Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Healthcare Services

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Factors influencingCustomer

satisfaction in healthcare services.

Umar Asif

Department of Commerce, Islamia University Bahawalpur, Pakistan

Purpose– To measure the quality of health care services patient satisfaction is used
as one of the most important indicators. The study aims to identify factors affecting
patient’s satisfaction at primary health care clinics.

Design/methodology/approach– The data was collected during June 1 and June 3

through a randomly-distributed questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed
in primary healthcare clinics in Pakistan. A total of 100 completed questionnaires,
out of 125, were returned resulting in a response rate of 80 percent.

Findings– The majority (87 percent) of the patients responded that the independent
variables are the factors influencing customer satisfaction.

Research limitations/implications– Its based on sample and literature review.

Originality/value– The authors hope that this study identifies areas of

dissatisfaction that can be quickly remedied and ensures enhancement in the areas
of satisfaction with ongoing attention and emphasis.

Keywords: Patient care, Health services, Customer satisfaction, Pakistan,

PaktanGovt Hospitals, patient satisfaction.

Paper type:Research paper

1. Introduction
Patient satisfaction can be defined as judgment made by a recipient of care as to
whether their expectations for care have been met or not (Palmer et al., 1991).
Themodern view of quality of care looks to the degree to which health services
meetpatients’ needs and expectations both as to technical and interpersonal care
(Campbellet al., 2000; Eschet al., 2008). Investigation of patient satisfaction has
been used to meetthree main objectives in health care delivery industry (Ware et
al., 1978; Patrick et al.,1983; Al-Doghaither and Saeed, 2000). First, to determine
how and to what extentsatisfaction influences patients seeking care in terms of
complying with treatment andcontinuing to use the care. Second, to use satisfaction
as an indicator of the quality ofcare; and third to help physicians and the health
care organizations better understandthe patients’ point of view, and to use this
feedback to increase accountability and toimprove the services provided.

Patient satisfaction with medical care is a multidimensional concept,

withdimension that corresponds to the major characteristics of providers and
services(Ware et al., 1983; Moretet al., 2008; Donahue et al., 2008). Patient
satisfaction withhealth care services is considered to be of paramount importance
with respect toQuality improvement programs from the patients’ perspective, total
qualitymanagement, and the expected outcome of care (Vouri, 1991; Donabedian,
1992;Aggarwal and Zairi, 1998; Brown and Bell, 2005). Within the health care
industry,patient satisfaction has emerged as an important component and measure
of thequality of care (Aharony and Strasser, 1993; Grogan et al., 2000; Salisbury et
al., 2005).Patient satisfaction plays an important role in continuity of service
utilization(Thomas, 1984). Satisfied patients are more likely to adhere to
doctors’recommendations and medical regimens (Ross et al., 1981). Besides,
dissatisfiedpatients do not utilize primary health care services optimally and over-
utilize theemergency rooms in the general hospitals (Shah et al., 1996; Al-Hay et
al., 1997).

The quality of the communication relationship between physician and

patientshowed positive influence on patient satisfaction measure (Moretet
al., 2008; Merceret al., 2008; Lin et al., 2009).Several studies have been performed
regarding patient satisfaction and its correlates in various countries (Rahmqvist,
2001; Margolis et al., 2003;Bronfman- Pertzovskyet al., 2003). Only two studies
have been conducted to dateregarding the concept of patient satisfaction in Kuwait
(Bo Hamra and Al-Zaid, 1999;Al-Doghaitheret al., 2000). They found significant
relationship of age, gender,nationality, marital status; education, occupation, and
income with patient satisfaction.

Although many studies have been done on patient satisfaction internationally

butlimited studies were done on patient satisfaction in the Gulf region and in
particular inKuwait. Identification of predictors of patient satisfaction (what
aspects of care matterthe most to patients) enables policy makers at the Ministry of
Health in Kuwait to focuson these aspects and improve them. The correlates of
socio- demographiccharacteristics of patients with satisfaction allow the health
care providers to caterto the different needs of patients based on their socio-
demographic characteristics.This study aims at identifying predictors of patient
satisfaction in the primary careclinics of the Ministry of Health, Kuwait (factors
leading to patient satisfaction ordissatisfaction) and its socio-demographic
1.1 Background

A Introduction about Pakistan Healthcare Services:

Health plays the key role in determining the human capital. Better healthimproves
the efficiency and the productivity of the labour force, ultimatelycontributes the
economic growth and leads to human welfare. To attain better,more skilful,
efficient and productive human capital resources, governmentssubsidise the health
care facilities for its people. In this regard, the public sectorpays whole or some
part of the cost of utilising health care services. The sizeand distribution of these
in-kind transfers to health sector differs from country tocountry but the
fundamental question is how much these expenditures areproductive and effective?
It very much depends on the volume and thedistribution of
these expenditures among the people of different areas of thecountry. Besides the
nature of the existing circumstances of the human resource,any marginal change in
public sector spending on health services may havepositive impact on the human
capital and economic growth.

According to the Economic Survey of Pakistan (2005-06), thegovernment spent

0.75 percent of GDP on health sector in order to make itspopulation more healthy
and sturdy. In this regard, a number of vertical andhorizontal programmes
regarding health facilities are operative in Pakistan. Thefederally funded vertical
programmes include: Lady Health Worker Programme;Malaria Control
Programme; Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Control Programme;National Maternal
and Child Health Programme; the Expanded Programme onImmunisation; Cancer
Treatment Programme; Food and Nutrition Programme,
and; the Prime Minister Programme for Preventive and Control of Hepatitis A &B.

To effectively address the health problems facing Pakistan, a number ofpolicies

emphasise better health care services. These include: Health relatedMillennium
Development Goals; Medium Term Development Framework;Poverty Reduction
Strategy Papers; National Health Policy, and; Vision 2030. Inspite of these
policies, to overcome the health related problems in Pakistanseems suspicious and
distrustful. The communicable diseases are still achallenge and the statistics reveal
that the nutrition and reproductive healthproblem in communicable diseases are
still liable for the 58 percent of the BOD
in Pakistan. Non-communicable diseases (NCD), caused by sedentary lifestyles,
environmental pollution, unhealthy dietary habits, smoking etc. accountfor almost
10 percent of the BOD in Pakistan.
Social Policy Development Centre (SPDC), 2004, demonstrates that outof every
1,000 children who survive infancy, 123 die before reaching the age offive. A large
proportion of those who surviving suffers from malnutrition,leading to impaired
immunity and higher vulnerability to infections.
Malnutrition is big problem in Pakistan. Human Conditions Report (2003)clearly
points out that about 40 percent children under 5 year of age aremalnutrited. About
50 percent of deaths of children under 5 years old childrenare due to malnutrition.

Following the introduction to the research theme, Section 2 put forwardsthe

Literature Review. Health is an integral part of the social sector and hence anumber
of policies emphasising better health service delivery in this area.Section 3
highlights Policy Emphasising Health Care Services followed byPublic Health
Care Service Delivery in Pakistan. Research methodology anddata sources are
discussed under Research Focus in Section 5, followed byResults and Discussion,
and Conclusion and Policy Recommendations inSections 6 and 7 respectively.

Pakistan Health care takes care of 161 million lives of the Pakistani nationals.
Viewing the health in Pakistan, the Pakistan Health Ministry has formulated
certain policies to improve it. The Pakistan hospitals not only serve the ailing with
the basic health facilities but also provide primary and secondary education on
health care. There are 947 hospitals in Pakistan giving a good portion of budget on
Healthcare services.

Literature Review:

Patient safety, which has been defined as freedom from accidental injury
duringmedical care or from medical errors has become a critical topic in medicine
(Kohn et al.,1999). The desire to avoid harm has existed as a concern in medicine
since the fourthcentury BC when Hippocrates the Father of Medicine admonished
medicalprofessionals to do no harm (Hippocrates, 2004). The healthcare industry is
fraughtwith dangers for both patients and employees (Yassi and Hancock, 2005).
Thesedangers are linked directly to the environment and culture that surrounds
medicalprofessionals and patients with their distinctive norms, values and shared
beliefs(Stone et al., 2004). Although medical professionals have for years sought to
improvequality by standardizing good processes, it is not enough to just design
better ways tocontrol errors. The organizational
climate must also encourage information sharingand support safety (Hofmann and
Mark, 2006).

Creating a proper patient safety climate includes changing

managementbehaviours, safety systems and employee safety perceptions that
directly influencehealthcare professionals to choose proper behaviors that enhance
patient safety (Collaet al., 2005; Fleming, 2005). However, many studies and
safety interventions have notaddressed actual safety climate, but have focused on
activities such as data collection,reporting, reducing blame, involving leaders, or
focusing on processes (Singer et al.,2003). Climate consists of shared employee
perceptions relating to the practices,procedures and behaviours that get rewarded
and supported in an organization(Schneider et al., 1998). An organizational climate
is gained by the experiencesemployees have and how they perceive their
environment. The climate influences howorganizational members behave by how
they think and feel about their workenvironment. Employees’ work environment
perceptions cause them to interpretevents and develop attitudes, which dictate how
they work (Bowen and Ostroff, 2004).Although organizational climate perceptions
are significant safety indicators, therehave been few organizational safety climate
studies in hospitals and even less with aninternational scope (Collaet al., 2005;
Navehet al., 2005; Stone et al., 2004).

Many countries and international organizations created regulations and rules

fortheir medical sectors to improve patient safety. These efforts sought to create a
patientsafety climate to improve healthcare processes and outcomes through

At present, the U.S. healthcare system is of vital interest to the nation’s economy
and government policy (spending). The U.S. healthcare system is characterized as
the world’s most expensive yet least effective as compared to other nations.
Growing healthcare costs have made millions of citizens vulnerable. Major drivers
of the healthcare costs are institutionalized medical practices and reimbursement
policies, technology induced costs and consumer behavior(Examining Quality and
Efficiency of
the U.S. Healthcare System By Sameer Kumar1, Neha S. Ghildayal2 and Ronak N.
Shah3 ).

Management support, a proper reporting system and adequate resources were

found to influence the hospital patient safety climate(Factors affecting the climate
ofhospital patient safety By Stephen
L. Walston).

The majority (87 percent) of the patients responded that the time for
communication between physician and patient was not enough. Seventy- nine-
percent of the surveyed patients said they would go to the emergency room of the
hospital in future if needed instead of going to the primary care clinic. Regarding
the quality of the communication relationship between physician and patients
most of the patients responded negatively. Exploratory factor analysis identified
six factors and reliability of overall scale was found to be 0.61(Factors
influencing patient satisfaction in primary healthcareclinics in Kuwait Abdul
MajeedAlhashem, HabibAlquraini andRafiqul I. Chowdhury).



The study population consisted of the patients who came for services to the
primaryhealth care centers covering all health regions in Pakistan. Patients were
randomly selected a size of 125. Out of 125 Questionnaires 100 were returned with
a respondents of 80 percent. In keeping with thestandard research protocol,
necessary permission was obtained from the concernedauthorities of the Ministry
of Health for data collection.


This descriptive cross-sectional study used a questionnaire that consisted of

22closed-ended questions and specific questions on background (gender, age,
nationality,marital status, occupation, education, and
income) characteristics. The questionnairebased on Ware et al. (1978) model, is
divided into six dimensions of care. Eachdimension of care (interpersonal,
technical, accessibility, convenience, availability, andoverall) has a number of
statements that measure patients satisfaction (dependent variable) which is an
ultimate outcome in evaluating quality of medical care.Interpersonal dimension
measured the satisfaction to the amount of “caring” showntowards the patients and
communications between them. Technical dimension alsopertains to provider
conduct, focuses on the competence of providers and theiradherence to high
standards of diagnosis and treatment. Accessibility and conveniencedimension
measures satisfaction related to time and effort required to get anappointment,
distance and proximity to site of care, convenience of location time toreach, hours
during which care can be obtained etc. Availability dimension focuseswhether
there are enough physicians, nurses, and other providers, and such facilities
asclinics and hospitals in the area. Other similar studies have used different names
forthe dimension and called them attributes (Otaniet al., 2005). Each dimension
used inthis study and its specific attributes were found to have some correlations
with patientsatisfaction in previous studies (Harrison, 1996; Al-Fariset al., 1996;
Makhdoomet al.,1997; Gross et al., 1998; Shelton, 2000; Saeedet al., 2001). To
measure patientPatient satisfaction 251 satisfaction, interviews or open ended
questions produce much detailed informationand allow for clarification of
respondents’ views but are considered difficult to analyze(Fitzpatrick, 1991a).
More structured approaches such as multiple item questionnaireswith Likert scale
response categories produce data that are easier to handle but requireparticular
attention to validity and reliability to use in a different cultural settings
(Fitzpatrick, 1991b; Rees, 1994). In different cultural settings before applying
anyexisting scale it need re-evaluation (Kinnersleyet al., 1996; Grogan et al.,

The instrument used a modified five-point Likert scale as choices of answer,ranging

from very dissatisfied (0) to very satisfied (5). An additional choice, notapplicable,
was added to allow respondents to choose in case of service not provided orwhere a
given item was not applicable. The majority of statements used in thequestionnaire,
17 out of
22, are positively phrased to avoid any confusion that mightresult from using a
mix of positive and negative phrasing. In addition, there were twoquestions
relating to the patients’ number of visits to the primary care service duringthe past
year and the patient’s perception of his/her own overall health status.
Thequestionnaire was translated into Arabic and translated back into English by
anindependent professional to check the validity. Prior to the actual
administration, thequestionnaire was piloted in a small group of patients to
validate the language, contentand flow of information aimed at “appropriate”
rapport to make necessary changes. Bysumming 11 positive questions on different
aspect of satisfactions we computed an overall satisfaction score. The overall
satisfaction score ranges from 0 to 44. The lowestpossible score of 22 was
considered as the lowest level of satisfaction. Cronbach’s alpha(reliability
coefficient) was used to determine the internal consistency of theinstrument. The
value of the alpha of the overall scale was 0.61. The construct validitywas
assessed by factor analysis using factor loadings; these ranged from 0.41 to 0.76.

Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics (frequency distribution, mean, and standard deviation) were
usedto describe the data. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify
theunderlying factors and Cronbach’s alpha was used to measure the internal
consistencyof the scale and subscales.

Purpose– To measure the quality of health care services patient satisfaction is used
as one of the most important indicators. The study aims to identify factors affecting
patient’s satisfaction at primary health care clinics.
Dependent Independent
Variable Variable

Quality Control

Availability of
Medicines & other
suport staff

Patient Safety

Caring Staff

3. Theoretical Frame Work:

Patient Safety

Avalability of
H3 H4 Medicines &
Caring Staff other suport
Dependent staff

Quality Control:

Patient determined quality literature inconclusively predicts the direction

ofsatisfaction and quality from the patient’s perspective (Tucker and Adams,
2001).Quality is positively correlated with satisfaction; however, the direction and
strength ofthe predictive relationship between quality and satisfaction remains
unclear. Someauthors believe that complex healthcare services and the patient’s
lack of technicalknowledge to assess them should incorporate broader healthcare
quality measures,
including financial performance, logistics, professional and technical competence
(Eirizand Figueiredo, 2005). Quality is a judgmental concept (Turner and Pol,
1995) andoperational quality definitions, as we have seen, are based on values,
perceptions andattitudes (Taylor and Cronin, 1994). The implication thus is to
develop qualitymeasures based on expert judgement, specifically insightful
customers and respectedpractitioners (Turner and Pol, 1995).

Quality Control is one of the most important factor consider by patients to there
satisfaction level in health care. The Results observed from questionnaires
suggested that quality control will play a vital role in Customer satisfaction for
health care services in Pakistan. Thus we can Hypothes it as H1.

H1: Significant relation ship between independent Variable Quality Control

and Dependent variable.

Patient Safety:

A key positive patient safety climate dimension is managerial support and its
ability todirect staff to formulate proper strategic plans and priorities.
Organizational climate islinked to managerial behaviours (Schneider et al., 1998).
Managerial and physiciansupport play significant roles in the success of any
patient safety activity, as eachdirect a portion of the organization and care
provision (Cooper, 2000).
Involvingmanagers and physicians is especially critical because they are
ultimately responsiblefor hospital policy and decisions that affect the whole
organization (Nieva and Sorra,

H2: Significant relation ship between independent variable patient safety and
dependent variable Customer Satisfaction.

Caring Staff:

Staff plays a vital role in Satisfaction of customers by giving positive attitude

and responses. If Staff cares about its patients then its all needed for a
customer to be satisfied. Thus a Hypothesis can be developed.

H3: Significant relation ship between independent variable Caring Staff

and dependent variable Customer Satisfaction.

Availability of Medicines and other support staff:

If a Health care service station like hospital has proper equipment and required
medicines which is needed for the treatment of special cases like cancer is
available then it will be playing most important role in patient satisfaction. Thus
a Hypothesis can be developed.

H4: Significant relation ship between independent variable availability of

medicines, other support staff and dependent variable Customer Satisfaction.

Governmental Restrictions:

Government Restrictions in quality control, Patient Safety, Availability of

Medicines and other support stuff, and Staff Responsibilities defined by
government is the Moderating variable thus a hypothesis can be

H5: Significant relation ship lays between independent variable and

dependent variable the Moderating variable.



Do Will
Pakistan Discoun
health care ts
industry you influenc
needs a e
research? custome
N Valid 100 100 100
Missin 1 1 1

Do Pakistan health care industry needs a research?

Frequen Percen Valid Percen
cy t Percent t
Valid Yes 96 95.0 96.0 96.0
No 4 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 100 99.0 100.0
Missi System 1 1.0
Total 101 100.0


Ho: Its Tested that Research on Healthcare industry is Needed

Which Hospital you Prefer?

Frequen Percen Valid Percen
cy t Percent t
Valid Private 61 60.4 61.0 61.0
Governm 39 38.6 39.0 100.0
Total 100 99.0 100.0
Missi System 1 1.0
Total 101 100.0


H1: Large number of people trend to go to Private hospitals rather

then governmental free of cost.

Will Discounts influence customer satisfaction?

Frequen Percen Valid Percen
cy t Percent t
Valid Yes 75 74.3 75.0 75.0
No 25 24.8 25.0 100.0
Total 100 99.0 100.0
Missi System 1 1.0
Total 101 100.0


H4: Discounts offered in medicines trend towards customer satisfaction


Will Will Will How

Will Quality patient Caring Medicine much
What is
control safety staff s &suport Doctor's
Income influence influence influence stuff Fee you
customer customer customer customer can
satisfacti satisfactio satisfactio satisfactio affor
on? n? n? n? d?
Valid 10 100 100 100 100 100
Missi 1 1 1 1 1 1

What is your Income level?

Frequen Percen Valid Percen
cy t Percent t
Valid Less then 30 29.7 30.0 30.0
10,000 to 26 25.7 26.0 56.0
20,000 to 20 19.8 20.0 76.0
30,000 and 24 23.8 24.0 100.0
Tot 10 99.0 100.
al 0 0
Missin System 1 1.0
Total 10 100.0



Will Quality control influence customer satisfaction?

Freque Perce Valid Percen
ncy nt Percent t
Valid Strongly Disagree 21 20.8 21.0 21.0
Disagree 18 17.8 18.0 39.0
Nither agree nor 15 14.9 15.0 54.0
Agree 30 29.7 30.0 84.0
Strongly Agree 16 15.8 16.0 100.0
Total 100 99.0 100.0
Missi System 1 1.0
Total 101 100.0
16% 21%



H1: Quality control is one of the tested variable of customer satisfaction.

Will patient safety influence customer satisfaction?

Freque Perce Valid Percen
ncy nt Percent t
Valid Strongly 11 10.9 11.0 11.0
Disagr 24 23.8 24.0 35.0
Nither agree nor 17 16.8 17.0 52.0
Agree 34 33.7 34.0 86.0
Strongly Agree 14 13.9 14.0 100.0
Total 100 99.0 100.0
Missing Syste 1 1.0
Total 101 100.0
14% 11%



H2: Patient safety is a tested independent variable to wards customer

Will Caring staff influence customer satisfaction?
Freque Perce Valid Percen
ncy nt Percent t
Valid Strongly 15 14.9 15.0 15.0
Disagree 30 29.7 30.0 45.0
Nither agree nor 13 12.9 13.0 58.0
Agre 28 27.7 28.0 86.0
Strongly Agree 14 13.9 14.0 100.0
Total 100 99.0 100.0
Missi Syste 1 1.0
ng m
Total 101 100.0
14% 15%



H3: Majority of test samples suggest Caring staff is a key towards
customer satisfaction.

Will Medicines &suport stuff customer satisfaction?

Freque Perce Valid Percen
ncy nt Percent t
Valid Strongly 12 11.9 12.0 12.0
Disagree 29 28.7 29.0 41.0
Nether agree nor 12 11.9 12.0 53.0
Agre 37 36.6 37.0 90.0
Strongly Agree 10 9.9 10.0 100.0
Total 100 99.0 100.0
Missi Syste 1 1.0
ng m
Total 101 100.0

37% 29%


H4: Its tested majority of people agree medicines and support stuff
leads towards customer satisfaction.

How much Doctor's Fee you can afford?

Freque Perce Valid Percen
ncy nt Percent t
Valid Rs. 47 46.5 47.0 47.0
Rs. 26 25.7 26.0 73.0
Rs. 20 19.8 20.0 93.0
Rs. 7 6.9 7.0 100.0
Total 100 99.0 100.0
Missin Syste 1 1.0
g m
Tot 101 100.0




Majority of customers in health care services are willing to pay less in health
care services.


Case Processing Summary

Val Missi Tot
id ng al
N Percen N Percen N Percen
t t t
What is your
Income level? * 100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%
Which Hospital you
What is your
Income level? * 100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%
Will Quality control
What is your
Income level? * 100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%

Will patient safety

What is your
100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%
Income level? *
Will Caring staff
100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%
influence customer
100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%
What is your
Income level? *
Will Medicines 100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%

&suport stuff
100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%
Will Discounts
influence customer 100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%

satisfaction? *
Which Hospital
you Preffer? 100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%

Will Discounts
influence customer 100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%

satisfaction? * Will
Quality control
100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%
influence customer
Will Discounts 100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%

influence customer
satisfaction? * Will
patient safety
influence customer
Will Discounts
influence customer
satisfaction? * Will
Caring staff
influence customer
Will Discounts
influence customer
satisfaction? * Will
Medicines &suport
stuff customer
How much Doctor's
Fee you can afford?
* Which Hospital
you Preffer?
How much Doctor's
Fee you can afford?
* Will Quality
control influence
How much Doctor's
Fee you can afford?
* Will patient
safety influence
How much Doctor's
Fee you can afford?
100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%
* Will Caring staff
influence customer
How much Doctor's
Fee you can afford? 100 99.0% 1 1.0% 101 100.0%
* Will Medicines
&suport stuff

Crosstabs been taken of all the questions which were used in questioners. They
were matched by the dependent variable and independent variables. Below is the
Detailed report of all the crosstabs.

What is your Income level? * Which Hospital you Preffer?

Which Hospital you
Private Goverme
What is your Less then 17 13 30
Income level? 10,000
10,000 to 16 10 26
20,000 to 10 10 20
30,000 and 18 6 24
Total 61 39 100
Crosstabs : Income level Vs Hospital preffred:
In this crosstabs you can see majorty of people look towards private hospitals
rather then governmental hospitals. But people with high income trend more towards
Private hospitals

What is your Income level? * Will Quality control influence customer

satisfaction? Crosstabulation
Will Quality control influence customer
Stron Nither Stron
gly agree nor gly
Disag Disagr Disagree Agre Agre Total
ree ee e e
What is your Less then 6 6 1 10 7 30
Income level?
10,000 to 7 5 2 6 6 26
20,000 to 3 3 4 8 2 20
30,000 and 5 4 8 6 1 24
Total 21 18 15 30 16 100

Crosstabs : Income level VsQuality Control:

In this cross tabs majority of people agreed that quality control is a key
towards customer satisfaction.

What is your Income level? * Will patient safety influence customer

satisfaction? Crosstabulation
Will patient safety influence customer
Stron Nither Stron
gly agree gly
DIsag Disagr nor Agre Agre Tota
ree ee disagree e e l

What is your Less then 5 7 0 13 5 30

Income level?
10,000 to 1 6 6 7 6 26
20,000 to 1 3 7 6 3 20
30,000 and 4 8 4 8 0 24
Total 11 24 17 34 14 100
Crosstabs : Income level Vspatient Satisfaction:
In this cross tabsmajority of people agreed Patient safety is the key towards
customer satisfaction and they are from all income levels.

Crosstabs : Income level VsMedical & other support stuff:

In this cross tabs majority of people agreed Medical & other support stuffis
the key towards customer satisfaction and they are from all income levels.

Crosstabs : Income level VsCaring stuff:

In this cross tabs majority of people disagreed Caring staffis the key
towards customer satisfaction and they are from all income levels.
Will Discounts influence customer satisfaction? *

Which Hospital you Preffer?
Which Hospital you Preffer?

Private Goverment Total

Will Discounts influence Yes 50 25 75

customer satisfaction?
No 11 14 25

Total 61 39 100

Crosstabs : Income level VsCaring stuff:

In this cross tabs majority of people agreed Discountsis the key
towards customer satisfaction and they are from all income levels.
Crosstabs : DiscountsVsQuality control:
In this crosstabs majority of people agreed Quality controlis the key towards
customer satisfaction.

Crosstabs : DiscountsVspatient Safety:

In this cross tabs majority of people agreed patient safetyis the key towards
customer satisfaction.

Crosstabs : DiscountsVsCaring stuff:

In this cross tabs majority of people disagreed caring staffis the key
towards customer satisfaction.

Crosstabs : DiscountsVsmedicines & other support stuff:

In this cross tabs majority of people agreed Medicines and other support
stuffis the key towards customer satisfaction

How much Doctor's Fee you can afford? * Which

Hospital you Preffer?
Which Hospital you
Private Governm Total
How much Doctor's Rs. 200 26 21 47
Fee you
can afford? Rs. 400 15 11 26
Rs. 600 14 6 20
Rs. 800 6 1 7
Total 61 39 100
Crosstabs : Doctors FeeVsPrivate of Govt hospital:
In this cross tabs majority of people willing to pay more has more trend to
go to govt hospital rather then lowest fee level like 200 which has some what
equal percent chance.

Crosstabs : Doctors FeeVsQuality control:

In this cross tabs majority of people willing to pay low Fee200 has more
trend to agree on Quality Control rather then highest fee level like 800 which has
some what equal percent chance.

Crosstabs : Doctors FeeVsQuality control:

In this cross tabs majority of people willing to pay low Fee 200 has more
trend to agree on Quality Control rather then highest fee level like 800 which has
some what equal percent chance.
Crosstabs : Doctors FeeVspatient Safety:
In this cross tabs majority of people willing to pay low Fee 200 has more
trend to agree on patient Safety rather then highest fee level like 800 .

Crosstabs : Doctors FeeVscaring Staff:

In this cross tabs majority of people willing to pay low Fee 200 has more
trend to agree on caring Staffrather then highest fee level like 800 which has some
what equal percent chance.

Crosstabs : Doctors FeeVsMedicines & Other Suport Stuff:

In this cross tabs majority of people willing to pay low Fee 200 has more
trend to agree on Medicines and other support Stuff rather then highest fee level like

This study has demonstrated the relationship between satisfaction and specific
Independent variables. The subject is important enough to recommend that
theMinistry of Health conduct patient satisfaction studies on a regular basis. This
practicewill identify areas of dissatisfaction that can quickly be remedied and
ensureenhancement in satisfaction. More studies should be conducted in the
primary caresetting to reexamine those variables examined in the current study
which have notproven to be significant and to validate the significant relationship
found in this study.Before using patients’ satisfaction questionnaire which was
developed for differentcultural settings one should validate it in local context to
measure the patientsatisfaction.

Result of This Research:

This Research showed me Some Factors which were backed by the samples results
showing they will influence them towards customer satisfaction. Hence this report
is accepted. Independent Variables are the factors which will influence customer


1. Health care service quality perception in Japan by Miss

amiraeleuchepkoubaa Vol. 24 Iss: 6 2011.
2. Does patient satisfaction affect patient loyalty by Daniel P. Kessler,
Deirdre Mylod Vol. 24 Iss: 4, 2011,?
3. A case study of collaborative communications within healthcare logistics
by Jerry D. VanVactor, (2011) Vol. 24 Iss: 1.
4. Relational impact of service providers' interaction behavior in healthcare
by Sanjaya Singh Gaur, YingziXu, Ali Quazi, Swathi Nandi, (2011) Vol.
21 Iss: 1.
5. Factors influencing patient satisfaction in primary healthcare clinics in
Kuwait by Abdul MajeedAlhashem, HabibAlquraini, Rafiqul I.
Chowdhury, (2011) Vol. 24 Iss: 3.
6. Predictors of satisfaction with child birth services in public hospitals in
Ghana by Gertrude SikaAvortri, Andy Beke, Gordon Abekah-
Nkrumah, (2011) Vol. 24 Iss: 3.
7. Patient safety analyses using Lombardy administrative archives by
Pietro Giorgio Lovaglio, (2011) Vol. 24 Iss: 2.

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