Kim Lighting VL Vertical Lamp Brochure 1992

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J l--:
Vertical Lamp Luminaires


Design LoEic

tJltra Performance

Advanced Technology

3 Sizes
29" Dia. 1000 W.ll 25" Dia. 250 400 Watt 17" Dia. 70 250 Watt

Design Logic: Ultra Performance: Advanced Technology:

While the strong arch tectura Vert ca or entation ol HD ght K m VL u..l na res are eng - hous ng whle aerodyfam c
lines ol K m VL umina res may sources can generate very broad neered like h gh perforrnance shapes redLrce drag Tlr s
appear to be so e y for aesthet ght dislr bLrtlons w th excel ent rac ng cars: maximum strengtfl reduced um na re w fd load rg
ics, they are equa y a product un form ty. The Kim VL reflector ',\,ith
rar n mum \,1,e ght af d mate r.eans ghter and ess expens ve
of furction. We ght, strergth. systems are carefu ly erg rials. A urar nurar hous ngs arc poles may be lsed A VL urn -
opt ca deslgn. aerodynam cs neered to opt m 7e vert ca amp produced on corarputerlzed na res are I n shed w th a stale ol
nsta ation and rnaintenance performance w th one added splnn ng mach nes wh ch accu the art powder coat pa nt app led
were al partners in def n ng form bonus: they are tota y sealed to rately coftro wal th ckness and over a Chromate pre-treatment
This unity of des gf afd efgi insure both in t a and ong term d mens ons Horzonta rbbing the same method L.lsed for
neer ng has produced a V,^rtica rnaintenance ol the I ght output and f afge hemm ng adds commercla a rcreft
Lararp Lum naire of unprece tremendous strength to the
dented performance and va ue

Kim Products
Street and Area L ght ng
Park ng Garage L ghting
F oodl ghting
Env ronmenta Light ng
Landscape L ghting
Appl cat ons
lvechan ca Des gn
Opt ca Des gn
D rarens ons
Spec f cations
See separate photometr c
cata og A3b

Post Oitice Box I275 Founta n Light ng Orderirq f format of 10 13

I6555 East Ga e Avenue
lndustry Ca lorn a 9T749
Phonc B I8/968 5666 O 1992 Kim Lghting fc
FAX 818/369-2695 Patents Pendlncl
2 Configurations

KmLghtng A3a1
40ll Watt or 1000 \ /alL VL lrif.r res . c capalt e of gr1 rg ve.y
Large Area ilrll--:i lt):r F.rr grcatcsi cff c efcy. arlle pilrk llrl a'cas shourJ Ltse
l000 WaLl mLr l p e l r(1!:--!r of .1{) to irO cc es t s tecon tendecl
Application to do!/n sizc l 'rralLag,. alrd f)o -- hr: qlrt for ocat ons c oset
:o ih-o b,rid rqs This !,/i ^ra nta I pToper:rca -! b-- w--ef oLjtdoor
iqfrl nq c c.icnts ard tlre arch Tecture


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A3a2 Kr'r Lqh:fq

250 Watt or 400 Watt VL unii.ra res w norrna y prov de amp e i lu
Small Area m nat of 1or sma ,^r parking ots ils sing e units on 25 to 35 po es.
The trans t on lrom park ng lot to pathv,/ay or coLftyard is dea lor

Application Lh-^sma 17"dia VLfixture At 10 to lti poc hcgfrts, the 17"VL

prov des exce ent pedeslr an sca e ght ng in a urr raire that w
fot overpoller and d stract lrorn its sur.ound fg arch tecture

/l ^,sb

K r'f L qhtlng A3a 3

Mechanical Design

Computerized Spinning Technology:

Hand sp ffing methods are abor ous and ncons stenl. particLt ar y
wthdlf cult Lrarts k-^ the VL hous ngs whcrc a c eaf precson
architectLra appearance is desired. KirIr's ]rnputer zcd splfn ng
techno ogy c irar nates huraraf var at ofs and enab es d tf o! t shapes
to be spun w th accuracy and repeaiab I ty. VL hous fgs are spLrrl
w th less than l'
drafl on lhe side wa s maintain ng a purc cy fdr ca
ook Tr p c r bb fg
and f ange hemmifg adds Lremenoous strength
to the opef -ofd ard prov des support for the fierna compofefis
These slrofg horirofLal feaLur-os also g ve the Vl Lltf na res an
arch tectura character that he ps iorm a des gr re at ollship bctwccn
l xture ard bu ld ng.

High Strength Yoke:

Post top mounted VL l xtLres Lrt ize a ne\,\/
yoke des gf concept. A heavy cast a um fum
ens frarne is supported on lour po nts by or y <-- Heavy cast alu|,nu,ll
two arms crad ed on a heavy base casting lens frcmc
The h gh strength tLrbu ar a LrminLrm arms
develop opt mlrrn sLrpport strcrgth due to
gereTous curvature, afd ong tudlna !\/e d rlg l-- tLtbula( alu'.linLtn arTns
at the base cast ng. The base hub also serves
as a 1e d splce compartrarent
5 >-"- casf alui]tnum covcr tar sptrce compartmetli

Shapes for Low
Every -^ffor1 has been made n
the VL ine to reduce l xture
E.PA. (Efiect ve Prolected
Area) so gl"rter and ess expensive po es
may be Lrsed A flxture shapes frave been
rounded ncluding yoke and sidc arm r.rountifgs.
Compared to box f xtures hav ng lhe sarfe overa
d mensions Lhe Kim VL f xtures have 40% less E PA.
Roufd poles are recomrnended lor optimurn strength
and deslgn compalib ity
A3a4 KmLqhtna
lnstallation and Maintenance: Far side arm fixtures. lens frame
Rapid insta lat on and rr]aintenance were and reflectar hinge dawnward.
primary design considerations for a IVL Lens frame lacks apen, and
fi - a\ Ba.a I .e or L te -rodLd oo\ 91. reflectar module is remavable
rnajor assemblies are removab e and out
of the way during attachment to the pole.
The ref ector modu e snaps out lor c ear
access to the housing nterior for nstalla-
t on of the balast module The hous ng or
lens frame s he d open by a stop arm
alo\4i1o boll '" d -o\\o4'F-yo- g
nstallation or relamping. Ba last rnodules
are factory assembled and wired with
qulck d sconnect p ugs The balast
rnodule concept, pioneered lly Kim, is an
asset during insta at on and maintenance
By keeping a few spare balast rnodu es
on hand expensive Jt truck rental and
fixture down{ rfe is minir.rzed lf ba last For past tap fixtures,
fa lure occurs, a spare module s rl]me housing and reflector
diate y inserted. The fa led ballast s hinge upward Housing
repaired n the shop and becomes a lacks apen and reflector
future replacement rf odule madul-o is r-omavahlc

Sealed Oplics: Section af VL luminaire at

ln high performance uminaires it is not I e n s- ref I e c to r i nte r face.
enough to seal the optica chamber
from outs de air. moisture and nsects Housing
These contam nants can f nd the r side wa|l. .>
way nto the opt cal chamberfrom
po es and w reways. Kim VL
ref ector modu es are totally
sealed from the outslde. and
from the ns de ncludinq w re qasket. >
Silicone lens
entr es to the socket. This assures
maximum ight output between
Tempered >
re amping cyc es and ma ntenance
ol pred cted iqht evels
glass lens. l
Cast aluminum
Self retained

State-Ot-The-Art Finish: f Powder Coat, 2.5 Mil

n 19Bg Kim Lighting designed and irstaled a state f naminal thtckness.
o -l'r--d oo{opr ' odl pa l \s_^L -r s 'ro- /
compromise system is engineered to f ,-Chomate conversian
assure the highest qual ty finish with ::E t-_!/. coating; best knawn
abso ute paint adhesion under al pteparation of aluminum
weather extremes. This TG C fot Daint adhesion and
Thermoset Polyester Powder-Coat \ retardaton at' oxidatian.
it c l as -.. p6oao 5000 I oJ'- ot 5d t \
\o'a / ^SL 'g ni -oLl a , p A.> .l\4. rdrodro \dlr \-Atur,nu,
spray tests are 1000 hours for determining excel ent
coating protection on meta

K rll L ght ng A3a-5

Optical Design

Light Distributions:
Kim VL lum naires are ava lable
n two basic ght distr bLrtions
Square and Asy[nmetr c. These
two d str butiofs w I eff c ent y
ght any s te The Square dlstr - < Optional Houseside
bution is designed for maximum Sht,^ld available lor
po e spacing n open areas As y m m -. I r i c rc fI e cta r s lo
whi e the Asymmetr c distr bu- fLtrther restrict back liqht.
t of s design-^d for perimeters
to min m ze sp I ight onto
adjacent property lor roadway Squ are D istri butia n Re fI ecLar AsyLnm etri c D i stri b uttaD R ef lectar
ightlng or tor pathways usifg
the smal I /'unit AhoLrsesde i Y
sh eld s avaiab e for a
Asymmetric d str but ons to
further restr ct sp l1 I ght into
sens t ve surround ng property.
A I ref ectors are self conta ned
\ / a a
modu es lu y sea ed for org
term ma ntenance ol light output /\ /\
and are Jabricated ftom premiurn / \
A zak"' ref ector rarater a

Light petterns in plan view.

Beam Spreads:
The two ght d str but ofs are
also ava lab e n two bearal
spreads: Wlde and Narrow Th s I
allows eff c eft ta oring oi the
VL ght ng syster.r to the s te as
shown be ow The two beam Law sacket posilion High sack,.l position
spreads are contro ed by develaps Wide light develops Naffow lighl
socket posit ons wh ch rnay be distributian but greater
changed on the lob s te f inlensity
adlustments are des red after
lnstallat on. Bearn spread is
specified by cata og rumber
and s set at the factory.

site Adaptability: Narraw disttibution VL fixturcs are ideal Wide distrlbLtttan VL fixturcs are designed
Two ight distribut ons, two along raadway penmet'ers and entrances far open site areas where maximum pale
bearn spreads, houseside where higher llght levels are required ou spacings and efficiency can be utiltzed
shie d ng, three f xtlre s zes and site and inta the street This scheme wtll Fixture wattaee. pale hetaht and number
s x po e tl]ounting conf gurations pravide vsual secuity when enteting the a t ! \p- paPt\ a a .el t -,^
provide total site adaptabl ity praject
The Km VL ine not or y offers
efficient s te coverage from a
light ng vlewpoint, but a so offers
coord nated dayt me aesthet cs
The three lixture sizes, rang ng
frorr] 70 watts to 1000 watts.
assures that a areas of the s te 'a
can be llum nated by fxtures of
the same des 9n


A3aG KmLlghtlng
Split Beam Reflectors:
Wide beam vert cal lamp ref ec-
tors wili s mp y red rect ght back
nto the amp fnot designed
propery Thswl reduce amp Reflected ght does not pass Sp t beams of reflected ight
fe and um naire eff c ency K an pass ireely and effic ently oLrt
through the amp envelope
VL ref eclors are precis on eng
neered to avoid th s red rected
energy prob em us ng sp lt bean'r
reflector geometry

Etliciency and Unilormity:

260 ___>] Test No iT138772
Kim VL um na res are des gned TL Bou der
lor rnax rnum pole spac ngs
whie produc ng high lght evels iroe
w th outstanding un forrnity of
lum fatlon. Th s s rarade possl
lo.\ lnitial Average 3.02Fc

b e by vert ca arnp orleftat on

and the use of a square ight
pattern, a 1977 Kim patent that
revo utlonized cutoff optics ard
\:aN '\i1N!<'.\ lnitlal L4inimum 1.06Fc

refector design Us ng Square t\.4ax./Min. 10.28

distr but on luminaires wlth wide
beams, po es can be spaced at
least sx t mes the mounting
\l1'\ 26A',

height wh e achiev ng exceleft

uniformity of I uminat on. Light
eve S are contro ed by wattage
and quant ty of Lrmlnaires per
po e. At r ght satypca ayout
for a large park ng otwth
lLlm nation evels n red
\."N "\ \ ,N..0'
Two VL29W5/l000NfH I xtures per pole
42'mounling he ght (39 po e on 3'concrete base).
Po e spac nq 260 x 260' (6. I I x mount ncl heqht).


Pathways, courtyards and spaces Perimeters next to adiacent properly

between buildings are ideal far the are ideal fot the Asymmet c distn
small 17' VL fixtures This will bring butian ta resttict spill light The
the site lighting dawn to a human optianal hauseside shield can be
scale while maintaining design used fot very sensilive areas next ta
cansistency rcsidential neighbarhoads

K.l.l L qht nq A3a 7


Post Top Conf iguration

PT Po e Tenon [,4ount: DM Direct Mount

F xture hub sl ps over po e Fixture hub s ps d rectly over
hav ng a 2'pipe tenon plaif cut pole top, secured w ih
(2%" O.D x 4%" min. length) four recessed set screws. For
secured w th four recessed set sma pole tops 3 1'to 3 B' I
FM FlLrsh N4ornt:
nterna expans on device
rnounts l xture to p a n-cut See page l0 for
pole top. No exposed po e top requ remefts and
fasteners. ava abil ty per f xture size

24 b"

B Dra
B'/:l' D a

29 Dia. I000 Watt 25' Dia. 250 400 Watt 17'Dia.7A 25A V'latt

Side Arm Configuration

Available Mountings:

.#il. G H28 t,,-

t f. !5' + 4C 1W Wall lv4ouf l

29" Dia. 1000 Watt

A3a 8 Klrr] Lighting
Specifications WARNING: Fixtures must be grounded in accordance with oca
ccdes or the Natiofal Electrica Code Fai ure to do so mav resu t n
serious persona nlury

I Standard Equipment
Certilication: Urderwr ters Laborator es I sted and Cafad ar
Standards Assoc ation certified for wet ocat ons
Housing: Spun a um num with ntegra lop dome and three equaly
Optional Equipment
Optional Lexan Shield:(17'afd 25"
tnode s on V) One pece vacuum
c ear UV stabi zed po ycarbonate re-
spaced %'ribs separated by /r" val eys ro ed nto the hous ng to a p aces stafdard g ass lens as an ntegra
rn nimurn depth of Z' Sldewa s have a max mum l" of taper and and fu ly gasketed part ol the lens lrame.
are free of we ds or fasteners AnaLrminumf angeishemrned nto 175 Watt maximum n l7' mode 250 Watt
the bottorar provld fg support Jor the ref ector modu e An nterfal rnaximum n 25" model wth 400Watt FIPS
a urn num cast ng prov des for rnolnt ng of the ba ast rnodu e p us a owab e in oLtdoor ocations where amb ent a r temperatLrre dur ng
re nforc ng for s de arm mount ng of the I xlure. flxture operat onw not exceed Bs'F Not ava ab e on 29 rnode
Lens Frame Assembly: One p ece cast alum num lens frame s
attached to the housing by a zinc p ated co d ro led stee h nge Optional Photocell: (17'and 25" mode s
wlth a sta n ess stee pirl Closure s by se f-reta ned Stain ess stee on y) Factory ifsta ed ns de hous
alen screws four prov ded for the 25' and 29' models anda ng wth a fuly gasketed sensor on
s ng e screw for the T 7' modei. A z nc p ated stee sel ock ng the slde wal For mult p e fixture
stop-arm s provided to ho d the lens frame or hous ng in the open r-rount ngs (250W and less) ore f xture is
position wh le servicing A :l. th ck clear tempered sag g ass ens sLrpp edwthaphotoce to operate the others
s fu ly gasketed by a ore piece extruded and vu canized silcore Four 400 Watt f xtures require two fixtur-os with
gasket Lens is retained ln the ens lrame by z nc p ated stee c ps a photoceLl.
Retlector Module: Specu ar A zak i opt cal segments are rno!nted
[/ith n a one p ece spun alum num enc osure with tab penetrations
each seaLed by a s corle grommet Optica segmerts are postoned
so that ref ected I ght does not pass through the ampenveope
Socket is he d n a heat s nk extrus on and fastened to a mu tl
posit or p ate set at the factory for ' W de or "Narrow' beam spread
Wire penetrations to the socket are sea ed by a silcone gasket. Optional Photocell Receptacle;
N4edium base sockets (17 mode )are 4KV raled, and mogul base (29 n-rode on y) Factory nsta led recepta-
sockets are 4KV except lor 1000FIPS which s5KVRefectormod c e n f at port on of houslng top ful y
u e snaps into and out ol the hous fg by no too re ease h nges ls gasketed afd accept ng NEMA base
secured to the hous ng f ange by sell-reta ned quarter tlrrn fasteners, photoce ls by others For mu t p e fixture
and s factory prewired with a qulck d sconnect p ug mountings each fixture s supp ed w th a
Vibration Resistance: 400 Watt N,4Fl. 1000 Watl [,4H and 1000 Watt receptacle NEN,4A base photocells by others.
HPS lamps are braced at the neck by a three-prong sta n ess stee
c amp extending from the socket rnount. Sockels are supported
around their perlmeter by a s icone s eeve press ft between the
socket and heat-s nk extrus on
Electrical Module: A electrica cor.rpofents are llL recognized
mounted on a s ng e p ate and factory pre wired with qu ck
d sconfect plugs. [,4odu e attaches fside hous fg using keyho e
s ots A ba lasts are h gh power factor rated for 20"F. starting
Post Top Mounting: Lens frame is supported at four po nts by two Optional Houseside Shield:
alum num U shaped tubu ar arms crad ed in a cast a uminum hub (Asymmetric ght d str bution
Arms are we ded to the enslrarne and we ded to the hLb a ong only). D shed a um nurr] shie d
their ongitudina ax s llub conta ns a f e d sp ce cofi]partment a lactory nsta ed ns de the opt ca
cast a um num cover and ofe of the fo ow ng po e attachment means: charnber to reduce house s de ight
FM F ush l'/lount ng by means ol an expanslon dev ce act vated No ,^.o .rFlo^d i,. oa ^d "^ p, o.
by a s ng e bo t w thin the sp ice compartment Po e mLrsl have a 1000 Watt FIPS amps are used.
p ain cut top
PT Po e Tenon mouft ng by means of a cast a um num extension
sleeve conta n ng lour recessed 7.'sta n ess stee aien head
set screws Po e must have a 2' p pe tenon (2:t/." a.D. x 4r' m r. Wall Mounting;(For poured cof
ength) Po e tenon r.rust be fie d dri ed at one set screw ocation crele wa s only). A modif ed support
to insure aga nst l xture rotation. arln s supp ied with a s de access
DM D rect lvounL ng by means of a cast a uminum extens on ho e to a low I e d sp ices with n the arm
sleeve containing four recessed 7s'sta n ess stee al en head set alter the txture s mounted An electro-
screws. Pole must have a p ain-cut top, 3 l'to 3 B" diarneter Po e / . pd^d s'6a 6^ b6d-6 b'd t6r I

rnust be 1e d dri ed at one set screw location to ifsure againsi prov ded for easy cast ng fto wa I

i xiure rotat on. around a J-box. A trim p ate is prov ded J box in wall 4r"
Arm Mounting:Arm s one p ece extruded alum num with interna to cover the J box. f nlshed to r.ratch by atherc
bo t guides and fLr y rad ussed top and bottom Lumina re to pole the I xture and arm. Junctlof box nwa
attachment s by interna draw bolts and nc udes a po e re nforcing by others
plate w th wlre strair re el Arm s circu ar cut to mate w th specif ed
round po e
Finish: TG C Thermoset Po yester Powder Coat Paint available n 10 /i
black dark brorze ght gray alum num or wh te. Powder-coat ng is
25Mi nomnal th ckness w th a I components thoroug h y c eaned
and primed with a protect ve chromate coating.

Kim Light ng A3a I

Ordering Information
Post Top Models
Ordering Guide
Flxture and pole are descr bed 1 2
by a s ng e number sequence
as llustrated at r qht. .rtq
.Y "rj/
/+ootan+ao / wn-e/ a-s+/ eaxo-618BFM / wn-e

l'l Ntounting
_:rrz_ IHI;:r";:-
F xtLrre hub
sllps over po e
havlng a 2"
Fixture hub
s ips over

Cata og Number:
lu /_ | |
::;,?: ):" .
p pe tenon
Four recessed
set screws
pole top.
l our recessed
set scrcws

Po e Top Requirements 4l'i 5" at 6' Dta 2 pe Tenon l2:%'A.D. x 4 /4" L)

P 3 to 3 8" Dia.
Per Fixture S ze 25" 4fr" 5" at 6'Dta 2 pe Tenon (zr/N'A D. /.4'/r" L)
P 3 3 B" Dia.
1" to
17', 3'%",4",41,'ot 5' Dia 2' P pe Tenon (23h" A D. x 4jl' L) Not Ava ab e
'Consu factory for
t F ush N,4ounlinq to sqLrare po es, or po es bV others


Dstri Beam D str Beam

EPA Cat No bution Spread Cat. No. bution Spread
r5 VLP29W5 Square W de VLP29W3 Asymrnetr c Wde
VLP29N5 Square Narrow VLP29N3 Asymmetr c Narrow
29" Dia. I000 Watt

Distr Beaan
EPA Cat. No. but on Spread Cat No but on Spread
',2 VLP25W5 Square Wide VLP25W3 Asyr.rmetrlc Wide
25" Dia.250 400 Watt VLP25N5 Square Narrow VLP25N3 Asymmctrlc Na[ow

Dstri Beatn D stri tseam

EPA Cat No butlon Spread CaT No b!tion Spread

17" Dia. 70-250 Watt

i VLP17W5 Square
VLP17N5 Square Na[ow
Wide VLP17W3
Asy[nr.]etric Wide
Asyrnr.etr c Naffow
Cont nue on page l2
A3a 10 Kim Liqhtiiq
Ordering Information
Side Arm Models
Ordering Guide
Fixture and po e are described 1 2 3 ,/4 5,6,7 9,,"

by a s ng e nufi]ber sequence
,t&7 ,/ ./^; t''
as llustrated at r ght
."'"/ ../ " -,/ I'ier'
{ { / ood
{ ( *,'i:;v

ze /
vtazsws / tooomnzzz / at-e / a-zs / prRs50-1o12oa
/ et-e

l1 Mountins

Pan View: |. H % Ito .&

Cata oo Nlmber 1A 28 4C
VLA29 1.8 3.6 52 59
VLA25 1.5 3.0 2.7 4.3 4.9
VLA ]7 0.9 ]B r.6 25 2n

l2 ri'trre

D str Beam
Cat No but on Spread Cat. No but of Spread
VLA29W5 Square Wide VLA29W3 Asymmetric W de
VLA29N5 Squar-^ Narrow VLA29N3 Asymmetric Narrow
29' Dia- 1000 Watt

D str Beam Distrl Beam

Cat No but on Spread Cat No but on Spread
VLA25W5 Square Wide VLA25W3 Asyr.rmekic Wid-^
VLA25N5 Square Narrow VLA25N3 Asymmetric Narrow

D str Bearal Distri Bear.l
Cat. No. bution Spread Cat. No. but on Spread
VLA17W5 Square Wide VLA17W3 Asyn.rmeti c Wde
VLAl7N5 Square Na[ow VLA17N3 Asymmekic Narrow
17'Dia. 70 250 Watt L,ortinue on page 12
Km L qht na A3a 11
Ordering lnformation
All Models
l2 Electrical r N/eta Ha de Lamps must be rated by amp manLrfacturer for vert ca base up operation.
, 75W Meta Ha de arnp w I operate correclly on 70W
'- Module
N4H E ectrlca Modu e.

Cata og NL.rmber And Ava labi ty

Per Fxture Sze NA NolAvaiabe
Larnps (by others) 29'Dia. 25'Dia. 17'Dia. Amps
70W. H gh Pressure Sodium 048
C ear E 17 or B 17 Medlum Base 042
100W H gh Pressure Sodium o16
C ear E 17 or B 17 Medium Base 066
l50W gh Pressure SodiLrm
H 1 15
C ear E 17 or B'17 Med Base 100
124 300 275
248 300 160
250W H gh Pressure Sodium
244 300
C ear E Tg Mogul Base
217 300 124
480 300 069
465 430
465 248
400W H gh Pressure Sodlum
465 215
C ear E 18 Mogul Base
465 186
465 T07
120 950
208 550
1000W H gh Pressure Sod um 485
C ear E 25 Mogul Base 4
277 T5
480 230
70W or 75W Meta Haide L
C ear ED 17 l,4ed u.n Base 085
(Venlure MS70/BU/BD/W) 037
75W. M75/BU

100W lvletal Haide I 1 15

C ear ED 17 lvled uan Base 050

T75W Metal Ha ider 104
C ear ED l7 Med urn Base 090
295 250
29s 144
250W lMela Ha ide ,
295 125
C ear ED 28 or BT 28 l\4ogu Base 295 108
295 065
400W. Meta Halde ,
C ear ED'37 or BT 37 l'"4ogu Base
1000W. Meta Halde ,
Clear, 8T-56 l',4ogLrl Base

1 T0
100W N4ercury Vapor 065
Coated B 17 Medium Base 055

A3a12 KmLqhtng
l4 Finishes
TGIC Thermoset Po yester
Cat. No. Co or
BL-P B ack


Powder Coat Pa nt applled over DB-P Dark Bronze. resembles
a chromate conversiof coating 313 Duranod cr' in co or.
to hous ng, yoke assernb y lens LG-P Light Gray Alunrinum
frame and support arm. Se ect WH-P Wh le
pole f n sh from po e spec sheet. WH-P

l$ optional Lexan Shield l6 Optional Houseside Shield

17"and 25" mode s on y One Asymmetric ght d str bution
piece vacuum formed c ear UV only Dlshed alurninum sh eld
stab ized po ycarbonate re factory insta ed ns de the
places standard g ass ens See -.' optica chararber to reduce
wattage imitat ons at right Cat No Description houses de light Not recor.r-
CAUT ON: Use of y when var L17 17" rnode , 175W. max. mended f coated or 1000 Watt
da sm s anticipated to be hlgh. L25 25' model, 250W. max. HPS lar.rps are used Cat. No
Usefu ife s imited by UV dis 400W HPS al owab e HS 17" 25 ot 29" si eld
colorat on f rorar sL.rollght meta if operated outdoors installed at iactory
halide and mercury vapor lamps under 85"F ambient

ootionat Optional Photocell
Pfrotocell Receptacle
zaa \ za l\ N4ounting .. Post Top Two fixtures
Ll _l t______iJ
'G 1A or ]W
supp ied with L-f
photocel aczt
photoce s. ffi=_=l
]U o.r
o:l tu
17' and 25' mode s only.
and s ave
un t(s)
**" 29'r.rode ony. Factory nsta ed
Factory insta led photoce wth receptac e in I at port on of
gasketed sensor on s de wa hous ng lop for NE[,4A base
P-or Fixhrre
For mu tlp e f xture mount ngs photocells by others. For mu t p e
(250W and ess), one fixture is Cat. No A-30 120V A-30 120V 24-30 120V f xture mount ngs each I xture s
supp ed w th a photocell to and L ne A-31 2OBV A-31 208V 2A-31 2ABV. supp ed w th a receptacl-o.
operate the olhers Four 400W Vo tage A-32 240V. A-32 24AV. 2A-32 24AV
Cat No A-25
flxtures require two fixtures with A-33 277V. A-33 277V 2A-33 277V.
Good for
photocells. A"34 4BOV A-34 480V 2A-34 4B0V
120 4B0V

l$ Poles i
See K m Pole spec f cat on
sheets designated
for VL fixfrrres I 1
16 2A 20
to to to to to
30' 30 50 50 39',

Po e Type Round Alum Round Stee

Round A um
Round Stee Square Stee Consult factory
Non Tapered Non-Tapered Tapered Tapered Tapered for availabi ty
of other square
pole types.
Kim Spec. Sheet: PRA PRS PTRA PTSS
Kim L qht ncl A3a 13

Because ot acontinuing Printed in U.S.A.

product improvement program, Patents Pending
Kim Lighting reserves the right
to change specif ications l.D. No.05013
without notice. 't/92

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