PL 41-18 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA-2018-W/02, Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SW-2018-01 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-08-18, Nordeagle Developments Ltd., 60 Gordon Street and vacant Nordeagle Avenue properties

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Town of Whitby

Planning Public
Meeting Report

Report Title: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA-2018-W/02,

Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SW-2018-01 and
Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-08-18,
Nordeagle Developments Ltd., 60 Gordon Street and
vacant Nordeagle Avenue properties

Report to: Planning and Development Submitted by:

Committee R. Saunders, Commissioner of Planning
and Development
Date of meeting: June 11, 2018
Acknowledged by M. Gaskell, Chief
Report Number: PL 41-18 Administrative Officer
Department(s) Responsible: For additional information, contact:
Planning and Development Department Susan McGregor, Principal Planner, ext
2282 or Lauren Taylor, Planner II, ext

1. Recommendation:
1. That Planning Report PL 41-18 be received for information; and,
2. That all submissions received be referred to the Planning and
Development Department for consideration.

2. Highlights:
Applications have been submitted by Nordeagle Developments Ltd. for Official
Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to
enable a mixed use development consisting of up to 3,099 stacked townhouse
and apartment units of up to 20 storeys in height and a maximum density of 439
units per net hectare, as well as offices, retail, hotel, a conference centre, parks,
and associated collector roads.
Report PL 41-18
Planning and Development Committee Page 2 of 9

3. Purpose:
The Planning and Development Department is in receipt of Official Plan
Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment
Applications for the subject land. The purpose of this report is to present the
applications at a statutory public meeting as required by the Ontario Planning Act.

4. Background:
4.1. Site and Area Description
The subject land is approximately 16 hectares (40 acres) in size and is
located on the north side of Victoria Street West, between Gordon Street
and Montecorte Street, and includes land on the north and south sides of
Nordeagle Avenue (refer to Attachment #1). The subject land includes 4
unaddressed vacant properties and 60 Gordon Street.
A Sobey’s distribution warehouse is located to the north; the Iroquois Park
Sports Centre and the Abilities Centre are located to the east; Victoria
Fields, a commercial plaza and semi-detached, townhouse and single
detached dwellings are located to the south; and an industrial building, gas
bar and vacant Business Park lands, are located to the west. Lands on the
west side of Montecorte Street are the subject of planning applications for a
proposed 6 storey, 120 room hotel.

4.2. Applications
The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment Application is to amend the
Lynde Shores Secondary Plan to redesignate the lands bounded by
Nordeagle Avenue, Montecorte Street, Gordon Street and Victoria Street
West from “Business Park” to “Mixed Use” to allow a proposed mixed use
development on the subject land. A new policy section entitled “Mixed Use”
is proposed to be added to the Lynde Shores Secondary Plan, which would:
o identify the range of uses permitted on the subject lands including
office, retail, service, block townhouses and apartments;
o establish a range in building heights from 2 to 20 storeys;
o establish a maximum number of residential units of 3,099 with a
maximum density of 439 units per net hectare;
o establish a maximum retail gross leasable floor space of 15,300
square metres (164,688 square feet); and,
o identify that a public park will be provided on the lands.
The application also proposes an additional site specific policy in the Lynde
Shores Secondary Plan that would apply to the lands on the north side of
Report PL 41-18
Planning and Development Committee Page 3 of 9

Nordeagle Avenue between Montecorte Street and Gordon Street. This

policy would allow buildings with a maximum height of 16 storeys and allow
a range of uses including limited commercial uses, a health or athletic club,
hotels and convention/banquet facilities and at-grade retail uses ancillary to
the Business Park uses.
Finally, the proposed amendment would add collector roads on Schedule
“D” – Transportation and Schedule “G” – Lynde Shores Secondary Plan to
support the proposed development.
The Draft Plan of Subdivision Application proposes to create various blocks
in order to permit a mixed use development including approximately 18,200
square metres (195,900 square feet) of retail, 95,000 square metres
(1,022,600 square feet) of offices, 38,200 square metres (411,200 square
feet) of conference centre, a hotel with 401 rooms, 594 block townhouses,
426 mid-rise apartment units and 2079 high rise apartment units.
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment Application is to change the
zoning to an appropriate zone category to implement the proposed mixed
use development.
Site Plan Approval and Draft Plan of Condominium Applications would be
required to be submitted at a later date.

4.3. Documents Submitted in Support

A number of documents were submitted in support of the applications
including the following:
• A Proposed Official Plan Amendment prepared by Bousfields Inc.
(refer to Attachment #2a-2c);

• A Draft Plan of Subdivision prepared by Bousfields Inc., dated

February 7, 2018 (refer to Attachment #3);

• A Concept Site Plan prepared by Quadrangle Architects, dated

February 2018 (refer to Attachment #4);

• A Planning and Urban Design Rational Report prepared by Bousfields

Inc., dated February 2018 states that the proposal implements the
Region and Town of Whitby Official Plan policies. The report also
states that the proposed development has considered land use
compatibility and urban design and is based on the various studies that
have been undertaken for the development;

• An Environmental Impact Study prepared by R.J. Burnside &

Associates, dated September 22, 2017 identifies existing natural
heritage features; identifies and evaluates potential impacts; and
Report PL 41-18
Planning and Development Committee Page 4 of 9

recommends mitigation measures. The Study states that the site was
pre-graded in 1999 as part of earthworks for the previous industrial

• A Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report prepared

by Valdor Engineering Inc., dated February 2018 concludes that the
proposed development can be adequately serviced with full municipal
services and recommends erosion and sediment controls during

• A Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by WSP, dated June 1,

2017 evaluates the anticipated construction conditions to establish
constructability, including a recommendation that the foundations be
designed below the weak soil deposits on the west portion of the site.
The report notes that underground parking garages will range from one
to five levels underground. A perimeter drainage system is

• A High-Density Residential Market and Economic Impact Assessment

prepared by N. Barry Lyon Consultants, dated March 2018 states that
there is growing demand for more housing options in this area but that
there are a number of other projects in the area so careful phasing with
market demand is recommended. The Assessment summarizes
expected economic impacts of construction spending and the creation
of jobs, as well as increased transit support and support for local
businesses. The report notes impacts to the municipal taxes, building
permit fees, development application fees and development charges,
due to the new residential and commercial properties, which will go
towards paying for the provision of services for the new properties;

• A Noise Feasibility Study including Vibration Study prepared by HGC

Engineering, dated February 16, 2018 recommends noise mitigation
measures including a berm and acoustic fences, as well as upgraded
construction materials and mandatory air conditioning to address
transportation and industrial noise sources. Noise warning clauses are
also recommended. The Study states that vibration measurements are
not required due to the distance from the railway right of way;

• A Phase One Environmental Site Assessment prepared by WSP,

dated March12, 2018 states that there are Areas of Potential
Environmental Concern on the subject land and that a Phase Two
Environmental Site Conditions Assessment is required to investigate
soil and groundwater quality prior to filing a Record of Site Condition;
Report PL 41-18
Planning and Development Committee Page 5 of 9

• A Retail Market Demand and Impact Analysis prepared by Tate

Economic Research Inc., dated July 5, 2017 concludes that the site is
suitable for a mixed use development from the perspective of retail
demand. The analysis states that the vacancy rate in the area is
indicative of a balanced market and that the projected growth will
support new commercial space including a new supermarket. The
report further states that no undue adverse impact is anticipated on
other existing and planned commercial facilities, including the
Downtown Whitby Major Central Area;

• A Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment prepared by AECOM, dated

March 23, 2018 states that the subject land has been extensively
disturbed by past construction activity and states that there is no
archaeological potential;

• A Shadow Study prepared by Bousfields Inc. dated February 2018

provides illustrations showing predicted shadows cast by the proposed
development at various points throughout the day in April and

• A Transportation Study prepared by R.J. Burnside & Associates, dated

January 2018 recommends intersection improvements in the area and
states that parking will be provided underground in accordance with
by-law requirements. The Study recommends that bicycle parking
spaces be supplied based on City of Toronto and City of Ottawa
requirements, for an approximate total of 2,455 short-term and 2,274
long-term bicycle spaces. The Study recommends that sidewalks be
provided on both sides of all streets and bicycle lanes and a multi-use
path also be included; and,

• An Urban Design Plan, prepared by Quadrangle Architects, dated

February 2018 (refer to Attachment #5 for concept rendering) provides
an analysis of the site and surrounding conditions and includes a vision
for the site including a preferred option for a master plan. The Plan
includes: a review of open spaces; sustainable strategies; a
transportation strategy, including pedestrian, cycling and transit;
architectural design; and a buffering strategy.

4.4. Previous Applications and Previous Approvals

In 2007, the owner submitted applications to amend the Regional Official
Plan, as well as to amend the Whitby Official Plan and Zoning By-law to
permit a proposed mixed-use development. The applications were deemed
to be incomplete as they were not accompanied by the required studies. In
addition, the applications to amend the Regional Official Plan and Whitby
Official Plan were considered to be an employment land conversion which
Report PL 41-18
Planning and Development Committee Page 6 of 9

would need to be evaluated in the context of the Region’s Growth Plan

conformity exercise. The owner appealed the Region’s and Town’s lack of
decision on the site-specific applications and later appealed the Region’s
Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 128 and the Town’s Official Plan
Amendment (OPA) 90, (i.e. the Region’s and Town’s Growth Plan
conformity amendments). The appeals to ROPA 128 and OPA 90 were
settled as described in Sections 5.1 and 5.2. The appeals on the previous
site-specific applications were later withdrawn.
In 2008, the owner submitted separate applications to amend the Whitby
Official Plan and Zoning By-law 2585 for approximately 1.8 hectares of land
on the northeast corner of Victoria Street and Montecorte Street to permit
office, retail and service commercial uses with a maximum height of 20
storeys, as Phase 1 of the larger proposed development. The owner
appealed a lack of decision by Council within 180 days. Council
recommended that the OMB approve the applications and the OMB allowed
the appeals. OPA 78 and an amendment to Zoning By-law 2585 were
approved to enable the proposed development. No site plan application
was submitted and no development has occurred on these lands to date.
These lands are included in the current applications.

5. Discussion:
5.1. Region of Durham Official Plan
The subject land is designated as Employment Area in the Regional Official
Plan. Through the settlement of an OMB appeal on ROPA 128 a policy
(Policy 8C.3.1) was added to the Regional Official Plan which enables the
development of an integrated, higher density, mixed use development
including residential, office, commercial and business park uses on the
subject lands subject to an amendment to the area municipal official plan
and the completion of a number of studies.

5.2. Whitby Official Plan

The subject land is designated as Prestige Industrial in the Whitby Official
Plan. A portion of the site can be interpreted to be within the Community
Central Area that is schematically shown on Schedule “A” (refer to
Attachment #6). Through an OMB settlement of an appeal on OPA 90, a
site-specific exception policy, Section (renumbered as Section by OPA 105) was added to the Industrial policies which reflects the
same intent as the Regional policy 8C.3.1 as follows:
“Notwithstanding the policies of this Plan to the contrary, and in accordance
with Policy 8C.3.1 of the Durham Regional Official Plan, an integrated,
higher density, mixed use development including residential, office,
commercial and business park uses, is permitted within the area bounded
by Victoria Street, Gordon Street, Montecorte Street and Nordeagle Avenue.
Report PL 41-18
Planning and Development Committee Page 7 of 9

The extent and scale of development shall be determined through the

completion of studies to the satisfaction of the Region and Municipality to
support an amendment to the Lynde Shores Secondary Plan, which shall
address the following:
a) the determination of an appropriate range of permitted uses within the
mixed use development area that are compatible with uses on
adjacent lands that are existing and permitted in accordance with the
Lynde Shores Secondary Plan;

b) the compatibility of land uses, which shall include the provision of a

transition area between any residential or other sensitive uses and
Business Park uses adjacent to the mixed use development area. The
transition area may include the parcel immediately north of Nordeagle
Avenue, identified as Assessment No. 18-09-020-002-70445;

c) an analysis of the appropriate height, density , massing and built form

for the mixed use development area, and the delineation of the
boundaries of the transition area;

d) an urban design plan;

e) an analysis of the impacts on the surrounding community, including

traffic, noise, environment, air quality and market;

f) a phasing plan to address the availability of servicing; and,

g) any other relevant matters and policies of this Plan.”

Victoria Street in this location is identified as an Intensification Corridor on
Schedule “B”. Lands fronting onto Intensification Corridors are intended to
achieve a long term overall density target of at least 60 residential units per
gross hectare and a long term floor space index target of 2.5. Buildings on
Intensification Corridors have a height range of 2 to 8 storeys but
consideration may be given to heights up to 12 storeys under certain
The land is also designated as Business Park in the Lynde Shores
Secondary Plan (refer to Attachment #7). The Business Park designation is
intended to establish a comprehensively planned, high intensity employment
area to meet the demands of business and information services, and new
advanced industrial and health related technologies in a campus setting.
The permitted uses in the Business Park designation may include research,
development and information processing establishments, corporate head
offices of major regional branch offices, training facilities, communication
production uses, pharmaceutical, light assembly and manufacturing
Report PL 41-18
Planning and Development Committee Page 8 of 9

operations for the production and/or distribution of high value and high
technology products.
Furthermore, for lands within the Community Central Area, limited business,
medical and professional offices, financial institutions, restaurants, fraternal
organizations as well as limited service commercial uses serving the
Business Park are also permitted with a height range of 3 to 8 storeys.
Through OPA 78, an exception for the lands located at the immediate
northeast corner of Victoria Street West and Montecorte Street was granted
to permit the minimum and maximum height restrictions to be 3 and 20
storeys respectively.
An amendment to the Lynde Shores Secondary Plan is required in order to
permit the proposed development in accordance with Section of the
Whitby Official Plan.

5.3. Zoning By-law

The subject land is zoned M1A-LS-N – Prestige Industrial (Business Park)
Node Zone, M1A-LS-N-1 – Prestige Industrial (Business Park) Node Zone
Exception 1 and M1A-LS-2 – Prestige Industrial (Business Park) Zone
Exception 2 (refer to Attachment #8).
The existing zoning permits a variety of business park uses such as offices,
light manufacturing, research and development facility, commercial or
technical school, and warehouse. The current zoning prohibits residential
A Zoning By-law Amendment Application is required to also permit
residential, hotel and conference centre uses and amend any provisions
required to implement the proposed mixed use development.

5.4. Future Applications

A future Site Plan Application will be required to consider the site details,
including a complete set of development plans. The proponent will be
required to enter into a Site Plan Agreement and be responsible for any
associated costs and fees related thereto.
A Draft Plan of Condominium Application will also be required in the future.
The proponent will be required to enter into a Condominium Agreement and
be responsible for any associated costs and fees related thereto.

6. Communication and Public Engagement:

Notice of the statutory public meeting was mailed to all property owners within
120 metres of the subject land at least 20 days prior to the meeting date.
Furthermore, a public notice sign has been erected on the Victoria Street,
Montecorte Street, Nordeagle Avenue and Gordon Street frontages of the subject
Report PL 41-18
Planning and Development Committee Page 9 of 9

land in accordance with the Town’s notification procedures. A notice was also
advertised in the Whitby This Week newspaper on May 16, 2018.
Anyone who attends the public meeting may present an oral submission, and/or
provide a written submission to the Planning and Development Committee on the
proposed Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law
Amendment Applications. Also, any person may make written submissions at
any time before Council makes a decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or
make written submissions to the Town of Whitby before Council makes a
decision on the applications, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal
the decision of Whitby Council to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) and
may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the LPATunless,
in the opinion of the LPAT, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or
public body as a party.

7. Consultation with other Departments/Sources:

The applicable agencies and departments have been circulated the applications
and copies of the associated supporting materials for their review and comment.

8. Conclusion:
All comments received at this statutory public meeting, as well as any
subsequent written submissions, will be considered by the Planning and
Development Department as part of its review and analysis of the development
applications. A recommendation report will be brought forward to the Planning
and Development Committee at such time as input from the commenting
agencies, departments and the public have been received and assessed.
All persons who make oral submissions, or have requested notification in writing,
will be given written notice of the future meeting of the Planning and
Development Committee at which the applications will be considered.

9. Attachments:
Attachment #1 Location Sketch
Attachment #2a-2c Applicant’s Proposed Official Plan Amendment
Attachment #3 Applicant’s Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision
Attachment #4 Applicant’s Concept Site Plan
Attachment #5 Applicant’s Concept Rendering
Attachment #6 Excerpt from Official Plan Schedule ‘A’
Attachment #7 Excerpt from Lynde Shores Secondary Plan Schedule ‘G’
Attachment #8 Excerpt from Zoning By-law 2585
Attachment #1 PL 41-18

Location Sketch
Gail Ct
Newman Cres
St John St W

Heda Ct

Annes St

Henry St
Carter Cres

Gerrie Ct
Harper Ct
t Trent St W
Dawson St
Harriet St
Flemington Ct
l Blvd Clarence Dr

Centre St S

Byron St S
King St
Burns St W

Brock St S
Bayview A
James St

gh Arthur St
Hig Dr
hw a
Subject 01
Land er St
Jeffery St

Nordeagle Ave

Byron St S
Victoria St W

Watson St W
Regatta Cres

Point Hope Pl

Charles St
Whitby Shores Grnwy
Gordon St
Steamer Dr Bliss Ct

Tallships Dr

Anchorage Ave
Channel Dr

Portage Trail Front St W

Forecastle Rd

Breakwater Dr

Scadding Ave

Seclusion Ct
Eggert C


Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department
Applicant: File Number: Date:
Nordeagle Developments Ltd. OPA-2018-W/02 / SW-2018-01/ May 2018
Attachment #2a PL 41-18

Applicant’s Proposed Official Plan Amendment

Actual Amendment: The Town of Whitby Official Plan is hereby amended as follows:

1) Modifying Schedule ‘D’ as indicated on the attached Exhibit ‘B’, by modifying the location
of “Collector Roads”.

2) Modifying Schedule ‘G’ as indicated on the attached Exhibit ‘C’ by changing the land use
designation from “Business Park” to “Mixed Use” and by modifying the location of
“Collector Roads” and “Pedestrian Walkways”.

3) Modify the Official Plan to insert a new Section 11.2.5 “Mixed Use” as follows, and
renumber the subsequent sections accordingly: The lands bound by Nordeagle Avenue, Montecorte Street, Gordon Street
and Victoria Street West are designated Mixed Use on Schedule G. Mixed use development is permitted on the subject lands comprised of

office, retail, service, residential block townhouses and residential
apartments in high-rise and mid-rise form. The minimum permitted height shall be 2 storeys and the maximum
permitted height shall be 20 storeys. The maximum number of residential units shall be 3,099, and the maximum
retail Gross leasable floor space shall be 15,300 square metres. The permitted net density shall be a maximum of 439 units per hectare. A centrally located public park shall be located on the subject lands in order
to provide convenient outdoor amenity for residents and employees.

4) Modify the Official Plan to insert a new Section as follows: Notwithstanding Section, the following uses are permitted within
buildings up to a maximum height of 16 storeys on the lands fronting onto
the north side of Nordeagle Avenue between Montecorte Street and
Gordon Street:

a) limited personal service uses, restaurants, and financial institutions

serving the immediate designated Industrial Area;
b) health or athletic club; and
c) hotels and convention/banquet facilities, provided that such uses are
compatible with uses in the surrounding area.
d) at-grade retail uses ancillary to principal Prestige Industrial uses up to
a maximum combined gross leasable floor space of 3,200 square metres.
Attachment #2b PL 41-18

Applicant’s Proposed Official Plan Amendment

Attachment #2c PL 41-18

Applicant’s Proposed Official Plan Amendment

N71°59'00"E 440.72


°3 .19
26 14
N71°59'00"E 432.11

E N71°59'00"E 420.88 N
0" 63 14
9'0 4 °2 .4
°5 4.1 9'4 4
26 1 0"



Attachment #3




0 '4

°3 .1

13 2'4
26 14

.82 0"

N71°59'00"E 418.16
Applicant’s Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision
PL 41-18
Attachment #4 PL 41-18

Applicant’s Concept Site Plan

Attachment #5 PL 41-18

Applicant’s Concept Rendering


Quadrangle / Whitby Masterplan 65

Attachment #6 PL 41-18

Excerpt from Whitby Official Plan Schedule 'A'


Lands Subject to Durham Regional Official Plan - Town of Whitby Schedule
Official Plan Policy 14.13.7
Community Commercial (
! Local Central Area Excerpt from
@ @ @@ @ @
@ @ @@ @ @
Estate Residential Resource Extraction Area (See Section 4.12)

@ @ @@ @ @
@ @ @@ @ @

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
General Industrial !
U Utility Schedule 'A'
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Hamlet 2031 Urban Area Boundary
Institutional Community Central Area Boundary Land Use
Major Commercial Future Urban Development Area Boundary
Major Open Space J J J Greenbelt Protected Countryside Boundary

* * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
Mixed Use
Prestige Industrial
Hamlet Boundary
Major Central Area Boundary
Municipal Boundary 0
± 80 160
* * * * * * * * * * *
Special Activity Node Southern Boundary of Oak Ridges Moraine Metres

Special Purpose Commercial Urban Central Area Boundary This schedule forms part of the Official Plan of the Town of Whitby and must be read in
Notes: Refer to the applicable Secondary Plan for more detailed land use designations. Secondary Plan boundaries can be found on conjunction with the written text. For all intents and purposes, the elements within
Schedule 'E', including the Oak Ridges Moraine Secondary Plan. Some legend items may not appear on the displayed figure extent. this schedule are to be considered conceptual.
Attachment #7 PL 41-18

Excerpt from Lynde Shore Secondary Plan Schedule 'G'


Excerpt from: Schedule
Low Density Residential Business Park
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
* *** ***** ***
Lynde Shores
* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
Medium Density Residential Low Hazard
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
* *** ***** ****
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** * * * M1 ***** ****


** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
*** *****
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** **
** ** ** **
** ** ** **
Medium Density Residential 1 Arterial Road
Secondary Plan
* ** ** ** H1 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** High Density Residential 1
*** ***** ****

*** *****
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
*** *****
* * * H2
*** *****
** ** ** *
** ** **

*** High Density Residential 2
Collector Road
Official Plan
* *** ***** *** Lynde Shore Boundary
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** H3
*** *****
*** *****
** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** **
** ** **
High Density Residential 3
Pedestrian Walkways
Town of Whitby
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
* *** ***** ***
** * * * H4 ***** ***
*** ***** ***
High Density Residential 4
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Refer to Section

P Park 0 90 180
Major Open Space/Park
S Elementary School
Community Commercial
Attachment # 8 PL 41-18

Excerpt from Zoning By-Law 2585

C1 I2-DT
R2 OS1
I C2
R4A R2
M1 D(R) C2-S-8
A -2 F-1
I C2
M1A-LS Subject M3
Land M2
M1A-LS-N R4-2
R2C/R2A C2
R3A R5A-8
R3A* I
R3B R4A R3C C3-R H-R5A-11
G-4 D(NR) R5A
R2B* R3A OS D(NR)-2
R2C R5A-6
R3B* R3A C1
R2A* R3A* R4B OS
G R4
R2B R3A I D(NR) R4
R2B* R3A R3A R2C
R4B* R3B F
R2A* R2C R2B R2C OS-1
G R2B* R2A R5A F
OS H-R5A-10-T
R3A -13
R2-2 R4C-2
G-4 D(NR)
G R5A-9

Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department
Applicant: File Number: Date:
Nordeagle Developments Ltd. OPA-2018-W/02 / SW-2018-01/ May 2018

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