Labor Laws in Singapore: Employment Contracts

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Labor Laws in Singapore

Singapore is known for its thriving business economy. According to the WEF Global
Competitiveness Report, Singapore is the most competitive economy in Asia, ranking third in
the world and following only Switzerland and the United States. According to the World Bank,
Singapore is the world’s easiest place to do business and is a top location to invest in Asia. If
you are considering doing business in Singapore, an understanding of the labor laws of
Singapore as outlined in the Singapore Employment Act is crucial.

Employment Contracts
It is a common practice in Singapore for businesses to utilize employment contracts with their
employees. There are no specific guidelines for employment contracts in the Employment Act.
However, a contract in Singapore typically contains information about duties, salary, work
hours, benefits and termination. Employment contracts are also typically documented in
writing to preserve documentation.

Wages and Work Hours

There is no minimum wage for workers in Singapore. According to “Guide Me Singapore” by
Janus Corporate Solutions, the only stipulation in the Employment Act is that employees are
paid in a timely manner (employees must be paid at least once a month). Many companies do
give an annual bonus of an extra month’s salary, but this is not a required practice. Work hours
are regulated for employees who earn less than $2,000 SGD per month. According to the
Employment Act, these workers may not be required to work more than eight hours a day or 44
hours per week. They are also entitled to a break after six hours of work. Employees in
management or higher positions may work more hours depending on the terms outlined in
their contract.

Other benefits outlined in the Singapore Employment Act include sick leave, annual leave,
maternity leave and holidays. Many companies actually offer better benefits than what is
required by the Employment Act, though employers are not required to offer employees
private health insurance. All Singaporean citizens pay into a government health plan through
their employer.

Foreigners Working in Singapore

Singapore has made it relatively easy for foreigners to obtain work permits in comparison with
other nations to encourage business and investment in the country. If a foreigner is hired by a
company in Singapore, the hiring company applies for an employment pass for their worker
through the Ministry of Manpower. The application can be completed online by following the
instructions at the Ministry of Manpower's website: There are many
types of work passes, but most of them are valid for a period of one to two years.

Labor Laws of Cambodia

Cambodian Labor law has evolved through five main stages, namely the pre-independence era,
the post-independence eras of 1953 to 1970, 1970 to 1975, 1979 to 1992, and 1993 to the

The main source of labor and employment law in Cambodia is the 1997 Labor Law and its first
amendment in 2007, and the 2002 Law on Social Security. Furthermore, there are also a
number of governmental regulations such as royal decrees, sub-decrees, prakas, decisions,
circulars, and notice8 issued by the Royal Government of Cambodia, and particularly by the
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training. Additionally, there are labor arbitral awards and
other related laws in force such as Decree 38 on Contract and Other Liabilities which provides
general rules of contract.

The Labor Law regulates the labor relationship between employees and employers and the
socio-legal rights and obligations resulting from a labor relationship. All Cambodian citizens and
foreign nationals working in Cambodia are subject to the regulations of the Labor Code. The
Labor Law specifically provides regulations on enterprise establishment, apprenticeships, labor
contracts, collective labor agreements, general working conditions, specific working conditions
for agricultural work, health and safety of workers, work related accidents, placement and
recruitment of workers, trade union freedom and worker representation in the enterprise,
settlement of labor disputes, strikes and lockouts, labor administration, and the labor advisory

Labor Administration

According to the Labor Law, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training and its Labor
Departments at the capital, provincial and municipal levels bear the primary responsibility for
the administration of labor.11 Labor inspections are assumed by the Labor Inspectors and Labor
Controllers.12 Labor medical inspection is under the labor medical inspectors and they work
closely with the labor inspectors.13 Under the Labor Law, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational
Training is required to establish a Labor Advisory Committee whose primary mission is to study
problems related to labor, the employment of workers, wages, vocational training, the mobility
of the labor force in the country, migrations, the improvement of the material and moral
conditions of workers and matters of labor health and safety.
Employment Relationship

The main legal instrument regulating individual contract employment in Cambodia is the Labor
Law. The Labor Law provides the basic legal form and scope of a labor contract in Cambodia
and details the rights and obligations of the employer and workers in a labor relationship.

Forms of Employment

Under the Labor Law, an employment relationship between an employer and a worker can be
governed by either an oral or a written contract.

Generally, the Labor Law allows employers to directly or indirectly recruit workers but they are
required to notify the Placement Office of the Ministry in Charge of Labor or the provincial or
municipal Employment Office of any vacancies in his enterprise or any new need for personnel.

Labor Supply Organizations or Labor Contractors

The Labor Law defines a labor contractor as a sub-contractor who contracts with an
entrepreneur and who himself recruits the necessary work force or workmen for the execution
of certain work or the provision of certain services for an all-inclusive price. Such a contract
must be in writing.

Labor Supply Organizations or Labor Contractors

The Labor Law defines a labor contractor as a sub-contractor who contracts with an
entrepreneur and who himself recruits the necessary work force or workmen for the execution
of certain work or the provision of certain services for an all-inclusive price. Such a contract
must be in writing.

The Labor Law details very specific circumstances under which a labor contract may be
terminated: when the contract expires or is otherwise completed; with the consent of both
parties; in the event of the serious misconduct or force majeure; and at the will of each party.

The Role of the Union and Labor Authority in Termination/Dismissal

Cambodia is unique because it generally does not have an industry-wide or trade-specific

concept of “union,” as in other countries. Unions in Cambodia are not united, and multiple
unions may exist in an enterprise.


The term “wage” under Cambodian labor law means the remuneration for the employment or
service that is convertible in cash or set by agreement or by the national legislation, and that
shall be given to a worker by an employer, by virtue of a written or verbal contract of
employment or service, either for work already done or to be done or for services already
rendered or to be rendered91. Wage may include actual wage or remuneration; overtime
payments; commissions; bonuses and indemnities; profit sharing; gratuities; the value of
benefits in kind; family allowance in excess of the legally prescribed amount; holiday pay or
compensatory holiday pay; and amount of money paid by the employer to the workers during
disability and maternity leave. However, wage does not include health care; legal family
allowance; travel expenses; benefits granted exclusively to help the worker do his or her job.

Minimum Wage

The Labor Law guarantees the minimum wage and states that wage must be at least equal to
the guaranteed minimum wage; that is, it must ensure every worker of a decent standard of
living compatible with human dignity93. Any written or verbal agreement that would
remunerate the worker at a rate less than the guaranteed minimum wage shall be null and
void.94 However, there is no minimum wage law in the Cambodia yet at the time being, except
a Notice No. 041/11 dated in March 2011 provides a minimum wage for workers who work in a
garment industry is 61 USD per month.

Overtime Pay

An employee who works overtime at the request of the employer must be paid at the following

• working overtime on normal working days: 150 percent of the current wage rate for overtime
hours; and

• working at night and public holiday: 200 percent of the current wage rate for overtime hours.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is not compulsory for employee under the labor law. However, the employer
is responsible for a worker’s work related accidents98 and is required to join the National Social
Security Fund under the 2002 Law on Social Security.

Social Insurance

The Law on Social Security states employers and workers covered by this law shall have be
required to pay contribution to the National Social Security Fund. The National Social Security
Fund is the public establishment.

Normal working hours may not exceed eight hours a day or 48 hours in a week. “Night work”
under the Cambodian Labor law represents a period of at least eleven consecutive hours that
includes the interval between 2200 and 0500 hour. Besides continuous work that is performed
by rotating teams who sometimes work during the day and sometimes at night, the work at the
enterprise can always include a portion of night work.


Annual Leave and Public Holidays An employee is entitled to at least 18 days of annual leave
with pay or at the rate of one and a half work days of paid leave per month of continuous
service104. In addition, Employees are given paid leave for public holidays based on Prakas
issued annually by the Ministry in charge of Labor.

Leave for Pregnancy, Maternity, and Adoption Maternity Leave

Female workers in Cambodia are entitled to a maternity leave of ninety days and half of their
wage, including their perquisites, paid by the employer during the maternity leave. Pre-natal
Check-ups, Miscarriages, Abortions, or Stillbirth The Cambodian Labor Law does not provide
any provisions related to pre-natal checkups, miscarriages, abortions, or stillbirth, but in
practice, some companies allow workers to have a monthly medical check-up by using their
annual leave, the employee is entitled to paid leave for the purpose of five pre-natal check-ups.
The use of annual leave is also allowed for cases of miscarriages, abortions, or stillbirth as well.
Military Service and Trainings The Cambodian labor law provides that all employment contracts
are suspended during the mandate time for military services and Trainings.

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