99.blis Revised Assignment 2017-2018 English

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Bachelor’s Degree Programme in

Library and Information Science

July 2017 and January 2018 Sessions

Faculty of Library and Information Science

School of Social Sciences
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi –110068
Dates for Submission of Assignments

For July 2017 Session 31 March 2018

For January 2018 Session 30 September 2018

Where to Submit the Assignments

Kindly submit your assignments at the concerned Study Centre
within the due date as mentioned above

April, 2017

© Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2017

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or
any other means, without permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open

Further information on Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be obtained
from the University's office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 or visit university’s web site

Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
by the Director, School of Social Sciences.

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Page No.

Instructions for Assignments...………………………………………………………............. 4

BLI-221 : Library, Information and Society ……………………………………………… 6

BLI-222 : Information Sources and Services …………………………………………….. 7

BLI-223 : Organising and Managing Information ……………………………………...... 8

BLI-224 : ICT Fundamentals ………………………………...……………....................... 9

BLI-225 : Communication Skills …………………………………...……………………. 11

BLIE-226 : Management of Library and Information Centre............................................... 14

BLIE-227 : Document Processing Practice...……………………………………………... 15

BLIE-228 : Information Products and Services…………………………………………….. 20

BLIE-229 : ICT in Libraries...……………………………………………………………... 25

1) As part of BLIS Programme, each candidate has to do one assignment each in all the
courses. In BLI-224 and BLIE-229 there will be a compulsory practical component.
Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) and Practicals will be evaluated by the counsellor.
2) Assignments and Practicals carry 30% weightage in the continuous evaluation of a
course. Term End Examination carries 70% weightage. Hence, the marks/grade you get
in your assignments and practicals will be counted in your final result. You are, therefore,
advised to take assignments and practicals seriously, complete and submit them in time.
3) You must remember that assignments and practicals are compulsory. You will not be
allowed to appear for Term End Examination for a course if you do not submit the
specified number of assignments and complete the practicals in time for that course.

Instructions for Tutor Marked Assignments:

1) The validity of the assignment is ONE YEAR only. If you fail to submit your assignments
before the due date of the particular session, then you have to attempt the fresh set of
assignments of subsequent sessions (e.g. if a student of July 2017 session fails to submit
her/his assignments till 30th March 2018, then s/he will have to attempt the fresh
assignments of July 2018 session). Similarly, those who take admission in January
session have to attempt the assignments of January session only. If they fail to submit
their assignments before the due date of the particular session, they are supposed to
attempt the fresh set of assignments of subsequent January session (e.g. if a student of
January 2018 session fails to submit her/his assignments till 30th September 2018, s/he
will have to attempt the fresh assignments of January 2019 session).

2) Write your Enrolment Number, Name, Full Address and Date of Dispatch at the top
right-hand corner of the first page of your answer sheet.

3) Write the Programme Title/ Code, Course Title/Code, Assignment Number and Name
and Code of the Study Centre on the left-hand corner of the first page of your answer

The top of the first page of your answer sheet for each assignment should be as follows:
Programme Title/Code……………………….. Enrolment No……………………………….
Course Title/Code ……………………………. Name ……………………………………….
Assignment Number ………………………… Address…………………………………….
Study Centre (Code)…………………………… ………………………………………………
Study Centre (Name) ………………………… Date……………………………………..

(Note: Candidates are required to follow this format strictly otherwise the assignments may not
be evaluated.)

4) Your answer sheet should be complete in all respects. Make sure that you have answered
all the questions in an assignment before you submit them. Incomplete answer sheets will
bring you poor grades/marks.

5) Do not just reproduce your answers from the units. If you reproduce from units, you will
get a Zero.

6) Do not copy from the response sheets of other students. If copying is noticed, the
assignments of such students will be rejected.
7) Typed and computer print assignments are not permissible.

8) Use only foolscap size paper for you answer, ordinary writing paper, neither too thick nor
too thin will do.

9) Leave 3 inch margin on the left and at least 4 lines in between each answer in an
assignment. This will enable your Counsellor to write useful comments at appropriate
places. Write question number with each answer.

10) The evaluated assignments will be returned to you by the Coordinator of your Study
Centre. This will also include copies of assignment sheets containing global comments of
the evaluator on your performance in the assignments. This will enable you to improve in
your future assignments as well as the Term End Examinations.

11) The Tutor Marked Assignments should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centre
allotted to you.

For question papers of the last year TEE, please visit IGNOU website


Coverage: Course Code: BLI-221

Course: Library, Information and Society Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.17-Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions.

I) Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each. (4X10=40 Marks)

1. What do you understand by copyright? Explain the actions that do not constitute
an infringement of copyright. (10)
2. State the characteristics of a profession. Discuss the contradicting views of
authors justifying LIS as a profession and not as a profession. (10)
3. Enumerate the different types of information institutions. Discuss their role,
functions and services distinguishing between them. (10)
4. Discuss the role of UNESCO in promoting library and information activities in
India. (10)

II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each. ( 6X5=30 Marks)

1. Explain the role of libraries in facilitating and supporting learning. (5)

2. Discuss the transformation of a librarian from custodian of books to a digital
librarian. (5)
3. Finance is important for effective library legislation. Discuss the provisions of
finance in the acts of any four states in India. (5)
4. What do you understand by de-institutionalisation of information services?
Discuss the provision of information services in the de-instituionalised mode. (5)
5. Discuss the relevance of Five Laws of Library Science in the context of
changing information environment. (5)
6. Discuss in brief the role of RRRLF in modernisation of libraries. (5)


Coverage: Course Code: BLI-222

Course: Information Sources and Services Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.17-Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions.

I) Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each. (4X10=40 Marks)

1. Define primary, secondary and tertiary sources of information. Discuss the

different types of reports as primary sources of information. (10)

2. Explain how the activities and functions of NGOs create information for
masses. (10)

3. What are web-based services? Describe the different types of services offered
under this category. (10)

4. Explain the concept of user education. Explain the methods of conducting user
education programmes in libraries. (10)

2) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each. (6X5=30 Marks)

1. Discuss the categorisation of documents by Ranganathan. (5)

2. Explain the role of media persons as sources of information. (5)

3. What do you understand by virtual reference service? Discuss its advantages

and disadvantages. (5)

4. Explain the basic information literacy skills necessary for learners. (5)

5. Discuss the relevance of conducting user studies in an online environment. (5)

6. Describe the process of evaluating geographical sources of information. (5)


Coverage: Course Code: BLI-223

Course: Organising and Managing Information Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.17-Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions.

I) Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each. (4X10=40 Marks)

1. Discuss the need and purpose of Common Communication Format (CCF).

Explain the structure of a record in it. (10)
2. State the different types of Non-Book Material (NBM). Discuss the
constraints in using them and problems in their cataloguing. (10)
3. Explain the need for notation in library classification. Discuss its qualities. (10)
4. Differentiate between ‘subject cataloguing’ and ‘subject indexing’. Describe
the process of subject indexing. (10)

II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each. ( 6X5=30 Marks)

1. Explain the terms, ‘library catalogue’, ‘index’ and a ‘shelf list’. Differentiae
between them. (5)
2. State the associative relationships in a thesaurus. Illustrate any five such
relationships by giving examples. (5)
3. Enumerate the different types of metadata explaining their purposes. (5)
4. Explain the syntax of PRECIS by giving an example. (5)
5. Discuss the need and purpose of classification in a library. (5)
6. Explain the Canons of Array with an example. (5)

Coverage: Course Code: BLI- 224
Course: ICT Fundamentals Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.17-Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 15 Total Marks: 35

Note: Answer all questions.

I) Answer all the questions in not more than 250 words each. (3X5 = 15 Marks)

1. Discuss various WAN physical topologies and hardware devices used for
building WANs. (5)
2. ‘FTP, Telnet and Web browsers are based on client server architecture’.
Discuss. (5)
3. What is Web 2.0? Discuss different types of Web 2.0 applications. (5)

II) Write short notes on the following in not more 150 words each. (2X10= 20 Marks)

1. Routers (2)
2. WiMax (2)
3. Interactive television (2)
4. LibreOffice suit (2)
5. DBMS languages (2)
6. Multimedia storyboard (2)
7. MPLS (2)
8. IP Addressing (2)
9. XML (2)
10. Web Directory (2)

Coverage: Course Code: BLI- 224
Course: ICT Fundamentals Assignment Code: AST/PRAC/Jul.17- Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1to 16 Total Marks: 35

General Instructions:
i) You are required to do the practical assignment in the Study Centre. Evaluation of the
assignment will be done by the Counsellor/ Practical Supervisor.

ii) Make Screen Captures for all the answers and save them in one file. The Counsellor/Practical
Supervisor will evaluate these screen captures and give marks accordingly.

iii) All questions are compulsory. (15+10+10 = 35 Marks)

1. Prepare a one page of your resume using LibreOffice Writer with a table for
qualifications and experience. Table must be embedded in the document. Table must be
centre aligned in the text with the content left justified. Top row text must be in a bold
face and use colours and shading in the row to distinguish it from other rows. (15)

2. Prepare a presentation on a topic of your interest using LibreOffice Impress. The

presentation must have atleast 4 slides with a title slide. In the second slide a bulleted list
is to be provided. In the third slide insert an image with text description. In the final slide
insert a table. Use animation schemes for header and the text and transition effects in
each slide. (10)

3. Create a file in LibreOffice Calc showing marks of students obtained in a semester with
separate columns for assignments and semester end exam. Sort the file alphabetically and
ascending order of marks. Add a bar chart representing the data. (10)

Coverage: Course Code: BLI-225
Course: Communication Skills Assignment Code: AST-1/TMA/ Jul.17- Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 5
Units: 1to18 Total Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions.

1) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below. (2X10= 20 Marks)

Language, as we have seen, seems to be a highly developed form of animal signaling. But there
is a missing link in the chain. How, and when, did we start to talk? This is a problem of interest
mainly to ethologists (students of animal behavior), and one which has not yet been solved. Most
linguists regard this fascinating topic as being outside the realm of linguistics proper. They are
more interested in studying actual language than in speculating about its origins. But although
how language began is a puzzle, why language began seems rather clearer. Possibly it began
because humans needed a greater degree of cooperation with each other in order to survive, and
this cooperation required efficient communication.
Consequently the primary function of language is to impart factual information and to convey
essential commands. But language can also be used to communicate feelings and emotions. This
aspect of language is not as well developed as ‘information talking’, because humans, like other
primates, can convey emotions by screams, grunts, sobs, gestures and so on. So they need
language only to confirm and elaborate these more primitive signals.
In addition, there is the language of social chitchat, the meaningless small talk of everyday life.
“Hallo, how nice to see you. How are you? Isn’t the weather terrible?” This social patter has
been called phatic communion and is primarily a device to maintain social contact on a friendly
level. Some ethologists call it ‘grooming talking’ and suggest that it is substitute for the friendly
grooming indulged in by the monkeys. There are other biologically less important functions of
language. Humans may use language for purely aesthetic reasons. In writing poetry, for example,
people manipulate words in the same way as they might model clay or paint a picture. Or they
may talk in order to release nervous tension, a function seen when people mutter to themselves in
anger and frustration.

1.1 a) Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the
passage. Correct the false statements. (10)
i) Language is a highly sophisticated form of human sign communication.
ii) Ethologists are interested in the study of animal behavior.
iii) How language began is obscure.
iv) The main function of language is to convey emotions and feelings.
v) Phatic communication is similar to ‘groom talking’ of monkeys.

1.2 b) Answer the following questions: (10)

i) List four reasons why human need to ‘talk’?
ii) Besides ‘talk’ how else do humans convey emotions?
iii) What is phatic communication? Give your own example of phatic
iv) What is the primary function of writing?
v) Give an appropriate title to the passage.

2) Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb given in the blanks. (10)
A librarian observes and remains satisfied that he has uncovered the truth, he then
sets out to solve the problem. He doesn't procrastinate________ (neither/or) spend
too much time gathering unnecessary additional data. He gets the right people
involved in the right way, he_______ (told/tells) them what he has observed, tells
them what he's decided to_____ (done/do) so far, and then works with their help to
solve the problem. In the course of solving that problem, they may uncover other
issues. A good librarian______ (take/takes) the same approach with each new
problem. He ____________(has/have) a clear focus to identify and execute the
solution as well.
3) Complete the following telephonic conversation with suitable responses: (10)
a) Good morning Dr.Lotha! Is the Vice Chancellor
attending___________________? Yes, Prof.Dolly Kikon, the Vice Chancellor
is interested____________________________________________

b) Is it a good time to meet up today? Yes, Dr.Solo I am absolutely free today
c) Mr.Samir and Mr.Bithungo have agreed to take lifetime library membership.
Could you _____________________
d) How far is university library away from your residence? I wish
e) Dr.Waitsungla is delivering a special talk today________________________

4) Prepare a presentation with at least five slides on any one of the following topics. (10)

a) Methods of writing
b) Presentation skills
c) Resume

5) Write on any two of the given topics in about 100 words. (10)

a) Social Skills
b) Body Language
c) Preparing your Portfolio

6) Write a letter to the VC requesting him/her for infrastructural development of the

University Library. (10)

Coverage: Course Code: BLIE-226
Course: Management of Library and Information Centre
Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.17-Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 15 Total Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions.

I) Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each. (4X10= 40 Marks)

1. Enumerate and discuss the major managerial functions and explain their
significance in effective library management. (10)

2. Describe the routines performed in the technical section of a university library. (10)

3. Compare Browne and Newark Charging Systems. Which of these systems do

you prefer for a large library and why? (10)

4. Explain the process of document selection in a library. (10)

II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each. (6X5= 30 Marks)

1. Discuss the relevance of Barnard’s principles in library management. (5)

2. Why do people resist change in libraries? (5)

3. What are the internal/external causes of deterioration of library materials? (5)

4. Prepare a line-item budget for a public library. (5)

5. Explain why financial audit is necessary in libraries. (5)

6. Describe the problems related with acquisition of electronic sources in the

libraries. (5)

Coverage: Course Code: BLIE-227
Course: Document Processing Practice Assignment Code: AST/TMA/ Jul.17 - Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 3
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70

Part 1: Classification Practice: DDC 19th Edition

Note: (7X5 = 35 Marks)

I. Furnish your answers in the space provided against each title in the tabular format
suggested below.

II. Classify all the titles given below. Each question carries 7 marks (3 marks for the class
number and 4 marks for the analysis).

III. The Class Numbers assigned should be as specific as possible and also provide the detail
analysis of the construction of the class number.

IV. Copies of 19th edition of Dewey Decimal Classification are available for your use in the
Study Centre. They are to be returned after use.

Sl. Title to be Classified Class Number Digit by Digit analysis of the

No. Assigned Class Number

1. Mathematics for Physicist

2. King Lear by William

Shakespeare : A Criticism
3. Reference Service in
Agricultural Libraries
4. Surgical Therapy of the
5. Social Discrimination of the
Poor in India

Part 2: Cataloguing Practice
Note: (7X5 = 35 Marks)

I. Catalogue the titles as per AACR-2R and MARC 21. In the case of AACR- 2R all added
entries are to be provided.
II. The answers are to be worked out on paper only, marking out 5" X 3" cards in the case of
AACR- 2R and in the tabular format for MARC 21 as suggested below.
III. Each question carries 7 marks (4 marks for the AACR- 2R and 3 marks for the MARC
IV. Copies of Sears List of Subject Headings are available to for your use in the Study
Centre. They are to be returned after use.

Format for AACR-2R Cards:

Format for MARC 21:

Tag Indicator Description Subfield Data

Title 1:

Fair shares: ethics and the global economy

Timothy Gorringe

New York

Thames and Hudson


ACC. NO. 73425
PAGES 111 p.
SIZE 22 cm.
ISBN 0500281157

Title 2:

Great books of liberty: the essential introduction to the greatest idea of Western

Edited by

Chris Berg & John Roskam with Andrew Kemp

Ballan, Vic.
Connor Court Pub

CALL NO. 323.44 GRE
ACC. NO. 435443
PAGES xiv, 333 p.
SIZE 21cm.
ISBN 9781921421211

Title 3:

2007-2009 North Dakota water development report: an update to the 1999 state water
management plan

North Dakota State Water Commission

Bismarck, N.D.
North Dakota State Water Commission


CALL NO. 333.91009784 NOR

ACC. NO. 365231
PAGES 18 p.
SIZE 28 cm.
ISBN 2007406729

Title 4:
David G. Becker

Vol. 1: Post imperialism, a class analysis of multinational corporate expansion

Vol. 2: Third world indebted industrialisation

Vol. 3: International capital and national development


L. Rienner Publishers



CALL NO. 338.8881724 BEC

ACC. NO. 345672-4
SIZE 26 cm.
ISBN 9780791493519

Title 5:

Advances in agricultural economic history

Vol. 1 2000

Stamford, Conn.
JAI Press



ISSN 1546-4865
HOLDING Library lacks volume 5 to 8

Coverage: Course Code:BLIE-228
Course: Information Products and Services Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.17-Jan18
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 13 Total Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions.

1) Answer the following questions in 250 words each. (3X5=15 Marks)

1. What do you understand by abstracts and abstracting? Describe the usefulness

of abstracts. (5)

2. Discuss the value and benefits of consolidated information in decision making

and problem solving. (5)

3. What is Content Management System (CMS)? List its different types and
explain any one in detail. (5)

2) Answer the following questions in 150 words each.

1. What are the steps involved in subject approach to literature search? (4)

2. Define referral service. Discuss how institutions and persons act as tools for
referral service. (4)

3. Describe presentation and layout of a digest. (4)

4. Explain the factors responsible for an efficient document delivery service. (4)

5. Discuss the potential of web marketing in LIS centers. (4)

3) Arrange the following given bibliographical information using the 7th edition of
MLA standard. (5X3=15 Marks)

3.1) Book

First Author Frank M J LaFasto

Second Second Carl E Larson
Title The Humanitarian Leader in Each One of Us
Sub Title 7 Choices that Shape a Socially Responsible Life
Publisher Sage Publications
Year of Publication 2011
Place of Publication London
Type of Publication Print
Other Information ISBN 978-1-4129-9922-9

3.2 Periodical Article

First Author Jayne Gackenbach

Second Author Yue Yu
Third Author Ming-Ni Lee
Fourth Author Zongkui Zhou
Fifth Author Gino Yu
Name of the Periodical Gender, Technology and Development
Title of the Article Gaming, Social Media, and Gender in Chinese and
Canadian Cultures
Volume Number 20
Issue Number 3
Year of Publication 2016
Pages 243-278
Type of Publication Print

3.3 Online Newspaper Article

Name of the Newspaper Business Standard

Date of the Publication 21/2/2017
Date of Retrieving/Accessing 21/2/2017
Author Viveat Susan Pinto
Title of the Newspaper Clipping Despite demonetisation, Indian consumers
remained confident in Q4
Web Address http://www.business-
Type of Publication Web
3.4 Chapter in a Book

Editor Gauri Viswanathan

Title of the Book Power,Politics and Culture
Publisher Pantheon Books
Year of Publication 2001
Place of Publication New York
Title of the Chapter In the shadow of the West
Author of the Chapter E W Said
Pages of the Chapter 39-52
Type of Publication Print

3.5 Government Publication

Author Publications Division

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Government of India
Title India 2016
Sub Title A Reference Annual
Publisher Publications Division
Place of Publication New Delhi
Year of Publication 2017
Type of Publication Print

4) Prepare an indicative abstract of the below mentioned text in not more than 50
words. (5)

New Millennium Organisations

The decade of 1990s has witnessed a great many changes. One such change is the way
organisations are viewed and managed. Organisations may no longer be considered as
production oriented entities, divided by function (human resource management, accounting,
research and development, marketing service, etc.). Management experts view modern
organisations as flexible structures characterised by geographically dispersed work-force in
which client-oriented work groups or teams based around organisational processes, act
autonomously to meet the goals of the organisation.

Many terms have been employed to describe the new type of organisations. Each of these
descriptions conveys a vivid impression of new millennium organisation. For instance, one of
the descriptions conceives it as a ‘knowledge-based’ organisation in which employees’
knowledge is the organisation’s primary asset. Another perception of new millennium
organisation is that it will be a ‘learning organisation’ in which the individuals, teams, and
the organisation itself continuously learn from the environment and from their activities, and
act on what they have learnt. A third view is that it will be a knowledge-based organisation in
which the products and services are customised and continually enhanced or changed to
indicate what has been learnt from customers. In other words, it will be an extended
enterprise, in which customers, clients, suppliers, governments and other stakeholders are
included explicitly in the definition of organisation itself. Yet, another view is that it will be a
networked organisation in which computer-based communication networks enable wide
spread and rapid communication among all groups in the extended enterprise. Network
technologies like the Internet will enable “any time” “any place” communication and access
to information.

Two important aspects shape the modern organisations. One is the focus on the role of the
learning and knowledge in organisations and the other is the convergence of information
technology, telecommunications, and information resources in networked information
resources. This demand is necessitated with the rise of knowledge management as the focus
of organisational improvement efforts. In such organisations, the information managers may
be called “knowledge managers”. Knowledge management has certain implications for
librarians as information providers, and information managers in organisations, for the
profession of librarianship, to the field of information science and for the educators of the
profession. To know these implications, we need to understand what is meant by knowledge
management, to identify knowledge management processes to which librarians and
informational professionals contribute.

Knowledge management is concerned with the acquisition, transfer and use of knowledge in
organisations. We are now in an information age, in which the primary role of management
is to develop the “intellectual capital” of the organisation. According to this view, the
knowledge of its workers is the foundation of the organisation’s ‘intellectual capital’.
Knowledge management aims to improve the organisation and its contribution to the
economy, by increasing the intellectual capital of the organisation.

Knowledge management involves three professional domains. They are: i) the business
domain, ii) the information content domain, iii) the information technology infrastructure
domain (Choo, C.W.1997). Members of organisations drawn from each of these domains
play their respective roles in knowledge management. Information content experts include

librarians, record managers, and database managers. They are concerned with the acquisition,
organisation, and transfer of data, information, and knowledge that may be used by people in
business domain. Their primary responsibility is transfer of organisational knowledge. The
role of information technology experts is to provide technical infrastructure that enable
knowledge management processes which meet the requirements of the organisation.

5) Prepare newspaper clipping service. Select any one newspaper and browse the
newspaper for the last seven days or any 7 consecutive days. (3X5=15 Marks)

Select the news items covering the themes such as:

1. Sports
2. Delhi Government
3. Road Accidents

Cut the news items on the above mentioned themes and paste each of them on a separate
sheet of paper (A4 Size paper). Give broad class numbers to all the clippings using DDC 19th
edition. Arrange the clippings according to date wise and class number wise and put them in
a file cover.

Coverage: Course Code: BLIE- 229
Course: ICT in Libraries Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.17-Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 2
Units: 1 to 8 Total Marks: 35

I) Answer all the questions in not more than 500 words each. (3x5=15 Marks)

1. What do you understand by integrated library system? Enumerate the

procedures involved in an automated circulation system. (5)
2. Discuss the parameters for evaluation of commercial library automation
packages. (5)
3. Describe the digitisation process of video material. (5)

II) Write short notes on the following in not more than 200 words each. (10x2=20 Marks)

1. Web 2.0 compliant ILS (2)

2. Information mashup (2)
3. Web- scale library management (2)
4. OAI- PMH compliance (2)
5. Features of Evergreen (2)
6. WEBLIS (2)
7. Open Library System (2)
8. Audio/ Video compression (2)
9. Item submission workflow in DSpace (2)
10. Librarian’s interface in GSDL (2)

Coverage: Course Code: BLIE- 229
Course: ICT in Libraries Assignment Code: AST/PRAC/Jul.17-Jan.18
Blocks: 1 to 2
Units:-1 to 8 Total Marks: 35

General Instructions:

i. You are required to do the practical assignment in the Study Centre. Evaluation of
the assignment will be done by the Counsellor/ Practical Supervisor.
ii. Make Screen Captures for all the answers and save them in one file. The
Counsellor/Practical Supervisor will evaluate these screen captures and give marks
iii. All questions are compulsory.

I) In Koha do the following activities: (20)

a. Create 2 vendors with full details.
b. Place order for around 4 titles.
c. Enter the data of these 4 titles in the cataloguing module.
d. Create 4 patrons with required details.
e. Check out 2 books to one of the patrons.

II) Install GSDL software, upload around ten documents comprising pdf, doc, ppt files.
Enter the detail metadata for each document and publish the collection for a CD. (15)


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