Zinc Flake Coatings

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Zinc Flake Coatings

•Complex shapes, recesses and holes are coated with suitable

•Low thicknesses can give corrosion resistance equivalent to much
higher thicknesses of conventional coatings.
Typical parts zinc flake coated are:-
•Threaded fasteners particularly strength grades 10.9 and 12.9.
•Pressings, springs, clips as required for vehicles, domestic appliances
and on buildings.
•High tensile steel (particularly above 1000 N/mm2) and case
hardened parts requiring surface protection without possible hydrogen
The addition of Zinc as a functional pigment in relatively high levels to embrittlement.
an organic binder is one of the most important types of anti-corrosion •Sintered and cast steel and iron components.
protection sytems. •Parts of complex shape and thosewith holes and recesses.
The anticorrosive properties of zinc as explained elsewhere are well •Compound assemblies e.g. lock parts and hose connectors.
known and documented. The shape of the Zinc particle has as much an
effect upon the performance of the final paint film as the loading of the Note: Items which have predominantly flat or nesting surfaces may not
pigment into the binder system. always be suitable for bulk zinc flake coating and initial trials should be
Spherical particles of Zinc of around 3µm in size - commonay known arranged. In some instances a small change in design can make items
as Zinc dust is commercially the most cost effective method of creating suitable. Washers are most effectively treated as captive assemblies with
a zinc loaded paint system, and there are a number of manufacturers of screws (i.e. sems) or spray coated.
these sytems, Trimite® Schramm® who offer a comprehensive range
of finishes and performances, most of which can be supplied by the Zinc flake coatings have thicknesses in the range of 5-12 microns and in
Anochrome Group for sprayed applications such as brake discs. These contrast to electroplated coatings the coating is thicker at thread roots
materials may not use a fully Zinc pigment as the anitcorrosive element, and in recesses, and thinner at crests and edges.Tightness to thread
but are supplemented or even totally replaced by Aluminium. inspection gauges will be experienced withf ine threads at M4 and below
The second main type of zinc pigment is to use platelets or flakes of although in most situations this will not inhibit assembly into tapped
zinc around 15µm in size, these have an advantage over the spherical holes and standard nuts.This phenomenon of dip-spin applied zinc
pigments as their greater surface area allows, when applied correctly, an flake coatings being thicker in recesses can ensure that recessed parts
increased contact with the substrate and with adjoining flakes improving or complicated pressing with folds, etc. will have far better corrosion
corrosion resistance. The improvement in effectiveness of the flake also resistance than when electroplated due to the electroplated coatings
allows for a higher binder pigment ratio. being thin in “shielded” areas. In some cases, however, this recess build
up with dip spin applied zinc flake coatings can be a major problem.
The coatings consist predominantly of zinc flakes, in some cases
mixed with a small proportion of aluminium flakes. It is important in the The use of zinc flake coatings by major OEM’s (Original Equipment
formulation of these materials to use flakes and not zinc powder or dust, Manufacturers)worldwide has increased substantially due to the
as the presence of the flakes with the correct drying and curing procedure requirements for prolonged corrosion resistance and for fasteners,
allows a dense coating to be formed with the flakes lying parallel to the reproducible tightening performance. The Anochrome Group can apply
substrate surface which greatly improves the protective performance of licensed coatings sourced from the four major suppliers in this area, who
the coating. The flakes are bound together using a matrix that can be are:
organic or inorganic, this varies with the particular materials used. The - NOF, suppliers of Geomet® 321, 500, 360 and 720;
coatings are conductive so are sacrificial to steel. - Doerken, suppliers of Delta Tone®, Delta Protekt® and Delta Seal®.
They are often used with a top coat that can improve corrosion and - Magni® suppliers of Magni 560, Magni 565 and Magni 594.
give barrier protection, but in this case the total coating may not be - Atotech, suppliers of Zintek®and Techseal®.
conductive. Please see further sections for more specific details of these products.
The performance advantages of zinc flake coatings are:-
•Excellent resistance to atmospheric corrosion. *If a component is unsuitable for mechanical cleaning due to shot entrapment or damage
•Limited “white” rust (zinc corrosion products) or other corrosion (thin gauge clips, etc) then cleaning by chemical methods is an option, but carries the risk
products in service. of hydrogen embittlement, with higher tensile strength steels.
•Neutral salt spray corrosion resistance exceeds that of many other
common surface finishes, e.g. electro and mechanically plated zinc and
•Resistance to many “mild” chemicals and solvents including petrol and
brake fluids.
•No hydrogen embrittlement. It is a non-electrolytic process.*
•Can be electrically conductive. WEP Ltd
•Galvanic protection by the zinc-rich coating ensures satisfactory Wood Lane, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton WV10 8HN
performance at bimetallic contacts with steel, aluminium, zinc and tel: 01902 397333 fax: 01902 785372
[email protected]
cadmium in most situations.

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