No Excuses RA

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Megan Rabe

Rhetorical Analysis on “No Excuses” by Nike

According to Keith Grant-Davie, “A rhetorical situation is a situation where a speaker or

writer sees a need to change reality and sees that change may be effected through rhetorical

discourse.” (105. Wardle, Elizabeth) Nike has excelled in proving this statement factual since

January 1964 when the company was founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. Since then

Nike has been rated the worlds leading designer and marketer in clothing, athletic footwear, and

equipment for a variety of sports. Today, Nike continues to seek new and innovative ways to

develop superior athletic products, and creative methods to communicate directly with their

consumers. (History & Heritage) Nike came out with one of their most direct and inspiring

commercials yet, “No Excuses,” starring Matt Scott in 2008. Matt Scott, the spokesperson of the

commercial, is a professional handicap basketball player whom has spin-a-bifid-a. This

commercial is successful in all aspects of excelling in Rhetorical Strategies, including ethos,

pathos, and logos.

The commercial is shot in an empty gym to aid in focusing on only Matt Scott. The

camera focuses only on the upper parts of Scott’s body as he dribbles. catches, and shoots two

basketballs around at once. The close camera angle and lack of distraction in the gym allows the

audience to focus solely on Matt Scott and the message that he is portraying. In the commercial,

Scott mentions fifty-six substandard excuses for giving up or not trying. “I’m too weak, I’ve got

a case of the Mondays, I have a headache, I’m too fat,” are only some of the many justifications

he gives that people use on a daily basis. These excuses are obviously irrelevant to him, knowing

that regardless of his condition, he has excelled in being optimistic, which has lead him to being
Megan Rabe
Rhetorical Analysis on “No Excuses” by Nike
a professional basketball player and an idol for many people in the world. The length of this

commercial is also a key demeanor in analyzing the advertisement. “No Excuses” is double the

length of a standard commercial, unlike the usual 30 second ads that are often seen, it lasts a full

minute. Matt Scott captures the audience’s attention as he delivers various excuses.

According to the book, Everything’s an Argument, “Arguments based on character

(ethos) depend on trust. We tend to accept arguments from those we trust, and we trust them in

good part because of their reputations.” (45. Lunsford, Andrea A.) In other words, if the speaker

is known to be a trustworthy, idol-like social figure, the listener will automatically take what he

has to say in to great consideration. Nike wisely chose Matt Scott for the commercial. Scott is a

well known optimistic athlete. Despite his medical condition of spin-a-bifid-a that has confined

him to a wheelchair, he has still excelled in many amazing things. He is a member of the

National Wheelchair Basketball Association’s junior division. Scott has led his team to an

undefeated season and to two National Championships. He also claimed the title of MVP for the

2003 National tournament. He is also a motivational speaker for many handicap people in the

USA. (Marshall, Jonathan) All of these accomplishments Scott is known greatly apply to ethos in

the advertisement.

Pathos is related to the words pathetic, sympathy, and empathy. They are often direct,

simple, and very powerful. People do many things based on the impact it makes on them, and

how they feel without fully analyzing the rationale behind it. Everyone who views the

commercial can associate with one or more of the excuses Matt Scott states during the

commercial. It is also obvious through Scott’s voice and fierce physical actions, he gets
Megan Rabe
Rhetorical Analysis on “No Excuses” by Nike
increasingly frustrated with each poor justification he states. This allows the viewer to relate

increasingly with Scott through each excuse. You could not tell that the star athlete was confined

to a wheelchair until the very end of the commercial. Scott was able to gain the emotional

attention of the viewers by showing that regardless of the fact that he is in a wheelchair, he is not

a quitter, and still strives to do his best. Nike greatly utilized this advertising technique along

with logos and ethos.

Nike’s tactical pick of Matt Scott as the spokesperson and the emotions established

throughout the commercial, “No Excuses,” are only some of the rhetorical strategies they used to

lure viewers to the advertisement. Nike also strategically used logos to aid in communicating

Nike’s message of hard work and success. In persuasion, logos is the logical reasoning behind

the author’s statement. Scott’s message is for his audience to realize that if they have the ability

to do something, they should not hold themselves back from success. Nike uses Scott to argue

logically to us as an audience to exercise and work hard. This strategy urges the viewers to get

active, and therefore purchase Nike apparel.

To conclude, by Nike using Matt Scott for the spokesperson of the commercial, the

overall argument and purpose of this commercial is to prove to the audience that there is no

obstacle that can justify giving up or not trying. The commercial name “No excuses,” along with

Nike’s trademark “Just Do It,” summarizes the overall argument of this commercial. Nike’s

trademark is one of the top five ad slogans of the 20th century for the inspiration it gives. The

slogan advocates giving maximum effort and energy, despite any rough obstacles or

circumstances standing in the way of a set goal. When viewers see “Just Do It” on the screen, it
Megan Rabe
Rhetorical Analysis on “No Excuses” by Nike
triggers them to get up and work out. In addition, the Nike swoosh and “Just Do It” end the

commercial perfectly and logically.


Descriptor-plasezi, motivatie, cum sa moivezi

Regulament- o poza cu un tag s si check sit e duci sa aprticip la tomblola

2 nu ai, dar poti sa vezi cum e, dar te inscrii la receptive pt a fi extras sa participi cu instructorii.

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Gramaj: 200 ml
Megan Rabe
Rhetorical Analysis on “No Excuses” by Nike

Descriere produs:

Îndeparteaza petele rosii:Reduce afluxurile intermitente.

Curata: Curata si demachiaza delicat; îi veti aprecia textura fina, reîmprospatanta.
Calmeaza: Cu un continut ridicat de Avène Apa Termala, cu proprietati de calmare, anti-iritante, va catifeleaza pielea.
Este pentru mine?
Lapte Demachiant Anti-Roṣeaƫa este recomandat cu precadere pentru pielea sensibila cu tendinta spre cuperoza.

Miscarea corecta
Aplicati Lapte Demachiant Anti-Roṣeaƫa dimineata si seara, folosind o discheta demachianta sau varfurile degetelor,
în miscari circulare usoare, delicate.
Clatiti cu o pulverizare fina cu Avène Apa Termala.

Mod de ambalare:
300 ml

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