Bosch Video Management System
Operation Manual
Bosch Video Management System Table of Contents | en
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbHOperation ManualOperation Client | V4 | 2010.12
Table of Contents
4.1Installing the software modules104.2Installing Bosch VMS Archive Player104.3Starting Operator Client10
5.1Displaying a camera in an Image pane125.2Finding an item in the Logical Tree125.3Arranging Image panes125.4Displaying the Alarm Image window135.5Starting manual recording135.6Starting a pre-configured camera sequence135.7Starting an automatic camera sequence145.8Using one channel audio mode155.9Using multichannel audio mode155.10Using digital zoom155.11Saving a single image165.12Printing a single image165.13Switching to full-screen mode165.14Displaying or hiding the Image pane bars165.15Displaying information on a camera175.16Starting instant playback175.17Assigning a camera to a monitor175.18Using audio mode175.19Displaying metadata (for NVR recordings only)185.20Using the Intercom functionality185.21Locking the control of a PTZ camera195.22Updating the reference image19
en | Table of ContentsBosch Video Management SystemOperation Client | V4 | 2010.12Operation ManualBosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
8.1Using the Timeline248.2Playing a specific recording mode248.3Playing recorded videos248.4Authenticating video data (for NVR recordings only)258.5Changing the playback speed258.6Protecting video258.7Deleting video data258.8Exporting video data268.9Importing video data278.10Performing a Forensic Search (only VRM recordings)278.11Finding motion (only NVR recordings)288.12Finding Logbook entries288.13Finding recorded video data29
9.1Accepting an alarm309.2Adding comments to an alarm309.3Clearing an alarm319.4Customizing the Alarm List window319.5Displaying the Live Image window329.6Starting a workflow329.7Un-accepting an alarm32
10.1CCTV keyboard user interface3310.1.1Status display3410.2Using a keyboard connected to a workstation3410.2.1Starting the keyboard3510.2.2Entering operation modes3510.2.3Displaying cameras3510.2.4Using the joystick3610.2.5Using softkeys3610.3Using a keyboard connected to a decoder3910.3.1Starting the keyboard3910.3.2Displaying cameras3910.3.3Using the joystick4010.3.4Using softkeys40