ChromosomalAberration of Snakehead Fish (Channa Striata) 2015

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Int. J. Environ. Res.

, 9(3):897-906, Summer 2015

ISSN: 1735-6865

Chromosomal Aberration of Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) in Affected

Reservoir by Leachate with Lead and Mercury Contamination
Promsid, P.1,4, Neeratanaphan, L.1,4*, Supiwong, W.2,4, Sriuttha, M.3 and Tanomtong, A.2,4
Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen
40002, Thailand
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002,
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Nong Khai Campus, Nong
Khai 43000, Thailand
Genetics and Environmental Toxicology (GET) Research Group, Khon Kaen University

Received 5 Oct. 2014; Revised 5 Dec. 2014; Accepted 5 Dec. 2014

ABSTRACT: The objectives of this study are to investigate chromosomal aberrations of snakehead fish in a
leachate-affected reservoir located 100 meters from a municipal landfill which compared to non-affected reservoir.
Three snakehead fish were collected and chromosomal aberrations were studied using kidney tissue. Lead and
mercury were measured in water, sediment and snakehead fish from the affected reservoir at three sampling
sites. The results showed that the average concentrations of lead and mercury in water were 0.0012±0.0003 and
0.0053±0.0036 mg/L, respectively. The average concentrations of lead and mercury in sediment were 3.3650±2.1930
and 0.0890±0.0272 mg/kg, respectively. These values did not exceed the standard for water and soil quality
except for the mercury in the water, which was higher than acceptable. Lead was not found in snakehead fish
from either reservoir. The average concentrations of mercury in snakehead fish from both reservoirs were
0.1330±0.0792 and 0.1180±0.0350 mg/kg, respectively, which were higher than the standard for mercury
contamination in food. This study showed that the accumulation of mercury in snakehead fish was higher than in
sediment because it accumulates in organisms through the consumption hierarchy. The diploid chromosome
number of snakehead fish in both reservoirs was 2n = 42 and the percentage of chromosomal breakages of
snakehead fish in the affected reservoir was higher than the non-affected reservoir. There were four types of
chromosomal breakages: single chromatid gap, isochromatid gap, single chromatid breaks and isochromatid breaks.
The difference in percentage of chromosomal breakages in snakehead fish from both reservoirs was statistically
significant (p<0.05).

Key words: Chromosomal aberration, Municipal landfill, Leachate, Heavy metal, Channa striata

The increasing human population affects the al., 2005). Landfills are considered the most common
consumption of natural resources, which has led to methods for disposing municipal solid waste.
environmental problems such as soil and water Municipal landfills in Thailand have a problem caused
pollution. Human consumption is increasing solid by leachate; for example, a municipal landfill located
waste, and municipal landfills have contamination in the Muang district, Khon Kaen province, which
from leachate, which greatly impacts aquatic has been used for the last 46 years, is contaminated.
ecosystems. Solid waste constitutes an important and Its use exceeds the maximal use that it was designed
emerging environmental problem: it is estimated that to carry. The main toxic compound in municipal
waste production varies from 0.5 to 4.5 kg per person landfills is leachate, characterized by its high
per day in different regions of the world (Bakare et concentrations of numerous toxic and carcinogenic
*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]
chemicals (Halim et al., 2005; Li et al., 2004). It

Promsid, P. et al.

also causes mutagenic and carcinogenic diseases in (Gupta & Sarin, 2009). Studies on aquatic organisms
living beings. The contamination of soil, ground and exposed to pollutant waters or sediment containing
surface water by municipal landfill leachates has heavy metals have reported DNA strand breakage.
become a serious problem due to environmental and Fish are used as sensitive indicators for their
human health risks (Slack et al., 2005). Leachate is genotoxic and mutagenic effects (Yadav & Trivedi,
generated by the infiltration and percolation of 2006). Chromosomal aberration tests provide a quick
rainfall, groundwater, run-off or flood water into method to screen genotoxic effects of chemical
disposal landfill areas and through the waste layers substances that are present in the environment (Leme
of an existing or abandoned landfill site (Kjeldsen et & Marin-Morales, 2008; Leme et al., 2008; Hoshina
al., 2002; Renou et al., 2008). This type of liquid et al., 2008; Hoshina & Marin-Morales, 2009).
effluent consists of a huge number of pollutants, Investigations of the toxic effects of metal pollutants
such as dissolved organic matter, inorganic salts, at the cellular level demonstrate cytogenetic
heavy metals and xenobiotic organic compounds, aberrations, which warrant environmental monitoring
which could be toxic and carcinogenic (Christensen and risk assessment.
et al., 2001; Slack et al., 2005; Kalcíková et al., 2011) Channa striata is a species of snakehead fish
and able to induce potential risk for biota and that is important in the food chain within the aquatic
humans. It has been reported that a small amount of ecosystem. Aquatic ecosystem contamination by
landfill leachate can pollute large volume of
heavy metals from leachate has been gaining
groundwater, which can contaminate and affect the
increasing attention. Chronic exposure and
biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems and subsequently
accumulation of these chemicals by aquatic biota may
contaminate food chains (Bakare et al., 2000; Garaj-
result in tissue damage that produces adverse effects
Vrhovac et al., 2009). Heavy metals have received
not only in the exposed organisms, but also in
considerable attention due to their toxicity and
organisms including human beings. This study aims
potential to bioaccumulate in aquatic biota. Lead (Pb)
to determine the concentration of Pb and Hg in C.
and mercury (Hg) are two heavy metals found in
striata samples from an affected reservoir and a non-
nature. Their distribution in the environment is
affected reservoir which was assumed to have no
governed by natural and anthropogenic activities
leachate contamination, as well as to obtain
(Florea et al., 2004). They represent a significant
information on chromosomal aberrations.
ecological and public health concern due to their
toxicities and abilities to accumulate in living
organisms. Exposure to high concentrations of Pb and
The three sampling sites are located at the
Hg damages the nervous system, immune system,
reservoir in municipal landfill in the Muang district
kidney and liver in human beings. The genotoxicity
of the Khon Kaen, Thailand (Fig. 1). The distance
of Pb and Hg compounds have been investigated with
between the affected reservoir and the municipal
a variety of genetic endpoints in prokaryotic and
landfill is 100 meters. Most of the land near the
eukaryotic cells (WHO, 1991; WHO, 1989). Several
municipal landfill was used for farming and cropping
studies have confirmed the genotoxic potential of
plants such as rice, bananas, cassavas and sugarcane.
leachates, reporting a significant increase in the
The reference site was defined as the reservoir, where
frequencies of micronuclei, sister chromatid there was no leachate contamination.
exchanges, chromosomal aberrations, DNA
disturbances and cut-downs of mitotic indexes in The water, sediment and C. striata samples were
different cell types and model systems (Amahdar et collected from three sampling sites at the affected
al., 2009; Bakare et al., 2005; Chandra et al., 2005; reservoir in municipal landfill (Fig. 1) and the non-
Feng et al., 2007; Gajski et al., 2011; Li et al., 2008; affected reservoir, which was randomly selected. Each
Monarca et al., 2002; Sang & Li, 2004; Sang et al., sample was analyzed for Pb and Hg concentrations
2006; Tewari et al., 2005). The cytogenetic and chromosome aberrations. The water samples were
abnormalities and DNA damage induced by landfill fixed by nitric acid and the sediment samples were
leachate indicate that consumption of leachate- dried by air before analysis of Pb and Hg
contaminated water could increase the risk of concentrations.
developing adverse health consequences. As a result, A total of 2.5 g of each sample was predigested
it is important to monitor the potential toxicity by with 3 ml of concentrated nitric acid overnight at
leachate of sanitary landfills (Gajski et al., 2012). 40°C. After cooling, 2 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide
The measurement of genotoxicity caused by heavy was added. The container was covered, placed in a
metals in living things, including aquatic animals, is high-pressure stainless steel bomb and then placed
mainly related to sensitivity and a short response time in an oven at 160°C for 4 h. After cooling, the solution

Int. J. Environ. Res., 9(3):897-906, Summer 2015

Fig. 1. Overview of the municipal landfill area and locations of the three studied sites, as shown by
sites 1 through 3

was diluted with Milli-Q water and transferred into a rpm for 8 min; then the supernatant was discarded.
PET bottle to 50 g. The Pb and Hg concentrations in The fixation was repeated until the supernatant was
each sample were determined using induction coupled clear; then the pellet was mixed with 1 ml fixative.
plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; model 7500C) The mixture was dropped onto a clean and cold slide
(Bailey et al., 2003). The wavelength analyses of ICP- by a micropipette followed by an air-dry technique.
MS for Pb and Hg were set to 283.3, 228.8 nm,
Conventional staining was prepared by using 20%
respectively. The accuracy of the metal
Giemsa’s solution for 30 min (Rooney, 2001). Ag-
concentrations results was evaluated with certified
NOR banding (Howell & Black, 1980) was performed
reference material (CRM) via the 3111C method
by adding four drops of 50% silver nitrate and 2%
(APHA, 2005). Two aliquots of the CRM were spiked
gelatin on slides, respectively. The slides were sealed
with a known amount of metal spike standard. One
with cover glasses and incubated at 60°C for 5 min.
spike was analyzed according to the 3111C method,
After that, the slides were soaked in distilled water
and the other was analyzed with the 3111B method
until the cover glasses were separated.
(APHA, 2005). The metal recoveries were in the 96-
100% range, which is considered acceptable (USEPA, Chromosome counting and recording of abnormal
1994). chromosomes were performed on mitotic metaphase
cells under a light microscope. Twenty clearly
The snakehead fish samples were transferred to
observable and well-cells spread chromosome plates
the laboratory. Chromosomes were directly prepared
were selected and photographed. The fundamental
in vivo (Chen & Ebeling, 1968; Nanda et al., 1995)
number (NF, number of chromosome arms) was
as follows: colchicine was injected to fish’s
obtained by assigning a value of two arms to
abdominal cavity and left for 1 h. The kidney was cut
metacentric, submetacentric and acrocentric
into small pieces then mixed with 0.075 M KCl. After
chromosomes and one to a telocentric chromosome.
discarding all large pieces of tissue, 7 ml of cell
All parameters were used in karyotyping. For the
sediments were transferred to a centrifuge tube and
estimation of chromosomal aberration frequency per
incubated for 25-30 min. KCl was discarded from the
one specimen, 300 cells were selected out for a 150-
supernatant after centrifugation again at 1,200 rpm
well spread after sacrifice. The chromosomal
for 8 min. The cells were fixed in a fresh, cool fixative
aberrations were estimated by studying the percentage
(3 methanol: 1 glacial acetic acid) gradually
of chromosome breakages on 150 metaphase cells
increased to 7 ml before centrifugation again at 1,200
per individual sample under a light microscope.

Chromosomal Aberration of Snakehead Fish

The concentrations of Pb and Hg and the percentage 0.133±0.079 and 0.118±0.035 mg/kg, respectively,
of chromosomal breakage in snakehead fish from which were both higher than the standard of Hg
affected and non-affected reservoirs were analyzed contamination in food ( 0.02 mg/kg), (Pollution
using one-way ANOVA. All of the statistical tests were Control Department of Thailand, 2001). Statistical
conducted at a 95% confidence level. analysis indicates that there are no significant
differences between the concentrations of Hg in
RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS snakehead fish from affected and non-affected
The Pb and Hg concentrations in water and reservoirs.
sediment samples of the affected reservoir from the This study reveals that the Pb and Hg
three studied sites are shown in Table 1. The Pb and concentrations in water, sediment and snakehead fish
Hg concentrations in C. striata from both reservoirs (C. striata) samples from the reservoir affected by
are shown in Table 2. The Pb and Hg concentrations leachate correlated with chromosomal aberrations.
at all sites ranged from 0.0010-0.0015 and 0.0019- The Pb and Hg concentrations in the sediment are
0.0090 mg/L in water, and 1.793-5.871 and 0.0580- higher than the water at all measured sites; after being
0.1090 mg/kg in sediment. The average concentration deposited into the sediments, they accumulate in C.
values of Hg in the water were still higher than is striata. All Pb and Hg levels meet the standard of
allowed for the water quality standards (0.002 mg/L), water and soil quality, except for Hg in the water, and
(Pollution Control Department of Thailand, 2001).
fortunately, the concentration of Pb was not found in
The concentrations of Pb and Hg in water and sediment
snakehead fish of affected and non-affected
samples did not exceed the standard of water and soil
reservoirs. However, the average concentrations of
quality, with the exception of Hg concentration in the
Hg in snakehead fish from both reservoirs were higher
water, which was higher than acceptable. Pb was not
than Thailand’s food quality standard level. This
found in snakehead fish from either reservoir. The
comparative study showed that the accumulation of
average concentration of Hg in snakehead fish from
mercury in snakehead fish was higher than in sediment
affected and non-affected reservoirs were

Table 1. The concentrations of Pb and Hg in water and sediment samples from affected reservoir

Water samples Sediment samples

Sampling sites Pb Hg Pb Hg
concentrations concentrations concentrations concentrations
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Site 1 0.0011 0.0090 5.871 0.1090
Site 2 0.0015 0.0050 2.431 0.1000
Site 3 0.0010 0.0019 1.793 0.0580
Average 0.0012±0.0003 0.0053±0.0036 3.3650±2.1930 0.0890±0.0272
Thailand Standard 0.05 0.002 400 23

Table 2. The concentrations of Pb and Hg in snakehead fish (C. striata) samples from affected and non-
affected reservoirs

Pb concentrations Hg concentrations
Snakehead fish (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
(C. striata) Affected Non-affected Affected Non-affected
reservoir reservoir reservoir reservoir
Individual 1 Not Detected Not Detected 0.224 0.086
Individual 2 Not Detected Not Detected 0.092 0.113
Individual 3 Not Detected Not Detected 0.083 0.155
ns ns
Average Not Detected Not Detected 0.133±0.079 0.118±0.035
Thailand Standard 1  0.02
Remark: Limit of Detection (LOD) for Pb = 0.02 mg/kg, ns= no significant

Int. J. Environ. Res., 9(3):897-906, Summer 2015

because it accumulates in organisms through the while conventional staining techniques detect only
consumption hierarchy. The sampling sites have chromosomal aberrations. The different types of
running water that leaches Hg from the municipal aberrations in the metaphase spread of C. striata
landfill into the affected reservoir, which is then samples from the affected reservoir are shown in Fig.
diluted in water, deposited into the sediments, and 5. This study showed that the different types of
accumulated in C. striata. This process likely chromosomal aberrations were single chromatid gap
accounts for the increased metal concentration during (SG), isochromatid gap (ISCG), single chromatid
the rainy season. As this study is a field investigation, breaks (SB) and isochromatid breaks (ISCB). The most
there are other possible environmental measures of common chromosomal aberration in the samples from
toxicity in addition to Pb and Hg contamination the affected reservoir was SB. The number and
(Ansari et al., 2004). percentage of chromosomal aberrations of C. striata
The diploid chromosome number (2n) of C. striata from the affected and non-affected reservoirs are
from affected and non-affected reservoirs was 2n=42. shown in Table 3. The average Hg concentration values
The karyotype of C. striata from both reservoirs was and the average percentage of chromosomal
composed of 6 metacentric, 2 acrocentric and 34 aberrations in the C. striata samples from the affected
telocentric chromosomes (Fig. 2, 3). The karyotype and non-affected reservoirs were 0.133±0.079 mg/kg
of C. striata from the affected reservoir showed and 19.333 %, and 0.118±0.035 mg/kg and 0.889%,
respectively. This data indicates that the average Hg
chromosome aberrations. C. striata from both
concentration values and the average percentage of
reservoirs displayed terminal Ag-NOR on
chromosomal aberrations of the C. striata samples
chromosome pair 11 (Fig. 4). The 2n of the mitotic
from the affected reservoir are higher than the samples
metaphase cells and the karyotypes of C. striata,
from the non-affected reservoir. Statistical analysis
conventionally stained with Ag-NOR are not different
indicates that there are significant differences between
in both reservoirs.
chromosomal aberrations of C. striata samples from
Staining chromosomes with Ag-NOR does not the affected and non-affected reservoirs with regards
detect the chromosomal aberrations of C. striata, to Hg (p< 0.05).

Fig. 2. Metaphase chromosome plates and karyotypes of individual (A, B) snakehead fish (C. striata,
2n=42) from the affected reservoir using a conventional staining technique. The arrows indicate the
chromosome aberrations

Promsid, P. et al.

Fig. 3. Metaphase chromosome plates and karyotypes of individual (A, B) snakehead fish (C. striata,
2n=42) from the non-affected reservoir using a conventional staining technique

Fig. 4. Metaphase chromosome plates of snakehead fish (C. striata, 2n=42) of the non-affected
reservoir (A) and the affected reservoir (B) using an Ag-NOR straining technique. The arrows
indicate NOR-bearing chromosomes pair 11

Int. J. Environ. Res., 9(3):897-906, Summer 2015

Fig. 5. Different types of aberrations in metaphase spread of C. striata (2n=42) showing single
chromatid gap (SG), isochromatid gap (ISCG), single chromatid breaks (SB) and isochromatid
breaks (ISCB) affected by leachate. (A: Non-affected reservoir, B-D: Affected reservoir)

Table 3. The number and percentage of chromosomal aberrations of C. striata from affected and non-
affected reservoirs
Snakehead fish Pb Hg The number of chromosomal The
(C. striata) concentration concentration aberrations percentage of
(mg/kg) (mg/kg) chromosomal
1 2 3
Affected Individual 1 Not Detected 0.224 4 4 6 10. 667
reservoir Individual 2 Not Detected 0.092 4 5 5 9.333
Individual 3 Not Detected 0.083 10 9 9 18. 667
Average Not Detected 0.133±0.079 ns 6a 6.666 a 6.666 a 19.333±5.048 a
Non-affected Individual 1 Not Detected 0.086 2 0 1 2
reservoir Individual 2 Not Detected 0.113 0 1 0 0.667
Individual 3 Not Detected 0.155 0 0 0 0
Average Not Detected 0.118±0.035 ns 0. 666 b 0.333 b 0. 333 b 0.889±1.018 b

Remark: Limit of Detection (LOD) for Pb = 0.02 mg/kg, ns= no significant, a&b=significant

Results obtained with the chromosome checks of affected and non-affected reservoirs were not
C. striata from the leachate-affected and non-affected significantly different, but there is a significant
reservoirs indicate the diploid chromosome numbers difference in chromosomal aberrations between the
are not different. The NOR location can describe the affected and non-affected samples. It appears that
chromosome evolution. The samples of C. striata organisms received less toxic pollutants and were
from both reservoirs displayed terminal Ag-NOR on then able to build up resistance. These data indicate
chromosome pair 11 while Supiwong et al. (2009) that the chromosomal aberrations are not only caused
reported that Ag-NOR was located on region adjacent by Hg but also affected by other heavy metals, their
to the centromere of chromosome pair 14. The data combination and duration of exposure. However, the
reports basic knowledge about C. striata and its snakehead fish living in Hg-contaminated sites need
cytogenetics will be applied to studies of breeding, to develop some degree of tolerance to Hg toxicity
conservation and chromosome evolution in this fish. to survive. The snakehead fish from the affected
In addition, the snakehead fish Hg samples from the reservoir adapt to their environment. They can endure

Chromosomal Aberration of Snakehead Fish

Hg contamination and survive in the aquatic ecosystem concentrations of Hg in snakehead fish from the non-
near the municipal landfill, which is a highly affected reservoir was higher than Thailand’s food
contaminated area. The snakehead fish are affected quality standard level, chromosomal aberrations were
by Hg from leachate in the area of the municipal found at extremely low levels. This snakehead fish
landfill, and this can also occur in any eukaryotic can endure Hg contamination and survive in the
organism. Humans, for example, can be affected like aquatic ecosystem. Thus, the accumulation of Hg in
the snakehead fish by the food chain or food web. fish species should be a concern because of its
Exposure to high concentrations of Hg is known to potential effects on human health. The government
cause damage to the nervous system, kidney and should be informed about municipal landfill
liver in human beings. The cytotoxicity confers management to protect humans from harm.
chromosome abnormalities in developing fetuses
and is a major cause of early spontaneous abortions ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
in humans. Aneuploidy accounts for over 90% of This research was funded by the Genetics and
fetal loss (Hassold, 1986). Fortunately, this study Environmental Toxicology Research Group and
detected only a small number of chromosomal Integrated Water Resource Management Research and
aberrations in snakehead fish from the non-affected Development Center in Northeast Thailand, Khon
reservoir, which was selected at random. These data Kaen University, Thailand.
indicate that people consume snakehead fish from
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