A Rational Approach To Septic Tank Design

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Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH)

Vol. 31, No. 1, March, 2012, pp. 68–78.

Copyright 2012
c Faculty of Engineering,
University of Nigeria. ISSN 1115-8443


C.C. Nnajia , J.C. Agunwambab

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

A new approach to the design of septic tanks was developed based on a number of critical
parameters, namely: residual detention time, minimum residual detention time, resid-
ual depth and minimum residual depth. This method involved first specifying a desired
desludging interval. This interval was then substituted in a septage accumulation model
to obtain the volume of sludge accumulated in this time interval. Using a minimum de-
tention time of 24 hours and a desired minimum residual depth, the plan area of the
tank was then determined and hence, the depth of sludge volume. The total depth of the
tank was obtained as the sum of the sludge depth, residual depth and depth of reserve
space. The length and width of the tank were also obtained from the plan area by using
a length to width ratio (L/W) ranging between 2 to 4 or any other range depending on
land configuration. Design charts and a Microsoft Excel based design programme were
produced to aid the design of septic tanks. A predetermined desludging interval ensures
septic tanks are efficient and durable.
Keywords: septic tank, desludging, sewage, design, sludge

1. Introduction specification is not realistic as a septic tank sized

for 1 day detention time will need desludging fre-
The septic tank system is the most widely used quently.
onsite system for wastewater treatment especially
in developing countries where the cost of central The code recommended that a septic tank
wastewater treatment facilities is prohibitive. In serving 10 people should have a dimension of
the United States only, over 50 million people use 2.032m (length), 0.457m (width) and 1.22m
the septic system [1]. According to [2], over 46% (depth) giving a total volume of 1.13m3 . Even
of the Nigerian population use the septic tank if the usual constant sludge accumulation rate
system. Given enough detention time, the septic of 0.04m3 /capita/year [6,7] is assumed, in three
tank can achieve as much as 81% total suspended years the tank will be overflowing with sludge
solids removal, 68% BOD removal, 65% phos- (1.2m3 ). This implies that the tank will need
phate removal and 66% fecal coliform removal desludging about every two years. Compare this
[3,4]. In Nigeria, septic tanks are rarely designed, with the recommendations in Table 2 [8]. For
rather, most contractors resort to arbitrary sizing instance, they recommended a tank of 2000 US
or adopt the specifications of the Public Works gallons (7.57m3 ) for a four bedroom house (see
Department [5] shown in Table 1 or other local Table 2). Obviously this is a very long shot from
government specifications. The specifications on the meager 1.13m3 recommended by PWD for a
this table are based on 1 day detention time and septic tank serving 10 people.
a wastewater flow of 0.114m3 /capita/day. This The septic tank is a very vital aspect of waste

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A Rational Approach to Septic Tank Design 69
Table 1: Schedule of Septic Tank Sizing and Dimensions (PWD, 1943).

Tank Dimensions No. of

Size Length(m) Width(m) Depth(m) Capacity(m3 ) Users
I 2.032 0.457 1.220 1.134 10
II 2.286 0.534 1.220 1.448 13
III 2.286 0.610 1.220 1.700 15
IV 2.540 0.686 1.220 2.125 18
V 3.048 0.762 1.220 2.832 25

Table 2: Septic Tank Volumes [8].

No of Bedrooms Tank Capacity (US gallons) Tank Capacity (m3 )

One or two bedrooms 1,000 3.785
Three bedrooms 1,500 5.678
Four bedrooms 2,000 7.570

management and public health that merits more residual detention time, θre days and a minimum
than casual sizing. Every septic tank is unique residual depth per capita hre (m), the following
and must be designed to maintain minimum con- relationship holds.
ditions. In this regard, [9] noted that the key to
effective sewage treatment is proper design, in- hre = (1)
stallation, periodic maintenance and responsible A
operation. The most critical parameter in septic For the sake of economy, it is necessary to choose
tank design and operation is the detention time. plan dimensions that will yield the minimum plan
At any point in time, the detention time must be perimeter for a given plan area. This will ensure
sufficient to allow solid particles to settle, other- that the minimum amount of materials is used
wise, its performance will be impaired. for construction. Tank perimeter, P is given as:

P = 2w + 2l (2)
2. Development of Design Approach
P = + 2l (3)
The design approach developed in this study is l
based on critical parameters viz: residual depth For minimum perimeter, we differentiate with re-
which depends on the residual detention time, spect to l and equate to zero.
sludge depth which determines desludging inter-
val and reserve space which helps accommodate dP 2A
=2− 2 =0 (4)
intermittent overloading and malfunctioning. dl l
Hence l = w for the most economic plan area.
2.1. Residual depth This implies that the most economic plan should
As sludge accumulates in the septic tank, the be a square. However, researchers have been ad-
depth of the tank decreases. In the design of sep- vocating for tanks with narrow plan for higher ef-
tic tank, it is necessary to specify a minimum ficiency, hence three classes of plan specifications
residual depth and a minimum residual detention will be included in the evolving design approach.
time in order to maintain the efficiency of the The cases are: l = w for economy; and l = 2w
tank above a threshold limit. These conditions and l = 3w for laminar conditions [10]. Adopting
should be the prevailing conditions at desludg- a minimum detention time of 24 hours (1 day) at
ing. Considering a septic tank of plan area A, desludging:
receiving wastewater at the rate of Q m3 /s per Q
capita which is required to maintain a minimum Case 1 (l = w) : hre = (5)

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2012.


 Figure 1: Chart for determining volume of sludge for a chosen desludging interval.

Figure 2: Residual Depth per Occupant (hre ) versus Number of Occupants.

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A Rational Approach to Septic Tank Design 71

Figure 3: Tank dimensions and residual depth Figure 4: 
Tank dimensions and residual depth
for simple house connection, pour flush (Q = for simple house connection, pour flush (Q =
0.064m3 /capita/day) and L = 2w. 0.064m3 /capita/day) and L = 3w.

2Q residual depth, hence, volume of the reserve space

Case 2 (l = 2w) : hre = (6)
l2 is equal to the residual volume.
Case 3 (l = 3w) : hre = 2 (7)
l hre = hrev (8)
It is necessary to state at this point that under Where hre = residual volume and hrev = reserve
normal circumstances, a septic tank should not space or volume
have a square plan even though it is the most eco-
nomical plan as this could lead to shortcircuiting. 2.3. Sludge depth
However, where the shape and size of land poses For any reasonable design of the septic tank
a restriction, some sort of compromise could be to be undertaken, sludge accumulation rate must
reached. be considered. This will help in determining the
volume of the tank as well as desludging interval.
2.2. Reserve space In this design approach, the sludge accumulation
The reserve space refers to the empty space model developed by [11] will be adopted.
above the liquid level of the septic tank or above
the effluent pipe. The reserve space is an ad- Vseptage = 0.043 + 0.021t − 0.56(e−0.11t − 1) (9)
ditional space that takes care of such malfunc-
Vseptage = volume of sludge and scum (m3 ), A =
tions as blockage of the effluent pipe, clogging of
plan area of septic tank (m2 ) and t = number of
the drain field or temporary overloading. When
years of operation.
blockage of effluent pipe or clogging of drain field
occurs, the additional space in the tank accom- 2.4. Design procedure
modates influent until the defect is corrected. If
The new design approach has been presented
the defect is not corrected then sewage will back
in three different packages to suit the designers
up into the house. The reserve space should be
fancy and level of education. The three aspects
such that it will take the tank about one full day
to fill up the extra space so that there will be ad-
equate time to effect repairs. Considering that, • Use of Equations 1, 8 and 9 (for the learned
one day detention time is also allowed for the designer),

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2012.


Figure 5: Tank dimensions and residual depth
for simple house connection, pour flush (Q =
0.064m3 /capita/day) and L = w.

• Use of charts which will be presented shortly 

Figure 6: Tank dimensions and residual depth for full
(for anyone),
house connection, urban with garden (Q = 0.22) and
L = 2w.
• Use of simple Microsoft Excel based pro-
gramme (for the computer literate designer).

2.4.1. Use of Equations 1, 8 and 9

A good septic tank design must fix a minimum
residual detention time at which it becomes nec-
essary to desludge the tank. Many standards
usually specify 24 hours. Also, based on Equa-
tion 1, a minimum residual depth per occupant
(hre ) corresponding to the chosen residual deten-
tion time should also be specified. The overall
residual depth (Hre ) is the product of the residual
depth per occupant and the number of occupants.
For good design and for practical purposes, the
value of the overall residual depth should not be
less than 10cm and not more than 75cm. This
is because too low residual depth will cause the
wash out of sludge and also interfere with inlet
and outlet fittings while too high residual depth
will result in a tank with very low length to depth
ratio which will be inefficient. Narrow tanks have 
been found to provide quiescent hydraulic con- Figure 7: Tank dimensions and residual depth for full
ditions which favour settling and thus solids re- house connection, urban with garden (Q = 0.22) and
moval. Then using Equation 1, the plan area of L = 3w.
the tank is determined. A desired desludging in-
terval is chosen and then Equation 9 is used to

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A Rational Approach to Septic Tank Design 73

Figure 8: Tank dimensions and residual depth for full

house connection, urban with garden (Q = 0.22) and
L = w.
Figure 10: Tank dimensions and residual depth for 
Nigerian average, urban areas without pipe borne wa-
ter (Q = 0.03) and L = 3w.


Figure 9: Tank dimensions and residual depth for 
Figure 11: Tank dimensions and residual depth for
Nigerian average, urban areas without pipe borne wa- Nigerian average, urban areas without pipe borne wa-
ter (Q = 0.03) and L = 2w. ter (Q = 0.03) and L = w.

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2012.


Figure 14: Tank dimensions and residual depth for
basic water requirement (Q = 0.04) and L = w.

Figure 12: Tank dimensions and residual depth for
basic water requirement (Q = 0.04) and L = 2w. determine the volume of sludge that will accumu-
late in that period of time. The depth of sludge
in the tank at this time is then obtained by di-
viding the volume of accumulated sludge with the
plan area obtained as described above. The to-
tal depth of tank is obtained as the sum of sludge
depth, the residual depth and the depth of the re-
serve space. The reserve space should correspond
to a volume of 24 hours detention time. Finally a
ratio of length to width is chosen and hence, the
length and the width can be determined. The
length should always be longer than the width to
provide for quiescent conditions.

2.4.2. Use of charts

The steps described above have been translated
into a series of charts using the relevant equations
and covering as many scenarios as possible (see
Figures 1 to 14). The overall residual depth is
chosen and the residual depth per occupant (hor-
izontal axis) corresponding to the number of oc-
cupants to use the septic tank is read off on the

 vertical axis of Figure 2. The residual depth per
Figure 13: Tank dimensions and residual depth for occupant obtained is located on the vertical axis
basic water requirement (Q = 0.04) and L = 3w. of Figures 3 to 14 depending on the length to
width ratio chosen. Figures 3 to 13 have been
produced to cover cases where length to width
ratio is equal to 1, 2 and 3 as well as different wa-

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2012.

A Rational Approach to Septic Tank Design 75
ter availability conditions. Figures 3 to 5 are for select the appropriate dimensions. However, in
simple house connections where toilet is flushed order to aid the designer who might get confused
by pouring with buckets. Figures 6 to 8 are for as to which dimension to choose, a conditional
full house connection with adequate water sup- formatting has been performed on the depth row
ply conditions. In this case, the shower, the sink such that Excel highlights all the tank dimen-
taps, the water closet and kitchen connections are sions whose depths are less than the length but
in full service. Figures 9 to 11 are for an average greater than the width. It should be noted that
Nigerian house located in an urban area where all the tanks whose dimensions are generated by
water is purchased from commercial water sup- this programme for a specified desludging inter-
pliers. Figures 12 to 14 are for the basic water re- val, flow rate and number of occupants will have
quirement. Here, water is not in abundance but is the same volume and require desludging at the
sufficient to meet basic needs. The residual depth same time. However, it has been established that
per occupant is then traced horizontally to meet narrower tanks enhance solids removal.
the residual depth per occupant curve. From this
point, the line is produced vertically to cut the 3. Sample Design Problem
length and width curves as well as the horizontal
axis which represents the area of the tank. The In order to demonstrate the use of the design
length and width are noted. The volume of sludge approach developed in this research, a design ex-
corresponding to the desired (chosen) desludging ample shall be presented using the three pack-
interval is obtained from Figure 1. The depth ages. Consider a building that will accommodate
of sludge is obtained by dividing the volume of 15 people in a typical Nigerian middle class city,
sludge by the plane area read off from Figures say Enugu. It is required to construct a septic
3 to 14. The total depth of tank becomes the tank that will require desludging once every five
sum of sludge depth, overall residual depth and years.
depth of reserve volume. The depth of the re-
serve space should be equal to the residual depth 3.1. Solution using Equations 1, 8 and 9
since it is based on 24 hours detention time. If Q = 0.03 m3 /capita/per day (based on UNDP
the overall depth of the tank is much higher than average Nigerian water use), t = 5 years.
the length, a lower overall residual depth should First determine the volume of septage accumu-
be chosen and the design repeated. lated in five years using equation 9, where t = 5.
Substituting t = 5 in the equation, we obtain
2.4.3. Use of simple MS Excel based programme V = 0.384m3 per capita. Hence the total volume
A simple Microsoft Excel programme has been of sludge accumulated is 0.384 × 15 = 5.76m3 .
written to aid quick and easy sizing of the septic Next, we use Equation 1 to obtain the plan area
tank. All the relevant mathematical relationships of the tank. Equation 1 is for one occupant,
have been coded into cells in Ms Excel worksheet; so for N occupants, the overall residual depth
and all the user needs to do is to enter the desired (Hre ) = N hre = N Qθ re
A . Using a minimum resid-
desludging interval, wastewater flow per capita ual detention time of 24 hours (1 day) and an
per day and number of occupants. Immediately overall residual depth of 15cm, and substituting
this is done Excel will automatically produce a in the above equation, we obtain the plan area
series of tank sizes corresponding to the cho- as: A = 3.0m2 .
sen desludging interval and number of occupants Hence the depth of sludge is obtained as
based on different residual depths. The designer
does not need to write a fresh programme, nei- y= = 1.92m
ther can he modify the codes in this programme
because the cells containing formulae have been Total depth of tank = depth of sludge + residual
protected to prevent modification. However, the depth (hre ) + depth of reserve space (hrev ). But
cells for receiving input have been clearly distin- previously, it has been shown that hre = hrev .
guished and are not protected. All the designer Hence total depth (D) of tank = y+2hre = 1.92+
needs to do is to use engineering judgement to 2×0.15 = 2.22. Finally, a suitable length to width

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2012.

ratio is chosen.
p For this p design, let L/w = 2. (m3 /capita/day), suitable desludging interval in
Hence w = A/2 = 3/2 = 1.22m and L = years (Excel converts it to days before using it to
2.5m. compute), the number of occupants and the de-
The tank dimension is 2.5m(length) × sired length to width ratio. As can be seen from
1.2m(width) × 2.2m(depth) for a desludging in- Table 3, tank dimensions corresponding to overall
terval of 5 years, a minimum residual detention residual depths from 0.1m to 0.75m will automat-
time of 24 hours and a minimum residual depth ically be generated so that the designer can make
of 0.15m. For a large population, the design di- a pick. For a residual depth of 0.15m (used in two
mensions may become excessive. When this is the previous approaches), the corresponding tank di-
case, two septic tanks or more should be designed mensions are 2.45m (length), 1.22m (width) and
or the desludging interval may be reduced. 2.07m(depth) to two decimal places. Any other
suitable dimensions can also be chosen from the
3.2. Solution using charts array of results.
First, an overall residual depth per occupant Hence the tank dimension is 2.5m (length) ×
is chosen. In the preceding solution, the overall 1.3m (width) × 2.1m (depth) for a desludging
residual depth was taken as 15cm (0.15m). The interval of 5 years, a minimum residual detention
population (15) is located on the horizontal axis time of 24 hours and a minimum residual depth
of Figure 2. From here, a vertical line is drawn to of 0.15m.
meet the curve for 0.15m overall depth (see Fig-
ure 15). The residual depth per occupant (hre ) is
1cm. 4. Advantages of the Design Approach
Next choose a suitable length to width ratio,
This method developed in this study has the
and as before let L/w = 2. Hence we locate 1cm
following advantages.
on Figure 9 (chart for Nigerian average water use
and L = 2w) and draw a horizontal line to meet • Desludging will not be frequent and hence
the residual depth per occupant curve. From this the cost of maintenance will be reduced.
point, the line is extended vertically upwards and
downwards to meet the length and depth curves • Occupants will have an idea when to expect
as well as the area (horizontal) axis (see Figure the tank to require desludging.
• At desludging, the septic tank will still be
From Table 3, L = 2.4m, w = 1.2m and A =
performing within acceptable limits by main-
3m2 . The depth of sludge is obtained by divid-
taining a minimum residual detention time of
ing the volume of sludge obtained from Figure
24 hours.
4.31 with the area obtained. The total volume of
sludge = 0.265 × 15 = 5.76m3 , hence the depth of • Under sizing, which is very critical, will be
sludge (y) = 5.76/3 = 1.92m. Finally, the total averted.
depth of tank (D) = y + 2 × 0.15 = 1.92 + 0.3 =
2.22m. The tank dimension is 2.4m (length) × • The soakpit or drain field (whichever is ap-
1.2m (width) × 2.2m (depth) for a desludging in- plicable) will be protected since the carry-
terval of 5 years, a minimum residual detention over of sludge into these units will be re-
time of 24 hours and a minimum residual depth duced.
of 0.15m. The slight differences between these
• The life span of the whole septic tank system
dimensions and those previously used stemmed
will be prolonged.
from the interpolation and reading errors inher-
ent in the use of graphs. However, for all intents
and uses, the two tanks are practically the same. 5. Conclusion and Recommendation

3.3. Solution using Excel code The method developed in this study is based
This is the simplest and most straightforward on specifying a desired desludging interval, a
of the three approaches. The only values re- minimum residual detention time and a resid-
quired to be entered are wastewater flow Q ual depth. This approach ensures that the septic

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2012.

A Rational Approach to Septic Tank Design 77

Figure 15: Determination of residual depth per occupant using charts. 

 Figure 16: Determination of tank dimensions using charts.

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2012.

Table 3: Tank design using Excel codes.

Hre hre Plan Sludge Depth(m) Width(m) Length(m) Volume(m3 )

Area(m2 ) Depth(m)
0.1 0.006667 4.5 1.283027 1.383027 1.5 3 6.223622
0.15 0.01 3 1.924541 2.074541 1.224745 2.44949 6.223622
0.2 0.013333 2.25 2.566054 2.766054 1.06066 2.12132 6.223622
0.25 0.016667 1.8 3.207568 3.457568 0.948683 1.897367 6.223622
0.3 0.02 1.5 3.849081 4.149081 0.866025 1.732051 6.223622
0.35 0.023333 1.285714 4.490595 4.840595 0.801784 1.603567 6.223622
0.4 0.026667 1.125 5.132108 5.532108 0.75 1.5 6.223622
0.45 0.03 1 5.773622 6.223622 0.707107 1.414214 6.223622
0.5 0.033333 0.9 6.415135 6.915135 0.67082 1.341641 6.223622
0.55 0.036667 0.818182 7.056649 7.606649 0.639602 1.279204 6.223622
0.6 0.04 0.75 7.698162 8.298162 0.612372 1.224745 6.223622
0.65 0.043333 0.692308 8.339676 8.989676 0.588348 1.176697 6.223622
0.7 0.046667 0.642857 8.981189 9.681189 0.566947 1.133893 6.223622
0.75 0.05 0.6 9.622703 10.3727 0.547723 1.095445 6.223622

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Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2012.

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