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KRI's Role in Operational Risk Management

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Key Risk Indicators – Their Role
in Operational Risk Management
and Measurement
Jonathan Davies, Mike Finlay,
Tara McLenaghen, Duncan Wilson
RiskBusiness International Limited

In comparison with other operational risk management and meas-

urement tools such as loss data (internal, public and consortium),
risk-and-control assessments, capital allocation and performance
measurement, key risk indicators (KRIs) remain one of the out-
standing action items on most firms’ to-do lists, along with scen-
ario analysis. KRIs are not new, but, up until recently, attempts to
implement such programmes have often been characterised as less
than effective. We believe that there are emerging best practices for
KRI programmes that overcome some of the traditional challenges
in KRI implementations. Further, we believe that investment in KRI
programmes will reap many benefits, including the ability to clearly
convey risk appetite, optimise risk and return, and improve the
likelihood of achieving primary business goals through more effec-
tive operational risk management.
In this chapter, we will seek to demystify KRIs, understand the
basic fundamentals in identifying, specifying, selecting and imple-
menting quality indicators, and consider how to monitor and
report on them, in conjunction with other useful operational risk
management information, to create powerful management report-
ing. We will also examine the potential for more advanced appli-
cations of KRIs, touching on the measurement of risk for correlation
purposes, and the potential for composite indicators as well as
KRI benchmarking. Finally, we will overview an industry KRI

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initiative which can help many firms get their own KRI pro-
grammes started.


As with so many aspects of operational risk management, one of
the biggest challenges in creating a KRI programme is communica-
tion – both in understanding how market practice is evolving and
in explaining objectives and policy internally. In this section, we
will describe what KRIs are, how they can be used, as well as the
importance and value of establishing a common language and
structure to support KRI programme implementation. We will then
outline the main steps and considerations in selecting KRIs, as the
foundation for any KRI programme.

What is an indicator?
KRIs are measurable metrics or indicators that track exposure or
loss, or, as one person put it, “trouble”. Anything that can perform
this function may be considered a risk indicator. The indicator
becomes key when it tracks an especially important exposure, or it
does so especially well, or ideally both. In operational risk, we are
interested in KRIs that monitor operational risk. Operational risk
can be defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed
processes, systems, human performance or external events.
The number of customer complaints is an example of a risk indi-
cator. As customer complaints increase, the probability that there
are some underlying and potentially systemic mistakes and errors
of judgement being made is likely to rise. In other words, there is a
rationale for thinking that, at least in some ranges, changes in the
value of this indicator are likely to be associated with changes in
operational risk exposure or operational loss experience.
The number of customer complaints is also an example of a com-
mon indicator – an indicator that would seem to be relevant at most
points of risk in an organisation. Similarly, staff turnover and the
number of audit points may also be considered common indica-
tors. Most indicators are not common, but, rather, specific to
individual businesses or processes. For example, the frequency of
unmatched trades would be a predictor of losses arising from the
settlement process within a retail brokerage but is irrelevant to other

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Figure 1 Uses for KRIs

= Overall
= Smaller 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
= Larger
2.1 Support tactical management of routine risks

2.2 Anticipate emergence of major risks to help achieve “no surprises”

2.3 Use to set tolerance levels for your risk appetite for different types of risk

2.4 Contribute to effective integrated of risk management and measurement

2.5 Report risk profiles to senior management

2.6 Meet Basel II requirements

2.7 Calculate qualitative adjustments to capital

2.8 Meet other regulatory requirements

0⫽ “unimportant”; 7⫽ “very important”

The frequency of unmatched trades is also an example of a perform-

ance indicator – in this case, of performance in the trade-matching
activity. In fact, one person’s KRI is another’s performance indicator
(KPI) and a third person’s control-effectiveness indicator, Key Control
Effectiveness Indicator (KCI). The preferred terminology depends
on the user’s perspective and the activity in which they are engaged,
but, not unexpectedly, there is often some overlap.

Uses for KRIs

Financial institutions are interested in KRI programmes for many
reasons. The Risk Management Association (RMA) conducted a
survey of 38 financial institutions in May 2005 on the subject of KRI
programmes.1 As shown in Figure 1 they found that, while most are
still in planning stages, they intended to pursue virtually all of the
specified objectives for such programmes (see Risk Management
Association, 2005).
The highest priority programme objective among respondents to
this survey was to use KRIs to report risk profiles to senior man-
agement. The next-highest objectives were to create a no-surprise
environment and to integrate risk management and measurement
effectively. If KRIs are focused on the areas of most significant risk,
then they should provide managers with reasonably clear direction
as to what levers to pull to reduce exposure, as well as quick feed-
back on their effectiveness.
Communicating risk appetite (through the setting of KRI thresh-
olds and triggers for action) and the day-to-day management of

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Figure 2 How KRIs help

= Overall
Not started
Planned Underway finished or
at all
rolled out

9.1 At the tactical level in day-to-day management for

9.1.1 Identifying disquieting activity patterns 12 12 6 6

9.1.2 Escalating risk-taking decisionmaking 13 15 7 1
9.1.3 Escalating situation management decisionmaking 14 15 6 2
9.1.4 Reporting control performance 10 13 11 2
9.1.5 Monitoring process improvement impact 14 15 4 3
9.1.6 With specific thresholds that trigger intervention or escalation 11 18 6 2

9.2 At the corporate level for

9.2.1 Aggregating, analysing and reporting risks profile changes 9 18 5 4
9.2.2 Aggregating, analysing and reporting control performance 11 20 4 1
9.2.3 Estimating capital 20 10 3 2
9.2.4 With specific triggers for senior management intervention 14 18 1 4

Note: The numbers of respondents are shown in each cell

routine risks in various financial services processes were also

viewed to be important objectives.
The RMA survey also asked respondents to indicate how they
expected KRIs to help them achieve specific business-related objec-
tives. Again, most financial institutions were still in the planning
stages, but expressed their intent for virtually all of the specified
objectives. In addition to those planning for these objectives (one-
third to one-half of respondents), a further one-sixth to two-fifths
were already rolling out plans to achieve these same objectives, or
they had completed their implementation. The most popular objec-
tives are to aggregate, analyse and report risk profile changes at the
corporate level and to report control performance at the business-
unit level. Also, most organisations intend or already use KRIs with
specific thresholds that trigger intervention or escalation. The only
objective that received notably lower focus was that of estimating
capital, where the majority of respondents indicated that they have
not started to think about this potential application of KRIs.

Value of a common language and structure for KRIs

KRIs are not new, but they are very topical at the moment, being
widely viewed as having the potential to make operational risk
management a more effective discipline. Financial services regu-
lators in particular have expressed interest in KRIs as a potentially
important tool to manage operational risk. However, up to this
point, the promise has not been realised for a number of reasons:

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❑ it has been difficult to show that KRIs really track losses well;
❑ there is no consistency in the way organisations use KRIs – vari-
ous units track the same thing but call it something different,
and calculate it differently;
❑ KRI specifications are often incomplete or inaccurate; and, as a
❑ it has been difficult to aggregate, compare or interpret KRIs in a
systematic way.

Clearly, the challenge is to implement KRIs in such a way as to

improve consistency, relevance, transparency and completeness. To
achieve this, we believe some standardisation is required across the
firm and, ideally, across the financial services industry, in terms of
both language and approach to KRI implementation. Increased
standardisation is increasingly being demanded by regulators and
supervisors (who need confidence in metrics used for capital
adjustments and other purposes), rating agencies (who need defens-
ible comparative metrics for their models) and stakeholders and
auditors (as a way to develop a true understanding of exposure, on
the road towards improving corporate governance).
The first step in standardisation should be use of a common lan-
guage around risks, business activities and products or business
lines. A logical place to begin in the development of this language
is with the risk types and business lines specified in the “International
Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – a
Revised Framework”, commonly referred to as Basel II, although
this is only a starting point. Most organisations find they need
greater granularity in risk categories and business lines and they
would also benefit from standardisation in the definition of specific
business activities, as well as in the definitions and specification of
KRIs. Benefits to the firm in developing this kind of common
understanding include:

❑ permitting indicators to be related to specific risks in a clear and

consistent way;
❑ permitting alignment of internal and external loss data, risk-
and-control assessment results, capital and scenario analysis
with KRI data for much more powerful management informa-
tion and operational risk management reporting capabilities;

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❑ reducing confusion when it comes to ensuring robust, complete

coverage of all risks, be it for self-assessment, KRIs or collection
and classification of loss data; and
❑ with the use of common KRI definitions, both internal and exter-
nal benchmarking becomes much easier.

Similarly, a common structure for KRI implementation in terms of

the approach used to assess risk, develop indicators, set thresholds
and protocols and aggregate and report results across the whole
organisation has many benefits. It:

❑ conveys strong sponsorship at senior levels of the organisation

and a commitment to risk management;
❑ can be used to establish and communicate risk appetite in a
deliberate and meaningful way;
❑ facilitates meaningful aggregation and reporting;
❑ allows meaningful (internal and external) comparisons;
❑ ensures efforts to develop KRIs and monitor risk are relevant
and focused on areas of highest risk;
❑ provides greater consistency and assurance in the way risk
issues are managed across the organisation;
❑ ensures robust coverage while reducing duplicative efforts in
tracking and monitoring risk; and
❑ permits systematic adjustments to capital estimates with enhanced

So, if we can agree that there is great potential business value for a
KRI programme, particularly if it is implemented in a systematic
way across the organisation, with a common language and struc-
ture, then let us proceed to some of the fundamentals in getting
such a programme started.

Properties of a good indicator

Key to the effectiveness of any KRI programme is the quality of
the KRIs themselves. An assessment of KRI effectiveness largely
depends on expert opinion, which is based, in turn, on knowledge
of how specific business functions and processes work, where they
are vulnerable, and what can affect that vulnerability. Given the
inherent subjectivity implicit in most KRI programmes, there is a
strong case for establishing a framework for assessing effectiveness.

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Table 1 Criteria for good KRIs

Effectiveness Comparability Ease of use

Indicators should: Indicators should: Indicators should:

❑ apply to at least one ❑ be quantified as an ❑ be available reliably
specific risk and one amount, a percentage, on a timely basis;
business function or or a ratio; ❑ be cost-effective
activity; ❑ be a reasonably precise to collect; and
❑ be measurable at and definite quantity; ❑ be readily understood
specific points in time; ❑ have values that are and communicated
❑ reflect objective comparable over time;
measurement rather ❑ be comparable
than subjective internally across
judgement; businesses;
❑ track at least one ❑ be reported with
aspect of the loss primary values and be
profile or event history, meaningful without
such as frequency, interpretation to some
average severity, more subjective
cumulative loss or measure;
near-miss rates; and ❑ be auditable; and
❑ provide useful ❑ be identified as
management comparable across
information organisations (if in
fact they are)

We believe that the ideal features of KRIs are that they are effec-
tive in tracking the risk, they are comparable within and outside
the organisation and they are practical and easy to use. Table 1 pro-
vides some criteria for assessing indicators against these three
Along with a framework for assessing KRIs, it is helpful to
develop some standards for fully specifying an indicator. It is our
experience that a relatively high degree of detail is beneficial in
minimising misunderstandings and in ensuring a high degree of
quality and efficiency in the implementation of KRIs. This detail
should include:

❑ full definition and description of what is collected;

❑ how to measure and calculate (in detail); and
❑ guidance for implementation (sources, collection, uses and so

For example, staff turnover as an indicator could be described as

the turnover percentage across all categories of permanent staff

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during the preceding month. It is a measure of risk due to inad-

equate or failed human performance. It would rate relatively high
on the KRI assessment criteria listed above. It can be measured
against multiple dimensions, including location, country, business
unit, product or service group and job function. It should probably
be measured for full-time and part-time employees separately. We
should also have some rules for the period of time to be assessed
and the frequency of measurement, and some specifics of who
should be included and excluded in the count (eg, it may be that
contractors should be excluded). There should also be rules for
scaling the indicator to allow comparisons with differently sized
units (not applicable for this indicator) and aggregation of results
within a line of business or the organisation as a whole.

Leading, lagging and current indicators and trending indicators

Indictors can be leading, lagging or current in nature. Most man-
agers want leading or preventative indicators – to predict problems
far enough in advance to prevent or eliminate them or at least miti-
gate the damage. Unfortunately, prevention of incidents is a desired
but rarely achieved forward-looking aspect of operational risk
Accordingly, current and lagging indicators also have their
place. Current indicators provide a snapshot or current view of
operational risk exposures. They may identify a situation that may
require attention to reduce exposure or minimise loss. Lagging
indicators can be considered as more “detective” in nature, and can
provide useful information regarding the historical causes of loss
or exposure. They may also be useful where losses are initially hid-
den from view, or where changes in historical trends can reflect
changes in circumstances, which may in turn have predictive
value. An example of a current indicator could be the number of
threatened legal actions or the number of customer complaints. An
example of a lagging indicator could be the number of critical sys-
tem outages.
In our experience, leading indicators are generally environmen-
tal indicators, or they are based on causal analysis or expert opin-
ion. Environmental factors are the most common leading measures
of operational risk. These are measures of the state of people,
process, technology and the market that affect the level of risk in a

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particular organisation. A leading or preventative KRI can be

something as simple as the number of limit breaches on market or
credit risk exposures, or cash movements, or the average length of
delays in executing a transaction. In themselves, such limit
breaches may not be incidents, but, if the number of breaches and
their value starts to increase, this may point to the potential for a
higher frequency or severity of incidents: unauthorised breaches,
or impending failures in other processes.
One misconception about leading indicators is the assumption
that establishing or projecting future values from historical trends
results in a leading indicator of risk. While this may be the case
where sophisticated techniques such as charts and dynamic anom-
aly pattern response are used, in general, trending does not pro-
duce leading indicators, which need to provide useful information
about future events in and of themselves, generally through the use
of thresholds and triggers, which are discussed later in this section.
However, it is beneficial to measure KRIs over time, in order to
detect trends and provide contextual information. For example,
consider the KRI for late-trade processing for Firm X, shown in
Figure 3. In May, the percentage of late trades is 9% for London and
Singapore and 10% for New York, which in the face of those facts
alone might lead us to conclude that New York has a slightly riskier
operation. However, further analysis of the trends suggests that, in
fact, Singapore may have an emerging problem.
But, again, if we check the absolute trade volumes of these vari-
ous locations (see Figure 4), we learn that New York’s late trades
have risen only slightly against a significant increase in volumes,
and Singapore’s increase in late trades is based on a very low vol-
ume of trades. Context is everything! It is usually beneficial to
know the underlying trend of an indicator, as well as to look at it in
the context of other KRIs and other management information, in
order to really understand the story the numbers are suggesting.

KRI selection
Having a good understanding of the desirable characteristics of a
KRI, we now come to the stage where they must be selected and
bundled into a programme for a business area or unit or the organ-
isation overall. Most practitioners believe that KRIs are of highest
use when applied at a fairly granular level within the organisation,

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Figure 3 Late-trade processing



Feb Mar Apr May

London New York Singapore

Figure 4 Absolute trade volumes

London New York Singapore




Feb Mar Apr May

used by middle managers to monitor and manage day-to-day risks.

They can then be filtered and aggregated for reporting to more
senior management. Accordingly, the construction of a KRI pro-
gramme ideally starts with an individual business unit.
Because KRIs are supposed to track key risks, the first step in
KRI selection is to identify areas of highest risk for the business
unit in question. It is important to have a consistent and compre-
hensive approach to this analysis. It can be done by risk mapping
or profiling each business unit, or leveraging risk-and-control
assessment programmes already in place. The analysis should

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focus on component processes or business functions within each

business, considering how they work, and where a material loss
has been or could be experienced.
Participants in the assessment should assess residual risk, after
the impact of current controls is taken into account. It is helpful to
ask them to focus on the expected loss in the worst year over an
understandable time horizon, for example, 10 years – this captures
the effect of a typical economic cycle on risks, is reasonably easy for
most participants to conceptualise and embraces the time horizon
of most strategic initiatives and the majority of banking obliga-
tions. Generally, we suggest that assessments should include the
impact of reputation damage as well, as these are real impacts to
the organisation, if a little harder to quantify.
Once high-risk areas are identified, the business needs to cons-
ider what existing indicators or metrics could be leveraged or new
ones created to help anticipate a loss, monitor an exposure, meas-
ure the risk, manage the exposure or loss, or report on the risk and
its implications. An inventory of existing KRIs, as well as the iden-
tification of the high risks for which there are not currently KRIs in
place, is often a good first step in this process. Once gaps are iden-
tified, it is important to consider a variety of KRIs against each risk
type, as each KRI is reflective of a specific causal element which
may come into play if a loss occurs. Figure 5 illustrates this concept.
Ultimately, however, in order to keep the number of KRIs being
monitored to a manageable number, it will be necessary to select the
few that best reflect the business unit’s collective understanding of
the key causes of each potential problem. This selection should also
be guided by consideration of the quality of the potential indicators
against the effectiveness, comparability and ease-of-use criteria
discussed above, as well as their contribution to the goal of obtaining
a reasonable mix of leading, current and lagging indicators. This is
an art rather than a science at the moment, but, in the hands of experi-
enced practitioners in the business, should represent a reasonable
start. Of course, fine-tuning the KRIs will naturally occur over time
as the business learns and gains experience with these relationships.
Once selected, each indicator needs to be defined and specified
as discussed above to ensure clarity of interpretation and imple-
mentation. The next step is to establish bands of acceptance that
essentially codify risk appetite, and triggers for escalation and/or

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Figure 5 Causal drivers for different types of operational risks

Processing risks Conduct risks External risks

Front-to-back break metrics • case metrics Attempted cases:

covering: • complaint metrics • attacks, thefts etc
• execution • other near misses
• settlement
• accounting/custody

Strategy Strategy Strategy

• automation • mergers • high-risk countries

Management Management
• segregation of duty
External factors External factors
External factors
• regulatory change • natural disasters
People People People
• staff turnover • fraud and theft • fraud and theft
Technology Technology
• system outages • hacking
Processes Processes
• volumes • negligence

Business Business Business

conditions conditions conditions

some other form of action. Indicators are then assessed on an ongo-

ing basis against this frame of reference.
In the case of high-frequency, low-impact exposures, it is often
useful for managers to think about different ranges of indicator
value as calling for different kinds of action:

❑ low-risk range: no action required;

❑ medium-risk range: some action required; and
❑ high-risk range: issue to be escalated to management; other
actions required urgently to mitigate damage.

Thresholds can be set to define each range and trigger each kind of
response. After a threshold is breached, actions taken by managers
to accept or mitigate the risk should be recorded.
Thresholds and escalation triggers are an important risk manage-
ment tool. KRI thresholds will vary from institution to institu-
tion, depending on management’s risk appetite, as well as strategy

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and ability. For some risks the thresholds may be quite low and
others higher. They can also change over time, if there is a strategic
decision to manage risk down (or sometimes up). Managers will
become more experienced at setting the appropriate level of thresh-
old over time. This is where art meets science as there can be no
one-size-fits-all approach or algorithm for thresholds. It is subjec-
tive and based upon the managers’ risk appetite and experience,
and that of their peers within the firm.
What is a reasonable number of KRIs? Many financial institu-
tions have a very large number. This may be justified by the hetero-
geneity of operational risks and complexity of financial services
and products. We believe that a large diverse institution would rea-
sonably use between several hundred and a few thousand indica-
tors in middle management. Of course, these cannot all be reported
to senior levels of management. Accordingly, it is very important to
have an appropriate strategy for reporting and aggregating KRIs to
senior management and the board.


In the previous section, we explained the basics of KRIs, starting
with what is a good indicator, through the need for a common lan-
guage and, finally, techniques for KRI selection. It is these building
blocks that provide the foundation for the aggregation and report-
ing of KRIs.
Key elements of a robust structure for KRI aggregation and
reporting are:

❑ clear objectives for the reporting and aggregation mechanism;

❑ common data dimensions and classification;
❑ content appropriate to the required level of analysis and deci-
sion making; and
❑ timeliness and accuracy to the required level of materiality.

Let us explore these factors further.

Clear objectives for the reporting and aggregation mechanism

The objectives of any management information system need to be
defined before data are gathered to populate it, otherwise a mean-
ingless paper chase will be delivered with no added value to
operational risk management. The objectives can be defined at the

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business-line level, although some homogeneity of concepts will be

essential across the firm to facilitate benchmarking and multidi-
mensional risk analysis.
There is a clear difference between data and management infor-
mation. Data can be fairly “raw” and of little or no use to any mana-
ger. Information is the result of transforming the data into
meaningful and incisive management tools for the better manage-
ment of operational risk exposures in a timely manner. When so-
called indicators are being collected without a clear view about
what they are reported for, or to whom or where they are reported,
the firm has a problem. The data-collection effort will be in vain
and any management information will be lost with no value added
to the business or firm-wide operational risk management process.
Few KRI reporting frameworks will succeed if they are imple-
mented merely with the objective of regulatory compliance.
Data collection without risk management decision making will
provide the businesses and functions with negative added value:
they will implement a reporting framework for a cost without bene-
fit. A better and more reasonable objective would be “to better man-
age operational risk”. This will provide the managers in the businesses
and functions with information for operational risk management
decisions regarding risk acceptance and/or mitigation.

Common data dimensions and classification

To facilitate aggregation of KRI data in a meaningful way, the firm
must have a classification system with appropriate hierarchies
reflecting the organisational structure. Ideally, this system of classi-
fication and the concepts embedded in it should be common across
the operational risk framework, and in many cases with pre-existing
management reporting. As we alluded to earlier, most managers
have risk and performance objectives, so it makes sense to have
some commonality of concepts across risk and performance meas-
urement, although the granularity may differ with risk exposure
being at a more aggregated level than process efficiency.
Accordingly, we would expect that most firms will have already
defined a number of core data dimensions that are integral to
aggregating and reporting KRIs, such as:

❑ incident (historical and potential), normally consisting of:

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❑ one or more causes;

❑ one or more events (as in a chain of events);
❑ financial and non-financial (ie, reputational) impact on profit
and loss; and
❑ risk categories;
❑ process, with a clearly defined hierarchical level consisting of:
❑ end-to-end processes, typically referred to as a complete
business function;
❑ sub-process components;
❑ process types;
❑ function domains (HR, finance, compliance, IT, communica-
tions and so on);
❑ shared processes; and
❑ hand-offs between departments or business functions;
❑ control, consisting of:
❑ control types (ie, reconciliation, accounting, review, manage-
❑ control attributes (ie, automated, manual); and
❑ preventative and detective controls;
❑ product, consisting of:
❑ business lines; and
❑ product and service groups;
❑ reporting entity:
❑ branch, territory, function, business line, legal entities, joint
ventures, outsourcers and so on.

The regulators have defined the scope of operational risk and have
provided, for regulatory reporting purposes, an event-type classifica-
tion. The other data dimensions should be defined by each firm
according to its own risk management framework with the appropriate
emphasis placed upon each one in relation to the specific attributes of
each firm: complexity of business model, global and local operations
and management structure, number of product lines and so on.

Content appropriate to the required level of

analysis and decision making
One of the most important challenges in establishing a KRI pro-
gramme is to ensure that each level and area of management
gets the KRI information that is appropriate for its needs and

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responsibilities. This is a big part of the art of creating management

information out of data, as discussed earlier. Each manager should
be receiving KRI information that allows them to proactively identify
problems within their area of concern, and take appropriate action,
even if that is simply to escalate or delegate to the next level up or
down. In essence, KRI reporting needs to be customised within
each business unit and at each level of the organisation, similar to
other kinds of management reporting. While this may seem like a
tall order, it is actually a natural part of the KRI programme roll-out
within each area of the firm, and, once completed, will represent a
very powerful tool in managing operational risk more effectively.
There are several elements to consider when deciding who
should see each KRI. We will consider each of these in turn.

The level of granularity or risk exposure being measured by the KRI

KRIs can be set at any level of risk exposure. Consider the follow-
ing examples:

❑ At a regional level the firm may track the number of actual

breaches of specific local laws and regulations for a single
process, which are not declared to regulators.
❑ At the global level it might monitor the number of internal audit
points overdue for each business unit.

The management information that these KRIs provide are at two

different levels but both are relevant for the management of operational
risk. In the first example, the number of undeclared actual
breaches of laws and regulations gives an indication of exposure to
potential fines if and when the regulators find out during one of
their inspections. This means something to the regional head who
is managing the reputation of the branch across all business lines,
as well as to the manager responsible for the breach. However, it
should not impact the CEO’s decision making, as the CEO has dele-
gated this responsibility to the regional head, so should not con-
cern themselves with such minutiae.
In the second example, the lack of action regarding implementa-
tion of internal audit points is a global KRI, and one that would be
of interest to both the head of internal audit and the CEO. These
two indicators measure different levels of exposure: one at the indi-
vidual process level in a region and the other across all processes

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and exposures within the firm. Generally, the higher the level, the
greater the interest to senior managers, provided it relates to their
area of purview.

The breadth of risks represented by the KRI

When KRIs point at causes that could lead to multiple events
across all event types, the CEO will be very interested. In essence,
these multi-event indicators, analysed by cause rather than specific
potential events, provide early-warning signals regarding unex-
pected losses and a flag to senior management to start asking some
pointed questions.
A good example of a multi-event indicator is the total number of
audit points outstanding. Some audit points can easily be related to
specific exposures and mapped to the Basel II event types. It is
more difficult to do this with others, for example, when they are
related to causes such as a lack of appropriate management skills. If
a KRI analysis results in the conclusion that there are insufficient
management skills in any specific unit or location, this is an issue
appropriate for the attention of senior rather than lower levels of

The current “temperature” (red, yellow or green) of the

KRI – bottom-up indicators
Most indicators collected by businesses stay in the business with-
out any reporting to a higher level within the organisation. Senior
management delegates the authority to manage most operational
risks to appropriate levels and functions and outsourcing service
providers throughout the firm. As we discussed earlier, each busi-
ness unit or function is then responsible for developing its own
KRIs based on a bottom-up assessment of the risk in its area. The
process level indicator measuring undeclared local law breaches is
a typical bottom-up indicator.
However, if a KRI breaches the thresholds or trigger points previ-
ously established, then it is usually escalated to the next level of
management, depending on the materiality of the situation. The
senior manager must then decide whether to accept the risk and
increase the threshold or reduce the risk indicated by the manage-
ment information. Some managers also set triggers at an earlier
point, when the indicator starts to trend upwards or accelerate

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towards the threshold level. This is useful if the manager prefers a

window to deal with any emerging situation before the threshold is
actually breached, and they are obliged to report it to more senior
management. In some cases, triggers can be set so as to escalate only
when a condition persists, or when a certain level of indicator volatil-
ity is exceeded. For example, a single breach of a KRI threshold may
result in immediate action that is within the delegated authority of
the manager, thus not requiring escalation to the next level of man-
agement. However, if the condition persists or becomes repetitive,
then the trigger is set off, and the problem is escalated. Thresholds
should be dynamic, so that when volume increases the thresholds
are “scaled up” to take account of the increased volume, otherwise
too many excesses over thresholds will be reported.
Of course, if a KRI is considered to represent a particularly sig-
nificant risk, or it tracks risk in a business unit of significant size or
materiality relative to the entire firm, or it exceeds the threshold by
a significant amount, this KRI may need to be escalated beyond the
immediate senior manager. Ultimately, there may be some bottom-
up KRIs that need to be escalated to business or function heads or
the CEO. This gives the most senior levels of management a win-
dow on emerging areas of significant risk in the organisation as
and when they occur.

The specific risk focus of the KRI – top-down indicators

Top-down KRIs are generally set in conjunction with group func-
tions and may relate to general causes or specific potential process
failures or events. Total outstanding audit points or the state of the
overall management skills of an entity are typical examples of top-
down indicators set by the heads of internal audit and human
resources respectively, for the CEO’s review. Other examples set by
the heads of group functions are:

❑ legal: the total number and value of legal claims against the firm,
in total and by business line and peer group;
❑ finance: the number of incidences of late financial reporting by
legal entities within the group, or number of accounting errors
or unexplained differences; and
❑ IT: the number of attempted external attacks to the firewall.

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Clearly these KRIs are somewhat specialised and generally of inter-

est only to the CEO and the most senior management, particularly
within functional areas.
In some cases, top-down and bottom-up KRIs can be directly
linked together to form a chain in the operational risk exposure man-
agement process. For example, we can imagine a situation where
many audit points have arisen from various control-effectiveness
reviews. These can be considered bottom-up KRIs as they arise directly
from detailed risk analysis of specific processes. The respective
process owners/departments will be allocated responsibility for
taking remedial action before the audit points are reported to the
CEO at the global business level.
However, the cause of the problem of many outstanding audit
points may not be within the powers of the individual managers to
solve. The individual managers may not have the mandate to address
some of the root causes due to their breadth or implications; they may
have insufficient resources to carry out the day-to-day operations and
fix endemic control or system issues that require some modest invest-
ment; or they may not have the scope of management information to
recognise a larger systemic problem. This is a particular concern in
trading and sales businesses where the profit and loss is very short-
term-focused and the medium-term operational risk exposures of
chronically lagging back offices are often ignored or underinvested.
So, at the end of the day, the mitigation of the risk by investment or
the acceptance of the exposure needs to be the responsibility of the
business unit head or the CEO. The CEO can put pressure on the
business unit head based upon the KRI of outstanding audit points.
They can also assist with a reallocation of resources as required, if the
exposure to operational risk is above that desired.
Ideally, through the application of the above principles, each
manager will end up with a portfolio of KRIs that reflects the risks
of most importance to their mandate. The manager will also have a
clear understanding of the action required when thresholds or trig-
ger are breached, including which KRIs need to be escalated to the
next level of management or higher.

Timeliness and accuracy to the required level of materiality

The final element of a robust reporting and aggregation pro-
gramme for KRIs is timeliness and accuracy of information. If it

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takes longer to collect the indicators than the timescale required by

the decision-making process, then the indicator has failed the
“timely” test. Indicator reporting and aggregation should balance
speed with accuracy. The late reporting of indicators achieves noth-
ing. If the systems or manual nature of the reporting process leads
to delays, it is better to sacrifice some of the accuracy for speed. In
other words, if the indicators are 80% rather than 100% complete or
accurate, in many cases that is sufficient information to enable the
manager to take appropriate action.
In summary, a strong KRI aggregation and reporting pro-
gramme will have as its clear objective the effective management of
operational risk, and will be founded on data dimensions and a
classification system that are common to the entire operational risk
framework, as well as many elements of the firm’s general man-
agement reporting structure. It will also ensure that each manager
views those KRIs that are appropriate to their mandate and scope
of decision making, and that the KRI data are timely and accurate
within reason.
No discussion of KRI aggregation and reporting would be com-
plete without addressing one more issue, namely the concept of the
“top ten” indicators to be reported to the CEO and the board of

The mythical “top ten” KRIs for senior management

Some firms wish to report at the very highest level, the “top ten”
KRIs – and the group operational risk team are required to find
them. This quest is like searching for the Holy Grail. They will never
find what they are looking for but a whole mystical and quasi-
religious framework and following will be created in the process. This
search will feed itself, resulting in the KRI framework being criti-
cised for lack of added value, the possible withdrawal of investment
and a perception that KRI monitoring is an abject failure.
While we understand that senior management desires pre-
dictability and conciseness in reporting, every risk manager will
know this dream is not achievable through the selection of 10
operational risk KRIs. Businesses constantly change their risk exposure
to operational risks as they, and the market and world within which
they operate and manage, change. KRIs that were relevant last year
may well not be relevant this year. The portfolio of information that

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is required to communicate these risks will change over time, and

will certainly be very different from one business to another.
Of course, there is a role for top-down indicators. Ideally, there
will be some support from group functions to set an appropriate
number of these in keeping with the perceived risks. It is best prac-
tice to have at least two KRIs for each group function: human
resources, information technology, legal, finance, compliance, group
risk, and audit. There may also be one or two KRIs selected for each
main “multi-event” cause. This totals about 12–20 indicators.
In addition to these top-down indicators, as we discussed
before, consistent or material breaches of thresholds should be
reported to senior management. Those indicators set by managers
that are within the thresholds should stay where they are: in the
business line or function to be reported and used locally.

Some final comments on reporting

Many KRIs currently collected by businesses and functions are for
managing expected rather than unexpected losses. Therefore, their
contribution to capital measurement may be limited, but the value
added to the businesses for managing exposures to the range of
losses between expected and unexpected is immense.
Setting relevant and reliable indicators is a challenge. They
should be linked to the causes of operational risk incidents so that
operational risk managers can monitor the drivers of operational
risk exposures on an ongoing monthly or quarterly basis. It will not
be known whether the indicators are “key” until they are refined in
the light of experience. Such experience will require at least two
years’ worth of complete indicator data and internal incidents.
Most firms will not have accumulated such a time series of homo-
geneous indicators using group-wide concepts and definitions
before they have to pass regulatory validation prior to Basel II
deadlines. Therefore, this is a challenge both before and after the
Basel II validation process. The first gathering of consistent indica-
tors across the firm has commenced in 2006, but the time series
necessary to decide on the “key” ones could take another year until
Nevertheless, firms who do invest in this area will eventually
have a dynamic, predictive library of indicators they can inter-
change depending on the particular business, process, geography

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or market environment. This target is some way off for most firms
today, but we believe the investment will reap many benefits.


While the benefits of a robust, dynamic and comprehensive set
of KRIs across the organisation coupled with strong aggrega-
tion and reporting are worthy objectives on their own, they also
open the door to some more “advanced applications” and opportun-
ities. These include the potential for measuring the success of
our risk management activities, building risk indexes and bench-
marking KRI performance. We will briefly consider each of these in

Relationships of KRIs with losses and risk and

control assessment (RCA) output
In arguing the benefit of KRIs, many risk managers are seeking a
strong cause and effect relationship. After identifying certain KRIs
and managing them down, does the organisation see a reduction in
risk? The answer depends on a number of factors, but in our experi-
ence the statistical correlations will be weak even for the more
effective measures. This doesn’t mean that the indicator is ineffect-
ive. It may still achieve its objective – when identified and man-
aged, the management of the indicator produces a reduction in one
or more characteristics of the loss profile: frequency, severity or
both. The lack of correlation is due in part to the multifactor
relationship between losses and their drivers, and also to the vari-
able timing differences between managing the cause and the
impact on the recognition of a loss. But these relationships will be
improved if the measure of risk used is consistent with the KRIs
What do we mean by that? Well, there are many measures
of risk, in fact, an infinite number. This is illustrated by the loss
distribution curve in Figure 6. At different confidence intervals,
you are assessing the different likelihoods that a firm will suffer
one or more events of a certain aggregate impact.
One common measure of risk illustrated in this distribution is
the mean or expected loss (depicted at the point “EL”). However,
this is not really risk, as the mean is predictable with reasonable
accuracy. Another common measure of risk is the 99.9 percentile on

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Figure 6 Appropriate measures of risk

Risk capital

Aggregate loss

EL UL10 UL99.9, 1 yr

1. Risk mitigation BCP
Control strategies

KRI reporting
2. Tools &
mechanisms Risk maps/CSA

Scenario analysis

Loss Capital allocation

3. Quantification

this curve, which is often used to determine capital requirements

for the firm. This measure is located on the far right of the curve
(UL99.9, 1 yr), and shows the aggregate loss at a confidence interval of
99.9% using a one-year holding period. This is equivalent to meas-
uring losses for the single worst year in 1,000 years, for a given
loss type. That is almost impossible for management to conceptu-
alise, and in reality very few KRIs are likely to influence such
extreme measures of risk.
Which leads us to the question of whether there is a more appro-
priate measure of risk for risk management purposes. Ideally, we
would like a measure that addresses that range of exposures
between expected and unexpected losses, providing a conceptual
or specific target for our risk management activities, and a source
of feedback on our success. Well, the answer is a resounding yes!
One possible standard is a measure of the worst year of losses
predicted over a 10-year horizon, or UL10. This empirical measure
is roughly equivalent to a probabilistic risk measure using a confi-
dence interval of between 90% and 95%. This standard would bet-
ter define the risk that can be reasonably and practically assessed in
risk assessment processes and that is the focus of KRIs and much of

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the risk information currently in use. It may also assist in defining the
boundary between management techniques such as risk-and-control
assessments and scenario analysis.
Most of the KRIs and management information used to manage
the risk-and-control environment identify the more routine “unex-
pected” risks – those that occur once every 5–10 years – through the
typical operational, investment, market, credit or economic cycle.
This is appropriate because these are the risks that management
can realistically imagine resulting in an event, and that they can
actively influence. True, management may also mitigate the less
regular operational risks through controls such as business conti-
nuity planning, but even these are typically “tested in anger” more
frequently than once in 20, 50 or 100 years, making them easier to
conceptualise, manage and mitigate than risks that occur even less
Therefore, we believe that a UL10 basis provides a more appro-
priate measure of risk on which to focus our risk-and-control
assessments and KRI frameworks, and one that should correlate
more closely to good predictive indicators.

Collections of indicators and composite or

index indicators
We discussed earlier the common desire for a magical “top ten” set
of indicators that can inform the firm or business area on the profile
of its operational risks. While we believe this is an unrealistic goal,
a more realistic possibility may be a set of KRI “indexes” that com-
prise different measures, which in essence try to represent a score
for each specific risk exposure. It is also possible that the classes of
these composites or index indicators could be very similar across
business lines and possibly across the industry.
Possible indexes might include:

❑ process quality index;

❑ technology stability index;
❑ client satisfaction index;
❑ employee satisfaction index;
❑ litigation exposure index;
❑ ethical quality index; and
❑ asset protection index.

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For example, to compile an index on process quality, the first step is

to identify the underlying KRIs that address the risk drivers
impacting process quality, such as the level of automation, the
process error rate, the aggregate cost of rework, the number of
related client complaints and the costs of restitution. Theses KRIs
are then combined into a weighted value that can be tracked over
time, and, in aggregate, give a better picture of the risk.
In theory, the “formulas” for these internal indexes could also
be agreed externally among peer firms; however, practically
speaking, this may be difficult, as establishing such composites is
no trivial task. It requires the use of a standardised classification
framework across all forms of operational risk information, coupled
to factor and multivariate statistical analysis across a relevant
data series. Even then, the resultant composite indexes will need
to be tested and possibly refined over time in the light of actual experi-
However, one exciting area for operational risk index develop-
ment currently under exploration is the establishment of indexes
for external factors. Examples could include:

❑ white-collar crime;
❑ blue-collar crime;
❑ payment systems stability;
❑ weather events; and
❑ terrorism ratings.

Many of these exist today as governmental outputs on socioeco-

nomic conditions. They represent information on the external envir-
onment in which an institution operates, and the deterioration in
such an indicator would surely be a worthy input into a measure of
the risk environment of a firm for a location in which it operates. In
fact, these indexes themselves could be aggregated into country rat-
ings for any given country to provide information on foreign coun-
try risk. They could even be extended to cover political risks as well.

Internal/external benchmarking
There should be an optimum level of operational risk exposure for
a given institution – in theory, being too low could be as costly as
being too high. An overcontrolled organisation that continues to

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make risk investments where the incremental return on increasing

controls is actually negative is as risky as the organisation that
makes little effort to control such risks.
How do we start to answer the question of whether the level of
risk we are implicitly or explicitly accepting is too high or too low?
By comparing who is in the newspapers? By comparing loss distri-
butions? By comparing KRIs? Ideally, we could try to mark-to-market
operational risk investments, and, perhaps one day, we will be a
position to do this. A more practical alternative is to benchmark
the risk environment in some fashion either internally against simi-
lar business lines, or externally in comparing the performance of
business lines across a peer group.
The best operational risk metrics for benchmarking performance
are, without doubt, KRIs. KRIs are periodic monitoring mechanisms
to identify risk drivers in an objective manner. They make a good
basis for comparison because they represent exposure, and business
areas relate to them easily. KRIs are likely to be similar in the similar
business processes that exist to support similar products. If a com-
mon basis is established to measure a KRI across processes within a
firm or across institutions, and a process is established to compare
performance, then benchmarking is a viable feedback mechanism to
compare the riskiness of similar processes across a peer group.
Benchmarking KRIs can provide many benefits to participating
firms, including:

❑ an opportunity to learn from peers and exchange information,

ideas and concepts with them;
❑ an opportunity to assist in developing industry best practice,
thereby making it easier to gain internal support and acceptance
for risk management principles;
❑ an increased awareness of risk exposures within the firm, simply
through the association with initiatives supported by peers and
❑ the ongoing development of standard language and frameworks
for the identification, measurement, management, monitoring
and mitigation of operational risks; and
❑ the opportunity to directly compare risk exposures with peers, using
exactly the same language and structures, thereby gaining a better
understanding of the firm’s relative riskiness, and validating or

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contradicting any preconceived notions of the conceptual level of

risk being run by the firm.

While there is no argument that competition remains a driving force

in successful business management, there are equally strong argu-
ments that operational exposures facing one firm also face others,
with adjustments for differing cultures and risk appetites. Accordingly,
there must be mutual benefit in being able to benchmark your risk
profile by comparing specifically focused, standardised risk indicators,
especially if these can be compared to the firm’s own internal loss
history, its current risk-and-control assessment scores, specific scen-
arios being analysed and the amount of economic and/or regulatory
capital being set aside. The benefit becomes even stronger when public
loss data published into the public domain and loss consortium data
employ the same frameworks and structures, thereby facilitating
comparative benchmarking.
Today, the industry has begun to recognise these benefits, and, in
fact, there is now a specific industry initiative under way that not
only permits KRI benchmarking, but, in essence, represents a
library of data and information to support the establishment of KRI
programmes for participating firms.


In 2003, the Risk Management Association, in conjunction with
RiskBusiness International Limited, launched an initiative aimed at
furthering the use of KRIs across the financial services industry.
This followed the publication of several white papers by inter-
national rating agencies regarding the inclusion of operational risk
effectiveness capabilities into a firm’s credit rating, as well as the pub-
lication of draft Basel II guidelines that suggested that standardised
indicators could be used to adjust a firm’s calculated capital reserve
requirement under the advanced measurement approach.
This initiative had three specific objectives:

❑ to establish a common “language” or framework through which

areas of greater risk exposure could be identified and measured.
This structure is depicted in Figure 7;
❑ for each such high risk point, to identify, define and establish a
standard specification for suitable risk metrics to measure, moni-
tor and manage such exposures; and

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Figure 7 The risk business KRI framework

Risk categories
Business Processing Conduct External Bu
function ED & PM BD & SF CP & BP EP & WS IT & F ET & F DPA ess
Pro line
1 duc s
Origination 2 t s
Execution etc
Processing &





Risk point

❑ to facilitate the formal comparison of such exposures between

peer groups, using the standardised specifications in an anony-
mous manner.

Today, this industry initiative has transformed into best practice

around KRIs. With more than 100 global firms participating, com-
mon areas of concern around operational risk have been identified,
and linked to specific risk categories, product or service areas and
business functions (ie, specific areas of business activity where
such risks arise for each product or service area considered).
For each of the agreed areas of higher risk, subject matter experts
from these leading firms have provided their input in identifying,
developing and reviewing detailed specifications for suitable
indicators that provide timely, value-added information on the
exposure. More than 2,000 of these indicators are now provided
through a subscription-based online repository of KRIs maintained
by the RMA at http://www.KRIeX.org

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Figure 8 Example of comparative KRI benchmarking

Current quarter ordinal ranking Prior 12 months bank trend and analysis

KRI 1741 25 KRI 1741

30 20
20 15


15 10
0 0
Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank ABC Bank Mean Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005

KRI 1741 Industry mean and

ABC bank

As an extension of the original RMA/RiskBusiness initiative, a
global set of working groups continue to investigate both changing
trends in exposure and changes in the identified risk profiles. These
same working groups are involved in extending and maintaining
this library of KRIs. At the same time, subscribers who have identi-
fied which indicators they wish to compare with their peers are
now engaged in collecting indicator information in accordance
with agreed specifications, with the purpose of comparing values
against their peer group. An example of the kind of reporting to be
generated in support of this benchmarking is shown in Figure 8.
In this example, a fictional bank, ABC, is shown as being above the
mean for the current analysis period, and historically not only usually
above the mean, but tending towards the top end of the exposure dis-
tribution. If ABC considered itself relatively risk-adverse, it would
expect to be consistently below the mean for any risk measure. So, in
this case, ABC management would want to initiate corrective action
to reduce relative risk. However, it is possible that, when this indicator
was selected internally for management purposes, a threshold range
was established that has still not been triggered – it is only through
comparison with peers that we can identify that we are out of synch
(or have a competitive advantage) relative to the market.
This initiative has proved two things: first, firms are prepared to
work together to ensure appropriate internal risk management;

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second, we all face very similar operational risk issues. We believe

that access to the collective experience and knowledge of the entire
industry, as represented by more than 2,000 standardised indica-
tors in the KRI Library, as well as through the various regional and
business line working groups, is a powerful tool for enhancing any
firm’s operational risk management.

Today, many firms have, often from necessity, left the establish-
ment of an integrated KRI programme to last in their order of pri-
orities. Many industry participants question the role of indicators,
both from a top-down and a bottom-up perspective. Others argue
that industry participants would be reluctant to contribute KRI
data for benchmarking, due to discoverability issues as well as the
potential for gaming.
However, KRIs (or risk indicators in general) have one very spe-
cific quality that no other operational risk management or meas-
urement tool offers: quasi real-time exposure information.

❑ Loss data, whether internal, provided by a public source or

obtained from a data consortium, is fundamentally lagging in
nature, representing a past state of affairs, which in most cases is
repaired long before the data analysis hits the risk manager’s desk.
❑ Risk-and-control assessments are periodic subjective evaluations
of the state of affairs, often supported by audit programmes,
issue tracking and change management programmes. While
important in understanding and anticipating exposures, these
periodic evaluations cannot measure ongoing change.
❑ Scenario analysis allows you to consider what could happen to
you, but in isolation tends to be considered as far-fetched, or a
measure of the almost impossible – it certainly cannot provide
an accurate barometer of real-time conditions.
❑ Setting aside economic or regulatory capital as a safeguard is the
ultimate fail-safe – any firm that gets to the point where it needs
to employ these measures is in such deep trouble that it is prob-
ably too late to contain much if not most of the collateral damage
from what has already happened. Insurance is also an uncertain
safeguard, with some potential relief triggered after the event
has occurred.
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However, similar to the way in which the fuel gauge, oil pressure
gauge, engine temperature gauge and speedometer in a motor vehi-
cle all provide you with vital information as to your safety and like-
lihood of survival, a KRI programme is the only way to provide
management with the real-time targeted feedback they need to make
mid-course adjustments as required. And that is essential to the
achievement of business goals and the safety of the organisation.

1 The Risk Management Association’s Web site can be found at http://www.RMAhq.org


Risk Management Association, 2005, “Report on a Survey of KRI Programmes” (Web-

based survey conducted with 38 respondents comprising banks with a North American,
European or global focus), Summer.

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