PDMS Shortcuts - The Piping Engineering World

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The document discusses various shortcuts and commands that can be used in PDMS to increase productivity.

Some general PDMS commands include SAVEWORK to save work, AXES OFF to switch off axes, ADD CE to add current element to display, and REM ALL to remove all from display.

Some piping commands include Q ATT to display attributes of current element, STAT to display status, UNCLAIM ALL to allow other users to work, and Q POS $Q for help.

18/05/2018 PDMS Shortcuts | The Piping Engineering World

Piping Engineering

PDMS Shortcuts

PDMS is a 3D modelling software for modelling civil structures, process equipments and
piping networks as well as various electrical and instrument components. Here is a list of
shortcuts to help you increase your productivity in PDMS.

General Commands

Sr. Number Title

1 SAVEWORK To Save Current Work

2 AXES OFF Axes Switch Off

3 ADD CE Add Current Element To Display

4 REM ALL ADD CE Remove All From Display And Add Current Element

5 ALP REQ CLEAR Clear The Command Line

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6 REM ALL Remove All From Display

7 REPR HOLES ON UPDATE Holes Representation On & Update In Graphical Window

8 REPR HOLES OFF UPDATE Holes Representation Off & Update In Graphical Window

9 Q ATT To Display The Attributes Of The Current Element

10 STAT To Display The Status

11 UNCLAIM ALL Uncliming All To Allow The Other User To Work

12 Q POS $Q Help

13 MARK CE To Display The Name Of The Component Of The Element

14 UNMARK ALL To Remove All The Markings From The Graphical Window

15 ENHANCE CE COL RED To Change The Colour Of The Current Element

16 REN /NAME COPY PREV Copu And Rename The New Component

17 QUIT Exits The Pdms Application Without Saving

18 FINISH Exits The Pdms Application With Saving

19 Q MDB Display The Current Multiple Database

20 Q USER Display The Current User Name

21 Q MEM Display The Members Of Current Site/Zone/ .. Etc.

22 F1 Help

23 F2 Zoom In/Out

24 F3 Pan

25 F4 Perspective/Parallel View

26 F5 Rotate

27 F6 Walk On/Off

28 F7 Rotate Wrt Eye/Model

29 F8 Wire Frame/Solid

30 F9 Scroll Bar On/Off

31 F1&F3 Zoom In

32 F7&F9 Zoom Out

33 F4/LEFT ARROW Pan/Rotate Left

34 F6/RIGHT ARROW Pan/Rotate Right

35 F2/DOWN ARROW Pan/Rotate Up

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36 F8/UP ARROW Pan/Rotate Bottom

37 $M For Loading A Macro File (Project Data)

38 ADD ALL WITHIN VOL CE 1000 All All The Components With In The 1000 Distance All Around
The Ce

39 Q ATT IDP@ For Getting The Possition Of A Current Element

40 AXES AT IDP@ Places The Axes At The Current Element P-Point

41 AXES ON Make The Axes To Display

42 CHOO ALL Reselect

43 DIR N 45 E To Orient The Component In The Direction Of N 45 E

44 Q IDP@ WRT /* Details With Respect To World

45 NEW EQUI / COPY / For Copying & Renaming An Equipment As New

46 REN / /

47 REPR OBST ON UPDATE Make The Obstruction Area To Display

48 LOCK ALL Lock Any Hierarchiy

49 MATCH WITH (NAME,'*ABC*') Rule For Making Mto Report

50 Q MEM To Query The Member

51 Q OWN To Query The Owner

52 THRO CE Through Current Element

53 THRO ID@ Through Id Cursor At

54 THRO IDP@ Through Id "P" Point

55 Q U IN /* To Find The Elevation Of Origin With Respect To World

56 Q SESSION To Find Out Mdb, Update Date, User Name

57 Q TEMP To Query The Temperature

58 REM ALL To Remove All From Display

59 Q DRAWLIST Summary Of The Site

60 Q NAME To Find The Selected Object Name

61 Q XYPOS To Know The Xy Position Of The View

62 UPDATE ALL To Update The All Views Of The Sheet As Per The Design
Modi cation

63 AT @ For Relocating The View

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64 BY @ For Relocating The View With Base Point

65 LVISI T View Display On

66 LVISI F View Display Off

67 LFRA T Borders Of View On

68 LFRA F Borders Of View Off

69 DTOFFSET For Moving Dimtext Location

70 PLTXT Projection Line Text

71 PLTXT '#DIM-0' For Giving The Nozzle Orientation

72 PLTXT '-C OF #OWN(C2:)' To Mark Center Line Of Equipment

73 PKDIST Clearance From The Origin

74 PKEY TOS Set The Extension Line As Tos

75 PLTXT 'BOP EL+ #POSU(C2:)' To Mark Bop Of Pipe

76 PLTXT 'TOS EL+ #POSU(C2:)' To Mark Tos Of Structure

77 NEW GLAB COPY PREV DDNM Copy Previous Tag


78 BTEXT '#NAME (C2:)' For Changing Lable Text (Use Required Option In Place Of

79 SPREAD REMOTE For Spreading The Lable Tags Outside The View Limits

80 ADEGREES 90 To Rotate The Lable Tag By 90 Deg.

Piping Commands

Sr. Number Title

81 DELETE BRAN Delete Branch

82 Q HSTU To Display Branch Head Side Tube Attributes

83 Q LSTU To Display Component Leave Side Tube Attributes

84 Q ABORE To Display Arrive Bore Of A Component

85 Q LBORE To Display Leave Side Bore Of A Component

86 ADD HREF TREF Add Head & Tail Reference

87 Q HBORE To Display The Head Side Bore Of A Branch

88 Q TBORE To Display The Tail Side Bore Of A Branch

89 Q SPRE To Display The Speci cation Of The Component

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90 Q PSPEC To Display The Speci cation Of The Pipe

91 NEW ELBO CHOO Create New Elbo

92 NEW ELBO SEL WITH STYP EA To Create The Elbo With Speci c Selection Type

93 AXES AT HPOS Axes At Head Possition Of The Branch

94 AXES AT TPOS Axes At Tail Possition Of The Branch

95 NEX TUBI Asking For Tube Being On The Component

96 Q ITLE To Display The Length Of The Tube Between Two


97 Q HREF To Display The Head Reference Of A Branch

98 Q TREF To Display The Tail Reference Of A Branch

99 Q DIR To Display The Direction Of The Selected Component

100 CONN PH TO FIR MEM Connect Branch Head To The First Member Of The

101 CONN PT TO LAS MEM Connect The Branch Tail To The Last Member Of The

102 Q ORI To Display The Orientation Of Selected Component

103 DIST Giving The Distance Between Two Component Centers

104 CLEA (SPOOL) We'd like to show youThe

Giving notifications for Between
Spool Distance the latest
Two Components
news and updates.
105 Q CATREF To Display The Catalogue Reference At Component


Connect ALLOW

107 FCONN Force Connect

108 Q STYP To Display The Component Selection Type

109 Q DTXR To Display The Detail Text(Description Of The


110 DRAG BY E 1000 Strech The Component By East 1000 (Not Prefered)

111 Q MTXX To Display The Material Of The Component

112 Q MODE To Display The Mode Of Direction (For/Back)

113 FOR To Set The Forward Mode

114 BACK To Set The Backward Mode

115 FIRST MEM To Navigate The First Member

116 LAST MEM To Navigate The Last Member

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117 FIRST FLAN To Navigate The First Flange In Hierarchy

118 Q PARA To Display The Parameters

119 Q ACONN To Display The Arrive Connection Detail Of A


120 Q LCONN To Display The Leave Connection Details Of A


121 DIR TOW NEX Direction Towards The Next Component

122 Q REF To Display Reference

123 INCL Include

Subscribe to Weekly Newsletter..
124 ORI AND P3 IS UP Orient P3 Of Tee To Up (Speci ed Direction)
Only once a week..!!
125 OWN Navigate Owner
Email Address
126 GOTO OWN Go To Owner Of The Selected Component

127 Q ABOP/LBOP Details Of The Arrive/Leave Boptom Of Pipe

128 Q ANGLE Subscribe Details Of A Angle Of An Elbo

129 Q ATLE Length Of First Tube Of A Branch

130 ATTYPE CCNN Comment Attachment Without Dimension

131 ATTYPE CCCC Comment Attachment With Dimension

132 ATTYPE XXXX Atta For Setting The Isometric Limit

133 CH CE Check Current Element (For Consistency Check)

134 DIR TOW NEXT ELBO Align A Elbo With The Next Elbo

135 DIR TOW ID@ Align The Elbow

136 EXTEND 100 START/END Extend By 100 The Start/End Of A Cross Member

137 Q HCON/TCON Details Of Head/Tail Connection Of A Branch

138 Q HDIR Direction Of The Flow From The Branch Head

139 Q HPOS/TPOS Details Of Head/Tail Possition Of A Branch

140 Q ISPE Insulation Speci cation

141 ISPEC NULREF For Removing Insulation

142 SPKBRK T For Removing Insulation (Use In Case Fof Atta)

143 LOOSE Used By Isodraft Where Flange Is Supplied Loose

144 MTOC DOTD Mto Component Dotted With Dimension

145 MTOC DOTU Mto Component Dotted With Out Dimension

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146 MTOC OFF Mto Component Off

147 NEX CONN Next Connect

148 NEX THRO CE Move The Current Componet To Next

149 ORI AND P3 IS TOW ID@ & DIR TOW Aligning The 3Rd P-Point Of A Tee Towards Next Elbow

150 Q P3 Details Of P-Point P3 (In Case Of Tee Only)

151 Q PA/P1 Details Of The P-Point 1

152 Q PL Derails Of The P-Point 2

153 STEXT 'TEXT' Setting The Comment Text

154 TCONN OPEN Tail Connection Type Open (Ce Should Be Branch)

155 TDIR Direction Of The Flow From The Branch Tail

156 ISPEC /W To Give The Insulation

157 Q LBORE To Query Leave Bore

158 Q TBORE To Query The Tail Bore

159 THRO PH Through Pipe Head

160 THRO PREV Through Previous

161 THRO PT Through Pipe Tail

162 Q TPOS To Query Tail Position

163 Q HCON To Query The Head Connection

164 Q TCON To Query The Tail Connection

165 Q ACON To Query Arrive Connection

166 Q LCON To Query Leave Connection

167 ATTYPE FLOW To Create Flow Direction Of Attachment

168 DIR N Direction Of Component Towards North

169 BACK CONN Backward Connection

170 MTOC UNSET To Freeze The Component From Mto Report

Equipment Commands

Sr. Number Title

171 Q PARA To Display The Parameters

172 Q CATREF To Display The Catelogue Reference

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173 Q SPRE To Display The Speci cation Reference

174 Q CREF To Display The Connection Reference

175 ADD CREF To Add The Connection Reference

176 NEW BOX XLEN 100 YLEN 100 To Create New Box With X-Length 100, Y-Length 100 & Z-
ZLEN 100 Length 100

177 NEW CYLI DIA HEI To Create New Cylinder By Specifying Diameter And

178 NEW SITE To Create New Site

179 NEW ZONE To Create New Zone

180 NEW EQUI To Create New Equipment

181 NEW SUBE To Create New Sub Equipment

182 NEW STRU Create New Structural

183 NEW FRMW To Create New Framework

184 NEW SBFR To Create Sub Framework

185 NEW CYLI COPY PREV BY N 1000 To Create New Cylinder From Previous Cylinder By North

186 Q POS IDP@ For The Position Of Identi ed P-Point

187 AXES AT P1 Axes At "P" Point 1

188 AXES AT P2 Axes At "P" Point 2

189 NEXT AXES AT CE Axes At Next Current Element In Hierarchiy

190 NEW VERT COPY PREV Copying The Previous Vertex

191 DELETE VERT To Delete The Vertex

192 MARK WITH (NAM) ALL NOZZ To Mark Nozzle Name


193 Q LEVEL To Query The Current Element Level

Structural Commands

Sr. Number Title

194 AXES AT CE Axes At Current Element

195 Q CUTL Cut Length

196 Q BANG To Display The Beta Angle

197 Q POSS WRT /* To Display The Start Position Wrt World

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198 Q POSE WRT /* To Display The End Position Wrt World

199 Q ORI To Display The Orientation

200 Q POS WRT /* To Display The Position Wrt World

201 BY W 1000 WRT /* 8 Move The Selected Item To West 1000 Wrt World

202 EXT END 300 To Extend The End By 300

203 Q NAME To Display The Name

204 NAME /NEW NAME To Remane The Old Name

205 Q CE Display The Current Element

206 Q DESC To Display The Grid Mark & Also Change The Grid Mark

207 MARK WITH (DESC) ALL To Dispay All The Grid Markings

208 Q JUS To Display The Steel Justi cation

209 UNLOCK ALL To Unlock

210 AXES AT POSE Axes At End Possition

211 AXES AT POSS Axes At Start Possition

212 CTYE Connection Type At End

213 CTYS Connection Type At Start

214 DESP Design Parameter

215 DRNE Cutting Plane Direction At End

216 DRNS Cutting Plane Direction At Start

217 EREEL End Release

218 JLIN Joint Line

219 JOLE Joint Reference At End

220 JOLS Joint Reference At Start

221 JUSLINE / JUSL Justi cation Line

222 NPOS Node Position

223 SREL Start Release

224 ZDIS Distance Along Z-Axis Of Owning Section

225 JUSLINE TOS To Match The Top Of The Structure With The Existing Or
Selected Structure

226 JUSLINE BOS To Match The Bottom Of The Structure With The Existing Or
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Selected Structure

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