(John Henry Quinn) Library Cataloguing (B-Ok - Xyz)

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Henry Pelouze de Forest
Class of 1884
Cornell University Library
Z695 .07 1913
Library catalogufn<

3 1924 029 521 378

Cornell University
fj Library

The original of tliis book is in

tine Cornell University Library.

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the United States on the use of the text.


Library Cataloguing


Librarian, Metropolitan Borough of Chelsea; Library
Association Examiner in Cataloguing and
Lecturer in Librarianship, London

School {)f..Eco4omifs (Vniy.

; ^, 't^oMoii),

.•noon :

T*bUXl1% la6 «•»*, LTD.,



Some years. ^tJ J prepared a Maiiileil^ef Library

Caialoguing; y^ch, met with mope^'acfcH^tance than
was expected, and'^viy'bee^n.-cfut;: bf.'pfint for some
time. Upon considfirmg feq^liests; new edition,
for a
I concluded that a bodk'irpori somewhat different
lines would be more likely to meet the present
requirements of librarians and library assistants
this volume is the result.
No pretence is made that the work is exhaustive
or complete, but it is hoped that it will serve as a
practical and useful introduction to the several
codes of cataloguing rules. The statements made
in it are not meant to be dogmatic, but they indicate
the lines upon which good and accurate work is

to be accomplished. As the illustrative examples

were chosen from every-day books, and are worked
out as simply as possible, they should be found
useful by beginners; especially in preparing for
the examinations of the Library Association in this

I am indebted to my friend Mr. Frank Pacy,

City Librarian of Westminster, for reading my
proofs and suggesting many improvements, although
I am sure he would not care to accept respoiisibility
for all the views expressed or the mode of expressing
London, S.W.
July, 191 3.


Noblemen. Orienul Names.

Noblemen—Title v. Fanuly Name— Double Subject-
Entry—Oriental Names— Indian Names— Japanese
and Chinese Names— Hebrew Names— Maori Names 148

Pseudonyms. Married Women.
Pseadooymsp. Real Names— The Better-known Name
Methods of Marking Pseudonyms — Writers who use
Two Names — Phras<' Pseudonyms— Specific Entry
Repetition n;i<;ber- I'i^ of Capitals tor Emphasis
Women's Names (.'banned by Marriage Anonymous —
Books— The l)isco\cr>- of Authors of Anonymous
Itooks— " By the Author of "— Names consisting
of Initials only 161

The Bible and other Sacred Books.
Newspapers, &c.
"Anonyma" continued— The Bible and other Sacred
Books —Commentaries and Ccmcordances News-—
papers and Periodicals — Directories and Annuals . 185

Title-Entries— Classics —
Specific Subject —
tion of Subject— Definite Headings —
Popular Terms
— Historical Fiction— Novels in Series Sequels —

Fiction Known bv Special Titles Books with Changed
— — —
Titles Annotatfoos Form Entries Summary Hints 199

The Printing of Catalogues.
The Preparation of " Copy "-Markings for Type— Styles

of Printing In Various Catalogues Table of Types-
— —
Tenders for Printing Model Specification Reading —
and Correction of Proofs ^Type " Kept Standing " . 317

ArPENDix A. —The Correction of Printer's Proof . . 236

B. — A List of Contractions 239
C—A List of Psetuknyms with the Real Names 242
Inoex 250

Library Cataloguing.


The di£Bculties of Cataloguing a Library. The qualities
desirable in a Cataloguer. The necessity for Systematic

AMONG the varied duties of a librarian that

of cataloguing his books is generally supposed
by the uninitiated to be one of the easiest. The
popular idea is that books are sent to libraries
public libraries at any rate— by grateful publishers,
when all the librarian has to do is " to catalogue
them," put them up in rows on shelves, and hand
them out to the first person who asks for them.
The cataloguing of a library is ranked with that
of any other inventory, and a catalogue popularly
regarded as a mere list, calling for no particular
knowledge, effort, or care in its production. The
late Prof. John Fiske opens an interesting essay
on "A Librarian's Work" in his Darwinism and
other Essays (Macmillan, 1879) in these words,
which are equally applicable to any library of any
pretension :

I am very asked what in the
world do with his time,
a librarian can find to
or am perhaps congratulated on my connection
with Harvard College Library, on the ground that
f>eint; v rju.illy a sinecure office (!) it must leave

so much leisure for private study and work of a

literary mt!. "
Those who put such questions,
or offer such congratulations, are naturally
astonishedwhen told th.it the library affords
enouph work to employ all my own time, as well
as that of twenty assistants; and astonishment
is apt to rise to bewilderment when it is added

that seventeen of these assistants are occupied

chiefly with " caialoguing " for, generally, I find,

a library catalc^ue is assumed to be a thing that

is somehow " made " stroke, as
at a single
Aladdin's palace was built, at intervals of ten or
a dozen years, or whenever a " new catalogue
is ihcu^'hi to be needed. " How often do you
make a catalogue? " or " When will your cata-

logue be completed ? arc questions revealing


such transcendent misapprehension of the case

that little but further mystification can be got
from the mere answer, " We
are always making
a catalogue, and it will never be finished."
Prof. Fiske then proceeds to describe the diffi-

culties of cataloguing a library: "just cataloguing

a book " not being by any means so simple a task;
and he goes on to demonstrate that the work requires
" considerable judgment and discrimination " be-

sides ''a great deal of slow, plodding research."

Perhaps there is no literary labour of the kind, mere
" hewmg of wood and drawing of water " though

it be, that so quickly takes the conceit out of those

essaying it, both " arduous and per-

they frnding it

plexing." " The peculiarities of titles are, like the

idiosyncrasies of authors, innumerable. Books are
in all languages and treat of subjects as multitu-
dinous as the topics of human thought." good A

cataloguer should be learned in the history of all

literary, scientific, religious, philosophical, economic,
and political movements of all ages and all
countries, and especially must he be abreast of the
times in a knowledge of men and things, literary,
scientific, and otherwise. He needs be something
of a linguist, should be exact, orderly, methodical,
with fixed ideas and yet an open mind, painstaking,
and persevering. Even with the exercise of all these
attainments and qualities, his work will not be
found to be beyond criticism. No pretence is made
to assert that cataloguers as a body do conform
to this ideal if they did it is probable they would

find more profitable employment. The next best

thing to possessing these qualifications, however, is
to have as many as can be attained, and make up
for the rest by knowing where to find information
as needed. If the cataloguer be not " a walking
encyclopaedia " in himself, he at least should know
how to utilise the printed ones, and all other litera-
ture at his command.
There are many kinds of library catalogues
ranging from the mere lists made by private per-
sons of their own books to the great " Catalogue
of Printed Books in the British Museum," which is
so extensive by reason of the number of books con-
tained in it, that its entries are virtually limited
to a single item for each book. Whether small or
great, the principles governing their compilation are
much the same, the following chapters being
principally intended as a guide to the cataloguing
of a public library of average size.
No matter how good a library may be, its col-
lections are practically lost and useless without an
adequate, properly-compiled catalo^e As Carlyle
puts it " Abig collection of books without a good
catalogue is a Polyphemus with no eye in his head."
Even an indifferent library can be made to render
comparatively good service with a good catalogue.
In order to compile such a catalogue it is essential
that certain particulars be given descriptive of the
books, and in so systematic a way that, while the
entries will afford all reasonable information to the
person well -versed in books, they shall, at the same
time, be so clear and simple in character as to be
understood without much effort by anyone of
average intelligence. These particulars should be
comprehensive enough to afford some general idea
of the nature and scope of the book described with-
out actually examining it, though in this respect
much depends upon the character and resources of
The full descriptions usual in special
the library.
bibliographies meant for experts are not to be ex-
pected or required in the catalogue of a popular
general library.
The value of a good catalogue does not depend
upon its extent or size any more than does that of
a good book, but rather upon the exactness of the
method by which the information given is digested
and concentrated. There are library catalogues so
elaborately compiled and imposing in appearance
that they might be, and often are, considered to be
most excellent productions, whereas those who use
them &nd them little more than a medley of book-
titles — pedantic
without being learned. On the
other hand, " infinite riches in
a little room " would
often be an appropriate motto for some insignificant-
looking catalogue: Sometimes it happens that quite

a small library has a large catalogue. This does

riot always arise from a desire to make the most of
the library, but may, likely enough, be owing to
the fact that the compilation was undertaken by
some over-zealous committeeman or other amateur,
who, being " fond of books," considered this a suffi-
cient qualification for cataloguing them without
knowing that it is far easier to over-catalogue a

library than to do the work judiciously the result
being both wasteful and disastrous. The first cata-
logues of the smaller public libraries are sometimes of
this character, not always for the reason just stated;
probably owing to the desire to save the salary of
the librarian by postponing his appointment to the
last moment. He is then expected to select and
purchase the books as well as produce a printed
catalogue of them within a few weeks : the con-
ception being that a library can be selected, arranged,
and listed in bulk as goods are bought, displayed,
and ticketed in a shop, and in as short a time. The
cataloguing, then, has perforce to be delegated to
an assistant, who possibly has no training whatever.
For this reason and others the catalogue of a new
public library can seldom be taken as representing
the knowledge or ability of the librarian as a
With the spread and rise in the standard of
education, more exact and better work is now de-
manded in libraries than was the case during the
early years after the passing of the first Public
Libraries Act. The slipshod, unsystematic cata-
loguing at one time in vogue is not acceptable now,
and the public demands something more than bald
lists compiled upon no principle in particular, which
are often more bewildering than helpful to an in-
quiring reader. The student and that interesting
person " the general reader " have a better under-
standing than formerly of the uses and peculiarities
of books, and look for precise information concern-
ing them. No better evidence of the genfcral interest
taken m books is needed than that afforded by the
large place occupied by the reviewing of literature
of all kinds in the daily press and popular journals,
even m minor periodicals. There must be a public
for such reviews, otherwise editors would not provide
them; and, no doubt, the spread of libraries has
something to do with it. The old dictum that it
was not the business of a cataloguer to go behind,
or add to, the information deemed sufficient by an
author for the title-page of his book does not now
&nd acceptance.
Those who arc possessed of even a little ex-
perience will know that it is impossible to compile
a library catalogue in a haphazard fashion, and
that clearand dchnite rules for guidance must be
laid down before any part of the work is attempted,
otherwise confusion and want of proportion will
result, to say nothing of the likelihood of the loss
of work already done. Happily for a number of
years now the rules governing the proper compila-
tion of catalogues have been codi&ed, and the fol-
lowing chapters, while based upon no particular
code, are meant to serve as a practical introduction
to the best-known of them with some little modi-
fications that have been found to be convenient in

Short History of Modern Cataloguing.

The BritishMuseum Rules. Jewett's Rules. Crestadoro's
Catalogues. Huggins' Liverpool Catalogue. Cutter's
Rules. The Anglo - American Code. Dziatzko's
Instruction. Dewey's Classification. The British
Museum and other Catalogues.

BEFORE proceeding to consider the practical

we may take a brief glance
side of the subject,
at the history of modern cataloguing of public
libraries in this country. The earlier catalogues
were limited either to author-entries or were classi-
fied according to the whims of the compiler, some-
times according to the rooms or shelves in which
the books were placed.
The subject of cataloguing received the most
serious attention in the year 1850, and, roundly, we
may date its history from then. " The Rules for
the Compilation of the Catalogue of Printed Books
in the Library of the British Museum" had been
adopted in 1839, and were printed in 1841. In a
great measure they may be regarded as the basis
of all cataloguing rules since that time, at any rate
for author-entry or its equivalent. In 1850 a
Royal Commission on the management of the British
Museum had sat and issued its report, and rate-
supported public libraries were coming into exist-
ence. There had been much discussion on the need
for an adequate and promptly-produced catalogue
of the books in the Museum, and many views upon
the subject were set forth, especially by literary
experts. Their criticism was in the main directed
against the existing rules known as Panitzi's.
Anthony Panizzi, then Principal Librarian, with
others of the Museum staff, including Thomas Watts,
Winter Jones, and Edward Edwards, had each
separately prepared a set of rules according to his
own ideas for the compilation of the projected
catalogue, and these were afterwards discussed by
the compilers collectively, and differences of opinion
decided by vote.
The Secretary of this Royal Commission was J.
Payne Collier, and he was one of the opposers of
Paniui's rules, especially taking exception to the
fulness of entry because of tlie delay it entailed.
To show practically how he would catalogue he tried
his hand on twenty-&ve books in his own library
and submitted the results. Mr. Winter Jones re-
ported upon it, and said it contained almost every
possible error which can be committed in cataloguing
books. Payne Collier's attempt and his justi&cation
< f It appear in the &rst part of the Gentleman's
iiagastne for 1850, where it will be seen that a
German edition of Shakespeare is entered under the
editor alone, and a play of Aristophanes is also so
treated, besides other mistakes of a very amateurish
In this same year (1850) attention was being
directed in America to library cataloguing. The
Smithsonian Institution sent out a circular to the
effect that, being desirous of facilitating research
in literature and science, and of thus aiding in the
increase and diffusion of knowledge, it had resolved
to form a general catalogue of the various libraries

in the United States. The librarian of the institu-

tion, Prof. Charles C. Jewett, had prepared plans
for the accomplishment of this object. The first
part related to the stereotyping of catalogues by
separate titles in a uniform style. This stereotyping
was proposed to save time, labour, and expense in
the preparation of new editions of such a general
catalogue. Only as many copies as were needed for
present use were to be struck off, and then new
editions were to be printed from time to time with
later additions also in stereotype. This idea,
though it crops up from time to time, has now
no novelty about it, though recent inventions
in type-setting machines have certainly given
cause for its reconsideration. No plan of this
kind, particularly if it were to be co-operative among
the libraries, could be of the least value unless there
were uniformity of compilation according to fixed
rules, and so the second part consists of a
set of general rules to be recommended for adop-
tion by the different libraries of the United States
in the preparation of their catalogues. Jewett's
code was based upon Panizzi's " Rules for
the British Museum," with modifications and addi-
tions to suit them to general use, and more
especially in connection with his proposed co-
operative catalogue. Upon this pointhe says, " The
rules for cataloguing must be stringent, and should
meet as far as possible all difficulties of detail.
Nothing, so far as can be avoided, should be left
to the individual taste or judgment of the cata-
loguer. He should be a man of sufficient learning,
accuracy, and fidelity, to apply the rules." In order
to emphasise further the need for uniformity, he
proceeds to say that " if the one adopted were that
of the worst of our catalogues, if it were strictly
followed in all alike, their uniformity would render
catalogues thus made far more useful than the
present chaos of irregularities." From his point of
view of a national catalogue, he was perfectly right,
though for general cataloguing the argument is not
convmcing. Probably there is room for a greater
degree of uniformity in the catalogues of public
libraries than rxist'; at present, and a better under-
standing upon this point might be of some
advantage to readers and workers generally. The
fact that catalogue rules of a standard kind exist
does not seem to have exercised any great influence
in this respect.
The of Jcwctt's work is "On the Con-
full title
struction of Catalogues of Libraries and their
Publication by means of separate Stereotyped
Titles, with Rules and Examples, by Chas. C.
Jewett. Librarian of the Smithsonian Institution,
Washington." The 6rst edition was issued in 1852,
and another in the following year. The number
of rules IS thirty-nine, and they are furnished with
a series of examples and a specimen subject-index.
This may be regarded as the first code of rules
which contains subject-entries as well as author-
In 1856, some two years before Jewett put his
rules into practice in a catalogue of the Boston
Public Library, Mr. A. Crestadoro published a
pamphlet on " The Art of Making Catalogues of
Libraries." The system he recommended was to
compile the catalogue with the titles of the books
given fully, leadii^ off with the author's names, but

arranged in no particular order. These entries were

to be consecutively numbered. To this list of books
there was to be an index of authors and subjects in
a brief form with the number referring to the entry
in the main catalogue. The subject-words
were to be taken from the titles of the books
themselves and accordingly books with synonymous
titles were entered under those titles with such cross-
references as were needed. This method was put
into force by Crestadoro when librarian of the
Manchester Public Library, and the catalogue still
remains in use for the older books in the Reference
Library there. The first volume was published in
1864, the entries being numbered from i to 26,534,
though they are arranged more or less alphabetically
under authors' names, or the principal subject-
words if anonymous. To this volume is
attached a brief subject-matter index. Two
later volumes were published in 1879, and in these
the books are apparently entered very much as they
were received into the Library. A separate volume,
however, serves as an index, both of authors and
subjects, to all three volumes, and this volume is
still the real finding catalogue, the volumes with the

full particulars being little used in comparison.

This index-form of brief entries of authors and
subjects in one alphabet was utilised for catalogues
of lending libraries in Manchester; the following
example of later date being taken from one of
these :

Glacial Period, Man and the. By
Glaciers of the Alps : a t^ecture.
By Molloy
Gladiators. By Melville
Gladman (F. J.) School Method ...
Gladstone (Catherine) Life of. By
Gladstone (J H.) Michael Faraday.
Gladstone (W. E.) Biography of.
By Ruswll
— Biography liy Smith
— Character of.
— England ander. By McCarthy..
— Eany on By Brown
— Clacutone't Houae of Commons.
By O'Connor
— Cleanings of Past Years
— Go\'ernment. By Kent
— Homer ...,
— Impregnable Kock of Holy

A similar arrangement was also adopted for the

Birmingham Public Library by the late J. D.
Mullms in 1869.
At this time, or a little earlier, Samuel
Iluggins, a retired architect, was engaged by the
Liverpool Curporation to compile a catalogue of
the Public Reference Library there. He took Jewett's
Catalogue of the Boston Public Library as his
model, but with certain modi&cations. He says " in
the shaping out of all its chief features Poetry, —
Painting, Music, Architecture, the Drama, Novels,
and the Bible group, it has been so treated as to
constitute it an original and unique catalogue, which
in regard both to form and detail of these great
dep>artments of the &eld of knowledge is superior,
so far as I know, to any other work of the kind.
The subjects generally are more concentrated,
brought into fewer and larger groups than in the
excellent catalogue just named " that is Jewett's —
Boston one. One of the principles that he lays down
is that a book of science or art with a geographical

limitation will be found not under the scientific

subject of which it treats, but under the name of

the country or place to which the scientific research

is confined, and so a book on the conchology of
France does not appear under Conchology but under

France subject division " Natural History." Mr.
Huggins apparently was not satisfied that this idea
met all needs as he printed an appendix to his
volume " wherein for the greater convenience of the
student, those works in the catalogue which, by the
geographical principle of distribution, are classed
under the places to which their subjects respectively
are confined, and so, wide scattered, are brought
together, and grouped according to their subject."
The work was published in 1872, its main prin-
ciples being more distinctly those we now under-
stand by the form " a dictionary catalogue " and it
was probably the first of the kind in this country.
Under the older index catalogues a book upon
Palestine might be under such headings as Palestine,
Holy Land, Land of Promise, Lands of the Bible,
Bible Lands, or any other title adopted by the
authors on their title-pages, whereas these were all
concentrated under a single heading with such
reasonable references and cross-references as were
needed to bind the whole together or "syndetic"
as Cutter terms it. This catalogue is still in use
in the Liverpool Reference Library, but has been
improved in detail in the later supplementary
volumes, including the elimination of the form-
headings, of which Mr. Huggins made so much.
Other developments in library cataloguing about
this period lay more in the direction of attempts to

combine the hitherto almost general classified cata-

logues with subject and author catalogues in the

unsatisfactory alphabetico-classed form.
Up to this time, however, there was no
adequate code of rules suited to all require-
meots. As we have seen, the British Museum
rules were for author-entry, and Jewett's were
by no means complete enough for the purpose.
In 1876. Mr. C. A. Cutter published his
Rules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue," this
work forming the second volume or part of the

Special Report of the U.S. Bureau of Education
on the Hi-^tory, Condiition, and Management of
Public Libraries in the United States of America."
The^e rules numbered 205 as compared with Jewett's
39, and Mr. Cutter put them into use in, if they
were not actually based upon, his large Catalogue
of ike Libtitry of the Boston Athenaum. A second
edition of these rules, with corrections and additions,
was issued as a separate work in 1889, a third in
1891, and a fourth in 1904. This last edition con-
tained Mr Cutter's l.ittst corrections and additions
died m September, 1903), the
\\\i: number of rules
being increased thereby to 369. It is at present the
standard and m "st exhaustive work of the kind,
and is unlikely to be soon superseded, though it will
be improved upon from time to time as library
practice requires and its essential principles become
embodied in other codes. Librarians of all ranks
are indebted to the American Government for the
generosity with which they distributed it freely to
Both the American and British Library Associa-
tions formulated rules —
the former in 1878 and the
latter in 1883 —
though neither can be said to have
been of much ser\ic3e, the American being a conden-
sation of Cutter with some unimportant variations,

and the British getting no further than author

and title entries. The two Associations have now
combined in a series of rules known as the " Anglo-
American code " and entitled " Cataloguing Rules,
Author and Title Entries, compiled by Committees
of the American Library Association and of the
Library Association." This was published in 1908,
and the history of its production forms a preface
to the work. A fuller history and description of
it by the Secretary of the British Committee, Mr.

John Minto, is contained in the Library Association

Record, volume 11, 1909. A noteworthy statement
he makes is " I do not think that it was supposed to
be the business of the Committee to provide for the
needs of very small libraries, which, on account of
the inadequacy of their funds, are unable to provide
full catalogues, and are obliged to be content with
mere title-a-Hne lists. The requirements of such
libraries are already well served with existing codes
— for example Cutter's Rules which provide alter-
native forms, short, medium, and full, for various
grades of libraries." For this very reason the
Anglo-American code will never find much favour
for practical use in this country, though it is at
present the basis for the Library Association exami-
nations in this subject.
In 1886 Prof. Dziatzko published his "Instruc-
tion fiir die Ordnung der Titel im alphabetischen

Zettelkatalog der Koniglichen und Universitats-

Bibliothek zu Breslau " which Mr. K. A. Linderfelt
of Milwaukee translated and adapted in 1890, with
the other standard rules, under the title " Eclectic
Card Catalog Rules, Author and Title Entries,
based on Dziatzko's '
Instruction ' compared with
the Rules of the British Museum, Cutter, Dewey,
Perkins, and other Authorities." It is so ample in
its details that it covers all possible forms of
authors' names and is therefore most valuable for
reference or for compiling any catalogues, though
it may contain a great deal that is rarely required in
average library practice. The appendix, containing
a list of oriental titles and occupations with their
significance, is a useful feature of the work.
So many classified catalogues have appeared of
late years arranged according to the Dewey Decimal
System that no notes upon the history of cataloguing
would be complete without some reference to that
system. There is no doubt that it is mainly respon-
sible for the revival of this form of catalogue. The
system was planned or invented by Mr. Melvil
Dewey, when librarian of Amherst College, U.S.A.,
and was in the first instance intended for cata-
loguing and indexing purposes, though it is now
more commonly used for classifying and numbering
the books upon the shelves. It was the result of a
good deal of careful study of library needs and,
on the face of it, is simple and practical. As to
this Dewey says " in all the work philosophical
theory and accuracy have been made to yield to
practical usefulness. The imix)ssibility of making
a satisfactory classification of all knowledge, as
preserved in books, has been appreciated from
the first, and nothing of the kind attempted.
Theoretical harmony and exactness have been
repeatedly sacrificed to the practical requirements
of the library."
In spite of this statement it is astonishing how
few defects it has as a system of classification,

especially when it is remembered that every class

and every subject is divided into ten heads. This
limitation has the tendency to congest some subjects
while others do not admit of the use of so many
as ten numbers. Withal it is very elastic and useful,
though, as may be expected, things American get
preferentialand fuller treatment. The first edition
was published from Amherst College Library in
1876, the second from Columbia College Library
in 1885, the third in 1888, the fourth from the
New York State Library in 1891 the last (" edition

7") being that of 191 1, each being a revision and

enlargement of the earlier edition. The very full
index attached to the scheme makes it comparatively
easy to use, but, in the process of using, it is astonish-
ing how many books have to be specially considered
as to their correct place, a comparison of catalogues
compiled under the system showing that different
minds have interpreted the scheme quite differently.
There are other schemes of classification
applicable to cataloguing, as for instance that
known as the "Expansive," the compilation of the
late C. A. Cutter, and the "Adjustable" of Mr.

J. D. Brown. This last is used in several public

libraries worked upon what is termed the "open
access " system. The earlier history of classified
cataloguing is treated fully enough for most pur-
poses in Mr. J. D. Brown's books on library
Even this mere sketch in outline of cataloguing
would be incomplete without some allusion
to the printing of the " British Museum Catalogue of
Printed Books." The printing of the first portion,
containing the books to the end of 1881, was the
work of twenty years, and consists of 393 parts,
which superseded more than 2,000 folio volumes of
the manuscript catalogue. The supplement contain-
ing the books added to the Museum during the
years 1882-1899 was completed in 1905, and those
who have the opportunity of constant reference to
the pages of the complete work know how valuable

— e\en indispensable it is, and look forward to the
appearance of the next supplement. Decennial
supplements would be none too frequent.
When to-day so many excellent catalogues of
libraries are produced it would be invidious to single
out any for special praise, but no excuse is needed
for naming that of the London Library published
in 1903 with its subject volume of 1909, both
volumes being remarkable for condensation and
accuracy. At this time (19 13) a new revised and
enlarged edition is announced for publication.
Mr. H. B. Wheatlcy's interesting little book,
" How to Catalogue a Library," must
not be over-
looked in connection with the history of modem
library cataloguing, particularly the chapter on
The Battle of the Rules."

Dictionary versus Classified Catalogues.

Form to be fixed. The users of Catalogues. Questions
Catalogues are expected to answer. The Dictionary
Catalogue. The Classified Catalogue. The Alphabetico-
Classed Catalogue. Definitions.

WE now proceed
for whom
to consider the needs of those
our catalogues are prepared.
It may be presumed that most of those who
use this book are engaged in municipal or similar
libraries, where the requirements of the many must
be taken into account rather than the special needs
of the few. For those who have yet to acquire
experience it is as well to state that in cataloguing,
as in most other departments of library work, a
definite decision as to the form and methods to
be adopted must be made at the outset, as it is
impossible to start upon one form and then change
to another without confusion or the sacrifice of
work already done. Then, again, readers as a rule
are extremely conservative, and not only dislike
a change but are quick to resent it even when the
advantages are sufficiently obvious to warrant it.
Librarians and their assistants, too, get accustomed
to a particular method, and after several years of
working find it difficult to make a change to another
without it affecting their work, often unconsciously.
The spread of education and reading nowadays
would lead us to suppose that most people possess
a sufi^ent amount of general knowledge to enable
them to make an intelligent use of a catalogue,
provided it is compiled upon well-de&ned and
logical principles. Should the compiler happen to
have all the accomplishments named in Chapter I.,
and yield to the temptation to air them by the
production of a highly scientific catalogue, he will
find that his labours are unappreciated, and that he
roust adapt his work to the needs of the average
" man in the street." Mr. H. B. Wheatley says as
to this " that some persons seem to think that
everything is to be brought down to the compre-
hension of the fool but if by doing this we make

it more difficult for the intelligent person, the action

is surely not politic The consulter of a catalogue
might at understand the
least take the trouble to
plan u|}on which it is compiled before using it."
Mr. Whcatley's experience is not that of public
librarians generally, as not one person in a thousand
does take this trouble.
However this may be, there is no difficulty in
attaining the happy medium whereby the ignorant
(speaking, of course, comparatively) finds his wants
met as readily as the most learned, and with
simplicity and thoroughness. It has been put in
other words thus " The right doctrine for a public

library catalc^^e is that it should be made not from

the scientific cataloguer's point of view, with a
minimum of indulgence for ignoramuses, but from
the ignoramus's point of view with a minimum of
indulgence for the scientific cataloguer. That the
person who not only does not know but does not
even know kow to search should be primarily pro-
vided for." Therefore this idea of suiting the needs

of the particular public using the library must never

be overlooked by the cataloguer.
Besides considering what are likely to be the
needs of the majority of the readers who will use
the library to be catalogued, we must decide what
is the maximum amount of information that the
catalogue should afford them, also which form
will give the most of this information with the least
trouble and delay to the inquirer.
What are the questions likely to be asked that
a catalogue can be reasonably expected to answer?
These do not exceed a dozen, and are as follows :

— Have you a particular book by a given
author ?
—^What books have you by a given author?
—What books the library has a particular
person translated, or illustrated?

—What books have you upon a subject?specific

say roses.
—What books are there relating to a general
subject? say all kinds of flowers.
— What books have you in a particular class
of literature? say biography or theology.
—What books have you in a particular
language ?
8. —What books have you in a particular
literature? say French. (This a some-

what remote but not unreasonable


g. — Have you a book (author unnamed) bearing

a particular title? and, on the same footing
with this inquiry. Have you any of the
series called so and so?
la — What books have you in a particular form
of literature? as poetry.
II. —Have you a novel or other work by a par-
ticubr author dealing with a particular
period? or any similar question relating
to the inner nature of a book.
i;. — In what volume of an author's works is a
particular essay contained? (This last
question is really the same as the first in
another form.)
The first and second questions will be answered
by a catalogue consist inj^ of author-entries, that is
a dictionary of authors, or if compiled under the
British Museum rules it will answer these and the
third al<u? to a large extent. In addition it should
answer No. 12. Questions 4, 5, 6, and 10 can be
answered by means of the catalogue known as
classified —
the entries being arranged in general
classes and sub-divided as necessary, but logically,
according to the scientific relations of the subjects
of the books. If an author-index is added other
questions also would be answered with a little
trouble The same questions will be answered by
the form known as alphabetico<lassed— that is a
catalogue of subject, class, and form entries arranged
Noone style of catalogue, however, will answer
all of these questions, but the one that will answer
most of them with the least trouble and loss of time
to the user is that known as the dictionary catalogue.
It consists of an arrangement of author, subject, and
(to a limited extent) title entries in a single alphabeti-
cal sequence, and is by far the most popular form.
It is neither economical nor the most logical, but its

convenience for ready reference compensates for

these defects. It ordinarily answers questions i, 2,

4» 5> 9» and can be made to answer questions

3, 7, II, and 12 —
that is nine questions out of
the twelve.
The two most common forms of catalogues are
the dictionary and the For many years
much controversy has arisen respecting their com-
parative usefulness, and there is much to be said in
favour of both, each having merits, as already
shown, not possessed by the other. The late C. A.
Cutter points out the advantages of the classified
catalogue, thus " One who is pursuing any general

course of study finds brought together in one part

of the catalogue most of the books he needs. He
sees not merely books on the particular topic in
which he is interested, but in immediate neighbour-
hood works on related topics, suggesting to him
courses of investigation which he might otherwise
overlook. He finds it an assistance to have all
these works spread out before him, so that he can
take a general survey of the ground before he
chooses his route; and as he goes back, day after
day, to his particular part of the catalogue he
becomes familiar with it, turns to it at once, and
uses it with ease. The same is true of the numerous
class who are not making any investigation or pur-
suing any definite course of study, but are merely
desultory readers. Their choice of books is usually
made from certain kinds of literature or classes of
subjects. Some like poetry or essays or plays
[curiously he omits novels]; others like religious
works, or philosophical works, or scientific works,
not caring about the particular subject of the book
so much as whether be well-written or interesting.

To these persons is a convenience that their


favourite kind of reading should all be contained

in one or two parts of the catalogue, and freed
from the confusing admixture of titles of a different
sort. An alphabetical list of specific subjects is to
them little more suggestive than an alphabetical list
of authors. It is true that by following up all the
references of a dictionary catalogue under Theology,
for exaunple, a man may construct for himself a list
of the theological literature in the library; but to
do this requires time and a mental effort, and it is
the characteristic of the desultory reader that he is
averse to mental effort. What is wanted by him and
by the busy man when now and then he has the
same object, is to find the titles from which he
would select brought together within the compass
of a few pages; few, that is, in comparison with the
whole catalogue. It may be 500 pages, but 500
pages are better than 10,000. The classed catalogue
is better suited also than any other to exhibit the
richness of the library in particular departments."
Cutter, at the same time, proceeds to name some
of the disadvantages of this style of catalogue.
" A large part of the public are not pursuing general

investigations. They want to find a particular book

or a particular subject quickly; and the necessity
of mastering a complex system before using the
catalogue is an unwelcome delay or an absolute
bar to its ust" Then, again, there is the difficulty
of want of agreement as to classifications. The
simple remedy for such difficulty is an alpha-
betical index of all the subjects appearing in
the catalogue, whereby an inquirer is directed

to the particular part of the catalogue in which

he will find books upon the subject or topic
he wants. There are very few, if any, catalogues
of the kind without indexes now, though in the
early days they were seldom provided.
As said already, early catalogues of libraries
were mostly either classified or simply author cata-
logues. The classification was, often enough, very
poor, the sub-division not being carried very far,
and this led to the invention or evolution of the
dictionary catalogue and brought the classified, such
as it was, into disrepute.
The cataloguing of a library is one of the most
troublesome and expensive departments of its
administration. The cost of printing is greater
than ordinary printing, and the expense to a library
with its limited income is always serious, because
people will not buy a catalogue even at half the
cost price of printing but prefer to make use of
the copies provided at the desks. Moreover, at the
end of six or even fewer months after publication
the public usually regard it as out of date and
decides to wait for the next edition. In this respect
the classified catalogue has the advantage, as it costs
Ifess to print, and for this reason, as well as owing to
the custom of admitting readers to the shelves of
public libraries, there has been a revival of this style
of catalogue in late years, especially as it serves
as a key or guide to the arrangement of the books
upon the shelves of " open access " libraries. It can
moreover be printed and issued in sections without
affecting its completeness in the end.
The dictionary form, as distinguished from
a mere alphabetical list of authors, consists
of entries of books under their specific sub-
jects, instead of their classes. To
quote Cutter
again: "Thus if a book treats of Natural
History it is put under that heading; if it

treats of Zoology alone that word is the rubric;

if it is on Mammals it will be found under
mammals; and, finally, if one is looking for a
treatise on the elephant, he need not know if that
animal is a mammal he need not even be sure that

it is an animal he has merely to be sufficiently


acquainted with his alphabet to find the word

Elephant, under which will app>ear all the separate
works that the library contains on that subject.
Nothing, one would think, can be more simple, easy
to explain, easy and expeditious to use than this.
No matter what he wants he will find it at once
provided that the library has a book on just that
subject and that it has been entered under the very
word which he is thinking of. If these conditions
are not fulfilled, however, there is more trouble. If
the library has no book or article sufficiently im-
portant to be catalogued on that topic he must look
in some more comprehensive work in which he will
find it treated (as the history of Assyrian art is

related in the histories of Art), in which ca.se he

will get no help whatever from any dictionary
catalogue yet made, in finding the general work,
he must trust to his own knowledge of the subject
and of ordinary classification to guide him to the
including class, or there may be something to his
purpose in less g«ieral works (as books on Iron
bridges or Suspension bridges might be better than
nothing to a man who was studying the
larger subject Bridges), but in this case also

he will very seldom any assistance from

dictionary catalogues, and must rely entirely
upon his previous knowledge of the possible
branches of his subject. Even in those cata-
logues which relieve him of this trouble by
giving cross-references, he must look twice, first for
his own word and then for the word to which he
is referred from that."

A judicial statement of the merits of both these

styles of catalogue is contained in a paper by Mr.
F. T. Barrett, of Glasgow, entitled " The Alpha-
betical and ClassifiedForms of Catalogues com-
pared," printed in the Transactions of the Second
International Library Conference, 1897. In the
Library Association Record, 1901 (pt. i), pp. 514-
531, there is a verbal and friendly duel between
Mr. W. E. Doubleday and the author upon the
matter, mainly from the practical point of view.
The Alphabetico-Classed catalogue, as its name
denotes, is an attempt at a classified catalogue in
alphabetical order of subjects or classes, and is a
mixture of the two systems already spoken of,
and about as satisfactory as hybrids usually
are. The late Prof. Justin Winsor characterised it
as "the mongrel alphabetico-classed system, a
primarily classed system with an alphabetical graft
upon it is a case of confusion worse confounded."
The great difficulty both to compiler and user is to
know where the subjects leave off and the classes

begin in other words, whether a subject or a class
entry is likely to be the one wanted. One of the
best -examples of this kind of catalogue is the late
Mr. Fortescue's " Subject Index to the British
Museum Catalogue," and he apparently experienced
the difficulty of deciding, as for instance a book
.n the elephant appears under Elephant, but a work
" Deer."
upon the Elk must be looked for under
The usefulness of this particular catalogue cannot
be gainsaid as its value is too well known, mainly
because there is no other form of subject<atalogue
lor the library of the British Museum. Besides it
has such a comprehensive scries of cross-references
js largely obviated, and then again
that difficulty
it is only meant as a subject supplement to the
principal catalogue. Admirable as it is, we may see
how works out
it in Suppose we are
interested in Law. Under the heading " Law " we
find a large number of entries divided into par-
ticular kmds of law as " Commercial," " Criminal,"
" Ecclesiastical," &c, and these are further sub-
divided under the names of countries. One would
suppose that the subject would be here treated in
a most exhaustive manner. But that is not so, as
if we require books on the Laws of England we

must turn to the word " England." Thus we have

books on English criminal law under "Law"; a
book upon English general law under "England";
and a book say upon English election law under
" Elections, Law of." If it is right to put books
on the law of elections under Elections it might be
assumed that books on criminal law would go under
" Criminal law," but there is not even a reference
to say where they are to be found. Admittedly
" Law " is a large and complex subject, and
would fill many pages if the books upon it
were brought together. As it is the searcher
must take a long time to ascertain in any
exhaustive manner what books upon the subject

are contained in Mr. Fortescue's Indexes. Even

if the inquiry is narrowed down to say Italian law,
searches must be made in many places without
touching special Italian law at all. However there
is no system but has its drawbacks, though probably

the alphabetico-classed has the most.

There is such a thing as a dictionary
system that combines an unseen but systematically
classified system. Its root method would be to
adopt some thorough scheme of classification
permitting of the finest possible detail in
topic and adjust thereto any necessary cross-
references to cover synonymous names and
double subjects. The cataloguer would keep
the complete scheme in all its details before him
and, by means of an alphabetical index to every
adopted name, he would have a list of the
subject-headings in dictionary order and to these
he would adhere. There would still be specific
entry. This is the method that should be pursued
in the compilation of dictionary catalogues. The
classification may exist only in the mind of the
cataloguer and be formulated in no other way
unless he relies upon headings already fixed in his
catalogue. By trying to adjust headings in such
catalogues to any logical classification one can soon
ascertain whether they are systematic or haphazard.
The following definitions should be noted
before proceeding to the next chapter: —
Author-Catalogue is one in which the entries
are arranged alphabetically according to the names
of the authors (a dictionary of authors).
Title-Catalogue is one in which the entries are
arranged alphabetically according to some word of
the title, especially the first (a dictionary of
Subjecl-Catalogue is one in which the entries are
arranged according to the subjects of the books,
alphabetically by the words selected to denote those
subjects (dictionary arrangement). If these subJKt
entries are not arranged alphabetically, but are
formed into classes philosophically according to
the scientific relations of the subjects, then it is a
clasvrd or classi&cd catalogue.
Form-Catalogue is one in which the entries are
arranged according to the forms of literature and
the languages in which the books are written,
cither alphabetically or according to the relations
of the forms to one another.
Apart from these there is a style of catalogue
in whkh the entries arc selected to suit the kind
of person ftT whom the books are designed. A
catalogue of books for children would be of this
order. Wliile it would include books in all clas.ses
of literature written to suit juvenile capacity, yet
it may reasonably be regarded as a class in itself,

and a place is usually assigned to it in a classified

When a of a particular class of
literature is published it is called a
Class-List. A
catalogue of novels, or of poetry,
or of music would be so termed.
By the term Dictionary Catalogue we under-
stand a combination of the first three, viz.. Author,
Title, and Subject catalogues in a single alphabet.
The last two forms when thrown together, not
in alphabetical but in logical arrangement, make
the Classilud Catalogue.

The same two if arranged alphabetically

and not logically form the Alpkabetico-Classed
Catalogue. With this last form the author-
catalogue could be combined without any dis-
turbance of its arrangement. It can only be added
to the classified as an index or appendix.

Single Author Principal-Entry.

StaiioBery. The Auihor-Bntry. Pull Names. Imprint end
CoUatioo. Order of Inforraaiion Tabulated. Subject-
Batrf. Headin|(. Claaa-Bntry.

TO study systematically the various codes of

cataloguing rules is of great value to the
beginner in the work of cataloguing a library,
though the apparent variations and contradictions
in the codes arc at first somewhat confusing.
Their practical application to work in hand
serves better to pr^jve the usefulness and necessity
of adopting some code or a modification of it before
much progress is made. Once a choice is made, it
is better to adhere to it uniformly throughout.

The purpose of the catalogue has a bearing upon

the nature of the stationery required. A catalogue
cannot be written into a book like an inventory;
each item— even books by the same author or upon
the same subject— must be upon a separate paper
slip or card cut uniformly to any size fixed upon.
Paper slips serve quite well for manuscript, or
copy " as it is termed, for the printer, but tough
cards of good quality are needed for a catalogue
on cards to be handled by many persons. It is
a good plan in any case first to prepare the cata-
logue upon slips or cards for ofi&ce use; then, when
checked and revised, to copy from these for public
use, either upon the good quality cards as suggested,
or into the book-form of catalogues with separate


leaves, known as " sheaf -catalogues." This last-

named form is preferable for public use, and takes
up less room. Any size of slips or cards may be
adopted provided they are exactly cut to a fixed
size, 5 by 3 inches being convenient; or the
size usually provided with the index filing outfits,
now so generally in commercial use, which were first
used in the cataloguing of libraries, and then
applied to other purposes. If the slips or cards
are for handwriting, they should be ruled " feint
across, and whether so written or typed, are
better with red lines marking margins of about
half an inch at each side. If written by hand, the
writing should be round, clear, of fair size, and
above all, free from flourishes, whether written for
public use or for the printer.
Two of the first questions a catalogue will be
expected to answer are
Have you a particular book by a given author ?
What books have you by a named author?
These two questions are not precisely identical,
though they are both answered by the same form
of catalogue entry, namely, that under the surname
of the writer of the book, known as the " author-
entry." This, or some substitute therefor, is

invariably regarded as the main, or principal,

entry. the placing or position of such an
entry not the same in both the dictionary and

classified forms of catalogue, one falling under

the author's name according to its place in the
alphabet, and the other into its position in a class,
the form of the entry itself is the same in both.
The particulars for this entry must always be taken
from the full title-page of the book, never from
the binding or from the preliminary or half-title,
though at times this half or "bastard-title" will
furnish the name of the series or some other detail
not given elsewhere but wanted for full-entry.
The title-page of the first book we deal with
reads :


Ob qaem fAra • Portugal

Terra qae Deus twmdizia t

(O 10 go to Portugal, land heaven-blest)

LONDON: John Lane, The Bodley Head.

NEW YORK: John Lane Company. MCMXII.

The surname of the author then is Bell, and we

either enclose his further names in parentheses, as
BeU (Aubrey F. G.)
or with a comma and full stop, as
BeU, Aubrey F. G.
There is no reason for advocating the adoption
of one of these styles more than the other, especi-
ally in these days of type-setting m<u:hines. Where

hand composition is still in use, and particularly

in small printing offices, the use of a large number
of parentheses ( ) causes " a run on sorts,'' that is,
the supply wanted is greater than is ordinarily
found with a fount of jobbing type. Nowadays,
it being merely a question of taste, and not one of

expediency, it matters less, and as my personal

preference is for the use of the comma and point,
that style is used in the examples given throughout
this book. The form decided upon must be adhered
to if only to ensure uniform appearance —
both forms should not be found in one catalogue.
Attention to details of this kind is the essence of
good work, and after a time cataloguers, becoming
accustomed to a particular style, fall, as a matter of
course, into its use quite readily.
The surname is followed, as shown, by the
Christian or forenames, but we are often confronted
with the necessity for deciding how much of these

forenames shall go in shall they be given as on
the title-page, or shall we find out the full names
covered by the initials, or will initials alone suf&ce ?
In some catalogues the full names are given, in
others only the initials, and in a few rare
instances of " index-entry " catalogues the sur-
name alone. For an average catalogue to give the
name in its fullest possible form is more than is
required, and is wasteful of space, while the bare
initials do not enable us to discern whether the
author is a man or a woman. It is more
helpful to give the first or other important fore-
name, and to do so does not lengthen the catalogue
to any appreciable extent. The danger of this
omission is exemplified at the end of this chapter.
In the catalogues of large libraries it is often
necessary to take the trouble to get all names as
fully and correctly as possible, otherwise, owing
to the likelihood of numerous entries under persons
with the same surnames, errors may result if the
authors are not distinguished from one another in
this way. This does not imply that the cataloguer
of a collection of books up to 100,000 volumes
need go to the trouble of giving every name in full
as if he were compiling a biographical dictionary;
nor need he add the dates of the author's birth and
death to the name, as is sometimes done, because
the labour will be unappreciated, and be wasted.
Such dates, however, have at times to be given to
distinguish between authors whose names are alike.
It IS a wise plan, m any case, to limit the fore-
names or used by an author on his
initials to those
books at any time during his career. For all
reasonable purposes, or any purpose, Dante Gabriel
Rossetti. for example, is sufhcicnt, though his name
was properly Charles Dante Rossetti,
Charles Dickens, instead of Charles John Huffam
Dickens, will not be mLstaken for any other of the
name, and Joaquin Miller will serve better than
Ciocinnatus Heine Miller.
A few instances taken from recent books by well-
known authors will show how difiiculties may arise
in this connection. George Bernard Shaw's " Man
and Superman " according to the title-page is " by

Bernard Shaw," whereas his " The quintessence of

Ibsenism " is " by G. Bernard Shaw." Martin
Hume's work on " The love affairs of Mary, Queen
of Scots " is given as " by Martin Hume," but his
" Spain its greatness and decay " is " by Martin

A. S. Hume." There is the "Life of Gladstone"

"by Herbert Woodfield Paul," a book "Men and
letters," "by Herbert Paul," and " Matthew Arnold "
(in the "English Men of Letters" series), "by
Herbert W. Paul." Then we have the case of the
well-known writer on animal life who changed his
name recently on his books from Ernest Seton
Thompson to Ernest Thompson Seton. This leads
the unwary cataloguer into the mistake of getting
books by the same author under different names.
It must be confessed that the risk is not great where
such well-known writers are concerned, but if they
should be unknown authors of a past age or another
country, the cataloguer would probably not be so
well - informed, and fall into error. To cite
an instance of this, the French author, Louis Jacques
Napoleon Bertrand, we are told, took the name
of Ludovic Bertrand, and later substituted
Aloysius for Ludovic, the wonder being that he
did not change the Bertrand also. There is
need to be constantly on the alert for those who
have no fixity of name. The only little satis-
faction the cataloguer has if he finds he has tripped
is that few will have sufficient knowledge to dis-
cover his fault.
Besides the catalogues of important libraries,
the following may be named as among the more
useful works of reference for working out the
names of authors and other personages: —
Phillips, Lawrence B. The dictionary of bio-
graphical reference. 1871 and later reprints.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sir Sidney Lee (Eds.)
The dictionary of national biography; with
the supplements. 1885-1912.

Allibove, S. a. Critical dictionarj' of Eng-Iish
and British and American authors
with supplement of J. F. Kirk. 1885-91.
Smith, B. E. (Ed.) The Century cyclopedia of
names. 1894.
Al'ce, Claude (Ed.) Nouveau Laroussc illustr^;
avec supplement.
Biographic universelie.ancienne et modeme. iS 1
Nouvcllc biog^raphie g6aira\c 1852-66.
Altgemeine deut&chc Biographie. 1875- 1908.
Appleton's Cyclopa-dia of American biography.

The Xeu- York State University Library Bulle-

tin, Btbliography, No. 5, issued in 1898 at the price of
3d., consists of " A selection of Reference Books
for the use "f Cataloguers in finding Full Names."
To revert to the book we are dealing with. As
the author gives his first Christian name in full and
two initials for the others we may regard it as
quite full enough for any style of catalogue, and
adding the title of the book, the entry becomes
Bell, Aubrey F. G.
In Portugal.

The quotation on the title-page, with its

translation, is ignored altogether,be as would

anything of a similar nature, such as a motto;
these are merely adornments of the title-page, and
have no bearing whatever upon the book from the
cataloguer's standpoint If it were intended to be
very exact the omission could be indicated by three
dots (...) but the need for doing this only
applies in the case of rare or special editions.
We have now got the first two parts of our
catalogue entry, and in the order from which there

can be no deviation. Our next step is to decide

how much further information is to be given. A
catalogue of a library has been defined as a list
of the titles of books which it contains, and that it
(the catalogue) must not be expected to give
any further description of a book than the author
gives, or ought to give, on the title-page, and the
publisher in the imprint, or colophon.
The catalogue can be made to give, besides
the titles of books, such descriptions, more
or less extended, drawn from all available sources
of information, as may be necessary to furnish
means of identifying each work, of distinguishing
its different editions, of ascertaining the requisites
of a perfect copy, of learning all facts of interest
respecting its authorship, publication, typography,
subsequent casualities, alterations, etc., its market
value, and the estimation in which it is held.
For our entry we shall adopt the happy mean
between these two and add to this entry, because it
is the principal one, the information contained in
the "imprint" at the foot of the title-page, giving
the place of publication, the publisher's (or printer's)
name, and the date of publication. In the early
days of printing this information was given at the
end of a book, and termed the "colophon." We
shall also give the information spoken of as " the
collation," Consisting of a statement of the number
of pages in the book, whether it is illustrated,
and how, by maps, portraits, or otherwise, and even
if the illustrations are in colour.
The first-named place of publication on the title-
page of the book is London. In the catalogues of
British libraries it is a recognised custom to omit
naming the place of publication when a book is
unmistakably published in London, this being taken
as understood, all other places being given. Except
in booksellers* lists and similar catalogues, the name
of the publisher may
also be left out, though it is
often given in the full form of library catalogues.
In the case nf tliis book, the name of the second
place. New York, is merely supplemental, the book
bemg printed as well as published in this country.
The date of publication must always be given, and
in every entry (with the single exception of works
of fiction, referred to later), not in Roman numerals,
hdwrvrr, but in Arabic.
When books are m
a number of volumes, the
earliest and dates are given. These dates are
not iu>cssarily those of the first and last volumes,
as the volumes may not have appeared in regular
sequence, or a set may be made up from editions
of varying dates.
For " the collation " we carefully examine the
book and find that it has eight pages of prefatory

matter marked with Roman numerals d. viti.), and
the body of the work contains 227, paged in Arabic
This is shown as pp. viiL-j- 227, or as pp. viiL, 227.
The book has no map or illustrations. The
enumeration of the pages in this way, it may be
said, conveys no very exact idea of the extent of
the work, as, of course, large type requires many
more pages than small. Even the thickness of the
book is not indicated by stating the number of
pages, as an india-paper edition will contain just
the same number of pages as one on thick paper.
For these and other reasons, such information can
be omitted if economy of space is of any consc^

quence. If a book is in more than one volume it

is unusual to give the number of pages, though it is
sometimes done in publishers' lists. " book " is A
invariably understood to mean a complete work,
vi^hether in one or many volumes.
The size of the book may also be given, and
will occasionally prove useful, while completing
the entry. The book we are dealing with is octavo
in size, coming between the sizes known as " crown
and " demy," but as these terms convey no special
idea to the uninformed in book sizes, and, indeed,
no very definite idea to those who are, it will suffice
for most purposes to call the book 8° (octavo) un-
less the height is given instead in inches or in centi-
metres, as 8^in. or 21 cm. For most catalogues it

will be found sufficient to give the sizes when they

exceed octavo, it being understood that all books
are of that size, or less, unless the contrary is indi-
cated by the signs 4° (quarto) or f° (folio).
The entry completed upon these lines becomes
Bell, Aubrey F. G.
In Portugal. London and New York, John
Lane, 1912. pp. viii., 227. 8°

The information to be given, when tabulated,

falls into this order

1. —Author's surname.
2. —The author's forenames.
3. —The of the book.

4. —The name of editor or translator.

5. —^The edition if stated.
6. —The name of or publication
series society
(if any).
7. —Place of publication.
8. —Publisher's name.
(or printer's)
: : :

9. —^The date of publication,
la —TTie collation the number of volumes
(or if

more than onej.

II. —The size.
12. —The press, or other finding mark.
13. —Any descriptive note or contents.
Numbers 4, 5, 6, 12, and 13 are not required
or given in the above entry, but are here inserted
to make the table complete. With the exception
of nombers to 4, this order may be varied at will,

but only at the outset, as whatever order is decided

upon must afterwards be adhered to. The follow-
ing statement of the order given in some of the
rules is of interest in this connection, and will be
helpful ;
British Museum order under its Rules (3, 16-22)
I, Author, a, Title. 3, Edition. 4, Number of
parts or volumes or numbered pages if a single
volume. 5, Place of printing or publication and
printer's name (if necessary). 6, Date. 7, Size.
8, Press mark. 9, Note, if required.

Cutter's Rules
I, Author. 3, Title. 3, Edition. 4, Place of
publication. 5, Publisher's name. 6, Date.
7, Number of volumes or number of pages, illus-
trations, etc. 8, Size. 9, Notes of contents.

Library Association and American Library Asso-

ciation Rules
I, Author. 3, Additions to title, if any.
2, Title.
4, Edition.Place of publication.
5, 6, Pub-
lisher's name. 7, Place of printing, if given.
8, Date. 9, \'olumes or pages, illustrations, etc.
10, Size. II, Series. 12, Contents and notes.


For most libraries the information can be satis-

factorily curtailed and limited to the following : —
X,Author. 2, Title. 3, Edition. 4, Date.
5, Press mark. 6, Contents or annotations. To
these may be added, between 3 and 4, an abbrevia-
if the book is illustrated, as " illus.",
tion telling
instead of giving the collation in full.

The reduced entry for our book accordingly

Bell, Aubrey F. G.
In Portugal, igia

Having the author or principal entry complete,

we now proceed to examine the book for subject-
entry, and find that it consists of descriptions of
journeys to places off the beaten track in Portugal.
Even with the title of the book so obvious and the
subject so clearly named in it, it is wise not to take
it for granted, and examine the book as it may

contain something of value belonging to another

subject for example, there is a book of travel in
the Near East bearing the title " Pen and pencil
in Asia Minor " which contains no less than thirteen
chapters upon silkworms and the silk industry, not
only in the Levant, but in France and elsewhere
quite a respectable book within a book, but this
the title-page fails to reveal. The subject of our
book, however, is open to no doubt, and for the
dictionary catalogue the subject-entry is

Portugal :

Bell, A. F. G. In Portugal. 1912

No further entries are called for than these two

(author and subject).
In all entries subordinate to the main entry,
where the fullest particulars concerning the book
are given, the information is condensed suf-
ficiently to identif\ the book upon the supposition
that who require more details will turn
to the main entry for them. The omissions from
the subordinate entries are the full Christian names
of authors (initials alone being given), the names
of editors, translators, or illustrators, the names of
series, the collatv s, sizes, and places of publica-

tion. The entries used throughout this work demon-

strate this. The dates of publications are invariably
given in except where shown.
all entries
It has been Miitctided that all details are as
much wanted under the subject as under the author.
There is much to be said in favour of this, but it
IS impossible to make every entry a main-entry
when expense and the size of the catalogue have
to be considered.
When the time comes for preparing the manu-
script of the catalogue for the press, should it

happen that there was no book upon

the subject, then the form of entry can be changed
to what may be called a subject-title-entry, thus
Portugal, In. BcU, A. F. G. igi2
upon the principle that a " heading " is not required
unless there are two or more books to go under it
By the reverse process, if there should be two
or more title-entries of books unquestionably upon
the same subject then these are converted into entries
under a single subject-heading. If the two entries
Portugal, In. Bell, A. F. G. 1912
Portugal, Sunshine and storm in. Watson, G. 1904


they are changed to

Portugal :

Bell, A. F. G. In Portugal. 1912

Watson, G. Sunshire and storm in Portugal.
It is possible further to economise these entries
Portugal :

Bell, A. F. G. In P. 1912
Watson, G. Sunshine, etc. in P. 1904
This style was adopted in quite good catalogues,
and there is no particular loss of information
through it, though the gain of space hardly com-
pensates for the want of clearness, to say nothing
of the somewhat bald appearance of the entries.
In all the subject-entries above it will be
observed that the author's surname leads, the reason
for this being that it serves to guide to the name
under which the main-entry is to be found. The
books are also arranged in alphabetical order by
these surnames under the subject-heading.
If the catalogue we are compiling is not dic-
tionary but classified in its arrangement, then, as

already stated, there is but one entry (other than

the brief index entries), and that the main-entry.
Upon this is marked the numerical symbols of the
classification adopted, which we shall presume
throughout is the best-known and most used,
Dewey's Decimal Classification. For convenience
in sorting, the numbers are better written on the
top right-hand of the slip or card. Our entry is

marked accordingly
Bell, Aubrey F. G. In Portugal. London and
New York, John L,a.ne,igi2. pp. viii., 227. 8°
This entry can be curtailed if considered desir-
able, as shown above for the dictionary catalogue.
As some persons may not have used the Dewey
Classification, it may be explained that these
numerical symbols signify
900 History (the General Class).
910 Geography and Travels.
914 Europe.
914.6 Spain (the Iberian Peninsula).
914.69 Portugal.
Brief entries are needed for the author and subject-
index or indexes, which appear at either the end
or beginning of the catalogue when printed, thus
Bell, A. F. C. lo Poriugal. 914.69
Portugal |TraT«U). 914.69

In the following pages all the examples given

to illustrate the various points which arise in the
cataloguing of b<«'ks are worked out in full for
both the dictionary and classified catalogues, in
order to show the whole method of treatment, as
well as to prevent the misunderstanding which arose
upon explanations given only by way of suggestion,
and not as completed examples, in my former book
upon this subject
To show how difficult it is for experienced
cataloguers to avoid error and the pitfalls in their
way, it may be mentioned that several otherwise
good catalogues have these two books
Here and there in Italy and over the border, by
Linda Villari. 1893
Italian life in town and country, by L. Villari. igoa
entered as
Villari, Linda. Here and there in Italy. 1893
— Italian life in town and country. 1902


though the latter book is by Luigi Villari. With

nothing in either book to show this, the presump^
tion that both books are by the same author is
excusable, the initials of the authors' names and
the subject being alike, yet it proves that It
does not do to jump to conclusions. Correctly
catalogued, the efttries are
Villari, Linda. Here and there in Italy and over
the border, pp. viii., 269. 1893
Villari, Luigi. Italian life in town and country.
{Our neighbours.) pp. xii., 261, illus. 1902
and the subject^entries are

Villari, L. Here and there in Italy. 1893
Villari, L. town and country.
Italian life in
Both entries will be marked 914.5 for the classi-
fied catalogue (History — Geography and Travels
Europe — Italy), and the index entries will be
Villari, Linda. Here and there in Italy. 914.5
Villari, Luigi. Italian life. 914.5
Italy (Travel). 914.5

Joial-Author*. CoUadoaa. Synonymout Subjeot-Headingi,
Partidpuit* in Correcpoadenee. Referenoei. Mao
aod Wife a* Joinl-Anlbon.

WHEN entry
a book
is written by two authors, the
given under the first-named on the
title-page. The following is an illustration of the
method of treatment in such a case, and in order
to make the matter clear, the title-page is set out
in full as before. The whole title is printed in
capital letters, and has no other punctuation than
that shown.

noruMM or rourtctL rcoMovr thi univiisitv
or wiscoKim



Upon the lines already laid down, the main-

entry becomes
Ely, Richard T., and George Ray Wicker.
Elementary principles of economics together ;

with a short sketch of economic history. New

York, Macmillan Co., igio. pp. xii., 388

Frequently the names of the authors are seen

rendered in this fashion
Ely, Richard T., and Wicker, George Ray

While it is and unavoidable that the

name of the author should be turned about

to get his surname as the leading word, yet there

is no object in twisting about the second author's

name in like manner, as it is not so required, there-

fore the ordinary reading of the name is better and
simpler, as given in the first entry.
Unless needed to distinguish between different
authors of the same name, the academical degrees
are omitted, as well as any statement concerning
the professorships held by these authors, although
the fact that they hold such offices goes to prove
their qualifications for dealing with this subject.
Ifit were desired to direct attention to this, it could

be done by means of a note or annotation to the

entry, after this manner
The first author is Prof, of Poh Econ., Wisconsin
Uaiv., and the second Asst.Prof, of Economics, Dart-
month Coll.
The share of the second author in the book needs
to be recognised, and this is accomplished by means,
of a reference, as
Wicker, George Ray (Joint-Author.) See Ely^
Richard T.
If this writer happens to be the sole author of
another work, then the form of reference is made
to read

Wicker, Georg-e Ray.

— (Joint-Author). See also Ely, Richard T.

To give the reference in this form may seem to

be a contradiction of the previous statement that
the second author's name need not be turned about,
but in this case it is necessary to point directly to
the name Ely under which the entry is found.
An alternative style for both the above references
so far as the use of capitals and punctuation is

concerned is

Wicker, Geo. Ray {joint-author) see Ely,

Richard T.
Wicker, Geo. Ray.
— {joint-author) see also Ely, Richard T.

It must be borne in mind that whatever style is

adopted should be strictly followed throughout.

An explanation concerning the collation (number
of pages) is required. The book has six prefatory
leaves, paged in Roman numerals, L to xi., made
up of the half-title and the
(both unpaged),
three pages of preface (the second and third being
marked vL, vii), a blank page, three pages with a
list of contents the second and third are marked
X., xi.), and a blank page, making twelve pages in

all. Doubt will arise in a case of this kind as to

whether the title leaves and the blank pages should
be taken into account, but as the printer has seen
&t to include them all in his pagination, the state-
ment of these prefatory pages is better given as

xii. The rest of the book is straightforward, being

paged from i to 388.
A briefer form of author-entry is

Ely, R. T., and G. R. Wicker. Elementary

principles of economics; with a short sketch
of economic history. N.Y., 1910

The places of publication may be shortened

in this way where the abbreviation used can be
readily recognised —
N.Y. for New York. Examples
of other places will readily occur to the cataloguer,
especially if they are in common use, as Edin. for
Edinburgh, Dub. for Dublin, Oxf. for Oxford,
Camb. for Cambridge, Mane, for Manchester,
L'fool for Liverpool, and so on. The London
Library Catalogue goes much further than this, and
gives A. for Amsterdam, C. for Cambridge, D. for
Dublin, L. for Leipzig, and other bare initials in
the same way, though they are not consistently
used. It not only omits London as the place of
publication from English books, as already recom-
mended herein, but carries out the idea to the
exclusion of all capital cities in the cases of native
published books, leaving Paris, Berlin, Madrid, to
be taken as understood when these cities are the
places of publication of French, German, and
Spanish books respectively. In many ways the
economies effected in the London Library Catalogue
are notable, though so numerous that a consider-
able explanatory list has to be given in the preface.
The book we are dealing with would appear in
this style in the Author Catalogue
Ely (Richard Theodore) & G. R. Wicker.
Elem. princ. of economics, w. a short sketch of econ.
hist. s8° N.Y. 1910

and in the Subject Index would be further con-
densed. The shortest form allowable in the cata-
logue of a popular library, without abbreviating
the words, is

Ely, R. T., and G. R. Wicker.

Elementary principles of economics. 1910

In considering the subject-heading for this

book, we have the choice of synonymous terms,
viz.. Economics and Political Economy. The first
is the more modem
term whicli is gradually sup-
planting the i.thcr in use, and for that reason it
is the better to adopt. Having made the choice
definitely, wc at once proceed to write a cross-
reference, which will prevent the placing of any
other book ujKin the same subject under the dis-
carded heading whatever be the terms on the title-
[>age. The reader will be thus guided to the
heading which has been chosen for the subject.
It is a fundamental principle of the dictionary
catalogue, which cannot be too often impressed
upon the cataloguer, that a book is entered under
Its specific subject quite irrespective of the terms

used upon the title-page, and that two books upon

the same subject ought not to be in two places.
Accordingly the reference to this end will be

Political Economy. See Economics.

which prevents the placing of any book under

Political Economy.
The subject-entry is

Ely, R. T., &c. Elementary principles of
economics. 1910

Besides the economies in subordinate entries

already referred to, it will be seen that the second
author's name has "etc." substituted for it; as a
well-recognised further economy that may be
adopted without hesitation.
No other entries of any kind are needed for
the dictionary catalogue, as the book is adequately
catalogued as shown.
For the classified catalogue, the author-entry
is marked 330.2 (300 Sociology, 330 Political
Economy, 330.2 Compends), and the entries for the
indexes are
Economics 330
Political Economy 330
Ely, R. T., &c. Elem. economics 330.2

The writers of a published correspondence are

regarded as joint-authors in the same way, except
that a book like
The correspondence ofThomas Carlyle and Ralph
Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872. 2 v. ports. 1883
cannot be covered very satisfactorily by an entry
under the first-named and a reference under the
second, as in the Ely-Wicker above, such a book
needing two entries. An examination of it shows
that the letters were edited by Charles Eliot Norton,
and, though this is not stated on the title-page, it
goes into the principal entry, but between brackets
(not parentheses), which, as Cutter says in his Rules,
are important, " both as a check on indiscriminate
addition and as an aid to identification." The
main-entry is
Carlyle, Thomas, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Correspondence, 1834-72; [ed. by Charles
Eliot Norton.] 2 v. ports. 1883
and the second entry under
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, and Thomas Carlylb.
Correspondence, 1834-7;. ' v. 1883

A reference is required under the editor's name,

Norton, Charles E. (Ed.) See Carlyle, Thomas.

Mo-,t catalogues will have a goodly number of

cntru^ under Carlyle. To enlarge the reference
sufficiently to describe the particular book involves
a reference as long as an entry. In such case give
the entry
Norton, Charles E. {Ed.) Correspondence of
Thomas Carlyle and Ralph W. Emerson. 2 r.


or, shorter still,

Norton, Cbas. E. (Ed.) Correspondence of Car-

Ivle and Emerson. 2 v. 1883

This IS better than a reference, as it takes up no

more room and saves the searcher the trouble of
turning to another part of the catalogue. book A
of this kind, obviously, has no subject-entry.
In the classi&ed catalogue a dual book like this

needs two entries one in 816.3 (American Letters)
for Emerson, and another in 826.8 (English Letters)
for Carlyle, with the index entries

Carlyle, Thos. Correapoodenoe with Emerson, 826.8

Emerson, R. W. Correspondence with Carlyle, 816.3

The book itself cannot go under both these

numbers on the shelves; choice of one must be
made, preferably the Carlyle number, though this
does not afiFect the entries in the catalogue except

so far as the necessary clue to the position of the

book for finding is concerned.
A somewhat exceptional example of joint-
authors, fortunately for the cataloguer, is that of
a man and wife whose names appear on their
books sometimes with the one leading, sometimes
the other. This is to be found in the books by the
mountaineers and explorers Mr. and Mrs. Workman,
two of whose books may be taken to illustrate the
matter, and catalogued as they would be under
ordinary circumstances, viz.,

Workman, William Hunter and Fanny Bullock.

Through town and jungle : fourteen thousand
miles awheel among the temples and people
of the Indian Plain. 1904. pp. xxiv., 380,
map, illus.

Workman, Fanny Bullock and William Hunter.

In the ioe world of Himalaya among the

peaks and passes of Ladakh, Nubra, Suru,

and Baltistan. 1900. pp. xvi., 204, maps,

Owing names being reversed, these

to the entries
would not come together in the catalogue, so the
cataloguer quite justified in stretching the mean-

ing of the rules in order to avoid their separation.

The name that appears first in the majority of the
books by the two authors is adopted for the entry,
which in this case is the lady. Accordingly the
first book will be brought under the second form

of the names, and other books they have written

conjointly will be so entered, that all of them may
come together. In order to prevent misunder-
standing, and lest the second name be read as
Hunter, the names can be shortened, as
: — "

WoRKHAN, Fanny B. and Wm. H. In the ice
world of Himilaya: antong the peaks and
passes of Ladakh, Nubra, Suni, and Baltis-
tan. 1900. pp. xvi., 204, maps, illus.
— Through town and jungle : 14,000 miles awheel
among the temples and people of the Indian
Plain. 1904- PP- ^c^^i^M 3^> map, illus.

It allowable to interpret " fourteen thousand

as 14,000, in the middle of a title, as above; if
the title commenced with it, the words are better.
Although the separate names of these authors
may come together in the catalogue, it is better
not to anticipate that they will, so it is safer to
give the necessary reference

Workman, U'illiam H. {joint-author.) See Work-

man, Fanny B.

At the time of printing this reference may be

omitted if it is found that no other name comes
between, though the reference stands if the rules
are literally followecL
For the first of these two books the subject-
entry JS

Himalayas, The :

Workman, F. B., &c. In the ice world of

Himilaya. 1900

and two references will be desirable and necessary,

See also Himalayas.
See also Himalayas.

The first of these will insure that a person requiring

books upon India in all parts will not overlook

those upon the Himalayas, and the second will

show that books upon mountain climbing in par-
ticular regions are entered under the names of
those regions.
As the journey chronicled in the second of these
books covered the length and breadth of India, it
is entered under the name of the country accord-

ingly, and placed in that sub-division of the subject

allotted to books of travel.

India :

Travels and Description.

Workman, F. B., &c. Through town and
jungle. 1904
Any subject-heading comprising a comparatively
large number of books is better sub-divided, as
it not only facilitates reference, but in a way indi-

cates the character of the books.

Here again title - entries under " In " or
"Through " would be useless and wasteful.
For the classified catalogue the first of these
books is marked 915.42 (History, Geography and
Travels, Asia, North-west Provinces, etc.),
and the second 915.4 (Travels in India generally).
The index-entries are
Workman, F. B., &c. Ice world of Himalaya. 915.42.
— Through town and jungle. 915.4
Himalayas, The 915.42
India (Travels), 915.4

Books by more than Two Authors.

Composite Books.
Booki by Thre* Aolbora. Cboioe of Subjeot-Headinti.
Crom-Hcfrrsaec*. Boolu by number of Authon.
Bodcnulical aod otber Tiilct of Honour. The uie of
CapitaU. Editor*. Datn of Publioalioo. Title-Botriei.
PBootuatton. " ladcziBl" Conlenti of Compotite Books.
Separate Works prinled together. Volume* of B*(*y*
by SiBfle Author*.

A BOOK written by more than two authors or of

a composite character needs careful considera-
method of entry. If the number of
tion as to the best
authors does not exceed three, the book can be
dealt with on the lines indicated in the preceding
chapter. The principal entry of a book of this
nature is

Cadbury, Edward, M. Cteile Matheson, and

Georg-e Shavn. Women's work and wages :

a phase of life in an industrial city. 1906

The method of giving the imprint and collation

having already been shown, they are omitted as far
as they can be from this and all subsequent entries
taken in illustration, upon the understanding that
thosewho desire to give them in full know how
to —
do so, and others the majority — who look upon
them as burdening the entry, can see how far they
may be judiciously left out

The second and third authors of the above book

require references from their names
Matheson, M. Cecile (joint-author.) See Cad-
bury, Edward.
Shann, George (joint-author.) See Cadbury,

Where strict economy of entry is of importance,

these two referencescould be dispensed with,

though it is undesirable to omit them if space can
be spared. The economy can, of course, be carried
much further by laying down a rule to the effect
that, when a book has more than two authors, only
the first shall be taken into account, in this way

Cadbury, Edward, and others. Women's work

and wages. 1906

in which case the references cannot be given, as

there is nothing to refer to, the names of the other

authors not appearing in the entry. Some cata-

logues economise by leaving out all references
from the names of joint-authors without any
serious difficulty arising, though it is not in accor-
dance with good cataloguing principles.
An alternative method of entry, and one recog-
nised by the rules, though it is cumbersome, is to
take the name of the first-mentioned author as the
" heading," followed by " and others," and bring
the names of all into the entry, after this
Cadbury, Edward, and others. Women's work
and wages a phase of life in an industrial

city, by Edward Cadbury, M. Cecile Mathe-

son, and George Shann. 1906
the references (" added entries ") from the two
last-named authors being given as recommended
This book requires two subject-«ntries and a
reference,it being upon women's work and the pay-

ment therefor among the poorer class of workers

in Birmingham, and is a contribution to the litera-
ture of the labour question as regards women.
Therefore it is entered under the heading " Labour,"
with a sub-heading " Women's work"

Women's work.
Cadbury, E., &c. Women's work and wages.
We have the choice of another heading, viz.,
"Women"; and as there will certainly be other
books in a reasonably sized library upon the
labour and wages aspects of the question, it would
be a waste of space to give double entries (under
both headings), therefore we proceed to put the
matter right by a reference—
Women :

See also Labour (Women's work).

If we consider that the book has some bearing,

as this has, upon the social question in general,
sweating, and poverty, we add See also references
under amy headings adopted for these subjects.
Social Question, The :

See also Labour.

Sweating :

See also Labour.

See also Labour.

When the time for printing arrives, if the com-

pleted catalogue has no books entered under any of
these headings, the See also reference must either
be withdrawn altogether or converted into a See
reference. For example, the reference from
" Sweating " might be given as

Sweating. See Labour.

upon the supposition that books solely upon this

aspect of the labour might be better
placed under the more general heading, though
this is somewhat against the rule for specific entry.
The difference between these two forms of refer-
ence may again be emphasised. The See reference
is intended to prevent books being entered under

the subject-heading referred from in order that

they be placed under the heading referred to;
the See also reference is an appendix to a subject-
heading, under which books relating to the subject
in general are entered, and is meant to direct to
lesser or related divisions of the same subject.
The scope of the inquiry of the book is local
and has an important bearing upon social condi-
tions in Birmingham, which must be taken into
account, therefore an entry is given

Birmingham :

Social, &c. Conditions.

Cadbury, E., &c. Women's work and wages.

The fact that the book is so entered signifies in

itself that it applies particularly to Birmingham,
without any further necessity for showing the
In the classified catalogue the book is placed at
3314 (Sociology. Capital. Labour and Wages.
Labour of Women), and the index entries are
Ckdbary, E., Ac Wooen'i work. 331.4
L*boar, 331 4
Womeo't work, 331.4
Biimiogluun, Womeo't work, 331.4

The next book we take in hand has the names

of no less than twenty-three contributors on its
title-page, and is entitled
TTic Church and life of to-day, by the Bishop of
Bristol, the Dean of Manchester, the Bishop
of Durham [and twenty other names follow-
ing.] 1910
Clearly all the names cannot be reckoned with in
this case, and so we take the first, the Bishop of
Bristol. Lnder no circumstances would the book
be entered by the name of the See or Deanery
of any of the writers, and, if not given in the book,
the name of the Bishop or Dean must be ascertained
from a Clergy List or any other available source,
taking care that the name is that of the right p>er-
soa Accordingly the entry under the surname of
the first-named author becomes
Browne, G. F., Bp. of Bristol, and others. The
Church and life of to-day. 1910
The Bp. of mzy be curtailed to simple
Bp., as bishopschange their sees at times, and it
must be a rare occurrence to have two bishops of
the same surname at the same date. It is the rule
to give the highest position attained at the time
the catalogue is prepared, irrespective of the date
of publication of the book, even though it may
appear to be an anachronism. This, by the way,

applies not only to ecclesiastical preferment, but

to changes in the peerage or any other accessions
in rank. The second
essay in this volume illus-
trates this point, though not so far as this book
is concerned. It is by " the Rt. Rev. J. E. Welldon,
Dean of Manchester, late Bishop of Calcutta." The
cataloguer does not trouble to notice both offices, but
takes the highest which has been held, and enters as
Welldon, J. E. C, Bp.
While the rules recommend reference from the
name of the See, it serves no very useful purpose,

and would multiply entries largely if always given.

The form when used would be
Bristol, Bishop of. See Browne, G. F.
It has already been shown that the offices held by
a writer and his academical or other honours are
ignored by the cataloguer unless for the special pur-
pose of distinguishing between authors of the same
name. If the title is so used, it is given as
Smith, Rev. John,
if the degree, as
Smith, John, m.a.
and not in the form occasionally seen, of
Smith, M.A., John.
Anything required to distinguish between authors
may be used, even the name of the place with which
a man is identified. A
good example of four
authors, sometimes mixed for want 6f this, is
Taylor, Isaac, Baptist minister, Calne.
Taylor, Isaac, Canon of York.
Taylor, Isaac, Indep. minister, Ongar.
Taylor, Isaac, of Stanford Stevens.
As three of these are " Rev.," no purpose is served
by a&dog that title to their names, and in cata-
loguing would generally be no more useful than
to attach " Mr. " to others. It is considered to be

quite in order to ignore all ecclesiastical titles

below that of a dean, and, in the democracy of
cataloguing, military and civil distinctions share
the same fate. It is a matter of no moment to
the cataloguer that ^e compiler say of a dictionary
of quotations holds the rank of colonel. Civil
distinctions below that of a knight may safely be
disregarded, even "Hi'ti" omitted from the names
of younger sons and daughters of the nobility,
though It is customary and better to give the
higher courtesy titles of Lord and Lady. The
custom here outlined works quite satisfactorily in
practice, and is economical of space, but any who
wish to be particularly exact and deferential in
this respect cannot do better than follow the
British Museum rule (No. 15) in its entirety and
after the manner of the examples attached thereto.
The honours lists of each New Year and King's
Birthday must l>e closely examined, and the changes
in titles noted for alteration in the catalogue.
Something must be said here as to the use of
capital letters in cataloguing. Until comparatively
recent years it was the recognised custom to give
a capital initial to every word that would admit of
it, but this fashion is not now so generally observed.

Perhaps our American cousins are to be blamed (or

praised) for this. As has been truly said
" The reasons for writing and printing all
catalc^ue titles in small letters and with only such
capitals as cannot be avoided is two-fold. First,

there can be no standard prescribing what words

should or should not be capitalised [that is, a rule
saying what words should have a capital letter
under the older fashion], and so the cataloguer
will be constantly at a loss, or will use capitals
in the most unprincipled way. He one
will write
day, The Dangers of great Cities,and the next,
The dangers of Great Cities; with no particular
reason for either form. Secondly, the appearance
— —
the symmetry of a title or a sentence, whether
written or printed, is best attained by the exclusion
of capitals. Nothing can be more unsightly than
the constant breaking up of the harmony of a line
by the capricious use of capitals."

The use of capitals is now mostly limited to proper

names and to adjectives derived from them, besides
those customary in ordinary usage. In foreign
names the custom of the language is followed, and,
therefore, speaking generally, there would be more
capital letters in the Teutonic languages, and fewer
in the Romance languages. In the entry of the book
under notice it is seen that the word Church has an
initial capital because the Church of England is
meant and not the Christian church in general.
There is a recommendation to the effect that a
capital initial should be used to the second word
in the title of a book if the first word is an article,
and this, though not commonly adopted in practice,
has the advantage of emphasising the word where-
by the entry is usually alphabetised (as shown
later), as the articles "a," "an," and "the," are
invariably ignored for this purpose when beginning
a title, though they are taken into account in the
middle of a title. The use made of capital letters.
throughout the illustrative entries in this book is
that becoming general, and can be noted in passing.
It is not intended to dogmatise on the use of

capitals, as it resolves itself into a question of taste

rather than one of utility— the rule is, however,
"in all doubtful cases avoid the use of capi-
The twenty-three essays or articles in the book
before us range over as many topics, opening with
one on novels and novelists, and closing with one
on training in patriotism. As there is a more or
less single purpose or idea running through them
all, VIZ, the influence or bearing of the Church of

England on the ethical and social questions of

the day, the whole book is entered under the name
of that Church for subject.

Church of En^and :

Browne, G. F., &c. The Church and life of

to-day. 1910

As already stated, when the number of entries

under such a subject-heading warrant it, they should
be sub-divided to facilitate reference and indicate
as far as possible the nature of the books. As a
rule such divisions suggest themselves by the
quantity and nature of the material in hand when
arranging it under the heading, the entries falling
into sections like History, Customs, Ritual, Polity,
etc, this being marked and placed with the sub-
division most appropriate.
The book also has a large bearing upon the
ethics of these days, and seems to need an addi-
tional entry under " Morals " or " Ethics." If any
doubt exists as to the value of the book as a

contribution to the subject, let the mistake be made

on the right side, and give the entry
Ethics :
Browne, G. F., &c. The Church and life of
to-day. 1910
and the reference from the synonym
Morals. See Ethics.
For the classified catalogue the entry is marked
261.4 (Religion. The Church. Church and Morals.),
and the index entries

EiUcs, Church and, 261.4

ChuTch of England and Moials, 261.4
Morals, Church and, 261.4
Browne, G. F., &c. The Church and life of to-day, 261.4

A book somewhat similar to the last but varying

in the method of treatment is

The citizen of to-morrow : a handbook on social

questions edited by Samuel £. Keeble for the
Wesleyan Methodist Union for Social Service.
London, Charles H. Kelly
Examining the book we find that there are three
series, each consisting of five essays, classified as
" Historical and General," " Labour and Poverty,"

and " Citizenship and Service." The book, having

a general editor, the main-entry is given under his
name, and because of this is not entered under that
of the writer of the first essay, as in the previous

Keeble, Samuel E. (Ed.) The citizen of to-

morrow a handbook on social questions.

(Wesleyan Methodist Union for Social Ser-

vice.) [igo6]
The abbreviation Ed. may be used either for editor
or edited, the position marking the meaning. The
year of publication is not on the title-page, but is
taken from the end of the preface, which is dated
"June 30, 1906 " being, therefore, an addition to

the title-page enclosed in brackets. The value

it is

of giving the year of publication wherever possible

is unquestionable. When there is no clue to it in
the book itself, all available sources of reference
should be searched, more particularly the English
Catalogue of Books and library catalogues. In the
event of the search proving fruitless, the letters
" n.d.", signifying no date, are put in place of the
As was the case with the previous book, each
essay in book deals with a separate subject,
yet the whole forms a single subject, and may be
fitly placed under a heading entitled, say,

Social Question, The :

Keeble, .S. E. {Ed.) The citizen of to-morrow.

Such a heading would be specially reserved for

books dealing with the whole social problem, and
no book should &nd a place under it if upon a
particular phase, such as housing, the land, un-
employment, etc, as the position for these is under
the name of the special subject they deal with.
As recommended already, See also references should
be given from it as books upon the separate sub-
jects come up for cataloguing.
TTie book is unlUce that upon the Church of
England, inasmuch as it lays no particular stress
upon the efforts of the Wesleyan Methodists towards

social reform. At tJie same time, the work

has been
prepared under tlie auspices of the
Wesleyan Methodist Union for Social Service, and
this must be recognised, in full catalogues at any
rate, by the entry
Wesleyan Methodist Union for Social Service.
The citizen of to-morrow ; ed. by S. E. Keeble.
A book ofthis varied nature is a little puzzling in
regard to its right place in the classified catalogue,
as some parts of it bear on topics in the class

Sociology, though in the aggregate it may be re-

garded as belonging to Social Ethics, and so is
marked 177.
In the books hitherto taken as examples, no
entries have been given under the first words of
the titles, as it is not considered that they are
required. There is the remote possibility in
this instance of the book being remembered by
but that does not justify the entry, as any
its title,
person interested would remember one of the three
entries already given. When it is thought essential
or desirable to give a title-entry, it will be shown
as we proceed. The
older catalogues of popular
libraries were largely based upon the principle of
a title-entry for every item ; the first or some other
striking word of the title-page being taken; it
being considered rank heresy to go behind the
words of the title, as already mentioned. The
result was often confusing, if not actually
misleading. A that of the first
case in point is

book we took in (page 34).

illustration Under
the old system this would have appeared as
Portugal, In. By A, F. G. BeU.
while Lady Jackson's " Fair Lusitania," thougb
identical in subject, would be in another part of the
catalogue, as

Lusitania, Fair. By Lady Jackson.

It may be noted in passing that every book

taken so far in illustration is virtually without

a punctuation mark of any kind on the title-page
If the title-pages had been punctuated by the
pnnter, it is probable that no two of them would
have been alike in principle, therefore the cataloguer
must provide the punctuation as he proceeds, cer-
tainly it cannot be left to the printer. The entry
above under " Kecble " lends itself to an explanation
of the punctuation used in it. The parentheses
enclosing the (£</) serve to isolate it from the
initials of the author's name, and so prevent mis-
understanding in that respect. Occasionally the
form used is
Kbkble (Samuel E.) ed.

A colon used between the title of the book (" The


citizen of to-morrow ") and its explanatory sub-title

(" a handbook on social questions ") which makes

the distinction clear. If the second title were an

alternative one preceded by " or," the first title is
followed by a semi-colon and the second preceded
by a comma, as
The citizen of to-morrow ; or, a handbook on social

The printing of the name of the Union of Social

Service in italics enclosed in parentheses emphasises
in some measure the fact that it is published
for that body, and indicates the point of view

taken. In the entry under "Wesleyan Metho-

dist Union" semi-colon before the "ed. by
S. E. Keeble " is a good form, separating the name
from the title of the book without cutting it off
altogether as a full stop would do. On the other
hand, if he were the sole author of the book, the
" ed.," being omitted, the " by " would be preceded
by a comma, as
Wesleyan Methodist Union for Social Service.
The citizen of to-morrow, by S. E. Keeble.

The next is apparently of the same kind

as the two preceding books, yet it calls for quite
different treatment. The title-page reads

Essays and studies by members of the English

Association. Collected by A. C. Bradley.
Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1910

Here the English Association in its corporate

capacity is regarded as the author of its own
publications, the editor or collector occupying a
subsidiary place, more particularly in this case,
as each of the three volumes of these Essays and
studies published has a
so far different editor.
Accordingly our entry becomes
English Association, The. Essays and studies;
collected by A. C. Bradley. Ox\., 1910

with a reference
Bradley, A. C. {£d.) See English Association.

The volume contains seven essays, each by a dif-

ferent author upon a separate subject, and, unlike
the other two books, without a general idea running
through the whole. For full, and, indeed, for
average catalogues, each of these essays must be
reckoned both for authors and subjects.
Where space not of much consequence, and it is

desired to catalogue the book fully, then the con-

tents are set out under the principal entry, and
each of the essays dealt with as if it were a
distinct work. This is for the dictionary cata-
logue. To carry it out adequately fifteen entries
are necessary, and are here fully worked out.

English Association, The. Essays and studies;

ed. by A. C. Bradley. Oxf.. 1910
Eoglith pUoenames, by H. Bradley. On the
prcaeai lUte of EnglUh proouncUttion, by R. BridgM.
Browniog, by W. P. Ker. Blind (Urry'i Wallaci. by
G. Ncilioo. Shaketpearr and the grand 6tyle, by G.
Sainttbury. Some saggntiona about bad poetry, by
E. Sicbel. Carlyle and his German maitcrt, by C. E.
This is the principal entry for the dictionary cata-
logue, and the only one for the classified catalogue,
where jt is marked 820.6 (English Literature.
Societies.) The extent to which the contents of such
a book would be noticed in the indexes to a classi-
fied catalogue is a matter of discretion, and pre-
sumably they would be ignored. Not so, however,
in the good dictionary catalogue; as it is a matter
of every-day experience with librarians to find that
essays of the kind often give the gist of a subject
in such a way as to be sufficient for the needs of
most of those interested in it, and, moreover, such
an article or essay may prove to be the only con-
tribution to the subject appearing in the catalogue,
or the only one the library contains. The further
entries then for the dictionary catalogue are these:

Bradley, Henry. English place-names. (English

Assoc, essays.) 1910
: "


Place-Names :

Bradley, H.English place-names. (English

Assoc, essays.) 1910
Names, Place. See Place-names.
It is essential that the " (English Assoc, essays)
be in every entry as a guide to the book containing
the essay. More correctly it should be given with
more detail, as

Bridges, Robert. On the present state of English

pronunciation. (English Assoc. Essays and
studies.) igio
but the shorter form serves its purpose.
For the subject-entry of this last item we can
choose between " Pronunciation, English," " Eng-
lish Pronunciation," and " Phonetics." An exami-
nation of the essay proves that for several reasons
the first is the best to select, and it becomes
Pronunciation, English
Bridges, R. The present state of English
pronunciation. (English Assoc, essays.)
The matter can be easily put right, as before, by
the serviceable references
English pronunciation. See Pronunciation, Eng-
Phonetics. See also Pronunciation.
The apparent of such references
seems to suggest catalogue
that thewould be
chiefly composed of references, but as a matter of
actual practice this is not so, as often a single
reference serves for many books.

Ker, W. P. Browning. {English Assoc, essays.)

BrowninC, Robert.
Ker, W. P. Browning. (English Assoc,
essays.) 1910
Nbii^on, G«o. On Blind Harry's Wallace.
(English Assoc, essays.) 1910
Harry, Blind. See Henry the Minstrel.
Henry the Minstrel. Blind Harry's Wallace.
Neilson, G. (English Assoc, essays.) 1910
Saintsburt, Geo. Shakespeare and the grand
style. (English Assoc essays.) 1910
Shakespeare, Wm.
Saintsbury, G. Shakespeare and the grand
style. (English Assoc, essays.) 1910

This heading is likely to be so large in quantity of

material that will need some sub-division of the

works 011 Shakcs(;)care (which will follow those

by him.)
SiciiBi., Edith. Some suggestions about bad
poetry. (English Assoc, essays.) 1910
Sichel, E. Some suggestions about bad
poetry. (English Assoc, essays.) 1910

A heading of this kind, of course, only includes

books upon poetry as a subject, and not works
because they are written in poetical form.
Vauchan, C. E. Carlyle and his German masters.
(English Assoc, essays.) 1910
Carlyle, Thomas.
Vaughan, C. E. Carlyle and his German
masters. (English Assoc, essays.) 1910

The suggestion made in the Shakespeare entry

above also applies to this Carlyle entry. There is
no occasion to repeat the heading of Carlyle as

subject when printing, as this style of type seems

to imply, though
it is sometimes done, and there

is nothing against it. Books by and on an author

can be distinguished by the use o£ the dash and
indent, as below, or by printing the books on in
smaller type.

Carlyle, Thomas. The French Revolution. 3 v.

— The life of Friedrich Schiller. 1873
— Sartor resartus.
Arnold, A. S. The story of Carlyle. 1888
Vaughan, C. E. Carlyle and his German
masters. (English Assoc, essays.) 1910

If the exigencies of space necessitate making

choice between setting out the contents of a volume
of this miscellaneous character, as in the principal
entry above, or index-entries for author and sub-
ject in this way, there can be no question that in-
dexing is the better, because each of the articles
is a contribution to the subject, and if not so

indexed is lost. This loss must perforce be risked

when the collections are so voluminous that they
require an enormous number of entries to complete.
Unless space and expense are of no consequence,
there is no alternative but to dispense with
the index entries. Sainte Beuve's Causeries du lundi
is a case in point, and the opposite course of setting

out the contents of these volumes under the princi-

pal entrymust suffice for most catalogues.
Whatever doubt may arise as to the policy of
indexing such a work, none whatever exists as to
the necessity for dealing separately with the con-
tents of a volume which consists in reality of
several works brought together by an editor or
publisher. A good example of this is
Ideal commonwealths Plutardi's
: Lycurgus,
More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Cam-
pancUa's City of the Sun, and a fragment of
Hall's Mundus alter et idem with an intro-

duction by Henry Morley. loth edition.

London : Routledge.

Each of the individual works must be catalogued

separately and completely precisely as if each were
a separate public.it n in The main-entry may appear
under the name of Morley as editor (though his
share in the production seems to consist merely of
a preface of four pages) in this form

Morley, Henry (£d.) Ideal commonwealths, n.d.

I'Iniarcb'ii Lycurgui. Mom's Utopia. Bacon's
Nrw AtUotia. CampaMlU's City of the Sun. Hall'*
Muodui alter e< idem (fragmeDt).

The subordinate or added entries in this case being

given under each author.

Plutarch. Life of Lycurgus. (Morley. Ideal

commonwealths.) n.d.
More, Sir Thomas. Utopia. (Morley. Ideal
commonwealths.) n.d.
Bacc'N, Francis, Lord. New Atlantis. (Morley.
commonwealths.) n.d.
Campanella, Tommaso. The City of the Sun.
(Morley. Ideal commonwealths.) n.d.
Hall, Joseph. Mundus alter et idem; transl. by
Wm. King. (Morley. Ideal commonwealths.)

In the Campanella item above the Christian name

is kept in the vernacular, as it is a customary rule


to so enter all names instead of anglicizing them,

even when the books are translations.
In addition to the foregoing entries, all the
works contained in the book, the Plutarch excepted,
will need title-entries in the dictionary catalogue.

Utopia. More, Sir T. (Morley. Ideal common-

wealths.) n.d.

The "(Morley. Ideal commonwealths)" must be

inserted in every entry as a guide to the book con-
taining the works. The form more correctly is
"(Morley, H. (Ed.) Ideal commonwealths.)",
though the shorter form is sufficiently distinctive.
Even this could be left out if it happened that
the entry covered the only edition of any of the
books contained in a library, when the usual shelf
mark attached to the entry might be regarded as
a sufficient guide, and the entry reduced to the
simplest form of

Utopia. More, Sir T. n.d. 320.1

though this is not recommended.

On the other hand, if a library had a collection
of editions of the Utopia, it would be a good and
reasonable economy to cover the whole by a refer-
ence to the author's name, where they would be
found set out in detail, as

Utopia. More, Sir T. See under More, Sir


The remaining entries, continued on the same lines,

New Atlantis. Bacon, Lord. (Morley. Ideal
commonwealths.) n.d.
City of the Sun, The. Campanella, T. (Morley.
Ideal commonwealths.) n.d.
Mundus alter et idem. Hall, J. (Morley. Ideal
commonwealths.) n.d.

For the classi&cd catalogue the full entry, as

shown under Morley above, is numbered 330.1
(Political Science. Theory of the State), and each
author must appear in the index.
The foregoing rules and suggestions are also
applicable to works of a varied character when the
work of a single author — volumes of essays usually
meriting and receiving separate entries under the
subjects. Fletcher's A L.A. Index to General
Literature, Boston, 1905, is a useful work of
reference in this connection, though it does not
compensate for Ure want of the indexing referred
to in this chapter.
A volume may consist of a number of essays
or articles by an individual author upon topics so
closely related that they are a contribution to a
single subject. Such, for example, is

Pblhau, Henry F. Essays; effected and ed. by

F. Haverfield. pp. xxiv., 328, map. la.8°
Oxf., 1911 937
This is lettered on the publisher's cover "Essays
on Roman History." The contents of the volume,
which should be set out under the above entry, are
Biographical note. The Roman cniis. Clurooology
of the Jngnrthioe War. The early Roman entperon
(Cesar-Nero). Problems in the conatitotion of the Piioci-
pate. The domestic policy of Augnitiu. Notes on the
reign of Claudius. Hadrian. The Roman frontier syitem.
The Romaa frontier system in Southern Germany. Arrian
as legate of Cappadocia. Discoveries at Rome, 1870-89.
The imperial domains and the colooate. Pascna. Pagus.

Although so miscellaneous in character, this book

requires but one subject-entry, as it would be a
work of supererogation to index each essay

Rome :

Pelham, H. F. Essays. 191 1 937
For the classified catalogue the booknot placed is

under English Essays (824), but under Ancient

History Rome (937), the index entries being
PelluLin, Henry F. Essays. 937
Rome, Ancient (History). 937


Illustrated Books. Music.

Aothon mad lUiutratora. of Poraign Title* of
Books of lUuatracioDs and of Mutio. The Cataloloing
of Mmie. Librettiit*. "Indexiog" Miioellaneout
Moaio. Dace* of Publioacion.

days of cheap processes of reproduction

IN oftheseillustrations, particularly in colour, the
catalogruer is called upon to decide whether the
author (that is, the writer of the text) or the illus-
trator is the more important person in connection
with a b<>ok
The real of a book's existence
may be that an has produced a series of
pictures considered to be worth reproduction,
and the author has been engaged to write
appropriate text lor them. To put it another way,
the former custom was for the artist to illustrate
an author's text, whereas nowadays an author may
write text for illustrations. This does not by any
means imply that the text in itself is not valuable
apart from the illustrations, and therefore most
of such books need double entry, or at least
references, as in the case of joint-authors. The
following three books are of this class
Hampshire, painted by Wilfrid Ball, R.E., des-
cribed by Rev. Telford Varley, u.a., b.sc. 1909
Kent, by W. Teignmouth Shore, painted by W.
Biscombe Gardner. 1907
The Channel Islands, painted by Henry B. Wim-
bush, described by Edith F. Carey. 1904
: J


In each of these examples the first-named, whether

artist or author, should be taken for the main-
entry, but the mode of entry does not follow that
for joint-authors; the share of each in the book
must be shown, as
Ball, Wilfrid (Illus.) Hampshire; described by
Telford Varley. pp. xii., 316, 75 col. illus.,
map. 1909
Varley, Telford. Hampshire described; [illus.
by W. Ball. 1909
Ball, W., &c. Hampshire painted and des-
cribed. 1909
For short-entry catalogues, or as an economy, the
"added entry " for the second of the persons named
may be reduced to the reference, as
Varley, Telford. See Ball, Wilfrid.
Where the artist's name appears in the secondary
place, as in the second book, a reference like this
meets all reasonable requirements, though the same
cannot be said when the writer of the text occupies
that place, as in the first instance, and an entry
is preferable to the reference if the trifling addi-
tional space can be afforded. In reality it does
not resolve itself into a question of sparing space
for the entry of a particular book, but of finding
room for many similar cases.
The second book is
Shore, W. Teignmouth. Kent; [illus.] by W.
Biscombe Gardner. pp. x., 240, 73 col.
illus., map. 1907
Gardner, W. Biscombe (Illus.) Kent; [des-
cribed] by W. T. Shore. 1907
or alternatively

Gardner, \V. Biscombe (lUus.) See Shore, W.

Shore, W. T., &c. Kent. 1907

The abbreviation " illus." is

used equally to mean
and, in the collation, illus-
illustrator, illustrated,
trations, without any likelihood of confusion of
idea by a person of ordinary intelligence, the
position and context denoting the meaning. Some-
times this abbreviation is orcurtailed to " il.",

"ill.",with a loss of clearness, and as no real

saving of space results, it cannot be recommended.
The third book is

WiMiusii, Henry B. (lUus.) The Channel

Islands; dcst rilxd by Edith F. Carey, pp.
xiv., 394, 76 map. 1904
col. illus.,

Cakkv, Edith F. The Channel Islands; [illus.]

by H. B. W'imbush. 1904
Channel Islands, The :

W'imbubh, H. B., &c. The Channel Islands

painted and described. 1904

As a rule there no occasion for the cataloguer


to notice the illustrator, except for books of this

special character. Where the artist is famous
and his illustrations lend value to a book, or where
books are likely to be required because illustrated
by a notable artist, it is well to mark the fact either
by entry or reference. Such illustrators as Bewick,
Beardsley, Blake, Brangwyn, Crane, Cruikshank,
Dulac, "Phiz," Rackham, Rowlandson, Hugh
Thomson, Turner, to name a dozen among the best
known, should be noticed, either by entry imder

their names, or after the manner shown in the

following entries. Suppose the first book received
Tales from Shakespeare, by Charles and Mary
Lamb, illustrated by Arthur Rackham. 1909

we proceed to write our main-entry, taking care

to note that the book is illustrated by this particular

Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shake-

speare; illus. by Arthur Rackham. 1909,

We then give the reference from the artist

Rackham, Arthur {Illus.) See Lamb,, Charles and

Later we get a book, the title-page of which reads

The Rhinegold and the Valkyrie, by Richard

Wagner, with illustrations by Arthur Rack-
ham, translated by Margaret Armour. 1910

and on the half-title we find

The Ring of the Niblung a trilogy with a prelude

by Richard Wagner translated into English
by Margaret Armour, i.

so we combine and adapt the two titles, as

Wagner, Richard. The Ring of the Niblung;

transl. by Margt. Armour; illus. by Arthur
Rackham. i. 1910
1, The Rhinegold. The Valkyrie.

and give the usual references

Armour, Margaret (Transl.) See Wagner,

Rackham, Arthur (Illus.) See Wagner, Richard.

" Transl." is a perfectly clear abbreviation for
either translated or translator— the shorter form,
" tr." , may mean anything, and is to be avoided.

Later still we get anotlier book, the principal

entry for whidi is

Barrie, Jas. M. Peter Pan in Kensing'ton Gar-

dens; iUus. by Arthur Rackham. 1910

when we make another reference

Rackham, Arthur (Kits.) See Barrie, Jas. M.

Last of all we receive the second part of " The

Ring of the Niblung." which we embody in the
former entry, converting it into

Wacver, Richard. The Ring of the Niblung;

transl. by Margt. Armour; illus. by Arthur
Rackhaxn. 3 v. 1910-11
T. I. The RUneKold. The Valkyrie.
T. J. Siegfried. The twilight of the godi.

If we have forgotten that the former reference was

made, which is unlikely, we make another, as
Rackham, Arthur (IUus.) See Wagner, Richard.

When the time comes for printing the catalogue,

if it has not already been done, these references
are all amalgamated into:

Rackham, Arthur {IUus.) See Barrie, Jas. M.

Lamb, Chas. and Mary; Wagner, Richard.
A certain amotmt of knowledge and discretion
isrequired in cataloguing the illustrators of books
cheap modem reprints of standard books with
illostrations by Cruiksbank or " Phiz " hardly call
for notice by the cataloguer.

Although it is the duty of the cataloguer to

adhere to the language of the title-page in tran-
scribing a title, it is conceivable that the usefulness

of books in foreign languages, when they consist

altogether or mainly of illustrations, may be ex-
tended in popular libraries, if a free explanatory
translation of the title or a note is attached to the
entry, after the manner shown in the following
three entries :

S£guy, E. L«s fleurs et leurs applications d^ora-
tives [Flowers and their application in orna-
ment], pi. 30. f° Paris, [1903]
R£mon, Georges. Soixante planches de peintre
decorative. f° Dourdan, n.d.
Sixty plates in coloui for house decoralion.
Lehner, Jos., und Ed. Mader. Neue Dekora-
tions-Malereien im modernen Stil. pi. 60.
i" Wien, [1904]
Original ornamental designs in colour.

So far as the orthodox rules for cataloguing are

concerned, something of a heresy to suggest
it is

that, as these books contain no text, the original

titles might be ignored, and a translation alone be
given if space is a consideration, but if so cata-
logued, they would make a larger appeal in many
libraries, and, after all, books are catalogued for
the purpose of ensuring that they shall be used.
The entries might be
S^GUY, E. Flowers and their application in orna-
ment, pi. 30. f° [1903]

It must be understood that this translation is

not a recommendation, but is only by way of sug-
gestion, as there are not many books similar in

character. If the suggestion is adopted, it must be
carried out uniformly through all entries.

RiuoN, Georges. Sixty plates of decorative

painting [house], f? n.d.
Lehker, J., and E. Mader. New painted decora-
tions in the modern style, pi. 60. (^ [1904]

The subject entries and references required for

these books arc

S^uy, E. Lcs flours ct lours applications
dccorativcs. 1903
Decoration. Ornament.
Dcsig^n, Ornamental. Sec Ornament.
Flowers in ornament. See Ornament.

The trst two references arc for synonymous

terras for the subject. The last is required for
two reasons. Firstly, there arc sure to be other
books in the catalogue in which floral design will
form the principal feature without any reference
to flowers on the title-page; secondly, a book of
the kind is better placed under the subject-word
Ornament " or whatever term is taken for the
decorative arts, rather than " Flowers ", to prevent
it beii^ mistaken for a work on botany or
The next book is on ornament as applied to
house decoration only, and the designs are not
meant for other purposes, certainly not for orna-
ment generally, therefore the entry is

House Decoration:
Remon, G. Soixante planches de peintre
decorative, n.d.


and the supplementary references are

Decoration, House. See House Decoration.

Ornament. See also House Decoration.

If the title of this book were printed "60

planches de peintre decorative", and the title had
to be transcribed in full, the language of the
original must be followed, and not a hybrid title
given, as " Sixty planches de peintre decorative ".
The third book, being upon ornament in general,
receives an entry accordingly

Lehner, J., &c. Neue Dekorations-Maler-
eien im modern en Stil. [1904]
No further references are needed beyond those
already given to the first of these three books.
It would be literally correct but none the less
pedantic to convert the " &c." of the above entry
to " U.S.W." (und so weiter), as

Lehner, J., u.s.w.

and such a procedure is not recommended.

The entries of the first and third of these books
would be marked for the classified catalogue 745
(Art. Ornamental Design), and the second 729.4
(Art. Architectural Design and Decoration. Painted
Decoration), the index-entries being
SSguy, E. Les fleurs ddcoratives, 745
Ornament, 745
Floral Ornament, 745
Decoration, Ornamental, 745
Remon, G. Peintre decorative, 729.4
House Decoration, 729.4
Decoration, House, 729.4
Lehner u. Mader. Dekorations-Malereien, 745
The foregoing suggestion for the translation
of title-pages, where the text of the book is non-
existent or immaterial, is also applicable in the case
of miusic, more especially instrumental music, as
many personsunderstand music without under-
standing continental languages, and therefore to
give a translation of the title-pages of musical
works (not works upon music, which is a different
matter) in a catalogue may serve a most useful
purfwse Take these as examples :

Befthoves, Ludwig van.
Sammtliche Sinfonien fOr das Pianoforte zu
zwei und vier Hftnden arrangirt von F. W,

Markull. No. 8-9, vicrhandig. 4" IToZ/en-

butlel, n.d.
Jad\ssohv, S.
.'>orh> Clavierstflcke. 4* Leiptig, n.d.
Leclair, Jean M.
Le toinbeau sonate <i violon avec la basse

continue arrang^e pour le violon avec accom-


pagnrincnt dc piano par Gustav Jensen. 4*


There is no great reason why these and similar

works should not be usefully adapted for the cata-
logues of fwpular libraries at any rate, as
Beethoven, Ludwig van.
Collected pianoforte symphonies ; arranged by
F. \\'. Markull. Nos. 8-9, Piano duet. 4*
WolfenbutUl, n.d.
Jadassohn, S.
Six pianoforte pieces. 4° Leiptig, n.d.
Leclair, Jean M.
Le tombeau : sonata, with continued thorough-
bass; arranged for the violin, with plana
accompaniment by Gustav Jensen. 4° n.d.

As "Le tombeau" is the distinctive title of this

particular piece, it is as well to give it in the original
form, or, if Le tombeau (The
in translation, as "
tomb)." It should be unnecessary to add that,
where space is of no consideration, the above titles
can be given in the original with the translation
following enclosed within brackets; to do this
would conform with literal accuracy.
As music is introduced here in connection with
translated titles, we may also at this place con-
sider the whole question of cataloguing it. Usually
the catalogue of music is printed apart from the
general catalogue of a library, in the form of a
class-list, the entries being sub-divided into sec-
tions and divisions, according to the amount of
Whether in a separate publication or in the
general catalogue, the composer occupies the place
held by the authors of other works, and his
surname is taken for the main-entry, as shown
in the following examples of operas. The title-
pages read; —
Maritana. Opera in three acts, the music com-
posed by W. Vincent Wallace. The words
by Edward Fitzball. Edited by Myles B.
Foster. Boosey & Co.
The Bohemians (founded upon " La vie de
Bohfeme " by Henry Murg«r.) An opera in
four by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi
Illica. Music by Giacomo Puccini. English
version of Acts I. and II. by William Grist,
Acts III. and IV. by Percy Pinkerton.
Arranged by Carlo Carignani. G. Ricordi &
Co. Copyright 1897. (Printed in Italy.)

and these we proceed to condense and adapt after
this manner :

Wallace, W. \'incent. Mnritana opera : ; words
by Edward Fitzball ed. by Myles B.
; Foster.
{Royal ed.) pp. ii. 284. n.d.,

Pfcci.vi, Giacomo. The Bohemians an opera by :

Giuseppe (Mact^sa and Luig^i Illica; English

version by \Vm. ("irist and Percy Pinkcrton
arranged by Carlo Carignani. pp. viii., 204.
4° 1897
In the first nitry the added words denoting the
edition are taken from the printed cover of the
The above represent the full form for the
dictionary latalogue. Any additional entries would
U in the way of references from the names of the
writers of the libretti, the translators, editors, or
arrangers, as

FiiZHAi.i.. Edward. See Waiiact-, W. Vincent.

Ff'STKR, Mylcs B. Sec Wallace, W. Vincent.

It may be that the writer of the

libretto is of equal importance with the composer
in such work, both often being named together in
connection therewith, as " the Gilbert-Sullivan
operas" It must be remembered, however, that in
musical works like these the libretto as given seldom
represents the complete work of the author, the
spoken words being omitted; therefore, not only
is his place secondary, but his share in the work

is incomplete. For this reason even the reference

can be dispensed with, except in full catalogues,
where every name is taken into account In the
contrary case, where the words of an opera are


published without the music, the reverse method

would be followed, and the name of the composer
ignored for cataloguing, because his work is not
Besides references as above, there is the possible
usefulness of title-entries (in the dictionary cata-
logue only), as

Maritana opera. Wallace, W. V. n.d.


Bohemians, The opera. Puccini, G. 1897


If the collection of music in a library is not

sufficient to warrant the publication of a separate
catalogue, it is desirable to embody in the dictionary
catalogue a class-list of music under the heading
" Music ", treated as subject, although this is not

strictly in accordance with the principles govern-

ing the compilation of such a catalogue. The entries
under the heading would be sub-divided as
required, in this way
(Vocal scores, with pianof. accom.)
Puccini, G. The Bohemians. 1897
Wallace, W. V. Maritana. n.d.

Music and musical works fall logically into

place as part of a classified catalogue, and are as
readily dealt with there as in a separately published
catalogue of music. The two principal entries of
the above operas are marked 782.1 (Music
Dramatic Music — Opera.)
When a library contains an extensive or com-
paratively large selection of music, there are sure
to be included volumes of "albums," "gems,"
" selections" and other miscellaneous collections,
whidi in the ordinary way are catalogued after
this manner :

Piano}, solos.
KJa&siker>Perl«n : Gems from the classics.
(Consen-atoire ed.) Bk. i. 4° n.d.
Bk. •. C major, by B*ch. I.*rto, by
HftDdcl. by Clock.
0«Totte, Trjtomerei, Warum?
•ad Sanmrrlied, by Srhnmann. NoclnriM, by Field.
The aoag of the Urk, Chant suis paroles, and
Bacarollr, by TKbaikowtky. Moment mutical aad
Mrooeti, by Schubert. Melody in F, by Rnbinatein.

I 'nless the contents of such volumes are at least

set out as above they cannot be regarded as properly
catalogued. If the library had any one of these
|iir-< rs as a separate publication, it would, no doubt,

receive individual treatment, and be dealt with in

this way (to take the last item in the above book) :

Pianof. solos.
Rubinstein, Anton. Melody in F. (Op. 3,
no. I.) n.d.

For this reason, when the number of books is large,

and the sepiarate catalogue, therefore, of consider-
able size, such miscellaneous collections should be
dealt with (" indexed ") as if each item were a
separate work. If it is essential to index the con-
tents of other books of a miscellaneous character,
it doubly necessary for miscellaneous music,

more especially as it brings all the works of a

composer together according to the nature of the
compositions. If this course is pursued, then, as
a counter-balancing economy, the contents need not

be set forth under the principal entry, the separate

"indexing" being sufficient, as
Pianof. solos.
Bach, J. Sebastian. Prelude. (Gems from
the classics, Bk. i.) n.d.

This reconunendation of separate entry is for

a class-list of music (that is, a separately-published
catalogue of music), and only applies to volumes
containing works by several composers. Separate
entries are not required in the case of a collection
of pieces by a single composer. One entry only
is needed, as

Pianof. solos.
Menynski, M. Esquisses russes pour piano,
pp. 48. 4° n.d.

This contains six pieces, each with a distinctive

title, and
these titles can be set out, if thought well,
as contents under the above entry. No further
entries should be given, even in the dictionary
catalogue, as title-entries for the items in works
of this kind are superfluous.
There are, also, many collections of miscel-
laneous music much too comprehensive to allow of
the separate cataloguing of each item, and these
must, of necessity, be simply catalogued, even with-
out the contents being set out. Examples of col-
lections of this type are :

Hatton, J. L. {Ed.) The songs of England : a
collection of 200 English melodies, including
the most popular traditional ditties, &c., of
the last three centuries. (Royal cd.) 2V, n.d.
Pauer, E. {Ed.) March-album a collection of :

the most celebrated Italian, French, and Ger-

man marches, pp. 114. n.d.

In either the music or the classi&ed catalogue, these

would be respectively allotted to the divisions
MuMc — Vocal Music--Ballad and Song (Dewey
784.3) and Music — Pianoforte Solos — Marches
(Dewey 786.44).
In a short-entry catalogue, they c;in be con-
densed to
lUrrov, J. I„ (Ed.) The songs of England. 2 v.
F'auf.r,I^. (Kd.) Nfarch-album : Italian, French,
and (scrman marches, n.d.

Experience proves that no useful purpose is

sTved by giving the dates of publication of modern
music in an ordmary catalogue; in fact, it can only
be (;ivcn in exceptional cases, the majority being
" n-d.", as
the above examples testify. The works
of the classic masters appear in so many forms
and editions that the dates, when ascertained, are
of no particular help.

Publications of Governments, Societies,

and Corporate Bodies.
Co-operative Indexes. Publications of Societies. Publishing
Societies.Government Publications. Statutes. Colonial
and Foreign Government Publications. Local Govern-
ment Publications. Associations and Institutions.

THEand extent to which the work of dissecting

" indexing " the contents of
books of a
miscellaneous nature is to be carried out in a library
catalogue depends largely on the nature and pur-
pose of the library, though a limit must be set to
it in any case. It would be unusual to index the
proceedings or transactions of a society, or the
contents of reviews, or other periodical publica-
tions, however valuable they might be. For this most
libraries must depend upon the co-operative indexes,
such as the Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientiiic
Papers, the International Catalogue of Scientific
Literature, the International Institute of Technical
Bibliography, Poole's Index to Periodical Litera-
ture, the Engineering Index, the Index to Archceo-
logical Papers (unfortunately of little value because
it it only an index of authors instead of subjects),

and other works of the kind. The Library Asso-

ciation Class-Catalogue of Current
publishes a
Serial Digests and Indexes of the Literature of
Pure and Applied Science.
The form of entry for the publications of
societies will vary according to their nature. As

already stated, societies or other bodies in their
corporate capacity are regarded as the authors of
their memoirs, transactions, proceedings, journals,
etc, and entry is made under their names accord-
ingly. The question arises, under what part of the
name ? and it may be laid down in general terms
that if a society be national or general in its scope
and character, and its headquarters are in London,
then the first word of the oflicial name of the society,
other than an article, is the correct entry-word.
The following are illustrative examples of this: —
Royal Society of London. Cataiof^ue of scientific
papers, 1800-1900. Subject-index, v. 3,
Physics, pt. I. Camb., 1913
Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia
or, miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity.
V. I-S9, with indexes. 4° 1770-1905
Chemical Society. .Xbstract of papers. 17 v.
Linnean Society. Proceedings, 1838-55. 2 v.

British Association for the Advancement of
Science. Reports. 20 v. 1891-1910
Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of pro-
ceedings. V. 56-142. 1879-1900
On the other hand, if the society be national
for Scotland, Wales, or Ireland, or provincial,
colonial, or foreign, the entry-word depends upon
the nature of the society. The publications of the
Royal Society of Edinburgh, for instance, might
be better placed under " Edinburgh, Royal Society
than imder " Scotland Royal Society of Edin-
burgh," notwithstanding that it is a national and
not a local body. Against this, the publications of

the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland are better

entered under " Scotland, Society of Antiquaries
of," although there is much to be said in favour
of treating such important bodies after the manner
shown in the previous entries, as

Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

in which case these references are necessary :

Scotland, Society of Antiquaries of. See Society
of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Edinburgh, Royal Society of. See Royal Society
of Edinburgh.

The British Museum

practice is inconvenient and
affords no help cataloguing the publications
of societies, because all of them are brought
together, irrespective of character, country, or
locality, under the general heading of " Academies,"
and arranged according to the names of the places
of publication in one general alphabet (not in
national or geographical order), as Abbeville,
Aberdeen, Abo, Acireale, Adelaide, etc. If it is
desired to find say the " Proceedings of the In-
stitution of Mechanical Engineers," it is necessary
to turn first to " Academies," and then to " Bir-
mingham," provided one knows or remembers that
the Institution has its centre there. Publications
Early English Text Society or the
like those of the
Hakluyt Society must be sought first under
"Academies" and afterwards under "London."
This method of general, then local entry, is not a
simple and ready one. Even local entry is not
always satisfactory, as often enough the place of
pnblkation or of the meetings of a society are
merely incidental, and, therefore, the proceedings
of a county antiquarian society should be entered
under the name of the county or society, and not

the place the Kent Archaeological Society under
Kent and not Maidstone, the Historic Society of
Lancashire and Cheshire under Lancashire (" Lanca-
shire and Cheshire, Historic Society of "), not
under Liverpool, and the Chetham Society under
that distinctive name, not under Manchester.
These societies cause little or no trouble, as their
names usually suggest the best entry-word, even
in the case of foreign societies.
It must clearly be understood that when a

society is established for the publication of separate

works upon subjects coming within the scope of
the society's purpose, and not for the reading and
discussion of papers, its publications require full
cataloguing, as if eadi work had been issued inde-
pendently, in addition to whatever entry is given
under the name of the society. A case in point
would be this: —
Chetham Society. Remains, historical and literary,
cooDCcted with the palatine counties of Lan-
caster and Chester, v. 6i , new ser. M'chester,
T. 6. IfaterUlj for the histoij of Lancaster, by
Wm. Oliver Roper. Pt. i.
This is the main-entry in full catalogues. The
essential sub-entries are

Roper, Wm. O. Materials for the history of

Lancaster. PL i. (Chetham Soc., v. 61, new
ser.) 1907

Lancaster :

Roper, W, O. Materials for the history of

Lancaster. Pt. i. (Chetham Soc, v. 61,
new ser.) 1907

Whatever economy may be exercised, neither of

these two last entries can be dispensed with, rather
Ipt the list of contents and the volumes^ Wndor
the main-entry be omitted, especially jf'^Vji^t
is a long one, involving a hunt tlirbjigh 'many

items to find a particular book. IJad^r ordinary

circumstances a summary entry for a yVhole set can
be made to suffice in this fashion: —
i '""„ t% ^

Chetham Society. Remains, hietorijqAl andfileVary,'

connected with the palatine 'coanties of Lan-
caster and Chester. ii6^'V'° ' M'chester,
1844-93 • ,.',-.
g^ Includes indexes to v, 1-30 and v, 51-214,* ;

Similar entries for the whole set would b© ta^<Xe,

under "Lancashire" and "Cheshire." By this
arrangement a person requiring a particular work
in the series could find it by reference to the entry
under the author's name, or under the definite sub-
ject, if the book does not deal with either of these
counties in general, and one or the other is certain
to be remembered. It may be explained that the
summary entry for the whole series, when given
under the names of the two counties, obviates any
necessity for separately entering any particula,r
book under these counties. For example, the late
Chancellor Christie's volume (No. 7 of the new
series) on the old church and school libraries of
Lancashire requires no separate entry under
"Lancashire," as it is covered by the general
entry under the name of this county — the separate
entries are given under " Christie " and " Libraries."

The book by Roper, taken in illustration above,

which is given as " Pt. i," does not require a second
entry for PL 2 when it is received later. All that
is necessary is to adapt the entries in this way
'^hfetham Society. Remains {and the rest of the
:','.-ent^ OS before).
•,y>\^ifim. Materials for th« history of Lancaster, by
. _• VVm. 01i«-«r Roper. 1 v.
RopKB.'AyiTr. O. Materials for the history of
.Lancastef. (Chetham Soc, v. 61-62, new
isct) 2 v, 1907
RopftCr >^'. O. Materials for the history of
-Lao'caster. {Chetham Soc, v. 61-63,
new scr.) j v. 1907

.Thdjt *re other societies which publish separate

9itdindependent books, lending themselves to this
separate treatment,when each work must be dealt
with individually. Among them may be named
the Camden, Early English Text, Folk-Lore,
Hakluyt, Harleian, Malone, Navy Records, and
Surtees Societies.
These publications present the same problem for
the classified catalogue as they do for shelf-classi-
they be kept together under the
fication, viz., shall
name of the Society, or be distributed throughout
the catalogue according to the nature of their con-
tents? If the volumes of the Camden Society or
the Hakluyt Socirty are so scattered, they appear
in many parts of the catalogue, whereas they are
not usefully entered if grouped together. Some
of the other societies do not raise this di£Ecolty,


and the correct solution appears to be, as in

the case of the dictionary catalogue, to give a
general entry for the whole set in its place, and a
separate entry for each volume in its own particular
place. It is true there is usually a special place in
the Dewey Classification for such collections (the
Hakluyt Society is 910.6), but whether the volumes
are all kept together on the shelves or not, they
are virtually lost for usefulness unless, as already
suggested, the entries are distributed according to
countries or other subjects in the catalogue.
The publications of the state, of local govern-
ment authorities, and other official bodies are
regarded in much the same light for the main-
entry as societies. In a British catalogue the publi-
cations of the home government or its departments
cannot be usefully or conveniently grouped together
under a general heading of " England " or " Great
Britain," but are better placed under the names of
the respective departments. On the other hand, the
publications of any other government and its de-
partments are brought together under the name of
the state, and those of the governing body of any
specified area, local, home, or colonial, under the
name of that area. These points can be made
plainer by examples. To take the home government
rpports first

Local Government Board. Annual report, 1908-9.

3 v. 1909 352.042
Board of Trade, Labour Department. Abstract
of labour statistics of the United Kingdom,
1908-9. 1911 331-8
Board of Education. Special reports on educa-
tional subjects. V. 21. 1907 ... 372.942
V. 21. School excursions and vacation schools.
Imperial Education Conference, 191 Report.

19" 370-6
Commissioner of P(^ice of the Metropolis. Re-
port, 1911. 1912 3Sa.a
While these official titles of the respective depart-
ments are the correct form of entry, there is no
particular objection to reversing the titles, when
they admit of it, thus bringing them under the name
of the public service concerned, as
Trade, Board of, Labour Department.
Kducation, Board of.
Education Conference, Imperial.
Police, Commissioner of, of the Metropolis.

Any necessary guiding references must be furnished

if required, as
Board of Trade. See Trade, Board of.
Board of Education. Sec Education, Hoard of.
Imperial Education Conference. Sec l''(lucation
If the entries arc so reversed, this dors not convert
them into acombined form of corpwrate-author and
subject-entries; they will still need entries under
whatever subject to which they appertain, unless a
reference is substituted to meet the case under the
subject Should a library contain, say, many of the
volumes of the special reports of the Board of
Education, or a collection of the various reports
on Labour issued by the Board of Trade, the setting
of them out in detail twice over can be avoided by
these two references
See also Education, Board of.
See also Trade, Board of (Labour Dept.)


The police report can be entered under " London,"

though by "Metropolis" is meant a much larger
district than that usually understood as London,
as it includes several outside county and other
boroughs while excluding the City itsel f Nominally .

the report is that of the chief officer, but there is

no occasion to enter it under his name.
Upon the principle already outlined, editions of
the statutes would, in the ordinary course, be
entered under "Parliament," but it is better
to take a separate heading, as "Acts of Parlia-
ment " or " Statutes, British," referring from " Par-
liament." Illustrative examples are
Acts of Parliament
Statutes, The. A.D. 1^35-1900, 2nd revised
ed. 20 V. 1888-1909 ... 346.3
Chitty's Statutes of practical utility. 6th
ed.jbyW. H.Aggs. v. 1-14. igii-i3..346.2
See Acts of Parliament.
Statutes, British.
Parliament. See also Acts of Parliament.
Law. See also Acts of Parliament,
References should be given from the names
of any editors, compilers, digesters, or annotators,
as Chitty and Aggs. A volume of Acts relating
to a specified subject, say. Copyright, Theatres, or
Workmen, is not entered under the general head-

ing, but under the name of the subject and the

compiler. Such works ordinarily contain the law
as well as the statutes, and therefore any references
required from the general to the particular would
be given under "Law." Legislative publications
of other countries corresponding to our Acts of
Parliament are entered under the names of those


The manner of stating the number of volumes
in the second {Chitty) of the above examples indi-
cates that the work is still in course of publication;
if it were complete the number of volumes would
be given as in the first entry. This first entry also
takes precedence of the Chitty for order because
it is the official " By authority " edition.

As said above, the publications of colonial and

foreign governments are first entered under the
names of places, then by departments, as
United States. Bureau of Education. Circular
of information No. i, 1903. Contributions
In American educational history ed. by ;

Herbert B. Adams. No. 30, History of

education in West \irpinia, by A. R. White-
hill. ]^\iihittgton, 1902 ... ... 572.973
Canada. Department of Mines. Summary report
of the C^ilogical Survey Branch, 1911.
Ottawi. 1912 557.1

An item like that <<i the U.S. Bureau of Educa-

tion needs entries for subject and for the author
of the particular section. Presuming that the whole
scries is covered under the heading " Education
by a reference to " United States. Bureau of
Education," the other entries are

Virginia. West :

VVhitehill, A. R. History of education in

West Virginia. (U.S. Bureau of Educa-
tion, Circulars of information, No. 1,
1902.) 1902 572973
Whitehill, a. R- History of education in West
N'irginia. (U.S. Bureau of Education, Cir-
culars of information, No. i, 1902.) 1902


The first of these entries raises a question in

connection with double place-names, i.e., should
the entry be given as above or under "West"?
Following the recommendation of the Joint-
Code rule (No. 130), three standard gazetteers
were consulted; two gave the name under "Vir-
ginia " (as in our entry), and one under " West."
Accumulation of headings in one place is pre-
vented when place-names qualified by the points
of the compass, or in some similar way, are entered
under the name following the prefix. All the same,
each name must be considered independently.
To enter New York or New Zealand under " York "
and " Zealand " is incorrect, though the Isle of
Man or the Isle of Wight are better under " Man "
and " Wight " respectively. If there is the least
doubt give the reference, which in this case is

West Virginia. See Virginia, West.

Examples of local government publications

would be
London County Council. Statistical abstract for
London, 1911-12. v. 14. 1912 ... 314.21
— Education Committee. Report on vacation
schools and organised vacation play. 191
The " f "
attached to the classification numbers is
meant to mark the book as a folio, and, while
indicating the size, serves also as a guide to its
probable position on the shelves, because folios are
not usually placed with octavos. If the book
were a quarto, it would be marked " q ", as
"q 371-74 "


Another local government publication is

Hammersmith Borough Council. lath annual

report, 1911-12. 1913 352.042.1

The libraries of various localities usually

make a point of obtaining all reports and docu-
ments bearing upon their particular areas, and.
therefore, need special methods both for classi-
fication and cataloguing, according to the extent
of their collections, so we may consider how the
above items may be treated in a typical London
public library. Presuming that all the publi-
cations of the London County Council are received,
they would be so numerous that it is not
worth while entering them again under " London "
as subject The entries under " London County
Council " and under " London " would not only
be many in number, but would come together
m the catalogue. A better plan is carefully to
enter all under " London County Council ", sub-
dividing the entries according to their nature.
Though the Hammersmith report needs a reference
under " London ", an entry thereunder could not
be justified, as in the case of the publications of
the larger body. The references would be in this
Local Government.
London County Council. Publications. See
London County Council.
This is placed in order exactly as if it were an
entry, whereas the Hammersmith reference comes
at the end of the entries in the usual way, as
See alio the namei of the tletrofolilan borougln, as
Hammersmith, Sboreditcb, Stepney.


Perhaps the first form of what may be termed

an "entry-reference" is better exemplified by sup-
posing it to be the most suitable style when under
a general heading like " Education ", and the
entry references are

Board of Education. Reports, &c. See
Board of Education.
London County Council. Education reports.
See London County Council.
United States. Board of Education. Pub-
lications. See United States.

These fall into place under the heading as

"Board", "London", "United States", and not
as references at the end. This style is only recom-
mended where there are many entries under both
the heading and the name referred io, the ordinary
method being
See also Board of Education, London County
Council, United States (Bureau of Educa-

The foregoing principles for the entry of

government documents also apply to the publica-
tions of associations and institutions. The officers
making reports in an official capacity are usually
disregarded so far as their personal names are
concerned, though at times a special report or
other publication may justify and require an entry
under the name of the writer, but this depends
upon its nature. International and local exhibi-
tions are entered under the names of the places
where held, unless the organisations arranging
sucb exhibitions are, more or less, permanent
bodies having exhibitions at intervals in different
places, when the entries are given, not under the
names of places, but under the official name of the
organising body, as Royal Agricultural Society,
National Rose Society, International Horticultural
The same applies more particularly to congresses
and conferences of all kinds regularly held,
the of meeting being merely incidental.
The following is an example of such a congress,
which IS held at intervals in different parts of the
world, and with a certain continuity: —
Naijonal Council of Peace Societies. Oflicial re-
port of the 17th L'nivcrsal Con^frcss of Peace,
held at Caston Hall, WVsiminster, I^ndon,
July 37th to August 1st, 1908. 1909... 172.4
The National Council is, apparently, a central
body representing British peace societies, and is
responsible for this report only. When the congress
IS held in another country, presumably some body
in that country makes itself responsible for the
publication of the report, in which case it is probable
the title would be in German or in French, which-
ever country issues the report, and this must be
remembered. The title " Universal Congress of
Peace", not being the name of a body, but the
purpose of the congress, is met by a subject-entry,
the above serving as a main-entry for this par-
ticular report
Peace Question, The :

National Council of Peace Societies. Report

of the Universal Congress of Peace,
London, 1908. 1909 i72>4

This is a subject-heading that permits of a

concentration of books, both for and against
international peace, and may be made to include
those upon international arbitration, the Hague
Conferences, reducing of armaments, and other
phases of the subject, even with the opposite term
of "war" in their titles, provided the books bear
upon the question in the ethical, social, or economic
aspect, and are not purely military in character.
The references then would be of this nature :

War versus Peace.See Peace Question.
Arbitration, See Peace Question.
Armaments, Reduction of. See Peace Question.
Militarism. See Peace Question.
The heading is better sub-divided, the books
in favour of international peace and arbitration
leading, and those opposed to it following, under
some suitable sub-headings. Amalgamation of sub-
jects under a single heading is further referred to
in Chapter XIV.

Compound Names. Names with Prefixes.

Greek and Roman Names.
Rraderia^ of the N^maa
of Poreifn Author*. Compouad
NuBM. Forei|n Componad Nam**.
Changed Name*.
NaoM* with Prefixaa. Short Entries. Title-Bntrlea.
Fotatp NaoM* with Prefixes. Greek and Latin

WE shall not have proceeded very

work of cataloguing before problems in
far with

connection with the var}'ing forms of personal names

will arise. Translations of works by foreign
authors will, at times, have varieties of renderings
of their names, making it necessary to hunt out
and decide which is the vernacular form or tran-
scription of the name, and, therefore, the right one
to adopt An instance of a troublesome name of
the kind is that of the Russian novelist, rendered
upon title-pages as Turgenev, Turginieff, Tour-
gudncfif, Turgueniev, and Tourg6nief.
Another source of worry is that of compound
names, or their hyphenated-surnames,
that is to say, names compounded without the
authority of a deed-poll, or even without obligations
as bene&daries under a will. It is a growing
affectation, to which many persons are partial,
especially if their surnames happen to be among
those most common. A
person is bom, say,
Smith, and having the maternal surname as
a second Christian name, he compounds with
it, and Thomas Jackson Smith in time becomes T.

Jackson-Smith. Generally speaking, the simplest


and most convenient plan is to enter all such names,

if English, under the last name. When authors
have undoubtedly changed or added to their names,
and have written under both forms, this may be a
good reason for entering under the first part of a
double name, though the necessity for it can be
obviated by the ever-useful reference.
Whatever method of entry may be adopted, the
latest form of the name must be given, particularly
in the case of those who have written under both
forms. The Dean of Gloucester, for example, who
has written some historical works under his name of
H. D. M. Spence, has now published a guide to
Gloucester Cathedral, under the name of H. D. M.
Spence-Jones. If the entries are retained under the
first form of name, the " Jones " must be added to
all entries — subject as well as author; if the new
name is should be dealt with after the
taken, it

manner shown in the next paragraph.

To enter under the last name will not be strictly
in accordance with the orthodox rules, but it will
prove by far the most convenient method for all
concerned. Accordingly the undermentioned books
are so entered, and not under the double names of
Eardley Wilmot, Betham Edwards, and Collison
Morley, although these writers may at times be
spoken of by their double names.
WiLMOT, Sir S. Eardley. Forest life and sport in
India, pp. 324, 1910
viii., illus.

Edwards, Matilda Betham. Unfrequented France

by river, and mead, and town. pp. x., 204,
illus. igio
MoRLEV, L. Collison-. Modern Italian literature.

pp. viii., 356, igii

: :


The hyphen may be put in, as shown in the last
entry, but this not essential, at any rate in short-

entry catalogues. Full catalogues give the


Eardle^'-W'ii.mot, Sir S. See Wllmot.

BETHAM-EDWARns, Matilda. See Edwards.
CoLLisc)N-N!oRi-EY, L. See Morley.

The cataloguer sometimes comes across a name

which he may remember as a decidedly changed
name from his point of view, when there is no
alternative but tn adopt the newer form. A writer,
for example, who at one time was known as
F H. Perry Coste, has now become Perrycoste,
and, unlcs.s the cataloguer's memory serves him well,
this author's books will be entered under Coste and
The subject -entries of the foregoing books are
as follows :

Travel and Description.
\S'ilmot, Sir S. E. Forest life and sport in
India. 1910

As this book is for the most part concerned

with state forestry in India, it is likely to be service-
able in coimection with forestry as a subject,
though not speci&cally upon it, the meaning of
the rules may be liberally interpreted to include
the entry

Wilmot, Sir S. E. Forest life, &c., in India,


At the time of publication the author was

a CLE., but later, becoming a K.C.I.E., the " Sir
is added to his name.
France :
Travel and Description.
Edwards, M^ B. Unfrequented France, igio
Italian Literature :
Morley, C- L. Modern Italian literature,
The book, not being upon literature in the
universal sense or in the abstract, is entered
under its definite subject of Italian literature as
shown. Here the serviceable covering reference
again removes all possible doubt.
See also the names of national literatures as
English, Italian, Spanish.
To enter compound names under
the last name,
as recommended, does not by any means imply that
the first part of the hyphenated name should be
reduced to initials in the principal entry of even a
short-form catalogue, and, therefore, the briefest
style for these names is Wilmot, Sir S. Eardley;
Edwards, M. Betham; Morley, L. Collison.
If the codes of rules which stipulate for entry
under the first part of a compound name are fol-
lowed, the names are given after this fashion,
to take one of the above books in illustration,
Betham-Edwards, Matilda. Unfrequented France
by river, and mead, and town. pp. x., 204,
illus. igio
Betham-Edwards, M. Unfrequented France.
TTje reverse form of reference then becomes
necessary, as

Edwards, Matilda Betham. See Betham-Edwards.

The Dewey numbers for the classified catalogue

of these three books are respectively 9154 (Geo*
graphy and Travels— India), 9144 (Geography and
Travels— France), and 850.9 (Literature— Italian
Literature— History). The index entries arc

Wilmot, Sir S. E. Fornt life in India, 915.4

India (TniTelt) 915-4
Edwards, U. B. UofrequeotMl France, 914.4
Kraooe (Traveli) 914.4
Italiajt Literature (Hiilory), 850.9
Morlrj, L. C. Mod. lulian litecatare, 850.9

Compound names are a greater source of worry

where foreign authors are concerned, and, irrespec-
tive of the rules, it is an excellent plan to use a
native biographical dictionary to ensure correctness
of entry. A rule of a general character may be
laid down to the effect that foreign names are
subject to the opposite method of treatment to
that for Engli^ names, and the first part of the
name is taketL It is said, though the statement is
not vouched for, that in France, and, no doubt,
elsewhere, such names are obtained in an odd way.
A person say of the name of Saluste lives in a
small town and on the left bank of the river running
through it In order that he may not be confused
with another p)erson of the same name living in
another part, he is spoken of as Saluste of the Left
Bank, and in course of time this distinguishing
name is absorbed by his family, its patronymic
eventually becoming Saluste de la Rive Gauche.


However this may be, the following represent the

correct forms for such names :

Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules. Ce qui ne meurt pas.
2 V. Paris, n.d,
Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre. La renovation de I'Asie
Sibdrie, Chine, Japon. pp. xx., 482. Paris,
CANTACUzfeNE-ALTiERi, Princcssc piga. Respon-
sable. 2me id. pp. 349. Paris, 1897

Foreign names of kind rarely require references

from the latter or other partof the name, but they
may be given in very doubtful cases.
The first and third of these books being works
of fiction, require no subject-entries. Works of this
class receive instead an entry under the first word
of the title, other than an article (a "title-entry"),
because people often remember and ask for such
works by their titles without knowing the author's
names. These will be
Ce qui ne meurt pas. Barbey d'Aurevilly, J.
2 V. n.d.
Responsable. Cantacuzfene-Altieri, Princesse.
While it is altogether against the principle of

the dictionary catalogue to gather novels together

under a heading " Fiction " or " Novels " in any
part of it, yet there can be no objection to furnishing
a guide to the authors of fiction in a particular
foreign language contained in the catalogue after
this style

French Fiction. See the names of the following

authors: Barbey d'Aurevilly, Cantacuz^ne-


The second of the above books needs not only a
subject-entry under Asia, but also one under the
names of the three countries dealt with in it, as
Asia, Eastern
Leroy-Beaulieu, P. La renovation de I'Asie.
Lcroy-Beaulieu, P. La rdnovation de I'Asie.
with similar entries under China " and " Japan,"

and references, binding the whole together, in this

East, The Far. See Asia, Eastern.
Asia, Eastern.
See abo China. Japan. Siberia.

It is hardly necessary to say that the translation of

works by a foreign author in no way alters the
form of name. Because M. Leroy-Beaulieu's name
is attached to a book in English, it does not
bring him under the rules for English compound
names, any more than it makes an Englishman of
him. This last book in translation, therefore,
appears as
Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre. The awakening of the
East : Siberia, Japan, China transl. by

Richard Davey, with a preface by [Sir] Henry

Norman, pp. xxviii., 299. 1900
The fullest form of catalogue will have references
under the translator and the writer of the preface,
Davey, Richard {Transl.) See Leroy-Beaulieu,
Norman, Sir Henry. See also Leroy-Beaulieu,

The average catalogue will not only dispense with

these references, but may make them impossible by
omitting to mention the names in the main-entry.
It may be said in passing that it is customary
to give works in the original precedence over trans-
lations in the order of arrangement and altogether
irrespective of the alphabetical order of the titles.
The subject-entries for this work, being the same
as before, need not be repeated except to give both
books under one of them to show this order
Asia, Eastern :

Leroy-Beaulieu, P. La renovation de TAsie.

— The awakening of the East. 1900

The classified catalogue entry for the book will

be marked 950 (History — Asia),
although each of
the countries named has a separate number. The
novels will fall into 843.89 (Literature French —

Fiction Later 19th Century). Though this sub-
division may be of service on the shelves, it is
more convenient in the catalogue to arrange French
fiction, or any other fiction, under a general number
(in this case 843), and place the entries in one
alphabetical sequence by authors' names without
regard to their period. As a rule, however, both
on the shelves and in the catalogues fiction receives
special treatment.
Names with prefixes are also troublesome, and
call for variation in treatment according to
nationality. In all British names the entry is made
under the prefix and not under the name following.
Accordingly the Fitzes, the Macs, the Aps, and
the O's attached to names are regarded as being
embodied in them, as FitxHcrbert, McCoU, Ap John,
O'Brien, and all with similar prefi.xes are brought
together.This statement also applies to those sur-
names preceded by " St." The following are
examples of all these: —
Frrz-GERALD, S. J. Adair. Stories of famous
songs, pp. xviii., 426. 1898

The style in which the author prints his name in

the book should be adhered to by the cataloguer,
though whether printed as Fitz-Gerald, Fitz Gerald,
or Fitzgerald, all arc regarded as alike, and
arranged together for alphabetical position in the

McCabc, Joseph. The Iron Cardinal : the

romance of Richelieu, pp. xii., 389, ports.

Here also the alphabetical order remains the same

whether the pre&x is spelled Mac, Mc, or M', this
name being arranged as if Maccabe. As the illus-
trations to the book consist exclusively of portraits,
this is stated by " ports." instead of " illus. " given
with the collation. If the illustrations consist of
portraits, pictures, and maps, they are separately
named, as shown in the " St. John " entry below.

Ap John, Lewis. William Ewart Gladstone : his

life and times, pp. 329, port. 1887

The preliminary pages in this book are marked i.

to xvi., and the succeeding pages 17 to 329, and
these are given as above instead of as pp. xvi., 313.

O 'Grady, Standish. The story of Ireland,

pp. viii., 214. 1894

St. John, Charles. Short sketches of the wild

sports and natural history of the Highlands.
New ed., with . . . memoir by M. G^
Watkins. pp. xxiv., 319, port., illus., map.
The author's name
in this entry is according to the
title-page, but a full catalogue will either give it
in full— Charles William George St. John— or with
initials, as Charles W. G. St. John.
In the sorting of this and similar entries for
alphabetical order, the procedure of taking the pre-
fix as part of, and one with, the name following
does not apply. The others were regarded as Fitzg,
Mace, Apj, and Obr respectively, but in this case
the "St.," besides being taken as "Saint" in full,
stands isolated from the rest of the name, when it
falls into place among all names with a similar
prefix and then in the alphabetical order of the
main name. Accordingly St. John, or Saint-Simon,
or Saint-Yves come before Sainta or Sainte-Beuve.
Before proceeding further, these books may be
completed for the dictionary catalogue and assigned
their places in the classified.
Songs :

Fitz-Gerald, S. J. A. Stories of famous

songs. i8g8

If but a single book appears on the subject a

title-entry suffices

Songs, Famous, Stories of. Fitz-Gerald, S, J. A.


This is better and less clumsy than

Songs, Stories of famous. Fitz-Gerald, S. J. A.
: :


Richelieu, Cardinal
McCabe, J. Tbe Iron Cardinal. 1909

In fall form catalogues the heading can be given

at length

Richelieu, Armand-Jean Du Plessis, Cardinal


The title " The Iron Cardinal " must be so given, and
not as " The iron cardinal," although it may be a
fanciful title made use of by this author alone.

Gladstone, William Ewart

Ap John, L. Gladstone : his life and times.

In arranging the order it is the correct and better

plan to put the books by a person before those ufon
him, and it is an advantage to print the latter in
smaller type. The books in the extract from the
Manchester catalogue given on pages II and 12
would be better arranged in this order: —
Gladstone (W. E.) Gleanings of past years.
— Homer.
— Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture.
Biogimphy of, by Runell.
Biography of, by Smith.
Cbaiacter of.
Esaay co, by Brown.

This meagre, telegraphese style of catalogue can

never be satisfactory, so it is not surprising to learn
that Mr. C. W. Sutton, the Manchester Librarian,
has superseded it by the classified form.
O 'Grady, S. Tbe story of Irelaad. 1894

Scotland :

Natural History, ^c^

St. John, C. Wild sports and natural history
of the Highlands. 1893
Highlands, Scottish. See Scotland.

There is no occasion to give a title-entry for any

of these books as they are adequately catalogued
as shown. It may be assumed that any person
who wants them will remember either the authors'
names or the subjects. To give entries under
"Stories," "Iron Cardinal," "Story of Ireland,"
" Short sketches," would be both futile and
In the classified catalogue the main-entries given
above would be numbered and arranged, the book
on songs, 821.04 (English Literature Poetry — —
Lyric, Ballads), Richelieu as 923.2 (Biography of
Sociology — Statesmen) — rather than 922.2 (Bio-
graphy of Religion— Cardinals) and the Glad- —
stone would be the same number, 923.2. It is a
convenience in the case of biographies in a classified
catalogue to lead off with, and arrange by, the name
of the subject of the biography, in which case the
entries are changed to this form :

923.2 Biography of Sociology— Statesmen.
Gladstone, William Ewart : his life and times,
by Lewis Ap John. pp. 329, port. 1887
Richelieu, CardinaL The Iron Cardinal, by
Joseph McCabe. pp. xii., 389, ports.
It is still more convenient to throw all the
works of biography into a single alphabet of
the names of the subjects without any sub-division.
This enables the consulter of the catalogue to find
a bic^raphy without having to stop and consider
whether the person was a cardinal or a statesman.
The story of Ireland is 941.5 (History Ireland), —
it being a general history, and not one upon a par-

ticular period. The book on the Highlands deals

with the &sh. birds, and animals, and is therefore
allocated to
591.941 (Science — Zoology — Geo-
graphical Distribution —Scotland).
The index entries arc
Fits-Cerkld, S. ). A. FAinont toogs. 811.04
Soogi and BalUdt (Literature) 8a 1.04
Mc'^a.be, J. Iron Cardinal (Ricbeliea) 913.2
Ricbelira, Cardinal, tiya
Ap John, L. CUdttonr, qaj.i
GUdstooe, William E. (biographiei) 913.1
O'Cradf, Story of Ireland, (hi-S

IreUod (lliitory), 041.5

St. John, C. Wild sport* of the Highland*, 591. 94r
Scotland (Zoology), «()i.04f
Highland*, Scottish (Zoology), 591.041

Other mostly of foreign origin, as De,

De la, Lc, become the entry-word when
attached to British surnames, as in the following
examples :

Db Morgan, William. Alice-for-Short.
Db la Warr, Constance, Countess. A twice
crowned queen Anne of Brittany. 1906

Le Feuvre, Amy. A bit of rough road.

Van Dyke, Henry. The blue flower.
All these are alphabetized as if the prefixes were
part of the names following, as Demor, Delawa,
Lcfeu, Vandyke.
The illustrative entries worked out from thi.<>
point onwards will be curtailed to the limits of an
average or short-entry catalogue, upon the supposi-

tion that most of those who use this book will

require compressed entries, the style for full-entry
catalogues having been already sufficiently indi-
cated. It is easier to give entries in full than to
condense them without the loss of any information
of moment. In the following pages an endeavour
will be made to show reasonable condensation of
entries or other economies that may be effected and
adopted. Putting this into practice, it will be
observed that the collation has been left out of these
entries, and that the dates of publication are not
given in three of them. This latter omission is be-
cause they are works of fiction, and books in this
class of literature are frequently worn out in popular
libraries. The editions replacing them are seldom
of the same date, therefore it serves no particular
purpose to give the dates; the great majority
of persons wanting such books are not in
the least concerned as to when the book was pub-
lished, unless it be that it is the " latest out."
The title-entries for these same three books are
Alice-for-Short. De Morgan, W.
Bit of rough road, A. Le Feuvre, A.
Blue flower, The. Van Dyke, W.
It is often a puzzle where properly to introduce
the articles a, an, and the, in titles turned about to
bring the word following into place; under no
circumstances should entries be given under the
articles. Generally they fall into place to read
easily and correctly if brought in before the pos-
sessive or at the end.Guidance must be largely a
matter of sight or sound, as no definite rule can
be laid down. It is incorrect to omit them
altogether, because the sense of the title is
often changed or spoiled. Under the author-entry
the articles should be left in their place, as shown,
and not twisted about, as is occasionally seen, after
this fashion.

DrEPiNG, Warwick. Bertrand of Brittany.

— Lame Englishnian, The.
— Red Saint, The.
— Woman's war, A.

Under the author-entry the books are placed in

alphabetical order by the word following the
article. Some rules recommend that this be
emphasised by the use of a capital initial to it, in
this way
DEfcTisr., Warwick. Bertrand of Brittany.
— The Lame Englishman.
— The Red saint.
— A Woman's war.
This point is further referred to and illustrated in
Chapter XII.
Every article when part of a title (apart from the
initial one) is taken into account for alphabetising
purposes, as

Story of a play.
Story of Aline.
Story of an African farm.
Story of Leah.
Story of the Gadsbys.

The historical biography yet remains for atten-

tion and requires a title-as-subject entry.

Anne of Brittany. A twice crowned queen. De

la Warr, Ck>untess. igo6

A title-entry may be given if desired, but it cannot

be said to be of much use.

Twice crowned queen, A : Anne of Brittany. De

la Warr, Countess. 1906

For the classified catalogue the works of fiction, in

a " free library " at any rate, will hardly be marked
823 (Literature— English Fiction), but will be
treated as a class apart; all the entries being
arranged alphabetically by author's names, not by
the periods in which the books were written, or the
nationalities of the authors. It is true there are
other possibilities in arranging works of fiction in
the classified catalogue, though they introduce an
element of obscurity and hinder ready reference.
Historical fiction can be kept apart and arranged
under the countries and periods, or the idea can
be carried further and the books sub-divided under
such headings as Human Careers, Adventures
Abroad, America, English Life, Irish Life, Scottish
Life, Short Stories and Sketches, Detectives and
Crime. It is conceivable that there are people who
would appreciate a division of this kind, though it
would not suit the general convenience. To bring
all the works of fiction together under a heading
" Novels " in the dictionary catalogue, as said pre-

viously, is foreign to its nature, and should not be

The foregoing illustrations were examples of
Anglicized foreign prefixes. When the prefixes are
to genuine foreign names they require careful con-
sideration and varying treatment according to their
character. If " De " is part of a name undoubtedly
French, it is not the entry word, but the
name which follows or precedes it If a prefix
embodies the de&nite article in it, as " Du,"
then that is the entry-word, whether the name be
English or French, so also is the definite article
of " de la ", as shown in tiie de la Br^te
item below. The above points arc all illustrated in
the following examples: —
Harcourt, Louis d'. Le sabre du notaire.
Maupassant, Guy de. Fort comme la mort.
Du BoiscoBEY, Fortune. La loge sanglantc
La BRfcTE, Jean de. Mon oncle et mon curd.
Le Roux, Hugues. I>e fils /k papa.

Whoi the prefix is embodied as part of the

surname, then the whole name is regarded as a
single one, and comes under the ordinary rule. It
is as well to give examples of these also.

Decourcelle, a. Un homme d'argent.

Delaborde, Vicomte Henri. La gravurc : precis
^k'lnentaire. [1882]
All the above are works of fiction, the last excepted,
and therefore receive the usual first-word title-
entries in the dictionary catalogue, the rules
governing the use of the article remaining the same
for foreign fiction. To prevent misunderstanding,
the correct form for such entries is here shown
Sabre, Le, du notaire. Harcourt, L. d*.
Fort comme la mort. Maupassant, G. de.
Loge sanglante, La. Du Boisgobey, F.
Mon oncle et mon curd. La Brfete, J. de.
Fils k papa, Le. Le Roux, H.
Homme d'argent, Un. Decouroellc, A.
Whatever economy may be effected by leaving otit
the articles in English titles, it is better and more

correct not to attempt it in French. The last of

the books is on engraving, which word becomes the
subject-heading, as under no circumstances should
the name of any subject be given in any form but
English in the catalogue unless, as happens in
remote cases, there is no equivalent in English for
the subject. Accordingly the entry is
Engraving :
Delaborde, Vicomte H. La gravure. [1882]

The instruction that when the definite article is

a of a prefix, to a name it becomes
prefix, or part
the entry word must not be blindly followed in
all cases, as there are exceptions. If it were the
middle part (conjunction) of a double name, for
example, it is not the entry-word. To name some
instances of this VioUet-le-Duc is so entered, and
not as Le Due; Verdy du Vernois, and not Du
Vernois; Leconte de Lisle, and not Lisle or De
Lisle; and Puvis de Chavannes, not Chavannes or
De Chavannes. Such names require to be treated
with knowledge and discretion.
Theinexperienced and the young cataloguer,
they are not necessarily the same, need to exercise
due care lest they blunder stupidly if unwittingly.
Perhaps they have a book by, say, J.-H. Rosny le
Jeune one day, and on another one by J.-H. Rosny
Ain6, when it need hardly be said the entry-names
are not Le Jeune or Aini, or even Rosny le Jeune
or Rosny Aine, but
Rosny, J.-H., ami.
RosNY, J.-H., le jeune.
and in this order. This note of warning is not
unnecessary, as might be supposed.
Much the same principles govern Italian and
Spanish names with pre&xes. In German and Dutch
" von " and " van " are not the entry-words, except

in Anglicized names as already shown, or if clearly

embodied in the surname. This latter remark
applies to" van," as " von " is seldom, if ever, so found.
It is customary in entering books by the Greek
and Latin classical authors to adopt the name con-
tained in some modem standard dictionary, such
as Smith's " Dictionary of Greek and Roman
Biography." This is usually the Latin form, as
V'irgilius, Homerus, and while it is wise in the case
of a college or other library to follow this, it is
better for a public library to adopt the English
style, as Homer, Horace, Ovid, Pliny, Virgil; at
the same time taking care to adhere to the Englisli
forms throughout and to sec that all the books
.ire entered under that adopted, no matter what
may be the languages of the various editions. The
author's name as the entry-word must, of course,
be turned into the nominative, and not left in the
case in which it appears on the title-page, though
this difficulty does not arise when the English
renderings of the names are chosen.
The following examples are given to elucidate
the matter as well as emphaisise it The title-pages
of the four books selected for the purpose read :

Q. Horati Flacci Opera Edited by T. E. Page,
M.A. London Macmillan & Co. 1895
Sophodis Tragoediae Edited by Robert Yelver-
ton TyrelL London Macmillan & Co. 1897
P. Vergili Maronis Bucolica Georgica Aeneis
Edited by T. E. Page, M.A. London Mac-
millan & Co. 189s

M. Tullii Ciceronis De Finibus Bonorum et

Malorutn Libri Quinque With Introduction
and Commentary by W. M. L. Hutchinson.
London Edward Arnold 1909

The first three books have on the preliminary title-

pages " The Parnassus Library of Greek and Latin
Texts." To revert to the style of the full form of
entry, these would appear as

HoRATius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera ed. by T. E.


Page. {Parnassus lib. of Greek and Latin

texts.) pp. xxii., 252. 1895
Sophocles. Tragoediae ed. by Robert Y. Tyrrell.

[Parnassus lib. of Greek and Latin texts.)

pp. xxvi. , 272. 1897
ViRGiLUs Maro, Bucolica, Georgica,
Aeneis ed by T. E. Page.
; {Parnassus lib. of
Greek and Latin texts.) pp. xxii., 376. 1895
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De finibus bonorum et
malorum ; with intro. and commentary by
W. M. L. Hutchinson, pp. xxxii., 238. 1909

It should be noted that the form of words of the

iitlesof the books is not altered or amended, the
dipthongs in " Tragoediae " and " .<Eneis " being
taken from the books, as it is the rule to follow
the wording of a title-page literally, even to the
extent of copying obvious mistakes.
References are required from the names of the
various editors

Page, T. E. {Ed.) See Horatius. Virgilius.

Tyrrell, Robert Y. {Ed.) See Sophocles.
Hutchinson, W. M. L. {Ed.) See Cicero.
For " an average catalogue "
— by which is meant
one that is intended for the use of all classes,
learned or unlearned— the popular form of names
is not only more suitable but is more convenient

The entries, then, would be

HoKMi. Opera ; ed. by T. 1'. Pagf. {Paruassus

lib.) 1895
SoPHOCLrs. Trapocdiac ed. by R. Y. Tyrrell.

{ParnaiiUi lib.) 1887

\'iKi.ii.. Bucolica, Georpica, Aeneis ; cd. by T. \-..

Page. (Parnassus lib.) 1895

Cicero. De finibus Iwnonim ct nTalorum ; cd. by
W. M. 1-. Huichinson. 1909

The fact that the titles of the books are given in

Latin would in itself be a sufficient indication to
the observant that the works are in the original
and not translations.
Apart from the references from editor's names,
the above would be the sole entries in any style of
catalogue, as most classical authors, certainly the
Greek and Latin, do not have subject-entries, or
anything corresponding thereto, probably upon the
supposition that the contents of their works are so
well known by those who read them that further
entries are uncalled for.
In the classi&ed catalogue most of the classic
authors have a specific place, those above being
respectively 874.5 Literature— Latin Lyric Poetry-
Horace), 882.2 (Literature —
Greek Dramatic Poetry
—Sophocles), 873.1 Literature— Latin Epic Poetry
— \'irgil}, and 875.4 (Literature— Latin Oratory-
Cicero- Philosophical Works.)

In subsequent illustrations the position in the

Dewey shown by the number
Classification will be
attached to each principal entry, as if it were the
shelf ("finding" or "location") number in the
dictionary catalogue, and this will obviate the neces-
sity for any separate statement relating to the
classified catalogue unless it seems to be required.


First Name Entry.

Moacraht. Oneent. Order of Arranfenent. Prinoec Pop**.
Seriei Botrie*. Saints. Friar*. Medisval Namea.
Artiau, Aa.

AMONG other names rather puzzling to the

cataloguer are those of persons who have no
surnames in the ordinary accepted sense, and who
arc known and entered by their Christian or fore-
names, such as potentates, popes, saints, and
mediaeval writers. Their names will ;irise more
frequently for subject-entry than as authors, but
the style of entry remains the same in cither case.
To take the names of royal personages first,

the book chosen is catalogued as

Victoria, Queen. Letters a selection, 1837-61


ed. by Arthur C. Benson and Viscount Kisher.

3 V. ports. 1907 942.081

This would be a sufficiently full entry for most

catalogues, yet the title-page of the first volume

The Letters of / Queen Victoria / a Selection from

Her Majesty's / Correspondence between the /
Years 1837 and 1861 / Published by Authority
of / His Majesty the King / Edited by Arthur
Christopher Benson, M.A. / and Viscount Esher,
G.C.V.O., K.C.B. / In three volumes / Vol. i /
1837-1843 / London / John Murray, Albemarle
Street, W. / 1907
— ;


The markings in this title denote the division into

and are introduced merely
lines of the title-page,
to illustrateand explain such markings when seen
in catalogues. They are only used in the case of
rare editions and bibliographical curiosities, or
where a very exact description is wanted.
This book is not allotted to the biography of
sociology in the classified catalogue, but to English

History Queen Victoria, where it rightly belongs.
The biographies of monarchs are rarely separable
from the histories of their reigns, and these letters
are regarded accordingly.
The usual references are required from the names
of the editors individually, as
Benson, Arthur C. (Ed.) See Victoria, Quieen'.
EsHER, Viscount (Ed.) See Victoria, Queen.
The next work is one of a purely literary
character by the queen of a reigning monarch, viz.,
Elisabeth, Queen of Roumania {" Carmen
Sylva. ') Pilgrim sorrow : a cycle of tales
transl. by Helen Zimmern. 1884 ... 833.89
A title-entry is required for the book
Pilgrim sorrow : tales. Elisabeth, Queen of
Roumania. 1884 ... ... ... 833.89
This book is not pl^iced with Roumanian literature
in the classified catalogue, but with German fiction
of the later 19th century, as the Queen writes in her
native German.
In the remaining illustrations the royal per-
sonages come as subjects, not as authors. The
principal entries are
Baird, Henry M. The Huguenots and Henry of
Navarre. 2 v. 1886 ... ... ... 272.4


Beazley, C. Raymond. Prince Henry the Navi-
gator, the hero of Portugal and of modem
discovery, 1394-1460. {Heroes of thf
nations.) illus. 1895 923-9
BiCELOw, Poultney. The German F.mpcror and
his Eastern neighbours, port. 1892 943.084
Capekicie, J. B. Gabricllc d'Estri^es et la poli-
tique de Henri IV. 1859 944-03'
Yorsdin siiAND, Lady Helen A. Marie-Antoin-
ette: her early youth, 1770-74. ports., illu.s.

1912 92.V«
The Erst and fourth of these books come together
under the same heading
Henry FV., 0/ France:
I{;iirH,H. M. The Huguenots and Henry of
Navarre. 2 v. 1886 ... ... 2724
Capefigue, J. H. Gabricllc d'Estr^-cs ct la

politique dc Henri I\'. 1859... 944.031

A reference is desirable
Henry of Navarre. .S>^ Henry I\'., of I'rancc.

These books need further entries for subject, the

trst under the heading " Huguenots, The," and the
other a title-entry
Estrees, Gabriellc d', ct la politique dc Henri IV.
Capefigue, J. B. 1859 94403'
Presuming that the catalogue will contain no other
book than that above on Prince Henry, we write
a title-entry
Henry, Prince, the Navigator. Beazley, C. R.
1895 9239
The next book becomes
William II., Emperor of Germany
Bigelow, P. The German Emperor and his
Eastern neighbours. 1892 ... 943.084


Whenever a number is used in the titles of

monarchs either in the heading or in transcribing

the title of a book, it is given in Roman numerals,
as shown above, and not as " Henry 4th," or even
as " William the Second." The last book requires
a further entry under " Russia," the " Eastern
neighbours " of the title, as the book bears upon
German relations with Russia. It does not need
an entry under " Germany," as all books dealing
with a particular monarch or his reign are entered
under his name, as in this instance, and covered
by a reference from the name of the country, as
See also William II.

or more comprehensively
For the lives of monarchs and the histories of
their reigns see their names as William II.

This example affords an opportunity for explain-

ing that in the catalogues of popular libraries the
names of foreign monarchs are Anglicized, where
they admit of shown (William instead of
it, as
Wilhelm); that English monarchs of the same
name take precedence in the order of arrangement;
and that the sovereigns with the same name of a
particular country are kept together, and then
arranged in chronological order. The following
list demonstrates this point

William I., the Conqueror.

William II. (1087-1100).
William III.
William IV.
William I., Emperor of Germany (1861-88).
William II., Emperor of Germany.
2 ;


If considered desirable, the dates of the reigns can
be added, as shown in the second and fifth of
these names. This adds a certain clearness to the
entry, though the catalogue is not meant to serve
as an historical dictionary.
The last of the above selection of books is

Marie-Antoinette, Queen:
Vounghusband, Lady. Marie-Antoinette
her early youth. 191

In assigning a place in the classified catalogue for

this and similar books we are faced with the neces-
sity for deciding whether they shall go in 923.1
Biography of .Sociolo^^y -Chief Rulers, Kings,
Queens, ctc.\ By the Queen \'ictoria book it wns
shown that her letters were inseparable from the
history of her reign, and the same view is taken
of the biographical and other books above, as
indicated by the numbers attached to the entries.
1f this is considered to be the better and more

useful placing for a book dealing with a monarch,

it is a moi.t point whether the lives of their consorts
arc not also to a large extent contributions to the
histories of their ]x?riods, and warrant similar treat-
ment, when book would be numbered with
others on the reign of Louis XVI. (944.035). A
confirmation of this view is found in the Subject-
Index of the London Library, where no references
whatever to books on Marie-Antoinette are to be
found under her name, as they are under Louis
X\T., though this is no criterion for so dealing
with books catalogued according to the principles
laid down in these pages. In the classified cata-

logue the books can be entered at 944.035, and a

reference given to it at 923.1.
Following out the contrary idea, the book upon
Prince Henry the Navigator is not put with the
Biography of Princes, but with the Biography of
Travellers, Discovery.
We may take two books upon Popes at this
point, though the method of treatment is virtually
the same,

McCarthy, Justin. Pope Leo XIII. {Puhlic men

of to-day.) i8g6 ... ... ... 922.21
Stephens, W. R. W., Dean. Hildebrand and his
times. (Epochs of church hist.) map. 1888
Contrary also to the views expressed above, but
with as good reason, these two books are not
classified with Religion —
History of the Roman
Catholic Church, but with the Biography of Religion
^Pope^. The subject-entries for the dictionary
catalogue are

Leo XIII., Pope :

McCarthy, J. Pope Leo XIII. 1896 922.21

Gregory VII., Pope :

Stephens, W. R. W. Hildebrand and his

times. 1888 ... ... ... 922.21

This last calls for the reference

Hildebrand. See Gregory VII., Pope.

The lives of popes, or any other works dealing with

them as individuals, do not need references from
their family names, because these names are merged
when the bearers are raised to the pontificate, and
it is unlikely that anyone will look under Pecci for
: :


Leo XIII. Two useful general references can be
Roman Catholic Church.
See also Popes.
See also the tiames of Popes as Gregory \'II.,
These references assume that there are books in
the catalogue upon the popes generally.
It will have been observed in passing that both

these books, and that upon Prince Henry the

Navi}j;itor, in previous examples, belong to
series, the of which are contained in the
entries Thc\ are usually noticed for headings
in the dictionary catalogue, as it can be
made to furnish a list of the volumes in a library,
belonging to a series, under the name of the series.
As sucli a list is not intended to serve as a make-
shift form of subject-entry, the first word ^articles
excepted) of the title of the series is taken for the
entry-word of the heading, as Heroes of the
Nations, Public Men of To-day, Epochs of Church
Histor}-, capitals being used to denote that these
are special names. There are three ways of entering
under a series heading, viz., (i) by the authors'
names arranged in alphabetical order, as
Heroes of the Nations ; ed. by Evelyn Abbott
Beazley, C. R. Prince Henry the Navigator, 1895

(2) by the subject, especially in a series of a

biographical or personal nature, as

Public Men of To-day

Leo XIII., by J. McCarthy. 1896 921.21


and (3) by the number if the volumes in the series

bear a consecutive number, as

International Scientific Series

V. 74. Stebbing, T. R. R. History of Crustacea.
1898 S953

Though allowed for by some of the codes of rules,

this latter is a form not to be commended, as it
often involves a search through a long list to find
a particular book. The only possible advantage it
has is that the latest published volumes are to be
found at the end of the list, though this would
not apply to new and revised editions if they had
the old volume numbers. When economy of space
is of some moment, as it too often is in the printed
catalogues, there being a certain element of doubt
as to the utility of these series entries, they can be
dispensed with, upon the presumption that a person
requiring a book will know either the name of the
author or its subject, and the author-entry reveals
if it is one of a series. Whatever likelihood there
may be of a person wishing to read all the books
in the Heroes of the Nations or English Men of
Letters Series, it is improbable that anyone will
want to read systematically from volume i to
74 of the International Scientific Series owing to
the variety of subjects. The name of the series
should be given in the author-entry even in the
brief form of catalogue. A
certain amount of
discretion has to be exercised in giving lists of
series, as many publishers' series, like the Pitt Press
Series, Bohn's Libraries, Clarendon Press Series,
Everyman's Library, pass unnoticed. If space can
be afforded, it serves some little purpose towards
and scope of books to give
indicating the character
the names of such series in the principal entry.
There is no place in the classi&ed catalogue for
separate lists of series.
The and similar personage next claim
our attention. The entries will be under their
names, and not under " Saint." Examples of the
correct form are
At.i sTisF, St.. Bp. of Hippo.
Confessions; with an Eng. transl. by Wm.
\\ntt.s, i(>;,i. (Loeb classical lib.) 2 v.
1912 923.1

Augustine, St., of Canterbury :

Cults, K. L. Augustine of Canterbury. 1895
Francis, St., of Atniti .

Little, W. J. K. St. Francis of Assisi. 1897

Francis, Si., de Sales.
Spiritual letters: a selection, transl. 1880
Francis Xavier, St. -

Venn, H. Missionary life and labours of

Francis Xavier. 1862 ... ... 922.2

Onl\ the first and fourth of these arc main-entries,

and neither of them really needs a subject-entry.
The main-entries for the rest are

CtTTS, Edward L. Augustine of Canterbury.

{Leaders of religion.) 1895 ••• ••• 922.1
Little, \V. J. Knox. St. Francis of Assisi: his
times, life, and work. port. 1897 ... 922.2
\'enx, Henry. The missionary life and labours of
Francis Xavier. 1862 ... ... 922.3


The process of canonization does not affect

cataloguing so materially that all persons canonized
must be entered under their Christian names,
indeed, the Francis Xavier at least needs the

Xavier, St. Francis. See Francis Xavier.

Comparatively modern instances, as Sir Thomas

More or Bishop John Fisher now the Blessed —
Thomas More and Blessed John Fisher — continue
to receive the usual entries under More and Fisher,
though they will not be found under those names
in the recently-published Catholic Encyclopedia,
but under Thomas and John respectively. What-
ever form of name may be adopted for the heading,
it does not affect the title of the book, which must

be retained as given by the writer, thus

More, Sir Thomas :

Bridgett, T. E.Wit and wisdom of Blessed

Thomas More. 1892
Friars or other ecclesiastics who drop their sur-
names and adopt a religious name happily are not
often found among the writers of books in an
average library, though the cataloguer of a
theological library will have to reckon with them.
One example will suffice

Hyacinthe, P^re (Chas. J. M. Loyson). Catholic

reform and the Anglican Church correspond- :

ence; transl. by Lady Durand. 1879 ... 282

A reference from Loyson to Hyacinthe is necessary

indeed, in this case the British Museum Catalogue
enters under Loyson with the reference the reverse
In the event of a friar leaving his order, and
resuming his " worldly " name, entry is by that
name. A modem instance of this would be

McCabe, Joseph. Life in a modern monastrry.

1898 371

the author Father Antony of the

having been
Franciscans. No is needed here, anH
it would only be required in the event of his having

published books under his monastic name.

The book takes two subject-entries, one

under " Roman

atholic Church " (or " Roman

Catholicism ";, and the other under " Church of

England," as

Roman Catholic Church :

Hyacinthc, Pfre. Catholic reform and the

Anglican Church. 1879 ... ... 282

The subjc\t-cntry for the other book is

Monasticism :

McCabe, J. Life in a modern monastery.

1898 271

There are yet others who are entered by their

Christian names, for lack of another; mostly
mediaeval writers, who are, however, usually dis-
tinguished by means of their place, or office, or
occupation. It will suffice to name a few as
examples of the type without adding book-titles
to them, viz., Mathew of Paris (Parisiensis) Mathew ;

of Westminster; Paulus Diaconus; Reginald, Monk

of Durham; Thomcis a Kempis; Walter of Henley;
William of Malmesbury.


Among the books set for cataloguing by library

assistants and students at a recent examination was
one, the title-page of which read



Edited from Manuscripts
Bishop of Chester, and Honorary Student of Christ Church,


Published by The Authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her

Majesty's Treasury, tinder the Direction of the Master of the Rolls.

Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
By Eyre and Spottiswoode,
Printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty.


The results, as worked out, were surprising, and

proved the great difficulty experienced by most in
interpreting a title-page. Among the renderings
were these, with others equally incorrect :

Stubbs, William, editor. Historiae novellae libri
tres. Vol. I. Lend. 1887
This had a further entry under " Htstoriac Novelise."
William of Malmesbury being ignored altogether.
The punctuation and markings for the printer are
copied as given, and are here printed accordingly.

Willelmi Nfalmesbiriensis, Monachi dc Gestis

R^^utn Anglorum Libri Quinque Hi.storiic
N'ouvellae I.ibri Trcs. ed. by William Stubbs,
(Bp.) vol. I. 1887

with a further entry in ail particulars the same

" Stubbs, William (Bp. Ed.)."
Stubbs, William (Bp. of Chester aftprwnrds
Truro) (ed.) Willclmi Malmcsbiricn.sis
Monachi De Gestis Regum Anglorum
Libri Quinque; Hi.storia; Novellas I.ibri
Tres. V. i. London, H.Nf. .Stationery
Office, 1SH7

with references from Chester and Truro in this

Truro, William, Bp. of. See Stubbs, William.

As the students were not permitted to use books of

reference, the mistake of placing Bishop Stubbs at
Truro instead of Oxford was pardonable, if not
commendable, because it proved that the student
had the knowledge that Chester was not the last
bishopric held by Stubbs, and that, under ordinary
circumstances, the correct see would have been
Malmsbury (William) Duke. Historiae novelise
libri tres; ed. from manuscripts by William
Stubbs. vol. I.

with a reference equal to the full entry, in this

Stubbs (William) ed. See also Malmsbury
(William) Duke. Historiae novelise libri tres.
vol. I.
One gave the main-entry under " Malmesbirienses,"
with references from " Stubbs " and " Malmesbury,
William," and apparently tripping over the word
" libri " added a subject-entry under " Libraries,
Monastic." Another translated the title and marked
it for printing in this style
William Malmesbury). Story of the reigns of
the Kings
of England. Ed. by William
Stubbs {Bishop of Chester] vol i 8vo
London 1887.

This punctuation, or want of it, as well as the in-

different of a parenthesis and bracket, are
characteristic of the work of many young cata-
loguers. If the "copy" were sent to press without
revision and followed by the printer, the result
would be peculiar, to say the least.
The correct form of entry upon the lines so
far laid down is

William of Malmesbury. De gestis regum

anglorum. Historiae novellas; ed. by Wm.
Stubbs. (Chronicles and memorials.) v. i.
1887 942.01
The requisite additional entries being

Stubbs, Wm., Bp. (Ed.) See William of Malmes-

Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain,
&c. ("Rolls Series").
William of Malmesbury. De gestis regum
anglorum. v. i. 1887 ... 942.01
English History.
See also Chronicles and Memorials.
Rolls series. See Chronicles aod Memorials.

If it is considered desirable, fuller references may

be given
Stubbs, WiUiam, Bp. of Oxford (Ed.) Set
William of Malmesbury.
See also Chronicles and Memorials.
provided this style is generally adopted through-
out the catalogue. As an allowance for all possible
needs, a reference can be added

History of England. See England (History).

In arranging the order of names of the des-

cription shown in this chapter it is customary to
place them (a) apostles, (b) saints, (c) monarchs,
(d) mediaeval names, (e) friars, (f) surnames as
usual. To put this into concrete form it becomes

James, St., the Apostle.

James, St.
James I., King.
James Edward, Prince.
James, Archbp. of Bulgaria.
James of Huntingdon.
James, Brother.
James, Abraham.
James, G. P. R.
There are other personages who have first-name
entries forwhom no definite rule can be laid down
other than that which common knowledge or custom
dictates. Certain of the great artists are so entered.

Michael Angelo (sometimes given as Michel Angelo

and Michelangelo) as Michael, and not Buonarotti,
Raphael not Santi, Rembrandt not Rhijn. Others
are known and always referred to by a sobriquet,
or nickname, which may be the best name for entry,
but reference to a good dictionary of artists, like
Bryan's, settlesany doubt that may arise.
There are also mediaeval writers of the later
period who have what may be termed special names,
by which they are more generally known, but these
names are, as a rule, in such common use that they
are unlikely to present any special difficulty,
Erasmus, Grotius, Melancthon are examples of this

Noblemen. Oriental Names.

Noblemen. Tide v. Familjr Nmme. Double Subjeot-Bntnr.
Oriental Name*. Indian Name*. Japsneie and Chinete
Namea Hebrew Names. Maori Namei.

WHETHER noblemen are to be entered in the

catalogue as authors or subjects, the question
of entry by title or family name requires careful con-
sideration. Difference of opinion exists on this point.
This difference is carried into the codes of rules,
the Library Association of this country, curiously
enough, advocating entry by the family name,
whereas tlie American Association, ignoring the
republican tradition, recommends entry under the
latest title. This latter recommendation is cer-
tainly far more convenient, because, as a rule, the
title is better remembered, even in cases of recent
creations." Those who make any large use of the
Dictionary of National Biography know how
troublesome it is in this respect, invariably entailing
two references. For the catalogues of popular
libraries, entry under the latestand highest title
is by far the most convenient and satisfactory,

while no possibility of mistake can arise if references

are given in doubtful cases from the family name
to the title, or from an earlier and lower to a later
and higher title
Some illustrations of such names are the
following :

RosEBERY, Earl of. Napoleon : the last phase.
1904 94405

Under the rule in the English Code (Joint-Code)

this would be given as
Primrose, Archibald P. Earl of Rosebery.
, Napo-
leon: the last phase. 1904 ... ... 944.05
For the former entry no reference is needed from
Primrose to Rosebery, but in the latter the reference
from Primrose is absolutely indispensable.
The indexer of a lately-published book on dress
gets over the difficulty in a very easy if unsophisti-
cated way by entering under "Lord," after this
Lord Beaconsfield, how dressed, 235
„ Brougham, his check trousers, 104
ft is of importance to have the books entered
under the highest title attained at the time the
catalogue is published. The two undermentioned
books illustrate this point. The first is described
as by " the late Alexander, Earl of Crawford and
Balcarres, Lord Lindsay, Etc.," and the second as
by " Lord Balcarres." We distinguish between
them and enter in this way
Crawford and Balcarres, Alexander, 2Sth Earl
of. The Earldom of Mar in sunshine and
shade during 500 years. 2 v. Edin., 1882
Crawford and Balcarres, David, 27th Earl of.
The evolution of Italian sculpture, illus, 4°
1909 ... ... ... ... ... 784
This latter work being published while the author
was Lord Balcarres necessitates the reference
Balcarres, Lord. See Crawford and Balcarres,
Earl of.

which willfit any Earl of Crawford who might have

published a book while using the courtesy title of

Lord Balcarres. It ma>' be admitted that entry by
the family name would bring all books together
by members of this particular family, irrespective
of the titles under which they may have written,
whether Lord Balcarres, Lord Lindsay, or Earl of
Crawford, but such cases are few.
When the title of a nobleman is adopted for the
entry in cases where he has written books before
being raised to the peerage, it is essential that the
reference from his former name be given, particu-
larly if it differs from the title he has assumed, as

Lubbock, Sir John. See Avcbury, Lord.

MiTPORD, A. B. Freeman. Sec Rcdcsdale, Lord.
If the family name and the title are alike, or almost
so, the reference is seldom necessary, as the two
names come near together. Examples are :

Ck)URTNRv OF Penwith, Lord (Leonard H. Court-
MoRLEV OF Blackburn, Lord (John Morley).

In the event of there being many entries under

the names of Courtney and Morley, the references
are required. In arranging these names for
order they would, of course, precede those of
commoners, irrespective of the alphabetical order of
the secondary parts, that is to say " Courtney of
Penwith, Lord," comes before, say, " Courtney,
As " exceptions which prove the rule," there are
a few noblemen who are decidedly better known
and are always referred to by their family names,
of which two outstanding instances are Francis
Bacon (Viscount Sl Albans) and Horace Walpole
(Earl of Orford).
: :


The subject-entries for the three books given

above are
Napoleon I., Emperor
Rosebery, Earl of. Napoleon : the last phase.
1904 944-05
Mar, The Earldom of. Crawford, Earl of. 2 v.
1882 923.2
Sculpture :
Crawford, Earl of. The evolution of Italian
sculpture. 1909 784
There is no occasion to distinguish between the
Earls of Crawford in the sub-entries except in the
very remote possibility of two of them having
written on the same subject*
The book on sculpture raises a very
tfoublesome question in connection with subject-
entries for the dictionary catalogue, namely, whether
double entry is required or not. The youthful
beginner may be told here, as a kind of aside, that
there is no iMrd subject to this book, it has nothing
to do with " Evolution " as such. The book is not
upon sculpture as a whole, but upon that subject
with a geographical (or national) limitation, yet the
prominence of Italian sculpture in that art calls
for an entry under " Sculpture," as shown above.
The book, moreover, not specifically upon Italian

art, but only upon a phase of it, yet those who want
to study Italian art in all its aspects must have
their attention directed to it. Accordingly we
either need an entry, as
Crawford, Earl of. The evolution of Italian
sculpture, igog 784
or the more economical reference ;

See also Sculpture.

When space is a consideration, then the reference

will suffice, but where it can be afforded, double

entry is advised. If there are many entries

under such a heading it can be sub-divided to
simplify reference— divisions as " General," " Greek
and Roman," " Italian," " British," suggest them-
selves, though the amount of sub-division usually
depends upon the material to be arranged. The
heading need not necessarily be the geographical
one (Italy), as here shown a term more direct, say

" Italian Art," might

be chosen.
In any case a book of this definite character
would not be entered under " Art " in the dictionary
catalogue, sculpture being but a branch of the Fine
Arts, as also are painting and architecture. The
heading "
Art " then would be reserved for books
dealing with art generally, including all the arts,
or, at least, the two principal, painting and sculpture,
which people mostly mean when speaking of art,
though in no case must the valuable guiding refer-
ence be omitted
See also Sculpture.
Furthermore, there is no reason why this heading
should not be reserved for books upon art generally
without a qualification, and the books upoo
national art be placed under the names of the
country concerned, with a further reference of a
comprehensive nature, to this effect

See also Architecture. Painting. Sculpture.
For the art of particular countries see
their names as Greece, Italy, Japan.

Though not quite in the same category, by far

the most troublesome names the cataloguer has to
contend with are the Oriental, both of the far and
near East. They are increasingly coming under
notice, not only attached to translations, but
to books written in English, and have to be
reckoned with for the catalogues of even com-
paratively small libraries. If the cataloguer
should stumble in his selection of the name
under which he makes the entry, he has the satis-
faction of knowing that he errs in good company,
with the further consolation of believing that there
will be few who know enough to discover his
mistake, though these facts will be no justification,
and should only serve to put him on his guard.
In Abdullah Yusuf-Ali's Life and labour of the
people of India (1907) we read: —
" If Miss Toru Dutt were to come to life again,
and had nothing better to do than go to the British
Museum, she would never be able to trace her own
book from the Catalogue. Her name is to be
found neither under Dutt nor under Toru, but as
Tarulata Datta. Mrs. Naidu's name appears
under S. as Sarojini Nayadu. Perhaps some sym-
pathy might be extended to the Frenchman who
never could understand why names were treated
so badly in England there was one he knew which

they wrote as Marjoribanks and pronounced as

Chumley! To be consistent the British Museum
Catalogue ought (especially after the recent spell-
lag crusade) to spell the names of the President
of the United Sutes " RAs-felt " and classify it

under T as Theodores ^Theodore being only a
modem corruption of a good Greek name."
This isquoted for what it is worth, though coming
as it does from a native source and from one who
can also write in English, it is entitled to great
respect The
following paragraph taken from Tke
Weslminsler Gazette is helpful in this connection :
" The usually full telegrams from India during;
the past week have furnished several examples of
that perpetual puzzle the proper use of Indian
names. Both the home and the Anglo-Indian
Press are apt to stumble, and to an Indian reader
their mistakes must be as amusing as the Lord

Balfour and
' Sir Morley
of certain French

newspapers arc to us. As a rule, the blunders

occur in reference to Parsce or Bengali names.
Roughly speaking, every Bengali man has three
names. The first is his given name, the second
is conventional or honorific, the third is the
patronymic, analogous to an Irish or Scottish
clan-name. For example, Dr. Rash Behari Ghose
(who should have been president of this year's
National Congress), Mr. Romesh Chandra Dutt
(the historian and ex-Civil servant), Bepin Chandra
Pal (the well-known agitator). In each case the
important names are the first and third the second

cannot be used without the first, though in certain

forms of address the third is omitted. Thus,
while it is permissible to speak of Dr. Rash
Behari, Reuter is quite wrong with his ' Dr.
Behari Ghose.' Similarly, the Times should not
speak of Mr. Chandra Pal,' nor the Morning

Post of ' Babu Banerjea. ' We may say ' Bepin


Babu or Mr. Pal/

' '
Surendra Babu,' or Mr.

Banerjea; but it is safer to give the full names.

Parsee names are another matter, and a more
intricate one."

We may take a book by way of illustration, and

examine for cataloguing. The title-page of that

chosen reads

The Tarikh-i-Rashidi of Mirza Muhammad Haidar,

Dughlit. A history of the Moghuls of Central
Asia. An English version edited, with commen-
tary, notes, and map by N. Elias. The trans-
lation of E. Denison Ross. London, Sampson
Low, &c. 1895

Upon somewhat general principles — too general to

be always reliable ^^the entry in such names is
Usually made under the first name, which in this in-
stance is Mirza, the author being referred to through-
out the preface as Mirza Haidar, though it appears
that other European writers have called him Haidar
Mirza. In some parts of Asia the reversal
of the name in this way makes considerable differ-
ence; when "Mirza" leads it means simply "Mr."'
or " Esq.," but at the end of the name it is
equivalent to " Prince," and is so used only by
persons who belong to a reigning family. As the
writer was a prince, his name could^roperly be given
either way. Mirza being a title and not
a name, cannot be the entry-name, yet it is so
entered, with other Mirzas, in the Catalogue of the
London Library. The British Museum enters the
name as " Muhammad
Haidar, Dughldt!' For most
libraries an entry to the following effect will prove


Muhammad Haidar, A/iVsa. The Tarikh-i-Rashidi
a history of the Moghuls of Central Asia;
ed. by N. Elias. 1895 ... .„ ... 950
The book from which the paragraph criticising the
British Museum Catalogue was taken will serve as
a further example, though it is a very simple one;
the author, apparently appreciating the difficulty
his name presents to Westerns, has given it
at the end of the preface and on the binding as
"A. Yusuf-Ali," though it is in full, Abdullah
Yusuf-Ali, on the title-page. This enables us to see
that it is correct to treat the name as if it were an
occidental one, and the entry is

Ylsuf-Ai.1, Abdullah. Life and labour of the

people of India, illus. 1907

For ascertaining the meaning of terms attached

to Oriental names, the " List of Oriental titles and
occupations with their signification," given in
Linderfelt's Eclectic Card Catalog Rules already
named is useful. For Indian names such works
of reference as Whitworth's Anglo-Indian Dic-
tionary, Beale and Keene's Oriental Biographical
Dictionary, and Lethbridge's Golden Book of India
are serviceable.
Japanese and Chinese names present the same
difficulty, though the books themselves often indicate
the correct name for entry, especially in translations.
Works in the original will necessitate obtaining the
aid of an expert, not only for giving the name of
the author and stating the subject with which he
deals, but for meiking a transliteration or some
rendering suitable for a catalogue entry. On the
rare occasions when this is required, there is seldom

any difficulty in obtaining reliable voluntary help.

Quite recently the Chelsea Library obtained the loan
of a Japanese manuscript from the Swedish Royal
Library, and a Frenchman translated it into English.
For the present Japanese names are oftener met
with than Chinese, not only attached to translations,
but to books written in English and continental
languages, and first name entry is not always the
correct form. To take two examples in illustration

The ideals of the East, with special reference to

the art of Japan, byKakasu Okakura. 1903
A Japanese artist in London, written and illus-

trated by Yoshio Markino. 191 o

In the prefaces of these books the writers

are referred to as Mr. Okakura and Mr. Markino
respectively, therefore, these names may be looked
upon as corresponding to, although not actually
the same as, the family name in European usage,
and the entries are given accordingly
Okakura, Kakasu. The ideals of the East, with
special reference to the art of Japan. 1903
Marking, Yoshio. A Japanese artist in London,
illus. 1910 914.21

There is every probability that had these books been

published in Japan the names of the authors would

have been reversed upon the title-pages, as
"Okakura Kakasu" and "Markino Yoshio," but
that fact does not involve any necessity for refer-
ences in an English catalogue.
Chinese names may need quite different treat-
ment, and, failing any clue as to the correct name
for entry, the first given should be taken. The


following will not only illustrate this point, but
serve to demonstrate themethod of condensing a
title which in full is

The Light of China. The Tdo Teh King of

lAo Tsze, 604-504 B.C An accurate metrical
rendering, translated directly from the Chinese
text, and critically compared with the standard
translations, the ancient and modern Chinese
commentaries, and all accessible authorities.
With preface, analytical index, and full list of
Important words, and their radical significations.
By I. W. Hcysinger, M.A., M.D., Author of
" Solar Energy, its Source and Mode Throughout
the Universe," Etc., Etc. Research Publishing
Co., Philadelphia, MDCCCCIIL

This is more advertisement than title-page, and the

cataloguer renders it all as simply as possible in
this way :

LAo Tsze. The Light of China: the Tflo Teh
King; metrical transl., cd. by I. W. Hcy-
singer. PhUad.., 1903 299.5

Before proceeding books by

further, these
Orientals must have complete
subject-entries to
them. The first is a history of the Mongols, and
not of the Mohammedan Empire in India as the
title might seem to imply, therefore the entry a

Mongols, The
Muhammed Haidar. Tarikh-i-Rashidi : his-
tory of the Moghuls. 1895 ... 950

The author's name here cannot be ciutailed to

" Muhammed H." Two references are needed, none
being required from Moghuls to Mongols,
:: :


Asia, Central :
See also Mongols.
Elias, N. (Ed.) See Muhammed Haidar.

Social life.
Yussuf-AIi, A. Life and labour of the people of
India. 1907 ... ... 9i5-4
Japan :

Okakura, Kakasu. The ideals of the East.

1903 709-52
London :

Markino, Yoshio. A Japanese artist in

London. 1910 ... 914.21

Where names have become so much adapted to

the Western style, as the above two, it might be
possible to reduce them to " Okakura, K." and
" Markino, Y.", though the full form is preferable,
even in sub-entries.
The Chinese work being by the founder of the
religion known as "Taoism," receives an entry

L^o Tsze. The Light of China : the Tao Teh
King. 1903 299.5

The necessary reference is

See also Taoism.

Hebrew names, those of Jewish rabbis especially,

come up occasionally for entry, but a general recom-
mendation to consult the Jewis/i Encyclopedia (12 v.

1901-6) will suffice.

There are many other forms of foreign names,
but the foregoing remarks and illustrations will
enable the catal<^^er to see that no definite rule
governing all forms of names, even those of a par-
ticular nationality, can be laid down. For instance,
to go further afield in the world, no code gives any
guidance for Maori names, yet it is conceivable that
people of this race may yet figure as authors of
English books, even if only sermons, as a number
of them are clergymen of the Church of England.
So far as Crock ford's Clerical Directory serves as
a guide, their names appear mostly under " Te," as
Te Awekotuku, Te Hana, Te Ngara, Te Raro, but
there are no names of the kind in the British Museum
Catalogue under " Tc," and, therefore, the careful
cataloguer will take heed, when the occasion arises,
to ascertain exactly the really important and dis-
tinguishing part of the name, and enter accordingly.

Pseudonyms, Married Women.

Pseudonyms •v. Real Names. The Better -known Name.
Methods of Marking Pseudonyms. Writers who use
Two Names. Phrase - Pseudonyms. Specific Entry.
RepetitionDashes. Use of Capitals for Emphasis.
Women's Names Changed by Marriage. Anonymous
Books. The Discovery of Authors of Anonymous
Books. " By the Author of ." Names consisting
of Initials only.

THE to
do not end when the,
cataloguer's troubles
him, vexatious styles of names referred
to in the previous pages are settled. He has to
decide for himself the somewhat dif&cult question
of entry under pseudonyms or real names when
known, or under married or maiden names when
both have been used by women authors.
These classes come into the same division as
changed names, though the standard codes of rules
make different recommendations, some to enter by
the real name, others by the pseudonym, but most
are in favour of the latter.

The A.L.A. and L.A. Joint-Code rule is to " enter

under the pseudonym of a writer when the real
name is not known," which is another way of saying
"enter under the real name when known."
A great deal of attention has from time to time
been paid to this subject by librarians. Some years
ago the whole tendency was to hunt in all places,
likely or unlikely, in the hope of discovering the
real name of an author who used a pseudonym, and,
when the search was successful, of getting it into
print as soon as possible A librarian thereby may
have scored by being ahead of his fellows with the
information, and the user of the catalogue may have
acquired knowledge, though possibly he did not
want it, especially if it involved looking up two
references instead of one. The tendency is now
somewhat in the other direction, and it may safely
be said that, except for some excellent reason, the
entries should be given under the pseudonym, rules
or no rules. It may reasonably be contended that
the better-known, whether it be the pseudonym
or the real name, is the right one for the entry, as
being the more reasonable and satisfactory. Should
there be any doubt which is the better known, then
it is " a mistake on the right side " to enter under

the real name of the author.

There is a little variation in the styles of printing
such entries in a catalogue. Some give them after
this manner
Anninzio, Gabriele d', pseud, (i.e. Gaetano Ram-
pagnetto). The triumph of death.

Others print the assumed name in italics, as

Dale, Darley, pseud. (Francesca M. Steele).

Seven sons; or, the story of Malcolm and
his brothers.

while others put it shorter still, without any loss

of clearness as to meaning
" France, Anatole " (A. Fran9ois Thibault.) Le
IJvre de mon amL

In none of these cases is it deemed necessary, at

least in an average catalogue, to refer from the
real name to the pseudonym, for the reason that

not one person in a thousand would think of looking

under the real names of these authors. In the
catalogues of large and important libraries, par-
ticularly reference libraries, these references can be
given, as a matter of course, according to the rules,
otherwise there is the risk of the same author
appearing in two places under different names. It
is well, on principle, to take a rooted objection to
this, though under special circumstances it is
conceivable that it might be no great disadvantage.
Take a modern instance
Danby, Frank. Pigs in cloven
which is by Julia Frankau, the author of two

important books— one on colour prints and the other

on the mezzotinto engraver, J. R. Smith both —
published under her real name. These books are
so far apart in character from her novels that both
names might very well be used in the catalogue.
In the classified catalogue the use of the two names
would not matter, but in the dictionary catalogue
it requires consideration. Again, there is little
likelihood of these books all appearing in the
same catalogue; the lending library would not
have the books on prints, and the reference or other
special library which might contain them would
hardly have the novels. This illustration is named
simply to show the consideration that can be given
to a case of the kind. It does not really end here,
because there is always the chance of the author
writing more fiction under her real name. Remem-
bering this, and the fact that she has already
published books under her proper name, the refer-
ence becomes necessary for safety in the future.
That is to say, for the novel the reference is given
from Frankau to the pseudonym until the time
comes to reva-se the process.
There are several similar instances where the
books, thoo^ widely differing in character, are none
the less likely to appear in the same catalogue. The
writings of the late Rev. John M. Watson may be
dted as a case in point, those on religious subjects
being published under his real name, and his stories
under the pseudonym of " Ian Maclaren." A
present-day example of the same thing is the book
Hannav, James O. The spirit and origin of
Christian monasticism. 1903 ... ... 271
which by the same author who writes novels under

the pseudonym of " George A. Birmingham." In

the case of a library publishing a separate catalogue
of fiction there can be no objection to following
the course already recommended, by entering under
the pseudonym
" Birmingham, George A." (Jas. O. Hannay).
The red hand of Ulster.
If there is no separate catalogue of fiction, the
author's books must all be brought together, when
it is inevitable that the real name, rather than the
be taken for all entries. Here arises the
problem whether the pseudonym is to be attached
to the entry for the book on monasticism or limited
to the books written under the assumed name. It

is helpful to mark the distinction in this way

Hannay, O.
Jas. The spirit and origin of
Christian monasticism. 1903 271
— (" Geo. A. Birmingham "). The red hand of
not overlooking the essential reference
" Birmingham, George A." See Hannay, Jas. O.

There is at least one example of an author

publishing works of fiction under both his real
name and a pseudonym, viz., J. E. Preston Muddock,
who writes some storiesunder his true name, and
his detective stories under that of " Dick Donovan."
The right course to pursue in this case is to enter
all under Muddock. Unless there is strong objec-
tion to placing books by one writer in two
places, there is no reason why the separate entries
should not appear under both names. While
introduced here to show a possible method of
treatment, it must not be taken as recommended.

Muddock, J. E. P. The dead man's secret.

— The lost laird.
See also Donovan, Dick.
" Donovan, Dick " (J. E. P. Muddock). Tales of
— The sin of Preaching Jim.
See also Muddock, J. E. P.

When the name of an author is known to be,

or, from its obviously a pseudonym, it is
nature, is

better given in inverted commas, or whatever other

style is adopted to mark a pseudonym, whether the

real name be known or not. Such names are

"Skelton Kuppord," "Walker Miles," "Home
Counties," " Daniel Chaucer." A pseudonym which
consists of a phrase can rarely be regarded as a
name, and it is wiser to treat the book as if it were
anonymous, after the manner referred to later,
bringing the phrase-pseudonym into the title-entry
io this way
Kruger's secret service, by One who was in it.

1900 968


To enter under " One who was in it " would be
useless as well as wasteful. A similar example is

The life of a prig, by One. 1886

when the entry under One " would be equally


futile and absurd. So also would be

The danger of spiritualism, by a Member of the

Society for Psychical Research. 1901

if entered under " Member." The first of these two

receives a title-entry, which is a recognition of the
pseudonym, as
Prig, The life of a, by One. 1886

In these examples the non-recognition of the

pseudonym is due to the fact that its application is

confined to a particular instance or a particular

book. This recommendation for treating phrase-
pseudonyms must t>e carefully considered in relation
to the books produced by the users. Those who
write regularly and publish several works under such
pseudonyms must be recognised— as witness the case
of " A Son of the Marshes."

At this point the arrangement of working out

the foregoing entries in full may be continued. The
first is

Hannay, J. O. The spirit, &c, of Christian
monasticism. 1903 271

or, in the event of there being but a single work

on the subject
Monasticism, Christian, The spirit, &c., of.

Hannay, J. O. 1903 271


If there is a separate fiction catalogue or class-list,

the entry for the novel by the same author is

Red hand of Ulster, The, Birmingham, G. A.

When the entries are embodied in the dictionary
catalogue, and the real name of the author is taken
for the main-entry, the title-entry becomes

Red hand of Ulster, The. Hannay, J. O.

It must be admitted that this might puzzle a person

who remembers the title of the book and could
recognise it by the name of the author, but would
fail to identify Hannay with Birmingham. The
entry must, all the same, be given in this form to
guide to the name of " Hannay," where the principal
entry is to be found. The same remark equally
applies to the requisite
title-entries for Mr.
Muddock's books, they are all entered under
" Muddock " in orthodox fashion and not divided.
If divided the entries would be
Dead man's secret. The. Muddock, J. E. P.
Lost laird, The. Muddock, J. E. P.
Tales of terror. Donovan, D,
Sin, The, of Preaching Jim. Donovan, D.

The "Kruger"" book comes under some such

heading as
Boers, The, and Boer Wars:
Kruger's secret service, by One who was in it.

1900 968

with references thereto from "Africa, South,"

"Transvaal, The," and "Orange Free State."

At the risk of labouring the point an important

one which will bear emphasis the last book affords
an opportunity for again demonstrating the
handling of a book for specific subject-entry in the
dictionary catalogue. This form of entry requires
that books bearing upon the Boer Wars, the French
Re\'olution, the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, the
Gunpowder Plot, the American Revolution, or any
other historical happening to which a definite name is
attached, shall be entered under such specific name,
not under the name of the country or countries con-
cerned. It might be possible to evade this by giving
a reference from the name of the event to the name
of the country, but it is against the principles of
the dictionary catalogue. The matter has to
be rcasf.ned out like this: a history of the last
Boer War is not a history of South Africa, is not
even a history of the Transvaal or of the Orange
Free State, although it terminated the existence of
the republics of those states. Similarly a history
of the Crimean War is not a history of Russia, and
has as much to do with Turkey, to say nothing o'f
this country or of France; a history of the Franco-
German War is neither a history of France nor of
Germany, but merely a detached epoch in the
history of both countries, however much it had to
do with the founding of the present German Empire
and the fall of the French Empire. Therefore,
literal exactness requires, as already stated, that
entry be made under the names whereby such events
are known with See also references thereto from the
names of the countries involved It is also required
that the term chosen for the heading shall be definite
and not general If the heading, say, of "Civil
War " were taken in a British catalogue for books
upon the great Civil War of the 17th century, it

would be incorrect, because too inclusive, as books

upon civil war in the abstract or on civil wars
generally or in any country, as the Civil War
between North and South in America, could all be
grouped under it, therefore the heading must be " ear-
marked " in some way to show what particular civil
war is meant, say, " Civil War, The Great," or " Civil
War and Commonwealth,"- or even " Civil War, The."
The addition of the definite article to the last
heading serves to show that the Puritan revolution
is meant, though it would not give the same meaning

in an American catalogue. In this way headings

to be adopted are reasoned out before being decided
The "
Life of a prig " is already sufficiently dis-
posed though it is not a story, but is more or less
in the nature of a satire recounting the troubles of an
Oxford man, uncertain as to whether he should
belong to the Anglican or Roman Church. It is
marked for the classified catalogue as a satire of
the late Victorian period. This is a type of book
that is the bane of the cataloguer's life, and he is
not to be blamed if he summarily disposes of it
under any heading or title that does not altogether
relegate it to obscurity. The last is

Spiritualism :
Dangers, The, of spiritualism, by a Member
of the Society for Psychical Research.
1901 133-9
and is the sole entry for this book.
Attention may here be directed to two points
arising in connection with some of the above entries.
It will be noticed that in the Hannay entry a
" repetition dash " (— ) has been given in lieu of
the name for the second entry, as it would be for
all subsequent entries under the same name To
make use of this dash for any other purpose is
dangerous, and should be avoided. The old-
fashioned custom of using it to save repeating words
in the title-entries, led to the well-known catalogue
jokes: —
Mill on Liberty.
the Floss.
I..ead, kindly Light.
— Silver and.

and others equally ridiculous. Every word omitted

was indicated by a se(>arate dash, after this manner
Three Men in a Boat.
on the Bummcl.
Toilers of the Field.
Told by the Colonel.
Death's Head.
It is hardly necessary to say that in all the above
cases no dashes were required; every word should
have been given, both for the sake of understanding
and appearance.
The second point relates to the recommendation,
already referred to, that the word following the
article in titles whereby the entries are alphabetized
should have a capital letter, and also that one should
be given to the frrst word of an alternative title.
Nothing can be said against these proposals unless
it Is that they give certain words an undue
prominence. The books of J. E. P. Muddock serve
admirably as illustrations :

MuDDtx;K, J. E. P. The Dead man's secret; or,
The valley of gold.

— The Great white hand ; or, The Tiger of

-^ The Lost laird.
— The Man from Manchester.
This, however, resolves itself more into a question
of taste than of expediency.
In the same category as pseudonyms come the
women who, in changing their names by marriage,
perhaps more than once, have written under all forms
of their names—" aggravating ladies " as they have
been called. At times they are better known by
the names of their husbands, as Mrs. Mark Pattison,
Mrs. Humphry Ward, Mrs. Sidney Webb. It would
be injudicious to adopt a fixed rule to cover all
cases of this kind. The best-known name recom-
mendation again applies, although the rule usually
laid down is to enter a married woman under what-
ever name she first used as an author, with references
thereto from her later names. In some cases this
is quite a safe and convenient rule, while in others

it involves looking in two places. To state a case,

people are now more familiar with the works of
Mrs. Sidney Webb under that name than under her
maiden name of Beatrice Potter. If entry were made
under Potter it would in any case necessitate a
reference to Webb for those books which she had
written jointly with her husband. Therefore, it
being admitted that the better-known name, also
the more correct, is tliat of Webb, the entries
are so given, with the reference from Potter, i.e.,
Webb, Beatrice (Potter). The co-operative move-
ment Great Britain. 1891
in 334
-^ (joint-author.) See also Webb, Sidney.
Potter, Beatrice. See Webb, Beatrice.
Webb, Sidney. Socialism in England. 3rd ed.
>9o» 33S-»
— and Beatrice The history of trade unionism.
1894 331-88

For order of arrangement it will be noticed that

books written by Sidney Webb alone precede those
written by him as a joint-author, with his name
in the leading place. If the last-named book had
been published as " by Beatrice and Sidney Webb"
the entry would, as a matter of course, be under
Mrs. Webb's name, her book on co-operation coming
before ii The Workman illustration given in
Chapter \'. should be considered in this connection.
Another, and rather different difficulty of the kind,
is when a man and his wife have collaborated and

published with the wife's maiden name in the

leading place. If the lady has written other books
before marriage and continues to use her maiden
name on books wTitten by herself, it settles the
matter sufficiently to warrant entry under the maideo
name, as

Fowler, Ellen Thornycroft (Mrs. Feikin). Con-

cerning Isabel Carnaby.
— In subjection.
— and Alfred L. Felkin. Kate of Kate Hall.

with the usual references

Felkin, Alfred L. {joint-author). See Fowler,

EUen T.
Felkin, Ellen T. See Fowler, Ellen T.

under " Concerning,"

and the customary title-entries
" In," and " Kate."

The subject-entries for the foregoing books are

Co-operation :

Webb, B. The co-operative movement in

Great Britain. 1891 334
It would be incorrect, for the sake of economy, to
omit the definite article in this, as it somewhat alters
the sense. At times it can be left out with-
out any risk of changing the meaning, as in the book
on trades unions below. Some cataloguers make a
feature of giving the Christian name in full in
subordinate entries if the author is a woman.

Socialism :

Webb, S. Socialism in England. 1901 335.1

Trades Unions :
Webb, S., &c. History of trade unionism.
1894 331-88

A referenceneeded to assist towards that co-


ordination between the subject-entries of a catalogue

serving to bring its related parts together, and
is helpful by way of suggestion to the inquirer when
using it.

Labour :

See also Trades Unions.

There can be no objection in the above instance, or

in those of Mrs. Humphry Ward and other ladies
well known and commonly spoken of by their
husband's names, to giving, if desired, the entries
under those names, provided the usual references
are furnished.

Webb, Beatrice. See Webb, Mrs. Sidney.

Ward, Mary A. See Ward, Mrs. Humphry.


It would, howe\'er, be possible to dispense with the
references altogether, if only a comparatively small
number of entries under Webb or Ward ap[>ear in
the catalogue.
To show the difficulty experienced by cataloguers
in keeping pace with ladies who change their names
by marriage, it may be mentioned that even a well-
known author like the late Lady Dilke, who was
Mrs. Mark Pattison, can be found in good cata-
logues placed accidentally under both names.
On the other hand it is as well to be quite sure
when following up the changed names of women
authors. The London Library and some lesser
catalogues have confused Anne Manning and Mrs.
A. M. Rathbone, with the result that books are
amalgamated erroneously under one name though
written by different persons. In other catalogues
of minor importance " George Eliot " has figured
as Mrs. G. H. Lewes and Marie Corelli as Marion
Although recommended by some rules, there is
no real necessity for giving refaences from the
married names of writers of the importance of
" George Eliot " or Charlotte Brontg, as it is
improbable that anyone would refer to " Cross
or " Nicholls " for these authors.
This treatment of women authors may be
summed up by repeating the recommendation " use
the best-known name in all cases " if the lady —
writes under her maiden name and is mostly known
thereby, that is the name to use; if by her married
name, then use that
If she has been married more than once and
written under all forms of her name (of which

examples are A. Mary

F. Robinson, who was
Madame Duclaux and then Madame Darmesteter,
and Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond, nee Whitshed, formerly
Mrs. Fred. Burnaby and Mrs. Main) then, again,
the best-known (in these cases Robinson and
Le Blond) are the right ones to use, not neglecting
the references from the others. If a writer has con-
sistently used a pseudonym, that, again, is the best
to adopt for the entry. For example, there is a
Spanish novelist, known as " Fernan Caballero,"
who, surviving three husbands, resumed her maiden
name. In her case not worth while searching
it is

for or discussing which of hernames should be

chosen, that by which she is universally known
being undoubtedly the best.

Books published anonymously that is where the
authors' names are not upon the title-pages, and
no clue to them is to be found in the books are —
more annoying to the cataloguer than pseudonymous
works. At times a preface or a dedication in a
book may bear the author's name or initials, or
there may be something serving to reveal his identity
in the text, and such evidence must be searched for.
In the event of the book itself yielding no help, then
the customary sources of information are turned
to, the best for British cataloguers being Halkett

and Laing's Dictionary of the Anonymous and

Vseudonymous Literature of Great Britain (though
this is not absolutely reliable). The British Museum,
London Library, or other important catalogues at
command should be consulted, particularly the
catalogues of the place from which the book comes,
as the wanted information may be known locally.
For French books Barbier's DictioHHoire des
ouvrages anonymes is useful.
The method of catalogruing an anonymous book
may be shown here. The title-page of that chosen
The failure of Lord Curzon a study in :

" imperialism " an open letter to the Earl of


Rosebery, by " Twenty-eipht years in India."

The preface opens with a statement that the writer
has adopted anonymity though quite aware that it
is the thinnest of screens if there is any wish to

pierce behind it, and he goes on to say that a twenty-

eight years' acquaintance with India, etc, suggests
some knowledge of the matter he discusses, thus
showing that " Twenty-eight years in India " is not
the title of another book, but a species of pseudonym.
If this " thinnest of screens " cannot be penetrated,
and the mere suggestion that it can should serve
to put the cataloguer on his mettle, then there are
two ways of entering the book regarding it as strictly
anonymous. One is to enter uniformly by the &rst
word of the title not an article as
Failure, The, of Lord Curzon : a study in " im-
perialism," by "Twenty-eight years in

India." 1903

The better way to enter anonymous books when

concerned with particular persons or places is under
the names of such persons or places, provided they
are named on the title-pages, as

Curzon of Kedlestoo, Lord. The failure of

Lord Curzon: a study in " imperialism," by
"Twenty-eight years in India." 1903


This is a sufficient entry, as any person wanting

the book could not fail to remember that it related
to Lord Curzon unless he thought of Indian
administration, which would be the subject-entry
for it. Another method, much the same in principle,
is to enter under the first substantive in the title.

If the name of the author is ascertained later

and with certainty, as this was, the entry must be
altered accordingly

O'DoNNELL, C. J. The failure of Lord Curzon

a study in " imperialism," by " Twenty-eight
years in India." 1903 354' 54

When literal exactness is the custom of the library

the author's name as above would be enclosed in
brackets to show that it is an addition made by the
cataloguer under the rule previously alluded to.
If that is the method decided upon for entering
anonymous books, the first-word entry is still
retained, with the author's name added.
Failure, The, of Lord Curzon a study in :

"imperialism," by "Twenty-eight years in

India " [C. J. O'Donnell.] 1903 ... 354.54

With the author's name revealed the entry under

Lord Curzon becomes a subject-entry
Curzon of Kedleston, Lord :

O'Donnell, C. J. The failure of Lord Curzon.

1903 354-54

The author's name was obtained from a newspaper

paragraph some months after the publication of the
book, and verified before use. If the paragraph had
been of the speculative nature of the following, it
would have been wiser to ignore it, and wait for
something more de&nite

"The mention of Mr. Jack London suggests an in-

teresting question of authorship. There has been some
discussion about the anonymous author of the lately pub-
lished '
Kempton Wace Letters.' Now, in that book we
find the superscription, 'The Ridge, Berkeley, Cali-
fornia *; and we can think of only three writers who talk

about California 'Gertrude Atberton,' Miss Beatrice
Rarraden, and Mr. Jack London. The style of the
Kemploo Wace Ijetters' is so remote from that of the
two firstnamcd, and on the other hand is so much like
that of the young Californian, that we venture to suggest
Mr. London as the author."

Paragraphs of this kind always appeal to the

careful cataloguer, and keep his mind on the alert
until the point is settled one way or other. One so
obviously inspired as the following is authoritative
enough for use

" Sir Charles Eliot, whose authorship of the important

work on the Near East, Turkey in Europe,' by

'OdysMus,' is now an open jK-crct, hat produced in 'The

East Africa Protectorate,' to be published by Mr. Edward
Arnold on March 8th, an account of the country of which
be recently resigned the Commissionership."

There another method of cataloguing anony-


mous books sometimes seen, viz., bringing them

all together under a heading " Anon." It
has nothing to commend it unless it be the
apparent advantage of having all anonymous books
in one place. This is somewhat akin to the practice
of grouping all thin books under the comprehensive

heading " Pamphlets " comprehensive because if
the idea is carried out logically only two headings
are required, " Pamphlets " and " Books."

Another class of anonymous books is that in

which they are stated to be " By the Author of
some other book which is named. These are dealt
with in the same way as any other anonymous books,
except that it is convenient to furnish a list of the
books that a library possesses written by such an
author, this list being given under the title of the
best-known book, if such can be distinguished if —
not, the one most frequently named on the title-pages
of the rest of the books is taken, when references
can be given from the others. Examples are
— Miss Toosey's mission.
— Tip cat.

Miss Toosey's mission, by the Author of

See also Laddie.

If italics are preferred to quotation marks, the style

will be instead

Tip cat, by the Author of Laddie.

See also Laddie.

Instead of grouping the books under " Laddie," a

covering note can be appended to each book by the
author as
Other books by the same author are Lil, Miss
Toosey's mission, Tif cat.

or the style, if preferred, may be

Miss Toosey's mission.
Other books by the same author are Laddie,
Lil, Tip cat.

It is all the more necessary to follow out this method

of entry in the case of sequels to such books. For
example there is a book

Lady of the decoration, The.

and its sequel
Lady married, The, by the Author of " The lady
of the decoration."

when the books can be entered together and in order

of reading as
Lady of the decoration, The.
— Lady married. The, by the [same author.]
Other and better-known instances are the books
" by the Author of Elizabeth and her German

Garden.*" Here, however, the identity of the

author has been ascertained, and the books are all
brought together in the ordinary way under her
name (Countess von Arnim), and are not put under
" Elizabeth and her German
Garden," the entry
for which book would disclose the name of the
author and direct to the main-entry (Arnim), where
all her books are to be found.
Further troublesome books are those in which the
authors' names are veiled by initials which may be
given on the title-pages or at the end of the prefaces.
The method of entry is much the same as that for
books altogether anonymous, except that either an
entry or a reference is given from the last initial
(from the first also if thought to be required) to
the entry word adopted. The full title of the book
taken in illustration reads:
The makers of Hellas : a critical inquiry into
the philosophy and religion of Ancient Greece,
by E.E.G. ; with an introduction, notes, and coo-
dusion by Frank B. Jevons, M.A., Litt.D. 1903


The editor tells us that the author died before

the work was in print, and the author requested him
to publish it without revealing the authorship. Even
if the author had lived the book would have
appeared anonymously or under a pseudonym. We
may presume that the initials are those of the
author's name, when we have choice of entry as if
the initials were not given, as
Makers of Hellas, The: the philosophy and
religion of Ancient Greece, by E.E.G. ; ed.
by Frank B. Jevons. 1903 180
with references from the initials and the Editor as
G., E.E. See Makers of Hellas.
Jevons, Frank B. (Ed.) See Makers of Hellas.
or,more conveniently and just as usefully, with an
entry instead of a reference under the initials
G. , E. E. The makers of Hellas : the philosophy
and religion of Ancient Greece ; ed. by Frank
B. Jevons. 1903 180

the reference from the Editor then being changed to

Jevons, Frank B. {Ed.) See G., E.E.

or, under the circumstances, an entry might be given

Jevons, Frank B. {Ed.) The makers of Hellas,
by E.E.G. 1903 180

when the first entry that under " Makers " can be
dispensed with. The subject-entry is

Greece, Ancient
Philosophy and Religion.
G., E.E. The makers of Hellas. 1903 180

and a reference, hardly wanted, but better given

Hellas. See Greece, Ancient.



Anentry of the above character with a bare
initialtakes precedence of all the G's in the alpha-
betical arrangement, and therefore is not placed as
Gee but before Gaa, because the letters following
the initial are an unknown quantity (G ).

In the event, likely enough, of the name covered

by the initials being ascertained, the entry should
then be given under the name Instances of these
On the banks of the Seine, by A.M.I".,
Authoress of " Foreign courts and foreign homes."
Days and hours in a parden. by " E.V.B.
when the authors being known the entries are
Falls, Alice M. On the banks of the Seine, iqoo

or more particulairly exact

FfALi s], A[!ice] M. On the banks of the Seine.
B[oyle], E. \'. Days and hours in a garden.
with the essential references in such cases
F., A.M. See Falls, Alice M.
B., E.V. See Boyle, E. V.
These books may more than
serve to illustrate
the one point The does not need a title-entry

under " On," and certainly none under " Banks " or
" Seine," as the title is a fanciful one, which is hardly
likely to be remembered in any connection apart
from its author and subject If a contrary view
were taken, the most that could be given would be
this entry:
Seine, On the banks of the. Falls, A. M. 1900

which is altogether misleading, as the book has

nothing to do with the river, but is a series of
sketches of French historical events occurring in
Paris. The correct entry therefore is
France :

Falls, A. M. On the banks of the Seine,
igoo 944
In contradistinction the second book is most likely
to be remembered by its title as

Days and hours in a garden. Boyle, E. V. 1884

This is one of the forerunners of a long series of

books of garden diaries or essays, containing notes
upon flowers, birds, and other things connected with
gardens, and the thoughts they suggest upon a
variety of subjects, and is, by no means, a practical
book for the working gardener. Such books, while
inevitably coming under a heading " Gardens and
Gardening," need to be grouped together apart from
the practical books under a sub-division, " Literary
Miscellany," or some other suitable term.
There are books, too, with initials in the place
of the authors' names which obviously do not stand
for a name as

The Athanasian Creed, by LL.D. 1861

or the last initial is clearly not part of the name, as

A sermon preached at the funeral of Lady Mary

Armyne, by J. D., M.A. 1676

The first book is better regarded as entirely anony-

mous, which it virtually is, as

Athanasian Creed, The, by LL.D. 1861 ... 238.1

and the second upon the lines previously indicated as

D., J., u.A. A sermon preached at the funeral

of Lady Mary Armyne. 1676 ... 253.9

or, even better still, as

Armyne, Lady Mary, Sermon preached at the

funeral of, by J. D., m.a. 1676 ... 352.9

with the reference, if considered necessary,

D., J., M.A. See .Vrmync, Lady Mary.

The initials may at times cover a pseudonym when,

happens to be unknown, the method of entry
if this
would as a matter of course be similar to that out-
lined above. If it is known that the initials repre-
sent a pseudonym or phrase-pseudonym, of which
AL.O.E., meaning " A Lady of England," is a
well-known example, then the entry is given under
the first letter and not the last, thus

"A.L.O.E." (Charlotte M. Tucker). House

Beautiful; or, the Bible museum. 1868
and following the customary procedure for
pseudonym the reference is given from the real name
Tucker, Charlotte M. See A.L.O.E.

Here again it is recommended to alphabetize as if

the (A) stood alone, and at the beginning
first initial

of the alphabet rather than as Aloe. This may not

be a matter of much moment, but it is one of those
apparently trivial details which in the aggr^^te
inake the catalogue more accurate, more convenient,
and more usefuL


The Bible and other Sacred Books.

Newspapers, &c.
"Anonyma" continued. The Bible and other Sacred Books.
Commentaries and Concordances. Newspapers and
Periodicals. Directories and Annuals.

THERE various books which, while not

strictlyanonymous, are regarded for cata-
loguing as if they were. Some of these have
already been referred to under Societies, but there
remain a few others to consider. Among them are
the Bible and other sacred books, the Koran, the
Talmud, the Vedas, etc.
The Bible calls more frequently for attention
than any of the others. All editions of the text or
portions of it are entered under the heading
" Bible," and, if they are numerous, the entries are
sub-divided and arranged in this or some similar

a. The whole Bible (whether including the

apocryphal books or not).
1. Original language. Polyglots.
2. Greek and Latin.
3. English.
4. All other languages alphabetically by
the names of the languages.
5. Selectionsfrom the Old and New
Testaments in the order of the
Books (" Authorised Version ").
The Old Testament.

Parts of Old Testament.

Genesis; ed. by G. W. Wade. 1896 222.11
— and part of Exodus : a revised version,
with marginal references, &c., by Henry
Alford. 1872 222.11
Psalms. Greek. The Psalms according to
the Septuagint; ed. by H. B. Swete.
Camb., 1896 ... ... ... 223.2
Daniel and Ezra. Hebrew and English.
John Leusden's translation of all the
Syriac verses into pure Biblical Hebrew,
with the parallel text in English. 1900

The New Testament wholly or in parts would be

similarly arranged.
All the foregoing remarks apply only to editions
of the text as far as the dictionary catalogue is
concerned. Commentaries on the whole Bible, or
on the separate books, follow the customary rules
for main entry, and only come under the general
heading of " Bible " as subject when they deal with
the Bible as a whole. Commentaries upon the Old
Testament or the New Testament separately are
entered under " Old Testament " and " New Testa-

ment " respectively not under " Bible " ; and
isolated commentaries upon a particular book under
the name of that book. These points are more
clearly shown by examples. When a commentary
covers the whole Bible, or is meant to do so, as
The Speaker's Commentary, The Expositor's Bible,
The International Critical Commentary, The Cam-
bridge Bible for Schools and Colleges, and others,
there would be a main-entry under the general
editor's name, and subordinate entries or references
(entries are better) under the writers or editors of
the separate volumes. The contents of the volumes
must either be set out under the main-entry or under
the heading " Bible."

Driver, Samuel R., and others {Eds.) The

International critical commentary on the Holy
Scriptures. 24 v. 1909-13 220.7
In course of publication. For the contents of
the volomes tee Bible (Commentariei).

Bible. The:
Driver, S. R. &c. (Eds.) International critical
commentary. 24 v. 1909-13 ... 220.7
Genesis, by John Skinner ; Exodui, by
A. R. S. Kennedy (following on through the
rest of the books in the Bible order).

It is literally more correct to set out the contents

of these different volumes under the main-entry
(Driver), but it is far more convenient
to give
them under " Bible," given under
as above. If
" Driver," then the note should be attached
to the
entry under " Bible."
The different volumes, as said before, are
catalogued tmder the names of the individual
authors, but not under the names of the separate
books when they are part of a general commentary,
Skinner, John. A critical and exegetical com>
mentary on Genesis. {International critical
commentary.) 1910 220.7

An alternative and briefer form is

Brooke, A. E. International critical commentary :

The Jcdiannine Epistles. 1912 ... 220.7



When a writer has contributed more than one

volume to the work the entries can be amalgamated
in this fashion

Sanday, Wm. International critical commentary :

Synopsis of the four Gospels. The Epistle to
the Romans. 2 v. 1907-13 220.7
In the event of it being decided to give references
instead of entries under the names of the authors
of the separate volumes, such references must direct
to the entry where the contents of the volumes are
set out, otherwise the connection will not be
apparent. The contents being under "Bible" in
the above instance, the reference should read

Skinner, John. See Bible (Commentaries)

Driver. International critical commentary.

Without the latter part this reference would be too

indefinite to be useful. The entry itself, first shown
under Skinner, takes hardly less space, and is
When a book is what may be called a
monograph-commentary, i.e., a book standing alone
upon a single book or two or three books of the
Bible, it receives the same treatment as would any
other work, irrespective of its connection with the
Bible. For example
Tholuck, a. Commentary on the Gospel of St.
John, i860 226.5

is placed with any other books upon the Fourth

Gospel, as
John, St., Gospel of:
Tholuck, A. Commentary on the Gospel of
St. Jdm. i860 226.5


Monographs of this character are not lost to the
inquirer who only consults the heading " Bible," if
the guiding references are provided,

Bible, The:
See also Old Testament New Testament ;

and the names of the separate Books as

Genesis, Job, John, St.

Old Testament :

See also the names <>/ the separate Books.

New Testament :

See also the names of the separate Books.

There is a gain in economy by entering books upon

any or all of St. Paul's Epistles under his name,
instead of distributing them under the names of
the churches tu which they were addressed. Books
to illustrate this are

LicHTFOOT, J. B., Bp.

St. Paul's Epistle to the
Philippians a revised text with intro., notes,
: ;

and dissertations. 1900 237.6

— St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to
Philemon a revised text with intros., notes,
: ;

and dissertations. 7th ed. 1884 ... 227.7

— St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians a revised :

text; with Intro., notes, and dissertations.

1902 ... ... ... ... ... 227.4
Pridham, Arthur. Notes and reflections on the
Epistle to the Philippians. [1879] • 227.6

Although the Lightfoot volumes contain the

original text of the Epistles, their value may be
said to lie in the notes and dissertations which
bring them under the monograph - commentary
arrangement They may, further, be regarded as

a single work in three —

volumes as in reality they
are, though it is not so stated on the title-pages.
The entries for subject are

Paul, St. :

Lightfoot, J. B. St. Paul's Epistles. 3 v.

1. Galatians 227.4
2. Philippians 227.6
3. Colossians and Philemon 227.7
Pridham, A. Notes, &c. on the Epistle to the
Philippians. [1879] ... ... 227.6
References can be given from the names of the
several Epistles, always provided there are books
upon them under the heading, as
Galatians, Epistle to the. See Paul, St.

Those who have but limited space at their disposal

may consider that the principal entries above given
under Lightfoot are too full, and should be reduced.
In their case the style given under " Paul, St." may,
with a little amplification, be taken to afford more
definite information, as
Lightfoot, J. B., Bp. St. Paul's Epistles; with
intros., notes, &c. 3 v.
1. Galatians. 1902 227,4
2. Philippians. 1900 227.6
3. Colossians and Philemon. 1884 227.7

The cataloguing of the Bible or its parts, and

books upon it, presents little or no trouble in the
classified catalogue, as the systems of classification
are very fully and carefully worked out under this
division, as in Dewey's 220 to 229.
The editions of the sacred books of other
not be so many in most libraries,
religions will
and consequently need no special consideration.


The following two books upon the Koran will
suggest the method of entry for others

Koran, The; transl.from the Arabic by J. M.

Rodwell. (Everyman's lib.) [1909] ... 297
W'hsrry, E. M. CommenUry on the Qarin, com-
prising Sale's translation. 4*. 1896 ... 107

References are necessary from the names of the

religions concerned.
Mohammedanism :

See also Koran.

Varieties of the name, as Qurdn and Coran, hardly
need notice for reference purposes, as presumably
a searcher would not fail to look under Koran.
The same remark applies to Mahomet and
Muhammed, though a reference from Islam to
Mohammedanism is desirable. A reference from
Christianity to the Bible would be superfluous.
It will be noticed that the main-entry for the
Wherry book is not given under " Koran." The
reason for this is the same as that for the books
by Bishop Light foot, viz., that the commentary, and
not the text, is the essential part of the work.
Therefore the principal entry is
Wherry, E. M. A comprehensive commentary
on the Qurdn, comprising Sale's translation
and preliminary discourse. (Trubner's
Oriental ser.) 4 v. 1896 297
References from the translators named in both
the books are essential, especially as Sale's is the
better known, though the reference is more usefully
given to the Koran, as
Sale, George (transl.) See Koran, The.
Rodwell, J. M. (transl.) See Koran, The.


Though both of these books belong to series,

neither series of the character that calls for an
entry under its name, unless it be the " Trubner's
Oriental Series." The " Everyman's Library " is
too comprehensive, and both are sufficiently noticed
by naming the series in the main-entries, as shown.
The instructions laid down in some of the codes
of rules would seem to imply that the writers of
commentaries should be left in obscurity. This is
not so they stand upon the same footing as other

authors,and are entitled to the same consideration

theirnames being adopted for the main-entry, as
shown in the Lightfoot and Wherry examples given
above; unless the commentaries are of so slight
a character, being mere notes, or otherwise occupy
so small a place as to be nothing more than an
editing of the text. An instance of this latter type
is a book bearing the title

Sartor resartus : a fully annotated edition with

an introductory essay on Thomas Carlyle, by Rev.
James Wood. 1902
Cavlyle's name does not appear upon the title-page
as the author, probably because it was deemed un-
necessary to give it, but it is rendered simply as

Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor resartus; annotated,

with an intro. essay on Carlyle, by James
Wood. 1902 824.82

with the usual reference from the editor

Wood,, Jas. (EdJ) See Carlyle, Thos.
or more definitely

Wood, James {Ed.} See Cariyle, Thomas (Sartor



The of these references contains abbre-

viated formsof Christian names, which, as

economies, are quite allowable, because they are well
recognised and convey the same meaning as if
given in full. Other names of the kind are Alex.,
Alf. or Alfd., Chas., Edwd., Eliz, Fredk., Geo.,
Margt, Robt, Saml., Wm., though it is inadvisable
to use them in the transcriptions of book titles;
" The marriage of Wm. Ashe," " Sir Geo. Tressady,"
" Geo.'s mother," must be avoided.
In the same category as commentaries come
concordances, with some differences of opinion as
to the necessity for giving the main-entry under
the compiler's name or the author concordanced.
The compiler is entitled to an acknowledgment of
his work, although it is of the " scissors and paste"

order of literature; it is, however, not a matter

of great moment, as under any circumstances both
entries are given. The following are illustrations

Ellis, F. S. A lexical concordance to the poetical

works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1893 821.77
Husband, M. F. A. A dictionary of the characters
in the Waverley Novels of Sir Walter Scott.
i9>o 823.73

Shelley, Percy B. :

Ellis, F. S. Concordance to the poetical

works of Shelley. 1892 ... 821.77

Scott, Sir Walter:

Husband, M. F. A. Dictionary of the
characters in the Waverley Novels, igio
Newspapers, magazines, periodicals, reviews,
directories, annuals, almanacks, and publications of

like kind are also regarded as anonymous, and are

given a first-word title-entry.
Newspapers of a general character published in
London would be entered in British catalogues
without any regard to the place of publication, as
Times, The.
Daily Telegraph, The.
Westminster Gazette, The.
Illustrated London News, The.

and not as London Times, London Daily Tele-

graph, London Westminster Gazette, London News,
Illustrated. Local papers, on the other hand, are
entered under the name of the place, whether the
name appears in their titles or not, as
Chelsea. West London Press.
Manchester Guardian, The.
Liverpool. Porcupine, The.
Leeds Mercury, The.
The number of volumes and period covered
should be given as well as any change of names the
papers have undergone. The editors, even when
known, pass unnoticed, and no general heading of
" Newspapers " (or any other entry) is required
except in the classified catalogue, where all news-
papers fall into place under the heading in the —
Dewey classification 072 (Newspapers— English).
Magazines and periodicals receive similar treat-
ment, being entered under the first word of their
distinctive titles, as
Athenaeum, The.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.
Dublin Review, The.
Review of Reviews, The.
Spectator,, The.
When newspapers, periodicals, or magazines
change their titles without breaking the continuity
of publication, retaining some connection between
their old and new titles, the entries are given under
the latest titles, with references from the earlier if
required, as
Nineteenth Century, The, and after. —
Nation, The (formerly The Speaker).
Speaker, The. See Nation, The.
The and better form, especially where
the has a separate volume number
sequence under each of the titles, is to enter both
as if quite distinct publications, but with notes
attached marking the connection, as
Speaker, The. lo v. 1890-1900 052
Se€ under Nation, The, for cotilinuotion.
Nation, The. v. 1-12. 1900-12 052
And eontimnation. Formerly The Speaker. See
under Speaker.

Weekly and monthly {}eriodicals are sometimes

the organs of learned or scientific societies,

in which case the name of the society becomes the

entry word, as
Society of Arts, Journal of the.
Royal Geographical Society, Journal of the.
Society of Chemical Industry, Journal of the.

References are given, where deemed necessary, from

the first word of the title to the name of the society
Journal of the Society of ArU. See Society of

Poblications such as these, and other technical or

scientific periodicals, deserve, and should receive,
additional entries under the names of the subjects
: —


with which they are mainly concerned, even if the

subjects are not indicated by their titles. The
building papers, for example, are as much devoted
to architecture as to building, and need subject-
entries as well as main-entries, thus :

Architect, The.
Architectural Review, The.
British Architect, The.
Builder, The.
Building News, The.

So far as the nature of the contents of all these

papers goes, they may fitly be entered in the same
manner under " Building " Tke Architect and The
British Architect, having as much to do with build-
ing as The Builder and The Building News. To
prevent misunderstanding, it may be explained that
the mere titles above are given to show the method
of entry; the number of volumes, dates of publica-
tion, or other particulars must be added in the
ordinary way.
Directories, annuals, and other "books which
are not books," receive first-word entry as already
stated, but a few examples may be cited.

Medical directory, The. 1912 926.1

Law list, The. 191 3 923-4
Crockford's Clerical directory. 1913 ... 922
Kelly's Handbook to the titled, landed, and
official classes. 1912 923
Statesman's year-book, The; ed. by J. Scott
Keltic. 1912 310
Whitaker, Joseph. Almanack. 1913 ... 310
Of these, the first two hardly need further entries,
unless they be under " Doctors " and " Lawyers,"
the third must be entered under " Clergy," the
fourth, though merely a directory of selected names,
receives a title-entry, as

Titled, landed, &c. classes, Kelly's Handbook.

1912 933
The last two might very well be entered under a
heading of " Statistics " although not on statistics,

they contain much statistical information. General

directories are not entered under a heading
" Directories," but under the names of the places or

classes with which they are concerned.



Title-Entries. Classics. Specific Subject. Coucentrfljiqii of
Subject. Definite Headings. Popular Terms, ^Isfqriias}
Fiction. Novels in Series. Sequels. Fiction 'K^oi^ji hy,'
Special Titles. Books with Changed Titles. Anaota'^
tions. Form Entries. Summary Hints.

WITHOUT dwelling too much on the various

points that seem to need emphasis, some
may be recapitulated with advantage.
There is a great tendency among cataloguers to
overdo the title-entries in a dictionary catalogue,
thereby adding to its bulk and cost without gaining
any compensating advantage. One of the chief
objections to the dictionary catalogue is superfluous
first-word title-entries. To give a title-entry is an
easy method of disposing of a book when its precise
subject is not readily discerned. To enter books
with titles like Factors in modern kistory under
" Factors," The Winter Queen under " Winter,"
Romance of the renaissance chateaux under
" Romance," Wanderings by Southern waters under
" Wanderings," England's case against Home Rule
under " England's," serves
no practical purpose in ;

fact often leads to hotch-potch " like the following
Dutch at Home. By Esquiros
— Dialogues. By Harlen
— Dictionary
— Figure Painters. By Gower

— Guiaria. By Palgrave
— Painters. By Stanley
— Pictures. By Sala
— Republic Address on.: By
Rise of the. By Motley
— School of Painting. By Havard...


Jl3ie second of these alone needed a title-entry, the
•others ^ould have been allocated to their proper
subjects. ; Title-entriesof this type are seldom
necessary*.- outside works offiction, volumes of
ess^ys'-pr of poems with specific titles, and a few
:J?6oks-.-tl^at are specially loiown by their titles, of
whifcb Eothen, Sesame and lilies. Sartor resartus,
are types. Title-entries should be the exception,
not the rule. In the case of classics —that is
classics " in a wide sense, not merely the Greek
and Latin— there is rarely any occasion to give more

than the principal entries, the authors being so

thoroughly well known that title-entries or refer-
ences are redundant. None of Shakespeare's plays
requires a title-entry no entries are needed under

" Iliad " or " Odyssey," or under " Inferno," or

" Divine Comedy." or even under " Paradise Lost

or " Faust " (for Goethe's).

It is a useful axiom for the cataloguer that he

must ascertain clearly what is the definite subject

of a book before he decides upon the proper subject-
heading for it in the dictionary catalogue, as he is
compelled to do before he can assign the exact
place for a book in the classified catalogue.
Further, he should not attach too much importance
to the terms of the title-page in the process, else
he will stumble on " pitfalls " in the shape of titles

that may mislead, and so be induced to place a

book on artificial lighting with the title "The art
of illumination " under the wrong kind of " Illu-
minating," an " Essay on Irish bulls " under
" Cattle," " The psychology of socialism " under

"Mind," and "The Fine Art of Jujutsu" under

" Art," even misread " Jujutsu " as the name of an


As already stated, it is well to avoid scattering

books upon a single subject, even if viewed
from varying standpoints, under several headings
throughout the catalogue, if they can be reasonably
brought together, and the fact that the books are
in different languages must not be allowed to affect
the matter. As a case in point, we may take such
a subject of the day as " Tariff Reform." It is
both possible and desirable to concentrate under
some appropriate and inclusive heading, say " Free
Trade Question " or " Tariffs," the books for and
against free trade; embodying under it those
dealing with special aspects of the question, instead
of scattering them, on account of the terms used
on their title-pages, under " Protection," " Food
Taxes," "Imperial Preference," "Tariffs," "Fiscal
Question," "Tariff Reform," "Fair Trade," " Reci-
procity," etc. When these terms occur in the titles,

a reference from them to the heading can easily

be given if thought desirable. Omitting the
principal entries, this may be illustrated by showing
several books of apparently very different views
that really bear upon this question, and justify
inclusion under it.
Free Trade Question:
Ashley, P. Modern tariff history. 1904
Aubry, P. Etude critique de la politi-
que commerciale de I'Angleterre.
Avebury, Lord. Free trade. 1904 ...
Taussig, F. W. The tariff history of
the United States. 1901
Unwin, Mrs. C. (Ed.) The hungry
forties. 1904
Williams, E. E. The case for protec-
tion.1899 ..^
— " Made in Germany." 1896
Williamson, A. British industries
and foreign competition. 1894 ...
This also senes to show the convenience of
fixing upon some term of a pennanent character
for a subject-heading, and so " ear-marking " it by
means of cross-references that synonymous headings
cannot occur. It may be argued that these terms
are not strictly synonymous, indeed, are mostly
opposites. Free Trade not being Tariff Reform or
Protection. It must be remembered that every book
upon such a subject contains something on the
other side of the question, therefore bringing books
together in this fashion certainly gives a whole view
of the subject. Were the entries numerous under
the heading, they could be divided to show the
books advocating free trade and those against.
There are other subjects that lend themselves to
similar treatment, as for example that shown on
page 109. Where the terms used are undoubtedly
synonymous, definite choice of one has to be made,
and the cross-reference given from the other;
Ethics or Moral Philosophy, Political Economy or
Economics, Physics or Natural Philosophy, and so
on; the more modem or commonly used terms
being preferable, as Ethics, Economics, Physics.
Popular, rather than scientific or technical, names
should be chosen for subject-headings, especially
for the catalogues of libraries used by all classes
of the community— Spiders not Arachnida, Worms
not Annelida, Fishes not Ichthyology, Crime
(Punishment, etc, of) not Penology, Stamp-
Collecting not Philately, Consumption not Phthisis.
Care must be taken that the popular term means

the same thing thus a book upon algae cannot be
entered under " Sea-weeds " if it includes the fresh-
water species.

It is also customary to avoid the use of foreign

terms if there are English equivalents, but this is
not always the case—" jiu-jitsu " (or " jujutsu "), for
example, has no word in English meaning the same
It is trite and commonplace to say that there
is much reliable history written in the form of
fiction, and a great deal of of
fiction in the guise
serious books : being so, the cataloguer is well
advised to reckon with it. Whether we shall notice
all novels " with a purpose " opens too wide a
question, but many are not only true to life but
are real history, and meant to be so. For example,
a recently published book
Diver, Maud. The hero of Herat,
while ostensibly a novel, is a biography, which
may be read as such, of Major Eldred Pottinger,
who devoted his life to furthering British interests
on the Indian frontier. Another book of the kind,
nominally fiction yet virtually a life of Hamilton,
the American statesman, is
Atherton, Gertrude F. The Conqueror.
On the other hand, works of historical romance
are got up in size and appearance, including the
provision of portraits as illustrations, to range with
histories and biographies, and thus they deceive
the unwary, who are apt to regard them as authorita-
tive and it is not the
genuine, although perhaps
intention of the author that they should be so
regarded. Such a book is
" Hare, Christopher " (Mrs. Andrews.) Isabella
of Milan, Princess d'Aragona, and wife of
Duke Gian Galeazzo Sforza : the intimate
story of her life in Milan. 191 r


While written in the fonn of letters, it is pure
romance, with an historical basis.
In the ordinary way these books would receive
quite different treatment, even for the classified
catalogue: For the dictionary catalogue the books
palpably novels would have title-entries given them,
Hero of Herat, The. Diver, M.
Conqueror, The. Atberton, G. F.

whereas the larger-sized book receives a subject-

entry as a serious book,

Isabella of Milan, Princess d'Aragona, &c.

Hare, C. 191

and would be placed with historical biography in

the classi&ed catalogue.
This raises the important questionwhether the
cataloguer ever justified in giving subject-entries

for works of fiction, especially historical romances.

Much depends upon the nature and quality of the
book. When can be read as a contribution to

the subject or period with which it deals, without

being to any extent misleading, then it may fairly
and usefully receive a subject-entry. Where so
entered, it will prevent misunderstanding if a note
(annotation) is appended to the entry, stating that
the work is in fiction form. A schoolmaster, who
was versed in the life of Sir Thomas More, read
Anne Manning's " The household of Sir Thomas
More" more than and could hardly be con-
vinced that it was a work of fiction.
Catalogued according to the suggestions here
outlined, the entries for the worics of fiction would

Diver, Maud. The Hero of Herat : a frontier

biography in romantic form.
Though in fiction form the book is a biography
of Major Eldred Pottinger, who devoted his life
to furthering British interests on the frontier of
Pottinger, Major Eldred, The Hero of Herat.
Diver, M.
A novel embodying Pottinger's life.

Atherton, Gertrude F. The Conqueror being :

the true and romantic story of Alexander

Life of Hamilton, the American statesman, in
fiction form.

Hamilton, Alexander :
Atherton, G. F. The Conqueror.
Fiction, incorporating Hamilton's life.

Manning, Anne. The household of Sir Thomas

A story based on More's life.

More, Sir Thomas:

Manning, A. The household of Sir Thomas
A story founded on fact.
The foregoing remarks not only relate to
historical fiction, but also to other works that are
undoubtedly contributions to their subjects apart
from the form in which they are written. A book
jnst published is
Richardson, Leslie. Vagabond days in Brittany.
illus, 1913 944-1
The preface opens with a statement to the effect
that " although the book is cast in the form of a
Story, all the facts about Brittany and her people
are true, and may be relied upon by those who
care to use the work as a guide-book." This


warrants an entry under the subject "Brittany," and
justifies the Dewey number given to it.
If the proportion of fiction outweighs the fact
so largely that the book is valueless except as

romance, it is wiser to limit the entries to author

and title. It is possible (but undesirable) to enter
all the works of fiction dealing with a particular
person, or epoch, or event, under the subjects, but
they should be kept apart from serious works, under
a sub-heading marking them distinctly as fiction.
Valuable helps m
this connection are Dr. E. A.
Baker's Guide to the Best Fiction and Historical
When novels belong to a connected series, and
are meant to be read in a particular order, it is

helpful to indicate the order of reading. French

fiction is noteworthy in this respect, Balzac's Seines
de la vie, Zola's Les Rougon-Macquart, Ohnet's
Les batailles de la vie, and Holland's Jean-
Cfistofhe, may be named as examples. In English
fiction we have Trollope's Chronicles of Barsetskire
and Mrs. Oliphant's Chronicles of Carlingford. A
recent example is that of Mr. HughWalpole, whose
novels are arranged in order of sequence in this way

Walpole, Hugh. Studies in place

The wooden horse.
Maradick at forty.
Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill.
— Prologues to " The rising city " :

The prelude to adveDture.

— The rising city.

They can be given in this order in the catalogue,

instead of alphabetically, for the reason that

a general accorded to the series. Title-entries

title is
are required the customary manner under
" Wooden," " Maradick," " Mr.," " Prelude," " Forti-
tude," " Rising," but not under " Studies in place
or Prologues."
The order of reading of sequels is indicated by
means of notes to the entries, as
Wood, Mrs. Henry. The Channings.
— Roland Yorke.
Sequel to the above.
DuMAS, Alexandre. Chicot the jester.
Sequel to Marguerite de Valois.
— Forty-five guardsmen.
Sequel to Marguerite de Valois and Chicot the
— Marguerite de Valois.
The sequels are Chicot the Jester and Forty-jive

Sometimes the books are placed in the order

they are intended to be read, and numbered
accordingly. The first comes into place in its
alphabetical order of title, and the rest follow
irrespective of the alphabetical order, after this
Dumas, Alexandre. The Chevalier
— 1. The companions of Jehu
— The2. republic
— The conspirators
— The Regent's daughter
2. ...
— The Count of Monte-Cristo
— The last Vendee or, the she-wolves

of Machecoul
— I. Marguerite de Valois ...
— 2. Chicot the jester
— 3. Forty-five guardsmen ...

This is not so desirable a form as the notes

appended to the entries, because it is less clear in
meaning. It also needs an explanatory note that
the books are numbered in the order of sequence,
otherwise it will not be understood that each series
of numbers stands apart from the rest.
At this point it may be mentioned that well-
known works of fiction are often more familiarly
known by short titles than by what may be called
their official titles, especially if those titles include
proper names. This has to be taken into account
for title-entries,
if not in the main entries.
Accordingly " The life and adventures of Robinson
Crusoe " is entered as " Robinson Crusoe," " The
posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club' as
" Pickwick Papers," and " The
personal history and
experience of David Copperficid the Younger " as
" David Copperfield."
Books with changed titles are among the " pit-
falls" that beset the path of the librarian, and call
for special alertness on the part of the cataloguer.
Three such books came under notice on a single
day recently, and are here named, as they show the
difficulty of preventing the acquisition of duplicates
and of the consequent addition of superfluous
entries to the catalogue An American edition of
a novel by Agnes and Egerton Castle, entitled
The heart of Lady Anne, was duly catalogued by
that title until found to be the same book as French
Nan (American editions are troublesome in this
respect) ; Anderson's The abc of artistic photo-
graphy in theory and practice (iQlj) was found to
be identical with his The artistic side of photo-
graphy (1908); and Norton's Bible students hand-
book of Assyriology (1913) to be merely a new
edition of his Popular handbook of useful and

interesting information for beginners in the elemen-

tary study of Assyriology (1908).
A most commendable feature of modern cata-
loguing is the explanatory notes and other
annotations appended to catalogue entries. These
are for the most part to be found in the lists of
additions to libraries published monthly, quarterly,
or annually; such publications lending themselves
readily to this descriptive form of cataloguing.
The classified catalogue has also the advantage
over the dictionary form for this purpose, because,
rarely having more than a single entry for each
book, the question as to where the note is to go
does not arise. The dictionary catalogue having
two or more entries, the addition of annotations
enlarges it materially, besides presenting the diffi-
culty of deciding to which of the entries the note
is to be attached, if not to all. Some notes are
better under the author-entry, and others are more
appropriate to the subject. Nevertheless, some fully
annotated dictionary catalogues have been issued,
notably Mr C W. F. Goss's catalogues of the
Bishopsgate Institute Library and Mr. W. E.
Doubleday's Hampstead Public Library catalogues.
When annotations are given, they should be
pithy, to the point, and, as far as possible, free
from criticism. Abookseller may have some strong
religious leanings or political opinions which he can
afford to publish by means of notes in his cata-
logues without anybody being more than amused
thefeby, but the wise public official, as the servant
of all creeds and parties, will respect all alike, and
take care, if only for his own sake, that he does
not hurt the susceptibilities of any. He will keep


bis personal opinions to himself in a " water-tight
compartment, where they cannot affect or influence
his public work, whether it be in cataloguing or
in book-selection. It is greatly to the credit of
public librarians that they pursue this policy as a
mere matter of course, their training enabling them
to view all literature broadly, without prejudice or
any reference to the bias of the contents of books.
To say this, does not mean that a cataloguer may
not attach a note to a controversial book of any
kind indicating the f>oint of view taken by the
author, but he should do so without expressing his
own opinioa
Some annotations are nothing more than a
repetition or paraphrase of the title-page, and so
add nothing to the information contained in the
catalogue entry. They apf>ear to be given upon the
supposition that every book in an annotated cata-
logue must have an annotation, but this is a mistake,
as the majority of title-pages admirably summarize
the contents of books, for which purpose they exist.
It is when they fail to do this, or do it indefinitely,
or when the book has some especial feature not
noticed in the title to which it is worth while
directing attention, that the annotation is required
and proves of value.
Other features enter into the composition of an
annotatioa Brevity is not only the soul of it, but
is absolutely essential if a catalogue is to be kept
within bounds. A note based upon a review should
avoid any appearance of partiality, as reviewers are
not invariably impartial. It is helpful to readers
to get some rough idea of the amount of knowledge

needed to understand a book for example, a book

dealing with astronomy mathematically would be

above the heads of most people, and when a work
is of this nature it should be so stated. The
qualifications of an author for writing upon a sub-
ject are often noted— he may be a professor of the
subject at a university, or have some other position
or some experience that marks him as an authority.
This, perhaps, not of first-rate importance, as it

may be presumed that no one would write a book

upon a subject of which he knows nothing, or who
is not qualified in some way to deal with it; a
kindly, if not always correct, view to take. Summed
up, the whole object of an annotation is to assist
in the choice of a book, and to elucidate the treat-
ment of its subject, though it may be said that
the purpose is defeated in these days when so many
opportunities for examining the book itself exist
The subject is exhaustively dealt with in Mr. E. A.
Savage's Manual of Descriptive Annotations for
Library Catalogues. The following are typical
examples of annotations selected from various
sources :

McCarthy, Justin. Story of Gladstone's life.
N.Y. and London Macmillan 1897. 12+4369. illus.
portraits, plates, O.
A Home-ruler's memoir of Gladstone; based upon personal
acquaintance ; of permanent value as a memoir ; written in an
entertaining style and well illustrated, but partisan-eulogistic,
gossipy and inaccurate. See for best biography G. B. Smith,
for best short one G. W. E. Russell. Careful Gladstone biblio-
graphy. Notes and queries, Dec. lo, 24, 1892; Jan. 7, 21, 1893.
Ath. 1898. I :i82 ; Sat. R. 85 :i7'8 ; Spec. 80 1342 ; Acad. 53 :i99.

This taken from a catalogue of American


origin, and appeared before the publication of

Morley's authoritative Life of Gladstone. The note
is a somewhat elaborate one, valuable in its refer-
ences to other books, but questionable in its criticism.
The entry was meant for a card-catalogue, and not
prepared for any particular library.

Street, G. S. Trials of the Bantocks.

A satire. The trials of the Bantocks come io
their endeavour to be fashionable.

RiCHTER, Eugene. Pictures of the socialistic

future; freely adapted from Bcbel. 1907
A satire against socialism. It tells the experi-
ences of an ardent socinli.st workman and his
family in lierlin and the dire results of the
" coming revolution."

Unwiv, p. W. Practical solid geometry. (Comb,

mathematical set.) 1909
An elementary course, complete in itself, coveting
Stage I of the Board of Kducation examination.

Jacoby, Geo. W. Suggestion and psychotherapy.

The influence of the mind in the causation and
in the cure of disease.

RuFFiNi, Francesco. Religious liberty; with a

preface by J. B. Bury. (Theol. transl. lib.)
The author is Prof, of Ecclesiastical Law at
Turin. The history of religious liberty and tolera-
tion in a wide sense.

Whether a catalogue makes any pretence of being

annotated or not, every library contains books with
some features that render them unique or almost
so, when it is worth while showing this by means
of a note attached to the entries as a matter of
course. The books may be in manuscript, be works
of the early printers, be extra illustrated, or be first
editions of some valuer and these facts are usually
: 1


stated. The two following are taken from a cata-

logue containing no annotations except such as may
be characterised as inevitable; —
Camden, William. Britannia; transl. and en-
larged by Richard Gough. 4 v. in 23. f° 1806
Interleaved copy, illustrated with engraved maps,
views, portraits, &c., and original drawings and
sketches, &c.

— English. The Second Folio, Bishops'
Version. 707 leaves. f° London, Rkhard
Jugge. 1572

Note. The Book of Psalms is printed in
parellel columns of black letter and Roman
type, the black letter from the Great Bible,
and the Roman, a new version.
The Holy B. ; conteyning the Old Tes-
•tament and the New. f° London,
Robert Barker, 161

Note. This is the and Issue of the ist ed. of
the Authorised Version of King James'
Bible, and is commonly called the Great
She Bible from Ruth iii. 15.

Other forms of notes that are unavoidable have

already been indicated, as for example, those de-
noting the order of reading for sequels, and the
amount of reliable history in works of fiction.
In the previous pages it has been more or less

hinted that form entries that is, entries for books
written in a particular literary form, as poetry,

drama, essays, fiction are out of place in a
dictionary catalogue, and
to introduce them is to
drag from the classified catalogue which
in sections
do not suitably fit. While it is an exaggeration to
say that if books in poetical form are to be entered
under the heading " Poetry," then it logically
follows that prosy books require a heading " Prose,"
or if novels and romances are to be entered under
" Fiction," then serious books should be placed under
" Fact " ; there is, all the same, a certain amount

of truth behind it. If a poetical work has a general

title, as " Poems " or " Poetical Works," then there

is no need to do more than enter it under the author's

name if it has a distinctive title, a title-entry is


given in addition. This also applies to dramas and

dramatic works, and to volumes of sermons, letters,
or essays. The method of dealing with volumes of
essays has been more definitely shown in Chapter
VI., and with works of fiction in other chapters.
Volumes of letters or sermons bearing upon a
definite subject are entered for subject as any
other books, the form not signifying.
Beginners in cataloguing may find the following
direct and simple hints or rules useful for treating
subjects in a dictionary catalogue :

I. —Clearly ascertain what the is definite subject
of a book before cataloguing it.

2. — Do not upon the wording of the

rely entirely
3. —Fix permanently the name adopted a for
subject and in such a way that synonymous
headings canaot occur.
4. —Bring together all books upon the same
subject irrespective of the language in
which they are written.
5. —Adopt popular terms in preference to
scientific for subject-headings, if the
Library is intended to be used by all

classes of the community.


6. —Make sure that the popular term has the

same meaning as the scientiilc, and is as
7. —Avoid scattering books upon a single subject,
though viewed from different standpoints,
under several headings, if they can be
cmicentrated under one heading.
8. —Avoid entries under first or other word of
the title as far as possible, where a subject-
entry is all that is needed. Title-entries
should be the exception not the rule.

9. —Make a subject-heading when there are two

or more books upon the same subject;
when only one give a subject title-entry.
10. —Series entries are to be given as such and not
as a makeshift form of subject-entry,

II. — Form entries, generally speaking, are out of

place in the dictionary catalogue. If
given they are better relegated to an
12, —References and cross-references should be
always subordinate and connected.
13. —References are rarely given from lesser to
greater subjects, but should not be over-
looked from greater to lesser.

I4> —In no case should references be given from

author to subject or vice versa, or in any
form not distinctly relative, otherwise they
are apt to be incongruous..
15. —Volumes of a collective or miscellaneous
character require that each item be con-
sidered ajid catalc^ued as if a separate
i6. — Works of a marked classical character are
not considered to require title entries, and
seldom need subject-entries.
17. —Works of fiction with proper names in their
titles call for consideration as to the best
form of title-entry.

18. — When a book deals with a subject with a

geographical limitation, choice between
subject and geographical heading is some-
times necessary for the sake of economy.
\\'hen in doubt give both entries.
19. — The above rule can be departed from in the
case of the home country.
20. — The judicious abbreviation of entries is not
so simple as it appears on the surface and
requires care.
21. — Alphabetical arrangement is not by any
means as simple as a b c.
22. —The use of repetition dashes should be strictly
limited, and never exceed two under any

The Printing of Catalogues.

The Preparation of " Copy." . Markings for Type. Styles of
Printing in Various Catalogues. Table of Types.
Tenders for Printing. Model Specification. Reading
and Correction of Proofs. Type "Kept Standing."

THE preparation of the manuscript of the

catalogue for the press, and the reading and
correction of proofs, call for great care on the part
of the cataloguer, if the results of his labours are
to be entirely satisfactory when in print.
The slips being all sorted into exact order, it is
well to paste them down on sheets of paper, to
make the " copy " for the printer. Any kind of
paper serves the purpose, provided it is strong and
the sheets are uniform in size; back numbers of
periodicals, if on good paper, do quite well. When
the entries in the dictionary catalogue under a
subject-heading are fairly numerous, they are sub-
divided before they are pasted down; the entries
themselves usually suggesting the appropriate sub-

headings or " arrangement according to material."
Some sub-divisions have been added to the illus-
trative entries in these pages to show this. The
headings of the second and subsequent entries under
an author's name, and under a subject, are cut away
before the slips are pasted down, or they must be
scored through afterwards watchful care has to be

exercised lest too much be cut off the slips at this

time. If the catalogue is classified the numerical
symbols are interpreted, and such class-headings.
divisions, and sub-divisions written as are required
to be printed. The sheets of paper should be pasted
and the slips laid on them and rubbed down,
instead of pasting each slip separately.
Should the catalogue entries be written or typed
on good cards, inconvenient to paste down, or which
it is desired to preserve, they can be numbered con-

and strung together for the printer; any-

thing upon them not meant to be printed being
marked out, including in this case also the headings
of second and subsequent entries under a single
heading and an author's name.
WheUier sent on separate cards or as pasted
sheets, each entry must be marked for the sites and
styles of type the printer is to use. The following
is a convenient and recognised method of doing

this: —
For C.VPITALS underline three times in black ink.

For Small CAPrrALS underline twice in black ink.

For Italics underline once in black ink.

For Clarendon, Antique, or other heavy type
underline as before but in red.
For smaller type than the body of the catalogue
mark the portions down the margin with a
vertical line.

Various considerations enter into the question of

the style or " get-up " (i.e., size, types, paper, binding)
of the catalogue. In all rate-supported libraries
the foremost of these is the expense involved.
Owing to the disconnected nature of catalogue
entries the setting is somewhat troublesome work
for the compositor, and, taking longer time than
straightforward work, costs more, though the modem


type-setting machines. Linotype and Monotype, have

facilitated the work. a well-known fact in
It is

connection with public libraries that the public will

not pay more than a merely nominal sum for a
catalogue, and certainly nothing approaching the
cost of printing —to be compelled to sell a catalogue
for 6d. which cost is. 6d. or 2s. per copy to produce
is a common experience. Sometimes the difference
in cost is made good by advertisements, though this

is an unreliable source of revenue. Advertisers do

not regard a catalogue as a good medium for this
purpose owing to the small number in an edition;
the fact that it is in constant use does not weigh
much with them. If advertisements cin be dis-
pensed with so much the better, as they detract from
the appearance of a catalogue even if they do not
actually disfigure it. The extent of the library
catalogued also enters into the matter. A
small one
not requiring a large catalogue can use larger type
in printing, though a small library and a small
income often go together, when strict economy has
to be exercised. Again there is the question of
including the books of the reference department
in the catalogue, making it a general one, which
adds to its bulk and cost. The reference books
having to be used upon the premises are quite
sufficiently brought under notice by means of the
card or sheaf form of catalogues, typewritten or in
manuscript, now in general use, though it may be
desirable for a newly-established library to have a
complete catalogue of all departments. Those
persons who understand a " reference department
to consist of a few directories, dictionaries, and
almanacks, may thus learn that it comprises much


more. The extent of the collection also aCFects this,
as it is desirable, if not actually necessary, that the
printed catalogue shall be kept within such limits
as to be portable,and in a single volume, because
some people prefer to have their own copies rather
than make use of those provided in the library,
and others make their choice of books solely at
home. All this applies more especially to the
catalogues of lending libraries, as, generally speak-
ing, printed catalogues of reference libraries are
seldom seen nowadays— they are more of a luxury
than a necessity.
The illustrative examples throughout this work
give an idea of the styles of types recommended,
though the choice is more one of usage or personal
preference. The following examples, taken from
various catalogues, are selected as representing the
styles of printing usually met with in catalogues.
A common and very economical form is set in
8-point or brevier) old-style type, with authors'
names, when leading, in small capitals, the subject-
headings in antique, with the entries under them in
6-point (or nonpareil) as well as all contents and
annotations. It is printed in double columns with

a double rule dividing the columns, and on a royal

octavo page: —
Haynb, M. H. E., and H. W. TATLOt.
Thepioneers o{ the Klondyke. 1897 _ I 4126
Havnks, E. S. p. Religions penecntioo
a stndy in political psychology. 1904.- B 1330
Priicbard, H. When black rnlct white, udo I 49M
St. John, Sir S. HiTti; or, the Black Re-
pobUc 1889 „. _. _ „ ._ 1 4J7S
Tezier, C. An pajrt de* gtainxtx : HsU. 1^1 I 1 14]
Hbbsk. Reginald, B/. Poetical works. '75 H 90
Robinson, T. Tb* lut daj* of Biifaop
Hebet. iSji „ „ ... ,_ _. I tj4t


A variation has the authors' names, wherever they

occur, printed in clarendon (heavy type) and the
subject-headings in capitals and small capitals after
this fashion: —
Cellini, Benvenuto. Life of, [by himself] transl., ;

[with an introduction,] by John A. Symonds.

lUus 2v. roy. S°. 1888 E 7032
— Birrell, A. A rogue's memoirs. {In his Obiter
dicta, ser.ij 1884 H 3462
— Goethe, J. W. YOn. Benvenuto Cellini. (In
AtsSamtliche Werke, V. 29.) [1885] H 3131
CelsuB, Aurelius C. De medicma ad fidem op- ;

timorum librorum denuo recensuit adnotatione

critica indicibusque instruxit C. Daremberg.
{Bibl. script Graec. et Roman. Teubneriana.)
pp. 407
xlviii, i sm 8°. Lipsiae, 1839 O 430
— FFonde, J. A. Origan and Celsus. (in his
Short studies, ser. 4.) 1883 E 2926
— Qaest, E. Origines Celticae 2 1883 E v. 5178
— Lemi^Fe, P. L. Etude sur Celtes les et les
Gaulois 1881 E 3848
— Revue celtique. Tomes 8 1881-91 H
4- 11 v. 1857
— Rhys, Origin and growth of religion as
illustrated by Celtic heathendom A ,..1888 3481
— Warren, P. E. The liturgy and of the ritual
Celtic church „ t88i A 3595
— Ireland (Language and
see also literature.)

The disadvantage of this style is the over-emphasis

of authors' names at the cost of subject-headings,
which are somewhat obscured instead of being
made prominent. The general appearance is not
good, the page having a " spotty " look.
The next example is much the same in character
as the first, except that it is set in modem-faced
type, the shelf numbers are given in heavy type,
and the gauge is different. On the whole it presents
a pleasing appearance, though the punctuation is
unusual :
GUciers. <>reen (W. 8.) Among the Selkirk
gUeicra. 1890. iff. tiuip*. C 2370
nelmlxdts (H.) loe mm] Klaoian tii kit :

PopoUr looturm, v. 1. 1884. • 4726 B

MoUoy (G ) The gUcien of the Alpa in ku
. :

(ilekninga in K-iencc. 1888. 4926 E

Renda ( ) Theory of the glaoiera of Savoy.
1B74. map. . . . E 4623
m Tynd^U (J. ) The formt of water. 1886.
tU. - - - - E 4179
<;Udiatore; by O.J. W. Melville, v.d. F 6041,
F 6042
<iLAiMn»E (J. H.) The life of Faradmy : in
^•icnw lecture", ^tanohet«r, v. 2. 1885.
E 3841
<;i^DirroNB (WtiXJAM K) (.ilraningK of put
yean. 1879-97. 8v. 12* S114-21 H
I. The Tbrone uul the Trincp Coniurl: I'hn
CtHmrx «nd eonttiiutlon. t. PanonKl tnd
llicnry I. HivtoricalandftprcuUtlva. t. Fan*lKn,
•-«. EccloiuiKal T. MItcellineout. 1. Tbao-
iottetl uul EoclMiiiiical.
Homer. 187a 12* O 7233

"Old-Style" in type does not mean old-fashioned,

but the more artistic and readable type modelled
on the lettering of the early printers, principally
those of the Italian presses, and is that most pre-
ferred at present If anything, modern-faced type
isthe older fashioned. Fantastic or decorated types,
even for initial capitals at the commencement of a
division of the catalogue, are better avoided. The
following is an example somewhat after the style
of the second given above, but applied to a classified
catalc^ue :

944 French History.
Coignet I. [of France] and hi*
(Clarisse) Francis
times.[TransUued] from the French by Fanny
Twemlow. Lond. i888. 8vo. pp. iv. 371.
944. 038 C I
Beancbamp (Comte de) Louis XIII. d'apria «a
correspcndance avec le Cardinal de Richelieu.
Paris, 1902. fol. pp. [iv]. 4G0. Porti, map and
iilms. P 944. 033 B I
Furse (George Armand) 1800. Marengo and
Hohenlinden. Lond. 1903. 8vo. pp. xii. 478.
Port., illus. and maps. 944. 046 P 2
Bowles (Thomas Gibson) The defence of Paris,
[1870-71] narrated as it was seen. Lxjnd. 1871.
8vo. pp. X. 405. Map and illus. 944. 08 B4
When varying sizes of type are used for distinc-
tive purposes, the contrast is better brought about
by using for the smaller type one which is two sizes
under that of the body of the catalogue. Thus if
lo-point (or long primer) is used, then 8-point (or
brevier) is taken for the small type rather than
9-point (or bourgeois), which would not be suffi-
ciently distinctive. All the above examples are in
8-point (or brevier) with 6-point (or nonpareil) for
the small size. The following table of types and
the space they occupy is useful for reference :

This is old-style i2-point (Pica)
This is old-style ii-point (Small Pica)
This is old-style lo-point (Long Primer)
This is old-style g-point (Bourgeois)
This is old-style 8-point (Brevier)

This is old-style 7-point (Minion)

This is old-style 6-point (Nonpareil)

This is modern-faced 12-point ...(Pica)

This is modem-faced 11-point... (Small Pica)
This is modern-faced 10-point..(Long Primer)
This is modern faced 9-point (Bourgeois)
This is modem-faced 8-point (Brevier)

This is modern faced 7-polnt (Minion)

This is modem-faced 6-point (Nonpaiell)

Wherecost has not to be considered, a better
obtained by printing a catalogue across the
effect is
page instead of in double columns. This takes up
nearly twice as much space, given the same size of
type, and is usually printed in demy octavo size
(8| indies by 5^). If the number of entries is large
the catalogue makes a thick volume, though this
depends largely upon the size of type used. I'he
following example is taken from a class-lisl printed
in 8-point or brevier"* with notes and contents in
6-point (or nonpareil) as in the doublc<olumncd
catalogues shown above :

Pools, G. Avurri. History of eccletioslical architecture in
England, pp. xiv. 415. rmn 8*. 1H48
— and OTHd.H Architectural noticoi of the churches of the
archdeaconry o( Northainplon : deaneries of HiKham
Ferrm and Haddon pp xii, 3H8, lllm rov. 8° 1R49
PoTTKii. ]<isFrH. Remains of ancient monastic architecture in
l-:nt;!.\riil roy. f- [1843-7]
Cr-^tmit — Dnildwmi Ablwr ehureh. pL 33.— Wmilpek Priory cburob.
pi. )&—Tinuxn Al>faey ehofeh. pi. 49.

— Specimens of antlent EnRliah architecture: . plans, eleva-

. .

tions, sections, and details.— Ecclesiaatical. pp. 31, pi. 41.

roy. 4". 1848
Prickctt, Masmadokk. Historical and architectural description
of the Priory church of Bridlington, pp. xxvili, 130, pi. 17. .

._ „ 8°. CanOridgi, j8«

Pkioitx, Stanislas Monographie de I'andenne abbaveroyue
Saint-Yved de Braine; [avec plans, iUvations, &cj pp. iii,
104. pl »6. P. Pmt. i8j9

It is with the object of using larger-sized types that

catalogues are printed across the page, as the
double-columned catalogue does not admit of the
use of large type without adopting a wide page,
vrhidi is somewhat inconvenient The next three
examples are of the larger-type character :

"J ,


2 5^ rt
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In this the type of the body of the catalogue

is the same in size as the previous example
(i i-point), the contents under subject-heading being
in 8-point (brevier) take up less room. The catalogue
contains 500 pages for 15,000 volumes.

Wilson (John) [Christopher North] Noctes am-

brosianae. 4V
See also De Quincey (T.) Works, v. 16
— Hall (S. C.) Book of memories. [1876]
Wilson (J. P.) Scriptural proofs, 1887
Wilson (R.) Steam boilers. 1879
Wilson (W.) Swimming instructor, il. 1883
Murray's Handbook for Wiltshire, etc. map. 1882
Worth (R. N.) Guide to Wiltshire, map. 1887

Willert (P. F.) Henry of Navarre and the

Huguenots in France, il. 1893
William I. Freeman (E. A.) William the Conqueror.
Planche (J. R.) The Conqueror and his com-
panions. 2 v. ...

William II. Freeman (E. A.) Reign of William

Rufus. 2 v
William III. Traill (H. D.) William III. 1888...
William IV. Fitzgerald (P.) Life and times of
William IV. 2 v. 1884
Greville (C. C. F.) Journals, v. 2-3. 1888 ...
Huish (R.) Life and reign of William IV. il.
William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the kings of
England. [449-1142.] 1847
Williams (E. E.) " Made in Germany." 1896 ...
There are other sizes of ciatalogues from a
quarto to a duodecimo, so far as the size of the
pages is concerned, but the above examples include
all sizes of type that it is advisable to use; any-
thing larger than ,ii-point (small pica) being too
large, and anything smaller than 6-point (nonpareil)
is hardly readable. Brevier, or the nearest to it,
8-|x>int, is a useful and economical size^ as exami-
nation of the forgoing examples proves, and while
it is comparatively small it must be remembered

that catalogues are merely looked at and not read

through in the ordinary meaning of the term.
The styles of types having been settled, it is
customary to invite tenders for the work from
printing firms selected because of their repute,
experience, and to carry out such work.
The possibilityof securing a satisfactory or
economical piece of work is very remote if it is
open to all who choose to tender, even within a
local area. The cheapest tender obtained in this
way frequently proves the dearest in the end, to
say nothing of the worry and vexation caused to
the librarian by people undertaking work they have
not the material or competence to execute properly.
All hrms must tender upon the same basis, and
therefore it is essential that a specification be pre-
pared for the purpose. The following is prepared
for the style of printing first mentioned (page 220),
though it can be easily altered in this and other
respects to suit requirements. It is fairer to all

concerned if a specimen page is set up embodying

the cataloguer's intentions and all the styles of type
it is proposed to use as nearly as possible in the
right proportions, though this is not of first-rate
importance if the various sizes to be used are
separately priced and measured op for payment at
the completion of the work. It must be remembered
that though smaller type occupies less space it costs
more to compose than the larger. It is also an

advantage to have some portion of the manuscript

("copy") ready in order that a printer tendering
may examine it and judge of its nature if he so

[Specification for Printing.]


Specification for Printing a Catalogue of the Public


The Commitee of the Public Library invite

tenders for printing a catalogue of their Lending
Library upon' the following conditions :

Edition and Size. —The edition to consist of three

thousand copies, royal octavo in size (not less
than 9i by 6 when bound).

Note. The number of the edition depends entirely
upon and probable sales.
local ciicupistances libraryA
of 5,000 borrowers will take about seven years to sell
3,500 copies of a catalogue at 6d. per copy.

Paper. —To be at least 32lbs. royal to the ream, of

good finish, white, uniform in tint throughout.

Type and Setting. — 8-point

Old - style, with
occasional small capitals, and Clarendon or

antique, with 6-point for subjects,* notes, and

contents, and the proper accented letters in foreign
languages. To be set solid, two columns to the
page, seventy lines 8-point to the column (apart
from page-heading, which is to contain a title and
catch-word syllables), each fifteen ems wide, with

* If the entries under subject-headings are to be in

smaller type.
double division rules between. Turnover lines to
be indented one em, the repeat dash to be a one
em and number to stand clear
rule, the class-letter
four ems, the indent to be two ems.
Spaces between the end of the book-entry and the
class-letter to be filled with leaders. The type
must not be worn or broken, and must be free
from wrong founts. The " copy " must be closely
followed for the punctuation and use of capitals.

Machining. —The sheets to be well worked in perfect

with (^ood ink and uniform impression,
afterwards rolling or pressing if needed.
NoTt. —Good printers do oot now need to hot preu or
roll the sbeeti.

Time. From the first receipt of copy, the work to
be proceeded with at a rate of not loss than two
sheets of sixteen pages each per week until com-
pleted [or in default thereof the printer to pay a
sum of two pounds per week as damages.]
Non. — A penalty cUuse U optional much depeodi;

upon th« printer, who may be very dilatory and um tha

work to fill up with when oot otherwise busy.

Proofs. —
Two copies of proof in galley and two
copies of a revise in page to be furnished for
reading and correction. The Librarian to have
the right to demand a revise in galley and such
revises in page as be shall deem necessary. No
sheet to be sent to press until ordered by the
endorsement of the Librarian thereon.
Additions and corrections. —
The Librarian to have
the right to insert additional matter in galley but
not in page except as an author's correction. No
extra charge to be allowed for author's corrections
unless pointed out and priced at the time they are

Number of pages.* —The

number of pages is esti-
mated more or less, but this is not
to be 250
guaranteed, and no allowance will be made for
any miscalculation in this respect.

Covers. Three thousand covers to be printed upon
coloured paper of an approved tint, not less than
34lbs. to the ream (royal). The front of this
cover to be printed with the title of the catalogue.

Note. If the catalogue is not to be bound in boards,
but is to have paper covers only, the weight of the paper
should be at least 7olbs.

Binding. —
^The whole edition is to be bound in good
strawboards of suitable thickness, with cloth strip
backs, and strongly sewn with thread, the covers
being pasted on the front and back and the whole
cut flush. Fourteen days will be allowed for
binding after the last sheet has been returned for
the press.

Delivery. —
^The catalogues when completed are to
be securely tied up in brown paper parcels of fifty
each and delivered to the Librarian at the Public

Tender. —^The tender is to state the price per page

for 8-point and for 6-point type respectively, this
price to be inclusive of all charges for press cor-
rections, covers, binding, and delivery as afore-
said. When completed the work is to be measured

* An estimate made from the "copy" is liable to

tarn out wrong when the work is in type, the tendency
being to overstate the number of pages, when the printer
is within his rights, according to trade usages, in claim-
ing for profit upon the full number of pages upon which
his estimate is based ; therefore it is wise to leave the
tatter open in tbis way.
up, and charges will be allowed according to the
quantity used of each of the above types. Pay-
ment will be made within three months afterwards.

Other conditions. —The work is to be executed to

the entire satisfaction of the Librarian, and if he
is dissatisfied with it in any respect he is authorised

to stop the work and refer the matter to the

Library Committee for their decision, which shall
be final and binding.

Contract. —
The Committee may require the firm
whose tender is accepted to enter into a contract
with the Borough Council to carry out the work
in accordance with this specification and its con>
ditions,and to give an undertaking that the rate
of wages paid and hours of labour observed are
those that are generally accepted as fair by the
printing trades.

The Committee do not bind themselves to accept

the lowest or any tender.

Specimens of the kind of work required can

be inspected at the Librarian's office, where also
the " copy " can be seen as far as ready.

Tenders, with samples of the papers proposed to

be used, are to be sent in sealed envelopes, endorsed
" Catalogue," to reach the undersigned not later
than noon on the 5th day of November, 191 3.


Public Library,
The Broadway,

20th October, 191J.



The preliminaries having been settled, the work

of printing is put in hand by furnishing the printer
with a supply of "copy," of say loo sheets, duly
marked for varieties of type and other details. In
due course the printer will send two or three copies
of proofs printed in single column on long strips
of paper known as "galleys," with ample margins
on which to mark the corrections. The corrections
are not marked on the printed matter alone, but the
nature of the correction required is also marked in
the margin. An assistant, possessing some know-
ledge of the subject, should read out the " copy
slowly and distinctly to the cataloguer, at the same
time directing attention to any peculiarities of
spelling, punctuation, accented letters, and the like.
It is a very difficult task to correct the proofs by
reference to the " copy " without having it read
aloud. Each galley having been once read through
should have the shelf numbers called again, as
mistakes in these cause most trouble. After this the
cataloguer will be well advised to read the galleys
through carefully once more, apart from the " copy,"
provided he can spare the time, and is not over-
whelmed with proofs by the printer. He should
also mark the places for the insertion of any
additions, which are either written on the margins
or, if large in number, made into a new sheet of
"copy," with a separate numbering for each item,
this numbering being used for marking the exact
place where it is to be inserted.
When the corrections are many, as they often
are in the early stages of the work before the com-
positor has got into the right way, it is advisable to

have "a revise" in galley that is, an additional
" pull " after the corrections are made.Should the
corrections be comparatively few, the printer may
safely be trusted to put them right, and a revise in
page form will suffice. This revise in page needs
careful reading for catch-letters and other page
headings, and for the repetition of authors' names
and subject-headings when they are divided at the
tops of columns (or pages). This reading is done
without the " copy," which, once being read, is not
needed again, except for reference.
Most catalogues are now set up on the Linotype
or Monotype machines, when it is as well to ascer-
tain which of these machines is in use. By the
Linotype a single addition of a word or correction
of a letter involves the resetting of the whole line,
possibly two, and the lines must be re-read. Cor-
rections on the Monotype are made by single pieces
in the ordinary way. It is essential in hand-setting
to look out for wrong founts, that is pieces of
another sire or style of type which have been acci-
dentally mixed up with that being used, and if
printed will mar the appearance. Broken and worn
letters also should be marked to be changed. Woiic
on the type-setting machines is not so much subject
to these faults, though they are possible. The
method of correcting a proof and the signs used in
the process are shown in Appendix A
With the object of saving expense in the printing
of new editions of catalogues, some librarians arc
trjring the experiment of keeping the type standing
and paying a small rental. The edition printed is

then not so large as usual, and when a new edition

is required the type is again used and the new
additions inserted. An arrangement of this kind

requires thjat the original estimate shall include a

price per page for reprints with additions and for
re-imposition. This attempt at economy has not yet
got beyond the experimental stage.
The storage of type until wanted for reprinting
does not enter into consideration where the Mono-
type setting machine is used, the perforated paper
rollsbeing easily filed away until required again;
though this is rather the concern of the printer than
of the librarian.
We may conclude with the following quotation
taken fronj the preface of a library catalogue :

" In the former catalogue it was said that It '

would seem to be impossible to produce a cata-

logue absolutely free from errors of compilation
or the press, and some are already noted for
correction when the next edition is called for.'
This statement still holds good."

Specimen Page showing Marked ProoC

LoiST. Alfred. The gospel and th^ church.

/I 1903 , B1517
•tj Lautm, Frfddric. A short $istory of
' comMrative litenture. 1906 ... H3485
Lollards. The, of the Chiltern Hills.
Summers, W. H. 1906 81653
21C Lollis. Cesare de. Vita di Cristoforo_J
^^ombo. 189s 1 5608

CtJn Lombard street. BagehotJtV. 1893
Loipbock. With the Dutch in

the East. \
C 401

Coot, W. 1897 I 3978

LoMfcMiB, Louis de. Beaumarchais and
his times. 4 v. 1856 ... I 5563-66
LoMMEL, E. Tlw nature of light. (Int.
tcuM.ur.) 1885 E 108
LoHUON, Jack. The call\lhe/oTlwild ... K3155
/v A slaughterof the nP
.VP K5590
— The people of the abyss.

1903 ... C 1441

Tb« Uv|i o(j>oor in Loodon.
Lo nflftft :—
Hittvry aiM DDeHp&^..
t Allbni. R fUondoo iunblto -mtb Chafles
Dickens, a.d.'..." ••...:..-•.•..
Apperson. G. L. Byybne London life.- Iggj .'..


Arondell. T.' HisKmcal' reminiscences' of ibi

City and IH tivery companies 1869 ''.1. I' 1404
vtitv^ Su alto tit lumf»p/ f mmtkm at Chelsea. KensjogL '
loo, 0/ hUUtiigt as thi Tower, Wettminatw
Abbey. ^.; imd^tif'-plaut is Cbairtag troit. •

# Hyd*ark,Cudgate-HiH.-&u.
Social, &t. lift.

T>ogbenyJB4l. .. Humours and oddities ,e(.the'


/VLondon police 'coarts. 1894 ' -•• ^3

H 217a
" ^ 1
Wynter, A. Cuript^tias of civilization. .^}.6. ....

Long, A. L. .' •Memoirs of V!ieneral3 ,

^ Robert E.;Leg.' 1886^..

Long exile, TEe. Tolsto*. Gdnnf.
" ... I 8259

J 1875

Explanations of Markings used in
Proof Correcting.

-4C- Small capitals.

Cafv Capital.
Full stop to be inserted.
iM. Trcinspose.
f-t Insert a dash.
>C Broken or worn letter.

=y Alignment to be straightened.
"yC. Change capital to lower case (i.e. small letter).

^ Space to be inserted.

a Indent (one em).

J^ Push down space showing.
A turned letter.
AAf^. Wrong fount (the letter is of the wrong type).
—J Space out to gauge.
Insert a comma.
Cr' Delete; remove letters or words.
4jtid. Italic to be used.
..ftit Word not to be altered.
II Straighten perpendicularly.
^5 Join letters to make one word.
-/ A hyphen to be inserted.
Change from italic to roman.
\i!l Insert quotatioa mark.

C Substitute a bracket.

^ (3 Commence new paragraph.


Specimen Page Corrected.

LoiSY, Alfred. The gospel and the church.

1903 B 1517
Louis, Fr6d£ric. A short history of
comparative literature. 1906 ... Ha485
Lollards, The, of the Chiltem Hills.
Summers, VV. H. i^)o6 81653
LoLUS, Cesare de. Vita di Cristoforo
Colombo. 1895 I 5608
Lombard Street. Bagehot, W. 189a ... C 401
Lombock. With the Dutch in the East.
Cool, \V. 1897 I 3978
LoufeNiB, Louis de. Beaumarchais and
his times. 4 v. 1856 ... I 5563>66
LouMBL, £. The nature of light. {Int.
icUn.s*r.) 1885 E 108
LoNiKiN, Jack. The call of the wild ... Kti55
— A daughter of the snows K5590
— The people of the abyss. 1903 ... C 1441

The Uvw of the poor in London.

London :

History ami Dturiptim.

Ailbnt, R. London rambles with Cbarlei
Dickens, n.d I 4157
Apperson, G. L. Bygone London life. 1903 ... I 473a
Arondell, T. Historical reminiscencei of the
City and its livery comt»nies. 1869 ... I 14O4
5m alto tkt namti of boroughi as Chelsea, Kensing-
ton, of buiUUngt at tkt Tower, Westminster
Abbey, &c., aid of places as Charing Cross,
Hyde Park, Lndgate Hill, &c.
Social, &-C. lift.
" Dogberry " (£4i). Hamours and
oddities of the
Londmi police coarts. 1894 C 883
Wynter, A. Cariosities of civilization, n.d. ... H 217s
Long, A. L. Memoirs of [General]
Robert E.Lee. 1886 I 3259
Long exile, The. Tolstoi, Count J 1875


The following are some of the words most
frequently used in connection with books and in cata-
loguing, with suitable abbreviations. All abbrevia-
tions must be used guardedly and with discretion, so
that they cannot be confused with other words, and
are self-explanatory with the context. For a full list
see a useful book, Author and Printer, " by F.

Howard Collins (Frowde).

About {circa)
Edited, Editor, Editioo ed.
Editors, Editioat eds.
EngUnd, English Eng.
Ealargad eal.
ExpUnatioo, EzpUnatory explan.
Facsimile facs.
Folio f»
Folios fi.
Frootispiece frontis. or front.
Gilt edge*
Greet Briteia Ct. Brit.
lUlf (la bittdimg) hf. (<M hf. cf )
Handbook hdbk.
Herausgegeben hrsg. tr heraiug.
Historical, History hist.
Illustrator, IllosUated, illus.
Imperial ('« bock iittt) imp.
Inclndiog, lDcIasi*e incl.
International internat.
Introductions, Introdnctory inlro.
Large la.
Large paper l.p.
Leaves II.
Lectures teci.
Library lib.
Literary, Literature lit.
Manuscript MS.
Manuscripts MSS.
Modern mod.
Morocco (I'e binding) mor.
Nrw edition n.e. or new ed.
New series n.%. or new ser.
New Testament N,T.
No date n.d., N.D., or s.a. (sine anno)
No place (of publication) n.pl.
No date or place s.a. et 1.
No title-page n.t.-p.
North N.
Number, Numbers no., 0O3.
Oblong obi.
Octavo 8«, 8vo., O.
Old Testament O.T.
Original orig.
Out of print o.p.
Pages pp.
Pamphlet, Pamphlets pamph. or phlt., phlts.
Farliameatary parly, (a/ parly, paper)
Part. ParU pt., pU.
Plate, Plates pl.. pU.
Portrait, Portraits port., ports.
Preface, prefatory pref.




A short list of pseudonyms with the real names,

including women authors whose names are changed
by marriage :


A.L.O.E. Charlotte M. Tucker
Acheta Domestics L. M. Budgen
Ack worth, John F. K. Smith
Adams, Mrs. Leith Mrs. R. S. de Courcy Laffan
Adeler, Max Charles H. CUrk
AgDiu, Orm« John C. Higginbotham
Aimard, Gustave Ulivier Gloux
Ainslie, Noel Edith Lister
Alrxaader, Mrs. Annie K. Iloctor
Alico Mrs. L. A. Baker
AUeo, F. M Edmund Downey
Amateur Angler, The Edward Marston
Amy and, Atthiu Andrew Haggard
Andom, R. AKrcd W. Barrett
Angell, Norman R. Norman A. Lane
Annunuo, Cabriele d' Gaetano Rapagnatto
Aastey, F. Thos. Anitey Guthrie
Argles, Mrs. Mrs. Hungerford
Aubrey, Frank Francis H. Atkinson
Audley, lohn Mrs. E. M. DavT
Aunt lady Mrs. Margaret Catty
Aiut Naomi Gertrude A. Landa
AyKouKh, John F. D. Bickerstafie Drew
B., A. K. H. A. K. H. Boyd
B.. E. V. Eleanor V. Boyle
Buker, Lady Lady Broome
BaaU Richard Ashe King
Bede. Cothbert Edward Bradley
Belgian Hare, The Lord Alfred Douglas
Bell, Nancy Mrs. Arthur Bell
Belloc, Marie A. Mrs. Belloc Lowndes
BentxoD, Th. Th^rise Blanc
Bickerdyke, John C. H. Cook
Billingi, Josh Henry W. Shaw
Bird, Isabella L. Mrs. I. L. Bishop
Birmingham, George A. James O. Hannay
Blackbnme, E. Owens Elizabeth Casey
Boldrewood, Rolf Thos. A. Browne
Bovet, M. A. & Marqnise de Bois Hubert
Gabrielle V. M. CampbeU
Boweu, Marjorie

Pseudonym. Real Name.

Biada Comtesse Puliga
Braddon, M. E. Mrs. Maxwell
Breitmann, Hans Charles G. Leland
Brenda Mrs. Castle Smith
Buckley, Arabella B. Mrs. Fisher
Burnett, Frances Hodgson Mrs. H. Townesend
Caballero, Fernan Cecilia Boehl de Faber
Cambridge, Ada Mrs. G. F. Cross
Carmen Sylva Elisabeth, Queen of Roumania
Carroll, Lewis Charles L. Dodgson
Cassidy, James Mrs. E. M. Story
CAvendish Henry Jones
Cellarius Thos. W. Fowle
Champfleury Jules F. F. Husson-Fleury
Chester, Norley Emily Underdown
Christian, Sydney M. L. Lord
Clare, Austin W. M. James
Cleeve, Lucas Mrs. H. Kingscote
Cobbleigh, Tom Walker Raymond
CoUingwood, Harry Wm. J. C. Lancaster
Colmore, George Mrs. Baillie Weaver
Connor, Marie Marie C. Leighton
Connor, Ralph Charles W. Gordon
Conrad, Joseph Joseph C. Korzeniowski
Conway, Derwent Henry D. Inglis
Conway, Hugh F. J. Fargus
Conway, James Jas. Conway Walter
Coo-ee Wm. S. Walker
Coolidge, Susan Sarah C. Woolsey
Cooper, Rev. Wm. M. James G. Bertram
Corthis, Andr6 Mdlle. Husson
Craddock, C. E. Mary N. Murfree
Crawley, Captain G. F. Pardon
Cromarty, Deas Mrs. R. A. Watson
Coulevain, Pierre de Mdlle. F. de Coulevain
Counties, Home J. W. K. Scott
Dale, Darley Francesca M. Steele
Dall, Guillaume Madame Jules Lebaudy
Danby, Frank Julia Frankau
D'Anvers, N. Mrs. Arthur Bell
Dean, Mrs. Andrew Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick
Dehan, Richard Clotilde Graves
Donovan, Dick J. E. Preston Muddock
Douglas, George Geo. D. Brown
Douglas, O. Miss Buchan
Douglas, Theo Mrs. H. D. Everett
Dowie, M^nie M. Mrs. E. A. Fitzgerald
Duncan, Sara J. Mrs. Everard Cotes
Ecilaw, Ary Comtesse Czapska
Egerton, George Mrs. R. Golding Bright
Eha Edward H. Aitken
Eliot, George Mary Anne Evans (aftarwards
Mrs. Cross)
Elbon, Barbara Leonora B. Halited
Elixabeth, Charlotte Charlotte E. Tonna
Ellis, Luke J. Page Hopps
Fairiess, Michael Margaret Fairiess Barber
Falconer, Lanoa Mary E. Hawker
Fane, Violet Lady Philip Currie
Famiagham, Marianne Mary A. Hearne
Ferval, Claude Baronne de Pierrebourg
Field, Michael Misses Bradley and Cooper
Fin Bee W. B. Jerrold
Flemine, George iulia C. Fletcher
Flyot, Joeiah rank NVillard
Foreman Pattern-Maker, A J. G. Horner
Forester, George George Greenwood
Fowler, Kditb A. Mrs. R. Hamilton
Fowler, tUen Thorn ycroft Mrs. A. L. Felkin
France, Aoatole Aoatole Francois Thibault
Francis, M. E. Mrs. M. Blundell
Francis, R. £. Frances Poynter
Free Laooe, A. F. 11. Perryootta
Freer, Martha W. Mrs. M. W. Robinnon
Frost, George Mrs. S. Eddison
C. C. — Harper
Garrett,Edward IsabelU F. Mayo
Gaunt, UMtf Mrs. Lindsay Miller
Gerard, Dorothea Mdme. Longard da Longgards
Gerard, Emilj Mdme. de Laszowska
Gerard, Morio* I. Jessop Teagua
Gerrare, Wirt W. O. Greener
Gift, Theo. Dorothy H. BonIgM
Grand, Sarah Mrs. M'Fall
Gray, Maxwell M. G. Tuttiett
Green, Anna R. Mrs. C. Roblfs
Grey, Rowland Lilian R. Brown
Grier, Sjdoey C. Hilda Gregg
Gr^TiUe, Henry Alice M. C. Dnrand
Grove, Lillr Mrs. ]. G. Fraier
Gabbins, Nathaniel Edward Spencer
Gyp Comtesse de MarUl de Janville
Haliburton, Hugh L. Robertson
Hall, Eliza CaWert L ina C. Obenchain
Hamel, Frank Miss F. Hamel
Hamst, Olphar Ralph Thomas
Hay, Ian J. A. Beith
Hay, Marie Baroness von Hindenborg
Hare, Christopher Mrs. Andrews
Hayes, Henry Mrs. E. O. Kirk
Heddle, Ethel F. Mrs. W. Marshall
Began, Alice C. Mrs. A. C. Rice

Pseudonym. Real Name.

Henry, O. Sydney Porter
Hertz-Garten, Theodor Mrs. de Mattos
Hickson, Mrs. Murray Mrs. S. Kitcat
Hieover, Harry Charles Bindley
Hill, Headon F. Grainger
Hilliers, Ashtoa H. M. Wallis
Hobbes, John Oliver Mrs. Pearl M. T. Craigie
Hoffmann, Professor A. J. Lewis
Holcombe, Arnold Arnold Golsworthy
Holdsworth, Annie Mrs. E. Lee Hamilton
Holland, Clive C. J. Hankinson
Hope, AndrSe Mrs. Harvey
Hope, Anthony Anthony H. Hawkins
Hope, Ascott R. Robt. H. Moncreiff
Hope, Graham Jessie Hope
Hope, Laurence Violet Nicholson
Hopper, Nora Mrs. Chesson
Houville, Gerard d' Mde. H. de Regnier
Howard, Keble Keble Bell
Hume, Martin A. S. Martin A. Sharp
Ingoldsby, Thomas Richard H. Barham
Intelligence Officer Lionel James
Iota Kathleen Caffyn
Iron, Ralph Mrs. O. Cronwright-Schreiner
Ironside, John E. M. Tait
Jacberns, Raymond Georgina M. I. Ash
Jacomb, A. E. A. E. Jacomb Hood
James, Croake James Paterson
Janus Johann J. I. von DoUinger
Joubert, Carl Adolphus W. C. Grottey
K., O. Mdme. Olga Novikofi (n£e
Keith, Leslie Mrs. G. L. Keith Johnston
King, K. Douglas Mrs. Godfrey Burr
Kipling, Alice Mrs. Fleming
L., L. E. Letitia E. MacLean (n^
La Pasture, Mrs. H. de Lady Hugh Clifford
La£fan, May Mrs. W. N. Hartley
Larwood, Jacob L. R. Sadler
Laurence, A. St. Alfred L. Felkin
Law, John Miss M. E. Harkness
Layland, F. Mrs. Francis Barratt
Leander, Richard R. Volkmann
Lee, Holme Harriet Parr
Lee, Vernon Violet Paget
Legrand, Martin . James Rice
Lennox Lennox Pierson
Lcnotre, G. Theodore Gosselin
Lesueur, Daniel Jeanne Loiseau
L6vi, Eliphas Alphonse L. Constant
Lind^jr, Uarrjr H. Lindsay Hudson
Loodon, John cf Wilfred MHiitten
Loti, Pierre Louis M. J. Viand
Lncka, Sydney Henry Harland
LyaU, Edna Ada E. Bayly
Lts, Christian Percy J. Brcbnrr
luartens, Maarten J. M. W. van dar Poorten
Sch warts
UcAnlay, Allan Charlotte Stewart
Ifaclareo, Ian John M. Watson
Macleod, Fiona William Sharp
Main, Mrv Mrs. Aubrey i.e llUmd
Malet, Lucas Mrs. M. St. L. Harrison (n«e
Mansergb, leuie Mrs. G. de I{, Vaiiey
Marchant, Beuie Mrs. J. A. Comfort
Markbam, Mn. Mrs. Elis. Penrose
MarUtt, E. Henriette F. C. E. John
Marlowe, Charles Harriet Jay
Marryat, Florence Mrs. y. Lean
Marvell, Ik. Donald G. Mitchell
Mathers, Helen Mrs. H. Reeve
Meade. L. T. Mrs. Toulmin Smith
MeWill«, Lewis Lewis S. Benjamin
Meredith, Isabel Olivia F. M. Ros»ctti
Meredith, Owen Earl Lytton
Merriman, Henry Seton H. S. Scott
Miles, Amber Mrs. Cnbden Sickert
Miles, Walkar E. S. Taylor
Miller, Joaquin C. H. Miller
Mimosa Mrs. M. Chan Toon
Mootbard, G. Charles A. Lores
Montgomery, K. L. Kathleen and Letitia Mont-
Morris, May Mrs. Sparling
Hulbolland, Rosa Lady Gilbert
Nesbit, E. Edith Bland (Mrs. Hubert
Nimrod C. J. Apperley
Nordan, Max M. S. Sfldfeld
North, Christopher Prof. John Wilson
North, Laurence J. D. Symon
North, Pleydell Mrs. Egerton Eastwick
Novalis Friedrich von Hardenbnrg
Nye. Bill E. W. Nye
Old Boomerang J. R. Houlding
Oldcastle, John Wilfred Meynell
Oliver, Pen Sir Henry Thompson
Optic, OIlTer Wm. T. Adams
Orczy, Baroness Mrs. Montagu Barstow
O'ReU, Max Paul Blouit

Pseudonym. Real Naue.

Otis, Jame^ J. O. Kaler
Ouida Louise de la Ram£e
Owen, J. A. Mrs. Owen Visger
Oxenham, Joha W. A. Dunkerley
Page, H. A. Alex H. Japp
Palmer, Wm. Scott Mrs. M. E. Dowson
Pansy IsabellaM. Alden
Parallax Samuel B. Robotham
Parley, Peter Wm. Martin
Paston, George Miss E. M. Symonds
Pattison, Mrs. Mark Lady E. F. S. Dilke
Paull, M. A. Mrs. John Ripley
Percy, Sholto and Reuben Joseph C. Robertson and
Thomas Byerley
Phelps, Eliz. S. Mrs. H. D. Ward
Pilgrim Mrs. W. P. Browne
Plain Woman, A. Miss Ingham
Presoott, E. Livingston Edith K. Spicer-Jay
Prevost, Francis H. F. P. Battersby
Pritchard, Martin J. Justina Moore
Prout, Father F. Mahony
Q- Sir A. T. Quiller Couch
Raimond, C. E. Elisabeth Robins
Raine, Allen Mrs. P. Puddicombe
Rapier A. E. T. Watson
Rayner, Olive Pratt Grant Allen
Reed, Myrtle Mrs. McCuIlough
Rhoscomyl, Owen Owen Vaughan
Ridley, Mrs. Edward Lady Alice Ridley
Rita Mrs. W. Desmond Humphreys
Rives, Am^lie Princess Troubetzky
Robert ("A City Waiter") John T. Bedford
Robins, G. M. Mrs. L. Baillie Reynolds
Robinson, A. Mary F. Mde. A. M. F. Darmesteter
Rogers, Halliday Miss Reid
"Rosny, J. H. Les frferes Boex
Ross, Adrian Arthur R. Ropes
Ross, Martin Violet Martin
Roy, Gordon Helen Wallace
Rutherford, Mark W. Hale White
Ruthven, E. C. Miss Coleman
Ryce, John Alice M. Browne
St. Aubyn, Alan Frances Marshall
Saint-Patrice James H. Hickey
Saintine, X. B. de Joseph X. Boniface
Saki H. H. Mtinro
Sand, George A. L. Dudevant
Scalpel, iEsculapius Edward Berdoe
Scott, Leader Lucy E. Baxter
Seafield, Frank Alex. H. Grant
Sedgwick, Anne D. Mrs. B. de S^lincourt
PsnTDOMTlI. Rial Name.
Signin, L. G. L. G. Strahan
Serao, Matilda Mde. E. Scarfoglio
Setoon, Gabriel Thoe. N. Hepburn
Sharp, Luke Robert Barr
Shaw, Flora L. Lady Lugard
Shirley Sir John Skeltoa
Sigersoo, Dora Mrs. Clement Shorter
Sinjoha, John John Galsworthy
Sketchley, Arthai Geo. Rose
Slick, Sam T. C. Haliburton
Son of the Marshet, A Denham Jordan
Son of the Soil, A J. S. Fletcher
Spianer, Alice Mrs. A. Z. Fraser
Stendhal. U. de Marie Henri Beyle
Stepoiak, S. S. M. Krarcbiniky
Stonehenge John H. Walih
Stratbeak, loho John Tod
Stretton, Hetba Hannah Smith
Stnart, Zuai Miss Leroy
Swan, Annie S. Mri. Burnett Smith
Swift, Benjamin Wm. R. Paterson
Talleotyre, S. G. Beatrice Hall
Tasma Madame J. Couvreur
Thackerar, Anne I. Lady A. I. Ritchie
Tbaoet, Octa*e Alice French
Thirlmere, Rowland tohn Walker
Tbomat, Annie In. Pender Cudlip
Tborne, Gnjr C. Ranger Gull
Thome, \Mi7te Richard Wbiteing
Tomioo, Graham R. Rosamund M. Watson
Traveri,Graham Margt. G. Todd
Tamer, Ethel Mrs. H. R. Curlewis
Tamer, Lilian Mrs. F. L. Thompson
Twain, Mark Samuel L. Clemens
Tynan, Katharine Mrs. H. A. Hinkson
Tjtler, Sarah Henrietta Keddie
tJncle Remus Joel C. HarrU
Vados Agnes Farley
Vernon, K. Dorothea K. D. Ewart
Vivaria, Kassandra Mrs. M. Heinemann
Wakeman, Annie Mrs. Annie Lathrop
Walker, Patricias Wm. Allingham
Wallis, A. S. C. Miss Opzoomer
Wanderer E. H. d'Avigdor
Warboroagh, Martin L. Grant Allen
Ward, Artemoa Chas. F. Browne
Warden, Florence Mrs. Florence James
Wardle, Jane Oliver M. Hodfer
Waters Wm. Russell
Weale, B. L. Patnam Bertram L. Simpson
Webb, Mrs. Mrs. Webb Peploe

Pseudonym. Real Name.

Wells, Charles J. H. L. Howard
Wentworth, Patiicia Mrs. G. F. Dillon
Werner, E. Elisabeth Biirstenbinder
Weston, James Edward Step
Wetherell, Eliz. Susan Warner
Wharton, Grace and Philip John C. and ICatharine
Whitby, Beatrice Mrs. Philip Hicks
Wiggin, Kate D. Mrs. J. C. Rigg
Wilcox, E. G. Mrs. Egerton Allen
Wilkins, Louisa Louisa Jebb
Wilkins, Mary E. Mrs. M. E. Freeman
Williams, F. Harold F. W. O. Warde
Winchester, M. E. M. E. Whatham
Winter, John Strange Mrs. H. E. V. Stannard
Woodroffe, Daniel Mrs. J. C. Woods
Worboise, Emma J. Mrs. E. Guyton
York, Curtis Mrs. S. Richmond Lee
Z. Z. Louis Zangwill
Zack. Gwendoline Keats
; ;


Abbreviations, 68, 8j, 84, 87; Associations, 107

list of, 339-341 Author catalogiies, Queilions
Academical degnts, 49, 63 answered by, >i defined, jq

Academies, 97 Author -entry, 33 ; turning about

Acts of Parliament, 103 of authors' names, 49, jo{
Additions to entries wA on title- authors with similar namrs,
pages, S3 63; books by and on, 74, 75,
Alignment of title-pages mark- 120; authors of anonymous
ing. i3» books, 177, 178. Stt alio
Alphabetical order. Stt Order Names, Personal. Joint-
of arrangement. authors.
Alphabetico-classed catalognes,
13; questions answered by, Barren, Mr. F. T., 17
31 ; its defects, 27 ; defined, 31 Bengali names, 154
America, Library cataloguing Bible, The, 185-187; commen.
in, 8 Inries, 187 191 ; classified
American Library Association catalogue, 191
Rules, 14 Bibliographical details, 39
Annotated editions, 193 Biographical diction-irin, 37-38
Annotations, qualifications of Biographical works in the
aothors, 4q explanatory ; of classified catalogue, 121
foreign book titles, 85 ; to Birmingham Public Library, 12
works of fiction, S04 ; to mark Bishops, 62
sequels, ao7 in quarterly,
; Bishopsgate Institute cata-
ftc., 209; advanuge
guides, logues, 209
of classified catalogue for, " Book," Meaning of, 41
ao() dictionary catalogues,
; Books with changed titles, 308
209 ; general considerations, Boston AtheuEum Library
209-211; examples, 311-212; catalogue, 14
bibliographical, 213 Boston Public Library, 10
Annuals, 197 Brackets, Use of, 53, 177, 182
Anonymous books, 175; to dis- British Museum catalogue, 3;
cover author's name, 175 British Museum rules, 7;
method of entry, 176; if author Royal Gnnmission of 18^0, 7
revealed, 177; beading of Catalogue of Printed Books,
"Anon," 178; "By the 17 Fortescue's Subject-index,

author of ", 179; initials,

27-39 ; order of information

180-184 in entries tabulated, 43;
Arabic figures, 40 rule for social titles, 64;
Articles, The, in titles of books, method of cataloging publi-
65, 123, 124; omission of, in cations of societies, 97 and ;

title-entries, 123, 173, 178; in Oriental names, 153

French title-entries, 126 Brown, Mr. James D., on
Artists considered jointly with classifications, 17
aathors, 80; names, i4i6 " By the author of —," 179-180
;;; ;;


Canonized persons, 140-141 Christian or forenames, 35, 36

Capital letters, Use of, 64-66, confusion arising from same
120; for emphasis in titles, initials, 46; to be kept in the
170 vernacular, 76 ; persons
Card catalogues, 33 entered by, 132-147 ; of
Carlyle, Thomas, on catalogues, mouarchs, 135 ; of women
4 authors, 173 ; contractions,
Cataloguer, The qualifications 194
of a, 3 Civil distinctions, 64
Catalogues, Kinds of, 3; the Class lists defined, 30
need for, 4 ; value of, not Classical authors, 128-130
according to 4 ; of new
size, Classics, Title-entries for, 200
libraries, necessity
5 ; for Classification, Dewey's Deci-
good catalogues, 5 ; cannot be mal, 16 ; Brown's Adjustable,
haphazard, 6 ; the needs of 17; Cutter's Expansive, 17
those for whom prepared, 19; Classified catalogues, Dewey
form to be fixed, 19 ; difficulty classification and, 16; ques-
of changing, 19 ; to suit the tions answered by, 22 ; Cutter
public catered for, 20 ; infor- on its advantages, 23; and
mation catalogues should disadvantages, 24 ; its cost,
give, 21 ; dictionary v. classi- 25 ; indexes to, 25 ; early
fied, 23 ; various forms catalogues, 25 ; and " open
defined, 29-31 ; details in access," 25 ; defined, 30
catalogue entries, 39 ; order marking the entry, 45 ; cur-
of details tabulated, 41-43 tailed entry, 46 ; index
condensed entries, 43; omis- entries, 46 et seq.; "con-
sions in sub-entries, 44; cost tents " in index entries, 72
of printing, 219. See also society publications, 100 ; bio-
Alphabetico - classed. Classi- graphies, 121 ; works of
fied. Dictionary. fiction, 125 ; monarchs, 133,
Cataloguing, Mistaken ideas 136; popes, 137; annotations
about, I ; Prof. Fiske on, 2 in, 209
difficulties of, 2; over- Collations, 39, 40 ; explanations
cataloguing, 5 ; history of of, 50, 118; omitted as an
modern, 7 et seq. ; troublesome economy, 123
and expensive, 25 stationery ; Collected works, Cataloguing
required, 32 of, 76
Cataloguing rules, 6 ; the study Collier, J. Payne, 8
of, 32 ; need for, 6, 9, 32 ; Pan- Colophon, 39
izzi's British Museum rules, " Colour " books, 80
8-9 ; Jewett's rules, 10 ; Cresta- Commentaries, 193
doro's plan, 10 ; index-form, Compilers, 194
11; Cutter's rules, 14; Joint- Composers, Music, 89
code of L.A. and A.L.A., 14; Composite books, 58, 62
Dziatzko's Instruction, 15 Compound personal names, iio-
Linderfelt's Eclectic rules, 117, 127
15; some simple, direct rules, Compound place-names, 105
214-216 Concordances, 194
Changed names, 37, in, 112 Condensation of entries, 44, 45,
Chelsea Public Library, 157 123, 158
Chinese names, 157 Congresses and conferences, 108
CoDteaU of miscellaneous Editors' references, 54, iqj;
works, Setting-out of, yi. 75; essays under editor's name,
of music, 93 Edwards, Edward, 8
Co-operative cataloguing, 9 " Entry-reference," 107
Corporate publications, 71 Essays, Volumes of, by various
Correspondence, Writers in, 53 authors, 66 rt ttj. ; by one
Cost of catalogues, 25, 219 author, 7S ; form-entry, 314
County antiquarian societies, 98 Exhibitions, Public.itions of,
Courtesy titles, 149 107
Crestadoro, A., 10
Cutter, C. A., Rules for a Family names of noblemen, 148-
di< tionary catalogue, 14; 'SO
ordrr of information in Fiction, Works of, Title-entries,
entries, 43 ;on the advan- 115: in the classified cata-
taKc^ and disadvantages of logue, 117, 125; in the dic-
the classified catalogue, 23- tionary catalogue, 115, 115;
H ; and of the dictionary dates of publication, 113;
catalogue, 15-17 fact in, ao3 in
; guise of
serious literature, 303;
subjerl-entries fur, ao4-ao6;
Dashes, Repetition, 170
cataloguing of, 306; in
Dates of author** birth and series, 206-308 ; with familiar
death, 36; dates of reigns, 136
titles, 308
Dates of publication, 39, 40, Figures (numerals) in dates,
44; added, 68; music, 94;
1 '

40 ; in titles of books, 56,

to works of fiction, 113
87 in titles of monarchs, }5
; 1

"De," "de la," " du " in First-name entries, 133-147

British names, 12a; in French First-word entry for anonymous
names. i25-i27
books, 176, 177
Definitions of styles of cata- Fiske, Prof. John, on catalogu-
logues, .11
ing, I
Dewey's, Mr M , Decimal Foreign names, varieties of, no
classification, 16; applied, Foreign terms for subject-
45 " "?• headings, 303
Dictionary catalogue. Early
Form headings, 74, 313; fiction,
forms, 11-13; questions it vill
answer. 22 advantages srd
Fortescne's, G. K., Subject
disadvantages, 2$-!' system- ;
Index to the British Muieum
atic, 39; defined, 30; anoota-
Catalogue, 37-29
tions, 209
French fiction in series, 306
Directories, 197-198 French names, compound, 114,
Distinctions, Social, 64
127; with prefixes, 125
Donble entry for subjects, 151 Friars, 141
Doubleday, Mr. W. E., 27, 209
Dramatic works, 214 Garden books, 183
Dziatxko, Prof., 15 Geographical headings, 105
Goss, Mr. C. W. F., 209
Ecclesiastical titles, 62, 64 Government publications, loi-
Economies in entries, 53, 59, 75, 107
77. 81, 123, 139 Gredi and Latin authors, laS-
Editions, Collections of, 77 ijo


Handwriting, 33 Library Association rules, 14;

" Heading," 44. See also Sub- and A.L.A. rules (Joint-code),
ject-headings. 15; order of information in
Hebrew names, 159 entries, 42 ; and noblemen,
History in fiction, 203 148 ; and pseudonyms, 161
Honours lists, 64 Library useless without good
Hyphens in compound names, catalogue, 4
112 Libretti, Writers of, 90
Linderfelt's Eclectic Card Cata-
Illustrated books, 80
log Rules, 15 ; and Oriental
titles, 156
Illustrations (in collations), 39,
Linotype, Printing by, 219, 234
Impartiality, 209-210
Liverpool Public Library, 12
Imprint, 39 Local Government publications,
Index-entry catalogues, it, 35 105
Index entries to classified cata- London as place of publication,
logue, 46 et seq. 39
Indexing contents of miscel-
London Library catalogues, 18;
contractions, 51 ; names of
laneous volumes, 71-79; of
queens, 136; Oriental names,
music, 92-93 ; co - operative
indexes, 95 155 ; women's names, 174 ; for
anonymous books, 175
Indian names, 153
Initials of authors' names. Con-
Magazines, 195
fusion arising from, demon-
strated, 46; covering name of
Main entry. See Principal
author (anonymous books),
Manchester Public Libraries,
180-185 ; covering titles or
II, I20
degrees, 183; covering a
Maori names, 160
pseudonym, 184
Married women. See Women.
Institutions, Publications of,
Mediasval writers, 142, 147
Military, &c., distinctions, 64
Minto, Mr. John, 15
Japanese names, 156, 159 Monarchs, 132
Jewett, Prof. Charles C, 9 Monotype, Printing by, 219,
Jewish rabbis, 159 234. 23s
Joint-authors, Method of treat- Mottoes of title-pages, 38
ment, 48 et seq.; writers in Mullins, J. D., 12
correspondence, 53 ; husband Music, Translation of title-
and wife, 55, 172 ; three and pages, 88 ; the cataloguing of,
more, 58; authors and illus-
trators, 80
Joint-code (L.A. and A.L.A.), Names, Personal, Surnames, 34
15 ; order of information full names, 35, 36, 119;
tabulated, 42 ; and noblemen, initials, 35 ; varieties used by
148; and pseudonyms, 161 a. single writer, 36; works of

Jones, John Winter, 8 reference for full names, 37 ; in

sub-entries, 44, 45 ; confusion
Koran, The, 192 owing to use of initials alone,
46 ; to be kept in the vernacu-
Legal publications, 103 lar, 76, in; English com-
; ;;


pound names, 110-114 foreign ;

Places with compound names,

componnd names, 114-116,127; °5
changed names, 37, iii, 111; Poetical works, 74, 314
names with prefixes, 1 7 38 1
- 1 Popes, 137
mnnairhs and princes, 13a- Popular terms for subject-
136; popes, 137; saints, 140; headings, 303
friars, 141 ; medieval writers, Potentates, 13a
143, 147; artists, 146; noble- I'refaces, Writers of, 116
men, 14S; Oriental):, 1^3; Prefixes, Names
wiUi, 117-118
pseudonyms. 161 ; married Principal entry, 33 el seq.
women, 171 husband and
; Printer's name (imprint), 39
wife, i-ji. See also Christian Printing of catalogues prepa- :

names. ration of the manuscript, 317 ;

Newspapers, ic); marking inr type, ai8; " irel-

Noblemen, 148 iji up" ana cost, 35, 218-20; illus.
Notes, Des«riptive, in c.it.i trative examples of styles o(
logues. See Annotations. type, 120-227 i table of t^pes,
Novels. See Fiction. 233; tenders, 228; specinca-
Numbers, Transcription of, 40, tion, iini3'\ reading of
S«', 87, 135 proofs, 233-234; type "kept
standing," 334 ; markings in
Official publications, 101 et i*q. proof correcting illustrated,
Omissions indicated, }8 236-338
"Open access" system, 17; Professorships. 49
classified catalogues and, 25 Pseudonyms v. re.1lname*, 161
Order of arrangement of method of distinguishing
entrirs, official publications, pseudonyms, 163 ; references,
104 ; works in original 163 both names, 163-165

and translations, 117; names obvious pseudonyms, 165

with prefixes, 118, 119, laa; phrase - pseudonyms, 161;
books by and an. 74, 130, ; the covered by initials, 184 list ;

articles in, 124; uf monarchs, of pseudonyms with real

135; apostles, saints, ftc., names, 243-349
146; joint - authors, 173; Publisher's name (imprint), 30,
initials for authors' names, 40
1S2, 184; Bible, 185-186; Publisher's series, 139, 193
fiction in series, 206-207 Publishing societies, 98-100
Order of information in entries Punctuation, 70-71, 145
tabulated, 41-43 Punctuation of title-pages, 48
Oriental names, 16, 153-159
Qualifications of authors (anno-
Pages, Number of, ftc. ("col- tations), 311
lation ") 39. 40 Queens, 136
Panizzi, Sir Anthony, 8 Questions catalogues should
Parentheses, Names in, 34 answer tabulated, 31
Parliament, Acts of, 103 Quotations on title-pages, 38
Parsee names, 154
Peerage, 63, 64 References, Joint-authors, 49,
Periodicals, 195 ; indexes to, 95 59, cross-references for
81 ;

Places of publication, 39, 40; sjrnonymous terms, 53, 67,

abbreviations, 51 203; editors, 54, 129; omis-
; ;


sions of, 59 ; See and See also subject to be ascertained, 200

references, 61 ; use of subject for fiction, 204; simple rules
references demonstrated, 56, for, 214-216. See also Specific
60, 61, 67, 73, 77, 86, 87, 102, entry.
103, 107, 109, 134, 138, 146, Subject headings, sub-division
149, 152, 172, 173, 190, 192; of. 57. 66, 74, 109, 152, 183,
translators and illustrators, 217; concentration of sub-
83, 90 ; writers of libretti, 90 jects, log, 201 ; terms to be
compound names, 112; mar- fixed, 202 ; popular terms, 202
ried names, 174 foreign terms, 127, 203 ; refer-
Repetition dashes, 170 ences, 56; demonstrated, 60,
" Rev." in titles, 64 66, 79, 112, 113, 151 et seq.
Reviewing of books by news- See also Specific entry.
papers, &c., 6; in annota- Synonymous headings.
tions, 210 Surnames. See Names, Personal
Roman numerals, 40; in titles Sutton, Mr. C. W., 120
of monarchs, 135 Sweden, Royal Library, 157
Royal personages, 132 Synonymous headings, 52, 67,
202. See also References.
Sacred books, 191-192
"Saint" in names, iiS, 119 Technical journals, 196-197
Saints, 140 Title-as-subject entry, 44, 124
Sermons, 214 Title-catalogue defined, 29
Sequels in fiction, 296 Title-entries for works of fiction,
Series, Entryof, 138-139, 193; IIS; title-entry demonstrated,
fiction,206 119; 123 et seq.; music, 91;
" Sheaf -catalogues," where required, 200; super-
Sizes of books, 41, 105 fluous, 57, 69, 121, 125, 182,
Size of catalogues (extent), 4; 199
in printing, 227 Title-page, Entry to be taken
Smithsonian Institution, 8 from the, 33; and without
Society publications, 71 ; " in- alteration, 129; treatment of
dexing" contents, 95 ; indexes, title-pages demonstrated, 34,
95 ; methods of cataloguing, 48; alignment of, marked,
95 et seq.; in the classified 132
catalogue, 100; periodiclafs,' 'Titles of books. Turning about

; of, 119, 123; not to be altered,
196 '. :
Specific entry, 6i,,68,',iS'a,".i^Sl. ;_ 129 !
*. cbfldensed, 158; mis-
200 • ,".
"•••'* "'leadiiig*, aoo; of popular
Statutes, 103 • ..'•I"** novelj, %%%', changed titles,
Stereotyping catalogues, 9 208 •;• .. •
Subject-catalogpe' Refined, 30 Titles of 'taiui/,63 ; of noblemen,
Subject-entry; 4^;,»subjects not 148-151 "•*.*•" •
named on title-pagesj- •. ^
sub j ect-title-entry , j 44 ? " *5i}fe-
1 •TraHglations* of "title-pages, 85,
• 8S'* • * *

ject-headir»g, 44 V' <iithor's> VrJrislaCons, Order of arrange-

surname in, 45 >,not specific, ment of 4 117 •
112; not regftired for classi- Translatqrs, . 83'
cal authors, '\3o*) question TranslatotS,' .Voluntary, 156
of double ,* entry, 151; Type-sfHteg machines, 34, 234,
*• *• '
for periodicals, 192^1' (Je^nite 2-rr
Types in printed catAlognw, Watts, Thotnaa, 8
Examples of, lao-aay; Uble Whaatley's, H. B., ff»w to
of types, aaj eaJaJegmt m library. 181 on
adapting catalognes to the
UnifoTmity in cat^lo^ing. comprehension 01 the fod, ao
Prof. Jewett on, 9 Winsor, Prof. Jtutin, »j
Women, Married, aa joiol-
"Van" and " yoa," iiS authors, <;^-57.i7«. 17a;
Volume, Works in more than known by name of husband,
Mie, 40, 41 173; changed names, 174-175
VoliuMs of works in progren, Works in progrMS, 104
» . \

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