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Diagnostic Study Appraisal Worksheet

Step 1: Are the results of the study valid?

Was the diagnostic test evaluated in a Representative spectrum of patients (like

those in whom it would be used in practice)?
Apakah tes diagnostik dievaluasi dalam spektrum perwakilan pasien (seperti yang
akan digunakan dalam praktik)?
What is best? Where do I find the information?
It is ideal if the diagnostic test is applied to the The Methods section should tell you how
full spectrum of patients - those with mild, patients were enrolled and whether they were
severe, early and late cases of the target randomly selected or consecutive admissions. It
disorder. It is also best if the patients are should also tell you where patients came from
randomly selected or consecutive admissions and whether they are likely to be representative
so that selection bias is minimized. of the patients in whom the test is to be used.

This paper: Yes  No  Unclear 

Comment: Untuk menguji efek glikemik secara keseluruhan
Kontrol itu sendiri, kami menganalisis profil glikemia diurnal pasien diabetes tipe 2 yang diteliti di
berbagai tingkat HbA1c.

Was the reference standard applied regardless of the index test result?
What is best? Where do I find the information?
Ideally both the index test and the reference The Methods section should indicate whether
standard should be carried out on all or not the reference standard was applied to all
patients in the study. In some situations where patients or if an alternative reference standard
the reference standard is invasive or expensive (e.g., follow-up) was applied to those who tested
there may be reservations about subjecting negative on the index test.
patients with a negative index test result (and
thus a low probability of disease) to the
reference standard. An alternative reference
standard is to follow-up people for an
appropriate period of time (dependent on
disease in question) to see if they are truly

This paper: Yes  No  Unclear 

Comment: Kontribusi relatif kunjungan glukosa postprandial sangat dominan
pada pasien yang cukup terkontrol, sedangkan kontribusi hiperglikemia puasa meningkat
secara bertahap dengan diabetes memburuk.
Was there an independent, blind comparison between the index test and an
appropriate reference ('gold') standard of diagnosis?
Apakah ada perbandingan independen dan buta antara tes indeks dan referensi
diagnosis ('emas') yang sesuai?

What is best? Where do I find the information?

There are two issues here. First the reference The Methods section should have a description
standard should be appropriate - as close to of the reference standard used and if you are
the 'truth' as possible. Sometimes there may unsure of whether or not this is an appropriate
not be a single reference test that is suitable reference standard you may need to do some
and a combination of tests may be used to background searching in the area.
indicate the presence of disease. The Methods section should also describe who
Second, the reference standard and the index conducted the two tests and whether each was
test being assessed should be applied to each conducted independently and blinded to the
patient independently and blindly. Those who results of the other.

Diagnostic Study Appraisal Worksheet

interpreted the results of one test should not be

aware of the results of the other test.

This paper: Yes  No  Unclear 

Comment: Bisa jadi disebabkan oleh gangguan beberapa faktor. Untuk menguji efek glikemik secara
Kontrol itu sendiri, kami menganalisis profil glikemia diurnal pasien diabetes tipe 2 yang diteliti di
berbagai tingkat HbA1c.

Diagnostic Study Appraisal Worksheet

Step 2: What were the results?

Are test characteristics presented? Apakah karakteristik tes disajikan?

There are two types of results commonly reported in diagnostic test studies. One concerns the
accuracy of the test and is reflected in the sensitivity and specificity. The other concerns how the
test performs in the population being tested and is reflected in predictive values (also called post-
test probabilities). To explore the meaning of these terms, consider a study in which 1000 elderly
people with suspected dementia undergo an index test and a reference standard. The prevalence
of dementia in this group is 25%. 240 people tested positive on both the index test and the
reference standard and 600 people tested negative on both tests. The first step is to draw a 2 x 2
table as shown below. We are told that the prevalence of dementia is 25% therefore we can fill in
the last row of totals - 25% of 1000 people is 250 - so 250 people will have dementia and 750 will
be free of dementia. We also know the number of people testing positive and negative on both
tests and so we can fill in two more cells of the table.

Ada dua jenis hasil yang biasa dilaporkan dalam uji diagnostik. Yang satu menyangkut keakuratan
tes dan tercermin dalam sensitivitas dan spesifisitas. Yang lainnya menyangkut bagaimana tes
dilakukan pada populasi yang sedang diuji dan tercermin dalam nilai prediktif (juga disebut
probabilitas post-test). Untuk mengeksplorasi makna istilah ini, pertimbangkan sebuah studi di
mana 1000 orang tua yang menderita demensia mengalami tes indeks dan standar referensi.
Prevalensi demensia pada kelompok ini adalah 25%. 240 orang diuji positif baik pada tes indeks
maupun standar referensi dan 600 orang diuji negatif pada kedua tes tersebut. Langkah pertama
adalah menggambar tabel 2 x 2 seperti gambar di bawah ini. Kita diberitahu bahwa prevalensi
demensia adalah 25% sehingga kita dapat mengisi baris terakhir dari total - 25% dari 1000 orang
adalah 250 - jadi 250 orang akan mengalami demensia dan 750 akan bebas dari demensia. Kami
juga mengetahui jumlah orang yang melakukan tes positif dan negatif pada kedua tes tersebut
sehingga kami bisa mengisi dua sel lagi dari tabel
Reference Standard
+ve -ve
Index test +ve 240
-ve 600
250 750 1000
By subtraction we can easily complete the table:
Reference Standard
+ve -ve
Index test +ve 240 150 390
-ve 10 600 610
250 750 1000
Now we are ready to calculate the various measures.
What is the measure? What does it mean?
Sensitivity (Sn) = the proportion of people The sensitivity tells us how well the test identifies
with the condition who have a positive test people with the condition. A highly sensitive test will
result. not miss many people.
Sensitivitas (Sn) = proporsi orang dengan
Sensitivitas memberitahu kita seberapa baik tes
kondisi yang memiliki hasil tes positif
mengidentifikasi orang dengan kondisi tersebut. Tes
yang sangat sensitif tidak akan meleset banyak
In our example, the Sn = 240/250 = 0.96 10 people (4%) with dementia were falsely identified
as not having it. This means the test is fairly good at
identifying people with the condition.
10 orang (4%) dengan demensia salah diidentifikasi
karena tidak memilikinya. Ini berarti tes ini cukup
bagus dalam mengidentifikasi orang dengan kondisi

Diagnostic Study Appraisal Worksheet

Specificity (Sp) = the proportion of people The specificity tells us how well the test identifies
without the condition who have a negative people without the condition. A highly specific test
test result. will not falsely identify many people as having the
Spesifisitas memberi tahu kita seberapa baik tes
Spesifisitas (Sp) = proporsi orang tanpa
mengidentifikasi orang tanpa kondisinya. Tes yang
kondisi yang memiliki hasil tes negatif
sangat spesifik tidak akan salah mengidentifikasi
banyak orang karena memiliki kondisinya.

In our example, the Sp = 600/750 = 0.80 150 people (20%) without dementia were falsely
identified as having it. This means the test is only
moderately good at identifying people without the
150 orang (20%) tanpa demensia salah
diidentifikasi sebagai memilikinya. Ini berarti tes
hanya cukup bagus dalam mengidentifikasi orang
tanpa kondisinya
Positive Predictive Value (PPV) = the This measure tells us how well the test performs in
proportion of people with a positive test this population. It is dependent on the accuracy of
who have the condition. the test (primarily specificity) and the prevalence of
the condition.

Nilai Prediktif Positif (PPV) = proporsi Ukuran ini memberi tahu kita seberapa baik tes
orang dengan tes positif yang memiliki tersebut dilakukan pada populasi ini. Hal ini
kondisinya tergantung pada keakuratan tes (terutama
spesifisitas) dan prevalensi kondisi

In our example, the PPV = 240/390 = 0.62 Of the 390 people who had a positive test result,
62% will actually have dementia.
Dari 390 orang yang memiliki hasil tes positif, 62%
sebenarnya memiliki demensia

Negative Predictive Value (NPV) = the This measure tells us how well the test performs in
proportion of people with a negative test this population. It is dependent on the accuracy of
who do not have the condition. the test and the prevalence of the condition.
Negatif Prediktif Nilai (NPV) = proporsi
Ukuran ini memberi tahu kita seberapa baik tes
orang dengan tes negatif yang tidak
tersebut dilakukan pada populasi ini. Hal ini
memiliki kondisinya.
tergantung pada keakuratan tes dan prevalensi

In our example, the NPV = 600/610 = 0.98 Of the 610 people with a -ve test , 98% will not have
Dari 610 orang dengan tes -ve, 98% tidak memiliki

Step 3: Applicability of the results

Were the methods for performing the test described in sufficient detail to permit
Apakah metode untuk melakukan tes dijelaskan secara memadai untuk
memungkinkan replikasi?

Diagnostic Study Appraisal Worksheet

What is best? Where do I find the information?

The article should have sufficient description of The Methods section should describe the test in
the test to allow its replication and also detail.
interpretation of the results.
Artikel itu harus memiliki deskripsi tes yang
Artikel tersebut harus memiliki deskripsi tes
cukup untuk bisa replikasi dan juga interpretasi
yang cukup untuk memungkinkan replikasi dan
juga interpretasi hasilnya

This paper: Yes  No  Unclear 


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