Effect of Microstructure On Mechanical Properties of High Strength Steel Weld Metals

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Effect of Microstructure on
Mechanical Properties of High
Strength Steel Weld Metals

Enda Keehan

Department of Experimental Physics



Göteborg, Sweden, 2004

Effect of Microstructure on Mechanical Properties of
High Strength Steel Weld Metals
Enda Keehan
ISBN 91 - 7291 - 523 - 4

Doktorsavhandling vid Chalmers tekniska högskola

Ny serie nr 2205
ISSN 0346-718X

© Enda Keehan, 2004.

Department of Experimental Physics

Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Telephone + 46 (0)31-772 1000

Cover: FEG-SEM micrograph of coalesced bainite

Printed and bound by Chalmers Reproservice

Göteborg, Sweden 2004
Effect of Microstructure on Mechanical Properties
of High Strength Steel Weld Metals

Enda Keehan

Department of Experimental Physics

Chalmers University of Technology


The effects of variations in alloying content on the microstructure and mechanical prop-
erties of high strength steel weld metals have been studied. Based on neural network
modelling, weld metals were produced using shielded metal arc welding with nickel at
7 or 9 wt. %, manganese at 2 or 0.5 wt. % while carbon was varied between 0.03 and
0.11 wt. %. From mechanical testing, it was confirmed that a large gain in impact tough-
ness could be achieved by reducing the manganese content. Carbon additions were
found to increase strength with only a minor loss to impact toughness as predicted by
the modelling. The highest yield strength (912 MPa) in combination with good impact
toughness (over 60 J at –100 oC) was achieved with an alloying content of 7 wt. %
nickel, 0.5 wt. % manganese and 0.11 wt. % carbon.

Based on thermodynamic calculations and observed segregation behaviour it was con-

cluded that the weld metals solidify as austenite. The microstructure was characterised
using optical, transmission electron and high resolution scanning electron microscopy.
At interdendritic regions mainly martensite was found. In dendrite core regions of the
low carbon weld metals a mixture of upper bainite, lower bainite and a novel constituent
— coalesced bainite — formed. Coalesced bainite was characterised by large bainitic
ferrite grains with cementite precipitates and is believed to form when the bainite and
martensite start temperatures are close to each other. Carbon additions were found to
promote a more martensitic microstructure throughout the dendrites.

Mechanical properties could be rationalised in terms of microstructural constituents

and a constitutional diagram was constructed summarising microstructure as a function
of manganese and nickel contents.

Keywords: Strength, Impact Toughness, Neural Network Modelling, Microstructure,

Martensite, Bainite, Manganese, Nickel, Carbon, Dilatometry, FEGSEM, TEM

This thesis is based on work carried out at Microscopy and Microanalysis, Department
of Experimental Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, during the period 2000–
2004 under the supervision of Prof. Hans Olof Andrén and with Dr. Leif Karlsson of
ESAB AB as assistant supervisor. All work was carried out in co-operation with ESAB
AB, Sweden and University of Cambridge, England.

The following nine papers are included in this thesis:

I Strong and tough steel welds
M. Murugananth, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, E. Keehan, H.-O. Andrén, L. Karlsson
Proc. 6th Inter. Seminar, “Numerical Analysis of Weldability”, Graz, Austria,
Oct. 1-3, 2001, Maney for The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.

II Microstructural and mechanical effects of nickel and manganese on high

strength steel weld metals
E. Keehan, H. O. Andrén, L. Karlsson, M. Murugananth, H. K. D. H.
6th Int. Conference on Trends in Welding Research, Pine Mountain, Georgia,
USA, April 15-19, 2002, ASM International.

III Microstructure characterisation of a high strength steel weld metal containing

the novel constituent coalesced bainite
E. Keehan, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, H.-O. Andrén, L. Karlsson, L.-E. Svensson
In manuscript.

IV Influence of C, Mn and Ni contents on microstructure and properties of strong

steel weld metals — Part I. Effect of nickel content
E. Keehan, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén
In manuscript.

V Influence of C, Mn and Ni contents on microstructure and properties of strong

steel weld metals — Part II. Impact toughness gain from manganese reductions
E. Keehan, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia
In manuscript.

VI Influence of C, Mn and Ni contents on microstructure and properties of strong

steel weld metals — Part III. Increased strength from carbon additions
E. Keehan, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia
In manuscript.

VII New developments with C-Mn-Ni high strength steel weld metals — Part A.
E. Keehan, M. Murugananth, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén, H. K. D. H.
In Manuscript.

VIII New developments with C-Mn-Ni high strength steel weld metals — Part B.
Mechanical Properties
E. Keehan, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén, L.-E. Svensson
In Manuscript.

IX Development of High Strength Steel Weld Metals — Potential of novel high-

Ni compositions
L. Karlsson, E. Keehan, H.-O. Andrén, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia
Proceedings of Eurojoin 5, Vienna, 13-14 May, 2004.

Specification of my contributions to the included papers:

I have benefited by collaborating with several co-authors. Most microscopy and some
mechanical testing within the papers has been carried out by me. All neural network
simulations and X-ray diffraction experiments have been made by M. Murugananth,
University of Cambridge, U.K. Thermo-Calc simulations were carried out at the Swed-
ish Institute for Metals Research.
I I carried out limited experimental work and helped write the paper. (This paper
is included in the thesis primarily to offer the reader a greater understanding of
the background to my work.)

II I carried out most experimental work and wrote the paper.

III I carried out all experimental work and wrote the paper.

IV I carried out most experimental work and wrote the paper.

V I carried out most experimental work and wrote the paper.

VI I carried out most experimental work and wrote the paper.

VII M. Murugananth carried out the neural network modelling. I carried out most
experimental work and wrote the paper.

VIII I carried out most experimental work and wrote the paper.

IX I carried out microscopy and helped write the paper.

The following papers were also published during the period, but are omitted in this
thesis due to overlap or because the subject is outside the scope of this thesis:

(10) High Strength Steel Weld Metals - Developments with Ni and Mn

E. Keehan, L. Karlsson, M. Murugananth, H. O. Andrén, H. K. D. H.
7th Int. Welding Symposium, pp. 797-802, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 20-22, 2001,
Japan Welding Society.

(11) Approaches to the development of high strength weld metals

D. J. Widgery, L. Karlsson, M. Murugananth, E. Keehan
2nd International Symposium on High Strength Steel, 22-23 April 2002,
Verdal, Norway.

(12) High strength steel weld metals – potiential of novel high-nickel composition
L. Karlsson, E. Keehan, H.-O. Andrén, D. Widgery
12th International Symposium “Metallography 2004”, Slovakia, 28-30 April

(13) The effect of long post weld heat treatments on 2.25Cr1Mo weld metal micro-
structure and properties
E-L Bergquist, L. Karlsson, M. Thuvander, E. Keehan
IIW International Congress on welding and Allied Processes - Cairo 2004, Nov.
29 - Dec. 1, 2004, Cairo, Egypt

Göteborg, November 2004

Enda Keehan

Some wise words by fellow Irishmen

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

Samuel Beckett
(Worstward Ho)

“A man of genius makes no mistakes;

his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.”

James Joyce

“As we flounder around, looking for the true measure of ourselves, we become
increasingly disorientated. The trick is to stop paddling. What matters is the
journey and not the destination.”

Brian Little
(Turn Left at Greenland)


Abstract III

Preface V

1. Introduction......................................................................................................1
1.1 General............................................................................................1
1.2 Challenges.......................................................................................2
1.2.1 Strength versus toughness..............................................2
1.2.2. Ductility...........................................................................2
1.2.3. Influence of welding procedure.....................................3
1.2.4. Hydrogen induced cold cracking ..................................3
1.3 Scope of This Work.............................................................3

2. Welds of High Strength and Toughness.........................................................5

2.1 Shielded Metal Arc Welding..........................................................5
2.2 The effect of Welding Parameters.................................................6
2.2.1 Preheat / Interpass temperature.....................................6
2.2.2 Electrode diameter...........................................................7
2.2.3 Energy / Heat input.........................................................8

3. Microstructure and Alloying Additions..........................................................9

3.1 Microstructure..........................................................................................9
3.1.1 General......................................................................................9
3.1.2 Solidification and the decomposition of δ-ferrite.................11
3.1.3 The decomposition of austenite..............................................11
3.1.4 Ferrite.......................................................................................12
3.1.5 Bainite......................................................................................13
3.1.6 Martensite................................................................................16
3.2 Effects of Tempering...............................................................................18
3.2.1 Tempering of Martensite........................................................18
3.2.2 Tempering of Bainite..............................................................18
3.3 Steel Weld Metal Composition..............................................................20
3.3.1 Carbon.....................................................................................21
3.3.2 Manganese and Nickel............................................................21
3.3.3 Chromium and Molybdenum................................................21
3.3.4 Silicon.......................................................................................22

3.3.5 Titanium, Niobium and Vanadium........................................22
3.3.6 Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen...........................................22

4. Modelling.........................................................................................................25
4.1 Neural Network Modelling....................................................................24
4.1.1 Introduction.........................................................................25
4.1.2 Neural Networks Modelling...............................................25
4.1.3 Overfitting and Error Estimation.....................................26
4.1.4 Neural Network Predictions...............................................27
4.1 Thermodynamic Modelling...................................................................30
4.1.1 Solidification Simulation....................................................30

5. Experimental Methods....................................................................................31
5.1 Production of Experimental Weld Metals...........................................31
5.1.1 The welded joint..................................................................31
5.1.2 Compositions and welding parameters............................32
5.2 Mechanical Investigations.....................................................................32
5.2.1 Tensile testing......................................................................32
5.2.2 Charpy impact testing........................................................33
5.2.3 Hardness testing..................................................................33
5.3 Microstructural Characterisation Techniques....................................33
5.3.1 Light optical microscopy....................................................33
5.3.2 Scanning electron microscopy............................................33
5.3.3 Secondary ion mass spectroscopy......................................38
5.3.4 Transmission electron microscopy.....................................39
5.3.5 Energy dispersive X - ray spectrometry............................42
5.3.6 Atom probe field ion microscopy.......................................42
5.3.7 X - Ray diffraction..............................................................44
5.3.8 Dilatometry..........................................................................44
5.4 Specimen Preparation............................................................................46
5.4.1 LOM, SEM, SIMS and X - Ray diffraction......................46
5.4.2 TEM.....................................................................................46
5.4.3 APFIM.................................................................................46
5.4.4 Dilatometry..........................................................................48

6. Results and Outlook.......................................................................................49

6.1 Summary of appended papers...............................................................49
6.2 Concluding Remarks..............................................................................51
6.2 Outlook....................................................................................................51

7. Acknowledgements.........................................................................................53

8. References........................................................................................................55

9. Appendix: The Papers....................................................................................59

1. Introduction
1.1 General

Steel is arguably the world’s most “advanced” material. It is a very versatile material
with a wide range of attractive properties which can be produced at a very competitive
production cost. It has a diverse range of applications, and is second only to concrete
in its annual production tonnage. Steel is not a new invention which leads to a common
misperception that “everything is known about steel” amongst those outside its field.
On the contrary, research within this field is probably the most challenging of all the
material sciences. It is grounded on decades of research and much fundamental theory
arises from the study of steel. Steel is generally defined as a ferrous alloy containing
less than 2.0 wt. % C [1]. The complexity of steel arises with the introduction of further
alloying elements into the iron – carbon alloy system. The optimization of alloying
content in the iron – carbon alloy system, combined with different mechanical and heat
treatments lead to immense opportunities for parameter variations and these are con-
tinuously being developed.

Through the last few decades a category of steels known as high strength steels have
undergone constant research. As a direct result, steels with yield strengths greater than
1100 MPa combined with good toughness at low temperatures are available such as
SSAB’s Weldox 1100 containing 0.2 C, 1.4 Mn, 3 Ni and minor additions of Cr, Mo, Si,
Cu, V, Nb, Ti, Al and B. Today, as new and greater challenges are presented to designers
and engineers, these steels are increasingly employed in a diverse range of applications
such as bridges, pipelines, submarines and cranes. Constructions with lower structural
thickness and weight, with the same load bearing capabilities are often possible with
the employment of such steels.

In many of these applications it is essential to form strong joints that allow transfer of
load between the different steel components. Generally, welding is the preferred joining
method since it forms a continuous joint, it alleviates corrosion problems often asso-
ciated with fasteners and it offers greater beauty to the application. In many circum-
stances, it is a structural requirement that the weld metal has over–matching strength
in comparison to the steel in order to avoid design limitations. These requirements are
possible to achieve under well controlled conditions using for example gas tungsten
arc welding (GTAW). However as strength levels increase it becomes more difficult
to fulfil impact toughness requirements with flexible and productive welding methods
such as shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), flux cored arc welding (FCAW), or sub-
merged arc welding (SAW) [2–3]. This project encompasses the SMAW technique with
a view to increasing impact toughness of steel weld metals while keeping yield strength
greater than 690 MPa (100 ksi or 105 lb/in2 ).

The ultimate goal of this project from an industrial point of view was to produce weld
metals with yield strengths above 690 MPa that possess good impact toughness, are
tolerant to variations in welding procedure and that have good resistance to hydrogen
cracking. Some challenges that were faced will now be briefly discussed.

1.2 Challenges

There are at least four fundamental weld metal problems that every development metal-
lurgist must address when developing high strength steel weld metals: 1. The problem
of maintaining strength while increasing impact toughness; 2. Maintaining ductility
within the weld metal; 3. Minimising the influence of welding procedure and 4. Avoid-
ing hydrogen cold cracking.

1.2.1 Strength versus toughness

Strength is of little use without toughness and there is usually a trade off between the
two. Toughness within the field of welding is generally expressed as impact toughness
since in the majority of circumstances it is measured using a Charpy impact notch test.
Any increase in strength is usually linked together with a decrease in toughness unless
steps are taken to prevent it such as the refinement of the microstructure. Toughness
depends mainly on composition and microstructure, for example carbon content, grain
size and inclusion content. These issues are addressed in greater detail within Chapter

To briefly look at the applied field, certain strength and toughness limits are usually kept
in mind. These are then tested in either quality or safety tests before use. Some typical
impact toughness requirements in use today for high strength applications are 47 J at
–20 oC (for shipbuilding) or 40 J at –40 oC (for offshore constructions). Temperature
requirements are normally set at least 30 oC below the expected service temperature in
many applications [4].

1.2.2. Ductility
The issue of ductility must also be addressed and it is inter–linked to the previous chal-
lenge. Ductility is a measure of the degree of plastic deformation that the weld metal
can sustain before fracture. It is important for a designer to know how much plastic
deformation will be experienced before fracture in order to avoid disastrous conse-
quences in certain applications. It may be measured by percentage elongation or area
reduction of tensile specimens. In the welding field, it is also taken into account taking
the ratio of (Yield Strength) / (Tensile strength). The commonly required maximum
value of this ratio is either 0.85 or 0.9.

1.2.3. Influence of welding procedure
Perhaps the most common challenge faced with fusion welding, e.g. the SMAW tech-
nique used here, is to minimise the influence of welding procedure. It is often possible
to produce a weld metal with given desired properties under well controlled conditions
in a research laboratory or factory. However, in many circumstance on the applied field,
e.g. an oil rig on the North Sea, it may not be practically possible to obtain the opti-
mum parameters. Additionally since the SMAW method is so versatile, it is the most
chosen method to work with in the most awkward situations. Bearing this in mind it is
understandable that the influence of welding parameters such as preheat temperature,
interpass temperature, etc., should be minimised on the weld metal properties.

1.2.4. Hydrogen induced cold cracking

The topic of hydrogen cracking must also be kept in mind when designing new elec-
trodes and steps should be taken to minimise its risk. Hydrogen cracking generally
takes place below 200 oC and the cracks may form up to several days after welding.
Mostly, the cracks appear in the heat effected zone (HAZ), where there is martensite,
accumulation of hydrogen and high stresses. However, for high strength steel weld
metals, the cracks often form in the weld metal instead. They are generally transversal
to the welding direction and frequently occur between 5 and 15 mm below the surface
of multilayer welds. In this area, both hydrogen concentration and resultant stresses are
at their maximum.

The detailed mechanism of hydrogen cracking is not fully understood. It is dependent

on three conditions in order to occur: 1. The presence of hydrogen; 2. High residual
stresses; and 3. A susceptible microstructure like martensite that has a low ductility
[4–5]. Hydrogen cracking is avoided in practice by using low hydrogen consumables
and a controlled welding procedure often involving an elevated working temperature.

Detailed investigations into the microstructural factors affecting hydrogen induced cold
cracking in high strength steel weld metals have been carried out and are presented
in [6]. Within this work, it was suggested that increasing the number of interfaces in
the microstructure could improve resistance by allowing the hydrogen to diffuse more
uniformly within the weld metal and secondly that the presence of interfaces increased
resistance to crack propagation. So far, the topic of hydrogen cracking has been outside
the scope of this work but nevertheless it has been kept in mind.

1.3 Scope of This Work

In the course of this work, an attempt has been made to understand the changes in
mechanical and microstructural behaviour of experimental steel weld metals as a result
of variations in composition. These experimental steel weld metals are aimed at high
strength applications using the SMAW technique. The weld metals examined have sim-

ilar compositions with the exceptions of nickel, manganese and carbon. The effect of
these elements was examined by studying two nickel contents at 7 and 9 wt. %, two
manganese contents at 0.5 or 2.0 wt. % and varying carbon content from 0.03 to 0.11
wt. %. A limited study was also done on a conventional high strength steel weld metal
with 3 Ni and 2 Mn.

The composition of the new experimental weld metals have arisen out of neural net-
work modelling carried out at the University of Cambridge. The modelling suggested
that the impact strength could be increased with little loss of yield strength by reducing
the manganese content at these nickel levels. Once optimum levels of manganese and
nickel were reached it was predicted that the strength could be increased at moderate
expense to toughness with carbon additions.

The weld metals were first tested mechanically using tensile testing, Charpy impact
testing and hardness testing. Microstructural investigations were carried out using dif-
ferent characterisation techniques ranging from low resolution methods such as Light
Optical Microscopy (LOM) to high resolution methods such as Atom Probe Field Ion
Microscopy (APFIM).

Through this work an understanding was gained on how manganese, nickel and carbon
affect the weld metal microstructure. Finally, it was attempted to make correlations
between the microstructure and mechanical properties.

2. Weld Metal Deposition
2.1 Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) was used to produce all experimental weld
metals analysed in this work. SMAW is also called Manual Metal Arc (MMA) welding
since welding is normally carried out by a welder manually guiding a stick electrode.
The set up principles of SMAW welding are shown schematically in Figure 2.1. At first
glance, a normal stick electrode basically consist of a metallic wire that is surrounded
by a coating, however it is much more complex. Within the electrode, there is both the
filler material for the joint and intricate compounds required to control the arc, create a
protective slag and generate a protective gas shroud that shields the weld pool from the
atmosphere. There are four main types of coating; acidic, cellulosic, rutile and basic.
These contain different quantities of minerals such as Quartz, Rutile, Flourospar, Car-
bonates, Ferro-alloys and Cellulose along with other organic compounds. The choice
and quantity of these are determined by the required arc characteristics and the desired

Figure 2.1. (A), showing the basic set up principles of the SMAW process. (B), show-
ing the different components of a covered electrode and the associated weld when an
arc is formed. [Ref. 7, with some minor modifications]

weld geometry to be produced. During welding the flux covering melts and in the proc-
ess generates gases that help maintain a continuous flow of metal droplets from the core
wire to the weld pool and also shields them from the atmosphere. It forms a viscous slag
that acts as a protective layer between the molten weld metal and the atmosphere. Addi-
tionally, it shapes and holds the molten weld metal in place. The tip of the electrode is
heated by resistance heating from the current passing through the metal rod which also
generates the formation of an electric arc – a high current and low voltage discharge
[4–5]. At this stage it is now established that there is a whole science involved in the art
of welding. A closer look will now be taken on the adjustment of the weld parameters
and how they affect the mechanical properties.

2.2 The effect of Welding Parameters

In SMAW it is inevitable that welding conditions vary slightly during and between
each run. Within this section the options and effects of changing welding parameters
are briefly discussed.

2.2.1 Preheat / interpass temperature

The interpass temperature — the temperature of the work piece before each weld run is
deposited is equally important as the preheat temperature — the temperature which the
work piece is first heated to. Both have a very large effect on the weld cooling rate. A
minimum and / or a maximum interpass temperature may be specified and it is usually
not less than the preheat temperature. A preheat temperature is sometimes required to
avoid hydrogen cracking and detailed investigations to determine a suitable tempera-
ture, which is outside the scope of this work, are presented elsewhere [8]. The preheat
temperature basically reduces the cooling rate and as a result minimises the hardening
close to the fusion zone. In practical circumstances it may be difficult to accurately
control interpass temperature and lower interpass temperatures may be encountered
than what is specified. It is therefore necessary for a developer to investigate how the
weld metal behaves at lower interpass temperatures once good properties have been
established at desired interpass temperatures.

A specific maximum interpass temperature in welding procedure is sometimes required

e.g., in order to avoid hot cracking. In this case using a higher interpass temperature will
increase the time spent in the critical temperature range [9–10]. This is also an issue
with high strength steel weld metals but using a high interpass temperature normally
plays a more important role. Longer cooling times allows hydrogen diffusion from the
weld and is a major factor when avoiding hydrogen cracking [11].

As interpass temperature is increased, the main microstructural effect is that the amount
of columnar structure within a reheated weld bead is reduced and an increase in the

amount of reaustenitised and tempered areas is seen especially within the central beads
of a welded joint. Little effects are seen on the cross sectional area of each weld bead
deposited with increase in interpass temperature but the proportion of recrystallised area
increases [12]. By eliminating the columnar microstructure, hardness becomes more
uniform and is reduced. There is also a reduction in strength by increasing interpass
temperature however toughness at low temperatures increases.

To conclude, control of welding parameters such as interpass temperature is impor-

tant. Recent work by Lord [13] analysed the variation of mechanical properties of high
strength weld metals and concluded that variations in yield strength were not alone
due to compositional variations, but also to process parameters such as the weld metal
interpass temperature.

2.2.2 Electrode diameter

Increasing the diameter of the electrode increases the heat input and also promotes
longer weld cooling times, e.g. from 800–500 oC [12]. Additionally fewer weld
layers are needed to fill the welded joint, see Figure 2.2. Increasing the electrode size
increases the amount of columnar region in the weld metal. The width of the columns
also increases with increase of diameter. Hardness depends on the amount of columnar
structure present within the weld metal. More variations are usually seen with a larger
diameter size because there is more inhomogenity within the weld metal joint.

Increasing the electrode diameter slows weld cooling and promotes strength since it
increases the proportion of the stronger as deposited microstructure. Increasing the size
of the electrode decreases impact toughness at low temperatures. The negative effects
that larger electrode diameter has on toughness is mainly due to the greater amount of
as-deposited weld metal remaining within the weld joint.

Figure 2.2 Effect of electrode size on amount of reaustenitised and tempered weld
metal in multipass welding, cross sections as a function of weld diameter, white areas
represent reaustenitised and tempered weld metal [12].

2.2.3 Energy / Heat Input
The energy input controls the heat generated by welding and is controlled by current,
voltage, and the welding speed. In this work it was calculated using the equation [14]:

E = (U × I × 60) / (v × 1000)
where E = energy input (kJ / mm)
U = voltage (V)
I = current (A)
v = speed (mm / min.)

Because of energy losses primarily due to radiation but also due to heating of the shield-
ing gas, the value of energy input is usually factorised to account for the arc efficiency.
When this is done a value is calculated for the “heat input” [11]. Since the factorisa-
tion varies between different welding conditions (typically between 0.8 and 0.95 of the
energy input) it was decided to work in terms of energy input and avoid using the term
heat input.

Increasing the energy input increases the area of the weld bead. Depending on joint
geometry, at higher inputs fewer runs per layer are needed. Within the weld bead itself
it increases the size of the different regions. In a multi-run weld with high energy input,
it is possible to remove most of the columnar structure in the joint centre. Mechanically,
both the average hardness and strength drop with increase in energy input [12].

3 Microstructure and Alloying Additions
3.1 Microstructure

3.1.1 General
High strength steel weld metals with yield strengths up to 700 MPa and higher are
available. Microstructures suitable to resist stresses of such magnitude, are usually
composed of, or a combination of, martensite, bainite, retained austenite and acicular
ferrite. Prior to these final constituents, the weld metal will have undergone complex
changes and transformations as it cools from its liquid form when deposited. This may
be clearly seen in the basic phase diagram of steel showing the iron - carbon system as
presented in Figure 3.1.

However, one must bear in mind, that there are a few characteristic differences between
the microstructure of weld metals and those of wrought steels. Once wrought steel
is formed, various types of heat treatment may be performed in order to adjust both
the microstructure and the mechanical properties. However, with weld metals this is
not normally the case, and in many circumstances it is not possible. Weld metals are

Figure 3.1 The iron-carbon phase diagram [22]

cast materials and their cooling conditions are very different in comparison to that of
a steel that has undergone forging or rolling. Other characteristic differences between
the two is the frequent presence of non-metallic inclusions within weld metals and also
segregation. The occurrence of interdendritic segregation must always be kept in mind
when investigating the weld metal microstructure. Basically there is a difference in
composition between the core and the other portions of the dendrite that formed during
solidification. As alloying is increased it plays a more important role in determining the
microstructural transformations that take place and it may lead to different phases in
the dendrite-core and in interdendritic regions. Microsegregation allows the formation
of microstructures that are hard to produce in any other metallurgical process. This can
be beneficial when it is properly controlled but can create a lot of difficulties with for
example cracking when not. When weld metals are deposited in multi runs or if they are
heat treated, part of the previous bead is reheated to a high temperature and the bead is
no longer in the “as deposited” condition. Microsegregation can be partially removed,
however, a long annealing time is needed to remove it completely [15].

A brief overview of some phase transformation mechanisms that occur in high strength
steel weld metals will now be given; comprehensive treatments of the physical metal-
lurgy may be found in [1, 4–5, 11, 16–18].

3.1.2 Solidification and the decomposition of δ-ferrite

When welding in particular material with similar or the same composition as the
molten weld metal, epitaxial growth rather than nucleation occurs. Epitaxial growth is
where the molten liquid solidifies and develops new grains directly from the solid in
the underlying material. Solidification generally occurs along the maximum thermal
gradient towards the weld centre resulting in a columnar solidification structure. The
width of the columns are usually related to the size of the grains in the underlying bead.
It is normally expected that the grains increase in size and are expected to be wider
than the underlying grains. Grains separated by high angle boundaries are called the
primary grains and it is usually found that there is a substructure divided by low angle
grain boundaries within the primary grains. The substructure develops in different ways
depending on the solute content, the thermal gradient and the solidification velocity.
Four different modes are usually found; planar front, cellular, cellular dendritic and
dendritic. In this particular work the mode of cellular dendritic was applicable which
is a combination of cellular and the dendritic growth mechanisms. Growth occurs from
the motion of an unstable solidification front and dendrites develop sometimes with
a slight deviation from the maximum thermal gradient direction following the easy
growth direction of <100>.

Most steel weld metals begin their solidification with the formation of δ-ferrite and
in the majority of cases it is accompanied by nucleation of austenite on the δ-δ ferrite

Figure 3.2 Schematic diagram showing the development of columnar austenite grains
from the primary δ-ferrite solification structure. [19]

grain boundaries as shown in Figure 3.2. The δ-ferrite grains that form on solidification
are reported to have an elongated or columnar structure [4, 20]. When δ-ferrite forms,
two major solid phase transformations occur on cooling to room temperature. The first
occurs at high temperatures with δ-ferrite (Body Centered Cubic (B.C.C)) transforming
to austenite (Face Centered Cubic (F.C.C.)) approximately between 1400 and 1500 oC.
The austenite is reported to grow from side to side across the δ-ferrite grains with some
uncertainty about the exact mechanism as it is generally not possible to clearly see the
former austenite boundaries after transformation has taken place at lower temperatures
[4]. In any case, the formation of austenite happens very quickly and its grain size is
a very important factor. The austenite grain size has an influence on the γ to α-ferrite
transformation (next section), and on the final mechanical properties.

The formation of δ-ferrite may be prevented entirely by fast cooling, increasing carbon
content or with additions of manganese or nickel [21–22]. When austenite forms directly
from the molten weld metal the austenite grain size is expected to be larger than if it
were formed from the decomposition of δ-ferrite. [23] Additonally, only one major
solid phase transformation takes place on cooling to room temperature.

3.1.3 The decomposition of austenite

The second solid transformation, the decomposition of austenite, takes place below
800 oC and the exact temperature depends on cooling rate and alloying content, with
austenite (F.C.C.) transforming to α-ferrite (B.C.C.). The decomposition of austenite is
generally shown in the form of a continous cooling transformation (CCT) diagram such
as that in Figure 3.3. Understanding the reactions and factors that control these curves
have been the focus of metallographic investigations for decades within steel research.

Figure 3.3 CCT diagram for steel weld metal, summarising the possible effects of
microstructure and alloying on the transformation products for different weld cooling
times [16].
The microstructural transformations that take place are largely dependant on both the
cooling rate and the composition. In steel, it was reported that austenite transformed
to ferrite on cooling between 910 and 723 oC in iron – carbon alloys [1]. At fast cool-
ing, the transformation temperature may be depressed below the region of 690 oC with
austenite transforming to upper bainite. At even higher cooling rates transformation can
take place in the region of 500 oC or lower, i.e. the martensite start temperature (Ms)
(that depends on alloying) [5].

The remaining part of this section will describe briefly the microstructural morphologies
and the transformation mechanisms of the weld metal as it decomposes from austenite.
In high strength steel weld metals, as strength levels increase above the region of 690
MPa, the microstructures are largely bainitic, martensitic and sometimes with small
amounts of acicular ferrite.

3.1.4 Ferrite
There are three main ferritic constituents that form in weld metals; allotrimorphic ferrite,
Widmanstätten side plates and acicular ferrite. Allotrimorphic ferrite and Widmanstätten
side plates are generally not observed in high strength steel weld metals due to the high
alloying content. As a result these will not be discussed further and instead focus will
be placed on acicular ferrite.

Acicular ferrite is gerenally found to be positive for impact toughness. It is called

acicular due to its needle shape in two dimensional sections. In three dimensions it is
found to be in the form of lenticular plates with dimensions in the order of 5 to 10 µm

in length and around 1µm in diameter. It nucleates on inclusions inside the austenite
grains. In literature it is sometimes described as an intragranularly nucleated bainite.
[5] Arguments put forward to designate it as bainite were the shape change accompany-
ing the transformation which is an invariant-plane strain with a large shear component,
a similar stored energy of transformation of around 400 J / mol, no bulk partioning of
substitutional alloying element on formation, the orientation relationship between it
and the parent austenite and finally “the incomplete – reaction phenomenon” where the
degree of reaction tending towards zero as the transformation temperature approaches
the bainite start (Bs) temperature. [5] The big difference between classical bainite and
acicular ferrite is the fact that it nucleates intragranularly in the form of isolated plates
radiating from a point nucleation site rather than the sheaf morphology of classical
bainite which nucleates at austenite grain boundaries.

3.1.5 Bainite
Bainite was first discovered in the early 1930’s by Davenport and Bain [24] who were
investigating the isothermal transformations of austenite. It was called “Bainite” by the
staff at the United States Steel Corporation Laboratory after E.C. Bain who had initi-
ated the studies. From the early days it was known that there were two types of bainite;
upper bainite formed at high temperatures and lower bainite formed at low tempera-
tures [25]. A schematic of both is shown in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 Schematic of the transition path to both upper and lower bainite [18].

At transformation temperatures in the region of, or less than 690 oC, carbon doesn’t
have time to diffuse into austenite as ferrite nucleates on the austenite grain boundaries
[5]. To cope with this, the carbon concentrates and redistributes at the phase bound-
ary since the solubility of carbon in bainitic ferrite is low (< 0.02 wt.% [1]). As the
carbon content increases at the phase boundary it may reach a high enough concentra-
tion at which cementite is able to nucleate and grow. Depending on the level of carbon,
cementite may be in the form discrete particles (at low concentrations), or as continu-
ous layers separating the ferrite plates (at high concentrations).

Cementite or M3C is an iron rich carbide where sometimes the iron atoms can be
replaced and other elements can be taken into solution. It has an orthorombic structure
with space group Pbnm, and Fe3C has lattice parameters a = 0.4523 nm, b = 0.5088 nm
and c = 0.6743 nm. Figure 3.5 shows the unit cell of cementite where there are 16 atoms
in total, 12 metal atoms and 4 carbon atoms. Strong carbide forming elements such as
Cr, Mo, W, V and weaker elements such as Mn, Ni and Co can be found in solution in
M3C. It is formed by eg. eutectoid and bainitic decomposition of austenite or precipita-
tion in ferrite during tempering.

As each plate of bainitic ferrite grows it changes shape and is accompanied by a large
strain which can be described as an invariant – plane strain with a large shear component
similar to that of martensite [1, 18, 32]. The change of shape and mechanism of growth
indicate that the transformation mechanism is displacive rather than reconstructive. The

Figure 3.5 The unit cell of cementite, Fe3C [68]. (1kX = 1.002 02 Å)

two methods of atomic rearrangement, reconstructive transformation and displacive
transformation are described in detail in [32]. Reconstructive transformation is the
breaking of all bonds and rearranging the atoms into another alternative pattern while
displacive transformation is described as homogeneously deforming the original pat-
tern into a new crystal structure. Displacive transformation also alters the macroscopic
shape unless it is constrained. During constrained rearrangement, transformation occurs
by the combination of elastic and plastic strains in the surrounding matrix. The product
grows in the form of thin plates, which reduces the strains. To conclude, bainite fulfils
all criteria for the displacive mechanism of transformation.

Since bainitic ferrite is generated through a coordinate movement of atoms, it fol-

lows that there is an orientation relationship between bainitic ferrite and the parent
austenite. The austenite-bainitic ferrite orientation relationships are described by the
Niashiyama–Wasserman orientation relationship [26] for upper bainite and the Kurd-
jumov–Sachs orientation relationship [27] for lower bainitic – ferrite, according to the
classic paper by Smith and Mehl [28]. However, later investigations revealed a scatter
in the observed relationship between the exact NW and KS orientations [29]. From
these investigations it was reported that the close packed plane of bainitic ferrite is
found to be parallel or nearly parallel to the close packed plane of austenite. It was also
found that the close packed planes of bainitic ferrite were parallel or nearly parallel to
the close packed direction in austenite. The orientation relationships reported were: -

NW: { 1 1 1 } γ // { 0 1 1 } α

<1 0 1 > γ // <11 1 > α

KS: { 1 1 1 } γ // { 0 1 1 } α

<1 0 1 > γ about 5 o from <11 1 > α towards < 11 1 > α

< 1 12 > γ // < 01 1> α

The cementite particles that form during the upper bainite transformation have the
Pitsch orientation relationship with the parent austenite.

[ 0 0 1 ] Fe C // [2 2 5 ] γ

[ 1 0 0]Fe C // [ 55 4 ] γ

[ 0 1 0 ]Fe C // [11 0 ] γ

When there are adequate quantities of alloying elements such as Si or Al the forma-
tion of cementite may be prevented completely. When this is the case a microstructure
of bainitic ferrite separated by retained austenite is obtained. Martensite may also be
present in this microstructure if the austenite decomposes further at lower tempera-

At slightly faster cooling rates than needed for an upper bainite transformation, the
austenite will reach lower temperatures with transformation taking place in the region
of 500 oC. When transformation occurs at these temperatures, carbon diffusion is slow
within the austenite and only occurs at short ranges. As the ferrite plates grow, they prefer
to remove the carbon at the interface through the repeated precipitation of cementite. In
doing so any excess carbon at the interface is lost and the interface advances again.

This latter cementite formed follows the Bagaryatski orientation relationship with the
ferritic plates. This relationship is also found with carbides that precipitate on the heat
treatment of martensite [1]. The Bagaryatski relationship is described as: -

[ 0 0 1 ] Fe C // [1 0 1 ] α

[ 1 0 0 ] Fe C // [ 1 1 1 ] α

[ 0 1 0 ] Fe C // [1 21 ] α
3.1.6 Martensite
At the fastest cooling rates, the austenite may reach the region of 400 oC or below
depending on alloying, before transformation. Transformation at these temperatures is
a diffusionless process producing lath martensite. No single atom moves more than one
lattice spacing. Martensite may be considered as a supersaturated solution of carbon in
α iron. It has a body centered tetragonal (B.C.T.) structure. Since the transformation is
from F.C.C. to B.C.C. and is also diffusionless, the interstitial carbon atoms are limited
to the one common octahedral site in both the F.C.C. and B.C.C. structures. The three
possible octahedral sites are shown in Figure 3.6. The z-sites in this figure are the octa-
hedral sites common to both structures and will therefore be occupied by carbon. As a
result an expansion in the z direction is experienced. This is a unidirectional distortion
and bring about the change from B.C.C. to B.C.T. The change to B.C.T. distinguishes
martensite from supersaturated ferrite. In supersaturated ferrite all interstitial sites have
equal probability of occupation [30]. When only substitutional solutes are present the
transformed product is cubic while it is generally tetragonal if there are interstitial sol-
utes present. It was reported that martensite in iron-nickel-carbon alloys with only ~
0.05 % carbon is tetragonal, provided that the Ms temperature is sufficiently low to
prevent autotempering during the quench [31].

As with bainite, martensite has an orientation relationship with the parent austenite. It
was stated that orientation relationships between martensite and austenite varies with
composition, however in all ferrous alloys a {111}γ plane is approximately parallel to
the {011}α´ plane (where, γ denotes austenite, α´ denotes martensite). Additionally,
within these two close packed planes there is a possible variation in orientation of ~ 5.5
degrees from approximately Kurdjumov–Sachs relation to the Nishiyama relationship
[30]. These relations are described as:

< 1 0 1 > γ // <1 1 1 > α´ (Kurdjumov–Sachs relation)

< 1 12 > γ // < 11 0 > α´ (Nishiyama relationship)

The lattice corresponding to the transition of austenite to α martensite was first pointed
out by Bain who showed the tetragonal structure could be outlined within two unit
cells of austenite as shown in Figure 3.7 [30]. In order to obtain the martensite cell, a
contraction caused by the Bain strain of about 17 % along the [ 0 0 1] γ (martensite c-
axis) and an expansion of about 12 % in the ( 0 0 1) γ is needed. The crystallography of
displace transformation was clearly described by Bhadeshia in a review paper on steel
phase transformations [32]. When the Bain strain (B) is in parallel with a rigid body
rotation (R) as shown in Figure 3.7, the resultant lattice deformation RB is an “invariant
line strain” that gives good fit along a single line common to both crystals. The shape
change induced is an invariant plane strain P1 but this gives the wrong crystal structure.
However when P1 is combined with a homogeneous shear (P2), the correct structure

Figure 3.6 Martensite body centered tetragonal lattice showing the three sets of octahe-
dral interstitials. The Z - set is fully occupied by carbon atoms [1].

is obtained but the wrong shape, since P1 × P2 = RB. All criteria are fulfilled when the
overall affect of P2 is cancelled by an inhomogeneous lattice invariant deformation that
may be slip or twinning as shown in Figure 3.8

3.2 Effects of Tempering

Tempering is a term that comes originally from the heat treatment of martensite. It
generally describes how both the microstructure and properties change as a result of
holding a sample isothermally below the austenite formation temperature. In multi-pass
welding, the microstructure is deemed to be tempered once the weld metal has been
heated to temperatures below austenite formation as a result of the deposition of a weld
bead(s) on top of an underlying bead(s).

3.2.1 Tempering of Martensite

In literature, it is generally agreed that there are four stages in the tempering of martensite.
During the first stage which takes place at low temperatures (up to 250 oC), carbon in
solid solution begins to segregate to defects and forms clusters. It then precipitates to
form cementite or ε-carbide which has a close packed hexagonal structure. Stage 2
happens in the region (230–300 oC) where the majority of the carbon is precipitated, ε-
carbide transforms to cementite which is more stable and any austenite retained during
quenching decomposes. During Stage 3 cementite appears and this can happen between
approximately 100–300 oC. Also the tetragonality in high carbon martensite disappears
and the microstructure becomes ferrite not supersaturated in carbon. Tempering at even
higher temperatures (300–700 oC) results in Stage 4 where the cementite particles start
coarsening, they lose their crystallographic morphology and become spheroidised.
Additional effects at high temperatures are the recrystallisation of ferrite plates into
equiaxed grains which also promotes a reduction in the dislocation density. Alloy car-
bides begin to form in the range 500–600 oC and their formation depends largely on
the alloying content and the presence of carbide forming elements. If they form a sec-
ondary hardening effect may be experienced where fine alloy carbides develop at the
expense of cementite. [1, 18]

The observed effects of tempering martensite on mechanical properties are dependent

on the carbon content within the martensite, the alloying content and the tempering
temperature. For hardness the general trend is softening as the tempering temperature is
raised. A reduction in yield and tensile strength is also normally observed while tough-
ness is found to increase as tempering temperature increases. [1]

3.2.2 Tempering of Bainite

There are important differences in the tempering of bainite from that of martensite
because bainite only contains a slight excess rather than a supersaturation of carbon

Figure 3.7 The lattice corresponding to the formation of martensite. (a) The B.C.T.
cell of base edge length ao / 2½ outlined in the austenite structure of cell size ao. (b)
deformation (Bain strain) along the c axis carries this structure into martensite cell with
parameters a, c. Open symbols represent iron atoms, filled symbols represent one pos-
sible carbon site [34].

Figure 3.8 The crystallographic theory behind displacive transformation [20]. The
figure is explained within the text.

in solution and it also autotempers during transformation. A lot of the carbon parti-
tions out or precipitates during the bainite reaction. The carbon is generally located
within the cementite that forms which is usually coarser than that formed from tem-
pering martensite. Bainite is normally less sensitive to tempering in comparison to

If bainite formation takes place at high temperatures it may experience some recovery
of the dislocation substructure. Normally, only minor changes in recovery, morphol-
ogy or carbide precipitation occur during tempering. The largest effect of tempering is
observed when the plate-like structure of ferrite changes to equiaxed ferrite. Spheroidi-
sation and coarsening of cementite also take place with this change. Secondary harden-
ing may also be experienced with bainite at high temperatures but it is normally much
more sluggish since the cementite tends to be coarser in bainite.

Strength decreases with the tempering of bainite but the extent is not as dramatic as
with martensite because there is little or no carbon in solid solution. Carbon is normally
present in the form of carbide which contribute little to strength. Changes in strength
may be observed as the microstructure coarsens or when recrystalisation takes place
at high temperatures and equiaxed grains of ferrite replace the bainite plates. Minor
changes may also occur due to the coarsening of cementite particles or the recovery of
the dislocation substructure. [1, 18]

3.3 Steel Weld Metal Composition

Solid solutions are formed when alloying elements such as carbon, manganese or nickel
are dissolved atom by atom either interstitially or substitutionally. When the matrix
is saturated with a particular element, a separate phase can form. As a weld metal is
either cooled or heated certain elements may inhibit phase transformation in the steel.
For example, austenite stabilisers are nickel, cobalt, carbon, manganese and nitrogen
while ferrite stabilisers are silicon, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium and
niobium. Alloying also plays a role in mechanical behaviour of the weld metal. Grain
refinement is the most favoured strengthening mechanism in high strength steel weld
metals as it also contributes to toughness. Precipitation strengthening is also a favoured
strengthening mechanism. In order to provide some resistance to brittle cleavage frac-
ture, alloying with some substitutional solutes helps to improve toughness. Leslie
reported the following list of elements in decreasing effectiveness improve the tough-
ness of iron; Pt, Ni, Ru, Rh, Ir and Re [33]. Of these the only one feasible is Ni. This
section examines the effect of the different elements on both microstructural phases and
mechanical properties.

3.3.1 Carbon
Carbon content is important to the overall strength and hardness of the weld metal. The
location of carbon atoms, whether they remain in solution or if they are precipitated,
determines whether the steel is martensitic or ferritic. The level of carbon is critical for
optimising microstructure and mechanical properties.

Greater additions of carbon lowers the martensite transformation temperature. Increas-

ing the amount of martensite with higher carbon in the HAZ raises the risk of hydrogen
cracking and also decreases toughness. At too low carbon contents ferrite may form so
carbon is made up for by increasing the alloying content [10].

The carbon content is also directly related to the risk of solidification cracking. At high
carbon levels greater amounts of Mn and lower levels of S are required in order to avoid
this type of cracking. The carbon and sulphur content is generally kept low in welding
consumables and solidification cracking is not a major problem [10].

3.3.2 Manganese and Nickel

The alloying content of manganese and nickel are very important in the solidification
process in high strength steel weld metals. Large additions of these elements can pre-
vent the formation of δ-ferrite entirely and instead the weld metal solidifies directly to
austenite as shown in Figures 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11. [21–22]

Additional effects of manganese is that it gives strengthening through solid solution

hardening and grain refinement by lowering the austenite to ferrite transformation tem-
perature. Grain refinement also leads to increased toughness. Unfortunately manganese
tends to segregate which promotes variations in hardness and microstructure. It also
forms inclusions that may be detrimental to the toughness. Manganese is generally lim-
ited to minimise solidification segregation [10, 34]. Manganese combines with sulphur
and reduces the risk of solidification cracking [12].

Nickel improves toughness, adds a solid solution hardening effect and increases quench
hardenability [34]. It is also believed to influence the stacking fault energy of ferrite in
such a manner that plastic deformation is accommodated at low temperatures [4].

3.3.3 Chromium and Molybdenum

These elements are well known in the alloying of steel. Chromium stabilises ferrite
but slows down transformation rate. It also increases hardness and strength and has a
greater influence when manganese is at low concentrations [12]. With chromium addi-
tions, toughness falls as reported in studies of mechanical properties of high strength
steel weld metals [21, 36]. It provides solid solution strengthening and promotes car-
bide formation. Both chromium also increases hardenability and gives both oxidation

Figure 3.9 Fe-Ni equilibrium phase diagram (high temperature section). [35] (D:
primary δ-ferrite solidification, P: peritectic solidification, A: primary austenite solidi-

and corrosion resistance [34]. Chromium and molybdenum increase resistance to high
temperature corrosion and are well known for giving resistance against creep in heat
resistant steels.

3.3.4 Silicon
Silicon contributes a large solid solution hardening factor. The addition of silicon (in
high concentrations, 1.5 wt. %) is reported to eliminate poor toughness in bainitic steels
[32]. Silicon has poor solubility in cementite and retards its precipitation.

3.3.5 Titanium, Niobium and Vanadium

Titanium, niobium and vanadium are microalloying elements. These elements can form
precipitates in the form of carbonitrides but are in very low quantities in high strength
steel weld metals. If precipitation takes place, it contributes to strength through precipi-
tation hardening. Titanium and boron increase toughness at low temperatures [4, 34].
Titanium is also know to form oxides.

3.3.6 Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen

Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are the three main absorbed gases within weld metals.
Oxygen reduces both the strength and toughness. It is difficult to determine how much
is in solid solution since it tends to be present in finely dispersed oxygen rich micro-
scopic inclusions. These microscopic inclusions are an inevitable part of welding and in
SMAW their size is determined by the electrode coating type and energy input. Oxides
can be in the form of iron-manganese oxide in neutral and acidic weld metal with the
latter containing some iron-manganese-silicate oxides while the basic type weld metals

Figure 3.10 The complete Fe-Ni equilibrium phase diagram. [37]

Figure 3.11 The Fe-Mn equilibrium phase diagram. [37]

almost only contain iron-manganese-silicate oxides [15]. Oxygen also combines with
iron to form FeO and separates out as slag.

Nitrogen raises the strength but reduces the toughness. Nitrogen is normally present in
ppm concentration but may still have a large effect on the mechanical properties. Too
long an arc may lead to excess nitrogen pick up [4]. Excess nitrogen is ejected in the
form of gas or may cause porosity.

Hydrogen has a high solubility in iron because of its small atomic radius and dissolves
easily in the solidifying weld metal. Although it is present in solution while welding it
diffuses out as the weld metal cools. When practical any remaining hydrogen can be
removed by a low temperature (< 300) soaking heat treatment. Hydrogen within the
weld metal reduces ductility.

4. Modelling
4.1 Neural network modelling

4.1.1 Introduction
As we have seen in Chapter 2 and 3, the design of high strength steel weld metals is
very complex. There are a wide variety of parameters each having their own individual
effect, or a combined effect, on the final microstructure and mechanical properties.
Given that our task is a complex one, it was decided to engage neural network model-
ling to allow both the optimization of the welding process and to investigate the effects
of a wide variety of parameters quickly and cheaply. The modelling for this project was
carried out at the University of Cambridge and only a brief summary will be given here.
Further details about the technique of neural network modelling may be found in [38

Many scientists are acquainted with the use of creating and applying linear regression
equations to experimental data. Creating a linear regression equation basically involves
taking the sum of each input or operating parameter xj and multiply it by a certain
factor or weight wj, which is determined by how much it influences the final outcome
or properties. A constant θ, is then added to the sum, giving an equation that makes a
estimate of the outcome of the process or property y, i.e. Σwjxj + θ = y. There are many
examples of this type of equation in materials science. Two examples are; equations for
predicting the martensite start temperature Ms and equations for predicting the bainite
start temperature Bs.

Although linear regression analysis is very helpful, there is however a few difficulties
associated with the method. The first problem is that the relationship must be chosen
before the equation of model is applied. Secondly, the relationship is normally linear
with non-linear terms added to form a psuedo-linear equation and once it is derived
it is applied to the complete range of input space. This may not be reasonable as the
relationships may vary across the input space. A method that avoids these difficulties is
neural networks.

4.1.2 Neural Networks

Neural network modelling employs the use of non - linear regression equations in its
predictions. With this method, the linear functions of the input xj are multiplied by the
weight wj and is then operated on by a hyperbolic tangent transfer function. The equa-
tion becomes:
h = tanh (Σwj(1)xj + θ(1))

with, y = w(2)h + θ(2) where, w(2) and θ(2) are additional constants

Figure 4.1 (a) Three different hyperbolic func-
tions; the “strength” of each depends on the
weights. (b) A combination of two hyperbolic
tangents to produce a more complex model.
[Ref. 38, with modifications]

Figure 4.3 The structure of a

two unit neural network. [Ref.
Figure 4.2 (a) A network representation of linear
38, with modifications]
regression analysis (b) A non-linear network repre-
sentation [Ref. 38, with minor adjustments]

The hyperbolic tangent function is chosen because of its flexibility across input space
and it can be varied in the different regions through adjustment of the weights wj as
shown in Figure 4.1. As a result, the output y, is a non-linear function of xj and the
difficulties associated with linear regression analysis are avoided. A schematic neural
network comparison of the two methods is shown in Figure 4.2.

In the majority of circumstances a one hidden-unit models may not be sufficiently flexi-
ble over the entire range of input space and in this case greater non-linearity is added by
combining a number of hyperbolic tangent functions. The output function for i hidden
units becomes:

y = Σwi(2)hi + θ(2) where, hi = tanh (Σwij(1)xj + θi(1))
i j

The extra flexibility added allow greater fitting to be achieved. It also allows the inter-
action between different inputs to be accounted for. A schematic of a two hidden-unit
neural network model is shown in Figure 4.3.

4.1.3 Overfitting and Error Estimation

Since so much flexibility has been introduced to the method with the addition of extra
hidden units, the problem of overfitting data may now arise. To alleviate this, the exper-
imental data is divided into two sets — the training data and the test data. The model is

created using the training set of data. It is then tested using the unseen or test data to see
that it performs well. The model may have large error if it is over-simplified in relation
to the input data and it may not be able to represent the complexity of the data. Oppos-
ing this, a large error within the model may arise if the model is too complex and it is
falsely modelling the noise within the experimental data. Training the model achieves
the optimum non-linear relationship between the input and the output. It should lie
somewhere between the two undesirable error extremes. With the optimum relation-
ship, test error will decrease as the model complexity increases. Other issues related to
overfitting are dealt with in [39–40].

To allow an estimation of the test error Ed , which is also sometimes called the perceived
noise συ , it is assumed that the experimental data is accurate and the errors are calcu-
lated by making a comparison between the predicted output (yj) and the experimental
data (tj).

with, Ed ∝ Σj (tj–yj)2

A problem associated with using best fit functions (or inserting best fit weight) is that
the model may not accurately estimate uncertainties were data is scarce or where data
is noisy. To avoid this difficulty, a committee of models is formed to predict the output
instead of using single models. The perceived noise arising from different models is
plotted against the best models ranked in terms of test error. Committees are then formed
that combine the predictions of the number of models L, with L = 1, 2, 3... etc. Within
the plot of L versus the perceived noise, a minimum arises that shows the optimum size
of the committee. Once the optimum committee size is formed, the complete model is
retrained on the entire data to allow some minor adjustments on the weights. Additional
information about the advantages of using a committee of models is presented in [41].
A brief look will now be taken at some results generated from four models that were

4.1.4 Neural Network Predictions

At University of Cambridge four neural network models were constructed to predict
impact toughness, yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and elongation
percentage (Elong) based on a database of some 3300 experimental weld metal results.
The input variables of the models are presented in Table 4 of Paper 1 [Appendix]. The
experimental data within the database was generated from different types of arc weld-
ing - SMAW, SAW and TIG. As previously stated, a committee of models gives better
predictions and as a result an assessment was made for the optimum size of committee.
The results of this assessment for each mechanical property are presented in Table 4.1

On the basis of Lord’s work [21], a base composition was chosen as presented in Table
4.2, to generate a contour plot of impact toughness behaviour at –40 oC as a function
of Mn and Ni concentrations. The resultant contour plot of the predicted toughness and
uncertainty is shown in Figure 4.4. Given the results obtained in Figure 4.4 which are
fully discussed in Papers 1 and 7 in the appendix, it was decided to set Ni at 7 wt. % and
Mn at 0.5 wt.%. It was decided to continue the modelling for other alloying elements
and C additions both as a function of strength and impact toughness at –60 oC proved
to be interesting. It was predicted that strength could be increased at moderate expense
to impact toughness with small additions of carbon. The generated plots are shown in
Figures 4.5 and 4.6. and are fully discussed in Paper VII, Appendix.

Additional predictions were made to see the effects on toughness at –60 oC, by varying
the concentration of alloying elements such Cr, Mo, Ni, N, Si, and B. Also the effect
on impact toughness at -60 oC was modelled by changing heat input with respect to
interpass temperature. These latter plots were not as dramatic for mechanical proper-
ties and may be found in Figures 9–11 of Paper I, Appendix. This work needs to be

No. of συ
Model members in (Perceived
committee noise)
Toughness / J 5 0.055
YS / MPa 13 0.025
UTS / MPa 5 0.02
Elong / % 2 0.05
Table 4.1 Showing some of the basic model

C 0.034 Mo 0.62 N / ppm 250

Mn 0-2 V 0.011 B / ppm 1
Ni 0 - 12 Cu 0.04 Nb / ppm 10
Si 0.25 Co 0.009 HI / kJ mm-1 1
S 0.008 W 0.005 IPT / o C 250
P 0.01 O / ppm 380 PWHT / oC 250
Cr 0.5 Ti / ppm 80 PWHT / h 16

Table 4.2 Base composition and parameters used for analysing the effect of Mn and
Ni concentration on toughness at –40 oC. All elements are in wt. % unless otherwise
specified [Paper 1, Appendix]. HI is heat input, IPT is interpass temperature and PWHT
is post weld heat treatment. The term PWHT in these calculations refer to a degassing

Predicted Toughness (-40 oC) Predicted Uncertainty

Figure 4.4 Contour plots showing the predicted weld impact toughness at -40 oC as a
function of manganese and nickel concentration. The predicted uncertainty represents
± 1σ of uncertainty, [Paper I, Appendix].

Figure 4.5 Predicted impact toughness at –60 ºC as a function of carbon concentra-

tion. The error bars represent ± 1 σ of uncertainty. [Paper VII, Appendix]

Figure 4.6 Predicted yield strength as a function of carbon concentration. The error
bars represent ± 1 σ of uncertainty. [Paper VII, Appendix]

continued and further developed changing the base imput composition and welding

4.2 Thermodynamic Modelling

Work on calculating phase diagrams from expressions for the Gibbs free energy of
phases in the system (the “CALPHAD” method) started in the 1970’s. One example
is the Thermo-Calc software package which has been developed at the Royal Institute
of Technology, Stocholm, Sweden where work started in 1976 [42–43]. The software
was developed with the purpose of modelling all kinds of thermodynamic and phase
diagram calculations. Like all modelling packages the software is strongly dependant
on its databases to produce realistic simulations. There are many databases developed
for specialised applications such as steels, slags, ceramic systems, electronic materials
etc. These databases are continously being updated from an international network such
as the Scientific Group Thermodata Europe collaboration.

Thermo-Calc is basically able to handle a variety of models which are used to describe
the thermodynamics of different types of phases and the interface allows the user to
calculate many different types of equilibria and obtain diagrams of various types. In this
work Thermo-Calc was engaged to produce isopleths and to simulate the solidification
using the Scheil-Gulliver model.

4.2.1 Solidification simulation

Thermo-Calc is mainly intended for equilibrium calculations but it can also be used
to simulate transformations where local equilibria is concerned. The Scheil-Gulliver
model uses this approach to simulate solidification. With this model it is assumed that
the liquid phase is always homogeneous whereas the solid phases retains the composi-
tion it had when it formed. In other words the diffusion coeffients are equal to infinity
in the liquid and equal to zero in the solids. At the interphase between the solid and the
liquid it is assumed that conditions can be descibed by equilibrium thermodynamics

In this work, the Scheil-Gulliver model was applied to simulate the solidification of the
weld metals using the CCTSS database as a function of alloying content. Further details
and results may be found in Paper VII, Appendix.

5. Experimental Details
5.1 Production of Experimental Weld Metals

5.1.1 The welded joint

The technique of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) was employed to produce all
experimental weld metals analysed in this work. The set up principles of SMAW weld-
ing are shown schematically in Figure 2.1. Welded joints were made according to ISO
2560 using 20 mm plates with a backing plate as shown in Figure 5.1. The joints were
‘buttered’ prior to welding which involved the deposition of two layers of weld beads
along the joint edges of the plates. The deposition of the experimental weld metals
took place in 33 cm runs with two or three runs per layer. This particular joint geometry
gives very limited dilution of the weld metal and allows accurate evaluation of the weld
metal properties. A photograph of one of the welded joint cross-sections is shown in
Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.1 Schematic drawing showing the weld joint geometry. The positions of the
tensile and Charpy test specimens are also shown, however they are not to scale [45].

Figure 5.2. Macro photograph of the 7-2L250 welded joint cross-section.

5.1.2 Compositions and welding parameters
Experimental weld metal compositions were chosen based on results from the neural
network modelling as already stated. On completion of the welding, a chemical analysis
was performed on each of the new weld metals. Samples of weld metal were removed
from the joint cross section, perpendicular to the welding direction and analysed using
a Spectro Lab S optical emission spectrometer and Leco combustion equipment (Model
EF 500 for C and S and model TC - 436 DR for N and O). The results from these analy-
ses, giving the weld metal compositions, along with welding parameters are presented
in Table 5.1. It was decided to name the weld metals according to their alloying content
and welding procedure for ease of the reader. In weld metal 7-2L250, 7 stands for nickel
content, 2 is for manganese content, L indicates low carbon content of approximately
0.03 and 250 indicates interpass temperature.

7-2L250 9-2L250 7-0.5L250 7-0.5L200 9-0.5L200 7-0.5M200 7-0.5H200

E / kJmm-1 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.3 0.7 1.4 1.3
I.P.T. °C 250 250 250 200 200 200 200
t 8/5 / s 12 11 10 10 5 11 10

C* 0.032 0.031 0.024 0.030 0.026 0.061 0.110

Mn 2.02 2.11 0.64 0.61 0.37 0.56 0.53
Ni 7.23 9.23 6.6 6.11 8.67 6.84 7.04
Cr 0.47 0.48 0.21 0.16 0.2 0.15 0.14
Si 0.25 0.27 0.35 0.4 0.34 0.34 0.38
S* 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.006 0.007
P 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.010 0.007 0.011 0.008
Mo 0.63 0.64 0.4 0.38 0.41 0.35 0.40
O / ppm* 380 340 400 340 367 350 260
N / ppm* 250 260 197 150 130 160 100
V N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.018 N.A. 0.014 0.016
Cu 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 N.A.

Table 5.1 Welding parameters and chemical composition. Welding parameters pre-
sented are energy input (E), interpass temperature (I.P.T.) and the estimated cooling
time between 800 and 500 °C (t8/5) calculated from [14]. Composition is in wt. % unless
otherwise stated, N.A. is not analysed and ‘*’ indicate elements analysed using Leco
Combustion equipment. No post weld heat treatment was carried out.

5.2 Mechanical Investigations

5.2.1 Tensile testing

Tensile testing can be used to access several mechanical properties of the weld metal.
In this work, specimens were deformed until fracture by increasing the tensile load
uniaxially along the axis of the specimen. The specimens were machined longitudinally
from the weld deposits as shown in Figure 5.2. The specimens had a length of 115 mm,
a diameter of 10 mm and a gauge length of 70 mm. Elongation was measured over 50
mm. Tensile testing was performed in compliance with standard EN 10045-1.

5.2.2 Charpy impact testing
Charpy V-notch testing is used to measure the impact energy which is sometimes
also termed the notch toughness [46]. For Charpy testing, transverse specimens were
machined in the shape of a bar having dimensions 10 mm × 10 mm × 55 mm, as shown
in Figure 5.1. These were then notched in the weld metal centre perpendicular to the
welding direction, with a notch depth of 2 mm and a total notch angle of 45 o. Two or
three specimens were tested at each temperature. Charpy impact testing was performed
in compliance with standard EN 10045-1.

5.2.3 Hardness testing

Hardness is a measure of the weld metal’s resistance to localised plastic deformation.
Hardness testing was conducted according to Vickers method using a 10 kg load with
a Buehler hardness tester on joint cross-sections polished to 1 µm with diamond paste.
Samples were hardness tested starting in the last bead and then proceeding vertically
down the weld metal cross section in 1 mm steps. In total 16 indentations were made
on each weld metal. Hardness testing was also carried out using Vickers method with a
1 kg load on dilatometry specimens polished to 1 µm with diamond paste. All hardness
measurements were carried out in agreement with standard EN 11 25 17.

5.3 Microstructure Characterisation Techniques

5.3.1 Light optical microscopy (LOM)

Light Optical Microscopy is one of the most commonly used techniques for microstruc-
ture characterisation in the development of weld metals. Steel weld metals are opaque
to visible light and as a result only the surface of the weld metal sample is subject to
investigation with this technique. The image contrast is a result of variations in reflec-
tivity in the different regions of the microstructure. Limitations of this technique are its
spacial resolution at approximately 0.5 µm and its depth of field. Investigations in this
work was carried out using a Leitz Aristomet light optical microscope.

5.3.2 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

The scanning electron microscope is a widely used instrument to obtain information
on bulk specimens. In this work, a Philips XL30 high / low vacuum scanning electron
microscope was used for low magnification analyses while a Leo Ultra 55 FEGSEM
was used to carry out investigations of high magnifications. A schematic drawing of
a conventional SEM representing the Philips XL30 is shown in Figure 5.3 while in
Figure 5.4 a schematic of the Leo Ultra 55 FEGSEM is presented.

The main task of the electron gun is to provide a stable beam of electrons with adjust-
able energy. There are several types of electron guns available and these are mainly cat-
egorised by their ability to produce an amount of current into a small spot, the stability
of the emitted current and the lifetime of the source. The Philips XL30 SEM was fitted

Figure 5.3 A schematic drawing of the electron column showing the electron gun,
lenses , the deflection system and the electron detector. [47]

Figure 5.4 A schematic drawing showing the operating principle of the Leo field emis-
sion column. Upe - tip voltage (final energy of the electron beam), Uex - extractor volt-
age at the first anode, Ub - booster voltage at second anode. [48]

with a tungsten thermionic emitter while the Leo Ultra 55 FEGSEM had a Schottky
field emission source.

The tungsten thermionic emitter is fairly reliable and inexpensive and is commonly
used for low magnification imaging. A schematic is shown in Figure 5.5. The tungsten
wire acts as cathode and is about 100 µm in diameter bent into a V shaped hairpin. The
filament is heated resistively by a current to about 2500 K and as a result thermionic
electrons are emitted. The electrons spread out in the form of a cone while the Weh-
nelt cylinder acts to focus the electrons and control the amount of emission. Lines of
constant electrostatic field potential or equipotentials are also shown in Figure 5.5.
The electrons move towards the positive potential so that they leave the filaments only
where the positive electrostatic field lines meet the surface of the filament. The emit-
ted electrons are focused into a crossover which is given by the high curvature in the
equipotentials near the hole in the Wehnelt cylinder due to the bias voltage. The emit-
ted electrons are accelerated from the negative potential of the filament to the ground
potential of the anode. The anode contains a small hole which allows a fraction of the
electrons to proceed down the column while those collected by the anode are returned
to the high voltage power supply. [47]

The field emission gun usually uses a cathode in the form of a wire shaped into a sharp
point (tip radius100 nm or less) which is supported by a tungsten wire in the shape of a
hairpin. An electric field is concentrated at the tip when a negative potential is applied
to the cathode. The field is mainly applied to reduce the effective work function barrier.
To lower the work function barrier even more ZrO2 is deposited on tip of the cathode.
This extra doping of the surface gives the result that the brightness and emission den-
sity is very high. Additionally, the filament is heated to about 1800 K to keep it clean
which reduces noise and instability. The voltage between the first anode and the tip
determines the field strength available to extract electrons and it is usually between 3–5
kV. The voltage difference between the tip and second grounded anode determines the
acceleration voltage of the gun which can be between a few hundred volts and 30 kV. A
schematic of the Schottky gun is shown in Figure 5.6. [47–48]

Once the electrons enter the column they are controlled by electromagnetic lenses as
shown in Figures 5.3 and 5.4. The Philips XL30 SEM was fitted with conventional
lens systems. The column is fitted with both a condenser lens and an objective lens.
The main task of the condenser lens is to demagnify the electron beam for a particular
imaging mode. The objective lens gives further demagnification and focuses the elec-
tron probe onto the sample. The column of the Leo Ultra 55 FEGSEM is unique in its
design. It is fitted with a beam booster which maintains a high beam energy through the
column regardless of the electron beam energy selected. Once the electron beam has
passed the scanning system it is decelerated to its final landing position on the speci-

Figure 5.5 A schematic drawing of a conventional self bias thermonic tungsten hairpin
electron gun. [47]

Figure 5.6 A schematic drawing of the scottly field emission source. [48]

men. The beam path in this instrument has been designed so that the beam crossover is
avoided between the source and the specimen. An electromagnetic aperture changer is
placed close to the gun and this in combination with the field lens select the optimum
beam aperture angle and tune the probe current. The net effect of the high beam energy
and cross-over free electron beam path is to minimise the statistical coulomb interac-
tions between the beam electrons that normally leads to a reduction in brightness and
limits the resolution. [47–48]

As the beam interacts with the specimen, different signals are generated that can be
detected and collected which are used to form an image. The image formed is displayed
on a cathode ray tube (computer monitor) at the same scanning rate as the electron
beam scans the specimen [49].

The electron beam - specimen interaction volume is shown schematically in Figure 4.7.
All signals generated are emitted simultaneously and each carry different information.
Both Secondary electrons (SE) and Backscattered electrons (BSE) are used for imaging
while X-rays are used for chemical analysis.

SE are generated as a result of interaction and transfer of energy of both incoming pri-
mary electrons and outgoing backscattered electrons with atoms within the material.
SE have low energy, approximately less than 50 eV, and as a result come from the outer
surface of the material from where they have enough energy to escape. The depth of
examination depends on the beam energy, but normally SE come from depths between
the surface and 5 ~ 50 nm. Additionally, their emission is effected by the inclination of
the surface that leads to topographical contrast within the image.

Figure 5.7 A schematic

drawing of the beam
- specimen interaction
volume [50]. Second-
ary electrons come from
the outer surface, back-
scattered electrons are
coming from a larger and
deeper area with charac-
teristic X-rays having
the greatest volume.

BSE are generated as a result of primary electrons coming from the electron beam that
have been rebounded after collisions with the specimen. These have higher energy than
SE, (greater than 50 eV) and come from a larger volume of the specimen (between the
surface and 0.1 ~ 0.5 µm deep) as shown in Figure 5.7. BSE provide information on
surface topography as well as atomic number contrast. The backscattering coefficient
increases monotonically with Z and areas with a high average atomic number appear
brighter in contrast. As a result, BSE provide information on compositional uniformity
within the specimen [51]. Since both compositional and topographical contrast appear
simultaneously, it is often difficult to interpret both combined. Greater knowledge from
compositional contrast is gained when investigations are performed on flat surfaces.

Additional to SE and BSE, radiation in the form of X-ray photons is generated. This
radiation provides chemical information when analysed using energy dispersive X-ray
spectrometry (EDX). This will be dealt with in greater detail in Section 5.3.5.

An important point to note is that shape and size of the interaction volume affect the
spatial resolution. Investigations with BSE and X-rays was only carried out with the
Philips XL30 instrument while SE imaging was carried out on both the Leo Ultra 55
and Philips XL30. With the Philips XL 30, a common Everhart-Thornley SE detec-
tor was used and imaging with a resolution in the order of 5 nm is possible. However,
with EDS the resolution can be a low as 1 µm. The limitations of spatial resolution is
an important factor that must always be considered when interpreting and comparing
results obtained from SE, BSE and X-rays. SE imaging on the Leo Ultra 55 was carried
out using its characteristic In-lens SE detector which offers very high resolution (1.5
nm at 2.5 keV). Basically with this detector the secondary electrons generated at the
impact point are collected by the decelerating field of the Beam Booster and acceler-
ated through the objective lens upwards to the Inlens Secondary Electron Detector. The
inlens secondary electron detector is best used at short working distances and it was
optimised for a working distance of 2 mm in the instrument used. [48]

5.3.3 Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)

Dynamic mode secondary ion mass spectrometry allows the determination of lateral
and in-depth concentration distributions of elements or their isotopes in layers up to
several microns in thickness. In the course of the analysis, the sample is continuously
sputtered which in turn leads to evaporation of the sample. This offers sensitive infor-
mation that can be utilised to provide in-depth profiling or elemental mapping. In this
study only elemental mapping was carried out.

Sputtering of the sample was carried out using a beam of primary ions of O2+ that were
generated using a plasma discharge. The ions were accelerated and focused onto the
specimen with a beam impact area of 200 x 200 µm. The impact of the beam results

in the evaporation of the outer
atomic layers, in the form of
secondary particles. A fraction
of these are ionised both posi-
tively and negatively (see Figure
5.8). These ions are extracted
into the mass spectrometer, using
ion optics. The ion optics also
control the size of the area ana-
lysed, the trajectories of the ions
of separate energy and the kinetic
energy range of the allowed ions Figure 5.8 The sputtering process of SIMS
[52]. The secondary ions emit- showing the initiation of the collision cas-
ted into the mass spectrometer cade and the removal of material from the
possess a specific mass to charge sample surface [51].
ratio within defined intervals of kinetic energy and also have a specific angle of emis-
sion. They are collected as in depth or along surface profiles, or as distribution images
of the sputtered surface showing the selected element of specific energy [51].

5.3.4 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

TEM was used to analyse the microstructure on a finer scale. With TEM, knowledge
was gained both about the microstructural morphology through imaging at high magni-
fication (with resolution down to 0.5 nm or less attainable), and crystallographic infor-
mation through electron diffraction. All investigations were carried out using 200 kV
either with a Jeol 2000 FX TEM or a Philips CM200 FEGTEM.

In principle, the TEM can be split into different components; the radiation source, the
illumination system, the image formation system and the projection system, as shown
in Figure 5.9. Magnetic lenses are used to deflect the beam and these lenses behave in a
similar manner to optical glass lenses. The illumination system transforms and projects
the electron beam onto the specimen. The specimen must be thin, typically less than
100 nm, to allow transmission of the electrons. As the beam interacts with the speci-
men, different signals are generated as shown in Figure 5.10 and these will be discussed
later. Within the image formation system, the first image formed is by the objective
lens. This image is further magnified and projected onto the fluorescent screen using
the projector lens system.

Figure 5.11 shows an electron beam undergoing transmission in a number of specific

directions as a result of diffraction arising from parallel planes within the crystal which
fullfill Bragg’s law due to their orientation in relation to the incoming beam. Transmit-
ted parallel beams are refracted into one spot in the back focal plane of the objective

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.9 The basic principles of the TEM microscope (A). [Ref. 53, with some modi-
fications.] Ray diagrams for imaging (b) and diffraction (c). [68]

Figure 5.10 The signals generated as a result of the inter-

action between a high - energy electron beam of electrons
and a thin specimen [Ref. 55].

lens. The beam diffracts in many directions and as a result spots in other lateral posi-
tions are formed on the focal plane. When all spots are taken into account, a diffraction
pattern is formed. When the microscope is in diffraction mode, the focal plane of the
objective lens is projected on to the viewing screen as shown in Figure 5.9c. The dif-
fraction pattern can be indexed where the spots formed are attributed to different fami-
lies of projecting planes. This is carried out by measuring both the angular relationships
along with the distances between the spots in the pattern, and coupling this information
with the beam energy and camera length. From the diffraction patterns, the structure
and lattice parameters can be determined, that allow phase identification.

When the objective aperture is inserted in the back focal plane of the objective lens,
the image contrast is determined by whether the central or a diffracted beam is allowed
through. A bright field image is formed when the central beam passes through the objec-
tive aperture (Figure 5.11A) and a dark field image is formed when a diffracted beam is
allowed through (Figure 5.11B and C). Figure 5.11C shows when the incoming beam
is tilted so that the diffracted beam takes a central path through the microscope which
reduced spherical aberrations within the image [55–57].

Figure 5.11 Ray diagrams showing how the objective lens / aperture are used in com-
bination to produce (A) a bright field image formed from the direct beam (B) a dis-
placed aperture dark field image formed with a specific off-axis scattered beam, and
(C) a centered dark field image where the incident beam is tilted so that the scattered
beam remains on axis. The area selected by the objective aperture as sceen on the
viewing screen, is shown below each diagram. [55, with minor corrections]

As was already stated when the beam hits the specimen (shown in Figure 5.10), it is
split into a number of discrete directions as a result of its interaction with the crystallo-
graphic planes and additionally there are a number of secondary signals given off. Many
of the secondary signals are used in analytical electron microscopy. One example, the
generation of X-rays can be used in EDS analysis and provides chemical information
about the specimen or features within the specimen. This will now be discussed.

5.3.5 Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry

As already seen in both the SEM and TEM, the bombardment of a specimen with an
electron beam leads to the generation of X-rays. These may be used to determine the
elemental composition of different regions or features within the specimen. Investiga-
tions were carried out using a Link spectrometer.

Basically, electrons in the inner shells of an atom are ejected and the atom is ionised.
The excited atom returns to its stable state by an electron in one of its outer shells releas-
ing its excess energy in the form of X-rays and filling the hole. The emitted X-rays have
a characteristic energy for the shells involved in the activity and are characteristic of the
given element. They may be used to gain chemical information about the specimen.

The X-rays can be detected by a Si crystal which produces electrical pulses with an
amplitude proportional to the energy of the incoming photon. The pulse amplitudes are
measured and then stored in a multichannel analyser where each channel corresponds
to a certain interval of pulse heights. A spectrum is then plotted showing the number of
counts per energy channel. Peaks which form at certain energy levels in the spectrum
can be identified and are proportional to the element(s) present within the specimen
with that X-ray energy. The concentration of a given element can be determined by car-
rying out a quantitative analysis.

5.3.6 Atom probe field ion microscopy

Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy (APFIM) has the highest resolution of all
microstructural characterisation techniques in that lateral and depth resolution less than
1 nm can be attained simultaneously. The big advantage of APFIM is that single atoms
are analysed and all elements are possible to investigate. The real benefit of applying
APFIM in my work was that the carbon content was accurately measured and firm evi-
dence was attained of the individual phases present in the microstructure.

An APFIM specimen is in the shape of a needle with a tip radius of maximum 50 nm.
The specimen is placed in a vacuum chamber which is filled with a noble gas, neon in
this work, at a pressure of 7 × 10–3 Pa, to allow imaging. A phosphor screen at ground
potential is located a few centimetres (distance adjustable), in front of the specimen.
A very high electric field is applied to the needle tip by placing a high positive volt-
age on the specimen. When an additional short higher voltage pulse is applied in the

Figure 5.12. The basic principles of the atom probe, [Ref. 58, with some alterations].
The field ion microscope is on the left and the time-of-flight spectrometer is on the
right. The probe aperture on the phosphor screen allows atoms in a selected area of the
specimen tip to be analysed in the mass spectrometer.

order of nanoseconds, a process known as field evaporation may occur on the needle
tip. This basically means that surface atoms on the needle tip are removed as a result of
the applied field. Simultaneously the atoms become positively ionised and are repelled
away from the needle in a radial direction. To ensure no field evaporation takes place
between the high voltage pulses the specimen was cooled to cryogenic temperatures,
between 50 and 70 K in this work. The evaporated atoms hit the earthed phosphor
screen. Within the screen there is a small hole, shown in Figure 5.12 that serves as an
analysing aperture and it only allows ions from a specific, chosen area on the specimen
surface to enter a mass spectrometer. In order to make an analysis on a specific region,
the specimen can be rotated until the image of that region falls over the aperture. Once
the operator is satisfied with the instrument setup, the image gas is pumped out and the
vacuum pressure is kept below 7 × 10 –8 Pa. An evaporation pulse amplitude of 20 %
of the standing voltage was applied to cause further field evaporation. The mass of the
evaporated atoms is identified by time of flight spectrometry. The flight times of the
atoms that pass through the hole and arrive at the detector are measured electronically.
The mass to charge ratio is calculated from the equation:

m / n = (2eVt2) / d2 (Eqn. 5.1)

Where m/n = the mass to charge of the n+ ion

e = the electron charge V = specimen voltage
t = time of flight d = the flight distance.

The APFIM instrument and evaluation system used in these investigations is further
described elsewhere [59–61].

5.3.7 X-ray diffraction
X-ray diffraction measurements were carried out in Cambridge to measure the amount
of retained austenite within the weld metal. A schematic drawing of a X-ray diffrac-
trometer is shown in Figure 5.13 and detailed descriptions of the method are available
elsewhere, [62–63].

In brief, a sample is irradiated by monochromatic X-rays, which will be diffracted

according to Bragg’s Law. There are a few possible sources, but most commonly used
in crystallography are Cu-Kα or Cr-Kα. The diffraction intensity is measured continu-
ously during a detector scan of 2Θ, coupled to a specimen rotation of Θ as shown in
Figure 5.8. The recorded results are presented in the form of a diffractrogram where I,
the intensity, is plotted as a function of 2Θ. The recorded results are then compared with
theoretical calculations and literature, Table 5.2, [63].

In this work, a Cu-Kα source was used with wavelength, λ = 0.15418 nm. The samples
were measured in the 2Θ range, from 47 to 130 o. The austenite content was measured
using three peaks in the spectrum corresponding to the austenite plane (002), (022) and

Figure 5.13. The basic principles of an X-ray diffractrometer (65)

Θ angle intensity % h k l

43.473 100 1 1 1
50.674 80 2 0 0
74.679 50 2 2 0
90.676 80 3 1 1
Table 5.2 Expected X-ray diffraction data for austenite using a Cu-Kα source with
wavelength, λ = 0.15406 nm, [63]. Θ angle, is the angle at which austenite peaks should
occur in the spectrum, intensity %, is the percentage of the X-rays diffracted at the dif-
ferent angles from the atomic planes and h, k and l correspond to the plane index points
in the (h,k,l) plane.

(113) to allow for texture effects. The measurements were made on samples taken from
the cross section of the welded joint but the exact location of the sample was unknown.
A computer program used in the quantification of the austenite from the diffractrograms
and can be found in [64].

5.3.8 Dilatometry
Dilatometry uses the characteristic of thermal expansion to characterise phase transfor-
mations occuring in a material. The dimension of a sample under negligible load was
measured in the horizontal direction as shown in schematic in Figure 5.14 as a func-
tion of a given temperature cycle. The sample is held between two push rods which
transmit the dimensional changes. These push rods act as an intermediary between the
sample and the tranducers that registers the change dimensions. The sample expands
by a certain amount as shown by the shaded area ∆Ls. From looking at Figure 5.14 it is
clear that there will be error in ∆Ls since portions of rods A and B are in the controlled
environment and they themselves will expand on heating ∆LA and ∆LB. As a result the
measured value of ∆Ls can be written as:

∆Ls = (∆XA- ∆LA) + (∆XB - ∆LB)

This means the value of ∆Ls cannot be determined from the measured values of ∆XA
and ∆XB unless ∆LA and ∆LB are accurately accounted for in some way.

This was carried out by calibration using a standard where a well defined material was
first ran and the combined values ∆LA and ∆LB is known and a “system correction” can
be made. The standard usually has been tested by some other absolute method (such as
twin telescopes, interferometer, etc) and is well defined. It is of critical importance that
both the standard and the test sample are the same length. This makes the protruding
lengths of rods A and B in the controlled environment identical both during the cali-
bration and the during the test. In addition to the same length, the calibration thermal
cycle must closely approximate the test cycle and the expansion of the reference must
be close to the expected expansion of the sample.

Figure 5.14 Principle of push rod dialatometer [66]

In this work a Theta Dilatronic III dilatometer was used which uses a horizontal con-
figuration. Temperature was measured by attaching a thermocouple to the outer surface
of the sample.

5.4. Specimen Preparation

5.4.1 LOM, SEM, SIMS and X-ray diffraction

Samples of weld metal for these investigations were taken from the joint cross-section
perpendicular to the welding direction. In this way, the cross-section of the weld beads
and their geometry were taken into account when carrying out microstructural investi-
gations. The weld metal samples were mounted in conductive bakelite. These were then
ground and polished to a mirror like surface. This was achieved by using successively
finer abrasive paper and then polishing through 9, 6, 3 and 1 micron diamond paste on
Struers polishing plates.

For LOM and X-ray diffraction investigations, the microstructure was revealed using
1% Nital (HNO3 in C2H5OH) etchant. With SEM, investigations were carried out, both
on polished samples and etched samples while only polished specimens were analysed
using SIMS.

5.4.2 TEM
For TEM investigations, 3 mm disc shape specimens perpendicular to the welding direc-
tion were ground to between 50 and 80 µm. The discs were then jet electropolished
using Struers Tenupol 3 equipment with 10% perchloric acid in methanol which was
cooled to –35 ºC. The foils were thinned further using a Gatan precision ion polishing
system (Model 691) at 3.5–4.0 keV at an angle of approximately 4.2 o, for 3–4 mins.

5.4.3 APFIM
Atom probe field ion microscopy (APFIM) was performed on the last bead of weld
alloys 1 and 3. Atom probe specimens were prepared by first removing a block of weld
metal that included the last bead with approximate dimensions 10 × 10 × 15 mm3. The
bead structure of the weld metal was then exposed by etching in ammonium-peroxodi-
sulphat and photographed. The block was then subjected to electric discharge machin-
ing (EDM) using a Charmilles Isopulse Type P25 discharge machine. Cuts were made
parallel to the welding direction in order to produce rods with approximate dimensions,
0.4 × 0.4 × 10 mm3. On completion of EDM, the sample was again photographed to
allow the rod locations to be traced as shown in Figure 5.15.

Rods were then individually removed and electropolished to produce needle shape
specimens with a tip radius of less that 50 nm using standard electropolishing methods
[58]. The electropolishing was carried out in two steps as shown in Figure 5.16. In the

Figure 5.15 Macro showing weld metal from Alloy 1 with the bead structure exposed
before, and the resultant rods after EDM. Also shown are the specimen locations for
analysis 1 - 3 of Alloy 1 in Paper 3.

Figure 5.16. The two stage set up used to produce APFIM specimens by electropolish-
ing [67, with some modifications].

first step, a neck was formed by placing the middle of the specimen in a 4–5 mm thin
layer of electrolyte (30 % perchloric acid, 70% methanol) that was floating on a denser
and chemical inert liquid, trichloroethylene. In the second step a weak electrolyte was
employed (2% perchloric acid in 2-butoxyethanol) to allow a slower polishing rate.
The polishing was carried out until the lower half of the specimen fell off, leaving a
sharp needle. All specimens were first examined using TEM to observe the shape of
the needle, and in some cases the specimen was further electropolished to enhance
the specimen shape. This final electropolishing was carried out in the weaker electro-
lyte, applying short voltages pulses (10 V for 0.2–10 ms) which allows a controllable
amount of material to be removed. The specimen was again examined with TEM and
once satisfied with the specimen, it was inserted into the Atom Probe for analysis.

5.4.4 Dilatometry
Two types of cyclindrical dilatometry specimen were used in investigations. For meas-
urements greater that 50 °C / s cooling tube type specimens were used. These had
an outer diameter of 4.9 mm, an inner diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 12.5 mm.
The second type of specimen used for slower cooling rates (< 50 °C / sec) were in the
form of cylinders with a diameter of 3 mm and a length of 10 mm. All specimens were
machined from the centre of the given welded joints.

6 Results and Outlook
This chapter makes a short summary of the results presented in the 9 appended papers.
The most important aspects of each paper is highlighted. Some concluding remarks are
made and an outlook for future work is given. For the reader with limited time a good
overview of the main points is presented in Papers 7 and 8.

6.1 Summary of appended papers

A short description is given below of appended Papers I-IX. For detailed results, discus-
sion and conclusions please see the papers in Part 2 of the thesis.

Paper I
Paper 1 presents the early approaches in the project to the problem of increasing strength
while maintaining impact toughness in high strength steel weld metals. Neural network
modelling was engaged and full details about the modelling are presented. Model pre-
dictions that suggested large impact toughness increases could be achieved as a result of
reducing manganese at nickel levels of 7-9 wt. % were confirmed with the production
of weld metals. Possible mechanisms for impact toughness increases were proposed.

Paper II
This paper presents initial results from studies of microstructure. It allows the reader to
follow the progress and appreciate the complexity of the microstructures being studied.
At this stage it was understood that segregation was an important factor and that the
microstructure was a mixture of martensite and bainite.

Paper III
The different microstructural constituents found in a 7 wt. % Ni 2 wt. % Mn weld metal
are investigated using a combination of LOM, FEGSEM and TEM. In addition a CCT
diagram was constructed from the results of dilatometry measurements. A novel con-
stituent with a large grain size was identified and characterised to be that of coalesced
bainite. It was found that an inhomogeneous microstructure formed with mainly upper
and coalesced bainite in former dendrite core regions while mainly martensite was
found in interdendric regions.

Paper IV
Using the composition of commercial electrode OK 75.78 as a base, the effect of nickel
additions from 3 to 7 and 9 wt. % at manganese levels of 2 wt. % are investigated. It
was found that nickel additions increase strength but decrease impact toughness. Inves-
tigations of the microstructure reveal that it changes from mainly that of lower bainite
with 3 wt. % nickel to an inhomogenous mixture of upper and coalesced bainite in

dendrite core regions with martensite at interdendritic regions at high nickel contents.
The mechanical properties were discussed and explained in terms of the microstruc-
ture. Toughness loss was attribute to the formation of coalesced bainite at high nickel

Paper V
This paper deals with the variation of manganese content at 7 wt. % nickel. Detailed
microstructural studies were carried out with LOM, FEGSEM and TEM. It was found
that the amount of coalesced bainite within the microstructure was reduced and replaced
with upper bainite when manganese was changed from 2 to 0.5 wt. %. The large tough-
ness gain as a result of manganese reductions was explained in terms of microstruc-

Paper VI
The effects on both the microstructure and properties of varying carbon between
0.03 and 0.11 wt. % were studied at 7 wt. % nickel and 0.5 wt. % manganese. It was
found that carbon additions increased strength at moderate loss to toughness. Strength
increases were attributed to the formation of greater amounts of martensite within the

Paper VII
The most important results from the neural network modelling are presented. The effects
of changing nickel, manganese and carbon content on the weld metal microstructure are
summarised. Thermo-Calc is engaged and simulations of segregation behaviour during
solidification are presented. It is concluded that all the weld metals solidify completely
as austenite. Based on microstructural investigations a constitutional map (microstruc-
ture as a function of manganese and nickel contents) was constructed.

Paper VIII
The changes in the mechanical behaviour as a result of variations in nickel, manganese
and carbon contents in the different weld metals are presented. The results are discussed
in detail and explained in terms of microstructure.

Paper IX
The tolerance to variations in the weld thermal cycle of a 7 wt. % nickel weld metal
were investigated. The mechanical properties were discussed in terms of microstructure
and compared with those of a conventional 3 wt. % Ni weld metal for different welding
conditions. It was found that strength and toughness was similar with both nickel levels
at intermediate cooling rates, however there was less variation with welding conditions
in the properties of the 7 wt. % Ni weld metal. It was concluded that high nickel levels
offer advantages in terms of tolerance to variations in the weld thermal cycle.

6.2 Concluding remarks

Working with weld metals was challenging due to the inhomogenity of the microstruc-
ture within the welded joints. It is important to have a good understanding of the micro-
structure in the as deposited last bead before the microstructure in reheated regions
could be fully understood. This was necessary since there is always some uncertainty
about what temperature each region has been reheated to during the multiple weld
passes. Since the mechanical properties are normally measured in reheated regions, it is
necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the microstructure in these regions
in order to be able to explain the mechanical properties.

In this project, extensive investigations with LOM were carried out to allow an over-
view to be obtained. Conventional SEM investigations were made but, it was diffi-
cult to interpret results due to limited resolution. Investigations with FEGSEM were
very enlightening as to whether martensite, upper, lower or coalesced bainite existed.
Also it was possible to investigate a large number of areas with good resolution rela-
tively quickly. When FEGSEM results were combined with knowledge obtained from
conventional TEM many interpretation could be made. From electron diffraction in
combination with bright field and dark field TEM imaging it was possible to conclude
what constituents existed within the microstructure. Comparing the images from TEM
with FEGSEM micrographs, it was possible to conclude that the precipitates observed
with FEGSEM were those of cementite for example. It was similar for LOM micro-
graphs where martensite and bainite could be interpreted from knowledge obtained
with FEGSEM.

Investigation with TEM where challenging since the specimens were magnetic and
tilting within the microscope affected the electron beam and microscope alignment.
In addition specimens needed to be prepared fresh before each TEM session since the
specimens oxidised even when left in a desiccator.

6.3 Outlook

There are several interesting investigations remaining to be carried out in this project.
The following are a number of key questions that would be interesting to answer:

Concerning coalesced bainite, it would be valuable to produce some test weld metals
with different manganese and nickel contents in the region where Bs and Ms are pre-
dicted to be equal to each other in Paper VII. This work would confirm the role of Bs
and Ms on the formation of coalesced bainite.

It would also be interesting to carry out energy filtered TEM on the cementite that
forms in the bainite in these weld metals. With this technique it is possible to carry out
elemental mapping and to see the complete distribution of cementite, all orientations
at the same time, by filtering for carbon. In addition cementite at boundaries should be
easy to distiguish from films of retained austenite. For example with 2 wt. % manga-
nese many cementite platelets formed within the coalesced bainite while in 0.5 wt. %
Mn weld metals only a few spherical precipitates were seen within the bainitic ferrite.

Applying the most promising weld metals in joints with high strength steel would
be interesting. This work has been started to a limited degree in Paper IX but much
work remains. The effects of dilution, lower interpass temperatures and different joint
geometries need to be examined in greater detail.

Future work with neural network modelling investigating the possibilities of increasing
strength while maintaining impact toughness would also be interesting. In this work,
the base weld metal composition could be changed depending on results produced with
other alloying elements and welding parameters.

7. Acknowledgements

There have been many people o helped me to reaching this far, my sincere
thanks to the following people: -

My supervisors, Prof. Hans Olof Andrén and Docent. Leif Karlsson, for giving me
this great chance in life. The stimulation and guidance I have reived has been a
dream. Our friendship has been a great source of joy for me.

Adjunct Prof. Lars Erik Svensson for sharing your vast experience of welding with
me over the past year.

Prof. Harry Bhadeshia, for sharing your encyclopedic knowledge of steel and for
your much valued comments on all my work.

Marimuthu Murugananth, for your computational work, our stimulating dis-

cuions and friendship.

Mattias Thuvander for fruitful discuions and for your intert in my work.
Many thanks for running extra invtigations parallel en time was limited.

Assoc. Prof. Lena Falk, for introducing me to the TEM.

Adjunct Prof. Jan Olof Nilsson, for giving me the oortunity to visit Sandvik Steel
in order to carry out dilatomry and microscopy en needed.

The prent and past staff of the Microscopy group, for offering a nice working
environment. A spial thanks to Mats Hätttrand, Tomas Liljenfors and Henrik
Petterson for their friendship, humour and many interting discuions. Also
thanks to the ski / snow-board enthusiasts within the group for many memorable
trips to Norway, the north of Sweden and France.

Dr. Anders Kvist for keeping the instruments in action and to Ola for helping
en the computer was acting up even though it was a PC.

The staff of ESAB AB, o worked behind the scen on this proje. Spial thanks
to the prent and past members of the Mallographic laboratory o always
offered me great welcome ile working there. Pål, Eva Lena and Håkan for help
with instrumentation and for fruitful discuions, Daniela for much valued
advice on spimen preparation.

ESAB AB is thanked for the production of experimental weld mals, permiion
to publish rults and financial suort. KK-stiftelsen of Sweden through the
graduate school MARCHAL is thanked for additional financial suort.

My many friends o give me so much joy in life. A spial mention to you guys
o have been there for me at one time or another... in Sweden, Maria, Paul and
Sonja... in Ireland, Aidan, Caroline, Claire, Eric and Tera... and in the USA, Jun
Eu and Ulrike.

My many uncl, aunts and cousins o offer me great welcome, hospitality and
kindn enever I visit Ireland, England or the U.S.A.

My wonderful girlfriend Ann Charlott, for your friendship, love and for always
being there for me.

Brian and Deirdre, for letting me know my lace as a big brother... it is a tough job!
My heartfelt thanks for caring about and suorting me!

Finally and most importantly, to my parents, for all that I am. Without you, I
would not have lived some of my dreams, you are simply the bt!!

Go raibh míle maith agaibh,

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Appendix: The Papers

Paper I

M. Murugananth, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, E. Keehan, H.-O. Andrén, L. Karlsson: Strong

and Tough Steel Welds, Proc. 6th Inter. Seminar, “Numerical Analysis of Weldability”,
Graz, Austria, Oct. 1-3, 2001.

Paper II

E. Keehan, H. O. Andrén, L. Karlsson, M. Murugananth, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia,

Microstructural and mechanical effects of nickel and manganese on high strength steel
weld metals, 6th Int. Conference on Trends in Welding Research, Pine Mountain, Geor-
gia, USA, April 15-19, 2002.

Paper III
E. Keehan, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, H.-O. Andrén, L. Karlsson, L.-E. Svensson, Micro-
structure characterisation of a high strength steel weld metal containing the novel con-
stituent coalesced bainite, In manuscript

Paper IV
E. Keehan, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén, Influence of C, Mn and Ni contents on micro-
structure and properties of strong steel weld metals — Part I. Effect of nickel content,
In manuscript

Paper V
E. Keehan, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia,Influence of C, Mn and
Ni contents on microstructure and properties of strong steel weld metals — Part II.
Impact toughness gain from manganese reductions, In manuscript

Paper VI
E. Keehan, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, Influence of C, Mn and
Ni contents on microstructure and properties of strong steel weld metals — Part III.
Increased strength from carbon additions, In manuscript

Paper VII
E. Keehan, M. Murugananth, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, New
developments with C-Mn-Ni high strength steel weld metals — Part A. Microstructure,
In Manuscript

Paper VIII
E. Keehan, L. Karlsson, H.-O. Andrén, L.-E. Svensson, New developments with C-Mn-
Ni high strength steel weld metals — Part B. Mechanical Properties, In Manuscript

Paper IX
L. Karlsson, E. Keehan, H.-O. Andrén, and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, Development of
High Strength Steel Weld Metals – Potential of novel high-Ni compositions, Eurojoin
5, Vienna, 13-14 May, 2004


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