2018 English Reviewer Part 2

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2018 English Reviewer

31. Her fondness of reading mystery novels and fairy tales made her __________.

a. Superstitious
b. Gullible
c. Easy-going
d. Trustworthy

32. The editor found the news story not so entertaining. He found it full of:

a. Adjectives
b. Verbs
c. Pronouns
d. Adverbs

33. Ebett and Evann were mischievous children. They ______ tricks of their teachers which always
got them into a lot of trouble.

a. Could have played

b. Used to play
c. Could play
d. May have played

34. Samantha’s eye are blurred and her hands cried. She _________ at the computer for 6 long
hours. Finally, she took a break.

a. was seated
b. has seated
c. would have seated
d. had been seated

35. “When will Mr. Padilla retire?” “Soon, I think he ______ for a long time. He will probably retire
this year.”

a. Have been working

b. Had been working
c. Has been working
d. Is working

36. There are great movies that are worth watching once, there are some that are worth watching
twice, _________ there are movies that are worth watching over and over again.

a. But
b. Still
c. And
d. Nevertheless

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37. If I _________ rich, I would travel abroad every year.

a. Were
b. Am
c. Should be
d. Was

38. This seatwork is difficult for Paul and ____________.

a. Myself
b. I
c. Me
d. Himself

39. The candy cane smells ____________.

a. Sweet
b. Sweetly
c. Sweeter
d. More sweet

40. Whether or not a man likes what he ____________ is the measure of choosing well.

a. Choose
b. Has chosen
c. Chose
d. Is choosing

41. Which ED end sound is different?

a. Needed
b. Granted
c. Wanted
d. Signed

42. Which among these words has the ending [d] sound?

a. Joked
b. Laughed
c. Walked
d. Played

43. Which among these words has the [z] end sound?

a. Maps
b. Jokes
c. Laughs

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d. Buys

44. Which among these words has the [id] end sound?

a. Praised
b. Mailed
c. Judged
d. Needed

45. Which among these words has the [zh] end sound?

a. She
b. Excursion
c. Chips
d. Fish

46. “My loyalty to my party ends where my loyalty to my country begins.” This quotation is from:

a. Manuel L. Quezon
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Manuel A. Roxas
d. Ferdinand E. Marcos

47. “The Filipino is worth dying for.” This quotation by:

a. Benigno Aquino
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Jose Rizal
d. Fidel V. Ramos

48. “You see things that are and you ask why but I dream that never were and ask why not.”

a. Clear thinking
b. Immortality
c. Curiosity
d. Rich Imagination

49. The song “No man is an Island” mirrors:

a. Individualization
b. Solitude
c. Independence
d. Brotherhood

50. The space shuttle is as fast as the wind. This is an example of:

a. Simile
b. Metaphor

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c. Personification
d. Antithesis

51. ____________ wrote “Without Seeing the Dawn”

a. Maximo Ramos
b. Steven Javellana
c. Paz M. Venitez
d. Magdalena Jalandoni

52. “She is the sun of my world.” This is an example of:

a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Hyperbole
d. Onomatopeia

53. Who is the author of this famous quote: “I die just when the dawn breaks to herald the day.”

a. Benigno Aquino
b. Manuel L. Quezon
c. Jose Rizal
d. Andres Bonifacio

54. This Filipino author wrote about the ill-fated love affair of Jose Rizal and Leonor Rivera.

a. Arturo Rotor
b. Francisco Icasiano
c. Zoilo Galang
d. Nick Joaquin

55. “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” Which word should retain its pitch to
show confidence?

a. Am
b. Captain
c. Master
d. Fate

56. Read the following lines: “Midnight, not a sound from the pavement.
Has the moon lost its memory, She is smiling alone
In the lamp light the withered leaves, Collect at my feet, And the wind begins to moan.
These lines mean:

a. Confusion
b. Optimism
c. Loneliness

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d. Eagerness

57. “Woe to every backbiter”--- Koran. This is about:

a. Sorrow for those who oppose other’s opinion
b. Punishment for those who say good things
c. Anguish for those who defend
d. Misery for those who talks ill of others

58. “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder… “Thomas Carlyle. From this line,
we can infer that:

a. There should be sufficient energy in one’s life

b. Direction can never come into one’s life
c. One’s life doesn’t need to be controlled
d. There is a strong driving force in one’s life

59. Which among the lines below has the same meaning as this statement; “Our commitments can
develop us or can destroy us, but
either way, they will define us.”

a. Flexible commitment is what we need today

b. We must make full commitment to worldly goals
c. Our lives are shaped by what we are committed to
d. Our commitments need not to be planned way ahead

60. “Have a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion” Rousseau is pertaining to:

a. Security
b. Family
c. Duty
d. Investment


31. B- “gullible” is the answer because normally, fairy tales and mystery novels have plots that are
too fancy to believe in---making readers believe in the impossible and at times in the “illogical”

32. C-The answer is “pronoun” because all other given options are content words. Content words
are those that carry meaning-nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives are samples of this. On the
other hand functions words are those that don’t have any meaning if isolated with the content
words---preposition, conjunctions, and pronouns are samples of this. In addition, function words
are just there to give support to content word , and so, a sentence filled with function words would
be normally dull.

33. B-“used to” is the answer because this phrase connotes an action that was done consistently
in the past while the other options that used modals such as could and may connotes ability and

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34. B-This items concerns tense. The answer “has seated” is in the present perfect tense and it
truly fits the thought of the sentence. Remember that the present perfect tense connotes actions
that started in the past and would have two possible outcomes---(1) still happening, (2) recently
ended. In the sentence “She________ at the computer for 6 long hours”, we are not certain if the
subject is still using the computer. You might confuse this to be under the past perfect tense
because of the sentence that followed. “Finally, she took a break”, remember that if the two
independent clauses are not separated by a period like “She_______ at the computer for 6 long
hours before she finally took a break” then we must use the past perfect tense. But in this item
there are three separate sentences.

35. C-The answer is “has been working” because the subject is singular, that is why we can’t use
have. We must not also use had because it is only used in sentences in the past perfect or past
perfect progressive tenses.

36. C-“and” is the answer because we are just merely enumerating things.

37. A-The sentence in this item is an “If clause” and so the tense must be consistent. It is also
unlikely for us to use “was” or “am” for it has always been “If I were…”

38. C-Remember that “I” is used as the subject or the doer of the action, while “me” is used as the
receiver of the action. In the sentence given in this item the pronoun is the receiver of the action
and that is why “me” is the answer.

39. A-Always remember that verbs of senses may take two forms, (1) as a linking verb, or as a (2)
action verb. If it functions as a linking verb, then it must be followed by an adjective. On the other
hand, if it functions as an action verb, then it must be followed by an adverb. In this sentence,
since that candy cane is not capable of moving, we can say that “smells” functions as a linking
verb, so it must be followed by the adjective “sweet”

40. B-The answer is “has chosen” because the sentence states a condition that’s started in the
past and still true at present

41. D-“signed” is the answer because it only has one syllable and that affected its ending /ed/

42. D-“played” is the answer because all other words are with /t/ end sounds.

43. D-“buys” is the answer because all other given words end with /s/ sounds “b u y s” ends with
/z/ sound because the sound before the letter “s” is voiced

44. D-“needed” is the answer because among the given options it is the only one with more than
one syllable-that changed the ending /ed/ sound to /id/

45. B-“excursion” is the answer because all the other options have either /ch/ or /sh/ sounds

46. A-Is the answer because the quotation given is one Manuel L. Quezon’s most famous.

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47. A-is the answer because the quotation given is one of Benigno Aquino’s most famous quotes,
plus the fact that this quotation can be found on our 500 peso bill.

48. D-“curiosity” and “rich imagination” would be our two possible answers, but D is better than C
because asking “why” is being curious, while asking “why not” is being imaginative.

49. D-“Brotherhood” is the answer because all the other options are its antonyms.

50. A-The answer is simile because the statement compared two objects using the word “as”

51. B-Stevan Javellana

52. B-The statement given is a direct comparison, that is why the answer is metaphor

53. C-Jose Rizal

54. D-Nick Joaquin

55. A-“Am” is the answer because being a verb of being nit connotes a statement of condition.

56. C-These lines were taken from the musical “cats” and if we are to read/sing these lines,
loneliness would be the obvious emotion.

57. D-is the best answer because all the other options debunk the main statement.

58. D-is the most appropriate answer because all other options are not in anyway related to the
quotation and some options debunk the statement.

59. C-Because option C somewhat states that our commitments would describe and determine the
person that we are.

60. A-“Security” is the answer because all the options given constitute to it. Option A embraces the
importance of “family”, “duty”, and “investment

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