Client Monies Audit Engagement Letter

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Example of Audit of Client Monies Engagement Letter

The following format may be used as a guide to preparing an audit of Client Monies engagement letter. It
should be used in conjunction with consideration of the requirements and explanatory material in the
APESB standards APES 310 Dealing with Client Monies and APES 305 Terms of Engagement and
should be varied according to specific requirements and circumstances. APES 305 paragraphs 4.1 to
4.10 relate to the general contents of an engagement document.

[Insert DD Month YYYY]

[Insert Contact Name]

[Insert Position]
[Insert Company or Business Name]
[Insert Address]
[Insert Suburb State Postcode]

Dear [Insert Contact Name]


You have requested that we perform the audit of compliance with APES 310 Dealing with Client Monies
(the Standard) for [insert name of member/firm] (the Member/the Firm), for the year ending [insert DD
Month YY]. We are pleased to confirm our acceptance and our understanding of this engagement by
means of this letter.

This engagement will be conducted with the objective of expressing a conclusion on the
[Member’s/Firm’s] compliance with the Standard.

The responsibilities of the auditor

We will conduct our audit in accordance with the Standard and applicable Australian Auditing and
Assurance Standards (specifically ASAE 3100 Compliance Engagements). Those standards require that
we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the engagement to obtain reasonable
assurance to support our conclusion. A compliance engagement involves performing procedures that
depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of risks of non-compliance, whether due to
fraud or error.

As the Auditor of Client Monies, we have obligations to report certain matters directly to the
Member’s/Firm’s Professional Body, including within 5 days of becoming aware of a Deficiency of Client
Monies, and within 10 days of becoming aware of other matters as outlined in paragraph 9.7 of the

Because of the inherent limitations of an assurance engagement, together with the inherent limitations of
internal control, there is an unavoidable risk that some non-compliance may not be detected, even though
the engagement is properly planned and performed in accordance with applicable Australian Auditing and
Assurance Standards.

In making our risk assessments, we consider internal control relevant to the Member/the Firm’s
compliance in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the
purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Member/the Firm’s internal control.
However, we will communicate to you in writing any significant deficiencies in internal control relevant to
compliance with the Standard that we have identified during the engagement.
Our engagement is not designed to be a complete examination of all aspects of your system. Accordingly
any matters that are reported to you verbally or in writing should not be regarded as all-inclusive.

Your Responsibilities

Our engagement will be conducted on the basis that you acknowledge and understand that the
Member/the Firm has responsibility:

a. For compliance with the Standard.

b. To provide us with:
i. Access to all information of which you are aware that is relevant to the engagement;

ii. Additional information that we may request for the purpose of the engagement; and

iii. Unrestricted access to persons within the firm from whom we determine it necessary to
obtain evidence.

c. To advise us of any material and / or contentious issues relating to the engagement.

d. To ensure that proper internal controls are in place.

Such internal controls reduce but do not eliminate the risk of non-compliance. The Member/the Firm
assumes responsibility for such risk. While the conduct of this engagement may act as a deterrent
against fraud or error we cannot be held responsible for not preventing them.

Representations from those charged with governance

As part of our engagement, we will request the Member’s/the Firm’s written confirmation concerning oral
representations made to us in connection with the engagement and that the Member/Firm acknowledges
that such representations would be relied upon by us during the engagement.


A report on our conclusion will be prepared in accordance with the Standard and applicable Auditing and
Assurance Standards. There is no assumption of responsibility for any reliance on our report other than
for its stated purpose. Accordingly, our report may include a disclaimer to this effect. In case of a
modified opinion, in accordance with The Standard, we are required to lodge a report to the applicable
Professional Body within 15 days of the completion of the audit.


We have established policies and procedures designed to ensure our independence in accordance with
applicable Accounting and Professional Ethical Standards.


Our fee for the engagement for the year ending [year end], is $xxx, exclusive of GST and out-of-pocket
expenses, as agreed.

If we incur additional costs as a result of factors such as:

 information not being provided to us within agreed time limits;
 significant errors in the information that is provided;
 significant change to the scale of the engagement;
 a material issue arising which was not reasonably contemplated at the time of the fee quote

then this additional time will also be billed.

Our fees will be billed as the work progresses.

Health and safety

We are required to comply with Occupational Health and Safety legislation by taking all practical steps to
ensure the health and safety of our people. Our firm’s policy expects mutual responsibility for our people
to ensure their own safety and that no harm is caused to others in the workplace, but the Act places
responsibility for their safety on your Firm when they are visitors to your site.

Other services

We are pleased to provide any additional services that may be required from time to time, provided such
services do not impair our independence. We note that this engagement letter applies only to the work
described in this letter. Should further work be required over and above such work, separate terms of
engagement will need to be agreed. In particular, this letter does not deal with accounting advice or
assistance with accounts preparation.

General matters

The terms of this letter apply to all work carried out by us in connection with this engagement prior to the
date of signing this letter.

This letter will be effective for future years unless we advise you of its amendment or replacement or the
engagement is terminated.

Please sign and return the attached copy of this letter to indicate your acknowledgement of, and
agreement with, the arrangements for our audit of the financial statements, including our respective

Yours sincerely

[Signature of member]

[Insert name and title]


We hereby acknowledge that the engagement letter dated [insert date of engagement letter] is in
accordance with our understanding of the arrangements for [insert member/firm name] audit of
compliance with The Standard.

Signed for and on behalf of the members by:





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