IP150 Internet Module: Description LED Indicators

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To connect and install the IP150: MG/SP/E: section [806]

1) Connect the 4-pin serial cable between the panel’s serial connector and the IP150’s panel connector (see
Right Side View in Figure 2). IP Line Monitoring Options
IP150 Internet Module 2) Connect the Ethernet cable between the router and the IP150’s network connector (see Left Side View in
Figure 2).
[5] [6]
Installation Manual V1.3 - IP150-EI02 Off Off Disabled
3) The onboard LEDs will illuminate to indicate the IP150’s status (see Front View in Figure 2).
Printed in Canada 12/2014 Off On When disarmed: Trouble only
4) Clip the IP150 to the top of the metal box (see Metal Box Installation in Figure 2). When armed: Trouble only
Description LED Indicators On Off When disarmed: Trouble only
The IP150 Internet Module is an HTTPs-supported IP communication device that enables you to control and When armed: Audible alarm
LED Description
monitor your security system through any web browser (e.g., Google Chrome). The IP150 provides freedom to On On Silent alarm becomes audible alarm
User On when a user is connected
access your system and receive instant, SSL encrypted email notifications anywhere in the world when your sys- OFF ON
tem detects activity. So no matter where you are, you will have access to arm, Internet LED Status Internet Connection ParadoxMyHome Enabled
[7] Use dialer reporting  As backup for IP/GPRS  In addition to IP
disarm, and more. On Connected Connected (telephone) reporting reporting
Flashing Connected No connection
Before You Begin [8] IP/GPRS reporting  Disabled  Enabled
Off No connection No connection
Before you begin, make sure that you have web-enabled computer. You will also require the following system
requirements in order to configure to your IP150 Internet Module. System requirements include: LED Status Internet Connection ParadoxMyHome Disabled EVO: section [2975]
• Ethernet-compatible computer with internet access (required for remote access) On Connection No connection
Off No connection No connection IP Line Monitoring Options
• Router
Link Solid Yellow = Valid Link @ 10Mbp; [5] [6]
• 4-pin serial cable (included) Solid Green = Valid Link @ 100Mbp;
• CAT-5 Ethernet cable (maximum 90m (295 ft.), not included) Off Off Disabled
LED will flash according to data traffic.
Flashing Yellow/Green = DHCP trouble. Off on When disarmed: Trouble only
• Paradox IP Exploring Tools Software (required for remote access). Software can be downloaded from our
When armed: Audible alarm
website (www.paradox.com/GSM/IP/Voice/IP). Rx/Tx On after first successful communication exchange;
Flashes when data is transmitted or received through/from panel; On Off When disarmed: Trouble only (default)
Figure 1: IP Communication Overview Off when no connection has been established. When armed: Trouble only

@ Email Notification

I/O 1
I/O 2
On when activated
On when activated
On On Silent alarm becomes audible alarm
Router Station [7] Use dialer reporting  As backup for IP/GPRS  In addition to IP
Reset IP150 to Default (telephone) reporting reporting
Router To reset the IP150 module to its default settings, insert a pin/straightened paper clip (or similar) into the pin hole
Control Panel
IPR512 located between the two I/O LEDs. Press down gently until you feel some resistance; hold it down for approxi-
[8] IP/GPRS reporting  Disabled  Enabled
IP Receiver mately 5 seconds, release it when the I/O and RX/TX LEDs start flashing, and then press it again. The I/O and RX/
TX LEDs will remain lit during the reset.
Home PC Web Access 1) Enter the monitoring station’s IP address(es), IP port(s), receiver password(s), and security profile(s)
IP Reporting
When using IP reporting, the IP150 has the ability to poll the monitoring station. To enable IP reporting, the IP150 (information must be obtained from the monitoring station).
MG/SP/E Sections EVO Sections
Connecting and Installing the IP150 must first be registered to the monitoring station’s IP Receiver (IPR512). Telephone reporting can be used in con-
IP Receiver #1 #2 Backup IP Receiver #1 #2 #3 #4
junction with, or as a backup to IP reporting. Before registering the IP150, the following information must be
Figure 2: IP150 Overview obtained from the monitoring station: IP Address1 [929] [936] [943] IP Address1 [2984] [2986] [2988] [2990]
Front View • Account number(s) - One account number for each partition used. IP/GPRS reporting uses a different set of IP Port1 [930] [937] [944] IP Port1
account numbers than those used for dialer reporting. IP Address2 [931] [938] [945] IP Address2
IP Port2 [932] [939] [946] IP Port2
• IP address(es) - (12-digit number e.g., for you must enter
IP Password [933] [940] [947] IP Password
• The IP address(es) indicate(s) which of the monitoring station’s IP Receivers will be used for IP reporting. IP Profile [934] [941] [948] IP Profile
• IP port(s) (5-digit number; for 4-digit numbers, enter 0 before the first digit). The IP port refers to the port
used by the monitoring station’s IP Receiver. 2) Register the IP150 module with the monitoring station. To register, enter the sections below and press [ARM].
• Receiver password(s) (up to 32-digits) The registration status is displayed as well as any registration errors.
MG/SP/E Registration EVO Registration
• The receiver password is used to encrypt the IP150 registration process.
IP Receiver # #1 #2 Backup IP Receiver # #1 #2 #3 #4
• Security profile(s) (2-digit number). The security profile indicates how frequently the monitoring station is
Register/Status [935] [942] [949] Register/Status [2985] [2987] [2989] [2991]
Left Side View Right Side View polled by the IP150. Security profile numbers and polling frequency are defined by the monitoring station.
Setting Up IP Reporting 1. An IP150 used with an MG/SP/E system will always poll using the partition 1 IP account number. When using an
1) Ensure that the panel’s report code format is set to Ademco Contact ID: EVO system, the partition 1 IP account is used by default, but can be defined in section [3020]. All reported sys-
MG/SP/E: section [810] tem events will originate from the partition selected in this section.
EVO: section [3070]
2) Enter the IP reporting account numbers (one for each partition): 2. When the IP150 is connected to a UC300, setting up IP reporting is performed through BabyWare.
MG/SP/E: section [918] / [919]
EVO: section [2976] to [2983]
Remote Access
The IP150 provides remote access to control and monitor a security system via web browsers or PC
3) In the General IP Options section, set up IP line monitoring options and dialer options, and ensure IP software. This provides the user with the freedom to access the system from anywhere in the world. The following
reporting is enabled (see the following tables). steps will guide you in setting up remote access.
Metal Box Installation Step 1: Setting up the Router
NOTE: When the IP150 is connected to a UC300, setting up IP reporting is performed through BabyWare.
This step allows you to set up the router so that the IP150 module can function properly.
1) Ensure that the router is connected properly as indicated in the router’s instructions.
2) Access your router’s configuration page. Refer to your router’s manual for the exact procedure. In most cases,
this is done by entering the router’s static IP address in the address bar of your Web browser. For this instance,
we will use as an example for the router’s IP address that may be indicated in the router’s
instructions or on a sticker on the router.
3) In the router’s configuration page, check the DHCP settings (screenshot below may differ depending on type Step 3: Setting up ParadoxMyHome (optional)
of router used). This step is not needed if the IP address provided by the Internet Service Provider is static. Using the ParadoxMy- Figure 3: Input/Output Configuration
Home service will allow you to access your system over the Internet with a dynamic IP address. The IP150 will
then poll the ParadoxMyHome server to keep the information updated. By default, the ParadoxMyHome service
is disabled (enable it on the IP150 Module Configuration page).
To set up the ParadoxMyHome service:
1) Go to www.paradoxmyhome.com, click Request Login and provide the requested information.
If DHCP is enabled, verify that the IP address range leaves at least one IP address available outside of the 2) Start the Paradox IP Exploring Tools software and right-click the IP150.
range. The range shown in the above example would leave addresses 2 to 4 and 101 to 254 available (all the
3) Select Register to ParadoxMyHome.
numbers in an IP address are between 1 and 254.) Record one of the addresses outside the DHCP range as
4) Enter the requested information. Enter a unique SiteID for the module.
the one you will use for the IP150. If DHCP is disabled, the IP150 will use the default address of It is possible to change that address if needed using the Paradox IP Exploring Tools software. 5) When registration is complete, you can access the IP150 page by going to: www.paradoxmyhome.com/
4) In the router’s configuration page, go to the Port Range Forwarding section (also known as “port mapping” [SiteID].
or “port redirection.”) Add a service/item, set the Port to 80 and enter the static IP address selected in the If there are issues with connecting to the IP150, try making the polling delay shorter (configured on the IP150’s
previous step for the IP module. If port 80 is already used, you can use another one, such as 81 or 82 but you webpage interface), so that the IP information available for the ParadoxMyHome connection is up to date. How-
Figure 4: Input Connection Example
will have to modify the IP150’s settings in step 2. Some Internet Service Providers block port 80, therefore the ever, a shorter delay for the polls will increase the traffic on the internet (WAN).
IP150 may function locally using port 80 but not over the Internet. If this is the case, change the port to
another number. Repeat this step for port 10 000 (screenshot below may differ depending on type of router Step 4: Using a Web Browser to Access the System
used). Also, repeat this step for port 443 if using a secure connection (https). Once the module is configured, it can be accessed either from the local network or through the internet using
the alarm system’s user code or user IP150 password.

On-Site Access:
1) Enter the IP address assigned to the IP150 in the address bar of your
Web browser. If you have used a port other than port 80, you must add
[: port number] at the end. (For example, if the port used is 81, the IP
address entered should look like this: For a
secure connection, make sure to write “https://...etc.”.
Use the Paradox IP Exploring Tools software, click Refresh and double-
click on your IP150 in the list.
Step 2: Configuring the IP150
1) Using a computer connected to the same network as the IP150, open the Paradox IP Exploring Tools.
2) Click Find It. Your IP150 appears in the list. Figure 5: Output Connection Example

2) Enter your alarm system’s User Code and IP150 user password (default: paradox).
WARNING: A pop-up warning you that the website’s certificate is not secure may occur.
This is acceptable, click to continue.

Off-Site Access:
1) Go to www.paradoxmyhome.com/siteID (replace ‘siteID’ by the ‘siteID’ you used to register with the Para-
doxMyHome service).
2) Enter your alarm system’s User Code and IP150 password (default: paradox).

Inputs and Outputs

The I/O terminals can be configured via the IP150 web page. Each I/O can be defined as either an Input or an Out-
3) Right-click your IP150 and select Module setup, see screen shot below. Enter the static IP address you
put. The I/O terminals can ONLY be defined from the IP150 web interface. They are independent from the panel
recorded in Step 1.3 or modify the address so that it corresponds to the one you have selected for the IP150.
and cannot be related to any panel event. An Output can only be triggered from within the IP150’s web interface. Event Log
Enter the IP150’s password (default: paradox) and click OK. If it indicates that the IP address is already used, There are three types of events logged (note that only the last 64 events will be displayed):
Output or Input triggering can allow you to have email notifications sent to selected recipients. - Reporting (which are color-coded: success, fail, pending, and cancel by panel)
change it to another and modify it in the Port Forwarding of the router (step 1.4) and go back to step 2.1.
When defined as an Input or Output, they can be configured as normally open or as normally closed (see
4) Set any additional information such as port, subnet mask, etc. To find this information, click Start > - Panel events (which can also be viewed from PC software or on keypads)
figure3). However, for the Output, a 12V source must be supplied (see figure 5). Outputs are rated at 50mA.
Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. Enter command: IPCONFIG /ALL (with space after - IP150 local events
The method of activation is either Toggle or Pulse. If set to Toggle, a Delay Before Activation can be defined. If set NOTE: When the IP150 is connected to a UC300, “Log panel non-saved event” option is not available.
to Pulse, a Delay Before Activation and Duration can be defined. See figures 4 and 5 for examples of input and
NOTE: For increased communication security, please change the default PC password and Panel ID in the output connections. Technical Specifications
control panel. Also, note that the IP150 supports SMTP/ESMTP/SSL/TLS protocols. The following table provides a listing of the technical specifications for the IP150 Internet Module.
NOTE: I/O terminals are not available when connected to UC300. Specification Description
Panel Compatibility Any Digiplex EVO panel (V2.02 for IP reporting)
Any Spectra SP series panel (V3.42 for IP reporting)
Any MG5000 / MG5050 panel (V4.0 for IP reporting)
Any Esprit E55 (does not support IP reporting)
Esprit E65 V2.10 or higher
Browser Optimized for Internet Explorer 9 or higher and Mozilla Firefox 18 or higher, 1024 x 768
Requirements resolution minimum
Encryption AES 256-bit, MD5 and RC4
Current 100mA
Input Voltage 13.8VDC, supplied by the panel serial port
Enclosure 10.9cm x 2.7cm x 2.2cm (4.3in x 1.1in x 0.9in)
Certification EN 50136 ATS 5 Class II

For complete warranty information on this product, please refer to the Limited Warranty Statement found on the Web site www.paradox.com/ terms. Your use of the
Paradox product signifies your acceptance of all warranty terms and conditions. © 2014 Paradox Security Systems Ltd. All rights reserved. Specifications may change
without prior notice. www.paradox.com. Paradox is a trademark or registered trademark of Paradox Security Systems (Bahamas) Ltd. or its affiliates in Canada, the
United States and/or other countries.

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