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Veeam One 9 5 Deployment Guide

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Veeam ONE

Version 9.5
Deployment Guide
February, 2018
© 2018 Veeam Software.

All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or
translated into any language in any form by any means, without written permission from Veeam Software
(Veeam). The information contained in this document represents the current view of Veeam on the issue
discussed as of the date of publication and is subject to change without notice. Veeam shall not be liable for
technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Veeam makes no warranties, express or implied, in
this document. Veeam may have patents, patent applications, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property
rights covering the subject matter of this document. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of
their respective owners. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Veeam, the
furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other
intellectual property.


Please read the End User Software License Agreement before using the accompanying software program(s).
Using any part of the software indicates that you accept the terms of the End User Software License

2 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

CONTACTING VEEAM SOFTWARE .............................................................................................................................6
ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ...........................................................................................................................................7
ABOUT VEEAM ONE....................................................................................................................................................9
VEEAM ONE ARCHITECTURE ..................................................................................................................................... 10
DEPLOYMENT SCENARIOS ......................................................................................................................................11
TYPICAL DEPLOYMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 12
ADVANCED DEPLOYMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 13
LICENSING VEEAM ONE ..........................................................................................................................................14
LICENSED OBJECTS ................................................................................................................................................ 14
TYPES OF LICENSES ............................................................................................................................................... 15
INSTALLING LICENSE .............................................................................................................................................. 16
VIEWING LICENSE INFORMATION................................................................................................................................ 17
SUBMITTING LICENSE USAGE REPORT.......................................................................................................................... 19
UPDATING LICENSE ................................................................................................................................................ 23
AUTOMATIC USAGE REPORTING ................................................................................................................................. 25
LICENSE EXPIRATION .............................................................................................................................................. 26
EXCEEDING LICENSE LIMIT ....................................................................................................................................... 27
FREE AND FULL VERSIONS OF VEEAM ONE.................................................................................................................... 29
DEPLOYMENT PLANNING AND PREPARATION .......................................................................................................30
SUPPORTED VIRTUALIZATION PLATFORMS ..................................................................................................................... 30
INTEGRATION WITH VCLOUD DIRECTOR ....................................................................................................................... 31
INTEGRATION WITH VEEAM BACKUP & REPLICATION ........................................................................................................ 31
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 32
System Requirements for Typical Deployment ........................................................................................... 32
System Requirements for Advanced Deployment ....................................................................................... 34
Non-Supported Configurations ................................................................................................................. 39
CONNECTION SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................................... 40
PERMISSIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 41
Connection to Virtual Servers ................................................................................................................... 41
Connection to vCloud Director Servers ...................................................................................................... 42
Connection to Veeam Backup & Replication Servers ................................................................................... 42
Veeam ONE Service Account .................................................................................................................... 42
Connection to Microsoft SQL Server .......................................................................................................... 43
Connection to Microsoft Hyper-V VM Guest OS .......................................................................................... 43
Configuring Permissions to Remotely Access WMI ...................................................................................... 44
Connection Under UAC ............................................................................................................................ 51
Authorizing with Veeam ONE ................................................................................................................... 51
Remote Access ....................................................................................................................................... 52
PORTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 53
FIREWALL RULES................................................................................................................................................... 55
INSTALLING VEEAM ONE ........................................................................................................................................56
TYPICAL INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................... 57
Step 1. Obtain Installation Image File ....................................................................................................... 57
Step 2. Insert Disk or Mount Image File .................................................................................................... 57
Step 3. Launch Splash Window ................................................................................................................ 57
Step 4. Accept License Agreement............................................................................................................ 58
Step 5. Provide License File ..................................................................................................................... 58
Step 6. Choose Setup Type ...................................................................................................................... 59

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Step 7. Perform System Configuration Check ............................................................................................. 59
Step 8. Choose Installation Directory ........................................................................................................ 60
Step 9. Specify Service Account Credentials .............................................................................................. 61
Step 10. Choose Microsoft SQL Server ...................................................................................................... 61
Step 11. Specify Website Ports ................................................................................................................. 62
Step 12. Choose Performance Cache Location ........................................................................................... 63
Step 13. Choose Virtual Infrastructure Type .............................................................................................. 64
Step 14. Add Virtual Infrastructure Server ................................................................................................. 65
Step 15. Add Veeam Backup & Replication Server ...................................................................................... 65
Step 16. Choose Data Collection Mode ...................................................................................................... 66
Step 17. Review Installation Summary ...................................................................................................... 67
Step 18. Add Veeam ONE Service Account to Veeam ONE Administrators Group........................................... 67
Step 19. Install Additional Veeam ONE Monitor Clients ............................................................................... 68
Step 20. Apply Available Updates ............................................................................................................. 68
ADVANCED INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................ 69
Step 1. Obtain Installation Image File ....................................................................................................... 69
Step 2. Insert Disk or Mount an Image File ............................................................................................... 69
Step 3. Launch the Splash Window ........................................................................................................... 70
Step 4. Accept the License Agreement ...................................................................................................... 71
Step 5. Provide a License File................................................................................................................... 71
Step 6. Choose Setup Type ...................................................................................................................... 72
Step 7. Choose Components to Install ...................................................................................................... 72
Step 8. Perform System Configuration Check ............................................................................................. 73
Step 9. Specify Service Account Credentials .............................................................................................. 74
Step 10. Choose Microsoft SQL Server ...................................................................................................... 74
Step 11. Specify Website Ports ................................................................................................................. 76
Step 12. Choose Performance Cache Location ........................................................................................... 77
Step 13. Choose Virtual Infrastructure Type .............................................................................................. 78
Step 14. Add Virtual Infrastructure Server ................................................................................................. 78
Step 15. Add Veeam Backup & Replication Server ...................................................................................... 79
Step 16. Choose Data Collection Mode ...................................................................................................... 80
Step 17. Review Installation Summary ...................................................................................................... 81
Step 18. Add Veeam ONE Service Account to Veeam ONE Administrators Group........................................... 81
Step 19. Install Veeam ONE Monitor Client ................................................................................................ 81
Step 20. Apply Available Updates ............................................................................................................. 81
INSTALLING VEEAM ONE MONITOR CLIENT................................................................................................................... 82
Step 1. Obtain the Installation File ........................................................................................................... 82
Step 2. Insert Disk or Mount Image File .................................................................................................... 82
Step 3. Launch the Splash Window ........................................................................................................... 82
Step 4. Accept License Agreement............................................................................................................ 83
Step 5. Choose Components to Install ...................................................................................................... 84
Step 6. Perform System Configuration Check ............................................................................................. 84
Step 7. Specify Veeam ONE Server Name ................................................................................................. 85
Step 8. Review Installation Summary........................................................................................................ 86
Step 9. Check Veeam ONE Monitor Client Settings ..................................................................................... 86
INSTALLING VEEAM ONE IN UNATTENDED MODE ............................................................................................................ 87
Before You Begin .................................................................................................................................... 87
Installation Command-Line Syntax ........................................................................................................... 88
Installing Updates in Unattanded Mode ................................................................................................... 107
ACCESSING VEEAM ONE MONITOR, REPORTER AND BUSINESS VIEW ..............................................................110
CONFIGURING TRUSTED CONNECTION ....................................................................................................................... 113

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CONFIGURING VEEAM ONE...................................................................................................................................114
CONNECTING SERVERS .......................................................................................................................................... 115
Connecting VMware vSphere Servers ...................................................................................................... 116
Connecting vCloud Director Servers ........................................................................................................ 119
Connecting Microsoft Hyper-V Servers .................................................................................................... 122
Connecting Veeam Backup & Replication Servers ..................................................................................... 127
Changing Server Connection Settings ..................................................................................................... 130
Removing Server Connections ................................................................................................................ 131
CHOOSING OBJECTS TO MONITOR AND REPORT ON ....................................................................................................... 132
Choosing VMs and VM Containers to Monitor and Report On ..................................................................... 133
Choosing Datastores to Report On ......................................................................................................... 138
CONFIGURING NOTIFICATION SETTINGS ..................................................................................................................... 139
Step 1. Configure SMTP Server Settings .................................................................................................. 140
Step 2. Configure Email Notification Settings ........................................................................................... 141
Step 3. Configure Email Frequency ......................................................................................................... 142
Step 4. Configure SNMP Settings ............................................................................................................ 144
Step 5. Review Summary....................................................................................................................... 145
DATA COLLECTION SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................. 146
SECURITY GROUPS .............................................................................................................................................. 147
DATA RETENTION................................................................................................................................................ 149
CHANGING VEEAM ONE SERVICE ACCOUNT................................................................................................................. 150
UPGRADING TO VEEAM ONE 9.5 ...........................................................................................................................152
STEP 1. OBTAIN THE INSTALLATION FILE.................................................................................................................... 152
STEP 2. INSERT DISK OR MOUNT AN IMAGE FILE .......................................................................................................... 152
STEP 3. LAUNCH THE SPLASH WINDOW ..................................................................................................................... 152
STEP 4. ACCEPT THE LICENSE AGREEMENT.................................................................................................................. 153
STEP 5. REVIEW COMPONENTS TO UPGRADE ............................................................................................................... 153
STEP 6. PROVIDE LICENSE FILE ............................................................................................................................... 154
STEP 7. PERFORM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION CHECK ....................................................................................................... 154
STEP 8. SPECIFY SERVICE ACCOUNT CREDENTIALS ........................................................................................................ 155
STEP 9. CHOOSE MICROSOFT SQL SERVER ................................................................................................................. 156
STEP 10. CHOOSE PERFORMANCE CACHE LOCATION ...................................................................................................... 156
STEP 11. CHOOSE DATA COLLECTION MODE ............................................................................................................... 158
STEP 12. BEGIN UPGRADE ..................................................................................................................................... 159
STEP 13. CHANGE DEFAULT CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................... 159
STEP 14. SPECIFY GUEST OS CREDENTIALS FOR MICROSOFT HYPER-V VMS......................................................................... 161
STEP 15. APPLY AVAILABLE UPDATES ........................................................................................................................ 161
UPGRADING VEEAM ONE MONITOR CLIENT ........................................................................................................162
UNINSTALLING VEEAM ONE .................................................................................................................................163
EXPORTING LOGS ..................................................................................................................................................164
APPENDIX A. CREATING VEEAM ONE DATABASE WITH A SQL SCRIPT...............................................................165
APPENDIX B. DATA COLLECTION MODES .............................................................................................................167

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Contacting Veeam Software
At Veeam Software we value the feedback from our customers. It is important not only to help you quickly with
your technical issues, but it is our mission to listen to your input, and build products that incorporate your

Customer Support
Should you have a technical concern, suggestion or question, please visit our Customer Center Portal at
www.veeam.com/support.html to open a case, search our knowledge base, reference documentation, manage
your license or obtain the latest product release.

Company Contacts
For the most up to date information about company contacts and offices location, please visit

Online Support
If you have any questions about Veeam products, you can use the following resources:

 Full documentation set: www.veeam.com/documentation-guides-datasheets.html

 Community forum at forums.veeam.com

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About This Document
This guide describes deployment scenarios, provides information about the product design and structure and
offers step-by-step instructions for successful installation, configuration and updating.

Intended Audience
The guide is intended for anyone who plans to use the Veeam ONE solution. It is primarily aimed at
administrators managing Veeam Backup & Replication, VMware vSphere, vCloud Director or Microsoft Hyper-V
environments, but can also be helpful for other current and perspective Veeam ONE users.

Document Revision History

Revision # Date Change Summary

Revision 27 2/2/2018 Updated section Licensing Veeam ONE.

Added section Installing Veeam ONE in Unattended Mode.

Revision 26 1/15/2018 Updated section Connection to Veeam Backup & Replication Servers.

Revision 25 1/9/2018 Updated sections System Requirements and Firewall Rules.

Revision 24 12/19/2017 Document updated for Veeam ONE 9.5 Update 3.

Updated section Ports.

Revision 23 11/2/2017 Updated section Connection to Veeam Backup & Replication Servers.

Revision 22 10/17/2017 Updated sections Connection to Virtual Servers, Connection to Veeam Backup &
Replication Servers.

Added section Configuring Permissions to Remotely Access WMI.

Updated permissions required for Always-On Availability Groups in section Connection to

Microsoft SQL Server.

Revision 21 10/10/2017 Updated requirements to SCVMM in sections System Requirements for Typical
Deployment and System Requirements for Advanced Deployment.

Revision 20 9/21/2017 Updated section Connection to Microsoft SQL Server.

Revision 19 8/14/2017 Updated section Step 6. Specify VM Guest OS Credentials.

Revision 18 7/4/2017 Updated section Ports, added information for Veeam ONE to Veeam Backup Enterprise
Manager connection.

Revision 17 6/29/2017 Updated section Ports, fixed errors for ports required to gather performance data.

Revision 16 6/28/2017 Updated section Ports, requirements for Microsoft Hyper-V and Veeam Backup &
Replication servers.

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Revision 15 5/25/2017 Included firewall rule requirements for Veeam Backup & Replication servers in section
Firewall Rules.

Revision 14 5/25/2017 Updated vCenter Server tagging privileges in section Connection to Virtual Servers.

Revision 13 4/26/2017 Updated names of VMware vSphere privileges in section Connection to Virtual Servers.

Revision 12 4/11/2017 Updated section Ports.

Revision 11 2/28/2017 Added post-installation configuration steps in section Appendix A. Creating Veeam ONE
Database with a SQL Script.

Revision 10 2/21/2017 Updated list of required software components included in the setup package, in sections
System Requirements for Typical Deployment and System Requirements for Advanced

Revision 9 2/17/2017 Added permissions required for Always-On Availability Groups in section Connection to
Microsoft SQL Server.

Revision 8 1/30/2017 Changed wording in section Connection Under UAC.

Added notes about UAC connections to sections Connection to Virtual Servers,

Connection to Veeam Backup & Replication Servers, Connection to Microsoft Hyper-V VM
Guest OS.

Revision 7 1/17/2017 Document updated for Veeam ONE 9.5 Update 1.

Updated section Licensing Veeam ONE.

Revision 6 1/12/2017 Updated list of permissions in section Connection to Microsoft SQL Server.

Revision 5 1/11/2017 Updated list of required permissions for VMware vSphere in Connection to Virtual

Revision 4 1/10/2017 Added information about database size limitation for Microsoft SQL Server Express
Edition in sections System Requirements for Typical Deployment and System
Requirements for Advanced Deployment.

Revision 3 12/30/2016 Added section Appendix B. Data Collection Modes.

Revision 2 12/01/2016 Added section Connection to Microsoft SQL Server.

Updated section Supported Virtualization Platforms, updated section Accessing Veeam

ONE Monitor, Reporter and Business View.

Revision 1 11/16/2016 Initial version of the document for Veeam ONE 9.5.

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About Veeam ONE
Veeam ONE is a comprehensive solution developed by Veeam Software for managing virtual and data protection
environments. Veeam ONE enables real-time monitoring, business documentation and management reporting for
Veeam Backup & Replication, VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V.

Veeam ONE is designed to give IT administrators peace-of-mind to manage every aspect of the modern virtual
environment. Every Veeam ONE capability meets a specific business challenge — from monitoring the state of
VMs and their performance, generating reports for capacity planning and upgrade purposes, to providing
management with transparent and granular views of the virtual infrastructure from a business-oriented

Veeam ONE incorporates three software components:

 Veeam ONE Monitor is the primary tool used for monitoring the virtual environment and Veeam
Backup & Replication infrastructure. In the Veeam ONE Monitor console, you can manage, view and
interact with alarms and monitoring data, analyze performance of virtual and backup infrastructure
components, track the efficiency of data protection operations, troubleshoot issues, generate reports and
administer monitoring settings.

 Veeam ONE Reporter provides a set of dashboards and reports that allow you to verify configuration
issues, optimize resource allocation and utilization, track implemented changes, plan capacity growth and
track whether mission-critical VMs are properly protected in the virtualized datacenter.

 Veeam ONE Business View allows you to group your virtual infrastructure objects into such categories
as SLA, business unit, purpose, configuration entity, or any other. The categorization model you create in
Business View is applied to the monitoring and reporting functionality to simplify management and
ensure transparency of operations for your business across large virtual environments.

Veeam ONE Monitor, Veeam ONE Reporter and Veeam ONE Business View are installed with one setup and
provide a single cohesive solution.

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Veeam ONE Architecture
Veeam ONE relies on client-server architecture to work effectively in environments of any size and complexity.
Veeam ONE architecture includes the following structural components:

 Veeam ONE Server

Veeam ONE Server is responsible for collecting data from virtual servers, vCloud Director servers and
Veeam Backup & Replication servers, and storing this data into the database. As part of Veeam ONE
Server, the following components are installed: Veeam ONE Monitoring Server and Veeam ONE Reporting

 Veeam ONE Web UI

Veeam ONE Web UI is a client part for Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View. Veeam ONE Web UI
communicates with the database, processes and displays data in a web-based interface. As part of
Veeam ONE Web UI, the following components are installed: Veeam ONE Reporting Client and Veeam
ONE Business View Client.

 Veeam ONE Monitor Client

Veeam ONE Monitor Client is a client part for Veeam ONE Monitoring Server. Veeam ONE Monitor Client
communicates with the Veeam ONE Monitoring Server installed locally or remotely.

 Veeam ONE Database

Veeam ONE database stores data used by product components. The database is hosted on a Microsoft
SQL Server that can run remotely, or can be co-installed with other Veeam ONE components.

Veeam ONE architectural components can be installed on a single machine, or run on dedicated machines. For
details, see Deployment Scenarios.

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Deployment Scenarios
Veeam ONE supports two deployment scenarios:

 Typical deployment
The typical deployment scenario is ideal if you want to consolidate the entire product functionality in one
place by installing all product architectural components on a single machine. This scenario is preferable
for small- to medium-scale deployments.

 Advanced deployment
The advanced deployment scenario is more suitable if you want to separate client/server roles and install
product architectural components on different machines.

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Typical Deployment
The following diagram illustrates the typical Veeam ONE deployment scenario.

In the typical deployment scenario:

 All Veeam ONE architectural components (Veeam ONE Server, Veeam ONE Web UI, and Veeam ONE
Monitor Client) are installed altogether on a single machine (either physical or virtual).

 To store data retrieved from connected servers, a local or remote Microsoft SQL Server instance is
required. If you have a Microsoft SQL Server instance that meets Veeam ONE system requirements, you
can adopt it for Veeam ONE deployment. Otherwise, you can install a new Microsoft SQL Server instance
during the product installation — Veeam ONE setup package includes Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express


For large-scale deployments (1000+ VMs), is it recommended to use a remote Microsoft SQL Server
installation as a backend. It is also recommended to run Veeam ONE services on a dedicated server. Such
distributed installation will improve performance of Veeam ONE services.

 To enable multi-user access to real-time performance statistics and configurable alarms, you can
additionally install several instances of Veeam ONE Monitor Client on separate machines. Thus, you will
be able to access Veeam ONE functionality either from a local machine or from remote computers.

For instructions on the typical deployment procedure, see Typical Installation.

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Advanced Deployment
The following diagram illustrates the advanced Veeam ONE deployment scenario.

The advanced deployment scenario relies on a distributed architecture where server and client parts are
separated and installed on different machines (physical or virtual). In the advanced deployment scenario:

 Veeam ONE Server and Veeam ONE Web UI components are installed on separate machines.

 To allow users access real-time performance statistics and alarms data, you need to install one or more
instances of Veeam ONE Monitor Client.

 To store data retrieved from connected servers, a local or remote Microsoft SQL Server instance is
required as a supporting system. If you already have a Microsoft SQL Server instance that meets Veeam
ONE system requirements, you can adopt it for Veeam ONE deployment. Otherwise, you can install a
new Microsoft SQL Server instance during the product installation — Veeam ONE setup package includes
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express Edition.


For large-scale deployments (1000+ VMs), is it recommended to use a remote Microsoft SQL Server
installation as a backend. It is also recommended to run Veeam ONE services on a dedicated server. Such
distributed installation will improve performance of Veeam ONE services.

The advanced installation utilizes a client-server model for data collection and communication.

 Server component collects data from virtual infrastructure servers, vCloud Director servers and Veeam
Backup & Replication servers and stores this data in the database.

 Web UI components (Veeam ONE Reporting and Business View components) communicate with the
database allowing users to access collected data for generating reports and managing business

 Monitor Client communicates with Veeam ONE Server directly to obtain real-time virtual infrastructure
performance data and data protection statistics.

For a successful Veeam ONE deployment, it is essential that the client components are aware of the Veeam ONE
Server and the database location, and can connect to them to process and manipulate data.

For instructions on the advanced installation procedure, see Advanced Installation.

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Licensing Veeam ONE
To work with Veeam ONE, you must obtain a license file and install it on the Veeam ONE server.

Licensed Objects
Veeam ONE can be licensed in two ways: per-socket and per-VM.

Per-Socket Licensing
Veeam ONE can be licensed by the number of CPU sockets on managed VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V
hosts. A license is required for every occupied motherboard socket as reported by the hypervisor API. A managed
host is a host that is included in the monitoring and reporting scope with Veeam ONE inclusion rules. For details,
see Choosing VMs and VM Containers to Monitor and Report On.

Per-VM Licensing
Veeam ONE can be licensed by the number of managed VMs. A managed VM is a VM that is included in the
monitoring and reporting scope with Veeam ONE inclusion rules. For details, see Choosing VMs and VM
Containers to Monitor and Report On.

To provide more flexibility and introduce a trial period for VM management, Veeam ONE offers the concept
of New VMs for Rental licenses. New VMs are VMs that were discovered within the current calendar month. New
VMs are tracked separately in the managed VMs license counter and do not consume the license until the
beginning of the new month. On the first day of the new month, the number of new VMs is added to the number
of managed VMs and the new VMs counter in the license resets. New VMs are not included in a license usage


Veeam ONE license does not put any restrictions on the number of managed vCloud Director servers and
Veeam Backup & Replication servers.

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Types of Licenses
Veeam Software offers paid and free licenses for Veeam ONE.

Paid Licenses
Veeam Software offers the following types of paid licenses for Veeam ONE:

 Perpetual license is a permanent full license. The perpetual license term is normally 10 years from the
license issue date.

 Subscription license is a full license that expires at the end of the subscription term. The subscription
license term is normally 1-3 years from the license issue date.

 Rental license is a full license with the license expiration date set according to the chosen rental
program (normally 1-12 months from the license issue date).

The following terms apply to Veeam ONE paid licenses:

License Type Licensing Licensing Period

Perpetual license Per socket/Per VM 10 years

Subscription license Per VM 1-3 years

Rental license Per VM 1-12 months

Free Licenses
Veeam Software offers the following types of free licenses for Veeam ONE:

 Trial license is a full license that can be used for product evaluation. The trial license is valid for 30
days from the moment of product download.

 Free license is a license with a limited set of features* but with no restrictions on the number of hosts,
management servers and failover clusters you can monitor and report on.

 NFR license is a full license that can be used for product demonstration, training and education. This
license is not for resell or commercial use.

The following terms apply to Veeam ONE free licenses:

License Licensing Expiration

Trial license Per socket The license is valid for 30 days from the date of issue No

Free license Per socket No expiration period Yes*

NFR license Per socket Varies No

*For more information on Veeam ONE Free Edition Limitations, see Veeam ONE Licensing FAQ.

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Installing License
Veeam ONE license is provided during the product installation.

If you do not provide a license file during installation, you can provide it later:

1. Launch Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Help and select License Information.

3. In the License Information window, click Install License and specify a path to the license file.

4. Click Save.

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Viewing License Information
You can check details of the installed license in the License Information window.

To access the Licensed Information window:

1. Launch Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Help and select License Information.

The License Information window will display license details.

Installed License
The Installed license section provides information about the current Veeam ONE license:

 License status — status of the installed license (Valid, Invalid, Expired (N days of grace period
remaining), Warning (License exceeded), Not Installed).

 License type — type of the installed license (Perpetual, Subscription, Rental, Free, Trial, NFR).

 Licensed to — name of the user or company to which the license was issued.

 Contact person — name of the contact person.

 VMs (vSphere)/CPU sockets (vSphere) — number of VMware vSphere VMs/sockets that the license

 VMs (Hyper-V)/CPU sockets (Hyper-V) — number of Microsoft Hyper-V VMs/sockets that the license

 Licenses — number of VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V VMs that the license covers.

 Expiration date — date when the license will expire.

 Support expiration date — date when support will expire.

 Last update date — date and time when the license was last updated.

 Support ID — customer identification number required when contacting Veeam technical support.

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License Usage
The License usage section provides details on the number of currently managed VMware vSphere and Microsoft
Hyper-V VMs and sockets.

For per-VM licenses, this section provides the following information:

 VMs (vSphere) — number of managed VMware vSphere VMs.

 VMs (Hyper-V) — number of managed Microsoft Hyper-V VMs

 New VMs (vSphere) — number of VMware vSphere VMs that were discovered less than a month ago
(within the current calendar month). For details on new VMs, see Licensed Objects.

 New VMs (Hyper-V) — number of Microsoft Hyper-V VMs that were discovered less than a month ago
(within the current calendar month). For details on new VMs, see Licensed Objects.

For per-socket licenses, this section provides the following information:

 Sockets (vSphere) — number of sockets on managed VMware vSphere hosts.

 Sockets (Hyper-V) — number of sockets on managed Microsoft Hyper-V hosts.

 VMs (vSphere) — number of discovered VMs on managed VMware vSphere hosts.

 VMs (Hyper-V) — number of discovered VMs on managed Microsoft Hyper-V hosts.

The Discovered section provides information on the actual number of discovered VMware vSphere and
Microsoft Hyper-V VMs and sockets.

For per-VM licenses, this section provides the following information:

 VMs (vSphere) — number of discovered VMware vSphere VMs. This number includes both managed
VMs and VMs excluded from monitoring and reporting.

 VMs (Hyper-V) — number of discovered Microsoft Hyper-V VMs. This number includes both managed
VMs and VMs excluded from monitoring and reporting.

For per-socket licenses, this section provides the following information:

 Sockets (vSphere) — number of sockets on discovered VMware vSphere hosts. This number includes
sockets on both managed hosts and on hosts excluded from monitoring and reporting.

 Sockets (Hyper-V) — number of sockets on discovered Microsoft Hyper-V hosts. This number includes
sockets on both managed hosts and on hosts excluded from monitoring and reporting.

 VMs (vSphere) — number of discovered VMs on VMware vSphere hosts.

 VMs (Hyper-V) — number of discovered VMs on Microsoft Hyper-V hosts.

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Submitting License Usage Report
If you use a Rental license, you must submit a license usage report to Veeam every month. The license usage
report reflects the maximum number of VMs that you were managing with Veeam ONE within the previous
calendar month.

There are two methods to submit a license usage report:

 You can submit a license usage report in Veeam ONE Monitor (recommended). For details, see
Submitting License Usage Report in Veeam ONE Monitor.

 You can submit a license usage report manually by sending an email with a generated report to a Veeam
sales representative. For details, see Submitting Offline License Usage Report.

Submitting License Usage Report in Veeam ONE Monitor

If Veeam ONE server has access to Internet, you can submit a license usage report in Veeam ONE Monitor.
When you submit a license usage report in Veeam ONE Monitor, Veeam ONE sends license usage statistics to the
Veeam License Update Server.

This method is available only if license auto update is enabled. For details, see Updating License.

License usage reporting is performed in the following way:

1. Veeam ONE collects statistics on the current license usage as described in Automatic Usage Reporting.

2. On the first day of the new month, Veeam ONE generates a license usage report based on the maximum
number of managed VMs in the previous month.
You can access the report on the Veeam ONE server, in the
%ProgramData%\Veeam\Licensing\Veeam ONE Report folder.

3. Veeam ONE informs you about the generated report with a notification window in Veeam ONE Monitor
each time you access the console.

4. You can review the report, adjust it and send it to Veeam.

If you do not send the report, on the eleventh day of the month, Veeam ONE will send the report

To submit a license usage report in Veeam ONE Monitor:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Help and select License Information.

3. In the License Information window, click Send Statistics.

4. In the License Usage Report window, you can adjust the number of managed VMs before you submit
the report.

5. In the Reason for Change field, specify a reason for changing report statistics or any additional

6. Click Send.
Veeam ONE will display a dialog box with the submission result.

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7. Click OK to acknowledge the result and close the dialog box.

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Submitting Offline License Usage Report
If Veeam ONE server does not have access to Internet or has connection problems, you can submit an offline
license usage report. When you submit an offline license usage report, Veeam ONE generates a file with license
usage statistics.

The report file can be generated in the JSON, PDF or XLS format. You must send a report in the JSON format to
Veeam. You can save the report in the PDF or XLS formats for your own needs.

This method is available only if license auto update is disabled. For details, see Updating License.

To submit an offline license usage report:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Help and select License Information.

3. In the License Information window, click Send Statistics.

4. In the License Usage Report window, you can adjust the number of managed VMs before you submit
the report.

5. In the Reason for Change field, specify a reason for changing report statistics or any additional

6. Click Save as and choose a folder to which you want to save the report.

7. Choose a folder to which you want to save the report.

8. When the report is generated, Veeam ONE will display a dialog box notifying that the report was created.
In the dialog box, click Open folder to navigate to the folder where the report resides.

9. Review the report and send it to a Veeam sales representative.

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Viewing License Usage Report
The following image illustrates a sample of a license usage report.

The report includes the following information:

 Report identification number

 Date when the report was generated

 Reporting interval

 Information about the licensed product and the company to which the license was issued

 License usage details: number of managed VMs, new VMs and VMs that the user specified in the report

 Reason for change (if the original number of VMs was changed when submitting the report)

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Updating License
When the license expires, you can update it from the Veeam licensing server. You can use the following methods
to update Veeam ONE license:

 Update the license manually

 Update the license automatically

 Update the license in the Veeam License Management Portal (not covered in this guide)

Updating License Manually

You can update the license from the Veeam License Update Server manually on demand. When you update the
license manually, Veeam ONE connects to the Veeam License Update Server, downloads a new license from it (if
the license is available), and installs it on the Veeam ONE server.

To update the license:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Help and select License Information.

3. In the License Information window, click Update Now.

Veeam ONE will connect to the Veeam licensing server, download the new license from it (if available),
install it on the Veeam ONE server, and display a dialog box with the license update result.

4. Click OK to acknowledge the result and close the dialog box.

Updating License Automatically

You can instruct Veeam ONE to update the license automatically. Automatic license update removes the need to
download and install the license manually each time when you purchase the license extension. If the automatic
update option is enabled, Veeam ONE proactively communicates with the Veeam License Update Server to obtain
and install a new license before the current license expires.

How Automated License Update Works

To update the license automatically, Veeam ONE performs the following actions:

1. After you enable automatic license update, Veeam ONE starts sending requests to the Veeam License
Update Server on the web (autolk.veeam.com) and checks if a new license key is available. Veeam ONE
sends requests once a week. Communication with the Veeam License Update Server is performed over
the HTTPS protocol.

2. Seven days before the expiration date of the current license, Veeam ONE starts sending requests once a

3. When a new license key becomes available, Veeam ONE automatically downloads it and installs on the
Veeam ONE server.

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Automatic license update can complete with the following results:

 Operation is successful. A new license key is successfully generated, downloaded and installed on the
Veeam ONE server.

 A new license is not required. The currently installed license key does not need to be updated.

 Veeam License Update Server has failed to generate a new license. Such situation can occur due
to some error on the Veeam License Update Server side.

 Veeam ONE has received an invalid answer. Such situation can occur due to connectivity issues
between the Veeam License Update Server and Veeam ONE server.

Automatic Update Retries

If Veeam ONE fails to update the license, it triggers the Veeam ONE license update failure alarm, and retries to
update the license.

Veeam ONE retries to update the license key in the following way:

 If Veeam ONE fails to establish a connection to the Veeam License Update Server, retry takes place
every 60 minutes.

 If Veeam ONE establishes a connection but there occurs a general license key generation error, the retry
takes place every 24 hours.

The retry period ends one month after the license expiration date or the support expiration date (whichever is
earlier). The retry period is equal to the number of days in the month of license expiration. For example, if the
license expires in January, the retry period will be 31 day; if the license expires in April, the retry period will be
30 days.

Enabling Automatic License Update

By default, automatic license update is disabled. To enable automatic license updates:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Help and select License Information.

3. In the License Information window, select the Update license automatically (enables usage
reporting) check box.

4. Click Save.


Enabling license auto update activates Automatic Usage Reporting. You cannot use license auto update
without automatic usage reporting.

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Automatic Usage Reporting
When license auto update is enabled for Rental or Subscription licenses (per-VM licensing), Veeam ONE
additionally performs automatic usage reporting.

As part of reporting, Veeam ONE collects statistics on the current license usage and sends it periodically to the
Veeam License Update Server. The report provides information about the contract ID, product installation ID,
and the maximum number of managed VMs over the past week (for Rental licenses) or over the past month (for
Subscription licenses). The process runs in the background mode, once a week (for Rental licenses) or once a
month (for Subscription licenses) at a random time and day.

The collected data does not include information on Veeam ONE usage by any individual person identifiable for
Veeam, or any data gathered by Veeam ONE.

The collected data allows our back-end system to automatically approve your monthly usage reports as long as
they do not deviate from the high watermark value significantly. This helps to keep our report processing costs
low, thus allowing us to maintain low rental prices for our solution. Veeam may also use collected data for any
other internal business purposes it deems appropriate, including (but not limited to) evaluation, improvement and
optimization of Veeam licensing models.

By enabling license auto update you agree with collection, transmission and use of the reporting data. You must
not enable license auto update in case you do not agree with such collection, transmission and use.

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License Expiration
Veeam ONE license period is set in accordance with the chosen licensing program.

To ensure a smooth license update and provide sufficient time to install a new license file, Veeam ONE offers a
grace period after the license expiration date. During the grace period, Veeam ONE keeps working in a full-
version mode. The license status in the License Information window will appear as Expired (<number> days
of grace period remaining).

You must update your license before the end of the grace period. If you do not update the license until the end
of the grace period, Veeam ONE will switch to the free mode.

The duration of the grace period is defined by the type of license.

License Type Grace Period

Perpetual license Not applicable

Subscription license 30 days

Rental license 60 days

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Exceeding License Limit
In some situations, the number of actually managed objects may exceed the license limit. For example, this may
happen when some VMs or hosts are temporarily managed for testing or POC.

For per-VM licenses, Veeam ONE allows you to manage more VMs than specified in the license:

• Up to 20% for Rental and Perpetual licenses

• Up to 10% for Subscription licenses

If the license limit is exceeded by no more than the specified percentage, Veeam ONE continues to manage all

If the license limit is exceeded by more than than the specified percentage, all VMs exceeding the licensed
number plus the allowed increase are excluded from monitoring and reporting. To determine what VMs to
manage, Veeam ONE uses the last-in first-out method (LIFO): VMs that were discovered last are removed first in
the monitoring and reporting scope.

An increase in the number of managed VMs up to the specified percentage is allowed only for a limited period of
time. The duration of this grace period is defined by the type of license.

License Type Grace Period

Perpetual license 30 days

Subscription license Equal to the duration of the

license key

Rental license 60 days

By the end of the grace period, you must update the existing license or decrease the number of managed VMs.
Otherwise, Veeam ONE will exclude from monitoring and reporting VMs that exceed the license limit. VMs are
excluded with the help of an automatic exclusion rule that is created by Veeam ONE. You can review VMs
covered by this rule in Veeam ONE server settings. For details, see Choosing VMs and VM Containers to Monitor
and Report On.

In addition to managing VMs that exceed the license limit by no more than the specified percentage, Veeam ONE
allows you to monitor any number of new VMs (that is, VMs that are monitored for the first time in the current
month). Exceed by new VMs is supported for Rental licenses only.

Consider the following example: at the beginning of January the number of VMs is 130, while a license covers
100 VMs. The period for exceeding the license limit is 60 days. Within the first 60 days (in January and
February), Veeam ONE will manage 100 + 20 VMs that were discovered first (license limit + 20%). 10 VMs that
were discovered last will be excluded from monitoring and reporting. In addition, in the middle of January,
Veeam ONE discovers 30 new VMs. Veeam ONE will manage these VMs until the end of the month.

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If the license is not updated and the license limit is not increased, Veeam ONE will exclude from monitoring and

 30 VMs that exceed the license limit

 30 VMs that were discovered in January

Exceeding Sockets Limit

For per-socket licenses, Veeam ONE does not offer any grace period. If the number of sockets exceeds the
license limit, Veeam ONE will exclude from monitoring and reporting hosts above the license limit.

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Free and Full Versions of Veeam ONE
Veeam ONE is available in two versions:

 Paid version featuring full application functionality

 Free version featuring limited application functionality

In contrast to the paid version, the free version does not require a license file during installation.

Without a license, the free version will work for 90 days. After this period, you will have 10 days to install a free
license if you want to continue using Veeam ONE in the free mode. To obtain a free license, you need to fill out a
registration form. Veeam ONE makes the link to the registration form available after 90 days of operation in the
free mode.

In the free version, Veeam ONE works with a number of functional restrictions. A detailed comparison of free and
full versions for all Veeam ONE components is available at the Veeam ONE Free Edition product page.

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Deployment Planning and
Before installing Veeam ONE, check supported virtualization platforms, system requirements, permissions and
network ports used for data transmission.

Supported Virtualization Platforms

Veeam ONE supports the following virtualization platforms:

VMware vSphere Environment

Specification Requirement

Platforms VMware vSphere 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5* (English version only)

Software vCenter Server 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5* (optional)

 ESX(i) 4.1
 ESXi 5.0, 5.1, 5.5
 ESXi 6.0, 6.5*

Note: Free version of VMware vSphere ESXi is supported.

* Available with Veeam ONE 9.5 Update 1.

Microsoft Hyper-V Environment

Specification Requirement

 Windows Server 2016

 Windows Server 2012 R2
 Windows Server 2012
 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
 Microsoft System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager (optional)
 Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager (optional)
 Microsoft System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager (optional)
 Microsoft System Center 2008 R2 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager (optional)
 Windows Server Hyper-V 2016
 Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016 (free)
 Windows Server Hyper-V 2012 R2
 Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 (free)
 Windows Server Hyper-V 2012
 Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 (free)
 Windows Server Hyper-V 2008 R2 SP1
 Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 SP1 (free)

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Integration with vCloud Director
Veeam ONE offers monitoring and reporting capabilities for VMware vCloud Director 5.5, 5.6, 8.0 and 8.10.

Integration with Veeam Backup &

Veeam ONE offers monitoring and reporting capabilities for the following versions and editions of Veeam Backup
& Replication:

Specification Requirement

 Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5

 Veeam Backup & Replication 9.0 Update 2
 Veeam Backup & Replication 8.0 Update 3
 Veeam Backup & Replication Standard
 Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise
 Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise Plus
 Veeam Backup & Replication
 Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager (optional)

* Monitoring and reporting for Veeam Backup Free Edition is not supported.
* Monitoring and reporting on Veeam Cloud Connect is supported in both Veeam ONE and Veeam ONE Free Edition.

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System Requirements
Veeam ONE system requirements vary depending on the selected deployment type — typical or advanced. In this
section, you will find system requirements for both types of deployment.

System Requirements for Typical Deployment

The following table describes system requirements for a typical deployment.

Specification Requirement

Hardware CPU: modern x64 processor (minimum 4 cores). Using faster multi-core processors improves data
processing performance.

Memory: 8 GB RAM (minimum), 16 GB (recommended). Using faster memory (DDR3) and remote
Microsoft SQL Server improves data processing performance.

Hard Disk Space: 700 MB for product installation and sufficient disk space for Microsoft SQL
Server and Veeam ONE database (if installed locally).

OS Only 64-bit versions of the following operating systems are supported:

 Microsoft Windows Server 2016

 Microsoft Windows 10
 Microsoft Windows 8.1
 Microsoft Windows 8
 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
 Microsoft Windows Server 2012
 Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2

Database Microsoft SQL Server (Full and Express Editions)

 Microsoft SQL Server 2017

 Microsoft SQL Server 2016
 Microsoft SQL Server 2014
 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP3 Express edition is included in
Veeam ONE setup package)
 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
 Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Reporting Services (optional)

 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2017

 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2016
 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2014
 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2012
 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2
 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 SP1


1. For production deployment of Veeam ONE, it is recommended to use Microsoft SQL

Server Standard Edition or higher.

32 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Specification Requirement

2. Ensure you have sufficient space on disk for Veeam ONE database. The database can
quickly grow in size due to a large amount of collected data, or because of Microsoft
SQL Server configuration. For details, see KB2210.
3. If you choose to host Veeam ONE database on Microsoft SQL Server Express, be
informed there is a 10 GB database size limitation for this edition. For details, see
Editions and Supported Features for SQL Server.
1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or later, Microsoft Edge 25 or later, Mozilla Firefox 42 or
later, Chrome 54 or later
2. Microsoft Office 2010, 2013 or 2016, Microsoft Office 365
3. Microsoft Visio 2010 or 2013, 2016
4. PDF viewer

The following components are included in the Veeam ONE setup package and can be installed

1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later

2. Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package
3. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 or later
4. Microsoft PowerShell 2.0 (required for Windows Server 2008)
5. Microsoft PowerShell 3.0 (required for SCVMM 2012, SCVMM 2012 R2 or SCVMM 2016
Admin UI)
6. Microsoft SQL Native Client 2012
7. Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types
8. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects
9. Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Management Objects
10. Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2012
11. WAS Configuration APIs

To connect SCVMM servers to Veeam ONE, the following software is required:

 System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager Admin UI (for connecting SCVMM 2016
 System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager Admin UI (for connecting SCVMM 2012
R2 servers)
 System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager Admin UI (for connecting SCVMM 2012
 System Center 2008 R2 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Admin UI (for connecting SCVMM
2008 servers)

Be sure to install the same versions of the Admin UI and the SCVMM Server, and to update both
components to the same update version.

• Windows Management Instrumentation service must be enabled.

• File and Print Sharing service must be enabled.

33 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

System Requirements for Advanced Deployment
The following tables describe system requirements for an advanced deployment.

Veeam ONE Server

Specification Requirement

Hardware CPU: modern x64 processor (minimum 4 cores). Using faster multi-core processors improves data
processing performance.

Memory: 8 GB RAM (minimum), 16 GB RAM (recommended). Using faster memory (DDR3) and
remote Microsoft SQL Server improves data processing performance.

Hard Disk Space: 700 MB for product installation and sufficient disk space for Microsoft SQL
Server and Veeam ONE database (if installed locally).

OS Only 64-bit versions of the following operating systems are supported:

 Microsoft Windows Server 2016

 Microsoft Windows 10
 Microsoft Windows 8.1
 Microsoft Windows 8
 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
 Microsoft Windows Server 2012
 Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2

Software The following components are included in the Veeam ONE setup package and can be installed

1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (included in the setup) or later

2. Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (included in the
3. Microsoft PowerShell 2.0 (required for Windows Server 2008; included in the install
4. Microsoft PowerShell 3.0 (required for SCVMM 2012, SCVMM 2012 R2 or SCVMM 2016
Admin UI)
5. Microsoft SQL Native Client 2012
6. Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types
7. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects
8. Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Management Objects
9. Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2012

To connect SCVMM servers to Veeam ONE, the following software is required:

 System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager Admin UI (for connecting SCVMM 2016
 System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager Admin UI (for connecting SCVMM 2012
R2 servers)
 System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager Admin UI (for connecting SCVMM 2012
 System Center 2008 R2 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Admin UI (for connecting SCVMM

34 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Specification Requirement

2008 servers)

Be sure to install the same versions of the Admin UI and the SCVMM Server, and to update both
components to the same update version.

• Windows Management Instrumentation service must be enabled.

• File and Print Sharing service must be enabled.

35 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Microsoft SQL Server for Veeam ONE
Specification Requirement

Software Microsoft SQL Server (Full and Express Editions):

 Microsoft SQL Server 2017

 Microsoft SQL Server 2016
 Microsoft SQL Server 2014
 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP3 Express edition is included in
Veeam ONE setup)
 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
 Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Reporting Services (optional):

 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2017

 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2016
 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2014
 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2012
 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2
 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 SP1


1. For production deployment of Veeam ONE, it is recommended to use Microsoft SQL

Server Standard Edition or higher.
2. Ensure you have sufficient space on disk for Veeam ONE database. The database can
quickly grow in size due to a large amount of collected data, or because of Microsoft SQL
Server configuration. For details, see KB2210.
3. If you choose to host Veeam ONE database on Microsoft SQL Server Express, be
informed there is a 10 GB database size limitation for this edition. For details, see
Editions and Supported Features for SQL Server.

36 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Veeam ONE Web UI
Specification Requirement

Hardware CPU: modern processor (minimum 2 cores). Using faster multi-core processors improves data
processing performance.

Memory: 2048MB RAM. Using faster memory (DDR3) improves data processing performance.

OS Only 64-bit versions of the following operating systems are supported:

 Microsoft Windows Server 2016

 Microsoft Windows 10
 Microsoft Windows 8.1
 Microsoft Windows 8
 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
 Microsoft Windows Server 2012
 Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2
1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or later, Microsoft Edge 25 or later, Mozilla Firefox 42 or
later, Chrome 54 or later
2. Microsoft Office 2010, 2013 or 2016, Microsoft Office 365
3. Microsoft Visio 2010 or 2013, 2016
4. PDF viewer

The following components are included in the Veeam ONE setup package and can be installed

1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later

2. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 or later
3. Microsoft PowerShell 2.0 (required for Windows 2008 Server; included in the install
4. Microsoft PowerShell 3.0 (required for SCVMM 2012, SCVMM 2012 R2 or SCVMM 2016
Admin UI)
5. Microsoft SQL Native Client 2012
6. Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types
7. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects
8. Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Management Objects
9. Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2012
10. WAS Configuration APIs

37 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Veeam ONE Monitor Client
Specification Requirement

Hardware CPU: modern x86/x64 processor.

Memory: 1024MB RAM (minimum), 2048MB RAM (recommended).

OS Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the following operating systems are supported:

 Microsoft Windows Server 2016

 Microsoft Windows 10
 Microsoft Windows 8.1
 Microsoft Windows 8
 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
 Microsoft Windows Server 2012
 Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2
1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later
2. Microsoft Core XML 6.0 Parser and SDK
3. Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5

38 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Non-Supported Configurations
Veeam ONE has the following non-supported configurations.

Installation on a Domain Controller

Installation of Veeam ONE components on a Domain Controller is not supported.

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Connection Settings
To ensure that Veeam ONE can update the license and send license usage statistics to the Veeam licensing
server, check that:

 The machine with Veeam ONE Server component is connected to the Internet.

 The firewall on the machine hosting Veeam ONE Server component allows inbound and outbound HTTPS
traffic over the port 443.

 If you connect to the Internet through a proxy server, make sure that winhttp proxy settings are properly
configured on the machine hosting Veeam ONE Server component.

40 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

This section describes privileges required for the proper operation of Veeam ONE.

Connection to Virtual Servers

This section describes permissions to accounts used to connect virtual servers.

VMware vSphere Servers

The account used to connect vCenter Server and ESX(i) hosts must have the following permissions:

VI Object Required Permissions

 Read-only
vCenter, ESX(i) host
 Host.CIM.CIM Interaction1
 Host.Configuration.Connection1
 Virtual machine.Interaction .Answer question2
 vSphere Tagging.Assign or Unassign vSphere Tag3
 vSphere Tagging.Create vSphere Tag3
 vSphere Tagging.Create vSphere Tag Category3
 Global.Global tag3 (not required for VMware vSphere 6.5)
 Virtual machine.Interaction.Console interaction4
 Datastore.Browse datastore5
 Global.Licenses6

Note: Names of privileges are provided for the latest supported version of VMware vSphere,
and may vary for different platform versions.

1 Required for gathering of ESX(i) host hardware data.

2 Required for using VM Console and viewing snapshot information.
3 Required for collecting and updating tags on the vCenter Server side. The privileges must be assigned at the vCenter Server
4 Required for accessing VM console from Veeam ONE Monitor.
5 Required for collecting datastore details.
6 Required for collecting license information.

Microsoft Hyper-V Hosts and Clusters

The account used to connect Microsoft Hyper-V hosts and clusters must:

 Be a member of the Hyper-V Administrators and Performance Monitor Users security groups.

 Have permissions to remotely access WMI on Microsoft Hyper-V hosts.

This includes remote access, activation and launching the DCOM application of WMI, and remote access
to the root WMI namespace and sub-namespaces. For details on granting these permissions, see
Configuring Permissions to Remotely Access WMI.

41 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

The account used to connect an SCVMM Server must have in SCVMM an assigned user role that is based on the
Read-Only Administrator profile.

To monitor clusters and hosts managed by SCVMM, the minimal required permissions for these hosts and clusters
must be granted to the same account. For details, see Microsoft Hyper-V Hosts and Clusters.

Connection to vCloud Director Servers

The account used for connecting to vCloud Director must have system administrator privileges.

Connection to Veeam Backup & Replication

The account used for connecting Veeam Backup & Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager servers

 Be a member of the Performance Monitor Users and Event Log Readers security groups.

 Have permissions to remotely access WMI.

This includes remote access, activation and launching the DCOM application of WMI, and remote access
to the root WMI namespace and sub-namespaces. For details on granting these permissions, see
Configuring Permissions to Remotely Access WMI.

These permissions must be granted to the account on machines that run:

 Veeam Backup & Replication

 Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager

 Backup proxy, backup repository (Windows-based), WAN Accelerator, tape server and cloud gateway
components (required to collect performance data from these servers)

Veeam ONE Service Account

The service account must have Local Administrator permissions on the machine where Veeam ONE is installed.

42 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Connection to Microsoft SQL Server
The account used to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server hosting the Veeam ONE database must have the
following permissions:

 Public role (default permissions)


 db_owner role on the Veeam ONE database

 db_datareader permissions on the master database

 public, db_datareader, SQLAgentUserRole permissions on the msdb database

 [For Always-On Availability Groups] VIEW SERVER STATE, VIEW ANY DEFINITION permissions

Connection to Microsoft Hyper-V VM Guest OS

The account used to collect data from guest OSes of Microsoft Hyper-V Windows VMs, must have local
Administrator permissions on the guest OS.


To collect data from non-domain Windows VMs, or VMs with an unelevated local Administrator account, you
must complete additional configuration steps to allow Veeam ONE perform data collection. For details, see
Connection Under UAC.

43 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Configuring Permissions to Remotely Access WMI
Veeam ONE collects data from Microsoft Windows machines using WMI. To make sure that Veeam ONE can
collect data using WMI, the account under which you connect Microsoft Windows machines must have
permissions to remotely access WMI.

Permissions to access WMI remotely must be granted on:

 Microsoft Hyper-V hosts and clusters

 Veeam Backup & Replication servers

To configure permissions for remote access to WMI:

1. Grant permissions to remotely access root WMI namespace and sub-namespaces.

2. Grant remote access, launch and activation permissions for DCOM application.

3. Grant remote launch and activation permissions for WMI.


Instead of performing steps 2 and 3, you can add the user account to the Distributed COM Users group on
target machines.

44 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 1. Grant Permissions to Remotely Access Root WMI
Namespace and Sub-Namespaces
To grant to an account permissions for remote access to WMI:

1. Log on to a target Microsoft Windows machine as an Administrator.

2. Open the WMI Control Console.

To do so, choose Start > Run, type wmimgmt.msc and click OK.

3. Right-click WMI Control and select Properties.

4. In the WMI Control Properties window, open the Security tab.

5. On the Security tab, select the Root namespace.

6. Click Security.

7. In the Security for Root window, add the necessary user account.

45 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

8. Click Advanced.

9. In the Advanced Security Settings for Root window, select the user account and click Edit.

10. In the Permission Entry for Root window, do the following:

a. In the Applies to list, select This namespace and subnamespaces.

b. In the Permissions section, select Enable Account and Remote Enable.

c. Click OK.

11. In the Advanced Security Settings for Root window, click OK.

12. In the Security for Root window, click OK.

13. In the WMI Control Properties window, click OK.

14. Close the WMI Control Console.

46 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 2. Grant Remote Access, Launch and Activation
Permissions for DCOM Application
To grant to an account remote access, launch and activation permissions:

1. Open the Component Services Console.

To do so, choose Start > Run, type dcomcnfg and click OK.

2. In the navigation tree, go to Component Services > Computers > My Computer.

3. Right-click My Computer and select Properties.

4. In the My Computer Properties window, open the COM Security tab.

5. In the Access Permissions section, click Edit Limits.

6. In the Access Permission window, add the necessary user account.

7. Select the Remote Access permissions.

8. Click OK.

47 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

9. In the Launch and Activation Permissions section, click Edit Limits.

10. In the Launch and Activation Permission window, add the necessary user account.

11. Select the Remote Launch and Remote Activation permissions.

12. Click OK.

13. In the My Computer Properties window, click OK.

48 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 3. Grant Remote Launch and Activation Permissions for
To grant remote launch and activation permissions for WMI:

1. Still in the Component Services Console, in the navigation tree, go to Component Services >
Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config > Windows Management and Instrumentation.

2. Right-click Windows Management and Instrumentation and select Properties.

3. In the Windows Management and Instrumentation Properties window, open the Security tab.

4. In the Launch and Activation Permissions section, click Edit.

5. In the Launch and Activation Permission window, add the necessary user account.

6. Select the Remote Launch and Remote Activation permissions.

7. Click OK.

8. In the Launch and Activation Permission window, click OK.

9. In the Windows Management and Instrumentation Properties window, click OK.

10. Close the Component Services Console.

49 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Alternative Methods of Configuring Permissions to Remotely
Access WMI
As an alternative to the method described above, you can use a domain user account that is member of the local
Administrators group on target Microsoft Windows machines. Administrators have all the required permissions by

You can also use a local Administrator account for connecting remote Microsoft Windows machines. However,
this method will not work if remote machines have the User Account Control enabled.

50 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Connection Under UAC
Veeam ONE collects data from Microsoft Windows servers using WMI. For some configurations, UAC access token
filtering can prevent running WMI commands on connected machines, which in turn will cause data collection

The affected configurations are:

 Non-domain machines (machines in a workgroup)

 Machines with an unelevated local Administrator account (the account that is not Built-in Administrator)

To allow Veeam ONE collect data from these machines, perform the following steps on target virtual servers:

1. Set the network location to private:

a. Log on to a machine as Administrator.

b. Open the Network and Sharing Center.

c. In the list of active networks, click the necessary network and change its location to Private.
In some Windows OS versions, this location is called Home or Work.

2. Configure Windows Remote Management.

To do so, in the command prompt, type winrm quickconfig and press [Enter].

For more details on UAC access token filtering, see User Account Control and WMI.

Authorizing with Veeam ONE

To authorize with Veeam ONE software components (Veeam ONE Monitor, Reporter and Business View), a user
must have the Allow log on locally privilege assigned.

By default, this privilege is assigned to users included in the local Administrators group. For users not included in
the local Administrators group, you must assign this privilege manually. For details, see this Microsoft TechNet


In the advanced deployment scenario, you must assign the Allow log on locally privilege on the machines that
host the Veeam ONE Server and Veeam ONE Web UI architectural components.

51 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Remote Access
To be able to access Veeam ONE software components installed on a remote machine, you can use one of the
following options.

Remote Access to Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View

through Web Browser
Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View consoles can be accessed using a web browser on a remote machine.
To learn more on how to access Veeam ONE software components, see Accessing Veeam ONE Monitor, Reporter
and Business View.

Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View consoles remotely, a user must be a member of the Veeam ONE
Administrators or Veeam ONE Read-Only Users group on the machine where Veeam ONE Web UI component is
installed. For details on Veeam ONE security groups, see Security Groups.

Remote Access for Multi-Tenant Monitoring and Reporting

Veeam ONE supports multi-tenant access to its monitoring and reporting capabilities. Authorized users can
remotely monitor a subset of the vCenter Server or vCloud Director infrastructure and create reports.

To monitor and report on a restricted scope of the virtual infrastructure, a user must have permissions assigned
on objects of the vCenter Server or vCloud Director inventory hierarchy. For details, see Veeam ONE Multi-Tenant
Monitoring and Reporting.

52 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

The following table lists connection settings required for proper communication between Veeam ONE
components, virtual infrastructure servers, vCloud Director servers and Veeam Backup & Replication servers.

From To Protocol Port Notes

Veeam ONE vCenter SSL 4431 Required to collect data from vCenter Server/ ESX(i) hosts.
ESX(i) To learn how to check the current state of the vSphere API port,
see the VMware vSphere documentation.

TCP 5989 Required to collect ESX(i) host hardware details via CIM XML.

TCP 10080 Default port used to access vCenter Inventory Service (HTTP or
10443 HTTPS) and collect vCenter Server tags.

Required for vCenter Server 5.x only.

vCloud Director SSL 4431 Required to collect data from vCloud Director.

SCVMM TCP 8100 Default SCVMM Administrator Console to SCVMM server port
(required by the Veeam ONE Service).

Hyper-V host TCP 135, Required to collect data from Microsoft Hyper-V hosts through
dynamicall WMI.
y assigned

TCP 135 Required to gather CPU and memory performance data from
445 Microsoft Hyper-V hosts.4

TCP 445 Required to access remote registry.

Veeam Backup TCP 135, Required to collect data from Veeam backup servers through
& Replication dynamicall WMI.
y assigned

TCP 135 Required to gather CPU and memory performance data from
445 Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure servers.4

TCP 445 Required to access remote registry.

Veeam Backup TCP 135, Required to collect data from Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager
Enterprise dynamicall through WMI.
Manager y assigned

Veeam backup TCP 135 Required to gather CPU and memory performance data from
proxy 445 backup infrastructure servers.4

53 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

From To Protocol Port Notes

Veeam backup TCP 135 Required to gather CPU and memory performance data from
repository 445 backup infrastructure servers.4

Veeam backup TCP 22 Default SSH port used to communicate with a Linux-based
repository repository.

Veeam WAN TCP 135 Required to gather CPU and memory performance data from
accelerator 445 backup infrastructure servers.4

Veeam License TCP 443 Default port used for license auto-update.
Update Server

Veeam ONE Microsoft SQL TCP 1433 Port used for communication with the Microsoft SQL Server on
Server and Server which the Veeam ONE database is deployed.
Web UI Additional ports may need to be open depending on your
configuration. For details, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-

Veeam ONE Veeam ONE TCP 1393; Used by Veeam ONE Monitor Client to communicate with the
Monitor Server 4453 Veeam ONE Server.

UDP 1373

Workstatio Veeam ONE HTTPS 1239 Required to access Veeam ONE Reporter console from a user
n Reporter workstation (a different port number can be chosen during
Web setup).
Veeam ONE HTTPS 1340 Required to access Veeam ONE Business View console from a
Business View user workstation (a different port number can be chosen during

1 You must open these ports manually

2 To learn about enabling and disabling WMI traffic, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa389286(v=vs.85).aspx
and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa822854(v=vs.85).aspx
3 Associated with the File and Printer Sharing service
4 To gather performance data from Windows Server 2012 and 2012R2, you must additionally enable network discovery.

54 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Firewall Rules
The following table lists exceptions that should be enabled in Windows Firewall Settings.

Server App/Feature Details

Hyper-V host Remote Event Log Management: Required to collect events data from
Hyper-V hosts.
• Remote Event Log Management (NP-
• Remote Event Log Management
• Remote Event Log Management

COM+ Network Access:

• COM+ Network Access (DCOM-In)

Veeam Backup & Remote Event Log Management: Required to collect events data from
Replication server Veeam Backup & Replication servers.
• Remote Event Log Management (NP-
• Remote Event Log Management
• Remote Event Log Management

COM+ Network Access:

• COM+ Network Access (DCOM-In)

55 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Installing Veeam ONE
This section will guide you through the process of Veeam ONE installation.

Before You Begin

Before you begin installation, check the following prerequisites:

 Check platform and system requirements.

Check that your virtual platform is supported. Make sure the machine where Veeam ONE will be installed
meets hardware and software requirements.

 Check account permissions.

Make sure the user account under which Veeam ONE will be installed has sufficient permissions.

 Check ports.
Make sure all required ports are open for communication between Veeam ONE components, virtual
infrastructure servers, vCloud Director servers and Veeam Backup & Replication servers.

 [Optional] Pre-create Veeam ONE database.

Normally, the setup automatically creates the Veeam ONE database in the course of installation.
However, in some circumstances it might be necessary to create the database with a SQL script instead
of using the Veeam ONE Setup wizard. Before installing Veeam ONE, you can create the Veeam ONE
database by executing a SQL script that is included with the Veeam ONE installation image.

56 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Typical Installation
In the typical deployment scenario, all Veeam ONE components are installed on a single machine. For more
details on this scenario, see Typical Deployment.

To install Veeam ONE using the typical scenario, follow these steps.

Step 1. Obtain Installation Image File

Download the Veeam ONE installation image file at https://www.veeam.com/downloads.html.

Step 2. Insert Disk or Mount Image File

Burn the downloaded ISO image file to a CD/DVD or mount the installation image using disk image emulation
software. If you are installing Veeam ONE on a VM, use built-in tools of the virtualization management software
to mount the installation image to the VM.

Step 3. Launch Splash Window

After you mount or insert the disk with Veeam ONE installation image, Autorun will open a splash screen with
installation options. On the splash window, do one of the following to launch the Veeam ONE Setup wizard:

 Click Install on the left

 Click Veeam ONE Server on the right

If Autorun is disabled, run the Setup.exe file from the installation image. Alternatively, you can right-click the
new disk in My Computer and select Execute Veeam ONE Autorun.

57 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27


The installer will verify what version of .NET Framework is currently present on the machine. If the required
version is not found, the installer will prompt to automatically install .NET Framework software that is included
with the Veeam ONE installer. After the completion of .NET Framework installation, Veeam ONE installation
will proceed.

Step 4. Accept License Agreement

At the License Agreement step of the wizard, read and accept the license agreement. If you select I do not
accept the terms in the license agreement, you will not be able to continue the installation.

Step 5. Provide License File

At the Provide License step of the wizard, provide a license file. Select the Full functionality mode option,
click Browse and specify the path to the license file.

58 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27


To continue without providing a license, select the FREE functionality mode option. In this case the
product will work in the limited functionality mode (also called the “free mode”). To learn what functionality
you are missing with the free mode, click the See free mode limitations link at the bottom right corner of
the wizard.

Step 6. Choose Setup Type

At the Setup Type step of the wizard, select Typical as a preferred deployment mode.

To learn about available deployment types, click the Read more about deployment scenarios link, or see
Deployment Scenarios.

Step 7. Perform System Configuration Check

Before proceeding with the installation, the installer will perform system configuration check to determine if all
prerequisite software is available on the machine. To learn what software is required for Veeam ONE, see System

If some of the required software components are missing, the setup wizard will offer you to install the missing
software components and enable missing features automatically.

59 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

To install the missing software components and enable missing features automatically, click the Install button.

You can cancel automatic software installation. In this case, you will need to install the missing software
components and enable missing features manually (otherwise, you will not be able to proceed to the next step of
the setup wizard). After you install and enable all required software components, click Re-run to repeat the
system configuration check.

Step 8. Choose Installation Directory

At the Installation Path step of the wizard, choose the installation directory. In the typical installation mode,
the setup installs all components to a single directory and creates a subdirectory for every Veeam ONE

The typical installation requires around 500 MB of free space on a disk (plus additional space if you choose to
install Microsoft SQL Server instance on the same machine). Be aware that depending on the size of your virtual
infrastructure and frequency of data collection, the database may grow large and require more space. Be sure to
adjust to this condition by freeing up more disk space when needed.

60 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 9. Specify Service Account Credentials
At the Service Account Credentials step of the wizard, specify credentials of the account under which the
Veeam ONE services will run. The user name must be specified in the DOMAIN\USERNAME format.

For details on required permissions for the service account, see Veeam ONE Service Account.

Step 10. Choose Microsoft SQL Server

At the SQL Server Instance step of the wizard, choose a Microsoft SQL Server instance that will host the
Veeam ONE database.

 If you do not have a Microsoft SQL Server instance that you can use for Veeam ONE database, select the
Install new instance of SQL Server option.
If this option is selected, the setup will install Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express locally, on the computer
where you are installing Veeam ONE.


If a Microsoft SQL Server instance that meets Veeam ONE system requirements is detected on the machine,
you can only use the existing local Microsoft SQL Server instance or choose a one that runs remotely. The
option to install a new Microsoft SQL instance will be unavailable in this case.

 If you want to use an existing local or remote Microsoft SQL Server instance, select the Use existing
instance of SQL Server option and choose a local Microsoft SQL Server instance or browse to a
Microsoft SQL Server instance running remotely. You can enter the address of a preferred Microsoft SQL
Server manually or use the Browse button to choose among available remote instances.
In the Database name field, specify the name of the database that will be created by Veeam ONE.
Provide credentials for the account that will be used by Veeam ONE components to access the database.
You can enter credentials explicitly or use Windows authentication credentials of the Veeam ONE service
account to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server. For details on required permissions for the account, see
Connection to Microsoft SQL Server.

61 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

 If you already have an existing Veeam ONE database that you want to use in your deployment (this can
be a database that you have previously created with a SQL script), select the Use existing instance of
SQL Server option and choose a Microsoft SQL Server instance that hosts the database. In the
Database name field, specify the name of the database.
Provide credentials for the account that will be used by Veeam ONE components to access the database.
You can enter credentials explicitly or use Windows authentication credentials of the Veeam ONE service
account to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server. For details on required permissions for the account, see
Connection to Microsoft SQL Server.

Step 11. Specify Website Ports

At the Connection Information step of the wizard, specify connection settings for Veeam ONE Reporter and
Business View websites:

1. In the Reporter web site port field, type a number of the port that will be used to access the Veeam
ONE Reporter website through a web browser.
The default port number is 1239.

2. In the Business View web site port field, type a number of the port that will be used to access the
Veeam ONE Business View website through a web browser.
The default port number is 1340.

62 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

3. In the Use certificate list, choose a certificate that will be used to secure traffic between the Veeam
ONE Reporter and Business View websites and a web browser.
You can choose an existing certificate installed on the machine, or generate a new self-signed certificate.
If you generate or choose a self-signed certificate, you will need to configure a trusted connection
between the Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View websites and a web browser later. For details, see
Configuring Trusted Connection.

Step 12. Choose Performance Cache Location

At the Performance Data Caching step of the wizard, choose a directory where the performance cache must
be located.

Performance cache is space on disk to which Veeam ONE stores real-time performance data, as this data is
collected. Performance data stored in cache is used for Veeam ONE Monitor dashboards and views. Disk-based
performance cache allows significantly decrease RAM utilization on the machine that runs the Veeam ONE Server

By default, the performance cache is stored to the C:\PerfCache folder. To store the cache to a different
folder, click Browse next to the Performance cache field and specify a path to the new folder.

When choosing a location for performance cache, consider the following recommendations:

 Make sure that the disk where the performance cache is located can quickly complete read and write
requests. Do not locate the cache remotely in networks with high latency values.

 For large monitoring environments, place the performance cache on an SSD local to the machine where
the Veeam ONE Server component runs. For small and medium monitoring environments, a HDD is
normally enough.

 Length of the performance cache folder path must not exceed the Windows Max Path Limitation value.
For details, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-

63 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

 Make sure there is enough disk space for performance cache. The cache is cleared on an hourly basis, as
new data is collected; however, in large monitoring environments it can take significant disk space. For
example, in the Advanced Scalability Deployment mode, during peak loads, the cache can take up to 6
GB disk space for each 1000 VMs.


Starting from Veeam ONE 9.5 Update 3, after installation, you can change the performance cache folder in the
Veeam ONE Settings utility. For details, see Veeam ONE Deployment Guide, section Monitor Settings.

Step 13. Choose Virtual Infrastructure Type

At the Virtual Infrastructure Type step of the wizard, you can choose to connect a vCenter Sever or Hyper-V
infrastructure server (Failover Cluster, SCVMM, Hyper-V Server). To configure connection to a virtual
infrastructure server and initiate automatic data collection from this server, select the virtual infrastructure server
type and click Next.

If you do not want to configure connection settings during installation, you can skip this step and configure
access to virtual servers later in the Veeam ONE Monitor console. In this case, click Skip virtual infrastructure
configuration and click Next.

64 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27


If you choose to configure connection settings, the Veeam ONE Setup wizard will include additional steps to
connect to a virtual infrastructure server and to a Veeam Backup & Replication server. If you choose to skip
infrastructure configuration, you will pass immediately to the Data Collection Type step.

Step 14. Add Virtual Infrastructure Server

This step of the wizard is available only if you have chosen to configure virtual infrastructure server connection
settings at the Virtual Infrastructure Type step of the wizard.

1. In the Server field, specify FQDN or IP address of the virtual infrastructure server you want to connect.

2. In the User name and Password fields, specify credentials of the account for connecting to the server.

3. In the Port field, change the port number if required.

The specified connection settings will be propagated to all Veeam ONE components so that they can
automatically connect and retrieve data from the virtual infrastructure server. For more details, see Default

Step 15. Add Veeam Backup & Replication Server

At the Add Veeam Backup & Replication Server step of the wizard, you can connect a Veeam Backup &
Replication server to initiate automatic data collection immediately after installation. This step of the wizard is
available only if you have chosen to configure virtual infrastructure server connection settings at the Virtual
Infrastructure Type step of the wizard.

1. In the Server type list, choose the backup server type — Veeam Backup & Replication or Veeam Backup
Enterprise Manager.

2. In the Server name field, specify FQDN or IP address of the backup server you want to connect.

3. In the User name and Password fields, specify credentials of the account for connecting to the server.

The specified connection settings will be propagated to all Veeam ONE components so that they can
automatically connect and retrieve data from the backup server. For more details, see Default Configuration.

65 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

If you do not want to configure connection settings for backup servers during installation, you can skip this step
and configure connection settings later in the Veeam ONE Monitor console. In this case, select Configure
connection settings later and click Next.

Step 16. Choose Data Collection Mode

At the Data Collection Mode step of the wizard, choose the mode of collecting data from virtual infrastructure
and Veeam Backup & Replication servers.

Data collection mode determines what metrics Veeam ONE will collect, and specifies the product configuration in
a number of areas. Choosing an appropriate data collection mode allows you to optimize monitoring and
reporting performance and improve user experience in Veeam ONE. To learn the difference between the data
collection modes, see Appendix B. Data Collection Modes.

Typical and Advanced Scalability Deployment

The Typical Deployment and Advanced Scalability Deployment modes are recommended for users who want to
monitor and report on both the virtual environment and Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure.

 Optimized for Typical Deployment mode is recommended for small to medium environments up to
100 hosts and 1500 VMs. In this mode, Veeam ONE collects all inventory, configuration and performance
metrics, and makes collected data available in dashboards, reports and alarms.
This mode provides the greatest data granularity level, but results in a greater load on the Veeam ONE
server and a larger size of Veeam ONE database.

 Optimized for Advanced Scalability Deployment mode is recommended for large environments
with more than 100 hosts and 1500 VMs. In this mode, Veeam ONE collects all metrics required for
alarms and reports.
This mode results in a lower load on the Veeam ONE server and a smaller size of the Veeam ONE

Backup Data Only

The Backup Data Only mode is recommended for users who want to focus on Veeam Backup & Replication
monitoring and reporting, and do not need a deep visibility of the virtual infrastructure.

66 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

In this mode, Veeam ONE collects all inventory, configuration and performance metrics from Veeam Backup &
Replication servers. It also collects inventory and configuration metrics from virtual infrastructure servers, but
skips virtual infrastructure performance metrics. As a result, Veeam ONE dashboards, reports and alarms display
backup-related data only; for VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V objects, performance data is not available.

This mode results in the least possible size of the Veeam ONE database and the lowest load on the Veeam ONE

Step 17. Review Installation Summary

At the Ready to Install step of the wizard, review installation configuration to ensure that you have provided
correct settings. Click Install to begin the installation.

When the installation completes, click Finish to close the wizard.

Step 18. Add Veeam ONE Service Account to

Veeam ONE Administrators Group
When Veeam ONE installation completes, the installer will prompt you to perform the logoff/logon procedure to
create new user groups that will be used to accommodate user accounts for accessing Veeam ONE locally and

67 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Check that the Veeam ONE service account is included in the Veeam ONE Administrators user group. If this
account is not a member of the Veeam ONE Administrators user group, add it to the group manually.

To learn more about Veeam ONE user groups, see Security Groups.

Step 19. Install Additional Veeam ONE Monitor

You can install additional instances of Veeam ONE Monitor Client to enable multi-user access to real-time
performance data. For details on the Veeam ONE Monitor Client installation procedure, see Installing Veeam ONE
Monitor Client.

Step 20. Apply Available Updates

We recommend that you periodically check for Veeam ONE updates and install them as available. You can
download product updates at https://www.veeam.com/updates.html.

68 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Advanced Installation
The advanced installation scenario implies installing the Veeam ONE Server component (server part) on one
machine, and installing the Veeam ONE Web UI component (client part) on another machine. You can also
choose to install both components on a single machine in the course of a single installation session.


If you install the Veeam ONE Server and Veeam ONE Web UI components on separate machines, mind the
following limitation: you cannot install the server part on the computer that is already hosting the client part,
and vice versa.

Advanced installation is only available if you provide either evaluation or paid license. For Veeam ONE Free
Edition, the advanced installation option is not available. For more information on the advanced deployment
scenario, see Advanced Deployment.

The advanced installation must proceed in the following order:

1. Install Veeam ONE Server and set up the database.

Run the Veeam ONE Setup wizard on a machine that will host the Veeam ONE Server component. At
this step, you also need to choose an existing Microsoft SQL Server instance, or install a new Microsoft
SQL Server instance and specify the name of the database that will be created by the setup.

2. Install the Veeam ONE Web UI and point it to the database.

Run the Veeam ONE Setup wizard on a machine that will host the Veeam ONE Web UI component.
During installation, point Veeam ONE Web UI to the Veeam ONE database.

3. Install and configure Veeam ONE Monitor Client.

Run the Veeam ONE Monitor Client wizard to enable user access to the Veeam ONE Monitor
functionality. If necessary, you can install several instances of Veeam ONE Monitor Client on separate
machines to provide access to Veeam ONE Monitor for multiple users. For more information, see
Installing Veeam ONE Monitor Client.

To install Veeam ONE using the advanced scenario, follow these steps.

Step 1. Obtain Installation Image File

Download the Veeam ONE installation image file at https://www.veeam.com/downloads.html.

Step 2. Insert Disk or Mount an Image File

Burn the downloaded ISO image file to a CD/DVD or mount the installation image using disk image emulation
software. If you are installing Veeam ONE on a VM, use built-in tools of the virtualization management software
to mount the installation image to the VM.

69 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 3. Launch the Splash Window
After you mount or insert the disk with Veeam ONE installation image, Autorun will open a splash screen with
installation options. On the splash window, do one of the following to launch the Veeam ONE Setup wizard:

 Click Install on the left

 Click Veeam ONE Server on the right

If Autorun is disabled, run the Setup.exe file from the installation image. Alternatively, you can right-click the
new disk in My Computer and select Execute Veeam ONE Autorun.


The installer will verify what version of .NET Framework is currently present on the machine. If the required
version is not found, the installer will prompt to automatically install .NET Framework software that is included
with the Veeam ONE installer. After the completion of .NET Framework installation, Veeam ONE installation
will proceed.

70 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 4. Accept the License Agreement
At the License Agreement step of the wizard, read and accept the license agreement. If you select I do not
accept the terms in the license agreement, you will not be able to continue the installation.

Step 5. Provide a License File

At the Provide License step of the wizard, provide a license file. Select the Full functionality mode option,
click Browse and specify the path to the license file.


If you do not have a license, you will not be able to continue installation in the advanced mode.

71 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 6. Choose Setup Type
At the Setup Type step of the wizard, select Advanced as a preferred deployment mode.

To learn about available deployment types, click the Read more about deployment scenarios link, or see
Deployment Scenarios.

Step 7. Choose Components to Install

At the Program Features step of the wizard, you can choose which Veeam ONE components you want to
install. You can choose only one of the two suggested components (Veeam ONE Server or Veeam ONE Web UI),
or install both of them at the same time. Note that if you choose to install only one component, you will need to
repeat the installation procedure on another machine to install the other component (so that you can attain the
full Veeam ONE functionality).

If you choose to install both the Veeam ONE Server and Veeam ONE Web UI components, the advanced
deployment will mirror the typical, but will not include Veeam ONE Monitor Client: you will need to install Veeam
ONE Monitor Client separately.

If necessary, you can change the installation directory at this step.

72 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 8. Perform System Configuration Check
Before proceeding with the installation, the installer will perform system configuration check to determine if all
prerequisite software is available on the machine. To learn what software is required for Veeam ONE installation,
see System Requirements.

If some of the required software components are missing, the setup wizard will offer you to install the missing
software components and enable missing features automatically.

To install the missing software components and enable missing features automatically, click the Install button.

You can cancel automatic software installation. In this case, you will need to install the missing software
components and enable missing features manually (otherwise, you will not be able to proceed to the next step of
the setup wizard). After you install and enable all required software components, click Re-run to repeat the
system configuration check.

73 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 9. Specify Service Account Credentials
At the Service Account Credentials step of the wizard, specify credentials of the account under which the
Veeam ONE services will run. The user name must be specified in the DOMAIN\USERNAME format.

For details on required permissions for the service account, see Veeam ONE Service Account.

Step 10. Choose Microsoft SQL Server

At the SQL Server Instance step of the wizard, choose a Microsoft SQL Server instance that will host the
Veeam ONE database. If you are installing Veeam ONE Server and Veeam ONE Web UI on different machines,
make sure that both components share a common database.

The Microsoft SQL Server selection differs based on the choice of Veeam ONE components.

Veeam ONE Server Component

If you are installing Veeam ONE Server or a combination of Veeam ONE Server and Veeam ONE Web UI, your
Microsoft SQL Server selection must be performed as follows.

 If you do not have a Microsoft SQL Server instance that you can use for Veeam ONE, select the Install
new instance of SQL Server option.
If this option is selected, the setup will install Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express locally, on the computer
where you are installing Veeam ONE.


If a SQL Server instance that meets Veeam ONE system requirements is detected on your machine, you can
only use the existing local SQL Server instance or choose the one that runs remotely. The option to install a
new SQL instance will be unavailable in this case.

 If you intend to use an existing local or remote Microsoft SQL Server instance, select the Use existing
instance of SQL Server option and choose a local Microsoft SQL Server instance or browse to a
Microsoft SQL Server instance running remotely. You can enter the address of the preferred Microsoft
SQL Server manually or use the Browse button to choose among available remote instances.

74 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

In the Database name field, specify the name of the database that will be created by Veeam ONE.
Provide credentials for the account that will be used by Veeam ONE components to access the database.
You can enter credentials explicitly or use Windows authentication credentials of the Veeam ONE service
account to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server. For details on required permissions for the account, see
Connection to Microsoft SQL Server.

 If you already have an existing Veeam ONE database that you want to use in your deployment (this can
be a database that you have previously created with a SQL script), select the Use existing instance of
SQL Server option and choose the Microsoft SQL Server instance that hosts the database. In the
Database name field, specify the name of the database.
Provide credentials for the account that will be used by Veeam ONE components to access the database.
You can enter credentials explicitly or use Windows authentication credentials of the service account to
connect to the Microsoft SQL Server. For details on required permissions for the account, see Connection
to Microsoft SQL Server.

Veeam ONE Web UI Component

If you are installing the Veeam ONE Web UI component only, you must point to the existing Veeam ONE
database. This must be Veeam ONE 9.5 database (the one that was created when you installed the Veeam ONE
Server component, or the one that you created with a SQL script).

1. In the Specify Veeam ONE database SQL Server field, choose a Microsoft SQL Server instance that
hosts the existing Veeam ONE database. You can type the address of the preferred Microsoft SQL Server
manually or use the Browse button to choose among the available remote instances.

2. In the Database name field, specify the name of the existing database or use the Browse button to
choose the database from the list.

75 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

3. In the Connect to SQL Server using section, provide credentials for the account that will be used by
Veeam ONE components to access the database. You can specify credentials explicitly or use Windows
authentication to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server. For details on required permissions for the
account, see Veeam ONE Service Account.

Step 11. Specify Website Ports

At the Connection Information step of the wizard, specify connection settings for Veeam ONE Reporter and
Business View websites:

1. In the Reporter web site port field, type a number of the port that will be used to access the Veeam
ONE Reporter website through a web browser.
The default port number is 1239.

2. In the Business View web site port field, type a number of the port that will be used to access the
Veeam ONE Business View website through a web browser.
The default port number is 1340.

3. In the Use certificate list, choose a certificate that will be used to secure traffic between the Veeam
ONE Reporter and Business View websites and a web browser.
You can choose an existing certificate installed on the machine, or generate a new self-signed certificate.
If you generate or choose a self-signed certificate, you will need to configure a trusted connection
between the Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View websites and a web browser later. For details, see
Configuring Trusted Connection.

76 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 12. Choose Performance Cache Location
At the Performance Data Caching step of the wizard, choose a directory where the performance cache must
be located.

Performance cache is space on disk to which Veeam ONE stores real-time performance data, as this data is
collected. Performance data stored in cache is used for Veeam ONE Monitor dashboards and views. Disk-based
performance cache allows significantly decrease RAM utilization on the machine that runs the Veeam ONE Server

By default, the performance cache is stored to the C:\PerfCache folder. To store the cache to a different
folder, click Browse next to the Performance cache field and specify a path to the new folder.

When choosing a location for performance cache, consider the following recommendations:

 Make sure that the disk where the performance cache is located can quickly complete read and write
requests. Do not locate the cache remotely in networks with high latency values.

 For large monitoring environments, place the performance cache on an SSD local to the machine where
the Veeam ONE Server component runs. For small and medium monitoring environments, a HDD is
normally enough.

 Length of the performance cache folder path must not exceed the Windows Max Path Limitation value.
For details, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-

 Make sure there is enough disk space for performance cache. The cache is cleared on an hourly basis, as
new data is collected; however, in large monitoring environments it can take significant disk space. For
example, in the Advanced Scalability Deployment mode, during peak loads, the cache can take up to 6
GB disk space for each 1000 VMs.


Starting from Veeam ONE 9.5 Update 3, after installation, you can change the performance cache folder in the
Veeam ONE Settings utility. For details, see Veeam ONE Deployment Guide, section Monitor Settings.

77 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 13. Choose Virtual Infrastructure Type
At the Virtual Infrastructure Type step of the wizard, you can choose to connect a vCenter Sever or Hyper-V
infrastructure server (Failover Cluster, SCVMM, Hyper-V Server). To configure connection to a virtual
infrastructure server and initiate automatic data collection from this server, select the virtual infrastructure server
type and click Next.

If you do not want to configure connection settings during installation, you can skip this step and configure
access to virtual servers later in the Veeam ONE Monitor console. In this case, click Skip virtual infrastructure
configuration and click Next.


If you choose to configure connection settings, the Veeam ONE Setup wizard will include additional steps to
connect to a virtual infrastructure server and to a Veeam Backup & Replication server. If you choose to skip
infrastructure configuration, you will pass immediately to the Data Collection Type step.

Step 14. Add Virtual Infrastructure Server

This step of the wizard is available only if you have chosen to configure virtual infrastructure server connection
settings at the Virtual Infrastructure Type step of the wizard.

1. In the Server field, specify FQDN or IP address of the virtual infrastructure server you want to connect.

2. In the User name and Password fields, specify credentials of the account for connecting to the server.

3. In the Port field, change the port number if required.

78 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

The specified connection settings will be propagated to all Veeam ONE components so that they can
automatically connect and retrieve data from the virtual infrastructure server. For more details, see Default

Step 15. Add Veeam Backup & Replication Server

At the Add Veeam Backup & Replication Server step of the wizard, you can connect a Veeam Backup &
Replication server to initiate automatic data collection immediately after installation. This step of the wizard is
available only if you have chosen to configure virtual infrastructure server connection settings at the Virtual
Infrastructure Type step of the wizard.

1. In the Server type list, choose the backup server type — Veeam Backup & Replication or Veeam Backup
Enterprise Manager.

2. In the Server name field, specify FQDN or IP address of the backup server you want to connect.

3. In the User name and Password fields, specify credentials of the account for connecting to the server.

The specified connection settings will be propagated to all Veeam ONE components so that they can
automatically connect and retrieve data from the backup server. For more details, see Default Configuration.

If you do not want to configure connection settings for backup servers during installation, you can skip this step
and configure connection settings later in the Veeam ONE Monitor console. In this case, select Configure
connection settings later and click Next.

79 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 16. Choose Data Collection Mode
At the Data Collection Mode step of the wizard, choose the mode of collecting data from virtual infrastructure
and Veeam Backup & Replication servers.

Data collection mode determines what metrics Veeam ONE will collect, and specifies the product configuration in
a number of areas. Choosing an appropriate data collection mode allows you to optimize monitoring and
reporting performance and improve user experience in Veeam ONE. To learn the difference between the data
collection modes, see Appendix B. Data Collection Modes.

Typical and Advanced Scalability Deployment

The Typical Deployment and Advanced Scalability Deployment modes are recommended for users who want to
monitor and report on both the virtual environment and Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure.

 Optimized for Typical Deployment mode is recommended for small to medium environments up to
100 hosts and 1500 VMs. In this mode, Veeam ONE collects all inventory, configuration and performance
metrics, and makes collected data available in dashboards, reports and alarms.
This mode provides the greatest data granularity level, but results in a greater load on the Veeam ONE
server and a larger size of Veeam ONE database.

 Optimized for Advanced Scalability Deployment mode is recommended for large environments
with more than 100 hosts and 1500 VMs. In this mode, Veeam ONE collects all metrics required for
alarms and reports.
This mode provides a lesser data granularity level than the Typical Deployment mode, and results in a
lower load on the Veeam ONE server and a smaller size of the Veeam ONE database.

Backup Data Only

The Backup Data Only mode is recommended for users who want to focus on Veeam Backup & Replication
monitoring and reporting, and do not need a deep visibility of the virtual infrastructure.

In this mode, Veeam ONE collects all inventory, configuration and performance metrics from Veeam Backup &
Replication servers. It also collects inventory and configuration metrics from virtual infrastructure servers, but
skips virtual infrastructure performance metrics. As a result, Veeam ONE dashboards, reports and alarms display
backup-related data only; for VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V objects, performance data is not available.

This mode results in the least possible size of the Veeam ONE database and the lowest load on the Veeam ONE

80 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 17. Review Installation Summary
At the Ready to Install step of the wizard, review installation configuration to ensure that you have provided
correct settings. Click Install to begin the installation.

When the installation completes, click Finish to close the wizard.

Step 18. Add Veeam ONE Service Account to

Veeam ONE Administrators Group
When Veeam ONE installation completes, the installer will prompt you to perform the logoff/logon procedure to
create new user groups that will be used to accommodate user accounts for accessing Veeam ONE locally and

Check that the Veeam ONE service account is included in the Veeam ONE Administrators user group on the
machines where the Veeam ONE Server and Veeam ONE Web UI components are installed. If this account is not
a member of the Veeam ONE Administrators user group, add it to the group manually.

To learn more about Veeam ONE user groups, see Security Groups.

Step 19. Install Veeam ONE Monitor Client

After you have installed the Veeam ONE Server and Veeam ONE Web UI components, you also need to install
one or several instances of Veeam ONE Monitor Client. Otherwise, you will not be able to access Veeam ONE
Monitor. For details on the Veeam ONE Monitor Client installation procedure, see Installing Veeam ONE Monitor

Step 20. Apply Available Updates

We recommend that you periodically check for Veeam ONE updates and install them as available. You can
download product updates at https://www.veeam.com/updates.html.

81 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Installing Veeam ONE Monitor Client
Veeam ONE Monitor Client is the client part that allows users to access Veeam ONE Monitor functionality and
work with alarms, dashboards and performance charts.

 In the course of typical installation, Veeam ONE Monitor Client is installed with other Veeam ONE
components. If you want to provide remote access Veeam ONE Monitor functionality, you can install
additional instances of Veeam ONE Monitor Client on users' workstations.

 In the course of advanced installation, Veeam ONE Monitor Client is not installed at all. To be able to
access Veeam ONE Monitor functionality, you need to install one or more instances of Veeam ONE
Monitor Client.


Before installing Veeam ONE Monitor Client, make sure that you have already installed the Veeam ONE Server

To install Veeam ONE Monitor Client, follow these steps.

Step 1. Obtain the Installation File

Download the Veeam ONE installation image file at https://www.veeam.com/downloads.html.

Step 2. Insert Disk or Mount Image File

Burn the downloaded ISO image file to a CD/DVD or mount the installation image using disk image emulation
software. If you are installing Veeam ONE on a VM, use built-in tools of the virtualization management software
to mount the installation image to the VM.

Step 3. Launch the Splash Window

After you mount or insert the disk with Veeam ONE installation image, Autorun will open a splash screen with
installation options. On the splash window, click Veeam ONE Monitor Client on the right to launch the Veeam
ONE Setup wizard.

82 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

If Autorun is disabled, run the Setup.exe file from the installation image. Alternatively, you can right-click the
new disk in My Computer and select Execute Veeam ONE Autorun.


The installer will verify what version of .NET Framework is currently present on the machine. If the required
version is not found, the installer will prompt to automatically install .NET Framework software that is included
with the Veeam ONE installer. After the completion of .NET Framework installation, Veeam ONE installation
will proceed.

Step 4. Accept License Agreement

At the License Agreement step of the wizard, read and accept the license agreement. If you select I do not
accept the terms in the license agreement, you will not be able to continue the installation.

83 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 5. Choose Components to Install
At the Program Features step of the wizard, you can change the installation directory.

Step 6. Perform System Configuration Check

Before proceeding with the installation, the installer will perform system configuration check to determine if all
prerequisite software is available on the machine. To learn what software is required for Veeam ONE installation,
see System Requirements.

If some of the required software components are missing, the setup wizard will offer you to install the missing
software components and enable missing features automatically.

84 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

To install the missing software components and enable missing features automatically, click the Install button.

You can cancel automatic software installation. In this case, you will need to install the missing software
components and enable missing features manually (otherwise, you will not be able to proceed to the next step of
the setup wizard). After you install and enable all required software components, click Re-run to repeat the
system configuration check.

Step 7. Specify Veeam ONE Server Name

At the Veeam ONE Server Connection step of the wizard, specify the name of a machine where the Veeam
ONE Server component is installed.

You can skip this step. In this case, you will be prompted to specify Veeam ONE Server name when you launch
Veeam ONE Monitor for the first time.

85 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 8. Review Installation Summary
At the Ready to Install step of the wizard, carefully review installation configuration to ensure that you
specified correct settings. Click Install to begin the installation process.

When the installation completes, click Finish to close the wizard.

Step 9. Check Veeam ONE Monitor Client

If Veeam ONE Monitor Client is installed separately from the Veeam ONE Server component, make sure that
Veeam ONE Monitor Client can communicate with the Veeam ONE Server part.

On the machine where you installed Veeam ONE Monitor Client, start the Veeam ONE Monitor console. If during
installation you did not specify the name of a machine where Veeam ONE Server runs, you will be prompted to
provide the server name. If, for some reasons, you cannot see a window prompting for the Veeam ONE Server
name, in Veeam ONE Monitor menu select Options > Client Settings > General, and specify the name of a
machine hosting Veeam ONE Server.

86 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Installing Veeam ONE in Unattended Mode
You can install Veeam ONE in the unattended mode using the command line interface. The unattended
installation mode does not require user interaction. You can use it to automate the installation process in large

Before You Begin

Before you start unattended installation, make sure that you perform the following steps:

1. Download the Veeam ONE installation image from the Veeam website. You can burn the downloaded
image to a CD/DVD or mount the image to the target machine using disk image emulation software.

2. Check the system requirements. For more information, see System Requirements.

3. Log on to the target machine under the account that has the Local Administrator permissions on the
machine. For more information, see Permissions.

4. Obtain a license file. If you do not specify a path to the license file during installation, Veeam ONE will
operate in the free functionality mode.

87 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Installation Command-Line Syntax
You can install the following Veeam ONE components in the unattended mode:

• Veeam ONE Monitor Server

• Veeam ONE Reporter Server

• Veeam ONE Reporter Web UI

• Veeam ONE Business View

• Veeam ONE Monitor Client


You must install server components first to create Veeam ONE database. Installation of UI components
(Business View, Reporter Web UI, and Monitor Client) requires reference to an existing database.

88 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Monitor Server
To install Veeam ONE Monitor server, use a command with the following syntax:

msiexec.exe [/L*v "<path_to_log>"] /qn /i "<path_to_msi>"

[VM_MN_CACHE="<path_to_cache_folder>"] [VO_INSTALLATION_TYPE="0"]
[VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE="0"] [VM_VC_HOST="<virtual_host_name>"]
[VM_VC_PORT="<port_number>"] [VM_VC_HOST_USER="<virtual_host_username>"]
[VM_VC_HOST_PWD="<virtual_host_auth_password>"] [VM_HV_TYPE="0"]

The command has the following parameters:

Option Parameter Required Description

/L *v logfile No Creates an installation log file with the verbose output.

Specify an existing path to the log file as the parameter

value. A setup log file created during the previous
installation is cleared.

Example: /L*v

/q n Yes Sets the user interface level to “no”, which means no user
interaction is needed during installation.

/i setup file Yes Installs Veeam ONE Monitor server. Specify a full path to
the setup file as the parameter value.

Example: /i

VM_MN_SERVICEACCO user Yes Specifies a user account under which the Veeam ONE
UNT Services will run and that will be used to access Veeam
ONE database in the Microsoft Windows authentication


VM_MN_SERVICEPASS password Yes This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a password for the account under which the

Veeam ONE Services will run and that will be used to
access Veeam ONE database.

Example: VM_MN_SERVICEPASSWORD="p@ssw0rd"

89 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Option Parameter Required Description

VM_MN_SQL_SERVER SQL server\instance No Specifies a Microsoft SQL server and instance on which the
Veeam ONE database will be deployed. By default, Veeam
ONE uses the LOCALHOST\VEEAMSQL2012 server.


VM_MN_SQL_DATABAS database No Specifies a name of the Veeam ONE database, by default,

E VeeamOne.

Example: VM_MN_SQL_DATABASE="VeeamOneDB"

VM_MN_SQL_AUTHEN 0/1 No Specifies if you want to use the Microsoft SQL Server
TICATION authentication mode to connect to the Microsoft SQL
Server where the Veeam ONE database is deployed.
Specify 1 to use the SQL Server authentication mode. If
you do not use this parameter, Veeam ONE will connect to
the Microsoft SQL Server in the Microsoft Windows
authentication mode (default value, 0).

Together with this parameter, you must specify the

following parameters: VM_MN_SQL_USER and


VM_MN_SQL_USER user No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a LoginID to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server

in the SQL Server authentication mode.

Example: VM_MN_SQL_USER="sa"

VM_MN_SQL_PASSWO password No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a password to connect to the Microsoft SQL

Server in the SQL Server authentication mode.

Example: VM_MN_SQL_PASSWORD="p@ssw0rd"

EDITLICFILEPATH license path No Specifies a full path to the license file. If this parameter is
not specified, Veeam ONE Free Edition will be installed.


VM_MN_CACHE path No Specifies a path to the folder where Performance Cache

will be stored.

If you do not use this parameter, the performance cache

will be stored to the C:\PerfCache folder (default).

Example: VM_MN_CACHE="D:\Veeam\PerfCache"

90 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Option Parameter Required Description

VO_INSTALLATION_TY 0, 1 or 2 No Specifies the mode in which Veeam ONE will collect data
PE from virtual infrastructure and Veeam Backup &
Replication servers. Specify 1 to use the Optimized for
Advanced Scalability Deployment mode. Specify 2 to
use The Backup Data Only mode. If you do not use this
parameter, Veeam ONE will collect data in the Optimized
for Typical Deployment mode (default value, 0). For
details, see Choose Data Collection Mode.


VM_VC_SELECTED_TY 0, 1 or 2 No Specifies the type of object to add into Veeam ONE

PE configuration. Specify 0 to add VMware vCenter Server
or ESXi Host. Specify 1 to add Microsoft Hyper-V Host,
Failover Cluster or SCVMM Server. If you do not use
this parameter, Veeam ONE will skip the virtual
infrastructure configuration (default value, 2).


VM_HV_TYPE 0, 1 or 2 No This parameter can be used if you have specified 1 for the

Specifies the role of the virtual infrastructure server.

Specify 1 to add Failover Cluster. Specify 2 to add
standalone Hyper-V Host. If you do not use this
parameter, Veeam ONE will add SCVMM Server (default
value, 0).

Example: VM_HV_TYPE="2"

VM_VC_HOST host name or address No This parameter must be used if you have specified 0 or 1
for the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies FQDN or IP address of the virtual infrastructure

server you want to connect.

Example: VM_VC_HOST="vcenter01.tech.local"

VM_VC_PORT host port No This parameter must be used if you have specified 0 or 1
for the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies the port number of the virtual infrastructure

server you want to connect.

Example: VM_VC_PORT="443"

VM_VC_HOST_USER user No This parameter must be used if you have specified 0 or 1

for the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies a user account to connect to the virtual

infrastructure server.

Example: VM_VC_HOST_USER="tech\administrator"

91 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Option Parameter Required Description

VM_VC_HOST_PWD password No This parameter must be used if you have specified 0 or 1

for the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies a password for the account to connect to the

virtual infrastructure server.

Example: VM_VC_HOST_PWD="p@ssw0rd"

VM_BACKUP_ADD_LAT 1 No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for

ER the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies if you want to postpone adding Veeam Backup &

Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Server.
Specify 1 to add Veeam Backup & Replication or Veeam
Backup Enterprise Manager server later. If you do not use
this parameter, you must add Veeam Backup &
Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager (default
value, 0).


VM_BACKUP_ADD_TYP 0/1 No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for
E the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter and have not

Specifies the role of Veeam Backup & Replication server to

add. Specify 0 to add Veeam Backup & Replication server.
Specify 1 to add Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager.


VM_BACKUP_ADD_NA host name or address No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for
ME the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter and have not

Specifies FQDN or IP address of the Veeam Backup &

Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager server
you want to connect.

Example: VM_BACKUP_ADD_NAME="backup01.tech.local"

VM_BACKUP_ADD_USE user No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for
R the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter and have not

Specifies a user account to connect to Veeam Backup &

Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager server.


VM_BACKUP_ADD_PW password No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for
D the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter and have not

Specifies a password for the account to connect to Veeam

Backup & Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise
Manager server.

Example: VM_BACKUP_ADD_PWD="p@ssw0rd"

92 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Suppose you want to install Monitor with the following configuration:

• Installation log location: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\MonitorServerSetup.txt

• No user interaction

• Path to the MSI file: C:\Veeam\Monitor\veeam_monitor_srv_x64.msi

• Service user account: ONESERVER\Administrator

• Service user account password: p@ssw0rd

• License file location: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\veeam_one_subscription_100_100.lic

• Path to Performance Cache folder: D:\Veeam\PerfCache

• SQL Server instance and database name: default

• Data collection mode: Optimized for Typical Deployment

• Virtual infrastructure server: VMware vSphere

• Virtual infrastructure server address: vcenter01.tech.local

• Virtual infrastructure server port: 443

• Virtual infrastructure server user: tech\administrator

• Virtual infrastructure server authorization password: p@ssw0rd

• Add Veeam Backup & Replication server: add later

The command to install Monitor server with such configuration will have the following parameters:

msiexec.exe /L*v
"C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\MonitorServerSetup.txt" /qn /i
0_100.lic" VM_MN_CACHE="D:\Veeam\PerfCache" VO_INSTALLATION_TYPE="0"
VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE="0" VM_VC_HOST="vcenter01.tech.local"
VM_VC_PORT="443" VM_VC_HOST_USER="tech\administrator"

93 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Reporter Server
To install Veeam ONE Reporter server, use a command with the following syntax:

msiexec.exe [/L*v "<path_to_log>"] /qn /i "<path_to_msi>"

[EDITLICFILEPATH="<path_to_license_file>"] [VO_INSTALLATION_TYPE="0"]
[VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE="0"] [VM_RP_VC_HOST="<virtual_host_name>"]
[VM_RP_VC_PORT="<port_number>"] [VM_RP_VC_USER="<virtual_host_username>"]
[VM_RP_VC_PWD="<virtual_host_auth_password>"] [VM_HV_TYPE="0"]

The command has the following parameters:

Option Parameter Required Description

/L *v logfile No Creates an installation log file with the verbose output.

Specify an existing path to the log file as the parameter

value. A setup log file created during the previous
installation is cleared.

Example: /L*v

/q n Yes Sets the user interface level to “no”, which means no user
interaction is needed during installation.

/i setup file Yes Installs Veeam ONE Reporting Server. Specify a full path
to the setup file as the parameter value.

Example: /i

VM_RP_SERVICEACCO user Yes Specifies a user account under which the Veeam ONE
UNT Services will run and that will be used to access Veeam
ONE database in the Microsoft Windows authentication


VM_RP_SERVICEPASS password Yes This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a password for the account under which the

Veeam ONE Services will run and that will be used to
access Veeam ONE database.

Example: VM_RP_SERVICEPASSWORD="p@ssw0rd"

94 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Option Parameter Required Description

VM_RP_SQL_SERVER SQL server\instance No Specifies a Microsoft SQL server and instance on which the
Veeam ONE database will be deployed. By default, Veeam
ONE uses the LOCALHOST\VEEAMSQL2012 server.


VM_RP_SQL_DATABAS database No Specifies a name of the Veeam ONE database, by default,

E VeeamOne.

Example: VM_RP_SQL_DATABASE="VeeamOneDB"

VM_RP_SQL_AUTHENT 0/1 No Specifies if you want to use the Microsoft SQL Server
ICATION authentication mode to connect to the Microsoft SQL
Server where the Veeam ONE database is deployed.
Specify 1 to use the SQL Server authentication mode. If
you do not use this parameter, Veeam ONE Reporter will
connect to the Microsoft SQL Server in the Microsoft
Windows authentication mode (default value, 0).

Together with this parameter, you must specify the

following parameters: VM_RP_SQL_USER and


VM_RP_SQL_USER user No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a LoginID to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server

in the SQL Server authentication mode.

Example: VM_RP_SQL_USER="sa"

VM_RP_SQL_PASSWOR password No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a password to connect to the Microsoft SQL

Server in the SQL Server authentication mode.

Example: VM_RP_SQL_PASSWORD="p@ssw0rd"

EDITLICFILEPATH license path No Specifies a full path to the license file. If this parameter is
not specified, Veeam ONE Free Edition will be installed.


VO_INSTALLATION_TY 0, 1 or 2 No Specifies the mode in which Veeam ONE will collect data
PE from virtual infrastructure and Veeam Backup &
Replication servers. Specify 1 to use the Optimized for
Advanced Scalability Deployment mode. Specify 2 to
use The Backup Data Only mode. If you do not use this
parameter, Veeam ONE will collect data in the Optimized
for Typical Deployment mode (default value, 0). For
details, see Choose Data Collection Mode.


95 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Option Parameter Required Description

VM_VC_SELECTED_TY 0, 1 or 2 No Specifies the type of object to add into Veeam ONE

PE configuration. Specify 0 to add VMware vCenter Server
or ESXi Host. Specify 1 to add Microsoft Hyper-V Host,
Failover Cluster or SCVMM Server. If you do not use
this parameter, Veeam ONE will skip the virtual
infrastructure configuration (default value, 2).


VM_HV_TYPE 0, 1 or 2 No This parameter can be used if you have specified 1 for the

Specifies the role of the virtual infrastructure server.

Specify 1 to add Failover Cluster. Specify 2 to add
standalone Hyper-V Host. If you do not use this
parameter, Veeam ONE will add SCVMM Server (default
value, 0).

Example: VM_HV_TYPE="2"

VM_RP_VC_HOST host name or address No This parameter must be used if you have specified 0 or 1
for the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies FQDN or IP address of the virtual infrastructure

server you want to connect.

Example: VM_RP_VC_HOST="vcenter01.tech.local"

VM_RP_VC_PORT host port No This parameter must be used if you have specified 0 or 1
for the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies the port number of the virtual infrastructure

server you want to connect.

Example: VM_RP_VC_PORT="443"

VM_RP_VC_USER user No This parameter must be used if you have specified 0 or 1

for the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies a user account to connect to the virtual

infrastructure server.

Example: VM_RP_VC_USER="tech\administrator"

VM_RP_VC_PWD password No This parameter must be used if you have specified 0 or 1

for the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies a password for the account to connect to the

virtual infrastructure server.

Example: VM_RP_VC_PWD="p@ssw0rd"

96 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Option Parameter Required Description

VM_BACKUP_ADD_LAT 1 No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for

ER the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter.

Specifies if you want to postpone adding Veeam Backup &

Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Server.
Specify 1 to add Veeam Backup & Replication or Veeam
Backup Enterprise Manager server later. If you do not use
this parameter, you must add Veeam Backup &
Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager (default
value, 0).


VM_BACKUP_ADD_TYP 0/1 No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for
E the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter and have not

Specifies the role of Veeam Backup & Replication server to

add. Specify 0 to add Veeam Backup & Replication server.
Specify 1 to add Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager.


VM_BACKUP_ADD_NA host name or address No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for
ME the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter and have not

Specifies FQDN or IP address of the Veeam Backup &

Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager server
you want to connect.

Example: VM_BACKUP_ADD_NAME="backup01.tech.local"

VM_BACKUP_ADD_USE user No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for
R the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter and have not

Specifies a user account to connect to Veeam Backup &

Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager server.


VM_BACKUP_ADD_PW password No This parameter can be used if you have specified 0 or 1 for
D the VM_VC_SELECTED_TYPE parameter and have not

Specifies a password for the account to connect to Veeam

Backup & Replication or Veeam Backup Enterprise
Manager server.

Example: VM_BACKUP_ADD_PWD="p@ssw0rd"

97 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Suppose you want to install Reporter server with the following configuration:

• Installation log location: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\ReporterServerSetup.txt

• No user interaction

• Path to the MSI file: C:\Veeam\Reporter\VeeamONEReporterSvc_x64.msi

• Service user account: ONESERVER\Administrator

• Service user account password: p@ssw0rd

• SQL Server instance and database name: default

• License file location: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\veeam_one_subscription_100_100.lic

• Data collection mode: Optimized for Typical Deployment

• Virtual infrastructure server: VMware vSphere

• Virtual infrastructure server address: vcenter01.tech.local

• Virtual infrastructure server port: 443

• Virtual infrastructure server user: tech\administrator

• Virtual infrastructure server authorization password: p@ssw0rd

• Backup server type: Veeam Backup & Replication

• Veeam Backup & Replication server name: backup01.tech.local

• Veeam Backup & Replication server user: backup01\administrator

• Veeam Backup & Replication server authorization password: p@ssw0rd

The command to install Reporter server with such configuration will have the following parameters:

msiexec.exe /L*v
"C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\ReporterServerSetup.txt" /qn /i
VM_RP_VC_HOST="vcenter01.tech.local" VM_RP_VC_PORT="443"
VM_RP_VC_USER="tech\administrator" VM_RP_VC_PWD="p@ssw0rd"
VM_BACKUP_ADD_USER="tech\john.smith" VM_BACKUP_ADD_PWD="p@ssw0rd"

98 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Reporter Web UI
To install Veeam ONE Reporter Web UI, use a command with the following syntax:

msiexec.exe [/L*v "<path_to_log>"] /qn /i "<path_to_msi>"

[RP_THUMBPRINT="reporter_site_certificate"] [VO_INSTALLATION_TYPE="0"]

The command has the following parameters:

Option Parameter Required Description

/L *v logfile No Creates an installation log file with the verbose output.

Specify an existing path to the log file as the parameter

value. A setup log file created during the previous
installation is cleared.

Example: /L*v

/q n Yes Sets the user interface level to “no”, which means no user
interaction is needed during installation.

/i setup file Yes Installs Reporter Web UI. Specify a full path to the setup
file as the parameter value.

Example: /i

VM_RP_SERVICEACCO user No Specifies a user account that will be used to access Veeam
UNT ONE database from the Web UI in the Microsoft Windows
authentication mode.


VM_RP_SERVICEPASS password No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a password for the account that will be used to

access Veeam ONE database from the Web UI.

Example: VM_RP_SERVICEPASSWORD="p@ssw0rd"

VM_RP_SQL_SERVER SQL server\instance No Specifies a Microsoft SQL server and instance on which the
Veeam ONE database is deployed. By default, Veeam ONE
uses the LOCALHOST\VEEAMSQL2012 server.


99 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Option Parameter Required Description

VM_RP_SQL_DATABAS database No Specifies a name of the Veeam ONE database, by default,

E VeeamOne.

Example: VM_RP_SQL_DATABASE="VeeamOneDB"

VM_RP_SQL_AUTHENT 0/1 No Specifies if you want to use the Microsoft SQL Server
ICATION authentication mode to connect to the Microsoft SQL
Server where the Veeam ONE database is deployed.
Specify 1 to use the SQL Server authentication mode. If
you do not use this parameter, Veeam ONE Reporter will
connect to the Microsoft SQL Server in the Microsoft
Windows authentication mode (default value, 0).

Together with this parameter, you must specify the

following parameters: VM_RP_SQL_USER and


VM_RP_SQL_USER user No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a LoginID to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server

in the SQL Server authentication mode.

Example: VM_RP_SQL_USER="sa"

VM_RP_SQL_PASSWOR password No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a password to connect to the Microsoft SQL

Server in the SQL Server authentication mode.

Example: VM_RP_SQL_PASSWORD="p@ssw0rd"

VM_RP_IIS_SITE_POR port No Specifies a port that will be used by the Reporter website.
T By default, port number 1239 is used.

Example: VM_RP_IIS_SITE_PORT="1239"

RP_THUMBPRINT hash No Specifies the certificate to be used by the Reporter

website. If this parameter is not specified, a new
certificate will be generated by openssl.exe.


VO_INSTALLATION_TY 0, 1 or 2 No Specifies the mode in which Veeam ONE will collect data
PE from virtual infrastructure and Veeam Backup &
Replication servers. Specify 1 to use the Optimized for
Advanced Scalability Deployment mode. Specify 2 to
use The Backup Data Only mode. If you do not use this
parameter, Veeam ONE will collect data in the Optimized
for Typical Deployment mode (default value, 0). For
details, see Choose Data Collection Mode.


100 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Suppose you want to install Reporter Web UI with the following configuration:

• Installation log location: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\ReporterWEBSetup.txt

• No user interaction

• Path to the MSI file: C:\Veeam\Reporter\VeeamONEReporterWeb_x64.msi

• Service user account: ONESERVER\Administrator

• Service user account password: p@ssw0rd

• SQL Server instance and database name: default

• Reporter website port: default

• Reporter website certificate: generate new

• Data collection mode: Optimized for Typical Deployment

The command to install Reporter Web UI with such configuration will have the following parameters:

msiexec.exe /L*v
"C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\ReporterWEBSetup.txt" /qn /i

101 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Business View
To install Veeam ONE Business View, use a command with the following syntax:

msiexec.exe [/L*v "<path_to_log>"] /qn /i "<path_to_msi>"

[BV_WEB_SITE_PORT="<bv_site_port>"] [BV_THUMBPRINT="bv_site_certificate"]

The command has the following parameters:

Option Parameter Required Description

/L *v logfile No Creates an installation log file with the verbose output.

Specify an existing path to the log file as the parameter

value. A setup log file created during the previous
installation is cleared.

Example: /L*v

/q n Yes Sets the user interface level to “no”, which means no user
interaction is needed during installation.

/i setup file Yes Installs Business View. Specify a full path to the setup file
as the parameter value.

Example: /i “C:\Veeam\BusinessView\BV_x64.msi”

BV_SERVICE_USER user No Specifies a user account that will be used to access Veeam
ONE database from the Web UI in the Microsoft Windows
authentication mode.

Example: BV_SERVICE_USER="ONESERVER\Administrator"

BV_SERVICE_PASSWO password No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a password for the account that will be used to

access Veeam ONE database from the Web UI.

Example: BV_SERVICE_PASSWORD="p@ssw0rd"

BV_SQLINSTANCENAM SQL server\instance No Specifies a Microsoft SQL server and instance on which the
E Veeam ONE database will be deployed. By default, Veeam
ONE uses the LOCALHOST\VEEAMSQL2012 server.


102 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Option Parameter Required Description

BV_SQLSERVER_DATA database No Specifies a name of the Veeam ONE database, by default,

BASE VeeamOne.


BV_SQLSERVER_AUTH 0/1 No Specifies if you want to use the Microsoft SQL Server
ENTICATION authentication mode to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server
where the Veeam ONE database is deployed. Specify 1 to
use the SQL Server authentication mode. If you do not use
this parameter, Business View will connect to the Microsoft
SQL Server in the Microsoft Windows authentication mode
(default value, 0).

Together with this parameter, you must specify the

following parameters: BV_SQLSERVER_USERNAME and


BV_SQLSERVER_USER user No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a LoginID to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server

in the SQL Server authentication mode.


BV_SQLSERVER_PASS password No This parameter must be used if you have specified the

Specifies a password to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server

in the SQL Server authentication mode.

Example: BV_SQLSERVER_PASSWORD="p@ssw0rd"

BV_WEB_SITE_PORT port No Specifies a port that will be used by the Business View
website. By default, port number 1340 is used.

Example: BV_WEB_SITE_PORT="1340"

BV_THUMBPRINT hash No Specifies the certificate to be used by the Business View

website. If this parameter is not specified, a new certificate
will be generated by openssl.exe.


VO_INSTALLATION_TY 0, 1 or 2 No Specifies the mode in which Veeam ONE will collect data
PE from virtual infrastructure and Veeam Backup & Replication
servers. Specify 1 to use the Optimized for Advanced
Scalability Deployment mode. Specify 2 to use The
Backup Data Only mode. If you do not use this
parameter, Veeam ONE will collect data in the Optimized
for Typical Deployment mode (default value, 0). For details,
see Choose Data Collection Mode.


103 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Suppose you want to install Business View with the following configuration:

• Installation log location: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\BuisinessViewSetup.txt

• No user interaction

• Path to the MSI file: C:\Veeam\BusinessView\BV_x64.msi

• Service user account: ONESERVER\Administrator

• Service user account password: p@ssw0rd

• SQL Server instance and database name: default

• Reporter website port: default

• Reporter website certificate: generate new

• Data collection mode: Optimized for Typical Deployment

The command to install Business View with such configuration will have the following parameters:

msiexec.exe /L*v
"C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\BuisinessViewSetup.txt" /qn /i

104 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Monitor Client
To install Veeam ONE Monitor client, use a command with the following syntax:

msiexec.exe [/L*v "<path_to_log>"] /qn /i "<path_to_msi>"


The command has the following parameters:

Option Parameter Required Description

/L *v logfile No Creates an installation log file with the verbose


Specify an existing path to the log file as the

parameter value. A setup log file created during
the previous installation is cleared.

Example: /L*v

/q n Yes Sets the user interface level to “no”, which

means no user interaction is needed during

/i setup file Yes Installs Veeam ONE Monitor Client. Specify a full
path to the setup file as the parameter value.

Example: /i

VM_CLN_SERVER_NAM server name or address No Specifies FQDN or IP address of the server

E where Veeam ONE Monitor is deployed.


Suppose you want to install Monitor Client with the following configuration:

• Installation log location: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\MonitorClientSetup.txt

• No user interaction

• Path to the MSI file: C:\Veeam\Monitor\veeam_monitor_cln_x64.msi

• Veeam ONE Monitor server: oneserver.tech.local

The command to install Monitor Client with such configuration will have the following parameters:

105 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

msiexec.exe /L*v
"C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\MonitorClientSetup.txt" /qn /i

106 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Installing Updates in Unattanded Mode
Veeam ONE Updates can be installed in the unattended mode.

To install a Veeam ONE Update, perform the following steps:

1. Download the Update installation archive.

2. Install the Update on the Veeam ONE server.

Step 2 is performed in the unattended mode.

Step 1. Download Update Installation Archive

1. Download the installation archive for the Veeam ONE Update from

2. Extract the executable file from the downloaded archive.

3. Save the extracted file locally on the backup server where you plan to install the update, or place it in a
network shared folder.

Step 2. Install Update

To install the Veeam ONE Update, use the following command syntax:

%patch% [/silent] [/noreboot]


The command has the following parameters:

Option Parameter Required Description

%patch% path Yes Specifies a path to the Update installation file on the
Veeam ONE server or in a network shared folder.

silent — Yes Sets the user interface level to “no”, which means no
user interaction is needed during installation.

noreboot — No Suppresses reboot if reboot is required during the

Veeam ONE Update installation.

VM_ONE_SERVICEPAS password No This parameter must be used if you update Veeam ONE
SWORD services.

Specifies a password for the service account under

which the Veeam ONE services run and that is used to
access Veeam ONE database.

Example: VM_ONE_SERVICEPASSWORD="p@ssw0rd"

107 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

108 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27
Suppose you want to install the Veeam ONE Update with the following options:

• Path to the Update installation file: C:\Temp\VeeamONE_9.5.0.3801_Update3.exe

• Silent install: enabled

• Noreboot: enabled

• Service password: p@ssw0rd

The command to install the Veeam ONE Update will be the following:

C:\Temp\VeeamONE_9.5.0.3801_Update3.exe /silent /noreboot


109 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Accessing Veeam ONE Monitor,
Reporter and Business View
To access Veeam ONE Monitor, Reporter and Business View, take the following steps.

Veeam ONE Monitor

To access Veeam ONE Monitor:

1. Log on to the machine where Veeam ONE Monitor Client is installed.

2. In Microsoft Windows Programs menu, choose Veeam ONE Monitor.

3. In the authentication window, specify the name of a server where the Veeam ONE Server component
runs. Type credentials of a user account under which you want to connect to Veeam ONE Monitor. To
connect using credentials of a Windows user account under which you are logged on to the machine,
select the Use Windows session authentication check box.
The user account must either:

 Be a member of the Veeam ONE Administrators or Veeam ONE Read-Only Users group. For
more information on user groups, see Security Groups.
This prerequisite applies to VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V platforms.

 Have permissions assigned on objects in the vCenter Server or vCloud Director inventory
hierarchy. For details, see Veeam ONE Multi-Tenant Monitoring and Reporting.
This prerequisite applies to the VMware vSphere platform only.

4. Click Connect.

Other Ways to Access Veeam ONE Monitor

To speed up the time it takes to access Veeam ONE Monitor, you can launch it without the necessity to specify
user credentials in the authentication window.

 To launch Veeam ONE Monitor under the account of a user that is currently logged to the machine, in
the command shell call the Monitor.exe file residing in the installation directory with the
/currentuser parameter. For example:
"C:\Program Files\Veeam\Veeam ONE\Veeam ONE Monitor Client\Monitor.exe"

 To launch Veeam ONE Monitor with explicit user credentials, in the command shell call the
Monitor.exe file residing in the installation directory with the /username and /password
parameters. For example:
"C:\Program Files\Veeam\Veeam ONE\Veeam ONE Monitor Client\Monitor.exe"
/username tech\john.smith /password PaSSw0rd

You can save this type of commands as a Windows shortcut and use it to access Veeam ONE Monitor.

110 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Veeam ONE Reporter
To access Veeam ONE Reporter:

1. Open the Veeam ONE Reporter website using one of the following options:

 Access Veeam ONE Reporter from the Veeam ONE Monitor console. To do this, on the toolbar
click Report and choose the necessary report in the list.

 Access Veeam ONE Reporter locally, on the machine where the Veeam ONE Web UI component
is installed. To do this, in Microsoft Windows Programs menu choose Veeam ONE Reporter.

 Access Veeam ONE Reporter remotely using your web browser. To do this, browse to the URL
of the Veeam ONE Reporter website. This website runs on the machine where the Veeam ONE
Web UI component is installed. The URL must look similar to the following one (assuming you
use the default website port 1239):

Note that Veeam ONE Reporter is available over HTTPS.

2. Type credentials of a user account under which you want to connect to Veeam ONE Reporter.
The user account must either:

 Be a member of the Veeam ONE Administrators or Veeam ONE Read-Only Users group. For
more information on user groups, see Security Groups.
This prerequisite applies to VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V platforms.

 Have permissions assigned on objects in the vCenter Server or vCloud Director inventory
hierarchy. For details, see Veeam ONE Multi-Tenant Monitoring and Reporting.
This prerequisite applies to the VMware vSphere platform only.
[For Internet Explorer] To connect using credentials of a Windows user account under which you are
logged on to the machine, select the Use Windows session authentication check box.

3. If you log in for the first time, configure your browser settings:

 Make sure that pop-up windows are allowed for the Veeam ONE Reporter website.

 [For Internet Explorer] Add the Veeam ONE Reporter website to the list of ‘Trusted sites’.

111 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Veeam ONE Business View
To access Veeam ONE Business View:

1. Open the Veeam ONE Business View website using one of the following options:

 Access Veeam ONE Business View locally, on the machine where the Veeam ONE Web UI
component is installed. To do this, in Microsoft Windows Programs menu choose Veeam ONE
Business View.

 Access Veeam ONE Business View remotely using your web browser. To do this, browse to the
URL of the Veeam ONE Business View website. This website runs on the machine where the
Veeam ONE Web UI component is installed. The URL must look similar to the following one
(assuming you use the default website port 1340):

Note that Veeam ONE Business View is available over HTTPS.

2. Type credentials of a user account under which you want to connect to Veeam ONE Business View.
The account must be a member of the Veeam ONE Administrators or Veeam ONE Read-Only Users
group. For more information on user groups, see Security Groups.
[For Internet Explorer] To connect using credentials of a Windows user account under which you are
logged on to the machine, select the Use Windows session authentication check box.

3. [For Internet Explorer users] If you log in for the first time, add the Veeam ONE Business View website
to the list of ‘Trusted sites’.

112 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Configuring Trusted Connection
Veeam ONE uses TLS to ensure secure data communication between Veeam ONE Reporter and Veeam ONE
Business View websites and a web browser.

When you install Veeam ONE, you can generate or choose a self-signed certificate. In this case, when you try to
access Veeam ONE Reporter or Veeam ONE Business View from a remote machine, the browser will display a
warning notifying that the connection is untrusted (although it is secured with TLS).

To eliminate the warning, import the self-signed certificate to client machines (the machines from which you plan
to access the Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View websites).

For details on importing TLS certificates, see this Microsoft KB article.

113 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Configuring Veeam ONE
To start working with Veeam ONE, perform a number of steps for its initial configuration:

1. Connect servers you plan to monitor.

Connect Veeam Backup & Replication, VMware vSphere, vCloud Director and Microsoft Hyper-V servers.
This step is not required if you have already connected the default virtual infrastructure and backup
infrastructure servers during Veeam ONE installation.

2. Choose objects to monitor and report on.

By default, Veeam ONE collects data about all child objects of connected servers. You can change the
data collection scope and choose to monitor and report on only specific hosts, datastores and VMs.

3. Configure notification settings.

Specify notification settings to stay aware of all important events and changes that happen in the virtual
and backup environment.

4. Check data collection schedule for Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View.
Check and if necessary adjust data collection schedule for Veeam ONE and Business View.

5. Add users to Veeam ONE security groups.

Add to Veeam ONE security groups users who must have access to Veeam ONE Monitor, Reporter and
Business View functionality.

114 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Connecting Servers
To collect information about your virtual infrastructure and track the efficiency of VM data protection, you must
configure connections to VMware vSphere, vCloud Director, Microsoft Hyper-V virtual management servers and
Veeam Backup & Replication servers in Veeam ONE Monitor. Configured connection settings are automatically
propagated to all Veeam ONE components.

Note that if you have already connected servers during Veeam ONE installation, you do not need to connect
them again.

You can connect the following types of servers:

 VMware vSphere Servers

 vCloud Director Servers

 Microsoft Hyper-V Servers

 Veeam Backup & Replication Servers

Before You Begin

Before you configure server connections, check these requirements:

 Supported versions of virtual platforms

 Supported versions and editions of Veeam Backup & Replication

 Requirements to accounts used for collecting data

 Ports that must be open to allow Veeam ONE collect data from connected servers

For details, see section Deployment Planning and Preparation.

115 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Connecting VMware vSphere Servers
To collect data about VMware vSphere infrastructure objects, you need to configure connections to 9.5 servers in
Veeam ONE Monitor. You can connect the following types of servers:

 vCenter Servers

 Standalone ESX(i) hosts

To configure a connection to a VMware vSphere server, take the following steps.

Step 1. Launch the Add Server Wizard

To launch the Add Server wizard, open Veeam ONE Monitor and do one of the following:

 Click the Add Server button on the toolbar.

 Press [CTRL+I] on the keyboard.

 Open the Infrastructure View, right-click the Virtual Infrastructure node in the inventory pane and
choose Add Server from the shortcut menu.

Step 2. Choose Server Type

At the first step of the wizard, click VMware Server.

116 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 3. Specify Server Name and Role
At the Name step of the wizard:

1. Specify DNS name or IP address of the server that you want to connect.

2. Specify the server role — vCenter Server or a standalone ESX(i) host.

Step 4. Specify Credentials

At the Credentials step of the wizard:

1. Specify credentials of the user account for connecting the server.

For vCenter Server, the user name must be specified in the DOMAIN\USERNAME format.

2. Change the port number if required.

By default, port 443 is used for communication with VMware vSphere servers.

117 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 5. Review Connection Settings
At the Summary step of the wizard, review the connection details and click Finish.

Note that it may take a while for Veeam ONE to collect and display data for the connected server and its child

118 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Connecting vCloud Director Servers
To collect data about vCloud Director infrastructure objects, you need to configure connections to vCloud Director
servers in Veeam ONE Monitor.

To configure a connection to a vCloud Director server, take the following steps.

Step 1. Launch the Add Server Wizard

To launch the Add Server wizard, open Veeam ONE Monitor and do one of the following:

 Click the Add Server button on the toolbar.

 Press [CTRL+I] on the keyboard.

 Open the vCloud Director View, right-click the vCloud Infrastructure node in the inventory pane and
choose Add Server.

Step 2. Choose Server Type

At the first step of the wizard, click VMware vCloud Director.

Step 3. Specify Server Name

At the Name step of the wizard:

1. Enter DNS or IP address of the vCloud Director server that you want to connect.

2. Change vCloud Director URL if required.

119 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Veeam ONE populates the URL field with a URL used for connecting to the vCloud Director server. The
URL format is https://<vcdservername>:443, where <vcdservername> is the DNS name or IP
address of the vCloud Director server, and 443 is the default port. If you use port number other than
443, you can change it in the URL field.

Step 4. Specify Credentials for vCloud Director

At the Credentials step of the wizard, specify credentials for the user account for connecting to the vCloud
Director server.

Step 5. Specify Credentials for Underlying vCenter Servers

At the vCenter Credentials step of the wizard, specify credentials for each vCenter Server attached to vCloud
Director. By default, Veeam ONE uses the same credentials that you have specified at the Credentials step of the
wizard. However, if the underlying vCenter Servers should be connected under another user account, you can set
the credentials for each vCenter Server manually:

1. In the vCenter Credentials list, select a vCenter Server.

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2. Click Set User and specify credentials to connect to the vCenter Server.
Click the browse button to the right of the Username field to search for a local or domain user or group.

3. Repeat steps 1-2 for all vCenter Servers attached to vCloud Director.

4. To test if connection settings are configured correctly, click the Check Connection button. Veeam ONE
Monitor will attempt to establish connection with the vCenter Servers using the provided credentials.

Step 6. Review Connection Settings

At the Summary step of the wizard, review the connection details and click Finish.

The vCloud Director hierarchy will become available in the vCloud Director View. Note that it may take a while for
Veeam ONE to collect and display data for the newly added vCloud Director and its child objects.

When you connect vCloud Director, Veeam ONE also connects underlying vCenter Servers and initiates data
import. vCenter Servers become available in the Infrastructure View, and you can work with them as with regular
VMware vSphere infrastructure servers. If the vCenter Server attached to vCloud Director is already connected,
Veeam ONE will simply create an association between the vCloud Director hierarchy and the vCenter Server.

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Connecting Microsoft Hyper-V Servers
To collect data about Microsoft Hyper-V infrastructure objects, you need to configure connections to Microsoft
Hyper-V servers in Veeam ONE Monitor. You can connect the following types of servers:

 SCVMM server

 Failover clusters

 Standalone Hyper-V hosts


If you plan to connect an SCVMM server, make sure that SCVMM Admin Console is installed on the machine
where you installed the Veeam ONE Server component. The version of the SCVMM Admin Console must be the
same as the version of SCVMM server you are adding. For details, see section System Requirements.

To configure a connection to a Microsoft Hyper-V server, take the following steps.

Step 1. Launch the Add Server Wizard

To launch the Add Server wizard, open Veeam ONE Monitor and do one of the following:

 Click the Add Server button on the toolbar.

 Press [CTRL+I] on the keyboard.

 Open the Infrastructure View, right-click the Virtual Infrastructure node in the inventory pane and
choose Add Server from the shortcut menu.

Step 2. Choose Server Type

At the first step of the wizard, click Hyper-V Server.

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Step 3. Specify Server Name and Role
At the Name step of the wizard:

1. Enter DNS name or IP address of the server that will be connected to Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. Specify the server type — SCVMM server, failover cluster or standalone host.

Step 4. Specify Credentials

At the Credentials step of the wizard:

1. Specify credentials of the user account for connecting to the server.

The user name must be specified in the DOMAIN\USERNAME format.

2. [For SCVMM connection] Change the port number if required.

By default, port 8100 is used as the VMM Administrator Console to VMM server port.

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After you connect the first Microsoft Hyper-V server, Veeam ONE will open the Server Settings window
prompting you to specify credentials for accessing the guest OS of Microsoft Hyper-V VMs. If you have already
specified the credentials, the window will not be displayed.

For details, see Step 6. Specify VM Guest OS Credentials.

Step 5. Review Connection Settings

At the Summary step of the wizard, review the connection details and click Finish.

Note that it may take a while for Veeam ONE to collect and display the collected data for the newly added
SCVMM server, failover cluster or host and its child objects.

Step 6. Specify VM Guest OS Credentials

After you connect one or more Microsoft Hyper-V servers, you must specify credentials of an account that will be
used to collect data from Windows-based guest OSes on VMs. If you do not specify guest OS credentials, Veeam
ONE will not display guest OS data (in particular, data about guest disks) in monitoring dashboards, alarms and


Veeam ONE can collect guest OS data only from VMs running Windows. No data is collected from non-
Windows guest OSes, such as Linux or UNIX.

You can specify the account credentials for VM guest OS at the following levels of the Microsoft Hyper-V

 Microsoft Hyper-V infrastructure

 VM containers, such as hosts and clusters

 Individual VMs

If you specify guest OS account credentials at multiple levels, Veeam ONE will use the following order of priority:
VM > VM container > Microsoft Hyper-V infrastructure. For example, if account credentials are specified both at
the VM and VM container level, Veeam ONE will collect guest OS data using an account set at the VM level.

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Specifying Account Credentials for Microsoft Hyper-V
You can specify account credentials at the level of the Microsoft Hyper-V infrastructure. Veeam ONE will use this
account to connect to all VMs running on Microsoft Hyper-V hosts unless you specify other credentials for specific
VMs or VM containers.

To specify account credentials for all VMs in the Microsoft Hyper-V infrastructure:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Options and select Server Settings.

Alternatively, press the [CTRL+S] on the keyboard.

3. In the Server Settings window, open the Credentials Management tab.

4. In the Login and Password fields, specify credentials of an account that will be used to collect guest
OS data from Microsoft Hyper-V VMs.
For details on requirements to the account, see Connection to Microsoft Hyper-V VM Guest OS.

5. Click OK.

Specifying Account Credentials for Containers and VMs

You can specify account credentials at the level of specific VMs or VM containers. This can be helpful if an
account specified at the level of the Microsoft Hyper-V infrastructure does not have enough permissions on
specific VMs or VM containers.

To specify account credentials for individual VMs or VM containers:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. At the bottom of the inventory pane, click Infrastructure View.

3. Right-click the necessary VM or VM container and select Guest OS Credentials from the shortcut

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4. In the Guest OS Credentials window, specify credentials of an account that will be used to collect
guest OS data from Microsoft Hyper-V VMs.

5. Click OK.

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Connecting Veeam Backup & Replication Servers
To collect data about your backup infrastructure and data protection operations, you need to configure
connections to Veeam Backup & Replication servers in Veeam ONE Monitor. You can connect the following types
of servers:

 Veeam Backup & Replication server to monitor standalone backup servers

 Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager to monitor all backup servers federated under Veeam Backup
Enterprise Manager


Generally, you cannot connect Veeam Backup & Replication servers in Veeam ONE Free Edition. If you try to
do so, the application will prompt you to purchase a full version of the product. However, if the Veeam Backup
& Replication license covers Veeam Cloud Connect only and does not cover any Microsoft Hyper-V or VMware
vSphere sockets, you will be able to connect this Veeam Backup & Replication server in Veeam ONE Free

To configure a connection to a Veeam Backup & Replication server, take the following steps.

Step 1. Launch the Add Server Wizard

To launch the Add Server wizard, open Veeam ONE Monitor and do one of the following:

 Click the Add Server button on the toolbar.

 Press [CTRL+I] on the keyboard.

 Open the Data Protection View, right-click the Backup Infrastructure node in the inventory pane and
choose Add Server from the shortcut menu.

Step 2. Choose Server Type

At the first step of the wizard, click Veeam Backup & Replication Server.

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Step 3. Specify Server Name and Role
At the Name step of the wizard:

1. Enter DNS name or IP address of the backup server you want to connect.

2. Specify the server role — Veeam Backup & Replication server or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager.
If you choose to add Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager, Veeam ONE will automatically connect all
Veeam Backup & Replication servers added to the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager.

Step 4. Specify Credentials

At the Credentials step of the wizard, specify credentials of the user account for connecting to the server. The
user name should be specified in the DOMAIN\USERNAME format.

The provided credentials will be used to connect the backup server and all managed servers in the backup

 Veeam Backup & Replication servers (if you connect Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager)

 Backup proxies

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 Backup repositories

 WAN Accelerators

 Tape servers

 Cloud Gateways

If the provided user account does not have required permissions on a managed backup infrastructure server,
Veeam ONE will fail to connect to this server. In this case, you will need to provide custom connection credentials
manually. For more information, see Connection to Veeam Backup & Replication Servers.

Step 5. Review Connection Settings

At the Summary step of the wizard, review the connection details and click Finish.

Note that it may take a while for Veeam ONE to collect and display configuration and performance data for the
newly added backup server and managed backup infrastructure components.

 After you connect a Veeam Backup & Replication server, Veeam ONE imports data on job sessions for
the previous week.

 After you connect a Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager, Veeam ONE automatically builds the hierarchy of
all managed backup servers. Next, it connects managed backup servers and imports from these servers
data on job sessions for the previous week.

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Changing Server Connection Settings
In some situations, you might need to change connection settings for a monitored server. Consider the following

 If you need to re-connect a server with another user name and/or password, you can change connection
settings for this server.

 If the account you provided for a Veeam backup server does not have sufficient permissions to collect
data from all backup infrastructure components, you can set custom connection settings for specific
servers in your backup infrastructure.

To change connection settings for a server:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. At the bottom of the inventory pane, click Infrastructure View, vCloud Director View or Data
Protection View.

3. In the inventory pane, right-click the server and choose Connection Settings from the shortcut menu.

4. Edit the user name, enter the password and/or change the port number (if applicable).


When changing connection settings, mind the following:

 When you change connection settings for a virtual infrastructure server, Veeam ONE disconnects
the server and re-connects it with the new settings. When a virtual server is disconnected,
previously discovered VMs remain available in the inventory tree. After the server is re-connected,
its performance data will be updated. If the connection is not restored, only the history of
performance data will be available in Veeam ONE.
 When you change connection settings for a backup server in the Veeam Backup Enterprise
Manager hierarchy, a new job is automatically configured in Veeam ONE Reporter to collect data
from this backup server.

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Removing Server Connections
If you no longer want to monitor a virtual infrastructure or a backup server, you can remove a connection to it in
Veeam ONE Monitor.

To remove a server connection:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. At the bottom of the inventory pane, click Infrastructure View, vCloud Director View or Data
Protection View.

3. In the inventory pane, right-click the server you want to remove and choose Remove Server from the
shortcut menu.

After you remove a server connection in Veeam ONE Monitor, connection to this server will be automatically
removed in Veeam ONE Reporter.


When removing server connection, mind the following:

 When you remove a server, historical performance and configuration data for the server and its
child objects is deleted from the Veeam ONE database.
 When you remove vCloud Director, Veeam ONE withdraws connection to vCloud Director server
only. Connections to underlying vCenter Servers are not removed automatically — you must
remove these connections manually.

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Choosing Objects to Monitor and Report On
After you connect VMware vSphere, vCloud Director, Microsoft Hyper-V or Veeam Backup & Replication servers,
Veeam ONE automatically includes in the data collection scope all child objects managed by these servers. If you
do not need to monitor and report on all managed objects, you can exclude them from the data collection scope.

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Choosing VMs and VM Containers to Monitor and
Report On
By default, Veeam ONE collects data about all VMs and VM containers (hosts, clusters, datastores and so on) on
connected virtual infrastructure servers. If you do not want to monitor and report on specific VMs or VM
containers, you can configure rules according to which VMs and VM containers must be included in/excluded
from the data collection scope

There are two types of rules that allow you to refine the data collection scope:

 Inclusion rules define VMs and VM containers that must be monitored and reported on. Out-of-the-box,
Veeam ONE includes a default inclusion rule that adds to the data collection scope all VMs and VM
containers on connected servers.

 Exclusion rules define VMs and VM containers that must not be monitored and reported on.

To configure an inclusion or exclusion rule, perform the following steps.

Step 1. Disable or Delete the Default Inclusion Rule

If you want to create one or more VM inclusion rules, you must delete or disable the default inclusion rule.
Otherwise Veeam ONE will keep collecting data about all VMs and VM containers.


This step is not required if you want to create exclusion rules only.

To delete or disable the default inclusion rule:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Options and select Server Settings.

Alternatively, press the [CTRL+S] on the keyboard.

3. In the Server Settings window, open the Monitored Objects tab.

4. In the VM Monitoring Inclusion Rules section, remove or disable the default inclusion rule:

 To disable the default inclusion rule, clear the Enabled check box next to the rule.

 To delete the default inclusion rule, select the rule and click Delete on the right.

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Step 2. Launch the Monitoring Rule Wizard
Launch the Monitoring Rule wizard:

 To create an inclusion rule, in the VM Monitoring Inclusion Rules section, click Create New.

 To create an exclusion rule, in the VM Monitoring Exclusion Rules section, click Create New.

Step 3. Specify Rule Name and Description

At the Rule Name step of the wizard, specify a name and description for the new rule.

Step 4. Add Objects to the Rule

At the Apply Rule To step of the wizard, specify the scope of the virtual infrastructure to which the rule must

1. Click Add and select Infrastructure tree, Business View or vCloud Director View.

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2. In the Select scope window, select check boxes next to VM containers to which the rule must apply.

3. Click OK.

Step 5. Choose VM Selection Criterion

At the VM Selection step, choose a criterion according to which VMs and VM containers must be added to the

 By object name — select this option if you want to add VMs to the rule based on VM names.

 By infrastructure location — select this option if you want to add to the rule VMs that belong to a
specific level of the virtual infrastructure hierarchy (the level you specified at the Apply Rule To step of
the wizard).
You can use this selection criterion to find VMs that belong to a specific cluster, host, datastore or other
VM container in the virtual infrastructure hierarchy.

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Step 6. Specify Rule Conditions
The Conditions step of the wizard appears only if you have selected the By object name option at the VM
Selection step. At this step, configure conditions for adding VMs to the rule by name:

1. Click Add Condition.

2. From the Object name list, select a condition for adding VMs — Equals or Not Equals.

3. In the field next to the selected condition, specify the name of VMs to add to the rule.
You can use the ‘*’ (asterisk) and ‘?’ (question mark) wildcards. The ‘*’ (asterisk) character stands for
zero or more characters. The ‘?’ (question mark) stands for a single character. For example, if you want
to find VM replicas created with Veeam Backup & Replication, you can create a rule with the ‘*_replica’
name query.

4. If you add two or more conditions, link them with Boolean operators. From the Type list, select a
Boolean operator to link the conditions:

 Any condition is true — if at least one of the specified conditions is met, a VM will be added
to the rule.

 All conditions are true — if all specified conditions are met, a VM will be added to the rule.

Step 7. Review the Configuration

At the Summary step, review the rule configuration and click Finish to exit the wizard.

How to Create an Inclusion Rule and Add VMs by Name

You can create a rule to include VMs in the data collection scope VMs whose names end with '_srv':

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Options and select Server Settings.

Alternatively, press the [CTRL+S] on the keyboard.

3. In the Server Settings window, open the Monitored VMs tab.

4. On the Monitored VMs tab, in the VM Monitoring Inclusion Rules section, click Create New.

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5. At the Rule Name step of the Monitoring Rule wizard, type the rule name. In the Description field,
type the rule description.

6. At the Apply Rule To step of the wizard, click Add and select Infrastructure tree, Business View or
vCloud Director View. In the Select scope window, select check boxes next to containers to which the
rule must apply.

7. At the VM Selection step of the wizard, choose By object name.

8. At the Conditions step of the wizard, perform the following steps:

a. Click Add Condition.

b. From the Object name list, select the Equals condition.

c. In the value field, type the '*_srv' query.

This will include in the data collection scope all VMs whose name ends with '_srv'.

9. At the Summary step of the wizard, review rule configuration and click Finish.

How to Create an Exclusion Rule and Add VMs by Location

You can create a rule to exclude from the data collection scope VMs residing on a specific host:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Options and select Server Settings.

Alternatively, press the [CTRL+S] on the keyboard.

3. In the Server Settings window, open the Monitored VMs tab.

4. On the Monitored VMs tab, in the VM Monitoring Exclusion Rules section, click Create New.

5. At the Rule Name step of the Monitoring Rule wizard, type the rule name. In the Description field,
type the rule description.

6. At the Apply Rule To step of the wizard, click Add and select Infrastructure tree. In the Select scope
window, select the check box next to the host that must be excluded from the data collection scope.

7. At the VM Selection step of the wizard, choose By infrastructure location.

8. At the Summary step of the wizard, review rule configuration and click Finish.

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Choosing Datastores to Report On
After you connect a VMware vSphere server in Veeam ONE Monitor, all datastores attached to this server are
added to the data collection scope. If you do not need to collect data about specific datastores (for example,
local datastores or datastores with ISO images), you can exclude these datastores from the collection scope.

Excluding datastores will accelerate completion of a data collection sessions. Excluded datastores will not be
reflected in several reports that analyze and list the files residing on datastores (such as the Garbage Files and
Idle Templates reports).


Excluding datastores available for the VMware vSphere platform only.

To exclude one or more datastores from the data collection scope:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. Click Options on the toolbar and choose Server Settings.

Alternatively, press the [CTRL+S] on the keyboard.

3. In the Server Settings window, open the Monitored Datastores tab.

4. Expand the virtual infrastructure hierarchy and clear check boxes next to datastores that must be
excluded from the data collection scope.

5. Click OK to apply changes.

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Configuring Notification Settings
When you open Veeam ONE Monitor console for the first time, you will be prompted to configure notification
settings in the Configuration Wizard.


If you want to configure notification settings later, select the Skip email notifications configuration check
box in the Wizard.

To access the wizard later on, you can use the Notifications button on the toolbar. Alternatively, you can
configure notifications by changing server settings. To learn more, refer to section Veeam ONE Monitor Server
Settings of Veeam ONE Monitor User Guide.

To configure notification settings, take the following steps.

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Step 1. Configure SMTP Server Settings
At the SMTP Server step of the wizard, configure SMTP server settings. Veeam ONE will use provided SMTP
server settings for notifications generated by both Veeam ONE Monitor and Veeam ONE Reporter.

1. In the SMTP server field, enter DNS name or IP address of the SMTP server that will be used for
sending email notifications. All Veeam ONE email notifications (including test messages), automatically
generated reports and dashboards will be sent by this SMTP server.
You can change the SMTP communication port if required. The default SMTP port is 25.

2. In the From field, enter the email address of the notification sender.
This email address will be displayed in the From field of notifications.

3. If your SMTP server requires authentication, select the User authentication check box and specify
authentication credentials in the Login and Password fields.

4. For SMTP server with SSL support, select Enable SSL security to enable SSL data encryption.

You can send out a test email to make sure that SMTP Server settings are configured correctly:

1. Click Send test email.

2. Enter an email address at which a test notification should be sent.

3. Click OK.
A test email will be sent to the specified email address.

For more information alarm notification settings, refer to section Configuring Alarm Notification Settings of the
Veeam ONE Monitor User Guide.

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Step 2. Configure Email Notification Settings
At the Email Notifications step of the wizard, create a list of recipients to include in the default notification
group. For every recipient in the group, specify notification conditions.

The default notification group allows you to simplify the process of configuring alarm notification settings.
Instead of specifying notification recipients for every alarm, you can create a group of recipients (for example,
monitoring operators and administrators) and notify the whole group when an alarm is triggered or when an
alarm changes its status.

To add a recipient to the default notification group:

1. In the Specify email notification recipient to add field, enter an email address of a recipient and
click Add.

2. From the Notification Level list, choose the severity of notifications that the recipient will receive:

 Any state — an email notification will be sent every time when an alarm status changes to
Error, Warning or Info.

 Errors and warnings — an email notification will be sent every time when an alarm status
changes to Error or Warning.

 Errors only — an email notification will be sent every time when an alarm status changes to

To remove a recipient from the list, select an email address in the list and click Remove.

To temporarily disable notifications for specific recipients, clear check boxes next to necessary email addresses in
the list.


By default, all predefined alarms are configured to notify members of the default notification group in
accordance with the specified notification level. After you add recipients to the default notification group, you
might need to change alarm settings or adjust the default email notification frequency. To learn how to specify
alarm settings, see section Creating Alarms > Step 5. Specify Alarm Actions in Veeam ONE Working with
Alarms Guide.

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Step 3. Configure Email Frequency
At the Email Frequency step of the wizard, specify how often Veeam ONE must send email notifications about

The frequency at which email notifications are sent is defined with the help of notification policies. Veeam ONE
offers two notification policies:

 Mission Critical — if this notification policy is used, Veeam ONE creates a new email notification for
every alarm. You get an instant email notification once a new alarm is triggered, or once alarm status is

 Other — if this notification policy is used, Veeam ONE sends out an email notification about alarms once
in a specific time interval (by default, once in 30 minutes). You do not receive a separate email
notification for every alarm. Instead, every 30 minutes you receive one email notification about all alarms
that were triggered or that changed their status since the latest notification.

By default, the Mission Critical policy is applied to all objects in your virtual infrastructure, vCloud Director
infrastructure and all objects in your backup infrastructure. If necessary, you can apply different notification
policy settings to infrastructure objects or Business View groups:

1. Remove effective notification policy settings for chosen infrastructure objects.

2. Apply new notification policy settings to chosen infrastructure objects or Business View groups.

For example, if you want to receive email notifications about problems in the backup environment once within 30
minutes, you must first remove the Mission Critical policy settings for backup infrastructure objects, and then
apply the Other policy settings to backup infrastructure objects.

Removing Effective Notification Policy Settings

Before applying new notification policy settings, you must remove the effective settings for the chosen type of
infrastructure objects:

1. Select the necessary policy in the list and click Edit.

2. In the Edit Email policy window, select the necessary type of infrastructure objects and click Remove.

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Applying Notification Policy Settings
To apply new notification policy settings to infrastructure objects or Business View groups:

1. Select the necessary policy in the list and click Edit.

2. In the Edit Email Policy window, click Add and choose one of the following options:

 Infrastructure Tree — browse the virtual infrastructure hierarchy and select check boxes
next to objects or infrastructure segments to which the policy settings should apply.

 Business View — browse the Business View hierarchy and select check boxes next to groups
or infrastructure objects to which the policy settings should apply.

 Data Protection View — browse the backup infrastructure and select check boxes next to
infrastructure components to which the policy settings should apply.

 vCloud Director View — browse the vCloud infrastructure and select check boxes next to
infrastructure components to which the policy settings should apply.

3. Click Add.

4. [Only for policy 'Other'] In the Time interval to send summary email (minutes) field, specify how
often Veeam ONE must send out a summary email informing about triggered alarms.

5. Click OK.


You can also change the notification policy settings by adjusting server settings. To learn more, refer to
section Veeam ONE Monitor Server Settings of Veeam ONE Monitor User Guide.

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Step 4. Configure SNMP Settings
At the SNMP Settings step of the wizard, specify trap notification settings that can be used for sending
notifications about alarms.

To specify SNMP receiver configuration settings:

1. Click Add.

2. Click Configure to open the SNMP receiver configuration window.

3. In the Receiver field, specify DNS name or IP address of the SNMP receiver.

4. In the Port field, specify the port number to be used.

The default SNMP port is 162.

5. In the Community String field, enter the community identifier.

6. Click OK to apply the specified settings.

7. In the list of SNMP receivers, choose the version of the SNMP protocol to be used.

To add a new receiver to the list, click Add and perform steps 2-7 described above.

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Note that after you configure notification settings, you must configure SNMP service properties on the trap
recipients’ computers:

1. Install a standard Microsoft SNMP agent from the Windows distribution.

2. From the Start menu, select Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

3. Double-click SNMP Service to open the SNMP Service Properties window.

4. Click the Traps tab.

5. Add the public string to the Community name list and the host name to the Trap destinations list.

6. Click the Security tab.

7. Make sure the Send authentication trap option is selected.

8. Add the public string to the Accepted community names list.

9. Select the Accept SNMP packets from any hosts option.

10. Click Apply and then OK to accept changes.


By default, Veeam ONE alarms are not configured to send SNMP traps when the alarm state changes. To
enable SNMP traps for an alarm, you should change alarm action settings. For details, see section Creating
Alarms > Step 5. Specify Alarm Actions of Veeam ONE Working with Alarms Guide.

Step 5. Review Summary

Review configured notification settings and click Finish.

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Data Collection Schedule
After you connect VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V and Veeam Backup & Replication servers, Veeam ONE will
propagate the provided connection settings to all its components and will set up the following default data
collection configuration for you:

 In Veeam ONE Monitor, the connected servers will be added to the list of monitored objects. Data from
the servers will be collected in the real-time mode.

 In Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View, the connected servers will be added to the list of objects
targeted for data collection. Data collection will be scheduled to run on weekdays, at 3:00 a.m. The first
data collection session will start immediately after installation. You can customize the schedule according
to which reporting and categorization data is collected in the Veeam ONE Reporter console. For more
details, see Veeam ONE Reporter User Guide.

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Security Groups
Veeam ONE creates 3 security groups on the machines where the Veeam ONE Server and Veeam ONE Web UI
components are installed:

 Veeam ONE Administrators: members of this group can access monitoring data, generate reports and
modify all Veeam ONE configuration settings.
This group must include the Veeam ONE service account.

 Veeam ONE Read-Only Users: members of this group can generate reports and access monitoring
data in read-only mode, but cannot modify any Veeam ONE configuration settings.

 Veeam ONE Dashboard Viewers: build-in system group used by Internet Information Services to
allow access to Veeam ONE dashboards.

You can access and manage security groups in the Computer Management console.

To provide access to Veeam ONE functionality for an administrator or operator, you must include this user either
in the Veeam ONE Administrators or Veeam ONE Read-Only Users group. Member of these groups have access

 All Veeam ONE consoles (Monitor, Reporter and Business View)

 All objects of the infrastructure inventory (including 9.5, vCloud Director, Microsoft Hyper-V and Microsoft

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Multi-Tenant Monitoring and Reporting
Veeam ONE supports multi-user access to its monitoring and reporting capabilities. Authorized users can
concurrently access the same instance of Veeam ONE to monitor the health state of the virtual infrastructure and
create reports.

To restrict access to sensitive infrastructure data, you can limit the scope of virtual infrastructure objects and
associated data that must be available to a Veeam ONE user. Thus you can control what subset of the managed
virtual infrastructure the user can see and work with. In multi-tenant environments, you can configure restricted
access to Veeam ONE for owners of virtualized systems or responsible personnel and delegate monitoring and
reporting tasks.


Do not use security groups to enable for users possibilities of self-service monitoring and reporting on a
restricted scope of the virtual infrastructure. Instead, configure permissions for multi-tenant access as
described in Veeam ONE Multi-Tenant Monitoring and Reporting.

148 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Data Retention
Data collected from virtual and backup servers is organized to the Veeam ONE database. Veeam ONE retains
data in the database as follows:

 For categorization data, Veeam ONE retains one sample in the database. This data is updated with every
new data collection.

 For topology, configuration, audit and performance data, Veeam ONE keeps multiple samples based on
the retention policy. Performance data is aggregated in the database according to the scheme described

 For events collected from backup and virtual servers, Veeam ONE keeps all collected instances.

Performance Data Aggregation

As the performance data ages, Veeam ONE aggregates it for long-term storage. Data aggregation helps save disk
space on the database server and speed up generation of performance reports and charts.

Veeam ONE uses the following aggregation scheme for performance data:

Optimized for
Optimized for Typical
Period Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only

Hour 20 seconds 15 minutes 20 seconds

Week 5 minutes 30 minutes 5 minutes

Year 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours

Sampling intervals at which data is stored to the database depend on Veeam ONE data collection mode. For
example, for the Typical deployment, raw data (data with 20-second resolution) is stored for 1 hour. After 1
hour, raw data is aggregated to 5-minute resolution data. After 1 week, data with 5-minute resolution is
aggregated to 2-hour resolution data. Data with this level of detail is stored in the database for up to 1 year.

To draw performance charts, Veeam ONE uses data with various aggregation levels, depending on the period for
which performance data is shown. For example, for Typical deployment, performance charts for the past hour
use samples with 20-second resolution, charts for the past day use data with 5-minute resolution and so on.

To generate performance reports, Veeam ONE uses data with 2-hour resolution.

If you use Veeam ONE for monitoring and reporting in large environments, the Veeam ONE database can grow
quickly. To support large virtual and backup infrastructures and reduce the size of the Veeam ONE database, you
can increase aggregation intervals for performance data. To learn how to change aggregation intervals, contact
Veeam Support at https://www.veeam.com/support.html.

149 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Changing Veeam ONE Service Account
You can change Veeam ONE service account or the service account password that you provided during the
product installation. For example, changing Veeam ONE service account properties can be required if use a
domain account as the Veeam ONE service account: when you update the domain account password, you must
manually update the service account password for Veeam ONE.

To change the Veeam ONE service account or service account password:

1. Log on as Administrator to the machine where the Veeam ONE Server component is installed.

2. Change accounts of Veeam ONE Monitor Server and Veeam ONE Reporter Server services:

a. Click Start, go to Programs > Administrative Tools, and then click Services.

b. Right-click Veeam ONE Monitor Server service and choose Stop.

c. Right-click Veeam ONE Monitor Server service, choose Properties and open the Log on tab.

d. In the This account filed, specify the user name of the service account.

e. In the Password and Confirm password fields, type a password of the service account.

f. Click OK.

g. Repeat steps a-f for Veeam ONE Reporter Server service.

3. Change the web identity service in the Veeam ONE Settings utility:

a. Open the Monitor Client.


Monitor console must be installed on the same machine that runs the Veeam ONE Web UI component.
Otherwise, you will not be able to change web identity service in the Veeam ONE Settings utility.

b. On the Monitor toolbar, choose Options > Server Settings, and then open the Other
Settings tab.

c. In the Support utility section, click Launch.

d. In the Veeam ONE Settings window, choose General > Web Identity.

e. In the User name field, specify the user name of the service account.

f. In the Password field, type a password of the service account.

g. Click Save.

4. Start Veeam ONE Monitor Server and Veeam ONE Reporter Server services:

a. Click Start, go to Programs > Administrative Tools, and then click Services.

b. Right-click Veeam ONE Monitor Server service and choose Start.

c. Right-click Veeam ONE Reporter Server service and choose Start.

150 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Other Ways to Change Service Account
To change Veeam ONE service account, you can also perform the following steps:

1. Uninstall Veeam ONE.

2. Re-install Veeam ONE and specify a new service account during installation.
Note that when you re-install Veeam ONE, you must point it to the existing Veeam ONE database.

151 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Upgrading to Veeam ONE 9.5
Upgrade to version 9.5 is supported from Veeam ONE version 8.0 Update 2 and 9.0.

To upgrade to Veeam ONE 9.5, follow these steps.

Step 1. Obtain the Installation File

Download the Veeam ONE installation image file at https://www.veeam.com/downloads.html.

Step 2. Insert Disk or Mount an Image File

Burn the downloaded ISO image file to a blank CD/DVD or mount the installation image using disk image
emulation software. If Veeam ONE runs on a VM, use built-in tools of the virtualization management software to
mount the installation image to the VM.

Step 3. Launch the Splash Window

After you mount or insert the disk with Veeam ONE installation image, Autorun will open a splash screen with
installation options. On the splash window, do one of the following to launch the Veeam ONE Setup wizard:

 Click Upgrade on the left

 Click Veeam ONE Server on the right

If Autorun is disabled, run the Setup.exe file from the installation image. Alternatively, you can right-click the
new disk in My Computer and select Execute Veeam ONE Autorun.

152 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27


The installer will verify what version of .NET Framework is currently present on the machine. If the required
version is not found, the installer will prompt to automatically install .NET Framework software that is included
with the Veeam ONE installer. After the completion of .NET Framework installation, Veeam ONE installation
will proceed.

Step 4. Accept the License Agreement

At the License Agreement step of the wizard, read and accept the license agreement. If you select I do not
accept the terms in the license agreement, you will not be able to continue the upgrade.

Step 5. Review Components to Upgrade

Veeam ONE Setup wizard will automatically detect components of the previous version installed on the
machine. At the Upgrade step of the wizard, review the components to upgrade.

153 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 6. Provide License File
At the Provide License step of the wizard, provide a license file. Select the Full functionality mode option,
click Browse and specify the path to the license file.


To continue without providing a license, select the FREE functionality mode option. In this case the
product will work in the limited functionality mode (also called the “free mode”). To learn what functionality
you are missing with the free mode, click the See free mode limitations link at the bottom right corner of
the wizard.

Step 7. Perform System Configuration

Before proceeding with the upgrade, the installer will perform system configuration check to determine if all
prerequisite software is available on the machine. To learn what software is required for Veeam ONE, see System

If some of the required software components are missing, the setup wizard will offer you to install the missing
software components and enable missing features automatically.

154 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

To install the missing software components and enable missing features automatically, click the Install button.

You can cancel automatic software installation. In this case, you will need to install the missing software
components and enable missing features manually (otherwise, you will not be able to proceed to the next step of
the setup wizard). After you install and enable all required software components, click Re-run to repeat the
system configuration check.

Step 8. Specify Service Account Credentials

At the Service Account Credentials step of the wizard, specify the password of the account under which
Veeam ONE Service runs.

155 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 9. Choose Microsoft SQL Server
At the SQL Server Instance step of the wizard, specify a Microsoft SQL Server instance that hosts the Veeam
ONE database.

The Microsoft SQL Server and database name must be populated automatically. If required, you can change the
database connection settings:

1. Select the Use existing instance of SQL Server option and choose the Microsoft SQL Server instance
that hosts the Veeam ONE database.

2. In the Database name field, specify the name of the Veeam ONE database.

3. Provide credentials for the account that Veeam ONE components must use to access the database.
You can enter credentials explicitly or use Windows authentication credentials of the Veeam ONE service
account to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server. For details on required permissions for the account, see
Connection to Microsoft SQL Server.

Step 10. Choose Performance Cache

At the Performance Data Caching step of the wizard, choose a directory where the performance cache must
be located.

Performance cache is space on disk to which Veeam ONE stores real-time performance data, as this data is
collected. Performance data stored in cache is used for Veeam ONE Monitor dashboards and views. Disk-based
performance cache allows significantly decrease RAM utilization on the machine that runs the Veeam ONE Server

By default, the performance cache is stored to the C:\PerfCache folder. To store the cache to a different
folder, click Browse next to the Performance cache field and specify a path to the new folder.

When choosing a location for performance cache, consider the following recommendations:

 Make sure that the disk where the performance cache is located can quickly complete read and write
requests. Do not locate the cache remotely in networks with high latency values.

 For large monitoring environments, place the performance cache on an SSD local to the machine where
the Veeam ONE Server component runs. For small and medium monitoring environments, a HDD is
normally enough.

156 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

 Length of the performance cache folder path must not exceed the Windows Max Path Limitation value.
For details, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-

 Make sure there is enough disk space for performance cache. The cache is cleared on an hourly basis, as
new data is collected; however, in large monitoring environments it can take significant disk space. For
example, in the Advanced Scalability Deployment mode, during peak loads, the cache can take up to 6
GB disk space for each 1000 VMs.


Starting from Veeam ONE 9.5 Update 3, after installation, you can change the performance cache folder in the
Veeam ONE Settings utility. For details, see Veeam ONE Deployment Guide, section Monitor Settings.

157 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 11. Choose Data Collection Mode
At the Data Collection Mode step of the wizard, choose the mode of collecting data from virtual infrastructure
and Veeam Backup & Replication servers.

Data collection mode determines what metrics Veeam ONE will collect, and specifies the product configuration in
a number of areas. Choosing an appropriate data collection mode allows you to optimize monitoring and
reporting performance and improve user experience in Veeam ONE. To learn the difference between the data
collection modes, see Appendix B. Data Collection Modes.

Typical and Advanced Scalability Deployment

The Typical Deployment and Advanced Scalability Deployment modes are recommended for users who want to
monitor and report on both the virtual environment and Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure.

 Optimized for Typical Deployment mode is recommended for small to medium environments up to
100 hosts and 1500 VMs. In this mode, Veeam ONE collects all inventory, configuration and performance
metrics, and makes collected data available in dashboards, reports and alarms.
This mode provides the greatest data granularity level, but results in a greater load on the Veeam ONE
server and a larger size of Veeam ONE database.

 Optimized for Advanced Scalability Deployment mode is recommended for large environments
with more than 100 hosts and 1500 VMs. In this mode, Veeam ONE collects all metrics required for
alarms and reports.
This mode results in a lower load on the Veeam ONE server and a smaller size of the Veeam ONE

Backup Data Only

The Backup Data Only mode is recommended for users who want to focus on Veeam Backup & Replication
monitoring and reporting, and do not need a deep visibility of the virtual infrastructure.

In this mode, Veeam ONE collects all inventory, configuration and performance metrics from Veeam Backup &
Replication servers. It also collects inventory and configuration metrics from virtual infrastructure servers, but
skips virtual infrastructure performance metrics. As a result, Veeam ONE dashboards, reports and alarms display
backup-related data only; for VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V objects, performance data is not available.

This mode results in the least possible size of the Veeam ONE database and the lowest load on the Veeam ONE

158 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 12. Begin Upgrade
At the Ready to Install step of the wizard, click Install to begin the upgrade process.

If you installed Veeam ONE using the advanced installation, repeat this upgrade procedure on every machine
where the Veeam ONE components are installed.

Depending on the size of the Veeam ONE database, the upgrade procedure may take up to several hours.

Step 13. Change Default Certificate

Veeam ONE 9.5 uses TLS to ensure secure data communication between Veeam ONE Reporter and Veeam ONE
Business View websites and a web browser. That is, the Veeam ONE Reporter and Veeam ONE Business View
websites are available over HTTPS.

During upgrade, Veeam ONE generates a self-signed certificate that is used to secure traffic. You can replace this
default certificate with your own self-signed certificate or a certificate that was obtained from a Certificate
Authority. This step is optional, and is not required if you want to keep the default certificate generated during
the upgrade procedure.


If you replace the default certificate with another self-signed certificate, you will need to configure a trusted
connection between the Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View websites and a web browser later. For
details, see Configuring Trusted Connection.

Assigning Certificate to the Veeam ONE Reporter Website

To assign a new certificate to the Veeam ONE Reporter website:

1. Log on to the machine where the Veeam ONE Web UI component is installed.

2. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand the localhost node and navigate to Sites.

3. In the Connections pane, select VeeamReporter.

4. In the Actions > Edit Site pane on the right, click Bindings.

5. In the Site Bindings window, select the existing binding and click Edit.

6. From the SSL certificate list, select the necessary certificate and click OK.

159 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

7. In the Site Bindings window, click Close.

Assigning Certificate to the Veeam ONE Business View Website

To assign the certificate to the Veeam ONE Business View website:

1. Log on to the machine where the Veeam ONE Web UI component is installed.

2. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand the localhost node and navigate to Sites.

3. In the Connections pane, select VeeamBusinessView.

4. In the Actions > Edit Site pane on the right, click Bindings.

5. In the Site Bindings window, select the existing binding and click Edit.

6. From the SSL certificate list, select the necessary certificate and click OK.

7. In the Site Bindings window, click Close.

160 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 14. Specify Guest OS Credentials for
Microsoft Hyper-V VMs
After you upgrade to Veeam ONE 9.5, you must specify credentials of an account that will be used to collect data
from Windows guest OSes on Microsoft Hyper-V VMs. If you do not specify guest OS credentials, Veeam ONE will
not display guest OS data (in particular, data about guest disks) in monitoring dashboards, alarms and reports.

For details, see Step 6. Specify VM Guest OS Credentials.

Step 15. Apply Available Updates

We recommend that you periodically check for Veeam ONE updates and install them as available. You can
download product updates at https://www.veeam.com/updates.html.

161 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Upgrading Veeam ONE Monitor
If you have additionally installed several standalone instances of Veeam ONE Monitor Client, you must upgrade
them as well. The upgrade procedure is identical to Veeam ONE Monitor Client installation. For details, see
section Installing Veeam ONE Monitor Client.

162 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Uninstalling Veeam ONE
To uninstall Veeam ONE, open the Start menu, go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, choose
Veeam ONE components you want to uninstall and click Remove.

If you installed Veeam ONE using the advanced installation, repeat this procedure on every machine where the
Veeam ONE components are installed.

The SQL Server instance installed and used by Veeam ONE is not removed during the uninstall of Veeam ONE. It
needs to be removed separately using the standard Add or Remove Programs feature in Control Panel.
Veeam ONE database and its data is retained until you manually remove the database or uninstall the SQL Server

163 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Exporting Logs
To troubleshoot issues with Veeam ONE, you might need to export diagnostic logs for Veeam ONE Monitor,
Reporter and Business View.

Diagnostic logs include information that can be used by the Veeam Support Team to troubleshoot issues
occurring with Veeam ONE. In addition, diagnostic logs include information about managed virtual and backup
infrastructures. This type of information is used to speed up the root cause analysis when troubleshooting issues.

To export diagnostic logs:

1. Open Veeam ONE Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click Options and select Server Settings.

Alternatively, you can press [CTRL + S] on the keyboard.

3. Open the Other Settings tab.

4. In the Support utility section, click Launch.

Veeam ONE will launch the Veeam ONE Settings utility.

5. At the bottom left corner of the Veeam ONE Settings utility, click Export logs.

6. Specify a location to which the exported logs must be saved.

The Veeam ONE Settings utility will export logs and save them to a ZIP archive in the specified location.

164 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Appendix A. Creating Veeam ONE
Database with a SQL Script
In some circumstances, it might be undesired to create the Veeam ONE database automatically, using the
Veeam ONE Setup wizard. For example, Veeam ONE components and the Microsoft SQL Server can be hosted
on different systems, and you do not have sufficient permissions on the Microsoft SQL Server to create the
database. In this case, you can use a SQL script to create the Veeam ONE database on a Microsoft SQL Server.
The script is included with the Veeam ONE installation image.

To create the Veeam ONE database with the SQL script, perform the steps described below. Note that the
database must be created before you start installation of Veeam ONE components.

Step 1. Locate the SQL Script

Download the Veeam ONE installation image and burn it to a blank CD/DVD or mount the image using disk
image emulation software. If you are working with a virtual machine, use built-in tools of the virtualization
management software to mount the installation image to the virtual machine.

In Windows Explorer, right-click the drive with the image, select Open and go to the <CD
Drive>\Addins\SQLScript directory. Copy the VeeamONE.sql file to the location from which it can be
accessed or run.

Step 2. Create the Veeam ONE Database

Connect to the necessary Microsoft SQL Server with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and create a new
database (for example, VeeamOne).

Step 3. Run the SQL Script Against the Veeam ONE Database
Execute the VeeamONE.sql script against the Veeam ONE database in Microsoft SQL Server Management

Alternatively, you can execute the script using the sqlcmd utility. In the command prompt, run the command of
the following form:

sqlcmd -S localhost\VEEAMSQL2012 -d VeeamOne -E -i


The following command-line options are used to run the script:

Option Description

-S Specifies the SQL Server instance to which sqlcmd connects.

-d Specifies the name of the database against which the script is executed.

-E Instructs sqlcmd to connect to the SQL Server Database Engine using Windows Integrated Security.

-i Specifies the full path to the script file for execution.

165 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Step 4. Grant Database Permissions
Create a Microsoft SQL Server account with permissions described in Connection to Microsoft SQL Server.

Step 5. Perform Post-Installation Configuration Steps

After you install Veeam ONE, perform additional configuration steps:

1. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and connect to the Microsoft SQL Server that hosts
the Veeam ONE database.

2. In the Object Explorer pane, navigate to Databases.

3. Right-click the Veeam ONE database and choose to run a new query.

4. Execute two stored procedures to set the Veeam ONE Reporter and Business View URLs.

a. To set the Veeam ONE Reporter URL, run the following query:

exec common.SetSetupDataReporterURI

b. To set the Veeam ONE Business View URL, run the following query:

exec common.SetSetupDataBusinessViewURI

In the queries above, REPORTERFQDN and BUSINESSVIEWFQDN stand for the FQDN of the
machine that runs the Veeam ONE Web UI component, and default ports are used to connect to Veeam
ONE Reporter or Business View.

5. Execute a stored procedure to set the Microsoft Windows version:

exec common.SetSetupDataWindowsVersion '%WINVERSION%'

In the query above, %WINVERSION% stands for the Windows OS version on the machine that runs
the Veeam ONE Server component. The version number must be specified in the following format: You can check the Windows OS version, by running the ver command in the command

6. Close the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

166 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Appendix B. Data Collection Modes
Data collection mode determines what metrics Veeam ONE will collect, and specifies the product configuration in
a number of areas. Choosing an appropriate data collection mode allows you to optimize monitoring and
reporting performance and improve user experience in Veeam ONE.

Changing between data collection modes affects the following Veeam ONE settings.

Optimized for
Optimized for Advanced
Configuration Option Description Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment Scalability

VMware real-time Timeout for 300 seconds 1200 seconds 300 seconds
performance query timeout collecting VMware (5 minutes) (20 minutes) (5 minutes)
vSphere real-time
performance data.

Sampling renewal 20 seconds 900 seconds 20 seconds

interval for real- (15 minutes)
time counters.

VMware historical Timeout for 900 seconds 1800 seconds 900 seconds
performance query timeout importing historical (15 minutes) (30 minutes) (15 minutes)
performance data
from VMware
vSphere servers
(that is, data older
than one day).

Sampling renewal 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours

interval for
historical counters.

MinTreeCheckInterval Updating the object 10 seconds 1 minute 10 seconds

inventory tree in
Veeam ONE

PageUpdateDelay Loading data after 0.5 second 1.5 second 0.5 second
choosing an object
in the object
inventory tree.

GetVmsnapshottimeout Timeout for 900 seconds 3600 seconds 900 seconds

collecting data (15 minutes) (1 hour) (15 minutes)
about VM snapshot
files from

167 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for Advanced
Configuration Option Description Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment Scalability

Collectthreadtimeout Timeout for 6 hours 12 hours 6 hours

collecting data from
servers by Veeam
ONE Reporter.

DahboardCapturetimeout Timeout for 3600 seconds 7200 seconds 3600 seconds

capturing the (1 hour) (2 hours) (1 hour)
dashboard for a
dashboard delivery.

Virtual machines files data Collecting Yes No No

collection information about
VM files (for the
Garbage Files

Collected Performance Metrics

Data collection mode defines what performance metrics must be collected.

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Available Memory Backup Enterprise Yes Yes Yes


Network Bytes Sent/sec Backup Enterprise Yes Yes Yes


Disk Bytes/sec Backup Enterprise Yes Yes Yes


CPU Usage Backup Enterprise Yes Yes Yes


Memory Usage Backup Enterprise Yes Yes Yes


Available Memory Backup Server Yes Yes Yes

Network Bytes Sent/sec Backup Server Yes Yes Yes

Disk Bytes/sec Backup Server Yes Yes Yes

CPU Usage Backup Server Yes Yes Yes

168 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Memory Usage Backup Server Yes Yes Yes

Memory Usage Backup Repository Yes Yes Yes

Available Memory Backup Repository Yes Yes Yes

Network Bytes Sent/sec Backup Repository Yes Yes Yes

Disk Bytes/sec Backup Repository Yes Yes Yes

CPU Usage Backup Repository Yes Yes Yes

Repository Used Space Backup Repository Yes Yes Yes

Backup Repository Backup Repository Yes Yes Yes


Memory Usage Backup Proxy Yes Yes Yes

Available Memory Backup Proxy Yes Yes Yes

Network Bytes Sent/sec Backup Proxy Yes Yes Yes

Disk Bytes/sec Backup Proxy Yes Yes Yes

CPU Usage Backup Proxy Yes Yes Yes

Memory Usage WAN Accelerator Yes Yes Yes

Available Memory WAN Accelerator Yes Yes Yes

Network Bytes Sent/sec WAN Accelerator Yes Yes Yes

Disk Bytes/sec WAN Accelerator Yes Yes Yes

CPU Usage WAN Accelerator Yes Yes Yes

Memory Usage Tape Server Yes Yes Yes

Available Memory Tape Server Yes Yes Yes

Network Bytes Sent/sec Tape Server Yes Yes Yes

Disk Bytes/sec Tape Server Yes Yes Yes

CPU Usage Tape Server Yes Yes Yes

169 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Storage Usage vCloud Director Yes Yes No

Organization VDC

Storage Space Usage vCloud Director Yes No No

Provider VDC

Storage Space Usage Pct vCloud Director Yes Yes No

Provider VDC

CPU Usage vCloud Director Yes Yes No

Provider VDC

Memory Usage vCloud Director Yes Yes No

Provider VDC

Backup Job Memory Usage Veeam Backup & Yes Yes Yes
Replication Objects

Backup Job Processor Veeam Backup & Yes Yes Yes

Usage Replication Objects

Memory Baloon ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Received Packets per ESXi Host Yes No No


Transmitted Packets per ESXi Host Yes No No


Network Receive Rate ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Network Transmit Rate ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Network Usage ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Receive Packets Dropped ESXi Host Yes No No

Transmit Packets Dropped ESXi Host Yes No No

Total Packets Dropped ESXi Host Yes No No

Packet Receive Errors ESXi Host Yes No No

Packet Transmit Errors ESXi Host Yes No No

Total Errors ESXi Host Yes No No

Power Usage ESXi Host Yes No No

170 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Adapter I/O ESXi Host Yes No No

Adapter Read I/O ESXi Host Yes No No

Adapter Write I/O ESXi Host Yes No No

Adapter Read Rate ESXi Host Yes No No

Adapter Read Latency ESXi Host Yes No No

Adapter Write Latency ESXi Host Yes No No

Adapter Write Rate ESXi Host Yes No No

Path I/O ESXi Host Yes No No

Path Read I/O ESXi Host Yes No No

Path Write I/O ESXi Host Yes No No

Path Read Rate ESXi Host Yes No No

Path Read Latency ESXi Host Yes No No

Path Write Latency ESXi Host Yes No No

Path Write Rate ESXi Host Yes No No

Average CPU Ready ESXi Host Yes Yes No

CPU Usage ESXi Host Yes Yes No

CPU Usage MHz ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Disk/ESXi: Datastore Bus ESXi Host Yes Yes No


Disk/ESXi: Datastore I/O ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Disk/ESXi: Datastore ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Command Aborts

Disk/ESXi: Datastore ESXi Host Yes No No

Maximum Queue Depth

171 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Disk/ESXi: Datastore ESXi Host Yes No No

Latency Observed by VMs

Disk/ESXi: Datastore ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Highest Latency

Disk/ESXi: Datastore Read ESXi Host Yes Yes No


Disk/ESXi: Datastore ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Write I/O

Disk/ESXi: Datastore Read ESXi Host Yes Yes No


Disk/ESXi: Datastore Read ESXi Host Yes Yes No


Disk/ESXi: Datastore ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Write Latency

Disk/ESXi: Datastore ESXi Host Yes Yes No


Disk/ESXi: Datastore ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Write Rate

Memory Active ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Memory Compressed ESXi Host Yes No No

Memory Consumed ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Memory Overhead ESXi Host Yes No No

Memory Pressure ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Memory Shared ESXi Host Yes No No

Memory Shared Common ESXi Host Yes No No

Swap In Rate ESXi Host Yes No No

Swap Out Rate ESXi Host Yes No No

Memory Swap Used ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Memory Usage ESXi Host Yes Yes No

172 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Memory Latency ESXi Host Yes No No

VM Heartbeat ESXi Host Yes Yes No

Disk/vSAN: Recovery vSphere Virtual Yes No No

Write I/O Machine

Disk/vSAN: Recovery vSphere Virtual Yes No No

Write Latency Machine

Disk/vSAN: Recovery vSphere Virtual Yes No No

Write Rate Machine

Read I/O vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Write I/O vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Read Rate vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Read Latency vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Write Latency vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Write Rate vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Guest Disk Usage vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Guest Disk Free Space vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Memory Latency vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Memory Entitlement vSphere Virtual Yes No No


CPU Usage vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


CPU Usage MHz vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


173 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Datastore Bus Resets vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Datastore I/O vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Datastore Command vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No

Aborts Machine

Datastore Highest Latency vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Datastore Read I/O vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Datastore Write I/O vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Datastore Read Rate vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Datastore Read Latency vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Datastore Write Latency vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Datastore Usage vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Datastore Write Rate vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Memory Active vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Memory Compressed vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Memory Consumed vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Memory Overhead vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Memory Shared vSphere Virtual Yes No No


174 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Swap In Rate vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Swap Out Rate vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Memory Swapped vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Memory Usage vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Memory Baloon vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Memory Baloon Percent vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Memory Saved by Zipping vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Received Packets per vSphere Virtual Yes No No

Second Machine

Transmitted Packets per vSphere Virtual Yes No No

Second Machine

Network Receive Rate vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Network Transmit Rate vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Network Usage vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Power Usage vSphere Virtual Yes No No


VM Hearbeat vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No


Average CPU Ready All vSphere Virtual Yes Yes No

Cores Machine

CPU Co-Stop All Cores vSphere Virtual Yes No No


175 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Average CPU Wait All vSphere Virtual Yes No No

Cores Machine

Average CPU Idle all cores vSphere Virtual Yes No No


Average CPU Standstill All vSphere Virtual Yes No No

Cores Machine

Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No

Command Aborts

Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No

Bus Resets

Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No


Disk/Datastore: Free vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No


Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No

Read I/O

Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No

Write I/O

Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No

Provisioned Space

Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No

Read Rate

Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No


Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes Yes

Read Latency

Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes Yes

Write Latency

Disk/Datastore: Datastore vSphere Datastore Yes Yes No

Write Rate

Heartbeat Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Heartbeat Status Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

176 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Guest Run Time Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Total Run Time Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Total Run Time MHz Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Idle Time Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Hypervisor Run Time Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Hyper-V Services Memory Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Hyper-V Services Memory Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Average Pressure Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Memory Consumed Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Memory Usage Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Network Output Queue Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Network Bytes Total/sec Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Network Offloaded Hyper-V Host Yes No No


Network Packets/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Network Outbound Errors Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Network Received Errors Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Virtual Switch Bytes/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Virtual Switch Packets/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Virtual Switch Bytes Hyper-V Host Yes No No


Virtual Switch Bytes Hyper-V Host Yes No No


177 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Virtual Switch Packets Hyper-V Host Yes No No


Virtual Switch Packets Hyper-V Host Yes No No


Total Interrupts/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Committed Bytes Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Disk/Host: Avg Disk Queue Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Disk/Host: Avg Disk Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Disk/Host: Avg Disk Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Disk/Host: Avg Disk Read Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Disk/Host: Avg Disk Write Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Disk/Host: Avg Disk Usage Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Network Bytes Sent/sec Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Network Bytes Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No


Network Packets Sent/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Network Packets Hyper-V Host Yes No No


Page Faults/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Page Reads/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Page Writes/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Pages Input/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Pages Output/sec Hyper-V Host Yes No No

178 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Pages/sec Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

Host CPU Wait Time Hyper-V Host Yes Yes No

vCPU Total Run Time Hyper-V Host Yes No No

Guest Run Time Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Hypervisor Run Time Hyper-V Virtual Yes No No


Total Run Time Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Current Pressure Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Demand Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Guest Visible Physical Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No

Memory Machine

Physical Memory Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Virtual Storage Read Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No

Bytes/sec Machine

Virtual Storage Write Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No

Bytes/sec Machine

Virtual Storage Usage Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No

Bytes/sec Machine

Reads/sec Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Writes/sec Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


IOPS Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Legacy Network Bytes Hyper-V Virtual Yes No No

Dropped/sec Machine

179 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Legacy Network Bytes Hyper-V Virtual Yes No No

Sent/sec Machine

Legacy Network Bytes Hyper-V Virtual Yes No No

Received/sec Machine

Legacy Network Bytes Hyper-V Virtual Yes No No

/sec Machine

Virtual Network Bytes Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No

Sent/sec Machine

Virtual Network Bytes Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No

Received/sec Machine

Virtual Network Bytes /sec Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Virtual Network Packets Hyper-V Virtual Yes No No

Sent/sec Machine

Virtual Network Packets Hyper-V Virtual Yes No No

Received/sec Machine

Errors/min Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Flushes/min Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


vCPU Total Run Time MHz Hyper-V Virtual Yes No No


Guest vCPU Guest Run Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No

Time MHz Machine

CPU Wait Time Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Guest Disk Free Space Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Guest Disk Used Space Hyper-V Virtual Yes Yes No


Disk/Physical Disk: Avg Hyper-V Physical Yes No No

Disk Queue Length Disk

180 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Disk/Physical Disk: Disk Hyper-V Physical Yes Yes No

Transfers/sec Disk

Disk/Physical Disk: Disk Hyper-V Physical Yes Yes No

Read Bytes/sec Disk

Disk/Physical Disk: Disk Hyper-V Physical Yes Yes No

Write Bytes/sec Disk

Disk/Physical Disk: Disk Hyper-V Physical Yes Yes No

Bytes/sec Disk

Disk/Physical Disk: Avg Hyper-V Physical Yes Yes No

Disk sec/Read Disk

Disk/Physical Disk: Avg Hyper-V Physical Yes Yes No

Disk sec/Write Disk

Disk Free Space Hyper-V Physical Yes Yes No


Disk Used Space Hyper-V Physical Yes Yes No


Disk Provisioned Space Hyper-V Physical Yes Yes No


CSV Free Space Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No

CSV Used Space Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes No No

CSV Provisioned Space Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes No No

Disk/CSV 2008: Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes No No

Redirected Read Bytes

Disk/CSV 2008: Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes No No

Redirected Write Bytes

Disk/CSV 2008: IO Read Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes No No

Bytes Delta

Disk/CSV 2008: IO Write Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes No No

Bytes Delta

Disk/CSV 2008: Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No

Redirected Reads Delta

181 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Disk/CSV 2008: Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No

Redirected Writes Delta

Disk/CSV 2008: IO Reads Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2008: IO Writes Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2008: IO Write Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2008: IO Read Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2008: IO Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2008: IO Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No

Redirected Write

Disk/CSV 2008: IO Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No

Redirected Read Bytes/sec

Disk/CSV 2008: Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No

Redirected Read IOPS

Disk/CSV 2008: Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No

Redirected Write IOPS

Disk/CSV 2008: CSV Read Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2008: CSV Write Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2008: Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes No No

Redirected IOPS

Disk/CSV 2008: CSV IOPS Hyper-V CSV 2008 Yes No No

Cache IO Read Bytes/sec Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No

Cache Reads/sec Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No

Disk/CSV 2012: Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No


182 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

Disk/CSV 2012: Reads/sec Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No

Disk/CSV 2012: IOPS Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No

Disk/CSV 2012: Read Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2012: Write Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2012: Latency Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No

Disk/CSV 2012: Read Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No

Queue Length

Disk/CSV 2012: Write Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No

Queue Length

Disk/CSV 2012: Queue Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No


Disk/CSV 2012: Direct Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2012: Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No

Redirected Bytes/sec

Disk/CSV 2012: Direct Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2012: Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No

Redirected Latency

Disk/CSV 2012: Direct Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2012: Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No

Redirected IOPS

Disk/CSV 2012: Read Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2012: Write Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No


Disk/CSV 2012: Total Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No


CSV FS Free Space Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes Yes No

183 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

Optimized for
Optimized for
Performance Metric Object Type Advanced Scalability Backup Data Only
Typical Deployment

CSV FS Used Space Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No

CSV FS Provisioned Space Hyper-V CSV 2012 Yes No No

SMB Share Free Space Hyper-V Share Yes Yes No

SMB Share Used Space Hyper-V Share Yes No No

SMB Share Provisioned Hyper-V Share Yes No No


Disk/Share: IOPS Hyper-V Share Yes No No

Disk/Share: Writes/sec Hyper-V Share Yes No No

Disk/Share: Reads/sec Hyper-V Share Yes No No

Disk/Share: Virtual Hyper-V Share Yes No No

Storage Usage Bytes/sec

Disk/Share: Virtual Hyper-V Share Yes Yes No

Storage Write Bytes/sec

Disk/Share: Virtual Hyper-V Share Yes Yes No

Storage Read Bytes/sec

Disk/Share: SMB Share Hyper-V Share Yes No No

Error Count/min

Disk/Share: SMB Share Hyper-V Share Yes No No

Flush Count/min

184 | Veeam ONE | Deployment Guide | REV 27

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