COURSES SYLLABUS For Mechanical Engineering UZ - University of Zimbabwe

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ME101 Engineering Drawing and Design.

5 hours of lectures per week inclusive of Tutorials and Practical Drawing Sessions.

 Drawing instruments and their use, Drawing Standards BS 308, Types of drawings,
their layout and purpose, title blocks, line types and their application, lettering.
 Systems of projection, isometric and orthographic, Freehand sketching, Arrangement
of views. First and third angle projections, Ellipses, circles and arcs in isometry.
 Developments and interpenetrations; cylinders and cones, prisms, pyramids and
 Parallel line development, Radial line development, triangulation true lengths,
 Dimensioning and labeling, Parts lists etc. Sectioning regulations, sectioned views,
 half sections, cranked sections.
 Limits and Fits; Hole and shaft tolerances, fits, screws and threads, Bolts and nuts
 conventions, threaded pieces.
 Design Analysis and calculations, Design of cams, SHM, cam profiles.
 Machine and Assembly Drawings, machine elements, general assemblies,
 sub-assemblies and sectioned assemblies.

Text books: Each student will be required to purchase the Engineering Drawing and

Design Handbook produced by the department. Any other supplementary texts can be used.

CE101 Engineering Materials

2 hours of lecture and one hour tutorial plus four hours practicals per week.

 Kinetics, rates of reaction, diffusion, nucleaction and growth of precipitates, the

crystalline state, atomic structures, binding, fundamentals of crystallography,
principles of x-ray
 Diffraction, metals and alloys, phase transformations, materials testing, mechanical
properties, process metallurgy, non-metallic materials, ceramics, refractories,
 Materials, polymers, materials selection, corrosion engineering, corrosion principles,
forms of corrosion, corrosion prevention oxidation. Some case studies in materials
 Strength of concrete, timber and metal products and their application under local
conditions, introduction to cement and clay mineralogy.
CSC102 Communication Skills


Assessment is continuos. All task will be assessed. They will include:

* Report project paper [30%]

* Oral presentation of project [10%]

* Written tasks [25%]

* Seminar presentations [5%]

* End of course test [30%]

1. Writing Skills

Here, the main focus is in the writing of short formal reports and a well-

researched short paper on an engineering issue of local relevance.

2. Oral Skills

Ability technical information orally is crucial. Oral presentation will be based

on class projects but especially in seminar sessions where students will learn

among other skills, the art of delivery, organization, and use of language and aids.

3. Talks

Where practical, talks by engineering professionals will be arranged to

enhance the understanding of important concepts in technical communication,
and to stimulate discussion on "The engineer and Society"

4. Organization of Work

Classes will be held two hours per week. Worksheets will be given whenever

appropriate. some of the tasks are done on a group basis. Students will be assigned to work in
small groups.

Course Content: lectures/Seminars/Talks


1. About the course

2. Nature and purpose of communication

Technical Writing

1. Its nature, types, approaches and structure

2. Organizing ideas in TW (descriptive, argumentative, etc.)

3. Strategies for effective writing

Note-taking and Summary Skills

From lectures, seminars, written texts, etc.

Choosing and Writing on a Topic

1. Discussing all ideas possible

2. Organizing ideas into meaningful units

3. Limiting and focusing ideas

Library and Referencing Skills

1. Getting information from the library

2. Reading techniques to retrieving information

3. Nature and structure of paragraphs

Using Sources

1. Using published and unpublished sources

2. Presenting citation (direct and paraphrasing)

3. Plagiarism

4. Use and limitations of graphic materials

Developing Effective TW Language Style

1. Sentence and paragraph structures

2. Transition and cohesive devices used

3. Accuracy, Brevity and Conciseness Skills

Report Writing

1. Types: (laboratory, progress, investigating evaluative)

2. Writing abstracts, synopses and summaries

3. Writing introductions, conclusions and recommendations

4. The body of the report

Writing Application Letters

1. Their nature and forms

2. Curricula Vitae

Oral Presentations

1. Seminars: form - types - structure

2. Project: Organization of material

3. Interviews Techniques

The Presentation

1. Purpose, material ordering, use of aids

2. Evaluation performance check list

Revising for final test.

FE 103 Engineering Mechanics(Applied Mechanics)

6 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial/week. One afternoon practical per group

throughout the week.

1. Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration. Angular Displacement,

Velocity and Acceleration. Equations using constant acceleration

and variable acceleration. Newton's Laws of Motion - S.I Units. Work

done by a force and by a torque. Power and Efficiency.

2. Gear Trains; Simple, Compound and Reverted Compound Trains

(excluding Epicyclic Trains). Efficiency of geared systems. Belt drives.

3. Simple Machines, Velocity Ratio and Mechanical Advantage. Real Effort,

Ideal Effort, Friction, Effort and Efficiency. The law of the Machine.

4. Radius of Gyration and moment of Inertia of Typical flywheel sections.

Kinetic Energy of Translation and Rotation, Linear and Angular momentum.

5. The purpose of flywheel. Fluctuation of Energy. Graphs

of torque against crank angle. Typical applications.

6. Velocity vectors, relative velocity; mean acceleration. Simple application of

acceleration vectors. Velocity- Images; use of instantaneous centres of

Rotation. Three- centres in-line theorem.

7. Pairs and Elements; Kinematic chains; Mechanisms and


8. Systems of Forces; n Forces and Couples; Conditions for Equilibrium.

Graphical and Analytical methods. Fractional forces - simple applications.

9. Pin-jointed Frameworks; Rigidity and Redundancy.

Forces in Frameworks; Graphical and analytical methods.

10. Direct stresses and strains; Young's modulus of Elasticity, Stresses in thin cylinders.

11. Beams and Bending; shear force and bending moment in

Cantilevers and simply supported beams. Points of


12. Bending stresses. Second moment of Area of a Section

(Not to be confused with Moment of Inertia) Section

Modulus. Flexural Rigidity.

13. Shear stress and strain. Modulus of Rigidity.

Crushing stress. Strength of Riveted Joints.

14. Shear stress in Torsion (Circular shafts only) Torsional stiffness; Torsional

Rigidity. Stepped shafts; Equivalent uniform shaft. Hollow shafts; comparison

with uniform solid shaft. Power transmitted by a shaft with uniform torque

and with variable torque.

15. Compound bars in compression and tension. Thermal stresses in homogeneous

bars with ends rigidity held, and in compound bars.

16. Properties of Fluids; Fluids, shear stress, solids vs. liquids, liquids and gases, density,
surface tension, viscosity, compressibility and bulk modulus, equation of state, specific heats.

17. Pressure and Head; Statics, pressure, Pascal's Law, variation of pressure, head,

18. Thermodynamics Concepts and Definitions; Intensive / extensive properties, processes,

path, cyclic processes, empirical temperature scales, thermometry.

19. Properties of Pure Substances; Heat capacities, matter, phase chances, tabular

and graphical presentation.

20. Perfect and Ideal Gases; Gas laws, equation of state, universal gas constant

and specific gas constants.

Recommended texts -

1. Thermodynamics, Work and Heat Transfer, 4 th Ed., Rogers and Mayhew.

2. Thermodynamic and Transport properties of Fluids, 4 th Ed., Rogers and Mayhew

3. Fluid Mechanics, Douglas J. F. et al, Longman

4. Applied Mechanics, Hannah and Hiller

EE103 Electrical Principles

Energy sources, storage cells. Circuit elements, circuit theorems: Thevenin and Norton
theorems, superposition and duality. Analysis of dc circuits ac single-phase circuits, phase
representation of ac quantities, complex representation of ac quantities, transients, series and
parallel resonance.

Power and energy factor.

Magnetic fields, electric fields, behaviour of charges in Law. Permittivity, permeability.

Magnetic and dielectric materials, forces in electric and magnetic media, energy stored,
Faraday's and Lenz laws. Motors and Generators, electrostatic generators, dry cells,
accumulators. Magnetic circuits and flux measurement, self and mutual inductance.

Introduction to three-phase circuits, star-delta transformations, current relations, power circuit


Precision and accuracy, measurement errors calibration and correction measures. The
oscilloscope and its use. Construction and operation of deflecting instruments, use of digital

Introduction to Boolean algebra, logic gates, simple switching circuits.

MT104/105 Engineering Mathematics IE

 Natural, rational and irrational numbers, induction.

 Functions, limits, continuity, derivative of functions, theorems on differentiation,
maxima and minima, curvature, polynomial approximation of functions, Newton's
method of finding roots, circular, exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic functions
and their inverses, differentiation of functions of several variables.
 Differential equations: separable, homogenous, exact, integrating factors, linear
equations with constant coefficients.
 Integration: substitution, parts and reduction formulae, improper integrals,
fundamental theorem of calculus, functions of several variables.
 Sets; probability: random experiments, sample spaces, events, mutually exclusive
events, axiomatic definition of probability, relative frequency. Computation of
probabilities of finite sample spaces, cardinality of a set, symmetry, methods of
enumerating sample points, conditional probability, total probability, independent
events, Baye's law.
 Matrices and determinants: algebra of matrices, inverses, definition and manipulation
of determinants, solution of simultaneous linear equations, application of geometry of
vectors, introduction to Boolean algebra and applications.
 Complex numbers: algebra, polynomials and roots of polynomial equations,
geometric representation, De Moivre's theorem.
 Sequences and Series .
 Application of integration of functions to one or more variables to physical problems
such as area, volume, arc length, centroid, moments of inertia, work/energy etc.

CT104 Computer Science I

Introduction to Microcomputers.

1. Elements of a person computer

2 Possible hardware configurations

3. Introduction to MS DOS operating system.

4. Files and directories

5. Introduction to use of commercial packages.

6. Word-processing

7. Database programs

8. Spreadsheet programs

9. Graphics and display programs

Introduction to software design

1. Program structures in a structural language

2. Syntax and grammar of a structural language

3. Use of standard libraries.

Introduction to FORTRAN programming


Introduction to Turbo Pascal, Assignment, Data Types, Expression, Program

Structure, More Data Types, Compound statements, Standard Functions.

Procedures and Functions

Programs that make choices

Using loops

Ordinal data types.


Record and sets

Text Filed

Other types of files

Searching, sorting and merging

Dynamic Data Structures

Numeric Methods

1. Statistical Tools

2. Vector and Metrix operations.

3. Simultaneous Solution of Linear Equations.

4. Curve Fitting

5. Newton's Method for Solution of Equations

4. Curve Fitting

5. Newton's Method for Solution of Equations

6. Numerical Integration.

WSP 180 Workshop Practice


Safety precautions and general measures.

Causes of accidents and prevention - machines, loose-clothing, long hair,

occupational health hazards.

Cleanliness of work place

Machining and fitting

Measuring instruments, marking out, marking out, hand and portable machining

tools, fastening devices, drilling, turning, milling, offhand grinding,

screw threads and power saw.


Basic wiring regulations with the accent on safety - understand definitions of "dead"
"live" 'earthed and neutral' Danger off, and resuscitation after an electric shock.

Wiring of domestic appliances, transformers ad motors. Star delta and direct-on line

delta and direct - on line starters fault fining in circuits and equipment. Lightning

conductors and protection of dwellings.

Measuring and testing equipment for continuity insulation and earthing (e.g. megger)

use of common tools for lighting and simple power circuits covering single

and three phase installations.

Woodwork and Construction

Woodworking machinery - circular sawing, planning, thickness narrow band saw,

drilling, wood working lathe. Hand tools - their use, adjustment and care joining of

wood and fixtures. Seasoning and effects of moisture on timber, their types,

properties and uses, particularly of those of grown in Zimbabwe, concrete,

bricklaying, form-work.


Basic sheet metal tools, marking out, bending brake, rolling cutting, nibbling,

guillotine, developing and joining be riveting. Soldering, brazing and spot welding,

gas and arc welding, fluxes and coated electrodes.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zimbabwe, P. O. Box MP 167, Mount

Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-303211 Ext 1380, Fax: +263-4-303280 This page was created and is
maintained by Eng. W. R. Nyemba Email: [email protected]

ME 201 Applied Mechanics/Theory of Structures

3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial/week, one afternoon practical.

 Screw threads, friction clutches, brakes, belt drives. Balancing of rotating

machinery.Spur gearing, gear tooth shapes, methods of manufacture, gear trains.
 Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies
 Velocity and acceleration in mechanisms, Coriolis acceleration, dynamically
equivalent systems, inertia forces. Free vibration degrees of freedom, linear vibrations
with viscous damping, periodic disturbing force.

EE201 Electronic Circuit Design

4 hours lecture & tutorials and 1 afternoon practical/week.

Semiconductors Fundamentals:

Conductivities of conductors, insulators and semiconductors, Electronic energy states and

Energy bands, Conduction bands, valence bands and forbidden gap, electron population
densities, mobility, lifetime, generation and recombination, intrinsic and extrinsic conduction,
behaviour of impurities.

Fermi energy level, Fermi Dirac distribution function, the hole and free carrier
concentrations, intrinsic conductivity, extrinsic conductivity and compensation, diffusion and

The law of mass action and the condition of charge neutrality.

Carrier concentration in the presence of both donor and acceptor impurities. Carrier
mobilities, The Einstein relation, The Boltzman relation and semiconductors under non-
equilibrium conditions.

The transient effects of Optical excitation. The continuity equation and its solution under
commonly existing situation.

P-n junction:

The depletion region, space charge density, electric field strength, electrostatic potential and
electron potential energy variation in the depletion region. Contact potential and potential
energy barrier.
Minority and majority carrier flow, forward biased and reverse biased p-n junction,
development of the thin diode equation, Static/dynamic resistance of the diode, avalanche

Diode applications: rectifier circuits, ripple factor, smoothing circuits, voltage doubler and
quadrupler, clipping and clamping circuits. Breakdown and Zener diodes.

Bipolar transistor:

behaviour of npn and pnp junctions, hybrid , -pi and h-Parameter small signal equivalent
circuits, single stage amplifier, common base and common emitter configurations, emitter

Transistor biasing, input and output impedance, current and voltage gain. CE, CB, CC
(emitter follower) , amplifier configuration. Input resistance, output conductance.
Introduction to a positive and negative feedback, astable multivibrator, transimpendance

Operational Amplifier.

The differential amplifier, operational amplifier, analogue computers, square and triangular
wave generators. I.C. operational amplifier analysis, tuned and wide-band amplifiers, cascade
arrangement. Differential gain and common mode gain. Common mode rejection ratio

Simple current sources and the internal organisation of a modern OP AMP Linear

applications. Inverting and non-inverting amplifier configurations, Summing amplifier,

differentiator. Logarithmic amplifier and antilog amplifier, The schmitt trigger.

Analogue computers, Non linear applications, Voltage comparator.

Logic Circuits.

Review of Boolean algebra and representation of boolean variables in electronic circuits.

Positive and negative logic. TTL gates, inverter, nand, nor, and or gates. Totem pole outputs,
tristate outputs and open collector outputs. Propagation delay and power consumption. TTL
characteristics fan and fan out.

The inverter characteristics. The MOS Transistor, nMOS, pMOS transistor operation, VI
characteristics and nMOS logic circuits, CMOS logic circuits and their advantages. Pass

Signal generation, frequency synthesised signal generation, frequency divider, signal

generator, modulator, sweep frequency generator, pulse and square wave generator, function
generator, RF generator.
ME 202 Solid Mechanics

3 hours of lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week plus one afternoon practical/week.

Introduction to Experimental Stress - Strain Data.

Thin Shells Under Internal Pressure

Bending Stress in Beams

Shear Stress Distribution

Beams of Composite materials

Deflection of Beams

Statistically Indeterminate Beams

Unsymmetrical beams


Torsion of Circular Shafts and Tubes

Elastic Failure of Columns

Thick cylindrical shells

EE202 Electrical Machines

4 hours lectures and tutorial and 1 afternoon practical/week. Pre-Requisites

Complex (j) notation, manipulation of complex parameters of the type

R + x (i.e addition, multiplication & division)

Introduction & definition of Electrical Machines

Brief review of the magnetic field effects on its environment and how motor,

transformer and generator principles are based on these effects.


Construction of distribution and power transformers. Types of transformers.

Construction methods core & she construction. The effect of construction on efficiency and
costs Principles of operation of single phase transformers.
The emf equation on efficiency and costs Principles or operation of single phase
transformers. The emf equation and its role as a basis for transformer design. Derivation of
the equivalent circuit of a single phase transformer Transformers on no load and on load.

Transformers regulation & efficiency and the use of phasors. Transformers testing No load
and short circuit tests.

The meaning of percentage impedance and standard values for typical distribution

Application of transformers.

Induction Motors

Construction of cage & wound rotor machines. Principles of operation of a squirrel cage
induction motor (using the rotating field, exact & simplified models Induction motors under
running conditions, torque vs slip characteristics Conditions for maximum torque.

Testing of induction motors, the no load test. The locked rotor test Determination of machine
parameters from tests Introduction of single phase motors Applications of Induction Motors.

Direct Current (DC) Machines

Construction of DC Machines according to application and power levels. Importance of

insulation in large DC Machines DC Machines windings, lap & wave windings

Principles of operation of the DC Generator. Circuit models of series, shunt, and compound
excited DC Generators. Principles of operation of DC Motors, Circuit models of series and
shunt excited DC Motors under running conditions, torque speed characteristics. Starting of

ME203 Engineering Drawing, Design and Materials

Drawing standards for machining and surface finish; limits and fits; introduction to
geometrical tolerating; weld symbols. Introduction to computer draughting.

Materials selection and substitution. Introduction to fatigue.

Design and common applications of:shafts and bearing arrangements; journal and rolling
element bearings; threaded fasteners, rivets and welded assemblies; use of adhesives.

Construction and analysis of plate cams.

Design for manufacture: castings, fabrications, forging, etc. Cost of manufacturing

processes. Introduction to systematic design.

Design Projects e.g. design of simple mechanisms, jigs and fixtures: Selection of
components from catalogues.

2 hrs/week lecturers, 3 hrs/week practical

Assessment: 50% exam, 50% coursework.

Materials: The metallic structure, effect of stress and temperature on simple metal

structure metal structure, control of poly-phase structures, steel and cast irons, engineering
alloys use of suppliers data in design.

ME204 Thermo-fluids

3 hrs lecture, 1 hr tutorial & practical per week

1. Fluid statics ; Pressure variations, Hydrostatic forces, Buoyancy and

stability floating bodies.

2. Concept of Control Volume Analysis; The Reynolds Transport Theorem,

Conservation of Mass, Conservation of Momentum, The Bernoulli Equation,
The energy Equation.

3. Differential Element Conservation; Differential Systems Vs. Control

Volumes, The Differential Equation of Mass Conservation, The Differential
Equation of Linear Momentum, The Differential Equation of Energy,
Boundary Conditions for the Basic Equations.

4. First Law of Thermodynamics; Corollaries, non-flow and steady flow


5. Second Law of Thermodynamics; reversibility, corollaries, isentropic

processes, relations for perfect gases, isentropic efficiency

6. Ideal Vapour Cycles; Carnot cycle, Rankine cycle with and without
superheat, reheat cycle, regenerative cycle, economisers and air heaters,
nuclear power plant cycles, economic assessment, representation on p-v, T-s
and h-s diagrams.

7. Introduction to Gas Cycles ( including m.e.p.).

Recommended texts -

1. Fluid Mechanics, Frank White - McGraw Hill

2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics - Fox McDonald, Wiley

3. Fluid Flow, Sabersky, Acosta, Hauptmann - McGraw Hill

4. Thermodynamics, Work and Heat Transfer, 4 th Ed., Rogers and Mayhew, London.

5. Thermodynamic and Transport properties of Fluids, 4 th Ed., Rogers and Mayhew

MT204/205 Engineering Mathematics IIE

2 hours lecture and tutorial throughout the year.

Complex Variable: functions, mappings, differentiability and the cauchy-Riemann


Taylor and Laurent expansions, residues, principle of the argument.

Linear Algebra: vectors in IRn, vector and scalar product, orthogonality,

Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, geometric applications, linear dependence and independence,

subspaces, bases and dimension, linear transformation of matrices, diagonalization and

Cayley-hamiltion theorem and applications.

Vector Calculus: Derivatives of f: IR - IR3, theory of curves, scalar fields - directional

derivative and gradient, vector fields - flux over the surface, Gauss' theorem, Stoke's theorem,
Green's formular.

Potential fields, line integral in potential fields.

Curvilinear coordinates. Fourier Series: Orthogonality relations and the Euler formula

for the coefficient, Besses's inequality and Parseval's identity, expansion in sine and

cosine series, solution of boundary value problems, the Fourier transform, inverse

transform and convolutions, application to differential equations.

Differential Equations: numerical methods, second order linear with variable coefficients,
reduction of order, variation of parameters, power series method, Frobenuis method,

Laplace transform, partial Laplace transform and applications to partial differential

equations Probability and Statistics: random variables, functions of random variables

and central limit theorem, moments and moment generating functions, sampling theory,
estimation and hypothesis testing, regression and analysis of experiments.
ME 206 Manufacturing Technology

4 hrs lecture & tutorial plus 1 afternoon practicals/week

Manufacturing processes: Cutting and machinability,

Machine tools, Manufacturing Economics, Drilling, Grinding, Cutting materials,

Ultrasonic, electrodischarge and electromechanical machining, Quality control.

Joining Process: Organisation for production, Foundry Technology, Forming Technology and
Welding technology, Welding processes, (SMAW process, TIG, WIG), Plasma Arc Welding,

Electronic Beam Welding, Welding Defects, Weldability tests, Technological Procedure of

welding steel plates.

Casting processes, Casting design, Gating and risering systems. Foundry sands, Casting

Forming technology. Free and Die forging, Heating cycles, Extrusion, Rolling, Drawing,
Initial stock,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zimbabwe, P. O. Box MP 167, Mount

Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-303211 Ext 1380, Fax: +263-4-303280 This page was created and is
maintained by Eng. W. R. Nyemba Email: [email protected]

FE301 Renewable Energy Engineering III.

1. Renewable Energy Resources Solar geometry, radiation, atmospheric

motion, flow measurements.

2. Photovoltaics PV cells, basic principles and properties, types, characteristics

and equivalent circuits of PV cells.

3. Solar Thermal Collectors Radiative heat transfer, solar, thermal collectors,

effective curves, selective surfaces and covers.

4. Fluid Mechanics of Turbo Machinery Bernoulli's equation, fundamentals of

turbo machinery, friction and viscosity.

5. Wind and Water Turbines Betz criterion, wind turbine types, HQ

characteristics, mechanical and electrical power generation, control strategies.

6. Storage Components Electrical and thermal storage.

EE303 Dynamics and Control Systems

4 hours lectures & tutorials plus 1 afternoon practical/week

Modelling of dynamic and control systems (Electrical, mechanical, rotational,


State equations and differential equation models, transfer functions,

The application of computer to dynamic system analysis.

System response to inputs and initial conditions )impulse, step, ramp and harmonic response)

First and second order system characteristics and responses.

Transient and steady state performance assessment steady state errors system types,
specification and sensitivity.

Dynamic of discrete systems Routh-Hurwitz criterion Nyquist criterion

Root- locus analysis Bode diagrams, Nicholas chart, M & N circles

Digital computer stability analysis.

Applications of Control systems.

ME 303 Dynamics

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week plus practical.

Kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies in plane and space coordinates,

vector methods. Free and forced vibrations of single- and two degree-of-freedom systems
including damping. Rotating unbalance, whirling of rotating shafts, support motion, vibration
measuring instruments, vibration absorber, the analog computer.

Noise Awareness, Vibration Isolation.

Examinations: one 3-hour exam

ME 304 Fluid Mechanics

3 hrs lecture, 1 hr tutorial & practical per week

1. Dimensional Analysis & Similarity; The Pi - Theorem, Non-

dimensionalization of the basic equations, Modeling & its pitfalls.

2. Flow in Pipes; Flow in a circular pipe, Losses in pipes, The Moody

diagram, Laminar fully developed flow, Branching & reservoirs.

3. Non - Newtonian flow; Categories of fluids, Laminar flow of purely viscous


4. Introduction to boundary layers; The Blasius boundary layer, Boundary

layer transition, Turbulence boundary layers, Boundary layer with pressure
gradients, The Falkner - Skan boundary layer, Separation.

5. Open Channel Flow; Shallow water waves, The hydraulic jump, Gradually
varied flow, Manning's correlation, Measurements in open channel flow.

6. 'REAL' Fluid Mechanics; Forces on bodies in a fluid, Wing terminology,

Two & three dimensional wing theory and results.

Recommended texts -

1. Fluid Mechanics, Frank White - McGraw Hill

2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics - Fox McDonald, Wiley

3. Fluid Flow, Sabersky, Acosta, Hauptmann - McGraw Hill

ME305 Industrial Systems Engineering

Systems identification, modelling, and quantitative decision making methodologies based on

management science. Operations Research, Forecasting systems applicable to commerce and

Project Management, Systems optimisation.

Queuing system and related theory, System Reliability, maintainability, Risk Engineering,
Decision Theory and analysis.

Simulation and its applications, Cellular Manufacturing and Group Technology.

EE305 Electrical Machines

Lecturers/Tutorials 4 hours/week

Labs 2 hours/every other week



Direct-on-line switching, reduced voltage, A/t starter, rotor

resistance, deep bars, double cage rotor.

Speed Control

Voltage control, frequency control, pole changing, rotor resistance,

introduction to slip power recovery.

Analysis of I.M under Dynamic, plugging


Analysis of Single-phase IM
Split phase, capacitor type, shaded pole, universal ac series motor Synchronous machines

Theory of operation, introduction to 3-phase winding, winding emf and mmf, harmonic emfs,
equivalent circuit and phasor diagram of cylindrical rotor machine, effect of armature
reaction upon excitation requirements, regulations, synchronization, operation on infinite bus
bar, power load angle, constant power, constant excitation, parallel operation of two
machines synchronous condenser d-q theory of salient pole machine, parameters

Three phase transformer.

Three-phase connections, open delta, tertiary winding transformer, auto transformer, parallel

ME306 Mechanical Engineering Design

Design, selection, application and stress analysis of further machine elements: springs,
couplings, keys and keyways, splines, belts and chains; spur, worm and helical gears.

Further design methodology, including design for economic manufacture.

Design projects: e.g. design of a reduction gearbox. Group design projects.

4 hours/week lectures and tutorials, 3 hours/week practical.

ME 307 Process Engineering

4 hours lectures and tutorials and 1 afternoon practical per week

Non-Newtonian flow, Centrifugal pumps, Diaghragm pumps, Vacuum producing units, Flow
and Distribution of steam, Heat exchangers, Size reduction, Screen analysis, Ore processing,
Process Optimisation,, Mass transfer, Fluidisation, Properties of fuels and combustion.

NB This course will not be offered in the current academic year.

ME 308 Solid Mechanics

3 hours of lectures, 1 hour tutorial, plus practicals.

Beams on Elastic Foundations, Rotating Disks

Theories of Failure for Initial Yielding, Curved Beams, Energy Methods

Introduction to Experimental Stress Analysis, Bending of circular plates

Fatigue, Creep and Fracture Mechanics, Matrix Methods, Thick Cylindrical Shells.

ME 309 Thermodynamics

3 hrs lecture, 1 hr tutorial & practical per week

1. Gas Cycles; Simple, with heat exchange, inter-cooler and preheat, combined
gas and steam, reciprocating, Otto, Diesel and mixed cycles, mean effective

2. Heat Pump and Refrigeration Cycles: reverse Carnot, practical refrigeration

cycles, water and absorption refrigerators.

3. Air Conditioning; Gases and gas - vapour mixtures, psychometry, cooling


4. Combustion; Fuels, chemical reactions, product analysis, internal energy

and enthalpy of combustion, efficiency, dissociation, reaction data.

5. Internal Combustion Engines; Spark Ignition engines, Diesel engines,

engine performance maps, real versus air - standard cycles.

6. Reciprocating Compressors and Turbines; Work transfer, indicator

diagrams, air compressor, steam engines.

7. Availability and Reversibility; exergy and anergy definition

Recommended texts -

1. Thermodynamics, Work and Heat Transfer, 4 th Ed., Rogers and Mayhew.

2. Thermodynamic and Transport properties of Fluids, 4 th Ed., Rogers and Mayhew

ME 311 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

3 hrs lecture, 1 hr tutorial & practical per week

1. Refrigeration; Application of refrigeration, refrigeration systems,
refrigeration cycles, properties, tables and charts, heat and mass transfer,
refrigerants, evaporators, condensers, dryers, compressors, expansion devices.

2. Air Conditioning; Psychometry, ambient condition and human comfort,

ventilation, load and energy calculations, equipment, air distribution and duct
design, water piping and pumping, air conditioning systems, system
components. Conventional systems, constant volume induction systems, multi
- zone unit system, dual duct systems.

3. Mechanical Refrigeration; Compression and absorption systems. advanced

systems; adsorption, cascading, dry ice, cold storage design and freeze drying.

Recommended texts -

1. Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Althouse, Turnquist and Bracciano.

2. Principles of Refrigeration, R J Dossat, London

CE 309/313 Professional And Industrial Studies

Three hrs lecture plus one-hour tutorial/ week, two semester course.

Paper 1 - Finance and Management

Elements of micro- and macro-economic as capable to engineering works, introduction to

cost benefit analysis, economic appraisal of engineering projects.

Financial control and effect of economic policy in financial decisions. Marketing mixes,

Management - leadership and motivation theories. Organisational Behaviour,

New Production Systems. Operations research - linear programming and decision trees.

Paper 2 - Engineering Ethics and Contract Procedures.

Law and the Engineer. Conditions of contract, specifications, Bills of Quantities,

standard methods of measurement, standardization and codes of practice,

professional activities, ethics and aesthetics.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zimbabwe, P. O. Box MP 167, Mount
Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-303211 Ext 1380, Fax: +263-4-303280 This page was created and is
maintained by Eng. W. R. Nyemba Email: [email protected]

FE 401 Renewable Energy Engineering IV

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week practical one afternoon per week.

1. Energy Analysis for Service Demand

- survey of energy services needed (e.g. light, shaft power, communication,

low, medium and high temperature heat)

- end energy forms (electrical, mechanical, thermal, etc.)

- time pattern of demand

- load management (energy conservation, peak minimisation, etc.)

- power management (availability, reliability, quality)

2. Site Analysis of RE Potential

- survey of RE potential and statistical data processing

- time pattern of resources

- power output of various types of conversion technologies.

3. Component Design

- matching demand and supply by various conversion technologies

- identification of storage demand and storage technologies

- sizing converter and storage components.

4. System Design and Performance Analysis

- system design by combination of various components

- system performance analysis and time step simulation (INSEL Computer

Simulation System)

5. System Optimisation Methods

- optimisation criteria (economical, environmental, technical)

- sensitivity analysis

6 Economics And Social Impacts

- economical evaluation methods (cost-benefit, net present value, annuity)

- local availability of components/imports needed

- demand and availability of skills and training

- user training

ME 401 Thermo- fluids

3 hrs lecture, 1 hr tutorial & practical per week

1. Compressible Flow; Thermodynamics concepts, Energy equation, Area-

velocity relation, Static & Stagnation temperature, Frictionless compressible
flow in horizontal passages, Effect of friction, Convergent nozzles,
Convergent-divergent nozzles, Shock waves.

2. Potential flow; Basic equations, Two-dimensional incompressible Potential

flow, Superposition, Sources in incompressible fluids, Circulation & Vorticity,
The method of Images, General solution for two-dimensional potential flow,
Aerodynamic lift, The Kutta condition, The lifting flat plate.

3. Turbo-machines; General description, Momentum & Bernoulli relations,

The Impulse Turbine, Axial flow machines, Centrifugal machines,
Performance curves, Affinity laws.

4. Conduction; Basic laws of heat transfer, one- , two-, and three dimensional
steady state.

5. Convection; Boundary layer approximation, exact solution, analogy,

turbulence pipe flow.

6. Radiation; Bose - Einstein distribution grey body, absorption and radiation

from gases.

7. Numerical Methods; one- , two- and three dimensional, MATLAB or any

heat transfer software.

8. Heat Exchangers; Parallel and counter flow, LMTD, multi - pass heat
exchangers, cross - flow heat exchangers, sizing and rating, effectiveness -
NTU method, practical types of heat exchangers.
Recommended texts -

1. Fluid Mechanics, Frank White - McGraw Hill

2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Fox McDonald - Wiley

3. Fluid Flow, Sabersky, Acosta, Hauptmann - McGraw Hill

4. Heat Transfer, Holman.

EE403 Control Systems

1. Linear Control System Design and Compensation - using root locus, Nyquist

and Bode diagrams.

PD, lad, lag, PID, implementation using active filters and feedback


Linear state variable feedback

Controller design

Controllability and observability

Estimator design

Compensator design (Controller and estimator)

Digital compensation, the relationship between s and z planes

Digital computer analysis

2 Non-linear feedback control systems

Non-linear differential equations

Linearizing approximations

Phase plane analysis

Initial conditions

Method of isoclines
Describing functions

Limit cycles

State-space representation

Popov, Lyapunov functions

3. Digital Control Systems

Design in the z-plane

Characteristic response

Stability analysis - Root locus, Nyquist, Bode

Mathematical test for stability - Jury's test

Digital controller design - Ragazzim's method

Digital observer

Microprocessor control

4. Optimal Control Systems

Characteristics of optimal control systems

Calculus of variations

Dynamic programming

Maximum principle

Application of the maximum principle to special vehicle control.

ME 403 Dynamics

3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week plus practicals.

Transient vibrations, non-linear vibrations, numerical methods for multi-degree of freedom


Vibration of continuous systems, Lagrange's equations, random vibration analysis, random

vibration measurement, transmission of random vibration, digital spectral analysis.
ME405 Mechanical Engineering Design

2 hours lecture and 3 hours labs per week throughout the year.

Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design

1. Bolted connections and fasteners; threaded standards, bolted joints in tension,

strength analysis of bolted joints.

2. Helical and Bevel Gears; Kinematics of bevel and helical gears, strength and

force analysis of bevel and helical gears.

3. Brakes and Clutches; Statics, rim clutches and brakes, cone clutches and

energy considerations.

4. Product Development and Design; Design Costing and Value Analysis,

Appraisals of projects and products, Sensitivity Analysis, Design

modifications and import substitution.

Computer Aided Design and Manufacture.

1. Computer Aided Design; Geometrical Modelling, transformations, AutoCAD

and AutoLISP, Application of Finite Element Analysis in Design.

2. Computer Aided Manufacture; Introduction to Numerical Control, NC & CNC

Machine Tools, Integrating CAD and CAM, Automation and Robotics.

3. Flexible Manufacturing Systems; Equipment use, Materials handling, Use of

AGVs, Economies and Benefits of FMS Technology.

4. Implementation and Implications of CAD and CAM; Preliminaries, Turnkey

Systems vs In-house development, Selection Criteria, Implications, benefits

and limitations of CAD and CAM.

EE405 Electrical Machines

Lecturers/Tutorials 4hrs/week Labs 1-3 hr/week

1. Transients and Dynamics of selected types of drive Current and speed

responses General from of torque equation and solution Braking and reversal

Pulse loading typical duty cycle. Closing loop response of d c motors.

2. Analysis of typical drives, Drives with gear or belt systems Compressor

Centrifugal pump/fan Constant power drives winch Hoist and crane drives.

3. Permanent magnet materials and circuit design materials in use and B -characteristics
Recoil and air-gap lines Permanent magnet systems with air- gap Design equations.
Magnetics Magnetic circuits with leakage flux Operation in the presence of demagnetized

4. Brushless D C motors Construction and operation Controller switching

Current and mmf wave forms Torque and emf equations Torque and speed

characteristics Speed control Applications.

5. A C Motor operation from non-sinusoidal supply.

Air gap mmf harmonics Motor performance calculations Motor losses.

Harmonic torques Motor instability

6. Variable frequency operation of induction motors steady state performance at

constant volts/Hz Constant flux and constant current operations.

7. Chooper controlled d c drives Converter controlled d c drives. Voltage

controlled induction motor drives Frequent controlled induction motor drives.

Frequent controlled induction motor drives. Slip energy controlled drives

Sub-synchronous static converter cascade. Static control of rotor resistance.

Prescribed Texts

Electrical Machine Drives J Hindmarsh Pergammon

Thyristor Control of AC Motors Murphy Pergammon

Solid-State DC Motor Drive Kusko McGraw-Hill

Power Electronics Lander McGraw-Hill

ME 406 Solid Mechanics

3 hours lecture, one hour tutorial, plus practicals.

Elasticity Equations in Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates Airy

stress Functions

Torsion of non-Circular sections

Introduction to Plasticity and Plastic bending

The Finite Element Method

Thermal Stresses

ME 410 Engineering Management

4 hrs lectures & tutorials/week

Engineering Management Functions:

Design Management, Technical Marketing Management, Production Management,

Maintenance Management, Project Management, Capital Asset Management,

Environmental Management, Total Quality Management.

Engineering Management Techniques:

Improving Production and Methods incorporating Just in Time, Materials Requirement

Planning and Lean Production, Management of Independent Demand, Improving Equipment
Reliability, Improving Materials Management, Cost Reducing, Control of Project Resources,
Improving Investment Decisions, Management Information Systems, Capacity planning,
Ergonomics at Work, Total Quality Management techniques incorporating total quality
control, Environmental Management Systems, Maintenance Management Techniques,

Financial Management Techniques.

ME 412 Power Plants

3 hours lecture & 1 hour / per week and industrial visits.

1. Thermodynamics review ; The First Law for the open and closed system,
The gas and steam cycles, Combustion process, The Second Law and the
concepts of reversibility and entropy, The Carnot, Rankine, Otto, Diesel and
Brayton cycles.

2. Heat Power Plants; Steam turbine power plant; Classification, flow

diagrams and design calculations, Steam generators; heat balance, general
characteristics of furnaces, fuel handling, ash removal, pollution and pollution
control, superheaters and reheaters, economizers, air preheaters, Condensers,
Feed water heater, Water cooling towers, water supply and water treatment.

3. Gas turbine power plants; Classification, flow diagrams and design


4. Internal combustion engine power plants; Classification, constructions and

design calculations.

5. Other power plants; Nuclear power plant, Nuclear fission, nuclear cycles
and nuclear reactors, Hydroelectric power plants, Wind generators, Direct
energy converters.

6. Sources, use and management of energy; Sources of energy supply and

energy demands, energy management and energy audits, the technology of
energy savings.

Recommended texts:

1. Heat Engineering , I. T. Shvets, V. I. Tolubinsky, et al , 1975, Mir Publishers.

2. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, 4th Ed, T. D. Eastop, A.


3. Engineering Thermodynamics , 4th Ed, G.F. Rogers and Y. R. Mayhew.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zimbabwe, P. O. Box MP 167, Mount

Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-303211 Ext 1380, Fax: +263-4-303280 This page was created and is
maintained by Eng. W. R. Nyemba Email: [email protected]

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