The Ocular Trauma Score: Robert Scott
The Ocular Trauma Score: Robert Scott
The Ocular Trauma Score: Robert Scott
Heiko Philippin
Medical Director: Moorfields Eye management of trauma cases in a multi-
Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
disciplinary environment (pages 42–43).
Next, the Ocular Trauma Classification
Relatively junior doctors or allied health Group analysed more than 100 variables
workers, with little or no training in for over 2,500 eye injuries recorded in the
ophthalmology, are often tasked with the United States and Hungarian Eye Injury
recognition and initial management of Registries in order to identify the best
eye trauma. In these situations, the lack predictors of outcome at 6 months after
of clear instructions and guidance to injury. From this, they developed the
support decision making has been a key Ocular Trauma Score (OTS), which is used
challenge, which has been compounded to predict the visual outcome of patients
by the inconsistent terminologies used after open-globe ocular trauma. The
The ocular trauma score supports
to describe eye injuries. score’s predictive value is used to counsel
decision making. TANZANIA
In order to standardise the description patients and their families and to manage
of mechanical eye injuries (excluding those their expectations. It provides guidance How to use the OTS score
caused by chemicals, electricity or heat), for the clinician before pursuing complex,
1 On first examination, assign an initial
and to link the correct management to the sometimes expensive interventions,
raw score based on the initial visual
actual clinical situation, an Ocular particularly in resource-limited settings.
acuity (VA) – see A in Table 1. For
Trauma Classification Group was OTS scores range from 1 (most severe
example, for perception of light (PL) or
convened in 1997. The group reviewed injury and worst prognosis at 6 months
hand movements (HM) 70 raw points
trauma classification systems in ophthal- follow-up) to 5 (least severe injury and
would be assigned.
mology and general medicine1 and then least poor prognosis at 6 months). Each
2 From this initial raw score, subtract
developed the Birmingham Eye Trauma score is associated with a range of
points for each of the following factors
Terminology System (BETTS) (see page predicted post-injury visual acuities. It has
(starting with the worst prognosis and
43). This became established as a a predictive accuracy of approximately
ending with the least poor prognosis):
standardised terminology used to 80%, which means that the OTS will be
globe rupture, endophthalmitis, perfo-
describe and share eye injury information, accurate 4 out of 5 times.
rating injury (with both an entrance and
Table 1. Computational method for deriving the OTS score an exit wound), retinal detachment,
and relative afferent pupillary defect
Initial visual factor Raw points (RAPD): see B to F in Table 1.
3 Once the raw score sum has been
A. Initial raw score (based on initial visual acuity) NPL = 60
calculated, find the relevant category in
PL or HM = 70
Table 2 and read off the corresponding
1/200 to 19/200 = 80
OTS score. For each OTS score, Table 2
20/200 to 20/50 = 90
gives the estimated probability of each
≥ 20/40 = 100
follow-up visual acuity category.
B. Globe rupture - 23
Limitations of the OTS
C. Endophthalmitis - 17 Similar to the BETTS, the OTS model
covers the description of both open- and
D. Perforating injury - 14
closed-globe eye injuries. It is easy to use,
E. Retinal detachment - 11 as the six predictive factors (A to F) are
readily assessed, and it can give realistic
F. Relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) - 10 expectations of the visual potential of an
open-globe injury. However, there is a
Raw score sum = sum of raw points 1-in-5 chance that the score may be
wrong, so its use to justify primary enucle-
Table 2. Estimated probability of follow-up visual acuity category at 6 months ation is hazardous. It is better to use the
Raw score OTS NPL PL/HM 1/200– 20/200 ≥ 20/40 OTS as a guideline in order to make
sum score 19/200 to 20/50 informed treatment decisions.2
An example of this uncertainty can be
0 – 44 1 73% 17% 7% 2% 1% seen in a recent trauma case where a
32-year-old female accidentally flicked a
45 – 65 2 28% 26% 18% 13% 15% tent peg into her eye with force and the
66 – 80 3 2% 11% 15% 28% 44% hook ripped the eye wall and retina. At
primary surgical repair, the VA was vague
81 – 91 4 1% 2% 2% 21% 74% PL, there was globe rupture, retinal
detachment, vitreous haemorrhage and
92 – 100 5 0% 1% 2% 5% 92% relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD).
NPL: nil perception of light; PL: perception of light; HM: hand movements The raw score OTS from this was calcu-
Desirée C Murray
Desirée C Murray
Lecturer in Ophthalmology: a reminder to use it. It was decided that the
The University of the West Indies, score would be part of the presentation to
St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, the consultant on call and would be used to
West Indies.
inform management decisions and discussion
Ocular trauma is a significant cause of with the patients and their families.
unilateral blindness in the Caribbean in Unfortunately, the use of the OTS was
both adults and children.1,2,3 In Trinidad not sustained in the long term. Initially,
and Tobago, blunt ocular injury will typically there was inconsistent use of the OTS by
account for around a third of all referrals the different ophthalmology trainees; the
from the Accident and Emergency consultants also did not request the OTS A copy of ocular trauma score was
department to the ophthalmology unit.4 score when the trainees presented each prominently displayed. WEST INDIES
The Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) aims case to them. Then, when there was a
to estimate a patient’s visual acuity six change of staff at the junior and senior with varying levels of experience to have
months after an eye injury. A higher OTS levels, its use was discontinued. a common understanding of prognosis. It
score indicates a better visual prognosis. is also an appropriate aid for counselling
The OTS was introduced at the Eric Lessons learnt as it helps patients to understand their
Williams Medical Sciences Complex, the Critical analysis of the OTS in an visual prognosis, which reduces unreal-
main teaching hospital of the University of academic classroom environment istic expectations. However, it is not a
the West Indies, in 2012. The elements (during the postgraduate teaching replacement for good clinical judgement
used to calculate the OTS (visual acuity, session), and displaying the OTS score – and the score is only applicable if all
rupture, endophthalmitis, perforating prominently in examination rooms, efforts are made to provide the correct
injury, retinal detachment, relative helped to make clinicians aware of it and management of the injury.
afferent pupillary defect [RAPD]), were encouraged them to use it in their
already routinely recorded during initial consultations with patients. However, 1 Mowatt L, McDonald A, Ferron-Boothe D. Hospitalization
assessment of ocular trauma patients at this was not enough. The OTS should be trends in adult ocular trauma at the University Hospital
the unit. It was expected that this would implemented as unit policy and incorpo- of the West Indies. West Indian Med J. 2012;61(6):605.
2 Mowatt L, McDonald A, Ferron-Boothe D. Paediatric
make the OTS easy to implement. rated in all protocols and treatment Ocular Trauma Admissions to the University Hospital of
The OTS was first discussed during a guidelines in order to ensure its the West Indies. West Indian Med J. 2012;61(6):598.
postgraduate teaching session on ocular 3 Mowatt L. Epidemiology of pediatric ocular trauma
continued use. Capturing eye trauma admissions. Survey of ophthalmology. 2014;59(4):480.
trauma. It was decided that the first patients' OTS scores for auditing purposes 4 Anisa Ali SR, Greer Iton, Nived Moonasar, Shivana
on-call officer would calculate the score and analysing these data regularly will Persad, Michael Ramjitsingh-Samuel, Andrei Chang
Kit, Ronnie Bhola, Robin Seemongal-Dass, Desirée
following initial assessment in the doctors’ also help to demonstrate its usefulness. Murray. An audit of emergency referrals to a Tertiary
on-call examination room. A copy of the It is worth the effort. The simplicity of Level Ophthalmology Unit in Trinidad & Tobago. West
OTS was prominently displayed on the the OTS allows medical and nursing staff Indian Medical Journal 2011;60(Suppl 3):1-32.
© The author/s and Community Eye Health Journal 2015. This is an Open Access COMMUNITY EYE HEALTH JOURNAL | VOLUME 28 ISSUE 91 | 2015 45
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