Slow Slowly Careful Carefully Angry Angrily Excellently Excellent Easily Easy Good Well Awfully Awful Terrible

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Tom is slow. He works slowly .

Sue is a careful girl. She climbed up the ladder carefully .

The dog is angry. It barks angrily .
He acted excellently. He’s an excellent actor.
They learn English easily. They think English is an easy language.
Max is a good singer. He sings well.
It’s awfully cold today. The cold wind is awful.
Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell extremely well. If that is true, why does dog food smell
so terrible?
The little boy looked sad. I went over to comfort him and he looked at me sadly .
I tasted the soup carefully but it tasted wonderful .
Verb Tense Direct Question Indirect Question
Present simple with
Is he Spanish? Can you tell me if he is Spanish?
Present continuous Is the restaurant closing now? Can you tell me if the restaurant is closing now?
Past simple with
Was he late for the meeting? Can you tell me if he was late for the meeting?
Past continuous Were you watching TV at 3pm? Can you tell me if you were watching TV at 3pm?
Present perfect Has Lucy been to Mexico? Can you tell me if Lucy has been to Mexico?
Present perfect
Has she been living here long? Can you tell me if she has been living here long?
Had she found this job when she Can you tell me if she had found this job when she
Past perfect
moved here? moved here?
Past perfect Had she been living here long when Can you tell me if she had been living here long when
continuous she met you? she met you?
Future simple with
Will she start her new job next week? Can you tell me if she will start her new job next week?
Future simple with
Is it going to rain later? Can you tell me if it is going to rain later?
‘going to’
Future continuous Will Lisa be meeting the boss later? Can you tell me if Lisa will be meeting the boss later?
Will he have finished the report by Can you tell me if he will have finished the report by
Future perfect
tonight? tonight?
Future perfect Will he have been studying French for Can you tell me if he will have been studying French
continuous twenty years when he retires? for twenty years when he retires?
Modal verbs Should we start now? Can you tell me if we should start now?

’Yes / no’ questions with tenses that use ‘do / does / did’:

Sometimes you want to make an indirect question using the present simple of any verb
except ‘be’ or the past simple of any verb except ‘be’. These tense make direct questions by
using ‘do / does / did’. When we want to make indirect ‘yes / no’ questions using these
tenses, we need ‘if’ and we don’t need ‘do / does / did’.

Verb Tense Direct Question Indirect Question

Present simple with any Does David live in Can you tell me if David lives in
verb except ‘be’ London? London?
Past simple with any verb Did Amanda call John Can you tell me if Amanda called
except ‘be’ yesterday? John yesterday?

’Wh’ Questions

In the same way as with reported ‘wh’ questions, we use the question word and the word
order of a normal positive sentence to make indirect ‘wh’ questions. We don’t need to use
inversion. Again, we also don’t usually need to ‘backshift’ (change the tense of the verb) as
we do with reported questions.

To change a direct question to an indirect question for tenses that make questions using
inversion, you just add ‘if’ and change the word order back to a normal positive sentence.

’Wh’ questions for tenses with inversion:

Verb Tense Direct Question Indirect Question

Present simple
Why is he unhappy? Can you tell me why he is unhappy?
with ‘be’
Present Can you tell me when the restaurant
When is the restaurant closing?
continuous is closing?
Past simple with Why was he late for the Can you tell me why he was late for
‘be’ meeting? the meeting?
Can you tell me what you were doing
Past continuous What were you doing at 3pm?
at 3pm?
Present perfect Where has Lucy been? Can you tell me where Lucy has been?
Present perfect How long has she been living Can you tell me how long she has
continuous here? been living here?
Why had she quit her job Can you tell me why she had quit her
Past perfect
before she moved here? job before she moved here?
Past perfect How long had she been living Can you tell me how long she had
continuous here when she met you? been living here when she met you?
Future simple When will she start her new Can you tell me when she will start
with ‘will’ job? her new job?
Future simple When is it going to rain? Can you tell me when it is going to
with ‘going to’ rain?
What time will Lisa be meeting Can you tell me what time Lisa will be
Future continuous
the boss? meeting the boss?
When will he have finished the Can you tell me when he will have
Future perfect
report? finished the report?
How long will he have been Can you tell me how long he will have
Future perfect
studying French when he been studying French when he
retires? retires?
Can you tell me what we should do
Modal verbs What should we do now?

’Wh’ questions for tenses with ‘do / does / did’:

Sometimes you want to make an indirect ‘wh’ question using the present simple of any verb
except ‘be’ or the past simple of any verb except ‘be’. Usually these tenses make questions
by using ‘do / does / did’. However, when we want to make indirect ‘wh’ questions using
these tenses, we don’t need ‘do / does / did’. Instead, we use a question word and then
normal positive sentence word order.

Verb Tense Direct Question Indirect Question

Present simple with any
Where does David live? Can you tell me where David lives?
verb except ‘be’
Past simple with any verb Why did Amanda call Can you tell me why Amanda
except ‘be’ John yesterday? called John yesterday?

Common Problems

It can be difficult to remember to put the verb after the subject, especially when the indirect
question is in the present simple tense of ‘be’. For example, we need to say:

Could you tell me where the station is?


NOUN + NOUN Bedroom / water tank / motorcycle / printer cartridge

NOUN + VERB Rainfall / haircut / train-spotting

NOUN + ADVERB hanger-on / passer-by

VERB + NOUN washing machine / driving licence / swimming pool

VERB + ADVERB Lookout / take-off / drawback

ADVERB + NOUN Onlooker / bystander

ADJECTIVE + VERB dry-cleaning / public speaking

ADJECTIVE + NOUN Greenhouse / software / redhead

ADVERB + VERB Output / overthrow / upturn input

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