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IEC 61850 Beyond Compliance:

A Case Study of Modernizing Automation

Systems in Transmission Power Substations in
Emirate of Dubai Towards Smart Grid

Sultan Al Obaidli, Venkataraman Subramaniam, Hamood Alhuseini, and Ramesh Gupta

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

David Dolezilek, Amandeep Kalra, and Prasanth Sankar

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

Presented at
Saudi Arabia Smart Grid 2017
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
December 12–14, 2017

Originally presented at the

Southern African Power System Protection & Automation Conference, November 2017

IEC 61850 Beyond Compliance:

A Case Study of Modernizing Automation
Systems in Transmission Power Substations in
Emirate of Dubai Towards Smart Grid
Sultan Al Obaidli, Venkataraman Subramaniam, Hamood Alhuseini,
and Ramesh Gupta, Dubai Electricity & Water Authority
David Dolezilek, Amandeep Kalra, and Prasanth Sankar, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

Abstract—A substation control and monitoring system (SCMS) cybersecurity solution that automates tasks, streamlines
is composed of digitally connected devices that exchange operations, and improves performance.
information using multiple communications protocols to protect, This paper discusses DEWA system requirements developed to
control, and monitor entire substation automation applications facilitate the safe, reliable, and economical delivery of power in
remotely from respective control centers. It is also essential to Emirate of Dubai. This is followed by a discussion of various
combine cybersecurity within the SCMS. In an effort to move engineering decisions that resulted from lessons learned during
towards smart grid, the Dubai Electricity & Water Authority the design stage of the DEWA transmission power substation
(DEWA) initiated a long-term contract for the supply, installation, automation system to ensure that the system is ready for future
testing, and commissioning of 33 substations (132/11 kV) with smart grid requirements. Various analysis tools and testing
modern automation systems for transmission power substations. techniques are described in the paper that were used to quantify
DEWA has very strict requirements in terms of system the performance attributes of the IEC 61850-based system design.
availability, reliability, performance, cybersecurity, Ethernet This project proves that with the right engineering design and a
network resiliency, and protection and communications properly configured Ethernet network that uses best engineering
redundancy. An HMI is included in the SCMS for local indication practices for OT, performance, interoperability, and compliance
and control. Status, metering, and control data to the local HMI to standards can coexist.
and remote utility enterprise system is provided by a redundant
SCADA system. Reliable and secure communications to support I. INTRODUCTION
mission-critical, high-speed protection schemes is achieved by an
Ethernet network of utility-grade operational technology (OT) Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA) was
switches, not IT switches. The Ethernet network uses a modified established in 1992 by His Excellency Sheikh Maktoum bin
ladder topology with IEC 62439 Part 1 Spanning Tree Algorithm Rashid Al Maktoum with an objective to provide the reliable
(STA) via Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) for network and adequate delivery of power to residents of Emirate of
resiliency and IEC 62439 Part 3 Parallel Redundancy Protocol
Dubai. Since its inception, DEWA has continuously invested in
(PRP) for message duplication. Data segregation and traffic
control in the SCMS network is provided by IEEE 802.1 VLANs. maintaining and upgrading the power delivery infrastructure to
The data acquisition and control along with engineering access meet the increasing demands of the growing Emirate of Dubai.
and event report collection is accomplished using manufacturing In 2015, DEWA awarded a North American engineering
message specification (MMS), whereas high-speed signal exchange services firm a long-term contract to supply, install, test, and
for peer-to-peer protection schemes is accomplished using commission 33 substations (132/11 kV) with the goal of
GOOSE communications protocols from the IEC 61850
modernizing the automation system technology in transmission
communications standard. The DEWA technical SCMS
specifications were built around the concept of future proofing power substations.
and backward compatibility to support the evolution of smart grid
capabilities by accepting smart technological advancements and II. ENGINEERING DESIGN FOR AGGRESSIVE GROWTH
future development of substation automation system features. It is
The new technical specifications were built around the
strongly believed that the technical improvements made in DEWA
specifications will lay a solid foundation for a sustainable concept of future-proofing the substation control and
automation system in DEWA over the years to come. monitoring system (SCMS) to cope with technological
Because DEWA is aware of the risks of digitizing substation advancements and future developments in the field of
communications networks and the recent increase in the number substation protection and automation. The multiyear project
of cyberattacks against utilities that involve abusing consisted of installing and commissioning an IEC 61850
vulnerabilities in the security of their communications networks, Edition 2-based SCMS. One major objective of the SCMS was
DEWA has strict cybersecurity requirements to prevent
cyberinduced power outages that could potentially disrupt an
to avoid the use of conventional operator control and metering
electric power grid. The SCMS was designed with the holistic panels, local alarm annunciator panels, conventional CTs and
approach of a defense-in-depth philosophy, including supply chain VTs (where possible), hardwired connections for inputs and
security and physical security. The DEWA SCMS security design outputs, and standalone digital fault recorders (DFRs) by
relies on a multilayer security zone approach to provide a scalable

exploiting the latest state-of-the-art distributed control system • Increase system reliability.
technology. The SCMS design achieved this objective by using • Increase LAN availability.
digital communications to assist in monitoring and controlling • Achieve better defense against cyberattacks.
the substation’s primary equipment in a secure, reliable, safe, • Improve system operation and understanding.
and cost-effective manner. The Ethernet network uses a modified ladder topology that
The system engineering process is now fully compliant with incorporates IEC 62439 Part 1 Spanning Tree Algorithm (STA)
IEC 61850, and there is emphasis on compliance with via Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) for network
IEC 61850-6 Edition 2. Certification of product conformance resiliency, IEC 62439 Part 3 Parallel Redundancy Protocol
to IEC 61850 is essential in providing confidence that the (PRP) for message duplication, and IEEE 802.1 VLANs to
products will support interoperability and future additions. provide data segregation and traffic control. Data acquisition
Some manufacturers have their own test lab capabilities to along with control, engineering access, and event report
improve product development and test conformance as part of collection in the SCMS is accomplished using the
all the other associated product and type tests. Third-party, ISO- manufacturing message specification (MMS) protocol, whereas
accredited, Class A test labs were also used to verify product high-speed, peer-to-peer signal exchange for the protection and
conformance from each SCMS supplier. automation schemes is accomplished using GOOSE
During the detailed design phase of the project, the communications protocols from the IEC 61850
following aspects were reviewed and approved: communications standard. The DEWA technical SCMS
• An interoperability document of the IEC 61850 specifications were built around the concept of future proofing
standard from the vendor (Protocol Implementation and backward compatibility to support the evolution of smart
Conformance Statement [PICS]/Protocol grid capabilities by accepting smart technological
Implementation eXtra Information for Testing advancements and future development of substation
[PIXIT]). automation system features.
• Substation Configuration Description (SCD) and IED This paper describes how DEWA in collaboration with a
capability description files (ICD). North American engineering services firm implemented a cost-
• Mapping of SCADA I/O signals to an IEC 61850 effective system that provides a very capable, reliable,
communications model to achieve interoperability dependable, and secure SCMS.
across different IED vendors.
• Standard modelling of IEC 61850 to ensure full III. SPECIFICATION OF COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES VIA
compliance with the standard. Standard logical nodes IEC 61850 AND COMPANION STANDARDS
from IEC 61850 Edition 2 were used to avoid generic IEC 61850 is one of several IEC and IEEE technical
logical node usage. standards related to communications networks used to protect
• Assignment of an information object address (IOA) and control electric power systems. Several international
for gateway servers to connect to remote SCADA standards, including IEC 61850, together define the expected
control centers in line with the standard guidelines behavior and performance of mission-critical communications,
issued by DEWA. including the following:
• Remote user access authentication through • IED performance requirements (IEC 61850,
demilitarized zone (DMZ) using active directory IEC 60834, IEC 15802, IEEE 802.1, and IEEE 1613).
services from the DEWA centralized Lightweight • Message latency specifications (IEC 61850,
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. IEC 60834, IEC 15802, and IEEE 802.1).
A station HMI is included in the SCMS for local indication • Message speed (IEC 61850).
and control in conjunction with front-panel HMIs on the IEDs. • Signal exchange dependability and security
Status, metering, and control data to the local HMI and remote requirements (IEC 61850 and IEC 60834).
utility enterprise system is provided by a redundant SCADA • Signal exchange availability requirements (IEC 61850,
system. Reliable and secure communications to support
IEC 60834, and IEEE 802.1).
mission-critical, high-speed protection schemes is achieved by
• Signal exchange reliability metrics (IEC 61850,
an Ethernet network of utility-grade operational technology
IEEE 1613, and IEC 60870).
(OT) switches, not IT switches. The system translates between
Based on these standards, a service level specification can
various communications protocols and interfaces with the
be created for each class of digital communications. Then using
redundant servers in the DEWA transmission control center and
this SLS, design engineers work with network and IED
distribution control center infrastructures. The SCMS system
providers to create a service level agreement (SLA) for each
design provides various benefits such as maximizing the
type of digital message in the data flow design. Each SLA
effectiveness of the system, improving complete system
defines the commitment between the service provider and the
awareness, and increasing work efficiencies across multiple
client. Specifically, the aspects of the service—quality,
departments within the company because of new secure remote
availability, and responsiveness—are designed and
access capabilities. DEWA identified the following objectives
documented between the service provider and the service user.
that they wanted to achieve through implementing an SCMS:

As an example, those IEC and IEEE standards collectively

define the SLS for exchange of protection and control signals
as follows:
• The design must support signal exchange between
IEDs in less than 3 ms, with Ethernet packet transit
through a network in less than 1 ms, 99.99 percent of
the time.
• The system can fail to meet the design requirements
the remaining 0.01 percent of the time but must not
exceed a 15 ms Ethernet packet transit time through
the network. Therefore, the time to detect and isolate
Ethernet faults and reconfigure and reestablish
communications must be less than 15 ms for the entire
network. When this is not possible, it is the
responsibility of the system designer to explain why Fig. 1. Illustration of the Different Concurrent Editions of Parts of
IEC 61850
and how often this requirement will not be met by the
chosen design. UCA® International Users Group (UCAiug) acts to monitor
• To satisfy dependability, GOOSE exchanges with a and improve the state of IEC 61850 by collecting and
one-second heartbeat shall not drop a single GOOSE addressing tissues. When accepted, most tissues are resolved by
message during an entire year. To satisfy security, a group of technical experts and result in recommended changes
IEDs shall not receive more than nine unwanted or to the applicable parts of the standard. Errors usually result in
extra GOOSE messages every 24 hours. recommended modifications, ambiguities usually result in
• For each signal exchange, performance levels shall be recommended clarifications, and new ideas usually result in
supervised, monitored, and recorded. Adequate recommended additions. These new changes are aggregated for
statistics shall be available via out-of-band event a period of time until a group of them are proposed as a new
reports. edition to the applicable part in the series and put up for a vote.
• For each signal exchange, failures to meet the SLA When new recommendations are accepted, the part is updated
will be detected immediately by each IED and to a new edition. The intent of this process is that newer
registered as bad integrity for the duration of the additions to the existing editions and new editions remain
failure. IEDs use this integrity status to indicate a backward compatible. In some cases, these new additions
failed signal exchange within the protection and reflect capabilities that already exist in some devices while
automation logic. others require new product development.
• For each signal exchange, failures to meet the SLA As documented at www.UCAiug.org, UCAiug also acts to
will be reported in real time via IED front-panel HMI monitor and improve the state of UCAiug test procedure
alarm and indication and will be reported to control, versions. Test procedures are used to confirm product
engineering, and cybersecurity clients. conformance to a specific subset of the functionality
documented in IEC 61850 and associated TRs. The test
IV. EDITIONS OF IEC 61850 procedures contain numerous test blocks that have mandatory
and conditional requirements. These tests to not address all
IEC 61850 is actually a series of parts that documents
IEC 61850 functionality but rather a subset that is useful to
important information as technical reports (TR), technical
improve interoperability among products. When required, the
standards (TS), and international standards (IS). There are now
test procedures are updated to a new version to include
45 parts in the series and growing as the standard is called upon
additional tests. In some cases, these new additions reflect
to document more standardized capabilities. The first vote on
capabilities that already exist in some devices while others test
the standard resulted in all parts in the series being in Edition 1
new product features.
simultaneously. Since that time, each part in the series has
Product developers select test procedures and associated test
experienced slow and constant development to make
blocks to be applied to their product. The testing service
improvements and add functionality via the technical issue
documents the product, test procedure version, and test blocks
(tissue) process. Many parts of the series are still in Edition 1,
successfully applied to the product. Certificates of successful
some are in Edition 2, and others are progressing towards
testing are given a Level A status when provided by an
Edition 3, as illustrated in the partial development history
independent testing company that is not associated with product
shown in Fig. 1.
development or system development. A Level B status is given
IEC 61850 and associated TRs document many potential
to certificates provided by an organization that may not be
communications functionalities for numerous devices and
isolated from product or system development, such as a device
software applications within various types of systems. Product
manufacturer. Also, testing of features not specified in the
developers implement an appropriate subset of the IEC 61850
UCAiug test procedures need to be tested by a Level B test
functionality in conjunction with the other product features and
facility that is familiar with the product and features.

Interoperability testing is the responsibility of each product • IED and network communications management.
developer and system developer. UCAiug hosts interoperability • IED engineering access.
meetings annually for collaboration among manufacturers. • IED communications and SLA testing.
Each manufacturer and system developer is expected to build Only 15 of these 53 unique features are addressed by the
and maintain an interoperability network made up of multiple UCAiug Version 2 test procedures. Success often relies on
versions of products from numerous manufacturers to confirm manufacturers providing Level B testing for all of the necessary
interoperability. Interoperability certificates are provided by system features within and outside the scope of UCAiug
Level B facilities that have experience in system development. Version 2 test procedures. By design, IEC 61850 describes
communications and does not address cybersecurity. Instead,
V. WHAT IS NEW IN EDITION 2 UCAiug recommends that device and system cybersecurity be
Users informally consider the present edition of the standard accomplished using methods and standards created by security
to be that of Part 10 – Conformance Testing, which is in experts. For example, IEC 62351 Power Systems Management
Edition 2 at the time this paper was written. As mentioned, the and Associated Information Exchange – Data and
many parts of the IEC 61850 series exist as various editions Communications Security is limited to the authentication of
based on their maturity and evolution. However, because data transfer. Cybersecurity methods include data encryption
Part 10 addresses the verifying conformance of some device and user authentication. However, comprehensive system
capabilities within system specifications, end users often security is left to the National Institute of Standards and
consider the Part 10 edition to represent the entire series. Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-37 risk
Therefore, the existing state of all documents at the time Part 10 management framework.
became Edition 2 is collectively known as IEC 61850 Edition 2.
Therefore, even though Part 90-4 is only in its first edition, it is VI. SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS
equally or more important because it more fully explains DEWA was very clear with the requirements for the SCMS
system engineering guidelines. As a fundamental part of the from the beginning of the planning and design phases. They not
Edition 2 system design, Part 90-4 provides advice and only wanted the SCMS to be compliant to the IEC 61850
guidelines on device security, management of communications, standard, but they also wanted to achieve real-world
engineering access, and testing for IEC 61850-based substation interoperability without sacrificing the maximum performance
automation. At the same time, IEC 62439 Industrial and flexibility to satisfy present and future power system
Communication Networks – High Availability Automation applications.
Networks was referenced as a TR. Part 1 of this standard
explains the resilient method of using STAs in unmanned A. Hardware Requirements
systems to automatically detect and isolate Ethernet faults and Because of the geographical location and rugged
then quickly recover by reconfiguring and reestablishing environmental conditions of the installations, it was very
communications. Part 3 explains that if recovery technology is important to write system specification requirements that
not available, repairable technology, such as PRP, can be used demanded the system perform for decades in extreme
to duplicate messages in manned stations relying on people to temperature conditions. To meet the requirements of high
detect and repair the Ethernet failure. Most PRP systems also availability and low maintenance cost, it was essential that the
include STA within the Ethernet design. devices survive for decades in a harsh environment, fail very
Therefore, IEC 61850 Edition 2 system capabilities are infrequently, and can be replaced quickly in the event of the
described by the many parts of the standard in general and the failure. To keep maintenance activity to a minimum, the IEDs,
following references in specific: Ethernet switches, computers, and firewalls within the SCMS
• IEC 61850 Part 10: Conformance Testing – Edition 2. must have low failure rates, as indicated by their mean time
• IEC 61850 Part 90-4: Network Engineering between failures (MTBF), and the ability to withstand a
Guidelines for Substations – Edition 1. temperature range from –40 to +85°C.
• UCAiug Test Procedure Version 2. B. Interoperability
• IEC 62439 Industrial Communication Networks – To achieve the interoperability that DEWA was looking for,
High Availability Automation Networks. they selected devices from multiple manufacturers that had a
Many IEC 61850 system features have been present in proven record of interoperability, had participated in UCAiug
numerous devices for over a decade. Many of these features interoperability testing, and had devices tested for IEC 61850
were available but not considered or tested by the UCAiug conformance certification.
Revision 1 test procedures. In addition, many features remain
outside the scope of Version 2 test procedures. As an example, C. Cybersecurity
contemporary IEC 61850 system specifications referring to DEWA was very well aware of global events and was
Part 10 and Part 90-4 identify 53 IEC 61850 Edition 2 features looking for a holistic cybersecurity solution carefully integrated
in the following five categories: into the SCMS as part of a more comprehensive company-wide
• IED function and Substation Configuration Language security framework. DEWA’s primary focuses in this design
(SCL) file. requirement were availability and accessibility, including
• IED cybersecurity.

remote access, and a strong focus on cybersecurity via multiple A. Defense in Depth
layers of defense against attackers. DEWA, like all other utilities, has a comprehensive system
D. Performance design for cybersecurity, which includes corporate, control
center, and grid communications. Control systems within the
IEC 61850-based substation designs are heavily dependent
grid represent a subset of the overall company defenses. For the
on connectivity between various devices to provide enhanced
substation environment, defense-in-depth cybersecurity design
system capabilities. Therefore, it was very important to
provides a complete and robust OT security solution that
correctly engineer the communications network to achieve the
connects to both the OT control center and corporate IT system.
desired system performance. DEWA had very stringent
The multilayer security approach segregates different
Ethernet network performance requirements, including the
substation equipment to different layers, as shown in Fig. 2.
Each layer has different sets of vulnerabilities with different
• IEC 62439 Part 1 STA resiliency.
strengths and weaknesses. A multilayer security approach
− Immediate detection and isolation of Ethernet provides an opportunity to evaluate each layer separately as part
faults associated with port, cable, or device of the whole system to select separate defense mechanisms,
failures. resulting in a holistic cybersecurity system. For example, at
− STA reconfiguration and reestablished GOOSE Layer 1 physical access to the IEDs is a vulnerability.
packet delivery in less than 8 ms within a single Therefore, the controls surrounding the protection of the
switch and less than 15 ms for virtually every fault ingress/egress point of the substation electronic security
in the network. In very rare instances, perimeter are provided by Layer 1. The security controls for
reconfiguration of a root bridge failure exceeds communication and data concentrators are located at Layer 2.
15 ms. At the device level, host-based cybersecurity control is
− Automatic, consistent, and rapid fault recovery and provided at Layer 3 [1][3].
minimum message latency, even in the presence of
additional Ethernet faults.
• Delivery of every protection and automation signal
change of state within the SLA specification.
• Immediate detection and alarming of delayed and
undelivered GOOSE packets.
• Scalability of system size without affecting
E. Network Duplication
Network duplication was selected to provide two
independent paths for each protection signal via IEC 62439
Part 3 PRP-based network methods. In PRP-based network
designs, each IED is dually connected to two identical
independent networks and each publishing IED duplicates each
individual packet just as the packet egresses the device. Each
subscriber accepts the first version of each packet and discards
the received duplicated packet. This design increases the
Ethernet network availability for the first Ethernet failure by
duplicating message delivery. However, PRP does not detect
this failure and cannot recover, and the result is a single-point-
of-failure system. Thus, because PRP-based networks mask the
first fault in the network and a second network failure could
deny the exchange of duplicated packets, STA was also added
to each network.


Defense-in-depth cybersecurity was applied from the very
beginning of the planning and design phases of the project,
which resulted in a robust and secure system that provides a
reliable platform for future applications and improves the
Fig. 2. Multilayer Defense-in-Depth Model
cybersecurity of existing implementations [1] [2].

1) Centralized User and Password Management origin by an Ethernet switch mechanism that virtually opens
The SCMS includes various innovative features like and stops the packet flow.
automatic management of IED passwords. The centralized Physical loops in the Ethernet network are prevented using
password management device (CPMD) keeps clear distinction Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm (RSTA) and RSTP by
between the different steps of generating new IED passwords algorithmically enabling and disabling links in a topology
and applying IED passwords. It can generate and apply new within the physical wiring of the network. For a reliable and
complex passwords to the IED or revert the IED passwords dependable Ethernet packet distribution network, periods of
back to a default state in the case of extenuating circumstances network darkness should be as short and infrequent as possible.
(e.g., a natural disaster). A user with administrative privileges An extended ladder topology, as illustrated in Fig. 3, was
in the CPMD can automatically generate and apply passwords deployed to increase the size and availability of the DEWA
for all connected IEDs based on a regular time period (e.g., Ethernet network and the SCMS. To duplicate each Ethernet
every 90 days). message, IEC 62439 PRP-enabled devices were connected to
two redundant extended ladder Ethernet networks.
2) Proxy Password Services
The proxy services function helps in creating a user audit IEC 62439-3 Clause 4 standardized the PRP as a data
trail through strong and centralized user-based authentication communications network protocol. The IEDs supporting PRP
and authorization support for modern and legacy IEDs. The are connected to two independent Ethernet networks, which
CPMD manages protected IED passwords, ensuring that may also support RSTA and RSTP. In this way, when one
passwords are changed regularly and that they conform to network is dark, the other will likely not be dark and the signal
complexity rules for stronger security. Therefore, robust transmission will be more reliable. A PRP network without a
password requirements can be satisfied by enforcing strong reconfiguration method like RSTA and RSTP only works for
passwords on IEDs, configuring the CPMD to automatically one failure and then becomes permanently failed. Each
change the password on a configurable schedule, and ensuring independent PRP network requires transmission, transfer, and
that no weak or default passwords are in use [4]. transit time tests.
1 2 L27 2 1
3) Allowed Clients and Whitelisting R Lad2 R3A D R Lad2 R3B A
Allowed clients are hosts or networks that have 1 2 L24 2 1
L26 R Lad2 R2A D R Lad2 R2B A L28
authorization to access Ethernet-based services running on the
L23 1 2 L21 2 1 L25
device. Administrative users can configure allowed clients to L20 R Lad2 R1A D R Lad2 R1B A L22
access the web management, VPN, port switch, device time,
2 3 4
and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) services 1 D D D D D D
or combinations of the five services. The device logs all R Lad2 Root D R Lad2 BRoot A
configuration changes to allowed clients. Allowed clients are
considered to be an IP whitelisting of incoming connections to 1 2 L14 2 1
services running on the device. Once an administrator has R Lad1 R3A D R Lad1 R3B A
1 2 L11 2 1
defined an allowed client for a service, then only that allowed R Lad1 R2A D R Lad1 R2B A
L13 L15
client can use the service unless the administrator adds more L10 1 2 L8 2 1
R Lad1 R1A D R Lad1 R1B A
allowed clients for that service. L4
L7 L9

2 3 4 4 3 2
4) Exe-GUARD® D D D 5 D D D
Exe-GUARD antivirus technology provides host intrusion Lad2 Root D R Lad1 BRoot
prevention protection against past, present, and future malware R A
1 1
threats via a strong whitelist defensive architecture [5]. The L2 L3
biggest advantage of this technology is that the need for 2 2
signature updates is eliminated without adding any additional 1 D 3 L1 3 D 1
D Ext Root D R Ext BRoot D
settings to the device. Exe-GUARD provides protection against
rootkits, contains kernel-level whitelisting with secured D Designated Port
memory privileges, and implements mandatory access controls R Root Port
(MACs). With executable whitelisting, powerful resistance to A Alternate Port
code injection is provided by the Exe-GUARD.
Fig. 3. Extended Ladder Topology
VIII. SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK DESIGN B. Best Engineering Practices for Digital Communications
A. Best Engineering Practices for Network Topology The best-known methods for precise GOOSE performance
Ethernet communication in the SCMS is a switched network are described in multiple international standards. These best-
with several physical cable paths or loops, like cables in a known methods and the associated standards are documented
looped electrical distribution system, where one is active and in the paper titled “Case Study of Time-Domain Automation
the others may act as hot standby. Ethernet packets are and Communications: Field-Proven Benefits to Automation,
prevented from traveling in a loop back towards their IED of

Control, Monitoring, and Special Protection Schemes” [6] and panel display, SCADA alarms, and email to
are repeated here as the following: technicians (IEC 61850 and IEC 60834).
• Create message segregation via a unique VLAN ID • Ensure that each IED time-stamps and creates a
per GOOSE message (IEC 61850 and IEEE 802.1). sequential events record for each GOOSE message
• Create message segregation via unique multicast MAC failure and then reacts to the failure by modifying
addresses per GOOSE message. (IEC 61850 and logic as well as local and remote applications to reflect
IEC 15802). that communications-assisted data acquisition has
• Assign a unique application identifier (APP ID) per failed (IEC 61850 and IEC 60834).
GOOSE message (IEC 61850).
• Match the last octet of the MAC address, VLAN ID, IX. PERFORMANCE VALIDATION
and APP ID. As mentioned, the IEC 61850 Part 90-4 Technical Report
• Use message priority tags based on the mission- provides advice on network engineering and commissioning
critical nature of the communications-assisted [7]. Section 5.3.17 describes testing and specifically
application (IEC 61850 and IEEE 802.1). recommends the following: “Once the network has been
• Assign a descriptive GOOSE ID rather than generic designed, its compliance to the requirements needs to be tested,
GOOSE ID (IEC 61850). first as a design verification, then during factory acceptance
• Use a descriptive textual name and VLAN ID. tests and finally at site acceptance.” This TR also requires that
• Carefully design data set contents and message an appropriate subset of the tests should continue to monitor the
retransmission properties (IEC 61850 and IEC 60834). network during operation and detect and mitigate failures and
• Choose IEDs and switches that immediately publish, conformance to SLAs. Point-to-point client-server exchanges
transmit, and react to GOOSE messages (IEC 61850 are monitored by traditional feedback mechanisms. However,
and IEC 60834). because data producers are unaware of multicast message
• Select root bridge Ethernet switches and IED ports delivery, signal exchange between data producers and data
based on actual network performance in primary and consumers must be monitored by each consumer.
reconfigured states (IEC 61850 and IEEE 802.1). Each subscriber must uniquely monitor and validate the
• Test and verify Ethernet switches to satisfy 7 ms SLA for each multicast exchange. In the case of GOOSE
reconfiguration times within one switch and 15 ms messages, each message exchange is supervised in real time to
reconfiguration time across the network. These confirm its integrity before signal contents are used for
methods must be based on standardized STAs and communications-assisted protection and logic. This supervision
RSTP rather than proprietary solutions (IEC 61850, includes the following:
IEC 60834, and IEEE 802.1). • Consumer devices detect and document delayed
• Provide high availability to mission-critical GOOSE message events for each subscription.
applications using redundant devices as well as • Consumer devices detect and document undelivered,
redundant communications (IEC 61850). lost GOOSE message events for each subscription.
• Ensure that all network multicast messages have a • Consumer devices detect and document the maximum
unique VLAN ID and MAC address. All untagged quantity of packets lost in a single event, total
traffic must be tagged with port-based VLAN aggregate quantity of packets lost, and maximum
(PVLAN) 1001 at ingress to the Ethernet network outage time as the duration of time the GOOSE
(IEC 61850 and IEC 60834). messages are not received for each GOOSE
• Disable all unused IED and switch communications subscription.
ports. All network engineering ports must have static • Consumer devices create and store a GOOSE message
MAC address filters to prevent all but known receipt report containing message configuration
engineering laptops (NERC CIP and information as well as the message status, including
NERC PRC-005). priority tag, VLAN, state number, sequence number,
• Ensure that all IEDs monitor the multicast message time-to-live (TTL) value, and error code for each
sequence number and state number to supervise data subscription. In this case. the TTL value is
exchange via digital messaging (IEC 61850 and recalculated in real time and represents the expected
IEC 60834). time duration before receipt of the next GOOSE
• Ensure that all IEDs create GOOSE diagnostic reports, message.
including performance and reliability statistics and • Consumer devices create and store a GOOSE message
real-time operational information for each published receipt event report containing statistics of the
and subscribed GOOSE message (IEC 61850 and GOOSE receipt performance, including:
IEC 60834). − Out-of-sequence count. This is the count messages
• Ensure that each IED supervises all GOOSE attributes lost because of both sequence number and state
to detect and alarm abnormal behavior via the front- number out-of-sequence errors. It is not recorded

for the first message after the device is turned on or function in the critical infrastructure of today. They also learned
reconfigured. that traditional Ethernet-technology based on STA in IT
− TTL count. This is the count of the number of switches is unsuitable for real-time power protection
times a message is not received within the expected communications because of various limitations like slow
time interval. failover times, lack of cybersecurity, less or no network
− Decode error count. This is the count of the visibility, and topology limitations. Therefore, DEWA is
number of messages where enough information is looking at SDN, which is revolutionizing the data
decoded to associate them with a subscription but communications networking world by introducing the concept
fails further decoding because of corruption or of programmable networking to enable system managers to
errors, such as a mismatched data set. react and keep up with the ever-changing demands of today’s
− Buffer overflow count. This is the count of the fully connected world. In addition, this technology brings great
number of messages that are discarded because the advantages to the engineered industrial control system world.
message receive queue was full. This may occur as SDN is fast finding popularity for the complex systems
a result of time compression in the network that involved in managing critical infrastructure operations, such as
causes two packets from the same subscription to the electric power grid and industrial plant systems. The three
be received within one publication period. The distinct advantages that SDN brings to Ethernet-based control
receiving IED should discard the older packets for systems include dramatically improved packet delivery
this subscription and process only the newest one. performance under both normal and fault event conditions,
− Message lost count. This is the aggregate count of greater cybersecurity without added complexity, and
the estimated number of messages lost because of centralized situational awareness with no disruption in change
out-of-sequence errors. For each out-of-sequence control, enabling seamless scalability. The gap between
error, the number of messages lost is estimated by interoperability and highly reliable communication, a vital
subtracting the expected state number from the requirement for power system applications, is bridged by SDN
received state number and the expected sequence [8] [9].
number from the received sequence number and B. Color Touchscreen Displays
summing them. This estimate is only made if the
With the rapid advancement in technology that allows man-
state number or sequence number in the received
to-machine interaction, the future of reliable large color display
message is greater than expected.
touchscreens with configurable HMI screens on each device
− Maximum message lost count. This is the seems very convincing. DEWA is looking at devices that allow
maximum estimated number of messages lost for smart touch capabilities and provide the user an option to have
an out-of-sequence error. intuitive and interactive displays for local control.
− Total downtime. This is the total time (in seconds)
the subscription was in an error state. XI. CONCLUSION
− Maximum downtime. This is the maximum time
Building a modern, rugged, and secure SCMS requires
(in seconds) the subscription was continuously in
diligent attention to all steps of the engineering process as well
an error state.
as rugged hardware with high MTBF to increase the overall
− Message status history. The GOOSE report
system availability. The steps of the engineering process
maintains statistics for several of the most recent
include specifying, designing, building, testing, and
error events, including date of event, time of event,
consistently verifying integrity. In the present-world scenario,
duration of event, and event error code.
thorough system design for digital substations requires data
flow design and service level specifications for each digital
message exchange. It also requires as systemic focus on a
DEWA believes in the continuous improvement of their cybersecurity strategy that incorporates security features in the
system and is always on the forefront of adopting new devices and substation network devices as elements of a more
technologies to modernize their system and set an example for comprehensive security framework. The defense-in-depth
utilities around the world. Utilizing and maintaining various security model provides multiple layers of security to protect
SCMSs over the period of several years, DEWA recognized the mission-critical assets and disrupts unwanted actions. Effective
various limitations in different technologies and is and appropriate security requires continuous system monitoring
collaborating with various vendors to solve the real-world and frequent updates to security policies and procedures. In
challenges faced by various utilities. Some of the future fact, the security framework is as important, and needs to be as
enhancements that DEWA is looking at are discussed in the comprehensive, as the SCMS itself. Best-in-class cybersecurity
following subsections. is designed into the protection and control communications
A. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) networks and not just added at the perimeter. Communications
networks are the backbone of the modern day SCMS, and high-
While working on different stages (specifying, designing,
performance systems require technical capabilities and not a
building, testing, and commissioning) of the SCMS project,
mere compliance to standards. DEWA has developed a modern
DEWA learned that networking is a central, often essential,

and comprehensive IEC 61850 Edition 2 SCMS design based XIV. BIOGRAPHIES
on proven best engineering practices and well-researched new Sultan Al Obaidli is the head of OT Projects & Engineering Management in
technologies to achieve interoperability without sacrificing Dubai Electricity & Water Authority. He has 12 years of experience in electric
power automation, communication, control, SCADA, SCMS, SDH network,
PABX Telephony, and project management, where both Telecontrol
The DEWA SCMS satisfies each SLA as a commitment Engineering & Telecommunication Engineering Units are under his
between the service provider and the client to satisfy quality, supervision and responsibility. He was fully involved in the DEWA SCMS
availability, and responsiveness but also continually monitor, long-term contract from the very beginning of the planning and design phases.
report, and react to the integrity of signal exchange processes.
Venkataraman Subramaniam is an OT Specialist in SCADA Engineering at
In the end, DEWA has carefully selected from numerous Dubai Electricity & Water Authority. He has more than 20 years of experience
available technologies and designs to create a SCSM system in electric power automation, control, SCADA, and SCMS.
specification proven to accomplish the following:
• Increased system reliability. Hamood Alhuseini is the head of the OT Telecontrol Engineering Unit at
Dubai Electricity & Water Authority. He has 8 years of experience in electric
• Increased LAN availability. power automation, control, SCADA, and SCMS.
• Better defense against cyberattacks.
• Improved system operation and understanding. Ramesh Gupta is a Senior Design Engineer within the OT Telecontrol
Engineering Unit at Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA). He has
Although the DEWA SCMS design based on IEC 61850 experience in electric power automation, control, SCADA, and SCMS. He was
Edition 2 is sufficient and complete, DEWA is looking forward the DEWA design engineer for the SCMS long-term contract.
to adding SDN and large touchscreen device displays.
David Dolezilek is the international technical director at Schweitzer
Engineering Laboratories, Inc. and has three decades of experience in electric
XII. REFERENCES power protection, automation, communication, and control. He leads a team
[1] C. Ewing, “Engineering Defense-in-Depth Cybersecurity for the Modern that develops and implements innovative solutions to intricate power system
Substation,” proceedings of the 12th Annual Western Power Delivery challenges and teaches numerous topics as adjunct faculty. David is a patented
Automation Conference, Spokane, WA, April 2010. inventor, has authored dozens of technical papers, and continues to research
[2] J. Smith, J. Pereyda, and D. Gammel, “Cybersecurity Best Practices for first principles of mission-critical technologies. Through his work, he has
created methods to specify, design, and measure service level specifications for
Creating Resilient Control Systems,” presented at Resilience Week 2016,
digital communication of signals, including class, source, destination,
Chicago, IL, August 2016.
bandwidth, speed, latency, jitter, and acceptable loss. As a result, he helped coin
[3] J. Smith, N. Kipp, D. Gammel, and T. Watkins, “Defense-in-Depth the term operational technology (OT) to explain the difference in performance
Security for Industrial Control Systems,” presented at the EEA and security requirements of Ethernet for mission-critical applications versus
Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, June 2016. IT applications. David is a founding member of the DNP3 Technical
[4] M. R. Duff, P. Gupta, D. Prajapati, and A. Langseth, “Utility Implements Committee (IEEE 1815), a founding member of UCA2, and a founding member
Communications-Assisted Special Protection and Control Schemes for of both IEC 61850 Technical Committee 57 and IEC 62351 for security. He is
Distribution Substations,” proceedings of the 70th Annual Conference for a member of the IEEE, the IEEE Reliability Society, and several CIGRE
Protective Relay Engineers, College Station, TX, April 2017. working groups.
[5] SEL-3610 Port Server, SEL-3620 Ethernet Security Gateway, and
SEL-3622 Security Gateway Instruction Manual. Available: Amandeep Kalra is an application engineer II with Schweitzer Engineering
https://selinc.com. Laboratories, Inc. (SEL) in Lynnwood, Washington, with several years of
experience in designing automation systems and secure communications
[6] J. M. Herrera, M. S. Mingarro, S. L. Barba, D. Dolezilek, F. Calero, A. networks. He has authored numerous technical papers focusing on IEC 61131-
Kalra, and B. Waldron, “Case Study of Time-Domain Automation and based automation controllers, secure Ethernet networks, cybersecurity, and
Communications: Field-Proven Benefits to Automation, Control, Ethernet-based communications protocols as well as IEC 61850
Monitoring, and Special Protection Schemes,” proceedings of the communications standards. He is a patented inventor and has represented SEL
International Conference and Exhibition – Relay Protection and at various international conferences and IEC 61850 interoperability
Automation for Electric Power Systems, Saint Petersburg, Russia, demonstrations organized by UCA and frequently teaches engineering design
April 2017. and application of IEC 61850 solutions. He has a bachelor of technology degree
[7] IEC TR 61850-90-4:2013, Communication Networks and Systems for in instrumentation and control engineering from the National Institute of
Power Utility Automation – Part 90-4: Network Engineering Guidelines, Technology, India, and a master’s degree in electrical engineering from
Technical Report, August 2013. Available: http://webstore.iec.ch/. California State University, Northridge.
[8] M. Hadley, D. Nicol, and R. Smith, “Software-Defined Networking
Redefines Performance for Ethernet Control Systems,” presented at the Prasanth Sankar received his B.Tech degree in Electronics And
Power and Energy Automation Conference, Spokane, WA, March 2017 Instrumentation from the University of Calicut, India, in 2001, and the M.Tech
with specialization in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and
[9] D. Dolezilek, J. Dearien, A. Kalra, and J. Needs, “Appropriate Testing Biomedical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Reveals New Best-in-Class Topology for Ethernet Networks,” presented Bombay, India, in 2007. In 2016, he received the Project Management
at the 13th International Conference on Developments in Power System Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI),
Protection, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, March 2016. in the United States. He has more than 14 years of experience in substation
automation, design, and execution. In 2012, Prasanth joined Schweitzer
XIII. FURTHER READING Engineering Laboratories, Inc. (SEL) Middle East, UAE, as a senior automation
engineer. He has been a design manager at SEL in the Middle East, UAE, since
S. Chelluri, D. Dolezilek, J. Dearien, and A. Kalra, “Understanding and 2015. His main areas of interest include substation automation and project
Validating Ethernet Networks for Mission-Critical Protection, management. He holds one patent, Indian Patent No. 263931, for an electronic
Automation, and Control Applications,” March 2014. Available: explosive detector.
© 2017 by Dubai Electricity & Water Authority
and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
All rights reserved.
20170714 • TP6827-01

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