Stellarium - Star Map
Stellarium - Star Map
Stellarium - Star Map
Activity 1.
Once you have installed the program, go to Madrid on April, the 26 th. How do we do?
Click on the button location window (on the left of the screen) and then look for Madrid, Spain
Now fit the hour, for example, 22:00, and select the equatorial grid (on the bottom of the screen).
Now look for the Polaris.
Once you have located the Polaris, try to find as many constellations as you can. For example, Ursa
minor, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Ursa major, Orion. Try also to keep the number of some of the most
brilliant stars, for example Capella.
Now, do the same for Gualdo Tadino and for Eskilstuna.
Now, we can compare with the sky on May, the 25th .
Activity 2.
First of all, we made a line that join the Polaris,
just in the center of the map, with Navy y Cas,
the central double star of Cassiopeia and we
follow it till the border of our map.
So, if you start in the Polaris (90º N), and Ksora is 60º N (Eskilstuna), you can divide the distance in
three parts (each one with 10º latitude).
Moreover, if you double the distance, you have 30º N, then you can divide once again in three to
have 40º (Madrid for example), just to Ecuador.