Mek4450 Marine Opertaions Theory PDF
Mek4450 Marine Opertaions Theory PDF
Mek4450 Marine Opertaions Theory PDF
This document summarizes the theory in the ”Marine Operations
module” in the course MEK 4450 at the University of Oslo autumn
2011. Typical marine operations that are covered ranges from laying
of electric cables and smaller units to tow- out and installation of enor-
mous oil platforms. This module covers several aspects of the marine
operations: organization of the projects, planning of the operations,
typical technical challenges, how analysis may help us out and finally
the content of the actual operation.
This document does not give a complete description of any aspect
or part of the marine operations. People with an other background
and experience will probably say that the document contains big holes
and shortcomings. Never the less, it is the authors hope and intention
that the document will serve as a gateway into the challenging and
exciting world of marine operations.
1 Marine operations.
Marine operations have been conducted through the whole history of man.
Fishing expeditions, as well as hunting of whales and other sea mammals,
are early examples of challenging operations,- often in hostile environments.
Transportation of different cargo’s along the seaways has also been conducted
with great skills and under demanding conditions. Other examples includes
naval warfare, pirate activities and other destructive actions.
Both vessel designs, marine equipment and human skills have improved
substantially over the years. This have been achieved without much knowl-
edge of mathematics and dynamic systems. Instead, improvements have been
made by the ”trial and error”- method. The price has been high,- the ocean
is no doubt the greatest churchyard on this planet.
Today mathematical analysis and other systematic planning of the marine
operations have reduced the price substantially,- regardless if you count the
price in human lives or in dollars. The purpose of this document is to give
the reader an idea of how this is possible. The focus is on operations related
to oil field developments. Never the less, the knowledge will be relevant to
other types of existing and future marine operations.
by insurance companies. In addition, there are some fundamental laws of
nature and economics that need to be considered.
The national requirements to the offshore industry varies a lot from coun-
try to country. In some part of the world the requirements are weak, and the
oil companies have their own internal ”rules” that are more demanding, and
more in line with, say, Norwegian rules. For activities in Norwegian waters
the NORSOK requirements gives a good summary. NORSOK is written for
engineers, and in our eyes it contains ”what matters”.
It should be noted that the installation part is covered with less firm
requirements in the NORSOK rules. For the installation the rules from war-
ranty surveyor and the oil companies them self are normally more demanding.
The oil companies uses warranty surveyors to convince the insurance
companies that the planned marine operations are safe and well prepared.
Companies acting as warranty surveyors (WS) should be as independent as
possible. Ideally, they should be some kind of foundation. Larger WS have
comprehensive sets of rules and regulations, smaller ones will normally follow
the rules from one of the larger ones.
In addition to convincing the insurance company, the WS will assist the
companies when the quality of contractors work are examined. The role as
WS includes extensive quality check of reports and drawings, and various
types of formal and informal meetings / discussions with contractor.
Normally, alternative, paralell analysis and engineering work is not per-
formed by the WS. If this is requried it will be performed by an enginering
consultancy company. IThis role is denoted 3. party verification. It is im-
portant that there is no comerical link or competition between the 3. party
and the contractor.
• Strive to ensure that your results are fully understood by those who
need them
Figure 1: Marine operations: bird perspective
The phases of a typical installation project is described in the subsections
1.2.3 Mobilization
At a certain date close to the marine operation the project takes the eco-
nomical responsibility for the day-hire of the offshore vessel. The project
will then ensure that the offshore crew are collected inboarrd, and certainly
also the marine equipment and tools. Familiarization of all personnel is im-
portant: everyone should have an idea of what will happen, and it must
be ensured that everyone understand their own tasks properly. The use of
simple sketches and 3-D animation is reccomended.
Finally, the object to be installed must be transfered to a ”transportation
1.2.5 De-mobilization
After installation the vessel goes to shore, and all marine equipment that are
not permanent need to be taken off the boat. The offshore crew are then
Normally the demobilization contains few technical challenges. Everyone
have the feeling that ”the job is done”, and they want to go home. This may
lead to sloppiness, and there are unneccesarily many dangerous episodes in
this phase.
1.2.6 Clean- up
In order to continuously improve the marine contractor need to learn from
every projects. This means that this last phase in many ways are the most
important one. Experience of all kinds need to be properly documented, ”as
installed” documentation need to be produced, analysis models need to be
stored in in a logical manner etc. it may be difficult to fond motivated person-
nel for all this tidy work, especially when new exciting projects are waiting.
But make now mistakes: experience that are not documented in a systematic
manner are of now value. Wait six months, and people will disagree upon
what the learned. The worst ink is better than the best memory.
Figure 2: Why do we need marine engineering?
most operations contains new elements. It will be your job to ensure that
proper analyses are performed. Some important tasks are discussed in the
Figure 3: Conical guiding to ensure correct final position for lifted object
need to be considered. This include access for various tools and machines
that are to be used. The safety and health of the deck crew should also
be considered. Sufficient barriers versus wire ruptures, avoid working un-
der hanging load and avoid working for hours with curved back are some
Figure 4: Waiting on weather
compared to the wind, total buoyancy from the barge to small compared to
the cargo etc. All this need to be verified with analyses
• Buoyancy of an object for a given submergence
• Roll angles for a vessel for a given incident wave system
All this elements are put together in a mathematical model, either based
on hand calculations or (more normal) a numerical model. The model is
exposed for a user defined environmental condition. Typically, the user will
try to increase wave heights etc until critical responses from the model occurs.
This will define the design environmental condition.
Alternatively, the iteration will consist of modifying the system (i.e. in-
creasing wire diameters, selecting larger vessels etc) until the marine opera-
tion is able to withstand the desired design environmental condition.
According to requirements from various regulatory bodies the actual ma-
rine operation shall not be performed if the forecasted weather is higher
than a certain operational environmental condition. The operational con-
ditions typically equals the design condition times a certain reduction fac-
tor, denoted ”aplha”. The alpha- factor compensate for uncertainties in the
weather forecast, i.e. the weather is coming up faster during the marine
operation than expected. It will also cover up for uncertainties in defining
the actual environmental condition. Typically: how large are the waves we
are seeing out of the window? Due to this the alpha- factor depends of the
duration of the marine operation and the equipments and means available for
accurate determination of weather and weather forecast. The alpha- factor
is not intended to cover up for any other uncertainties, and does not replace
any other safety factors. Some people may claim this, but they are wrong.
• It’s your first day in the project. Your engineering manager tells you
which part of the marine operations that need to be verified by analyses,
and the available man hours for this job. In your opinion more analyses
need to be performed. Further, the number of man hour is not sufficient
to ensure quality even for the limited scope. A possible solution is to
use more resources (people / money).
• The contractor have won a job because they can promise the oil com-
pany that they will use a certain vessel ”A” which is very well suited
for the job. In the early project phase the contractor finds out that the
vessel need to be replaced with a simpler vessel, ”B”. If the client finds
out, the contract may be canceled. If this matter comes up imedeately
before the marine operations the company will accept vessel B. The con-
tractor have good experience with using vessel B. Should they inform
the client? act may be canceled. If this matter comes up imedeately
before the marine operations the company will accept vessel B. (Yes,
this is how things works!) The contractor have good experience with
using vessel B. Should they inform the client?
Figure 5: Ethical squeeze. Who are you?
• To provide quick estimates in an early project phase.
2.1 Catenary
The catenary is the curve that an idealized hanging chain or cable assumes
when supported at its ends and acted on only by its own weight. The curve
is the graph of the hyperbolic cosine function, and has a U-like shape, su-
perficially similar in appearance to a parabola (though mathematically quite
different). The word catenary is derived from the Latin word catena, which
means ”chain”. Investigation of the catenary and determination of the shape
of this curve is among the classic problems in mathematics.
Catenary curves occurs frequently within the offshore industry. Typically,
this phenomenon occurs when flexible elements are supported at a floater and
are hanging in a half U- shape to a touch-down point at the sea floor. This
configuration is illustrated in figure (6). The key parameters are defined
properly in section 7. Here catenary formulas relating them to each other
are provided.
Mooring lines for offshore vessels are often forming catenay shapes,- so
called catenary mooring. This type of mooring will lead to a soft positioning
system keeping the vessel in position, but still not arresting the wave induced
Figure 6: The catenary configuration. Key parameters.
(1) F = − ρSCD V |V |
where ρ is the sea water density, S is a reference area and CD is a dimen-
sionless drag coefficient. Normally, S is selected as the frontal area of the
object, then CD normally will be of order 1.
CD is normally a function of flow properties, for instance the Reynolds
number Re = VνL , where L is a length scale of the object and ν is the
kinematic viscosity coefficient. In many cases a constant value for CD may
be appropriate. The actual value may be found in tables provided in standard
textbook, by the DNV etc.
Alternatively, CD may be calculated using numerical method. Many pit-
falls are present for the last strategy. Grid refinement tests and parameter
sensitivity tests are highly recommended.
For complex geometries consisting of several shapes with known coeffi-
cient a block building strategy with simple summation is tempting. Notice,
however, that interaction effect like shielding may need to be considered.
Semi- empirical formulas for this may be found in the literature, covering at
least some types of interaction.
We conclude that for vanishing velocities the hydrodynamic force may be
written F = Ma a. If relevant, Mb is included in Ma .
The value for Ma are tabulated in textbooks and publications from DNV
etc. Alternatively, the value may be determined using numerical methods.
Although this need to be done with care, it is a simpler procedure than
determining viscous drag coefficients.
Shielding effects etc are equally important when using the block- building
strategy as for viscous effects, see discussion in previous section.
It should be noted that the following formula is valid for cases where the
object is accelerating, while the fluid is at rest. Alternative formulations
valid for accelerated fluids exist. Details are not provided here, but it is not
correct to simply replace a with fluid acceleration!
(2) F = ρSCD V |V | + Ma a
More accurate methods and laboratory tests has shown that this formula
is a usable simplification for many typical offshore applications. Never the
less it need to be stressed that no formal justification of the formula exists
for the summation. Morissons law is not a law of nature.
Due to a desperate need for design values,- and a quick determination of
them,- the offshore industry are using Morissons law extensively. The order
of magnitude provided by the formula combined with several safety factors
are normally leading to acceptable designs.
3 Commercially available calculation tools.
3.1 Hydrostatic stability analyses
Stability analyses of floating objects are the oldest and most important anal-
ysis type within marine industry. Complex and highly relevant analyses were
performed long before computers become available. This included both an-
alytical calculations and numerical simulations by hand.
Today, commercial hydrostatic analysis programs are available and fre-
quently used. Typically, such programs are purpose made for free floating,
ship shaped floaters. Both input and output are streamlined toward tradi-
tional vessel operations. The basic input to a hydrostatic analysis program
is the total mass and center of gravity, and the shape of the wet part of the
hull. The distribution of masses, i.e. radius of gyration etc, are not relevant
for this type of analyses. Notice that the parts of the hull which may become
wet during tilting for need to be defined. Further, hull openings that are not
allowed to be submerged need to be defined.
The vessel geometry is defined through line spans, the same formats that
are used by the ship yards to define and document their construction pro-
cess. The masses are defined through various point masses representing steel
weights, cargo etc. Swift methods for defining tanks and filling them to a
certain level with various constant are available. The output of the program
is also Tailor made for ship designers and operators, where complex rules for
stability checks given by DNV etc are implemented and tested automatically.
A more general formulation allowing for non-standard destabilizing phe-
nomena, is normally not possible. Some examples that may be difficult are
listed below:
• Forces and force-elongation characteristics introduced from contact with
winch or crane wires, fenders, sea floor etc.
Figure 7: A vessel with poor stability.
function of incident wave periods, and denoted transfer functions or response
amplitude operators (RAO). In addition, hydrodynamic vessel characteristics
needed for more sophisticated calculations with other types of programs are
The most well-known RAO- curves are those showing the vessel motion
response for all six degrees of freedom. RAO- curves may also display re-
sponses like total wave forces, pressures at certain locations etc. The RAO
curves are often postprocessed to give new responses not directly outputted
by the program: the bending moment in a midship section, the vertical
avveleration in the crane tip etc.
Actual seastates consists of a huge set of harmonic waves with different
periods and directions. Statistical post processing methods have been devel-
oped where RAO’s and the wave spectrum is combined to give most likely
aximum for the response.
There are two main motives for running frequency domain analyses: a)
the free floating responses discussed above may be useful by them self, and
b) the program produces coefficients needed for more sophisticated analyses.
Figure 8: Time domain simulation of a marine operation.
• Environment: Incident sea state parameters, wind speed etc, user de-
• Links: fenders, wires, sea floor etc, connecting different rigid bodies.
Each link may have an arbitrary user defined force- elongation charac-
• Rigid bodies. Standard dynamic equations are solved for these bodies.
The bodies receive forces from link elements attached to them, and
from environmental forces through the coefficients. A vessel requires
coefficients calculated by a frequency domain program, while a small
buoy requires a much simpler representation.
The inclusion of a flexible element like a long steel pipe or an electric cable
requires an element combining the link and the body properties. The mass
need to be distributed along the element, and the axial and bending stiffness
need to be defined. Normally, a fully nonlinear beam theory is required, while
the hydrodynamic loads are performed according to Morisson equation.
The basic output from time domain simulations are time series for various
types of responses. These series need to be post processed to achieve design
3.4 CFD
The time domain analyses described at previous theory slide provides a quick
and efficient way of simulating marine operations. The critical factor is the
use of coefficients: predefined numbers telling how large motions or forces
that will occur for a given wave height, wind speed or similar. The accuracy
of the method depends crucially on the accuracy and relevancy of these coef-
ficients. In order to study this further we need an analysis model where the
actual velocity fields are simulated. T
his is done in the CFD method, where the celebrated Navier Stokes equa-
tions are solved. CFD programs may include important features like turbu-
lence, a free surface and simple bodies performing prescribed motion. Never
the less, a full simulation of a marine operation, including interaction with
freely moving bodies with complex shapes, are not jet feasible. This means
that, for marine operations, the main use of CFD will be to investigate and
quantify hydrodynamic and aerodynamic coefficients.
Typical input to a CFD program are the geometry occupied by the fluid,
and fluid properties like viscosity and density. Turbulence occurs for many
practical applications, then parameters used to select turbulence modeling
need to be defined. Further, the condition along the boundary need to be
The basic output from such programs are time series for local values of
velocity, pressure and other stress components. Integrated quantities giv-
ing the total force on a certain object, the total mass flux through certain
boundary etc may easily be obtained
4 Laying of flexible.
Flexible products ranges from huge steel pipes used for oil transportations
to electric and even fiber optic cables. The two main groups are
• Pipelines. Made of steel, used for transportation of oil and gas. Further
divided into rigid and flexible pipelines.
• Umbilicals and power cables. Umbilicals often contains several com-
ponents, like hydraulic pipes, smalleer electric cables, fiber otic cabels
etc. Power calbles are intended for massive transfer of electric energy.
This section covers installation challenges for these product types.
Vessels for rigid pipe lay are typically large purpose built vessels that are
not particularly suited for other types of offshore operations. Consequently,
the day rate for such vessels may be considerably higher than the day rate
for a vessel suitable for installation of flexible pipelines. On the other hand,
the cost of a flexible pipeline is generally higher than the cost of a similar
size rigid pipeline. In most cases it will therefore prove to be cost effective
to use flexible pipelines for shorter lines of only a few kilometers, typically
within an oil or gas field, while rigid pipelines are typically used for larger
pipelines used for export of oil and gas to shore.
Due to their flexible nature, flexible pipes are often preferred to rigid
pipes between a floating production unit (platform) and the seabed. These
so-called dynamic risers are typically connected subsea to a rigid pipeline at
a riser base or manifold.
4.3 Load-out
An offshore campaign involving installation of flexible pipes, umbilicals or
cables (product) is normally initiated by load-out of the product to the in-
stallation vessel at the manufacturer’s production site. The product may be
stored on reels that are lifted directly onboard the vessel, or it is spooled from
an onshore reel or turntable directly onto a reel, carousel or turntable on-
board the installation vessel. During load-out it is important to ensure that
the product is not damaged by compression or over-bending. It is therefore
common to establish a catenary between the vessel and the quay-side in order
to compensate for uncoordinated tensioner speeds onshore and onboard the
vessel, and to allow flexibility in the event of a sudden stop either onshore or
Figure 9: Various flexible products
• Storage unit
Figure 10: Proper packing of product to fully utilize the storage capacity
Figure 11: A chute ensuring smooth transition of the cable into the sea
interface. Maximum and minimum allowable lay angles must therefore be
pre-determined by analyses and shall be specified in the operational proce-
When laying a product uphill, there is a risk that the product may slide
unnoticed every time the tension at touchdown is low. The steeper the
slope, the higher the tension required to prevent sliding. And the higher
the waves, the more vessel motion, resulting in a higher variation in tension
at touchdown. Consequently, top tension must be increased to ensure that
touchdown tension is adequate. On the other hand, increasing the lay-back
distance also increases the maximum tension at touchdown. This may cause
a tightening of the product on the seabed, potentially resulting in free spans.
Another factor that may physically restrict the lay-back distance is the slope
geometry, i.e. the slope itself. The consequence of restrictions in lay-back is
a restriction in the weather criteria for this operation.
As a product is laid downhill, the geometry of the seabed slope will im-
prove the dynamics of the product catenary, making it more flexible. Conse-
quently, there is less risk of both compression and product over-bending at
touchdown. Laying downhill also offers more flexibility with respect to ad-
justing the lay-back distance. On the other hand, increasing lay-back results
in an increase in touchdown tension, which again may lead to the formation
of free spans. Free spans may also develop behind touchdown, i.e. higher up
the slope, as a result of too high tension at touchdown.
In order to prevent product over-bending at touchdown, slippage down
the slope during laying, or the generation of free spans, step-by-step vessel
movement and product pay-out should be analyzed in detail for applicable
weather conditions and specified in the operational procedures.
Particularly when laying downhill, the need for anchoring of the product
uphill of a slope should be considered to prevent slippage due to excessive
tension at touchdown. In addition, the need for anchoring of the product to
account for the effect of waves and current that may cause the product to
work its way down the slope over time, should be considered.
The risk of generating free spans is often higher in relation to laying in
steep slopes, as free spans may result both uphill or downhill of the slope
(depending on lay direction) and along the slope itself (depending on seabed
topology). The concern related to free spans is the risk of Vortex Induced
Vibrations (VIV) that may be induced in the suspended product as a result
of current. Therefore, as a general rule, VIV analyses should be performed
as part of the installation engineering in order to establish the maximum
allowable free span length. If free spans are unavoidable, remedial action
such as installation of VIV suppression strakes or free span rectification (e.g.
by rock dumping) should be performed.
• Product bend radius over a chute, stinger or deflector must not be less
than the specified limit for the applicable installation tension
• Product bend radius at the seabed interface (sag bend) must not be
less than the specified Minimum Bend Radius (MBR)
• The grip force applied on the product by the installation tensioner must
be sufficient to support product tension, but must not exceed the crush
capacity of the product
During laying, the product will be affected by both current and the mo-
tion of the installation vessel. With increasing vessel motion, the lay-back
distance will have to be increased in order to prevent product over-bending
at touchdown, and consequently both top tension and residual tension in
the product increases. Installation analyses should therefore be performed
to determine minimum required and maximum acceptable lay angle, product
tension and/or lay-back distance for a range of weather conditions based on
Figure 12: A lay rout minimizng laying challenges
the criteria stated above. Based on these analyses, limiting weather condi-
tions should be determined, i.e. the maximum waves in which the laying
operation may be performed.
During laying, product integrity is controlled by ensuring that the prod-
uct lay angle, i.e. angle of product with the vertical at the vessel interface,
product tension at the vessel and/or the distance between the vessel and
the point where the product touches down on the seabed, i.e. the lay-back
distance are maintained within the ranges determined by the analyses. Note
that the lay-back distance is measured by maintaining a Remotely Oper-
ated Vehicle (ROV) above the point where the product touches down on the
seabed, i.e. touchdown point.
As a general rule, residual tension, i.e. product tension after installation,
should be minimized in order to prevent the formation of free spans and to
enable trenching of the product, if applicable. Consequently, the distance
between the vessel and product touchdown, i.e. the lay-back distance, on
the seabed should be minimized without risking excessive compression in or
over-bending of the product.
Typical lay speed for flexible products (flexible pipes, umbilicals and ca-
bles) is 5 - 10 m/minute (300 - 600 m/hour), depending on parameters such as
route, seabed conditions and installation tolerances. Handling, over-boarding
and installation of accessories such as end terminations and buoyancy mod-
ules will, however, slow down the operation considerably.
4.9 Stand-by Conditions/Waiting on Weather
If the expected duration of an operation, including contingency, exceeds the
time frame of a reliable weather forecast, typically 72 hours, contingency
operations should be planned and analyzed in detail. Such contingency pro-
cedures may involve the use of buoyancy to establish a suitable stand-by
configuration, or cutting and emergency abandonment of the product.
Detailed analyses are required in order to establish step-by-step vessel
motion versus product pay-out to achieve the stand-by configuration or lay
down the product end on the seabed. Note that a contingency operation may
have to be performed without the assistance of an ROV, as simultaneous
recovery of the ROV is often performed to save time.
the subsea end of the umbilical or pipeline is usually attached to an end
termination that may be large and heavy.
The installation operation may be initiated by installation of the subsea
termination, i.e. a so-called first end installation of the termination. The
termination may be installed hanging by the product, or by use of a crane
and/or winch to support the weight of the termination during lowering and
landing. The installation method depends on the weight and design of the
termination, i.e. whether or not it must be installed upright.
If the termination is lowered hanging by the product, a bend restrictor
is required at the termination interface to protect the product from over-
bending as the termination is tilted and laid down on the seabed. The
bend restrictor must be designed for the moment resulting at the termination
interface, including the effect of dynamics.
If the termination is lowered by use of a crane, the over-boarding opera-
tion, i.e. lowering the termination from deck level through the surface, may
be critical. During this phase, vessel motion may cause the termination to
swing like a pendulum, potentially causing compression and over-bending of
the product between the termination and the vessel. During lowering and
landing of the termination, product tension (and corresponding moment in
the bend restrictor) must be kept within allowable limits.
5 Installation of subsea modules.
In a typical offshore lifting operation a heavy subsea unit is lifted from deck
of the crane vessel and lowered to the sea floor. Alternatively, the operation
involves two vessel, a transportation barge / vessel and a crane vessel. Op-
erations where subsea modules are lifted from sea floor to deck for removal
/ repair, or moved from one location to another, is also denoted lifting.
The different phases of an offshore lifting operation is discussed in the
subsections below.
5.1 Load-out
The module is lifted or skidded from a production / storage site and onto
the crane vessel deck. Since a full utilization of the expensive crane vessels
are desired, the deck tends to be crowded. This need to be planned carefully,
to ensure simple and safe lifting routes in air at the offshore installation site.
5.2 Transportation
A proper sea fastening of all modules on deck is required. Further, the deck
strength need to be checked, both local damages and a complete collapse of
the hull may need to be considered. Finally, for tall and heavy units, the
stability of the vessel may be an issue. The most dominant loads for the
sea fastening and deck strength are module self weight and wave induced
accelerations and deck tilts. This means that a hydrodynamic analysis may
be relevant. A proper planning of the sea fastening, ensuring easy, swift and
cost efficient installation and removal, should be focused on.
Figure 13: Lifting suction anchor off transportation barge deck
5.4 Splash-zone
Any pendulum motion of the lifted object will be dramatically reduced when
the object is lowered and penetrates the free surface. Seen from a crane
drivers point of view this will be a point of the operation where he can relax.
Never the less, the splash zone is where the most violent dynamics occur,
and normally where the crane wire loads will reach their maximum. Different
types of relative motions between the object and the water will contribute:
particle velocity and acceleration due to wave motion, slamming toward flat
members of the object and object motions due to crane tip motions. The
wave induced vessel motions will normally represent a higher contribution
than the operationally defined lowering speed of the object.
The purpose of the analyses for this stage is to establish design dynamic
loads. This is normally done using a time domain analyses. The hydrody-
namic coefficients that are input to this program quantifies the hydrodynamic
Figure 14: Lifting through splash- zone. Air evacuation.
Figure 15: Landing of subsea module into a template. Do you see the guid-
5.6 Landing.
A soft landing of the object is important, partly to protect the lifted object,
and partly to avoid damages to the soil supporting the object after instal-
lation. Further, an accurate positioning of the object are required. Time
domain simulations may become relevant even for this phase. During the ac-
tual operations some kind of load or motion compensator are frequently used
for this phase. The force characteristics of such devices are very complex,
and the crane manufactures tends to keep the algorithm as an secrete. This
makes it difficult to quantify their effect for a marine contractor.
5.7 Recovery.
Removal of old subsea modules for demolition or repair is an increasing mar-
ket for installation contractors. Further, a recovery of the module may be a
contingency case required by the client for a typical installation case. The
engineering concerns for the recovery are similar to installation. Two addi-
tional challenges are the suction forces from the soil, that suddenly yields,
and the weight of trapped water when lifted in air.
6 Platform installation.
Even though completely submerged solutions for offshore oil productions
are feasible and have been made, the vast majority of the oilfields contains
surface piercing platforms. Some of the most typical oil platforms and their
installation is discussed in the following.
Typically, the platform consist of a fixed or floating fundament, and an
upper unit with living quarters, production facilities and units for separation
of oils and gas and various other processes. In cases where the upper unit is
clearly separated from the rest it is denoted topside.
The transportation to field is consist of towing or, if relevant, using the
platforms own propulsion. Two types of towing are used: wet tow, where the
platform is floating, and dry tow, where the platform is located on deck of
a transportation barge. In both cases the towing fleet is a main cost driver,
hence calculating the required towing resistance is one of the main tasks for
the engineer.
6.1 Jacket
The steel jacket type platform on a pile foundation is by far the most common
kind of offshore structure and they exist worldwide. The ”substructure” or
”jacket” is fabricated from steel welded pipes and is pinned to the sea floor
with steel piles, which are driven through piles guides on the outer members
of the jacket.
The phases of a jacket installation are
• Small jacket: lifted off barge deck and upended with crane vessel
Figure 16: jacket with topside
Figure 17: launching and crane assisted upending of jacket.
6.2 Topside
After securing the jacket with piles the topside installation follows. A light
topside is normally installed in a single lift operation with a offshore crane.
For heavier topsides, crane vessels may be unavailable or too expensive. The
traditional alternative is an installation piece by piece. Another option is
the floatover method: an opening in the top of the jacket is designed where
the transportation barge may enter. After entry, the barge is ballasted,
and conical units underneath the topside enter into receptors in top of the
jacket corner legs. Some kind of rubber of shock- absorbing material may
be needed. The barge is ballasted to a proper air gap to the transported
topside and pulled out. After installation of the topside the electric cables,
risers etc are pulled in, all equipments and facilities are commissioned and
the production may start. The oil wells are normally predrilled to ensure a
quick start-up of the production. When the floatover method is used for a
floating platform the operation is normally denoted mating
Figure 18: Gravity based structure, Jackup and Floater (Semi Submersible)
platforms, were made this way. This type of platforms lost their popularity
in Norwegian sector after the sinkage of the first Heidrun platform. Today
there is an increasing interest for GBS- platforms all over the world, both
Condeep- type and solutions suited for more shallow water.
A GBS is normally constructed of steel reinforced concrete, often with
tanks or cells which can be used to control the buoyancy of the finished GBS.
The topside may be mated or otherwise installed before or after tow-out.
Mating before transportation was normally done for the Condeep platform
in Norwegian sector. These platforms are the largest man made structures
ever been transported. Due to the extreme weights the only option is to wet-
tow the platforms to site. A huge fleet of towing vessels is normally required.
This is shown on the next slide, for a Condeep platform.
Upon arrival at the offshore site the platform need to be positioned and
ballasted down to the sea floor. Finally, the platform is filled with grout, a
sort of concrete, to ensure a stable platform even in extreme weather.
A jackup is a floating barge fitted with long support legs that can be
raised or lowered. The jackup is maneuvered (self-propelled or by towing)
into location with its legs up and the hull floating on the water. Upon
arrival at the work location, the legs are jacked down onto the seafloor.
Then ”preloading” takes place, where the weight of the barge and additional
ballast water are used to drive the legs securely into the sea bottom so they
will not penetrate further while operations are carried out. After preloading,
the jacking system is used to raise the entire barge above the water to a
predetermined height or ”air gap”, so that wave, tidal and current loading
acts only on the relatively slender legs and not on the barge hull.
The jackup may stay on a certain location for long time periods. Never
the less, the platform type is particularly useful for short time engagements
and frequent transits. The jackup will meet new soil conditions at each new
location. This means that geotechnical issues and proper planning need to be
constantly focused on. The most dangerous phenomenon is denoted punch
through. This may occur if the soil is soft underneath a relatively firm layer.
If the firm layer withstand the static loads and normal dynamic loads the
installation process may be regarded as successful. During a storm event the
overturning forces acting on the platform may lead to a leg punch trough
of the firm layer, and a sudden lack of platform support. Critical structural
damages may then occur.
The normal way to prevent punch through is to apply an even higher static
load during installation. This preloading may be performed by ballasting
the barge when the legs have been lowered. Alternatively, for a four legged
platform, two diagonal legs may be raised simultaneously. This means that
a three legged platform normally need to be equipped with larger ballast
tanks. On the other hand, the fact that three vertical supports defines a
statically determined system proves to be a safe and robust solution to several
operational and accidental scenarios.
Almost all Jack Up Units have footings. Their purpose is to increase
the legs bearing area, thereby reducing the required capacity of the soil to
provide a solid foundation upon which the Jack Up will stand and transfer
weight, operational, and environmental loads to the seabed. There are two
main footing types: mats and spud cans. Mat footings connect all the Jack
Up Units legs to one common footing. Mats provides a stable solution for
extremely soft soils, but there are technical challenges at uneven seabea and
when debris are present.
Spud cans are conical shaped individual footings underneath each leg.
This will provide a stable fundament even in harder soil conditions. Pictures
displaying installation steps and the design issues discussed above is provided
in the following slides. Some analysis challenges are FEM analyses of leg
strength during transport and installation and hydrostatic analyses to find
spud can force.
Figure 19: Tension leg platform
• The fundaments for the tendons are lowered to the sea bed and secured
with piles. Use of rock dumping or similar may add to the fundament
• A huge set of pipe sections are transported to the field. A crane ves-
sel will upend and lower one section by section. Each new section is
attached to the previous section by use of some mechanism installed
at the pipe section ends. When the first section reach the sea floor it
is attached to the fundament. A buoy is attached in the upper end to
provide tension in the tendon, at a suitable water depth close to the
• Eventually all tendons are installed with buoys in the top end. Analyses
need to be performed to ensure that the tendons do not tangle up for
the expected worst environment that will occur in the period before
the platform arrives.
• The hull is then positioned above the preinstalled tendons. Winches
are attached to the tendons. A high tendon pretension is then achieved
by winching and ballasting. Normally the tendon elements need to be
secured to the hull and the winches released before the final stages of
deballasting and pretension takes place.
• A set of anchors and mooring chain will be installed on the sea floor.
The anchors will form a ring around the platforms, and the mooring
chain will be attached to the anchor and oriented toward the center,-
the future platform location. The chain will be laid in a U- turn toward
the center, and some kind of mechanism and plans for picking it up are
• The floater are normally made on a ship yard, and topside modules
lifted in and installed. Often the simplest work is done in low- cost
areas, while the more technical challenging outfitting is done other at
more suitable locations.
• The floater is towed out and positioned between the anchors. The
chains are then picked up by anchor handling vessels and handed over to
the platform one by one. Each mooring line is connected to the platform
winches. Finally, all lines are winched in to a proper pretension
Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analyses may be needed for the trans-
portation of anchors to field, for stability checks and seafastening loads. FEM
analyses needed for strength check of sea fastening. Installation of suction
anchors normally requires a typical lifting analyses. Laying of anchor chain
is verified with laying analysis similar to laying of electric cables etc. Towing
force for vessel selection necessary for tow- out of the floater. The strength
of the floater itself in heavy sea not checked,- the design storms used by
the platform manufactures are worse. Hook-up of platform to preinstalled
mooring lines checked with time domain analyses
(3) lmin =
Fallow N µ
lmin = Minimum required contact length between tensioner belts and
Tmax = Maximum installation tension
Fallow = Maximum allowable tensioner grip force pr length (one belt)
N = Number of tensioner tracks (belts)
µ = Minimum friction coefficient
In order to prevent the product internals from slipping through the outer
sheath, the friction coefficient between the sheath and the underlying layer
(normally armor wires) should also be considered, as it may be lower than
the friction coefficient between the sheath/roving and the chute surface.
Note that a safety factor should be applied to account for inaccuracies
in tensioner settings and tolerances of gauges or other equipment used to
measure tensioner grip force.
(4) Rmin =
Rmin = Minimum required chute radius
Tmax = Maximum installation tension
Nallow = Maximum allowable product contact force with chute
Figure 20:
Figure 21: The semi submersible. Wet part only.
8 Exersises.
Exercise 1 (Towing a semi submersible) Your company is going to con-
duct a wet- towing of a semi submersible unit. A subcontracting company has
been used to calculate the required towing force. Your boss do not thrust their
work. He comes over to you, puts their towing analysis report on your desk
and says:
”You join in in tomorrows meeting. And have an opinion! Should we ask
for an independent 3. party verification for the towing analysis. Or do we
thrust them? I don’t!
Look here: they claim that under zero environmental forces (flat sea),
they can tow the unit with 5m/s, using one towing vessel only: a tug with
40tonne pull force. This is bull sh....”
Perform some simple calculations. Can you substantiate the statements
from your boss?
The platform is displayed in figure (21). The rectangular, horizontal pon-
toons have dimensions 20m × 10m, while the vertical corner column have
dimensions 20m × 20m. The openings between the columns are 60m. The
draft (distance from still water level to bottom of pontoons) is 40m.
What should you do?
• Weight m = 50tons
• Buoyancy m = 5tons
At what height should you drop the anchor? You may assume that wires
and chains attached to the anchor have no impact in the anchor motion after
being dropped.
a) Show that the wire force F acting on the module can be written
∂ 2 Zm ∂Zm ∂Zm
(7) M̂ + F | | + KZm = KZc
∂t2 ∂t ∂t
Exercise 5 (Convince the client I) Your friend who works in an oil com-
pany have a problem: they are going to install a subsea electric cable, and the
installation company they normally are using has gone bankrupt. He happens
to know that your company are trying to enter into the same market. He ask
you to send him a mail who will convince his boss that your company are
capable of doing the job. The mail should contain a short description of how
you would organize and execute the project, what kind of technical challenges
you see,what kind of engineering you find relevant etc. ”make my boss un-
derstand that you have the right focus both regarding project execution and
technical challenges”, he says. ”But make it short,- maximum 2000 words +
some pictures, sketches etc.”
Write this mail.
Exercise 6 (Convince the client II) See previous exercise. Your friend
calls again, with a similar problem. This time it is a huge offshore module
that are to be placed on the sea floor at a subsea location. Again, provide him
with a convincing mail.
Exercise 7 (Convince the client III) See previous exercise. Your friend
calls again, with a similar problem. This time it is a steel jacket that are ti
be dry- towed to an offshore location and installed using launching. Again,
provide him with a convincing mail.
[1] Norman, O., Oljebransjen,- en dans på roser?, Journal of stupid ques-
A The First Appendix