baitiao, its crowd
Richard Liu, Founder funding platform, Jintiao and Xiaobai, which provides wealth management services.
Shengqiang Chen, CEO By utilising transaction records and credit management systems developed by
Peng Cao, VP JD Finance, it provides a variety of financial services for both enterprises and
Ling Xu, VP consumers.
Lin Wang, VP
Lin Jin VP Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Undisclosed  
Rank Last Year Size
$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 10

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“People feel more relaxed with buying things and testing things out because they understand
they’re not going to pay until they see them. Seeing is believing.” - Sebastian Siemiatkowski

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Klarna provides e-commerce payment solutions for merchants and shoppers.
Simplifying Buying Klarna offers safe and easy-to-use payment solutions to e-stores. At the core of
Located: Klarna’s services is the concept of after delivery payment, which lets buyers receive
Sweden ordered goods before any payment is due. At the same time, Klarna assumes the
Year Founded: credit and fraud risk so that retailers can rest assured they will receive their money.
Key People: Klarna Group has more than 1,400 employees and is active on 18 markets. They
Sebastian Siemiatkowski, serve 45 million consumers and work with 65,000 merchants, attracting major
Co-Founder and CEO international clients such as Spotify, Disney, Samsung, Wish and ASOS. Their goal is
to become the world’s favourite way to buy.
Victor Jacobsson,
Niklas Adalberth, Co-Founder
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Payments Size
Ownership: Rank Last Year
09 $ $ $ $ $

11 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Funding Circle

“When we first launched Funding Circle our vision was to create the infrastructure – similar to a
stock exchange or bond market – where individuals, financial institutions and governments could
all lend to credit worthy small businesses.” - Samir Desai

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Funding Circle is one of the world’s leading marketplaces, exclusively focused on
Business Financing small businesses — more than £1.3bn ($2bn) has been lent to 20,000 businesses
Located: in the UK, USA, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. Businesses can borrow
United Kingdom directly from a wide range of investors, including more than 40,000 people, the UK
Year Founded: Government, local councils, a university and a number of financial organisations.
Key People: Funding Circle have raised around $300 million of equity capital since 2010 from
Samir Desai, Co-Founder some of the largest investors in the world including Accel Partners, Baillie Gifford,
and CEO BlackRock, DST Global, Index Ventures, Ribbit Capital, Sands Capital, Temasek and
Christian Grobe, Co-Founder Union Square Ventures.
and Europe COO
James Meekings Co‑Founder
and UK Managing Director Enabler / Disruptor Staff
https://www.fundingcircle.   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Category: Size
Rank Last Year
05 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 12

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“I think Twitter is the future of communications and Square will be the payment network.”
- Jack Dorsey

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Square is a merchant services aggregator and mobile payment company that
Card payments made simple. aims to simplify commerce through technology. For sellers, they have created
Located: one cohesive service to run an entire business, from a register in your pocket and
United States analytics on your laptop, to small business financing and marketing tools that drive
Year Founded: new sales. For buyers, they make it faster to order from restaurants and easier to
2009 pay someone back.
Key People:
Jack Dorsey, Co-Founder, Square also provides Square Cash, the easiest way to send and receive money,
CEO and Chairman Square Order, a new way to pre-order food and drinks for pickup and Square
Capital which provides loans for small businesses.
Payments Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Public   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

13 $ $ $ $ $

13 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We thought there really was a once in a lifetime opportunity as accounting software went from
desktop software to the cloud.” - Rod Drury

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Xero develops easy-to-use online accounting software for small businesses. Their
Beautiful accounting cloud-based software connects people with the right numbers anytime, anywhere,
software. on any device. For accountants and bookkeepers, Xero helps build a trusted
Located: relationship with small business clients through online collaboration.
New Zealand
Year Founded: Their product includes a full accrual accounting system with a cashbook, automated
2006 daily bank feeds, invoicing, debtors, creditors, sales tax and reporting. Xero is
Key People: designed to be the accounting engine for small business, giving real time access
Rod Drury, CEO to financial data and access for accountants or bookkeepers for quicker, easier
collaboration at any point.
Accounting Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Public   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

15 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 14

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We are different from many other unicorns in that we are profitable. What is happening around
venture capital and private equity doesn’t affect us.” - Pieter van der Does

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Adyen is a multichannel payment company outsourcing payment services to

Wherever people pay international merchants.
Netherlands Adyen is a technology company that provides businesses with a single solution to
Year Founded: accept payments anywhere in the world. The only provider of a modern end-to-
2006 end infrastructure connecting directly to Visa, MasterCard, and 250 other payment
Key People: methods, Adyen delivers frictionless payments across online, mobile, and in-store.
Pieter van der Does, Customers include Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, Netflix, Spotify, Dropbox, Evernote,
Co-Founder, President, Vodafone, Mango, Crocs, O’Neill, SoundCloud, KLM and JustFab.
and CEO
Arnout Schuijff, Co-Founder
and CTO
Website: Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Category:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Ownership: Size
Rank Last Year

19 $ $ $ $ $

15 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Our story is not about underpenetration of banking. It is about offering credit products to already
banked customers that are currently completely overpaying in terms of fees and expenses, and
getting a very poor experience in return.” - David Vélez

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Nubank has developed a MasterCard platinum credit card that can be controlled
Unlike anything you have with mobile applications. The Nubank card is designed for all who want a simple
ever seen and transparent experience to manage their spending.
Brazil The Nubank Card does not charge annual fees. They use 100% digital channels
Year Founded: and reduce bureaucracy and paperwork to the fullest. The Nubank MasterCard is
2013 accepted at over 30 million establishments worldwide.
Key People:
David Vélez, Founder
and CEO
Category: Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Ownership:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 16

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Kabbage managed to differentiate itself quickly, and scaled just as fast to serve even more
businesses while delivering best-in-class customer service.” - Rob Frohwein

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Kabbage is an online platform delivering working capital to small and medium-sized
Fund your Business. Today! businesses. The company offers an automated funding platform which leverages
Located: real-time marketplace analytic through business activity such as accounting data,
United States online sales, shipping to determine and provide cash advances to businesses.
Year Founded:
2008 Kabbage leverages data generated by dozens of business operations to
Key People: understand performance and deliver fast, flexible funding in real-time. Kabbage
Rob Frohwein, Co-Founder can support any small business by analysing various data sources that are used in
and CEO everyday business.
Marc Gorlin, Co-Founder
Kathryn Petralia, Co-Founder
and Head of Operations
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Lending Size
Ownership: Rank Last Year
23 $ $ $ $ $

17 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“OurCrowd has grown exponentially since our launch in 2013 to become the leading global
platform for Equity Crowdfunding.” - Jon Medved

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: OurCrowd is an equity-based crowdfunding platform, built for accredited investors

A better way to invest in to provide venture capital funding for Israeli (and later global) venture capital
Israeli startups. start-ups. Accredited investors who are accepted into the community can make
Located: minimum investments of $10,000 per deal.
Year Founded: The focus of OurCrowd is the early stage funding market in Israel and only
2012 companies that have passed a due diligence process will be added to the
Key People: OurCrowd platform. OurCrowd has become the first Israel focused, equity-based
Jon Medved, Co-Founder investment platform to launch and one of the world’s leading accredited investor
and CEO only platforms.
Steven Blumgart ,
Co-Founder and Chairman
Website: Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Category:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Crowd Funding
Ownership: Size
Rank Last Year
10 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 18

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“The financial industry has managed to avoid significant disruptive innovation since the mid-90s,
and we are working hard to change that. Our first goal is to bring simplicity, transparency, and fair
pricing to consumer credit. We are just getting started and have much work to do.” - Max Levchin

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Affirm uses modern technology to re-imagine and re-build core components of
Pay over time, on your terms financial infrastructure from the ground up. Their focus is to improve the lives of
Located: everyday consumers with less expensive, more transparent financial products.
United States
Year Founded: They offer installment loans to consumers at the point of sale, enabling people to
2012 take out simple loans and turn any purchase into a few monthly payments. All the
Key People: pricing through Affirm is adaptive based on data that prices marginal risk in real
Max Levchin, CEO time and generates a risk score for every transaction, so every aspect of taking out
the loan is completely transparent.
Ownership: Enabler / Disruptor Staff
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

30 $ $ $ $ $

19 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We’re just trying to make money work the way that the internet works, instant, global, secure,
free and hopefully fun.” - Jeremy Allaire

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Circle is a provider of payment tools for Bitcoin and other digital currency services.
Pay friends (and get paid) The company provides an application for end-users, businesses and charities
with an email or text. Free! aimed at enabling ease-of-use in online and in-person payments. Circle is working
Located: to revolutionise consumer finance with simple, free technology for storing and
United Kingdom using money.
Year Founded:
2013 Their product enables people worldwide to transfer money, easily and securely,
Key People: free of charge. Circle has built mobile App's aimed at enabling greater ease-of-use
Jeremy Allaire, Founder, in online and in-person payments, with enhanced security and privacy, and the
Chairman and CEO convenience of free, instant, global digital money transfers.
Sean Neville, Co-Founder
and President of Product and
Operations Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Website:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Digital Currencies Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 20

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We got our first customers on Stripe when we were still in college, basically we had no choice to
do it, and now we’re here.” - John Collison

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Stripe provides a developer-friendly way to accept payments online and in mobile
The new standard in online App's direct to bank accounts from a range of local and international cards. They
payments process billions of dollars a year for thousands of companies of all sizes; from
Located: public launch to public company, for forward-thinking businesses around the world.
United States
Year Founded: Using Stripe, web developers can integrate payment processing into their websites
2010 without having to register and maintain a merchant account. Stripe currently powers
Key People: businesses in 25 countries and work from around the world in nine global offices.
John Collison, Co-Founder
Patrick Collison, Co-Founder
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Ownership:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

16 $ $ $ $ $

21 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Collective Health

“I wanted to build a new kind of insurance company, where there’s more clarity and the
experience is more similar to Amazon.” - Ali Diab

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Collective Health is a software and services company working to create a better
Evolving Your Healthcare healthcare experience. They assist companies in the U.S. to take better care of their
Experience people with a complete health benefits solution.
United States They are bringing together the best medical, pharmacy, dental and vision networks.
Year Founded: Collective Health is combining intelligence, empathy and common sense to the
2013 health benefits experience. Using Collective Health's complete health benefits
Key People: solution, companies can design, administer and transform the consumer experience
Ali Diab, Co-Founder of health benefits by harnessing the power of design and technology.
and CEO
Rajaie Batniji, Co-Founder
and Chief Health Officer
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Category:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Ownership: Rank Last Year
17 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 22

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Our proprietary algorithms use over 2200 variables to assess the applicant’s credit worthiness.
With funds being transferred in as little as 24 hours, credit-on-demand is becoming a reality.”
- Mukul Sachan

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Lendingkart Group aims to make working capital finance available at the fingertips
Think Cash, Think of entrepreneurs, so that they can focus on business instead of worrying about the
Lendingkart Group! gaps in their cash-flows. The Company has developed technology tools based on
Located: big data analysis which facilitates lenders to evaluate borrower’s credit worthiness
India and provides other related services.
Year Founded:
2014 They evaluate the credit risk profile of a potential client, focussing on their current
Key People: year’s cash flows and business growth. They then help arrange a short term
Harshvardhan Lunia, revolving credit line, which can be used any time to pay the suppliers, employees,
Co-Founder and CEO taxes and other liabilities.
Mukul Sachan, Co-Founder
and COO
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Category:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Ownership: Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

23 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“All our success at Wealthfront has come from looking at things that the ultra-wealthy get in terms
of financial services.” - Adam Nash

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Wealthfront is focused on taking wealth management services typically reserved for
Investment Management, the ultra-wealthy, automating them and delivering them directly to the investors at a
Online Financial Advisor low cost, which is free for accounts under $10,000
United States They offer investors a customized globally diversified portfolio of index funds, and
Year Founded: monitor accounts daily. Wealthfront has rolled out the features and services that
2011 now define a new category that is called ‘automated investment services’ or ‘robo-
Key People: advice’. Wealthfront has over $3 billion in assets.
Adam Nash, President
and CEO
Andy Rachleff, Founder and
Executive Chairman
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Daniel Carroll, Founder and
Chief Strategy Officer
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤 Size
Category: Rank Last Year
Ownership: 03 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 24

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Credit Karma

“Lots of people look at us and say we’re disrupting the way credit scores work. What we’re
building is much larger than that.” - Ken Lin

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Credit Karma offers free access to credit reports and scores, personalised financial
Free Credit Score & recommendations and educational resources. They help 60+ million consumers
Free Credit Reports With track, maintain, and improve credit health with valuable, free tools and info.
Monitoring Dedicated to demystifying the credit landscape. With credit simulators, free credit
Located: scores, credit advice, and credit score comparisons, their goal is to empower
United States consumers to more actively manage their credit and their financial health.
Year Founded:
2007 They believe free access to one’s credit score and report is a fundamental
Key People: consumer right. Therefore their site allows consumers to access their credit score
Ken Lin Founder and CEO anytime they want for free. In addition to free credit scores, Credit Karma™ has a
wealth of tools and content to help consumers better understand how credit scores
and credit reports work.
com/ Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Data and Analytics
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

18 $ $ $ $ $

25 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Lending Club

“We have demonstrated the power of the Lending Club marketplace model to generate attractive,
risk adjusted returns to investors.” - Scott Sanborn

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Lending Club is the world’s largest online credit marketplace, facilitating personal
Better Rates. Together. loans, business loans, and financing for elective medical procedures. Borrowers
Located: access lower interest rate loans through a fast and easy online or mobile interface.
United States Investors provide the capital to enable many of the loans in exchange for earning
Year Founded: interest.
Key People: They operate fully online with no branch infrastructure, and use technology to lower
Scott Sanborn, President cost and deliver a better experience. They pass the cost savings to borrowers in
and CEO the form of lower rates and investors in the form of attractive returns. Their aim is
to transform the banking system into a frictionless, transparent and efficient online
marketplace, helping people achieve their financial goals everyday.
Lending Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Public   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

24 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 26

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Prosper offers people the opportunity to borrow money at rates that are typically lower than
credit cards – it’s a smart financing option that can help homeowners improve their property while
staying in financial control.” - Aaron Vermut

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Prosper is America’s first marketplace lending platform, with more than 2 million
Loans made simple members and over $7 billion in funded loans. Prosper allows people to invest in
Located: each other in a way that is financially and socially rewarding.
United States
Year Founded: On Prosper, borrowers list loan requests between $2,000 and $35,000 and
2006 individual lenders invest as little as $25 in each loan listing they select. Prosper
Key People: handles the servicing of the loan on behalf of the matched borrowers and investors.
Aaron Vermut, CEO
Ownership: Enabler / Disruptor Staff
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

25 $ $ $ $ $

27 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“I truly believe that it may change the world more than the Internet did. I truly believe that because
of the 4 billion people who live on cash today. It is the biggest step forward in the democratisation
of money we’ve ever seen.” - Wences Casares

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: With Xapo, you can buy, transact, store, manage and spend your bitcoins. Keep the
Bitcoin Wallet & Vault bitcoins you want to use for daily spending in your Xapo Wallet, and the bitcoins
Located: you want to store in your secure Xapo Vault. The Xapo Wallet has no fees, no
Switzerland delays, no geographic limitations and is also linked directly to the Xapo Debit Card
Year Founded: - the world’s first bitcoin debit card.
Key People: After making a deposit into a Vault account, Xapo puts the deposit in a computer
Wences Casares, Founder that never has and never will have internet access so that it is always secure.
and CEO They then encrypt all the data, segregate it into different chunks, and copy it onto
external drives and paper. They securely store those backups in physical vaults in
Federico Murrone, Founder
geographically dispersed locations.
and COO
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Digital Currencies   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 28

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“It’s okay to fail, you’re not going to understand what actually works unless you try a whole bunch
of things. Not every one of those is going to work and that’s okay." - Lachlan Heussler

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Spotcap is an online credit platform that provides fast and flexible financing for
Business loans made easy small businesses. Spotcap uses an innovative credit scoring technology that
Located: directly evaluates real-life business data to provide fast and flexible financing.
Germany Spotcap is headquartered in Berlin, with local offices in Madrid, Amsterdam and
Year Founded: Sydney.
Key People: Their mission is to provide business owners with a fast and easy way to fund their
Toby Triebel Co-Founder projects. Spotcap provides clients with an access to cash within minutes and
and CEO fully online. Spotcap addresses the financing need of small businesses. These
businesses often struggle to get financing because of their size or lack of credit
Jens Woloszczak
history. Spotcap provides fast and flexible credit lines from €500 - €150,000.
Co-Founder and COO
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Lending   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Rank Last Year

44 $ $ $ $ $

29 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We started the business with a simple thesis that there was a part of this market, small business
owners, that banks weren’t serving well.” - Noah Breslow

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: OnDeck uses data aggregation and electronic payment technology to evaluate the
Small business loans and financial health of small and medium sized businesses and efficiently deliver capital
financing to a market underserved by banks. Through the OnDeck platform, millions of small
Located: businesses can obtain affordable loans with a fraction of the time and effort that it
United States takes through traditional channels.
Year Founded:
2007 The company’s proprietary credit models look deeper into the health of businesses,
Key People: focusing on overall business performance, rather than the owner’s personal credit
Noah Breslow, CEO history. The OnDeck system also provides a critically needed mechanism for
financial institutions and other business service providers to efficiently reach the
Main Street small business market.
Lending Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Public   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

38 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 30

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We wanted to create something that was fast, simple and flexible. We knew the challenge and
the pain of having great ideas but not having the capital to bring those ideas to life.” - Beau Bertoli

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Prospa is an online small business lender, committed to helping small businesses
Business loans made easy access the funds they need to grow. Using a proprietary technology platform and
Located: a fast, simple online application process, Prospa can approve loans and provide
Australia funding in as little as 24 hours.
Year Founded:
2012 Since 2011, Prospa has lent over $180m to thousands of small businesses in
Key People: Australia. The ProspaScore platform looks at a variety of factors to determine the
Beau Bertoli, Co-Founder health of your business and based on this information, Prospa may be able to
and Joint CEO provide you a loan amount up to $250,000.
Greg Moshal, Co-Founder
and Joint CEO
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Lending   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Rank Last Year

33 $ $ $ $ $

31 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“The opportunity is huge. Crowd lending should easily capture a piece of the €80 billion of annual
SME lending. The only hurdle is communication. Most SMEs are still completely unaware of the
actual opportunities presented by alternative finance. We need to educate them.” - Olivier Goy

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Lendix lets private, professional and institutional investors target attractive returns,
The #1 Lending Marketplace and helps small to medium enterprises find simple and efficient funding beyond
in France what banking institutions offer. Lendix has originated €43 million of loans to 151
Located: development projects from SMEs of all size and sector.
Year Founded: Once Lendix has accepted a project and set its interest rate, it's submitted to
2014 investors on the platform. Retail investors can lend between €20 and €1,000 to
Key People: each project. On average, it takes less than 10 days for a project to be financed.
Olivier Goy, CEO and Once the project is completed, repayments (including interest and capital) are
Chairman of the Board made monthly on the investor's Lendix Account.
Category: Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Ownership:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year Size

NEW $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 32

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Our ability to close a credit facility with a major international bank is a testament to the strength
of WeLab’s track record.” - Simon Loong

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: WeLab’s mission is to innovate traditional credit services in order to better serve
We are building something consumers with a cheaper, faster and more hassle-free way of borrowing money.
revolutionary. WeLab’s lending platforms are powered by WeDefend, the company’s proprietary
Located: risk management technology, which combines machine learning, big data
China technologies, and unstructured data to deliver a streamlined risk management and
Year Founded: customer experience.
Key People: The company acts as a platform for users to apply for credit using their mobile
Simon Loong, Co-Founder phones. WeLab is also working in cooperation with many financial services
and CEO institutions, including banks and consumer finance companies, to help improve
access to financial services for young people.
Kelly Wong, Co-Founder
and COO
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Category:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Ownership: Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

33 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Rong360 has raised over RMB 1 billion in Series D funding, led by Jack Ma’s YF Capital and Sailing
Capital. The new funds will be used for boosting the growth of the business, adding that more effort
will be put into developing risk management products and mobile service.” - Ye Daqing

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Inc., is a platform that allows clients to search for financial services in
Financial product research a number of targeted industries in China. gathers data and provides
and recommendation to
recommendations for individual consumers and small and micro businesses when
consumers and micro
companies carrying out their searches.
China Its business comprises loans, credit cards and wealth management services. It
Year Founded: provides easily accessible, competitively priced and reliable information for all
Key People: its users.
Ye Daqing, Co-Founder
and CEO
Lujia Yan Co–Founder, VP,
Operations and Banking
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Liucao Feng Co–Founder
and VP, Product Technology
Website:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Category: Size
Rank Last Year
Private 47 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 34

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“The timing was right. There was a need from a lot of merchants that wanted a solution like
iZettle, that allowed them to take payments in situations where they had not been able to use
card readers before.” - Jacob De Geer

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: iZettle, a leading mobile payments company, offering small businesses portable
Accept credit card payments point of sale solutions and free sales overview tools, making it possible for anyone
with your iPhone, iPad or to take card payments anytime, anywhere.
Located: Their service is available for both businesses and individuals, and consists of a free
United Kingdom App for iPhone, iPad or Android device and two different card readers, the Pro &
Year Founded: the Lite. There are no startup costs, no contracts, and no monthly fees. iZettle offers
2010 a powerful set of tools that help entrepreneurs start, run and grow their businesses.
Key People: They consider themselves as a new type of bank.
Jacob De Geer Founder
and CEO
Magnus Nilsson Founder
and COO Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Website:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Payments Rank Last Year
Private 27 $ $ $ $ $

35 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“I want to build this to be giant and I think we can.” - Michael Serbinis

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: League delivers a digital alternative to traditional health insurance and brings
The digital alternative to traditional innovation to the stagnant healthcare industry by offering an alternative to
healthcare insurance. outdated, one-size-fits-all health benefits models. League enables employers to
Located: provide their employees with health spending accounts, wellness accounts and
Canada group insurance plans, all delivered through a mobile-first platform.
Year Founded:
2014 Users of the League App find health professionals, book appointments or speak to
Key People: their team of advisors to get health tips. The League digital wallet allows users to
Michael Serbinis, Co-Founder pay for services from their phones. The App includes a digital marketplace to help
and CEO users find verified and quality-controlled health professionals by location, ratings,
reviews or price.
Dan Leibu, Co-Founder and COO
Todd Humphrey, Co-Founder
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
and CCO
Dan Galperin, Co-Founder and CTO
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year Size
NEW $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 36

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Everything has to be transparent. There is no fine print. No hidden fees. And everything has to
get someone to a better place.” - Sasha Orloff

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: LendUp Loans are offered entirely online, so you can apply whenever it’s most
You deserve a better loan. convenient for you. Applying takes only minutes. Online loan decisions are instant,
Located: and if approved, users can have money in their accounts in as soon as 15 minutes.
United States
Year Founded: They are a data-driven company, building the most innovative credit models in the
2012 world to extend credit as aggressively as possible, while assessing who is a likely
Key People: candidate for the path we offer out of the payday loan trap and into prime credit.
Sasha Orloff, Co-Founder
and CEO
Jacob Rosenberg,
Co-Founder and CTO
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Lending   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

37 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“If it’s a short-term loan, we can build an underwriting model very, very fast, in 60 days, you know
who paid you back and who didn’t, and you can use that information to expand to other products
in the future.” - Adalberto Flores

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Kueski is the fastest micro-lending service in Latin America. The team behind
Instant personal loans Kueski come from a big data and analytics background that enables Kueski to
Located: provide a financial revolution in the region.
Year Founded: Users are able to apply online for a small loan specifying how much money they
2012 need and when would they like to pay it back. Kueski leverages user’s credit
Key People: history, their social graph and other online information available to build a credit risk
Adalberto Flores, CEO model that will approve or reject loan applications in a matter of minutes. If the loan
is the approved, a wire transfer will be made immediately.
Leonardo de la Cerda,
Website: Staff
Enabler / Disruptor
Ownership:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 38

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

"PINTEC will focus on financial innovation business driven by technology, and use technology to
solve weakness of traditional finance." - Dong Ju

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: PINTEC utilises big data and other innovative technologies to provide smart
Leveraging technology to financial services and solutions to consumers and small businesses as well as to
advance financial services help broaden access to financial services generally.
China Its brands include Dumiao, Hongdian Fund, 76hui, Xuanji and Muffin Insurance.
Year Founded: Dumiao uses artificial intelligence to provide loans to consumers, while Xuanji is
2013 an online advisory tool for the asset management industry. Hongdian Fund is the
Key People: company’s fund sales platform. 76hui has obtained the necessary licenses from the
Dong Jun, Founder and CEO different regulatory authorities to carry out credit reference checks.
Wei Wei, Co-Founder
Website: Staff
Enabler / Disruptor
Ownership:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

45 $ $ $ $ $

39 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Motif Investing

“What you’re going to see is us do more innovative things, the business model for most online
brokers has been the transaction fee; the business model for advisers has been basis points.
We’re trying to say, ‘No, you don’t need to pay basis points'."- Hardeep Walia

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Motif Investing is a thematic investing platform that allows customers to act on
An Online Brokerage Built investing desires—whether a hot trend like “robotics revolution”, a trading strategy
Around You like “buy-on-the-dip” or an investing style like an Ivy League Endowment model.
United States Customers act by purchasing a motif—a thematically weighted portfolio of up to 30
Year Founded: securities built around a concept. Motifs can be purchased in a single transaction,
2010 with $250 minimums (dollar investing), and can be shared, built and customized
Key People: through the Motif Social Platform. 150 motifs have been created by Motif’s in-house
Hardeep Walia, Founder research team; 75,000+ motifs have been created by 100,000+ customers.
and CEO
com/ Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Wealth   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Private Size
Rank Last Year

14 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 40

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Wealth Migrate

“One of our main objectives is to ensure that access to wealth through real estate as well as
education regarding real estate investing is equally available to all populations in all corners of
the world.” - Hennie Bezuidenhout

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Wealth Migrate is a real estate investment marketplace. Their online portal gives
Become a global investor investors direct access to exclusive real estate investment opportunities in premier
Located: markets around the world. Wealth Migrate participates in every deal alongside
South Africa investors, ensuring their security and peace of mind are held in the highest regard.
Year Founded:
2010 Wealth Migrate aims to revolutionise a previously opaque, conservative industry
Key People: through cutting edge technology to achieve efficiencies of scale, provide
Scott Picken, Founder transparency in transactions and serve as a single hub for real estate investors to
and CEO manage their portfolios. The platform’s management team strives to fill the funding
Hennie Bezuidenhout, gaps present in many prime real estate markets by harnessing the power and
Founder and Chairman wisdom of the crowd.

Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Category:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Crowd Funding
Ownership: Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

41 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
SecureKey Technologies

“You really have to think out the problem you’re going to solve and build a solution which is
secure end to end.”- Greg Wolfond

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: SecureKey is the identity and authentication provider for organisations that deliver
Building Trusted Identity online consumer services. SecureKey eliminates the need to store passwords by
Networks securely linking consumer ID to trusted devices, while providing consumers with
Located: the choice, control and convenience over how they access the services they want.
Year Founded: SecureKey delivers a high-performance, easy-to-use, strong dynamic authentication
2008 platform that reduces the burden, cost, and risks associated with authenticating
Key People: millions of consumers while also improving the user experience.
Greg Wolfond, Founder
and Chairman
Category: Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Ownership:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

21 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 42

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Our goal is to build the Tyro Bank that is cloud based, totally integrated and totally mobile and
that provides awesome frictionless banking solutions. Tyro spent 12 years to establish itself as
a tech player, and payment provider. Now we’re changing the game and we’re going to a very
different level.” - Jost Stollmann
At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Tyro is Australia’s nextgen bank. Tyro provides credit, debit, eftpos card acquiring,
Integrated EFTPOS Solutions Medicare and private health fund claiming and rebating services as well as a
Located: transaction and deposit account integrated with Xero cloud accounting. Tyro takes
Australia money on deposit from and offers unsecured cash-flow based lending to Australian
Year Founded: EFTPOS merchants.
Key People: Tyro is the only independent EFTPOS banking institution in Australia competing
Jost Stollmann, Executive with the major retail banks, advocating and voicing the interests of the small
Director and CEO business community. Tyro is a banking institution with a deep technology DNA.
Peter Haig, Co-Founder
and Senior Advisor
Andrew Rothwell, Staff
Enabler / Disruptor
Co-Founder and VP Sales
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Category: Size
Payments Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

43 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We have been marking staggering growth in terms of revenue and customer acquisition and hence,
it makes perfect sense for us to scale up our business target. We are hopeful of achieving premium
target in 2020 that is 10 times higher than where we are at the moment.” - Yashish Dahiya

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Policybazaar is an Indian online life insurance and general insurance comparison
Compare. Buy. Save. portal. Their vision is to empower the Indian consumers, help them compare
Located: policies, and make informed choices for their various insurance needs with
India accurate information based on insurance products. is specialized
Year Founded: in making comparative analysis of the insurance products of various insurance
2008 policies based on price, quality and key benefits. They develop solutions leading to
Key People: financial security and competitive returns.
Yashish Dahiya, Co-Founder
and CEO Their Website features products from all major Insurance companies in India, and
help to compare various insurance plans and narrow down on the insurance policy
Alok Bansal, Co-Founder
that best suits your needs and then facilitate online purchase of insurance policy in
and CFO
life insurance and non-life insurance categories.
https://www.policybazaar. Enabler / Disruptor Staff
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Ownership: Size
Rank Last Year

28 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 44

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“itBit is the first bitcoin exchange built on global equities exchange standards, therefore offering a
new level of professionalism, reliability and security to bitcoin trading.” - Rich Teo

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: itBit offers bitcoin trading services built for institutions and trading professionals.
Bitcoin Trading Services Built In May 2015, they obtained a trust company charter and opened the first regulated
for Financial Institutions and bitcoin exchange in the U.S. They are the only company in the space that offers
Active Traders bitcoin traders access to both a global exchange and OTC trading desk. They are
Located: committed to offering personalized customer support, best-in-class security and a
United States premium trading experience.
Year Founded:
Key People:
Charles Cascarilla, CEO
Rich Teo, Co-Founder
and CEO Asia
Andrew Chang, COO Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Website:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Digital Currencies Rank Last Year
NEW $ $ $ $ $

45 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“VivaReal is the largest real estate marketplace in Brazil, with over 2.5 million active listings in
over 1,000 cities, and over 3 million unique visitors per month, 98% of whom are in Brazil.”
- TechCrunch

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: VivaReal is an online real estate marketplace connecting buyers, sellers and renters
Your new home is here in with properties in Brazil, enabling its users to sell, buy, rent or invest in residential
VivaReal and commercial properties throughout Brazil.
VivaReal connects users to the property they want. VivaReal connects to thousands
Year Founded:
2009 of estate agents and brokers, helping to find a simple, fast and painless way to
Key People: property. VivaReal offers more than 1.8 million listings of houses and apartments for
Lucas Vargas, CEO purchase and lease. The portal is present with local offices in 14 cities in Brazil and
Brian Requarth, Co-Founder receives over 6 million monthly visits.
and Chairman
Diego Simon, Co-Founder and
VP of Business Development
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Thomas Floracks, Co-Founder
and VP of Products
Website:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Category: Size
Rank Last Year
41 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 46

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We are looking to support any cryptocurrency that our customers want to use, and my hope is
that one of them succeeds massively, reaching billions of people over the coming years.”
- Brian Armstrong

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Coinbase makes it easy for people, businesses, and developers to use Bitcoin.
Buy and Sell Digital Currency Coinbase is a digital currency wallet and platform where merchants and consumers
Located: can transact with new digital currencies like bitcoin and ethereum. In addition,
United States Coinbase provides a series of merchant tools that support some of the most highly
Year Founded: trafficked sites on the internet.
Key People: Bitcoin is the world’s most widely used alternative currency with a total market
Brian Armstrong, Co-Founder cap of approximately $10 billion. The bitcoin network is made up of thousands of
and CEO computers run by individuals all over the world.
Fred Ehrsam, Co-Founder
Website: Staff
Enabler / Disruptor
Digital Currencies
Ownership:   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

26 $ $ $ $ $

47 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We want to build an easier way to experience and interact with your insurances, with the Knip App,
customers can get an overview of their insurances. They see how much they have to pay for each
insurance, when they have to pay and for how long their insurance contract is valid.” - Dennis Just

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Knip is an innovative digital insurance manager for an easy-to-understand overview

Your mobile Insurance of existing insurance policies, tariffs and services. The Knip-App is an innovative
manager. mobile insurance manager that makes it easy to track insurance policies, premiums,
Located: and benefits.
Year Founded: The App is designed to automatically detect individual’s insurance gaps and
2013 recommend essential insurance. Upon customer request, the Knip team also
Key People: consults on all aspects related to personal insurance policies, this allows users to
Dennis Just, Group CEO and electronically change their tariffs, conclude new insurance contracts and terminate
Chairman old ones.
Christina Kehl, Co-Founder
Website: Staff
Enabler / Disruptor
Insurance   👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Ownership: Size
Public Rank Last Year

29 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 48

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We are in the business of helping businesses trade with other businesses across borders, we
have local collection capabilities around the world. This is something that Visa and MasterCard do
with consumer payments, but it doesn’t exist in business-to-business.” - Scott Galit

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Payoneer connects businesses, professionals, countries and currencies with its cross-
Global Payments made easy border payments platform, enabling millions of businesses and professionals from
Located: more than 200 countries to reach new audiences by facilitating seamless, cross-
United States border payments. Payoneer is a mass-payout company that provides solutions to
Year Founded: enable both Fortune 100 companies as well as small businesses to make payments to
2005 210 countries around the world.
Key People:
Scott Galit, CEO Payoneer is an easy, secure, and cost-effective way for companies of all sizes
to pay people and businesses throughout the world. Since 2005, Payoneer has
Yuval Tal, Co-Founder
provided companies with multiple ways to transfer payments, including prepaid debit
and President
MasterCard® cards, deposits to local banks worldwide and payments to local e-wallets.
Ben Yaniv Chechik,
Co-Founder Staff
Enabler / Disruptor
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Category: Size
Payments Rank Last Year
Ownership: NEW $ $ $ $ $

49 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“Not surprisingly, it has taken us a while to get established but following some encouraging signs
in growth last year, 2016 is turning out to be a break-through year where we have started to
loosen the stranglehold of the big four banks and traditional lenders.” - Jason Yetton

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: SocietyOne is an online financial community that connects borrowers and investors.
Australia’s largest Their lower operating cost advantage means they can share significant savings and
marketplace lender offer better deals. Borrowers get better rates. Investors get solid returns.
Australia SocietyOne connects individual and institutional investors with people who want
Year Founded: to borrow. Investors get access to a new fixed income product with attractive
2011 returns while borrowers receive personalised rates based on their unique credit
Key People: position. SocietyOne vets the loans and handles the processing of payments in a
Jason Yetton, CEO confidential, secure environment, where the privacy of borrowers and investors is
and Managing Director always protected.
Greg Symons, Co-Founder
and COO
Enabler / Disruptor Staff
Matt Symons, Co-Founder
  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
au/ Size
Category: Rank Last Year
Ownership: 37 $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 50

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The Leading 50

Geographic spread of companies in the

Leading 50 of the 2016 Fintech100

51 | Fintech Innovators 2016

The Emerging Stars

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Geographic spread of companies in the

Emerging Stars of the 2016 Fintech100

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 52


“2Can is one of the few independent players on the market that gives the company flexibility in
testing various business models, while growing fast on the market that includes over 2 million
SMEs.” - Alexey Soloviev

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: 2can mobile terminal is the Russian equivalent of the U.S. Square service; this is
Accept your payments by a special application for smartphones (based on iOS and Android platform ) and
cards a card reader, which turns a smartphone into a terminal for accepting Visa and
Located: MasterCard payment cards.
Year Founded: 2can is specifically for the development, implementation and operation of the
2012 payment service via smartphones. 2can Service was launched on the Russian
Key People: market at the end of September 2012 and became the first Russian mobile
Dmitriy Bogdashev, CEO acquiring service to comply with the relevant security requirements for card
Website: payments imposed by Visa and MasterCard international payment systems.
Payments Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

53 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“What we’re pioneering in Australia is buy now, pay later online, in real time, we have a
transaction integrity engine that allows us to make real time fraud and payment capability
assessments. That is very much part of the IP base of Afterpay.” - Anthony Eisen

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: AfterPay offer simple instalment plans for online shoppers, allowing a purchase to
Shop Now. Pay Later. be paid for in four equal instalments, due every fortnight. Customers can shop with
In 4 Simple Instalments. stores found in the Shop Directory and choose Afterpay as their payment method
Located: at checkout. First-time customers provide payment details as usual, returning
Australia customers simply log in to make their purchase.
Year Founded:
2014 After you check out, the goods will be shipped to you by the merchant. At any
Key People: time, you can log in to your Afterpay account to see your payment schedule and
Nick Molnar, Co-Founder make a payment before the due date. Otherwise we will automatically deduct the
and Managing Director instalments from your debit or credit card every fortnight.
Anthony Eisen, Co-Founder
and Executive Chairman
Website: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Ownership: Size
$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 54

54 | Fintech Inovators
© 2016 KPMG 2016Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“AIMin is an online marketplace, which connects institutional investors." - AImin

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: AIMin is a tech platform that enables price discovery in bonds through innovative
Alternative investment trading protocols. The problem is a large one to solve with a USD500 billion market
market of India size with benefits to all stake holders including Issuers, investors and the govt.
India Their new age trade protocols that enable intelligent match making between
Year Founded: institutions to find appropriate counter party to trade in illiquid bonds is a
2014 revolutionary product now being embraced by largest Indian Banks, Their bond
Key People: analytics solution leverages on latest advancements in data science, and potentially
Pratham Jahoorkar, blockchain technologies for bond settlements.
Founding Director
Category: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Capital markets
 

$ $ $ $ $

55 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“We are now six employees and we have managed to launch a comprehensive insurance platform
within twelve months.” - Alexander Bojer

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Anivo combines online insurance comparison with offline advisory as a FINMA
Online Insured. Well Advised. regulated insurance broker. They serve the B2C channel as well offer a platform
Located: to large corporations where employees can benefit from specially designed and/
Switzerland or discounted products through collective contracts which Anivo is negotiating with
Year Founded: the insurance companies.
Key People: Anivo is the first online insurance comparison platform with individual insurance
Alexander Bojer, Co-Founder advisory services as an independent insurance broker in Switzerland. Anivo is
Werner Flatz, Co-Founder your personal online insurance broker. Compare offers of the best Swiss insurance
Website: companies within minutes and there is always an insurance expert available to discuss your individual situation in person.
Insurance Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 56

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"At AQ Metrics we saw that a very clear gap existed for a technologically advanced cloud based
platform to simplify regulatory complexity in real time." - Geraldine Gibson

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: AQMetrics provides integrated compliance and risk management software to

Know Your Risk. Always Be fund administrators, asset managers, investment managers and broker/dealer
Compliant. companies. Their platform delivers data management, risk profiling and monitoring,
Located: compliance workflows and reports all in one place.
Year Founded: With AQMetrics, customers understand their risks whilst complying with regulations
2012 in a way that has never before been possible. They also improve their client
Key People: experience and reduce operational costs.
Geraldine Gibson, CEO
and Founder
Category: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

57 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“When we were setting Azimo, we looked at how international money transfer worked and knew
there had to be a better way – one that was cheaper, faster, simpler and easier to understand.”
- Marta Krupinska

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Azimo is an international money transfer service. Their large digital network allows
Transfer money faster, customers to send money to over 190 countries, from any internet-connected
cheaper to anywhere in the device. Set up to drastically change the way people living abroad send money to
world their family and friends, Azimo is a new way to transfer money around the world.
United Kingdom Azimo provides customers with more options, giving them freedom to send money
Year Founded: the way they want to. They are the first international money transfer service to
2012 integrate with Facebook Messenger, connecting senders and receivers through
Key People: their Facebook friend list, enabling them to exchange details immediately and links
Michael Kent, Founder them to the Azimo App to make a transfer, all within a few simple clicks.
and CEO
Marta Krupinska, Founder
and GM Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Payments Size
Private $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 58

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“BlackSwan provides services to design and build ontologies independently to the Element Big
Data Cyber Intelligence solution." - BlackSwan Technologies

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: BlackSwan Technologies, LLC utilises a holistic approach to security and can
The Power of Foresight provide the third-party Information Security Assurance and Due Diligence needed
Located: in a demanding regulated compliance-driven industry.
United Kingdom
Year Founded: BlackSwan Technologies is a Big Data, Cognitive Computing and technology
Undisclosed software house, specialising in the design, build and execution of sophisticated
Key People: Risk Mitigation and Value Generation, Intelligence based systems for Financial
Undisclosed institutions, Governments, and Large Multi-National Organizations. With applications
Website: for Economic Crime, multifaceted Risk Management, Forensic Accounting,
http://blackswan- Enhanced Due Diligence, and High Yield Lead Generation. They deliver a Technology Locomotive that facilitates a paradigm shift within the financial industry,
Category: empowering institutions to mitigate risks whilst enhancing trade.
Ownership: Staff Enabler / Disruptor

 

59 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“I try not to think of Blockchain as disruption. I see it as the next evolution of the Internet.”
- Pavel Bains

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Bluzelle provides blockchain powered applications for banks and insurance
Payments Smart Contract companies to improve their business operations. Their platform has real-time
Blockchain Applications payments, smart contracts, and records management built in. They tap into all
Located: Blockchain protocols (i.e. Ethereum, Ripple) and integrate the most relevant parts
Singapore for our solution. This gives the financial institution the best type of product without
Year Founded: having to deal with the plumbing behind it.
Key People: They build fast, agile and adaptive blockchain solutions for the finance industry.
Pavel Bains, CEO Giving finance-related firms products to leverage this break-through technology.
Neeraj Murarka, CTO This reduces their costs, time and mitigates risk.
Category: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 60

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“Through speaking to all the vendors in my old job I got to hear what their problems were, and
that really helped identify how to solve them.” - Katherine McConnell

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Brighte is a point of sale credit and payments provider - and an easy way to pay ‘no
Paying made easy interest’ for home energy and home improvements. They help businesses make their
Located: customers happy - by providing customers with a fast and affordable way to pay.
Year Founded: Brighte’s end-to-end automated digital platform provides real-time credit
2015 assessment of a customer application. And they provide quick settlement when
Key People: you confirm the job is done. Without having to pay interest. Their focus is on
Katherine McConnell, providing households with affordable payment solutions. Their payment plans allow
Founder and CEO customers to get what they want - but pay it back over time.
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

61 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

Compara Online

“The products are very tailor-made, and there’s lots of knowledge required. So we decided to
replicate the auto insurance business model abroad, versus expanding into additional markets in
Chile.” - Sebastián Valin

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: is the first Chilean website that helps to compare different
Compare Insurance and products and services. They deliver results within seconds so customers can quote
credits in one place! quickly and easily, saving time and money.
Chile Their platform allows users online to compare prices and features of various
Year Founded: products, including travel and car care insurance. ComparaOnline's mission is to
2009 market transparency, so they can provide the user with all the tools to make a smart
Key People: purchase and related to their needs.
Sebastián Valin, Founder
and CEO
Mariana Larrain, Co Founder
and Operations Project
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
com/ 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 62

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"If you think the Internet has affected your life, Ethereum will have that same pervasive influence
on our communications and our entire information infrastructure. It will impact every aspect of our
existence." - Joseph Lubin

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: ConsenSys is a venture production studio building decentralized applications and

Consensus Systems various developer and end-user tools for blockchain ecosystems, primarily focused
Located: on Ethereum.
United States
Year Founded: The ConsenSys 'hub' coordinates, incubates, accelerates and spawns 'spoke'
2014 ventures through development, resource sharing, acquisitions, investments and the
Key People: formation of joint ventures. These spokes benefit from foundational components
Joseph Lubin, Founder built by ConsenSys that enable new services and business models to be built on
Website: the blockchain. In addition to the development of internal projects and consulting work, ConsenSys is interested in the identification, development and acquisition of
Category: talent and projects on an ongoing basis.
Staff Enabler / Disruptor

👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

63 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

Credit Kudos

“Our aim is to change the way credit scoring works, from an opaque black box system to
something that allows individuals to get the most value from their data." - Freddy Kelly

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Credit Kudos uses consumer transaction data to build highly accurate and
Alternative Credit Scoring transparent credit score-cards and affordability metrics. Their platform makes
Located: decision-making possible for the ~8m previously unbanked as well as those with
United Kingdom nonexistent or thin credit files.
Year Founded:
2015 They believe that it's possible to establish high accuracy predictors of credit
Key People: worthiness that don't punish borrowers at the low end of the income spectrum. To
Freddy Kelly, Co-Founder achieve this they are leveraging their experience in building high throughput data
and CEO analytics products to develop a new type of scoring product that provides a fair and
Matt Schofield, Co-founder true representation.
and CTO
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Data and Analytics
Ownership: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 64

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

Data Republic

“Data Republic was created as a legal structure first. This was in place before we wrote a line
of code. People trust their money with banks in the knowledge it will not get stolen but money is
ultimately data until it gets into your wallet." - Paul McCarney

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Data Republic provides a ‘Trust Framework’ enabling companies to exchange data
The Open Data Marketplace in a secure, private and well-governed manner. The Trust Framework comprises
Located: two elements: the legal framework to enable multi-lateral data exchange under a
Australia single agreement, and the ‘private by design’ cloud based software platform that
Year Founded: enables governance of data exchange and creation of data products.
Key People: Their mission is to make it faster, cheaper and safer to exchange data so customers
Paul McCarney, Co-Founder can focus on driving personalisation and getting maximum value from their data.
and CEO Before Data Republic, it was hard and costly to set up the legal agreements and
Danny Gilligan, Co-Founder technical platform to share data in a way that is respectful of people’s privacy whilst
and Director ensuring data security.
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Data and Analytics
Ownership: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

65 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

Digital Asset Holdings

"I am very optimistic people will collaborate in open source on the development of those
standards, so that all the financial institutions and governments in the world can use the same
standards to talk to each other." - Blythe Masters

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Digital Asset is a software company that builds distributed, encrypted straight
Digital Asset builds through processing tools. Our technology improves efficiency, security, compliance
distributed, encrypted and settlement speed.
straight through processing
tools. Digital Asset software maps business logic into a network of known entities using
Located: cryptographic keys and distributed ledgers designed to enrich existing market
United States infrastructure. Through the creation of a financial ecosystem that employs a
Year Founded: cryptographically-secured and shared master prime record, Digital Asset software
2014 offers tremendous efficiencies and economies of scale over existing infrastructure,
Key People: including the opportunity to materially reduce settlement times.
Blythe Masters, CEO
Sunil Hirani, Co-Founder
Don Wilson, Co-Founder
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Category: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private Undisclosed

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 66

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"Our expectation is as DMWay continues to develop and deliver innovation, we will be better
enabled to make smarter product roadmap decisions to meet and exceed the market's
expectations." - Gil Nizri

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: DMWay Analytics makes AI-driven predictive analytics accessible and affordable
DMWay Predictive Analytics for everyone. DMWay seeks to transform the way predictive analytics is perceived,
For Everyone creating a powerful data solution to meet all users'​needs & demands. Their
Located: solution allows users to build better predictive models in hours, days rather than
Israel months, that can be adapted to suit any industry.
Year Founded:
2015 DMWay offers fast and simple accurate predictions, to ensure optimal outcomes
Key People: in reduced time, empowers employees to deliver predictive analytics with a wide
Gil Nizri, CEO range of applications and optimize businesses using an automated analytics expert
Website: system and predictive modelling. They provides a self-service analytics platform, which emulates the way data scientist experts solve and optimize predicative
Category: analytics, producing models better than most human data science experts.
Data and Analytics
Ownership: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

67 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“Doreming Asia has developed a payroll system enabling calculation of the salary amount real-
time before the closing date of companies." - Masaru Ikeda

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Doreming is focused on financial inclusion for workers. Today, two billion people in the
Payroll Platform for world are unbanked with millions who are forced to live by purchasing their daily needs
Empowering Workers through taking out short-term loans at high rates from unofficial sources such as loan
Located: sharks. Doreming has created a payroll system that gives workers access to their daily
United Kingdom incomes in which their payments are processed through a virtual account linked to their
Year Founded: payroll account.
Key People: Doreming's system has several benefits for both workers and their employers. For
Hiromitsu Kuwabara, CEO Asia workers, their payroll system lowers the risk of default because the payments are made
Website: through a pro-rata pay that they are expecting to receive on payday. For employers, their system automates their payroll processing to calculate real time accrued salary of their
Category: workers with taxes, insurance costs and other statutory expenses deducted.
Ownership: Staff Enabler / Disruptor

👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 68

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“Our platform is designed ground-up to meet the challenges of a constantly evolving rule-based
world of trading that must be addressed through automated intelligence." - Satya Pemmaraju

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Droit is a client-focused, financial technology firm focused on providing enterprise

Trade Right solutions for OTC derivative trading processes. Their mission is to provide clients
Located: with robust, enterprise infrastructure facilitating compliant and optimal trading of
United States derivatives across asset classes, regulators, CCP’s and execution platforms.
Year Founded:
2012 Droit has systematised the continuously changing regulatory rules for trading,
Key People: clearing and reporting across markets and the G20. Their API provides 'go' 'no-go'
Satya Pemmaraju, Founding decision making for traders, from a regulatory perspective to ensure their trades
Partner and CEO are compliant with current regulation. The solution is integrated on the trading front
Anup Menon, Founding end (ION, Broadway, etc.).
Partner and CTO
Brock Arnason, Founding
Partner, Head of Product
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
and Strategic Alliances
Website: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Public $ $ $ $ $

69 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“The EasyEquities platform allows anyone to invest in the JSE by accepting investment amounts
as small as R10 and charging a mere 65c per transaction." - Charles Savage

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: EasyEquities offers easy access to equities and ETFs listed on the JSE. With no
Investing is for everyone minimum investment, no monthly fees and low trading costs. In addition, fractional
Located: share rights (FSRs), which is unique to EasyEquities, provides investors with a solution
South Africa to invest in fractions of shares through a contractual claim. This enables the investor to
Year Founded: participate in the economic benefits and risks associated with share ownership (price
2014 movements and dividends) and only excludes voting rights for the particular portion or
Key People: fraction.
Charles Savage, CEO
Website: Investors can now invest into higher unit price stocks, even if they don't have the money
https://www.easyequities. to buy a full share. There is also a tax-free investment offering on the EasyEquities platform. A range of informational material is available to assist anyone from the novice
Category: investor looking to buy shares in a specific brand, to the more seasoned, technically
Wealth oriented investor who wants to make decisions based on available data.
Undisclosed Staff Enabler / Disruptor

 

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 70

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"Over the last year, we’ve fine tuned our machine learning platform to help organizations manage
risks and rationalize data output from various internal systems." - Nuno Sebastiao

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Feedzai is a data science company that uses real-time, machine-based learning
Fraud Prevention with to help payment networks, banks and retailers prevent fraud in omnichannel
Machine Learning commerce. Feedzai’s fraud science technology fuses machine learning with human
Located: intelligence to power payments systems globally for customers in North and South
Portugal America, Europe, and Africa.
Year Founded:
2009 Customers use Feedzai’s Fraud Prevention That Learns™ software to predict and
Key People: prevent electronic payment loss before it occurs. The software can detect fraud by
Nuno Sebastiao CEO and as much as 10 days earlier than other solutions and expose more fraud cases (up
Chairman to 60% more), all with lower false alarms. Feedzai’s technology takes advantage
Paulo Marques of machine learning to help customers detect fraud by understanding the way
Pedro Bizarro consumers behave when they make purchases, online or in-store.
Website: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private Size

$ $ $ $ $

71 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

Finova Financial

“Finova Financial was launched to help consumers get critically-needed cash without the
traditional barriers of high interest rates, inconvenient application processes and restrictive
payment terms of the auto title lending industry." - Gregory Keough

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Finova Financial is a socially responsible online lender, providing fast, affordable
Don't Get a Title Loan. Get loans based on the equity in your car. Finova delivers an online path to financial
a Finova Car Equity Line of well-being and fair lending to the 70 million financially underserved Americans that
Credit! spend $138 billion in fees and interest annually on alternative financial products.
United States Finova's Car Equity Line of Credit (C-LOC) costs 70% less than the current national
Year Founded: average, provides around-the-clock access to capital, and a 12-month pathway
2015 back to financial health through its online and mobile platform. Finova clients
Key People: benefit from the ability to complete the loan process online, instant approval
Gregory Keough, CEO decisions and same day cash funding.
Derek Acree, Chief
Operating & Legal Officer
https://www.finovafinancial. Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Ownership: Size
$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 72

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“By using Fluo, our partners were able to improve the turnover of the insurance sales 10% to 50%
depending on the case." - Jehan de Castet

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Fluo's mission is to bring more transparency in the insurance industry, promoting best
Insurance is clear with Fluo practices and rebuilding trust between clients and insurance companies. Their goal
Located: is to help consumers reduce their insurance budget while improving their coverage.
France Fluo's mobile App allows users to buy exactly the cover needed, based both on
Year Founded: requests and the covers already included in their payment cards and other contracts.
Key People: Fluo provides a 360° analysis of insurance contracts, while eliminating guarantees
Jehan de Castet, Co-Founder duplication. As a result Fluo provides the most comprehensive covers at the most
and CEO competitive prices, allowing to save up to €500 per year. Fluo offers immediate
Laurent Foisset, Co-Founder diagnostic of insurance covers to users, customers buy the right insurance and
Thierry Abaléa, stop paying twice for the same cover. Fluo is integrated with Travel Agencies, PSPs,
Technical Director Banks, Market Places and Car Rental companies.
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Insurance 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

73 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"Our mission is to relieve financial anxiety and improve Canadians' financial health, an important
part of that is giving our clients as many borrowing options as possible so they can make the best
financial decisions for themselves." - Kevin Sandhu

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Grow is a Enterprise Fintech company, serving consumers directly and through
Digital banking solutions for partnerships with top global financial institutions. By leveraging technology
financial institutions and data to reinvent the banking experience, Grow makes personal finances
Located: understandable and anxiety-free. Grow's technology is powering a new generation
Canada of data-driven banking products and services, including digital personal loans,
Year Founded: instant customer onboarding and account opening, advanced data analytics, and
2014 real-time compliance and identification tools.
Key People:
Kevin Sandhu, Founder Their mission is to reduce financial anxiety & improve financial health using
and CEO technology & data analytics. They work with banks, credit unions and other financial
Daniel Cowx, Co-Founder institutions of all sizes to offer cutting edge banking solutions to their customers.
and CTO
https://www.poweredbygrow. Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Ownership: Size
$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 74

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“We set a very experienced team of people who have great ideas and want to build something
incredible for our users." - Benjamin Gleason and Thiago Alvarez

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: GuiaBolso's mission is to empower Brazilians to take control of their financial well-
You own your money being. Their solution to personal finance management landscape is completely
Located: automatic. More than a financial management tool, their brand is dedicated to
Brazil demystifying and transform customers relationship with money, to find financial
Year Founded: freedom.
Key People: Their App securely connects with customers bank accounts, to see details of
Benjamin Gleason, Founder banking transactions automatically pulled by GuiaBolso, add goals by category
and Co-CEO and track, automatically, if they are being met. Identify the expenses that have
Thiago Alvarez, Founder compromised their planning and decide whether to change your goals. Customers
and Co-CEO are then free to add and delete accounts, including manual monitoring accounts to
Website: control expenditures made in cash.
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Lending 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

75 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“We are changing the behaviour of brokers by providing business tools to improve their
productivity." - Mandeep Sodhi

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: HashChing is an online marketplace allowing consumers to access home loan

Own your home sooner deals without having to shop around with their service being free to consumers.
Located: HashChing connects directly to verified mortgage brokers who can further
Australia negotiate a better rate from the lenders to save time, hassle and money.
Year Founded:
2015 Their vision is to keep Australians financially smart by providing home loan deals
Key People: and financial information transparency thereby empowering consumers to make an
Mandeep Sodhi, Founder informed decision. On their platform, consumers can also ask any questions related
and CEO to home loans without sharing their details, that are answered by HashChing's
Atul Narang, Founder registered mortgage brokers only.
and CIO
au/ Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private Size

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 76

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

Hello Soda

“Now, just three years on, our international presence has been fully cemented and we operate
around the globe 24 hours a day.” - James Blake

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Hello Soda is a B2B big data and text analytics company. Their flagship product,
Big Data made Personal 'Profile' is a cloud based data scoring engine that turns big and unstructured
Located: data into usable insight. 'Profile' captures and analyses thousands of data sets
United Kingdom from a consumer's digital footprint and applies advanced analytics techniques,
Year Founded: including psycholinguistics and natural language processing, to deliver real-time
2013 comprehensible scores and features to businesses in any industry.
Key People:
James Blake, Founder Hello Soda offer 'Profile' products for ID/Fraud, Risk, and for personalisation, to
and CEO increase customer engagement, boost financial inclusion and customer acquisition,
Website: and reduce fraud.
Data and Analytics
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

77 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“Сryptocurrency trading is a young, sharp, and fluctuating, yet quite established field. Like any
other markets, cryptocurrencies are influenced by a plenty of factors, and follow certain patterns
that can be analyzed and used professionally for making profit." - Paul Clarkson

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: HitBTC is the developer and operator of an exchange platform for cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin Exchange: Bitcoins, The company is a bitcoin exchange that allows traders to trade fiat (USD, EUR)
Litecoin, Dogecoin, Monero for bitcoin and litecoin. The core matching engine is among the most advanced
/ HitBTC technological products in its class and implements innovative features such as real-
Located: time clearing, advanced order matching algorithms and has been acclaimed for its
Netherlands fault-tolerance, uptime and high availability.
Year Founded:
2013 HitBTC, LLC is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides trading services to
Key People: institutionals, merchants and individual traders. The HitBTC trading platform is
Paul Clarkson, known for its state-of-the-art matching engine and multi-currency support (EUR,
Product Manager USD, and GBP).
Category: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Digital Currencies
Ownership: Undisclosed
 

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 78

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

I/O Digital

“This network of blockchains or ‘superchain,’ will afford unparalleled flexibility to users, allowing
any number of configurations to be seamlessly adopted depending on the use case.” - Joel Bosh

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: The I/O Digital Foundation, originally founded July 2014, is providing a fully
Blockchain Technology functional and Open Source Blockchain for businesses or consumers to use.
Located: With an intuitive HTML5 wallet, data storing capabilities, alias sending, side chain
Netherlands technology, and decentralized (encrypted) messaging this is considered the next
Year Founded: generation Blockchain eco system.
Key People: I/O Digital also provides the capability to interoperate with other Blockchains
Joel Bosh, Founder and CEO through the Chameleon framework.
Richard Groen, COO
Ownership: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

79 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

identitii_logo.pdf 1 17/10/16 3:33 pm



Identitii CY


““identitii turns traditional payments into enriched payments, including purchase orders, invoices,
quotes and more. identitii reconnects the purpose of a payment with the payment itself." - identitii

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: identitii is re-inventing the way that information is exchanged in correspondent

Enrich payments with banking using tokens and Distributed Ledger Technology. identitii’s patented
documents and tokenisation technology allows both parties of a payment transaction to be verified
attributes using identitii’s in real-time. Tokenised blockchain is the tamperproof, trusted future of KYC /
secure token AML / CTF.
Australia They have built a blockchain solution that works alongside existing central banking
Year Founded: systems. They provide a tag which can then be used (by authorised users) to
2015 access any information that is attached to a banking transaction. This adds the
Key People: ability to easily verify transactions to protect banks from fraud.
Nick Armstrong, Co-Founder
and CEO
Eric Knight, Co-Founder
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Category: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 80

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

Innovative Assessments

“Primarily, the score is designed to help lenders reconsider approving certain applications that
might otherwise have been declined, while also indicating potential risk among some typically
approved applications.” - Dr. Saul Fine

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Innovative Assessments uses psychometrics to help improve the way the world
Personalizing consumer assesses consumer risk behaviors. IA’s flagship product is Worthy Credit - a brief
risk assessments using 3-5 minute online survey for accurately and unbiasedly assessing creditworthiness.
psychometrics. Worthy Credit measures a key set of personal competencies that are specifically
Located: related to the underlying psychology of consumer debt, and augments traditional
Israel credit scores.
Year Founded:
2015 Administered to either new applicants or current accounts, Worthy Credit
Key People: scores are an added layer of analytics that can help lenders approve more loan
Saul Fine, CEO and applications and credit increases, reduce defaults and payment delinquencies, and
Chief Scientist more effectively service current accounts.
com/ Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Data and Analytics
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private Size

81 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“The principle is to understand our customers as fast and efficiently as possible. To be able to
make a good and fair credit decision but also at a cost point that enables us to lend to businesses
that are significantly smaller than the average bank would lend to.” - Christoph Rieche

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: iwoca provides short-term finance to SMEs based in the UK, Poland, Spain and
Fast, flexible and fair small Germany. They offer flexible credit to small businesses across Europe, allowing
business loans them to take advantage of opportunities previously only available to their larger
Located: peers.
United Kingdom
Year Founded: They use technology to eliminate the cost and complexity associated with
2011 traditional business finance and offer instant decisions and have no upfront fees,
Key People: no lengthy forms and no long-term commitments. Technology has allowed iwoca to
Christoph Rieche, build a revolutionary risk model that understands any small business based on its
Co-Founder and CEO trading data.
James Dear, Co-Founder
and CTO
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Lending 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 82

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“When I couldn’t find an effective payment solution for our money-pool platform, I built the
solution." - Céline Lazorthes

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: is a solution for collecting and managing money for groups. Its
Easy and secure group interface allows anyone to create a 'Money Pot' and invite other participants with
payments the aim to finance any type of project. With Leetchi 'Money Pot' you can turn your
Located: projects into a reality from buying group gifts e.g. birthdays, organising events to
France supporting charitable causes.
Year Founded:
2009 offers innovative money solutions of high quality via the
Key People: commercialisation of its 'MangoPay' API, developed to answer to the strong market
Céline Lazorthes, request for C2C payments.'MangoPay' provides a payment solution dedicated to
Founder and CEO players in the sharing economy such as Marketplaces and Crowdfunding platforms.
Website: As of today it has over has 1500 customers all over Europe.
Payments Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

83 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

“We’ve taken on the full-stack of insurance, becoming an insurance company, which is kind of
nuts, and we’re doing it in New York, the toughest state. New York is the most highly regarded,
exacting and regulated state for insurance." - Daniel Schreiber

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Lemonade is the world’s first Peer to Peer insurance company, who offer a brand
The World's First P2P new experience with zero bureaucracy and powered by technology. Their aim
Insurance Company is to make insurance instantaneous and trustworthy. P2P reverses the traditional
Located: insurance model. Lemondae takes a flat fee, pay claims fast, and give back what’s
United States left to charities.
Year Founded:
2015 Lemonade Insurance Company is a property and casualty insurance company that
Key People: is transforming the very business model of insurance. By injecting technology and
Daniel Schreiber , transparency into an industry that often lacks both, they are creating an insurance
Co-Founder and CEO experience that is fast, affordable and hassle free. They gain nothing by delaying or
Shai Wininger, Co-Founder denying claims, so we handle and pay most claims instantly.
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Ownership: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 84

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"We believe that helping qualified low-and middle-income consumers gain access to credit will
improve their lives and quite possibly transform Indian society." - Richard Eldridge

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Lenddo, uses alternative data to provide credit scoring and verification to
Leveraging Technology economically empower the emerging middle class around the world. Lenddo has
Solutions in Credit and developed its patented technology based on 4 years of online lending experience
Verification that included the collection, analysis and processing of billions of data points.
Philippines The LenddoScore is being used by banks, lending institutions, utilities companies
Year Founded: and credit card issuers to reduce risk, increase portfolio size, improve customer
2011 service and verify applicants. Their products enable clients to quickly reduce
Key People: acquisition, operational costs and risk in their lending businesses. Lenddo's is
Richard Eldridge, enabling businesses to simply and securely evaluate both the character and
Co-Founder and CEO identity of customers using alternative data in order to extend credit and deliver
Jeff Stewart, Co-Founder life-improving services.
and Chairman
Website: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Data and Analytics
Ownership: Size
$ $ $ $ $

85 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“In the heart of the Nordic Fintech hub, we work hard to develop the future banking and payment
platform – combining the trust embedded in traditional banking with the speed and openness in
modern blockchain technology." - Christian Visti

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: NewBanking is centralising Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering
A Financial Evolution (AML) compliance, adding more security and protection of personal consumer data,
Located: accessing 3.8 billion payment cards worldwide. Customers are companies receiving
Denmark payments under the Anti-Money Laundry and fight against terror legislation, such as
Year Founded: e-money companies, gaming and payment solutions.
Key People: With NewBanking the cost of traditional payment will be reduced and companies
Christian Visti, Co-Founder no longer needs to handle sensitive and personal documents such as passports
and CEO and utility bills. Which they call verified money.
Hamed Sattari, Co-Founder
and CTO
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Ownership: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 86

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

North Side Inc.

"VerbalAccess offers a conversational interface to a wide range of financial services: payments,

transfers, applying for loans, exploring credit scores, searching for investments, managing credit
cards, researching rewards, buying insurance and filing claims – are some of them.” - Eugene Joseph

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: North Side Inc. develops software capable to support real-time dialogue between
Personalizing digital a person and a computer in unrestricted English. The first application of the
experiences technology is a videogame. The company also develops real-time 3D graphics
Located: technology that is integrated with their language technology. VerbalAccess acts as
Canada a virtual personalized banker aware of a customer's financial context.
Year Founded:
Undisclosed VerbalAccess enables plain English access to financial services, an intuitive
Key People: experience that connected customers appreciate. Customers can text or speak to
Eugene Joseph, CEO carry out transactions or get personalized help in the authenticated environment,
Website: enabling them to pay bills, send money or do any other banking transaction easily, even when driving or walking.
Data and Analytics
Ownership: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

87 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

OSeven Telematics

"We put road safety as our priority and we want OSEVEN be a catalyst in the fight against road
accidents." - Vassilis Stivaktakis

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: OSeven is an insurance telematics and driving behavioural analytics company.

Time for UBI Following an end-user centric approach, the company provides a social-oriented
Located: Behavioral-Based insurance (BBI) platform for motor insurance companies and
United Kingdom fleet owners.
Year Founded:
2015 OSeven offers a device-agnostic cloud based platform as a clearing house of APIs,
Key People: though it concentrates on deploying a smartphone-only solution as an easily scalable,
Vassilis Stivaktakis, CEO and cost effective and user friendly solution for the next years. It applies advanced
Founder machine learning techniques and develops a sophisticated scoring model based on
Petros Fortsakis, Co-Founder over 25yrs research in the Field of driving behaviour analysis, traffic accident analysis,
Leda Liakopoulou, distracted driving, road safety, transportation engineering, modelling / Big Data
Co Founder and statistics and machine learning.
Creative Director
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Category: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 88

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“We are the first fintech company focused on bringing the multi-trillion-dollar primary bond market
closer to a completely digital approach." - Vuk Magdelinic

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Overbond brings all bond market participants together. It is a platform that makes
Primary Bond Issuance primary bond issuance digital, transparent and secure. Overbond connects
Platform corporate and government issuers with dealers and investors directly.
Canada Overbond is transforming how global investment banks, institutional investors,
Year Founded: corporations and governments connect and access the primary fixed income
2015 market. Overbond's fully-digital platform makes new bond issuances transparent
Key People: and secure. It eliminates inefficiencies, provides higher transparency, optimal
Vuk Magdelinic, CEO price discovery, and investor diversification for all counterparties in the primary
Han Ryoo, Co-Founder and bond market.
Head of Product
Category: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Capital Markets
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

89 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

PAIR Finance

“Competing with traditional players Pair Finance will surely strive passionately to become an
essential part of the debt collection landscape in Germany." - Kay Uwe Berg

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Pair Finance specialises in accounts receivable management and collection

We manage your debtors - services. On behalf of our clients, they drive an outstanding debt. Their priority is to
simple, efficient, modern. maintain the customer relationship and to find a cooperative solution.
Germany Pair Finance offers a digital, data-driven solution to the debt collection industry.
Year Founded: The debt collection engine and machine learning technology is unique, as it learns
2015 from debtor behaviour, offering a superior solution to the debt collection problem.
Key People: It not only increases and fastens recovery rates, but also offers debtors the best
Stephan Stricker , customer experience possible to turn them back into valuable customers.
Co-Founder and
Managing Director
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Ownership: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 90

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"We’re seeing that banks are more open to innovation and willing to push the boundaries when it
comes to delivering a great customer payment experience that’s also highly secure." - Daniel Peled

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: PayKey's first of its kind secured payment keyboard makes everyday banking easier
Transfer money within any and more efficient. PayKey enables payments within any social network, including
social App Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter etc. Leveraging existing networks creates
Located: simplicity and an intuitive payment experience. Users enjoy instantaneous money
Israel transfer capabilities while chatting with their friends and family members.
Year Founded:
2014 PayKey's technology is the first to bridge this gap between banking (bank users)
Key People: and social interactions (social networks). With PayKey customers enjoy the security
Daniel Peled, Co-Founder of the trusted banks within their favourite applications, making everyday banking
and CEO easier and more efficient than ever before.
Offer Markovich, Co-Founder
and CTO
Website: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private Size

$ $ $ $ $

91 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"Point is fundamentally transforming the home equity financing landscape, homeowners can now
access their home equity wealth without a loan, without monthly payments, and without a fixed
interest rate." - Eddie Lim

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Point allows homeowners to unlock wealth from their home equity without monthly
Point is the easiest way to payments or interest. On the flip side, for the first time, institutional investors can
sell a piece of your home now purchase fractional interests in residential properties — a $26T industry. Point
Located: is a home equity marketplace. They take the biggest single asset that consumers
United States have - i.e. the home - and make it completely liquid, divisible and tradable. Point's
Year Founded: first product will let homeowners 'sell' fractional equity in their home.
Key People: Historically, one's home has been their greatest asset, however homeowners have
Eddie Lim, Co-Founder not been unable to unlock the wealth a home holds. Point is changing that by
and CEO making home equity a liquid and tradable asset class and by allowing homeowners
Eoin Matthews, Co-Founder to tap equity in their home without monthly payments.
and CBO
Alex Rampell, Co-Founder
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
and Board Member
Website: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 92

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.

Quantoz N.V.

“In an era of increasing digitisation, the technology of encoding ownership can be applied for
many purposes." - Nicholas Eastham

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: The near future will bring an influx of smart devices connected to the Internet. The
Blockchain Technology amount of transactions between consumers and devices, and even more important
Located: between devices will grow exponentially. This will create a need for (instant)
Netherlands financial settlement of transactions on a much larger scale than the current payment
Year Founded: market handles.
Key People: Micro-payments for micro-services, instant settlement between software appliances
Nicholas Eastham, anywhere on the globe, and machines holding their own payment deposits have
Co-Founder not been anticipated within the traditional banking infrastructure. Quasar provides
Gaston Hendriks, the infrastructure for payment settlement in the Internet of Things (IoT) and for
Co-Founder transactions where immediate, global and/ or irreversible settlement is desirable,
Henri de Jong, Co-Founder like the `information goods and services industries.
Website: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private Size

$ $ $ $ $

93 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"There’s a real tension at the heart of fraud detection: if you want to stop online fraud, just switch
everything off. We as consumers are accepting that most of the things we buy have a premium of
one or two per cent built in.” - Martin Sweeney

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Ravelin provides fraud prevention for online businesses all around the world. They
Prevents Fraud. Protects combine machine learning, graph network technologies and behavioural analytics
Margins to build a highly effective fraud detection product for the wider online market.
Located: Ravelin helps organisations reduce losses to fraudulent chargebacks and increase
United Kingdom revenues by allowing businesses to accept more genuine orders. Their system
Year Founded:
improves clients' existing operations by providing rich, useful and actionable
business insights when they are needed most.
Key People:
Martin Sweeney CEO
Leonard Austin, Co-Founder
Ravelin examines visitor and payment data in real time, telling systems which
and CTO customers to allow, prevent or flag for review. Users can increase conversion and
Mairtin O'Riada, Founder reduce losses to fraud, with no impact on the user journey.
and CIO
Nick Lally, Founder and COO
Stephen Whitworth, Founder
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
and Data Scientist
Website: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Category: Size
$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 94

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“We have so much potential to be an analytical powerhouse here in Chicago.” - Canh Tran

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Rippleshot is a next generation fraud analytics firm. They use a cloud-based
Stopping fraud at the speed technology solution that takes a big data approach by leveraging machine learning/
of data artificial intelligence to distinguish fraudulent activity more quickly and efficiently
Located: (and pro-actively).
United States
Year Founded: Rippleshot's technology processes millions of payment card transactions to
2013 proactively pinpoint when and where a data breach occurred. Following detection,
Key People: Rippleshot provides banks with the tools they need to update fraud detection rules
Canh Tran, Co-Founder in order to lower their fraud losses while avoiding unnecessary card re-issuance.
and CEO Rippleshot protects consumer credit information and the integrity of the merchant
Yueyu Fu, Co-Founder payment network by proactively detecting data breaches through a cloud-based
and CTO solution.
Randal Cox, Co-Founder
and Chief Scientist Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Regtech Size
Private $ $ $ $ $

95 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“In the future, transactions such as payments will function exclusively using smartphones,
wearables or the Internet of Things; the plastic card we are familiar with is only the beginning."
- Marko Wenthin

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: solarisBank is a tech company with a German banking license. The company has
Banking for the Digital built an API-accessible banking platform for the needs of the digital economy.
Located: The Solaris-Platform enables startups, fintechs and established digital companies to
Germany create custom solutions for their unique financial needs. Together with our partners,
Year Founded: we work towards one vision: to boost the growth of the digital economy.
Key People:
Andreas Bittner, Co-Founder
Marko Wenthin, Co-Founder
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Lending 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private Size

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 96

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"We are currently working on several pilot projects which could see our technology help hundreds
of thousands of families." - Mario Hasanakos

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Spriggy is a prepaid card and mobile App for 8-18 year olds that helps parents
Pocket Money. and young people manage money together. The Spriggy App will allow parents
Updated. to easily allocate money to their kids, add money to their child's prepaid card and
Located: encourage saving through savings goals.
Year Founded: Young people can use their prepaid card to make purchases online or in-store,
2015 wherever Visa is accepted, while parents can follow transactions in App. The rich
Key People: feature set of the Spriggy App is built in conjunction with The Parent Wallet and
Mario Hasanakos, Prepaid Card products, which are issued by Indue Ltd.
Alex Badran, Co-Founder
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Category: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Ownership: Size
$ $ $ $ $

97 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“Tink is now the first company in the world to combine these two services to build a virtual bank
where you can do all your day-to-day bank errands, across any account in any bank.”
- Daniel Kjellén

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Tink is a virtual bank built on top of the user’s existing bank accounts. In the Tink
Own your own money App, the user can manage her money across any account in any bank. She can
Located: transfer money, pay bills and create personal budgets while
Year Founded: Tink provides unique insight, automatically categorized transactions and daily
2012 analyses of her spending. Tink today have around 350 000 users and is one of
Key People: Europe’s most used personal finance App's.
Daniel Kjellén, Co-Founder
and CEO
Fredrik Hedberg ,
Co-Founder and CTO
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Ownership: 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 98

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“When I was trading stocks, I would visit financial news websites and take the advice from the
wrong guys. With this, investors can make a more educated decision before taking someone’s
advice online.” - Uri Gruenbaum

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: TipRanks is a platform that helps individual investors make better investment
Stocks to Watch & Analyst decisions. Their transparent, unbiased technology uses Natural Language
Ratings Processing algorithms to aggregate and analyse big financial data online. TipRanks
Located: works with the biggest banks and online brokers in the world to enhance the
Israel engagement and retention on their platform by providing interactive research tools
Year Founded: with actionable items. TipRanks can turn any platform into a high-end research tool
2012 for retail investors.
Key People:
Uri Gruenbaum, Co-Founder TipRanks gives you all the information you need to know who to trust and make
and CEO educated investment decisions. TipRanks is a financial accountability engine that
Gilad Gat, Co-Founder uses machine learning and Natural Language Processing algorithms to measure
and CTO the performance of anyone giving investment advice online.
Website: Staff Enabler / Disruptor
👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  
Private Size

$ $ $ $ $

99 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“We think we can be the best at investment management, and if we can unbundle the bank and
put these pieces together, we can bring down the cost of acquisition by sharing those customers
and package the full suite of services outside of the bank.” - Michael Katchen

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Wealthsimple is Canada's largest and fastest growing online investment manager.
Invest in Future You They make smart investing simple, low cost, and accessible by instantly creating
Located: a personalized portfolio of diversified, low-fee, ETFs for each client, and using
Canada technology to automate its maintenance.
Year Founded:
2014 Their 'Wealth Concierge' service is available by phone, email, or text to provide on-
Key People: demand advice and help. We support every type of investment account nationwide,
Michael Katchen , Founder including RRSPs, TFSAs, RESPs, LIRAs, non-registered accounts, corporate
and CEO accounts, and more.
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Private 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 100

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


"Zoona has crossed a big milestone in the history of our business and for mobile money and
financial inclusion in Africa. This latest milestone – $1 billion processed is a highlight on our
continued journey of bringing financial inclusion to Africa.” - Mike Quinn

At a Glance Company Description

Tagline: Zoona brings together the drive of young entrepreneurs and cutting-edge
Let's make it real technology to bring safe and reliable money transfers to underserved communities
Located: all over Africa. Their users rely on our services to pay for family members’ hospital
South Africa visits, children’s school fees and other needs – while our ever growing network of
Year Founded: agents provides jobs and earning potential for young entrepreneurs where other
2009 opportunities are limited.
Key People:
Mike Quinn, CEO In doing this our work empowers communities to grow and develop – making a real
Website: difference to people’s lives.
Private Staff Enabler / Disruptor

👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

101 | Fintech Innovators 2016

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.


“As the global payments market continues its exponential growth, Zooz is well positioned to play
an even larger role. The company’s innovative technology optimizes and simplifies the payments
process, meeting a crucial industry need that will only increase.” - Oren Levy

At a Glance Company Description

Maximizing Payments Zooz is a technology company that provides a payments platform designed to
Performance help merchants maximize their payments performance. It offers the flexibility to
Located: connect with multiple financial institutions, seamlessly integrate acquirers, e-wallets,
Israel alternative payment methods, fraud management and other third-party services,
Year Founded: and intelligently route transactions through the entire payment process.
Key People: Zooz consolidates and analyses all payment data to provide valuable information to
Oren Levy, Co-Founder merchants, enabling them to personalize customer experiences online and in-store.
and CEO It is the partner of choice for any business seeking to extend reach, reduce decline
Ronen Morecki, Co-Founder rates, increase revenues, maintain strong customer relationships and meet the
and CTO challenges of the dynamic global market.
Staff Enabler / Disruptor
Payments 👤 👤 👤 👤 👤  

$ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 102

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Last year's report

Company #00

Leading Global
“ Fintech Innovators
Report 2015
Company Description At a Glance
Tag Line


Year Founded

Key People


Staff Enabler or Disruptor
Key Investors

User Engagement


The 100 Leading Fintech Innovators Report

To read The 2015 Fintech100 report


The information contained in this document is of a general nature and is not intended to address the objectives, financial situation or needs of
any particular individual or entity. It is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute, nor should it be regarded in any manner
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information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without
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To the extent permissible by law, H2 Ventures and KPMG and their associated entities shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, defects or
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© 2016 H2 Ventures. The KPMG name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.

H2 Ventures holds investments in HashChing and Spriggy.

103 | Fintech Innovators 2016

Company Name

At a Glance Company Description



Year Founded:

Key People:



Enabler / Disruptor Staff


  👤 👤 👤 👤 👤
Rank Last Year

01/ NEW $ $ $ $ $

Fintech Innovators 2016 | 104

104 | Fintech Innovators
Inovators 2016

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