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Avaya Communication Server 1000

NN43001-115, 05.04
November 2010
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2 New in this Release November 2010


Chapter 1: Customer service....................................................................................................5

Getting technical documentation.......................................................................................................................5
Getting product training.....................................................................................................................................5
Getting help from a distributor or reseller..........................................................................................................5
Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site..........................................................................................6

Chapter 2: Introduction.............................................................................................................7
Applicable Systems...........................................................................................................................................7
Revision history.................................................................................................................................................8

Chapter 3: Overview..................................................................................................................9
Key Attributes....................................................................................................................................................9
New for CS 1000 Release 7.5...........................................................................................................................9
Task flows........................................................................................................................................................11
Referenced documents..........................................................................................................................12
Linux base and UCM..............................................................................................................................14
Migration from CS 1000 to Avaya Aura..................................................................................................15
Network Routing Service........................................................................................................................19
CS 1000E High Availability.....................................................................................................................20
CS 1000E Co-res...................................................................................................................................24
CS 1000M...............................................................................................................................................25
Signaling Server.....................................................................................................................................26
Branch Office..........................................................................................................................................27
SIP Line..................................................................................................................................................28
SIP Trunk Bridge....................................................................................................................................29
High Scalability.......................................................................................................................................30
Survivable SIP Media Gateway..............................................................................................................30

New in this Release November 2010 3

Chapter 4: CS 1000 migration to Avaya Aura.......................................................................33
Chapter 5: CS 1000 Call Treatment by Aura Session Manager...........................................35
Chapter 6: Integration of CS 1000 IP Media Services with the Avaya Aura Media Server
Chapter 7: CS 1000 Element Manager HS completion for serviceability...........................39
Chapter 8: IM and Presence Application...............................................................................41
Chapter 9: PI PEP Integration.................................................................................................43
Chapter 10: Unistim support of G.722 codec........................................................................45
Chapter 11: SIP ACD for IVR...................................................................................................47
Chapter 12: SIP Line TLS and SRTP support.......................................................................49
Chapter 13: Software Input/Output prompts, responses and commands.........................51
New in this release..........................................................................................................................................51
New in this release.................................................................................................................................54

Chapter 14: System messages...............................................................................................57

BUG: Software Error Monitor..........................................................................................................................57
ERR: Error Monitor (Hardware).......................................................................................................................58
ESN: Electronic Switched Network (LD 86, LD 87, and LD 9)........................................................................58
INFO: Informational messages.......................................................................................................................59
SCH: Service Change.....................................................................................................................................60
SYS: System Loader.......................................................................................................................................62
TFS: Traffic Measurement...............................................................................................................................62

4 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 1: Customer service

Visit the Avaya Web site to access the complete range of services and support that Avaya provides. Go
to www.avaya.com or go to one of the pages listed in the following sections.

• Getting technical documentation on page 5
• Getting product training on page 5
• Getting help from a distributor or reseller on page 5
• Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site on page 6

Getting technical documentation

To download and print selected technical publications and release notes directly from the
Internet, go to www.avaya.com/support.

Getting product training

Ongoing product training is available. For more information or to register, go to
www.avaya.com/support. From this Web site, locate the Training link on the left-hand
navigation pane.

Getting help from a distributor or reseller

If you purchased a service contract for your Avaya product from a distributor or authorized
reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.

New in this Release November 2010 5

Customer service

Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site

The easiest and most effective way to get technical support for Avaya products is from the
Avaya Technical Support Web site at www.avaya.com/support.

6 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 2: Introduction

This document is a global document. Contact your system supplier or your Avaya representative to verify
that the hardware and software described are supported in your area.

This document contains information about systems, components, and features that are
compatible with Avaya Communication Server 1000 (Avaya CS 1000) software. For more
information on legacy products and releases, go to http://www.avaya.com/support.

Applicable Systems
This document applies to the following systems:
• Communication Server 1000M Single Group (CS 1000M SG)
• Communication Server 1000M Multi Group (CS 1000M MG)
• Communication Server 1000E (CS 1000E)


In this document, the following systems are referred to generically as "system":
• Communication Server 1000M (CS 1000M)
• Communication Server 1000E (CS 1000E)
• Meridian 1

New in this Release November 2010 7


Revision history

November 2010 Standard 05.04. This document is published to support Avaya

Communication Server 1000 Release 7.5.
November 2010 Preliminary 05.01–05.03. This document is issued to support Avaya
Communication Server 1000 Release 7.5.

8 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 3: Overview

Avaya Communication Server (Avaya CS 1000) Release 7.5 is the latest release for the Avaya CS 1000
family of products. CS 1000 Release 7.5 is a further evolution of the traditional TDM enterprise network
to a converged IP based network.
The CS 1000 Release 7.5 is a reliable and secure platform for Voice over IP (VoIP) communications and is
designed to be a more open and simplified platform, which speeds deployment and improves

Key Attributes
• Adaptable to meet current and future needs
Delivers investment protection and evolution path to next-generation multimedia
• Superior IP Telephony experience
More open platform to take advantage of innovative applications, and feature-rich next
generation clients
• Improved reliability and security
Business continuity improvement from a reliable and secure environment
• Simplified convergence solution
Product portfolio simplified for easier deployment, configuration and management

New for CS 1000 Release 7.5

The following sections provide a description of what's new in Avaya Communications Server
1000 (CS 1000) Release 7.5.
CS 1000 Release 7.5 offers complete Avaya AuraTM Integration. Avaya Aura extends the
capabilities of migrated CS 1000 systems, which subsequently provide faster and easier
deployment of voice, video, messaging, and presence services.
For CS 1000 Release 7.5, Avaya Aura System Manager (SMGR) 6.1 is required for managing
systems with Avaya Aura Session Manager (SM) or Avaya Aura Presence Services. The

New in this Release November 2010 9


functionality of UCM and Subscriber Manager is now available in SMGR. All existing systems
with a Network Routing Service (NRS) must migrate to SM, with the following exceptions:
• Migration support for customers with multiple NRS
• H.323 Gatekeeper
• IPv6 support
• Communication Sever 1000E High Scalability
• Survivable SIP MG Tertiary NRS server
In networks that do not use Avaya Aura Session Manager or Avaya Aura Presence Services,
you can continue to use UCM without migrating to SMGR for CS 1000 Release 7.5.

• On systems where SMGR is available, the term UCM in the documentation refers to
UCM in SMGR; on systems where SMGR is not available, the term UCM in the
documentation remains unchanged.
• On systems where SMGR is available, the term Subscriber Manager in the
documentation refers to Subscriber Manager in SMGR; on systems where SMGR is
not available, the term Subscriber Manager in the documentation remains unchanged.
• On systems where SM is available, the term NRS in the documentation refers to SM;
on systems where SM is not available, the term NRS in the documentation remains

Media encryption is disabled for CS 1000 systems sold in Russia, Belarus, and
Kazakhastan. For more information, see the CS 1000 Product Bulletin.

There are no new packages introduced for this release.

There is no new hardware introduced for this release.

10 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

The following documents are retired for Avaya CS 1000 Release 7.5:
• Secure Multimedia Controller 1.0 Command Reference , NN43001-119
• Secure Multimedia Controller 1.1 Fundamentals (NN43001-325)
• Attendant PC Console Fundamentals (NN43001–520)

Task flows
This section provides high level task flows for the installation or upgrade of a CS 1000 system.
The task flow indicates the recommended sequence of events to follow when configuring a
system and provides the document number that contains the detailed procedures required for
the task.
The task flows are also found in Library Reference, NN43001-100 are in future releases will
be the home for the task flows.
This section provides information on the following topics:
• Referenced documents on page 12
• Network on page 13
• Linux base and UCM on page 14
• Migration from CS 1000 to Avaya Aura on page 15
• Network Routing Service on page 19
• CS 1000E High Availability on page 20
• CS 1000E Co-res on page 24
• CS 1000M on page 25
• Signaling Server on page 26
• Branch Office on page 27
• SIP Line on page 28
• High Scalability on page 30
• SIP Trunk Bridge on page 29
• Survivable SIP Media Gateway on page 30
Figure 1: Example task flow on page 12 shows an example and how to interpret the task

New in this Release November 2010 11


Figure 1: Example task flow

Referenced documents
The following documents are referenced in the task flow diagrams:
• Planning the Network-wide Upgrade, NN43001-406
• Linux Platform Base and Applications Installation and Commissioning, NN43001-315
• Unified Communications Management Fundamentals , NN3001-116
• Network Routing Service Fundamentals, NN43001-130
• Communication Server 1000E Installation and Commissioning, NN43041-310
• Communication Server 1000E - Software Upgrades, NN43041-458
• CP PM Co-resident Call Server and Signaling Server , NN43001-509
• Communication Server 1000M and Meridian 1 Large System Installation and
Commissioning , NN43021-310
• CS 1000M and Meridian 1 Large System Upgrades Overview, NN43021-458
• Signaling Server IP Line Applications Fundamentals, NN43001-125
• Branch Office Installation and Commissioning , NN43001-314
• SIP Line Fundamentals, NN43001-508
• Subscriber Manager Fundamentals, NN43001-120
• Communication Server 1000E Planning and Engineering – High Scalability Solutions
• SIP Trunk Bridge Fundamentals , NN43001-143

12 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

• IP Peer Networking Installation and Commissioning , NN43001-313

• Communication Server 1000E High Scalability Installation and Commissioning,

Figure 2: Network task flow on page 14 appears in Planning the Network-wide Upgrade,

New in this Release November 2010 13


Figure 2: Network task flow

Linux base and UCM

Figure 3: Linux base and UCM task flow on page 15 appears in Linux Platform Base and
Applications Installation and Commissioning, NN43001-315 and Unified Communications
Management Fundamentals , NN3001-116.

14 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

Figure 3: Linux base and UCM task flow

Migration from CS 1000 to Avaya Aura

Figure 4: Migration task flow on page 16, Figure 5: Migration task flow cont on page 17,
Figure 6: Migration task flow cont on page 18, and Figure 7: Migration task flow cont on
page 19 appear in Planning the Network-wide Upgrade, NN43001-406.

New in this Release November 2010 15


Figure 4: Migration task flow

16 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

Figure 5: Migration task flow cont

New in this Release November 2010 17


Figure 6: Migration task flow cont

18 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

Figure 7: Migration task flow cont

Network Routing Service

Figure 8: Network Routing Service task flow on page 20 appears in Network Routing Service
Fundamentals, NN43001-130.

New in this Release November 2010 19


Figure 8: Network Routing Service task flow

CS 1000E High Availability

A CS 1000E High Availability (HA) system can be configured as:
• CS 1000E HA CP IV
• CS 1000E HA CP PM

20 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

The CS 1000E HA task flows appear in Communication Server 1000E Installation and
Commissioning, NN43041-310 and Communication Server 1000E - Software Upgrades,

New in this Release November 2010 21


Figure 9: CS 1000E HA CP IV task flow

22 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

Figure 10: CS 1000E HA CP PM task flow

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CS 1000E Co-res
Figure 11: Co-res task flow on page 24 appears in Co-resident Call Server and Signaling
Server , NN43001-509.

Figure 11: Co-res task flow

24 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

CS 1000M
Figure 12: CS 1000M task flow on page 25 appears in Communication Server 1000M and
Meridian 1 Large System Installation and Commissioning , NN43021-310 and CS 1000M and
Meridian 1 Large System Upgrades Overview, NN43021-458.

Figure 12: CS 1000M task flow

New in this Release November 2010 25


Signaling Server
Figure 13: Signaling Server task flow on page 26 appears in Signaling Server IP Line
Applications Fundamentals, NN43001-125.

Figure 13: Signaling Server task flow

26 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

Branch Office
Figure 14: Branch Office task flow on page 27 appears in Branch Office Installation and
Commissioning , NN43001-314.

Figure 14: Branch Office task flow

New in this Release November 2010 27


SIP Line
Figure 15: SIP Line task flow on page 28 appears in SIP Line Fundamentals, NN43001-508.

Figure 15: SIP Line task flow

28 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

SIP Trunk Bridge

SIP Trunk Bridge appears in SIP Trunk Bridge Fundamentals , NN43001-143.

Figure 16: SIP Trunk task flow

New in this Release November 2010 29


High Scalability
Figure 17: High Scalability task flow on page 30 appears in Communication Server 1000E
Planning and Engineering – High Scalability Solutions (NN43041-221).

Figure 17: High Scalability task flow

Survivable SIP Media Gateway

Figure 18: Survivable SIP Media Gateway task flow on page 31 appears in IP Peer
Networking Installation and Commissioning , NN43001-313.

30 New in this Release November 2010

Task flows

Figure 18: Survivable SIP Media Gateway task flow

New in this Release November 2010 31


32 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 4: CS 1000 migration to Avaya Aura

Avaya Aura is the core communications platform supporting unified communications and contact center
solutions for midsize to large enterprises. With CS 1000 Release 7.5, Avaya Aura extends (rather than
replaces) the CS 1000 with revolutionary SIP architecture and virtualization technology. CS 1000 Release
7.5 systems take full advantage of the capabilities of Avaya Aura, providing faster and easier deployment
of communications capabilities such as voice, video, messaging, and presence.
On migrated systems:
• The functionality of UCM has migrated to System Manager (SMGR), so where this document
mentions UCM, interpret it as follows:
- On systems where SMGR is available, the term UCM refers to SMGR.
- On systems where SMGR is not available, you can continue to use UCM.
• The functionality of NRS/SPS has migrated to Session Manager (SM). A CS 1000 Data Conversion
Tool and NRS patches are available to support migration to SM. As a consequence, all statements
in CS 1000 technical documents which discuss NRS-SPS dealing with IP Peer Networking are to be
construed as references to SM; you now perform SIP Proxy Server configuration using SMGR.
• NCS functionality has migrated from NRS to SM. As a consequence, all statements in CS 1000
technical documents which discuss NRS-NCS dealing with GR/BO/VO now apply to SM-NCS. You
now perform NCS configuration using SMGR.
For information about the installation and administration of Avaya Aura Session Manager and System
Manager, see the following documents, available at https://support.avaya.com/css/appmanager/css/
- Installing and Upgrading Avaya Aura™ System Manager
- Administering Avaya Aura™ System Manager
- Avaya Aura™ Session Manager Overview
- Installing and Configuring Avaya Aura™ Session Manager
- Administering Avaya Aura™ Session Manager
For more information about migrating CS 1000 systems to Avaya Aura, see Planning the Network-wide
Upgrade NN43001–406.

New in this Release November 2010 33

CS 1000 migration to Avaya Aura

34 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 5: CS 1000 Call Treatment by Aura
Session Manager

To provide Aura with information regarding local calls on a CS 1000 Access Element, the Extended Local
Calls (ELC) feature routes all local calls to a preconfigured ELC route.
From an end user point of view, ELC calls do not differ from, and are originated in the same manner as,
local calls.
When you enable ELC class of service, all local calls for a telephone are routed through ELC SIP trunks if
possible. Calls are processed locally only when both parties disable ELC class of service.
For more information, see Avaya Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 3 of 6 (D to H),

New in this Release November 2010 35

CS 1000 Call Treatment by Aura Session Manager

36 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 6: Integration of CS 1000 IP Media
Services with the Avaya Aura
Media Server

Communication Server 1000 Release 7.5 introduces the following changes for IP Media Services:
• Support for proxy mode interaction with Avaya Aura Session Manager
• Support for MAS clusters using Avaya Aura Session Manager
• Floating licenses for Avaya MAS 7.0
For more information about IP Media Services, see Signaling Server IP Line Applications Fundamentals,

New in this Release November 2010 37

Integration of CS 1000 IP Media Services with the Avaya Aura Media Server

38 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 7: CS 1000 Element Manager HS
completion for serviceability

A High Scalability (HS) system can appear as a single Unified Communications Services and Multimedia
Services entity, because the internal High Availability (HA) Groups share a set of common system
configuration data, such as Customer, Route, and ESN data blocks. After you update the common data
for one HA Group (the reference pair), the updates automatically propagate to the other configured HA
groups. With Avaya Communication Server 1000 Element Manager High Scalability (CS 1000 EM HS)
you can also bulk provision a new HA Group.

You must use EM HS to update the common data. Changes that you make by using the command line
interface (CLI) do not automatically propagate to the other HA groups.
You can use EM HS to verify the integrity of the automatic update of the common data. You can schedule a
daily Common Data Audit or run the audit manually. A scheduled Common Data Audit produces two
reports, which provide detailed information about differences or errors in the common data for the HS
system. You can easily identify errors; if a report contains errors, the title appears in red text. In the report
details, errors appear in red text.
The CS 1000 Element Manager HS completion for serviceability feature also introduces a new Common
Data Block type—LD 117, ZONE for Bandwidth Zone.
For more information see Communication Server 1000E Planning and Engineering — High Scalability
Solutions, NN43041-221 and Communication Server 1000E High Scalability Installation and
Commissioning, NN43041-312.

New in this Release November 2010 39

CS 1000 Element Manager HS completion for serviceability

40 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 8: IM and Presence Application

The CS 1000 (native) IM and Presence application is supported for CS 1000 Releases 6.0 and 7.0. For
CS 1000 release 7.5, we are changing to align with Avaya Aura Presence Services 6.1 for Instant
Messaging and Presence across Avaya's Enterprise Communications Manager and CS 1000 Call
Servers. The older IM/Presence application from CS 1000 releases 6.0 and 7.0 will not be supported for
CS 1000 release 7.5. This new Aura Presence Services 6.1 integrated capability will be available for CS
1000 release 7.5 customers in calendar-QI 2011. Avaya recommends delaying the upgrade to CS 1000
Release 7.5 until early 2011 if you need to retain IM and Presence functionality.

New in this Release November 2010 41

IM and Presence Application

42 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 9: PI PEP Integration

Following Product Improvement PEP (PI PEP) are integrated in this release:
• CDR BLID enhancement
• SIP TAT enhancement
• DSC expansion
CDR BLID enhancement
Using this feature you can configure the Call Detail Recording (CDR) such that when a conference or
transfer is established between two external DNs, and if the initiator of the call disconnects the line, the
initiator's number is printed in the Billing Line Identification (BLID) field in the third line of end record. This is
used for billing purpose.
For more information about CDR BLID, see Call Detail Recording Fundamentals (NN43001–550).
SIP TAT enhancement
In this feature Trunk Anti Tromboning (TAT) is used to optimize the resources when two DNs are in one
of the nodes of Communication Server 1000 and the third DN is in third party SIP client.
For more information about SIP TAT, see Avaya ISDN Primary Rate Interface Features Fundamentals —
Book 3 of 3 (NN43001–569–B3).
DSC expansion
The maximum number if Distant Steering Codes (DSC) are increased to 64000 from 32000.
For more information about DSC, see Dialing Plans Reference (NN43001–283).

New in this Release November 2010 43

PI PEP Integration

44 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 10: Unistim support of G.722 codec

New codec G.722 is introduced in Communication Server 1000E for the UNISTIM 11xx and 12xx IP
Phones. Earlier to this release three codec were supported for these IP Phones: G.711, G 723, and G729.
Bit rates 64k, 56k, and 48k and payload sizes 10ms, 20ms, 30ms, and 40ms are supported for this new
For more information about G.722 codec, see Signaling Server IP Line Applications Fundamentals

New in this Release November 2010 45

Unistim support of G.722 codec

46 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 11: SIP ACD for IVR

In Communication Server 1000 Release 7.0, SIP Line provided Interactive Communications Portal (ICP)
ports for Interactive Video Response (IVR) using the SIP protocol. However, the Contact Center Offsite
Agent (CCOA) and Restricted Agent Observe (RAO) features did not use these SIP Line IVR ports
because the SIP IVR feature did not provide login and logout capability on the SIP Line ports.
Contact Center Release 8.0 integrates the CCOA and RAO features with ICP. The CCOA and RAO
features can now invoke SIP Line login and logout using the Contact Center Meridian Link Service and
Computer Telephony Integration components.

New in this Release November 2010 47


48 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 12: SIP Line TLS and SRTP support

SIP Line IP Phones and trunks support media security using Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol
(SRTP). The Media Security feature allows secure media exchanges on Avaya Communication Server
1000 (Avaya CS 1000) through the use of SRTP on IP media paths.
You can configure the following media security class of service (msec cls):
• Media Security Never (MSNV)
• Media Security Best Effort (MSBT)
• Media Security Always (MSAW)
• Media Security System Defaul (MSSD)
For more information about media security for SIP Line IP Phones, see SIP Line Fundamentals,

New in this Release November 2010 49

SIP Line TLS and SRTP support

50 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 13: Software Input/Output prompts,
responses and commands

The information in this chapter outlines the new, changed, or retired information in the Software
Input/Output Reference documents (NN43001-611) for Avaya Communication Server 1000
(Avaya CS 1000) Release 7.5.

New in this release

The information in this chapter outlines the new or changed information for Communication
Server 1000 Release 7.5.
Table 1: Extended Local Calls Prompt and Responses

Prompt Response Comment

LD 15 NET Data Block
ELC (NO) YES Extended Local Calls Allowed/Denied
ELC_RLI 0–1999 Route List Index associated to ELC

LD 86 RLB Data Block

ELC (NO) YES Extended Local Calls Allowed/Denied

Table 2: Extended Local Calls Alphabetical List of Prompts

Prompt Response Comment Pack/Rel

LD 10
CLS FR2 Fully Restricted 2.

New in this Release November 2010 51

Software Input/Output prompts, responses and commands

Prompt Response Comment Pack/Rel

FR2 restricts access to TIE trunks but
allows Extended Local Calls.

(ELCD) Extended Local Calls Denied basic-7.50

All incoming and outgoing calls are
processed locally when either party is
denied Extended Local Calls.
ELCA Extended Local Calls Allowed
All incoming and outgoing calls use ELC

LD 11
CLS FR2 Fully Restricted 2.
FR2 restricts access to TIE trunks but
allows Extended Local Calls.

(ELCD) Extended Local Calls Denied basic-7.50

All incoming and outgoing calls are
processed locally when either party is
denied Extended Local Calls.
ELCA Extended Local Calls Allowed
All incoming and outgoing calls use ELC

LD 15
ELC (NO) YES Extended Local Calls Allowed/Denied basic-7.50
ELC_RLI 0–1999 Route List Index associated to ELC basic-7.50

LD 16
PCID xxxx Protocol ID for the route. basic-2.00
Where xxxx:
H323 = non-SIP route

SIP = SIP route basic-4.00

SIPL = SIP Line route basic-6.00

SIPE = SIP Extended Local Calls basic-7.50

LD 86

52 New in this Release November 2010

New in this release

Prompt Response Comment Pack/Rel

ELC (NO) YES Extended Local Calls Allowed/Denied basic-7.50

Table 3: IM and Presence Prompt and Responses

Prompt Response Comment

LD 11
PSDN (NO) YES CDN used by Presence Publisher as defined in LD 23

Table 4: IM and Presence Alphabetical List of Prompts

Prompt Response Comment Pack/Rel

LD 11
CLS (PRED) Deny Presence service for client. basic-7.50
PREA Allow Presence service for client.

PSDN (NO) YES CDN used by Presence Publisher as basic-7.50

defined in LD 23

Table 5: SRTP support for SIP Lines Prompt and Responses

Prompt Response Comment

LD 17
- MSSD (MSNV) Media Security Encryption of (MSNV), MSBT, or MSAW.
MSBT Changing this parameter affects all TNs that have the CLS

Table 6: SRTP support for SIP Lines Alphabetical List of Prompts

Prompt Response Comment Pack/Rel

LD 11
CLS Media Security Encryption
(MSNV) Media Security Never: Default setting for basic-5.00
all users. Implies that there is no attempt
to secure either incoming or outgoing
MSBT Media Security Best Effort, Best effort
security is attempted for both call
originations and terminations.

New in this Release November 2010 53

Software Input/Output prompts, responses and commands

Prompt Response Comment Pack/Rel

MSAW Media Security Always: strict security
option, no incoming or outgoing calls are
completed without encryption.
MSSD[MSNV Media Security System Default (MSNV) as basic-7.50
] defined by MSSD in LD 17.
MSSD[MSBT Media Security System Default (MSBT) as basic-7.50
] defined by MSSD in LD 17.

LD 17
MSSD aaaa Media Security System Default for TNs as basic-5.00
configured in LD11.
Where aaaa can equal:

(MSNV) Media Security Never

MSBT Media security Best Try or “Best


MSAW Media Security Always Secure basic-7.50


Changing this parameter affects all TNs
that have the CLS MSSD.

New in this release

The following sections detail what’s new in this document for Avaya Communication Server
1000 Release 7.5.

54 New in this Release November 2010

New in this release

LD 80: Call Trace for Extended Local Calls

VoIP Trace command output

Alphabetical list of Call Trace outputs

EXTENDED LOCAL CALL is printed out if call traces are printed for Extended Local Call.

New in this Release November 2010 55

Software Input/Output prompts, responses and commands

56 New in this Release November 2010

Chapter 14: System messages

System messages are introduced for Avaya Communication Server 1000 (Avaya CS 1000) Release 7.5
in the following message categories:
• BUG: Software Error Monitor on page 57
• ERR: Error Monitor (Hardware) on page 58
• ESN: Electronic Switched Network (LD 86, LD 87, and LD 9) on page 58
• INFO: Informational messages on page 59
• SCH: Service Change on page 60
• SYS: System Loader on page 62
• TFS: Traffic Measurement on page 62
The following information is available for each system message:
• message description
• action (if applicable)
• message severity
• whether the message is critical to monitor
• whether the message is sent as an SNMP trap

BUG: Software Error Monitor

The following table contains the BUG system messages introduced in Release 7.5.
Table 7: BUG messages

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

BUG0793 ELC Access Ports Info NO NO
counter corruption
Counter is reset to

New in this Release November 2010 57

System messages

ERR: Error Monitor (Hardware)

The following table contains the ERR system messages introduced in Release 7.5.
Table 8: ERR messages

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

ERR0157 There are no more Make sure that you Minor YES YES
idle ELC Access have enough ELC
Ports. Call is Access Ports
processed locally. All configured. Wait
ELC Access Ports until some ELC
are busy at this Access ports will
moment. Extended be released.
Local Calls cannot
be made.
ERR0158 CMDB table does The table number Info NO NO
not exist. entered does not
exist. Enter a table
number that does
ERR0159 Monitor DCH-DSL x Info NO NO
for erroneous
automated incoming
messages with
invalid digits yyyy.
Parameters: x =
DCH/DSL number
yyyy = DN

ESN: Electronic Switched Network (LD 86, LD 87, and LD 9)

The following table contains the ESN system messages introduced in Release 7.5.
Table 9: ESN messages

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

ESN0122 ELC Route List is Configure non- Info NO NO
intended for ELC ELC Route List
feature only ELC

58 New in this Release November 2010

INFO: Informational messages

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

route list can be used instead for non-
for ELC feature only. ELC features
Use another route
lists for other
ESN0173 Cannot remove ELC Change ELC Info NO NO
route list. ELC route configuration in
list (configured in Customer Data
LD15) cannot be Block before
removed removing the route
ESN0183 ELC prompt value for Configure a Info NO NO
the route list does not corresponding
match the route route in the Route
value. You cannot List Entry.
configure an ELC
Route in a non-ELC
route list.
ESN0184 Cannot change ELC Delete the route Info NO NO
prompt value. The list and create a
ELC prompt can not new one.
be changed for an
existing RLB.

INFO: Informational messages

The following table contains the INFO system messages introduced in Release 7.5.
Table 10: INFO messages

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

INFO0001 incallDiscMon:The Info NO NO
incoming call has
been disconnected
after it was
established for less
than x (x: 4 to 10)

New in this Release November 2010 59

System messages

SCH: Service Change

The following table contains the SCH system messages introduced in Release 7.5.
Table 11: SCH messages

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

There are ELCA
phones configured. Configure ELCD
You cannot disable class of service for
SCH2410 ELC. all phones. Info NO NO
ELC is disabled.
ELCA class of Enable ELC in
service cannot be LD15 before
configured. ELCA configuring ELCA
class of service can class of service for
SCH2411 not be configured. a phone. Info NO NO
The number of ELC
access ports in the
system exceeds the
maximum number
allowed. You cannot
configure additional
ELC access ports in
SCH2413 LD14. Info NO NO
The ELC route list is
intended for the ELC
feature only. You
cannot configure an Configure a non-
ELC route list for a ELC route list
SCH2414 non-ELC feature. instead. Info NO NO
The route list is not Provide the ELC
intended for route list Index for
Extended Local the ELC_RLI
SCH2415 Calls. prompt. Info NO NO
SIP Extension of
local calls cannot be
configured if NARS
or FNP is disabled.
Extended local calls
feature cannot be Enable NARS and
SCH2416 configured. FNP. Info NO NO

60 New in this Release November 2010

SCH: Service Change

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

The route cannot be
removed or
changed. The
specified route is Remove all
configured in a RLB references to the
or another data route from all data
SCH2417 block. blocks. Info NO NO
ISM limit of IP Music
connections (IP
MUS CON) is equal
to 0. The IP Music
connections (IP
MUS CON) ISM limit
equals 0 and cannot
SCH2418 be decremented. Warning NO NO
ISM limit of IP Media
Sessions is equal to
0. The IP Media
Sessions ISM limit
equals 0 and cannot
SCH2419 be decremented. Warning NO NO
The UC password
cannot be configured
because the PUID
has not been Configure the
SCH2420 configured. PUID first. Minor NO NO
You must configure
the UC Password Configure the UC
(UPWD) for SIP Password for SIP
SCH2421 Line. Line. Minor NO NO
IP Media Services
package not
SCH2422 equipped. Warning NO NO
The table number
entered does not
exist. Enter a table
CMDB table does number that does
SCH2423 not exist. exist. Info NO NO
Extended Local
Calls feature does
not support this
SCH2424 phone type. Info NO NO

New in this Release November 2010 61

System messages

SYS: System Loader

The following table contains the SYS system messages introduced in Release 7.5.
Table 12: SYS messages

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

SYS0186 The number of IP INFO NO NO
Peer ELC Trunks
exceeds the IP Peer
ELC Trunks ISM limit
and no further IP
Peer ELC Trunks
can be sysloaded.
SYS0187 Media Security is Ensure the YES YES
turned off because keycode file is
DME (423) package valid and the DME
is unrestricted. package is
Media Security was unrestricted
found to be enabled legitimately.
in a configuration
record during
sysload. It must be
disabled because
the Disable Media
Encryption package
is equipped.

TFS: Traffic Measurement

The following table contains the TFS system messages introduced in Release 7.5.
Table 13: TFS messages

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

TFS0005 IP Tone could not be Warning NO NO
connected because
ISM limit was
TFS0006 IP Conference could Warning NO NO
not be established

62 New in this Release November 2010

TFS: Traffic Measurement

Message Description Action Severity Monitor SNMP

because ISM limit
was reached.

New in this Release November 2010 63

System messages

64 New in this Release November 2010

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