A Theoretical Method For Normalizing Total Serum Valproic Acid Concentration in Hypoalbuminemic Patients
A Theoretical Method For Normalizing Total Serum Valproic Acid Concentration in Hypoalbuminemic Patients
A Theoretical Method For Normalizing Total Serum Valproic Acid Concentration in Hypoalbuminemic Patients
Full Paper
Abstract. In patients with hypoalbuminemia, the total serum concentration of valproic acid
may offer poor clinical information; however, very few clinical laboratories routinely analyze the
free concentration of the drug. The aim of this study was to design a procedure to normalize the
total concentration of valproic acid according to the level of serum albumin and using previously
published free fraction values. In 121 adult patients, with albumin levels of 18 – 41 g / L, the
total concentration of valproic acid was normalized using the derived equation: CN = a HCH / 6.5,
where a H is the free fraction of the drug corresponding to the patient’s particular albuminemia
and CH is the total concentration of valproic acid. The value of 6.5 corresponds to the free
fraction of the drug for a serum albumin of 42 g / L (percentile 50 of the reference range). For
total concentrations lower than 75 mg / L, the predicted normalized valproic acid concentrations
were reasonably concordant with the observed normalized concentrations calculated using the
data from a protein-binding study. In a significant number of cases, subtherapeutic concentrations
of the drug became therapeutic and even supratherapeutic when corrected according to the
albumin levels. Furthermore, cases with therapeutic drug concentrations frequently became
supratherapeutic when normalized. The limitations and clinical aplications of the proposed
formula for normalizing the total concentration of valproic acid are presented. It is concluded
that it may be useful for the posological management of hypoalbuminemic patients when the
free concentration of the drug is not available, and decisions have to be made based on the total
serum concentration.
490 J Hermida and JC Tutor
by Gidal et al. (8) and Haraldson et al. (9) reported committee of the University of Santiago de Compostela
several cases demonstrating the clinical importance of Hospital Clinic, and all participants provided their con-
monitoring free valproic acid, as well as the minimal sent to participate.
utility of total drug concentration in patients with The determination of free and total valproic acid
hypoalbuminemia. As early as 1980, Levy stressed that was carried out by fluorescence polarization immuno-
serious consideration should be given to the monitoring assay in a Cobas Integra 400 analyzer using reagents
of free rather than total valproic acid concentration, commercialized by Roche Diagnostics (Basel, Switzer-
which can be misleading (7); however, a recent survey land). The sensitivity of the free valproic acid assay is
by the College of American Pathologists revealed that 1.3 mg / L and its determination was made in duplicate.
only 2% of the laboratories which routinely performed Protein-binding of valproic acid was evaluated by ultra-
total valproic acid determination offered free valproic filtration at 25°C using the Centrifree Micropartition
acid assays (2). For some anticonvulsant drugs, under System (Millipore Corporation, Bedford, MA, USA)
well-controlled and standardized conditions, the concen- for the unbound drug separation (16). Serum albumin
tration in saliva bears a constant relationship to free was determined using bromocresol purple (17) in a
serum concentration, but this is not the case for valproic Dade Dimension analyzer (Dade Behring, Liederbach,
acid (10). Germany).
The ability of equations using population mean bind- In hypoalbuminemic patients, the free fraction of
ing parameters (association constant and total concentra- valproic acid (a H) may be given by the equation:
tion of binding sites) to predict unbound valproic acid a H = CF / CH, where CF is the free drug concentration
concentration was studied by Kodama et al. in pediatric and CH is the total concentration of the drug. In
and adult patients, whose albumin concentrations were conditions of normoalbuminemia, for the same free
assumed to be normal (11 – 13). However, because concentration of the drug (CF), the free fraction (a N)
albumin levels directly influence the binding of the drug may be a N = CF / CN, where CN is the total normalized
to plasma proteins, these methods may not accurately concentration of valproic acid. Combining both equa-
predict unbound valproic acid in patients with hypo- tions: a NCN = a HCH and CN = a HCH / a N. This formula
albuminemia. The relationship obtained by Parent et al. may be used to determine the total drug concentration
(14) between the free fraction of valproic acid (y) and that would be expected if the patients’ albumin concen-
serum albumin concentration (x): y = Ae-Bx (A = 130.69, trations were normal.
B = 4.96 ´ 10-3, r = -0.82) would make it possible to The normalized concentration of valproic acid for a
estimate the free concentration of the drug. In our paper, serum albumin of 42 g / L is given by the formula:
a derived formula is proposed for normalizing the total CN = a HCH / 6.5, where 6.5 is the free fraction of the drug
concentration of valproic acid in hypoalbuminemic for this albumin concentration (Table 1), in agreement
patients. with the results presented by Parent et al. (14). The total
experimental concentrations of valproic acid for all of
Materials and Methods the patients studied were normalized using this formula.
Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using the
Total serum concentrations of valproic acid were Microsoft Excel (v.5.0) package, and the Kolmogorov-
determined for 121 adult patients who were receiving Smirnov test was used to check for normality. As the
anticonvulsant treatment with this drug, all of who had a data had not a Gaussian distribution, the Spearman’s
concentration of serum albumin lower than 42 g / L correlation coefficient and Passing-Bablock regression
(mean 35.5 ± 4.6 g / L, range 18 – 41 g / L), correspond- method were used.
ing to percentile 50 of the reference range for individuals
between the ages of 25 – 55 years (15). In 53 patients, Results
with a mean serum albumin concentration of 36.9 ±
5.0 g / L (range 24 – 41 g / L) and normal levels of In the 53 patients in which the protein-binding of
bilirubin, creatinine, and urea, who were treated in valproic acid was evaluated, for total drug concentra-
monotherapy (n = 37) or in polytherapy with phenytoin, tions lower than 75 mg / L (n = 42), the means of the
carbamazepine, lamotrigine, or mysoline (n = 16), predicted (using Table 1) and observed free fractions
additionally to the total, the free concentrations of were analogous (10.6 ± 4.8% vs 10.1 ± 6.3%). However,
valproic acid were determined by ultrafiltration. Blood for total concentrations greater than 75 mg / L (n = 11),
samples were taken immediately before the morning the predicted free fractions (7.7 ± 1.3%) were signifi-
dose (trough level) once the state of equilibrium had cantly lower (P<0.001) than the observed free fractions
been reached. The study was approved by the ethical (13.8 ± 3.2%). The scatter diagram of the unbound
Valproic Acid Levels in Hypoalbuminemia 491
42 6.5
41 6.8
40 7.3
39 7.9
38 8.5
37 9.1
36 9.8
35 10.5
34 11.3
33 12.1
32 13.0
31 14.0
30 15.0
29 16.2
28 17.4
27 18.7
Fig. 1. Scatter diagram of unbound valproic acid prediction error
26 20.1 against total valproic acid concentration.
25 21.6
24 23.2
23 24.9
22 26.8
21 28.9
20 31.0
19 33.3
18 35.8