How To Create DMZ For EBS R12
How To Create DMZ For EBS R12
How To Create DMZ For EBS R12
This post I will explaining my experience with setting up DMZ for EBS R12. We will
first go through some of the important terms
The DMZ, which stands for Demilitarized Zone consists of the portions of a corporate
network that are between the corporate intranet and the Internet. The DMZ can be
a simple one segment LAN or it can be broken down into multiple regions. The main
benefit of a properly configured
DMZ is better security: in the event of a security breach, only the area contained
within the DMZ is exposed to potential damage, while the corporate intranet remains
somewhat protected
Load Balancer
Reverse Proxy
A reverse proxy server is an intermediate server that sits between a client and the
actual web server and makes requests to the web server on behalf of the client. You
can find more information on reverse proxy servers
The internal applications middle tier is the server configured for internal users to
access Oracle EBusiness Suite. It runs the following major application services:
The external applications web tier is the server configured for external users for
accessing Oracle EBusiness Suite. It runs the following application service:
Web server
<TIER_DB oa_var=”s_isDB”>NO</TIER_DB>
<TIER_ADMIN oa_var=”s_isAdmin”>NO</TIER_ADMIN>
<TIER_WEB oa_var=”s_isWeb”>YES</TIER_WEB>
<TIER_FORMS oa_var=”s_isForms”>NO</TIER_FORMS>
<TIER_NODE oa_var=”s_isConc”>NO</TIER_NODE>
<TIER_NODEDEV oa_var=”s_isConcDev”>NO</TIER_NODEDEV>
<TIER_WEBDEV oa_var=”s_isWebDev”>YES</TIER_WEBDEV>
Set the value to the web entry protocol the clients use to access the reverse proxy
s_webentrydomain Set the value to the domain of the reverse proxy server
s_active_webport Set the value to the port where the reverse proxy server listen for client
Case B: Using the internal server as the external tier( Internal Server has
extra NIC card) with reverse proxy
This configuration requires your internal application middle tier server to have at
least two network interfaces. One network interface is required for the external entry
point and another for the internal entry point. These network interfaces must be
configured to resolve to two different hostnames in the DNS.
For example:
$ perl $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin/ \
contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE \
s_isWeb YES
s_isWebDev YES
Set the value of this variable to the IP address of the external facing network
3) Instantiate the New Configuration Files and Profile Options Based on the New
Context File
The DMZ configuration requires the use of the new ServResp profile option hierarchy
for the profile options. If you haven’t already done so, change the profile options
hierarchy type to ServResp by executing the txkChangeProfH.sql SQL script as
shown below:
Connected to:
Set the NODE_TRUST_LEVEL profile option value on the external web tier in your
Oracle E-business Suite Release 12 environment to External..
To change the value of the Node Trust Level profile option value to External for a
particular node, perform the following steps:
1. Login to Oracle E-Business Suite as sysadmin user using the internal URL
2. Select the System Administrator Responsibility
3. Select Profile / System
4. From the ‘Find system profile option Values’ window, select the server that
you want to designate as the external web tier
5. Query for%NODE%TRUST%. You will see a profile option named ‘Node
Trust Level‘. The value for this profile option at the site level will
be Normal. Leave this setting unchanged.
Set the value of this profile option to External at the server level. The site level
value should remain set to Normal
After updating the server-level profile value for Node Trust Level for the external
web tier(s) to External, users can no longer see any responsibilities when they login
via the external web tier. In order for a responsibility to be available from the
external E-Business Suite web tier, set the Responsibility Trust Level profile option
value for that responsibility to External at the responsibility level.
Login to Oracle E-Business Suite as sysadmin user using the internal URL
Repeat for all responsibilities that you want to make available from the external web
tier. start start start start
ix) Navigate to the location where the files have been transfered.
x) And further navigate to the clone bin diretory and run the with appsTier
apps inst
cd apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin
APPS Password :
Beginning application tier Apply - Tue Oct 27 21:27:47 2009
/oracle/appldmz/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M -
DCONTEXT_VALIDATED=true -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=/oui -classpath
jmisc.jar -e
/oracle/appldmz/inst/apps/RAC1_irecruit/appl/admin/RAC1_irecruit.xml -
/oracle/appldmz/apps/apps_st/comn/clone -showProgress
APPS Password : Log file located at
/ 3% completed
xi) Once this process completes succesfully shut down the services change the following
parameters in the .xml file
<TIER_DB oa_var="s_isDB">NO</TIER_DB>
<TIER_ADMIN oa_var="s_isAdmin">NO</TIER_ADMIN>
<TIER_WEB oa_var="s_isWeb">YES</TIER_WEB>
<TIER_FORMS oa_var="s_isForms">NO</TIER_FORMS>
<TIER_NODE oa_var="s_isConc">NO</TIER_NODE>
<TIER_NODEDEV oa_var="s_isConcDev">NO</TIER_NODEDEV>
<TIER_WEBDEV oa_var="s_isWebDev">YES</TIER_WEBDEV>
<config_option oa_var="s_techstack">as1013</config_option>
<config_option oa_var="s_tnsmode">generateTNS</config_option>
<config_option oa_var="s_apps_version">12.0.4</config_option>
<config_option oa_var="s_apache_mode">NORMAL</config_option>
<ias_version oa_var="s_ias_version"></ias_version>
This would change the profile options hierarchy type values to SERVRESP.
Run autoconfig again on the primary node. As seen in the following lines
@txkChangeProfH.sql SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile APPS_WEB_AGENT
Profile APPS_WEB_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile APPS_SERVLET_AGENT
Profile APPS_SERVLET_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile APPS_JSP_AGENT
Profile APPS_JSP_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT
Profile APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile ICX_FORMS_LAUNCHER
Profile ICX_FORMS_LAUNCHER hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile ICX_DISCOVERER_LAUNCHER
Profile ICX_DISCOVERER_LAUNCHER hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile
Profile ICX_DISCOVERER_VIEWER_LAUNCHER hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile HELP_WEB_AGENT
Profile HELP_WEB_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile APPS_PORTAL
Profile APPS_PORTAL hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile CZ_UIMGR_URL
Profile CZ_UIMGR_URL hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile QP_PRICING_ENGINE_URL
Profile QP_PRICING_ENGINE_URL hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the Profile TCF:HOST
Profile TCF:HOST hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
xiv) After the completion of the script start the primary isntnace and login as sysadmnin
And change the following profiles at server level
Server : iRecruit
Profile : Node Trust Level
Make the changes at the server level to external
This Completes the DMZ Configuration !!!
xv) Expose the responsibility to the external tier as per the requirement as seen in the following
screen shot.
xvi) Once the above process is completed the DMZ node can be started with the sequence
xvii) Startup and shutdown of DMZ Applications
We can start the iRecruit node with the following sequence start start start start start stop stop stop stop stop